Real-Time Optimization of Thermal Cycling Capability of Rotor Side Converter in Doubly Fed Induction Generator- Based Wind Energy Conversion System Lina Alhmoud Bingsen Wang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Michigan State University 2120 Engineering Building East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Emails:; Abstract—The power command in wind energy conversion system is subjected to the wind speed fluctuation, these power fluctuation may cause significant thermal cycling of the (IGBT) power converter with reduction in lifetime as a result. In this work the (DFIG) is used as a starting point, average model is adopted to replace the switching circuits in three phase back to back PWM to make the simulation environment run faster and a detailed thermal model for the converter is implemented and simulated based on the state of the art on (IGBT) reliability, the lifetime is estimated. This paper demonstrates that using low pass filter (LPF) on power command can reduce the number of thermocycles and improve the system lifetime. NOMENCLATURE Vs , Vr RMS stator and rotor voltages. is , ir RMS stator and rotor currents. s Slip. λs , λr Stator and rotor flux linkages. m1 , m2 Stator and rotor converter modulation. va , vb , vc 3-phase supply voltage. vd , vq , vα , vβ 2-axis supply voltages. ωe , ωr , ωslip Supply, rotor, slip angular frequency. P, Q Active and reactive power. θe , θs tion. Supply voltage, stator flux vector posi- C DC link capacitor. E DC link voltage. Ls , Lr inductance. Stator and rotor per phase winding Lls , Llr Stator and rotor per phase winding leakage inductance. Lm Machine magnetizing inductance. Rs , Rr resistance. Stator and rotor per phase winding L, R side. Inductance and resistance of supply p Number of machine pairs of poles. J inertia. Te electromagnetic torque. Suffices, Superscripts s, r stator, rotor. d, q d-q reference frame. a, b, c Three phase reference. ∗ demand (reference) value. I. I NTRODUCTION Reliability is the probability that a component will satisfactory perform its intended function under given operating conditions, the average time of satisfactorily operation of a system is called the mean time between failures (MTBF) and the higher value of (MTBF) refers to a system of higher reliability and verse a versa. Nowadays reliability is more of concern than in the past especially for offshore wind turbines since the access to offshore wind turbines in case of failures is both costly and difficult. Power semiconductor devices are often ranked as the most fragile components in a power conversion system. The lifetime prediction of power (IGBT) modules based on realistic mission is an important issue. However, lifetime modeling of future large wind turbines is needed in order to make reliability predictions about these new wind turbines early in the design phase. By doing reliability prediction in the design phase the manufacture can ensure that the new wind turbines will live long enough. This work presents reliability analysis of power electronic converters for wind energy generation systems based on semiconductor power losses and aims to maximize semiconductor lifetime using low pass filter (LPF), because (MTTF) will be higher than without filter. We ought to reduce the number of thermo cycles. To the best of our knowledge, no research has been performed so far, has used real time control to improve reliability using LPF. The key element in a power conversion system is the power semiconductor devices that operates as power switch, the improvement in power semiconductor device is driving force behind the improved performance, efficiency, size and weight of power conversion systems. As the power density and switching frequency increase, thermal analysis of power electronic system becomes imperative, the analysis provides information on semi conductor rating, reliability, lifetime calculation [1] [2]. A comprehensive thermal model for power (IGBT) is developed into main three steps [3]: First, the losses are calculated [4], the junction temperature is evaluated, and the lifetime is estimated. The power loss model, which is based on look up table for calculating the switching and conduction losses are successfully built to perform the thermal analysis. The parameters of the thermal network are extracted from ABB HiPack IGBT Module 5SNE 0800M170100 characteristic data sheets. The exact modeling approach describes a converters as a time varying system is typically not applicable for control design purpose because they are difficult to analyse and impractical for the simulation of the relatively large systems, because they require simulation time steps much smaller than switching period, and a result in a very computationally expensive simulation. thus, an averaged model is suitable for electro thermal simulation, it can be used to calculate the semiconductor losses at any output current waveform, it considered faster and it can be parameterized with conventional data sheet information. For calculating the instantaneous temperature of the semiconductor junctions at different load conditions a thermal model of the inverter is necessary. A straightforward approach is to use a network of thermal capacitance Cth and Rth , such networks are easily applicable in any programming. Different cumulative damage theories have been proposed for the purposes of assessing fatigue damage caused by operation at any given stress level and the addition of damage increments to properly predict failure under conditions of spectrum loading. Collins, in (1981), provides a comprehensive review of the models that have been proposed to predict fatigue life in components subject to variable amplitude stress using constant amplitude data to define fatigue strength. The original model, a linear damage rule, originally suggested by Palmgren (1924) and later developed by Miner (1954) [5]. The linear theory, which is still widely used, is referred to as Palmgren-Miner rule or the linear damage rule. Estimates may be made by employing Palmgren Miner rule along with a cycle counting procedure. The rest of the paper is organized in four sections. Section II discuss concepts, mathematical equations, implementation of wind turbine characteristics, double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and the average model for the converter, briefly, the physical system is presented in section II, since losses and junction temperature and its variation directly affect the lifetime of the converter, furthermore, lifetime calculations and reliability estimation are presented in section III, issues related an adequate control for smoothing the power command injected in (RSC) of (DFIG) is introduced in section IV, this paper is finished by a conclusion and a list of references. II. I NTRODUCTION TO P HYSICAL SYSTEM M ODELING A. Wind Turbine Characteristics Wind turbines capture power from the wind by means of aerodynamically designed blades and convert it to rotating mechanical power. The output power Pm is dependent on the power coefficient Cp . It is given by [6]: Pm = 1 2 3 ρR υ Cp (λ, β) 2 (1) and the tip speed ratio is defined as: λ= ωt R υ (2) where ρ is specific air density (kg/m2 ), R is radius of the turbine blade (m) , υ is the wind speed (m/s). ωt is turbine speed , Cp is the coefficient of power conversion and β is the pitch angle. The relation of the power coefficient Cp (λ, β) is further expressed as [6]: Cp (λ, β) = c1 −c5 c2 − c3 β − c4 e λ1 + c6 λ λ1 (3) where the coefficients c1 through c6 depend on the shape of the blades and its aerodynamic performance of wind turbine, and λ1 is defined as: 0.035 1 1 − 3 = λ1 λ + 0.08β β +1 (4) B. Doubly-Fed Induction Generator The Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is considered as one of the most popular topologies applied in wind power systems, because of its very good characteristics. Its main advantage is to adjust the speed of large system with power converters of a third of full rating, this is because its rotor speed converter (RSC) operates under slip frequency and it needs only to support slip power to the overall system. However, this slip frequency is much lower than the grid frequency and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) in the (RSC) and grid side control (GSC) are susceptible to power cycling failures. (DFIG) configuration is the best suited since it can be controlled from rotor side as well as stator side, this is possible since rotor circuit is capable of bidirectional power flow as shown in Fig. 1. The following equations describe the general model of (DFIG) [9]: dλds − ωλqs dt dλqs vqs = rs iqs + + ωλds dt dλdr = rr idr + − (ω − ωr )λqr dt dλqr = rr iqr + + (ω − ωr )λdr dt vds = rs ids + vdr vqr (5) (6) (7) (8) C. Averaged Model of (PWM) converter The averaged model of three-phase back-to-back (PWM) converter is adopted in practical engineering because it is suitable for computer simulation of control system. It is mainly used to replace the switching circuits in simulation environment to make the simulation run less time. Correspondingly it is used conventionally for obtaining small signal models, calculating consuming converter losses as well. It is created using averaged switch modeling, each converter leg is treated as switching cell, and is modeled as a pair of dependent voltage and current sources, which represent the average voltage and current generated by the switching cell over a single switching cycle. In averaged circuit model, the purposes are less complexity and faster time domain simulation, while still maintaining sufficient converter dynamic accuracy. The control circuit is modeled in the same way as if a full switched model were used except that modeling of a gate pulse generation is not needed. Furthermore, over-modulation, saturation effects and other non-linearity’s are also modeled correctly. On the other hand, the model is not suited for analysis where consequences of switching frequency ripple phenomena are focused. In fact, it is suitable for calculating the converter losses in drives at any load and speed. Fig. 1. III. E LECTROTHERMAL M ODELING AND L IFETIME E STIMATION OF THE VOLTAGE S OURCE C ONVERTER FOR W IND T URBINE System under study [7][8] λds = Ls ids + Lm idr (9) λqs = Ls iqs + Lm iqr (10) λdr = Lm ids + Lr idr (11) λqr = Lm iqs + Lr iqr (12) Te = 3 pLm (iqs idr − ids iqr ) 2 (13) where: Ls = Lls + Lm (14) Lr = Llr + Lm (15) The procedure for calculating the estimated lifetime for semiconductors devices in wind energy applications can be schematized in a logical steps sequence as shown in Fig. 2. Started from calculating the losses, which is based on the look up table method for calculating the conduction and switching losses. An equivalent (RC) network model is built to perform the thermal analysis, therefor determination of virtual junction temperature, cycle counting and lifetime prediction according Miner’s rule. The real time simulation environment dictates the requirements for the models: easy implementation on the software platform Simulink/Matlab and fast calculation time. The parameters of the system under analysis are defined as follows: TABLE I. DFIG E LECTRICAL PARAMETERS P ower, Pn 7.5 KW StatorV oltage, Vn 415 V f requency, fn 50 Hz Rs 1.06 Ω Ls 0.2065 Ω Rr 0.8 Ω Lr 0.081 H Lm 0.0644 H Inertia J 7.5 kgm2 P ole pairs 3 Rating speed 970 rpm Fig. 2. Power Semiconductor Lifetime Estimation Model [10] A. Power Losses of (IGBT) in the (RSC) There are three kinds of losses in power devices: conduction losses (static losses), switching losses (transient losses) and gate losses. Increasing the switching frequency will increase switching losses so that it become the dominant factor in the total power losses, where the gate losses is left out as it is in insignificant compared to the switching and conduction losses. A fast power losses simulation model for a three phase inverter power module thermal simulation is proposed in this paper, the fast accurate power losses simulation method is implemented for power devices thermal simulation, due to large simulation time steps applied, this allows power losses and thermal performance of a device in an converter to be predicted over long periods of real time, altogether this simulation methodology brings together accurate models of the electrical systems performance. The speed up is obtained by simplifying the representation of three phase inverter at the system modeling stage using large time step, average model is used to calculate the power losses using predefined look up table, this simulation methodology brings together accurate models for of the electrical system performance, over that suitable CPU time simulation for long real time thermal simulation of inverter power device. B. Thermal Modeling Technique (RC) ladder networks are more popular to use for thermal analysis, they are easy to integrate into existing circuit simulator making the latter capable of it simulating both electrical and thermal characteristics of circuits, the (RC) thermal model is flexible. Building equivalent thermal (RC) model is our choice in real time simulator for its easy implementation and short calculation time [11]. To determine the values of the various “R”s and “C”s would be to extract their values from the dynamical thermal impedance curve available from experiment or from simulation or from manufacture data sheet available as in table II. Operating temperature play a major role in consequence for performance and reliability of semiconductors devices, it is not surprising that the safety margin or reliability of a semiconductor devices decreases as the temperature increases. The thermal RC circuits for (IGBT)is built, using the power losses as current source value in the circuit, the junction and case temperature can be determined for corresponding node voltages. C. Lifetime Prediction and Design of Reliability In recent years there are various models and counting algorithms to estimate the lifetime of an IGBT power module, they differ in the number of parameters used to specify a temperature cycle. Basically the lifetime estimation of power module demands the linkage of an application typical load profile with a module specific lifetime model by counting algorithm. There are several cycle counting methods being developed, for example, the level crossing counting method, the peak counting method and the simple range/mean counting method. However, these methods cannot capture all the characteristics needed for accurate fatigue analysis. The Rainflow cycle counting method, which was developed in 1968 by Endo and Matsuishi is one of the most popular cycle counting technique used in fatigue analysis. And used to extract closed loading cycles [12], the origin of the name of Rainflow counting method is called “Pagoda Roof Method”. The IGBT lifetime prediction models can split into analytical and physical models. Analytical lifetime models estimate the life of the device in terms of number of cycles to failure Nf considering various factors such as temperature swing, medium temperature, frequency and bond wire current. The main problem with analytical lifetime models is that it is difficult to accurately extract the number and amplitude of the temperature by Rainflow counting algorithm[13]. operation over a spectrum of different stress levels results in a damage fraction Di for each of the different level stress levels Si in the spectrum. It is clear that, failure occurs if the fraction exceeds unity as in equation 19. When load profiles are unpredictable, consider the entire time history of the load as input, where cycle counting algorithms have been used to represent the spectrum of the load into a set of simple uniform data histograms, its important is that it allows the applications of Miner’s Rule [14], The B10 lifetime models of the power devices [15] are to map the k th counted thermal cycles to the number of cycles that the IGBT has 10% failure rate, Nklif e . The consumed B10 lifetime by each cycle CLk is calculated as reciprocal of Nklif e . Finally the Miners rule is applied to calculate consumed life time by total number of thermal cycles K during 30 seconds interval. The number N of cycles until a certain percentage of the modules fail can be calculated from the temperature excursion ∆T by the inverse power law relationship [15]: N = k1 .∆T −k2 where the two parameters k1 , k2 respectively are scale parameter and the exponent parameter and both of them are device dependent and have to be determined based on measurements. According to Palmgren Miner linear damage accumulation rule, the effects of different loads can be combined, and the life consumption LC or the damage fraction at any stress level Si is linearly proportional to the ratio of number of cycles of operation to the total number of cycles that produces failure at that stress level, the accumulated damage satisfied by [16] as in equation 18. The lifetime of the IGBT is predicted to be 4818.5 hours if running at these load conditions. LC = k X ni Nf i i IGBT T HERMAL C HARACTERISTIC VALUES i 1 2 3 4 Ri (K/kW ) 35.1 8.25 3.85 3.79 τi (ms) 207.4 30.1 7.6 1.6 (17) Then, a total damage can be defined as the sum of all the fractional damages over a total of k blocks. n at∆T2 n at∆T1 + + ... N10%,∆T =∆T1 N10%,∆T =∆T1 n at∆Tk + < 100% (18) N10%,∆T =∆Tk or D1 + D2 + ... + Di−1 + Di ≥ 1.0 TABLE II. (16) (19) and the event of failure can be defined as: D ≥ 1.0. (20) IV. P RINCIPLES OF F ILTERING W IND T URBINE P OWER C OMMAND F LUCTUATIONS In modern power electronic in wind energy conversion systems based on variable speed drives depends on power command fluctuation. One of the pivotal parameters for lifetime estimation for IGBTs is the the thermal environment and the number of thermo cycles the device undergo. Solid state devices have in general good reliability and long lifetime as there are no moving parts involved that may wear out. However, the device are fragile to excessive voltage and currents, and can be damaged even by very short duration shocks above maximum ratings. In well designed system, the solid state devices are well protected from such events with little bluster to lifetime. Studies have shown that the power cycling of the IGBT module is one of the dominant failure mechanism of high power IGBT multichip module [1]. A low pass filter LPF has been proved to be an effective approach to suppress thermo cycles, the design procedure and control consideration for this topology, to reduce thermo cycles, the control strategy is mostly focused on wind turbine side active power control but not the power grid side. However, the wind turbine’s output power fluctuation due to wind speed variations, therefore, a LPF used to smoothing the fluctuations. The paper proposes a new wind power generation for which the smoothing performance is examined, the simulation result shows that a new wind power generation has an excellent smoothing performance for output power wind turbines, proposed system has the advantage that the thermo cycles of the inverter are less than those of the inverter of a conventional system. The reference value of of the power control for the conventional controller is the output of the low pass filter, The output of the wind turbine is the input to the low pass filter. The power fluctuation smoothing is carried out by charging or discharging the difference between the reference value and wind turbine power output. The time constant of this filter is the range from several second to days. thus the new wind power generation in which the reference power fluctuation smoothing performance is given by a such a a scheme, controlling the power output of the wind turbine to track power set point commands. The traditional goal of these wind power plants is to maximize profitability by maximizing energy extraction, and therefore the power output of the wind plants often varies with fluctuation winds, absorb the fluctuation components of the wind power effectively, and to reduce number of thermo cycles. A comparison of energy production over lifetime and number of thermal cycling between with and without LPFunder the same wind turbine mission profile will be introduced in our final paper. Fig. 4. Power Command (W), dashed: with LPF, line:without LPF Fig. 5. DC Bus Voltage (V) without LPF Fig. 6. IGBT Temperature Variation (o C) without inserting LPF Fig. 7. Frequency distribution of temperature cycles defined by their amplitude ∆T and temperature mean value Tm extracted from Rainflow counting algorithm without inserting LPF V. Fig. 3. Wind speed (m/s) C ONCLUSION The prediction of power cycling lifetime for a power electronic converter in rotor side control in DFIG is examined. A comprehensive thermal model for the power IGBT modules used in three-phase converter is build in order to predict the dynamic junction temperature rise under real operating conditions. The power losses model, which is based on the look-up table method for calculating the conduction and switching losses are successfully simulated. An equivalent RC network model is built to perform the thermal analysis. The parameters of the thermal network are extracted from the junction to case and case to ambient dynamic thermal impedance curves. Lifetime is estimated. An averaged model is suitable for electro thermal simulation, it can be used to calculate the semiconductor losses at any output current waveform, it considered faster and it can be parameterized with conventional data sheet information. The analysis shows that the lifetime look alike heavily influenced by thermal cycling, and the behavior of the semiconductor devices and their mission profile which directly affects the lifetime. Hence, an adequate control for smoothing the power injected in the DFIG and absorb some of the thermo cycles, where a low pass filter LPF is inserted in the circuit, by using the proposed method, the stress of the capacity and the stress on the power converter are reduced, reducing power fluctuation cause significant impact on number of thermo cycles of the IGBT powered converter, with increasing of lifetime estimation. In fact a typical junction temperature profile would contain both low frequency and high frequency components due to variation of wind speed, simulation results confirm that the number of thermo mechanical power cycling stress are strongly affected by LPF, in addition, results prove that lifetime consumption are improved using LPF. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] R EFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] M. Ciappa, F. Carbognani, and W. 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