_ __ 4 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTE RESTS GORDY HULTEN, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CLERK 1776 E Washington. Urbana, lL 61802 124 S QJL Name (Please Print) Phone C& of Pes derce Aooress . C 1 and t Y*ct4 C c 4nsQ Mailing Address City end Zip Code • z0 .‘ .j tkdUCSf/J 1 - ._ ,,,. ,3oAra_Qr__IjlitZt,iO(Cd Lio’ Position o’r office to. rwhich. statement is beno Ceo Unit of Government . C ,tt Additional Position (it applioable) for this Statement Unit of Covernment fbi’S C Additional Position fit aoolioabie) for thi:s Starement Filing for Calendar Year 20 Un:i,t o Government 1± General Direc:tioos Tee. interest It ronstrunuveny corntroilec b th person mr . statement.) n a spouse considered to be the sa oe as ‘nteres of tile neisO 1 °akirq me staamenr Campe go this statement, If additional space is needed, please attach supplemental listing. or an Complete both sides. Do not leave any ouestion blank. Put NGNE where you have n.othinn List the name no :nc rur1er.t moonceom0 of ownersnir. in an. entirE ooo i dm00 wi).h a nr. of to 0001 00 V ernnl:ent e o other namby. snail be included in mccc ms — snai not ne dtsclos•e. n reiotinn to :ni5ir:H the rorse 052 a 0 n o 4 rom won mm C nds n wcess Si 2G2 jore re rhe can o rca —state ocation ed o r g the ooed’n aierc year thereof shall be trEed by the street address, or if none, then by legal description.) No time or demand deposit in a financial institution, nor any debt instrum.ent shall be listed. o*doA .. - — sLUGr 2. List the name, address and type of practice, of a’ny orofessicoal orga :l:ization in which, the person making the statement was an officer, director, a.ssociate. partner or proprie or or sm’vec’ in any advisory sapaoit.y loom, which income in th.e excess. of Ii 220 wa.s derived during the nrecednp calendar year. 6. )ctA J P siti.tcj3 c’ tv :Crn 5iJ (CCMPLETF BUT DC NOT DETAL.H) C V / ,, 0 _______ s — pe se’ :rr e 01000 tOtt SOC Is rerrrrireb a ‘cerr -‘ to filet rococo rnsro — —rr- — _________ _________________ _______ ___ ____ ________ ____ ______ ______ rvnicn. Ce :r rr r::nnme: 05cc eric t(cttrJ 01015 -r cx rlecreIVe:.rI ror professional - t’c nib. 4. List the identtto nnAo!rJlng the eddress er legal d-eecriptlon of reel estate) nr: coo canital asse.t from which a capital gain of 55,000 cr wore wee reelized during the. prec.eding calender veer. 5. List the name ot any entity and the nature of the govrrrnmentai act.ion rerr nested by any endty which has applied to a cult of iocal gove mect a rela’,on to v hch rue person mus fcc for any cors arcmse or oermit or annexatIon zoning or rezon ing of real estate during the preceding calendar year if the ownership intere•st of the person filing is in exce.ss of $,ggg fair market: valut: at the time of filing or if income or dividends in excess of $1 20 were received by the pm. rson filing from the entity during the. creceding calendar year. enotv doing husiness with a unit of local povemnrer::r it relation to which the person is reguired 6. List the name of e etherthan fortne p c Lc of 51 250 was dea,ed for to professional servlrres and tn title; c;r descript.ion of any position hel ;t In, that a ntltv, Sf c tinne or demand deposit in a ftnarnalal Insbtntlon nor err debt instrenaent need he lin.hed. — plc is) tI ele;ncotr 0 r .;2r-t OtO:1 than :2:1r UOO or units rnmun In 1 . Th Of - 1 tf264 -, 410 lb rra.rrriOn: to nt/n..Ori ---.-------- U rr OfStSOfS 5 recuireo 10 file. ----- p -, —rs0000’-’ae- - \y)RpIQAyOJy: “I dec:l.a.re rhnt tilO; stctt- rnnt of economic Interests: (IncludIng any acrrrinirrnarn, s.r’h;:;i’ tsar onrl. st,atemeotst has bee n examined by ge and hellef is a true-, correct and cnn nrrlcos stalon ient of icy economic lntr: rests as requIred by 1 me and to roe best : :5 scowro the IllinoIs Gcvernmeotal Ethics Act understand that the pona•lfv for wr.lbSIr’ftlcp s; false or i’ccnmplet.e statement shall be a fine 01 to excee’ b n onmen pamal cots on ctner nan e sa exceed one ea or oomn fme and - lmphsonmentt’ ALJL (signature. of person making statement) (date)