Electricity Vocabulary Key Atom: The smallest particle of an element

Electricity Vocabulary Key
Atom: The smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that
Molecule: A particle made up of two or more atoms. A molecule of
water H2O is made up of 3 atoms; 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.
Nucleus: An area in the central part of the atom that holds the protons
and neutrons.
Proton: Particle in the interior of an atom (nucleus) with a positive
Neutron: Particle in the interior of an atom (nucleus) with no charge or a
neutral charge.
Electron: Particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus of the
atom. This particle can be gained or lost easily.
Static Electricity: The imbalance of positive and negative charges.
This causes objects to be attracted to or repelled from one another.
Electricity: Energy in the form of electric currents. (Electrons flowing
through a circuit)
Open Circuit: an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
Closed Circuit: a complete electrical circuit in which current flows
Series Circuit: When current has to flow through several resistances
(bulbs or motors) one after another before current can flow back to the
energy source.
Parallel Circuit: Each resistance (bulb or motor) has its own path to the
energy source. If one bulb goes out the rest will stay lit up.
Conductor: Materials that allow heat and electricity to flow through
them easily.
Example: Metals are good conductors (Copper)
Insulator: Materials that are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
These materials do not allow heat and electricity to flow through them
Example: Styrofoam and rubber are good insulators.
Electromagnet: A device made of a solenoid (nail), wire coils and a
battery. When electricity flows through the coils a magnetic field is
formed. Individually these items are not magnetic but when put together
they are.
Fossil Fuels: A combustible fuel formed from once living plants and
animal remains. These are being used up faster than they are being
EX: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas
Alternative Energy Sources: Energy forms that can be used to create
electricity. These forms do not include fossil fuels.
EX: Solar, Wind, Hydro(water), Geothermal
Biomass and Nuclear include characteristics of both fossil fuels and
alternative energy forms.