How does network controllability depend on topology? Soumya Jyoti Banerjee Senior Research Fellow Bose Institute, Kolkata, India Key to Network Controllability Soumya Jyoti Banerjee and Soumen Roy arXiv: 1209.3737v1 (2012) Structural controllability of networks: Identify minimum set of nodes that, if driven by different signals, is sufficient to fully control the network’s dynamics. ● These nodes are the 'driver nodes' Algorithm to identify a minimum set of driver nodes: Matching Links: The maximum set of links of a network that do not share starting or ending nodes. Matched Nodes: The end nodes of all the matching links. Unmatched Nodes: The nodes, which are not matched. ● Actually these unmatched nodes are the driver nodes. Liu YY, Slotine JJ & Barabási AL, Controllability of complex networks, Nature 473, 167-173 (2011). Is controllability completely decided by network's in-out degree distribution P(Kin, Kout) ? Consider, for example, above two directed N = 4 node networks: a chain graph, G1, and a rather densely connected graph, G2. Above graphs have very different P(kin,kout) and degree correlations. So, G1 and G2 are expected to have different number of driver nodes (ND), according to Liu et al. ● ● However, ND = 1, for both G1 and G2. Are distance based network metrics important for controllability rather than in-out degree ? Liu YY, Slotine JJ & Barabási AL, Controllability of complex networks, Nature 473, 167-173 (2011). Banerjee and Roy, arXiv: 1209.3737v1 (2012) Structural controllability is defined as: nD = ND/N where, ND = Number of driver nodes (Calculated using maximum matching algorithm) and N = Total number of nodes. ● We observe that controllability of real networks changes with change of distance based metrics : ● Closeness (C) ● Betweenness (B) Herein, we will examine the dependence of nD on X, where X is a very simple function: <C> and <B> are average closeness and betweenness centrality of networks. Since, <C> ≠ 0 for all connected networks, X(C,B) is well defined. Liu, Y., Slotine, J. and Barabasi, A.L., Controllability of complex network, Nature: 473, 167-173 (2011) Banerjee and Roy, arXiv: 1209.3737v1 (2012) FIG. 1. Change in controllability, X = < C > + < B > / < C > versus nD for 32 different real world networks with different degree distributions. Fig.1(a) presents a reasonably coherent picture of controllability. ● nD decreases (i.e controllability increases) with increase of X(C,B). Enhancement of Controllability within Same In-Out Distribution: Figs.(b-d): Change in nD versus NS [number of X increasing in-out degree preserving swaps for little rock food web (LRFW) and C. elegans metabolic and neuronal networks respectively. Figs.(e-g): Elucidates interaction between < C >(red) and < B >(green) in deciding nD for the same three networks. LRFW showed maximum deviation between nDreal and nDrand−degree ● Only 12% of edge swaps lead to decrease of nD by 35% for LRFW network. Banerjee and Roy, arXiv: 1209.3737v1 (2012) Summary ● ● ● ● Can controllability be decided completely by the neighborhood of a node? Do distant nodes have no direct role in deciding controllability? X(C,B) is a possible measure of controllability, which captures both local and global information of a network. X(C,B) has potential to enhance structural controllability of real networks merely using few edge swaps without disturbing the in-out degree distribution P(Kin, Kout) of network. --------------------------------------------------- Thank You Questions ??