S ielding or T ransmission Lines C. F. WAGNER MEMBER AIEE G. D. McCANN ASSOCIATE AIEE A ODERN theories of direct-stroke m protection premise that the ground wires are so located as to intercept the stroke and provide perfect shielding. In spite of the fundamental importance of this question there still exists considerable doubt as to the correct position of the ground wires relative to the transmission conductors. Two avenues of approach are suggested for the attack of this question; first, the collection of statistical information regarding actual line performance, and second, the use of laboratory models. Line performance is, after all, the final criterion. However, it is difficult to isolate the shielding effect from other factors which may produce outage due to lightning. Studies with models eliminate this difficulty but always contain the element of doubt as to whether the laboratory conditions are sufficiently representative of actuality as to justify general conclusions. Perhaps the best course, that which is attempted in this paper, is to try both and co-ordinate the results so obtained. Previous Investigations Models have previously been used for investigating both the protective value of horizontal ground wires and vertical masts1- for shielding transmission lines and other vulnerable objects such as substations, buildings, and oil storage tanks. In one of the earliest investigations with ground wires, Peek3 states that "for a single wire, the ground is never hit nearer the projection of the wire than about four times its height above ground." Peek4 further expands upon this point by stating that from model tests upon rods any object is protected if it lies between ground and within the surface generated by a segment of a circle whose center is the cloud height and is tangent to the ground and passes through the tip of the rod. This assumes that all the Paper 40-107, recommended by the AIEE cornmittee on power transmission and distribution, and presented at the AIEE summer convention, Swamp- G. L. MacLANE, JR. ASSOCIATE AIEE strokes occur to the object nearest to the origin of the stroke.10 Upon this assumption a set of curves can be constructed as shown in figure 1 for guidance in the location of the ground wires with respect to the conductors. In this figure their relative location is specified in terms of the protective angle, the angle between the vertical and a line through the conductor and ground wire. The consideration of minimum sparkover distance just enunciated according to figure 1 indicates, for a cloud height of 1,000 feet and a ground wire height Of 100 feet, a protective angle of about 65 degrees which is essentially constant over the practical range of conductor and ground-wire separations. No data of any consequence such as tests on models of different scales have been presented in an attempt to show that model work is applicable to actual size systems although Peek in a reply to the discussion of his 1926 paper stated 1 1.however, . over a that "tests were made, wide range of scales with substantially the same results. In other words, for a given arrangement and ratio of rod and cloud height the results were independent of the scale." No data to substantiate this statement have been published, Zalesski,5 using impulse waves and continuous voltages, concluded that a positive cloud represented by a horizontal cylindrical electrode should be used for test work since it gave more pessimistic results. He determined the worst position of the electrode and with this position studied the necessary protective rod configuration to give complete protection to transmission lines Akopian6 likewise and substations. limited his investigations mostly to vertical rods and agrees with Zalesski that positive impulse waves should be used in model tests. He departed from previous investigators by representing the cloud by means of a point electrode. Schwaiger7 in 1937 followed the phi- ratory sparks of corresponding polarity. They used only one model scale which gave a reduction of 100:1. An argument was presented to justify the state- ment that for model work the protective value of a ground wire is not altered as the ratio of the cloud height to ground wire height is increased beyond a certain value. The effect of ground was represented by dry sand. They presented data which indicate a protective angle of the order of 23 degrees for a positive stroke and 31 degrees for a negative stroke. from pracFortescue and tical considerations gained from experience on actual systems, advocated a protective angle of not more than 20 degrees. Additional work appeared to be desirable to reconcile, if possible, the divergent views of different investigators. Inathe presentmnecsiangIamon t la thors Conwellon havestudiedthemechanism oflaboratory sparks and have shown that the propagation of leader streamers is quite closely simulated by positive waves of slow rates of rise. Arguments are presented to show that for practical purposes model investigations can be carried out with 1 1/2x40-microsecond positive impulses. Other points investiof overvoltage, are the effects of overodlt , gatmedre thnfetis, atmospheric conditions, scale of models, and height of cloud. After establishing the fundamentals of model investiga- . ~~~~~~~gated losophy that the conductors, if they are tions considerations affecting construc- tion practice such as the location of ground wires, topography of terrain, and soil resistivity, were studied. These questions were then co-ordinated with the results of actual system performance. Mechanism of Natural Lightning A knowledge of the characteristics of natural lightning is a prerequisite to an attempt to simulate its effect in the laboratory on a model scale. The present theories of charge formation are still controversial; suffice it for the present purpose to observe that it is concerned in some manner with the reactions between an upward movement of air, usually in the head of the storm, and a downward motion of water droplets. The droplets in the lower portion of the cloud are usually charged negatively and scott, Mass., June 24-28, 1940, and at the Pacific to be protected, must lie within the shaded areas shown in figure 2. those in the upper portion, positively. made available for preprinting May 16, 1940. C. F. WAGNER is consulting transmission engineer, 0.D is house Electric and Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1939 Matthias and Burkhardtsmaier8>9 presented results of investigaof transmission tions reaigto lines and other objects. They, however, premised that natural lightning of both polarities iS adequately simulated by labo- This is borne out by the fact that 90 to 95 per cent of the strokes to transmission lines lower b the measurement of electrical gradient at the ground in the vicinity of charged cloudsli and by Simpson and Scrace's13 measure- Coast convention, Los Angeles, Calif., August MCCIiAcNN elntraol-station engnineer,asnd 0.- 1ae.Fralnmeereeec,selitaenof 1941, VOL. 60 shieldingr neaiecharge, Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Tra.nsmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 313 Figure 1. Protective angle based 0'°'-' 0 60 - - | From figure 4 it can be seen that as N arc', the leader streamer proceeds it lowers \ e2 lg( a I I negative charge from the cloud and distributes it throughout the antenna-like system of streamers. This lowering of negative charge may consume a time of the order of 10,000 microseconds. As /PROTECTIVEthe stepped leader strikes the earth this lt ) 0.{ IV0 _ - }- } < -1 - upon the clearance l rO // /r ] X0.'9 50- hT0ty h E 4 6 S I10 12 14 H/h 16 9OTECTIVE PR AllNGLE Xt is 20 come to be associated popularly with lightning. 22 same charge is lowered to earth at a rate 77XzUJdependent < l | < upon the rate of40~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ propagation W 24 26 28 of the return streamers, a process which requires a time of the order of 50 microseconds to reach the cloud. Thus the same charge which had been lowered and distributed over the streamer network in a time of the order of 10,000 m icrosecnds then .dir to groundi im the dercofr50 m o seonds. tis ounts or the large dence betwe nth pot strelame and the return streamer currents. anthreunsemrcret. 30 oi ments of electrical gradients within storm clouds by means of free balloons. In addition, it appears that the charge made up of a number of separate discharges or strokes which, for the region that can be photographed between density is nonhomogeneous and is dis- cloud and earth, travel along the same tributed in zones or charge centers. path. The time interval between suecessive strokes may. vary between 0.0005 RATE OF CHARGE ACCUMULATION Only a portion of the cloud charge is to 0.5 setond and the total duration may AND GROUND GRADIENTS be a second, and in a fewdases even involved in this part of the mechanism. After the lapse of 50 or 100 microseconds The rate at which the charge accumu- longer. Infrequently the number con- t c lates is relatively slow as evidenced by stituting a single flash might be as high . cl and gn is dischargen the the measurements of ground gradients as 40. stoke cnt groundidereases to Each stroke when resolved presents a a relatirely small value. Thereafter the by Wilsoni2 and others. Figure 3 is a c i typical record obtained by Wilson which rather complicated picture. During the s shows both the magnitude and manner process of charge formation or as a result sthrae atwis ldestreamers p a te into the lo ad tamore char of variation of this quantity. The di- of some local condition, such as vertical vision between the solid black and shaded air convection currents, the electric field gate into thecloud and tap more rharge areas indicates the magnitude of the near the base of the cloud may rise to After some time one of the leader gradient according to the scale on the such an extent as to exceed the value streamers propagating into the interior left-hand side. Sudden discontinuities which air can withstand. The discharge may meet a similar leader emanating such as that at A and B represent the is then initiated at that point and propa- from another charge center. In this destruction of a portion of the gradient gates earthward at a velocity of the case the charge from the second charge as the result of a lightning stroke. Im- order of 1/20 of one per cent of that of center is discharged through the original mediately after the occurrence of a light. The current associated with this lightning channel as shown in figure 4 stroke the regenerative processes within so-called pilot streamer is small, of the and the same process is repeated except the cloud begin to re-establish the field order of a few hundred amperes and its fr the fact that the leader streamer is at the rate indicated by the rate of change luminosity is very low. As it proceeds, not branched and stepped. After the of the gradient. It can be seen that in the pilot or leader streamer is accomgeneral the curve is exponential in char- panied by points of luminescence which acter and requires a time of the order of move in steps or jumps, which give rise -----several seconds before the charging to the term "stepped leader". Each process attains a substantially constant of these steps is about 50 yards in value. The prominence at 14 hours length with fairly regular pauses. This 12 minutes 30 seconds was produced by process usually involves a fresh direction the measuring device to establish the of travel after each pause, and these zero line and is not a record of change in changes in direction are responsible for GW. gradient due to a stroke. The fine the well-known zigzag nature of lightrweather gradient"5 at the surface of the ning. Branching of the leader streamer earth is of the order of one volt per centi- also occurs, the branching being outward meter but during thunderstorms it toward the earth.i may reach several hundred volts per When one of these stepped streamers _ _ centimeter. strikes the ground an intense streamer ofGW GW W luminosity is observed to MECHNIS MECHAISM OOFLIGHNIN LIGHNING STOKEvery TROKEtravel great from the ground to the cloud. r The knowledge regarding the mecha- nism of the actual discharge is due almost entirely to the work of Schonland'4 and his associates in South Africa. Approximately half of all lightning flashes are 314 The velocity of the "return" streamer is Li~ quite high, being of the order of 10 per cent of that of light. Its current is also vrery high, being of the order of 10,000 to 200,000 amperes, values which have 2 Figure 2. Protective zones of one or more Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ground wires7 AJEE TRANSACTIONS charge from the second center has been dissipated, the same process may be repeated for the third and subsequent charge centers. McEachron"6 Figure 4. Propagation of natural light. ingJ has shown that in the -- discharge of lightning to a very tall building, the initial streamer usually from the building in the form of a stepped leader. This stepped leader then develops into what he terms a continuing stroke-a stroke of long duration and relatively small current. The subsequent strokes are similar to those which follow the first stroke of discharges that propagate from cloud to earth. From the published evidence and some small evidence obtained by the authors, the phenomenon of leader streanmers from the earth appears to be characteristic, in the main, only of discharges to tall structures. Discharges to lower structures seem to lack ground streamers of any great length which rise to meet the pilot leader descending from the clouds. Schonland in a letter to the authors regarding his lightning investigations states that "it must be remembered that the country in which we work consists of rolling hills and valleys, so that the base of the discharge is often obscured, there must, however, be a large number of cases in which the full length of the discharge was recorded by the cameras and we have seen no evidence of any extensive leader *i) proceeds upward discharge from ground. Such ground leaders as do occur are comparatively short, for otherwise we should have de- tected them." Small streamers may and probably do exist which in the case of strokes to transmission structures rise from the tower or conductors. In general, hewever, the evidence available seem., to point to the fact that in most cases the streamers, if any, are small. The factors which control the path of the initial leader determine the point at which it strikes the line and therefore the shielding characteristics of an overhead ground wire. Upon completing Figure 3. Measurement by C. T. R. Wilson12 of ground gradient during thunderstorms -E . 4 ...ft+...... (fo"' = ( 4(4i .....:*_, s .... s. _ 0 v the initial streamer the path is determined thereafter even to the extent of multiple strokes, all of which follow the same path blazed by the first discharge. CHARGE According to Schonland,16 the quantity of electricity conveyed by a lightning discharge varies between 2 and 100 coulombs with an average value of about 20, but McEachror " his continu-ng strokes has measured a value as high as 164 coulombs. CLOUD HEIGHTS A search of the literature reveals very little definite data regarding the height at which the stroke may be said to origi- nate. Simpson and Scrace13 from a hmited number of cases obtained in England estimate charge centers as occurring as low as 1,500 feet and as high as 30,000 feet Of course, the origin of the stroke may not coincide with the charge center but may lie between the charge center and the base. E. J. Minser, chief meteorologist of the Transcontinental and Western Air, may be quoted as authority that in his experience the altitude of the base of low-level thunderclouds frequently lies between 500 and 1,000 feet. He further states17 that his studies show that the majority of lightning discharges were found to have occurred in the cumulus clouds of the shower type and that strokes to ground occur most frequently from .,; I ... clouds having the lower altitudes. Data in possession of the United States Weather Bureau indicate cumulonimbus clouds as having a mean ceiling of 5,500 feet with some of them as low as 600 to 700 ieet. Thunderstorms for which the ceiling is practically zero are also reported at times. Cases for which the storm clouds actually envelop mountains rising from a plain are quite common. In view of such data as the authors have been able to obtain it is believed that an altitude of 1,000 feet for the origin of the stroke is sufficiently representative and pessimistic for use in this paper. Fundamentals of Model Tests Allibone and Meek'8'1' have demonstrated certain similarities between the mechanism of natural lightning and that of long arcs obtained in the laboratory. It was considered advisable to extend the study of the mechanism of such laboratory arcs to determine the effects of their characteristics upon the protective performance of transmission line ground wires and diverters. DEscRIPTIoN OF APPARATus A3,000-ot.0-mcfadsug generator was used as a voltage source for the experiments. Various types of electrodes were used to represent the cloud, andfor most of the conducting plane represented the earth's presenmoth surface upon which was placed the model to be tested. In order to vary the wave shape of the voltage over a wide range, two different types of circuits were employed. The conventional surge-generator circuit with a resistance in parallel with the gap was used for waves with relatively steep fronts such as the 1 '/2x4O wave. As was done by previous investigators," for 1941, VOL. 60 Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 315 L_ I A -4 GROUND WIRE PROTECTIVE ANGLE H 4T4 FAONDUCTOR h Ix plane was used as a reference and that of the electrode specified with respect to 6ROUND I PLANE //// it. A high-speed camera was constructed for the study of the visual characteristics of the laboratory stroke. It consists of a drum 13 inches in diameter which ro- l TO GROUND PLANE STROKES TO GROUND WIRE AREA ITROES\\ SO tates at 3,600 rpm and is enclosed in a STROKES GO V40 an antenna. The voltage of the ground I 7 boo I /.Jrcapacity of this circuit has a very pro;R¢7' ELECTRODE nounced effect upon the voltage wave t shape its capacity had to be as small as possible. For this reason a short length I of wire, about two feet long, was used as on NOUCT.9 N\\\ O__________________________ 0 2 (b) 3 the high speed of propagation of the leaders but also to the great luminosity of the return stroke. For this reason high-speed camera studies were restricted to the slower waves. Still photography was also employed for studying the visual characteristics of the arcs. Such pictures not only show the shape of the path of the arcs but also light-tight case. thisThirty-five-millimeter something of the character of the leader film is placed drum and rotates mechanism. For this reason they are 20X// to path for measuring the progress of the initial leaders. The camera will not photograph satisfactorily the leader mechanism of arcs produced with the standard 1l/2x4O wave. This is due not only to 4 /h Figure 5. Symbols utilized with stroke distribution curves waves of much smaller rates of rise this parallel resistance was removed and a high resistance placed in series with the gap. It was then necessary to use a capacity divider with the cathode-ray oscillograph for measuring the voltage. Since, as will be shown later, the shunt past a stationary lens in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the stroke. It was found that satisfactory photographs could be obtained of the leader mechanism of arcs produced by voltages of slow rates of rise with an ordinary f/1.8 lens and Eastman Super XX film. Typical photographs of arcs made with this camera are shown in figure 6. The rotational speed of the film is such that time intervals as small as one microsecond can be measured. Since in all cases the time for the return stroke of the arc is much less than this, the image of the return stroke can be taken as the reference Figure 6. High-speed-camera photographs oF arc mechanism using slow waves particularly valuable for arcs which can- by the rotating camera. In figure 8 are shown still photographs of strokes taken with the conductor and ground wire in place. They were taken in a direction parallel to the wires and not be recorded thus, as nearly as possible, perpendicular to the arc path. Those showing more than one arc were taken by exposing the same film to a number of strokes taken in succession under the same conditions in order to show the variable character of the paths. DISTRIBUTION CURVES In this paper the lightning protection performance of a particular model configuration is based primarily upon distribution curves of the type shown in figure 5. The fundamental tests on ground-wire protection were made with one ground wire and one conductor as shown. The positions are specified by following dimensions: h, the height of the ground wire above the ground plane; y, the vertical distance of the ground wire above the conductor; and x, its horizontal distance from the conductor. II specifies the vertical distance of the electrode representing the cloud source of the stroke above the plane (or cloud height) and A its horizontal distance from the ground wire, from the same side as that upon which the conductor is located. All dimensions are specified in inches. For a given configuration (value of h, x, y, and HI) it is desired to deterline the terminating point of strokes for various positions of the electrode corresponding to various values of A. When the cloud electrode is directly above the ground wire all strokes terminate on the ground wire. As A is increased a position will be reached, if the conductor is not fully protected, for which the strokes divide between the ground wire and the conductor. Since this is a statistical phenomenon sufficient the 316 Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. AIEE TRANSACTIONS strokes should be observed, 50 is usually enough, so that a percentage division of the strokes between the ground wire and conductor can be determined. As A is further increased some of the strokes go to the plane and finally a position will be reached where all of the strokes go to the plane. The distribution curve of figure 5b is obtained in this manner. A//h is used as the abscissa in these curves instead of A so that models of different scale dimensions are directly comparable. Frecquently cases occurred for which strokes terminated at more thani one place as shown in figures 8d and 8e. Any strokes of this type which termninated on the conductor were counted as strokes to the conductor. Because of the slow rate of charge formation in nature a better representation of the conditions of natural lightning is obtained if the minimum flashover voltage is used. Unless stated otherwise, all distribution curves were obtained by readjusting the voltage as A was varied to obtain the minimum sparkover value. GAP AND PLANE The slowest waves used were obtained with a series resistance of two mcgohms, which gave a wave rising to crest of the order of 50 microseconds. For this case it was not possible to obtain spark-over between point and plane for values of H greater than about 50 inches for positive polarity and 30 inches for negative polarity. However, when using the 11/2x4O wave spark-over could be obtained for spacings as high as 160 inches. For such a spacing a ground plane at least 20 feet square is necessary to eliminate edge effects. The difficulty of obtaining a smooth surface of such size was solved by the formation of a salt-water plane on the laboratory floor. Tests made with a dry metal plane, then with a metal plane covered with water, and lastly, with a water plane alone in which a network of wires was laid below the water surface to further improve its conductivity, showed no essential difference. The salt-water plane was employed for most of the tests, MECHANISM OF SPARK The first tests on arc mechanism consisted of determining the characteristics of arcs of both polarities for a point-toplane gap. Some of the results of these tests confirm the previous work of Allibone and Meek and will be discussed here primarily from the standpoint of lightning protection. High-speed camera records obtained with a minimum flashover voltage and a very flow front using 1941, VOL. 60 the surge generator circuit with a twoFigure 7. Laboratory multiple strokes megohm series resistance, are shown in figures 6a and 6b. Examination of these two figures shows that in the case decreases rapidly and it moves over the of negative polarity, leaders start from final portion of its path at a fairly uniboth the cloud and ground and meet form speed, of the order of i/looth of a about midway in the gap. However, per cent of the speed of light. The posiwith positive polarity there is only a tive leader which rises from the plane positive downward leader. This char- moves continuously at a fairly uniform acteristic difference has been pointed velocity of the same low order of magniout by Allibone and Meek"8 and others tude. to be due to the fact that a positive leader For the case of positive polarity the will propagate at a lower gradient than a downward positive leader is sometimes negative leader. For this same reason also stepped and exhibits the same charthe voltage required to cause spark-over acteristics as the negative leader. Quite of the positive point-to-plane gap is frequently, however, cases are found much lower than for the negative point- where it moves continuously, starting to-plane gap. at a relatively slow velocity from the The negative downward leader for the point electrode and increasing its velocity case of the negative-polarity point elec- until it reaches a critical point in the gap, trode was found in most cases to be then proceeding for the rest of its disstepped in character as shown in figure tance at a uniform velocity of the order 6b. The negative leader starts from of of 1/looth of a per cent of the electrode at a very high velocity, too themagnitude speed of light. high to be measured with the high-speed Similar tests made with the ground camera, but dies out after progressing a wire and conductor in place are shown short distance. Before the occurrence in figures 6c and 6d. In this case it is of the final streamer there may be several seen that for negative polarity the upleaders of this incomplete character, ward positive leader is the more preeach progressing further than the pre- dominant one, there being only a short vious one. The final leader also moves negative downward leader. For posiat this relatively high speed until it has tive polarity the reverse is the case, reached a point somewhat farther than there is only a very short upward leader. the previous leader, then its velocity The character of the positive leaders for Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 317 Figure 8. Still g r a ph S showing charac- photo ter oF arc paths by the character of the wave shape is the duration of the luminosity of the leaders and the current which flows from the electrode into the leader. The capacity of the point-to-plane gap is relatively small so that if no additional capacity is in parallel with it the regulation of the voltage at the gap is very poor when a large series resistance is used. At the instant the leader starts from the electrode enough current is drawn through the series resistance to cause the voltage to drop. Under such conditions of regulation the current flows into the leader only a very short time after its start from the electrode. The leader propagates at a relatively low velocity and its luminosity dies out rapidly behind the leader tip. Thus the leader photographs on the rotating camera film as a nartow line. This is shown in figure 6d. In the case of natural lightning it is thought probable that a considerable voltage drop may exist in the lightning channel during the propagation of the downward leader. This is caused by the recombination of free charges behind the the two polarities are similar to those for the point-to-plane gap. The relative development of the two initial leaders is thought to play a dominant part in determining the distribution curves and it is felt that this is one of the most important characteristics which must be correctly simulated in the model. As will be recalled, the discharge of natural lightning, which is usually negative, is accompanied by very little streamer formation from the earth. Peculiarly, this is more closely represented in the laboratory by a positive discharge which likewise has relatively small leaders emanating from the ground plane. Negative strokes in the laboratory, on the other hand, have quite large streamers from the plane. The difference between the character of the negative stroke in the laboratory and in natural lightning in this regard is probably due to the relative difference in the field gradients at the ground in the two cases. It is thought that these gradients are much higher in the model due to the fact that it is not possible to get breakdown of a point-to-plane gap without a certain amount of corona streamer formation from the point electrode. This increases the effective size of the electrode and thus the field gradient at the ground for a given voltage. Further, this tends to decrease the field at the upper electrode and increase the voltage necessary to 318 cause the leaders to progress downward, Due to this fact it is thought that the ratio of the cloud potentials in the case of natural lightning to the model pOtentials is considerably less than the ratio of their dimensions. These differences may be increased further by the lower breakdown strength of air at the high altitudes at which the stroke originates in natural lightning as compared to that at the earth. One factor which is influenced greatly 100 d z leader tip. For the laboratory arcs this condition is greatest for the above type of discharge due not only to the fact that a negligible amount of current flows into the leader to re-establish its conducttvity but also due to the drop in the series resistor. As the regulation of the voltage is improved by the addition of a parallel capacitor the current flowing into the leader and the luminosity of the leader persists for a longer time. The record shown in figure 6a was taken with a sphere gap in parallel with the point-to-plane gap. By varying the spacing of the sphere gap 7., I 1 I X 2 6so 20 20 - 0 | | | | -20 2 o /0 3 100 1l 80 N\ a. _ 40 x W Effet f:x Eec o 9 Fi Figure 9 wav sIIha (a)-1 '/2x40 (b)-Slow rate of rise - l | - - l I 3 I 3 (a) 4 4 0! 0 Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1 2 b 3 (b) - 4 5 AIEE TRANSACTIONS it served as a variable capacitor. The increased duration of the leader luminosity is evidenced by the wide band of lower to the the rer luminositytothi lowern luminosity recdright asofofshos turn stroke. This record also shows a greater amount of branching of the leader than in the case shown in figure 6c. By the addition of such capacitance it is also possible to produce multi strokes having many of the characteristics of those occurring in natural lightning. Allibone and Meek produced such strokes Table 1. Outages Due to Lightning for Lines Without Ground Wires Length Outages Per of Covered Years Outages Total Line Line of Kv Lie Ki 100 Miles Line Per Year Reference _____________________________________ Interstate Power Company Clinton-Dubuque....... 66... 54 ... 6... 277. 87 ...... Pennsylvania Water wood-York. 16-A . 20-A. 23-BB .... ence With Protector Tubes", Electric Journal, August 1938 and Power Holt- in this way. In figure 7a iS shown a series of repetitive strokes produced in Wisco and Monteith" Experi- 66 ... ii.... .. 11.213. 23 ... 79.4... 140... 148.0... 132... 39.8 ... 6.. Above 100 kv-steel ........ 673 560 ... 1929 1930 . current can be varied over a wide range. 60 to 100 kv-wood....... ... 1929 ....... 31B32... ...... 37.2 394 .21 14 Lightning- EEI Publication No. F6 Sporn, "Lightning Performance 111.0 ... 1. 0 14.853... 10.. 61 ... Design, Construction, Hansson," and Operation of a Proof Transmission Line," ...............2 10 .5.6 8. this manner. By varying the magnitude and wave shape of the applied voltage and the parallel capacity the number of repetitive strokes, the time between and the magmtude them, and the them, magnitude of the stroke 34 0...... 84 of 10 to 165 KY Transmission Lines", AIEE TRANSACTIONS, 1939, page 294 Lakes Division of NELA, 1929-30 report of overhead committee ...... Great 26.6 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~systems 1930-31 report of engineering By this method it is possible to study the erating records 1930 1929 recovery characteristics of air. In figure 60 to 100 . 23.5 30 7b is shown case in which there 60 kv-wood. 73 ...19........5........34.6 30.4 30to 60...9 .........k2 .193 only two microseconds strokes 565 . two apart. only ... 1929 .........17.6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~0 o6 k-tel......165 This record is of interest because it 128 ... 1930 ............... 14.2 shows the presence of a stepped leader for the second stroke. As stated previously, the process of speed of propagation of the leader in- wire when a series resistance of one charge generation in actual clouds is creases. The velocity of positive leaders megohm is used. This shows a negative relatively slow. One would expect that of continuous character increases uni- leader bridging about one-third of the the laboratory representation of this formly. For leaders of stepped char- gap as compared with the much shorter condition would be most closely simu- acter the number of stepped leaders de- leader of figure 6d. lated by a continuous voltage. This creases rapidly. The effective velocity The effect of waves of very steep fronts condition is difficult of attainment but of the negative leader increases some- such as those of standard 11/2x40 waves, can be approximated by the use of waves what faster than that for the positive. can be studied by still photographs. of very slow rates of rise. As will be High-speed camera records, obtained The direction of branching of leaders of shown subsequently, this is not a very when the rate of rise of voltage is gradu- both polarities is always in the direction important factor. As the time to crest ally increased by decreasing the series of its propagation. By this means it is of the wave is decreased or the crest resistance, show this effect. Figure 6e is known that a particular leader progressed magnitude of the voltage is increased the a record of a negative stroke to the ground at least as far as the last branching point. As the leaders approach each other they 07-/O branch out, and frequently several meet - simultaneously, the return strokes ocsoe I I < H Acurring along all of them. This forms i / \several parallel paths over a short dis06 -tance of the arc at the junction point of - .. 40 -m the two leaders and another for method the . determlining meeting -topoint of the leaders. Both of these --t -w z ' /| -4 2 3 I1 4 5 2 3 characteristics can be seen on the photoA/h A/h graphs of figure 8. MINIMUM FLASHOVER VOLTAGE 50% OVER M. F. 0. The examination of many such still 21X40 NEGATIVE WAVE pictures shows that for the 11/2x40 wave the essential characteristics of the point-oo- - -L l | i | J L1 1\1 l | to-plane gap alone and with the ground °l 2 | / 1\ 1 1 1 | T\ I\ l | ~~~~~~wireand conductor in place:are the same as with the slower waves. However, 60_W +/ \ | | t\\ _ relative development of the negative ~~~~~~~~~~~~~the 40 _ / t t I I I \ _ although rather variable, is usu20-ally somewhat greater. This is most the case positive polarity 0i I 2 3 ol fL1 1 0 | Lj | | 1 X1 2 forinwhich theofnegative ky-steel.....481 are a to -1 provides ~~~~~~~~~~~~leader, ~~~~~~~~~~~noticeable 3strokes I§X4O POSITIVE WAVE HaSO h-lo Xa2 hal MlNMU FLSiVRVOTG 1941, VOL. 60 0% VRMF0 Wagner, MlcCann, Figr 10. on disovervoltage Effect of tribution curves ulpward leader is found to have maximum lengths as high as one-sixth the gap spacing for point-to-plane gaps and one-fifth for M71acLcne-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 319 point-to-wire gaps for a ratio of H/h of five to one. The corona streamer formation at the cloud electrode was found to be considerably greater for the 1 1/2x40 wave than for the very slow one. This additional effect tends to increase the field gradient at the plane and thus the relative development of upward leaders. Table 11. Experience of Pennsylvania Water and Power Company Mile-Years for Data Line 10 sO s0 40y s0 0 0.03 IN. Mg. LOI @r 0°° - -I--1X 40 NEG. WAVE Hs20 h 20 -- 60 40 Conductor for positive-polarity sparks than for negative ones. This is due to the fact that the positive-polarity spark is initiated by a positive downward leader traveling practically all the way across the gap for both gap configurations. The time lag and the voltage required for spark-over are more nearly the same for positive polarity and little affected by the character of the voltage. The somewhat larger upward leader in the case of the 1 '/2x40 wave has no appreciable effect on the distribution curves. However, for negative-polarity strokes the point-to-wire gap is initiated by an up- WEATHER CONDITIONS All tests were made in the natural atmosphere of the high-voltage laboratory a-nd it was found that data taken under 0000 co 0 Per Year Strokes to Conductor Per Year °7-t, 6008 000 00 y/h Strokes ward positive leader which progresses most of the gap length, while for a pointto-plane gap the leaders progress simul_ taneously from both electrodes toward the P09. WAVE 1IX40 center of the gap. For this reason the Ho .3 h*lO time lag of the point-to-plane gap is less XSUSIO than that for the point-to-wire gap. However, the point-to-plane gap requires a higher voltage for spark-over for the 2 ~~~ 3A/h I ~~~~~" 3A/h ~~~same spacing. Thus voltages of slower rates of rise will break down the point-towire gap more readily. WINTER %00 00 0 (Degrees) between the wires and the ground plane. The slower the rate of rise of voltage the larger the value of A/h before strokes start to go to the plane. Thus a greater proportion of strokes will go to both the ground wire and the conductor and the conductor is less protected for this type of wave. The effect of voltage upon the character of the distribution curves can be explained by the nature of their leader mechanism. The spark-over characteristics of the point-to-plane gap and the point-to-wire gap are more nearly equal ac ASS. HUMID. 0.566 Per Cent Line Per Safe Harbor-Riverside ... 230 . 837. 16 ... 0.29 . 106 . . 0 0 Safe Harbor-Perryville ... 132 ...... 158. 17 ...... 0.18 .. 153 . 0.4 .. 0. 6* Holtwood-Coatesville .... 69...... 52and71.. 0.11 . 59 . 192 1.75. 3.4** _______________________________ * One flashover in five years. ** Two flaghovers in two years. Results of studies to detei mine the effect of the character of the applied voltage upon the distribution curves for both positive and negative strokes are shown in figures 9 and 10. Figure 9 shows the effect of wave shape and figure 10 that of overvoltage. From these results it is seen that the nature of the stroke voltage influences greatly the curves for negative polarity strokes and has little effect on those for positive strokes. The greatest discrepancy caused by varying voltage conditions for negative strokes is in the variation of the position of the portion of the distribution curve formed by the division of strokes REL. AIR DEN. 0.992 Strokes to Safe Harbor-Westport and WAVE, SHAPE, AND DISTRIBUTION CUR~VES SUMMER Ky Considered Angle -- | variou4 conditions did not vroscniin check in the case of the negative-polarity atmospheric X.yz4 strokes. The predominant change in the atmosphere is in the humidity which may vary from an absolute value as low AXlA 3 001 r 31 2 Vh 2 as 0.01 inch of mercury in the winter to ABS. HUMID. 0.679 0.001 IN. Hg. as high as 0.6 inch in the summer. The REL. AIR DEN. 0.985 1.01 effect of this factor is shown in figure 11. Data published by Y. Ishiguro20 show that for point-to-plane gaps increasing 0 000 o i o l the increases the breakdown 0= humidity " V 10 9) 100 XX vv -. -_-uW W1 - } 1\ 1 | in approximately the same pro60 portion for positive polarity. For negaA0 - |IXNGWV O tive polarity, increasing humidity dezoLg 4 | \ | 0 NE.WAVE 60 ~ - 7 hs20 creases the breakdown voltage for point40|| X. 4 |\ ....to-plane gaps and has little effect for l ~~~~~~~~~~~~point-to-point gaps. In referring to the to F tt 1 1 1 1 r J &1| 11. distribution curves for negative polarity O~~~' AI, 2 ! 3 4 A/h of atmospheric con- of figure 11 it will be seen that in that ABS. HUMID. 0.627 0.106 IN. Hg. ditions on distribu- part of the distribution curve for which REL. AIR DEN. 0.97 1.00 -tion curves the strokes divide between the ground ~0=I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~voltage ~~~~Figure 320 Wagner, EKfect MIcCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. AIBE TRANSACTIONS ,0n 0oo O~e4 3 ,oT 7 Ex *o40 h 4 I 2 [ |3 t _ 60 __ + _ _ ~2 1 3 xX. l t 11 1 | h.20t tSt A t 40 go s I40 20- 4 i Ll AU r e7L +7_- _ r E- loo SO ever, a very definite effect for negative 4° | < 4 < | L| hs10 1 t S L2 2 3 too 0 00L 2 .O ro7-i m CL WJ h5LH _A >1 L 1;1R1 I 2 ; 40 r 4 | I k{ I *1X40 NEGATIVE WAVE 1i4,.3 ~ nLii ' [ I t 2 i1iiil 3 1 I \ I A oL--,P ^ % *1(40 POSITIVE WAVE 1 b4 I %.4 *~0.2 Figure 12. Effect of changing scale wire and conductor the breakdown voltage is not influenced to any considerable extent by humidity but where the strokes divide between the'wires and plane increasing humidity decreases the breakdown voltage. Applying Ishiguro's data indicates that there should be no substantial change when the distribution occurs between wires but where the distribution occurs between wires and plane a greater proportion of the strokes should go to the plane at higher humidity. This has the effect of moving the distribution curve to the left in this region. In the case of positive polarity the breakdown voltage of both point-to-wire and point-to-plane gaps are affected only slightly and therefore one would expect little effect upon the distribution curves as is borne out by the results of figure 11 and a considerable amount of other unpresented data. GEOMETRIC SIMILITUDE Tests were made to determine the effect of geometric similitude. In figure 12 is shown some of the data in which the scale dimensions were varied over a range of eight to one. The results of these tests indicate that the range of scales considered has no very great effect upon the distribution curves for positive strokes. The very small effect that may be present is in a direction to make the protective value less for small scales, which would produce pessimistic results in model work. There is, how- 1941, VOL. 60 3 point; thus the division of strokes in strokes. As the scale is increased, and thus the spacing between the cloud electrode and ground, the range of A/h for Awhich shots go to the wires decreases and distribution curves. The first component of the field has, however, a very definite directive effect in influencing the ionization process at the leader tip and an apapproaches the results obtained with preciable upward leader influences the positive strokes. downward one. X _The greater irregularity of arcs proFAC ORS A]?FECT G ARK PATHduced by slow waves is probably due to Exsamination of the still pictures of the fact that since the breakdown voltfigure 8 show how variable the path of age is less the directi've field is weaker the arc is even though conditions are and has less directive effect. It thus maintained as nearly constant as pos- approaches more closely the case of sible. As the leader tip progresses it is natural lightning. By taking a large apparently very unstable and easily number of shots in obtaining the disaffected by its own irregularities. For tribution curves a statistical average is this reason it follows a tortuous path. obtained of the effect of the factors which The paths of the negative polarity strokes influence the path of the arc. The fact are much straighter and more closely that wave shape has no effect upon the grouped than those of positive strokes, distribution curves for positive polarity while the paths of the arcs of slow volt- indicates that on the average the actual age J11!IEwaves are more spread' out and more magnitude of the directive field is not irregular than those of the 11/2x40 waves. important. It is merely its relative In considering these factors it is con- value throughout the region in which the venient to segregate the field at the tip of the leader into two parts: that produced by charges remote from the tip including the effect of the leader from the opposite electrode; which will be called the directive field; and that produced by the ionization phenomena taking place in the region of the leader tip. The irregularities at the tip cause one arc to have a totally different path from another and possibly a different terminating arc might progress that determines the average result. The greater upward leaders in the tests with the I1/2x40 waves over those in the tests with slow waves had no effect upon the distribution curves. Arguing from these results, the extremely small upward leaders that may occur with natural lightning should be insignificant in determining the terminating point of the stroke. O7- . IA s1o 1oI I - 4 20 lo r,,,,T0T2 4 - - - o i3 i - I FA-fAj so 60 I -- - 40 20 17 I I 7 \>r^/h 7 (b) 2 toe -- Figure 13. Effect of the presence of other conductors on the protection of the most exposed conductor 1 '/2x40 positive wave, H/h =3, y/h =2 3 - -v p181 1.1/|q [A > | S C-6C - - - -8 - <41 t °z 14 1 0 7rTT77T,,,TT ,,77TTll7 77 7 (c)2 Wagner, McCann, Maclane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. |/ |^/ l |X| l 321 So far leader development and distribution curves have been considered for a rod electrode only. It was felt that perhaps the shape of the electrode might have a certain directive effect upon the leader in its vicinity and thus influence the distribution curves. To test this point a special electrode was made by soldering a small wire one-half inch long to a ten-inch sphere. With the wire directed downward from a height of 30 inches a distribution curve was obtained for hh=10, x=4, and y=2. This electrode gave the same distribution curve as a rod electrode and , 643:=01 640 _ __ _ - - h_o.I HA=20 2,-.N _ 1.,- -4_ 5 6 7 A/, 64* °°I__I H=13 | It must be remembered, however, that any results which can be deduced with models can only be of a statistical nature. The distribution of charge within a thundercloud is likely to be unsymmetrical about the point of origin of the discharge and will influence to some extent the shielding value of the ground wires. In open, level country this dissymmetry should, however, be eliminated by the statistical averaging of a large number of strokes. Where the prevailing storms in a locality originate from the same direction this may be true but, in general, any effect of this oo107- =0.2 L{ [t ttXi 2 3 4 5 @°°1 11 > 111 11110l11 X1\11 I II 1 1 V 1\1 1 1 01 2 °3 6=5 || t /||\| 4 S . 100r| XE p61 0 \ { _ F} This consideration would tion for the prevalence of negative strokes %=O.2 to transmission lines. 1 2 3 4% 27°Y0. mHResults of Model Tests Correct proportioning of the model to those in actual practice resulted EtELwires in destruction of the wire for each shot. 1 12\ I1 was therefore had to larger 1\1 III 1 HRecourse conductors. Distribution curves made jjjjIS\ eoo 2 3 4 2 s lWl\m 3%h with wires of diameters varying from ~~~~~0.008 inch to 0.09 inch showed that wire ~~~~~~sizehas negligible effect for positive H/;=3 1 } 1 A I I I ~~~polarity. Tests made with however as may be t1 I F f 1\ ~polarity not so consistent. 0U I I i \I 1A/ 01 Figure 14. Effect of varying H/h for diffe ent configurations I~ ~ H/h~ =20,~ all ~other curves ~ ~~h=10 ~rz visual observation indicated that the discharge was initiated from the wire of the sphere in all cases. The proportion of sphere diameter to electrode height corresponded to proportions that might be expected in thundercloud formations. FINAL CHOICE OF LABORATORY MODEL Consideration of the above results leads to the conclusion that a good representation of natural lightning for studying ground wire shielding on model scales is obtained by using the minimum flashover value of a l'l/2x40 positive wave with a rod as the cloud electrode. 322 laboratory by positive appear to throw doubt upon this explana- f II I iX 1AX A/h 0I1 IY 2I183 electrode attracted a larger proportion of negative than positive strokes. This was used as a basis to explain the greater prevalence of negative strokes to transmission lines. However, since the relative leader development is all controlling in determining the point struck and since the relative leader development is the same for both positive and negative lightning strokes they should be reprewaves. t 1 ATTRACTIvE EFFECT OF POLARITY Allibone'9fromlaboratory testsshowed that a small projection from a plane sented in the LA 450 1 2 35 4 closely approach the laboratory negative polarity stroke in their relative leader development. Since it is found that strokes with a predominate upward leader give entirely different shielding results conclusions drawn from data obtained from such tall buildings cannot be applied to lower structures for which the leader development is different. R i I A/hare negative expected IT'F GRUDN OF CoNDucToRns l i||| l lllThe speed of leader development is so slow that it is thought that both the '/x4 poitv poaiy h = o uv A 2 3 A/h ground wire and conductor, except for ° 1 3/h the dynamic voltage, remain at essentially ground potential during the development nature should be very small. of the leaders. However, to verify this A distribution curve obtained for any point the effect of having both the ground configuration which shows no area for wire and conductor grounded was comstrokes to a conductor does not mean pared with the case for which the ground that no strokes will ever terminate on wire was grounded but the conductor the conductor. If enough shots are oh- connected to ground at each end through served it will be found that eventually 500-ohm resistors to represent the surge in most practical configurations a stroke impedance of the line. Little difference will finally strike the conductor. For was found for these two cases. Other this reason isolated records of natural tests in which the conductor was insulightning which show strokes terminating lated gave somewhat better protection. within certain regions of protective The most pessimistic results are ohspace should not be overemphasized, tamned by grounding the conductor, a Another important consideration is condition under which all subsequent that strokes to very tall buildings more tests were made. H/h=2 2IIil Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. AIEE TRANSACTIONS Figure 15. Effect of changing protective angle ously as H/h is increased. 1 '/2x40 sult is in direct variance with that obtained by Matthias8'9 who concluded 450 positive h =20 for curve y/h=0.05,allothercurvesh=10; H/h=5 y4io.05 640 2IIWII 00 4o, 2 % 560 _ EITIII JLLL L Y/h=02 ||1\\1 Llt Ll- 100 °LiIfl 2 that above a value of Il/h of 7 the proportion of strokes which strike the conductor is constant. Figure 17 is interest-0/07ing in showing the general effect of chang720 ing y/h while keeping the protective IIIjII1I1I Tangle and H/h constant. Figure 18 _ e L__ t_ 444 shows how the strokes to conductor vary as the protective angle is altered for different values of y/h. The curves of figure 1 were plotted on 2 3 / ~~~~~~~~~the theory that the stroke strikes the 68° nearest object, that is, either all the terminate on the ground wire, all on the conductor, or all on the plane. 1zl < 4 ~~~~For_H/h equal to 5 the protective angle t1 4 4 =1 + d<t i 9!¢ 1 is 55 degrees and is essentially independent of y/h. Figure 18 emphasizes that 3 h the desired configuration is dependent 444i4i,{ Y/h0o. [II11 0/h3.4 polarity; 3 h 2 1 2 3 X W1\X W-; - 3 < 2 Xl I Istrokes > 3 I< 2 k to a very great extent upon the degree of shielding to be expected. Thus for 99 per cent shielding the protective angle varies between 46 degrees and 60 degrees effect for particular locations in laying out the entire line. 01 \l I 2 PRESENCE OF OTHER CONDUCTORS Actual transmission-line construction involves more complicated conductor configurations than the simple ground wire and single-conductor arrangement so far discussed. To determine the effect of the presence of other conductors upon the general problem of shielding, tests were made upon several arrangements of ground wire and conductor. Figure 13 shows a portion of the results of these tests in the form of distribution curves. It was found that the added conductors of b and c which are indicated by x's were not stricken as the electrode was moved to the right of the ground wire. In addition, the distribution curves are not influenced by the presence of the added conductors. Additional ground wires likewise had little effect. The following data are, therefore, confined to the single-ground-wire and single-conductor configurations. EFFECT OF CHANGING H/h, y/h, AND ANGLE %The PROTECTIvE effet of varying H/h, y/h, and the protective angle are shown by the distribution curves of figures 14 and 15. In figure 5 areas G and C are proportional to the total strokes to the ground wire and total strokes to the conductor, respectively. The ratio area C/(area C+ area G) then represents the proportion of the total strokes to the structure which strike the conductor. Data of the character shown in figures 14 and 15 supplied information from which the curves shown in figures 16, 17, and 18 were plotted. Figure 16 shows that the strokes to conductor decrease continu- effective is unimportant in level terrain. In mountainous conditions particular ° l figure 2 by Schwaiger. However, the curves by Schwaiger result in protective angles which are entirely too small. In order to orient one's self with regard to the nature of these parameters it is necessary to consider their magnitudes in actual transmission systems. The height of the ground wire above ground in fiat terrain varies from about 40 to 140 feet and y/h from 0.1 to 0.2. Using a ground wire height of 100 feet and a .10 l l 4 -5 - U 30 y/h varies between 0.05 and 0.2 and if tween 51 degrees and 72 degrees as the shielding varies between 99 per cent and 95 per cent. The safe location of a conductor has frequently been described as any position within a volume enclosed by two plane surfaces intersecting the ground wire and making an angle of 45 degrees with the vertical. The curves of figures 17 and 18 show that these surfaces should not be plane but curved concave upward in a manner similar to that shown in 50 - to conductor as a function zz \tFigure W T of16.H/h,Strokes y/h, and protective 8 angle W.U ,, ,,, O J ° 0 z zy> \ IPROT.ANGLE64° }- ° 0.2 I\ 15l\j\ | 45*i 64-* | IC02 XvoX I27i \S;450 |\ o towers supporting spans having large sc°|{ x<|1|11sags might prove to be advantageous X )o1i_Sc from this viewpoint. It would be runwise, howevrer, to take advantage of this as y/h is 0.1 the protective angle varies be- 60 ° o X| g ° z ac 0 X x TOWERS The point from which insulators are supported on steel suspension towers is directly above the conductor and naturally tends to protect it. Tests show, however, that the extent to which this is 1941, VOL. 60 This re- 1 2 6 -8 ~~~~4 - x10v+Ir--_ 14 12 16 IB 20 H/h Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Tratnsmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 22 24 26 28 30 / 8 323 modelwrktaserntivo41607ofthedisrlbuncvewhi r cloud height of 1,000 feet, gives a value of H/h equal to 10. Examination of figure 16 indicates that for these conditions and y/h equal to 0.2, and a protective angle of 64 degrees, 5 per cent of the strokes strike the conductor. It must be understood, however, that these conditions are not met in practice except in flat country with very low soil resistivity. In rough, rugged, and hilly country advantage is usually made of locating towers on prominences so that the effective height of the ground wire above ground is considerably in excess of that at the tower. This fact prompts the use of a smaller value of H/h and y/h than just mentioned, both of which decrease the protection afforded by the ground wire. For example, if h is doubled the corresponding values of H/h and y/h would then become 5.0 and 0.1, respectively, and from figure 16 it can be seen that 30 per cent of the strokes would strike the conductor. SOIL RESISTIVITY AND COUNTERPOISE Soil resistivity might likewise affect the appropriate value of h to use. The propagation of the initial leader of natural lightning is so slow that for ordinary soil conductivity the surface of the earth is probably maintained at essentially the same potential. For dry, sandy, or rocky soil this consideration does not apply and the equivalent depth of earth plane should be lower than the actual surface of the earth. Matthias9 in his model work took as a representative case a layer of dry sand of approximately the same depth as that of the groundwire height. While this may be typical in so far as resistivity of the soil and geometric similitude is concerned it does not follow that the voltage gradients in the earth are in proportion. In order to show the general nature of this phenomenon the tests illustrated in figure 19 were made in which high earth resistivity was simulated by simply lowering the ground plane by a depth equal to the ground-wire height. A comparison of figure 19a and b indicates quite conclusively that lowering the effective ground plane decreases the shield- ing of the ground wire. A buried counterpoise might be thought of as raising the effective height of the true water plane. However, a comparison of figure 19b and c shows that this is not the case, the counterpoise having practically no effect. The rather impractical condition of buried counterpoises at a distance from the tower equal to several times the tower height would in all probability have a beneficial effect. TRANSVERSECONTOUR The transverse contour of the topography likewise has an important bearing on the shielding value of a ground wire. Figure 20a shows a tower of a line running along the side of a hill. It is apparent that the effective earth plane is inclined and that the protective angle should be measured with respect to the perpendicular to this plane. Thus the --7-/ _ _ o 6 - 0 -i - - - - - l b 41 a l0 3 g - -- 0 z o - - ! 0.05 ~_40 50 60 V l 70 PROTECTIVE ANGLE Figure 18. Strokes to conductor as a function of protective angle for H/h= 5 protective angle measured with respect to the vertical of the tower should, for perfect protection, be increased by the angle of inclination of the earth's surface. Naturally this is additive on the downward side and substractive on the upward side. But if the particular configuration provided adequate shielding -on level terrain the decrease in shielding *Z7 ' -o _ illiiijii __4 on the lower side is not counteracted by an increase in shielding on the upward I| .5 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 45* - - side. For the case shown in figre 2Gb which represents a tower on a hillock, 8 F6A _ R 8 4 \l ll _l both sides are additive. To further this fact tests I- - I -o erfl:l - SL in figre 21 were made. Comparison of _ -X - _~ 0.1 _ 0.3 ,_ the two distribution curves shows 0.2 Q that the upper dropping away of the earth dethe protection considerably h Figure 17. Strokes to conductor as a function whereas the comparison of the two lower of y/h distribution curves shows a marked gain -/o7 _- ~~mphasize ~~~~creased 824 thLe illustraLted in protection by the presence of the neighboring hillside. CONDUCTOR MIDWAY BETWEEN Two GROUND WIRES In order to determine the shielding characteristics of conductors between two ground wires, tests were made with such a configuration that the distance between ground wires was one-half the ground wire height. This is representative of the maximum spacing for construction employing conventional ground wires. A pessimistic cloud height corresponding to H/h equal to five was chosen for the test. It was found that for the conductor to be perfectly shielded it was necessary to lower the conductor at least 15 per cent of the spacing between the ground wires. By increasing the spacing of the ground wires to a value equal to that of the ground wire height it was necessary to lower the conductor at least 10 per cent of the spacing. The latter spacing is typical of the requirement for diverter construction. STROKE DENSITY AND STROKES TO LINE In an effort to apply a quantitative measure to the effectiveness of groundwire protection a knowledge of the number of strokes to the line, S, per hundred miles per yea is required. A shown n l appendix his qu ntity the in terms if the stroke density, D, in number per square mile per year, i equal o Dh/26.4 square equa G+ G + ar a towdhge C). From a knowledge oibi ves hi were and y, the quantity S/Dh may be plotted (rea area as shown in figure 22a. The strokes S are thus proportional to D and are a function of H and h. In figure 22b these data are replotted with S/D as the ordinate and H as the abscissa for h equal to 50, 75, and 100 feet. It is interesting to observe that for a given stroke density the strokes to .the line increase with the height. Tests with two ground wires separated varying distances up to one-half the ground-wire height showed little difference in the total area representing strokes to the structure. Thus there should be little difference between the total strokes to a line with a single or double ground wire or between a single- or double-circuit line. In what follows strokes or outages will be based on a line rather than acircuit basis. Operating Experience To correlate the laboratory data with the performance of actual systems some Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. AIFE TRANSACTIONS o,0o07-/9 - - - §°°0i07 ^A oJEPNICLR007- 20 Figure 1 9 (left). Effect of high soil G.L --resistivity upon pro- s tective value of -@^19.r.aX ._50 41-- CONDUCTOR 0 wires 01ground '/2x 40 positive 0-- I EFFECTIVE PROTECTIVE -2-0polarityq I . | I3__'S , 4 5 A/h Figure 20 (right). (9 Cases for which lat- H-8sSO | 401 h io 7716,.,::77,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, GW 40 1{ nlCONDUCTOR i | > F EFFECTIVE PROTECTIVE ANGLE --- 20---(b) -i- * 2 3 4 R5 /h 40 - - 20 - - - halo 7'.0- COUNJERP,OISE 'O.,,,,, , , ,,c: -i2 (C) -published data are available and, in addition, a number of utilities have .made available to the authors certain unpublished data. STROKES TO LINE E. Hansson and S. K. Waldorf, from data obtained with magnetic links between 1935 and 1938 upon 703 mile-years of operation of lines of the Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, -indicate an average of 116 strokes per 100 miles per year. Bell2' from data .accumulated between 1926 and 1933 on the portion of the Wallenpaupack-Sieg-fried line (without ground wires), ob-tained a value of 82.8 flashed towers per 100 miles per year. This figure is probably lower than the actual number of strokes to the line as some of the strokes -may not have left their markings. In the same period data for the same line -indicated an average of 25 tripouts per 100 miles per year. A comparison be-tween these figures shows that the fre-quency of lightning strokes should be considerably in excess, something of the order of three times, the number of outages. Table I is a compilation of outage data for a number of high-voltage lines without ground wires. The weighted average of these lines lies between 30 and 35. Applying the factor -three to these values results in an esti- 4941, VOL. 60 angle 60 X *o PROTECTIVE ANGLE eral contour requires smaller protective/ oo---~10- A NORMAL. h-i CI) PETO GROUND PLANE 34 " mated value of 100 strokes per 100 tites per year. It must, of course, be remembered that this value is very much of an approximation and will vary with location and other factors. The ordinate of figure 16 which expresses the per cent of strokes which strike the protected conductor can also express numerically the number of strokes to the conductor on a basis of 100 strokes to line per 100 miles per year. STROKES TO CONDUCTOR AND OUTAGE DATA The next step is to verify to what extent the data of figure 16 represent the performance of actual system operation. Before this is attempted it is well to point out some of the difficulties encountered in this task. It will be observed first that the performance to be expected of any configuration will depend to an enormous extent upon the particular assumption of cloud height or H/h. As pointed out previously, vrery little data are available upon this point, Cloud heights may and do vrary with geographical location and local topography. Along with the variation of storm numbers per year at different locations there also exists variations in range of these heights. Two similar lines at different locations might therefore have entirely different performance records. (b) The variation of shielding with H/h as shown in figure 16 therefore anticipates that difficulties might be present in the comparison of system performance. In forming an opinion of what is adequate protection the criterion will be adopted that the strokes to conductor should be less than one per 100 miles per year. For a value of H/h equal to 10 the curves of figure 16 indicate that a protective angle of 60 degrees is adequate for a value of y/h equal to 0.2 and 50 degrees for y/h equal to 0.1. Further obstacles are encountered when an attempt is made to verify the extent to which these data represent the performance of actual systems. It is difficult to isolate the effect of shielding alone. Even for systems of very low tower-footing resistance the question still arises as to whether flashovers might not be due to currents of high rates of rise for which the tower surge impedance and strokes to midspan become important. Thunderstorms are usually accompanied by wind and since the phase conductors and ground wires are usually of different type and sagged differently the protective angle may be considerably greater at midspan than at the tower. Of course, on one side of the line the increment of angle would be additive and on the other side subtractive. The outage function is not linear with respect to angle and, therefore, the increased angle will cause a much greater outage increase than the decreased angle a decrease. However, in some cases the smaller sag of the ground wire may completely annul this condition and even give the line a Wagner, McCann, MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 325 Figure 21 (left). Effect of uneven() ground plane 0007-2' 2 er 2 ~ A t LLl I.-A - ~ m2 T 50 o _ t i _ so0 112/x40 1 ~~~~~~~ 77,7mz1111 S 100 \L t | 60 0.31 --- positive ~ - - ~ ~~~polarity. - q///;///////Figure 22 (right). Strokes to transmis_> line < - as influ-°. sion enced by cloud and \ 1- _ X 0/07- l ao - I_ 8 0 s ground-wire height 0l| Hl [ 10 P.0 a//,/''// A A 5 2 3 //j /h/ i 5 h5 /h i 100- 40 30 40 50 %/ 40 |_ 0 l - 4 5 1 15~~~~~Jii_ 11; 1 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A H~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ IN FEE 60 40 I 2 3 /h 4 A/h 5 0 1 smaller protective angle at midspan. Hansson and Waldorf have supplied the authors with the data tabulated in table II. It will be observed that the Safe Harbor lines to Westport, Riverside, and Perryville, all have protective angles well within the values set by the curves as being adequate and the operating experience verifies this result. The Holtwood-Coatesville line, being nearer the limits set above, offers a better opportunity to check the laboratory results. Inspection of the curves in figure 16 for H/h equal to 10 and y/h equal to 0.1 shows that the per cent of strokes whicb strike the conductor is of the correct order of magnitude, the curves being somewhat pessimistic. The Fort Wayne-Marion-Muncie line of the American Gas and Electric Corporation is interesting in that it has very low tower-footing resistances, the average being about 2.5 ohms. The protective angle is 50 degrees and y/h is 0.11. Data obtained from I. W. Gross giving operating results over a five-year period, representing 400 mile-years of operation, shows 23 flashovers which is equivalent to 5.7 per 100 miles of line per year. As stated previously, the curves of figure 16 for H/Is equal to 10, y/h equal to 0.1, and protective angle of 50 degrees give 326 2 one stroke per 100 miles per year, a value which is somewhat low with respect to the actual performance. It is probable that the change in angular position occasioned by wind conditions is an important factor in this case since the line is so close to the critical angle. A number of utilities have maintained rather accurate records of the resistance of each individual tower and the particular ones upon which flashovers occurred. By dividing the towers into classes according to their resistances and sorting the flashovers into the same classes it is possible, by weighting the flashovers according to the number of towers in the class, to plot a curve of flashovers as a function of tower-footing resistances. This has been done for data relating to flashovers and outages for several companies. The intercept with the ordinate for resistance equal to zero should represent the effect of lack of shielding, tower impedance drop, and possibly the effect of ground-wire impedance for strokes to midspan. Figure 23 represents data of this type obtained for a 132-ky system in flat country of low soil resistivity, Data of this nature are of necessity somewhat random in character and it is difficult to determine the curve to be drawn through the plotted points. The signi- 1000 2000 3000 4000 1*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5000 IN FEET ficant fact is that the ordinate intercept for resistance zero is zero or very small. This would indicate not only satisfactory shielding but also that the effect of tower surge impedance is negligible. Published data22 for the Victoria Falls-Transvaal Power Company, plotted in figure 24, shows a similar result. This line also transverses relatively flat country. The results of these two systems check the data from the model work. Similar data supplied by I. W. Gross applies to the system of the American Gas and Electric Corporation and is plotted in figure 25. Accepting the result of the two previous curves that the effect of tower surge impedance is not of any great importance, the y-intercept of 12 flashovers per 100 miles per year must be attributed to poor shielding. This number contrasts with about one per 100' miles per year for y/h equal to 0.1 and a protective angle of 45 degrees as dictated by figure 16. For the same time for which these curves were obtained the total fiashovers of 521 corresponded to 371 tripouts. Applying this same ratio to those due to lack of shielding provides a value equal to nine tripouts per 100 miles per year. A large portion of the lines involved in this group traversed mountainous country in which the effect Wagner, McCann, MacLane Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. AIEE TRANSACTIONS. Sc - r 2 j ---IJ _ 2 t III 16 14 I - -- o107-23 Figure 23. Lightning out- n - - --- - || t 7 132-kY system in flatcoun- 1,470 mile-yedrs single > X Xx/h 0.093 y/h=0.152 - - - - protective angle=31.5 de-1 1 grees 11 -.--, , 4 of dnd double circuit o0 - 10 a age record of lines of try 9 i l5.5 A < - CO0 5_ _ 10 IS IN of ten times the ground wire height a 25 20 FOOTING RESISTANCE TOWER ditions. The results of model tests indicate that to limit the strokes to one per cent -of the strokes to the line for a cloud height - - - - 0 respect to a plane upon which is located the model transmission line to be tested. Positive-polarity discharges in the laboratory are more consistent in reproducing the same distribution curves and in obeying the laws of geometric similitude and also are less affected by weather con- 30 * S of transverse slope, the decrease of y/h across valleys and canyons, and the lowering of the equivalent ground plane might be of considerable importance. It is also possible that because of the mountainous terrain, the cloud heights, and thus H/h, are lower. In general, the height of the ground wires on these , 90l - Wo - s / J3 -i5 93.8 - - - H/ t O 0T 2 60 - 50 - > ° 40 W U, | 20- - - - - 1 1 Z I - - - - - - - - - - I I |grees 1 0 record of lines of Victoria Falls-Transvaal Power Company 132 kv, 444 mile-yedrs of double circuit age .x/h=0.12, .protective - 4 8 12 TOWER 16 20 FOOTING 24 25 36 40 y/h=0.15, dngle=40 de- chairmanship of Philip Sporn submitted a report23 in 1938 relating to the lightning performance of lines between 110 kv and 165 kv. A number of the lines tabulated in that report were selected for which the avrerage tower-footing resistance was less than ten ohms. Figure 26 shows the outage data of these lines plotted ,against their protective angles. Some of the towers in this group must havre had a 52 apolis Power and Light Company. The maximum tower-footing resistance for this system is 11 ohms. The curve indicates that satisfactory shielding is obtamned for angles less than about 35 degrees. If an allowance of 10 or 20 degrees were provided for soil resistivity, lowering of effective ground plane across canyons and swinging of ground wires and phase conductors, a substantial check with laboratory results would be indicated. Resume and Conclusion The relative development of the leaders preceding the actual discharge of the lightning stroke is the most important part of the mechanism which must be correctly simulated in model work when studying the shielding problem. In this regard natural lightning, both from positive and negative charge sources, is most closely simulated in the laboratory by making a point electrode positive with Wagner, M-ccann, Z 70 - us 60 - 7 0 96 7 5o - Z~~~~~ C - - : , > 0 8 - - °- - - - 7 o_ _ 10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 TOWER FOOTING RESISTANCE IN OHMS Figure 25. Lightning flashover record of lines of American Gas and Electric Company 132 kv, 2,426 mile-yedrs of double circuit x/h=0.12, y/h=0.12, protective dngle=45 degrees protective angle of 50 degrees is necessary for y/h equal to 0.1 and 60 degrees for y/h equal to 0.2. These values have been checked substantially by operating experience upon lines in level count. RESISTANCE IN OHMS lines is larger than for the lines previously considered, so that for a given cloud height H/h is smaller which likewise tends to decrease the shielding. Perhaps in view of these factors the agreement is not as bad as might first appear. If the disagreement is to be attributed to these causes, then it follows that the nominal protective angle and y/h at the towers must be corrected in some manner to take these factors into consideration. The lightning and insulator subcommittee of the AIEE power transmission and distribution committee under the 1941, VOL. 60 44 46 L yriri-< sot Figure 24. Lightning out- - - - - l l-l - - ll - ll IC0 72+ - - 40 6rTO footing resistance considerably in excess of 10 ohms which might explain some of the outages. In drawing this curve weight was given to the points which represented the largest circuit-years of experience. Information to plot the point marked by an x was furnished by W. Cronin, for the system of the Indian- 0107-29 T 9 l OHMS Other factors enter the problem, chief of which are: 1. Cloud height. Strokes to the protected conductor decrease with 16. increasing H in the manner in figure shown resistivity and topography between 2.spans.Soil The effect of high soil resistivity is to lower the effective ground plane. A depression between spans such as a canyon or valley has a similar effect. In lowering the effective plane both y/h and H/h decrease which tend to increase the outages. 3. Transverse contour. The slope of the surface of the earth perpendicular to the transmission decreases the effective protec- tive angle by the angle of the slope. 4. Wind. The relative deflection of ground wires and phase conductors under the wind conditions prevailing at the time of a storm may produce a very significant increase in the protective angle. If a 20-degree tolerance is allowed for such uncertain factors as the above, a recommended value of protective angle at the tower of 30 degrees is obtained. This should prove adequate for all practical values ofy/h. MacLane~Transrnissia Lfines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 327 7 ( |.| - - _ H #51 ZJ 0'0 7- 26 outage Za . CIGRE2SeFigure 26.a Lightnsinog _ - _ O _ I / O 8 / e _. 3 - - a - 0 - I - -_ -L-_ - - - I - - ~. ~~ 0 -1D t 10 record as function of protec_ _angle _ tive for a number of lines whose average tower-footing / resistance is less than ten ohms Supporting data are given in the tabulation below - - 20o 40 0 50 PROTECTIVEANGLE IN DEGREES IN PROTECTIVE ANGLE DEGREES Mile-Years of Records Lines Averase Resistance Protective Ansle Distdnce Between y/h Ground Wire and Conductor at Zero Swing Outages Per 100 Miles Per Year 8A,8B ... 13.0 3.8 1,016 ......... 3.8 ..... -13 .. 0.12 .. .. 258 ....... 840 ..... 6.9 ......... 19. 0.23 .21.7 0.07 .. 15F ........ 216 ......... 10.0 ......... 28 .11 ......... ... 11.7 .... 5.2 15G, H, . .... .... 32. .10.10.6.. 0 ........ 1A ........ 656 . 7.9 37. 0.13 . 14 .8. 0.9 P 23J, K, 0.12 45 15.4 7.2 R, U, 11. 287 3428 23GG......... 144 . ....... 6.9 ........ 45 ...0.0.13 .17....... 11.7 ..7 1.2 23LL . 148 .......... 5.0 ........ 46 .. 0.13 .17.2 .5.9 372 .. 50..... ... -13 . 0.11 .11.3. 0.8 CONTREB LBS DEsCEiARGBS DE LA FOUDRE, A. M. CGESessn 1935, bulletin number ZalE 317. 6. RECHERCHES DE LABORATORIB SUR LES ZONES PROTEGEES PAR DES PARADOUDRES A LIGNES A. Akopian. MULTIPLES, CIGRE, Session 1937, number 328. ~~~~~~~~~~~bulletin 7. UBER DEN SCHUTZWERT ERDSIELE, A. Schwaiger. ETZ, May 13, 1937. 8. DBBR MODELL vERSUCHE UBER BLITZEINSCHLAGE, Adolph Matthias. ETZ, 58 Jahrg, Heft 32, August 12, 1937, page 881; August 26, 1937, page 928; September 9, 1937, page 973. 9. DER SCHUTZRAUM VON BLITZFENG-VORRICHT- ERMITTLUNG DUB MODELL oUNGEN UNDA.SEINE Matthias and Burkhardtsmaier. VERSUCEE, June 8, 1939, page 681; June 15, 1939, page ~~~~~~~ETZ, 720. 10. PROTECTION OF TRANSMISSION LINES AGAINST LIGHTNING; THEORY AND CALCULATIONS, L. V. Bewley. G. E. Review, April 1937, page 180. 11. LIGHTNING DISCHARGES AND LINE PROTECTIVE MEASURES, C. L. Fortescue and R. N. Conwell. AIEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 50, September 1931, page 1090. Also Lightning Reference Book, page 801. 12. INVESTIGATIONS ON LIGHTNING DISCARGES AND ON THE ELECTRICAL FILD oF THUNDER- STORMS, C. T. R. Wilson. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Sec. A, volume 221, 1920, page 73. 13. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THUNDERCLOUDS, Sir George Simpson and F. J. Scrace. Proceedings of Royal Society, Sec. A, No. 906, volume 161, August 1937, page 309. 14. THE LIGHTNING DISCHARGE (a book), B. F. Schonland. The Clarendon Press, Oxford, England. Appendix Reduced to strokes per 100 miles this becomes extentuand ufoatearmh Assume aa flat earth surface of infinite strokedensity. densi. IfD extent and a uniform stroke If D 4 represents the density of *strokes per square mile per year, then from figure 5b it can be seen that the strokes that emanate from an element of cloud, dA in width and one mile in length is DdA. However, if A is measured in feet, this quantity becomes D/5,280 dA, or Dh/5,280 = 328 Dh r+ Dh {A nd 280 hnd-1/ 5,5,280_, 2Dh + I nd + A -1 5,28Oj h- A\ The integral is simply the area under the distribution upon one side of the line. Bibliography d(A/h), where h is in feet. If n represents the fraction (not the percentage) of total strokes, as obtained from a distibuioncure curve fr for aparicuaronfgua particular configudistribution ration and cloud height, that strike both conductors and ground wires, then the total strokes from element dA which strike the line is Dh/5,280 or d(A/h). The total strokes to the line is then S9 Dh S= 26.4 jnd h *~~~~~2 4,,j0o 1. LIGHTNING AND OTHER TRANSIENTS ON TRANSMISSION LINES, F. W. Peek, Jr. ATEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 43, October 1924, page 1205. 2. LIGHTNING PROTECTION FOR OIL STORAGE TANKS AND RESERVOIRS, Sorensen, Hamilton, and Hayward. AIEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 47, January 1928, pages 164-80. 3. A STUDY OF LIGHTNING RODS AND CAGES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO OIL TANKS, F. S. Peek, Jr. AIEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 45, 1926, pages 113144. 4. DIELECTRIC PHENOM§ENA IN HIGH-VOLTAGE ENGINEERING (a book), F. W. Peek, Jr. McGrawHill Book Company, Inc., 1929. 5. RECHERCHES SUR MODELES RELATIVES A LA PROTECTION DES LIGNES ET DES SOUSSTATIONS Wagner, McCann, 15. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY (a book), B. F. Schonland. Methuen & Co., Ltd., London. 16. LIGHTNING TO THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. K. B. McEachron. Journal of the Franklin Institute, volume 277, No. 2, February 1939. ASSOCIATE3D WITHMECTE;OROLOGICAL AIRCRAFT, LIGHTNING DISCHARGES AND 17. 17 CONDITIONS EERLGCLCODTOsAsCAE ATMOSPHERICS, E. J. Minser. Journal Aeronautical Science, volume 7, No. 2, December 1939. 18. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPARK DISCHARGE, T. E. Allibone and J. M. Meek. Proceedings of Royal Society, Sec. A, 1938, volume 166, page 97. 19. MECHANISM OF THE LONG SPARK, T. E. Alli- bone. Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engi- neers, 1938, volume 82, page 513. 20. EFFE3CT OPFHumIDITY ON IMPULSE FLASHOVIER VOLTAGES OFRO GAPS AND INSULATORS, Y. Ishiguro. Institute of Electrical Engineers, of Japan, volume 3, Number 7, July 1939, page 144. 21. LIGHTNING INVESTIGATION ON A 220-Kr SYSTEM, Edgar Bell. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (AIEE TRANSACTIONS), 1934, pages 1184-94. 22. AN ANALYSIS OF THE LIGHTNING FAULTING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 132-KV LINES OF THE FALLS AND TRANSVAAL POWER COMVICTORIA PANY, LIMI.TEr,D, M. C. Rendell and H. D. Goff .. South African Institute of Elec. Engr., Trans. of24,thePart volume XI. 23. LIGHTNING PERFORMANCE OF 110 TO 165 Kv TRANSMISSION LINES, AIEE Lightning and InsuAIEE TRANSACTIONS, vol-. ume 58, 1939 (June section), page 294. lator Subcommittee. MacLane-Transmission Lines Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. Downloaded on October 13, 2009 at 14:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ALEE TRANSACTIONS.