Afghan Hound Club Newsletter - June 2004

President: Larry Kereluke
Past President: Lorrie Stayura
V/President: Fred Haywood
Secretary: Val Hansen
Treasurer: Ellen Hawkins
B.C. - Lynn Haywood
Mid Canada - Kerry Russell
Ontario - Ole Nielsen
Eastern - Donna Doran
Editor: Tannis Tindall
Archives: Janis Nixon
Rescue: Bob Guerette
Congratulations.......... " REUBEN "
WD, BW, Best Bred By in Specialty
5 Point major
Afghan Hound Club of Greater Cincinnati
Photo by Michael Graat
From The President
Larry Kereluke, 754 Cypress Ave., P.O. Box 98,
Oakbank, Manitoba R0E 1J1. Phone: (204)444-2518
It amazes me where time goes. It seems to me that as
soon as I finish writing a column for the newsletter, the
editor (used to be Joan, now Tannis) is hounding me
(pardon the pun) for the next edition. Is it just me, or
does everyone over the age of 50 suffer from the same
Back when I had a real job, I used to get things done in a
timely fashion. Now that I'm unemployed, I can't find
the time to tie my shoelaces. I'm reminded of a story that
was passed around a few years ago and I will share this
with you as a day in the life of Larry K.
I wake up in the morning expecting to spend my whole
day working on a 'Message from the President' for the
newsletter. After breakfast, I head towards my office and
see several huge dust bunnies on the floor. I do need to
work on the column, but FIRST I have to pick the dust
bunnies. On the way, I pass the counter and see
the VISA bill sitting there unpaid, and think, I had better
take care of that right away - no need to pay extra
interest for my tardiness. I head for my check book. On
the way, I see the kitchen dishes are still on the counter
and decide that it will only take me a few minutes to
load them in the dishwasher. While I am starting that I
hear on the radio that we will be expecting 30 degrees
(It's true, we do get warm temperatures in Winnipeg!)
again today. I look out the window and see the potted
plants are wilting. Before I can do anything else, I must
water my plants, or there won't be any plants to water.
As I am filling the watering can,, I remember that the
dog's water bowl was almost empty too. That is more
important, so I will fill that first. As I bend over, there is
another one of those dust bunnies. As I pick it up with
my hands, my cat comes over complaining. "Oh, did I
forget to feed you this morning. Poor thing. I will do that
now.' But FIRST, I will put this in the garbage. I feed the
cat, and put the water in the dog bowl. Now what was I
going to get the check book for? I don't know. It
will come to me later. Ahh! The dishwasher is open; I
must finish putting the dirty dishes in there. The phone
rings. Sonny wants to know if I can meet him for lunch.
"Is it lunch time already? I can't. I have to get to work on
my column, but I will see you later." Where did the time
go? I know I have been busy all morning, but I
don't seem to have gotten much done. I start thinking
about AAADD (Age Activated Attention Deficit
Disorder). I must get help............but FIRST, there will
be some very disappointed people if I don't head for my
computer to "well you know", But FIRST, I think I will
check my email..........
I swear, that is an accurate description of my life. I need
to take a course on time management if I ever hope to
make it to Calgary in August for the Specialty.
See you there!
Larry Kereluke
From The Editor Emeritus
Joan King
Dear Editor, Executive and Club Members:
The first thing I must say is "Thank You". Thank you
for all of your emails and cards filled with good wishes
and encouragement, each and every one meant a great
deal to me. Thank you also for your prayers, I know the
great strength that prayer can give and I'm sure that your
chats with the gentleman upstairs also had a great and
good effect on my getting well.
Thank you for the beautiful flowers. They were an
arrangement of white and lemon lilies, magenta lilies
that looked like small orchids, gorgeous rich pink
carnations and white carnations, baby’s breath and
greenery with a beautiful yellow bow all in a very pretty
vase. I told my nurses and care givers "that if they didn't
stop smelling them there would be no scent left". They
really did brighten my room and my days in the big
building with beds. I am now at home recovering and
getting a little stronger each day.
Additionally, I offer another very special Thank You for
allowing me the privilege of being "editor:" of the
Afghan Actions Newsletter and the Annual for the past 5
1/2 years. It was all new to me when I began but this
opportunity afforded me not only a chance to learn a
great deal more about what I could do with my computer
but even more important, it gave me an opportunity to
chat with, contact and yes, be contacted by some of the
"greats" in our breed, from Breeders, Owners, Handlers,
Judges etc. From Conformation folks, Obedience and
Agility participants and the Lure Coursing enthusiasts.
Although I got my first Afghan Hound over 30 years ago
I sure learned quickly that the old adage "the more you
know, the less you know" really is true. I have learned
much in these last few years and yet I know I have a
great deal still to learn about our chosen breed. Now I
turn the reins over to Tannis. She has my full support
and she knows that if at any time I can help her I will be
available. Tannis I know will bring fresh ideas, fresh
contacts, and many new innovations to our publications
and this is a good thing for all of us but especially for
our Afghans.
In closing, thanks to the previous Executive &
Directors, to name just a few Avery, Gerri, Kerry &
Wayne and now the present Executive Larry, Fred, Val
and Ellen, for their reports (sometimes I had to push
(large smile)). To the Directors. Lynn H, Kerry, Ole,
Donna, Bob, and Janice and to a couple of special folks,
Ed who always had a Lure Coursing article ready for the
Annual, and Lynn W. who always had Obedience or
Agility to tell us about. I add a special nod for all their
help in getting the Newsletter and the Annual to press
and making it interesting to all facets of our sport. To
the members, please help and support Tannis as you did
me, but this I know goes without my saying. My
membership will continue of course and I look forward
to hearing about our Afghan Hounds across the country
for many years to come.
Joan King
Editor now Retired ....
Editor’s Note:
Thank you Joan! I think I speak for all of the members in
wishing you the best in your “retirement”. Of course we
know you have other “hobbies” that will continue to keep
you busy and in touch with the Afghan world. We would
also look forward to you sharing some stories and insights
with us now that you have some extra time on your hands.
We also wish you a speedy return to full health and strength.
From The Editor
Tannis Tindall, 54 Burland Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2N 2W5 phone: (204)255-3986;
Here I am looking at the first issue of the AHCC
Newsletter to come out of Manitoba. I must say that it
has been a busy and interesting few weeks. Panic struck
when I saw all the bits and pieces that needed to be fit
into the newsletter somewhere and somehow. I think I
have it under control now though. One thing at a time
seems to get the job done. My apologies to any of you
whose input I may have missed. Thank you to all of you
for your words of encouragement.
I am a relative newcomer to the wonderful world of
Afghan Hounds and will be depending on the wealth of
knowledge from you the members for information and
answers to things that I have little knowledge of. But
then, the purpose of this club and newsletter is to share
knowledge and information.
Val asked that I include a letter from the CKC. Please
take the time and give it a read. Also attached to the
newsletter is an article forwarded by Kathy Saville on
ligament injuries written by Laurie Edge-Hughes. This
is a good time to give this a read as coursing is in full
swing (except in Manitoba, where we have not started
yet). A late melt, 2 feet of snow early in May and then
100 mm of rain two weeks later makes for a soggy
practice field.
A new section of the newsletter will be Laurel Deptuch’s
“Dogs In Canada” Breedline column. Not all AHCC
members receive “Dogs in Canada” and we thought you
would enjoy reading the columns. Included in this
newsletter is the column from the last magazine and we
are getting a sneak peak at the upcoming one.
Deadline for the September newsletter is 25th September
for all submissions BUT remember the front page space
and short inside accompanying story is on a "first come first served" basis SO if you wish to use that space
submit early.
From The Vice President
Fred Haywood, 16378 - 50 Ave., Surrey, British
Columbia V3S 0L2. Phone: (604)576-0346. Fax:
(604)-576-4482. Email: procyon@telus,net
Fred has a very busy schedule and will see us in the
September Newsletter.
From The Secretary
V. N. Hansen, 188 Bowdale Cres. N.W., Calgary,
Alberta, T3B 1J4. Phone: (403) 247-9843.
e-mail: vmhansen@telusplanet.
Afghan Hound Club of Canada email:
Happy Springtime Everyone,
Congratulations Tannis, as this is your first kick at the
cat, I’ll be very excited to look for this newsletter in the
The weather this weekend has been pretty great considering the nasty weather last weekend which was
the long weekend of course, and the Foothills
Gazehound Club’s spring trial. Congratulations to
Richard Westerly’s boy Chance on his Best of Breed on
last Monday’s trial. No Afghans ran on Sunday - except
Raven who ran in singles - the only one. Unfortunately,
she decided that the second run in the afternoon was not
to her liking - so - no ribbons, then the same thing
happened on Monday. Back to practice I guess.
We’re in the home stretch out here for the nationals.
The first part of the rosette order is here and they’re
beautiful. We decided to go with Centaur Ribbons and
boy do they do a lovely job. The top four rosettes are a
combination of petals & pleats with gold trim - come on
out & see them! As you know by now - Sweatshirts &
T-Shirts are available for purchase - see the order form
attached. Of course, we can always use trophy
donations as well. We hope that if you can’t come,
you’ll show your support with a donation to either the
trophy fund, or the art auction. We’ve already received
several items from Sandra Gahan - you just have to see
the lovely blanket and jewelry she sent out.
Obedience Ring. He is having fun in Agility and we
hope to soon have pictures of Brooke doing his thing in
Please welcome Arlene Joyce Donoghue and April
Deanna Donoghue - our newest members. Both Arlene
and April are interested in rescue, including helping to
find homes, as well as fostering and temperament
testing. April is a dog trainer employed by PetsMart.
Arlene trains in obedience and agility with help from
April. We’re always happy to have help with rescue.
We hear that “Liam”, Burydown Hilerica Whistler, the
Katima’s newest member to the family as well as the
Hound Group is growing like a “bad weed”. Congrats to
Liam for doing so well during his first show. He really
enjoyed himself, made new friends, and got his feet wet,
so to speak. Liam keeps the King house hopping, and
certainly keeps Joan busy, while she attempts to keep
him out of trouble. ☺ No rest for the weary, my friend
☺ Below is Liam pictured at his first show, Chaleur
Kennel Club, shown by Johanna King, Joan and Jim’s
daughter. Picture complements of Ed Granger:
See you all in July - happy exhibiting.
Val Hansen, Secretary, AHCC
We are sooooo happy to hear that Joan, Katima Hounds
is feeling better. MANY MANY THANKS GO OUT
generosity, perseverance and wealth of knowledge has
set an example for us to behold.
From The Treasurer
Ellen Hawkins, 216 McGregor Street, Fredericton,
New Brunswick. Phone:(506)444-9818. email:
Financial Statement Attached
From Our Directors
Donna Doran, 15 Chelmsford Place, Halifax, N.S. B3M 4R2
Well, finally a springy note from the Maritimes. The
flowers are now blooming, the grass is green, and the
weather of course is more conducive to our four legged
friends. We are back into show season, however there
has been little to report. Unfortunately there are not to
many affies out there yet this year. Big congrats to Ed
and Johanna Granger who made the long journey down
to Beresford, New Brunswick, Chaleur Kennel Club,
where Dick picked up a couple of 2nd’s in Group, and
their puppies a few points while making new friends and
enjoying the Maritime Hospitality.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS also goes out to Glenda
MacDonald and “Faith”, Ch. Ledgehill’s Dark Moon, as
Faith picked up a Group 1st under Edgar Bajona at the
Dartmouth Show most recently. Faith was shown the
one day only. Glenda also informs me that Brooke
continues to work on his obedience challenges and doing
very well. We look forward to seeing Brooke in the
“Liam” looking handsome!
Our sincere condolences go out to Ellen Hawkins, who
lost their eldest family member “Mindy”. Ellen, we are
thinking of you and your family’s healing. It is very
hard to say goodbye to such an old and faithful best
Sharwind’s very special, 10 year old Nirvana, Ch.
Sharwind’s A Bit Nirvana, continues to do well, now
three weeks post surgery for Bloat. We are forever
grateful. The many many children he has assisted in his
healing work at the Clinic must have sent all of their
new found strengths to him in his healing journey.
Many thanks to all of you who sent positive thoughts to
help us through such a traumatic time.
As a closing note: I will be doing an article for the
annual regarding our encounter with GDV (BLOAT). It
was a very frightening and learning experience. I am
taking this opportunity to invite everyone to submit
information they would like to see included in the
article. Please email any information to
Our wishes to everyone for a peaceful and playful
shows go down (not only the Afghan entry). I certainly
think that the CKC should be taking a real serious look
at show numbers and locations. But we have all heard
that many times before and anyway, it seems that the
CKC has much more “serious” matters to attend to.
Hope you all have a great summer with your share of
wins. Remember to keep your dogs cool and drink
plenty of “fluids” – that always seems to make the day
more pleasant.
Until next time – Keep Brushing
Ole Nielsen
Quebec News
At present we have no Director for Quebec.
Mid-Canada News
Ontario News
Kerry-Lynn Russell, 36 Sandal Dr., Winnipeg,
Manitoba R2N 1C8 phone: (204)694-8870
Ole Nielsen, 412 Pinehurst Rd., R.R. #2, Paris, Ontario
N3L 3E2. Phone: (519)442-2038.
The summer show season has finally arrived. The warm
sunny weather is here and my pile of show premium lists
is growing ever higher. We start off in June with the
Erie Shores show (June 3,4, and 5), and soon there will
be a show almost everyday within an easy driving
distance from Toronto. Oh – the stress of making the
decisions! What show? What judges? It would require
at least a second mortgage to attend all of them.
There was a good entry of Afghans at the Erie Shores
show (about 15 each day). At the Group Specialty for
all Hounds there was a total of 18 Afghans (Sunday June
6). Hopefully this is a sign of good entries over the
summer. Someone even remarked on the variety of
colours – something we have not seen in a while. It also
proved to be a good day to socialize and swap stories.
There never seems to be a shortage of those as long as
we take the time to get together at the show.
Here are some of the results from the Southern Counties
Hound Breed Association Group Specialty Show and
Sweepstakes. The Judge was Lee Canalizo from
Florida. Congratulations to Best of Breed winner Ch
Kavrab Showtime’s Sweet Dreams, bitch, owned by
Kristen, Cheryl & Ron O’Bryan & K. Vrabel, USA.
Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch Sanshee Limahl’s
Dream Catcher, Dog, owned by Kathleen O’Brien, USA.
Best of Winners was Messenger on the Go, Bitch,
owned by Stephanie Bajona, Ontario.
Although it is nice to have a lot of shows to choose from
at this time of year, I am not so sure it is in everyone’s
best interest. After all we can’t attend all of them and
many are even on the same day. This obviously means
that we spread ourselves too thin. Average entries at
Bob Guerette and “Xena” continue to represent Afghans
well at our Manitoba show’s having won several Group
4th’s placements recently. Tannis and “Georgia” are
most often ringside cheering them on.
Lynn Woods’ “Racket” won the Hound Group at the
recent Fort Garry show and they are looking forward to
the outdoor summer shows where “Racket” can really
stretch those legs. “Racket” has also taken two Group
2nd placements in the spring shows. Lynn and “Calista”
are training, proofing and working together toward trials
for “Calista’s” CDX.
This is my sixth year as AHCC “Mid Canada Director”.
When I accepted the position six years ago I told Kathy
Saville (the then AHCC president) that I could report the
Manitoba news with no problem, but I don’t travel to the
shows so I would not be able to provide the
Saskatchewan and Alberta news. We decided that it was
basically better than nothing so that is how it has been.
I’ve always felt a little bad that many of my “reports”
have been lacking in this way. Sometimes an Alberta or
Saskatchewan member would send some information to
be included in the newsletter.
I have tried to do my best and it has been a privilege to
have my words included in our neat newsletters.
However, I think it is time to hear a new voice. I am
hoping that someone else from Alberta, Saskatchewan or
maybe Manitoba again will take on the Mid-Canada
director role at the upcoming election time.
Thanks everyone!
P.S. I would also like to wish a GREAT BIG “HAPPY
BIRTHDAY MY BOY” to my Afghan “RIHLEY” who
has just turned 9 years old!
Editor’s note: We will miss you as the Mid-Canada Director.
I have always looked forward to reading your articles and will
miss them. I hope that you will continue to contribute your
thoughts and ideas, as the newsletter and annual are only as
good as the input.
British Columbia News
Lynn Haywood, 15378 - 50 Ave., Surrey, British
Columbia V3S 0L2. Phone: (604)576-0346. Fax:
(604)576-4482. Email: procyon
The Pacific Coast Reporter
Message from the sunny (but sometimes rainy) West
We have had what you may call a fabulous spring as far
as the weather goes, but this last week has been the pits.
Cool and rain for the most part and the biggest problem
is that Fred hasn’t been able to cut the coursing field.
Speaking of coursing, our coursing group has had some
great practices on our field over the past couple of
months. We have been averaging 25 – 30 dogs or more
on our Sunday events and around 20 for our Tuesday
evening runs. We have a great group with diverse
canine interest. It is not unusual for us to draw 18
Afghans along with Whippets, Greyhounds, Ibizan
Hounds, and Salukis. Everyone enjoys the day and of
course the dogs love the runs.
We have all had coursing dogs that from time to time,
for whatever reason, decide not to follow the lure. We
are finding these practices, specially the straight runs,
great for getting the dogs refocused on the lure. We are
able to set up a longer course; around 600 yards. It is
tight but everyone always makes it around and they all
love the extra distance. We know that this work is
paying off for us. Our cream boy, “Nikita” started
coursing about two years ago with great expectations.
At one of his first trials the lure stopped and when it did
he went to visit the lure operator. Ever since then, every
time he was out, he would visit the operator. Guess he
thought it was the thing to do. Anyway, we went back to
the basics this spring, and started him on 100 yard runs
and slowly worked him up so that he was running past
the lure operator. Well now he is fixed on the lure and a
few weeks ago we decided to try him again in a trial.
The first weekend he ran an NBQ and a 3rd. The next
weekend he only ran one day but scored a first and BoB.
We have another boy we are doing the same thing with
now and the practice seems to be working.
Maybe this extra work is paying off for others here on
the Coast. I see by the 2003 Lure Coursing results in the
latest issue of Dogs in Canada that four of the Top 10 in
Canada are from right here in Vancouver.
Congratulations to Gerri Bracewell, Ch. Ishkur’s Nyx
FChX, “Miss Mouse” for her #2 placing this year. Also
to Ed Asals, Kathy Saville and Karen Pearson for Ch.
Nalikar Russian Roulette “Simon”, for his 4th place tie
(Simon now has his FCh), to Bev McKenzie and June
Beard for the 7th place finish for “Bibi”, Ch Dhivia
Jenfield Kara Bibi FChX, and finally to John Hall for a
10th place finish for “Zoe”, Ch. Dhivia Jenfield Joha’s
Zoe FChX. All of these dogs have run with our group.
Speaking of John Hall, he has a wonderful crop of new
puppies up and coming. They practice with us and are
really keen on the bunny. We should start seeing them
out at meets in the fall once they turn a year old.
And we can’t forget to let everyone know that Bev
McKenzie and June Beard’s dog Am/Can Ch. Dhivia
Jenfield Desert Warrior, “Shoru”, had a great couple of
weekends a month or so ago. In two sets of weekend
shows Shoru racked up two Group 3’s, two Group 2’s
and a Group 1st and along the way won a Best in Show
under Judge Nancy Popowitch. Way to go Shoru, and
congratulations for Bev and June. This was Shoru’s first
“Best” although he has won a couple of Specialties in
the past. Our boy “Delaney” scored another U.S. point
two weeks ago as well. Almost finished his U.S. title!
Nikita & Bib hot on the trail!!!
And folks, here is a FLASH: We just received word
that June and Bev’s new puppy, Ch. Boanne’s Love
Song O’Dhivia-Jenfield, “Divia” took first in her Open
Class BOTH DAYS at the Greater Detroit Afghan
Hound Club Specialty on May 29th and May 30th Way
to go Divia!!
Work is well underway for the planning of the 2005
National Specialty to be held here in Vancouver.
Recently a short list of judges’ names was circulated for
comment. The committee has made a choice from that
list and has extended an invitation to that choice. We
cannot announce at this time who that person, at least
not until the CKC has approved them to judge. If
everything goes according to plan we will be announcing
Rescue co-ordinator Bob Guerette 54 Burland Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB R2N 2W5. Phone (204)-255-3986.
It has been a fairly quite period of the first part of 2004
as far as rescue matters go. The use of the internet as an
advertising medium has wonderful benefits as well as a
few pitfalls. Our club contact information is posted on
no less than 25 various dog related websites.
June & Divia
the dates and the judging panel at the 2004 National in
Calgary on July 31st. I can also tell you that we have just
been advised that the Sight hound Club of B.C. has
agreed to hold a Specialty for sight hounds the same
weekend as the 2005 National. We now have two sight
hound Specialties and two Afghan Specialties that
weekend AND the Sight hound Club have indicated that
they will be holding a Lure Coursing Trial on the
Sunday. This is shaping up to be a truly spectacular
weekend for Hounds.
I would also like to remind everyone again about the
Metro Valley AHA Specialty on July 17th at the Peace
Arch Park in South Surrey. The judge will be Richard
Rupert from California, and Kirby Moorhouse from
Victoria will be handling the Sweeps judging. This is
the same day as the Western Gazehound Club Specialty
and their judge is Barbara Rupert with Margaret Coe
judging the Sweepstakes. Also don’t forget about the
Vancouver Island Afghan Hound Association Specialty.
The VIAHA specialty will be held Aug. 7, 2004 in
conjunction with Victoria City KC. Their judge will be
Peter Belmont and their Sweeps will be judged by
Stewart Ailor.
It seems this time of year everyone is very busy and we
are a little short of local input. By the next issue we
should have results of the local specialties as well as the
That’s it for this time from the “Sunny (and sometimes
wet) West Coast”.
Lynn Haywood
B.C. Director.
During the last two months I have been involved with
two rescue calls, both in British Columbia. The first was
Kennedy, reported to Kathy Saville and myself from the
AHCC Website. Kennedy is a 7 year old boy who was
taken back in by Gerri Bracewell, co-breeder of
Kennedy’s litter. Within a matter of days, Kennedy was
safely re-homed. Thanks Gerri, Kathy Saville and Keira
Coutts, from Second Chance Animal Shelter
Nelson BC
The second B.C. rescue wasn’t really a rescue at all. I
was informed by e-mail that an Afghan Hound was last
seen on the Coquihalla Highway heading for higher
ground. His new owner had stopped for a stretch after
picking up the dog in Kamloops, didn’t realize what a
speed demon this “mountain type” Afghan escape artist
was and away the boy went. After several hours of
searching the fellow continued on his way to Vancouver.
Fortunately, a passing motorist found the dog on the
roadside that evening and turned him to the local animal
control authority that made contact with the owner. The
owner returned the next day with leash in hand.
Other than a few referrals back to Barb Hastings of
AHCA Rescue for dogs in the US and potential adopters
in the US, not much is happening…and I like it that
Ch Obiwan True Blue " Reuben"
Shown only 3 times in the US since he was Best Bred
BY at the American National in Illinois, Reuben wins
his second US major. We are very proud of our boy, he
is also a multi Specialty BB winner in Canada and has
several breed and group placements in very limited
showing. His first time out in Canada this year resulted
in BB all 3 days at the Kitchener Kennel Club and a
Group 4. He is also very proud of his 2 nieces from his
brother’s litter, "Luna" winning a Specialty match Best
in Sweepstakes at her first show in Columbus, Ohio at 3
1/2 months of age and "Becky" who at her first show
won Best in Sanction match at an all breed match at 4
1/2 months of age. We look forward to a fun summer
with these kids.
Reuben in Co-owned with Christopher Coulter
Owned and Handled by Doug & Avery Gaudin "
and, of course in my eyes, absolutely gorgeous. Thanks
Mom for helping me pick out such a wonderful puppy. I
also must thank the breeder, John Hall, for this special
Laurel, Tazi and Galaxy.
Editor’s Note: What a beauty!. We are sure that your Mom is
as excited as you are with your new puppy and will be
watching from above and cheering you on.
History Making Year for Canadian Afghan Hounds
How I Got Galaxy
As many of you know I recently lost my mother, Doris
Deptuch. But before she died we discussed what we
would name our new puppy. We were pretty sure that
Tazi and Zoe were about to become parents. Mom said
that she always thought Galaxy would be a nice name
for an Afghan. The litter was born 3 weeks later, sadly,
mom never saw the pups. At the time, I was travelling
(returning from the US National) but was anxiously
following Zoe's progress through her website. The
marvels of electronics. Anyway, the pups were born and
their pictures and names were posted. There was one
little blue girl named Star and I instantly thought there
was a connection between her name and the name
Galaxy. I picked her out at a day old and she is
everything I ever wanted in an Afghan. Zany, intelligent
For the first time in History a Canadian bred and owned
Afghan was Best of Breed at the American Nationals. It
was so exciting watching as "Aries" Am.Can. Ch. Polo
in the Air Tonite F. Ch. won the top honour over a huge
entry of beautiful Afghan Hounds. We congratulate
Lorianne Amedeo and Aries for this amazing
achievement. For the second year in a row, a Canadian
dog was top in the trithalon competion. Last year the
honour went to Lynn Woods and her bitch "Calista" Ch.
Iskur Athena AM. Can. C.D. She is co-owned with the
breeder Gerri Bracewell. This year, Tazi (Ch.
ForeverSwiftwind Klassikkloud F.Ch) owned by my
mother and I came out on top. This is a nice honour as it
shows the versatility of the dogs. Another Canadian
bred bitch that did well was Ch. Deloubelle Casbar Full
Power who was Best In Sweeps. Congrats to his owners
Louise Oumet Lavigne and Chrisitian Taillon. The
Canadian Nationals were dominated by Canadian
Afghans as well. Top award going to Michael Graat and
Doug and Avery Gaudin's beautiful girl "Summer" Am.
Can. Ch. Obiwan's Last Dance Vindela. Award of Merit
to went to Lynn Woods and Gerri Bracewell, owners of
Ch. Ishkur's Eros JC . Winners male went to Barb and
Ken Wolosuik Aphra Easy Rider. Best Puppy was
Deloubelle Maya Casbar's Dream. Thanks to all these
beautiful hounds and their owners for making this truly a
historic year for Canadian Afghan Hounds.
The next column will be about the upcoming Canadian
Nationals to be held in Calgary, Alberta in August and
other Afghan Events coming up.
If you have an event coming up or if there is anything
you would like DIC readers to know contact me by email or write.
Laurel Deptuch, Breedlines Columnist, Afghan Hound
Club of Canada, 2863 River Road, Chemainus, B.C.
V0R 1K0.
Hounds Abound in Calgary
Mark your calenders and plan to attend The Afghan
Hound Club of Canada 2004 National Specialty to be
held in Calgary. Hound events begin July 30th and
continue throughout the long weekend. On July 30th
there is a Group 2 Specialty. July 31st is The A.H.C.C.
Specialty judged by Gene Vaccaro with Leo Maxwell
doing Sweeps. This is followed by a wine and cheese
party and an art auction. August 1st is the Foothills
Gazehound Specialty with Lure Coursing on August
2nd. This is all being held in conjunction with The
Calgary Kennel Club's 3 day event and numerous other
specialties, including ones for Borzois, Salukis and
This is a must attend celebration for all hound fanciers
and there is nothing more exciting then the breed's
National Specialty. It is a time to renew old friendships
and begin new ones. It is time for Afghan fanciers near
and wide to reaffirm their love for the breed. So come
and enjoy.
Other notable Afghan events coming up include The
Metro Valley Afghan Hound Club Specialty which is
held on July 17th in the beautiful Peace Arch Park not
far from Vancouver, B.C. The Western Gazehound
Specialty is also held there on the same day. This is
always a fun and relaxed event. The Vancouver Island
Afghan Hound Association is holding its 20th
Anniversary Specialty on Aug. 7th in conjunction with
Victoria City Kennel Club's shows. This also promises
to be a special event.
For the All Breed Premium List go to: and
contact Silvia Martin at for the
Coursing Premium or give Silvia a call at (807) 9641717 and leave a message and address. Please speak s-lo-w-l-y!
The Vancouver Island Afghan Hound Association is
having its 20th Anniversary Specialty on August 7, 2004
in Victoria, B.C. Peter Belmont is our Judge and
Stewart Ailor is doing Sweeps (pending CKC approval).
We are just a short jaunt (12 hours through the Rockies
and a 2 hour ferry ride) from Calgary. People can drive
from the National and really see Alberta and British
See you there, Laurel, Tazi and Galaxy
Vancouver Island Afghan Hound Association is holding
their speciality on Aug.7/04 the judge is Peter Belmont
of Elmo Afghan's along with the speciality the Island
circut is 9 shows in a row, great way to get points on
Lorianne Amadeo(President)
Brags for my Aries he has been showing in the States
and has earned several gps and gp placements and 2
BOS at the Ohio specialities, has earned another BIS in
Canada - Lorraine
The Lakehead Kennel Club is holding a 3 day; all breed
dog show in Thunder Bay July 23 – 25, 2004. Early
Bird entries close June 22 and Final closing is July 6,
2004. Judges are Dick Meen, Tom Alexander, Neil
Graves, Chirs Neilson, Sandra Lex, Phyllis Pancel and
Michel Chaloux. There also will be 6 Agility Trials, 4
Obedience Trials and Junior Showmanship all three
Newsletter - front page picture with short story inside
There is a Booster for Afghans (sponsored by Silvia
Martin) and Wolfhounds on Friday, July 23, 2004. The
Wolfhound Specialty goes Saturday, July 24, 2004.
There is 2 day All Breed Lure Coursing at Valleymar
Sunday July 24, (after the completion of Group 2
judging) and Monday July 26.
All cheques to be made payable to The Afghan
Hound Club of Canada and be clearly marked on the
back "Newsletter Advertising". Send the
information you want in your page ad to me and I
will create and ad for you at no extra cost. All ads
must be paid in full prior to publication
Newsletter - full page $25.00 picture included, black
and white
Newsletter - Classified Ad - $2.00 for the first 20
words and .12 cents per word after that. Phone
numbers, fax numbers, email identification, each
count as one word.
Afghan Actions and Afghan Actions Annual are
published by the Afghan Hound Club of Canada and
are not responsible for any errors or omissions.
Afghan Actions, the Afghan Hound Club of Canada
and it's members are not legally responsible for, nor do
they necessarily agree with the viewpoints herein
expressed. The editor reserves the right to edit any
submissions. Please direct all correspondence to the
Club Secretary.
DECEMBER 01, 2003 - MAY 31, 2004
20 Nov 03
Dec 03
Dec 14
Dec 31
Balance Carried Forward
Membership Renewal
Membership Renewal
Advertising Annual
Monthly Banking Fee
Advertising Annual
Jan 31
Membership Renewal
Advertising Annual
Monthly Banking Fee
Feb 25
Feb 29
Postage 2003 Annual
Monthly Banking Fee
Mar 11
Membership Renewal
Annual Extra Sales
Specialty Photo
Monthly Banking Fee
Mar 31
Apr 01
Apr 24
Apr 30
May 08
May 22
Membership Renewal
US Cheque
US Cheque
US Cheque
US Cheque
Annual Extra Sales
Membership Renewal
Floral Arrangement
Monthly Banking Fee
May 31
Floral Arrangement
Membership Renewal
Advertising Annual
Annual Extra Sales
Advertising March Newsletter
Monthly Banking Fee
May 31
Closing Balance
Signed: Ellen Hawkins - Treasurer - Afghan Hound Club of Canada
The Executive and Members of the AHCC