SPECIFICATIONS FOR FLOPPY DISK DRIVES SMD 100 Normal Power EPSON Technologie,die Zeichen setzt. 1 3 /2 " EPSON-Floppy­ Laufwerk "SMD-110": Preisvorteil: 60 % unter dem derzeitigen Markt­ preis. Druckguß­ • Japanisches QuaUtätsprodukt Chassis; durch­ - . ' . 3V2-ZoH-Floppy-Disk-Laufwerk kontaktierte Epoxy­ , I • SHUGART-Bus kompatibel über Leiterplatte, schwarze Jeden 5!14 "-ControHer zu Front mit LED. Betrieb , . betreiben an Apple mit Special­ • Single-Side 40 Tracks Controller-Karte (Best.-Nr. 0600219). Einbaulage unabhängig. LxB xH : ii!'!I Mit 2 Laufwerken und der Special­ 147,5 x 105 x 42 mm. ControHer-Karte, Best.-Nr. 9910493 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 159,- DM Best.-Nr. 0600219 . . . ... . .. . . .... 248,- DM ab 2 Stück ............. . .. je 149,- DM läßt sich preiswert und einfach eine Manual (24 Seiten, eng!.) Doppel-Floppy-Station für Apple realisieren. Best.-Nr. 9910509 ........... .... .. .. . . 3,95 DM ~ $Wlflj&U CelectroniC) Manual 9910509 3,95 DM Versand und Zentrale: 3300 Braunschweig Postf. 5320 Telefon: (0531) 87620 Telex 952547 PAGE 1• ................................. . 5 Scope 2. General ~ . 5 General Specifications 6 Detailed Specifications 9 4-1 4-1-1 Electrical specificationsof input signals 4-1-2 Function of' input signals Configuration 01 interface signals ( 1) Drive select 0 (2) Hotor on (J) Direction (~ ) (5) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) 4-1-4 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 J ..... ... .. . .. . . . · ...... · ... .. 9 9 9 .. .. ·...... · .... .... H'rite gate .... . . . . . . . . . · ...... Write data . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .......... Side select ........... · . .. . . .. . In use . . . . . . . · ......... ............ Step 9 ~ Option functions 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Electrical specifications of the output signals Function of the output signals (1) Ready (2 ) Track (J) Index (4) Read data (5 ) \lri te · . .. 12 12 12 00 13 ·... 13 enable Timing 13 ................ Track seek timing Head start timing Read data timing 13 14 14 ........................ ......................... 2 14 15 4-2 ( II ) \-Iri te start timing. (5) Write data timing 15 (6) Control data 16 Power supply 15 ....... timing ................. inter~ace 17 4-2-1 Power supply specifications 17 4-2-2 Connectors 17 ~. Power supply line Signal lines 18 4-2-) State of' wait 19 4-2-4 Connectors .. 19 Installation 4-3 5, 3.5 Flexible Disks 5-1 Appearance 5-2 Recomrnendable medium. 6. 19 20 20 20 Outline Dimension Drawing . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • • 21 7. Notes on Use oi' Drive 8. 17 24 7-1 Power su?ply 24 7-2 Interface 24 "7-) Error rate 25 7-4 7-5 7-6 Caution 25 Installation of drive 25 Beat generation 25 Format ••••••••••••••• 8-1 IBM Track Format 8-2 ISO Disk Format 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3 1. Seope This speeifieation applies, to SMD-l00 series (normal power consumption type) disk drives for 3.5" flexible dlsks. 2. General SHD-l00 series (normal power eonsumption) drives are flexible disk drives designed to be used as external memories for personal computers, word processors, ete. The features of the SHD-100 series drives are described be 10Yl • (,) Low power consumption: SMD-l00 series drives operate on only 2. lW (wait) and 5.2W (read/write) power. (2) Memory medium used i8 3.5 11 flexible di.sk encased in a hard cartridge er equivalent. (3) The disks used have a storage capacity of 500K bytes per aide (equiva­ lent to a eonventional single-sided, double-density 5.25" floppy di sk). ( 4 ) Hi gh t r ac k den si ty (1 35 TP I) (S tvt 0 - 1 4 0 . 1 3 0 ) (5) Use of oe brushless spindle drives assures long, trouble-free service life. (6) The head positioning meehanism employs a step motor and a steel band enabling fast (3msee) access between tracks. (S M 0 - 1 4 0 , 1 3 0 ) (7) The interface employed is fully compatible with conventional disk qrives, enabling easy replacement. (8) The small aize and light weight (800g) of the SMD-l00 series drives make thßm ideally suited to a wide variety of applications. 4 3. General Specifications Model Unformatted (Kbytes) FM Memory Capacity HFM I Formatted (Kbytes) I (16 sectors/tracksl ~'H 1 I HFM I I FM I HFHJ Recording density (BPI) Data transfer speed (Kbi1 1 /sec) I FM I I MFM I Track density (TPI) Average rotation wait time (rnsec) Average Settliinq time He ad load ti.me Total Number of tracks Inner track radius (mm) Side 0 23.1875{ Side 0 23.375 38.00 39.50 38.00 Recording methods FM/MFM R/W head TUnnel erase type No. of heads 2 2 Head positioning method Step motor Type Spindle motor 24. 8 '7 5 39.50 Side 1 40 80 24.6875 side 1 Outer track radius (mm) 80 160 Start-up time Direct drive (sec) 1 .0 1 .0 Rotation speed (rpm) 300 300 5 I SMD-140 I SMD-130 I SMD-120 I SMD~11 0 I I Noncontact detection method I Model Index detector __ Detector I~Tr a_c_k__O_O__d_e_t_e_c_t_o_r____________~I~N_o_n__c_o_n__t_a_c__t __d__ e_t_e__ c_t_i__ o_n____ m e_t_h__o_d____~1 I Write enable detector I Cartridge set detector Environmental conditions I Temperature (Operating) 1Humidity I Contact I Contact I5 I 20 I I I I detection method detection method to 45°C to 80% RH (non-condensinq) I Hax. we t bUl~ 29°C I temper a ture I I Vibration Environmental conditions Te mpe ra ture (s torage and transport) Hurnidity Shock I 5 to 60Hz, I SOG max. Wait I I R/W 1 3 0 0 mA I Motor start 85 0 mA ( max • ) wait 280 mA (TYP) R/W 320 mA (TYP) Vibration Power supply 15 to 60Hz, O.6G max. I - 2 0 t 0 65°C (- 4 0 t 0 6 5 ·C t r ans po r t ) I 95% RH max. (non-condensinq) I +12V (+5~) +5V (+5%) ) 420'mA (max.) Power consumption I Wai t.. 2. 1 w (TYP) R/W 5. 2 H (TYP) I Outline dimensions Weight L I Designed I I " Width 101.6mm Depth 147.5mw Height 40mm 800g orientations Ins talla tion method Four arienta tions • .( See page 19 ) Screw holds on the side and lower I I panels of the disk drive are used. l Drawing. ) I Applicable I (See page 22 disks I Outline Dimension 3.5 11 flexible disk. (For details, see page 20.) I 6 I I 1 3G max. 6 0 mA (TYP) CTYP I I I Model I Re liabi 1i ty I I I I I I SMD-140 I SMD-130 I SMD-120 I SMD-l10 I 10, 000 POH MTBF I~__________~______--------~ 0.5h f MTTR I~ __________~______________~ I Designed I~ I I I I I 5 years ________~______________~ I Sof tware J~ service life Less than 1 bi t per 10 9 error ra te __________~______________~ Less than 1 bit per 10 '2 Hardware error rate I~ __________~______________~ I I I I Seek I Disk I I Less than 1 seek per 10 6 opera- error rate I Connector tions 3 x 10 6 passes/track service life Power supp1y AMP 171822-4 or equivalent Signals JAE PS-34SEo-04P1-1C/Oor equiva1ent Front panel material ABS resin (Black) Safety standard Conforms to UL standard. 7 4. Oetailed Specifications 4.1 Configuration of interface signals Tha SMD-l00 series (low power consumption) flexible disk drives are designed so that a maximum of 4 drives can be connected in a daisy chain configuration. All signal input levels are ~TL compatible. The power supply and interface require +SV and +12 V power. 4.1.1 Electrical specifications of input signals ... Low" :; TRO E VIN: OV to +O.4V I IN: "High" FALSE 5mA ('l''iP) VIN: +2.5V to +5.25V IIN: OmA (open) +sv 1 ~ lk{l D~~----------~I~[~ 1438 5. 6 KO C-MOa The terminating resistance array is set at the correct direction (mark is inside) in the single line socket on the main unit: For the daisy chain connection; resistance array can be only installed into one of the (four) drives. Tbe disk drive with the resistance array instal1ed must be charged with current in order to operate any of the drives. 4.1.2 Function of input signals (1) Drive select 0" 3 (080 ,... OS)} A ll\axilnum of four S1-10-100 sel."'ies can be connected in a (low power consumption) disk drives daisy chain configuration. Selection of the drive numbers is performed by SSl of the DIe connector on the main PCB. When this switch is operated, only the signals from the selected drives will be input. At the position MX, drive is drive select sigIlai. selected 8 no matter ~hat state of (2) Motor ON (MON) The spindle drive is operated when this signal is low. However, read and write operations are only performed when the read (ROY) signal is low. (If the dlsk cartridqe is not set in the drive, the spindle drive will not operate.) The RDY signal goe5 low within one second after the MON signal 15 input when a disk cartridge has been set. (3) Direction (DRTN) This signal determines the direction of the movement of the step motor which controls the movement of the read/write heads. When this signal i9 low, the read/write head will move toward the . center of the disk and when it 1s high, toward the edge of the dlsk. (4) Step (STP) The low pulse of this s~gnal causes the ·s t e p motor to move in the direction indicated by the DRTN signal. The response step cycle (Ts min.) 15 3ms/track for models 140/130 and 6ms/track for models 120/110. When the write gate signal 1s low, step 1s internally inhibited. Wben the s'eek direction i5 reversed, the reverse step pulse must be sent after the last pulse (Ts min + 6ettlinq :tlwe). A: Jms(mil) B ""6ms(mn) I m.dmn\ 1 3 0 ) A. (5) Wri te ga te B (SMD-120, 1 1 0 ) fWTG) This signal selects between read and write data. When th1s signal 1s low, write data 1s enabled and when high, read data 1s enabled. Write operations to a cartridge to which a write enable cover has not be~o affixed are internally inhibited by the disk drive. After the WTO signal goes high, there is a 1.3ms eraae timing. Fo'r this reason the see~ or read operation will not begin immediately. (6) Write data (WTO) This signal transanits the write data that is beiog written to the disk. The fall of th1s signal from high to low causes the ~rite current flowing through the read/write head to reverse polarity. '!his signa"l is operable only when the write gate signal is low. 9 FM recordin9 -"+--r" O. 2511&(mh) 2. IlIs( max) (7) Side select (SSL) This signal selects whether the upper or lower read/write head will be used. (upper head) 11 HIGH" 1: Side 0 (lower head) NOTE; This signal is used only ~ith models SMD-l'O/SMD-120. (8) In use (IUL) This signal is used to turn the LED on the front panel of the disk drive on and of f. When this signal 1s low, the LED turns on and when i t i5 high, the LED turns of f • This LED is controlled by the drive select signal as the factory-set condi tion. "4.1.4 Option functians By operating the switches on the PeB of the SMD-l00 series disk.drive it is possible to select the signal that will contral the illumination of the LED on the front panel of the drive. 10 (1) When pin No. 1 (lU) is shorted The tED 1s controlled by the in use signal (pin No. J2-4). (2) When pin No. 2 (10) is shorted The LED i5 controlled by the drive select signal. (l) When pin No. 3 are sharted. The LED illuminates only when the in use signal,the drive select si,nal and motor on signal are all active. (10 1s shorted as the factory-set condition.) 4.1.5 Electrical specifications of the output signals SN7438(TI) or equivalent 1s used as the output drive for SHD-l00 series disk drives. SN " 414 or .qulvalenl HOlt Iv,tem "J '(7 ':" -;;: SMO-l00 leri8, dl.k drIve dlsk drive "Low" ;:; TRUE "High" ::; FALSE VIN~ +0 to +O.4V I IN: 4 Qn 1\ (M AX) VIN: +2.5 to +5.25V I IN: OmA (open) 4.1.6 Funct10n of the output signals. ( 1) Ready (RDY) This signal goes low to indicate that the disk cartridge has been correctly set in the drive and 15 rotating normally. In the SMD-l00, a detector is provided to detect the presence of the disk cart ridge and to control the ready signal. 11 (2) Track 00 (TKOO) This signal goe.s low when the read/wri te head is in the outermost posi­ tion on the disk. (3) Index (IDX) One low pulse of thls signal is genera ted fQr each rotation of the disk. The trailing edge of this pulse shows the beginning of the track. ZOOms (nom) 0.5,....,Gms (4) Read data (ROD) ROD outputs the bit stream of read data fram the read circuit. This signal i3 normally high and goes low in response to a change in the polarity of tqe data on the disk. 4.us (0001) Bjls(nom) --t---.. . r-1.us ± O. 35.us (5) Write enable (WE) This signal goes low and i3 sent to the host computer when a disk cartridge with a wri~e enable notch is set in the disk drive. 12 4 • 1 • 7 Ti mi n 9 (1) Track seek timinq WRITE GATE DRIVE SELECT OIRECTlON 1- 'Jls (min) ... 1 IJls (mn) , JA:S (m ,l u) A l.usernn) ,ß ~: 18m'(mlll) (Pl 1 Il) 21m I ......- ......--41 I "'. (m I Il) STEP I ps( mh) • 1 I .. --.J--t--' ms( mtl) A : l.9PlI(mll1 3 m I (ill I D) B : 6ms(mln) (2) A (SMD-140. 1 3 0 ) B (SMD-l 20, 1 1 0 ) Read start timing DRIVE SELECTi STEP ~'Jls(min) WRITE GATE l}Js( mill) VALID AEAD DATA 1j.1S (m in) --I~ A B 18m. (1ll1 A) 21 I:q, (m 1 ', ami (m l A) 1 n) I}J S ( IIIr1 ) 13 A (SMD-140, 3 0 ) B (SMD-l 20, o) (3) Read da ta timing For FM ß,us(nom) .f}As(nom) ...--~ l,us±O.35}AS For MFM -+-~I,us±O.JS,us 4,us(nom) r---......-t 6}As(nom) 8,us(nom) (4) Write start timing DRIVE SELf.CT STEP _ ~--ro_ A : 1 8 ms (m B : 2 1 inS CD, 'I) I ) WAlTE GATE l}Js (mln) WAlTE OATA _ o f -........- (5) write data timing 8}lS(max) I}lS (roo) A: tSMD-l 4 O. 1 3 0 ) B : (SMD-l 2 O. 1 0 ) For FM 8}1s:t 40n5 For MFM 4J,lS ± 20ns .---~ 6J,ls ± JOns 14 O.25,us(mw-.) --+--+-0 Z.I}l$( mal) 8J,lS ± .eOns (6) Con trol da ta timi ng When the disk cartridge has been set and the initial track position 1s 00. -11 1\ POWEA ON MOTOR ON DRIVE SELECT t\---------­ Il'o(m•• ) READY ., .0500 , (max) VALID TRACK 00 ~ ) 200ms(nom) VALID INDEX Ic lsec(max) DIAECTION I ~I~s(min)~ ---i-I­ -+---~I\l ~r---r- I STEP • i2' 11' ~ I WRITE GATE n 11'(m ) V -- . '-" s( m1n) "' A: 2ms(max) .1.,,",, \ ~ 8: 5ms(max) ~ t;:: ::::y J Bj4s(mu) l~s(mil) WRITE OATA SIDE SELECT IOO}J$(mln) SMD·140/120 on1v U1;L 1. ~ m. (m l a) ---~ • I ~_ 1 )1­ 1 VALIO READ DATA I A (SMD - l 4 O. B (SMD-l 2 O. 3 0 ) Ijls(mln) 1 1 0 ) 15 i ~." (mi !!Ul 4.2 Power supply interface 4.2.1 Power supply specifications (main PCB connector Jl) Voltage Ripple voltage +12V±5~ 250 mV p-p max. 5V±57. 100 mV p-p max. + NOTE: Power supply voltage is that at power supply connector Jl of the main PCB. 4.2.2 Connectors SMO-l00 series (normal power conswnption) disk drives are connected the host ~ystem using two different connectors. Power is supplied by apower line connected to connectors Pl and Jl. Signal communication is performed by connectors Pl and J2. <Power supply line> SMD·100 5erles (normal power comumption) di5k drive Host sYiicem JI + 12\1 "nl'I<fn + 12'1 O. 01 u 1.7 16 <Signal lines) SMO·l00 '8,iel (normal 'power consumplion' disk drive' H<lst. 'Y118m IM L LI ( IUU USE 4 3 DRIVE SELECT 3 (OS 3 ) 6 5 (IDX) INDEX 8 1 OAiVE SELECT 0 (050 ) 10 9 DRIVE SELECT 1 (OS I ) 12 II DRIVE SELEOT 2 (OS 2 ) 14 13 (MON) MOTOR ON 16 15 (DRTN) DIREOTION 18 11 (STP) STEP 20 19 (WTD) WAlTE OATA 22 21 (WTG) WRITE GATE 24 23 (TK 00 ) TRACK 00 26 25 WRITE PAOTEOT (WPT) 28 27 (ROD) REAO DATA * JO 29 ( SSL) SIOE SELECT J2 JI (ADY) READY )4 33 * SMO-140/120only 17 1- 4.2.3 of ~ait SED-lOO series (nornal power consumpution) is switched to power-save Stat~ mode(state of wai t) by Moter-ON si gnal (J2). 4.2. 4 Connectors For connectors, we recommend the following: RECEPTACLE AMP 171822-4 CONTACT PIH AHP 170262-1 PS-34SEO-D4 Pl-1C (Closed ti pe) PS-34SEO-D4PI-ID (Oaisy ti pe) Power supply connector Pl. Signal connector P2 4.3 InstaUa tion Horizontal installation (the peB eide must be up) lllclinod Button-side down installation Inatallatlon (0""30°) 18 Button.:.side up installation 5. 3.5 11 Flexible Disks 5.1 Appea.ra.nce 3.3(.129) Auto ., Ihuttor ~' ~ ----0- ..- . t-" .. .. , ,, I .. \\ I \ I I I \ ,,, " ......-._-- .. ............... ,, ;; / 90(3.54) Top 5·2 l vlew " I I \ Met.a) ~ 1 hub \ \ \ ,, ... Side Vlew med um . .Rec·om·mend·a·ble S 0 N Y - - - - - 0 M- 0 4 4 4 0 (ci b 1e- 5 . 2 •1 "",10 , / ( :, 94 (3.10) are& \\ 0 0/';1]-----.. . \, .1 L ab e 1 l- '\ 0 U s OM-D3440 (single-s 19 d e d) d e d) ... '.... .... _----_ ... " '" ., Bottom vlew Wr 1 t D onablo h0 , 0 6.outline oLnension urawing r---------------~-------------- If 1"'------3§T ~ I fFill~~I-~lf ~ i[ 1 I-------.--l@ I -4-.---+1­ / -E9- I i 2-N~- 3Z/JNC d1,; - I I er--'­ -$­ Z - t'D DE;rn;..6 ) 1 -1---------:- - - ­ lOS .~· o.Z ( 4. / 3" ) [ \ ­ 1 [l 20 '""' N~ ...:~ ""0 ~__- - - -____- -____________________L_Jv CS9 on r.,b~-O) ZP 01 2'O~ 'Pb­ l ~.", .-., --. c::c .... :-eu ~- :--­ "J " U.! + ~ '-' -e­ ~ ', i~ ~IQ ...;J 0. ~ UJ ,... \.J't ~ a ........ N '-- t) h~ N r:\ -W 9-H.Ld20 n.l-p 'U) -------~- NnZE-'1~-p 9-f{.l'i3o I o t J./-l "W ?NnZ'i-~N-Z o (" /.,5-/ ) 7. Notes on Use of Drivos 7-1 Powor supply 7-1-1 Two power sources of' 12V and SV are required. 'fhe sequence, however, is not specified. 7-1-2 The rise timo of power supply affects the power on or reset operation of the internal circuit. Tharafore, tha 90% rise time of' thc SV power souree must ba 100015 or less. The diskette is protected at power on and power of'f'. but the write gate signal should not be allowed to beeome active. 7-1-3 When the motor on signal becomas semi-aetive, the standby mode is switched on and the operation of' the R/W circuit is stopped. 7-1-4 With a nonnal type, the power supply capaeity "bocomes maximum at the spindie motor start with 12V system and at the maximum write action with the SV system. 7-2 Interf'ace 7-2-1 The signal system is interchangeable with the conventional 5.25 11 system. 'rhe canne c tor. hO\-Jever. i 5 in compl iance in des i gn l.J i t h S ONY I 5 J. 5" d r i v e • 7-2-2 Daisy chain Up to .tour daisy chain connection is possible. The terminating resistancc array is set :for all the drivos at the shipment .from tho factary. Hemove all the arrays on tho samo cablo except f'ar the one on tho end drive. Seleetion for each drivo, which is dane by a short plug. should be mado caref'ully without repetition. 22 7-2-3 Specification change The lighting condition of the IN USE LED can be changed by means of a short plug. Use it in a desired setting position. 7-3 Error ratt; The error rateof the specifications is the value with the :f a u 1 t 1 e s s dis le e t t e . Well chosen diskettes must be subjected to the error rate test. 7 -4 Cauti.on Tha drive design has taken into consideration the external noise oi' CHT, etc. Bowever, do not use it too close to the CRT \~ithout perfect shielding; otherwise, the Read/ Write capability of' the drive will be doteriorated. 7-5 Installation of' drive 7-5-1 Install the drive securely, usine the four screw holes (M3, PO.5, 6 DEEP) on the drive side or the four screw holes (M3, ~O.5. 6 DEEP) on the drive bottom. 7-5-2 Sincc the tolüranc e of the intervals of the instal­ lation screw holes i5 ~O.2mm, ample care must bo exercised in ensurine the positional accuracy and bore accuracy. 7-6 Heat generation Relative positions must be designed with such care that th~ ambient temperature of the drive hecomes the operating temperature of the specifications. The upper limit tem­ perature must be strictly observed particularly about the diskette. 23 8. Format The rEH f'ormat or the ISO f'ormat is rccommended. 8-1 IBM Track Forma t ... ~ Oetce ted n rL Last Sector 'I ) CH' 1 01 Sector 1--10 IC~1l4 C~p 0 -1 1­ F;eld Gap S,oc SyoC AMI Sector 02­ 10 CRC I oala AM2 SIOC CIP -i Oata Field CRC Gap Syoc 1 2 10 lode. Hark Uall or Oeleled Oah Addrt,>s Mark Har~ 128 r-­ Byte (Dccimal) 40 6 I 26 1 6 2 4 11 2~b 1 b 27 "2 r-512 Single Density I C;P ) /1-&1 rack 16 44 '12 73 9 SB 37 5 FF Fr f- Oata ~omaI, Ff 00 FC' FF 00 1 50 12 fC 'l I 4 '1 FW FF 00 22 12 or (Oala, FH' ' J 256 Double Densrty J 12 J 2 3 I' )12 r-- 2 1024 Data [H~rm.,,) • 54 152 16 84 182 9 116 94 5 4E 4E I­ Byte 80 (Decimal) 00 C2' FC 'IE 4E 00 AI' FE ,) '2 fß 4E AI 00 or (Oal.) ,) fB ThlS data byte rncludes mlsslng clock . • -2 10 "eid .) CRC chech. byte ISO Disk Format 8-2 Index ~L--_-------------------------------41r----f11------ - - - - - - ­ t - - - I D Freld ~p 31 l I Srngle Oensity DO'lble Deusity r--­ Gal) 4 GalJ I ._ ­ 16 FF ~...-c_ I\d(IIUS~ ­ - 6 - f - -.1 00 lByte(O«:"~ 12 12 p-tuJltolDt<<fUI 4E 00 t- enc IJ2" -:~ , 1-~ill~ 1' Sy,',c - - - - - I-~~ 19y1riOt.:lIllil) Sector 1 -­ -- Fe; C 11 R N ' - Oala Field - -Gao 2 SYIlC; 0.\"' " tA.. ,~ -4~ r-::-' f- 2 I-t 1I n 00---4-f2~ AI' FE~-7- ' '\ 4t.: (, I 00 B'~ I" elle Data iIT2 Oala '\ Data .\ - ---;-r- Sector 2­ Gap J S),ne 6 2 J! 12 I ~ll·J:~ 00 I~ 4E 12 00 II 2 Seelor :d-~ ~,'b('0 <?o .,. c/'<> • 1 : This data byte IOcludes misSlng elock . ~ß" Density • '2 : lOaddress • ):CRC : X'~+xlJ +X' +-1 I Dovl.lle OClIS,ly. 121:l l{j 1R8 1"16 J)I si"2 -16 603­ ?~6- 27 42 58 101 130 16 9 ~ --5­ 256- I)""? 372 - - I~ 266 16 84 f - ­ 296 ~2 --rr- (i58 . ­ Y 7i6_ !~2..!. ---R. 120? ~ .,.--L r -' G..p Oala J 24 Gap <I Seclor Track 11 Fr Preamble "'", 1I 11 Gao "4 FF 4E