J P M O R G A N S P O N S O R E D S T A T E M E N T Payment Outsourcing: An Effective Alternative JPMorgan Solution Drives Revenue Growth, Deepens Client Relationships, and Supports Sustained Profitability. istorically, payment outsourcing has been process services model (BSP). For example, viewed as a cost-savings measure.Today, JPMorgan’s Global Payments Infrastructure solufinancial institutions are searching for tion offers both.With the ASP model, a vendor alternatives to maintaining their own infrastru chosts a funds transfer technology solution on tures for delivering transaction services. I n s t i t ubehalf of the institutional client, while the client tions are realizing that a payment outsourcing continues to provide the resources for presolution has a broader value proposition than processing and post-transaction service activities. cost-savings alone.The right solution must be a With the BSP model, a vendor provides transacstrategic decision that drives revenue growth, tion processing and service activity—including deepens client relationships, and supports susinvestigations, repairs, and other day-to-day tained profitability. operations that supKey to this broadened port the client’s pay“The right outsourcing value proposition is ment clearing activity. provider can help its finding the right outThe key to a BSP clients increase their sourcing provider—one approach is that the existing capabilities so with the scale to drive solution never limits efficiency alongside the client’s ability to as to differentiate their robust product capabilicontrol its payment services for competitive ties and best practices flows. Rather, it gives advantage.” that improve quality the client choices for while providing supehow to manage funds rior controls. Further, a —Thomas Halpin, US Dollar Clearing Business transfer activity. provider should demonExecutive, JPMorgan Trea s u ry Services. Potential buyers of strate a long-term comoutsourcing services mitment to maintaining should consider a best-of-breed capability, which helps the soluwhether a vendor offers both models or provides tion’s buye rs gain a competitive edge in delivering a technology platform only and outsources the payments services to their own customer base. BSP component. H Tipping the Scale Towards Profitable Growth Institutions without the scale of business to compete efficiently must find viable alternatives to their own payments infrastructure. Many are looking for ways to leverage the scale of other providers in order to stay in the payments space. An outsourcing model is emerging as a strategic solution that enables institutions to continue serving their markets with payment services.And the right outsourcing provider can help its clients increase their existing capabilities so as to differentiate their services for competitive advantage. Choosing an Outsourcing Model A number of outsourcing vendors are currently serving as application service providers (ASP). A select few are also offering a business Core Competency or Competitive Advantage? Distinguishing between core competency and competitive advantage is central to the decision of whether to purchase an outsourcing solution. The new reality for the financial services industry includes consolidation, new regulatory requirements, increasing business resiliency measures, evolving client needs, and changing technology.Today financial institutions must honestly assess their business strategy to ensure they direct resources in a manner optimal for generating sustainable profitability.They must distinguish between core capability and competitive advantage and consider the outsourcing option from a broadened perspective. By Thomas Halpin, US Dollar Clearing Business Executive, JPMorgan Treasury Services. 2 0 0 4 N OV E M B E R 8 9