Mapping Network Drive (Windows XP) Map a drive to a shared folder 1. Open My Computer. 2. Click the Tools menu, and then click Map Network Drive. 3. 4. 5. In the Map Network Drive dialog box, click Browse. Type in the location of the shared folder you are trying to connect to. 6. In the Map Network Drive dialog box, make a note of the drive letter shown, and then click Finish. 7. 8. Click the link to connect using a different user name, type your Flashline email address and password, and then click OK. 9. Click Finish 10. Your Drive will now show up under MY COMPUTER Mapping Network Drive (Windws 7) 1) Open Windows Explorer by double clicking on the Computer icon on the Desktop. 2) Click on Tools menu and select Map Network Drive… option as shown above 3) In the Map Network Drive window select the drive letter from the dropdown list adjacent to Drive as shown below 6) Click Finish button in the Map Network Drive window 7) You can now see the mapped network drive on the Computer window Mapping Network Drive (OSX) Map a drive to a shared folder (must be at least Leopard) 1. Select connect to server from finder menu 2. Type Appropriate server and folder location where * is advisor name + lab (i.e. Dr. Damron’s Lab would be damronlab). Server: smb:// 3. type full Kent credentials.