l 0「 『llEOFTHE EIEIUTIWE EHalHEEn GHOTH:llttIS10H〔 InmloAT10‖ ]()IHOTElロ relephOne No r 0723‐ 604026 lssued to : Vide DoR No: Dated STANDARD FORM OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS。 NAME OF WORK REHABIL!TAT10N/BR!CK LINING OF BAGO WAH FROM RD 19 T0 301/C P:PE OUtt LETS。 /1 1z`′ :1曖 計 を 計 GR枷ド 器 duRESH l 1呻 ´ ・ ● ヽ ︱ , INVITATION FOR BIDS ヽ 輌 ¨ 両 価 ¨ u… 珈 、 hⅢ 脚 ● 嗣 … .o Ot 躙 SUMヽ lARY OF(・ ONTI]Nl S .. 02 () r*\/r'1-A1-toN 11)R B []s (I) ]NSTRLJCiIONS ] O BIDDE〔 てSよ lllDDiNG DATヘ (1) FORヽ 1 0F Bll)&SC「 EDじ LCS TO BID (lV) COND「「10NS OF COヽ (` (` . . ..1 .. TRACT&COヽ lRACT DA「 A 04 ― STANDARD FORMS ) ) SPLCIFICAl¬ 11) VINCS DRへ ヽ ′ (` ユ 興 Sul)iccr ONS 5, 1 irul! c i'r,cr c) err llc!uliL+r\ ― `: r\,,LlrorirI l (lY,r l)Erriflilr.gn ri 珈 INヽ ITA r10N FOR BIDS Drtc: Did Rclcrc cc No.: llrc ProcuriDg Agcfcy.- b ds ilom lnterestec ilrfrs oi nun,z (:)[thc ProtLtrinll qe ncf. ifviLcsseaie(l --lcntar licensed by the Pakislan ExgineerirgCorrrcil ni|' Persons utptolticttc.i\t98ory( l1ot icq iteC.lt\afisca.\th1iRt:5ti[lit.)]1 or teti uwl/ct JLrlT pre qLLalifierl(r/prc-qro!ifct)tnn i.t L!ane t'ar \pecific rchctteh).)iec!) !vitl) the Prccriirri Aitc.cy for Ire Works, tantet ti!l,:. l-t'P. onl iirt lL) l|'oiu ic oi |lot'k). \tll''\ り イ ご llぜ 、 v l beeol)「●Icted ll ″0で ■ da)`S ρ 〔 「タツた 「 (ι `│17し A coirplcte sei,of Biddi tg Doct trenls lnay be purchllsed iry ar inlareslec eliglble bi(lcsi' on sublnrssion 6f a wrilren application to the oiilcc glvex beLo,r' and upor palnerr1 ofx (lnrert ,4r1ount) B;.lders rna)' non-fefurrdable l'ee o[' RLLpees rc.Uirc the Biddisg Docurrrcnis fiom dle Oflice of the Plocrring Agtrl.y. al (Mailing Add:ess) nrusl b. ircco:)ifir ilc(l by L b (ls (IlL jrecs A l Bid Sc!(rr ly i1 lii arnoLrrrt ol Ils ) or Pcrcclria-qe ofbr.i Pr'lcc i) thc forr]r ai (pq) otLtt. / Lienantl dturt / bank gtorttttec) nrrd i Lr5i be '3li\'iiri (.ln.licatc Atldtcss anLl L.r.r lrr.rr-r,r) at or belole to -Lours on tho sl nc (lrly r I (Drte). Bids will be opencd al hoLls. on , -.--thc prcscnce of bllders' rcprcsentfltives \{'lro choose to a(tenC, a1 lhe samc ad.lress -tlt t;rlh e.'.s iI it l(l'crsl,. l;nr!rcare [` CiC I ′ sL,LLl ta''.ri-Stt,'.,-'.\ t.,n' " t'ri.u,-, tr.--.a..'' Dl. :, f * the ltir:hall l;e orncl ritiin onc hot, ,,trc, the led.llinc lir:*httttstott t{ t lJrl. c P,.ercorcrt Jtc!r rL{'!r rrl,odt) l$\r\ rprr:ln(lh.3o\ fl INSTRUCT10NS TO 1311)1)ERS & BIDDINC DATA l No(cs b■ ( cI口 ,「 uctiOns to Dindt,s l lis scc(01 ol tl]c 6idd lg doct l]c]iS S,0[ld PIovldc t]e ]'ol〕 ]at o]f,ccessaly 101 biddels to 「 〕cPare「 ■pOnsive bids, in accOlda■ ce 、 γitl, the「 equilelnenis or the Procti ing Ageney it sl(t u also give l〕 FOi n,at O 1 0 1 bid st billissio]。 〕 el ng and evaltat ol,ald o:t]ea. `ild Of じo iacl M.iicrs govcrnirg IJre peribnn ncc of the Contract or payme|(s Lrnder tlte Coniract_ or afilclirg Lrc nsjis, righrs. ax(i oblig.lrons oftre pa jc\ ufdef ihc Contact afc ol lrorr.liy ir)clLrded !r lhrs Scciiolr.,bUt atllcr in iirc app'op11aLc scciions of lla (ot1di!iu1.t ".i' Cot ttltct nnd/or ( antruct Data. J|2 lOrs ヽ1,J11` ri cl'。 さ。│`n,=,(Regola o,Aul,。 , )│、 、、 ヽヽ ヽPpr)` れて ',3。 v ,、 T人 :,lE Or CO、 TI:、 TS iヽ ヽTlヽ A CLNEIRべ しCT10ヽ S101,IDDERS I l 13 1 Se9pe O「 Bd&Sou te ol Funds 6 :32 C glble Bi〔 lde s 6 133 Costor B ddぃ g 7 B lllDDINC DOCUヽ IENTS olEjddl)8 DocLrf)ef(s... ..... :.... ..... . . ........ .. . .... . ..-. Clarificat oLr oj ilrdd;ng Doclrrenis. ............ ......... ArrendNeDtofBiddingDoc|nenis.... .. 1 │〕 Contenls 35 1,6 7 1 t C- PREP-^.R;\'flON OF BID l[, 1[8 11つ 10 1こ .. olBr{. ...... ...... 8 Docunrcrrls Corrjrr srr)g lhc 8id....... . . . ................ .. . . . S ... .. . ... ... 8 Srfficicrcy ol Bid. Bid I'rices, CrI|ency ofBi( & Payfrert.... .. .... . . . ........,. 9 -.ri:..r.'c 10 11 Docurrrents EsLablislr i rg Birlder's Eiigibi iiy ir rd QrLalificat ons... 9 DocuDrer)ts Establishi g Works Corrlo: rity to 1111ユ lB 13 DocLrments..... Bidd ix3 Security.... 1[] 14 Valjd ilJ, of Bids. Forret. Bidding Sigl ...... ..................... ng and Subnrission o1 9 ... ..... l0 8id.......... i0 D-SUBillTSSION O]I BID IB 15 Deadlir)e lbr S!rbnriss of Mod ficatio. & ulirdralval olBids.. . ll E:,ID OPENIヽ CAヽ D EVALUAT10ヽ 316 1B17 Bid Opcrifg, Ciilfificlrior) and Ev.lietlor. Process ic be Ccnfidef iial. 1〔 12 13 VARD OF CONTRACT 1'ハ ヽ . ... .... .... ... .. . ... 13 A\vafdCrricra& ProcLrirgAgr:ncysRigri. ............ ... .- i4 .\'otificrlicr olAv/arC &SilrrirgoiCortracLAgrecfcrl .... .. i4 Quir iJlca1iorr..... lB Iヽ │じ i ) IB 2) 132 Perlonnarce Secr 〔 ,ユ S i, DuL,l lniclrirr P.ci n$( Lii) c P,ocL,r It.-rLr \ rity.. ,\uLkJ ilr {1(r rnri\irth ... ,ro\.Dk ... , 14 ..1..... lj T飩 INSTRtICT10NS TO BIDDl〕 RS (1ヽ いt= (rl.′ ル′′ ‖ ′ あ bit ィ 13)α ′ ルg D´ ′ ()″ { ]′ ″ 々イ ″i● `″ `,"、 `, `々 ' 3た ′ ′α′ ノ′ ,ι ′ οlク =じ ピ α ι ヵを ο″ 力ζ6br′ ′ ク `:θ `cα `′ (θ Cし ,1′ ,′ I′ ,テ 1「 `′ `′ A `c′ υ′らP′ ′ │ lr “ `ii371ど CENERAL IB I ScOI)e or Bitl&sourec ofFun(ls l l ScoPc oF Bid ihc Procurlng Agcncy as dclincd ir the Bidding Data (hereinafter callcd "the Proculrng \gency'') wishcs lo recclve Bi{ls l_of ihq Wo'l(s srnrrarlZcd in lhc Bid.li lg Deta (ri;. .i(r r.jt(r, jrj (. ':.1.. \\'o::. " ,. iirddcrs frusl quoic fbr the complele scope ollvork. Any Bid coveriff; ,,( \ ilj bc re er l^d - ' ',0.r '.(l\ol.'v-r. 1.7 lirlral scofc 01' I oLrrcc oI I\r nds 1re l)ocurting Agcncy iras aircnged iinds llom lts orvn so.Ltccs ol Iu.,tr-rr,r)or,;1i.i.ri /)onar ugcua')t or <tnt' alh€r !an-c? $,hich |ray bc if(icatcd accotdingl! in brdditg diir ! i tl.. -.o\t oIt. l."o,ccl cl.c n-. I8..2 I"r;iLItRi,l,lcr'. :I D ilding is open to ail a) I nsandpersonsrneetirgt)clbl o\\,ing require eflis; duly iiccnserl by thc,PaIisi.Lrr Enginccrirg CoLrncJl (PEC) i]r rhc applopflrtLj calcgoly icr valuc oi vvorlis Pr)vidcd that thc lvor(s costing Rs.2.5 million or less shal not reqLtire any re(istrairof i $ hPEC. b) rJLrlv 1,.re<lurlilicd !vith ihc Procurirg A gency,- (ll,hcrc tcquiral). lf ltc cvcfL lhal prcqualiilcaLioN prc c) l!alrfied bidders will oipoLent ,:i brddei5 hts bce| LrtrietLare|, otl;,oicls [o award ol-Co rimcl i1'prequalificaLion has not r fdedakcn . Ihe piocuriilg agc|cy rray ask j,r'd do. .'.lL.r'\ ro I ':lcl lo'":.Jf,:: ,.:- / (,,) iii) (iv) ( .onrpar ) po'llworks of sirt ilir natL re and sizc [or each l]erformcd ;rr lasl constr!ctiof equipmerts; rlLralilicatio r rnd erpcrlcncc oliechnical mtIagcmcnL. S J-torit i:e corsidered fdir Prtrljc l, acrrcd,cllRcg!lirory r\Lrjr. rlt in,r.t)ir,rsirdrlor pji iclsolr;cl J/j nforrl:iiorl yearsi arrd kev siic (V) (V) I ll.3 ,lnenciai stalerr. rl oiiasl I )' ears; vOlks ifany rnior Lraiiou rcglrdlng i,tigatioLls ana ilbalcioncd 、 Cost ol Bidding biddcr shal bcar aLl cosLs ass(,'a:aicC !v lir ih3 P cpalr(ioN ald subnrissio: ol iis LiC ln(l lhc l'locuLirlg ngcncy \vill l1 lr0 oasc bc rrslxrlsiblc or litblc Ior thosc cosLs' Lcqirdlcss ol thc condtrct or orrlconrc ol ihc brCding Diocess (Sl'l) Ru es 2i & 25) ll 'j_lrc BIDDlヽ C DOCし ヽ4CNTS B llJ.-l Coricnts oI lJidding Doctrmcrrls .l.l iir ar.lclitlof to irvli;rtior lbr Sids thc B iJcliig l)ocu|neNls arc lrose slaled be]ow, 'rrd wlLh Sub-Clausc shoulrl be rcad in conjrrctio I rvith any AdclcndL rr lssueci in accordance IB,6,I ︱ ^ 一 lnst|uctio is to Il dders & lllddirrg Data Foifi of Bid. Quelific.lion irtirmailoi & S.hei!L3s to 3id Sc rcdr lcs lo Bicl comprisc lhe Iollbwing: Schcdule Ar Sche.lule oJ Prrccs/ Bilioi QLrarliircs (3oQ) (D SchedLrle Il: Spcciric lVorl<s Dr.lr (1) Sc rc<Lr le C: Worl(s to be Per tbr mcd by SLibcont incto s (i) r.l.coL .. D. lrol o'^o n 'o-r;.'rrrl/ oi \\ o:i. , (V) Schcdu e E Mcthod oi'Peribrrring \I/orks (V) Schedo e F: Irtegrity Pact (u,orks cosling Rs l0 fiillron an'l above) (V) Co rd illons o1-Co iiraci Str r.iard iro │ (r) Porir oi rnsr ' & Coiiti.ci Dilla . Bid SccuLily, (ri) Fonn ol Per'1br rarrce Sccurity; (lri)Foirr o j' CoriLr a.ci y'.greeiteii, (iv) Fcrn oi Bank Cuarantce for A(lvance PaymcrLl. Spccifications i . Drawirgs. ilarl), IB.5 (llxritic,tiion ot Bitl(ling Documcnts 52 I r ospcctivc bl.ldcr |cquiIing any clarilication(s) in respecl oithe BiCding Docurronls rrrLy no ily ihc EnginecL/Procuring Agercy at the Engineer's,' Procufing Agency's aidress irrcicated in tlrc Bidding Data- 5.1 A 5iiair iruL ir inrc cstcd bl.lcer'.'nho has obta red biddirg docurrents. nray rcquest lol clat'iilcati'-n . ir ocrrcfrexr n.ellulilo).(i;rroriry r^v!r.irt asr rd r.eov.pi oi conrcnLs of bjo'cliNg Cocr nerLs in \,vf iirrg ard procrrlirg egctcy shall tcspond tL) slLl f.raircs iii writiIg $iiirlr ihrcc calcrrdar,lays. pr'o!i.je.l dlc)'alc receivsd aL lcaji llvg .ir cr..lxf Ce,vs proj'io tlre d.!e oi-oircning cl biC (SPP liule 2l-l). ll1 6 All]cndn]cnloFBiddingDOcun〕 en ts(SPP Rules 22(2)&22) 6.r At any tirne p|ior Lo the deaclire fo: sabrlrLssron oi 3lls. Lhe Procuring Agency mr), ',oi a)ry rceson. whether al his olvr riiialive or ln rcspo'tse io a clarification reqlcstcal bv ^ iniclested Lriddcr. nrodify thc Blddifg Docurrefts by issuingaddefdum. 5.: th!s iss!red slra) be p:,Lt ol lhe Sidd rr3 Docunrc:rts pu'suali to SLrirhcreol, a|d shall be corl1nunicated in writi lg to all plr.chase s (rl llr. IJid.lifg l Docr nrents. P|osPcct ve bidclers shail ackno\\rpdge icccipt ol eaclt adderduni rlr wr'irirr to tlrc l)l.ocr r,]fg AlcncJ Ary aCdendun' C ause 6- 6l To alk)rd intercsLed bidders reasonable rinre in whlclr to tal(c an addclldum irrio accourri ir pleparing theiL BLds, tire Procurilg Agcilcy may 2: iis discretior .xtend the cical le loi '.,' rtr .s o'l ..'' B . マ C, IB.7 Lx ngu:rjc l-i -\i PREPALヽ TfON OF BIDS olBid CoaLrncnts fclalii3t. ire lli. sliail 'ccintrcia;rgrLr3csreci;iedir:tl:c i lB.E Docunrcnts Cornprising thc Brd 3l TIic Bid stblnitted by t1lc blddci s,a cOnlprisc tle f Ollir /Covcring (f) (s) Docunrc rtary ividencc in accorcance rvith le) ?.1 i-cttcr Forrr of Bicj drly iiilcd, s gnei ard sealed, in uccordarce n,lrir 1ts. i,l.l. Schcdrl.s (A to F) io Bid duly lilicd ard rnitialed. iI accorlancc rvltl: nsir0ctrorrs cortained thereil & ln accorda rce witlr JB. 14.j. Brd Securiiy ilrnishcd in accorcjance rvith lts.il Polvcr ol Attorrcy iN accordaice rv th lB 14.5. I Docirmen(ll,ev clcncc in accoidance \aith lB.2(c) & IB.l i ri) IIJ.9 ,,n3: o、 S iB tlt 2 ufllcicncv of Ilirl i:icir tiJoe shali salrsi-r riilseil-heio c tsidci:r3 rs ic i:re coirectncss ard siLiic grc; c1h s Bid and olLhe prenriu|r on tie ratcs oiCSR./ ratcs prices qLoteci/cntcrcd ir Lhc ^trd SrhcdLrlc ol Prices, rvhich rates atd prices shail cxcepi in so fir as it ls oLhenr,isc c:.picssi1, providcd lrr iitc CoItmcr. covc:'all his obl;ilitiicrs ,.rDder lhc Coriira.i ailC a: retLcis aNd trinqs nccessa:n lor thc,D.or-1.t complei;oI Si,01 Pul' 〕│'oc■ ren,c,(Ret,lator ハu1lo,l夕 、 ■ ЦW,,「 a:1ldh 30v pヽ if the \vorks. Iじ ll i(i Sccu rih, 11 i31 pal oi iris bid. ai ihc oftl.| oirhe hi(llcr. a ilid SccNr t) rs ccltilgc ol L)i,.1 pticc/csl nilicl cost ot lr i re itnror lL stipulateaj i I iJi.jdirrg Dara in pnlr Dc ilL pecs lf lhe lqt:: ol Depo.sit ut Call/ Pa|ee t Ordcr or a Bonk Gtorantcc isst)e() by a Sched!icd Bafl( in Pairsiar in iavoLr oi the ProcLlirng Agency valid lbr a perioo Lrp r, o\.rri), ei-qlrt (23) c:ys beyo|ri tirc br(i villi(iiiy ()att (Dil ,cc t.tt.t, \houll jnt fu i)c1a.,,,, i'l.anLi nol o:cacLlin:q 5'k ofbici pncc/c.rttnurcl coi ,\j)? jluic 37) 132 Arry bld nol ncconrpaI icd by Dach Sicjdcr shall hrnish. as I 1 ac.c^t. blc B id Securii), s rall be rcjecie.l bl/ llrc pro.urlr Agcncy as fon-responsive. , 'iLe 133 bLd sccuritlcs oirns!ccessftrl Dlddcrs wiil bo rciumcd rpoI a\\,ard olcotilt-itct to the tuccessfui bidderoronthe cxpiryof validil,,-oiBidSecur lywhichevcr isearJlci. :34 ilrc Brcl Sec!rJLy ofthc successlL I b dder will bc lctur|eci \\,her1 the bldder iras tirr:rrsircd ic requ iled Pcrloilnancc SccL| it),. and s,gneci the Conrfac! AgrcejneJrL (Spp Ruic 3j). 135 Irc Bicl SecLLlity rray be lbllertedr (う ir"a bidder wiilrdraws his bid during rhc periocl (→ ) ila biddcidocs (t) in lhe case nor acccpt thc " z(,'c'^ot,o' (0 () ofa ofb cl valldiry: or ctl'cctiof ofhis Br.i price, pursuarrtto succcssluJ bra'der. il he lalis Suh a|]aL:jje withir ihc sDeclfieC tiine iinlil to: lirrnish thc reqrired Perlbr.nance SccL ritv or sign tltc Cont|act Agrcc|tcnt. iE..l.t i/r Iiriity of Dicis, iior rna i, Srgn ing an d Su bm ission ot Bid i41 3、 s sha l「 cn,ah 0)(118 11r.2 ln r,xccprional vald lb「 0,e pcriOd slpulatcd 11 1]c8に ld o3 Data aller dle datc Of b亡 circLrntstanccs. procLr:.itg .,\genc,l, rrey re.lresl tlle b;ddels lo exi.,o r1-ti Ioi cxce;drlb ],: oitirc origlnal perioci..flrc reqre5t anC the bidclers. rcsponses sl ir: *r r.n5 u. hy crble: A ili.tdcl nray :ll 3id l:.A0. rc[i.c the req!esi ]virhout loilcirirg ilre Secrrii). ,l diaa", '"g,* r,g'," u,.,"qr",, rr,lll rot I;c requllci or p.r.rrr;tici lo othcrl,lsc modiiy tirc Bid, b; ri,ili'bc rcqiircci tc erte.J ihc valrdity of Bid Sesuii:v iol rirc perjod oith" i^'.",r",,".." r"i,1, IB l: irr iijl respects (Spp llulc t;l "rt"n.,on, "rrl pcri.d ol validity lor 143 144 a additioNaJ ire:iol b.rr r\;lSrlrccluJcs ro iJid arc to be propcrjy co|lpleicd iLnd signcd Nro iti cfttio I is il'rri bc be mrdc in ,],, iru rcc\.cul ...:,i J..,..,rl H . . / . a. xlierai,on bc lradc or il. rlrcsc nsi ictrons be Iot iirll_v colrlpiied willt. ihe Lo . : . . : . .rl bi,:t ::r:r, r.i,.rcd. J(01Cnt Rcgl atOッ ハ。10r■ y卜 γ wヽ ,,p a6i dlさ 。 v pk . Ⅷ 145 shril p|cpe:'c L)rigirrrl :r rd nuirir3L oj'cct,,rs sirc. i:ed irr ilrc Bida 1g D:1:" 'i irc ,:locuNlcrt:i comIrisiNg th. bi.l ns clescLlbcd ii iB.3 a.d clcerly rx'ii( i'r'n' ''Of iCINAL" and COPY" as app|opria:e. l 1 thc E\'e),'t 6l LIlsti'cpal)cy bLltweei tliolii. ihc oLr! nai slr.ll i'cvall. 146 Theo|iginal and ali coPics ofthe bid Iluc: biclder I n L,,dclib.Ini''' L,l ' rall bc shaLl bc typea or w|irtc slgr ecl by a peLson or pe[soirs du]y aL Lhorizcd ro sign (in tlrc case ofcopics. Pholoslals afe alsc accepteblc). This sllrl bc indic.tcd br- subnrltiirlg I'rriiter Power ol Ai'toirey eut i:rislng thc signator) oi-ihc bitlclcL tc act tbi xni on oci:ali of tire brdder. Ailpr;c' o; thc ricl srall bc initialci rnd olllclrL scal be altlxc.l 6rv thc )crson o-persolrs siSlixg Lhc L,d, 147 11,c Bid s,a‖ bc dc velcl 11 1,cISO]。 i Seli by resiStCtc(il]la at tl℃ A3t icy aS g■ a、 (Icss(い cn 11 3 dd i3 Data 1'(〕 cul 1lg 、 D,Sし 1)ヽ ISS10N O F B11) 13 15 0Cadlitlcお rS‖ bmission,V■ Odincat 01〕 &、Vithdraヽ V21 of Bids 151 Bid rr!st bc rcccived b) lre Procurlng r'.3ercy ir! iire e.raresslpfo''iC.d :r 3iClixg laia ncl alcr lhan the tiffe arrd date s!ipulalcd the ein. 152 'l lrc ln ier and ouier errvclopes shaLl I (a) (1,) (o) (d) (c) Proc!ri ig Age rcy at the addrcss provided in ihe Bid.ling Dl:,; ircar Lhc narrc .]nd ldcntlllcation rr! Inber ol the Corrtl'act as deflncd in thc l) clciillg afd CofLiacl Darar anC provide a warnins noi to cpcr irefcie:hc specii:eC iirn3 anC Cale icr Bi;i openrrrg as dcllncci in the Bidding Data. iraddLiortotrcidertiilcaliorreqiriredi| 52. Llre lnlre. eirvclopcs shall rrdicale ll1e nallre afd address ofthe BrdCcr io enible i|e Bid to be rellrrx.d ilJloperlcc irr be addressed lo thc case iL is deciefed lale. If t ie oLLter en velopc is not sealed and rnarl<ed as above. the Procuring Agency will assunrc no i:esponsib lity lor tic misplacement or prenralLrie opcning oftlc ijiC 153 Bio. subnriited lfr'ough telcgrilplr. iclcx. lex or c-mari 5ha I rrot 154 r\n1 bid rcceived bytlre PLocuring Agcncy alier the deadLrrre lorsubmissloir prescr bcri in B,a,r ng Data \\,i I bc relurred Lrnopsxe.l io sirch biader'. 155 Ar) 156 WiL rrl|lr.r'al o1 .i brd Curirg rirc if be coNsr0ered brdder nay modily or !vlthdraw hls bld aiter Llid submission pLovided that the nlo( ilicaiion or \\, ittcr nolice oiwiiralialvii ls Leceivcd c\/ tllc i)iocLrring AgeN.)' pr'oi lc tlrc lcailii,.e lor srbxrission oi bics ierva belweerrthcdeadirelorsrLriisslonolbicsa:rd lir: r).irirat;o r ol thc pe lod oi bid validiiy spccified in irc foLn ol' Bid rral' rcsr:li rr ioLl r rure ol thc Bid Securiiy pursLrarl lc lB. il. j (a). 罰 S |(ii Pril c ' ocurcmcxt Rclu irior)' Airllro 1tI rs., p2rasir;li gov.pi 醒 l` Bll)OPENINC Aヽ ll i]VALUttT10N 11316 Bid Opcning, Cl.rIrfication an(i Ily,rluaiion (Si,P Rutcs d1,42 & 161 _fhc wlil oi)clr iirc 5ids. i I thc pt'.sc rcc of bid(lcN rcpLcseNlrtivcs wl)o at thc tiffe. detc and in Lhe place specificd in rhc Bidd;ng Da1:t. PmcLLrirr! AScnc), choosc to atLcnd, 162 4-1) 'l'hebiddcr'snarnc,EjdPrices,anydlscount,thepresejlceoiabsetccolBrdSecLrliy.arrJ such other de{arls as ihe Procufing r\gerlcv lt rLs d:sct.etion ma\, cofsider app.op jate, wili be annorrrced by thc Procuring Age|c.v at the bid opening Tre Procuring Agercy wil recorti thc nrinrtcs of the bid opcnirl!1. Represcitaiives oi lte bidders \a/ho choose to ar'.end sha I sign tlrc aiie|d:!cc steet ,t An) BiC Pflcc or i scou|t rv;lcit is roi rea.l olrr rro lecardcd at bid lirl(cr intollccoinl rn tlre cv.lrL.riion olbi(1. ' i6.l │こ 4 open rg ui I rrot ire irss;st ir iire exa,nin'ario,\. eva:atiorr afd compa:isol of tsiC: Lre Ergineer'P:.ocLLr:rg \gency nray. at its discrcr,of, rsl( the bicid€r lor a clariScarion of its Brd. l-1e request 1-or :lari lcelior ard thc rcsponsc shall be i:r rvrii ng and no chilnge il iile prjcc ot-sr bsLitnce r1'thc Bid shall be sought. oflired ol oeirnirrcC (SPP RLLIe 43). lo ‐ ■) Pliol to the detailed evairation. pu.siraiit to IB- T5.7 ro I 6.9. ile lvilldetclrn'.le the substaftial respo0sivcness ofcxch brd io tre BiCcing Documcjts. For puipose olthese iIsLrLrciions, a substai.Lia:i) responsive bld is one which coIlo|is to all the terms and conditiofs ol rhc 13idding Documcnrs \vlrhort milterial ciev ations. lt will include dcrelmiiinil rlle fequlfentents istcd lx Aiddifg Data. Enginecr/Procuring Agcnc\/ (1) Arith cLic. crors wti lfihere be rc.tiilcd cn tIe liilo,rillg basis: rs a cliscrcpancy bet,,yecf ihe !rri1 pnce and toral price that ls obraj|eJ by nLrltiplying rire uIii pr ce a.d quan:ily. the LiJi i piice shali pre,,aii af.l lre :olai priceshall be corrected li-there is a discrepaacy betlveen rhe worls and ligurcs ihc anolit ln words shall plevaii. ifthcre is a c scrcpancy betrvcef tne Tota] Bld Dr:icc entered in Form o1_Bid and the total sho*rr in SchedrLe ofPiices Srrrr:.v. thc amount stxted in the Fo n of Bid will be coriccred by lhe Procuring Agenc_v it1 accoidance rvith ihe Co:l'e.icc Schedule cf Piiaes. 1l thc bidder ooes a foi accep! the corecicd amorrt oi Bid, his Bro rvili bc re,ccied rd iris BiC SccuilLy folfilted. i 15.5 A Bid dcLcimircd as srbsiirrtially non-resitoxa;ve ',r,iLl ce lc.j:ctcd ard suI sequent]y bc rnadc responsive by i re bidder by cor rection of the non-cofloxn r,,lll roi t_v. 16.(, Arr minor irlbrraiity oi ror-c.nibrnliy ol ifregri.Lll),ii e Bid \chich aoes roi waivcd Procuring Agency, c(,isiltute a rnateiia dcvr.ltLon (nlr.jor dcvixlion) mey be by Slf(iL. PL irLc txrcr rerrcnt ttcg0laQry A!( ror (y ,,\\!.pD usifd r go'.pk 躊 provided sucr \\a vc:' do.s Jrot j)ejirdice or alltci ilrc rclativc rankrng oJ_ r|), cihe:. bidders. (A). Mxjor (rnarcr irl) Dcliations irrcluilc: (i) |las boer not properLy signed; (ii) rs not accornpan ied bv lhe bid security of lequ ired ilmourlr a rd meineLi (ii)) siipLrlaiifg price adiuslnrent uircr ixeC pIice brds lvefe calici lor; /i \ t-i in[ Io re.oonc I p-.ilc.' o r': (v) frilifg io comply with Mile-stones/Critical d!tcs provided iF Bidding Docrmcnts; (ur) slrl)-coriiicilnq cor( ary io ir! ConCriions olCoi:tracr specilrec r Biciiirll L)ocLrmeirts; (vii) (viii) .,) ciusifgtobc0r in|ortenrrcspoisibi riiesanciiabi itiesailocatcdintrcBd.',nr Docufrerls. such as perfo:Nralrac gLraieflecs arrd irsrrance coveL'agei taliing exccptiorr tocritical povisior-)ucr.rs.LP.)rurblcl.L\a.t.r\c"rriCJrticsxnd dispLrtc rcsolutlon ploccciLllcs; .. . .tc ir. -c rr:."r. : ( ':\-l ."r' .r'e (a) which allact iD anl,s!5s(axtial iv:y the scorrc. qLrality or pcifofLrarce (,.filrc works, (b) aCoprioir/'icctiflcaiio r \!heicof\!o! d ai'€cr uriafli-v ire cc:;1;eiilrre :osr:.-,., of othcr biddets ptescrltirlg s! bstantialJy rcsponsive bids. t l) Mirror D.'irr,orr, olliI devirt or! Jc.epiJbi,i to th. nro.Lrin!.\Senc] and wlrich viiire aY be consrCeieC subs:antrallj,respoisi!c ri lcast as lo the issle ol la Lrress. This vrl!e would however be adCed as an adjlsi nent lor "\JlLJlior iurD'5c\o'' \ r.,-rI 'r: e dc',.c. ev.rlL"tior procc'. ISids thal can be assigned a rlronetary l'6.1 i'he Engrneer/ProcuLifg l\ge1cy !vill cvalLate aid conDare oIly thc bids prc\ioLsiy .clerniNcd io lle subslrrriiaily responsiv: ltuisuart lo i8.16.4 lo 16.6 as l)eI rcqL-rircriiris rivcn hcrcurdcr Bids will be cvaluated f'of cornplete scopc ol'rvorks. The priccs wiil be ( onrpaled on llre basis ofthc Evaluatcd Brd PIice pr|srani to iB.i6.8 herein belo\\,. TcchDicrl D!nllutior: lt rvill bc cranrined ir'r detail rvhether the woLks olfcfea 5v thc bidder complies r.vilh thc Technicai Provrsiors ofthe BiCding DocLimorls. For ,, lhis purposc. ihe biCdci-s diila sLrbiriiilj.i Nr:h lic ci: in Schcdule B ro Bri \,/ili be compared witr tcchnrcal feanues,/critcria of ihc ,"vor'l<s detailed thc l'echnrcal Provisi6ns. Other technical inlolrnat on sullntltted u, rh thc b d rcga|Citg Lhe Scope ol Wo,l( !!il aiso be .evielveC. I l6.S [,alurtcd Bid Pricc lr evrlrailfg rhe bids, thc EngineerlPr.ocuring Agency \rrl detelmrne ior cac]l bid |l a.Cr(ior to thc 3id Price. ilie l'o11or\'|rg iaciors (idjusir.eiris) in iltc rjl.tncr air:l io lie erisnt indicated belou,to deicirriIe rjte Cvalir2led Bid piicel (j Sirdh P!rl rrriingarycorl'c.ii!N ibt eriihlneticcrioispijis,.xittoits.i6.4heteo;. . i, ocr cfrcNi Regui.\iory AurlroriL,v \!$r plr.5lrd r.:ov pk () ( ) discount. ilary. oilaicd Lly the biddcr's as aiso 'ead o0t xnd rccorded al llre timc oid opefirlg. cxc uding provisiontllsums and the f.'o .j or' .or'conlirrgerrcict t e B .l t pr iccd conlpclillvcil. Quantltics ifxDy, brt irrclLrding Day ivorli, \vhere I8.17 l'roccss i7.l 1o be o1' Con[idcntial lirL.iect to IB.l6I hcrerojbre, ro Drdi'Jr shai coniaci Snginee::rP;ocr:ing Ag:inc) ol1 rlry rrticr rc atingito tts Bid llom thc Linrc olthc Bid opcning Lo Lhe tinle trc bid cviriraticn arlfoLfccd at csLLlt is annol]ncecl by thc ProcLrrirrg Agcrcv. Trc cvaluation result shaLl bc lo iI l announcelrtr"t casl seveLr (O?) days pr;oi 1(r:i!va|d olConiraci (SPP RuLc 45)' Tile riddcrs rvlll inclurlc Lablc(s) conprisirlg read otrt prices, discounted pr 'cs' prrci .ldius!nents nrade, llnal evalualcd ptrces and recofiincndaiions againsi I I the brds .!r.li.r..l ;. 17.2 ,\nycllirl Dngi rccr/P|ocuiirg/'gcrlcyintlrcBilc!'liriroir':l' Lry a bidl.r to influcrlcc ,o,r',pn,iso, of Coniract Alvard dccisicns rray r.slLlt in thc rejection of h:s B WleL"ras rny bidder lecllng aggricved, mey loclge e written complairrt to Comp aini'-Roorcss'il (lonlnt ltceas pertelms ancj conditionsnrcntioncdinSPPRricsll&-:l '-o!\'vi: ixrir' proccss I tcl ol lodging a co rplaint shall ilot \v ]'ant suspcnslon ofprocuLemerlt 3iidc|s rnay be cxcLuded rl lnuo uel ir "Corrupt and Frru(lulcni lrncticcs" :r3riis cithcr oi 3 or any corrlbl ralion cflhe praciices given below SPP Rulel(q); (i) 'Co(rcr\.c P)'rctice'rueans any irnPairing or har)ning. or irreatcnixg to irnP'ri oL lrn '' jrrectiy rL inciirectLy. eny of: p':1r in io iNlrLen'e iic aci Periy or-tirc propcrty o1'lhe P,riy 'jri rch cte, wrorrgiirl gaiLr c.tccauss: wLorshll loss io arolhcrpally; (ii) "Ccilusn'c Przcticc" rreans arry arrangemcnt bctrvcen two cr rnore larlres to ille ot conl'actcxeculion.designedioac;ricve'lirol'\vitrcitIlreklo'vic'gcoi tr,o",,-",, ",,1p,o""r, I grin; ihe pLocL Lirg'agency to cihblish piices ai arliicial. nonconrpctitivc levels lor a ry wronglu rrg cilrcclly oi lrii) "C<,rrupi Practice" neans lhe ofierirrg. giving' Lccciv rg or soiiciL n; irrlirccll;. oiarythirg o1_vaLue to iGllilcrcc tLre ilcis ofr.lrother )al'iy lo lvror)gftL ri (lv) "lrt1udulcnt Practice" nrcals aly act or onission, incLrding a risrePLesentation, thai ,Lroivlrg.y or recl(iessly lnrsLeads. or a:lei'nirts io rrisiead, a perl) to oblaln a 'frlarclal o: oihcr 5c|cfit o Lo avoid an oL'rligalion; Lrt "Obr,tructive fract;cc" n1c:rns lar'lnlrg o-threaierriIg io harrn. directly ot'indirecLiy, p.rsor', rh",tpopcrlytoirrlllencllheirpartrclpaiionlnaproc!renerLprocess-oi aifeci lil3' c)iectLiici_ olacontraclo: dcliberalelydestro)/ing,falsifyirg aitering or concea irrg oi cvidcnce raleria to trc rrveslig.tiorr or rnal(rrrg ialse sLelemcnts befoLe irlvesligalors llr order to )rarcrlllil lmpcde an I )vcstlgation ilio !i cgatioits ofacoliLLlli. ii'lid! Lcnl. cocrcve or'acllrSl\'e Dfacl;cei )r'threatcning, ha|assing or inti:iidrling a1) paL1y to prevent t ionr dlscloslng its l(no\\,lcd!r ol- nrattcrs rclevrIt lo thc lnvcsligaliorr or from pursL rng thc ixvcstigatlof, or ects ln!endei l mrteli.\il), ilrlpcde ti. excLcrsr oi iNspcciion aiC audi: righls p:oviCed tirr urje:-lie )'les. l7.l S rrllr l)r!i ! i,toci rcnrcIl I(cguiirl(ly AlrLlNriL\ rv$r ;))rx5rLr! r.!ov.p]\ う i;l.l:l lost lN.l r lific. Q I rn ( io ttV´ ARD OF CONTltACT D Ihc i'roc\rri il n gcIcy, r, rly slrtrc i,t'ltru t,itl uvrJLr li{,,r. I hvi,j,l (:ilxtit)t(, r(,,rsi,Ir ii,, ,,, c.t1!!'cc Iy dcl'ecL r .o Iircior's crJ)i,cirics, lriry rcqLrirc rtrc cr)Iirircror\ ?l' to provide inlormarion corcc.ninA their professronal, rcch::ical, financia), iegat o: mnnnscrinI compctcncc whclhcr ilrcfldy prc-qur lific(i or foil pt ihkt Jit.cia L ,r0vlucrl,,th.tt s!lctt ln rvnl.ng.r l!.2 !.illliciilioii slill 11)cy stra Tirc dcicniinrtion l otily bc laid Corv' lficr.r3cordit)li acrsolts Llrcrcibic ll.rl b:d cvrlualion rel orl (omr pir( of th(. rccords of will (akc i,to accoun( thc biirlcr,r lln.rrclal ilnd tc.irricirl "rp.;,iili"s. upon i exJmirr]tion of Lhc documcniary .cviae;tce o: tltc ,Ltiaers, .urirlrcatrons submi(cd undcr D. , rs well rs suci othcr infom,rr.orr;cquirci in rirc t rvill beib,:scd r tdd rng Lrocu mcn ts, IB.i9 ,.1y:rrd Critcria.t Irocuring Agency,s Righi i9.I S l. ubjcci to IB.19.2, thc t,rocurinu Agcnd/ lvill .rwrrd tlrc Con(rirct (o (hc Siddcr !yliosc bid r Lrc.i ditcimired :o l.c subqlar,,i .l.y iej?orsr\ e lo Lrrc BjddjrS Docuixcnis aii rvlc :fer cd thc Io\\ es: e. a),r:r-C J id p:icc, ;:_r iicJ tl)Ji sucir biddsr las becn ieic:xr ijl.a rc be qr.:rlidcd ro sarist'ac(ory pcrlonn thc Corrtract rn !ccor!;ncc wt tr lhc iroyrsro s oI h .. ri. L IB. i 8. i i Ir.l -\ trv.l;ijlrndri;Ji.)9.l.ricl,ocurirgAtcncyrcscrycqlll'r.-.i ir i, :ird tofrrnul rIc bidding proccss;:;rJ rcjcct rl1 bids, rLi I Io rcccft or rc,.c: rny lriy ti;lc plior io irwl ol CLilrJct, wilhoLrl rlrcrcby inc!iring any liarrilily to rhe ailected bidrJcrs oi any obligarion to nfomr tlrc ifleclcd b:dders of tirc grounds ior rhe plocr:ing Afcncy.s Jct,or c\ ..pr lir;.(],c groUnds lDr ils rcjccrion oTirll Lids shall upon rcqucsl bc contnrrrrcltcd, to r0y biLlcr wIo iubnrirrcrj 0 bid, w;rtrout.juslrllcarion ofrhc grounds. i,loricc ot lhc icj.clion ofr)1 thc bidi shaJI bc giycD promprly ro a rhe biddcrs (Spp Rute 25). l/1,20 fu, ?C.i Pr:c ro crpimrirn oI rhc pcrioJ of b:dvrtiCjlyFicjcrilcj!ylj.c?ro.r.r:IUAgcn.J,ll,o l'ro(rnng Agency \vill r)orify thc succcss,rJj biddcr in lvri::ig r,,Lcrrrr of rrcccp:,,;r.c,,; rliJ I rjs bid his bccll icccptcJ (SI't'RuJc 4rl. ,O flcJll!jrrof A,rxrd & Stgrrtrrf {,f Corrrr.;rri AgIr:crirc r (07) ,jrys. fronr rhc dai€ cf tiirnishirrg cf lcc3pra,ite pcri.ornance SccLriiry ] :l.ll, rirJ-.i,i.":l ilrc Colrditions ofCoIlriLrt. rlrc I,roc rir,B A8c|07 will scrrd rhc:!LrcccsslirJ LridrtcI ogrccn,cnr provirJed ll:-111:1.::f".,":l .lb-ec ncnls br't\veco Ihe pr ,,,, ;,,ri," ritaa;ng Do",,,",,i., rcs. i,,-"-o,r,o,,,,,g "rr r,rlr. riIij ,^rurjy Ir,(r rjjc sIccoirlrt l,irrlrur rrIry l.l:.: ll,':,., fs.."1,,.,;r-1,.,,1.1"1' trr. s,r:.]lr.,r .l ratr:,:r ----% of bid trice(uDdared fio;) iinre lo lime) sra(cd in Lcire: oi /\ccei i!ncc sttnll bc cxecrllcJ Njthjn scvcn (07) rlays ol.thc rcccipt ol Ior.In of Co|iiact irr.c,rci,r by rt)c si.ccssltrl L,j(l(tc, t,oln rlje J,r,c(,l,rg ^ru,rcy ntumcnr'ircNrt: ory urhorily i \ssv.nttrisi.itI) /.v l1l.: : I i. 21.: :ll Pcrforrir illcc Sccur-it-v irl ircsucccssiLlbiddcr!h.rli.tu rihiot|eProclringAgency.lPerlbrniafceSccu|t)iniho ior:r arl the amoLllt stipL ialed lr tlio Conoitiors ol Contract lvlthin a pclicrl ci forr.een ( l:i) Ca)'s aiLer ihe rcccipl o t Lericr o l'Ac.ellarce (S PP l9). Irailure ofthc successf_ul biddcrtocoinp),!vithtrercqiircmeftsoiSub,CleLLseslE.20.2 & 20.1 or 2l.l or ChLrsc lB 22 shall constirLLle suiliciert groLLnds for ihe annulrnelt of il d Scclrrirl,. :ublicarion ofAward oiConiiri:i n,iihi. scve|l ihe av,,ard and iorlariL re ol itrc Ca,vs o:-iic a'rard oi'continci, ire Irocirir.l erthority af(i on Lls own lvchsiie. lisrcjr n \./cb5itc crls(s, trc 'cs0i1: ol thc bidd fB prcccss. idcnfiIiiLr{ L]l. brd rirrcugr Iroclrcrrcrt idrlrtilyrrrs NurnL)0r il'rny r inl Lh ioilo\ving rn to r ni lroI ( l) L\, rl' x!ion l{eport. (2) iro r ofCont act rnd cttcr olAlvirrCi (3) Bil oJ Qurnt tiesorSched,J col'llcquirernents (Sl,D R'r e50) slrrll irrhlisr oir lic \\,cbsrtc oltlc ID,22 Iniegritl,Paci The Biddcrslrall srg| and starn, thc For .ir of lniegriry Pa r]li)vidcC:11 Scicdric-F lo Brd in the Bidd ng Doc!|rcnt ior a I Sindh Coycrnmenr procurelrcn! ccrit|acls c;icccd rgRupcesten(i0) nr liron. Faiiutetorpiovidesucli li[egrit] Pact snail niti<e t:e itd;rorrri:,ll.r! !,. (SPP ilulc 39) lliixllr l.Slic ,rocurcfrenr Regutatory A!t rortrj I uqvr jrpasj r.l r.go! fk 鐵 i2.I (a),! dctailed dcscriFhori ofthc works, csscntiai iccllnical and PcrfOrmancc charそ lctelistics (b) coDli lele.l set of rcchnicar i,rbr-r:ration. descript,or, darc- JiteratLrrc aud drar'ings as reqLrircd i, ac")i'iarco with schedulc B to Bid, speciiic works Datc. Thi:r .,vi incrude bDt not be Iirrlircd 1.r a:; s.lficicnr number of drawings, photographs catarogues, ilusirations and such other iDrorinarior] as is ncccss.lrv ic illustratc clcarly thc significart characteristics such as gencral constluction dimensions iurd othcr relevant iufomation about the lvorks to be pleformcd I 13 1 Aillotnt ofBid Sec● ri″ 14.1 Periotl of I,1.1 Numb 2Y" of Estimrtc Cost, Bid Validitv :r of Copics of thc Bid to 90 davs bc submiftecl: Onc Original I1,6 (a) Procuring Agency's Address for the Purpose 0f Bid Submission:Executive Enginec/Ghotki Division (Irrig:rtion) Ghotki (Irrigation Colonl,) (Insert postal address cr locotion of btd box tielitery by hana) 151DcadiinerclrsubmissiOnofBids:― i6.1 Venue,'.'imc, nnd Dare 0fBid Opcning: Timc ′ ,´ Vcnue た `/b AM/PM on あ´ ι ′ ′ /」 `jら Nι ノ´//2ノ)レ ′′場 ii^" 2 :& /tr/ ol'Bicls lill requircd pcliod aa"a 16.4 Rcspoosir cncss (i)Bicl is valicJ llindh Public P;ocLrrement Regulatory Authority / lvr.v,"v.pnrasrndh.qov pk ZAttD HUSSス IN OURESHl` EXECuTIVE ENG‖EER` GHOTド │)も :♀ :ロ *(ii) Bid pr'ices.rc tirr: liur'iLtg liri) ionrplctior pcriorl ollc cr is !vrlhir r;Dccilic(i i n (iv) Diddcr ls cligit)lc to Bid nnd posscsses thc rcqLrisile expeiieIcc, capability a|d c 'r'eIc.r ofcoirrra.iiPiicc adjustrncnti ls, qraliilcriioir (r) r Bid docs rroL devrlte Bius rr.c ..e. e 1,.) jior basic techtlcal rcqoir'crrcnts rricl ' . o-d.:.. .l "PiocLrring agcncv can .CcDt ciilrcr-cl t!\,o opi)ais. l.Sclect ?rlhar al iilcni) (r) Iii\cd l'.icc c0:rtr-1icL: ln trasc coii'.:aciS itc cscu uticN \vlll lrc i]'o!iila(l d!rorg currcncy cfthc conL.rct axa norntlly pc iod ofconil)iciion ol'thcso \vori(s is I trto I iIoIths. (b) Pricc rdjLrsi iclt contrrctr in thcsc coflfacts escalailof w:il bc raid only br ihose lcirs aicl in ile manreL as rctried by l'irance Dr.;3riirar)1, Covcnrmtft cl Sindh. alicI bi11 openirg clurifg cr |rcr'rcy ofthc coriiac[. Si,ralrPLh ()Prc.urerncntRcgul0(o',,.{ r|oril), irr"w |f as, rdh gov nI FOR,4 0F BID (じ er「 1t lretre,,ce r'rci.) .l εR OF OFFじ R) ち::'、 1 ′ 1, ′, ・ n■ ‐ ‐ _`: . : Ci ntle ner). I lavirtg trlfrr rcd the 13iddrrg DocuIte rls lIc udiIg Ixsiru.iioNs ic Di,iajt.s. Biddllg Da(a, Corditiors of Coftracr. Coirn'acr Dara. Spcc fi.a:i.ns. Dralvings. rf aLry. Schcdulc ol' Prices and Addc|c;a Nos. l'or Ihc c)ieclriioI oi ihe abcve Izrnred so:is. we, the rDCers gncd. bcixg a cornpa ! Ccir)g br s:|ess Lr rdcr i rc I.Nje c: i ri address ara br irI lrereb_v oiiei'lc er:e.ite alii conrplete 5uch !vorks irnd rerrrcdy any delecls lheiein it1 co:totnrlt\,,rtit l:13 sard Doclrrrerrts rrl.lLrdi0g Addenda rlereto ior thc Total Bid price o:' R._ (Rupees ._ l ) or src] rrlrci sLr n as may bc asccriained in a.cordafce !vLlh ile si d DocurxeIls. duly irco'pori[ed under ihe aws oi Pakistair 2. Wc uflersliLirl Lhri all tjrc ScIc(iu €s aiticlrc.j icrero i-ofirl p:lrr oTthis Bid As secufiiv ,ior dLc pcrt'onrance ol tire L Ideii.kinls axC obligatiors ol irt. Bid. \rc subnit hc e!vith a Bid Sccuriry iI rhe .mornr oiCLawi ir ycIr fi,roL r or rrade payablc lo ),oJ anC valiC iof I pericd oi Illeiri) eigri(23) a3)i b._ycrd thc perlod of!r iiitl/ oF Bid 4 We Lrndertaiie, iloLLr Bid is acceptcd, to coinntellcc tile Wolks a|d lo dclivcl aird conrp cte t re U'9rks cc )prised tn tire Co|i:,lci !viihi| iirq i ne(s) slered ,N Co,rtr.rcr 5 、 D... We aglec tO abide by this ei〔 l fol 口〕 e period Or days 101]ι c datc I〕 fi;rcd for recei" rg ire s.,iIe ard ii sha rerna:I biIiirg upon rs a:rd rrrl- bc accepltd et rfv time befbic the c\ p iration ofth ocriod. じ Uniess aNi Lintil . for rial Agreemenr s preprred arrd exccurc,:j^ thjs eid. togilher \liil) l,ou: writref 3cc€pi.ji.3 ihercci shall coirsijiirle a bir)C;Ig co rI act bellvee M We rnacitulie, :i our DLd s ac.eptcrj. ro e)(ec!te iJre pciforrrjaf.e SccL[ity Sirlir l)r rlic lJlocure .ft Itc-qulalon. A!llx]|il! i \1ry.ir."rrs,n!lh.!0!.t\ referre.' to in Condiii.ns ciCoxirad for rhe We urideisi?.nC iiral)rori are , |ot boL iu. d io accepi oeiior.rn.llce oirlre Conir...r. ire owesi or ary bi.iyou may We do he.eby decjare tilat ihe DJd is made v/lthout iLny collusio|, cornparison otflgures or arrarrgemcni \r,iih arl othci perso:l or peisois makir)g x bi(l for lJrc Worli$. D.iled lh is diry oi ZA SignillLr c ir) lhc capaciry (Natne al ol --iL l att,o,ized lo s g,i i,id io: a,d o:, b.irrti ot' Bdder h Blcck Capttois) (Scdtl Addrcss Wltnessi (Signalure) Nanre: Si, i, Pr I ic Jrrocu,cnleot Reg!ta(ory Aurho.ir) I*rlv.ppraj adh.sov.pk ISCllED ULES To BID INcLU〕 )E THE,OLLOヽ VINC: ・ Schedじ le A:O Bidi Sclc(tle o′ Pilces o Schedule B ι O BId Speci「 c ヽ′ 。lks Data o Scl]edtle C tO Bid: v。 . 「 (s tO be〔 ]ed 'cl rO「 ■ by Sube0 1tracio「 Schedric D to Did: proposecj progr.rr) ofWorks . Sc redule E ' ScicdL ic f io Brdr Vcrjrod ot pericrrrl iIg Works (o Bidr inicgrti), frcii , :. s SCllじ DULE― SCIIEDULE 、 A To BID O「 PRICES ︲ ¨ 一 P■ ge N0 ・ , 1 ﹂ ofpr,c.s ... . . .... つ・ Schedulc ol Pr.iccs. 4 ´0 ^ Z う´ Preamble to ScredrTe *(a)Sunlma「 .OfBrd Plccs ・ (b)Delni ed sc l。 (ulelも「P ices/B I ol Q!lnrtitics (BOQ) て *「 ,"7で S fdi Plhl c rrcoLrrcfrunr Jtcgrl ro ″ フ タうマルゼ ′ ″″ θ ε ″ ,"И Rυ ,● ノ ′ a AulI0ll!r l ヽ ヽ、 、、 │ ,,f・ │ッ lヽ int 11 7じ SCIiEDULE - A']'O I}ID PREAMBLD TO SCIIDDUI,I] OF PRICIS Ceneral 1 口 cofjuIci,on ∬鰤 I爆∫ w 'l .c.Corrr cr sl.r.,.i t1. l,.e wJjolc.fL.c !!cf\(.\ .rL.(J...j.J .., t..r.,r ,Jr J.l r.;I)..r.:.ilr1 U I.ir I JJ(Jbf.Jccori, , ."p".f-".,; ^ :..' 2 jrh 6c fa記 批 a躍 詰Ivith the Spccifi.erions Dtscril)liolr l.i r '. Tlrr Ueltcr.l JILLtror)s rI! desar,rDr, '.,",.,,i),.p.,;";,;;,:' ; .: :'i ::,"","i'l'i::.",:r,',:i ;; : rJre B,,jdj,,g D";J;r".;.;;;: orrces,rcJ.n.r -"cJ. r,e I :. Lr; Sc...d,,le of t,rices Relerences ro rhi reJevanr secrions oj. ,)r,rdc rcjorc e:,.-rj.rj 3 Unirs & Abbl'cvi:rrions 31 七l:臀ll iキ ││liょ │:│li:│:tel十 gaら )ヽo′ ピ アみ and abbreviatjons expresscd i| lhc !v;th lhc SysteIr. intcrrraiioIale cl, でr´ rlο 4,′ 。ゎg IIマ ′ ‐G′ 妙 ″じ ・・7ο α″′ 竹 ′ ″のヮ =‐ 4 o′ │′ ,r17ι sGヵ ピ ′ι rr`θ /,o「 l.● ′ οルε “ Rales and Priccs 41 42 縮齢 43 llt常 ∫ λ ][II椰 ¶認1轟 1職 繹 [甘 ll:1£ !:名 44 1;〕 :l:LCギ ││」 i=T‖ lど に Sp・ abた by J]c cmlacに r sh81ぃ ‖籠 出 #f『 密 :R::llittif冨 よ ―――――― ― ― __― ― ―― ―-7F― ― ■ ヽ│)│11'■ │に II,cllせ ハ ,じ n Iヽ cg。 0。 AJい 。1■ 、 ぃ、 、 、,P,Oslod1 3。 v [ 司 舅 SCHCDULE‐ To BID 1ヽ ''o rlflL' 1,(.)ro,i'cn. l"( Losi 'l.ri. oc oee...-/t to o( r:.t,,butct|c rat.s znd prices eftere.i for the relared jte|rs ofthe Wofks ri, L)o ..0 .ir:c Ji. ) ..e..r ..;. oc.niCc lor ,o.: :.c.i, arnong Tlle rat:s. prices arrd arno!nts shall be enrerecl agaifst each iierx in th€ Schcdulc oIPriccs. AIy iter agairs( \vhich rro ralc or p];cc is clltcrc(l by Ihc tiadcI witl rror trc paid ibr by ihc procuring ngcncy u,hcI crecLricd.lrC sltr. I be deerrred covcied bv thc ratcs aicj irriccs l^oi other iLenrs in thc Schedule olprices. 4.5 (r) Th. bidder slrall 'ro l bc (.po,, .bte ,q ....r:L c.:,.J :re Jr,.r'!c'1( _iJ lo. rLe lr.rl\t,o..i,1. o:, o.li'c l,lJn. lo i,r- \r:.. be deerncd ro havc obtaine.l aiI ifl'or.raticn as Io at)d all requiremeLrts related l|erero uhich mayI)ftecr lhc bid plicc * T,,e r,1'.-16.o,. .,J (Ptacut itlg lg'cn.y )11oy )nadifl os naropic!.) | 4.6 Thc Contracloi shaliprovide lorall perts ofthe lvo (s to be corrlle,red rn every fespect. Notlvithstafdrng thst any detaljs, accessories, etc. req!ired ,for th. co nplete ilrstalla!on end sat sfactory operrtro of the \\,rl,r r,L.:.oi ,l.rtfrrl,y .lelrils shall わ 5i rcn.o. d rr ,,,. S1 :..fi:rr'o be considered as irlcl!ded ir tir3 Conrrncr pncc. ., .. Bid Priccs Brcak-!,p of BiJ Pri.es various elenrc|ts of Bid prices shall be qroted irs deLajled b), the ProcLi 'i0g Agency iI thc foflnat priccs. Ihe of Schedu lc of The bidder sDal) recognize such elenrents cflhc costs !vhicl) hc erpects to inc r the lerforlrexce of the Works arcj shall jncludc allsuch cosfs in the rates a )d arno nrs enlered in the SchedLrlc olprices. 5.2 Toll Bid Pr . c Thc lotal of bid pnces SLrlrnrary of Bid 6 I I the Schecl!le pr ices. of p ices shalJ be eni3ied r I ljtc )?royisional Sunrs anrt Day rvor k 6.1 62 Aovisiorral.sums iIcjudeC and so desigriatec in ihe Schedu rl aJry, shall b€ cxpended iri wjrole or if Da.i at the e ofprjccs djJ.ection and discret;on ofthe Engrnee/proclrrog Ageicy. th. Coutractor \\,ill ontv ccct\c r,,j,n rlt ,,1 rc.pc:l oi pro!i_,ol),r. s....r1. il Le l,:,_ Lc.r rnstrxctcd b] tlic E rgixce/procr ring AgcIcy ro Utiljzc sUcl) su l]s. Day rvor[ ]atcs in thc contraciors bid are (o be (rse.i ior snrell .Jdition,l ,r-roL r, .r wo-^ r.rJ or r1 s re.. .l- [..:re- .]_!- _:, r, wflll-. ,l',tt...:olr. I ad\,r..^ .or:,ri r .0..,, to t. p.. r"o, .,. ^o:. rlrr I s, \ Ilocu:cnlcnl lirs!raroD. AL lhol|l\. \$r\ Dja\irdtr "ix r.i SCIJEDULE‐ A TO BID SCIIEDUI.E OFl'RlCES― SU'4,“ ARY OF・Ili D PRICES(Samplc) :〕 I)cscrip{i0I ill No (A) Iluil(ling work │ 2 じ 出 ::l:i'ald Waけ suppけ │‖ Earthlvork Ilald Crusl and St ffacc T eal]nenl CuIYerts ard Bridges i!4rscsllaJreo!s I tems (C) Pubiic Ucallh Dngin€ering ヽVorks t , EirithlYork I , ■ ■ ■ SubsLufiice Drains Plpe Layiog and Ma| holes TL be Lvells, Putrrp lrouses くす 0 Cornpounci lvaII Miscellaneous Ite s │ │ IJ:吻 │ SiILllr i,ubiii t,ncrrc c ( Rcsutxru-, lo be ertered !lhoriLr Paragraph I otthe Fonn i\q!r. ppr.siflh.gov ofBjd) EXECUT,[ENGHEER 錦OT(DIⅥ SOulRR6AT口 @GHOTKl 1 SCHじ DCl´ E― A10 BID SCIIEDULE OF PRICES │【 (oil l I U市 i Descripl ioD Ratllミ ,1 l otal Λ:1,ount(Rol N。 l, (Civillvorl(s) lII E!ectrincation I\r. DeveloP Ertcr,)a1 e n sul)piy. ︲ ︲︲︲︲︲ ︲︲︲︱︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ =︱︱︱ ︱ ︱︱︱︱︱︱ ︱︱︲ ﹁︱ ﹁﹁ r II.l n tcl.nal snrrtary 0 ´ ^D \/. l\lisccllrDcous Ilcms 蕊 匡 rll,rlr i'}r illc |,tu.1rL)nrrlli.! | o,\ ^rrr.nnl, i\i(( jit.s ' ! 1rn t ` EXECUTIvE E GHOTKI DIVI ]@G LIT 10 Dl B ]NI I 0 3 F G0 PIPE OUT L TS, . Pac″ 2α ο_′ ′ ScHmr/1F“ θ″ uanti 11lll:Vat:ld」 :sf° ll:atillh』 : 1170o,o cft 317625 1560oc cft 報蔦 基il學 rati0 1:4 12595o : 1:11:ll:l 1250141 ︱︲ l︲ ︱︱ ︲ ︱ ml ︱r噌it l︲ ︱︲ ll a l ︱ ︲ ︲ 一︱ ¨ Ⅷ鰤 m ︲ ] ︲ ︱ ︲ ︲ fil距 iiよ litl臀 [Il:」 r 283920 ci ilttil:Cttl RT: 2600o sft 51940 cft 3716212.0 聾 ぽ囁 蕊 聴 II砕 23400o3ft %O CFt 12574.38 #ll卜 29253299o 35701179o 。 fellil 棚:りn蜆 :駆rttkげ p:1罰 iIT 1965200o 312741 禦 鮮li[lfiiセ、 テ : 1442925 8131260 74945520 216580 sft 115132 112580 Sft 1 9 16250oo cFt BorrO、 undressed … 128744 ν pit lead excavatiOn up10 100, in ard SOH 211750 2493529.0 1449399o 3440937o ua nti 16250 00 ヘリ ︵υ 16250 C■ Cft ::ft Description 10. Carriage of 100 cft/ 5 ton of all materials Iike stone aggregate spawl, coal, iime surkhi etc B.G rail fdstening pornts and crossing biidges. Girders pipes 10" x 5" or 1000 maunds of fuel wood by trucks or any other means owned by the contractors [1 Mi]esJ. 11. Dfessing and leveling of earth work fo designed section etc complete in ordinary or hard soil. 12. Supplying and fixing in position iron/ steel grill of %" x %" size flute iron of approval design including painting 3 coat e.t.c complete (weight not less than 3.7 lbs/ sq foot finished srill Rate Per 4070 %Cft 66137500 18755 %o Cft 3047680 18050 P― Sft 7220000 Total AmouDt 939679510 PART‐ B rWATER COURSESl CFt 1. Dismantling bricks work in lime or concrete mortar. 2. Dismantling cement concrete seParating reinforcement form concrete cleaning and strengthening the reinforcement 7 128563 %C' 6680 54450 %Ci 2210 272250 %o Ci 12330 1077093 96 Cft 100160 1250141 %Ct 68750 1257438 %Ci 354600 1442925 %Ci 60600 same 3 Excavation in foundation Of building bridges and other Cft structures i/c dag belling dressing, irenHing arOund the Vlth excaVated earth structtlreヽ ヽ and lemさ ining lead up to One 9hJ■ att H■ up Ю5'L in ordillar■ t Cft Cft Cft l s剋 ' 4,,Cennent cOncrete brick Or StOne rallJこ 1/2t02"gauge ra● 5. PrJcca.brick work in foundation and.jrinth in,cemenr sand mortar Iatio 1:4i I 6, Pucca brick work other than building including striking of joint irn to 20 ft: heisht. 7. Cft o14:8 - Cement concrete Plain i/c placing compactinB finishing and curing complete i/c screening and washing of stone aggregate without.shuftering ID rutio 11214. r メ ロ 岨= = = = = ″ │ οn 黎 電諏輛 “ :琴 0.51 Cwt _Rate ppr J‐ ount 難製轟 憮 鷲 iど in::聯 5001..70 2551o 拙亀 75 cF: 337o lli:「 221 sft 1500 cFt 1500 cft 露iTf:Intinglushupt020 P― 115135 皿 価ツー い“ 128744 旦 Lfell::::]ie,「 13. Borrow undressed lead ordinary soil. 競rirT視 :Ъ ing irOn frame 2400 c■ %Si 25440 %Sft 28450 P‐ C、 vt Pit excavation upto 100ft: in ∬ lri盤 fa盤 con121etelnOrdinattorhardsdi 211750 %o Ct: ' %o Ci 18755 25270 2400o 31760 281o │ TOtal Rs: ま n 札 iぷ 鞘 768570 23825670 lrttte淑 0067C、 vt Lterr4'[b). iir: 500178 1 00 CFt P‐ Cvvt 3350 1螺1番 濡鸞 轟[1 30978 一´ :r,1 P― Ft 31o o わ 乱 鵠よ uanti DescriDtion il鞘 :織 Amount :l:面 Th」 験誦l《 n雌 irructtiier: with excavated earth and.remaining lead up to one chain and lift up to 5' ft: in ordinarv soil. 4. 113 Cft 10 No: 272250 %oCt 1 50 Cement concrete plarn i/c placing compacting finishing and curring complete i/c screening and washing of stone aggregate Without shutterins ratio 1:2r4. 5. Preparing surface and painting small detached arlicle exceeding one Sft and not exceedin8 3 Sft of inted surface 3 coat 6. Write Leners of ngures per letter Der inches heisht 1442925 31763 11730 164220 1173x14 Rs: Part‐ A Part― B Part‐ C G-Total Amount Rs: B) A)a ltem No:12(Part‐ Note: Excep: ltem No:10(Part‐ グ 淵 鵬 `ι 織 鵬]Ⅷ CON:鮨 ヽCTOR `・ ` @GHOTKl 、 ヾ 工: “ 1 ヽ │ 、│ェ ` │ 」 `J ● _ ‐ 939679510 23825670 164220 963669400 ↓ ち GHOTKI DiVIS10N(:RRICAT10N) @GHOTK: SCHEDULC-3 ΓO IllD ★ SPECIFIC WORKS DATA FOわ c′「 ψ i常 S ri (″ 」″ `ン ′ "ε ο,Pθ ′ご ″″ ′ 力どP「 οc]″ irg/`ど ″らソ `ι し レ ″ゎ れ ″ 〃″ "中 ″ 免I携 ′ 婦鵠イ 常t尊 1務 :;協 l究″は I Piil:r iir.cu. tfi ll.gulr(!-1 Aurl,ori! I ,\tr\ ni t-\,,,!lir.S.r .t_.k 閻 SCIIEDULE― c To DiD ヽVORKS ‖ llよ 惧 Ⅲ TO BEl)じ RFORヽ 4ED By suBCONTRACTORS' !lt‖ tげ `高 い いり け ∝ ・ cN c中 帳 Wα Name and addtess Sub Corrtraciors tc bc I ub-Connacted i Hn“ ol 田 。w品 に Staieure|lt oisirx ilaf works prevlously ` oici * TLc Procuring igency sllould le.tlc yhctlict.ta oi:at, s!hcantr.).t:n! ai nai. it1 cct!c /'t'acn'tng Agcncy decidct ta allo\, .ribcantractitlg !hen /blla\ iry t:o) iliati\ .tl1{t!l b! car!p!icti\ tth: llo cjrangc cl S!b-Contractors shal be rnade by the biCder witho!t prjor :pproval of the Proc"riirg Ag.iicy. Tirc trL:hlulfess and acct racy oflhe stare|ert ns ro thc experiencc oisubCcrtractors is gtarallced by lhe bidder. 'The ProcLrring Agcncy's judgncnt shali bc fina rs lo tlrc cv.luatioir oi tlre crpcricnce ol SLrb-CorLracLcis tr..) j- Sil1 1 1` tl c itr.- ". rhc Iriadc. Slalenielrt of si)rilaf lvofks shall inc ude dcscfl)trof, locatio| wor(s. ycilr colnp cied ar)C ni|re & edafcss ol ihe clLe|ls. mmmJ¨ 価 m中 … ¨ … 中k 瑯 & value of SCHEDULE― D TO BID PROPOsED PROCRAヽ イ)4E OF V10RKS llidd、 r s]Q‖ ,「 。γidc a P「 oご la ll]]e il a bal‐ chat O「 Plo31a]]Eva tlat o l al]d Revicw tiCa Pad〕 l.le,hOd(CPM)ShOヽ VI]3 the sequcnce oF、 vOlk iten、 by Tcchi iquc(PERT)or C■ 、 vh c hc P「 OpOSes to c00〕 P cte dlc wO ks Or J〕 e cntic Conirac( The plogianlぃ c s10Jld indic:te tilc scqt e,cc or、 vOl、 te l,s al(l t,c peliOd Or til]e dtr 〕 8 7,ic] ]c ,lo)osCb lo :蹴 lを 、 、 olk、 胤Ⅷ 鳳 c「 cc(10o ヽil( lP● l e SI:i露 [‖ :│llザ 1lll:な illま モ lll:‖ ][ll螺 :│lllば lw:希 lcsi118‖ 1( oO 1lnlissio lint o「 ` `0 く 、lo卜 e sl ぅ,Iic( ‖](Ic1 1,c Colt aじ 価 雨 酬 R・ umり ¨ ¨ ⅢⅢ ぃっ … ¨ ド4 靱 t SCIIEDULE― F_TO BID ,4ETIIOD OF PERrORMINCヽ VORKS TI)c b dcler is rcqLtircd (o subt)it a r)arralive outlining (he r cthod ofpertornring lhe Works. Thc r)irrative sIould indrcate iI detarl rrrd inc ude bur nol be lirritcd to: Thc scquencc and nrellods i| lvhrch hc proposcs ro ca|]y oL l(hc Works. .r,rrbc. ot shr1,, pcr J:ry i..c '.orj..- pcr ,,,:rr. .e c^pccr\ :o qo-l A isl ol_all nrajor itcnrs ol co]lstrLrction and plarrt ercctjon. rroposcd io 5c uscd in dclivcring/canyirg oul tlrc *,orks it srtc_ i|chrrl rq toos a)d fhc vcl)icjcs Ihc prcce(lurc for lrrslflllition olcquilrnrenl ari; IrnnsporLntiol oTcqurpr)rcftrn(l xfltcriils to the s itc. OrBznisation charr iIdicat]ng re.d office rlanagcntenL, suPer vision and eirginccri|lg (.of1ract. SilJh Publc P oculenltnt Resiatoぃ . & l'icid officc pcrsonret iIvoivcd in of the lYorks ro bt doJre under rjle SCilEDULE― F TO BID (lN「 ECR1l Y PAC r) OCCLARAT10N OF FCES,cOMヽ 41SSiON AND BROKERACE ETC PAVABLE BY CONTRACTO RS (FOR COヽ TRACTSヽ VORTH RS 1000 MIし L10N OR MORし ) Conriacl N。 Datc0 Conn'acr Contiacl Tit e: ............ In] x. ot Contr.clorl ir.rciry dcciarcs ttrei itirrs not obtirrred oi i.ldu\.(dr.-ep.oc..re.i)e.,ror'dr.).urt-.,-1..,t,... orot.c-o.J;r:,on o. bcr+fr I orir Covr-)r1c, r or S ,dhL.o-jo-rr/ro:..r1u.,: \ . ..,t J-v o, orls: .:r.crco oranyother cntilyowncdorconrro €d by rr(OoS)tlrougl anyconr:pr businesipracricc Wlrroui lir)1itj )g rhe geDeratiiy ot ri," fo,"ijoii,g. ILrimc of ConhacLor] ,eprtierts ard wa anis thar it has fuity Ceclared llrc brokeragc. comnission, tecs erc. p;id or pa_yabtc io a lyone and not given or agreeC r; gjve 3nd shfl ll nol g ve or rgrcc ro givc ro ar_ro"" *irt ;u or outside Pakjstan eirher dirccriy or jndii€ctjy rt,ro,,gt, ,ny narrrui o, 1r,;lLof p",r0,,. iJrcluding rts affiIia(e, ageni, issociare. broker. consutrant, director,.pronoter. sha clolLter. ,torr.o, or srib,.,ir). r:) .or.n ..on. Ir.,: r:r.ion. br:by. ,:n cJ. fer o, ...ku, cl,crler d.-(..iLc.r\(on.u.l"i.onle.o.o.:c.rsr,s.:-r:-obje.l otoor.,.r.rA o, .C_.., i the procurcfrent ot a coniract, righL. Jnteresr, privrtege or orirer of g"l;"" i, fr*"fl ii whaGoever forn ilon. lronr procuri.g Agency (pA) ;ce!t rtral wh.it,",l."".rp_rrir- dedlared pu suanr hcleto r","olCorrrcrorr.ci!.. j a,o:sD ).. ds.r..r .,r ._ rnnr:' .."r...o. , iale tu I dis.losurr ot alt igrcenrerrrs aij afangcnre ris wirlr ati persons jr r€specl ot or I rlalcd 10 thc (insaclion rvirh pA axC has fol taken anv irc:iol] or wrll ,roi lakc arv..ri.i h ' -!ur'rrr.t r!.lbovco.cln. i-.. :.r.J.. _Hnt::,o1 o:. r..-,..::. lianie ol Conrmcrod acceprs tuI respofsrbitrq, and srric( liabiJiry fol .akins anv fets" o cl,''.rr:o ), tot .r,1 -g ,Lrl .:'cloS(ir-.,.1,5-ep,e,,"-rr....;cr, o ,..,,,: ..f ,.,,i, t,.".,,0 dL,r lrc pr..losF of t,) d"c,r .j, olcr. .se, rd, on .."". ,.,,..1 ",," obD:feo "i , or c. )lract, ight. irrer'csr. ptivilege o. oiier obtigatiorl o: bcncjji p,rrcu.et as ilresij(l s )ill. \vilhour plciLrjirc ro uv or rc: righls ind :.clxcCics avrilxb:c ro p,i, L r(lcr .r rv [ .cor',r ro"ot,cr.rrs.r.r".:. b".oroas.- J.,l."opr'o]or pA \ciNilhsrinding any rghrs aDd rcfreoies €xerctsed by pA in this regerd. Inarc ot Surpller/Contracto/Consuitanrl agrecs to jnden,irty ?A lor any toss or daniagc cu|r.ed b;; it ( r account of its corupi bis ness p.actrces anC iudhcr pay compcnsatio; ro pA rf a; ilirl )rrnt egLlivitlcni lo tcn tirne Ihc s!n ol any conrnission, grililcarion, bribe, fiJjacr.s tie o. liic b ck givcr by Inamc olConrricto4 is ;to]csaiC tor rhe tL,pose otoLrrainirg or indrc,,rr: r'rr u,ocL-rlerr ol. j) con, rc_r o-,,,r:-c o 0..?, .r.' !..,on;: t- c :. :: wh, isocver fo.fi f onr PA IPrrcur ng Agcncyl ― ― ― lJヽ Pulわ せl'ocu cnic‖ ヽ‖ こgu Icofriac'o.] 百而 面高扁 蔽市 ni()、 ヽヽ Auい o11,│、 、、 ヽPP u` 市 '│ヽ =o,Pヽ 轟 閻 ´ 一 ・ . CONDIT10NS OF CONTRACT CENERAL PROVIS10NS pennilions I in the Contract as detined below. tlre !\,ords ard expressiofs deflned foliowing meaniLrgs assigncd to s rall have Urc tjrem. ercepl where the co|text rcqxircs olherwise: Thc Contrrct lサ 1 "Contrac( Contract 1 2 ,13 cans lhc CoIlracl Agrcemcrri and thc olhcr docurrle|(s lislc(l Data. i (lc j, ''Spccillca(ions means ihc docu,rlcirr as ljsied in the Coniraci Data, includiirg Procuring AgeLrcy s iequiremcnts in resped of design io be cariied oru b) the Contractor (ifaDy), and aJry Variation to sLrch docLrneDt . Drawirgs_ nreans thc Procuirfg Agency sdraurfgsolthe Works as iisted in thD Contract Data, and any Vrriation Io sLrch drawrfgs │14 ''Pl'oc!ring Agefc_y nieans ,'hc irerson namcC rn the Con(.act Daia arrd thc legal succcssors in tille to tris pcrson, but not (except rvith the .oDsert oi: tlc Corrrlr-rorr .r 'r . sri. rrc:. │ 11 ''Contraciof' nrcans (irc persor ranrcd in the Coitr.cl Daie arl th: Iegal srrcc3sso15 in iitl. to this per_s.rr. b t iroi(c\ccpiwith ihc coIS€rtofthe Procurirg Agcncy) │16 ar)), assignce "Pariy' nrcflns errhcr lhe ProcuriILl Age rcy or the Ccntrlctor. Dntcs, Timcs and Periods │ 17 ''Cofimcnccrllent Datc'ntorfls tire dare fou|tccn (14) days after the datc the Conh act conres itrto efJ€ct o' a v other datc na|lied in the Contract Data. 1 18 "Dry 1 19 ''Tirrt io: Corripleti:r' irt us the trre i.r complel;ng lhe Works as siatuii in I ). Cc,t:rri Llrir &r iis u.lenar.l Lrrdei SrbCrrse 7.3), calcrlalerl lior)) ire ntcars r cal:ndrr rlry Comnrercenreni Daic. Moncy aDd Pay rn cn ts 1110 sifrlh "Cost" nleans nll e\pendrlure properly rnc!irled (or Io bc ir).Ltrreil) br' the Contractor. lvhether on o. ol'i ihe Site. incir dirg ovcrheads end sLr)ilrr .hrrgcs but l\ lic )r.cur.DrDn ltc!!lxkr^ A!Lro ir 財 does fot incl(Ldc any allorvance lor pro a i. Othcl Dcfiritions ││││ ''Conlrxclois Eqtlip)errt' ir.ais nla.irinery. apparaius and othcr tr rgs ^l] brLr does not include N4atcl.1als required for rhe execulioI oFiire Works or pitn( intcnded to lornl p^rtpfthc Wo ks. l ii2 "CouIrlrJ rncilns the lslarric 1 ''l'rJ.ur.l;AJcr.J\'s Fi 13 1114 i- RepLrbJrc olPakislaD. .rrr.,n 'l .s. nr,rI-.rs r.slrl ir5LrJ-C.-Isc , l. "Force Pariy M{eure'filcafs af cleftor citcrLtnstanae rvhicfi mal(es pdrlorn]ajrce ofa s oblig.tions illcgal or r practicable and ryhich is beyord thar pnrrys rcasol]able coftrol. │I IS 'Materials" nreans things-oi all lirnds (olher than Ptant) lo bc sLrppljed r:C rncorporatcd In rhc Works b) the Conhactor. i1 6 "Plant'neans thc machirrcry rrd .pparat s interrded to forln or Iormrng perl of 1117 "Sit,J ' nicarrs lhc placcs pr:oyrrled b\, thc ProcLtriJrg n gcncy .rherc tlrc Woris be e)iecuted, and afy other places specified in the Conkxct as formifg part Si(c. 1111 "\,rr.1r.un 'r c.r,,s. 'r,.. . r:,i-:. under Sub Cla!ise I0. 11,, r' i..s,i::1,,1 \::tc l,r'.r.(-.r l.c to oitlrc I ocu.i.-.i.r...) I 'Worl(s nrcans any or all the works wheth€r SLrpi)l!. lnsraller;oD. Conslfuciion .tc. and des gr (i1 an1,) to be perl-o nred by lhe Coniractor irclud ng tcmporlry \Yorks a rd any variatioo thereof. I 1 20 "Engineer'nieansthepersonrrotriledb),theProcLrrirgAgency(oacr.sErrg,nccr lar lhc purposc oflhe Colrract ar)d na ned as such in ContJ'act Data. 12 lntcrprcin{ion Words irrrpol1ing persons or partes shall iuclLrde fitLns afd organrsations. Words iurpoftingsingula of oncsel]dcrshaii inclLrde pirrai or rhc othor gcndcr,,yhcre llre coritext requires_ 13 I'riorill uf Do(u r.nt\ fi,cdo-r r.er'.j o rnir' r5c.'. rrd-t ," o o" i.,^.,,:s Jr juJ'ly erild..io.) ot orrc arother. ll'arr allrbigr ity or (iiscrcpancy is foLrfd rn the doc!melris. t re prLori{y ol thc docLnrents sh.ll be in accordance !vitr thc c.der as Tistcd irr th€ Co rtla.t Data. Sird i irrf ii. i']Loc!.c.ref r lteeu aro y Ar rllo, iry,L,v\r irp.rslrdh.!o\ pr, 1.,1 Lirv I 'fhe l2w o{:lre Conl act is thc 'cievant Law oflslanlic RepLrbli' o'Pakista I .5 Conrrnunications. All Corrrni(Lrricatiofs related to the Contract shall bc i I Errglish 1.6 la lguage StrtutoryObljgrtions The Cont'^ctor sha conrply wi!h ihe Laws of IsLanlic RepubLic oi Pakistn r eLrd s rall give irli foiices ard pa-y., ajl fecs ahd olhcr clrarges irr respect of thc Works' ,I, TI IC PROCI RINC.\GLNCY ?-, l'r'ovisron of S ilc The Procuring Agcncy sh^ll pl'ovide tlre S ite ard right of eccess thercio al the li:ne\ ttlrco ln I'e Conlr,,cl Data. Sjtc lIr!esligfltion Rcporh are t|ose that were ircluded in ihe biddlng docunrcnts and are factual and rtLerp.stat,ve reports about the surface a|d strbsuface corrd itions a( tlrc Siic ).2 Pcrnrits etc. The Procurifg Agcrcy shail. ri:equesled bv thc Contraclor, assisl hinr i0 aPPlyixg lor pennlts, licetlces or approvals whlch ale reqtrired for the Works' l.l 0llgirccr''s/ProcuringAgency'slnstructjons , :.j The Contractor shall comPly ,vith all rnstructrons givcn by the Procuring Agcncy or ihc Engineer. if notified by the Proct ing Agcncy, irr respecl ol'th3 Worl(s incl dirlg the sLrspension oiall or pa:1 of lhe lvorks. ,,rp1'ror ir l< No app「 oval ol consc:]tc「 absence oF ecnlment lly t1le Engincc17P「 ocu「 ing AgcI]ら , shaH aF,ct thc Contractor.5 obLganons 3 3.i ENCINEER'S/PROCURINC ACENCY'S REPRESEヽ TATIVES Authorisc(l Pc rson 'l hc I)'ocuiing Agcr)cy sha)l appoirt a.dLrly aLrtirofizcd persor\ to'acL lbI him rrna orl his behalf tbr the purposcs of this Connact. Suclr .uthorized pcrsorr shaU be dLrly identified irr {lrc Contnct Data or oihe^vise notified rrr wriling to the Corrtrac(or as soon as he is so appoinrcd Ln cither casc ihe Prccrrlng Agency shali notiry the Coft.ictor. i r Nritrrrg. rhc precise scope of t )e author ty ol sL ch authorized pe15oLr 3l the t;me of his apporntment. ヽIド UI Pu Jic Ploせ uicl,en ヽ ctuln o、 ハollolぃ │、 、 、 い●1),IIS'dl=o、 ,k 陶 , ,,Dnginr(r's/Procuriug i.gcnr].'s RcprcscntrtiYc Thc narrri and ariclress oi Engritucr's,,Pfocuiing Agcncy s Rcprescntaljve is gjvcrr rr Contract Data. Horvevcr rhe Contractof shali 5e norjficcj b\ ihe fr,n(er/lroc.,':I , A,c..y. '.r. oc'er.,red JLr".s ,rd ,rlLor:. brfoc .c Colrnrcncenreltt of lvo (5. 4. TIIE CONTRACTOR 4l Gcncrrl Oblrg,rtions 'fhc Contrrctor shail cany orit the lvod.s prop.rly ard i r accordance wi(h lir. Co.,tr.rc. T'. corl \.r.o 5.:1, .) o\:dp .,j s..o: .io laboLrr. Materials, Plani ' jlnd ('orr{r,rc'or', fq nririlt $. .h rnr) o(re.l (l CoDlrrclor's RrprcsU)la1ir c The Contractor shali appoilrt a represcntaiive at slte of f!ll ti0re basis to sL p.ivisc lhe exccutiorr ofwork arld to lcceive rnstrLtctrons on behalfofthe Co lractor b!r only atier oLrlairrntl thc conscnt.,of rhe Proc rirrg Agerrcy foI sLrch appoiItr:tcnt \'hich colsenl sl)all not be .!vithheld \yithoul plausible reasou(s) by ihe procurinq .c, r(rc ..r:rvc .n..y )-c 5Lr st :.j:e,: rcp.. rc b} :. Contractor at any tinre dunDg rltc Contract period bur only after obrainiIq t;te {rLn.-, Srj. ..: l:ru lid consertolthe Procurifig Agency 4.3 Su as alor.esaLd l,co lr'.r.ling Thc Contractor shall not subco|rract the whole of the works- The Cor(lactor shail not sLrLlcontract rny part of the lvorks !vithout thc conscnt of the ProcLLring Allrnc),. Pcl.forlnincc Securily \,)rl. .L. tis ro l, c Procr,-i.r> /\i!,,.) n r rr, loJrJtr.r, ( I r,r. rf:c.'recerD ofLc:rcr cl.\.cepr1r.-c j peJ:o..na.:Je Sec rr r1 ar icopl o.t ol.rc bidder, ln thc forrx of Payee's order /Bank Draii o. Bark Cuarantei fionr TlrL Cor:r.r.tor schcdLLled banl( DESIGN BY CONTR^CTOR さ 5. lor the amoufi arid vatidiry speciflcd in Co,rrract Daia. i CoDtrnctoi's Dcsign Thc Conn'aclof shall caiy out dcsigrr ro rhe extert spccitied, as refcrreC to irr the Conlract Data. Thc Contractor shalt proJlprJy subffir to thc Engineer/procuring Agcncy all desigfs prcpared by hin. lvithin iourrecn (14) rJayi ol reccrpt LhJ i:nginecr/ProcUr inLt Agefcy slrall nollly arry cornrrrcnts or, jl rhe .lestgn subrniued is nol in S, r.r:) t,r accordaDce r L t,,.cuexrcrx lt.!L trLorl ryiJr thc Coftracl. sh..lI rejcci jr stating tlte ieasor;s. The !Lrorl\ I r\\ tr ]rprllsi.dh.!,tr.pli Collll1rcior s]rri rol corstrL.l n)'cieirerr( ol thc $'oris (]csiglred by hrnr v/ tllii fourlcen (14) drys rlicr thc.l.sigr has l)(rcn suirrrriited lo lhe Engineer,/Procri'iIrl Agcrcy ar wIich has L,ccrr rcicclcd Dcsigrr lrfl rrs trecI rclcctcd shllll bc t)ro)rpll), rr))cn(1c( rntl r!sul)rrlilte(. Ihc Contrxclor shILll rcsubnrit :rll dc\i! 5 cornrncnlc(lor li{ing llrcs. conr rr.rrls irlo rccoofl irs rcccss.ry. -5 I l{csporsibil;lt,for Dcsig r shall cir!rLr rcspons 5lc for his bideLr desi3n srrd tre design rindel L)oih ol-!vhich shall be fil for lhe iricrrdc( !urposcs defined iI thc The Conrractor llris CTnLrsc. Contract aDd he shall also rcnrarn responsible fo. any irlfrlngenicnt ofany palerrt or copynllht in lespect ol ihe saLne. The Er)gincer/Procu[i]rg Ag€ncy shall bc responsible fo: the Specitic^t ons and Dralvings. a. PIiOCURINC ;\C0NCY'S I{lSI(S 6 'l llc I'r'ocLrring Agcrcy's Rrsks Thc P ocr ring Agency s R sks arc:- n) b) !vir, hoslilities (rvherher war be enenr ies, q,rthiLr tIc Cofntry; (eclai.d or rot). illvasiorr, ici of lalcigrl rcbellior. icrrprisrx. revol'r1lof. iIsLrrectiof. nliiiiarl or usurped po\\'er. war. v!iLhiri{lrc Cou rlry; or civi !c) riot. cofrnrctiorr or d sor.ler b) persors oiher thitx ire Corriioctoi'j Jrersor r:l and olhcr cnrployces ircludirg ilrc pcrsonfcl ard crxployees ol SuL! Cohtractoru, alicctirrg the Site ard/orthe Works, d) lorrisiug ridialio rs. or contamination by radio activit), Froru an" ruclenr lirel, or fionr any n0clear waste fronr the comb!stio| ofnLlclear fuel. ritdio-active roxic cxplosivc, or o(her hazardors propcfties ol any explosivc nuclc:r assembly or nuclear cotnponenr ofsuch erl assetnbly. excopt to thc extcJtt to which thc Conlractor/SUb CoIrractorc nray be rcsponsib]c for ihe u,se ola rv radro-active nrare al; e) Prcssure waves caused by aiicreft or othcr aeriel dcvices or suPcrsorrit siceds; I 3) t「 ave ] g al so ric usc or occupation by the Procuring Agency o1'ar)y part of the Worl,s. crccpi rs rr..y bc spccificc .'r ".- Cori:rd.tl latc handing over ofsites, afonalies ln dra',vings, iare delivery o1'desig|s and dr^wifgs of ary pari olihelvorks by ihe Procuring Agerrcy's personrrei o.' by ollre I for w,..In tl.e n cl:u:.rij Ag":r. \re.po.)s'ble. ) h) ir slspclrsion undcr SLrb-Clause : j Lr] Cof lmctor's aatlure: and ヽlntit,i't ilせ i It.grluto!1' rthorih i \ trw tir,,,s ndi, gor_rr, css it is a(ribLrtrble to the ,2 'I rliing-O!cr Noticc \{ i,Li.. for , ...r : .' . o.'... :c.:l: o'r;:r irio,.ol:cc ofcor,.I,.c..o.r i,..... :1.I CoItractor the Procurif-s Agc:r.y/Eng rreer s:rall cirh€r iat eor,e, rlrc works ard issue a Cer(ificarc oi C.mpterion ta jar eftect or strati "or,pt"t.; nctliy rhe Conimctor hjs rersons tor rlotakixg over t|e \yoj.ls. wfrife issutng rtrc Ce.tiicai. of Conrpletion as aforcsflid, rhc prccuring Agency/E|gineer rriy ia",,ify nny outstendiIc itcms of \vo k $,hi.h rhc Coht.. or ,,,a.rr"i" ,1,,;,,.e rt," "f,nlt iVninrenanccs t,eriod. , REMED\ INC DCFIC , ncnrcJyi s T5 D, f. crs (!nllnclor slr:tll Iot x pcriod sta(cd in'tIJc Contr.act Dflla Jiofr lhc darc ol.issLrc of lhc Ccrtillcale ol Corrpldio| ca y out, ar no cost io rhe procuring Agcncy. ,'pJ.r i,rdrccl'Jl.-tio.uor;,$ rc.. i. nr,-. it.r .db) r,,-..r,,..r.,"..,.J,.oi,.0 ct.,,l tvofror^oru.col,c.or'pcc.Jr-1r.oJc.r"r"irt ,,rt,ecicc, ,;o,rof li,i, ind lvjrich is so idcrrrified by rhe procurirg Ageocy/Efgueer in writing rvithin:rirc \said pcrjod. Upon expJry ot Lhe said periort, ,ia ,io;""t ," ,f," 6",,,.r"i",:;, ll j,rfr.'lfr t,ern,rn.nl ,).-.rt. c...i I th,.rfllrn..5. tJr. pro"u.j,t.\,.,,"y1. J,,,_., .tr,i \.IJ .. V.rricr).r ccCc.ii lc,rlcq,-.cLpo il..b)l;-t,o,ioiJ"Lo.u-.o, ur.de. th;c CoIr'Jct s .J,l (o- e lJ rJ. e l IJra ta;lure io rcrncdy any such dcl€cts or conplete outstaDdrng work witlrjf ir .rrry ou, ,ji r.."r."., *orf. rcasonablc trrre shirll er)ritle ihe procuJ ing Agerr.y ,o ir thr coJrir.,cror s Losr Ho*., rie 92 .oi oi.e,;"; th- Co t."c{or 5ir,l be \r,.e.r.,",r \..r--r,o Uncovcr;g,r)(l Tcsl; g ,.U ;.;":, . ;;;";; :;j;l'. . I ,0.,,,1,...\;.c,r().r,:rr,...c,r.rrrrc.,o...r-.orl.L,r,co\...jr.r.1.. :1,: ..t.,:'; rrqr.r; ol :.1r, r.) $or(.. I r) "( . . , .-.., . oi rrr .rr co..-iJ], o. ,.",,1 - ,, ,.' cstablishcd thit thLr'Cor)l;ector.s dusigrr. r)raicrials, ",,a p1",, *",t,,, r,,ri,;i, rn accorCance !viih the ConJrct. thc Corir.^ctor "r. "1"',,"1 slall b. pri,l f",..,,"i, i,"";;;r;,;; rnd/or testilg as lt Va riion irr accorlelce \yjih SrU-Cf.r,i. iOi 10 VARIATIONS AND CLAI\,TS 101 Rigl,r to Virl :,)--:.r..):,\:.v.:r.,r.o.,o,,cr(c,.l,8",r:,.,,.uj.|,j 1,1".t]:l,iA,j(...).r,Jf; ro:)r.)..jr'0.'rrJ.is.rorbecn!ocsrblet;ir..-lr>..rrrr,;A;e:cj.E,.-,.,."":",.r.. such Varialions Ordc(s), tJ)e Cor:tractor nr 'h. riccr r: ,; q;"',., i,,.;',;"-'';;:;, : . .i i:. I.l':;. :::o;::i:r;.';".,,:: Ly r'. frocIr:,J Aj:",c).t.r;r ecr *,,,,1 ,.r,,r, /.rr. oI tl.c.e.ejpl of-."j oc dec"'ic , io b., a v,r rr,on odc.s ,Jr :he p,,rpo ' 'r 'rI lllf c ;:;iil . :,::] 'ro.Lji.,N.,rl ilceri*o ),A.11,", ,; ;;;;4* * pl)ysicri obslnictroIs or ph,vsical .o rdi(iofs cllrci tha| rlirnaljc coodif iof s eJrcoi nlered of tlc Sitc d!ring the perfbr,nence of the Works. for wljch the Conlractor irnmediaiely irorified to ilre procuring Agency and ac'.cp(ed by the Procuring Agency. TIMI' 11 ITOR COMPLETION IrccLr(ion of thc Worlis The Contraclor shail coxl reirce the Works o0 ihe Co|lItcrcefiert Daie aId sjreil procetd '\pec rror. l) . rJ u.r'o l oc.rr rrd 5,i , co.rpler. ,i . ,i"ril. s..j ,',;" S.rb.Cla.sc 7I oe.ow. v.,r,r.) .,r( I .e -o: Coinoter oi i., Progr':tnrntc I' Wrthin the rrnie stalcd ir lhe Contract Deia, ihe Conn-acror sirall subnrrr Engineer/Proc Lring A je,rcy J prograDote lor dre Works ir the tor stated Contlrcr Drr:r 1.) lir(c sron oI'I;nrc TItc CoItmctor sI)ril. !vithilr s!ch tir)rr ns Jnay be reesoIabic under rlrc cr 'cu n ,rtiJilcs. :rO.fv ,lte 11o,,, ..,. d,e,rc; F,;r tce. o].... ,;.,_; ,,, I , a.rn;r r,rE scope oi' \.,t--C,,. ,e ,. i, t'0.1 i.,,,.....-,,, '!q..("r tl-c I o. L.-i J AJ(ncy E,.!i,.cc. for a "1,..L..",,..,,",;,", rc,rsoJt..otc e\tcn5jo.t .J) tl,c t.,.,c LI llLc cujnt)lrli,n,)t rv,rrl.r. SubrcLrlo rtrc. d rl clroc.ri .i A:?-cv frr,. : s,.,.,r dcrcrr,:r,c \uc1..,",,0 rrr,,. Lc,,sr.r(d ;,.,.,. :,g:i ",.,"..,,,]blt'i i,. a;,",,;f;,]: :'-,jj"" :',..v i:: ::':i';'-:. :, .:. ; ,, LoJ:neLtio,t w:,t r,re s,.n dererrirrrrror ",: by rll_ro<, , S q.lh,,r s..(lr.perioJ.j .r . r.ri) bc Jr.rc,bed O1 rr,e C,o.,,r,ng ^a;;,; a;.,:c, ;. ;:r.j::, f:; srme;rnd rlre procurjnv Agcnc) nrar e^l'nd IJr" tor io'rr;":' r 'e Lclelrni.eo 7.4 .: .. Lrtc Cornpletion lill, Corr..Lt I 1.rr,, 19 qs,,1p.1. . ( rlr.'-l ,f (olh Lrri,.ororjr 1ra \\ or.. r..:th.:r ..1.. T : c.or Co, o,-j.o,r. tic Iio.u::.;a-,.,.161 ,i, .., f,.,,,,._..,..i 1.," ..,i rhL iiI0!or.r5 ji(juirJity (t.llrr.rIc5 \lfltcd 'l l')c co'r-a:r D.r': io. ,.'-. s..r:.r rrc rJ,J( ro Lo.rr\rcrc,rc ,,1 : , wor^\ i 8 1'AI<ING.OVIiR 3.i Conrplc(ioD Thc Contractor lnny noijft/ the Erlgirecr/ProcUI ng Agency vYhe| lr. coxsiJers tl.rt he Wcrks ale coDpletc Si,で ,P(卜 。1, 102 Vrlurlior ol \/lrIi.rtions Vari^tiors slrirll bc valued as follorvsi a) at a lu]np surrr pr icc agreed t)) !\'(rJ:il1.rl, ,r bctseef thc Plfties or i. 'll I ll.s.l .. l co l:...i1.0" lhc irbscrrcc o:aPp oprialc retes, (llc laics ilr ilre Colltract sha I as the basis Ior valr ation, or fallrng rvhich fi C) as Jnay oe agreed or aPpro:rlatc Engrnccr/Pro.urirrg Agcncyconsiders 0) at C) if appropriaic ne\v rates. Lre Lsc'l or lvhich the 'at's s'il out lhc Efginccr/P ocurirlg Agcl;y so rnstr'ucts at day lvork irr thc Co;iract Daia for $'hich Lhe CoIiraciol shall keeir re'ords oilioLrrs of laboLrr an!l Corrtractor's Equipmenr, a0d of Materials, 0sed' Chaflgcs in thc Quanti(ics. 10: lf lhc fir)ai quaftil:v of the work done diliers fionr ihc qrintily ix lir' Bill of Q..,nrrric, lor rhc p.lrl:c- -. :tc'r'L! rnor_ l'itr'25 Dericc'11. oro'rC,'l L: qe erccea l perce I oI llie lr'li-' Co ]lracl P iie. llr- no " ', "hfl. x) ¨︱ ︱︱ ︱、¨ D F ■■ 104 , C W W C) ¨,叫 可 b) ¨ ¨ ¨ に 中 匹 祠 “ ︲い v ︱﹄ O ︲ 中祠¨ 嶼同 呻 呻 鰤 師 山 Agency/Engineer'ghaTl adjust the rate to a low lor the charrge arld lvrll bc valued as per sLrb'itarse I0.2. fxrly wrrtlin: T|e Conkactor shell Lro(rb tire Engircer/Proculifg Agency in writing as soon cs he is arvare oiany circLrrnstarce which fiay delay or dislUpt the Works, or whrclr rrray glve rise to a claifi lor addilion?l paynlent. 'l-o the ertent of the Contractor's f^ilure io r)otiry. which resuis to tre Enginecr/Procuring Agency being rlfable to keep all reLevant recoro's or not takirrg slcps to nrirrinrise afi dclay. d srrption, or Cost, or th.r va ue oiany Vflria(ior. ure Ccn{ractor's cititerlrcni (o exiension ol thc l'ir)re Ior Conrpletiorr or addiliofel )raynrent shali be reduced/r elccted. I \':rlux rrofl of CI.rinrs 105 \l.r.) of t.:c Pro."'rj hA:e:ic.'s It tirr r o r. .cror '.:' . , r, : ,, r: :l,e Co,rl,:r(lor sl).i, Jc c rlitle' Lo i -'1.r,0..,)_ oI' .' Co,r. .I as. . ,'r': 加 ヽいd卜 PI国 =■ HcmeR 蜘 蝋 R"Jじ 詢い ) ふ 叩 oせ 側 l: o -. ― 編 口 … 0、 .o、 ιo■ 藤 … 'T ― 総 覇 pr..u,iDg Asency's Risr(. it is neccssaryroft:::j:",,"Y:,,',:i*ll:"l'Jll':i,:";: n with as a VariatioD sublccL lo Contfaclol s occlr,crrce or ca !sc li""r"'n r I 'rl dn) s o I rhc I,r:-,,:.i,;,1,",,;,-;;c,, '" ir " ' ";' 1)6 Vrr;rlion :trrd Clrrnr Proccdurc L'rrI "': i ,,i':.1-'l; ;l'''' "s'.:l il.];,:'r"r1 d'r..rl<ourcq,.l)*\offri' \ilLrcol \'rlrt:'o"rr ;;.,: . ;, , ," ..," .,.:,i. rr : .lavs ol lhc instruct oLr or ol the cv( r'ic v"ue' l' r"' .,i,"., ,,,r,ri.".,., ..,r: .,'.." .,,0 rr': co-:,.r-ror.',rrr !1i,.,". : en 'ur'r -Aje lr.'i1..";.--".,:' 11 CONTRACT PRICI] ,i.ND 111 (a) I 'lcrBrs 'v ,i '.i..,'s" PAYI'IDNT ofPn)ncnts 'e' "r'ld"re'nri-'ctlrev'L i ' ,' lilterirr Payrreirl CeLiificatc ne'lL 'rr ol i. 1," na r ." pur'ur"' to lh" Clr"e' or to "r'1 orrie ""..l rrocLr '.::; ].; ; ,.i . o: p'rJ b) ro crrus( r ' ,',,'. ' ', lcr rir l ')nl il I r'tcr d'rv rhir' r0 ' u ' 'rr i" ,," i"" 'ttror ^."r. )irv verir'"J o) I oc"''rrJ \ien() a c Co'r:rltol l:"'';:.,,"-;;il^.," C+r:rl'aLc reieJrcd ro in S"b Chu'e lr 5' rie.pi or :; ; ;,,"-..,t" :; l', ',;;;; it'., '.,t,'ar''*' Pa)rrrr rr cer(ificr'' "5 o'cir ' 'r" ) The anrourtt dre.to t|e Conlractol' trric: any " il" verificd by PiocL,ring AgeLlc! and Contractor; ir tlrift'v (]0) Cays lnd plojecr Ln tlrecverrl i,r"it,r","riL, 60 dals irr case of foreiSx irirced pavmcri wilhir 90 da-vs a"1i"" ofthe Procurirtg Agency to make caused Pfovided (hat ihe lLrtc[im Payment shalJ b€ irl tlrc ";i,; ;,"; l':;;;;i,,; Ag.,,.r' snall-pav ro the ccrr(ractor conrp'1s.Lion cLrr encv rd LIBOi{- l9'o is Joy, ,r," oi t<l-aon*2% per arnLrrr in local l'i "rc ' ia,'l"i'"'r.1;, ,, porr J i 1'rrr)< r'l rr fto " rl'c clc ' '. srnre should lh]ve ieerr PaL0' a (b) of thc Woriis - vxluation The works s13ll bc to CLause 112 l0 vllrcd es provide'l lor nl th3 Conlracl Datlt sLrl-r;c't - Mol)lhly S(rrtctnclLls'. ! Thc Coftractor shall berrr(it 3d to bc pald at monthlY n) ln uc oF市 e Wo kS excculedに ss Jadv… 。 量 饗 緞 ]。 “ b) i。 i tewals: lic c! !l.tlve amou n■ e iate ds md v^juation of !arrai rt o rs :ザ Age The ConLr-actor sh^Ti subnrit each jnonth to t re E rgrneer/ PrcclLrirrg cntitl€d' hifrself cor:sid"s stalemenl shorvi rg ihe a nounts tc !vhich he Siritr t. trijD irroc!rt ..l It0g!rtrlor] r\L,rhoi r) I {s*.pttJrlnalr So!.pi. r'y )^id e (if in lcl'inr I']^l,nrcrb 3 Within a pc io.i not exceedirg sevei (07) days lrom ihe date ofsrbnrssror ola for interiIn paynrent by the Conhactor, the Engin€cr shal verit rhe sar)re ard wrthrrr a period fot e.\ceedrrg thirty (i0i60) days Frol.n trc said dere oi stbnrissiorr by Lhe Co|(racto', Lhe ProcL rirg Age|cy sra lpay ro the Co|iractor tlre surlr srbiect io adjrstLrle ri ior dedrctioI ol t re adva|cc payJnents anc retention ircney. statenreni i14 lictenlron Re(en(ion nroicy shall be peid by rhc Procurilrg,lgency io thoConir-actor withif loul.leef ( 14) days after €iihEr rhc erplry olthe p$iod stated rn the Conr|act Data, or Ihe rcrredyifg,oftrotified dcf€cts, or rhc cofrpletion olo!tsiandi g lvoi(, all xs icfercd Io iLr S!b-ClaUse9.l. whicirever isthc la(ri Iiirll I':t) rcn{ ' ││[ ' W,tl)rn tlvcnly one (2T) days ifor thc date ci'rssLrancc ol thc MarnteIa|cc Certificete the Cor)rrnctor shall sL bnr it a firal acco!nr to ihe Efgireer to ve ify lId the Engineer slrall verify tire sarne !vithjn lourteen (14) days Frorx rhe datc cf s bfrission and lorward the sarne to the Procuring Agcncy io3crher riLh ary docunrertatron reasoxably requirid to erabie tlte Procurirg Agcn;] ro asc.ilrn thc fi ral conh'rctvalre. V/ithin sixi_y (60) days Iio|r rhc date olreceipt ofrhe verificd fi|a acrourt l o]l: rhc Errgincer. the Proc(Lri g Ag€xcy shall pay to the Conttuctor any afioirni d!€ io lhe Con(raclor Whr c rrrakillg such paymenr the procuring Agency fray l_of reasons to be giveN ro tlte Conrractor irr w ting. ,,yjthhold ary part oi parts ol':h: verified anroun │16 Cu t. rrcuct, Payrrent sha ll be ir thc curfency staied in ihe Co rtiact Daia. 12 DI]IIAULl' 121 Detxul(s by Coniractoi. l'I tre Contt"ctol abandols the Wotks. rcfuses or iails to comDly w[h a vnlrd .io,r l) .n .rr.'r rcr.orr,rlrhc Cn.i..c". l.o-..r:...j A,..nc) or l,r 1ro J)ro(eeJ c.,r"d ,'..),, o- ,s. .,J5l,t( s...rrr '!,ll)oIl , corrpr.rr.. .n ,r.,rcf of l,c co.rtr,t.. .... Procufllg Agcncy rray give rrotlce rcferriIg to this SuL! ClarLse atC sraijng the defau lt. Ilthe Contrictor hes not takerr ail practicable sreps to ierncdy thp delal/t withrn aou(cer (14) dirys aitcr lcceipi oflhc IrrocuriIg Agcncl,,s Jrofice, (he I)roctLring AleDcy nray by a seconi notice grven within a lrjlirer rwerfy one (lj'da]; lc rrnare thc Conhacr. The Contracto. shall tlrer) dcmcbiitze fiorr the Site leaving bchind any Contractor's Eqripment which Ihc procurirrg Agency rnstrLrcrs. in t|! sccond r)otice, to bc used for rhe conrpletion of tlte Works a( the risk anC cost c1. ― ― SilUh Pu11じ ヽ。ctitn,cl Rcgt atO、 A● th。 1)ぃ 、 ,pP,` いJ1130vっ く 、 、 ヽ ― ― __閻 ― ― ― ,22 Dcfaults by Procuring Agcncy Il thc Procuflng Agc rcy [ar s to pa] irr accordaDce with ihe Coilract. or is. despire a written corrrplaint, in breach of the Corrllact- tjre Conlractot ]nay grve rrotice refe.ring to this Sub Clause 3 rd srating i re default. lf lhe defaull is nor renredied wrth n iofrteen (j4) days aier the ProcLrnrg Agenc)-s rccerpt of lhis rrolicLi, the Coftmclor nrry s0spDr( ihc c\ccuirof ol_i i of peris oi (hc Woaks Ihc (lcirLrli rs noi re rcdicd \vithin lrvcrrly clgl)r (?3) d.ls lncr lhc Prcct ri rg AScncy s reccipl ol thc CoIlracloLs roiice, tic Corrkactor nray by a sccord notice givcr Lvrthrn a fLrthcr llvcfiy one (21) diys. tc ninalc llrc Corlrrcl. Tirc Cor)trrclo,'s rirll I )cn dcnobllisc iionr tlre Site. Il l2.l Party is dcclared insolvext under airy applicable law, the oiher Par'ty nli'bll notice tcr inate ihe Conkect irnrxediately. The Contractor shall then demotrillsc Iia iLr the casc of tl)e Contractor's ,nsoivency, any Conifactor's Equipnent which thc Procur ng Agency nstructs rn (he rotice rs (o bc uscd for thc corrpletion ofthe Works. :. l fionr the sitc leaviig behind, )24 Inydrcni uporr TcrD)inition Afrer te|rrrnalion, the Contiactor shal be cntitled io payDerrl of lre Ipard _of balance oF thc vahre thc B,ori(s e\ecuted and oI lrc Maicfiils an.l I'lart re^sonab y delrvered ro the site, aC,jLrsied by lhe foliowilrg: a) rny s!Irs io \v rich b) any sunrs to lvhich the Procul]ng Agency is errtitled, c) if thc Procuring Age rcy has r€rminated under Srb CJarse 12. i or 12.i, the Procuring Agcn.y shall bc enlitled to a sll eqLrivalent to twenly percent (20%) oirhe value ofpairs oiihe works nol e\ecuied at ihe dete cfthc terriralion, d) lTre Corriractor is enti:lcd undct Sub-C irusc l0 4, ar)d il thc Corrtracror has te ninated !nder Sub Clause 12.2 or 12.i, lhc Contracror shail bc enlitled to the cost ol' )is derrobilisalion togcthcr rvith a snn eqrLivalenl io rcD pcrcc|t (10%) of rlrc vililc ofparts of ihe viorks noi .x:cuted at the date of tclll inatioo. o The uet balance due shall bc paid I o( ice oflefnrinaiiol. RISKS AND RESPoNSIBILITIES 13. ti repaid wirhir iwent-y eight (28) days ofthc l Cotrlr.rctor's C.rrc of {trc }Vorks Subjecl lo Sub,Cl.usc 9. I, thc Colrractor shaJi fa!c fuJl r.spo rsibiliiy foI i]rc care S,idh lrui . t,rocurc cir It.CUTarory Aulhorii! I \lsr..pprasridn.gor.p^ cf lhe Wofks ffonr tire Cornmenccrrent Datc ntil ilre date of the proc_rille Aae,L) s Lf,.rer' s ,. d,r.e oiCcr':i.a.c oTa .rl t(:.o. . rrrte- S b. Lr j.8 IiesporsjbrJrtl/ sh.ll tirclr pxss io il)e ProcrLrng Agefcy lf ajry loss or dl,tlage hnrpcrs to ilrc Worlis d!nr-rt thc above pcJ1od, ihe CoorJaclof shall r.clllv su;h lo,ior c..'r ,,-",or..it: l,tc \^ o.i.! .o.,.o ,I s tlh .t r -0. .r,1 .t Unless the ioss or iarage lrrppcns as a result ofeny of tlrc proctring Agofcy.s Risks. lhc Corrtracior slr;rll rIdcmrrill, the ProcLIin!l Agercy, or his agcIis agarnst .l claims loss, dxrras.c anC cxpe|sc arisirg our oaih3 Works. [.: ll Forcc Majeure occL[s, l]rc Corjlractot.sl)alI r)oiily lhe En!inec/procufrnq A1t.rc1 i.rr.r,eJi.r:,. llLrc:s",:r.. ttr..Cu [..ro. .,,..] -r .1.-i): , ....,,,.o,, oi " the Works and, to rhe cxlcnt agrecd $rith tl:e procrring AgeDcy clenob ijzc ihc Conlr.clor's Equipfre rt. liihe cyerl conrl Ucs lof n perrod oieighty four (34) days, cjtirer party fiay ilr,Jil give fotice ol lernilration which shalJ :ake effecr twenty eigitt (28) clays alter thc givjrrg of llre noriceAller terrrlifatioD, the Conrraetor shall be eii;lled to pay cfr of tlte Linrar.i LJh,r-c of t..e v.,'uc of the Wo.ls e.rcc,rrcd a,ra of lhc Mr.eridr a..C fla r reesonably delivercC ro rhe Sjre, adjusted by rhe a) b) .) foIo!viIg: any sunis to whicL the Cont|ector is entitled under SLLb ClaLrse 10.4, thc cost of hrs dc nobi:lzation, and less arry sunrs io rvi)ich rhc procr rifg Agencv rs enri(tcd. The nel.balancc due shall be pa d o. repajd \virhln :hifty fiye (15) iays oi Lrc notice 11. ) 4.) oftc nrnation. iNSUR,i\r\*CD r\r r':rngcmcn ls The Contractor shall, prior ro commencrng thc Wor(s, eilect insuranccs oIlhc lypes. in lhe aniotnts and nanirrg iE insured the pcEons stipulated in the CoIt|act Data eNccpt for irenrs (e) lo (c) . rd (j) oflhe prccrrifg Agerrcy's Risks L irrte| Srb_ CJause 6. L The policies slral/ bc issrred by ir:suiers ard ir renns approved bl, ile ProcuriLrg Agcncy Thc Ccntrocror:hall providc the Ensineer/procrring Agency \vilh c!idcncc lhnl noy rtqurrcd polic], is in force rrd thit llc pr"n,iu,,r. iauJ1r"c, paid. 1.1.2 Dct,: ult il tlre Conrractor fails tc ef:cct or keep in fOrce any Of H〕 e nsurances eFened to n l']rucurcndjt Itcgu aknv Aollrorirl r 0 0 the il.evious Sub,Ciarise. or farls to provide sailslactorv cvrdence, policics rcceipts, the Proclrlrng Agen:), rxlt),, \,vithoLri pt-3_luJice io aDy oiher rigirt い :=l,C(ly effect iistin,ec f : J〕 c covel lcleva li[o slc1l as n defh(lt a:ld pa) tlc 8∬ ‖││;:ltl‖ :i1lif『 ぼ :litttよ :蔦 p000・ age JVtt h Cぃ Oα tiよ OF DISPUTES 15 RESOI´ UTIOヽ 1:1 Engincer s DecisiOn lf a dispute oi anv kind lvlraSoever arises bctweer ihe ?rocurrrg Ager)c], iud the Cori aclor in corrcciiori v\,ith rhe works. the marLei in dBpirtc sjlall, j lhc tjist plncc. bc 'e[irTcC irr wr]ii|g lo lhc Er)girrecr, lviLh a copy to Ihc othcr pa{y. S|ch rclcrcncc sh^li slrLc thirl rt rs nracle purs!raIr lo tl)is Chusc. No latcr Ilrar the twcf(y eight (28) (i:r)'s aii.r llre dat on lyhiclr he received sucr reieienc!, rlle i:rrgirrccr slrirll !ivc 1r)ircc al lis lccisior io lhc Procurirrg Ag0rcy (Supcrirrtcrrairs Engi rcc, ar).i ihc Contra+lor. Unless the Corrtract has aJready beeu repLrdiatcd or ternrinaied, rh€ Cont|acror shall, in evcry case, co rtinfc ro proceed lvitir tlre lyorli willt all due diiigence, atd thc Corlr'actor and the Pfocuring A8ency (S(Lperintendirg Ergineer)shal give cl%ct fbrthlyiih to every suclt dccision of the Engireer Lnless and Lrnti the sarne shail be revised, as hcreiLraftc| provrded in an arbilr'al a$,ard. 152 Notrcc oI Diss.rlrsl:rclion il, Pirly is dissatisfied }\irh Ir. decision ofthe Engineer ofcons!lraili or il.Lio .ecisi.n i5 given lvithrf the linre set our in Sub,ClaLrse l5_l |ere,abovc. rhc l,nfr) rnay gi!e nctice oidissarisfacrion refen.ing ro rhis SLrb,Clause rvjthln fouileen ( t4) days ol r'ecerpt of the decisioli or ihe exptry of ihe tinre for ihe decisron.ilf |n r,Jiice of dissatjslacl;on is gi,ren rvillrit the specificd lirc, ihe dectsion shall be llrril and bindins on the Parlies. il notice of dissttrsfactior is gi,rcn withri lhc sDccilicd tinre. the decrsio| shall be b ndifg on the panies who shail q vc cll'ecl io .r w'lJoI dela\ .r.ries,4-o ..r,. .,,, rrc'sio. o: rrc L.,. ec.,: er.-..1 ., ,, arbriritor. Ii a contractor rs dissatlsficd wit r the decisjon of the Engirreer of thc deperinrelt cr decisio0 is not grven ii trixe t]ter lre can approach Superinrendirg ELtgi:re:r within I4 da)/s. in c:rsc oldissalisfaction .,vith decisio I olsLipc;inlenclirr-g En[inec:. or nor decided wjthin 23 days. then arbitrat or process r,yould be ad:p:ed is per .'rrLrse ' J.1. IS 3 rbit r'.rlio I A r1,s.tr:tc rl,icl, h,r, b..cr, r_,-,.bJer o!.,: .rolrieo.di-.a,-i.crior,-irrl,bcfr.:r.l 9ri:lcd :rs pcr provi. ro, oi .\-Lrrr.t:onA.t lo-0/Act No.Xo, lol0),r JRrrlc: " ",t.lc r,)ctc Lr.lc, it e ,It] .t,rlU,ot) .,o-.: .jt.o-, tlrc"eio. 1,t\ ,.e.,.i ; ,,,. ii ." 'll Jt rhr pl-c. sp.ciiec\r, :t c Cr.,ri.,-r D"r , .1a : .:,e J ."tc:,rr ,i:Jq. SLrb-Clruse 1.5. S11」 hl'。 (1lo 1 0ct‖ じncnl Rc創 l,lo,AI1lo「 tyl、 ぃ ヽ ・・ Pprn、 in」 l go■ ,ヽ :o I l6 INTDGIIITY PACI' l6.l ll thc Con(rrotor o. 2rry of his SrLb-Coniracto s, agc r(s oi servalis is foL rd io rave violaled or iuvolved i| vro rtlon oithe lftegr;ty Pacr signed by ihe Cor)tr.clor a: Schedule-F to his Bid. then thc Procuring Agcncy shall bc entitled to: (a) (b) (c) recover fronr IhJ Conrrrctor an amount equivale t io Icn tintcs thc s! of any conrnrissiorr. gratilicetio]l, bribe, finder's f_ec or iiiclibacli giveD b) the Contrac(or or any ol his Sub CorLractors, agcfts or s€rva rts; rc rr rc rLc Co,:1, ,-r:,r C recover jiour illt Coilracror any loss or danlagc ro Lhc Procurirrg Agcnc! as a resrlt ofsuch termrnalrorr or ofany other cor!pt busiiess practices cfthe Cortfactor or a|y ofh:s Sub Contiactors. agexE or servanis. On lcrnrination ol'tlrc Cor(racl undcr Sub,Para (b) ol this Sub,Clause. rhe Contr-ac(or srali denrobjlize l|'orl1 ihe site ]eaving bshind Coniracroi s Equi!rreni which rire Pl'ocurirg Age,riy instiucts. ir thc terri|aticr notice. to be tsed for rlle comFletion oFthe rvorks at the risk a|d cost ofrhe Contreclor. Paymerrt upo 5u.h teflninatjon shall bc mad€ onder Sub-Clil!se I2.4, jn rccordancc w:rh Sub,parr (c) thercof. after having deducted the arrounts due to rlte Proc!ring Agcncy ri|dcr Sub-Para (a) ar)d (c) of rhis Subrpla!se. 31ヽ Jll'loll l,tucrr nc ir R.eukror), Auho,;r! I \!\r pirmsirdh !ov.pk CONTRACT DATA ′′ た″ ルど l].)tt. b:ccit \hctt otlur,:\c intlitteti t!i Co)jitdct DLtt! ド乃υィ″ ちで′′ ",ら i'j c.it';n:: tF!nct pri, !. i.t.\rdt1t. t,itltt Bii!!i)t! DaLuhant.\.) l Sr b-Chuscs of C( nditoirs of i. .l Corlrict . DriLing\. rj any \ lt.,,i. .,.-..tI-j. I. ProcLriL\g Agency s t. lt\tt t I1,.1. l-i 4 fhc I'rocurillg Agcrcv ixeans 'I hc Contrtr 1.1-: c to r nreens CournlcDccmcnt Dile wl)ich sl)all Lrc issucd meaDs the date of issue !vilhin iourtecn ( l4) ol days Engineer's Notrce to Conrnreirce of tire sigLrixg oi lhc Corrnact Agrcerr1errt. l.l.t TiI)lc for Conlplction days d). tiDtc ld cainpictiak cf the vhoie of tirc Proc!rhg lfency) iI2i ilorit s/touLl be ar.\e\sed b tlle Engillcer(n'cntion the n,rmcalong\yith lhcdesignation inclu(lrng ]yherlcr he belon Is to dcp,rrimcr)t or consull,rnt) and other detrils 13 ●) (b) (C) ((│) (C) (D (3) (11) IlocLrnrcnls forming the Contrxct listed in lhc ordcr ofpr;orii1,: 'l'hc Con(ra.t Agreelnent l-cttc- oTAcccptance Tfe corrplcted Form of Brd lorrlrict Datir (loiclirions of Contracr -'hc coniplclcd Schc(iulcs (o Bid iLr.:urlifg Sci)erJLilc cf?riccs i hc Drawings, iiany 'l hc Spe.iilcatiolls (1) 0) lT)re ?rc,.n ng ,,1ecncy moy odd. in otuer ofpt'iatity. /lte Cotxt tcl Delctc the tJacl! dr!. Silrrilr f rii:i. :)r0cL rclrcf rltcgutato r.Arthoril). \$$ s,.h !i]lasinJ rto!.pt athe). daclunent.t olt.for)i pa4 af ‐ ヽ \ 13‖ )1)1ヽ CI)ヽ TA Ihis s('clior should b.: llll.J irr [rr tl]. l:rr!irratr [)roctrrins r\!cnc\ l.clbrc issrrancc of the hi(l.iinS (lo(!nr.'rrts. l-hr'lirllo$ing ifd,jrlii Jrlr' li\r llr. \\orks Io b!'leD(lcrcd shill corrrplenrcnl Jrnen(1. ()r slrfIlantcru IJtc p|r,risr,,rrr trr rltr Irr.tr'rreti,,rr: t() l)i(J(lets. \\'h.r(\'0r.thcrc ilrc corrllucnts. hc prr.visirrrrs irc'.rn rl1lrll 1.r'crrrti,r\cf il'r'rc ir) lllL Inslllrcliotl lo Bt(ldcIs lDslnr(lions (o IJitltlcrs Clirrrsc l{c tlcncc l.l \:rnr! of I'ro(urrrs.\gcrr(\ : Illicl l)cscli ilirrrr of \\'ollis ‐ 墨 ブ い R` 3o'た ブ た 園 ヘヤ¨ い ` L二 ´′ ′̀#/rゎ ゝ ,ρ 5.l(il l\nrfr rr!:.\Scnc\'' I x(ltlrcrr: cct t ヽぜ 1 1= lビ ぜ ( │ .)l I.rrr(.r . \,lJr(.' ,/ | >a'rl. P■ ` 10F B tl、 ヽ ‖│卜 C(luぃ :ぜ (ヾ i'IIぜ い │‖ II: ヾIL(ヾ chn hぜ 輌n■ ‖ ThelIIlc haヽ 〔 CO‖ ti lぜ ' (■ いぜ Rl llぜ P``ヽ 1ヽ tll,ccヽ │‖ Rゝ tO PC rll‖ l lic n‖ ぜ ‖ぃ‖い い 。Cで いヽ 〔‖て ` 10uヾ ぃぃ、 ヽ ′ ヽ ′ ″,7(■ ′ ″た′″ ′ てヽ、 ″k′ ′│ん ′ ,、 ` ′′り ,″ ′ ル │.′ ザR、 ′′ 女ハ、千 :ln=olビ :‖ ,:lchゝ 11 1′ ヽ :′ │′ :、 │ │′ , i口 ││ ′ ,t`′ ′ ′ ル〕 〃′ │'′ ソリ′ I cth liCtll c(lP(lCい :(l rt′ ′ `,′ ′ ′ ヽ′ ′ ′ ヽく ′ ム′ `ぜ :′ (′ (● ヽ │′ 'だ ( 力 ル ‖″′ ′ `″ `″ ,`′ ',′ ′ ′ ル′ !″ t ク″′ ,, `′ ′″ ′ ′ ′ てヽ `′ `′ 、′̀ て ″″ ′ ″ ′、 ′ ′ たヽ`′ ル′″′ ■′ だ′ ′ ′ ″′ ′ 1(` nC‖ )‖ Chゝ :(1′ ど (ぃ l卜 li‖ ピ "2′ ,′ │││ ■る。″´ 4ゝ P. `IPぜ でヽ 「 hぜ い 卜 nlビ ‖t、 卜 c‖ :れ 't′ ヽsI″ ′ t(′ ″ ドて″ ′ 10` 10‖ い` ,(′ ′ ′ ′ (で ′ 、 て k′ て ′ ■ol oO)GhO:ヽ ihorl i Dn l.iorr ` ( S'lU. .rl lr.ri,rtL,\i1 ,,lon\ Cltolli │'、 ,′ r′ `′ '〃 'ハ ′ ,('1(ノ 1) ′ ‖れイ ′ (ッ ′ 力 「′ 聴謳1瑞脚 勲 6Ю IKL :.i Provisior) ofSrtcj O,r llrc Cor)riIcr).cr)!Dr Drie .i.l Aulhol.izc(l ,1-2 Nnmc xnd .tdrlr css oI Dngineer,s/procu ring Agcncy,s rcprcsen pc rso n: titivc Pcrlornr)ncc Sccu rit),1 V^Jidjl, (Fonn: A: 5I proitled RcquircmcDls lbr Jpccifjcarjon undcr Srttntlartl fornts ofthese DoctLnrenrs) Co trxctor,s (lcsign CtaL,se No (r1. , nv): s ))-ogr^mnrc: 1.7 'linrc fol' l su brDissioD: Witt)ln fourieen ( l4) days * oi' tire Conrmenccnrent Daie. ot !rogr.rlllnrc: (Bar Chat t/CP)rJ/PLitT or oihcr') I i,mount payablc dre ro lailrre to contplcre shall bc._.% per alay L p tc a rnil\p1unl of ( 0%) oisuNr stared in ilrc Lettcr of lcceprance 71 or m I ( lsually rhe dtv) sel betlveeD 0_05 perceni in(l 0.10 perccrrt per E: rl),Complc(ion h case ofearlier complcrion ofihe WoJk, rhe Contr.actor is eniJtled to be paid bonus ul -to Iinlit and al a rate eqL valcnt lo 50% ofthe rclcvart limit and rate of li.IUidatcd dilnages stetcd in the contract data 1.5 9t i lrqLijCated cjanrages arc P(, iod for' , cnrcdl,ing dcfccrs (c) a.2 Yrli:rlioD proccdur.es j Day lvork rrtcs (dcraiis) .I Ternrs of Payn)cnts .l) MoL rliz^tion Ad!xrce (l) Sj xllr i'(I lr{obilization Advafce !p to I0 % olrhe Conh.a price stared in the Lcncr of Acceplance shall bc paid bl, tjre procuring Agcr)c), ro ihc Contr.a.tor on ihc \vcrks cosrirg Rs.l.5 nril ioi or above on tolloq,illg corrrjrtjons: c l' 0.r'crncf l llc!!]rLa]_\ Arrtx,.ll rr\a\.f ),r, rLllr.!o!.pt ilobiliTation Advance Cuarani'e on subrniss;on by Jre Corrtracror of a 0) the Advance in thc sPecifled fo n fro)x a "."r,t Agcnci'; Schedulcd Baik irr Pakisiar to ihe Procurlrlg adYalrce at lhe I'lc 01' Contfactor s ili pay rirteresl on lhe rnobillzat:on ol i","tl," frff () l0% per afrr!m on the advellce;aLld iecovered irr 5 c'lLel Thrs Advancc ifcluding the interest siraLl be thc nLrrnber ol bi ls i,,.i"ri,r.,ut ir"n, i:,. l* (05) R'A bills and ix case ol thc inlcrcs( ,llcss rlmn Ive (0s) rlrcrr l/5" of r|c arivarrcc ilchlsh'c (hc togeLh€r w(r ance ba and ,i;;,;i,;', ,","";'",ca rionr c:rch bil t )at thcre is f,,ar.,i i"- :..*'"t"0 Iorrr thc fiLral bill' Jl nrav be insurea in rhe Inal bitl 1o errable rccovcrl' of the () .,,in"j"- ",."ir, Mobilizatior) Advarrce. │ │ OR │ 2) (a) Scc rcd Adv.ncc on Matcrirls n Lhe Procuri rg Agency Sccrnc' Thc Contnctor shall bc c ltitLeo to receive fro For No 3l(Frn' Oi',^*"'"*^",.i ", ,*DENTURE BOND in P W Accounr rs, rhe 2 acceprable lo the Procuring Agencv oi sucir srm R. L'oJrl ' rr on Pcr"r abre r''re- 'rrs ,;;.:i,o,l=, ;;r,, ]i" ;., , ;:., ,,,;.; ,,,.i',. 0,,,.'",,"i *'p"'o' "' ti''Pe ''.",,"'i"i (l) The Lrrirtcrieis are in Pel anent Works; ' i/ Sric.'nrileri.. s la\: be(r' ,,.1 p'or', r.c ( acco r)'1r'''rr 'lance \\ oi<' provide' Ilrrl witlr thc ce''!ereo '"' S:: Specificatiorrs -r1o ^r'lro;c fol the l' 'orjl o'r_alco-dcerio'rtior'lJll'cs'lti fu't:ol "1 risk and cosi ol t:rc o,,a'"",,n*,,0" oi lire Ergiuecr b t ri tlc Contlactor; fi.tt or'ftr'' rr ciDs'r 'i l'he ConirJ.lor's records ofln( req'i Icr'er'l( reer' a r u L' ol rnrl.riils r_e \epr , a lorrn ap''o cJ b\ tlre t'g by the Engineer; rccords sheli be availabic for lnspection s. ntl $ilh ,;. m(:r: r'' sl"lerie:rr lre'\l;' ''. i T-.e Gol.l...cio' ::r + rt'',l',"-"i,rl",trerir'sor,Siteloget"ersi(lrsrchdo'Jrncrr'''5'x \t 'ii l mdl:l'l ol reI:o ''iill RarriredbYlhc E_'ir'c'r lor llre p:rrpo c o:vI n,.t ct der:cc or or' -el"rio rn ' p' \ "?: I l'er('o c: i le Doc'r' L' Ow.,r.llt'ol rclrrnr'crals l)al tc'cL 3llo!("1 5'j ,.\: 'nrr'r r" l3' rrol bc r:'ro eo :or' rl'el'oc(r-'r'^ i"""' c- ol qirhorr' !"'rr(crrL'rr'i'r o r oi rr( ;:l;,';'."""i I! " qr a rrr I i Agerrcyi rl,,l.' :." ll.:1._0,.:.,;1""':, r.e :,-r of thc (rl l'rndcd cost o1 ,"","i,i;t" prrce :,::-".,":, " rrnPor natcrlals' or locally nranrrfa'tr'Lrcd or p qduced of "i (iii) nrarket price olslalrds other rrraterialsl │ _■ ― ´ _____一 ― 一 ― 一 `,p「 〔sI` Jh蓼 ヽ ■` lol,Autヽ 0「 it)│ヽ ヽ ヽ1,Oh P,し IC P,OCu enヽ en:Reguい 一 一 )ヽ pk ― 一――一-4 (v;i) Scc red .\dvance should not be al orveC Lnless &trrtil the pruvlous advancc, il an. fLrlly recovered: li.Dl prrrl ll ol ru r lirrg Nc0ou rl {viil) Dctriic(l nccoLrrrl oi irdY:rn!cs bill: afc (i\) Secu e<l ALivancc nia)' be pcrniitcd orly agarnst rnlterials/qlLarrli(ics anticipatcd to be corsrrred / utilized or the rvork withln a period of3 and definitcly no( lor nronl ls lioln il)c laie of isstle ofsecr rcd ful quiftiti3s oflnat€rills rrrLrst Lrc Jbr the cntlre iLr "lvarce 'voruconlract Recovery of Sccured Advance: (L,l .. , 'cI ll'c "b'vc l'o's'0" J flcl'i'l cJns'l lo) rrLes irol r)cre ihan ln tlle bui not laler tran period sPec;f;cd nd\'rr.: p.rJ io tl e 'orrr'.'-:os.illlc ( li-l(.| l,'orn t'c rrron",l) li\_ Sc-rr.e. Lrasjs. trlr rts thrce months (cven iIunutil]zed); othcr conditiorrs accounts of the iicrlrs deducnon enhies in nraking concerned in Part llshould be reduced b qork measlred since previods lhc collLmn; 'deduct quantily utilized in bilL.'cqLlivalcnt lo the qLrantitres olmirterials used bJ Ire conLractcr on itenrs oflvork sholYf qs erecuteC ir part I ofthe bill' (iD As recovcr;cs are madc thc ouistandrnS Interim payments: The Coftractor shall stbmit Io lhe Engincer onthl staterre;t; of the estirrlated val e of the work completed less the cuml]lative (c) enrou rl c€dified PreviouslY. Thc val c oi lvo.k conrplcted coLrrPrises the vaLue of the quarrtrn€s of thc itenls in the Bill of Quantitiesconlpicted' valLe olsecured advarrce or lhe nlaieri'rls rl:d valuation of va'iations (r) (1, (ii..nJ. (rii) Engineer nray erchcle a:ry irern c€rliicd ir a previcus c€11ificate oI rcdirce rhe proportion ofany ilc irreviously ce11ifled in anv cerlificate iu the ligllt ol laier ini'ornrallof. (r) Retcntion r)roney and other advances are to be recovefed ironr lhe bill sirbLritted bY conllactor. ll.2 r(a) ViriuatioIl ot the Works: or t I Lump sun price ,v;th s.ledui3s orraics iii) Lunrp suLr pricc lvrth bil olqLrantli es-(1'taijs) i) iij Lu np sLrnl pricc (details). ■) Re'niclsureLllerrt !vitlr estirnated/bid qrartiljes Prices o: on preiniL n 2bove o' v) ヽlndi,P、 :│lc │ PIooo ciヽ じ nt Rct● Ccst lnt` reirrbulsable_-(details) ■)At(り ,。 11ヽ ltヽ oヽ ヽヽP,:]` ‖ じ '│ヽ │ヽ P` or Schcdt le bclow qrotcd cn Lrc (Jciriir, rre,rtloned in CSR in the (dctails)' cr orla,rd of r'ites : ; : : -' 1.5 i( I , l'crccrtxlc of rct.rrliorr': 1 f-_ Cul.rcncy of P;] mcnl: Plk RLipces frac rLngAgd:..,) nLt) Ccci.J!the scoPc oi*e rcrk) Insurrnccs: klepi)1tl in ! !'.e ih. nttturcrd Typc of covcr The Works Thc sunr staled in thc Leiter of,\cceplaxce pir s ilfteen 2elcent ( i5%) 'l'1'pc ttf covcr │ Conh actor s EqrLil,'ment: │ │ Anrount of coYer │ IrLrLl rep │ lric ncnt cosL │ Type ofcovcr Third Pary-ixjury to pc|sons and damagc to property atnomt of thit.l Potb/ inlLrancc shauld be asse:sul bv Pt oclring lScncy axd ehtc.ed). (fhc ,rinirn! 1 the Workefs. Olher cover+j (ln each tatc nonlc of inttretl i5 Cantroclat dnd Procuring Agenq) " 14 I ? ,4nroon( to bc rccovercd perce,t Prc ll t:]l PIUS i5 3 (_%). 人]bitraliO11■ ■ PIace ofArbitrationl * (Procuring Agcnc:; Lc.tpec$, os 6pprorr;o,"1 r+ (ll hos ta be itltlta Prorinca alSindll) ―一一 一一 ―― 一 P,ocJ「 gulalo,ハ ヽ ヽ ` 0'1]dh 而面 go,pk じn,enl ヽ せ uthOri〕 Sl,0ヽ Pt,iじ T 再雨蔦蒸 再而 │ヽ 1ヽ ,p「 職剛 │ │ │ ST,A.NDARD FORMS 蠍 席 駕 t,滋 ′ ボ ■ 窮霧孵 出 ● いぃけ ltt mt● lcコ m)緬 出 、 `卜 ・u“ ハPk "¨ 「 OR,4 0F BlD SECURITY (Bank Guarantec) (l-i iicr by ihc Cuararioi. to Ihc procu .rnq Agcncy) Nr Gr aranlce No. Exccr ted on ofC|.rnntoJ (Schcd!lcd Bank ix pakisran) !vith )e add ess:__ Nat ol Prircinal (Brddcr)wiLr e address: S!fr ol-Sec!Jity (exprcss in words and figur.s)l Did ilclercncc No Dale OfB d │ │ 4EN BY「 HESE PRESEヽ KNCヽ V Al´ し ヽ TS,that h〕 puii(JNfce oIthe rerms ofthe Bjd rnrj iit fimty boL rd Uハ to Jlじ (hereinalter called Thc "piocur,ifg Agen, y ') in thc srm stateLi abovc. lor the p.1yfient of wlich sLrm rvc|.nd rrLrJy to bc nridc, se bi rd or tsclvcs. ouJ hcr[s, erecUtors, a(]lntnrs[aLors ard sLrcccssol-s, jointlv aiid scverall!, │ tl,c lt9test O1 1le said P1 lcipal │ iurly by tlresc prescnrs T,Iじ 、 30ヽ sub,]t ed Arcrc) 11 、 ve tle Ctiala:1lol abovc-named are held and DIT10N OF T卜 Is oBし lcAT10N IS SuCH, Jlat whe cas(he P「 │]ciPa has ぃc accOlη paッ i]3 ´Bid ntll,beled and (Partrculars dated of Bid) to I aDd 1en,,rS: as above r。 rhe said FocL ihe Procurifg Agency has requrred as a condirion l.or consi.Jerjng rhc said Uid i tsrd Secrrlry i| the above said sunr to the procurixg Agencl,, orir, rre rrlncrpat rUnrshes condilic red as Under: O O t )ai llrc Bid Sec rity shall rcffaif valid lo| a period of twenry e;Sht (28) days beyond i,re period ofvalidrry oltle brdi {l at irr the cvcnt of; ilr lrrr-,r.rl s.l l."s "\ B.o.t,.r l.Sl.:clJ.:o:o: v. .c,rJ oib,c.o. .lre Pnnc pal does not accept the correcrion of Clause l6 4 (b) ol lr)srruciiorrs io Bidr:jers- or ; iis Bid price, pixsuaft io S!b, fail!re ofthc s ccessfUl brdrler to “ │ │ 1 riIs ←) lr'.r"h tre -q.:,cd l^r..o:.I r.r:c Se.r.,... :. ,r.cod.r.rc- \r:t \rt Cl.,rsr'0-ll.i oi .,i,r(,.t.o r! ro Br.JJc.r .- (1) sign thc ptoposed CoIhrci AgrecDteirr, ir accordance wrrh srhCiruscs J8.0.2 & :O -,f tn..nciior)s ro BrC,i:r. │ Itc!!laot. Arir 1oriL,', r n\\v.tri!i:rt ).g.v.pk :∫ 襦 諄:.ホ il::,ξ lll貰 1鮮 よ 雷 sald l'.ocuiing Age|c) for Celaycd icttslil bidder's lailure to perlornr. NO\\ Tl'IEREFORD, rf lhe succcsslul biddcr shall, !v irir) the perrod speciiied thercforc on thc p csc ibed foiD Preserri'rd to h rrr jbr signaturc enler rrio a fcrLnal Co'tra-'! r\3 ecnr'nt !\'ilrLrl \\,i11; hc sii(l i'xrcLrIing Agcncy ir ,ccordirlcc \vilh lris Bid rs acccplca arr(l flLll) sh goo{l ar)d !vilh lorrLr.n(14)(laysol racclPl oll-cl(crolAcccl)tancc ' Pcrlor)arrc.3 SecrLity s\rlllc.Nl su 'cly . ils tlllly llc rcqt i'cLi trxrrt(hclb n prcscribcd hy lhc snid Ploc( rirlS Atcilcy for th i faithlul pe lornrarrce and p)oPer Illllnrcnt oltre said CofL|acl or rn the evenl oir)on\!ithrl arvr oi tircsrirl Bi(l Nirlirr (lrc linrc spccrilcd lhcrr tlris obllSalio shal bcvokl arrcol No cllrct, liul olircrwise to renrain in frll l'orcc afd cffeci. PRo\ IDED TI-IAT the Cuarartor shall forthlvith pav to tire Procuring Agency Ilre said sufl slrlcd abovc tLPon first \v[illcn dcflaf(l oll]e Procurlrrg Agcrrc] !vi(hotLL c'vil or rrgulrcrlr For srrch afd v! rhout requirrng lJrc Plocuring AgcDci Io proYE'or to Jrow g ourrcs or reason\ rcy rugisrcrc.l ;o,r rlLrl1' acn,u)1, r)olicc ol;hict) shall bc scni ir) !hc lrocLrring A_cLcy addres icd lo the Cuaranto' at its addLess givct above Procurlng Agefcy shali be thc sole arrd finai .ludgc ior decLrlllg whcther the Princlpal has clLrly perfonr:ed ris obligarions !o sign ihe Coniract Agreerrent aud to furrish iire reqrislie Pen'ormarrce Securrty wiihin thc tiLne statcd ^bo'e' or pav without obiectioI tilc hals dclau tecl L1 i!1,*lllifg sa d requlrcrnenls and the Guarantor shrll x rl wil rorrt sr m str led above upon 1l$t wriltcn denran.l fi'om thc Ploctl'iDg Agercy fort]lwilh PROV DDD ALSO TIIAT thc afy rcliircr)ce lo thc Princrpal or any othcr peNon I IN \Vl',NESS wl-IEREOFI lhe above bou rc{cd Cu.rra rror ir;s ercLrLle i ii)e irrttr nrc rr x rde:' iis seal of ljre dalc irdicated above, ihc nanrc and seal ofthe Guarantor beirrg heleto allixed and thcre presents rluly sigrred l:y itl u.dercigrle.1 represenla(ive putsuanl 10 authority 'F rts govemirg body. GLrarantor (3ank) l. S igoature W1less 2. Naine 3 Tte (o日 ,o atc Secret。 ワ(SCaり つ ()1‖ n]じ 11l eヽ Add cs、 ) Co 'po'l(c 0LrnrNnlor (Scil l) 嚇 SioUh l'ul 11。 corcnienl m酬 ltcsultt。 山 町 ¨ J:。 ● A● 中 t= ヽヽ,p,'ヽ │■価Jh=。 喘 │,● ぃ w` 、,ヽ … 明 … FOR14 oF PERFOR卜 ,ANCE SECじ R,TY (Bank CuO「 n nicc) Cuarantee No_ Exect teC on Expiry Dare (t-e c'by lhc Glrara toi to thc Procuring Agcr)cy) Narnc ofC arirnior (Scjre.jLrlccl D.Ii, ir P.kislrnt !vir l Name )I Prjr)cipat (Corr|acroD wrrh addrcs.: Pc〕 als H]] oTSecLrrity (express jn words and figLrres) Leiter o Accep[ance NO Dated 押lilJlll蔦 輛1捕i[ ド伸IiVi鮮 #職 番 (hereirafter called ihc rrccur nE Agency) ir) rhc penJj sunt oTthe ajnount stated above. for the paymeri of$1)jcir p."",.;,,-q υ 口に b出 ° ‐ OCJ口 ng Asency,We ;G;,,:;, bi]d Oulselves,Ou「 *. :l::,Ii,tl i:i.i:l: iL=il:` ::..:: t',11" t: ",d :osI:Lllζ luceessOIs jo'■ ly :… Cヽ CC● heiも ';" ol,,;;,:;J';.,';;,',,",. and severa y,輌 ]]ly by口 〕 ese plcscnts 「 THE COヽ ,DiTloN OF T「 lls OBし lcATloヽ Is sじ c卜 1, that lc PIoctling A3meyヽ aboVe said しe"c「 Of (Nanrc olContract) for ihc acce,ted fflnc rD.Lt trs tu,' (Na ne of Proj3ci). ilirf iorai liabi iry urcier oJ- r), iiatriIt) aftachlirg │:ilξ sLrnr stated rSovc and 111111i:1」 │]=lie:││:1 rJre clainl for iraytrlent 'trcir.rl Itceutikry urtDri.) l w1rr.lnr.stn.|r.g)v.pti , writirg sha ll ¨ 直綱 咤耐 ポ 配」鼎皇 h‖ 欄 1濡 i濡 l,需 │ポ ‖R「 ‖ “ 歴l「 L:IP:よ 0: ICを 瀾11甘 TII‖ ボInま ]羊 │ぅ [「 SOnS fo「 st ell del]and any su]1 0「 St ] :#」 螢 “ ll[1計 :i織 書 醜 「 “ ““ nlpl隔 ]ilel∬ な yF“ い 釧 meR hd劇 ∝ m∝ 。 訛糊昇に :W]を T[淵 ;ふ l器 ll:,『 ‖ “¨ 出1響 ∬ │ふ ll:::「 lN Winヾ じss WHEREOF,llc abOVe bounded Cuara]10f has exCC■ 朧 T」 にa tl`Lls貯 o■ 1じ n、 dJ 肥‖tT矯 騰i: 濯盤記1縛 略出 T聞 鵬 ∬1認 ∬‖∫ Of ts l oVerlilg boOy Guarantor Wines, 1 (Brtk) Sig ratrre 1 Cofporatc Scc ctarY (Scal) (NaPie,Tり 2 Narne 3 The Corporalc Cuarantor (Sclrl) e&AdO「 ess) ヽndh Put じPlocu c、 ,cnl Re3o at。 O Au口 ,oiぃ ― 1■ 1ヽ ヽヽ ヽP,''■ (1l ヽヽ g(),pヽ l FORM OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT TlIIS CONTRACTAGREEMENT口 lerewith called thc・ Agreenenピ リmad0 0n thc______day OF (hcreinafter ca]led the'Procurlng called thc "Contmctor"l of thc other betwecn Agenry"J of lhe one parl and parL -2014 WHEREAS thc Procuring Agcnry js dcsirous that cerlain trVork, l.iz: -[hereinafter and has accepted a Eid by Lhe Contractor for lhe should be execlted by ihe Contractor and !he remedying ofany defecls therein. exccution and comp)etion ofsuch Work N0W, !:Is AgreFmcnt w:tncsses Js [o]low: 1. ln this Agreement v/ords and expresslons shall have lhe same meanirgs as are .respectively assiSned to them in llre Conditlons ofContract herelnaflei refcrred Io 2. addend3, iI any exccpt thosc i]arls ielitliDg to Instructjons to Bidders, shall be dcemed to form and be read and construcicd as !arl oflhis AgreemcnL, viz: The tollowing documents aft;r incoiporating The Letter ofAcceptrnce. (b) The completcd Form of Bid along with Sciedules to Bid (cl Conditions ofContract & Contract Data [dJ The priced Schcdule ofPrices/ Bi]l ofquaDtihcs (el The Specificalions: and [0 The Drawings [r) -.---:1. In consrderation ofthe payrncnts to bc made by tbe Procuiing Agcnqv to thc Contracior with the Procuring Agency io execule and complete the lvorks and remedy defects Lherein in conformiry and in all respecti wiLhin rhc provisions oflhc Contract. as hereinafler menrioned, the Contracibr hereby covcnants 11 4 Sind The Plocuring Agency hereby covenanLs to pay the Conlractor, in conside tioil of the execurion and completrOn of the Worl<s as per provisions ofthe Conkaci the Coniract Price or such other sum may become payable undcr the provisioxs ol ihe Ccnh2ci a'. Lhe Limes and rn the manner prescribed by the Contiact r Publi. Procurement RcBulatoryAutllorir.v: *r@.ppras.(rr rov pk lN V/ITNESS WfIERIOF the pa]-rics hereto lave crused this Conrrzct Agrecmcnr to bc executed cn the day, monih and ycar firsr bcfore rvrinen jn accordancc wirh rhej;respecrive t;w;. : Sjgnature of the Conrracror Signature oFtl18 PrOcuring Agency [seal) Seall 〔 Signcd scaled and Delivered in tlle prcsence。 1_ 、 Witness: - -'- (.jamc Tirie and Addressl (1ヽ sn“ nttc■ ∝remm Rttuょ 。 γ Au● ¨ り _ lameTineandAdaressリ ヽ 、 ★DRAWIINTGS ・ ′ Tht : ^ら ro! ヽ│‖ ( ,│〉 EnSincu./Prccuting Dil.lin< rutpotej ll io l'。 ct‖ ul), ot tc. if necctr0..y). χ′ ″絡筋源応21'第 ′ 御Zε ‖ 鸞 じ1、 せ■ IRclti10 0)ハ 1 1o tyl、 ヽヽ ヽヽ ,1,P「 し ヽ11ヽ ‖、 10、 │。 k lssued to : Vide DoR No: Dated STANDARD FORM oF ]lDDING DOcuMENTs. NAME OF WORK 雌+loり 理製湾鱒 GHOTKf Iミ ‐ ゝ INVITAT10N FOR BIDS ヽ 、 itl lc I'、 ,:tttヽ l● [ `じ, I,[て 、i話 話 ふ ほil「 ■ I「 :卜 ¬ ヨ鷲1 OI'(ONTI]ヽ TS Stヽ 1ヽ ′ Iヽ RY 呻 呻 l) iNfii^llL\i\ `I, (ヽ , lliil5.. I . 0l 0 1 口) j{)i1 i` STRt'C rl()Ns「 ol〕 II)DFItS&lllDDINC D′ ヽTヽ 10Rヽ 10「 Bl)ヽ SC =Dt,L「 S10 Bil) COヽ )¬ ONS Or CO、 lR.、 (Tこ COヽ IRACT )ATA (r) SIANDARD FGRMS ハ]10ヽ S (ソ ) S'し CI「 :) DRA Wヽ GS I(` (` ヽ■ 111耐 tP,.● .mO■ ゆ,Pぃ ●、、 h.│ヽ ヽ 、 出四、 ・ 叫 ■¨ヽ 「k `' `: 罪 ■珊 Iヽ VITAT10ヽ FOR BIDS Dx lc: Bi(l R.fcreDcc No.: lrrocln ill Ag"rrc!. icnkt. nnt oi tl1( r)tuctrinf n!:enc-i). invitcs scnhd bLds ilcnr in(crcs(cd tirn5 o re'soNs liceiiseC bl lhc l'rkistarr Engineering Corrrcii in tire titpt'o2rittta ciri.lrol](rr)r ;cqtral ln vorkt co.\tln! ll\ 2 i r llt)n 'r 1c\\) ond/ar 'itl" pre-qrreli1 ,:d(r,'7rr-r 17rnll'l.rt:'t: i\ tlant ld \Piil:!: {'\' )t/rtal!'!) \!itlr the PIoc!Lirr! titlr \pt: t ltilinttn.tul )iltt)tc ol\t\t k),\\1t1cl Agencl, lor thc worl's,-L.,ttt tiltt|crir).,1drys uUrqtiott ir\{lllbccorpLcte(i l.rltct l re つ r\c.ijii'. 1l). rr __ -_ ol Blddlnq Doc:rnef(s rxay bc pr rc rrtsea b)' arr lntcr(siei cligrble Lri.l{Lcr 6t ,u,itr"i, appl citlon io t re offce gile r bololv alrd upon palnlcnl of x " (1"\ert Anaunt) Biddtrs naY fee o{ llr o.es Ilid(lirrc Docrrr).Lris llorn rrc Oficc ol Ihe I'roc rinii Agcncy. (I'lrilrrrg Address) -- I iry rr Brd Scctrr t! ) l,rc lrrlloulr( ol I(s' ,\ll iriils nrr sl ct bicl p icc ir (ttu|!cs ) or ----pcr.crrlase -,,-Ccli!c ed thc lorfr ci ilo, a)'dlt , ttctt:-tnri cirult / bank 5lto.ttict) and nrtrsl bc at Lrclorr or ,4JtL c.t: ond Lttt' I tt, ir,o,) lo -- dxy- i I houN orl I rc silrrc (l)ritc) Bdswrl L)coPcncdrl roLf s.or -- -.-l,lntli.Nt! thr )rcscnce ol bdders r.pr.serrtalrves Nho choose t. xilend, al lhe sarle adiiniss :-.!..:;l,r' r.rr r.conrprrrl crJ I │ヽ 。■ │ 2 ヽ■●1,P J)to;l| :)1::.1,..tic:, t , utc). t;L r.qLt,jlc tri:nut an in i!ank ,;prtctt . / .. Ilc P● cに ,10■ 1こ │■ lk,,,A● 1■ ■1,│、 、1'` ヽ ― 鞠 一 ︱ て INSTRUCT10NS T01〕 H)1)ERS & BIDDINC DATA No es bu lhef‖ stt uctions lo l,iddぜ 、 「 11,s sec(:ド or thぜ bldding docun]ents shOuld Piov(lc口 ]e iniblR〕 at on■ cccssaっ ′ lbl tO P「 3)atc ∫ icsP01SiVe bios, 1]nccOlda lec 、 vit]t]e lentl「 '01(l alSO givc clnじ ‖〕f 口1,nt10 1 0 1 bld st h t]15510] Oi]ci ign]d e、 bld(1じ Is lts ortlc PrOct1 18′ `gclicy I[ raltlR:10〕 , 01( o],le a,Anl〔 1 0r C011「 aCi ヽ1■ ticl 「 the Conlnc1 01 paメ ln c‖ ts und=[ ‖,e Co■ li ncl or ぎcVe161,s d〕 e pe1 1)‖ ]〔 ,ncc 。 S o111o 〕 │[,e liSiS Iis1lts an(│ 。わlga o,s of〔 1lo Pa:ic、 l l(er i]e Co li nc1 01e 110t l('「 li,n y 〕 c tl(1ビ 〔 i,(ヽ │ヽ Sec i, btt in lel 11 ,e n,p10,ll,lC seetio ls 01 tliじ (`,′ 1`′ lυ ′ ?ヾ s l,l:,iC「 │′ nnd/0 てθ′ 1“ (′ ″″ た′ ご′ rtr DJ′ ご `,/ ヽ Iヽ BI I〕 I` Si,tけ r ′ ′ ′ Oi cO、 1,,、 s 「 cTIo、 、「 O Bll)I)ERS ∫ ε ′ わJ ′′ ″′ ``,v″ ′″ A(〕 1:、 ER、 I ,Il l 11,1 1i] `ル “ SC,り C。「 Bi(1て ヽ E =│〕 │じ Blddci、 6 Cos Or Bidd‖ 6 [: ′ llli,1)iヽ I〕 │'′ ci)Oct、 り]ヽ Ts mmに ,P,ッ `P「 L“ gD。 田 │ “ 兵 ‖ 」 I忠 濡 1薦 驚 1 │,、 il'6 7 1群 7 8 C. PR I'P,{III\ 1'IOJ' OIr NID IB, しn● !::s =u,`,。 1蹄 :‖ ,3つ 131() 。fじ i(1 電 ど∫ ‖ │ヽ S the BId │[:ビ S │ 脳│ド ‖嗅謀 鳳│:鳥 下 llII 押 ‖ 粽出 3拙 ド )出 311 8 I彙 :,11 9 Qr:rlrlicaltotrs. 9 ::││:│::::│││:::│ ,「 I 0rt)irl I) S LI]}I ISSIO\ │,315 r)cn(‖ │〕 e ll「 .S OJ: ]JI]) 9 rjn ing rr)(j SLrbrrrisio I 'IⅢ sulmissiO. 、「。 diFcnlon&、 11‖ ]dね 10 o′ 1,(1 10 、 、al。 ,Elids I I: 'lD oPENINc AND EvALUATjo、 ll' 11・ 6 13k10。 cn 1lj 17 P10Cess i0 1〕 )'A.` ヽRD 。 -al.rirfi ,rJrDll ., r.1 L!.rlu.rrJUJr r0|rr,i.r lirl 12 ,3 orr coNTit,lC,t' I131、 ∫ ,l, 1′ 「語瀬tふ ■II 32o l〕 21 1,12 14 15 ` 日│ヽ ■さ ぃ u.miI ltじ │( 11 1‐ ′ `●J〕 ( │ 、│ I N r.f jr( \i,i!r.-!r j\ rt =翻 Iヽ ヽ[RtlC N01C (■ │い じ″、 ″ ■ kィ │〃 ″″ ピ ″ C″ ″ ′ ″‖ `′ 131 Scopr oi Ilid 11 Scopc .t 110ヽ SI()1〕 rr)1)I]ItS ■ ,,“ 々 た り ヽ″ θ ′ ′ 「′ ′ ル′,ル ル,gつ て ′ ′ ″111′ ′″ ″ι ピ′α ィ。 / `〕 でゎハ lc c`た ,`"だ ″ ご ′ ζ ル η ル ″ ζ ,ぃ '`″ ′ な″ ク ''7`cα “ `ο .\, CI]ヽ FIし ヽ1. l、 Sou rce of i,u nds ol Bi(l rilg .\!.rcv as .icilfcd rn thc B ddrn! Dirti\(hcr!inaltcr crrllecl "lhe l,ocuIing /.i',:nc]'J .\'slcs io r.ccv. Bi(is ibr thc \Voris srrnim:ilizci in thc Biddirr! D.{it Tire ProcL lirarcrfeiirr rrlrrr.^(i to ls "ire \\/ori(s ) llirklcls nrust Llrl[c li t)c co:lplete scoi]i worl\ \vi i bc rc cctcd es rof- 'esPonsi\re. 12 Sou ifc vol( ′ ol 、 ヽ]y I`i( cO vc:│]g pari al scoDe of rc. ol lir u(ls Pr'ocr ing i,!cric] t.ts atirlgcd 1lttds t:g?i)iI at nn., .)//'/ar \0i,rcc, !\'hrch ton,rids (hc cosI of []r. ptolcclrsche ne 1l-)at1oi lilrrr ils olt: Ill.l eligiLrlc llid 2.I Biarlin! ls opei) lo ali li ms :rnd persons rlreetin! lhe d f'rovrd):i1 rirrt ihc r.vor rs ヽ 、口]1)じ C dぃ or Igr'r,rrrl' /L.or,/rrrlrl cls 1.,.. ,.c, ." r t ... r ....i t.: . ' '- ) l^: I. ir.c,.r q. :.. う ) soLrrccs :ry bc indrcNlcd accordinglv in biddlrlil datir f'Ol olring requit.enrents: En-qifccrin3 Corircil (PlC) in thc lpiloj.r iatc costIrq Rs. 2 5 rntilioI or ;css slall noi reqUlre illtv rcqistl.ilttolr ′Pc‐ qけ ■5cd、 、J]d]e P OcJ「 、 ng Asenc)(′ ′ 力ι′ ピ′ ζ ルで〃 夕′ , ふ'rl b“ 1ぃ 「占│:織 111:lw11lR胤 陽響」 憎 ″ :l':lt蹴 lⅢ ・ “ e rP cloa ncal。 .has■ 。t Jndertaken[hc piocJぃ l ld dOct ]]c]ts l〕 Ot l ]lited ι O roi。 () ) 、 マ1lsI_ c o11]]oO,']lo「 lC: 、 、 。 「ks Orsh],la natu e and s zeお g atcncy n]ay ask nfr出 ,]01on rench Pc i)日 ,lcd n astF/5,cn「 『買 円 器洋 嵩‖罵 出:1可 眈h厠 “ │]la l:13じ ∫ ])C,: … si 劇md L・ じ 藻 霧彊警 (\l (ut) i ll..l Cosr ol l i li )anairl sr:lt.rncn( oi-l.s( -l ve:Is: riri )ritti3| r.J... Ig lriis.rL ors rnd rbanclofird works ifar). lli(ld; S rr; l-.:.. r l cr,.ris .rs:roc .(cr rvirlr lh. |r.c r...ii., and sr b .is:;torr oi.irs b ri ,lt i iiiL. t'r,r I i,.t \rJ t._. rr jl irt |o cusc Lrc r.c:rrollsiblc or llblc lbl. tl)o:c costs, 'l lr! 5irl.l.r 'c!r( s jcsr ol-ll)c con.lrc( of ou(c(!nc oj thc b ildin3 pr.ocess (Sl,l, I(t]lcs 2.1 & 2Jl. B 1)│ 131DDlヽ C DCCし ヽ【Eヽ TS Corticlls ol lli(ldiDg I)ocIntcn ir `│「 l.rilon kr lnlirltiol ld tsids. ir uiit sloL lil lB.6. t. I I : ts 5L: Lcril conjLrrcLio:r trc Iiillirg i)oiulrcnLs at lhose stated bclow,, a|cJ arrv ACdcnCLrr issLred irr accorJrnce rviih S!b Ciausc lrsil- cl ons Lo ilidd.rs & Bi.ldil! Dal3 l:o|fr of Ilr,l. Qriai llc:riio;r lriorrrLion & Scltcdul,jJ to BiC Sclrcdu cs to Drcl corrL.risc rre ioibrvirg: Sc r.d! ie A: S ched u lc ol Prlc€s/ B ill 0i QLraIlirics (Boe1. (0 SclreiiLrlc IJ: Spccifi c Wor i(s Drra () Schc(l! l. C: \\'criis [o bc Pcr ib.rrcrj Lr), St]bcontrilctots `│││, Schcdulc D: Plcposcd Progroirnre ol'\\,o.hs (V) SchccjLrle i: lethod of PeIlb.Iing \\/o|ks (V) Schcclu e F: lrr(egrir), Pacr (worl(s cosring lls l0lri licn cnd abovc) (V) Co r.iii,orrs oi CoirtracL A Contritct Dtta Siari.iarn l:o ms l;) Forr; ol lirLl SL:curir.v (il) for r of l)erlbr rrarcc Sccrliryt (iil)For nr of Conruct.{'lr.elIeii, (r\) iroitn oi_Dil|ri( CLr:r'rtrtce loI Advarct p:.",;tcr: Spcc lrceliors DLn\\ ir!j- i: all IB 5 (lin「 RcntiOn。「 Bi(I(ing コ l)。 ctl口 le n is ‖iXttlttf善 [耀 52 5:iillr ヽ: ]tclestcd bi(dcl、 、 、0 1〕 I' i ;. li!.r,cr).,,r lir,r r,ir,, ま il:1精 1las Ob:[1 ,,.,1 ,r =3騎 〕 cd bldd ]s dOct口 ,ir lv!\, ,f,rsi dh !o\ ril Bidding 鷺 期1耀 Agcrcy'sDocurrlolts mrv addfc:j-c )3 1tS ,1:ly lcqt cst rO「 clali5c(ltiOぇ ― 硼 aj .o:ri..:s ol ri..lirrg ioiLlricrLs r: *L ilrrs ili)a )Lorrlrllg x!:cnc! shlrll rcslolLl k) sucl oLrir-ras lr r,,'il rrr \', tltin lrl't. cil tr(laf (ll)'s. prcr:11tc tlrey arc rc'eived xt L'J3sl i\'e .i,lr riLi, d:r) r iri .r l. 1lr. (l,1re .i oi).rrir)! oi bid iSPP il.Lrlc 2l- I ) ill.6 Anrcntlnrcrt or Bi(ldiDg Docunrcnis (SPP Ilulcs 6 ,{L r rv t mc p[ioL' Lo a.l Any 2l(l) & ll)' Iiss;or oi I]ids. Lhe I)tocLLrirq Agcncy mrv, lor a L,"..n,,, ,vhellcr at iris o\!r1 iirii aii\'c ol iir respoiise lo I clalificetion rcqLcsled bv "r1, iniercsLcd bidder'. ffodil,! t rc Brddirrg Doc!rncnts bl isstLing d(l(lcfdLrn' ih. d3lllrfs [o: s:rLr oi the Ilidding Docllmcnts PUr(r ert io Sub_ ptirchilscis ol'Lhc lli'lding C aLL:c 6.1 hc:col, rrrC sha I bc coi'rnlunLcrleC irr r!rit lg to rll arl<letciLrrrr tlrrs issLrcd srli ire p.rll Docurrerts Pr'ospcclivc bi.ldcrs sh,lli lo llta P 1)cLl.ilrg Aqcr]cv. 6.1 acl<nor'v pdgc ecelpl ofcach addcndurrl in wriling lrccotrft allorC intercsLc.J L-iddcrs reisorrrbLe tlnc n \yhich l(r trkc it addenclunl iirto lor th3 CtlCli0e exiclrd r:l plc;'arilrg t :cit D:c1s, L :c f : ocL:r rllg gc rcY ]1a) :rl lis drscietion -i'o " Sntissroll ol- Illcis rrL ヽ C PREl'ARAT10N OF BIDS LanguilIc ot Bid I13' .\i c,.rrr,tri\ r( L,'t ti( E o: rlibt ′│ in the larr!lL.rqc sn'crtrcd il thc Corrtrxcl llaia' : IB S SI Docnmclis (lornP' ising lhc Ilirl -lfc Brd い ) (b) (C) ld) (C) (「l t=) H〕 9 94 sfiJii iic('D)' Irc lldCcishili comprisc tlre ib lon'irg' OJlir,'CovjL DS I-cii.r ForI of 3rd dLrll,i licC. sigrc(l lrd sea cd.:n a.co defce wrlh IB i4 i. rviLh -scrcdL lc: (.\ to [) to Brd dri; filicd and rniiialer]. in .ccorCnncc ll:iLrLrciio ls co rlxiirc(i Ihcrc!f & if ilccord:lna. \!ilh IB I.l.l. UIC SccLrily iirirrslc! r: rccoroarce *,ilr lB l I)o\.,.r ol/\tior..r, I accordafcc !\,itl JB 1.1.5. L)oc!frcnlir') c!,i.la11c. rn ilccoieircc \\'rtI I3l(.) & lB.Il Docriffc rtor\,.vii eircc in eccor(lan.c wrtlr iiJ. L2 irrllicicrrcl ol llirl lich SlJJcr si:rli 5.trsj) hlit:elr irclir c 3iLJdrnll ls to rhe cofrcctncss ilr:C sLrlic;ticy cf iis Liir and ol tlte ficIrrii.r oI ih: raLc! {tj CSIi i riiics iId prices quoreaj,/cnLere(] irr rhc fshcdLlc ol PriceJ, $lricr i;rtcs lri prces sTral crccpt It so ftr as rt is ali)eA\ ist: ,rrircssil nrovidcd ir (ltc Contr.aci_ cover all lris oblij:riiofs u]lder rr irtlcis aNd thr i!,s Iccersrr\ for ihe prop.l. .onlliel o\ol the u,orks ヽ,」 I 11e Pi)卜 │ : Pl ott‖ せ, 。11R`=│11:。 (y′ 、●[│。「ty : Lhe Contra.t rfaj all ` 現 l、 1、 v、 、│,, ■S 'ヽ '`● 、.│ 君懇蒻 │〕 0 Thc brddcr ls ari!iscrl ro obrxirr lor ilLlisclt ai his o\rn coJr and tursponsiLrility !ii lnlo|rrriiof ll 3( r)ra\ be rccesslrv lbr orcparingt rfc bid ilrC efieriig:rrto I Coftr-rct lor creclrlio r of rlra \\/ork\ I l.l0 'l're h;ddc sIll ll i irl-. ilrc Scredrle oI PL ccs iSc]redi,le A to Bid) inclicarrng ihc ncr'ccflage tLro\r. or bc or! the Corpositc Sclcdu e ol'Rltcs,/Ur I rates l1iC pricas ol'tjrc \\ror),s to bc pcllolrr,:cl Lrrclcr ihc CortLacL. ir;ces ;r ihc SchedLrle ol l)riccs,'llill o1' QLLariilies shell [,.e qrotcd cnti:cly in Pak Ri:pecs i,cepini: ir vieuv thc i0structLor! corLrlircil irr thc l'Lllrlblc lo Sc rrrlLLlc rrl l)Llccs. 11.│ irl Ilid I'riccs, CnIrcxcl oIBid rnd Prvment I ilnlcss oilrcrr!isc sliprlalc.i in tlre Cofditiors ol Coilrlcl, fr'i.es quotc(i b), tlrc bLCdcr shall i,Jinei:r lircd JL:rin,l tlrc biclclcr's pcrlormnnce nl lhc Con(rrcl ind noi sr)[r]0cL to vill tl 0I on it )\ ltccot tl l rl p ices in t re SchcdLLlc ol P rccs or le ccn(agc ahovc or bclon o1r Lir. schcir lc olrirlcs shi I be qLLoic.l iry thc bi.ider in the cunc|cy as stlpr Int..l in 'l_irc rinrl ratcs │() co npositc Bidi irg Data. Ю ゝ. lor rvhiclr rc L:r1: c:'p:icc is CrrcrcC by tlre jlioijer u,ili I)n)crrit!. ,\rtcilcV \vhert cxccrrtcd ifd srirl bJ C.ai)'a.l co',,cre(l r iccs ir i rc llii oi ()i r riii .:s. lLcrrrs ││` bc pfid lir b), ile the oLhcL r'ittcs itn(l ll].i I l)ocLrnrcnls iistrblishirg Biddcr's │││ Clrusc Ill S. (ra b;dd.fs:rall iirrnr.r. us rrrr o1_it-c 5i(l..lo.rLrreirts esiilbl slr rlg trc birircrs cl slLrility to t)id :r.J ils qraliilcriioi: io DcJl'orrn lie CoIrr.c1 il ls lI(l is r iru sur rt Lligibiiii irrr(i Quitlilicxtiorrs 1o Di(a.r'nrLrsl possrss .riir!l-ri.ij r 13ioJinq lr.i lrorirc ol irs Zaplbiliry an.l (he cxDcr'iercc rs Daia an(l rie Qrrlijlcer or C.rrc i., neIrioncd in llrc Bid.llIq c.,idence DocLrrl.r:nts lB-11 )ocu m0 ts llstxl)lishin! Wr)ri(\' Conlirl ih, to Ilidding Docunrents 121 ''lre doiUmenrar! r:vi<lercc r_.f Lrrc !,,orks corrforfiirv lc tlrc LliCding Docu|ienls lra),b. i) thr lol| ol-llicr:lltrc. d.rn,i|!s l|d detr INC tlr.: !iclqcr sfaii ilrl.|r;sh docu errtrl on ls ' l Ilrd 'r'- ,',r : i22 _l rc Sirrc:- slul: rot( tll slrrlda.C! lir \\orlirrxslrip. rriLcrial anrl cq0ipnrcr),:. lx(l rii rcrccs to br.arld ranrcs or cxtrtoque rrLrr;rbers, it.rir1. Lcsignarcc by ihe ptrcr,,.rng \ ]lr.\, rn the lech.rcrl Pr.ovlro:s a e intcnrled to be dcscriotivr:orl1, artri not restr;.tiv.. 'OCO,じ 0〕 0ハ t lt,301■ tO, ′ 、 ull。 l tl l、 ,、 1ヽ ヽ 1lIIISI 13 1〕 i(I Sct‖ い ‖ li‖ ‖ I}〕 l it、 l‖ l;lillll‖ l」 謂 ∫ ‖ Ti;fl‖ 1;1lfl亀 littW:∫ ││ム 11}l付 .:脚 ‖ ご l洲 │[│‖ ‖ II:胤 ぁ ′ ,華 li鳥 ′ 澪 :;『 肌 11 メ il° ″χ″ ′εっ∫ ′ 1111‖ I)′ l′ V'P′ ″々 J7) “ 13 i Anylir] not lcconr:uricd i_., A,cIcy ls nor rcsircnsrvc. li.J :l.ccplai) 1r iiiil Scc.:iit-v Scctr]iyrnrybc 164(り LJこ ol │じ taJ.iiirelJ l4 〔 「 品1lFHila..sぃ c asc irheFh sキ 、iJi10[he s,ecilicd[‖ me linli(t(1 lt「 nish thc lcquile(l i'clibl n,2■ ccヽ ceJ「 :t、 0「 ・ ざ P tic COn■ Octへ g cen,じ nt 1 ) \ o「 in tilc case Ofa、 ucccs,a bidde「 , (り 111 Ihe B:.i Sccrritr oi lhe srccessii l . .I-. r . .1 ': .".. ..' ...i(:: ,c o'.,rcr ,r.., , . , ,.r iiic rcqLiic(l Pcrlbnrrrrcc -(cci l.iti._ and signc(i iIc Contrlcl r\grccrncrr (Spp RLrlc l7). 5 Il.Iir( 11 bc t.cjccte.J b), thc pLoct. jrg ,r_hc ││││‖ ::│‖ Iザ │‖ ::l:11]:=l::I::TI∫ H〕 :irrli fhc bid scc!fitlcs (riL:rsr:cc.ssllri Dra(lr,is !riil bc icturlcd rpof as.,ard ofcontritci io siaccssi, biclJ.iororitlrccxpil_voi.!,r:lidii),ol BidSc:i]r:tyr|hicitc!.erisearlie 1l4 l--l al:r 「 rijdir) oIBid-s. Iirr o:rt, Signjng rnrt Submjssion of lli(l lir.lj 5-lr.ij oI ]ll iir !. rc r.ir v.iil lol rtr. icrioli s:il)rijuic(l ,, rlr. li)ill,r D,till al.rer rhc Cr{. ol bjil 2 lx r\ccirtrcn.l circuusttrrccs. proctljllrg AecIc], xily .cqresl rle bidders lo e)itclt(l Lhc prr i:ri .i ve l(lity ti. i eadLrio..i pcriol r,,i roi fl: of:,1,. ":iccrdlrg rc(lIc:rl .Nd itr. birjie|s.res;_.cIlcs shall bc rnl(lc iir ,r,,iri".l : o,igi,,^f 0"r.i,,",.,,i,,, .f Ilidclrr Inlv ..1r,..... -"c.. ,.\ \.: "rl;-."i)1". ,";,:"': rr, ri ,or r,c ,",,ri,",1 ;.,.,; ,,.;' i"'];;,;',:' '.::,ll ; , ) :i11 .rii. iJ th. vrlJ(1ir], ot ". B id Sccufir! liir r5e ,"-".,.,,,,or,, ;ri i"; i, ,. ,., c.r. t.,. t,,. ; "1, "ri in,"on,p:in,,o. *;ri, i.:.... I:i ;.; fi:I? l,l.l j.1 ,\ilS.Iectrles to tlid::r.e ,1 \o I .ratroI is lo Lrc ::..:^r.'c:',. , c Lo bc rradc i}opcrl_! corlrir[(cd an.] si,rncd. iI tlrc I ,r,rl c -).iri Iielt! it(r y.\ot r.r,lL, 'l'l ' o R'_ ''' cJ ''::"'r: , 'ir l'r,'r' ,rr,\ i)ir:1i;,f i :rn\ Di 5d'rr 珊 'cd │ rr'cp.'. O i!t rrli :r ra :ri,rirrr cl cair .s sn.. ilccl irr iire Ilrci.lirrr Dlir, r,1_ ile ioaLlxcils carl)ris ng il)c t) (i as (icscr;L)cd ln ll).3 end clearly rrn l( thcnr 'Olil(li\Al- ifd C()i'\' rs ap;.rorrirLc. lrr the cvtrt ol'ililclrp.l!lr! llct\!e!rr iIcni. thc oriltinrrl sl.ll; o,r i. i:rlc r bi.ld.r slrril │ 4a Thcorlglri)lrr(jrl cor.soltlrciridshalibcLypcdor\\r:ttc;r:f iirdelible ifi(en.l ih.libc by e per'-ror ,rr;-.crso:rs cl.:ll,rLrLi:oLizeJ io sign (in the cirsc ofcopies- Photostats rro sitncd als0 acccplablc). Th s shli subnrttrlil x wriitcn Power of Atiol'rev eutholislIethcli:rlk)rYoftlcbiC(leL t{r:,ct failil.l cir'rchilllol iirebidder.Ai plrges ol' llchi(l srall irci:rilirLcr i"C0ijl.jrl scrl hcaliircdb.vLhcpcrsonorpcllsorssitfingtlre Lrc inaiicatc(i hv, trid. 'l r:llirl .frL l-.:ilcrvcru,iir1::rso:o: .criir),rc!l;sLri.ri \'n \.,.:'r., t.liJJ rr,.,,.tr. ││「 rlrlril rt ihc.d(l css io i)r( c r r! 1)Sし BMISS10N O「 B11) lll.li llc:rdiincforSxl)lllissroI.)llodiliclrliori&\'!ilhC;rn.,1 oillids │:ヽ Ilils │ fol -llrc 15E b) tlrc I'r'ocu lrS n ge!ci.ri ilr! rdrlL'cssl|r'ovide(l lr Illil.iirlt i):,la rt,: tlren llr'j tlr_.:rnrl i i1.:,1:iruhlc.j tlrcrciil. rnr sL bc rcccivcd r:ncI rrd or ter rfveioDes slra l bc i.ldr'csle(l lo rlic i)lcci ring Altcircy rLr rirc lddrcss D:'ovidc.l iN the Biddirg Duix: brrLI thc frr irc lrcl iricntilrcrLrcn rrriiri-..r ol tre a'LIri aci rs dtfil]ed ln tirr: ilrc[]tns ) (│,) “ rr.i Co rt'3cl l)riai af. provrdc a rvlr rirrg ror io oDcrr bcio c thc spcc lrccl tiltc rrd dctc Ibr Bic opcirirg rs ilcllnccl in t rc Brdilirg Drtr. :;r rrrl.lili.r lo lr.: t.lenlti:.i:ii!-.N I!qui ell ,n 1j.2.thainirel c|\,ciopcs shilli Lndi.ai. t rc nam. lrnrl rdlrcss o l-tlre Bidiicr to €neblc lhe B d 1lr bc rctLr-ieC Unopcncc iI cllsc rL rs alec itrad lilia. lllhc or LeL cn\elcfc rs:roi sea ed erd rrrarhcd rs abovc. thc Procur.irg Aqcncl.will assr frc no r cspo rsrii lrir loI the nisplacement or..pr.e nrturc opening ol- tirJ ll,l. (じ ) 1」 ) eヽ │,3 i 15′「 ,, rr, bLcl L.ccc verl Lrl rfc Prc,cLr:rg Agercy.rlrer lle clca.liir;e lorsubnrissio0 p|cscribeci in Il.ll.J rt Dtta \viil l-r. L.)lr.rned L:rjopened to such bidder 155 A r.v bicidcr nral,, modrlt/ or- \!ilhCfr\\ irs hii rirrr bici sLrbmission provided rhar Lhe r-rdilicitior or \\'lll'.(:n.i'l-c o' \!'ih(lre\\,i,1 js rec.ivcd i)l,tNe I)focu[ing Agcrlr] prrorto Lh'icirLiiIc lbr sui)nris!ioI ol b cis. 150 W i.ls sLrb r;it.'.1 th o(:!lt irlc.tr:f:lr. t. er. lax or c-inuiislra I not bc coIsidered llll:rr\ll ol :i L::rl rlLr:irg iij nlcrval b.iN,cerr thc.icrdlife i-or sLrbmission oJ'blds rn(] ii lhr: For n ol Bjd rnv rasLrir ii llr. e)illLatlon ol-rhe pcrcC ol bid va idrrr. srccilc.l .. ., :t,..,':J..- . . , .: ::. ll Sirr I Pi rr r.'r..rr. I.,i F..gr h(r./ .ir I rorilt.,r\rLl r,rm.ti ( r !f ! )l ― ― ― ― ―― 塁 [3澤番 7 ALtjAT10ヽ Bll)OPlう ヽ1ヽ C′ ヽヽ1)I:ヽ 113iる 16 1 162 Ilirl Opcnir,t, (.1:rrrlicxiior rx(l \\,lro i'hc Lriddcis nrrrrc. ll d l) lacs. . r! (lis.or:rt- lht p'cscrr.c oi tbierlcc of Bid SccrLr'li1'. a.rid such otler dctirilj ]-i 1rc l)L(r.Lr'ir)g r\gcrrc) ll ils C,screi;or rrrir) cofsrdcrapprop rllc, u'i l bc anfourccd b) ilre ProcNrirrg Agcrrcy at ttc bi.l oPcnlng. l_he P ocLrrinil Agency \\'lll ol iht :rir!les oi i:._ trl opcrrin3 RcaLcserlIli\ss \ irLiln(l sharl rigLr ll_c :rt(t /\nv i:l 164 (Si']l'i{Lrics'11,41 & 43) 'llrcl)r0cLfi|lgr\!.rc),wliofc|(rcbias_ ntrcllLc.tcrccol trdLlc's rc|'cs.nlrt v.! choo\c 1() a(lcn.L, ri tr. Li l^.. (l.lc illril i: i5c piace specificrl in ihe Bldal rg Dlln rccora lhc i(,.1 lr\lluiiiol lll( l)Lrcc o' (af rrlo ilccili rlr,rcr Clscor Nl Nh rr', I iir I lt s brr]icLs \lrc chLrosc to rl]el. c:r s rol rea(l orLl rrC rcco(lcd rLt Lri(l oj-.crril!l \\r I rol b. a\ rtc cxlL) filLlol. r'\'] !ralior rnd.orlrir:risor ol Biils tht [:rgrrrer:r'']i)rircurilri; .\gcrcy. nr;. al i(s ( iscrcli!arr, ilsj( ilc brddcr tbr a clirr llcalrorl oi lls Ai.l. l_h. rcqucst lbr cier licirtioN rnJ thc rcsPonsc sirnll bc ln w iling a r(i no chrngc in lhe price '! \rrh\lr rc' ol lle Bid lhrll bc sor ght olltre'l or L'crmlticil (SlP RLr:"11)' I (o llrc dcLxri.d clit uiltrotr. ptirsiLilnt to IB l6.i to 16.9, lh. l)rlor い Erririncer/P ocr:ing '.\i I dci.inilre ilrc !.bsiirllill responsivcrlcs5 oi_eecr ^gc''c) bid to ihc B o(llnS Do.Lrmcrts. For pLlposc oathcsc lrlslrrclions. l substanlia lv rcsIors vc L)id is orc rvhicr conlbflxs to all thc terms and conCiLicrrs ol-t;c Brading Doc!!rcrls r,iil.LiL nateLia (le\'iation! lt wili incLudc determirrnI thc Io lsr,isL rt ) ,b) rcq(rircnrenLs i stcd i .AIitr \\i I 5. rc.:l:cC on the il iortifg brsis. cLicrl cr-ors SiCding Date. r Cisc'cpr:cy ilct\vean the urit fricc ilnd lolill piicc lhat s oLrir;reJ 5y fru liirl)lN:l ih. rLnil prlcc aNd !rLaftir,-. Lhc unil pIice shall prcvaiJ arrd lrc toirl pricc srrll bc cofiecled ll lhcre is a d scr'cparcv 5elween thc words rn(l llgur(s rhc irffoIiL ]x \oids srall prcvai . lJ_thele is ir (lrscrepancy bet\i_cen the Total Bid Il thcrc is llricc cntcrcC in Fo r 01_ 3iai aNd lhe lotal slrorr'n in Schedule of Prlccs-SL.rnrrrarv, Lirc afrount statcd irr tlrc Form ol Birl Lr,lll be co LccleC by the Proct ring Agency irt rccordlucc \viih lhe Corccicd Sclr.dule o, PL'iccs. ll-rirc biddcr docs not eccept thc coLLecicd xr']lor rd 1is llld Sccurir) i'o t.itca 165 ,\ B d dctc rrirred es 5ubstxrtirllv nof,-rcspolrslL. ri olBrd. r,i I be hls Ilid \\,rllL)e re)ecled ejected and u,ill not su ,sequcntly bc nladc rcsponsrvcr.r.v thc brdiler by col1-c.L]on of lhc non-conlo].l itv. 166 noI irrio rrlLty, or Iol,conl'-rrnil.,, ar' i r]gilrljt) irt a llid rvhich Coes not coi sl tule e fr,.te irl dcviirtroN (n)r)jor dcviutio ) rnar, be wa ved by Proc|rinS Agcncv, Airv rrl ヽ11Jヽ PJO し'oo● loい lent tc=。 │,[。 ly A● │,。 、 、1。 ly l、 、 ・、 │゛ j11で ヽ =。 、 「 │ 飩 l.iir,iiciL s!ci) \iLi:.1' .:nt! rr'l I cirJicd or' allc.l iire r.iclivc rcr)kin!l ol any olh'r iriLlccrs. ( \). N'hior (rnxlcr ixl) I)c\ i:rtiorrs irrcitrdci- ) (,r) (,i ) i \'.1 i') 1"ll (rii) ,!liil ir.s Sccn rrot 1-.rop: i] srg;ct], is nolaccorrprrn crl b] (1.Did secui tyoIrcqrLredanro!Lrt rnd ni!nrie': !tiPUl.LtifS Dri.e.,CirrstrNCrl *'ircn iircC p icc blrls rrcre call:d Ioi'; _ . . C..' 01 . :.'1, 'ib lO '1 :^..i : ' i^ri ng lo con!l) \'!il r N1 lc stoircs/Crirlcal cixies provldcd in Biddrng DocLrnrcrts: suh-coILructitrltcolrttal!lilr.Ci)lillt:arsalCcirrtractsPccifltc inBiddins l)oct n cf ls: r'cli:srngrobcrrlrlli-rorilrir.spofslirriiircsen.l iai)ilrtlcsxi ocaicd irr thc Bi'dlng Doct trcnts. sLrch as pc'lb 1llll lce gtlerllrtecs rlrd nsurencccovclagc: iir( rg cxccftlc r lo c:iticrl i)rovisiorssLclr:rs rppl:crblc irr"', trrL:s llnil tluticsanC (llspLrtc rc\olLrtion Pr occtlu'cs; 'rrt \ lllr.,r' r r ,r 'r.' 'r: j o" i o.r ' (el \\hiar rllacr if lrr! sll)s(xiliiil \'e)'til'i s.clc. qiralill ol lc'10'lnalrcc : 1ri'111e *or'l's: (iri :l(lopiron/rcctillcatio I \!irer€of \!oul' alltcL L nliirly thc co rp'lrtive Io!llio ol othar biddcrs t es.lii)g 5l bstalrtiill i'LcsPonsivc L)l(l!' (l] I VIinor Dcvixlions llids tLraL ojfcr le\ iiltior':i acccptabie io llre Prcctlrinl Agcncy irfd \^' rich ilL cllst can bc assigfed a rotrctlt|t vrirrc nral bc corrsiderco substrrltialll/ responsrvc j^or as iln odded es Lo lhe isst c ol lairncss. Th:s valuc \\'crrld ho\\'ever be 'djustlnerrr c,/aluxtion PuL Poses orrll' Cr:rin3 ihc ilctailed cvalrllilof proce!s Engrncer/Procu lrrg A,l|rrct wiLi ev.luaie a:rd conrpr|e ofl) tirc 5ids pre\io!si, 6-6 as pcr eqr lerrreirls Jr icrn;rcd to b. sLrirslal( a l\ r.si-'oirsive pLrlsuflnL to IIl.i6'4 prices *'i)l be !tircn rcrctrrcler. Bicls n l1 be c\aluated lal ccmpletc scopc ol_\vorks''fhe ic,rpa,cd on the b,rsis ot tlrc Uvrluxt.il tsi(I P|iccp rsuilt ir' lB'i6 S lrcicin bc or';' 16.7 )-ie lo TccInicrl D\,.r1llution: ltr\']l l-.c crinr ncd in dctalil rvlrethcr'the rvor<s ol'fcrecl bv rho b iJcr corrplr:s tith tirc'l-e':Lrrrice P o\'lslo rs of thc BiCding Docunrcrls For ji t!rll i:rj iriii iD Scjle(jule B lo Il d \viiibe . this pr:ro-i.. lh.5 C(1.'s Jr:r briliiira comrarccl rviLh Lccirficai liaturcs,crlicria oa lhc \vorks dclailcd in tle --lcch!r cal I'rovisidNs. Otlrcr Lcchrr.rl ln1.L ."rilon srLLrriLt.a Il lh lhe bid .c.rL1lng thc Scopc ol'\\'ori Lt lL:r so lc eric\..'cc. i6.s l:viiurt..l Bd P rcc lr (viluatin!l rhc bi(lr. tlro Err3irecr,/Proc.:r,rg Aqcnc, \\'ill clctcL'rrrine ior elclr bit il aC(l liof Lo tlr€ Brl PLicc. tlre lollcrriirg iltciors (a(!,.sirranis) in ,he nranrcr and io ihc e\:i!-1i iralc.:1.( bclon il) S,n( r PL,!r. li Io,lciairninetie ilvrlralcd Bio P lccl fllliif{rr!'corLcciicrf!ril'it:t3iaa::oLstlifsu:ILiolil.6.4hct'col' ...,:3 ),c:r i.,rui,rr, ) \, 1 .. ir, .,ni f iririi:,Jt).o\.ri :鐵 i i:) (;ii) (lLscourlt- rl 5l.i cDcnlrg. cxcird irg provision QLref Iil l7 rr)- .iil.r'l(l l.i tii .l'roccss (o bc cs il lnr ihe L-.lilJcrs is eiso icltl ot i alrd lecordcd at tle iilllc .ri r r.i t re Dro! rsrolrs lar con tingencics in L rc lJill !ui::rc rrlrrS I)rtv rr.or'li. iircrc p:lcad conl]]ctrir\rcl','. u I su rns ol Confi(lcntiil to 13.15.i rereioli)rc. r1o 5lijciei sira i coniaci Ergrrrcct'Proctring A!enc\'on afv frrtLcL rclati rg Lo its llid liorrl Lhc I nc ol thc ili.l oocnlN!l Lo thc tinrc ihc bld c\'.r ueticn rcsu t s a ) lourcc.i by Lhc l'L'o.uIiri:l Asalrcr l-llc crrit;rtion :cs. L shal Lrc an rorrnccd ili j1c announcerncnt to a l lcast scvcn (07) dal's pr ior to a*ard of Corrirlcl (SPP RL lc 45). I b d.lc s \viil ifc u(la tnblo(s) conrprisjrrg re0d oul plices, discounted prlces, l:'ic( .rrliLstnc.ts ffxdc. tjral tvlua(cd prlces irnd recorl crl.la(lons against xli th' 1)lds ,\ ',,,,:c I SLrb]ccr l7-.. iriilu.ncc Linginccrll':tcur r:l Agc lcy iLr ihc lll(l c\rlirrtron, 3i.i c!mpai'ilon c Cort:r'eci i\\\3ia ijac si.rlrs lrla)'resl lt ix 1i)c rcjeclion ol_his Bicl. W rcrco' iny biddcr icclin"l aggricveC. rlay oCqe a \\fltierr conrplaint to Conpl11rnt Rcdrcssrl ,\nI clli)r'l bt .r biildcr (.) Com ltccaspcr(erLllsilrtd.on(lli:oi'silrentiorrcClnSI'PIluesil&12. Iio\'i$;r, l:rclc lllcLoj o.lglr!l ll coLtt rl.lirri sitxll not,!:,rllrrisrsPcnslorloi_l)roctrlclxclrtproccss crcLud.(l rtirvolv':l lr "Corrupt an(l Irrrru(lrrlc0i lrircticcs" rxears elllr. o 1c o:' il r-'_ combl relionol-ihcirLaclices!llvefocloivSPI'Iturlcl(q); (rl (locrcrvc Prrctice nrcrns ar-u, inrplriring or harrning. or thlcrtcni g to llrfrll'c hxrr. (]Lrcc-! o irCirectly. an) l-ru't) or lh. lr.rofefi] oitlra p.rl) io iiNl,encc il3 eciioJl\ ol.1 filt. i,' r.hic e l \\.r'of,ri.I girlr' or Io.llis. ri !"ronglll loss to anolhcr Parlyi (ii) Sollusrvc Pl.ircticc nrcans arrv lrransoncnt bei"vecr l$'o of no.c j,'rrli.s to ill. nfccu.menL Dfoccss or coitract crcaLrtlon. des gned to .lchic\ e \\,i:r or \';lho0l tle lirrc\vicCgc oi l7l Bidrlcrs rrrl'br Lhcl-.fcirirgalerc\iocslrblrslip'ica5iltiriililcirl.norcorrrpctilivccvcsloran-!\v'on!,,frl (ran: ijil) 'Corrupt l)ractice" rlrclfs the olfcrln!1. givirr!. rcccrv r)g or solicilrrrlt. Cir.iitll, or iN.llrcitv.olIr),trlngol vrlrc(o irllLrcnccihexcLsol_efoihcL pali) lbr \\rorlAlirl!rirr, (i\') IrxudUlcnt IJractice" l].c.rfs erJ xct or om]ssioD. inclLdirr.g a misrcprescnlaLion, thxi iiirorri gly or rcc<lcsslv rris ea(]s. oi iltlernpls to risleed- r irirty Lo obt:llr a llrnrc:L oi othcr i-cncilt or 10 .void ar obl llut o r; rreans lernr n!t o thre:licfir! lo har-rr. di|cctlv or irdifectl!, l)arson: o-tlcir proper!v lo lnJl!cnce rhcir',.i!licrgitro:r rr n irocurenert process. or alicct thc c\ccrLr rr of a contlact or'dc ibcralcl.v J:stro; ng. lilsilyi;rg. a tering or'concea rng o1' r", ijcir'.: r;rricrlul Lo ihe iivcstjration or rna( ns i.rlsc staLerrenrs belbre iIvcstigators iLr ard.t'to r)ilt.ril ,) lrrDc(ic urr ifvcstigeiion ilrto alJcg:rtions ofll cot'r1|)i. fitLdi lett. c!.crcivc ol co lLtsirc prac(ra. or tllrcatcn n!', ltarassirll or iniirniJtLing xf) parl) to prcvcnt it iofi disclos^jne ils iro\'.igc ol )t:tlta's ralave)tI to iha nvcsi]!atron or lro)r oUrsu rq the investilliLior, of.rct\ iNtcir(.( ro n;ltcrirll!impc(icLhce)(crcis.oIiNsrectiollrCaUditfigllspro\,icicrl lorLrticr Llc (!) "Cbstructive Practice" llr \: c .L r i,Lir : )ro.!rrrxc lirtrLrt,rlo ! \r:i rL, r\ ヽ F 人ヽVttiヽ D II IS i'0■ Q‖ nunca(1。 n I 1s l lre I,rocirri s At.Icy. t)t itt.t Jiktia t) x,,y {ti,11. {)t.itru rLr r l OrCOヽ TRACT l,rl evllrrrrrl|rr, Jrrvi,,|1 (l]txtil)i(, r(|sol|1 li,f r! L,t!L,r,r\, ,,,,,y,*1,,tr" rr,c c(x,rri,cri,.s ry dLr':Lr ,,, .-u,,r,.i(rL,i.\ lo provide :!i!qw infomral;o. "-"".x]n8 thcrr professional, rechnical, financiat, iegai or manrgcrilt compcrcrrcc wJrcltrcr il,crdy pro-quiitifi c(t or nol Provirlcd, thttsuch qrclificaiio:t shail o;tly bc laiJ down irflcl rccordit)g rcilsons Urc;c/.oic in wriling.:l'hcy slxil aotnr pr.i oI l}c ;ccoids of that bid cvalurtlon rcp;rt. I3.2 'lirc dcicn;itralion rvill trilc i,tto xccoulrt rlc oiCrler,; Iln:LnciaJ itrrd tc"i,nical capab;lltics_ upon rn cxaminaiion of rlrc rlocumcnrarf .,,ia"r"" thc LiCdcrs, qualiilcarions subrn,rlcd utrdc. D.lt, as lve,l as such or.er lnfomrrr;",, "f ,"q"i,";i i,; rl;" Uiddirrg Docur en(s ii wilj bcibascd I0.19 /\lyrrd Crircrir & l,ro.uring Agcncy,s Rtgtrt ty.l 5:rbtcct lo tB.tr.t, rtrc l,roeLrring,,tgcn{,, rvilt awarri thcCon(r.c( to (hc biddcr whosu l)id has bccn dFiemtjned to Lrc substrntially rcsponsrvc to thc Bidrling Documents aitd whc has offered rhc Io\\,est cvalurred Bid pricc, provided il)ai such bidd;r ro b.e qr.rtiticd to srrisf.ctory perloon lhc I9l In.lq. iic hns bcen detcflnjncrJ Cor)trrcr in accordancc )l:, ,id, ].:;,:l,,lli:,!:il.;rt,,,rirci,uculn6AIL,i.y;:sc,.!csri]1 rnd to p nul tlrc Lid,Jin6 proccss and llI rt; t,{ ";,f, ,1" pr""i.i;j,t oi to:.cc.:i or,c.c:.:nJ biCs, iLI l )y tintc pr.ior to ;rwrfti ol. (_-onrr.ct, wi{hout rhereby incurirq any liability ro the rfEcled iiddcrs'or any obligerion {) infonn the nfl"ccled bridcrs of (hc grounds for l)rc procrriig Agency,s rcjcct rctron cxccpt llrar thc groLrrrd; br irs rcjccrion oiril brds shi ,pon r"qu".,-tr"."".,',,r,""r",f. rn b ddcr \vJro subnritrcd a Lrid, $.irlro,rr jusrificarion ""y oi rhc grounds x,.ri." o xll thc bid$ shati bc B;/cn pronrprty lo aI ltre biddcrs (Sl,p I{Lrte 25) "i:ir,","j".ti", Ill.20 N )rlfl.xtjon otAlrirrtl & SIg,rlr)g ofCo,)lrxel Agrcct|rcl|t 2O,l l,ror ro expiration olttre perior.t olbid vi:i.tjry prcscnircd.l.ry ttlc proaurir,g Agcn.y, tho pr. curins Aqencv ,vil ro.iiv .r,. .,,cccssl-Lj iijJe, i" *,.::;;s i-ac;.:; ."er.,"..,.) rha his bid hls becI ncccprcj (Sj,l, Rutc 19). 2b 2 \Yi1ti:r :cvcn (07) iiys fronr lhc ddte of turn;st,irg of *i.cpiirblc perforrnance Sccurity :rn.i r lli( Cor.lrrronl ofr-or,,,r(t. A^r ).+: ru,xl tlr..sUcc(ss,,Jl I.il(JrJ lhr ronr olConrrrct xrccnrc r ) o'"'u"o irr trrc r3idcing 1)ocume r)rs' incoqrorarrJr, aIr ,;;.,;;;;,;ffi";; :rr1 ';;i' ,;,.'i].u:.1""' l'j.c ,,ir,,rt A,,rLi r,.It . . 1v r c t,..-,,;J,, .,, ' b "L! slin'' cJ rl rdrc oi ---..0 of Lid or ^,, ) irrr: rrrc 'i'r"1'1Iril l' rj"rr .l ,y rlcc fioin rr^r. .i ri,rcr -rrrci ;r, L{:.r.r of ,\ccc rrr:rc sr.rI r-rc ,,*",.,;J ,,;,ll:..':.1' fd or ro,nr ofcon,,i,c, lll:;ij:l::.(11, : : , . , . : . , . l,li,.l;l:;;."',, ^,,.r,,,";;;;,":;.":::ii;;i S,idh Ir Llic pro rtronrhr R.r,,r,,,", n,,,,nrr, i**,,rJ,r,, ,- I ].ll l'crl(,n)r, ncc SccuritJ 2 i I rc succcss{iili riclcL shailiLrNirhicihcProctr-ingA;,;encyrPcrl'orfi'allccScclrltyinihc iiffr oi-Co|lracl\\'ilhin a pcriod ol lbudecf l9). 2l : I:all.]lc olthc succcsslil bi.cle to conLrI v!Ltr trc lcqirile]nerrls ol_SLrL) ClaLLses lll20.: & 20.1 or 2l.l o: Clau:c lB l2 shaiL consiitute sull,cleft !roLrrds 10[ thc iri]ulnrent ol t' . -''_l .l J'O''.'.'f Ol'1r.. IliO te_u.i'r. 2l : Prb icltron olAu,erd o1-CoirLr-il.t $'tIiN se\cr dir]5 of llrc awxrd of.onLrrc(. th€ procui,Nll sir pL hlisr on thr' \\'cb\ t. ol lhc ll llro ii\ ir_rl .l ii ar\ l \\ehsric. l'sLrch I \\'cbsilc crisls, ihc r, L-i.l tr. tridLl rgr proccss. i(lcrrri )ir!Irc Lrd tIo(igh l)roctrrcrlcnt rdcnlilyifg Ntrnrtrcr illn)' . irr Lirc l!li,r\vrnq irrlir[r]rrLion I I rr'. ir rrtiL,N li.-rl]fi: (ll -{rfr .l Contllct lrrj ictlcr olAl!xroi (.1) I ll oi Qranti(icsor Sclr,:d! eollicq!i c11cxrs /SPP'li'11. 5!) lrc rnr.]Lni siipLrlrlea irr rirc CorillLioirs rhc ol LctkT oi Acccplance ( l4J diL),s aiicr rcccipt IB.:l lrrril (S PP -ihc tntcgr itl' i'rci 3 diicr slraiL sign ind slirmp trc.l:orrn ollnLegrity Pact prlvidc(i rt Sch,,lnle-l: to Bid in the Brddirrg Docurncnt lor all Sindr Covernnleft procuremerri contmcts crcc-.aing RLrpces tcn (10) rfil iorr. Fr:ilurc lo.pioviC. -.Lrclr l:'l.grill Prct shirilrna(c lilrr hid norrr,:str rsivc (SI'P liLr c 39) S ilで l'16 Ilertulxro! .\!arorirr !*vtr..rrrr.rr !o!.1.1, 12.1 (r) A detailcd clcscliption ofthc rvcrks, csscntill lecbnical and perforrnance cheracteristrcs (b) Co nplctcd sct of technical ir)lormiltion. dcscriprion. detc. litcraLurc and drauings as rcquired rD accordrncc rvith scherlule B to Bkl, Specilic Works Datc. This rvill inclrrdc but not be linliled to as sufficie rt nurnber of.lrawings. photographs citelogues, illusl.ations and such otltcr information as is nccesse l to illuslrate clcarll'the signilicart chamctcristics such as general const rction dimensions and oth( r relevant inlormation about the \vorks to be prclormed. 13 1 AlnDunt ofBid Sccuri● 2%of Es● mnte Cost 14 1 Period ofBid Validis. 90 days 14.1 14.6 (a) tr Onc Original Nunbcr of Copics of thc Rid to hc submittcd: P-ocuring Agcncy's Address for thc Purpose ofBid Submission:Exccutivc Engincer Ghotki Division (Irrigftionl Chotla (Irrigation Colonl) (lnserl ?oslol address or locotion ofbid box dcli'tery by hand) 5.1 Dc:r(ll uc 16.1 Vcnue. f r Submission of Bids :- Tir c, ^r(l fritc of Bid Opcning:- 'fire /.s ol ll tds (i)Bid is valid lill requilcd pcriod Sindh Public I rocurement Regulatory AWPMぃ く 〃_ン 6 Vcnuc Ttme 16.4 RcsponsjvcDcss f /4 2-,:,o fZ Datecl 価… ・ … ・ ・ ァ み お `ゞ .馴 ‐ lhJ *(rLl llrtl nrcesrrel_';rr'.lr,ilrgtLlricrrclal-coirlllr'lrPliccr'.iLLstrn(nt' ' '1 r I l\. ':' r: (lv) ili(i.lrr is c Sib. qr r (v) Illl (!i) lr ll c.r l'o lli( rn(l I r_ l)osscssc5 l_J'' :':'\' titc r'qLisiic c\Pcricrlce crIabllill rr'l r do.s rol .lcvirle trorn Lra\lc l'cllrrcal lc'iuilcncnLs r0il tsids are genciali) :I,rocuriig io . .1 I agcLrcy lr oLilcr. ei;. crr a.loirl.tilrr. O! lr,o opit)i:;. l:llcclttlllcr'oi then) (,,) l''i\c(l l'ricc coll(rll.i: :l lhcs' colilril'is no cscllllLiic-lr wii dLlr Lrg cL rcnc,"- ol ijrc coLrlracl rrlcl norrl1n bc plorirlerl iy pcriocl oiconrPlctrorr oi_lhcs' 'l:.'-,,,.'. / S ヽ11:'Jt lて 「 rl oIil/ I'ricc xdiLrsturcrrt conlr1lcl: i l lircsc cortLac!s e:icllatlol lvll bc Ieid i' ,:,n." lr.,'lt lnJ il ir' nxnlrer :rs rrot llcd 5y Finince Dc!t't'rer)t Co,crnlnclt ol'Sinciil. nlier bicl openirlgiLr'irrgclrrrcnc-volilccontlilcL' ` │ぜ ev「 ヽ 'locu(eo,ent lte ltinlolyへ ( 1● r111ヽ ヽ '` i:]aSi=」 一 一 ― _― 一 ■ 二 ヽ N ― ― ―― ― ― F()Rヽ 1 0F BID (LFT「 LR Or()FFし R) 「 ― To: i;efrlernc r. lhv:rg.)itu)r rca ire I il(lif1l Docurcrts rcl!dIrir Irslruc(rons to Bi(laers. U ddifit Duu, Cor.lI o]rs oJ Co ra'a.r. Contr^ct 0trlr. Spccriic:tio rs, Drrrvrngs. ii aJrv. Schedulc ol Pr ccs xfid Adrlen.la No:. for il)! c\ccirt:on oi ljre ebove nrnra(j \vo (!, s.. th. fnC.rs 3i]r,1. le |g a ccr;rpn:rl.Jorig DUs |css u|dcr (he n.nrc olrrd rd.ircss a)(l bt lt: (luly rrcorpor'1(cd L:raer lh. ir!vs ol Plrkislar hcich) oii.r (o e)iecL[( ar(l conplctc (rcr \.or'ks i|rd rUIcJ] ilf! rlelecls lhtrcL n coIloJtnil! rv lh Ih. .': . : id: - \-i"... :l..rco f., lr. Io r, ,l.o t:r : or s|.:l .ihcr _(RrLDCcs ___) ,,.. J, ___ Rs sLrnr つ fli nla], be asccrtiufled in accotuliurce with lIc sxkl Docufreltrs. \\rc r ndcrsllId (]l.1 ali i r. S.Ic.tu .-\s es lac rcd hcrelo lbr,I Dari olrhJs Ili.l sc.!rl\ BiC. for dr. i:rerlinn.nce of the r fde ralirngs a rd obligations ot ilris \!c srbr))it hcrc\'llh a Bid Sccuritv iI ttic. onIt oi' '., nnd vnlid li,r'l d."'irro ci i\\.rxil crgll pirioC r. 'o' ,,,0".1.1f":. (2S) drl,s ircl,ond rhe pcrioi ,1 olvatiiiry .,1'BrC. \ric rrr)(ler1al,e. i1-oLrr JlirI is ecccplc.l, r..orjrellcc the Works and to aeli!er rnd co|rp et.- the \\,cr(s coiii)rs.d iI tl). C.fLracl \yiihjn the time(s) stated iI Co iract Dir!l ` ヽ Ve aglce [O abidじ 1、 cd by tl〕 s llid ror ecc v■ =the San〕 (lCCc)lbd at a ly tln]e bc,0「 el10 6 Ur lcss iua Lriil lllorrrrl roqdhcr l] irl! \oLll !r ttcn conlracl belwcelr ts \\/e urCc(irl., rl our OI J]e peliod OF__ dayS 00ハ 1 Lho d!tc b ndi,8 upon us and may bc c、 P,「 ■0,O「 n:Pc「 10d ca‖ d l shnl「 cman []ir れいは 0、 嶼Reゴ I珈 品 “ "出 “ 1「 i t卜 ‖ 1畿 :鼎 [:h瑠 lrl,∬ 1諾 rn口 rnl胤 is acccPに d iO e、 せ cute Jlo Pc fO日 ¬ance sccu高 tr'rr' nTrjinLlt) :!\.r:i ― ― 卜 tタ relirfcJ i! iu Cor(liiii,rs oilloirii:,ct Lr iLc (:u. pcrronnalrcc ol tjrc Conlracl \\ c uudcrslina ihr.i ]oLr ,rrc fot bound to acccpt ihc lowesl or any bid Iou rnry S Wc do hercby declxrc that thc Bi(l is mxdc vitlrout of figurcs or aft collusicn, comprrison iLr'ranrefren( lvlth rn),othcr person or peisoils ,naking I bid l'or lhc Woris. Dired lIris ,20 S:Lfil1l rc I llrc crpacr(y of /lc,nc oJ (lt v `:u tl,orized lr sign bia loi ar)d or) bclr.ll ol' llidLler !n Di.c;. Ctli)1tc!.t) lSu!t) \\ iJlcss: (S:!naLure) Nafre: -( nl ) lrr ,l . P(..,,cI.: lsc rIuD Ul lrs 'r'c ErD r)rct_tjrJI l.Hi] [oLLO]VINC: . Scl).rlri.,1 . S.lr.(iUic U (o Did St)!cra. \\/orls Drrla . Sclred!1. C (.r . Scl).t[tlc D . S.ircd'Lie E lo . Sclrcrhil. F r(] i! Di( 3ii: S.ircd, ie oi p ccs \\,orLs lo bc pe icrnrjd b) SLrbcofrrciors aiJ. I,ropoj.(] pJogran) olWorks Bid Mctlr.d.rf perfc r)irir: \\/o r. Eittr tir:r:r iL) tr irr.rl 誦瑠 SCIIEDし E A「 ()f,lD 1ン SCH1lI)U,′ E OF PRICES SI No │ p,rcc& P,c.iDllc'oS.h.r!lcoll,iccs ...... 2.1 Sch.l r lc oi l)r'i.cr, 26 *(r) SL:mnrfu y ol'1.)irl Priccs * flr) ll!'lni .(l ,cclll([r]r ol Pr ccs , Biil ul eraftJrics (IJOQ) ! ..´ ■′│ビ ,,「 ti,(Fど `7● カ ィ `[′ ,「 ` ″で プ′ ′ ′ ,cI「 [″ '1● 4,ど ″〕 ゴ SCI.]EDUI-J] - A PR]IAMBI-II'i'O S C]I 'I'o ]}ID !DUI-I] OI.'PRICIJI; Ccncrrl ‖ 灘 帯 ポ洋 ‖:■ 月 りl [8穏 .:│ l.l fic Cc rlrircl shali bc tiri llir[lir3 l)oLrnrc rrs I] rrtr ';. rrru5i irc Iirll)d coxlUnc(iori !vrth the rvith thc Spccific,rriorrs j t ..r ,tr\....,. L,,r,,j\J conrplLrrc :jcope ol.\rorlis l)cscripliorr 3 UHiヽ &Al)わ tc、 1,1ぉ ns i ‖ III:│‖ 111° , IIitlll rN(l l5[)re!jir(ioirs .\Jrrc\s.i ]jr rt)c !\ilh ihe S_',s(rrnc lxtdl)airoIrlr (l- ′ ・7・ ′ 1■ 1)「 ′ ■″ 補 4 R■ lcs‖ nd i` "携「 ■ 43 !o icc、 │ [:171ぶ hfllょ fl:滞 i澪 42 ,lilei!ic al I't!ct\ ・ded mdα よ 。 Pr° thc cond lmsご ‖ I載 鞘 iilllJillill品 1%1‖ lt‖ 1 山 ¨卿腱 出ハ鷲llrilHcIて "… `れ“ ∬ ││:1出 IIill:‖ ‖ (l‖ ■1ぶ lャ 1よ 14 Cギ │‖ i』 │'()。 1l ι,it ll∫ ヽ で = [ 。り Ar r:)o, ` rr rtrtr.,r. :,si\t , r,,, ,:i :│‖ 11f綸 [l SCI IL'.DUI-E -.\'iar 01D n. rcfs lrc pro!l(e!1. thc .oji shnli hc acerned ro bc dslribrtcrl rrnorg th.l arcs eIC !riccs enlerca I0r rhc rclrtcd ilcms oi:h. Works .r ..'::,.., .'l.o _i_h,J riri.s, pri..s ii tC tn)o! rls shali bc rntercd ar,ainsl each iie n rI ijre ScrcLiL colPriccs Ar)! ilcxr irsiriIsl \vhicr )o rll,J cr pricc l\.nl.rc(l Lrl, lhc trirldcr $iI rct b. pard tor b) lhc procurirjl A{c|cy \1,1)erl c\,JcLtlcd aril s te I bt ibelrcC covei.c.i 5y thc rrrcs flr).1 J}ices liY o(h€r 11. rs iN lirc SchcdL ie oi Plccs. (i) 45 'l-h. L,i(11el, !i:,"11 be lo 11ri aj:xrcd io \aie obleineci ail rffor nlrror as eJllcd lhcrcto \\,h ch ne) ilt!ct lhc ljd .l: reiIire|rcIls '(Lr) l-rc C. r(fa.ror 5 rait be rcslofsible ro |,rkc cornftcle iIr'.rrr. ne ris ior rIc irilsporlal o I ol.lhc l)1.f1 ro lhc S ilc. 'f rc Contracior s l.li prov dc for ill plljts ol tltc \yo:.ks to be conlDj.i.d rn evcr! resDccl. Notwtt lstancrnq thal rLt) delllLlj, accessoties, .lc. reqrilleC for tir. cornpl:re irsrirllirtjon aId srt:\facrorr opcr.tion oflhe \\roL:.s. i|c N.t spcLlilclrlly rncnliorcd iI lhc SDccijlcl)rioIs, sLj.ll dclrils shall i)c consjdercd is i rclLrded ir tire Co rt .llrr prcc 46 Bid Priccs う 52 │ rerl-ul) olilid Prj.es Tlrt t ir iot s cicrncnls ol S d Pr i.es shall be !!or.d as (t.trilctt lj,tlr. Pr..!rijr! A.qefcvl]t the [o nxt oJ-Sch.dII. ol-Pl,|c.s Thc b .irlcf s|.ll r-..{)lrrl,,e \tc r el.nte|:s of I tc cosrs \!h ch l)a .\|e.rt5 lo incur thc pcrior firJrce oi ll)3 WoIl,s a d shall rxclu.lc tll aIcll c0sts if lic ri cs af(i a noLrrls rnlei.ad ir tlre Schcdxle ol pr i..s. tl 'f.(al -l Bra P ri.. hti lotaL ol brd prices jn rhc ScIcrtn Sur)rnrely of Bi.l pIccs. 6 froyisiooiiSrr ls I n(t Dry *,0rk 62 : rr.rI ir|,o i).L cr)r.il{ijS\,liloir \t:r.r Lr \!,,r e ol Pii.cs s|ril b. IDrercd ln rie SCIl[Di-]I,I]. A'f O \( lJLI,l Ij I. I'Rla i:\ .ii'11\l\ll\ Ol BlDlllcl \.s,rnrt,l,r 'i olxl I)c\crit)lro I,ill BID AIr)r,rl{lls) ヽ0 , \, Ilrrl,lrr'l \\,,r1. 1 0 ´ ヽ、一 う Civriworks \,;lrd lvrt.r sutfl), [rl.clriUcri:on I:)ilcrnr l)evc opnre rt lyor .s !lr!cclllrrcor 5 llcrns lntcrrrai sr ri1ll (l]) Roi(l \\ro rli. ヽ 一 ヽ、 一 L.athwo|1, Ilard Cr!sl rla S! fr.e T cir(frcnt CLr !cris a rd e:i.lgcs ¨ l\l sccl nrcoL s licms (C) Prblic llcxllh 0rginccrillg $ orl.s. ^ ︰ ′ 0 Dirf(h\vofk. bsLrrircJ Dlr rs Pipc l-ayirg.rrd Minr hol.s Tnbc !\ells. PLrxp rcLrsej Conrpourr.j lviJl Nl lscella eor! lte ns SL │ │ │ 1罵 雨百 llr woirls) ヽ■│:│II Poc。 1〒 而孫而 f雨 正面 π ]戸 1両 1雨 「 ■而 I葛 1高 雨 じ,c.(Rで ぜ●ak■ ,All)│,'、 ,1、 1ヽ . ,,,',,;,.,fg!i! 而 ︱﹁ ︱ ︱ コ T而 ざ リ よ ヽ SCHEI)01E― 人 101〕 lD SCHItDじ LE Ol'PRI(う ES IITT 1ヽ 1■i.tric(lls) :〒 昴 IiFii=雨 1孫 F 品 ■11薔 ]「 ズ (lls) Lnii Anrolnt Qu:rDt;r] 「 I)csc, iDli lII再 晨F「 -iirl,rl 1鳥LJ______― ――――― しヽ ―――J_____L― │ │ │ │ : L ________J 」 ― (Ciljl\i.orlts) II-lol.rnNl sxniti11 rn{) rYi lcr supDl\,' IIL LIcctr;Ilcx IV tio I. Drilcflrxl Dclclopnrcnl \/- lJisccllinco s Ilcus │ │ , │千 │ │ │ 可 ■ 面 薫布 雨 蒲 而 雨 詰 ァ ..j ti,.Dttilct thc Drn t jt!!. 1ltrtL .t!.a\..1i.!t,\r tn !ti., ,.,.r, イ \.t,tLiriL.t ?,t1.\ ― ヽ ■ 、 IP● ││● ― P。 (.せ Rぜ nRせ ― 、 ● 、P,。 ¬ ぃ、 =│ィ 1■ 、 =til。 ― ‐ ヽ ゝf‐ ― ― ― ― d卜 =。 "″ ∫わ ″セ′υ,(り ,.っ 卜 “ , I │ REHAI〕 ILITAT10Nι BRICK LINING OF PIRヽ VAH RD 2 T0 14,RAISINC SLABS OF ROAD BRIDGE RD‐ 6 PIR WAH&RD 9 KORAI MINOR,REPAIR OF OFFICE BLOCK PANO SUB‐ Dllrls10N CHANNELS.REPAIR OF TYUNDEL LANDHI RD 373 GHOTKIFEEDER :CONSTRUCTING PANO BUND SUB‐ DIVIS10N OFFICE AT PANO AKIL AND CONSTRUCTING OF PIPE OUT LETS ALONG PIR WAH RD O TO TAIL PACК AGE NO.2 “SCHEDULE“ uanti Item Rate Per foundation of building ,bridges & other structures i/c dag belling , dressing refilling around the structures with excavated earth & ramming lead upto 50 317625 %OCft 35825100 125950 Oo Cft 181368000 1250141 %crt 270030460 1257438 %Cft 224347060 312741 %Sft 7505780 1442925 rO Cft 71511360 ラccmcnt pointing nush jOints up to 20 fli hCl■ tra10 1, 115132 %Sft 21000080 8.Cement pointing strucl joints up to 20 ft: height mtio 1:2. 128744 96 Sft 11123480 211750 000 Cft 30492000 4070 %Cft 58608000 Part‐ A l.Excavation 112800 0 Cft B" Amount in feet. 14400 ) Cft 21600 () Cft 17841( Cft 24000 Sft 49560 Cft 2.Cement concrete plain i/c placing compacting, finishing & curing complele i/c screening & washing of stone aggregate without shuttering. ratio l:3:6 3.Pucca brick work in foundation & plinlh in cament sand mortor ratio 1t4 4.Pucca brick work other then br.rilding i/c stricking ofjoints uplo 20ft: height .Rclio 1:5 よ λ 胤1軌 』ら湯 珊 plain )Ⅷ [地placing1 5 Errcction & rcrnoval of ccntering for i/c 6.Cement concrete compacting, finishing & curing complete i/c screening & wasbing of stone aggregate without shuttering. ratio l:2:4. 18240 0 Sft 86400 Sft 144000 (│ Cft 144000 C Cft g.Borrow pit excavation undressed lead upto 100 ft in ordinary or hard soil. lo.Caniage of 100 Cft/ 5 tones of all material like stone aggregate , spawal coal lime surki etc B.G. Rail fastening points and crossings . bridges. girders. pipes sheets rails , M.S. bars etc or 1000 Nos or bricks of size 1" x5"x3" or 1000 Nos tiles of size 12"x6"x2" 0r 150 cft of timber or 100 mounds of fuel wood by tmcks or any other means warned by the contactors (l mile ) Э0 I L Dressing & levcling of earth work to designed section etc complete in ordinary or hard soil. 18755 ツ)o crt Total Amorrnt Rs: PART 650C B t 1278C rt 2700720 91451204.0 RAISINC SLAB OF Rノ B AT RD:5 .O ALONG PIR WAH &RD:9.0 ALONG KORAI MINOR L Dismantling cement concrete plain ratio 332750 9る Cft 216290 l:2:4 2. Dismantling cement concrete rcinforcement separating reinforcement from concrete cleaning & strengthening the 54450 00 Cft 695870 1257438 ツ6 Cft 1202110 482020 P Cwt 5294990 3370 P Cft 5183060 1442925 %Cft 281370 305662 %Sft 103930 211750 ツ60 CFt 2773500 57941 %Cft 7589110 18755 960 Cft 245650 same. 3. Pucca brick work other then building i/c 956 Cl t slriking ofjoints upto 20fl: heighl .Rario 1:5 4. Fabrication of mild steel reinforcement 1098〔 Cwt or cemeDt concrete i/c cuning, bending ,laying ill position making joirts & fastening i/c cost of binding rvires also i/c removing rust from bars. , slabs , beams & reft lintels , other structural ,columns , members laid in position complete in all respects ratio 1:2:4. 6. Cement concrete plajn i/c placing compacting, finishing & curing complete i/c screening & washing of stone aggregate without shuflering. ratio 1:2 4. 5. R.C.C work ,roof 1538C t 195 Cn 340 Sft 13098C Cft 130980 Cft 130980 Cft 7 Ccmcnt plastcr up to 20 fll nt:ra6o l12 %''thick 8. Bonow pit excavation undressed lead i upto 100 in ordinary or hard soil 9. Caniage of 100 Clt 5 tones of all material like stole aggregate, spawl coal lime surlti etc B.G. Rail faslening points and crossings . bridges . girders pipes sheets rails . M.S. bars etc or 1000 Nos or bricks of size I" x5"x3" or 1000 Nos tiles ofsize l2"x6"x2" or 150 cft of timber or 100 mounds of fuel \!ood by lrucks or any other means wamd by the contactors (3 mile ) ::4[iStttttT塩 。 中舶 S酬 ヽ / 琳Ⅷ ξ ∬ ha写 Total Amount Rs: 2358588.0 PART C 「「 ,1:::i:::::::::::::J:i:::i::i:i::::i:i:ii:i::i::i:::i::ii] l;Disitiantling cement concrete ieinforcdiTlent separating reinforcement from cotcrete cleaning & strengthening the 1045 Cft i:::::fi:::;::i:;:, 54450 ::::7: :::::E::1:::::::::::II亘 %crt 569000 same, 2671C ft 1027( ) Cwt 2.lfismantljng brick work in line or cement mater. 128563 343390 '3 Cft 3.Fabrication of mild steel reinforcement or cement concrete i/c cutting , bending ,laying in position making joints & fistening i/c cost of binding wires also i/c 482020 PCV/T 4950350 3370 P Cft 6460290 1257438 %Cft 4042660 305662 ,6 Sft 1348280 332750 %Cft 301140 128744 %Sft 390220 30952 P Sft 2776390 148968 9`Sft 366310 107965 CO Sft 1626920 82995 0。 557060 removing rust from bars. 4.R.C.C work ,roof 1917C ft 3215C lt 441l S l , slabs , beams ,columns reft , lintels , & other slructural members laid in position complete in all respects ratio l:2:4. s.Pucca b ck work other then building i/c striking of joints upto 20ft: height .Ratio 1:5 6 Ccmcnt plastcr up to 20 fl: ht: ratio l:2 %' thick T.Dismantling cement concert plain ratio 905 Cf 3031S l 897 Sn 2459S it 15069 1.2:4. 8 Ccmcnt poinung stictjoints up lo 20 fll hcight ratio l:2 9.First class deodar wood rvrought joinery in doors and windows etc. Fixed in position i/c chowkats. l0.Painting new surlace (a) preparing surface and co[ugated surface surface patent roofing etc priming coat all each subseque)rt coat of paint. 1 l.Distempering three coats. Sft 6712 Sf t 3132S l2.White washing three coats. J3.Providing and lying Halla or pattem tiles glazed 6"x6"x1/4" on floor or lJt'all facing in required color and pattern of STYLE s'pecification jointed in white cement ana pigment over a base of l:2 grey cement mortar %" thick llc washing and filling ofjoint with slurry of \thite cement and rpigmenl in dressed shaPe with finishing clearing and cost of wase polish dltd6mpldte i/c tiles to proflle. ,-ie,t€:tt 2351 Clt 6854 Cft : i of r■ hck ∝On 3。 oror Ю 警1弾 中“ 15.tsarrow pit excavation undressed lead upto I00 ft: in ordinary.t Sft 4765556 %Sft 14925720 5550 %Cft 130480 211750 %O Cft 145130 I6.(arriage of 100 Cfi 5 lones of cll $atsjal like slone aggregare, spawl coal liild:lurlii erc B.C. Rail lastening points andieriissings . bridges . girders . pipes ikqrtil:ni.ils ;.M.S. bars etc or 1000 Nos or 5iicki bf size I" x5"x3" or 1000 Nos tiles of siid 12"x6"x2" or 150 cft of timber or 100 mbunds of fuel wood by trucks or any other means warnd by thc contactors (3 mile ) lT.Earth work compaction ( soft ordinary or hard soil) (b) Iaying eanh in 6" layers leveling dressing and wate ng for 6854C 6854 Ci compaction. (Page No Part― D ,, No %Cft 397130 3540 %,O Cft 24260 ) i/c placing cnmpacling finishing and curing IS.Cement concrete 1110C t Item 57941 plain completion i/c screening and washing of stone aggregate w/o shuttering ratio l:2:4. (Pase No 22 Item No 4 ) Total Amount Rs: 1442925 9る Cft 1601650 40956380 ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTING OF OFFICE BLOCK OF PANO BUND SUB‐ DIVIS10N AT PANO AKIL l. Excavation in foundation of building ,bridges & other structures i/c dag belling , dressing refllling around the structures with excavated earth & ramming lead upto 50 1080 Cft 317625 %ocrt 34300 feet. 2.Cement concrete plain i/c placing compacting, finishing & curing complete i/c screening & washing of stone aggregate 525 Cf 72 1 Cfl 1486 Ci t 661240 125950 '3 Cft without shuttering. ratio 1:3 6 3. Pucca brick work in foundation & plinth in cement sand mortor ratio 1 :4 1250141 9`CFt 901350 4 Pucca brick work othcrthen building i/c stricking ofjoin,upto 20ft:hcight Ratio 1257438 %Cft 1868550 482020 P Cwt 2003760 3370 P Cft 2615120 305662 ツ6Sft 934100 211750 %O Cft l:5 「 5. l''abrication <if mild stecl reinforcement or cement conciele i/c cutting , bending ,laying in position makingjoints & fastening i/c cost ofbinding wires also i/c removing rust from bars. 6. R.C.C rvork ,roof slabs beams ,columns reft , lintels , & other structural members laid in position complete in all 4157 C、 vt , 776 Cft ratio l:2:4. rcsDects 3056 Sf 2079Cf t 発 & , 201:圧 rmo l' ":i器 l∵ r¥,up。 Barrow"4f,t excavalion undressed lead iDto I00 fti:0- ordinary. 14 (1■ 8 l i 111,■ ・ J: 44020 ngs', bridges , girders , pipes ;iliils. M.S. bars etc or 1000 Nos or 2079( 'ft 2079C i brlclts bF sizc l''x5''x3''or 1000 Nos tilcs itize■ 2''x6"x2''or 150 cn oF lmbcr or 100 mounds of fuel wood by trucks or any other means *amd b1, thc contactors (3m‖ c) 1O.Earth work compaction ( soft ordinary or hard soil) (b) laying earlh in 6" layers leveling dressing and watering for 57941 %crt 3540 960 CFt 120460 7360 compaction. ll.Cement concrete 357 Cl t 382 Sf し plair i/c placing curing compacting finishing completion i/c screening and washing of stone assresate w/o shuttering ratio l:2:4. l2Providing and lyrng Halla or pattern tiles glazed 6'x6"xl/4" on floor or wall lacing in required color and pattern of STYLE specification jointed in white cement and pigment over a base of l:2 grey cement mortar %" thick i/c rvashing and filiing ol and 515120 1442925 9る 4765556 %Sft 1820440 128744 %srt 178310 30952 P Sft 1135930 148968 %Sft 109340 16 Distcmpcring 3 coats 107965 %Sft 272290 l7 white washing 82995 96 Sft 56770 5550 %Cft 38910 Cft joint with sluny of white cement and pigment in dressed shape with finishing clea ng and cost of wase polish etc comDlete i/c tiles to prolile. l3.Cement pointing struct joints on walls up to 20 ftr height ratio 1:2. 14. Irirst class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc Fixed in positron i/c chowkats. 15. Painting new surface (a) preparing srrrface and corrugated surface surface patent roofing etc priming coat all each subsequcn[ coat of paint. 1385 Sf 367 Sfl 734 Sfl 2522 Sn 684 Sft 701 Cfl 18 Mudp“ StCr . Part‐ E 4182 crt ,' . three coats. on Ooor or roof l"thick . 13317370 Total Amount Rs: ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTING OF PIPE OUT LET ALONG I ■ PIR WAH RD:O TO TAIL l.Excavat'on in foundation of building ,b dges &:other structures i/c dag belling , dressing r.if-r.llidg around the structures with Btcaitltid-'dirttir&. ramming Jead upto 50 , itatit;.rl' す き 士¨r ‐ l`i]iヽ ↑ - , 317625 %0 Cft 132830 1275 125950 %Cft 1605860 1250141 %crt 1083870 1257438 %crt 1346720 7132 P Rft 145490 128744 %Sft 192600 2460 P ft 501840 Cft 7 i 6 8 C 1071 l顆馴]糊11肥 d出 ¨&"mh 4 Cft 1 5 5.I:ixing pipe outlet i/c back Iilling ofeanh Rft and pudding portion under rvaler 6 9 i 4 S 204 204 R■ . 6.Cement pointing struct joints on walls up to 20 ft: height ratio l:2. T.Providing laying RCC pipe and collars of cl]ss -A'and fixing in trench i/c cuning maxphalt and jointing composition and cement mo:1ar (1:l i/c testing with water to a head of 4.5 meter or 15 fr: 300 mm. Tot^l Amount Rs: filling wilh 5009210 ABSTRACT Part‐ A 91451204.0 2358588.0 40956380 Part‐ C Part― D 13317370 Part‐ E 5009210 Amorrnt Rs: 99738088.0 Part‐ B G Total Note:Ex(eptltcm No:10,9,16&9(Part‐ CO NTRACTOR A,B,C&D) ` し′(° 器Ⅷ麟輛 GHOTIく :DiViSION(IRRICAT10N) O GHOTК I SCilEllul´ E― B rO BID XSPECI「 IC V/ORIく S DATA ´■つ =`,"て i. ,″ `″ `ir`ア ル,「 ら,“ ´r rt(I′ 、 ルlど P,っ 。1″ “ I . ' l ' :1 '' "', " ri ,, i;tiht otrl tu'lt!'tii\i).irtplt:n.ltut.), )nlit.rriii.,/. I ヽ ` `P` 1,1ょ '1"'..". ′ :g`だ 0, 1 1 "1 SCIICDULI]― C TO i31D VORIく Sl()i,E PI]R「 ヽ 11じ lド 卜it t el ORMEDl,V SUBCONTItACTORS' 、 、 、 │(ot,ご 、 O 、 ヽ:〕 lisぃ 、 、ぃlbices cλ cc,tthe、 、 。lk lisied belo、 v、 、 h iC,│]e [C]ds lo sJb‐ c01,18ot lo 、 s Sub‐ COハ .ncted tc]]s orや lo be Nn〕 ,ca]( 3d(lcss Or s● 卜_cO■ tract(ヽ 、 Statei]]c](ors ]〕 、 、。 「kS prev10Js) cxecuted“ ″ ル″c″ al θ カ `rα ,ア No lc * \li.!tii leci.t. \ lIritcr t. a)i!,r: r ':ccntt.nrthlg.r t..t. ,i: cr.'e r"r;rrri.g,l.?,r.t ,-..iti..\ t,, i-,o',t tt,::,,,:t,actL/l; tl:u) i.ilor t,tl: Titc Prct:i tir.{,,1lac.cf c.t;.htiA,' :il.lll tu canl!trtii ttij L No chefsc ol S!b Conlrirc(ors shfll bc rrxde bl, rhe bid.ler wirho r prior rrprova cf Llt Irrocr:ir' .\gelc_r 2. tftthhr Ic\s .f J ir.cr rrcy of tl)e slllcrre|r its l. thc e\)Lr crcc of SrbCortracto s s ltxaraftc.d L\y the bi(ldcr The Pro.r rlng Agency s jLr(lgjr)cft l_he sir.l bc llIirl is to ilc .\lirit:o:r ol lr. crf. i.Icr ol sr5nriied !\ Lre b:dier l. S rtcnc|t ol sinihr lvoi(s shall r|clu.lc \\,orks. \'Lilr cr t1l) ,rle(l r t(l SU5,ConLrlcl(, iicscr.rptjon. locatio| Ii|)ta & rriillcss a'l_lhc clicnts \.. : 1,r.,. )roii .).ri ii.!r irrLir1,.'L ..r: I ri,r .i f\i..! r...\ ir\ & ! vflluc oI 灘 ] SCHEIIULE― D IO BID PROPOSED l'ROCRAヽ 1ヽ lE OFヽ 01Rl(S 〔 1 〕 10:(O ll 1le 1 1 1a「 ― c]a「 〔o「 PIoglall Evaltal ol a,( │ヽ じ vicw 4cthOd(CPヽ 1)ヽ い。ヽ1]ド Jlc sctlue■ cc or、 volk lに n卜 bゝ 「cci]niquc(PERT)ol C iCa l` P,卜 ヽ 31(Idol 卜,nll 、h ,lovit e ch he p oposcs to COmp c c口 :e、 、。 k,or Jle ent e c9n“ ne The plo8 anlme ShOJ d ]( C[liC Jle sctntlc)じ C O「 ヽVOI、 tc〕 〕s nl(l 011P C C口 「 ]じ vo k、 ` ‖cJ`os he nctvl c、 1(l ald i)loctlぜ ]]=■ 0「 ]latcilal; `c〕 、ok、 cビ ぜ│● 1 1ご i,e pcllo( o「 ti 2,c (tl‖ lg 、v lic il.guhL(!':" i1 r or:r \rr Cヽ 10 lte dcs tB ng sり iedu C Orsubml,al ofd「 a、 vい gs de 、ci 〕ビ c01` i ticlio] Of ci、 l,o]tliCit′ lg 卜n卜 nnd c()nlll、 ●ハn10'` V(¬ \Lr rP!r, . r..Lr.nc. lc ,Io)0ヽ k、 ぃ le s‖ P, cJ lndelthe Con「 lct SCItEDULIt l! tI) 81D }1I'I-IIOD OI' I'I'RITOR)II\G \,Ii(JIiI(S ilrc biJ(lc is rcquirc(l ro subrn tr l:trlaTivc outl ir!: thc r ctho(l ofperfor'lnrng the \\brks. : l). rr.r rli\c should l aicalc in (lcrarl I rJ |.tLi.i. ltLit Ior b. I rn rcd ro: ' -l'lrc scqr cfcc I tl lrclhorsrns,lri.irl)cpnpurar,n..),,.,,1,t lhc Works. lnclo(l fr)fLrcrolshiltsi)erdr),rf.t )olir! l]ershifi. ). c\pcct-s ro !ork. l, thc ' ,\ lrsr ol-rll t|riljor lc|)s of coI!Lrrc(ron ;rrd phlll crcctjor. tools arr(l vr)icics lo bc lsad it tlcltvc.Iqlclr r\,tnq oul l)a s,o.ks it s tlc. |roposc(i . ll1. proce(lurc i) tnslrr lrtiorr olc(luiIrus,rt rrrrtcrirls Io (hc site. . ",i,1 rl.anspo,trrion olcqrlrprlrcnl OilirrrsrtioD chir I ir(tlcrlrr3 rcrrl office lxrnagentcnL, sul)etvisron i: l!ir r{l & fiel(l oltl.c persor)t.l rLt!ol!c(l rr aId enlllneerillg of thc U/orks to Lre done undcr the Contract S i c 1,..N,.:::cfrR.!Llrro_a ^!0.r11_\ rtrr , )rtr,,,.1 , .,o\ .f1. ` (1ヽ「 こCRIIY SCHCI)ULE― PA(:r) DECLAwloNッ 「 To BI) KER“ :E ETc キ:inf:」 ::導 ♀tよ ■ :R° CTSヽ 10RTH Iヽ ヽ lo oO MIし し10ヽ OR MOlヽ C) (「 Oヽ CONTIt′ 、 Co,r,rct No Conr rcr \ D. ea alu(. Conrrcl Tirie iIl ri,r oi Cor)tr.cLorj l].rr..\ (lcciarc5 l]Iri it has rioL otria:n(.( or ;nduccd thc procLllcrr)err ol rnyconLr Cr.rifhr.rrrercsr.]rri"Tceeor other otrti!aiion or b.Icill lom Co!crfncrrl ol SinJ ) (CoS)o..Lr\ ,rdrf ,rfiiri,( s!LJ \ isio , orrg:ncJ r:crLot or r r! oLh,ri .r r, r] on1r..t or co rirolca b] :r (CoS) rhrorgt: an1. corupl busrnesir:,crice W troul li|llrng thc lcrcntjrr ,,t Lf," rb,"Soit,g, Iienc oi Conrraclorl rcp esenrs ilrd xiri r'ls rhri I lris lLrili d.c rrcC rrc b:a:.11!c. cor]rri:srorr, ltes crc. paiJ or tayabtc to rr!o|..arrl ,r.l giv.n or agreei r'o give rnri sh:rll nol grve or:rrrec 10 ! ,c ro a,ryore wirtrlr or oulsidc PaLlsran ciltrcr dirccll), or iidiredt) rlrrougtr ary narumi or ;u trtrcar person. irclLrClr: ils ria :arc. l!.Ii. .ssocrlle. 5 of.cr. co:sr :tani. ct rcctor. pro roter. strrrctrrLLr. s!orr\or or subsrdJar,!. rny coD,r,ssior. itr.r,tlcir,on. ir(bc. llN.ter s 1.e cr lit!kbr.l(. w icllrer dcscriLed .s corrs!trarrorr tcc or olt)cr!ise, $ (Jr rte objecl otobtajning or ifducifrr ih. p ocurc )cxr ci a corrra.l. r!il. 1:licresr. p ivilcge or ortr.r obi,rriton ;r bercfi r i; \rlrrrroelcr lbr ) iorn. i.oNr proc!]lng A:.fct (pAJ e\ccDr rlrxr whjch hcs beer e:Dresrt! d-. ,. - irarx..iCoNrlrcrrrlecccx:s i:il rc:porslr rl.arl rr ic: :rbr il,ihal I trrr Daac iira s l Nial. riili .li5clo\ur€ ol ll agrce,Icrrr erii l..rfeerIcrG wrltr rI pc sofs if rcsIe{ oto relrlc(l lo the t i,rs:r io ) witlr pA ard has not ra\en r r:rcriono lvi lrol ixkeafvxcri.,r. .,\ :..1 lu rc ol Con(mclorl ac.cfis tuli rcspofrtbil ly ,ra s icr liebit ry ior nakin.e rny firts. a.ciilirlof. ro( ;r:rling ii I dr:clo::u,:. rn:src!reser)iix!,i:cls or rrkrnq rlr" rcri;n lrietr ro 'i .r ;, o'o'r"'.' .,ar.".,,., ',", .., .."1: .. ' I ,.", I "o_, " ", j,,': \oi$ ihsrflndinq rn! riSlIs and rcrle!ies c\ercised irv ?.{ tr rhjs |cg d, rI Sur;i cr Conir:,cior'Consr r:rrl i:jr.::orjd.irirl,pAioranyiossorrtrrrr-ag",'.,Ira:lc il or irccounl of its cornrpr blsilcs\ fractrccs rn(f IrtJrer pri, co.pcnsrrion'to n,^, "0i,.r. ;n a,, i ouIl!(ri!..lerl torenlrlrcrtrrsLm.iintc. m ssron Sralj1l..riof. br.ib., fin(lcr s ice cr i,cli5irci liy,:n hr []aNru ol Cojrr rcr,rl as;ta,cs.id ft,r rhe p, rpose ot obr;rrni,g _".o, i,"r,lc;,,,r t|e ) ocrrerncnt of any cont ,cr_ | trhr, ifrercst. prlv tcte or oihcr tr",.i,t ;i "frf;3",1"" $,hatioc!.: lorn llorr PA. It'rocu, fs Ag.,,c!l :1..i ,: r : t,:!,rr;.:icfr ti.t,!iDt0il fu xr::! N,rr IC.rrocro,l COヽ 1)ITIONS OF CONTRACT 5, r|r! !l'iorL rf.nLli.LrriilrD ,^Lrlro rr\ IN,\.|fras rl,rurfl\ ■人BLE o「 coヽTEN rS CONDIT10NS oF COヽ cT rIし 、 Clcnc al I)rovis;ofs. The Proc!rrg Aucrc) irnginccr's,/Procr I Ilj Agcnct.s Rcprcsenialivos. lheColrlrncto..... .. .. 3S 38 39 ir! Cof iritcror. I)rocurinl Agcncy's RrsLs l-irrc for Compiction Dasrgo 40 ´ lhk ng o、 じ l 11 licrrred) l)rl Dclecls Vr riatiorrs ind ClirlDs { .rn r:l l)ric..1nl parxre|1 41 41 4S D=子 hu r 44 t{ sks a|d ltcspons bijjries 46 46 :Sl18 1cc Drsl)ulcs rleg il\ 、 [,lct. ヽ「 :( lit , じI'て 、 せt,c,1じ 01Rじ ,t(1(、 1` ハtl,● 1 1 、 , │ヽ `` `ヽ ヽ,plな ヽ'( 1=()` :)` ′ 1, 4S COヽ DIT10ヽ S OriCoNTRACT ] CEヽ I]Itヽ し PROヽ ISIOヽ S ││ Dc"1)itioil、 lr t re Co r(r.rcr rL! ic l- icrl belorv. the u oiJs rnd erpressiolls deflrrcd sha I hnve tho i:r.rr. e).cept uherc e(luires ncirrigs assigf..l loiiotr fs lIe .ofiext tc 'l hc Conlr1rcl 11) 'Corlract rrj,rrs Conracr ih:r Corrlr..l Datir. \! c!r)r.rrl r C lhc oll)cr do.urrrcr)ls lislc(l ;rr 1rc l, │12 ''Specrllcriions mears thc (loc(Lrrrrnt as ilsicd in thc Contract Data, inclLrding l)rocLrin!t Agcllcl s r'cquirrrrcrts in rcspcct of design (o be cariicd out ly thc Co rlrn.lor (iiarr)'). :r]r(l 1r\ Vr iarlcI lo sLrc r docr n.irI │ 13 'Drru r1. fr.r.rs th! ?rc.r'trr! A:t tc) s (lIr!r , o"1,,,. .:'r .r;... \..,. . lo '.".1 s: rrr:ts of lhe ''irrccir'rrg A!cLrct- frrais i:r. tir:oi) Itanrcil rn Ilrc Conlriici Da(1 alld llr. le3.l successors ir litL. Io rhrs pcror, bur foL (e)ic.irr *ilh the corsent ol trc Cofrrnclor\ af '- irs5igf. ' 1 1 Lhc f!'r\oo narrrcd ir thc Colltracl Dr(. rnd th. leilol sirccessor's Ln lrilc tc llr \ le:!arr. 'a:L{ nai (e) capl u' i I I ]e corlsgJrt of lhe P,ocLLr xl Agcnc),)rirr) assi:lrec. │15 ''Conlri!(o l16 ''Jr;rri! " rrc fs nr,rrns eilhcr l ru Pro.L rrrrg All.incy or lhc Corlrraclol Dxtcs, l inrcs,tnd Pcriods │IF ''Corrrr.n.drrr.It Drr. Coxn'xcr !orn.s inlo liヽ ''l)ur":rr.:ans │ 10 ''1_rnc J,or rr nr €iit.r ;rl:rriilr Compcii.n c.llrs or ..t ioL:Lieen (l,l) da-r's altct lhe.llte ot rcr date ilri)ed rrrreCo)n'aclData. tIc i [hc thc lIe drie ll rneiurs ilre irrrre [or!or]rr,'lelirrl the Corrlrndr lJrl. (or es e).icr( cd xricr Cornxrcncc frrt SnLr Clrtsc r'.1). Wcrk! ils staled celcrl.lcd l;ofr Diltc. Moncy rnd Pr),nrcnls 110 ''(lost- r)eans rll e\r.rdilLrc pro|.ri) Coftrrclo . whe(hcr rj r i). orr oI incLr r'.d (or lo bc iNcurreJ) l)) tIc rcads and sini er chlrllcs bLrt olf lhc S 1., rrcltidirg ovcr il c l'rr.Lri.nr. ri lc:uliLurt /\r ,r Lr .r\'.ir_ i . rjlr r'r P\ loc5 fot .r.lr dc . r!, rl o\rrr.olor pioilt Olhcr D.finilion\ ''Contraclor's Eqr Drllent means I I II ell nrJchlrerr. lir i5e crccxroI oiric \\'.rks r r".i.d r r r t,r'rol :, \\'o.l\ reqLrred brr appnrrtUs ││11 'l '':r':." :.'.rr ' .1 .P ,:i,..'r'i^.,r 111] ''P'ocul,rr: .\gcncr': R rks '' dr.Jllr! lIosc nr;r(lrirs lst.d lr l l 14 ''I-orcc Mricure P.ri)i's oL-.1 ir)cirns an :iirrions rlleg. lnd othcr tlrirgs do.s rrot iIclude lViterials or pirnl 6 S(Lb Clause I c!crl or ci cLr r-ilencr $hich Ixl{cs pc i_clrr rcc oi or irrfrr.(r.al)lc rrr,l \\l)rch rs bc)oId tlr:rt Ihrt_! rcasonrble co r (ro l. 'trlrtur;.is' i l 15 lne.,ns lhlegs iJrcor'l)oia(c( rn thc \r,ro ' "Pl.nl 1 16 o, rli lirnds (o1h.r llrirn Plr,ni) tc bc supt.,lj.il rr.l is b] tLe Cor)h'ac(.r !irns lhc |nrchlIcry and lpprral s r0tc ricd t.r lorin or ior rng pnit ol the Works. 117 "Sil.'' rDciLr: 1|c flrccs pro!ri(ltd br tl)c Proct rirg Agc|cy !vherc lllc \Vo is nrc 1o trc crccu(j(]. . rC i rI oi|.r I r.cs rpcciii,irl rn rhc Co|i(ic( is iorr|irg ir..t th. S irc. .l ''\r.r .ll!u'ii.irrsr i S ruf cLrirx!..r d.r S'rb Chr se I 0 N);.1 i: Lrstri:!lcj L\! ihc L:|.!.ri).crlProct r;llll ,\rlr'nc) I “¨Ю .)rl(s rrclr! .rl, .r all rhc $,.rl,s \!hcrlr.r SUl,trl),. lf\l:Llhliorr. Conslrrction xfd dcsi!u (ll in),) to b. p.rlbr ncd b! (he CoDtractor inc Lrding lcmpo|er_v ks rDd rn\,!al,lairo|l ilr.tco │ 1 20 "Ei)q ne.a N..xs lir lIc I th,J pcrscl l_ roirl.tl p!r'l)osa ol Ll)r Colrtrilal ana by Irt)erl thj Prcct rlnz ;\!L'nc! to ncl rs as sucit r) Cotrlritct Dflla. [|g n..r Illcrprclxlinn wordsifrroiirgpersoitsor partessltell rclLrdsir fsaf(l orgrilisr(ions Irporr rnq si 1:rrilfr o. . I'rio rilY oI I)ocuDrcI {s 1. llc r(lcf sl:nll rLrcir dc Wor(ls piurii or t rc other gcrrder \-hcrc ihc thc d.rcumeIrs t_orn Ig rlrc Ccrlracr rre to b. i..kc I as rrruluaJl\ c\planaror\ of ofcilnolher Il_.n a|rl) gutt) or Ciscrcprncy rs lound Ln thc docrmcIrs. tjrc priority ol rlrc .lo.uIr.rts siiiil bc r .ccor.ttl r.. rrilr thr ordcr l15 lisled in rhe Corrlircl lJiir. ヽ = ']. i :. l'],.j! rn. rt Jlc|1,'r:.1 r1i,ii.o. :r ' N ,,, ,:.,. 薇 吾著 ' i; I.rN - -lhel;i\.i,ir.Carl ..1 slleL.lr\ri it-a\,)ilslr)rcit.ir(Lbli.oiP:rkstx:r :.5 Conrnrtrni.a(ions Al .a Co n ni ficitiorrs rele(td io i rc Co ltrac( s rxLl l). in llnglish an.ctLagc Slxlulort,Olrligrtions I-I. Contra.tc. slrril ..rrr:rlt 1!ir) ili. I-a!vi of ls .rnri.' lieplLbljc ol l'akistrrr rrrC s)rrlsi\cirll rollcls and Piy nil leesrndollrcr.hrrrlesrrrrespccloilhcworls ], ,[IIE PROCIJRINC i\CI]NCY Ii l)rolrsiorr ot Sitc 'fhe ProcurrftlA.qrrr.) srill p|o!lrl3 tir. S i. rnC ghloj xcccs! lherclo ei lhe t, js srired rn t|c Cor)n'rct Drlir Silc In!csligxlion Ilcpor'ls erc (lio:c lhil Ncre rfclLrdc.i rr lh. LiJdrn-g d!cLr rrcr)ls rnd arc fac(ral :]r.l rflerpretrtivc repor(s about thc sLrrLcel]fd strl)sLrrjice ' con.iiliorrs rL lhc S 1.. .l.l PrrDils c1c. I ri Procrrrl Agcri.t sir.il. lrcquei,l.d bt 1r3 Conlraclor. assisl irirrl lrr.l)Pll'irrt jU Derrrrlis. icercrsor rftrovirls lvhicr arc rcqui cdior theWorks l.l Drgirc(r's,11'.ocurir)g,\gtncy'slnslrucijorrs _lIcCof(rac(o shlll .orrpLtrvi(h all Lrstructior)s lrLvef b)'the I']rocrrirrgAgcrr.y r:lrrerr. ilfoliilcrl b] lhc Procrirrrrq,\gerrcl/, irr rcsrecl o,_rlrc \\roll's ,.lrrc dir: tIe s!sDcnsiof oIa]Ior p. oltir. *orks or ihc l,i ,l E pp.orils No rpprovel or corscrrt or .bsencc ofcorrrnrcnl by lile Inli|e.],/PtoctLring s rr J. IJNGINIiDR'S/PROCLRI\G,\C[\CY'SRI]PRDS'NT.\TI\iES ^ Aulhoriscd P(rson I llerrcl ll afJi.l tIrc Contrxctor's obli!ai!oirs irc l'jfi)cr : f,r r\Scf.) s.r.Lii aDp., f( a (lLrll .Lrthorr.d l.iton 10 rcl lbI hrNr lxd orr hr:i treralllbr the pLr poses ofthis Conlract. Suclr r!(horized pcrson s|all be duiy rLlcfirilcJirLrrCorir..i Dirll or otircrsis. noLrle(L rrnlilirrglolhcContrlct.)Ies I soon is hc is so appoin(cd lncIhercllsethcPmc!rir:lAgerc),shall rotll) 1lrc Contiaclor. if \\r'rtirq. tlrc..recrs. scol)c oi(llt aui )ori() ofsrch ilrrihorrzad |crson rl I re linrc of his rpjroiLri r ert. s . ir )ubllc l',.cr cn.rl L{cg, lL,l.''r'\L li!rirrrr\\f pl,.i\ i,Ji,.r.r.fk .l'lngin((f s/ProcuriIg .\llrnc) s I{rprcs{:i)lx(j\ e I 1_hc:rrfr't rIJ id,lr.sr o l-|!ir)!.r.s,'P:..ir i:q.\|.rj.\'sti.)rcs!r)lrjrvcrssr\crl if CoDtJ'acr Datr. Holvever t rc Colrn:rcror sl).li t)e norilled by (tre llrgirccr/Pro.rLrins r\SjIc\.. rirc d.:cririjd rlri;.s aI.i irLrrloril\, bcj_ore irc C-onr tre rccmcnt of'vcrls. 'fII0 (:o\TR.^C',r'On CcDcr;rl ObligirtioDs ilr. (.nlrrclr)r sha .arr\ out lhe \yor .s ) ol.rl! r|1:1 ir rccoriian.e q,ilh Ilr. / , ..t J r.r)r....o .,1 f .o\ rc.,. .'rlcrr .o labour- Miterials. P[r0t r rd Corrt..lclrr-s E!rrir;r.:rt whL.I nl.y be reqlired Conlr rclor's Rcpftsrnllli\ r Tire Contrictor shall r,.rpoiLr( a rcpreser(ariye at siie oI lLr:l t rxe birsis to supcr!,i\e ll). ,r\.cur on ol u,orl, ari ro rcccrve rsr uctrons orr bchalf ol the Coft|acLor bLrt ofl-v alirr ol)rrinIrl r|. cofseIt.ol'thc ProcU NJt \:tcIcy [()r sLrc I appointxrc rt $ r ch cors.fi s|. i r)ot b. \!itirhc !l \vrihort pllusrblc reasor(s) by the Procuri|11 Agcncv SLclr .rxthorizec rcDrcs.ntativc :)a! bc s bsritulcd,/ rcplaccd by aorLriiclo .rI rr) Ilr,e.irrifg thc Coniract PerLoa t)rt oIl)'aIrer obrrrnirjq corscnl of ■ 」 rrOcL$ingAt,cncvas lforesaid. trc (hc ll)0 Sul)cor lrxclirrg 'lhcCortrncto shall rjoisrLbconrlcr the wholc ol'ihc worlc.'ihe Contractorshall rrot subcorrtr.d lnl,|ai .J thc scrks wilhoLl ilrc coIsc0i ol lhc Pmcurin!l A ■ 1 irc rc). I)crlonlxlllcc Sccu rilv -J_hc Conrractor sIrll ftrnisr ro thc Procurjrrg,lqcr)c! u,ithirr tor .ct (14) (ix)s rJler rcccipt ol Lctlc .fAcceptancc a Pcrlo]llrrrce SccUrity et thc oplion oltlle brdderr, n thc [o n o: Pr]ee-s ordcr r'Bank Dren or gink Curantcc fi.on schcdulcd bafk iir (hc lnror rt and validi(), specificd in Conrrcr D.rtl. D 5. ISICT., BY CO\TR.\C,,.OR (-rrrl rx'.tuf \ Il. \r:ll _[rcCortaclc: shall cl,r]o!t.lesl{rtoiree)i(.Irsp..ifi3d,rsrcleficdtol tlrc , ,.;, pro ..r: tnlrr ro itrc Fllgr.rcr-,tr-,,i.,D,'. ,.\gcrcy rl designs !:tparrd by hin. \!rlhn fcurre!n (14) dals of recciDr (hc il rgrnccr,rl) ocr r rl r\gyc rcr rhrli rroritirrrr,corrrnrcItsor,iIi]rcdcsrgnsUlrlnlt e(l s rrol if ec.craarrcs N ih (ir. C.Irr..r. _,1r...1 rrtj.: i( staii)q tlrc reasoIs. Tlti r ',', S,tr'r 'i . . '.c!trr.i, i!!u NL. ):.,r r,.r\ r\, |., tlsrf(r,r., tr. (onlr,lclor 5|r I nol .orstr'rcl r t.eicnrc1l oi rhc r!o'l(s dcsigncd L)l h nr rvithirr iou,rccr (l-ll r.yr eiiir th. (lcsr!n irir Ijcr s!,i),,1lcrl to thc F-nriIccr,'ProcrLI il Alcfcr",r \1 rch s t)cc| rcjcuc( l)csign lr ihrs [rcc| rctcctcd shal] hc l)r(,r))rti\ lrrrc,i(1.(i x ri r!\ri! )riir.( I i. (lollrr-1or sh:rl fjsrlrn I rll dcs:!rs cor))rlrc r1.(l or) L.l,r rq ll).sc co rtritc rl: lr)lo lrcco( |t rs icccssrrl/. t: Ilcspo sil)ilit) r Dr\ign lir Thc Conlr.crcr \lr.l rr nair csponsbie:.r irsbrde(i Cesg rndtrcdesgrrInrlcr lhrs Cl.Is.. t)olh ol uh;ch shr]l bc fii lill t]rc irtcrrdcd frrposes dcfinrd iJr (hc Cor)rrrcl lrril heslrallalscrcn)iiIrcsponsiLrlcforirnvrofiifgcnrntofar)t t)atcll(o. copyrighl in rcspecl .t..:, .1 J i.c'; ol lltc sarrc. Thc Engir)cei/Plocurirr! -, :c.' :.,.:,rD,$r,-. PROCUIII\C,\CL\CY'S Agcncy shnll b. ITISI(S 'l hc I)rocr]'int,\ltc cr's Risl(s Th! PLc.u r3 -\tcnc\'i RijIs rre: r) \rr. l)oii lire: i\!h:ih.r wir. ne.l.. :x.d or fcr). if!isioir. rt.)i .d ot lo.i3r) or€nrics. x, t rLn lhc Cou Lr) rebc lion. l.11'oris rr. rovolriion, civii rvrr rvrLhir lire CoLrnrr!: c) rioL. ct!r llotroa or I scrder by perso,rs oilrc ihe I tlre Co rtr:rctor's p.rsoIncl ana olhcr crrt)lo\.cs inclu(lir)g lirc pcrso)n.l arrd crnplovces ol SrrLr Coirtr:rctors, d) icnrs lllic(ifg rS ri(lillicfs. in:,Lrrrcct of, Drilrl0J) or usurped po\\,cr. or rhe Sitc rnd,/or lhe \\/orks; cortanri tion by ra(]io-a.liIiry iionr any nLrclcxr Ii cl. any ruclcrr r\lstc fronr the corrbustron ofnuc car fuel, radio activc or or Io f lo)ijc erplo!jvc. or olhcr hazar.iors propcrlies of ary explosive nuclcar assc rrh ] or Dr clc;lr cornpcnenl oi such ax :rssarnbll. ercep( to rllc cxlent Io \vric r lh. Co rl'ilctorr'Sul) Co rtractors mry lre resforsrblc for the usc ol cnv '.rd o-.r "\. r:..:: . .: e) Irressrre \'rves cirr sc.l or sLrpcrson ic sprcds: 1) occu)rlrof bI thc Procrrrfit Alterc) rif .ny p.rt o1'tJre WoJks. cr.cpt iis na! bc sDccii.!i ir ih. CoIir:rcti s) b\ r r.riih or otrer re rl ,icricrs tmvellingar 50llic use or late lrrrdirr: over oisites. :ro,ra res ln drir\!ings, Iatc deiiverl of r|signs irnd dra\!rnes ofarr- paJlofihe Works by lhc\Proourirg Agerrcy s person0cl cr bl,othe:s for rlro n th. P:ocLiri rg A:l.n.I is rL.sponsible; lr) . srs l.rs or I li.. SL (lo|llr;lctor s ii:lrrr,r: ard S r. lL;;r. i' .., $,.i1 li.!, ur.,) ^!l:n: r\ 5 Chlsc l.-l I il:rli I is ;(1,r.- ) ,,.t,i., .,i, i,r atlribLrlebie to ihc i) tl!\i.rt o5sLruclioIs cr I ltre Silc Corrlraclor rnlnedrilely encoLrDtc ed o tlrc IrrocuJiNg ?\gency ,fIM 7 ′ D ITOR [\cculi0n l ‖潮 ギ 伴 ‖1肯 想 ‖ 打li島 ‖ CO\{rI-I]TIO}.' oi" lIc \\ or lis Conlra.tor slrili colfr)rcnce lhc \\rolks o| (ite CoItllicncen.nt IJite aIll sholl irro.ecd crpcdrtiotsh ind wrthoLt delav a| Lhc worr(s, suL,jc. ro srb.cJarsc 7.l bero,r.. q,irhin,,,".,,," l_hc l" J"illllil'rplcre ,0 Pr ogllnrrrc l' Wl(hin rlrc rirnc sratc.I in tre Conrracl Dara, rhe Corrtrxctor shrll sUbnit lo the r'.r.j."L.c,...).\..:.:r\..,..0.r . . )" lo .l,e \\tfks |r thc l0.nr stxtcd i| thc (o rr cr lJirr 71 Itrt(Dsiofl of 't in)c l_ltr CoJrlraclor shilll. \!ill)in sLCh tille rs nrir!, under llre ..t. .:.J..^.r .,, 1 . . , r t , , r . r,be. ,rcasoIxbie ., : .1,,,.1,,.., . ,.,,\"\, t.....1o-,.:,'1,,",. -o.,:,r, : ,.;, ., I ( l'.oLI ,LqLr-l , j.l i_, A!.rr.\/EnLrrn.cr -,r. : 'r" 'rr'rl 'c "\rc sj") )r'j(r ,'.,.' r,,1..,,r., ...,.,, . .: ;., ii.. ,,, a"r. ;,," .,,.,',i";;;:#l;;;, :;ilJ,i :f:,:lT,: :::,i;i,[; :iiln"j rs nr:rj,bc",irsl;llc(l ir itrc light ot rhc der.jlsipnrricutars srpplrcd ty;,,";;,,,":,;, \rrh ltrc sr.h cterc njralrof by rlc I,rocLrrirrg,it;r";;,,;;,;;", \\'Jthir sucir pefiod as lny bc prescribcd by the I, ocL r rne ,t rgclicr,r;,g ;;;;;; il,. sinrc.lnd rre I)roc!Jug j\genc), mey exte rcj rf," i;,r. for detcr n e.l ""1,,rf.,,",, ". rn conneclion r ,1 In(c Conll"C“ On 、 、 よ S Wahn凸 ぜ ■ ebc]η [品 り 出││:[111::│‖ !:lli胃 :il‖ ° er!↑ 肝│‖ llPl,糧:li::1伴 lil‖ Tllllllll:∫ 『 ‖構 ヽ C_oVER Pに '‖ the │‖ lilCき lk:‖ 1′ 31 Iく 1ヽ CO‖ lPIc1 0。 [iCRIII∫ :品 :古 S;)Ji l'i,, 輌Cい し 0,RCm∫ い .Agttcy ttm m cm● des“ 請 │ら 3出 icl,,rc.n!lrrr R.i,,nn,,,\r,rrr,,. *,;;;,ll'l,*"-,,I “ S2 'I;rliitr,l Ol cr \ohcc \/illirr ( ,tl ,lils .ltir. r.:,Jll oi-trc sl1(i Iotr.c oIco Iplctiorr ]ro|r thc Corlraclor lirc l)roc!r rrg.4qeDc_v/Errrif.er slralt cirh€r rekcover'tre coIrpte:eri w.rks rf.t rs re a C3-irt:trr. .1 an,rrlelr.r) r. it.ar .iLcr or shrli nci iy iht C^ontrncloI his rcasoD! aor Dor t. iiIg o!.r lItc !!of(s Whilc issLring ,f .or ,r.1. . ,. .: .-.:. .t r pr .(,r .. \i.r..) t,, ..,,c- thc Certiiicatc ]r ,,..,r,i,, ",, o l.lr..lr"-' .t...,. l' .\o.1. .,.'. i ,1,, i ..tr. , . ,. ,, .f r-oLiricr| \,1ir rrL.nrIccs l,cr i,rrl. . i. , ,, :,1. RIi\IEDYI\C DII;IICI'S ( │ Itcnrc(l!iIg Dc fcc rs I ra ('o lrlutor s ilii lirr r fcrio(l stll(rl ,,jf," t:our Dirlir liorl llre ([rl. "., io the l,rocuring ol.]ssuc ol (hc Ccrliljcrrc ol Cofrplction callv our, i no cosr Agc cy, reprLr rrd recl llcatrcr) $.cri wh ch js lrccessrirted b! the crrljsrcxecL r,on oinon, quilitl, of\vorli or usc of bclow s|ecillcirtiorrs rrnfcral in the crecutiorr ofWorks ird s.Iich is so iJe ill.j tr],ilre I,rocLrrirg,\3cnc},CIlixcer in t\rilinc \vlrhtn lh. .'.1 -cr !d 'J.o cr..irr .t .,rc ,:, 1,..,...d. rnJ .tt. ro,".!orli.,..rr.r i.rr':r':, l. r.c..r .i.-,i. .,.!.,,i .r',..::r'.. r': fr ..,r., ,r, .,.-r,,c, t., , ,c, .1,,,1' ..,, \1. l..r'r.^. ...r. ..rc .'lr...,o,r :,,, C,ro., rn, L.' , O,.'-', Irai Lre to rcxrcd! ilI! srrl) d.feds or cojnpleic oLlsl )drlt *,orL s,jti Lr i re.sorr.bic iimr shlrll cI r,ilc lhe proctj]1n! Agcncy tb carly our all ncccssarv works itt tht Coxlrrcl.r's .ost H.\vever. ihe cost ofrc IeC\ii-q tlcfe.ts not ..ilfib;rblc ; lhc Cor)lirclol sitall bc ,ahrci as I Varietion. ,: Un.oycIi gr.rnd l csting Thc I]rqrrccr,/ProaL|irll AilcIcy |rity givc instr.uctto I :ts to thc r ncovcrinr rnd,,or "rr ot .r,.. .r r(.lr ot.:t,l L,. irct.ir.,.r.....:^,lr;,. rstihlishrd thxt lhc coItracior's dcsig|. rltatcrills, plant or rvorLntanshio a|c nor : . td,:: $t'r tii., i , . t. r.... .' . ao ,r,r ,or..i.UCl-. tI.J,...lrlt..o\c.r:,, afd/or tesrrng as ir Valrittion rl accor.lancc $,ith St b Clar se I 0.2. 10 \/AIll:\TIONS .^ND 101 Riglrl to CL,,t tMS Vxr_1 'l-he Procu11rg i1!.cDcy/trJrg;fccr |rirv iss!c VariirloI Order(s) iI rvriljng. Whcrc ibr irl! rcrsoI rl llrs ltol Dcc I |ossil) c icr Lhc p oat rj r.t Allerlc-v-IErrqineer to isst c ...1 \'1r',r .|c.,... t..r o.:....r rI..r ro..l1n,r .. !crb1l o:^, ,,,ert1 lhe Procurirl Alt. r.!rE!r!ia.cj ix !\rilirlt.r(j iIlt ji]nrc are nor ,eL r"iiia",,iea h), lhc Pro.urjnir i\gerc),/Erginecr r!ithif ren (i0) (hys ot rhe receiDt ol sllcr '' _i-r .rl n'11,... c.. "1 ;. J".,r-.r,i....\.,r.r.or O./.r.tor.rn.rf .. ol (his S Lr C ausc. SiIi rtr ul,ir.L jfr. li.glrhot /\.Lr! t\ \Lrr 102 \':tlur(ic'n ol \r r irlioDs Var iirljofs shall bc vitir cd as follo\vs 0 l1( い r, rara , a I lrr e sr:n nrcr rgrccd bciwccf the l)art cs. of illiri.I) irlr. itt illias i 1ta cLItt il,Jl.0r. C, ofall)rop atc rilte-r, (hc [rlcs aq tlrr basrq for !a Lratiorr, or fuillir,1 \!hrcLl d) rt lpprotri::tc ncw mies. xs nrr) b. rgre.d I rr i . . .'ro. : ,'o l-cr... . r- Jt .. , i., c. or 0) il i}e Inlrrrecf.l]roc!riIg,\gcr.] so rirstrrcIs. irr d:il,!vork rares srt o(rr rr lic Coxlrrct D3tit lor !v|ich thc Contri]ctor,shr I k!-.D records ol rorrs ol_ ilLro!r a d Corrtraclor s EqLr;m,:nt, rnriolMilleriaJs, nscd. lhc:rbscrrcc rn Lhc Contracr sltrl or !Y bc Lrscr] rich thc Chxnscs in lhc Qu.I li(ics. l103 il,:t of .. '\:.,,....a Qr ant;tlcs for rhe pen I crlar lte n -..: ..r :.:,r:...:,. r: \.r..1 br- morc lhan 25 pcrcc0r, providcd rhc of i)e lniiilrl CoILr:rct Price, rhe ProcrriLrlg r\l,erc!/Er:g Iee shrll 2djr!i llre rrle to :rllo\\ lbr tlre chllrqe ard will bc !rlucd :rs pci sub c alse 10.2. chirrg. ex.ceds b) Tlr. pcrcen( Enginccr shxll not adiust rates ftonr cIifge\ q'raf tlties if thcreb), fcrcent. excepl !v ith lhc lrrilirl Contrrcl P'rce s excceded by Do'c lhar ilrc )ror rpfro\rl cfirc P ocurirrg i\gef.! c) IG: Ifcqrcsrcdblrir.ilnllinecr.thecorrractorsl)i)llprovid.ticEngircer\yith i dcla I.(l cosl brcrldorvn olany ratc ln ll)c Billol Q!antl(ics. LNlll,Wxflrirrg Tl)c Contrlclor sha I r)o(ify tlrc Errg rccr,/P ocrlring Agency in \r,riting as soon ^s l)c is l!varc olany cncLrlr)star)ce \vhich may dclir) or disrupt dre Works, or whrch nrfy give r sc to a c ir: n l'or.d(lil o ral p:ryrrrcft. lo iir. cricri of rle Corlrir.ioi s lr;lurj ro irciiry. whi.r rcsul(s to lhs rirg Enginrcr,/P ocL A!errc) berfg Lrneb c Io kcep.ll rclevant rccords or rroi trking slcps to fri rinisc rf) rlc ry. disruD o|. or Cost. or lh. !alUc ofany Vrriirliof, thc loxlrirJlor'! !r)l llc:)rcni it c\l.nsioir ofiIc-l'ifJ lo CoIroletior] or..ldi1 or.l !rl,nrent sh;rJ b.' redrceClrel.ctci. \/l luxlion :0: ot Clxinrs If (h. Ccrlrlct.. tIcLrsCosi rsa:esuiofl)\.L,ilircProcuringAqcfcr'sRisks, (hc Co rtra.roI slrlli hc cItrtbd tc (he erroL:It oi s!.h Cost. ll rs e rcsi l1 oi'u rv srl i']fli r.I' Li.!r.ir:.fL llcg:r ,rri,). /,t rir., j r'xirf .r,. r.!.\.!-l ― ― ― 晰 Procurrrrg A!'crct s Risl(. il is ncccss'ry chlrrge lhe worlis' lhis slrail bf (lcai1 |otil:cxtlo I ior lnt' rtion olclalrrr lo lhc 1o io Ccrr,rctr,'\ c,, li, ,, f "i,"' 'LLfl_:cl ",, llrgire.r,/l'rortr irlg Agerrul'r!itl r1 liitrL'cl('l)(lrlsol'lhco"tr'r)c'of!lLsc' "' 106 \rrri:rl iofl irtil Clni,n Proct(lurc 'The Corlr.cto sr:ri srLbnrt to ihe Llrginccr'?ro'rring A!enc] in itcnrisci 1"'l\'c1) "'i '\ 'l'\.i_', 1. "1 (lr' '\r!: Lii "i: lo ll) t< I o' l .:,!- .l' r:r" lr:..r.r" .r,"r . \' r.! .rll '-' " : '\"1 ' "''c i"'r':-c va Ic trc de(crnrinc ,,f,i.,." oIa1rr..n,e,,r. the lirocur rrgAgcllcyshrl ...r.r..(.t r.t!' CONl'ITTC't' PRI(:Ii AND PA]'NIDNl' 11 1 1 1,s",IIc\,'''r: 1 (a) Ic]]〕 〕 s ofP:]yn]c1ls TrcenolrrLair. lo th3 Corrtraclor Lrfd' li:] lrterinr PalLrrcni Ccrliil'atc ftr N'y olhor lcnns oI rss( e.j b) l re E r!lirreer pursua|t to this Cl't !c' or Pro'trr ng thc Corirrsl. shrl . sLbiect io Cla( sc ll 3 be paid bv the P ynenl lftcrrn sLrcr days irller Agcrcy Lo the Contrnctor !vi(l)ln l0 Conlrilctor' Ccrr,llcale hrs bccr joirrll] !e'n'd bf PLocLrrrrg i\!lc|cy ard or. ir) the case ol rhe.l-inal Ccrlifica(c relerred lo I Sub Clrtrs' | 5' wrlhin 60d.]fs aftcr sLch Firlal Pa-\rrrcnt Ccrtificirt' has been lointlv rerificJ by Procur rg Arencv lrr1d Cofl aclo': in thiiry (i0) dir]'s and pr.vr.l.d l:rrr thc lrterirl] Pe!ncIt shrl be 'irrLscC ded Proiect In thccverrt Finrl I'ayrrrcnl in 60days irr casc olforcign I'L days ol the farlLrre ol thc Proctrrirrg Acenc! lo rrakc pay nent $ ithin 90 irt ihc thcn I)rocL rilg Altcncy shall pil) lo I le Corrtrrctor conrperrs'rliorl LIBOI{i-l% cncyand cur :Sdrls ralcolt<tOOnr2% psrlLrronr n loc:r rvh ch tre Ior lorcigr cLrrrcrrcy. rl)or1 all sLrrlrs lLrrraid llorrl lhc daLc bJ sarlrc sholLld have bee I Paid' (l.l Vxlunliolr 0l thc Worlis I Worl. .l cr'.rcd"'fo 'l('lor i'l)e'nrlr'"1 D'11 'lle'l l.j li[!c ! i\{oIllhlt'SlxlclDcn(s 'llre Coftractor shal r) b) Lrc cntitled to trc oiri( at monlhly intclvals: thc !rluc o1'Lrc WoIis crcclrlc(i lus\ lo llrc cnDrulative rnrotLrrt Paid prc!roLrslli aid ' varistrons (il vrLue oI sccured advalrcc o]r the nlllc els and valualion of af) ). Agency The ConLractol sllr lslL[]lir t eac l Lnorih lc the L.rrg;rrecr/Procuring sraicfrc rt sho!virrg lhe afiounts io Nhich Ie co:riiders lrimself ertitleC ― i.ialr t!iiL,c .r.., cr)!.fL ii.SL:].,. ) r.r ii.r r\ rrr$ firJ' i' r -:o\ 「 ` ― 珈 r1 13 In,cr;ur I'.,rln(,,r. With r a llr oJ no( crcledng sc!en (01') da)'s llofr thr date olsrLbrrssiorr.rlr shierrr.ft ibr iriiflr) rr]:iL.!r bj ih. a'cnl ec(. th. Irrgnerr s]rall !.ri:] (h! sore ln.l wrlrLr e pcr oJ not c\cec.jnll thiny (10/60) ( xys fton lhc slid dr(e o1' sUbn s5i.n bt the Co rl r.tor- tLc P:c:Lrr r!t..\l.fc! slrxll pav Io the Conlrxclor llresurnsr:trl:cllolairsi:r.rr1 lor deaL.iiorcithcrd.,'enccpayrncnrsardrct.nl .| fronc]. lll Rctcrlior frorc! sra lb. paid by the IirccrL: fg Agcnc) lo t|e Conn'aclor \!ithi1 lorrlcln(14)dr)saflcr cr(herthcc\pr I olthcpcriodslrledrnlhcCon! |cl Data, o (Lc rcnred),irgofnolilled deicc(s, or rhc conrplctiof ol ouElandr0g rvork, all as releir:d i. if Srb-C ars., l. $Lriclre!cr stire hl.r. │15 Irir:rl I)xl \\ritr D)cnl r ($cfl) ofe (:i) fron lhc detc of issLr.rce of rre Milrtcnince Certificate thc Contractor slrr I srbnrit a lifal .ccount to lllc Efginccr to vc|ily ond 1re Ir)!r reer shl1ll vcrii lh. srne s ll:. fourictf (lr]) drys froin (lrc drte oT \rbrri;ssror) rnd lo.wfid the srnrc to lhe Proclliing A!cnc] Iogetrer $'ith afv 'oc'r c r',. or 'n sor,.' '\ 'cc ra,1 to .rolc rr f rro rr ri q.'r ,,\ lo , ce.r. r, ll)e fi ril contrr.i da),s \ xluc Wilhrn sixit (60) dats lrofr ihc d^le or rcceipt oi thc vc fied llxnl account llonr Proc r rS Agef.),sra lpr] to lhe Conltxclot llnlr' amot nl.lNe lo 1rc Contracto' Whilc rrlakirg such pl),rrrcnl (he ProcLrring Agcncy rray. lor r.asons lo ba ! ver to (llc Col]tractor ir $rltrng. \y ihrola anv paL(ot parls olltc I rc E:rltrnee'. il)c │16 Orrr r crrcl l)N\,frent sh" I Lrr if llrc cL:neIcy ritetcd rr (lre Conlroct 12 I)litr,\I it,'t' 1,I Dc0rulls bv Conlriclor' Dih. thc (-onllxclor lbrndons thc Works. rcfliscs or iai]s (o conrDly with ,l va id xsrnrcrioil ol (hc t rSir)ccr'Proc!fi rg AgcIcy or lails io proceed expeditiously rln(l \ilrorI (lill). or rs. (icspic r $ilLcn corrrplairrl, rn tr|clch oalhc Cont irci, lhc ProcI irl Agercy friry givc ]roti.c rcfc irg to lhis Sub Clause and staling (lrc ll_ dcJhLri(. ll rhe CofIactor h:ls nol raken all pracr cable slcps lo icmcdy ihc delault lviihin turirlccn (1.1) dlvs a{icr |cccipL olllrc I'rocurlng Agency's noticc, the Procurirq ,\ltcrrc),nri), 1.r ir s.cord fotlcc tL\,cx Nrrhin r hrillrcr lwenty ore (21) dals, t.rnrinrtc thc Co0tracl. flrc CoftrNctor s llll lhc r ( cinobi ize iio]r lllc Sitc lcaving bchiFd afy Crilrrctor-s L,luiPnrcrt !vIriu) lr. ProcrriJ)g Agcncy ins(ructs. iLr ihc Lrcond noticc. 1o be Lrscil frr tlrc corrplci (-rr oi lhc \\'orks al thc risk 0na cosl of th1r Cox(rrclor. S,, ij!i:;.i'n.r.r.,r ll.!r tr.,. 1lr,:rl iL',,, ,:..,! L l..iL 百 Ⅷ聯 l.l Dcfn ll lls b) PIocIring Agcnc), l[(h. Pro.] rn! r\!en.\ liLils:o pi],ir acco.liIce rr(h rhe Controcr. or rs, acs! lc 1 \vri(irr .o|rl)ll rl, iI b c..h oi lhe Cortin.i. i]c Contr.clor may !tlve nnlic€ rcTe],li rit io tlr 5 Sub-ClaLrsc irnd srirtrng t rc delanl( ll rhe dchUll is Iol renrc.ticd \vithirr fou tcen (14) days afrer ih! Procrr ng Ag.nc!'s reccrpl of th s Ioti... llrj (lonlrilclor lril!\t!;-.c1Li il)r c\caLrlic oi illlor patis ol licWori,s. ll lhc (lulirril rs fl)L rcIrr(l cll $ri I n t\!cr)t! rig rl (lS) (Lrys illcr 1 rc Procuri g .^gcJrcr"'\ r.ce,l)l ol (l)r (lo rre.ror s nor c!, trc (:(irlkaclor rnay [r], a second nofrcc Srvcn w t rrr) a [Lr rcr lwc rl] oIe (2 ) dr1c. tcr'rI'|.rrc thc Co rlruct l'hc ( oft'r((or ilrrl tIcrr dr lloh lisc fiorx lir! SiLc. l].3 lrrsolycrcy ll'a Pirtf is dcciarcd irso reni Lrr,lcr an1 applicablc ar\, thc olher Party lna), by roricc lcr nlfere (he Connact ifincdiately.'l_Jre CoIt|lctor shall then demobilisc liorn tl). siLc lc.viIg bch d. ln llr. .as3 ol tltc ConLractor's illsolrency, rrry Contracl!rr s Equifmenl *hich lhc I,roc JiIll Agclrc] ;nstructs in thc roricc rs lo bc r sed lbr thc conrpletion ol rhc Works : ,l l)r\nrcnt upon 'l'crr inrlion ,\1i.r Icr firi(ior- rhe Coirtrector :ir:rli bc o,-L|. vrltle of llc Lvorls .nrit.(l lo paynrent of lhe rnDrrd rnd Irrnr erecLrtcd aljd ol the N4aterirk Lc,rsonably d.livercd to tlrc rite, adiusied b1, thc fbliorvirg: brlaJrcc ir) r)r),srifs b) .f)'sums io !!lrjch c) il lhc ProcL)r ng Alcocy lras lc )r ira(cd undcr Sub Clar sc 12. I or l2 3. rhc I'jroc!rirr_s Agcncy shall be crlrlJed (o a sufr equivalent to t!ve|tv perceft to Nhich lhe CoDlra.ior is (hc Procriring AgcJrc_y is enr tlc.l. (:09lo) oIrhc \,alLro olparts oathe ner lrriaNce drc slrai] nor ice 1.. _ii RISIく oftc ror c\ecrted at the dlte ofthe rlrfatLo b. perd or repaic \!irhiI t\vcnty cigl)t (28) dir]s oilhc r S AND RCSPOヽ SIBILITIES Corlrlrcto,'s C^rlr of lhe SrtLrjccl S \forki l lr. Coni aiicr hls te nmatcd Lrnder'SLrb-Clause 122 or l2l lh. Co rlrir.ror shrll Lrc c0tiiled lo lhe cosr o,_his (lcfrobilisaron lo!clltcr \vith rr srrn cqLrivalent rc ren nercc0t (10%) oi(lrc yeluc oft)aris oitlre u,orks fot.\ecr tcri ,rt i1e latc of ic r)itetion (l) -lhc cIli(lcd rlndcr Sub-Clause 0.i. r. I SLrLi C rLr:j.9 l I i. Ccrtr..tci il)l i ril. irlirespcnsibilrtl I r, fubii. ) .clron. rt lt.!rliror\ A, iiri, L! (nr.irtr.,sjr)a r !!r.fl. ior llic cr c ol rhe \\or(s fonr ilrc ComLncnce]nerr Darc unril ljrc date of thc Irrocurirrg Agcrcy s,/Erg;nc!r s rssLrlIcc aI Ccrlillca(. ofCorrpleliof urdcr SLrb CliLrse 8 2 Ilcsnorsrb lt\'sirrlL th.ir rxss lo ihe procrrin:t r\gencl. 1l ar)' loss or damagc hr)i)crs 1o llic \\'orl,s rlL:lr3 trc rDovc pcfloC. Irc Conlriicror srrll rcctiiy sfch o.i.; or df r:rge so 1 rxt t rc WorLs corr fornr \eit r (hc Contr;rct Unlc!s ilrc css or dafririlc rll,'rcirs as il resUll cl'ilry ofthe Procurirg ,\gcncl, s Rlsks. t rc Cof(rirc{or sr.li irrlcrxrr 1) thc Procurln!t Agency- or Iis agrntj agrlnst rl c alxs ioss. da f.q3 il r(l cxrc )ic irL5 g o u i a i I r a \\/ c r k s r Ii)r(( llr t.l.: irrrrc occfLs. rr. Cor(r.clor srl I rrotilt lhe L )irirrccr./l)rocr rifg A[.rrc! rir]rncCirl!l] lf fcccss. ]. 1rc (lor)tr.cioi rir) !!spcod llrc crcculion o1' thc Works and. io the ertcnt a!]lccd \\ilr Ire Procurln!t Agency demoLrilize thc Co r(raclor's EqrLiprnent- ll l:orc. !litcrirc lltre rrvt evcnr contlrLrcs lof a perod oaeiehty four (S1) days, eitlrcr Pa(y nray thcn rrotic. ol lcfrllretio 1 \,hich s rxll lalc eflacl l\\er)ly cight (2S) da)s aftcr thc trYirrg ol (hc noticc. .\llcr ic'in xario r. rlre Conractor shal be crl lied to paynrerrt of lhe Llnprid b,riancc ol the valre ol the woikt cxccuted flnd ol lhc lvllterials ird PJant rcasonabl.- dclircred to tlrc Sitc, adjusied a) axy sr r)rs to lvlrich tlre Coftracior is c rtill!d Lrrr.lcr Sr b-ClirLrse 10.'1. b) thc coslolhrs dcnrobilizal orr. an(l p!\ r!rr\ .) ' i.] t|c lollos'ing. sL l-h! nli in \\irl.:r rret balsrce dLrc rrclrca ol_Lcxni railon. IJ, INSURANCE 4.1 Arr-r ngcnrcr(s ir. l)iocur:rrrA!.rc\ iscrriilled sh:rl be pair o: ,cprid r!irrirr thi tv fi!c (:15) dnvs ol'lhc l_hc Contrrcror shir i. pr or to co rt nerrcrIg rhe \\/orki, ellect insrrrarcls ol thc (\,pis, rn lhc rnrour)ls ard nrrrirq rs irrsurcli the p.rsors slipulltcd in thc Contf.lct Drr. .riccpl lo:' ric n! (a) io (c) rrrd (jl oflhc Ploc!r rrg Ailcnc] s l(lsks trrl( cI Sub_ CLruse 6.1 Ihe policies sha I be srLred bf irsu crs afd ln lerLns approvcd by lhc Pro. rifg r\i:er.,'- I-he Cort actor sillll Pro!'idc ire Errgir)ee./P ocurir!. ASency \\'ill) c!rdc 1c. ihit ir)) rcqL ircdpo cy s rr lolcc rir(l lhrl lhcprcnitlrrs rrlvcbccl prirl. 4? Dc lir u I1 ll'the Conrrir.rci Iir ! tc cilj.i or k..: ir force ax\ o!'tire nsrLmnccs refencd io in the Irevious Sub-C arse. or fa ls lo provide s.risiactorl, cvrdencc, polrcics or recciprs. thc Procrrrng i\gc rcy rrra!. wilhout trcjudicc to any other right or j ,.j1, r,r,l,li l']t.r,cnc,i{ lt.1,lr!, \ \:i t):rr \far.:)f.r:, 1,..\ ?l len,ed, cfぬ ct 、じ│■ ncc t「 ilc cO、 せI ICeヽ ant to,uch ns n dじ 6‖ t and ,■ , thc 〔llC a I Iせ じoヽ こ1 :,c sa lc ,lts ast ii l〕 PeiCe]tage ti、 で ]‖ , cO ntinelo「 Ooa loハ l any O he nn10J→ lS duC lo hc CO■ l ac。 「 pl● 1l t‖ い j l l■ ,1、 R ESOI(lT10N oF DISPUTES ItDgin((r's l)cci\ io I lla I sfr (c ofafy l.rnd lvhatsocver lriscs beru,cc| fhe procuring Agefcy l]tul ttc Contrrctor'in corrIcc(ion !\,rth lhc u.oiks, tIe r)aitcr in disputc stili, rr thc lirlt phcc. l). rclir'.tL ir irr'rt:Iqto th. l;ritijr.er $.i1| I cop,v io r rc or re r prr rr Srclt rclccIcc shr:l sl:rtc irxt :r is r)rird! p.lsrr:)r to ll)rs Chtsc. No lirtcr Ilrirr lhc t\rcn(y cighl (28) dil,s ancr lIc dl),on e/hiclr lrc recervc(l sUch rc[ere|cc. thc lr rgi rr$ slrrll ri. !c otic. ot' hrs (lccisior) lo th. I)rocurirrg Aqc|cy (Su|crirl.|( )g Efgi,rc.rl lfri I rc C. rrlrator. rh. Ccflracl r.s .lread) becr repLrdi0(cd or tcrminalcd. the Contr.rctor shall, rr cver) casc. co trlrue to prococd wjih tlrc lvork with rjl dLte diliqence, and (hc Conlraclor and lhc ProcIriIg Agerc) (SLrpcriIrcrdifg EIginccr)shall ili!c efftct lbr(l)!\rtjr to c!cr\ su.h r.crsror of rhe EngrIccr UIlcss an(t ,nrit lhc s;inc sh.llSc rjvrs.d. as hcrc rrJier pro\ Jcd rn ar) arbrtrrt r\\.rrd. Un css 1 2 Nolirc oI risficrio Dissx . , l..rr. ..r. lt ., i. r.,: .. .t . , l. jl r.e." .t......,rtt..,r. 0.ir l, . ' r t ' - ..r ,..t r.5.LJ r .,,.S'l ., ,. , ,o\,. rtre d:cr 'o'r " r r ' \ t.r,r\ rray:tivc rcrice of( is5.rlsaa.tior rcJc, iD! rc rhis Srb Cld|se \\rrJr I IoLLttccf (14) days ol r'cce',rt oi^ thc dccision or thc c)iDir)/ ol-thc tirrc lor thc (iecisjorr. ll ro nolic. of(lrssltislxctroI iJ givcn s,irh:) (hc si)ccIlca lirre. (hc d.risloI shajl hc llir. ard trirJ:|3 on ll . Prlres lf nc(icc oi drss:rrrsLclioI rs gr!cn !vill)rn rl)c spccil-;c(l L r)c. ti,e il,rc sroI slrrli Lr. I ira Ig orr tIc Pr (ies wio slriril givc e[Terl to rr !\,illrorl dcl.r], rnlcs! irrrd ur)r I Llr. !tccjsjoI ol-ll)c Lnsircer is reviscd b! rf r . . : : : : . r . arbi(tltor. ll-a conrrirctor js d ss.(r:rtl.C $rrl) rhc rl.cijion of lhc Efgineer olllr. depar(nr(nr or d:crsiorr s not jtr\.r) i) me thcI he can elrprolch SUpcrinrcndrfg EIair)ccr .1..r i.'.) .. c,l r.\\.ti l..rr, r'r,lr o.c.or,l.,rucr,,rl"r(lr.rr.L,rLi.(r or fot dccided \!ithir 23 days. ther bitrarjoJr irjocc5s !\,ould bc adopred as Drr clause 15.i. ,\r'bilI.xlio l, A a isl)r lc \\,lii.it h.s [rcc r lhe suL)e cl ol a no(Lce oldissatislactjorr sha] befi|rllr '1ll'd:..r"'t ,\'r\r.,o'\r .:..,'o,, \.t .-0 l.\.1 \u..\ o, gtUrarr.r Rr,i. rrl.dr'1,- li tr r'.\ 'li t,t\ ri.o.. ..r'to. t.(.cto {-\ 'r r,,r{ lt.ri J., ' 'r i ..: r. c ,' :r .'e . ..::.,- F.. .r::. .r .1,: iJr,^,..:L referJpr' ro r, SrbClrusc 15. S rJi l,L hi,. IJ,od . nc rr 1{..!.r.,r Ar r1.., L, \rr. rr, irj,i,.!.v :ri ゝ t6 6l r N'1'[C ll rril Y t,\cT (hc Co r( ,rctor or \,iolrted i r\ Ccrr:rr.clorr. l,rc|rts or:ic vxrts ir lo0fd to havc ol ilrc irtc:li\ Pact sirncd bv rlre Coi)rractor as L.t lris S'rl) or xvol\ed rr !i.i:itror I tohrs Brd.ih!n the ProcUrrngAgcrc] shall becrlillcd10: SchcdrTc (r) ( t,) (c) j'ro I ',rc CoIt..c(or aI arnoUnt cauivalcnt io rcn trntes (he srfr of inv c,rrrrrnissi.rl. ::rnliil..tior. bilbc. fifdcr-s lic or ki.ltback !i!,cn b\ tlrc Conlrirctor or .nt ol_ rrs Sr its(lofl a!tors. .rlcfts or sc'!n rtsi lcrnrrllrtc rhc Co rlcli a rcl rcco!.r Ijom Ihe Cc, rireclor .n\' oss or diLi))rge to I rc lrrocLfi|! Altc|cy as l resr I.f!ucr (:rnrnai:cf cr ol air) cll).r cor,' pt brsLness pracri.cs olihc Co rirrctor or rf) oiIis Sub Cofrraciors. rgents or'scrvarrls recov.f On tcl]fin;rl or) ol- lrc ConrJacl r 1'lcr'sub-Piu.r (b) ol 1]lis S!Lr Clause. tirc " r': r: . r:::,.'' : t .:i,, , .or. r-.'r .r'. t1...: r,f , Co:'..'or ulrich llrc I']rocrLringA!,jr.], lrsi!.1s. I t re lcrr Daiiof rorce. to bc I \cd lor the corrrplct of oltre \voik5 at iire fisI rr( cost ofI re Corllxcto . PxyrncDt u]ron srch lcrminatio ) slr.ll be nrrCc t],rdeJ Sub-Clause 11.4. ,n accorlaic: r!irh Suh l^ri (c) thcreof. icr lr.ving C.Ju.I€J ilrf irr.unis dr. io ihe PiocLring Agcnc] undcr SL ! P r. (i,) r,rd (c) o I rl,,s Srb.Chr rc ct]\'ril\alT I),\'fA tr,td. L\Lt)tt t|ijrtr t)t))t^,itt inl ;ttul !il Cot1lnt.t D!to thauil i),?,rir,'),r,{.1!rr.r /)'r,r'l,),(\r/,rr.( t)t 1):r il:(itittf lillul ii hr tl)t D,)c1t,}trttt\ ) iub-CIr uscs ol :ondiliofls of Con tr,tct I 1 i I'rocrrJ]f:t Altcnc)-s l)l\vjni!, rl .r) ato it( ii.\tatl l\ tlt! I't't)tu i))t:.4,<,.'r,-t') .l :l 'lhc l'rocur ing i\gcncl, 5 I hc Cor(rn(.lor mcarri nrc.rirs I 1., ConrrrrcllccnrcDl Drrr meefs (re dltc ol issLrc ol Enginccr's Notlcc (o Corrlncncc ri ,.: r .lr. ll l,: :s$,., s: ir ) i: rirt..f i'.ll (lrls oi- ll). si]]rix. oi lhi Conlircl II9 -l rrc for 〔0ヽ ヽ Corrrplctio (Th! !iir lo' cotrt)lttnn o! the \rho!c i't rLirrirt /1\:t):! -) ol tl)! ]ktrk.: shrtuld bt: osse\\aLl b)'tltt 1.20 [nginccr (Drcrlior thc ntrnrc along will) lhc dcsignrlion rDclu(ling brlongs to (lcpnrlnrcnl or cons ll:I)l) xnd oihcr dctxils I I (. ) (l ) (.i (i I (.r (l (r (h r i Docun,cn(s fornriDg lhc Contr-^ct listc(l irr the ordcr ol Thc Co rlmcr ,\g:ec n! pr';o rvhellcl hc i': rl Lclrcr ol Acccplilr.c -l-hc co nPlelcd Fofln ol 8 .j Ccr:t rct Drl;t Co rditrons ol Cofirrcl Thcronrpiclc(l Sclic(l):.s lo Biil iLr.luC rl.lSclr.drr Thc Drrwifgs. ilair) l hc S|ccillcrlio rs c.f Pf:c.s (i. o iT tl1, r lr.).!Ltirg lgglcf i:t:,. i:i.l in ataer ci,.rt: .t) .\!rlt aii'!t iacuntnt.t ur [oru, pat '' Cont-rct. Deic!e Ilrc Liocl trLnt ;lmt a?piicoi!e) Si, lr |(h i. l' o.urcmcfl itc!0lao I rLiror it, \r\,.rr r\inil].!.\.p1, 13H)1)Iヽ Gl)ヽ Tヽ llris :t'ction sholrl(l lrc llllc!l in [r\ ll)c l]1!rtratr Procrrr'ing ALcncr i,..lbrc isstrancc oI the hjLl.linl tlocLrnrr-rrLs. l-hc li)ii,r\\inS ipctilic rlutr lor lltt rorks to b('tcndcr.d shill conrplenr!-nl rnr(n(i. ()r !I|lrlarn(rrl llrt prr,rirr,'rr. rrr llla lrl.lrtr(li,,rr\ rrr Ilitlrlcrs. \\'hcr'crcr.lhcrc rrc c(rnllrrrnts. tlrc p|rrri:ions l1r:'rirr shxlll,r'crlriir,tcr'ilrr,.c itt thc lnst[rction to Biddcrs Insllu(lions to Ilirlrlc Cl:r rrsr, I.l rs Ilcfcrcrtcc \:rr r( ol l'roctlrint .\gcI(\ | に、cc utヽ c lint oご く 1ヽ )ヽ 、いo(1口 itollon)Ghotk 'hぃ Ilricf l).scriIlillI of \\ i.trr)l'}r\.uri,r! ヽ││ t0..1 ._' l (;;-l t l,',lt-t-)&r,"I f l s frl F' Y ;;r 4'r Ru 1 kovl'' . . i.r .. ?. ",'r-1"."-, l'4'fn, f ,1,'"..,,\,. tll, -.,1.;,t., tr : ..r.r i ,,n, . /:,*l l; t I . -'i L\.!'trrL\('-],llI rr..r'(ihoIki D i\ l'rq.Ll.'fig!ffqlrl-Q]l-!],\r \lrcnct i:r(l(l .ii tt SltLr:rttJ lrr l':rrti,'ll (.,'lonr Chotki 」11せ ぜi ヽ `てヽ1ぜ 、、 li(l .lrirll l,. li.;ll'. quolcd c|ll , )r;-"-, r.', #fr-ib-1:.._,- r(l\ lrrP.rl. litrfc.' flr. Irrr crr(slrill [).rrrrici11 P'rl llu])ccs' lllc hr,l(icr llrr thc lj x i trl reehrrr..,r r !l .r r.l11.li,,|.rl iillllrilrl\ rltl('r{rr,\ Io fcr[o n ll). ttr'' , olrtmcr irr lirll(\\ s: /r,'. rr |t'r/a;[',/,.rir,/'ilrrr,'' .n.l .!'t u't, i. linilrlii.lc;rfx(il\ : I \tit't ln^', t;tt'))'\,"' ii 'cchlli.rrl crt,rrcir' I (.1/,' ti, tl), ,tl'l\1':\ i'ttr t)tr.:,4t,'t rt ' t thl t\tvt'iftr't ,'l tl^'rt,tti iii. (nIsrRruri,\rrcjrtrrcir\rlllr'ttit, tln' tt,tttt. \ 'tlttl ttithl"t "l ':tlttil' trttt\r(tttttftIl-luth(\r'tk) I R' '\liil)'tri't :i\trttrt,l titL I'1.( o l qtNliii'.ttit)tt ︱ ︱ コ ヽ 一 l)ro!ision ofSirci O r Lt . CcIt rr.rIxcrlren I)rt. Arilhorizc(l pc rson: \rruc ild rd(l.css │` │'crf01■ l):〕 1,cc Sect〕 ot tngjnccr'stprocnring i\genc}..s I rDr-cseDlurivc l ir、 : Vn dt、 (i:otnt l\ nrott.ltl Ltnti,, St.rl.ftt Fat)rj.\ a/!hese D..)cu,tcnt, Rcq il.cnrcnrs tbr Co lr,rcror's (j.sigIl (il ,Dv)j jl SPccii.atroi) Cliirse I)r \o's ogrrDD)c- 'I inlc tot's bllrission: \\r t]liN foL:ri.e I 1) rllt_vi Iirinr of rrlogun:nrc. 't (Lar I Anro rf t payrrblc dle to liilure to conplorc 4 { iCln) ofsrJrn sraicd (LJsLr.lly thc (liy rrr - li,r LelreJ' sltill oa il:c Co rrrence nc]lt Darc L harLtc PM./PLRT at othar) bc % ncrdav !J] Lo a nrar|Iurr of oi ,^:ccrrii|.. liq'Idlted damrges c sct bct\ycer 0.05 pcrcent and 0.10 perccnt pcr ) Il:r r I) Complclion ln casc ofcar'ticr conplclion ofthc Work, (hc Contrac(ol is entitled ro be paid Lronrs up ro ljmit.rd :i a rxte cqrrivalcnr to j0% of ihc relevanl inrir an(l furc of liquidered da ages shlcd lI rhe coIlracr data │ヽ l'cIiod loI rcnrcd] ing dcfccls 0l (c) \:x Iix tron pl'occ(tu rcs: Da\, \,o ' ,1tes dcrrr !) ll l crDrs of pxJ,Drcn ts r) \4obilizx rion rt{tyxncc () \ r l: l,r ! loLriliTrliof Ad\rn.e uD ro 0 % ol.i r. Cortrlci Plcc stared in the Lettcr ol .Acccprr rte sh::i1 irc plid b\ ih. piccul ir,: {rcltav lo lhc Co)nador on lh.l \!orks ccstixg Rs.l.5 frj;liof or ilLrove.I io ion,i|1 con.li(iorrs. r. l,r..L r.,r. rl t.|L ti Lrjr /lL rir.r i\ i 11\ .1) )rr\r ra r.!.,.1,t or s!bfris.jlor bw 1r. C,,rrirlcror oi a ilobii zaticrr '^dvarlce Gu'xlrntcc ior ihc JiLll inroiin( .i rhe AdYarcc ir rte spcc ficd fom fro a Sched' ca ll:\rk r'r Prk \1lr lc the ProcurLrgAgufcl': of Con! ncior wlll pey illlcrcst o I the mobilization advarrcc rt the rrtc (0 () 109'o pcr orr the ird\.rrce: af(l rilc irrlercsl shirll 5e Ieco!efed rir 5 cqLral rls ionr lLle lvc (0-il R.A bills rn'l irr cirsc lrc rrtlmber olL)ills Ail!.r.e This ( ) ir rrruLrr ir)sta lnrc il lcss llrrr) jrr.luil r1,q (05) thcn l/5'r'ot_trc rtlvr rcc jllcltrsi\'c of (hc irllcrrsl tIcreon 11r I bc rccovc t,:l l orrr cic r br I rnJ lhc bal' )cc logcthcr wlllr is irLercsl I.. r..o\cr.i liolrtlr. tlrrx b l. ltirre!be Lrlsrrred thal tl'lc li!. s fj_cicr! r!:xoUft rrr Ilrc firra b;l io er)2ble le'oveil' of ll)e !1obil zrlion Ad!ar)cc olt 2) Sccurc(1 .{(ll (a) l rnrc ot) }l,iterirrl\ rrll b. c ltitLc( lo Iccervc liorlr lhc P'ocurrrll Agency SccLrrcd l\DENTUItE BOND irr P W Accouf( Form No' ll(l:iLr' ,rilr'",,." ^g"in.,r,,r ol sLrclr srrrn ls i1' n. I'orm io. : ac.eptabe to lr: Procrring '\g'nc) ' r_l lraol'nrrl"rrrL l'rc"''l I I i ,',, ,,.",,,,"t . :, i "r f'op'r rrr:c r !lol )c Corrt rctor s ,1."-.. ,||o, t., 'o..i, 'ire xrel!'irl' ar. I (0 P.nnrrrc r1 ,r et. rr,rr 'r,'\\oi\ lio\rJ Ilrl: .!.of(lixrce vilLr Lh' Sp€cii:al;orrs for lrc \\'o rks i (Ie "r ..:, .\c|'i'|c !(Ico I li'c''re I''l r-rl" 1lr'oo^rlr "" rr'l '_'r';o'r ''l"fr:'' .',.po,...i,' 'l I" ''I?'''I.'r rnd cosr ol-the risii the rt b1:l Er)girre'r ord rcr 1l;llroi ol rhc '| 5..clr rr. CoNti.cl.r_. "rp,ori r" ",o.l o'llre''''l'i r"'cnl o-dc" 1'eipl!jr'11 "'e I r.rlcr,.... .,re .(ft ;r 1 ., |n .rl-t o\-d D' rl c tllqir,ccr. ir , ,rcL ir r3cords s (1.) rill be 2\11ila5lc for irrspectiLlrr byrlhe Ertlrccr' Ccrlirclor slr:r:l :Lrl)rrril '!ilh his rrilllll starcrnenl tre estinlined as lrlily be !irltLc ol thc rrraterials orr S itc toget rcr !\'iih such docurllents nllr't ( v1l.'liun eri''l) r... Ir.l lJ\ I I-rrl rl((r lo- rl,F frrln. ol "llJ -1r''r'tr'ercloi" L , f' ,, . I_lre t ',"..^-': ""'lrir"i Cr,rne,slip ol'sucl, i:rricri:1ls sirall bc ileemcd to !csr irr the ProcrrLrng Ag.nct anri thcsc rrralcrrills shail rro( lie rc ovcd fionr thc S l' or otircIrvrsc t sposcrl ol \v lhout wlllLcr pc' iss o r ol_ thc l'rocuring (') Agcrlc) 3 1'. e!.r rrri'i. ,1lr nrr Sr!' shiLl ro1 erceed :rli %' y oa-ihc (rJ irx.l.d cosl .l_ impo lc(l rnalerrals or (ir) ex_laclo I ei-\valcrorse pricc of ocai y nlafutrclirrcd or Produccd materie !' or (iii) rrrark.L Price clsla ril5 other natcrrlLl!: (i )l llre │,│〕 │'tl じ1'「 ●tl+せ sLLrr ( l(じ ,tl■ ''じ ,,, ir).! ,,,r1r.ritr r\,tr firi:\ ra:ro\ rl' (vr) liccuLerl Ad!irrrcc should Lrol bc a Lo\!cd lrrr ess &Lrrrlil thc pr0vious rrrivrnce, ilar, hri recovcrcdt " (\,iii) l)clrii.(l r.rourl ol ll!rrrt.c! rrrr tl l). l:rl ir]rlrt 11ol'rtrrrrrirrgirccorrrl b ll. nnd (ir) (h) Sc.urc(l A(L!xnce Lriry bc Pcrlrill.l orll)' ilg,rlrst llralclials/q!arlitlcs inl ci|aied to bc coLrrrrrlle.j / Lr(i zcd o 1 l;rc \o k !vitllirr a ircr iod ol_l ironihs llcrn lhc (]ll. ol-issLr. oi s.c(rrcd advrncc and dcfinitcll not tb| lir quintiti€s ol riil.rrals io (he crrlirc worl-/contracl (i) , olSccured i\ d vlncc. S.clrcrl ACv:\rcc laiC to iir. CorrlLrclof unLlcr lhc iboYc Provisrorrs s I bc ellicled llor)) lirc r)or)(l)ly l)alr)enls orl aclrxl .onstrrrrflior hir\rs. bul rrot nttr rrarr pcrioil sPcc fied ir (hc ftrics not rrrorc lhan lhrec nortrs (cvct illrftrtrl led); olhclcorrditrons' recoverics rlrc rIsde thc out!ixrrdifg acco(rnis of the items .cncct rcd if lart ll should be rcrlLccd b rrrakin! dcd!ciiorl cntries in rh. co[L . ti.cLr'l qur til] uti i/cd n lvork mc'srrrerl since Prc!rotrs b ll. cqLrivrlenl 1o Ih. qLranlitlcs ofmxleri.ls trse(l bI lh' corrllflclor o0 tc c o[ lvork s rolvn $ cxccr ted ]n Pari I ol thc b rll' As () (ci ! Rccove j nronlIl)' Iir\ njnls; il. Cc'rtrrcicr' sra sr:b'L;rir'to rhc IlLigrneer the cLrrrL:llliYe starerrrc:rls of ihe ?st Lrrslcd !aiL e oa th! \vork cimplclcrl lcss .l\ ..lLO Ir ' r' l_... i.e io. ''llr" q r' lr ^l ,i . .,1 .'o. . or1 io " el' rr' ' lrrtrrl r ,l (|..'i.'r :.': .:i Q l'r r'_ i l' (lD \rlir !':scc!r.J il(l\r:icc oi_ irc r:rrle rls x:)C \ritLirl on of!arlii ons (1a,,)'). fiii) (v) Lnilircer rrr.l c\cltr'ic rr)r tcm ccrlifie'i in l PrcvoLrs certificakr or rc(ltLc€ th. l,-rcporrion of enr- ilenr Prevlously cert licd in any ccrtiliorle ir) t r. rghl oi laier iracrr)ratio r. l(ctcrr(ion Inoxc! irrrd olhcr aC\'arrccs are to tre recovered from lhc brll siLbrrr 1.2 "(a) iltcd bY corr{rn.tor. Virlu,rlior) ol thc wor'l(s: r) l,!flp il I nrLr sr (der.,i s), or Lcc )rr.. cr ire.l Cosr reirr Lrr r prcm rr rbcrr (lSl{ rsrblc `` ヽP「「:│` '( '=● `1'I ヽ1 1(' :│` `` Crtl■ ●│, ′ '││` cs-----(dctarls). Re-measrrcncr( !vith esllrralcd/l)id quxntitrcs rn.rlt ヽ て││'11,,tl'(ctlo,,じ (detei s). ol !\ iih sclreJr cs oa tr,cs nr )ric. u,ilh biil oi-quanlit l'rL..s or v) r Lunrir sr xr ) l.r !) sLrnr o b.io$ al.t.ils). ir the SchcdLrlc q!o1ed on o or r,'r rd of thc li.s rc(cnrio,r' /ir'.'f-i2il li I I'c,ccntrgc ol ll.6 Crrrrrncl oIpr]'nrtnr: 4.1 Pri l(irpees lrrstrrrrrccs: lltocttltr!.,1,!'ttct'ttttt''l.ci't!.llepl'gin\-ic\rthenarttcand !0P alttu l atk) tlte Tl'l)c of covcr -I ,\ lc \\'orks nr o rttr n statc(l ln t rc l-cttcl ol A.cc r(a rcc P us l licen percent ( l5%) 'l_hc sLr ll pc Corr tf I of coycr o I corcl ll!(or's E(lr: ii-. rr cn I ,\mountoIcoycr l:r ll rcfLrL.cnrcLrl c('sl '[] pe of covcr -l tird I'erl)_rrr.ilrl)' (o Pe.sorrs irnd drLlrage lo propcrly (Thc rtiti,ttttt a atttt of !]itLt Ptrl)) Pr..ttt|):r.4rtttc.' tt)1.i in:urttnct :;houltl be o!ft!3ei t) ct:t.' t tl) Othef cover*: ″li c`,じ ルca:ぜ l.l.l r■ ,iぜ `iri4、 .rrノ 「∫Cθ lイ lσ `″ =ゴ ■riκ P/ο ξ Иg`,,c″ “ AI)rourrt to bc Icco\'ctcd Prefrrnrplus. l5.l ●′ `′ - ,^rbilI,1(ioD"; PLrc. .f \:bilIa: t (Pt-ocunn!.\grnc\ t+ ll: i.x.t 1o c -Pcrccrrt(-%)' I \itrr:l.t' at olPrc4t ir:tct i. tt ;,':ir !tclir::..'5irr./1rl .irillrtrL\'].,frf.nc r lL.:, r.1 ALrrl):iLl n \$ li: al iJ! gor nk tlxl STANDARD FORAIS ″ ,θ rめ ′ ハθ 7F,″ 7,′ ′ りIた た′ル ′ぁな ご ″ ″ 7げ ″ ヵ″ ″″ │ピ `ぁ :lilサ │夕 │lil夕 i】 ヽ ││ : 1、 tl' 。じ、│。 11せ 1( ltt■ ui3 `(で `α でわ b“ ゝ ∫ に″121θ わ θ4々 ル λ ‖∬ 1勇:1ガ rlll:り ‰,1:llit │││l11::1夕 ::鳥 、 ヽ '│:′ ``` `,Paヽ 「1 1,、 P、 1、 1‖ FOR,4 0FI,lD SECIJRITY (Oa■ k6● n「 a nicc) I-:ii.r b) iit. Cr riarrto:.r. lirc Irro.rrlllg Agclr.)) tifrc ol-C rri|)(or (Sclrrduicd B il I pir(islri)t lirtss: .ra r wirh rc ol Irrincipe (Brddc0 \!trh nr oaSecUril], (c\prcs:, n words rli(l ∫ gLrcs): ヽo Datc OrB d ALL MEN BY ']'I]ESE PRtSENTS, Lh:IT N pursur rc. of t te teflns or thc Bid r|d at 1l .'cqucsl oi_trc siriC l)rirci).1. \. ihe Ctirir oi rbove lameC rrc held ard firrltl bcrrd ! rio tho - (Ircrernafrer calied fhe ..procurlng (lic A3eni") in surr stttc(l above. lor lhe p.Ll,rrlent oflvhlc]l s m \vell an.l t( ly lo be nindc. s r b r)l oursclvcs. orr hcr.\. c\eculors. adrxiri:uaiors and sLcccssors,loinriy ard scvcrnltL ir nh b\ (h€sc prcscrts I NO\\1 F E CONDIT10ヽ OF T1lIS OB[lcATiON IS SUCII Jlat \vhcreas t;tlj Pri crpal St ],〕 ltC(1 1)c acc0 1],■ 〕 )i]g Bid 2bered i,t 〕 l)as dalcd as abovc lir n〕 d (Particr llrrs oI Lli.l) to (he sa;d Procr riJrs n, lIREAS, Ihe frocuriJrr Agcrcy his reilurr.il as 2 conlitroI for conside|rfl the sai.] Di.j rh.r thc Principal fu h;shcs .r B. l5(..ll:\ r. lrc:l,orc .r'.1 |r,rr,,rc l,r rn,4. r.l. cor () ′01 ilitrorcd ns L rrdcr' lhrt (he Bid Securlty s rall rcrrrilif valid for iljc:'.'r' 'o. \r', r,'- . jl: ( .' IhaI ir l:rc c!cxt ol llrc l)rinciprl rrJrhdraivs l) s Bid (]ur a period ofhvenry cjsht (21i) days bcyonrl Dg rhe i)c rod ot!i idih,ofBld. o. tre Ir irciPrJ iloes for accepi iie corrccrror ollrs Bi(l prlcc, Jrllr\rart lJ lJ,.n.,\ o- a'..'.,. '.1 , o''..11r to. ヽ iirL Ire oF iLc sUc.cssa|l (o SuL) irrdde.to `じ (り () lurnish thc reqLrircd pcribr rat)ce Sccu r!,. Clarsc iil-l i. i ot-t rsJu.li.,rs rc Bi(lit.rs. o. rr accor(jence \vith Srll) sign lhc proporic( Conlrrci ,{srccmcrr(. rrr irccodaIcc wjth Cir' 5cs lB 20 2 .t :() I o I I|sir uclio|s to Bri(Jcrs. ヽ,JI Pt卜 │.P、 ).・ 。n,せ nt tc=Jl k■ 1■ )Aull(■ ,ぃ ぃ、 「 P,,ヽ 1'UI=。 v lk 「 珈 SUI) thc entrc stnr trc paid inrncdialciy to (]]c s:jd l'rocurlng Agency tor co|npl!liorr arr.l nol as penairl for thc srrcccssliri bidd.r'i failurc lo Perfo rr' dclaycd I:OW 1-llllli[[OItE. ]l lhc succc\sl'trl b ((c shrrll. 'vilrirr lhc period s|ccificd thcrelolc. orr Corrtrlcl Agre'rDcnt iie )rcsc-rred forrlr frcrcricd lo h rx lor riLgnalurc c ier irt'-'. 'ormal and irlrlisl) \vrihrLr $ acccplc(i lll his B,( ns il.cor(illlac \ rlh lhc srr(l l)()crl'irrI Agcnc]'ir \vilh sootl I r(l rarrcc IPcrlar Sccurity l)rrlccrr (l/l)(xysoi rc.cpt ol l.tlltrolAcccl)l:rn.c, (l \ llcilrIl sr r(lJ, . rl\ rllll! hc Iu(iil ratl. lrj)r)ll llla lrr l)i)c5crhLr(l hy lllc sll I' ocLrtirll Agctlcy llJrlrcliilhhlpcrforfrilrccrlrdprcP.r iilJllncnl ol ihtsaidCornaclorirthecvcfl olnof\,i1r(lrr\\,al ol_lhcsili( IJr(l !Yi(hil Lhc Iilrrc s|cclfic(l t rcrl lh s obllgiliorr shall L)c vokl arr(l ol fr cllccl. b I o(rcr\!ise lo 3rxai,r ln full iorcc xrr':liJlcci the Ctraraftor shall lorth!vLth rry to tlre Jrroc rinli Agency lhc said st nr s:rlc<l abovc rl)or llrsl $rillcn (lcn)rfd ol Il)c ProctrLir)g Agc)cy wilhotrl cavrl or rrgrLrrrcnt (rr'h r rd wilhout rcqlririrrg ihc Procurirg Age rc) lo provc or to sho!! grou rds or reasolrs Ior (ltrly arnmll(1. folicc ol rvlriclr shal bc s.nl by thc I'toctrrirrg Al,rcrrc] t)l'rcgislcrcd posl e l( rcssed to (ltc Cuararrl.r xt its irddress g Y.n aSoYc PIIOVIDED J l IA f PIOVlDED Al-SO fllAf tre Irrocu ing Agency shall be the solc rrrd final .iudg' lbl d..idin:l wrcthcr the Pfrncipil lrls dtrl] )cLl'olrncd his oblrgrtions to sigf lhe Contract A'{reenrcnl ard to Jurnislr lhe reqLris t: Perlorrrlan:e Sccllril} $iIrin ihc lrme staled abovc, or j h.is detrrrher rrr ,ultillintl said rcqtr rcrrerrls n(l ( re Guarantor sha pl)' withoLrl oLrlectiorr thc rvil rorrt sr in siilcd alrovc Lrporr lj sl $']iltcn Ce nand lrolrr thc Pfoc!rrrr! Agency 'forlil\vr(h a rd e:\ rclaLcDcc lo lhe Prirc Prlor . r\ clher pjrscx. Ir\\'ll'NESSWIIERECI'lrh.l1bovebourrd.dCtr.rnlorh.screcltc(lIenslnrnrcrlI!r)(cr jr, scal or llrc (lit. ifdicrlcd abotc, ihe r.r)c anc scirioflre Gtarllrrtor beirg rercto irlli\0d ai (l lhcse Prcsc rls dL ly rillrred by rts nn(lcrs grred Icpreseftrl ve ptrrs(ranl io irt !rofit)' ol rls _.lr',crring body Gr irrl rtor (Llrr k) :SrgnrtLrre ヽ いessi I l Nrrrre 3 TJe Corporitc Sec et.ry (Seal) (Nrnr.. 5 r, i,'ri. c Iill. & /\rl( rcss) :).r! .frcll liet'r irl.') .\r ((1'0「 l'!,it-, \rx\r'lt h . I .](]r P[ 106‖ n anRぃ (SCn) )TOR],I OI PI]RI;OIT]1^\CE SI]CUIII'I'\, (B,tni( Gurtri n tee) CuaraItcc No EreculcrloI En" p irI Drtc (Lcllcr by lhc G(Lirll tor lo tlrc i)rocL l i rg Agc rcy) \ rrI,: ofCur::rntor (Schr;i!lcrl Ii;rri, in Plr;{rslar N rr. ol lliIcip.l(Col racror) !vrlh Pe riri Sr rlr ofSecLfjly (erpress fil rcs) l-.':.r lri_ AcccphIcs )sirh i| !!orrls and \o. Dated J(i\OW ALL MLN ny THESE pRDSfjN-1.S, rhrrr in pLrsLancc leals otthe B/dd il, ,"1. .:rrc::c. I -r....cc ,(.1. ,ir",..,r .arolrhe rI.oo.,,,"..1 ,,a"i.r.. ',.,"-1,.,1,' rcll r\i oJ iresr!i I,rr|ciljr $c ih. arUr..Jnroribo\c nafied. irc hcld and fir.r]lly Lounri unto rl. __ _-. (hercifrftcr catied rhc _ , .- \ 1l sLrr r'cll and lrul),to b. nade to rh. pro.uirq srid Agenc!. wc frl,A ourr.tr"r, oi,l. t,"i ,. .j,,i.i,, .:.. .-., .,..:o,.::. , , :.-,.,1..r ,,.,, . ". ,r.;, TIII CONDITION OF Tt rrs OBLJCATTON rS SUCU. rhrr !vhcre,rs thc PriIclpat accrricd the Procrrn{ Agel]c),s :rbovc saj(l Lche. of Acccptarrcc f;r (\r Ic c,iCc riract) lo) I hc' (Narne of has Prol ccl). \C\\'l llLlREFOl{E.iiricprirci).l/t-o..rr..clor)sl IN.el ir)(l lrr ti.perfoln rnd lulfillall IIc ri (lcrlrkings. .ovcrrrfrs. terrrs r,rrl co,,tjir:ors ollhc srIl Docrrrerts rf,*i,g if,. '.:, .i ,1,.. ....tJ_.(,1,r,r, IJ.:j.\ r\t ...\.0.., rc,t ,,.r,r,iI .. , , . 1. ",igir.f,, Alrcrl,, with or \vithorl forice ro (hc Cuarafror. \vtrch nor;cc j5, -.r",:,.O ".,shrtl hcr.by. !v.i\cd and also r cil anr t^rty pe'to,, r,.J l-.l.ll rlt rhe Lrn lerr rk,*.. co, cn. I ; ,";;i. .;;;.;;i,i;., thc C i rtrrc( rnd ol-an] irn.i all nrod llcrrrons oi I ). si .l DocL rncll15 ihat ma! hercafter be ", .rriji ,ror,.c oi. $hictr xrodiic^rions ro tirc Cri,J,,ror rr"ir" i,";;b;';;;;;, rt;;,, rh^ obliiri ioI lo bc !ord; olher\!ise to rcr)aiI in hrll tu ce ,,,,,.. ,if, ,,f'r"n,, ,",,*,,r. C.r a. F e'l ,r Dcr(.,. o. \or,..o.,.ofC_J,r......cxnd ", i,lfi ltr Ouf l. ,rl liabrlirl, ufdcr thrs Cuara:rice is irmireii lo lhc stlix stalcJ ofzfl nbrli6 atrachiirg ro us uldcL r )is Grjarantec tlt.i rhe ctri,,r r[_.oye.]r(l h,.palt,rent S idrr l'j h i. l,,r).fircncDl Ii.eu .r,jr), a,,r ,, tr. L"un, pp,"rra , 1r,".pt prriod ol- irLs G'arint... turlrfg shrr:h rve shall 'rLl'li(y schrrgcr oloLrr li:rlrii Iy. llrrrY. trn( cr lrisCrnraricc h: t rccervccl by;rLls $'lll)rn thc V ■ bynCVOCablll1131∬:│:│!:1‖ l`よ::│ltJ、 linrsu… (1 G)・ 1' 0 I淵 lビ () l ga」 o■ 5 :』 じGua n■ n Cnt帆 l be e自 ヽcted by‖ 〕 ヽ vh Ch Pa、 ■ l品 undel 1le ConHacヽ 7` lb「 genCyヽ des gnaltd 13ank&Accountヽ un,bC「 :烹 1lrillel」 lill11° lp‖ 111よ :『 :l o)iectio]al夕 St ,1 01 St いS tlp lo tlc alり OJ〕 t ヽ[lユ ' ocu「 ]31` geley f ltiヽ 1( ヽ110tt ヽ Sl 〕 cIPal a l、 │じ or n ly Ot1le「 PelSO] 'fe]cc 10 tlC P「 NESSヽ VH口 REO「 the abOVe bounded CJaコ 〕「 has :ヽVll to Sl10、 、31o[]〔 S 騰認胤誦 謂 ‖iR聖 ‖T告 鷲 1淵 lW‖ ピ 1淵 1£ ‖ ′ 晨I翠 、 o tO P P OoJ「 lo0 :CI!lLII: 5 51St Wr tten(lenland w thout `3Ci'e, 10 Pl。 `C。「 ng 18′ ASeΠ 『OCti │:;J:11:│よ lililllll〕 :││││:tll羊 cllllllよ │卜 [「 :Cu C be 1。 cヽ ccuted J〕 SI‖ st unlcnl■ 1]dC「 『‖ ‖烹tT嶋 肥問 11:脳 糧 II点 ‖ rTょ :胤 1lIぶ冨眠 1測 器鷺 Iヽ O S SOVC ' 13b。 (y ' CLraraDlor (BiLnk) や01(■ せss │ │ S 11,,,,t,,,e N.L,r. Corpo'atc Sc. ctarY (Sell) 3 TiJC Z (NaLr1c, l-itlo & Addrcss) Corl)orate Ctr]r ilrrior (Scrl) Ⅷ ヽ rlirlLl)l. r'o.!ro).'r l.r!irr1. l r',tI:|':il \rr f)rri ilrr''ril' 螂 FORM OF CONTRACT AGNEEMENT l day of (hcreinattcr called rhc't'rocuring the 'Conrractor") ol lhe othcr HIS CONI IlACT AGRCIMgNT [hcrclvith ca]lcd lhc "Agrccmcnt"l madc on the 2014 beoveen Agency"J of the ouc Pir! and - parl. ヽ ヤHEREAS tllc Proctlr n3 Agencソ is desirous that celtainヽ VOrkS,■ 7 -(hcrcinatrer.;rlled and hrs acceplcd a Bid by lhe ContracLor for thc should bc exccutcd by the Contractor execution rnd complction ofsuch Work and thc l emedying of any delccts thcrcin NO\\', this Agreenent witncsscs as [ollow: 1, exprcssjons shJll hJvc thc Same mcinings as arc CondlLlons ofContmct hclcinafler rcfcrred to' ,rcspectivcly assigncd to them in the 2. Ihc tollolylnil documents aficr incorpcranng adacnaa, il a'y cxccpl those Prrts relating to Instruclious to Biddcrs, shall bc dccmed to form and bb rcad and constructed as part oi I hrs Agrqcmnnt. !iz: In this Agrccmenr words and (a) Thl] Lelter olAccePtancc Bid [b) Thccompletcd formof Bidalong!r'ithSchedules !o [cJ Condrtions ofContrad & Conlrac! Dat, [d) ThcpricedSchcduleof Priccs/Bill oiqurnhties (e) Thc Specifi cations: and [0 Thc Drawings ,.-3. In consideration ofthe pryments to bc made by tlrc ProcuringAgcncy to the Contractor as hercinaftcr rncntjo:red, !he Contrictor hereby covcnanLs lvrrh the Procurrng Agency lo cxccute and complete thc Works and rcmedy defccLs lherein in conformiry znd in all respects +. wilhin the provisions ollhe Contra.t. The Procuring Agency hereby covenants !o pay thc Coniractor, in considcrrtiox of thc exccution anJ completion of rhe lvorks as pcr provisions oi the Corrhact, !hc Contract Pricc or such othcr sum may become payable under Lhc provisions oF thc Contract al lhc limes and in the manncr prescribcd by thc Contract SLidh Public P.o.u.em.nr Itegulaiop A!ihoriiy: !-1,:r'.?;nr:isir.!o- tI lN WITNIISS WHER[0]: thc par-tjes Icrcto havc causcd t]ris Contract /rgrcemcnt to bc exccurcd on the day, nlonth and ycrr lirst bcforc wriLten in ,ccordancc with thcir respcctivc laws. SignatLrre oi thc Contr.cror (scal) 'signaturc of thc Irro.uring Agcn.y [ScalJ Signed Seュ led and DI・ livered in the presenco ol‐ ,. - . lvilnessi Witness: (Name Titlc and Address) [Nrnc Title i.dh Publ'c Pro.urement Reguhrory nurhonty: ser.porasrElh*oyJlk and Addrcss] ★DRAヽVINGS -t,tt)!t. Ti. l,rf)rt(t/?nc .i)1t ,/)ltn!), Bitldin.< 1()|tDt 喘 ‖ hけ 山 咄 t)tLtt incory4ntc .Vcci/jc Dratlin(j lbt nurtotty onl.,, ot ntoy hclLtLb thc t!htitct dt?\ting! it1 d .,ttut1te |/ t)ucc.\.\lt\') に Ш 脚 … 山 …・ ¬ … WN砧 │‐ メ 蟄 OFF101 0「 THE EHECUTIWE E‖ 1lHEEn 口‖OTEl口 11‖ S10‖ 〔 llnIE■TIo‖ ](D GHOTHl. relephOne No#0723‐ 61482` lssued to : Vide DoR No: Dated STANDARD FORM OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS. NAME OF WORK REPAIR OF QUARttERS A‐ TYPE, B‐ TYPE NEW a1 0LD, C‐ TYPE NEW a OLD, D‐ 丁YPE, D‐ 1ノ 1, CLASS‐ : BUNGALOW CLASS‐ │I BUNGALOW, RENOVAT!ON OF MAS」 :D, OFFICE BLOCK GHOttKI DRAINAGE SYSTEM REPAIR OF CANTEEN, REHABILl丁 A丁 !ON OF ROAD a COMPOUND WALL. 鵬1" Gぜ:惚ド ´ \ , INVITATION FOR BH〕 S Suヽ lⅣ :AIR Y()「 (ONTENlS ¨ Subif」 111 1ヽ ヽ 「 All● `「 ()R31,S │、 sr、 しc「 ヽ「 Ol)つ c)ヽ `│` ( II) 「 ()Rヽ 10「 'I'H)ヽ i 02 Dr ts t 〕 )DIヽ GD′ ヽTヽ SC I・ ltil ES I● (()NDr日 ()NS O「 CON]Rァ ヽ(Tよ CONrRA(I「 () 、1バ ヽ1)AIく . !│ 111) ヽ こ(〕 [)A「 A )FOヽ ヽ,ヽ 67 61 6S \ ir| )ic:r(ij rr. rTi.,r ヽ, 〕` JC′ ヽ110ヽ ヽ ):ヽ Aヽ ▼│ヽ 01 │' Bi〔 つ (VI 1 ! r1r.\ .', tllni :rr j,1,1\Lf,rr,rlr, \i\i:r 鶴 = INヽ ア 1l AT10N「 ORI'IDS Drtc: Bid Ilclcrrncr No.: │ ) hc l'ocurrng gcfcy. .... ,-.- [cnkt ndtna t)i th( Pnut)in! t gcr.'l']. irrvilcs sealed irrCslronriticr!stel lirLl]i cI Dcrsors licc|scd by the Pirlisrarr Errt rteerirrg Courcil ln Lhe nptrly'ia!c cirlcgory( rr., tc:lutttl lir rotkt ca.\tit)t: R\ 2 j t)!!lt)t] or les9 and/or cltrly pLe-qfalil'rtl(,/,rrcnrririil:rLtttrtt i.: Lloii lbr .t1).cil:,: \cit.tt)trN'oi!ct) with lhe ProcLrrrng lgcrc" l',r ir€ \\ro Lr, lr,ttr titi! h-Nt! nnl l:t1ltltliu! \t)itrt t)i|ork).\Nltct Nill lre cofrplc(c.l i)1 i,),to uf,|rlt jutt t\tt Perio,4 rlti's l sct,olll ddin! DocLrnrc rts rrrrry bc ptrrciliLscil b)'ar inlclesLe(l elrgrblc Lrrd(loairpir.it c;l :. tirc ollcc gilcir beLou'arrd (rpon pe,'_mcrl ol I or) slibniiiion ol r i\ ccill)lc1e ron rciilNrl.b rcqr r c th. of lkp..\ c i"ee "riLte,r Ili.ldinil I)ccL |x.rris ti'o 11 t rc (.ln\ert ,4utoLt ti iStddcts rrrty Olll.c of thc I']rocuiirrll Agcncy. (ヽ 43 ng ttddicゝ 、 ) ■1 i y fl Bld ScCurH、 cc(】 ],Pt)nicd 卜 ヽ )(1、 n]usl le ■ ァ (RJptCヽ 1lc lt ,] in lle n‖ louni Of lヽ s ) qt- ----, r..crccLrtalle of bid |rict rr gunntr:r:1 ind rrrLst bc dclivcr0d L:l g:ttt .tiq i l,ntantl tiruli / !:,tnk (() (l).r.) Erds \vi L)c o|erred;rt LIc lx'cscoi.jc ol bd(lcrs reprcserrlittrves \\ho choosc t t,'. Ir]:il r ir/: //rJ .//r c.,.\ : : r, : ) t\'. IN clc: horr s on thc s:rrrrc io :rllrnd, ai rlre same d:l) n irddr(rs l'nc!t't'lt,,1'!rn.". t. t)trcr tiit h\tlrtitc ih/;)ridttan n il nk.\t.lct:t .t1r ht,!r dlt! tl:t !lc,ltiitn! iir :rti.trtsior,.r 1i;Li:tl .:tuii.(t,i.i!i\t!itt1 =甜 r INSTRUCT10NS TOl〕 H)1)ERS & 131Dl)lNC DATA No cs on the lnsii uction、 lo 13iddo s i:s secl ol ol t〕 じb(ld )ビ doct ,]c:[s S)Otld p10vlde :le nlb「 ]]al o〕 〕 ecessary lb「 bid(lclド マ l t]C leqt elne)ts of〔 ]e l'roct1 13 Agclcy I[ ぜ〕 are ies,oぇ si、 ぜbic`, 11 ■ecoltla]cc 、 じ〕 [la]( CVa tlnt o l, ll( 01i〕 Caヽ ヽ,I( o「 l ●う ]1,110]0]b(1=tb,]Issiで ive i]r「 1 10tld alsoュ :` │)〔 1〕 、J, ne[ ヽいtte s ぎ)Ve■ alc s attte n=J,じ liSi` ll)10]11,′ loclt(ぜ (1 'o l〕 (."メ llじ ln=dI● lて br■ :, tr r,r!: c 口)e Conlact ol pa)■ に‖t= Jnder Jle Conhact ol unde 口)e COnt,nc aた ■ol ′ , (′ / in icl in tht a)pl o)J `lit SCe百 01, 0「 thじ て,,′ 1`′ ing thぜ │)o10i‖ ]ticじ o「 t, ojL i c rL i、 `iご 1ビ ls o● d Ol g, Ons o「 nlC Pa te、 See ●] つo■ θ 1● l 11.!!,ri.r\,i. i arrlL' rs\.:iri.rs,:xl r :.1.|'( │`千 `ッ 1ヽ『,11,()IC()ヽ 1::ヽ iヽ ヽTRt IS CTiONS IO l,H)DEItS ′″絆ιN(, A CIう ヽERAI I口 Sじ o■ │ 。 ‖│〔 ls 「 I,iJと S(,lJcc oド「 ι ,c口 E き、 1'2 03 Cos(ol tに CI= ilild r)g Il. lll l)DIN(; 〕ι Co rlcDts 6 6 .. .......... DOCLlllliNTS ol Bi( a n! l)(,cLrrr. . rls.. (--i.:ll.xiio cj tliat:rr,r il..rr)cr)l:: 13ヽ 1,6 l)o.urrert:r. ArrcrdFcfl olBi.ldifg (:― i 7 '.. : . .. . . ..... l ..... ... IJ PREPAR′ ヽ【10N OF llID 1 ■nJn30 l,F I)S I,, t)oじ u‖ lc‖ 11, │ │ l l 8 、■■│だ り d ヽ 8 11 Iヽ 01 Bld 、COう ,つ ● l 8rd ljri.rr. Crr:fc) c I Il,.L & P:r)'Lrre rt 9 i)o.u lre ll5 Esriblrsh rn g Brddcr's lr-lrLribl r(y fi11 Qualillcat 0rs.. , I)o.( r:rflli t,slii: islr l, , \\'cr i,s Cotri^or f r ii,.' :-. つ l) irld ing DocLrrrcnts. 11 1] 「 31(1〔 II II Vn dl)o13d卜 「 oR]]I Stぃ o3and S bハ isst〕 ‖ort〕 10 │l13 SC=111 it) I)St 13ド 1lJ 15 1, I〕 ′ も ´1 ヽ IB F iD OPEヽ d ) "SS10N Ol'I,口 Dcadllrre lirf Subnissror) Vlo(lificatio0 & \\/il 1{irx$'eiofBi(]s.... 1ヽ 10 C′ ヽヽDEヽ ll ALし ヽT10ヽ ll ti C:r; r nrl. Cir:1.:al (rir iriri E\'rlrirl c l I'rocc55 to i)(. C.nliCeLriiir マAltD Or coNTR′ ヽCT ヽヽ lB iS 13 ' │] ,\larrl Cr l. .! l' o.r ' rrg ;\!o r.v's ii:llri ....... │口 '0 )'lotillc.lior otA*lnJ& Siitrir!1oiConLrirt 1じ │ fc IB :, lor trercc S:crrLtr'. lrlcg irr'l)..1 S,r l)rlilr. irh., r:r.N 11.r!ii ,i1l,r!i .. qrcerncnL. .... .. .... .... . .. l4 4 l,l 1 5 I rtrr.ft:\i,!r,.!(,\.t. ヨ躙 INSTRtICT10NS TO l〕 II)I)ERS (ヽ ( o , ア (7■ ぃで 月、 ´ν ハ′ ″ ″I々 た′ 、″/jl `だ ヽ11″ 乃21(々 ″ ′ 1● つ σ 々 ′、 1/′ ′ ′ ′`」 ′α ● ″ο r "′ ″ (ο r■ ε ″ ″│ッ 〃cc″ ,ピ ′ ″ル βcれ ′θ 〃 ルζCレ ′ ′1,,│″ ′ ″ `ピ `″ “ ““ r,′ `了 ,こ ヽ ′ IB, Scope Of Dia&Soul(c or Fund、 1l ScoPc()r Bi(1 Cl:ヽ Elく Aし ヽ 、 'l_l\c ProcLrifg i\gc rcv as (icllIcd Ir th. ll ddi|1g Dlta (hcreinlfter called 'thc Procurlnq ,\qcNc\-') \,slr.,i io recc.,c li.is jor irc \\ior (s !iif)|tarizcd irr thc Brl.lif rt Drt:) Ilrrreir;tltr el.r!!i to f! "lre \\'orli! ). :iiJii.rs r]rrst qr(,ic lirr llir ccrrf:et. s.of. r."r.. rtry B;! ", wo|l( \\,ri br rcjactcC ir! norr resl)oIsrvc. 1.2 co..criN!t plrlril s|r)Ie oi oi Irrrrrrlr Sorrr cc fic P:'ucu irrg Aqirrc\ lrrs.lil.lirge.i ilinis lor ti. orr: soLrrccs ot ,[rr /c r-ai' /)rr r,r rriir 1 lDonor ugr:nc:: or un olliat5.1lca. \htch xa) l--c rdicrl.d irccorJ igly i0 bi(ldirq.la{t I towill Lls t rc cosl o f tlrL. i-lto ccLrsc)rcrxc lR.1 0ligiblc l.i Birlcliroisopertorll ilrrlrs rnd r) Drd<lcrs arl) iicersel '.r) rersons meetln! thc ilr. Pil*isl:r 1-ol arYin_! Enginecring Corrrcii requ]lerrotts. (PiC) irr tlrc irpilr,ill'illr cateqofv lirI vrluc ol v!oilis PioyiiiJ:h.t thc no'is cosiir! lis. 1.5 ril \'lLh irl-(-- b) . rorr of Isa Jrall roi reqrire aF! ctirt .li]il i dulv prc cu.liil.d \\ tir tlrc Procunns A(cfc,r. t.ll/lttrr: rLrluirttl)- 'r l1c cvcri tlrrt pr'.qu.i IclLiof al i]JLcriiil biddcr\ Iras i-.cc'r Lrnlertrken. orlv brrl: lloIr rrcq!e rficd Lrlddcrs \\,rll b,r corrsrilcrcd lor:rvarrl oi-(irnturct :) rlpr'ct,urlificaiion has rot rnder,lakc]r. the irioauLlfrj a!cnc! nr11,ask in[orr.:rior, 1.i',,,.."::'':'i'!'l:cl.: ',:,-.:,,': (ii) lvorl(s oI sinr]iil turc axd s ze iol clch nc'iormcd irr last.i/.i yclrs; i, l) corsi [.t of crlLripfrerrlc: l v) qr l ilicrlion r:rd cr1-.cr.rc. of icchnicarl pr'sorrrcl an(l kcy sile tliitllga ]]anl. 聯 S r(li l'L,i r l'rorL crrcrl l.lc!. .ri. ) Ar I i ly n\r\. )in,rLriah.rrir.irii 醐 (\'l (vl) ll rJr.irl srirl. reiri irliilr|.tior |cgard ili(ldii lr ;ll i Cosr oi I ii:.;liiri J I n.q a,i -1 \:i:! liiig:tLicrs anil rberloicC Norks il.Iv :rri lrcrr rl'.rt.i.::r5r:oJ.al.-i: \,.,ii:r:rc l_i.);viLiio1l irn.i sri)rxisiof .. i,sLrrl llit(l l)L' i)r0cilrr)! A!.r]t\ \(ill ir Io clsc bc r.lsponsiblc or lllblc Ii)r ih(r\. costs. :cgilr c\\ ol ih.c.r.:|.ior(rrrcr):I..l t rc rD.(llinq pr.ccsri (Sl,l) l(ulcs 21 & 2:). B IB I ii' Bli)1)1ヽ C DOCtJ,4ENTS COnients orI〕 ki(ling Docu:]]cnt、 I]J(に 10]t() ]、 .ttl(o, │い │ 131(s t]e l)ldd ,t1 1)。 et ,lents alc t]Ose siatじ ( be10、 v, 1hou J belじ nd nco■ ju■ a,(1 eloo■ id]any Addendunn ssued n accO「 dancc、 vi口 ]Sub C ausc IB6 1 rsiri cLio rs lo Ili(l(icrs & IliCd r!:Da(l lo nl ol_Did. Qu. li:crtioir Itiir nat on & S.hrilt lcj to Ll d Sc rcilL lcs 10 Il:d coL)L)rjs. t\e lollbrv rg: I ,'. (i) iri) iili) (,tl (\) (r) S.rcdflcr\:ScNe.lulcofPrccst[Ji]loiQuarrLlries(8oQj. ll:S|ccrllc Worl,s Dlir SchrrlL i,: C: \\rorl(s lo be fcrlbirnc.i [,-),SL 5cttntllclols S.irrdr c D Prcpcsccl Prog-anrnre ol\V..rks Schcdulc E: tricthod olPcribrLnirg Worlis ScirerjLrlc i: lNt.lrit\ Pact (Lvofl(s costif! Rs l0fii icn rncl above) SclrcdLr c l. Cr-.rditro:s ol Co rtrr.! & Cn:rlL:Lal Deia l. Sl:r rdr:l iro :r: (r,l l:o )r ol ll i] Sccr |ii), ..., '.: (lir)Porn|rf ConLracr Ag cr reni; (i!l Fo u oi l:hrl( (;rrr rNi.. rar '\Cfl rc. Prlrx.ril ', l" ::'. ,. : 'r'. . :. ,si:ccilll rilc ns (,. Dr':rr in:s. it- r n) lll.5 Clirr ific.riior of iliddiog DocuDrcnls 5 /. rrospcotivc bi(ldcr rcqLrlring xrvclxr ficalion(s) iucspectollhc llidding Docrnrorts rnny ilrc Enginecr'Prcci[in! \!c:]cJ'.,t tIe l:ngln.cr'sr'Procfring Agercv's:ddicss I rdicaLc.l if llrc Bid.lirg Drta. .lil,! 5 2 Af ificLcstc.l l-.i.rlcr, rv t0 itn:i oL,ta tcd bicldinrl 5 L,lit .:.::.._Lrcfrr| li.!fiii.i),,lrr:jr::tr c ocrnte rts_ nav rcqLLcst lor cllr.ifiolrtion 研 r I , II r! I. . r :r , \ L. t 雨罰 ol :r,'jilr):: io:t:.nt! irr '1,\'rrl l!1 iirrl -rro.L rr)gll:larc!5hall 'csPofl lo s''lcll quir'ras r \\rr( rlg \\lilrlN l,ll'.re cil tllaln .lr!5. Dio!iac( Ih't ale 'icclved at lcxir l\' .ir crrcLlr.l.rls pr (r Lo Lhe ai(c oiof.rrirlS cl^biC (SPP iiLrlc 23 1) o1 c.111c:l.j iB 6 A‖ ]Cndn〕 cnt of 21dding D。 しunle ms(SPI'Rulr、 22(2)&22) 61 i\L ln,v tinrc p lor to the derclline lor'subrrl ssiorr ol Blds. ihc {'rocullng Agcfc} rlrry, lbr \! r!ilic. ill r:s o\\lr irlt;etive oi ln rcspon5' lo a clrriic:riiorr rcqLLes(](l by a ",r '"".nn.bidclL:r. morlili thc Bidd ng DocLrmcnL! b)'i5slLing r(jdcl'lLrnr inicresLccl 62 Afy rciccrctr irus `3 'l'o al_lor'l lntefLrsle.l bitclers rcasonrbLc tine in lvhich to lal(c rn adrlcndulrl llllo 'ccorLil lhr ,r ;r'cixli:r3 lircir Bias, llls i)rciLir'llr: {sc r.\' xir\ ai li: d;sciclicn c\tcnd th' Ceitdlife sL;b riss on ol lllds lssLeil :,ra I ha palL oi trc Bl(' ng DocrlnlclrLs Iilrrslcrrt lo Stlr_ fll:rse 6.L hc|col. arcl s rall loc corln'.Lnic.ted ir rvLitjrg to xll ptlrclnscrs ol'Lh' lllddlng \\r:tilr:l DocrircfL:r. Prospeclivc biriclcrs shlLll a.kno$'lpdqc 'c" lt ol crch ilddefdLLlx in Lo lhc T)11)c!r'inil'\!cnc\'. { PRLl'ARAT10` OF B,DS C I13‐ FI 1:ヽ llt u■ HC OfI〕 A rotu■ ]cnts i〔 │ lC a〔 ]│[ぃ 01e tt d shalbc h thC anビ J03C SPCC hCd ■the C()ntiac IData lD S DOCunlcntS C()nlprising the Bid S I 'l-hc B rd sxbrniilcd by th]j b:d( cr ) (b) (C) (d) (e) (0 (J) 91 S rari I rfl lL conr Prise thc iollo\\'rrg: OlicL r'('ovcrirrS l-cttcr い H3' s l'iLh lB'l-l l' Ilolrr ot-illd d'.ilt :lllcd, s -i1cil arii sc?le', in rcco darrcc rNitioled Ln S.1L".1,1". (,,r ro t'l ,o il,L dLrlY llllcd end 'cco(Lan'c i:r!lIrctlors cotrixiN.a rralcLI & ir xc'o ilnce4!iiLl ill l4'-1' llld Sccu lt)'Jirrrlrsh.a rr acco:drrcc rr'lth lB !l' Po\\'cI o1 .\tlorrl.y irr ilaco:rlarl.c \'lilr IB I4 -\' & IB' i i Doci tjr(ftlIY c\ria. r.c ln aacoialrrraa \\i( I lB'l(') r lll l l l)ocLrnrcn(arv cviclc rcc in rccorcienc' !vit SLrlficicIcl ol ltiih thc Il id cl llacr irickLcr srrli s.r sll lirsr'll rclo.e iiliCrrlll rs 1{t ilc,coL.lecilcss alrd sLLlIcrclcY in trc quotcd/crrtcrcd i,is 3iA r"cl oi_ tlc 1.'rc,riL,'r, .)n irc ratcs oi_C'\l( '/ ratcs t1f'l Prices lat as ll ls oiir'r\\iri S"lrcdLlc ot P i;cs.,rhic: rxtes.rd prices sh'li '3)cept ln so Lhe Cortracl rrrd I crpl'cssly pLo''irlcd llr thc Corrract. co''cr all hls Liblig'r1iof' under ^ rvorks I oi_li;c corl.l:lctio prollcr lol thc ,"l.,"siarr i,,1s rl s ,"r1" "r,l L,bl c l)roiL crreLrL [(.rlu iLLrrv.\rLlririr) $*v rrmiinJl!it PL Ili ;i lli(l Priccs. alrrrrcirc\, oilljd 0 わ 'Jlrc bid.lcI is rdr,l-.c(l to obLr n rnforratioo tlrxt nr\ be jlcccss:rrv .rrcNlion oi'l rc \\ oJ l\s. 9: .ri hrs oxrl cost atd rcspon:; btiity llJ ct.Linq Lre 5id:rd c:rterlnq into a Ccrlract ti'r' ir lr rnseii 3Ird I'ri,rrcnt li).i -il:c :iJilcr slir I l-l Ji iirc S.icJrie ii [)ri.es (Sc]rcliic l\ lo Bid) lritii.irl rg lirc Dcrccrrllqe abo!c o' bclo\! tic Conpostrc ScrcdLLie olRalcs/tlnjt rates aId pric0s ol'l)c \\/oL .s ta bc fcriofn.d rrr(:r ilrc CofL:']ct. l)r'ices ir iiri Scireclr e ol P11ccs,/tsill ol QurnLitics shr I bc qLrotccl ertircl)- irr l)lk RLpees iieepirg in vlew thc rr5L u!liol5 co rtaina(l lrr Llr. Irr'aa rrl)lc t(r S.lr!(lr c ()l l) iacs. │(2 li rltss oLlerrvsc slrfrlatc(i ril ilc Conailinls oiCoftrlcl. 1),'iccs quc(c(i b),thc btCcler s rli i.rirlrr li\ca ( r rifg i re brJiltr-s ,c:iornrrfce oi tllc Cortrxcl onrl not 5f5]ccl 1o vilrirlLion rl. 'T rc rLri( retcs ind ir|iccs if lhc Schcdulc ol'PLlccs oI pcrccntagc above or bclos.o r tlrc corrlpos.ic sclrcJlrlc of aics sl:lL l)c auoiril b! tIc br3dcr ii Iire cu[cn.] rs 5trp licd in DirlCing DaLa. OF i1(rri lir \\,lrlcN ro r'lic or pricc s CnlcreC b) the Ilidrier rr'iii Pi(xrLiri r!, A!,J:c! ,,\lraf e)i.c,- ia.i ilra :.1:1li Lri C:errtJ cc!iied pri..!- I r Llrc い 随 │ ЮL ││ア or irr\' ncca! prid otheI lir by trc rltis r rJ ili .iQijr iiiilcs. IIj.i 1 DocuIncn(s Lsl:rblisirrrrg ISrcklcr''s II PiisL.|1 i.,C:uje lll:i. th,j.l.il.r .. l.r|r:1.., -. i,l,, -,. r- r,rr'rs estrlrl,sll:ri] llrc l-. aldcr"s clrgitrLlil)r lo Lrrrl anil irs oLrllificat ors kr perii--rrr1 trc Contrrcl il is Erid rs I .rn(i Qri,riilc,rtions rv:l: i:ri<1cn;e ol ris Lii:b ll) 2r.l ihe crperi.rlce rl: ir Ili.ldinll l}i:) rid trc Qualificrlron CL tcril mentiortcd rN ihc Illcldin!j :ll(iJ.i rir,si i)o!s.ss rr,l silIul.ricd Iiiigibil;i) ;r Lli)aufr:nis lll.ll i)r)cunr0Irs [slxblishins \\'or]i:,'Confrtrnritl lo Lliddirrg I)ocumcnts l2 l_lrc.ro.uxuIrirLI e\--rcr..- ol :lje \\r'l.r'(r\:.lorNrLr! L rlr(llilJl r- Doc!|ients lrxv bc 1 rhe rorn o1-liieralr r., drrrri:gs a:rd cjllr:ro Lhc bril.l.: shirll fi|rrish docLrrrcnt.Ltio:r .r: scL or i in Ilillisg Dr(r. l2.l lhc l-. aaoL shull roic thfl slurl(Ja115 tor !\'cr;iirlrn5h p. nriltcrial errd cquiprrrc)1. xnd xr)'. clcsrgrralcJ b-! lhe I'o.u[]rre rclir':nc.s to Lr.uJ r:rre: i.r'ceialog.-rc rurrrbc s. li AJlcfcy lr thc Tcchfrcul Pr'ovis:ons fre irlcnJed to bc rlcscirplivc on y and rrot r,jslriL ti\ r. J:101 1,│、 S111ヽ l'1, ti',ecilen,│ハ l it,3■ lnl。 │,′ ` V` V` `pP,1=111:1,(、 ,,'` :1,13 Ilid 5.cor i1\ La.ir Ii(lCc slral tr.;r,:.1t. as l).rtoa jis br,.iii iltcolir.I of lhc ht(dcr, r llrrl Scc,rrty,lts fcrcc.(.!c 0l bil l).ic.1cstii)r.L.Li !ost o. i r lhc i,)rou,l s(i,,lete(l in Llickling t;ria in t,ak iiLLpc.s il tlrc loilr ol /)r,,rr.r; tt Cit)t ?ot:ec .\ Orttcr or (t Bank Cuantntia is,,,tect Oy a SclrctjLricd Urnl< in Paliistrn irr levorI ol rhe pro.! ill!t Alrcnc_v ii,,i.-,..1,i".f'',,'r" ,」 ilreirir cillrt 12S),l.l;\ r..rori lh. oi. !rliijii\ r;ll "^fia liirri,,,clrr4, .ri,,,,,t,1 i'k atti ttot crtcclinll 5,)i a/ liLi tt?r/c.ttit)jLttcl L.a\t \l,p Itic j7) l.l l Afy ,,',,,-i i, i,,,r,,,., ro( rocontfiLIicd bv r|:rcclfta5ic li:d Sccitiit;r:h:rli bc rc e.ied bv thc l)Loc!i nq '',,:crc)'rs no:r lstt;r;slr c bi(J l_r. ii c sc.lr'iiles oirlsu.cass iri hr:ldc:s rLi I l_.c rcltirlcii,.pol arvuid ofconifital lo.he bi.ldcIo onthcexirir!oi vr]iartl,ol.BitJScrLrrill,rljticf,""a|'i.a",fi,,,.." st cce!tilirJ ll1 l lrc [3 tla . rea rl Secr riLy ol lhc s!cccsslirl rjreC Pc'lo'nllcc Sec,.:irri.. I j f :)lit: i. iI.L,, - lai ,i (lr) r) irc:rori r,r' iirrn ish llrc fcquircd pcribrff:rncc Sccurirv , I( viiiiirl),: or Ir rce, rrIsuaIl to -qt:)-Ch!sc rr thc cnsc olil sUcaessful bidd.:r. illtc triis \\,iihiI ihc specilrcd iinre lifri( rol (i) II〕 o.l--_',". . r'. J,',..: ...:t.t,-. .,...,'\r..d .fl s:g|c.i thc Cont.iL.t Agrce ncfi (SI,p Rti]c j:7) ,', :: ,c. ,, \ ,,, ',', \ riidii\ olBids. Ihrrir.(. Signing rn(t I Lrs,sl:all te (-r,ran|rLl I u;I Q. , Subnrjssron ol Ilr(l 'l1! lrJ ic: .r.1 sli,.i:l;rrcrl in rirc i) ilj|]l1 Drrl alier.thrj dirtc ol hi.l 14 2 I r4l A Sclre.lr les lo 8ia ir e i4 い L ﹂ irllcLli oit is io tr! lalc rl irc l'orir r)iBr( cr.c!l in jrl irg Lrp iire blallis as cJt cctcd ry rltc|atilr be nrecle ot ll- thcse instructrons be not liril\, co|rplied wiLlr. tlre bici ,T cxccIlionrl circurIslarccs, p ocLrinl ;\qcncv lna..r Lcq!esi lhe biildets lo c)ilcId Ll)e I llL oij cl \eirJrl), lirr I addillofiri ;.eiiorl bL tnor crceeCr|,1 I/l ofrhc oririrrat period.l-hc rcirrcsl irl.l irr hidc:crs rtspc|rr.:s,rrll bcrr-Ce nr.r tr,- of \,\ ,\ c.,, c. ilirlde,.nuv J! is. ih( requcst \\,iihout lor.jeilins tlrc Bia Sectliy. ,t B'idtlct.agt.ccinq r" tf,; ,;q;.., rr ll rot bc ic(lrirc(i or fcrnrtrc(l ro orlrcrr\isc nro.liil.rlrc Bid. blii wiil bc rcquilcd !o c"\ cnC (hc vaiiditj oj llid Scc!rlry ibr tlrc Deriod oIthe er(er]stolt, incl in conplrctrcc wiLh III Il if irllrest,.ccls (Spp RLr e iSy ヽ11せ │': 、it . 10 5e llcilai it .o rnlri.d 3rrC si!N1]C. ray eclc,l. r.r r ,..Ir tt.,:r ,1. ! n.,, r.i │〔 ■,Jr)0、 i l.rci:ri(i(].r'shrli-.i.)..::(Jir::ri, rrci rr:t.r al'c(,i:.s 5r"..rilca in tlrc B:Cl rl,Datlroi thc docu cnls con)l'isirg ihc irl( ns dcsc|il-.cd iri lJl.3 .Lr( cliar'iy rrlirl( ll)cnl ''ORl(ll\{L irrL ('Ol'\"'.sairlropiilr. If lh.,r\'{rrt ol-rli!cillliill!y b.(iireerl thenr. llld or'itrrrl sirr li t lI cvx ll 1. g,rai ilra r icopi.s.iilre ird sirllib. i)ped or \ rlLlcn rr rir.lclrble rni< ard shrlli;e :,i3recl by a oc|son or 1)ersofs dLrl! :iu1ho'lzed to s gn (in thc cilse oIcopics. PhoLosLats rfe r:so lccci-.lub a). 'T_i s sl.li ir. rCicll.ii 5l sr5Lnlliirlg u rvriitcn PoNer o1_ AtioInc)' auihorlsing thc sig tor-v ol-tre 5i.dcr to ir.rt for afd on behalfol Lrc biddcL Allp.gcs oi iirc iri(l srrll i)a ll,l riaal rn(l ell,.lir scii l'aiJllx:dLl'ih.p!r'sonorpcrsonssilringtrc ',-1,. brd. │17 lr.BJsraiil).ijc Allcfc) qi\ur .:r rr v.'eci iir 1-.cison oI scfl 1l.adiIl,r Dria b-v rcgrstcr'..1 nrril irl ilrrril{rcsstnI)rocLrn3 I)SUI,ン IISS10ヽ 0「 B日 ) lD l'Dendlincお r Submム 、lonヽ lodinen60H&WithdF2ヾ │ヽ │ il ds ral 15, 'I:ra frusl bc rcccivc,.l by LJrc ProcL 'ifg Ag.ncy at. Lh:rN ilr. li:rc aia! ila.tc SiLl-. r elaa I laial I l: rar'nia b. ((1, thc ald|ess/l)rovi(le.i in Iliddinll D.(l 1. cf!eL!la! ihc fxfrc i rd srrilll :)icci r' ! A,jcf. ' rt the adiliess Dr'ovide.l li th. Bi.ldiNg D.lLai l(i.fi iicriri)r rurrircrofthr:(onL:'rrctasr.'incdinrlrcllrdrlinrl rf.i aofi ici )rl.r rrr.l prov dc r rrarn i r3 nol to ol)crr lrclbi. thc sPc.lli!J linrc .nd (llllc for Blcl openirr.!i irs dclinc<l r rJrc Llidcli rg Dlta. x a.iJ r;olltolre icf:laaaiir-.N rcquireil i:15.:-Llleirlrrer.ri!clopcssh.iii rldrcaic t ic crs3 (C) rBms I ACdr,r,rsed Lo L|e ).ir (● c,L::L lt '1● renrc ii s .n(l i(dres:iolthcBidclcrtoerrl):ellrcBdloberctLrricdunopclcoirl d.c:r'cd hi.. llthc oulcr cnvelol-ic sno( scaledand nerk.3drsabovc.theProcuIingAgencyrvill rc no rc: ro:-.il'liii: i'or rLre xris,placc efl oi preirxtiirc o:rcn ng o1-Lh. iliJ. ossr ma 153 B Js subm icd th「 oulltc c,10h te ex 154 1r), L, d r.ccivcd Sl lhc Ploc!r'irS Agef.l/ after ihe Cc:r.l irc lor stbrnission presclibei ill(alifg Deta \v iil)c 'clL[Nci] uropcNed lo sucf hi..cr 15f Ary, biridcr ruy, roiiil .r \!itir(iri\\ i s br.i lii.r bid sLrbrrission provided that rlrc rIo(llllcilrlon or \rr' tLcn noilcc ot wiilar:l\!rl s'cceivcdbytrcl)roctrrngAgcnc),ptrorto Llrc clcrdLlne to srl.:r; ,sror ol b.ls 156 \\':lIrilurr.r 魚、or c‐ ha l not bc cons dercd 、 lr! in lhe lrlcLvrl Lr:tircs;rl:tii.:ailirc[orsL,blrissiorrol_Tcisarrd t-.id validllJ- sirc.ifi.d r) Lrc For n ol Bi(l m.)' rcsLlL in iorli'irurc oithc Bic Src,-iri\ i,.nsurri lc lll.ll.i i3) ol_ri i]r.l ,1: Lhc criri'rLlon ol irc pcrio(l ol ― Srrj r lL r i. l)io.r,. D. rl licguir(, ),fulro q N(!, p1a: ― .ir !r\ pk ― 明 I,il)OPl)ヽ li3 1( 16 1 162 ヽしt,ヽ T10ヽ C‐ ヽND llヽ ィ l-li!l OI)cnir.t. Clurilicxtior nn(l l'lurlrni;,)rr (Si'f itulcs J1,12 & 13) 'f rc l)licrLIif:t /\gcrrc), !vi l(rDcrl(rcl-.i.ls.irthcIrcscrrccol bid(lcrs lcrrcscrr(lLl'/cs \\'lro il.,,):i. la il(cr.l. aL il.c ti0r.. il:rl. lir. i,r lirc I icc s2ecllirLl in tlrc Iliddl r! Dlrle -ihc bi.l.l.r"s nrnc.:li,J PL c.s. inv ills.clurrl. ihc pLcseftc oirabs.ncc ol_Bid SccLLrily. rrld sLich other (lci.,lisrrr iirc T')rocririf.,\:.r.i rllisCs.rel orr'na! consrLicr approPLj:rie,ui be rrroInccd b),i:. PLocrL ifg Al:cncy irt the bid opcr:rng ll-he PtocLrt'rng Allcncy r'vill Lr.oL. iirc jrlnrii.s t'i tlrc ii,l ci)cr rlq. :i.:-::.s.r,i]-.1\cc cl'ir. hr.licr\ wlro troosc lo rLt.f( shall s gn tllc irLter(lrrrcc slrccl. Arrv ilrJ Iriica oi .J scou|1 \!ilrall ( ..' '.. " ;cj arl 1ヽ s nct ttx(L olrl rnil lr.or.lcC xi'Did opcrriilS r|i I nol l)e ..'l '". irsslst irr tlrc exrnirraliorr. cvalrirtron rN. co)'l)ilrisorr olBlrs Lhe L'ngireer/T'rocLrirg A-:crrcl rr:ar'. xl iii .llsc 'etr.rn. ask Llre b Clcr ibr I ciarrilcrLion o1_its Bl' Tlle r'qlest fur cliriiicnLiorr a,d L rc rcS'o.sc s t.lL rc in rrriLing irrd no chanqc ltr tfe irrice of srlirstilnc! ol thr: Ilic slrrL be sougrt. L-.llired or pernritiecl (SPir RLrlc4-l)' lo 161 い ) (b) |ulsuanL lo lD l6 7 to 6'9, lhc Englncer ProcLrrirt \'t.Ltc! ril (cicnniirc lhc s!bstantial rcsporrsiven'ss olcoch biJto Lhe liirliin3 Docrmcrts. For ptrrposc oithese rrlsuuclions, e subst'tNflally respoisivc )id is orc rvhicr conlolms to illl thc teLrns and conditiolrs ol trc llrddirg Docr nenls \\iihcul nralcr ilL de\railons lI rril inclLrdt delerrni]ring 1l1c eqrLircrnenLs listed n Bld( ir)g Datil Priol to thc dctilrled Arlrrncticr clrols rr' c\'alLrat llbc tcctificd oo- on lhe lal cxirgbas;5 lcl' 'octrtcen thc ulil Pr:c' lir' lote piicc Ihill s ol'trlred 5'v ]rrLrLt Il;,,ing Lhc u rit pr ae arld qLlantily. lllc unit ilrice shal p|cvail afd tre Loirl pri.c shell bc con.cl-id. i1 lIcre rs e discrcpanc\ bcl\\cen thc \vords an,:l llgulcs irr words sral prcvail. li there isa discrcpancy bctwcen the ]_olal llid ti ",,uorrl in Schcdule of P|ices_Surrmary, fr:icc cfterc.l I r For rr of B d .lnd t rc total sllo\r .'vill b)' lhe Pr ocLrring /\SencJ_ I I cor.cclei be th" r0,, ,t sr,,ted lri : te Irrr I ci Bla " "....fd1ngs rvith t lc Con'cctcd Scll.drLLc ol Pr'ices lllircr. i5 i c scL'e;-'l: ll thc bidcler docs not acccp! Iilc coLrcctcd arnotnl oi rrd :rs Iliil s..ufll\ furi.itc(]. lr-a.5 Bid. hls Bid \1'ill bc rejectcl rlcrcr'Iifccl rs sL bsi..nt.rl \' rorr-r.sporr(ive ('il be rejcctcd an.] ''rill subsrqL c.il)' l-.c fir(1. IcsPiIsl\. ir) iIe birl(er iry corre:l on ollhe for_conlnr 'rit\' A Blri Llid which Joes by Procur rr il i\gcf Siit , ', , i. |:,i.r errf,r t{csL iL.i:r AL,rrl, r} **,'. )r ir'lrralr ::r'! rrL not 1ot c,'-, )L!!ldcrl srLclr \v.l ver' (Lrrls rr.t i)reludicc cr rL lict lrc rGlalrvc ronl(ing ol xly otlcL i,\). U1rior (rnllcriII) I)clit1iir)r)s incin(lc:iii( bc.if rot p .ofcr i) s trrci: I lii) i ;) ir, rot .,iipLLlaiL t.,r.. ;r) lil rr and rlritnneri Itpr ttr'c] bythrbids.tinliyol LcQliLcLl 'llnou tcrc iir'; s criied ll; rr ce .,.li.rclxr.'! wLi. r i '.erl 1 ice b I ar:co ,' t 'c O . t' " .: t.' ccnply Lvrlh N4iic-stoncs/CriticrLl datcs providccl in Bl(lding Docu0rofts; I sL,b c-orrii:rclin: corL:er\ ll I l. Conaliic )s o i Co rir a't sp'citlcC I Bid(lrxg lirling Lo L)acLllncrrLsi :clirsing to bcaI iLI[or:irrrl r.si--or]slb:iiiics:tnd iri) iitl's alLoca('d in trc LliddlnLl Dociincl'lLs. sNch es pc la'rlnlca!_l2i:lrll'cs:lll(L 'lrsnriln'c coYcrage; a ld Liililrgcxcc-.tlor lo cr'iticlrl lrovisio ls sL ch as lrpp lcablc l1\'!, trxes ilrd dlltics , 'ii) !lii) :,n, r'i .r , _i ,., r i, /ir) \,.hrcr ,tr r al_licL o' ( 'r!r ir anr r"l sLLL.sralrLill r!ll! lhe scclc qulllitYo! pcrlirnalrcc l)ltlc \\0.(5_ (b) ..lopLo|r/rccl;llcetlorrrhcLcolsot rllict Lrnlelrly tlrc conrl)elltivc 'i :csiro]lsivc 5rcjs ol_ oiir.!' blil'icrs :l::c lii r-: 'rrLbsialll rlli' (I ) \linor Dc\ i.r(lons posifiorr and which AScrrcy Bi,-ls that ollil rl.\'iirlions,lccep(ablc to tlrc Procuflng les|o]1sivc i.,l Jeirst call 1.:c assigllccl a nlolct3l.\ vl Ue llla\'bc collsi.leie,J sUbst:rntiirlLJ, thc is-iLrc ol fairn'lss TnisralL:l'"oLrlihovererbeaidcdasanrd]ustmcni pr cvelLrlrlion pur pose: olrl)' durl rg thc'lctxiled cvaluaLion occss rs Lo ior ar' conp:rrc only (re bids frevrorrsly 'lrc Erir.rrrc.rlPI'oc![] rg .a.gerrcl tviil 'velLalc nr lll'Lr'+ lo Ic'6-s-rcr l'equ:re cnts ,"1.,,u"",1 to 1," suirsi,r,L,.il ciIansI\!|lri\LxII , u"n ,"raurd", lllcis wlli bc u\'al arccl lbl conpicti 5!opc o $orl! lle fr t(s w;)L l-rc l6'3 ltcrein bclorv' ,"',,p",:"4o,ilrcLrasisoi thc Ll\ll.r:rt'i ili'l Pric'pLrrsrrirl lo lll :17 , worl(s of'fcrcd l)y l'cchnicxl Dvrrlrr.rtior: lt rvill irc crelrirlcd in dctail whother thc BiCdin'l DocLrrrrcfls' |or' ijrc Dridc' coNt rli.\ \ ir ilc Ica lr ail i) o\ ijio ls of ilrc ':; date :rr 5'611;1r1 rviih Llrc bLd in SchedL le B to B ci rvilibe this pL r rosc. thc b cicic (lelaiLcd irr lhc l''r'hnical .n,,lnr.,f *,irl, i.chrilcrl ii.itLLr.s'.:ii.rir of thc !vorks t,,rti.ii,,,.. Otl,., iccirrrical 'rrli) rra:on sLrlrrltei rlrh thc irlrl Leili dinl ir' Scollc ol \Vor i !\' ll :'lso L-'c reviL l'ci . ....i 1 -r.c lr c\'.rlrl)ilnq lh. bias. lr. 168 i'gencv rrill clclcrnll tc loi cir'lr bid n Er liIee.'l' "irtlrri ait.l to lLlc ,.r.ll inn Lu t-t." l]ic] Prlcc. tllc loiiorvirll',, laci.ll,s (adiLsIJIellLs) ]n thc nlanncl B;cl l)rice' | \icrx i:a icrlcd bclolr lo d.i.lll lfe th' llleLLr:rtcC ││) !i.l lr iLr : lu P lllli ln,t .j. c 3:ri iln! coricctlon li) .iIithLrrcli. il.lliilurtl I \r 1 cr'1)l'5 pLL'slrrlL to .rirl ! $f "):]5irit r "or.::r lll.16.'l hcreol () (1'1) , il〕 1・ (l scoLfl- rlllrrt'. bid ope rn,t oll.rc.l bl'' tlrL'b ddc s rs also rc:lLl oul irnd reco'(lcd et thc lirne ol crcirdirgprorision:rlsunrsrrClhclrovisior!lir co lilrgcncics rrr lhc Bill of Qurntitics il iny, bLrt fclrclirir DI\, r!orlt, \!hcrc pllccd conrpctltivcly. Ir oc$ri 1o bc C0n fid cn ti)l io T3.l6.l hcieiojir c. ro l-.i.llci slr.l corrlact En3inccr',rProcL:ring Agcnc) on any lllC olclirg lo lirc iilllc ilc bid clurilion nrciler rcli)tiN9'Lo LS Bi. lioLrl Lhc iirl)c o1 lh! _fhc cvrluetion rcs(r I sh0 I bc an ro! lr"ri rj rcsr lt is irnfou rco(l by t lc I'locurin.q Agcrl . lcasr sevcr (07) d;rrs prior ro:r'vard oIConlrrct (SPP llule 45). The a]rnoLlrlcelncnt to a I h;ddcrs \vlll lIclLrlc tablt(s) coNririlsing reaai oLrl prices, discoun(cd priccs, fricc l.l.lustmc rLs nradc. fifal cvxluelc(l pricet rnd recorrl nendrtlorls against all lhc hids │ SuL.icct '\ r-l 172 .l Lr), clli)rl b),a l)l(klcr to inilLrcncc In'rilrccr/['roctrr rll Agcrc) in thc Bid cv0]Lrllion, Bid cai:pari!ox oi C!.lrilacl'\rvlil Cecisic'lrs irlir\'les!Lli ir tlrc r-c]cclioir ol his Bicl' Wheters iiy tliddcr lccliis:lggric\'aa, lrl.\' i.'iSe I \|rltten collipiarNi io Complairl I('(lrcsse erc Comnrj(tcc as pcr lcrnrs nrld co rdilions nrcftiollcd in SPP Rt lcs i I & l2' i Iolvcvcl, llcl ol o(lilirl3 a cotxplairtl I lri :ot wrrTalri sL spc lsiorr ol procLLrcll1cnl Process' bc crcluclecl ll l:ruolvcl in "Corrupt and I'r1rt'(lrrlcnt Pr,cticcs" rrcans .rrh.'o ic oi en)., comL-lnllroN oi llrc 1.e.t ... givcn bciot! SPP RuLe2(q); (i) "a.ocl-cilc Pr'ltctice' cans r1) rrIl)arrin.g oi lril nlng or ihreiiicrliig to irnPa;l or herlr' lo dL e.tl,\,or indirccL y. 1rr! lrrty or thc prol-'c't1' ofthc Pa[]' io inflriclrcc thc ll0(lons ofn f'(y l7.l Ili.iicrs.ray car!c ] \\'r orrgJirl Irass lii :I roihcf l:liy: (ri) Collusile Practice nrerns arr) lrmngemcnL bel*ccr t*o ol rnorc P:rr!;cs Lo thc thcknovv cdgeoJ' ir,u. ,a,,",l lr,na"tr ol conlract crcc!ltioll. clcsrgned to achicvc \v;th or\vllhout L,e p o.r ring a3",,c] to est:lbliSh [|, c.s at llii ircia]- nonco:ll)cLiti\e lcrcls lor an! rvronqfulgein: (ili) "Corrupt l'ractice" me.ls the olicr-irrg. rlrv ng. r(icclvirlg or solicllrng 'llLccllY or irall.cLll,, of lnl'th ing o l'vl uc to irr ll ue rcc t re acts ol ciot rcr Pa(v li)r urrofglirl gf in; il!) IirNudulcrrl Practice" mcrrs afy.rct oi oNrlssion. ir:lLdin-g a lnisrepr'csentlltron' tlai linor,lfilly or lcc( cssil'Illlsieals. or ilttcnpls lo irrlscad,aIrii!loobtJii a firrnciil o othcr bcr. lt oL to.vo C at oLrligilliol; 'Obstructlvc I'ractice" lrl.:1:rs irlrnrllg or iir ealenirrg io haLm dir'cctll ol l(lifrctll', :r.:ri, !c ir \ icn!lirl !.rirr ci Lo i\l pcrscfsothcirProPcl'tytoinJlircncethcrr'Ialli.ipationrneIroculcxcntproccssorr'lictthc c,.ccr tlof clI a co r!]act or drliberrlcly ics( o1in1r. lrlsi[ying. a Lter i rg or concciling of .\i:!r.c fiii.r rll lo ilc ir|rtsli!ri . I I rrr^:rrgi.itslaierrr.rl5bsiorcinvestlgatorsiio'Jer lc )irta lil l) I nlc([ lt I ]nvcsiig:rtion iirio a icjlations oi-1r cot'r't pL. ifar di lcnl. cocrcivc or coLlL sivc rrx.l cc: oI thrcrrcning. )lerassing or iflimldalinq eny palty to prcvclrt it lLofl disc os lg its li:rl\iel:c r.l xrtLicLs ralc!:tt', lil llra :Nvl]!li-!aiiorr ol l'-ollr i-'Lrrsuing the iNVcstigeticl or 'l'l lrL.n,ic. Io irelcr rllyirpi:tlclrccrcrclscolrrspcc(lollarrcrLrditrightspiovdcclorIlCei tlle Ilu er sr:rlir 'Li,ll.P,lrcrrc:ircrrlli.rI Lit'vaLLirrril\ srrrIrns:rL r1ov.:l' 靱 ヽ リ .J: ID.lS. Pos 人ヽVAIヽ D01'COヽ TRA CT t QuitiflcirioD ‖ 〔 ンヽ 1卜 しい │〔 v‖ じ ■i(■ │ │"v :ド l t)it‖ 01● l li■ ・ 'CI ` ′ ″ ′ ′ ご じ Vれ に cじ Ort yJし itc hl cO‖ 7'′ ′ィ ttc Oヽ じ IP■ cl c、 yi。 9。 ctに せ て ‖‖ じ “ … は颯 “"、 ω 赫 酬 ,rnnnc二 範 J∝ 1。 翻 ic:柵 忠 ド躙 糟 dり ll¨ ― qt:I`c( 01i10 1lic 1 0t,ri‖ 1: A rC'tソ 1ヽ ‖ W礼 lS.2 1鵠 :掲 │● ‖ 濡1常 l:滑 !濯 L∬ ::‖ t‖ (■ l、 (■ 嬌 ¨ 劇話い lw:llI認 :出 ∬ C TI:c dctcnninerion $,ill talic ir)tc ncccLrr)l thc bidJcr,i lrnrnciai anri tcclnical c.,p:rbrl,tics. Ir rriJj bc bascd uJ,on r) cxxmjnation cf rirc docjrncnlary ;i rhe,l)i.tdcrs, qu-,-ti(r ,onr submirr?d ur. tcr f.jt, rj \.ctj -- s,rc:. ortv.r irrfomrrriorr ""i,J";,;; rcquirc. in rirc DiJdint Docurncr,ts. IB.1! Arynrd 19. I CrircI'ia & I rocurixg Agcncy,s Righf Subjccl lo i8. t9.2, rhc I,roc!ri,g ,,\gcn+ wili .q,ird ltro Coxlriict to thc brddc. \yttoic biLl hrs bccn dfiennined to Lre substantialjy rcsponsrvc to t}c Bjdding Documents an(i who has offcrcd the lo\\,csl evatu.rcd Bid pricc, pioyiCcd ihar such bidder hirs bcen detcon,ncd to bc qL*liCed ro srrisfactoD,rc.Iomi rhc borrrrcr in :rccortlancc wiit) tir;;rcviridlil of :irc it 16. I9.l Not\.r,rstri:d:r);i0.i,.l.ri,cfio.u|irr;.\6cncylcscr\c( 1.(rj; i.r :c ,,c:-1-: or ,c.cc: rIy biC, ind Io annul (l)c biddin3 trcccss rnd rcjccl Jll bids, r( rrry rinrc p|ior to rrrvrrrLl oi. Conlr:rct, lvillour rhcreLy incL:rirg a|y IiaLrility to the aii.clcd tji.Jders or any obligarior io inlonrr rhc aflcclcJ t,iddcrs of the grounds ior t|e lrocur.ing Agency,.l iciion q.(ccpt JhJr.rhc gro rJs 1!r irs rcjccr:o;r of .jI oids strait Upor) rcqlcsl bc conrnrunicrlccl, ro arry 5rridcr rvl:o sr1.:nrirrcd a biC, \!irlroutjLrslilicirtion of lhc groun{ls. Not:cc o1 rirc rcjcclion rfrlJ the biris shall bc givcn pronrp(1, ro xti the biddcrs (Spp ltulc 25). Il].10 1otlflc:rtloI 0i,4,nxrd & Slgntr)g ofCo,rtt'lr.r lrre,ncr)i. , 20.1 lrcr I crf:rrtion of.rhc pcrio._,of biJ vcliJiry pr.scribcJ tJy thc lrocUr:DS Agcncy, r)ro rocuring Atcncy will notify th" !uccc.sl'Ji SiCJcr i.r wr:,:nU (,,1cI|rr of acccpr:,ncc,,7 r rar his bid his bcc 6cceprcd (Sirt,jluIc t9). to ︱︰ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱︲︲﹂ に︲ ■ 2U.2 ',ithir lcvcn (07) d.ry5 fronr ltrc Calc ofiurn;shiD8 oflcccptablc perfornrcnce Securily rr:rdcr rlrc ColrLJrrions olConrr,Lrr, thc I,roi:,rir,A ALturxi/ rvitJ sc.(t tl)c s.ccusi-tirl t)iLl(Jcr li.e Fonr ofConlric( Agrccnrcrl providcd jN rc llidd;ng L)ocunrenls, iircorpo.atillit ill : rccnr,'nls b.ts'c"n th. flrii"s lo:l 'l'rc Ii),Irrl isrccrrrcrrr trcrr"ceI Jru J',,re r;rJ ?\ij.JruJ, ,(t tJ,c rLrcLU,||tirJ trj(litur {lL,l). sirrrpcd al rale of --% ol bid pice(updrted l|o|r tirxe {o iilre) stilcd in Lc(er ol Arccplnncc sliall bc cxecutcd \\,ithin scycn (07) Jirys ol.thc rcccipt ofro n ofContrirct jJec,lcnt n by th. sr!.essl'ut l,j(t(Jer ltonr ilje I,J,,cLrilrr rurr.y I S ndl, P iri Pe., rc,ncnr 8.[!l rory ^o hori]y │ │ ´・ lll :l ljclfi)r nr,lrrcc Sccurii' ),. r-h.sLcccsslilbir.lcirilrri iLrrrislr : (o lhc l'roctr ing \!,rs rc) l Peflo lia rce SecLrrity rn thc linl r rrl ( rc xnroL rrL stifLrlatcd iN llre Condllions oi Corltract wlthin a Period ol ibultcen ( l4j CaYs xticr lxc [cccipl o1-Leltcr ol Ac.eptsfce (S PP ]9). ) .. F^rlure (-.1 tre s!cccssll b.dijer io conrel. -r tr il'e req,riicrrents ol Sirb-ClxLlses 111.20.2 & 2Ll.l o 2i.l o ChLsc iD.l2 srril corsliiulc sui_llc crrl g:oLLnds lol'Lh. arnt] ncnt oi the avvard and lorliltL[c ol thc B)d SccLritv. 2l.i l'rblicatior oTAward oi-Corrlfact rrirrin settrr (lr)\ o1'lhc.rr'rrd ofcortrict, lhe l)mcrring sli llrhi sl on irc r\,ai\ la ail t,ra rL llrorLi' rrial Jit ls onr \tahsilc. l'stlch jl \!cb\iLe crl\ls, ihc i.,r I' ol Lrc b LlLl rg 1:Lrccss. ircntil), r!r lrc Lrld th oLtBr DIoct rcrrrcnt rdenlil' rrq Nrrntrcr Ll nn)' r r.l ll ial]f\r,irg rnlir nlltr{rn: (lt r'.,1'LxLir.r) l{cr0rt. (lt : .) r) oi Co rl irci.nC c(1.:'oi \n,:r:'a: (-ll I lol'Qrr t i cs or Schcduic ollle!r;r.i)..is. iSI'l lir c i[]) Intcgrih lxct Tirc Bi.l.]cr s|2li : -r .'f.J \lrrrr 15i f!r rr ol lrrre-ri\ Prcr provi.icrl ai SclrLilLrle-[ 10 Ili(] in lhe Biciding DocLrnrcnt ior all Sindh Covotrrnlent proctrrelrellt contr'acls cr.r'!lirg llLrfccs tef (10) rillior.FriLuc((rprovi(!luchlnlclrityPactslritllrnakcthebianonlr.r rrsir c iSI'l' liL it S9). l8.ll S, l I b ic Pi.crrc f .,r( ite!rlar. ) ,\r ihor rr' R\ rr )prii ,,!11, tt.!.pli 121(ll A dctaHcd dcscHplon Of口 ,c、 vorks,csscnial tcchnical and PcrfOrrnancc charactcnsdcs (b) Com rleted sct of technicxl inlornrrlron. dcscl-rption. daLe- litcrernre and dra*.ings as reqLlir(:d in accordrn re with schedule B to Bid, Speci,'ic Works Datc. Ihis rvill includc but nor bc limited 1o as sufficicnl numbcr of drau,ings, pholographs calalogues, illustrations and slrch olher informalion as is ncccssar] to il[rstratc clcarl],the significant charactenstics such as qcneral constructioll dimensions jrnd othcr relevinl infonn:rtion lhc v,orl(s to be Drclormed ^horrt 2%of Estimntc Cost 131,ヽ mcunt ofI〕 id Sccllri● 14.1 Num bcr 90 days Validity 14.1 Pcrir d of Rid of Copics of thc Bid to bc submitted: One Original .ocuring Agcncy's Addrcss 14.6 (a) P for thc PurPosc of Ilitl Sultnrission:Exccutivc Enginccr Ghotl<i Division (Irrigation) Ghotki (Irriga(ion Colonl,) (lnsert poptal addrcss or location of hicl box dtlircry by honQ tr5.1 Dcrd inc for Submission oI tsids :- 16 1 Venu、 Timc,and Ditc of Bid Opcning:- 16.4 I{cspo rsivcncss (i)Bid is ya rd rinrc l,oo Pn y"n,," XE ANr/r,M lv }la/o on of fi adr br'rr'h ot't ol llicls till rcquiicd pcliocl Sindh Publi: Procurcment Rcgulatorl' ,'\uthoritJ / w\\'u' DDrasirldh. qov.pk Jl「 卜 ' lt I lir :r llrr ' lg ci i:c rc;' rrl cantractrPii'c:r'J]uslrll'lrtl ".iitts aonrllc(lor rcliorl ol'liLcr rs !vilhil liP.ciiicd lixils' llii (i\l Ili(L.Lcr ii . i!rr. 1.r lll(l .r.l :r.ssisr,!5 tlr: r_r1L:srll c)il-''i:')'e qualtilclliorr. (t) BiJ Cocs rot Ccr (vi) Bids eLc lleneral ` iI(ヽ ct「 ■2 rrlc:lor b:ll c t.clrrricill ) II cfl-''lri lt\ 'lr'l rcqulrcncrrls afd older. tlc. x!.rra. .ar ell,rr: e.iher ol t\!' oFiiorrs' i'\cItcr t)rher t'I tirtt) I (x) Iri\cd l'r'icc cotrl,'rlcl: :lr tlrcsc coLrtLacts 1o oscilllltioLl rvi i bc providcd (r1-conrpL'1i(rn ol thcsc CLrriLrg cir rcLrc;'' rf lhc co1!'l't rlrJ r1'rx' lv l--c'iod \voLlis is unlo ll rlo:rlirs. corrlrlrct: ll llrcsc coit'r'Ls escal'Lion \vli bc laid oriy 1,, rl',nr. ,r",,,s anll irr ille neff'L us rrotrlleo b)' F nence Dc|3r:xeft' Covcrnrrtcnt ol'SinclLr. riiel blcl oPeningd(rrirlSclLrrcncyofilccontlact' (b) l'ricc rdirrstrlicnt S r. 1i:l . :':.J,f :xci,l lit:,rlu1rrr '\L ti._1j lrls iirli ' I ! |r FOR,Ⅲ OF,11) (LE「 ER OF Or「 CR) ●ぃ 凛、三 二 二_J「 lJavrrgcMrnx(rl lre ll tl. rSDocrf.rh LrclL dng IrslrLrcirors 1o Bi(ldcrs. BldaLrg D.ta. Corditror)s oi C. r(Lrd, Corlrrct Dar.. Speciilc.liols, Dra$'iir!.s. ii ix). S.h€iule of Pr..s and r\dCe[di \os. \!e th1] Lirdersrilrcd. bcinr r fbr ll)e c\ccut:on oi llre abovc-nanr.(l qorks. compfn) doirrg bLslncss rrndcr (he narrrc ol-,rrrd eal( fc15 iId duil, rrcorpor:rterl rrr.lcr rlrc la!vs ol' Pakrsln r htretry conrl)lcte srLch lvorks and rrmed! eIy sard llocrrrrcrli fci.rdr r:, /\dd. rr r Rs__,_(llut).c\ St 1l fヽ ]]aVじ c nscc「 tai]ed \\rc uri cr'starri I ril b.rrrg olrlc to exccr lc x rd cof [o nit] will I lc ToIrl Bid tricc or ) or sirch ciher ,acco「 d`l]ccヽ Vtli]c sald DOc[il'C]IS r;l :lr. S.hc.l. i.:s .ir.)ched l)crclo lor'rrr trri ofthis Did As sccuflly,ior (luc perlbrnrfce of thc urderTal(ngs ard ob igaliofs ol this Bid. lc sul,- rii h..*i1r I Bid Sccurilv rr lhc llfroun( ol_ '?'."".o.'t.'. 1lr o, ,,r.. 1...,t,t. r.;. \_ arr.l viriiii rbr ir ir.rioJ ci t\\uni) cjgri (13) dals bclorr.i llre pcriod oivN rrllrv ol Bid .tLr gid is r.ccpreC. to coinrer.c rhe \\'orl,s arrd ro dclrler and cornfl.ie th. \\'orks.orlrt)rrsed in l). Coflral]l !!irhiI ihc tirreG) st.re(l iI \\c rnJrrtrh.:, LI i..b.ic b] iirs Illd foI tlr. Jicri.d ol C.,! s f om ihc drte reccivrnr t re sa nc rn.I it slrlll rerral I b rrcf'rrg upof us and nrl\y be rcccIttd arv trmc belo'c th. .NlirrtioI olti)at ocr od fixed 6 l-or Urlcss rrC rIril n lorllla ,\greeincrrt is preparca and clic.uied. this Ili.t. togcthcr \\i(h yorr \yrittcn rccepi.Icc therebi shrll cofslilUle a bi {tiIg conirilc( [-r€t\vec r rLi. Urc t r(crtxi,., il o!r Bid rs acce]]1.d. to erec!rc lhc Peri)rr)ance Sccur iv ― Sr . rl'fir c )rocr..nrri l.grlrr0r) ,,\Ltix,r lf \, rr.irtnsii. r".1 tl ― ― ― ― 枷 cicrrcd tr) rrCo:tditiorsoi _ ' Conir:rctlcf;hcir.p.riorma|ceoftlreCon(rlct 3 Wc urrdcrln|d iecciv'i. r). \\/. do Icr.b\ dcclxre ihr: tire lji.i is rade \r'iiiroUl r.ir! collusicn, colrrpariso,r of llures or .r,rnq.Denr !\'rih an\.othcr person or peisons |naking a bi(l lirJ ti.t lor xre fot bound to ac.epi rhc iolvesi or enl b d you may llrc \\ orks. 20 D:,lcd I h:s S r3f;rtL rc rrr ll)c cir]rrcily ol (Nanc oJ lldlu' tn (lt y atit1lori∠ ed to s13〕 b(l f l a,d O, be :│l ol Rloti: Ccptaisl (Scat) (S g rlllLrrc)_____ ヽ 側 “ d“ 鰤 ¨ t¨ ¨ い ■■ "Iぎ 記Ⅲ V沐 、 列 lscritDUI_[s'fo S ri 'L r :r ) ..! BrD rrcr_t_])E l.rri r or.Lowrj\G: . Sclrc,:iule A (o . Scir.Jllic ll (o ll rl ' . S.leJule C (o Ilr(l: Wori(s ro bc pcfiorlnc. b! Scl)r.irlc D to Llrd I,rcp.s.d i,ro!rxnl oi\\orks . S.h.d'r:. . Schc(l!lc l: ro llrdi Lrtc! it) i,rcll Lr:n. r( llclL irLo,! E ro , Bj.t Il rii,, J Sche(kr c S;..iij. of prices ,,\.(_rris Dfrr Sr bcorr|aclors \iettrc(lo1 i,cribrrrrrl \\iorkr L|rr \. i,! s ,,( , ,r)\ fk 脚 I()BH) SCIII:DUI′ ヤ サー人 SCHI]1)● II](つ 11'IRI S「 c l:S N0 I',tS!_fq ︱ ^ ^ Prc..frl]le tr Srirciiu Sc r: r.iPrics :.1 rilr Io l,r:rr 'la) oi SL,,rrllxry 26 tsiC Pncc:j 'ah) l).h i.(l SclrcJ l.; , r.\ ,Bi lt)l()Ui lil c5 (llOe) , '「 「 S (l fuLr ′ │ご P,ぜ ,Il r`′ ●″ ‐ 71マ ″ r″ ′ 1つ て ″ど1,ガ ●Jrリ iて r ' ..u(:u. rL licgfli(. \,1' Lr. f. \,.n..i,,..,r,ff..i,l [: [:ll,1電 SCIIIjDし PRl].ヽ ⅣIBI I.E_A TOl,lD E「 o scI:E:)Ui l,oFF'RIcl_S Ccncl.rl 1 Thc S.l)ci!l: ot irrr..: shall ]rc r.iid rf cofj!ircljor) wrlh rhc Condrtrorrs oi Cof llrcr, Cortiircl l),llir together rvith the Slrecific troIs rnd Dr*r,i rgr, if . rrrry.. ...).'l , J?- .r. L,r ._ i,.-v.."..:.t-.-.-.,,...rc - '' llir](li rg l)ocLrmc rir. Ilj|]s f ,5l trc trr ljrr .onrptetc \col). of,"ortrs. I)rscIipri0n , rr.r:,,r.,.,. o.,\ ,: ., ,r..,.,,..,,..,,,,.or ll- 1., ..f...rr ..,:...r r_c's('r,'t) .roj \ ... ...r:/.,r I r,re ctrro tc ur Irrcr:, P. ..rc.. .r. , -clio... i..1. , 1., l"i, _, ;. ., ;. ;, , ; ,: -. ..C ,,o J ょ 人bb]で 、│(ぉ t,olf、 p.:. ....,.-.:.,',,- .,.,... .-, ,.t":, n、 1 Ul ls O「 │〕 lcast‖ cl,cnt syn,5015 3 1 .rri rl)brcvirtions crprcssca in 帖 御回 \,r(lr thc hlurlrnlronaJr :Ⅲ !、 早 淵器 "″ lhc SysteJIe ,.1\to!! Ti. !:rtrt) iotront to ie tr.tt,rl rt tit! S.heLl la .t pt).t,.\ t.) del|c!J bt ttr. rnL rr trX t!.,cr) 4 Il,lcs:llr(l 42 oih. ! s. sl fr:tarc(l I r. i ,,. (lurng tlie '.. │【 │ be Pr.iccs (Jrrr.ss , d, thc Co rr.: ,1 i,.r : ...:.f ,...., p.rtbr nircc .i Iire Co rh.i]cl. :.:,... .1 . D:rlit, illc picIrilIn. rillcs sutriecl to rdtt]slrxc|l b. r'c....r. .,r.r o.:.. ie I Jr\i...! t. :.. e.11. i rclr d.d i| rt r I rr(\ .r|.1 fr r.es 161 ,1 ,;1 ;,. Th. \\'lta:c cast lt_colrpl;ilg ryiti rlr. j)r.i)!r\rols of tir. CoIir].1 i iir li b3 Lr.lja.d rr ili. rrcnrs ir:.ovi.:ed ir rirr,!:l cJLrle c! Prices. an(i $l)etr :)ar !5 .l),ocurr clr lirlul|Lt ) rlr,,ir\,jrr,,r.r\jirlrlfl.it sar;laDLD,[ .{ i'o itil) ir, rirrl5 r:. Iror':rlcd. thc cosi sl;rlt ird Cccrreri ro b! rti\lrib!rc(t iirro r! I r. .tcs airJ Lrri.:s eirereC for ihc relatcd it.nrr ol ih. \\/orlis . .. , r: .... . t:. :. . .. -.. r,. .: ..,. ., ,l :. -. I .-1 . I .. -i, ,. ,,, : .., Sclr.ir l. of Pric.5. .\ r\ ;lrxr a:.irrs( \hiclj o r:rl. or pricc rs c lcrc(l Ll ii. lrr(i.lcr 11Ll j.i L.: pald icr b,,. l|c procu ir.! ALlcncr \\trc]l .'..'-I .:.:.: .::. ".1.: r'c.\crc.;t.r.c,.:j :r..r p..'.J. .. l:. i ilors r iri Schcdfl. ifi,ri.cs. ' ,' : 45 -t (.) to re iridd:r s rell iIt ll br ceenred ro ira!e oL)rxirrc(l rIl Lnlo nrriorrs iIcIrcnts rejaica lrerelo \\ rich r)ri), afr'c.r lhc biJ r'e.rL r(5) l-l)c Co rrr.cro shall be respons Lrle lo llratc corrrptcle I rin':cncr:ts for lire [i;s])orialjon of(hc J,hfl lo rhc Silc. + 46 t r i.I !:t nct n ay n adif, ct.\ nppt apn nt ?) 'l r._ Con(rac(or sha i Frovi.je for all partsof tlte Wo (s lo bc co pjctcd iir cvcry rcsp€$ NotLvitr.randjng that afy dctn ls, xccessorics, .t.. c!rircd lor thc conrplete iIslrllatro]l arC srtisfecrory L,pcrrlion ol (l)c W(,1is.;r'. Iol \irc6flcrlly nrcntjorcd iI rjrc Spc.itjcNlioIs, ruch dclrils shi)l hc cofs idered as irlcL!(lcd ri thc CoIrrlcl pricc , Urcli'r i) oi B ri P L.es 'fh! r'iuil]rs c cnrcnts oi 3 ij Pricss siall bc ouoted :r! (l.rali.il bI rl)c l)ro.!rirS ,\Sc r.\' rf lhc :.rrrat ol S.|."rxl. oi pl|.cs 'l ltj bi(ia.r s r.il .:ccljiiz: :Lrc r elcnrenis of t rc cosl, r hrclr hc $,l:ccrs Lo ircIr lirc l).:io: rral:: olrire \\'oJl,s aId sltill ixc !de rll sr ch ..sls rr llr. 'fics iif(i .rroUIis.,rteie.] rn tit3 S.l.d!. ofPIr..s. -li iir Dril I,r lh! lotr Su 6. r i n !,1 Ilirl l'rrccs さ く (I' rcc r:rrrl .il cl'brC plccs cf 13rcl rr rhe ScIeclLrle ollir:s srrll b..Ircrf(l jI rirN P rces. ProYisrorLrlSurus rnd Dar ,ror-k 6.1 i ihe Schc.tutc oft,rlccs 1\,hole or lr part ar rhc dr|ccrion rrra (liscrctioo ol- (hc En!'ineerProcLr;ng Agerc,v. Thc Coirractor $,ilt o|ly I'oyisiorrl Srirs iIcirded afd il llr). shrll bc crlreIded |: icccL,rc pr\ncrt rt rcspect of 0tlrr ctc(l 6.1 so desrgirated Lrv Provision.l Srms. I hc hlrs hccn lhc l-,rlilccr/ProcL ring Agencl,. to Urrlizc sUch s |rs. Ilir), $ofl, riltcs irr thc contractor's bid irc to bc Lrsc(l tor sni,rll ir(k lror;r irllorirrs cl$.o-ii.rd on./ $rer the trr!rIeer lra!e rt\,.rj \,r l1.r iLrsi uct .rs ir aJrafce for a.iJ tron. !!ork to br )rl{i Lr rr lrxt \',rr l'r . i. i' .r,'r,ri.rL lir:ti, t r(irj, ,1r:r:lt ,,N !,r;i ,,r.=.r\..; I'ItiCES― SUヽ 1ヽ 1人 itヽ ′OF BIDl'RICI:S(SRn〕 ple) 「 1,‖ ヽol l (A) i I] u \\ orlr il(lin g Crr i ,rorks Iilerr.l srnihr) Elcclrific.rlio 「T「 爪i]17面雨¬ l)c\c riplio r .l \!rl.r suirIl) r Er1cJl)r l).\ c . )nrc rt $ork:, Miscc laf co r s ltcfrs (B) Il(Jn(l \\'orL. Lr;:Lll'ror. ll11rc C ,Lrsl う J .rri .'\1r1... Tre.trIcIr Culv!r'ts i1D.l llr a:!s Mrscellrncous l1c ns (C) Public IIeNI{I IngirccriDg U/orks. Eaithwork. S iLbs r rhcJ i)rrns Plp. Lr\'in:r. )d :'1.r :r.l.s Tube $e is. Pt| rrD :ror ses Compor r)il $.ll i\liscel il rcous ll.r)rs │ヽ │ ︱ ︱ ︱ ﹁︱ ︱ ︲ L\ \N\ j.,.s..,-.1..1, 而 い 一 ︲ c ︲ ︲ ︲ 一f 。 高 ︲ 二” 而 咲 一 一に ]Jr1..i']..:,!,,.Ijt.!r'xr.,r/\,ti. 扇 :., │■ otal B d P ct (I]ヽ ヽ0(S) 赫 而 │ l ヽC!II]DUl ll― 人 F()I〕 lD SCIIEDU!1;OF PRICl:S ri"; I L n,i IUIr{ll\) l orxl r\,n. r\;. i L (CiYiln,orlis) ILIIltcr nrl s,rni(ilr-y irn(l \vrtcr suDDly. III I]icc(li“ entiOil IV. lirlcrnxl I)cr,clopnrcnl \r. lUisccllrncors Itcrns i │ cirl (/r, │ │ Dr crlr i..l :^lr.Lirii t)l il(t t.\ T /r) .!r 11r1t\ oi ttLi -, .t I Pt ).?) r ″′ ′ ハc′ ルfご ∫、ァ ,′ ′ (′ :∫ ;;::,,; , HUSSAIN OURESH: ヽ 口l ・ '● 卜lo llて 、 じ‖さ,lent ヽttu11● :A● ヽ 11● .│}│、 、 いヽ PP'` │■ │ DIVISON(IRRIGA, 'a,gCnOrX{ ri n I (ns) ヽ ヽ .・ MP “SCHEDULE Packlge No:3 31〔 Cft 313 Cft 921 St 2 N)sl 1061 Sft 36 5 Sft 3010 Sft 601=ft / 444 St 1. Dismantling sun dried brick e No 10 2. Puccd brick work tn Bround cement sand mortar ralio 1:5. littШ B" nrasonry. floor 37813 ln 斃 」憎[ili‰ 場 器・〕 ' lhヒ 1290208 403840 249677 229950 4. Fixingwater spout or pernalas. 5. Mud plaster on floor o..oof L thick 6. Flrst class deodar wood wrought journey in doors and windows etc, fixed in positton i/c cholvkats hold fasts, hin8es iron towcrs, bolts, chocks, cleats, handles and cords with hook etc, deodar paneled or paneled and lazed or fully glazed (al Z', thicli. 7. Whtte washing three coats. B. Distempering two coats 9. Painting doors and windows type two coats fPage 6ワ 〕 10. ProvidinB and lying Halla or patrern rrles glazed 6"x6"x7/4" on floor or wall facing in required colour and pattern of STyLE specrficalion joinred in white cement and pigment over a base of 1.2 gray cement motar %" thich i/c washing and filling of joint with slurry of whjte cement and pigment in dressed hape with finishing clearing and cost ofwax polish elc complete i/c cutting tiles to profile. 58830 133659 128180 261170 116006 69710 4765156 211s7z.oJ 377128x4Rs 594 Sit 2241 S t 1756 Sit 630 SR L[irentplasterl:3 up t0 20 11t lbl 1/2 2. White washing rhreeioiE 3 Distempering¨vo cOats 4. Painting doors and *inaow; type t*o 632 Sfl ЛO。「 Orr。 。fl″ ぬたk ― 3771280 15085120 249672 148310 82995 107965 185990 189580 116006 73080 35080 Item llti Rate Per Atnount 6. First class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows erc, fixed ln position 5 Sft Sft i/c chowkats hold fasB, hinges iron lowers, bolts, chock, cleats, handles and cords with hook etc, deadar paneled or paneled and glqzed or fully glazed (al 2" thick. 7. Proving and laying Halla or paitern tiles glazed 6"x6"x1/ 4" on floor wall facing in required colour and paftern of STYLE specificahon jointed in white cement and pigment over a base of 1:2 grey cement mortar % thicki/cwashing and filling of joints wrth slurry of white cement and pigment in desired shape with finishing clearing and cost of wax polish etc complete i/c cutting tjles to 133659 P― Sft 1817760 4765156 %Sft 4126630 profile. Rs. 6576430 Rs: 39458580 Total Amount 657643x6Grand Total Amount 3 CFt 3 Cft ),ft 8 Sft O Sft ,Sft l`lft Sft 1. Dismantling sun drayed brick masonry. … &pryo. 10. 2 Pucca brick 、 vOrk in ground no。 「 cementsand mortar rati。 1:5 in ^ b 3 Cement Piaster 1 3 up t0 20'hし 〔 b)% thick(Page o 51 ― 4. White washing three coats. 5. Distempering tlvo coats. 6. Painting doors and windows type two coats. 7. Mud Plaster on floor or roof 1" thicl( 8. First class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows etc, Iixed ln position i/c chowkats hold fasts, hin8es iron towers, bolts, chock, cleats, handles and cords with hooks etc, deadar paneled or paneled and glazed or fully glazed (al 2" thick. 9. Providing and lying Halla or pattern tiles glazed 6"x6 xl/4" on floor or wall facing in required colour and pattern of STyLE specification jointed in white cement and pigment over a base ol 1:2 gray cement motar 3/4" thtch i/c washing and filling of joint with slurry of white cement and prgment rn dressed hape with finishing clearing and cost ofwax polish e[c complete i/c cutting tiles ro profile. 37813 %Ct 40570 1290208 %Cft 1384390 249672 %Sft 216960 82995 107965 %SFl %Sft 266240 181380 116006 0/O Sft 50810 5550 %Sft 35080 Sft 1443520 %Sft 4612670 133659 4765156 P‐ Total Rs 8231 2x16 Rs 8231620 131705920 tit Q Itell■ TYPE OUARTER NO:10&24〕 1. Dismairtlng sun drayed brick masonry. PART‐ D 2 Cft 2 CFt Page No. 10. 2 Puccal brick ` VOrk in grOund nOor in cementsand mortar rat,01:5 (Page No120〕 'Sft :Sft )Sft srt Si Sft Rate Per 37813 %CFt 98390 1290208 %CIt 3357120 249672 %Si 495840 82995 107965 %Sft %Sft 114030 150720 116006 %Sft 43500 5550 0/O Sft 32850 254829 %Si 103720 %Sft 4898580 133659 P_srt 2085080 2115 Each 4230 482020 P Cwt 1520290 3370 P‐ Cft 1983950 Amount rC‐ 3 Cement Plaster l:3 up t0 20'ht(b〕 thick,〔 Page o 51 4. White washing three coats. 5 Distempering two coats. % 6. Painting doors and windows type tlvo coats, flooror roofl" thick B. Providing and layin8 %" rhick ropping cemenl concrete l:2:4 i/c suriace finishillg 7. Mud Plasteron and dividing rnto panels 3" rhick. 9. Providing and lying Halla or pattern tiles glazed 6"y,6":x.1/4" on floor or wall facing rn Sft `ft 03: (wt 1 crt required colour and pattern of STYLE specilication tointed in white cement and pigment over a base of 1:2 gray cement motar 3/a" thich i/c washing and filling of joinr wilh slurry of white cement and pigment in dressed hape with finishing clearing and cost of wax polish etc complete i/c cutting tiles to Drofile. 10. Firsl class deadar wood wroughtjourney rn doors and windows etc, Ilxed in position i/c chowkats hold fasts, hinges jron rowers, bolts, chock, cleats, handles and cords with hook efc, deadar paneled or paneled and glazed or fully glazed (a) 2" thick. 11. Fixing Water spout or paralas 12. Fabrication of mild steel re information cement for cement concert i/c cutting bendrng laying ln position and iasting i/c cost af binding wires (also includes removal of rust form bars) (P-No. 18 Hem No. 7 (a) 13. R.C.C work in roofslabs, beams, columns , rafts, lintels and other structural members laid in position or pre cosr laid in situ completion in all respect ratio 1i2:4 (P-No.4, Itbm No.18) 4フ 65156 TOtal Rs 1488830x2Rs ) No■ nつ 14888300 29776600 つ ′、 Wiring for light or fan point wrth 1/1.13 [3/029) PVC: insulatcd wire PVC in 20mm (3/4) PVC coiiiiuir recessed in rhe walt or column as rer]ujred IP-15 ltem 129]. 1. 18 ] 910 P Poi1lt 163800 QuantL 8 :磨 ' Per Rate Item 『器 含 ∬ 訥 l』 ‖ ち‖勝疇偲徹:‖ :‖ Amount 742 P― Point 59360 171 P-Meter 61560 428 P-Meter 179760 recessed in the、 va1l or column as reOuired 3 Providing and laying(Main Or sub/main〕 36 PVC insulated wnh size 2 7/0 29 copper conductor in 3/4 dia PVC conduit on surface rP lltem 03 42 4. Providing and laying main or sub main PVC insulated wtth stze 2.7/ 0.52 copper conductor 1" dia PVC conduit on surfacc. Pase 01 ltem 61. 18 20 10 5 5. Providing and fixinB samps switch flush type one wat S-P samps switch flush Bpe. fPaEe 33 ltem 2191. 6. Providing and fixing rwo pins 5amps swirch plug anil socket.lPage 33lten222) 7. Providing and fixing brass bittern holder. fPase 33 Item 232) B. Providing and fixrng brass prn switch socker. 54 P‐ Nos 9720 80 P― Nos 16000 70 P‐ Nos 7000 166 P‐ Nos 8300 TotalRs, 50550x2Rs (ili) (WATER SUPPLY & SENATORY WORK OUARTER NO:10&241 1. 3 505500 10■ 1000 Providing and fixing squatting type white glazed earthen were W.C pan with rncluding the cost of flushrng cistern with internal fltting and flush pi,lc with bend & making reqursrte nurnber of holes in walls plinth & floor for pipe connections & making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 with 4" dia earthen ware trap & plastic thumble P-1 Item No: 1[ii) 50882 P/No 15265 Nos 127620 P-Nos. 28150 冊 ri川 陥 1奮 t冊 ITrW電 温 i 425390 3 え :, 3 P‐ ^● _ 3 Add extぬ 口 iabOur br P/F PF ofea“ hm vere pedestal 、 、 vhite or colored glazed forettn equibmont P 3 item No 9 93847 Per Iteコ n Rate 4. Providing and fixing steel sinke stainless locai make complete with cast iron wrought iron brackets 6 inches built in wall 1-7/2' C.P bubber plug chrome plated brass chain 1-7/2" C.P brass waste, with 1-112" P.V.C waste pipe and making requisite number of 516230 P‐ Nos 51620 202446 P‐ Nos 80980 P-Nos. 17880 Quantity Atnount holes in wall and plrnth and floor pipp connection and making good in cement concrete 7:2:4 (bl Steel sink stainless sized 36" x18" local make fStandard Dattern) P.5 Item No. 19 fbl 4 2 5. Providing frxing 6"x2" or 6"x3" C.l floor rrapor the approved selt .lpaninB desing wirh C.l screwed down gritting with or without and vent are complete with and i/c maklng connecrion and making good in C.C 1:2:4 P.6ltem No.20 6. Providing and flxing in position nylon conncetion complete with 1/2" dia bradd stop cock with pair of brass nuts dnd lining ioint to n,,lons connection P-6 Item No. 23 7. Providing and fixing chrome plaled brass towel rail complefe wirh brackets fixing on wooden cleat with 1" long C.P screws flxed to wooden Dleat P-1 fbl Item No. 1 44フ 05 Nos 28260 2376 P.Nos. 47520 33329 P,Rft 3330 2706 P.Rft 5410 141295 P‐ 8. Providing and nxing 15"x12" beloved edge 2 1 2 2 mirroe of Belgium glass compelre wrth 1/8" thick hard board and C.P screws lixed ro wooden Dleat P-7 item No.3 [b) 9. Providing and fixrng 4" dia CI soil and event pipes i/c cuttlng and fitting and exfra painting to match the color of buildings P-9 Item No:1 10. Provrding and flxing 4"x4x4" dia C.l branches of the required degree wtth access doors rubber washer 1/8" thick and bolts and nuts and extra painting ro match the color or building P-9 Irem No. 5 11. Providing and fixing 4" dia C.l plain bend of the required deBree i.c exrra painting to match the color of buildjngs P-10 Item No. 56670 P‐ Nos 11330 12. Providing and fixing 4" C.l terminal guard i/c extra painting to match the color of the buildins P-10 item No.11 38970 P‐ Nos 7790 13. Providing and fixing 3"x3"x3" dia C.l branch of the required degree with access door rubber washer 1/B' thick and builts and nuts and exrra palnfing to match the 58530 P-Nos. 10 2 2 color or the buildins P-10 Item No. 17 11710 uant.i y 2 20 130 20 130 80 150 50 3 2 Item 14. Providing and fixing 3" dia C.l bend ol the requjred wirh and builts and nuts and cxtra painting to match the color or the buildine P-11 Item No. 21 15- Providing G.l pipes and special etc r/c fixing cutting and fllting completer with and i/c the cost of cutting trench npto 2-1/2" feet deep refilling watering ramming and disoosal ofsurplus P.174 Item No. 1 (il & [ii) 16. Add: extra labour for concealed C.l prpe and fitLing i/c making raccs in the wall for pipe and making good in cement morfar Pt. comDlete P-12 ltem No.2 17. Providing and fixing G.l pipe and special etc i/c fixing cutting and fitting trench upto 2-7/2" feet deep fitting water rammrng and disposdl of surplus earlh with I onc chain and painting two coats oF bitumen paint to pipe and specirl altPr.leanrng and l)assian cloth sacked in and maxphlat composition wrapped rightly rounl pipes and resting to a pressure head of 200 fr: and handing. P-12 Irem No.1 18. Providing anf lixing handle valve P'17 Item No.5 2 19. Supplying and fixiirg canceled Rate 50880 6488 8636 782 845 8636 11620 18358 20042 2フ 192 36542 Per Amount Nos 10180 P― RFt P― Rft 12980 112270 P― Rft P― RFt P‐ RFt P‐ RFt P‐ Rrt 69090 174300 91790 Nos Nos P― Nos 6010 5440 7310 P‐ P― P‐ 1560 10990 5 steps cocks for superior quality wi!h C.P head 1/2 " dia P-15 lrem No. 13 478128 P‐ Nos 23910 5 20 Supplying & nxing long bib cock Of supenOr quaHり with C P head 1/2・ canded dia P 151tem No l 110946 P‐ Nos 55470 21 Providing and 6xing in C P brass shO、 ver rose with 1/2・ or 3/4・ inlets 4・ da P15 25938 P-Nos 5190 Nos 219900 P― Rrt 43970 P‐ Rft P― Rft Lem No 17 glass plastic tank ofapproved quality and deslgn and wall rhickness as specifled i/c cost ot butes bolts and fixing in plate form of C.C 1:3:6 & marn inlet and outlet and connections comPlete No.3 fal 250 Gal P-18 Item 23. Providing R.CC pipe rvith collars class )2. Supplying and nxing fibber 2198961 P‐ for overflow diPPer etc "B" and digging the trenches to required 30 130 60 dcpth and fixing rn positron i/c curting nlting and iointing with maxphall compositron and cement mortar 1.1 and testing with water pressure to a head of4 feet: above the top of the heights and refilling with excavated staff P-23 ltem NO. 2 14657 19925 40197 TotalRs. 192481X2Rs 25903 241180 1924810 3849620 Itern uanti 260 Sit 572 Sit 3 Nos PART― F rC‐ TYPE NEルV〕 1. Cement Plaster 1:2 uD ro 20'hr: yr" thicl(. 2. Mud Plaster on roofor floor 1" thick. 3. Fixinswater Douts or Darnalls. 1022 St 1206 Si 4. White washing two coats. 5. DistemDerine tlvo coats. 519 Sf 6. Painting doors and windows any type two coats. 616 Sfl 7 Proving and laying Halla or pattern tiles Elazed 6"x6 xl/4" on floor wall lacing in required colour and paftern of STYLE specification jointed ln white cemen! and pigment over a base of 1:2 Srey cemenr fiorlar 3/a" thick i/c washing and filling of joints with slurry of white cement and pigment in desired shape with finishing Rate Per 249672 5550 21175 82995 107965 %SFt %Sft %Sfl %S「 64910 31740 6350 84820 130200 116006 %St 60200 4765156 %Sft 2935330 Each clearing and cost of wax polish etc comPleie i/c cuttins tiles to proflle. TotalRs. 331355x6Rs TYPE OLDl 1. Dismantling sun drayed brick masonry PART‐ F 692 Cft 601 SFt Page No.10. ground cementsand mortar ratto 1:5. Pagc No 20 3. Cement Plaster 1:3 up Lo floor in 20'ht. [b) % thick rPage 0 51 37813 1 %Ci %CFt 892820 249672 %S■ 150050 %Sft %Sft 114030 150720 %Si %Si 43500 %SFt 60390 %Sfl 4898580 P‐ Sft 2085080 4. White washing three coats. 1396 SFt 5. DistemDering DistemDerin two coats. 82995 107965 6. Painting doors and windows type two 116006 592 SFt 237 Sft 1028 Sft 26170 1290208 1374 Sft 375 Sft 3313550 19881300 fC‐ 2. Pucca brick work in 692 CFt Amount 5550 floor or roof 1" thick topping B. ProviLiing and laying %" thick cement concrete 1:214 i/c s\tface finishinS 2548.29 and dividing into anels 3" thick. 9. Providing and lyrng Halla or pattern tiles glazdd 6"x6 x'l /4 on floor or wrll facrng rn requrred , colour and pattern of STYLE specificaiion jointed in white cement and pigment;over a base oF 1t2 Sray cement 4765156 motar 7a'; thich i/c rvashing and filling of joi;it' :vtiih slurry of white cement and pigirent .Jn dresscd hape wi(h finishinB p° Sh ac∞ mpた 7. Mud Plaster on 32850 に ]留 普 創l:翼 :手糀 1:I 1:ざ #:お W:雷 肥 殿 絆 計よ 躍 蹴 Wiξ 鳳謄:汀 脚鵠 ::‖ 156 Sft hoOksi bt,deadar paneled or paneled and I12ed orFtlllv賣 lazed ra〕 2・ thick 133659 ■‘ ¨ . 々ヽ 一 ︶ Item Vu凛 口LILy Rate 2115 11. FixinP Warer sDour or Daralas ,lt PART‐ G rD‐ TYPE OUARTEu 1. Dismantlinp Sun dried bricks masonry. 2. Pucca brick work in ground floor i/c stricking ofjoint in cemenr sand mortar ratio 1:5. 3. Cement Plaster 1:2 up to 20' hL Y2" thick. 4. Mud Plasier on roofor floor 1" thick. 5. White washing two coats. 6. Distempering three coats. Page No. 53, ft 7. Painting Doors and windows any type two coats. ft Clt ,1 ,t Sft f 845842x28 Rs AEount 4230 8458420 236835760 37813 %Ci 22230 1290208 %Cn 758640 249672 %Sft 129830 5550 82995 %Si %St 17260 144410 107965 %Si 103970 116006 %Slt 21800 254829 %Sft 113650 133659 P― Sft 1045880 l" thrck topping cement concrere 11214 i/c sutface finishing & dividing jnto panels @ 2" B. Providing and laying Per Each Total Rs thicl(. Sit 9. First class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows etc, fixed in position i/c chowkats hold fasts, hinges iron towers, bolts, chocks, cleats, handles and cords wrth hooks etc [a) 2" thick. Total Rs 235767x35 Rs l TYPEl 1. Dismantling Sun dried bricks masonry. 2. Pucca brick work in Sround floor i/c stricking ofjolnt in cement sand mortar r,tio PART‐ H 324 Cft 324 Cft 555 Sft 386 Sft ﹂n一 鈍 453 Sft n & ︲ 1:5. rD‐ 3. Providing and laying 2" rhick topping cement concrete 1:2:4 i/c surface finishinS drviding into panels. 4. Cement plaster [1:4) up to 20'height %" thick. 5. Mud Plasteron floor or roofl" thick 6. Fixrng water spouts and parnallas. 7. White washing three coats. B. DistemDerins two coars. 9 Painting doors andヽ Vindoヽ Vs any type t,vo 235 SR coats 2357670 82518450 37813 %CFt 12250 1290208 %Cfl 418030 141430 254829 '6 Sfl 249672 %Sft 96370 5550 21175 82995 107965 %Si %SFt 25140 6350 48960 145320 %Sft 27260 116006 P― Nos 0/O SFt Item Rate Per 10. First class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows etc, fixed in position i/c chowkats hold fasts, hinges iron towers, bolts, chocks, cleats, handles and cords with hooks etc [a) 2" thich. 133659 Rft a,■ 1 15 Sit Atnount 200490 112160x9Rs 1121600 10094400 37813 %Cft 99560 1,2902.08 %Cft 3397120 1210 96 Sft 83500 305662 %Sft 2109450 228383 1 %Sft 1576120 4765156 %Si 23568460 133659 P― Sft 6576020 116006 %Sft 57070 washing 3 coats. 282995 %Sft 3302900 10. DlstemDerinP 2 coats. 107965 (る Total Rs PART‐ l rCLASS‐ IBUNGALOヽ Vl 1. Dismantling cement concrete plain 2633(ft 2633 Cft 6901 25 Sft 6901 25 Sft 6901 25 Sft 4946 Sf: ratio l:2:4 2. Pucca brick work in ground floor i/c srricking ofjoint in cemenr sand mortar ratio 1:5. 3. Removing Cement or lime Dlaster 4. Cement plaster 1:2 up to 2o' ht: (b) 3/+: thick. 5. Cement plaster thick lz" ttp lo 20' height ratio 1:4. 6. Providing and lying Halla or pattern tiles glazed 6"x6"xl/4" on floor or wall facing in required colour and pattern of STYLE specification jornted in white '1:2 cement and piSment over a base of gray cement motar 3/a' thich i/c washing and filling of joint with slurry of white cement and pigment in dressed haPe with finishing clearin8 and cost of wax polish etc complete i/c cutting tiles to 1 | rofile. 492 Sft 492 Sft 116712[ 7. Firsr class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows etc, flxed in Dosition i/c chowkats 1% thick. B. Painting doors and windows any type 2 coats. 9. White Cft 2764 25 St Sft Total Rs. 4106864x2Rs 2801 Cft 8316 Sft PART‐ l fCLASS‐ II.BUNCAL01V〕 1. Pucca brick work in ground floor i/c stricking of joint in cement sand mortar ratio 1:5. 2. Cemenl plasrcr'1:2 up to 20'ht: (b) %: thick. 298440 41068640 82137280 1290208 %Cft 3613870 249672 %Sft 2076270 Quantity 3572 Ite■ l 3. Providing and lying Halla or pattern tiles glazed 6"x6"x1/4" on floor or wall facing in required colour and pattern of STYLE specification jointed in white cement and pigment over a base of 1:2 gray cement motar j/a thich i/c washing and filling of joint with slurry of whire cement and pigment in dressed hape rvith finishing clearing and cost of wax polish etc compiete i/c cutting tiles to Rate Per 4765156 %sft 133659 P― Sft Amount 17021140 rofile. 4. First class deadar wood wrought 406S,t 8316 Sft journey in doors and windows etc, fixed in Dosition i/c chowkats 1% thicl<. 5. DistemDerins 2 coats. 107965 % Sft Total Rs. 2903568x2Rs ti) 663 CF 60 67 Cv:t 1510 CF 5460 Sft PART-K I MASJID) 1. Dismantling cemenr concreLe reinforced separating reinforcement from concrete ning the same cleaninq and stre 2. Fabrication of mild steel reinlorcemenL for cement concrele i/c cuttrnB bcndinB laying in position making )oints and fastening i/c cost ol bending wrres [also i/c removal of rust fronr bars. fusing tor bars 3 R.C.C work in roof slabs beams columns rirfts, Iintels and other struclural members lnid in situ or pre cosr laid in posilion complete in allrespects ratio 1 2:4. 4. Removing Cement or lime plaster. Dismantling Bricks lvork cement mortar, 5. 108 Cft in lime 5445.0 I 500170 361000 C、νt 3034530 337.0 P-C[r 1210 % SfL 66070 125863 o/o Clt 13590 %Cft 819930 or Cement concrete plain i/c placrng compacting finrshing and curing complete (i/c screening and washing of stone 897840 29035680 58071360 cft ozo P‐ 5426560 5088700 6. 651 Cft 125950 1 te wrthour shuttering) Ratio 1:3:6 7. Provrding and lying Halla or pattern tiles Elazed 6 x6 xl/4" on floor or wall facing in 5372 Sft required colour and partern of STYI.E specification jornred in white cement and pigment over a base of 1i2 gray cemenL morar 3/a" thich r/c washrng and filling of joint with slurry of whire cement and pigment in dressed hape with finishinS cleanng and cost ofwax polish etc complete i/c cutrrng tiles to profile. 4765156 % sft | 2ss9q42.o B. ft Ft ft t 736S「 126 Sll it i r‐ 378 Ciハ ′ Providing Item and fixing false ceiling thermopile in panels of required desi8n and size i/c frame work of .rluminum T-sec(ion hanged with nail wire to ceiling erc complete. 9. Pucca brick work in ground floor in [d] cement sand mortar ratio 1:5. 10 Cement plaster l:2 up to 20 ft:height(c) %''thick 11. First class deadar wood wrought journey in doors and windows elc, fixed in posrtion hinges iron towers, bolts, chock, cleats, handles and cords with hook etc, deadar paneled or paneled and slazed or fullv slazed fal 2" rhick 12. Painting doors and windows any rype i/c chowkats hold fasts, (rwo coats). 13. Rough cost/ stucco cement plasler 3/4" thick in proportion of 1%" in cement hill sand and Bairiin patterns. 14. Mud Plaster on floor or roof 1" thick 15. White washing three coats. 16. Supplying and fixing in posihon iron/ sieel girl of 3/a"x714" size flat of approved design i/c Drintins 3 coats etc complere. Rate Per 9150 P‐ SFt 896700 1290208 %CFt 731550 305662 96 Sft 1668910 133659 P‐ Sft 4918650 116006 %Sft 85380 230610 %Sft 29060 5550 82995 %Sft %Sft 59940 295790 18050 PC、vt 682290 Total Rs. n こυ ^ 5 10 イ Electric Arrangement Masttd〕 1. Wiring for hght or fan point with l/1.13 (3/0291 PVC insulared wire PVC in 20mm (3/4) PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as requtred fP-15 Item 129). 2. wiring for plug point with (3/0.29) Pvc 20rnn (3/4) PVC conduit insufated wire recessed in the wall or column as required. fPase 15 Item 1301. ii Amount 44350510 910 P‐ Point 318500 742 P‐ Point 74200 3 Providing and laying〔 Main Or sub/main〕 │ 70 PVC insulated with size 2フ /0 29 copper conductorin 34 dia P` /C conduit on surface 171 P'Mefer 1197001 252 P-l\rleter フ5600 428 P-Meter 149800 rP lltem o3 4 Providing and laying(Ma n Or sub/main) 30 PVC insulted with sixe 7/36 copper conductor in%dia PVC COnduit on surface rP ll ltem 02) ●0 J ^ 5. Providing and laying main or sub main PVC insulated with size 2'7/ 0.52 copper conductor 1" dia PVC conduit on surfarc. Paee 01 ltem 61. EJ ^ 3 6. Providing and flxing Samps swrtch flush type one wat S.P samps switch flush type. Nos 54 P‐ 80 P-Nos. 18900 fPaee 33 ltem 219). 8 7. Providrng and fixing two pins samps plug switch and socket. lPaee 33 Item 222) 6400 rυ つん 3 3 B. Providing and fixing brass biLtern holder. fPaPe 33 Item 232] 70 P― Nos 1フ 976 P‐ Nos 27480 2456 P― Nos フ3680 P-No. 720 9. Providing and fixing circuit breaker 06m 10m 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 63amps s.P ITB 5s) on prepared board as rcqulred. (Page 31 Item 2031 10. Providrng & fixing circui! breaker 63amps DT on. IPase 31 Item 207) 11. Providing and Bakelite ceiling rose two terminals. fPaee 33 Item 228) つ‘ Rate ¨ ′ 1 Item Per Total Rs. ^ 3 (Water Supply & Senatory work Masiid) 1. Providing and fixing squafting type white glazed earthen were W.C pan with includrng the cost of flushing cisrern with internal f.tting and flush pipe wrth bend & making requisite number of holes in walls plinth & floor for pipe connections & making Eood ln cement concrete 1:2:4 \Nilb' 4" dia earthen \i'are trap & plastic lhumble P'1 ltem Nor 1 50882 Amount 500 882480 P/No 15265 rii) 2. Providing and flxint 24x18" 3 lavatory ware complete basin in whrte glazed earthen with & i/c the cost of W.l or C.l cantielever brackets 6" built into w.ill, painted white in t\,vo coats after a primary coat of red lead painL a pair of 1/2' dia chrome plated pillar taps, 1-7/2" rubber plug and chrome brass waste of approved palrern 1-1/4" dia malleable iron C.P brass rraps, malleable iron or brass unions and making requite number of holed in wall, plinth and floor for pipe connection and making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 P-3 Item No. 8 425390 P‐ Nos 127620 for labour for P/F PF ofearth in were pedesral whife or colored glazed foregin equipment P'3 Item No 9 93847 P‐ Nos 28150 516230 P― Nos 51620 3. Add: extra ^ 3 4. Providing and fixing steel sinke slainless local make complete with cast 1 iron wrought iron brackets 6 inches built in wall 7-7/2" C.P bubber plug chrome plated brass chain 1.'7/2" C.P brass waste, with 1-1/2" P.V.C waste pipe and making requisite number of holes in wall and plinth and floor pipe connection and making good in cement concretel:2:4 [b) Steel sink stainless sized 36" x18" local make (Standard pattern) P-5 Irem No. 19 (b) uani 4 4 ^ Z つ4 1 ^ Z 2 i Item 5. Providing fixing 6"x2" or 6"x3" C.I floor trapor the approved self rleaning deslnB !vidr C.l screwed down grirfing with or without and vent are complete with and i/c making connection and makin8 good in C.C 1:2:4 P-6ltem No.20 6. Providing and fixing in position nylon conncetion complete with 1/2" dia bradd stop cock with parr o[ brass nuts and lining iointto nvlons connection P-6 Item No. 23 7. Providing and fixing chrome plated brass towel rail complete wlth brackets fixing on wooden cleat with 1" long C.P screws fixed to wooden Dleat P-1 fb) Ilem No. 1 B. Providing and l'ixing 15"x12" beloved edge mirroe of Belgium glass compelre with 1/8" rhick hard board and C.P screws fixed to wooden Dleat P-7 irem No.3 9. Providrng and fixing 4" dia C.l soil and evenL prpes i/c cutiing and flLting and extra painring to match the color of buildings P-9 Item No: 1 10. Provlding and fixing 4"x4x4" dia C.l branches of the required degree with access doors rubber washer 1/B" rhick and bolts and nuts and extra Patnring to match the color or buildinq P-9 Item No. 5 11. Providrng and fixing 4" dia C.l plain bend of the requircd degree i.c cxtra painting to match the color of buildings P-10 Item No. Rate Per Amount 202446 P― Nos 80980 44705 P‐ Nos 17880 141295 P― Nos 28260 2376 P‐ Nos 47520 33329 2706 P-Rlt P― 333.0 Rft 5410 56670 P‐ N os 11330 38970 P‐ Nos 7790 58530 P― Nos 11710 50880 P‐ Nos 10180 P‐ Rft P‐ RFt 12980 112270 P‐ Rft 10 2 12. Providing and fixtng 4" C.l terminal i/c extra painting to march the color of guard the building P‐ 10item No ll i5. 2 2 Providing and fixrng 3"x3"x3" dia CI branch of the required degree with access door ruboer washer 1/B" thick and builts and nuts and extra painting lo match lhe color or rhe buildrng P-10 Item No. 17 14. Providing and fixing 3" dia C.l bend of the required wilh and builrs and nurs and extra painting to match the color or the btlilding P-11 ltern No 21 20 130 15. Providing G.l pipes and special elc i/c flxing cutting and fitting completer with and i/c the cost of cutting rrench rpto 2'7/2" feet deep refilling watering ramming and disposal oFsurplus P 174 1tem No l o)&Oi 16. Add: extra labour lor concealed C.l pipe 20 130 and firting i/c making races in the wall for pipe and making good in cemenr mortar etc comDlete P-12ltem No:2 6488 8636 782 845 P RR 1560 10990 Item ity Rate Per Amount 17. Providing and flxing C I pipe and special etc 80 150 50 3 2 i/c fixing cutting and firring trench upto 2-7/2" feet deep fitting water ramming and disposal of surphrs earth with I one chain end painting two coats of bitumen painr to pipe and special Jfter clpaning and hassran cloth sacked in and maxphlat composition wrapped tightly rounf pipes and testing to a pressure head of 200 ft: and handing. P-12 Item No.1 18. Providing anf frxing handle valve P-17 Item No.5 2 5 5 2 1 30 130 60 8636 11620 18358 P‐ Rft P― Rft P― Rft 69090 174300 91790 20042 27192 36542 P‐ Nos Nos 6010 5440 7310 N os P‐ P‐ 19. Supplying and fixing canceled steps cocks for superior quality wrth C.P head dia P-15 Item No. 13 1/2" 478128 P― Nos 23910 20. Supplying & fixinB long bib cock of superior quality with C.P head 1/2' cancled 110946 P‐ Nos 55470 25938 P‐ Nos 5190 2198961 P‐ Nos 219900 P‐ RFt 43970 P‐ Rft P― Rft dia P-15 Item No. 1 21 Providing and nxing in C P brass shower rose with 1/2・ or 3/4・ inlets 4・ dia P 15 1tem No 17 22. Supplying and nxing fibber glass plastic tank ofapproved quality and desiSn and wall thickness as specined i/c cost ot butes bolts and fixing in plate form of C.C 1:3:6 & marn connections for inlet and outlet and overflow dipper etc comPlete (a) 250 GalP-18Item No.3 23. Providing R.C.C pipe with collars class "B" and digging the trenches Lo required depth and fixing in position i/c curting fittjng and joinring with maxphalt composiiion and cement mortar 1.1 and tesring with water pressure to a head of 4 feet: above the top of the heights and refilling with excavated staff 14657 19925 40197 25903 241180 P-23 Item NO.2 Total Rs fil 31508 Sfl 3890 Cft 2214 Sft 39448 Sfl PART‐ L(Ofrlce Building〕 1. Removins cement or lime Plasfer 2. Pucca brick work in ground floor in [d) ccment sand mortar ratio 1:5. 3. First class deadar wood wrought iourney in doors and wjndows etc, fixed in position i/c chowkats. 4. Cement plaster 72 up to 20' thick. ht (b) 3/a: 1210 1290208 133659 305662 1924820 96 Sft 381250 9も CFt 5018910 P‐ Sft 29592100 %Sft 12057750 nti Item 5. Cement 5125 Sft 21052 Sft pointing struckjoinr on wall up to 20 fti height ratio l:2 6 Providing and lying Halla or pattern riles Elazed 6"x6"xl/4'on floor or wall farin8 in required colour and pattern of STYLE specification jointed in white cement and pigment over a base of 1r2 gray cement motar 74" thich i/c washing and filling of joint with slurry of white cement and pigmenr rn dressed hape with finishing Rate Per 128744 % sft 4765156 o/o SfL Amount 659810 100316060 clearing and cost of wax polish etc complete i/c cuttine tiles to Drofile- 7. Supplying and fixing in position iron/ 2160 Sft 2102 S t stee) girl o[ 3A"x7/4" size flat of approved desisn i/c prinrins 3 coars etc complete. B. Providing and fixing flase ceiling thermopile in panels of required design and size i/c frame work of aluminum T-section hanged with nail wrre to ceiling etc 18050 P-Sfr 3898800 9150 P-Sft I 192333.0 aomDlete, plasLer of paris ceiling border of 8" lo 10" with of specified design and thickness i/c flxing besides ceihng wirh nails/ screws with jeft ies. 9. Providrng and fixing 500 Rn 39448 S t 20 Nos 39448 Sit 12971 Sit 11742S〔 t 4428 Sft 10. Painting new surface (a) preparing surFace and corrugated surface patent roofinp etc 3 coafs. 11. Fixine water sDouts or Danels. 12. DistemDering three coats. 13. White washins three coats. 14 Mud Plaster on noor Orroofl・ thick 15. Painting new surface preparing surface and painting doors and window any type includine edees thr€e coars. 10422 P.RIt 148968 % 21175 107965 82995 5550 % % 148968 Sfr Each sft sft % Sfr o/a Sft Total Rs. Electric Arraneement Offi ce Block) 1. Wiring for light or fan point with 1/1.13 (3/029) PvC insulated wire PVC In 20mm (3/4) PVC conduit recessed rn the wall or cohlmn as required IP-15 Item 12 2. Wiring for plug pornt with (3/0.29) PVC insulated wire in 20mm (3/41 PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required. Page 15ltem 130 3. Providing and Iaying [Main or sub/main) PVC jnsulated with size 2-7 /0.29 copper conductor in 74 dia PVC conduit on surface. 521100 587 649.0 42350 4259000 1076530 651680 659630 ■66934790 f 150 40 P― Point 1365000 742 P‐ Polnt 296800 ウ′ ■■ 200 910 P-Meter 342000 P-Meter 252000 ‐ 1 ltem 03 つろ EU つ乙 100 4. Provrding and laying [N{ain or sub/main) PVC insulted with sixe 7/36 copper conductor in % dia PVC condui! on surface 10) Item Rate 5. Providing and laying main or sub main PVC insulated wilh size 2-7/ 0.52 copper conductor 1" dia PVC conduit on surface. 428 Per Aroount 428000 1 P‐ Meter 01 1tem 6 11( 6. Providing and fixing samps swirch flush t)?e one wat S.P samps swirch flush rype. 54 P NOs 59400 80 P‐ Nos 16000 70 P Nos 56000 Page 33 item 2191 20 80 にυ イェ 15 ピ0 7. Providing and fixing two pins 5amps switch Dlus and socket. lPase 33 ltem 222 B. Provrding and fixing brass blttern holder. Page 33 item 232 9. Providin8 and flxing circuit breaker 06m 10m 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 63amps S.P [TB sSJ on prepared board as required. (Page 31 ltem 203 10. Providing & fixing cjrcuit breaker 63amps DT on fPage 31 tem 207 11. Providing and Bakelite ceiling rose two terminals. fPase 33 Item 22 916 P‐ Nos 137400 2456 P‐ Nos 368400 72 P‐ No Total 1 Rs. 360 0 3324600 PART‐ M f DRAINAGE SYSTEMl Excavahon in foundation of buildings bridges and other structures i/c bag billing dressing refilling around structures with crcavated earth watering and ramming lead D to 50 fr:in ordinary soil. 2. Drsmantlins and removinc Road Metalli 3. Supply ol clear screened (River of pit) sand with in 5 chains including removal of top crusf ol earlh or over burden and royalfy to the Governmenr or cost to the private 1. 24700 Cft 240 Cft 10425 Cit 10425 CF[ 4. DressinB and leveling of earth work to designed section etc compete [aJ Asher, i 2722.50 6050 o/oo Cfr 1 %Cft 6フ 2460 14520 4200 %o CFt 43780 18715 %oCt 19510 Sand, Silt or sofr soil. Cement concrete plain i/c placin8 compacting finishing and curing complete (i/c screening and washing of stone 5. 7093 Cn %CFl 8007110 %Cft 42949840 %Sft 5110000 1442925 %Ci 865760 228393 %Ct 10376120 1128875 1 aggregate withorit shufteringl Ratio 1:4:8. 34356 Cft 7300 Sft 6. Pucca brick work in foundation & plinth in ccmentsand mortar l:4 フ Errection and removal and centering For RCC or plain cement concreteヽ Vork of partal 1250141 70000 1 wood 2nd class vertical B. 600 Ci 1絆 Cement concrete plain p響 r/c g∬ ∬僣 wthout shuftering) :LttS電 li a鳴 placing T緊 :1 Ratio 1:2:4. 45431 Sft 9. Cement plaster 1:4 up to 20 ft: height %" thick. Item 4332 ttt 〕 1350]ft Per Rate 10. Fabncation of mild steel reinforcement for cement concrete i/c cutting bending laying in position making jornts and fastening i/c cost of bending wires (also i/c removalofrust from bars.fusinq tor bars 11. R.C.C work in roof slabs beams columns rafts, lintels and other structural mcmbers laid in situ or pre cost laid in posltron comDlete in all ecrs ratio 1:2:4. 500170 P‐ 3370 Cヽ vt P― Sft 'fotalRs. Amount 2166740 4549500 74775310 rPART‐ N CANTEEN〕 190 1296 340 1153 190 340 1296 360 1296 24 48 360 360 l Dismending R CC WORK 1 2.RemovinP cement or hme Dlasrer 3.Dismentling sun drid brick mason 4.Fabrication of mild steel 5 RCCヽ Vork 6-pacca bnck work in groud floor i/c strickins Of ioinr ratio: 1:5 T.cement plaster 1;2;4 up to 20" ht }4" thick B. Whit washing 2 coa$. 9. Distem Drins 2 coats. 10.Fnst class deadar wood ll.Panting doors and ivindows any q4e 2 coats 12. Mud plasrer on Roof floor 1" frist rype 13. Provrding and laying 1" thick looping cement concrete 1:2:4 i/c surface flnishing 5445 0 1210 37813 500170 337o %Cft 96 Sft 96 Cfl 1 % 9る o‐ 1290208 249672 42584 107965 133659 Cft %CFt 1 %Sft i 1 %Sft %Sft P‐ Sft %Sft 1 116006 %St 1 5550 1lc、 マt 14. Fixins water sDouts or parnals 15. Small iron work sucll as Eusset plate per cwt knees bends stirrusp rings ect including cutting drilling revetting handling 29 664 Cn 1998 0 2100 Each 4200 642061 P‐ C■ .t ・ 706270 3415030 rRECONDlT― l“ Making diagonal groovfs l%@2 ft 146 41 P%O CFt 43430 %o CFl 936680 P%Cた 667440 centerto center in Road surface. 乱 よ::脳 ::1:ii:‖ ::aliお.7謂:1:: 177 984 Cft 557 0 91740 Total Rs. 〕W/R 32357 0 15330 139920 320780 %Sft exclaudrns erection in position. PART‐ O 4386フ 0 254829 dividing inti panels 2''thick 2 Nos 103460 15680 12860 576700 640300 atter watering and roning With pOwer roller,1 dressing the excavated slaffcic complete. sand Cushion Providing sand cushion 52627 P‐ 3. 7416 Cft i/c supplytng and speeding pit/ canal sand of approved quantity from approved source of supply to srte of work i/c watering and rollin8 etc complete 900 Amount 4. Sub'Base Course 29664 CFt Preparin8 sub base course by supplying and spreading stone metal 1y, 2" Eatgeof approve quality fronl approved quarry in required thickness to proper camber and grade i/c hand packing filling vord with 20 cft pir/ canal sand and having plasticity rndex not more rhan 6% of suitable quality, lvatering and compactinB to achieve 9B' 12998050 438176 100% density as per modified AASHO specifications (Rate i/c all cost of material and carriage upto site of workJ (S.l.No. P. No:3). 5. 4944 R t I [aJ Brick Edging Laying Brick on end ed8ing including supplying9"x4 % x 3" firstbrickexcavation for laying edgin8 with small srze parallel to the road i/c costs material T&P and carriagP 248494 0/o Rfr 525241 o/o Cft 11685560 152045 % sfr 6765390 122855.0 upto 3 chains. 6. Base Course 22248 Cit Providing Base course i/c supPlying and spreading stone metal of approved from Arrore quarry properly graded to maximum size of % in required thickness to proper camber and grade i/c supplying and spreading 15 cft of screening and non plastic quarry Iine filling depressions with stone melal after initial rollinB ilc watering and compacting the same, so as to achieve 1OO% density as per modified AASH0 specifications (Rate i/cs providing of using templates, camber plates, screen forms as directedJ Rate i/cs all cosr of materials T&P and carriage upto site of work (S.1. No: 10 P.No: 4) l,t Coat Providing f i coat o[ surface dressing on new or existing surface wilh 30 Ibs Bitumen and 4.0 Cft oF crushed bairl of required size including cleaning the road 7. 44496 Sft surface rolling etc complete [Rate includes all cost of material T&P and carriase uDto 3 chains Item Rate Per 410784 96 Sft 18278240 365623 %o Cft 899540 588429 P.KM 26480 61901ア 960 CFt 4858420 365623 %o Cft 524230 Amount l" Thick Carpet Providing 1" thick B, Sft [consolidated] premixed carpet rn proper camber and grade in:iuding supplying 10 Cft crushed bajri 4 Cft Hill sand of approved quality and 57 lbs oF bilumen of 80/100 penetration includrng mixing CFt in mechanical mixer in required proportion including heating malerial T&P and carriage upto 3 chains (S.l No: 16 P.No: 7). 9. Formation Earrh for road embankment by bulldozer i/c ploughing mixing clod breaking dressing and compacting with optrmum moisture contcnr lead 100' & Lft upto 5' rn all rypes of soil except roak. 10. Miscellaneous iles Cft 14338 Crt Cf (a) Making & Maintenance Diversion Making and mainLenance diversion during construction of road i/c supplying necessary barears notice boards wirh li8hting arrangement providing necessary crosslng other water course where ever necessary as to be road in eood motor able condition. Iiil. Construction 1. Formation (a) (Earth Work 95-10070 Compaction) Earth for road embankmenr by bulldozer i/c ploughing mixing clod breaking dressing rnd compacting with oPtimum moisture content lead 100' & lift upto 5' in all rypes of soil exceDt rock. Formation fbl tEarth work B5% Compaction 2. Sub-Base Course Preparing sub base course by supplying and spreading stone metal 71,4 2 " gau9e ofapprove quality from approved quarry in required thickness to proper camber and grade i/c hand packing filling void with 20 ctt pil/ canal sand and having plasticity index not more than 6910 suitable quality, watering of and compacting to achieve 9B-100% density as per modified AASHo specifications (Rate i/c all cost of material and carrlage upto site ofwork) [S.l.No. B (a) P. No: 3] 438176 9も CFt 8123780 Itern ti 3. Rate Per 248494 % Rft Brick Edging on end edging includrng supplying 9" x 4 % x 3" first brick excavation for laying edginB with small size parallel to the road i/c costs materialT&P and carriage upto 3 chains. 4. Base Course Providing Base course i/c supplying and spreading stone metal of approved from Arrore quarry properly graded to maxrmum size of h in required rhjckness to proper camber and Erade i/c supplyin8 and spreading 15 cft ofscreening and non plastic quarry line fillng depressions with stone metal after rnitial rolling i/c watering and compacting the same, so as to achreve 10oyo Amount Laying Brick Rft Cft density as per modified 37080 Sft 37080 sf. 525241 a/o 152045 % Sft Cft 1535690 9737970 AASHO specifications (Rate i/cs providing of usrng templates, camber plates, screen forms as drrectedl Rate i/cs all cost of materials T&P and carrrage upto slte of work [S.1. No: 10 P.No:4) 5. 1st Coat Providir,g 1st coal of surface dressing on new or existing surface with 30 lbs Bitumen and 4.0 Cft of crushed balri of required size including cleaning the road surface rolling etc complete (Rate includes all cost of malerial T&P and carriage upto 3 chainsl. 6. l" Thick Carpet Providing 1" thick lconsolidated) premixed carpet in proper camber and grade including supplying 10 Cft crushed bairi 4 Cft Hill sand of approved quality and 67 lbs of bitumen of B0l100 pPnetration includ ing mixing in mechanical mixer in required proportion including heating material T&P 5637830 │ 410784 Sft 15231870 P,KM 517960 %o and carriage upto 3 chains 7. Miscellaneous les 9087089 Total Rs: 99697110 ti 匡 4 CFt Sft Sft 10670 13796 m 一 ■ 17376 Cft IIteln 1. Cement concrete plain i/c placing compacting l'inishing and curing complete (i/c screening and washing of stone aggregate without shutterinp]l 2. Errection and removal and centering for R.C.C or plain cement concrete work ofpartal wood 2na class vertical. (aJ Horizontal [b) Vertical 3. Pucca brick work other than building i/c strucking ofjoints up to 20 ft: height in [d] cementsand mortar ratio 1:5. 4. Cement plaster 1:4 up to 20'ht: [bJ %" lhick. 5. Cement pointing struck joint on walls ratio 1:2. Rate Per 1442925 %Crt 17941330 358848 312741 %Sft 502390 6911580 1257438 %CFt 13416860 305662 96 Sft 5311180 128747 %Si 1776190 %St Total Rs: PART‐ A RS PART B RS PART‐ C RS PART D RS PART E RS PART― F RS PART G RS PART‐ H RS PART IRS PART IRS PART‐ K RS PART L PART‐ M PART‐ N PART‐ O RS RS RS RS PART‐ P RS C‐ Total Rs CON「 RACrOR 四 ЫÄふ詭可 脚 m∝ ・ ::臨 円 mTl° Nl Amouat 45859530 15035120 39458580 131705920 34634220 1988■ 300 236835760 82518450 10094400 82137280 58071360 47157840 170259390 74115310 3415030 99697110 45859530 1150926600 EIそ 11ん Бllll∴ ER GHOTKI DiVIS10 N(IRRICAT10N〕 @G HOTKI SCHEDULE_1〕 ・ SPECIFICヽヽORKSl),ヽ Tヽ ち ら■ ″ψ 酔 ′″ ′ルで,フ ′ tl′ ′ ll“ ピP″ ご〃ルlg″ イ “ “ 出κ ″リソ “ ・ "'中 11メ II,1111′ 凛 11二 1胤 ′ 1111,サ │"111方 “ S ,il , Pr it . i,,.r,,,!,,t.,,r Rr3ri r. I r ,r TO lllD .( . , l,.r,irL 高わ わ ″ 碑 ′ ″″ SCIIEl)1口 ′ E_c wortris .r.o llL Ihc b d(lci will ao llrc \\,orl( \\,rilr irtcnas to s!b aof(rrcl l'1:1ヽ 1'ORヽ lED l,Y StBcoヽ TR=ヽ CTORS' h isぃ 、 1l b ces e、 ccPlい c、 VO klこ ted be O、 \arn! rfd.d(ltcss of o be Su )-Cortroclcd Sr lo 31D v which he Sratc ncnl ofs|I ili works prcvrously b'Coftraciors ヽ。101 Ti)! Pt..rlt:g.1,i,::rq,.,it.tii titc:Lt. ) h:rhet ic oi!t).,\ !t!ict)nit ln crt.tt PtoctIir,y tta!ncr, lt.itict ta a!lo, .\lLe|tn:cti, t, cotlttrrt, thttti I,t: c,tI::;iL,:ti :t iii l\o cjllln!. ol -\r b,Ccftr.r!lc s jlrail ilDprovrl oi tirc Procu rifg AltcIcy L. l.aii. b! i re i)j,ja. \./iihout i)ricr Tlrc irrrr rli lncss rlLl aa.i []c_\ of rlte 5iilicJri.rri a! ia the .\irafrcnce of SL h.o'l,..to- ,.,. :,. ,c,r I .il" o,,t-., .l.e l.oc.r,,.A ,rrr , i.,111.1,1q shall trc ljtn rs lo (hc cyir rj.rion ol llr. crpcrjcIcc of SLrb Corrracfors ,'|,''l:,,|.-'|,,,:,, Stir(crrcnt olsIrih \\,orks shal jDclrdc,-lcscri)rion, locarior & r,rlrc oI rloiis.l,cxr co0lplala{l aIil r)ilItc & adlrcss ol.i tc .ljcnl\ \f|i,riri. )r..! i,rrrlR.i.iLfr\ /.,,, r)rLr rtrr SCHEDULE― D TO BID PR01'OSl]D PItOCRAMME O「 i31〔 〔 lel s〔 1‖ ヽd‖ │〕 10v(Ic n pro81ol〕 i:e ]a bar― c]a「 l c ぅ10)OSes lo oo)〕 ,lete t)c 、 vOI、 ild cetc he scqucncc o「 wO k tclls n‖ 10]]〕 ICtC t,じ 、 lo k、 Plo81n]]Eva tlat o]aII Revic、 quc(PERT)ol C:t enI Path VcHlod(CPM)ShOW‖ ]8 thc Sequcncc Or、 ヽ、 ll〔 c, 、itei o「 ヽ'ORKS l( volkヽ 、 S Of t]e c t e Co]llact T1le l)lo81n]]lle s〕 dい c,o od orthl〕 e du l〕 ]13]t LCttr ig じcc ion ぃ 131■ d co■ 1ぃ ssion n3 o「 W(】 ]1lol o「 (,1 ld =lc 10 γ]gs. de vel ,g, oo 15: tlCtio l oF civ ksぃ lc supp ed unde the C on“ s ( l,riril. ,ou!.nr.rl lt.!!iaroi_! Ar rl)oriLr i{nr.ir|.Air! r.Sr, rt (1「 a、 v ‖ 、 by g whch he pOp● c、 1lc lld lま 1lc aCt V iC、 │lke dcslt 1 lg sclc(tlc Orst b〕 a,(1 1)10● lic]]e)[ 0「 )laterials v。「kIで ヽ COND「 F10NS CF CONTR′ ヽCT ヽ1■ ,│'(h tl'otttぜ ))ι 〕 ││` せ tt t )│卜 A tl ●│ ` │、 、 、 ` ` ' P,la、 ‖,( ,Pol ,` ]`ヽ ﹂ , Ccrcrlll │ つ Provrs BL11 0F Coヽ TE、 Ts COヽ DITI()ヽ S Or(lo、 ioni The l,rocurlng Agr,rcy Engi■ ccl s/F21。 cuヽ 〕 g、 tenc)、 千 (ぜ p「 esc Π ltives -l lle Co lraclor .... .. J t〔 │ I)csiql) S Lrv I)r'ocLrfrrrg S l_irrie ior Coxrplciion Ia(ir)11 Over , llencdt Ig 10 VirrialioIs ilrr (i Clnirrs .loLrir'lri Pfic. ri td Pa\ fer)t ′̀ 1 1 :] 1 3 15 ,,. I' ,, r. 41 4] 44 46 46 47 . i,,...0,n),.I Ji"1,t.,,,,. n,,,,., 37 38 3S 41 icsoJrlion aT DisD!(es. r(eqr ir_\ Paut ,′ `││ Dc lccrs 、 tla]cc 1` 35 3, 40 'lclaull.. iisks lf d Iicslrorrsibrlili.s 1( S Ccnrrcroj. AgcIc! s Rrsiis.. TR′ヽ(T 4S , * , 一´ CONl)I「 10NS OF CONTRACT CIう ヽIう RAL 1 I'ROヽ ISiOヽ S Dellllition、 iril)eCor(irrl lollorving as aleilrci belol\', r)rc:rnrLrgs ir:;srgred Iiieworl ircexprrssionsdcfiredshallhavetrc lo tlrelx, e)icept where lhc conle)it rcrrl ires 'I hc Conll|rct │││ ''Confiircl nr!l rs ihc aor)lr..i /\irccrrr:rrl rna lhc or idr ( ocL:nr. rrs lislo(l lrr thc Co rlract Dall. ''Sl).cill.:ri;ors l:l3lrs thc JocLIir.xl i '^ PLocrLring Co rtr:rctor : ` │14 as i,rrtC in rhc Cor:krct Diti, iri.luding Agcrc) s rcLlLrircncnts rn ies):ct oi ccsilrn to be crflied orLi 5\ lhe (il rnl,). . rd any Va iatio r to suc r docu ncnL ''IJri\rrgs rrrs lh. I)rocuIirg /1i.nc ! tlri$irgi 'orr .r. D :, .-1 . V. r. o r' 'r.' ,1.'.'t, ollhe \\orI(! ai iislcd ir) Ihe ''I'rccu irg Agcncl rriilrs th! pcrsoir nnrxc(l iJl tl. Contrilcl D.Ltil,nd lh. legsl sll.c.ssc s Lr (r:Le lo lhjs Fr3i!ol. cri fri (.xc.fl \il]r lh. coirsent oi' ilrc Co rl a.toI)rrrl rssigxc ''Coirlrrctoa rncrrs l. !j.5cx namcrl i,r ilre C('rr(rlcl Dir(ir .xi thr bgal srr.ccssors rn litlr lo ilrr l)e.sof. b.rl nol (c\ccpl \r tr lr. corlseIt ol'the ProcrLriilg A .16 gorrcy)tar)l isslgncc ''Ihriv nr.fn! c rh.rlrj P:..N rrll/\gerc!orrr.C.rrrircior Drlcs, I inrcs rnd Pcriodr ,17 ''CLrfrri.n.urcnt Dat€ nre:r.s Ilrc daie Jbrrt.er (l,l) dals after t|c drL. ConLr:rct comcs into clltct or e rv olher (l.tc farned I Il)c Conh'act Data. thc 1ヽ "Dly" i).irr5 ir .ai.f(l.r 19 ''Trfc lor Cornplerjor" rnerfs tlrr lrme ior conrplelrnr rhe Works as sta(!il irr (he Corrtrrit NNiic Sub-C rusc l)flr (ci irs rLr\ .\l.fi.il -l l). c,t.ulltcd lio/I ile Conrxrcnce f L'rl Date. )loncv:rnd Prrtncn l110 ts "Cosf" lneans ill e\per)dirure properl] rclrrcd (or to be iILrufied) t)y the Contractor.\lr.rhcicrto.:llreSi(..ircludirrtovcrltcadsarrdsimihrchrrgcsLrut 可 il,1'1ヽ c 'I ct it,C,(lR● =tl o「 、`ヽ 11, 1 、 、1` . ││` t ヽo` it'ぜ ` 出 警 菫 墓 doc:, not rrclL,dcrnl I l.\\erce i]r r) oilr O(Icr I)cfirilions I Cor(rictor's Lqurl)]lrrrt' ]lrea|s iil .rachinerr. appararus ird orhe, i:riDrts rcJ for the cr.cL lrDI oJ'rir. \\'.rks brLi Cccs r)ot :nclUdc \txre als or IJ rLI ,nilndcc to lo ) plrloi llre \\;orl) r.qLr 11,2 ''(hff l I 1 1 1う "Pri.crrrirg ,\gcrrcy s Rr'ks rlrurns llru:,c nralljrs lislcd in I IJ rrcaIs llrc lsLr Iic Rcp!blic oiPakisr,tn. SL)Lr C lLjsc 6 l ''li)rc. Ilrlcnre nr.rn! II cvcnt or !ircurnstarc. \'iiici) n.rlier I)crl_ormancr ol Irarl] 5 o b lisir lio n s rllc!a or irrprrclrcablc and which rs Lc)ord that Pnr(y I rcisot)rlJic control. │15 '\li1! ix s fierns llrif:ts incorDo'iled 116 ''Pllnl iI I re nrerns thc ci ril lirJrds (orher irl Plarij i. :i suppJred ]rrl \\rorks by tire Coflricto ]]〔 lι l iCly a]u n,pnrntt s ]te](1じ ( t● lorm or iorffirg pa( ol th. \\1orks 111F ''Sr(c rr)clns lhc l)lrcus p oyi(lc(l brlhcI)rocU'll!l AltcncywtcrcrtcWorksflclo lrc erccr Lc.l, rfd t,!(]]h.r places spccificd rn th. ConL|acr as lo ninq )!ft ol'tl1c S r(c ││ IS ''Vr11.iioi) 'freans . cljrr::r r i:ich rs jIs(rlrcrcrj b] iirc Ijngjrircr,'IrocLIiIg A:].Icy rLrdcr Sub.Ciarsc l0 I lllつ '\\orits ,x,i.ns:lr)! or:ril lIc $orks \vhelr:rSI)fl\. lnslailrl orr. Corstftcl on cic. rrrd lc\i!D (rl r)r) l,r b. pcrlir rtrcrl by lirc CoIir.Lctoi inclr(lrig renrpolrrr! works rf J │ 1 20 :r rv \ a],lal o r iireLecf ''Enilrrrccr'' nrca s th. Iii Iu p0rsof oiill.d by the PLocrIir!l Agercv to.cl .s Enrlrcer tllil as sUcl) rrr Coltract D:rt.. lhc l)rrrposc ol (llc LorlriL.t a rd nir tcIIIcllrlion Words rrrrpo tifg !crsoirs or parties ! )all ilcludc 1 r ns tnd org.nisxlions. Words inrporlinr: sifsUli or orc gc r,:i.r slrrlL rrclL dc plur;rl o (hc otlreI gcndcr rv]rer. ll)c I'rior ilJ ol D oc u nrcr t\ Trc docLnrerrls loLnr rrg rr: Conliact ric to be rxkcr as utualh c\planarorv of orearorhci. Ilarranbqui\oidiscilpil)c.,'isloLrril ir rlre docUlrrer s. lhepriorit\ ol ll1c (locr ir.nLs s ril Lrc iI accorCarce $. Lh iIc crdcr is listeC iI the Colltilcl D.,r ド S r lr )(Ll:,c l)ro.r 'crr. rt li.!L rair! ,1L ri.i r! I L!,,r. r]] rr LLi :1o,.]ri ] ´■ . 14 L■ 、γ 't:rel.tr.l1l:eCo.lrr.t:strci.i!2-ii-rx'iilslrrir.P..pirb .5 i)rkisr;rr Corrrntu Di(^1ioDs .\li Cor)rllrr)icrLiJ rr r.:xied (o 1:r: Cofl',r.1 5lrall5. 1.6 c'il r1 Eiglis r!rngLiagc. Slrlut()La'Oblig,liorrs TireCorriir.to's;rr.or."Ply\IiriIcl-arsoflsiirrrri..R:irLr5ircolPalsl.rrand shall g vc r noticcs furC pi) i) i ftes and of rei ch il.s irr rcspccl olthe Works. I ], TIII l.I l)roris;o ol PITOCURI\C \CENCY ', Sr(c ilre Prccr:rLirg.\gcrrJ) \lia IIrovrrlc trc Siic ella i llLr! oiecrcs5lrcrelo ai thi tilrr.i stated if lhc Conlricl Data. Sr(c ln!cstigxtior I.lcporls x'c those I rrt lvere rrrclL .led n th. biddii.q documefLs r d arc iiclunl rrC iNtcmr.lxlive rerrorl! aborrl lhe surl_.cc rnd srbstriface .lrrrd!riorr\ rr thc S rl.. .l I'crnrilr c lc. 'l_r,:ProcrrrrgAXrrcy,\heil. Ircqtr€s(td lr). th. CorlLracIor. assisl hinl lbr peflri ls, rce rces oi .pprov.ls wllic r arc rcquircd fol thc worls : ,1 lirgiDcrr's,'l'r ocrrrng -\genc\ lrr ilpplyirrg '\ lnstru(li0ns ]-hcConireclor shal cornpl-! rv th ail irs('lLcIiorrl glv!ir b)'the Ploctrring Agcncy or IhcEr):lrreer.rlrrolifi.ablll)sProctrrrr!lAgenc\',L) esl)ecLol theWorks , rrr.lud irl, lire sr:sp. rs . r oirll or pam oflrc work! : | .\ pprovi ts No approvrl o'consr ri or abscnce ofcorrrrxenl b) ,r1"'.c'o-": :- ' : '1, . , j. r rllr. t. c 3 ih. EngirlecrlProcurrnq Agencl' I]NGINIiLIt'SiI'ROCURI\G,\GENC)''SREPRIiS'NTA'TIVES I thoriscd Pcrsol ^u llrc l)rccu ifg Agc|cy sl)al lfJroiLrt r du y arLt|o|ircd pe so I lo act Jbr hrnr irnl on hjs beha l lbr thc purposes ol(l!s Corlrflcl SLLch l0lhorized Pcrsor shnll bc dul)' ider,til.i ir (i. Ccrl'r.t Dale or otlern s. fotified i I wrriing Lo the Co rtrac(or rs scon as li. is so aIfoiriti Lir cltr.r .rs. rre ir ccrrrirll Agcncy shall nolill th. Corlraclor. n \!riiiflt, (hc plccrsc scopc ol lhcatrtho ilyolstchatrthorizedPclJorl at (hc li fc ol ris ltJr.irtrncni ヽ1.11 'o、 せl'(ヽ ttl lい 0(1` せ ■ilo o)ヽ t ,、 ,,い ヽ ` `,││` `・l J。 、1ヽ '` rl Itngrnrcr's/ProcUrin! \g0nc) \ I(cl)re\r,) tx liyr -iIc r.r:ri tnd iar!..s.lt:ri!rrr.r's lc,.rrrr: ,,1!:.r).1 r RcDrc!3rrtaiiVc i! rr (lonlract D;r(i llc\e!er lh. alortractor s:r,rll hc rotified l)y:tir!rl rhe Irrt]if cer/Procl|rirrt Ag.r.y. rr. a.ic,rllreC durrcs r.l aLrriroritl bc lirc lhc Clof r rcf cenrcnt ol-worlis. 'ftrI co]]'R,\c t ot{ 4 Ccrcr,tl ObligxlioIs lhc Contr,.clor \ha crr) oUt the \vorlis properly rrri rr .ccorcl:rrrce u,it r trc (lo rlmct l're Crirlrrcto 5hal orirlc a I srper,, isioI, ilbour. Materjrls, l,lx rt I rr:(L C'on(ractcr 's ir.u:pir:rl $,h cIt nr.) be requirrd Cor)lractor's Rcprrscnlrli\ r Cor)trilcto sl);rl ippoiIt arcprcscIrltrve atsiteon full llme basis to sul)crrrse .\.cLrtior) ol$oik rnd ro i'ecr ve irs([Lclro|s o r bchrllofthe Cor{i.clor but onlr riier obt:rr r D1 rlr. coNser)r ol_ lir. Procr rlng Agc,rc) ft)r sLrcl) nppo rrlnrc rt sl)icr cor)seri s nit r).1 b: \'irirlr.i( *riroLrl plars bic rcrsor(s) b!,the p o.Irij,g Arcrrcr Sr.L ru(lrorr2cil rct)rcscrl:ri v. r)x), b3 sLrbslitric(1,/ reflace(l bt (he Conlractor al rr) tr)c .lrring thc ConIlacr Period bLri only alter obriti jfg (he co rscnt oftlrc ProcUrrr,t Agencv as a,.orcsiid. ]_hc l11: 1-1 Subcorrl 'i rrctin! rc Contr'actor s rr no( subcontracr ‐ ■ iIol nIl suljco:iI|act lhc \vhole orL)e sorks. The Conlractorshall pNri r]l thc lvorks !r thoUt thc coIscr)t of tlrc I,rocUrlfq I'crlb11ri,,cc Sccurr\ -l-hc Collra oJ shiril ll]lrri:h ic rhc t,!.rrIg AScn.t s rh n tourlecI (t,i) (tl),s rJlcr rcceLpt of Lctlcr ol Accepta|.r rL I,.rtormxnce Sccrrity at the oplron ol_ the trd(lcr, in thc [ofn oI P.yee-s o cr,/Bi]rr]( Drafl or Bank CLrararicc frlnr schcduled b:urk lir thc lIroLrxl afC !i1 i.l ty sp.cified in ConrJ.acr Dara. [SIC\ BY COYIIT,\CI'OR さ I) 5.l CoIlrIc(or-'s Dcsign _fhc Conhacicr sha lcrr'l,oLrl dcs::ui lo Lrc errcnt spcc iied as relerrcd ro rD (he C!rrrilct Dala. Tr: Cofl ..:or sr:1il I)r,IIiri), suDnli lo ihe Engirecr/procr rjf! A"crrc] :rll deslrr]s Ir:2:ueC b,,- hrrr. Nrrilr iou.le.n ( ,l) dflys ol rccciDl lhe I-n,rrrcc /l)rocIfir)r:t r\Ltc r$ s rrli rol Jr l|).conrnlc ts or, it_lIrc design s!btnilt,J,l is r)ol ir accorhrcc Nlr tire Cortrairl. !hell relecr il sliri]lr! the rcasoll:;. Jhe ヽ │ 'tt it,'、 。(│、 ,:II` せ =11〕 ● │、 ` tlrrll rIL .orst:r.1 irr\.:.il.iri oj i|. r\L'rlis dcsiltci] bv hin \vlll n lorrlccr) (i.l).1.)s all!i thc (l.si!rr rir b.cn sIl)|i(cd to lhc J:rlrirecr,,ProcLirii3 n !crc! r)r $'lilcl) lriis L)c.I r.lccLc(1. l)csiit I ilrrl has bcc ) r.lcclcd sllirlt l)c l)rorlrl)Lly rrxclacd lrr r.!ubi)ril.(l ilrc Coll{rirct()r shIll rcsr hrnil I I { rsii!)ri cr) rr)i.rl.( on lilirir Llr.sc co Ir)r. rl\ IIo ac.o( l xr, n..cssfiy. CoLrlir.Lr)r ]: IlcsDorsil);lrlt lor I)c\ i::n Tre Co rr rctor shill rcr)rNin respoIiirb/r lcr his bidcl:i dcs gI xn(l rrc design Ln.ler lhis CrLrsc. botr ol $hrcr shll trc irl lor tl)c IrcIdc( irr rl)o\cs dcfinci irr ihc Cor(ract ardheshirl .rlso emarr,csporsblelorl !infrjJrltcnrnrofarrypatcr)to cop\,rlShl lrr r:spc.l ol lhe srxc. Jir. Enil |.cr'P|oci[rrrq Agcncy srll hc r.' r:,: lr.\". :"0 ,,||",,,:l PROCT]RI\C ACI]NCY'S IIISI(S -l I hc I'rocul.iIlg Agcnc\'s Risl(s Thc Procr ring Ascnc! s Risks arc: i) \'nr. irosi iili,is (sh:th:. \rr: ir. .i:.l.re!l crrc b) c) 0 rrcr). ;nyNsi.f. act of ni.s. !yith ir I rc Co! rtrL: lorc !rr rcLrcllior. tc11ririi1l. revol!1ioo. rsrrre.iror), nrilitary or r5Urped po(cr. or \\'lll) :) I r. CouItO i cr!i \:r. r ol. !o llmorio r or rlisorder b,r )crsors ill(l otic il)r r lhe CoItfircLo. s persoIncl olhcr cfIkrvccs inc[rdifg t]tc pcrsonllcl and cItployees Conlrlclofs- allactiIg lhe Sitc and/or ihe H/orks; ol SrLr- l) iors n3 rr(Ji.rliofs.cr.orlerinillioI b) rrCio-.crirrly fiorr lnry fuciear tiic, or llonr airy nuc.ar rvasle fro l the colnirLrstio| olrrUclerr tiel, r.dio-adivc toxic explosiyc. or other razadoLrs profcrlics of any cxplosive nUclcar asscrxhll,o' fuclcir cofipo|cnt ol-s!ch a ilss3rnbly. e).ceDt Io the extc tr lo \ hrcir r ir Cortr..lo:'SJtr-Co rlrectors rrav bc r:sponsib c lor rire usc oj'rnv rid ro-ilciivc rnilc ii : e) Irrcssure \\'avcs cirU!ed or rL pc soxic :jp.!(lji I ,i cI(trl 。 「 Ot,er ,`llal tlevices t avc lg at s0 1ic h) rhe Procr ri:rt A-q.nui ol rn] part orrhc woiLs. c\c.pr specificd 0 lhe Co r(rlct; usc or occupetr|n irs rrra), bc g) rlc i,irdi,)g cvcr ol'site;. rrrorrrlrcs ir d,a*i:rqs. iate dcli!e y ofdesgns d'a\ iirgs oi ii rt part of ihc \\'orks bv ihc I,ro.LrriIq Aecncy's persoLrncl or by oLheis lor,,!|orf the Procr llrrg Agencl \.rcsporsible; a r(l r) a sUspclsio| urrdcr Sub Chlr\r Contrl.lcr's,.".i \ ,. , liL rl . 1,:ocr i rL:. : ll.: .. rc ii ii.i,L,trL{,.\ ArLhL,rr\ r'.L l.l L.1r,r,rlr!,.pt rLrrlcss it .is fl nbuiible to Itc TIME FOR Co、 lPI.I]l lo、 こ、ecut,On Of(hc、 v。 ks 「 │ │ af d sirl il li:││liltill「 I)rogrxnl ││││liliilililli‖ lilillli!1:罵 : subjccl lo tc Wrtir|l IIe lme stelcC iir FirgiJreet/Pr ocrLrjng Contr.cl 。還 D;r the lrcncy r, IaxtcIl\io of . Corlrilcr Data, thc Conlrector shill srbnrit ro rlc prolrllr| nc for thc Worls jI tl)e lorn srated l0 thc I inrc Tr. CoIrrirctor shirll. \,iLhir) sLrclt lnrc.s nriry bc rc.sof0blc u dcr (hc .rcurnstrnccs nolijt (]rc procurir)i: Agcnc,,-,/El!r )ccf f i,," \,,r,,,i (hc scoir. or s,l) cixLrse c.t o, rc.: "1. ""," "*",i.1-ii l,l]i L r. PJo.{rr.irrS ,1rjr)c\.,,En!lrccr lor I rcrsorti )lc c}:tcnsi"""ii"l,ii".l '!qrcrL l, ,h; ii;;;;,; ilr( .L,IlIl(tr,I) I i r\,,ri.\ SUhtcct Io l,rL .Li. irrr,i,"."",,;; L,rh.: rts nry r, .r ir bc lusrilicd .l :1" .l,',1',,1,.'1",j"1",,);,;;j:';,;;" rt,;;;,,,rr:,:l .:,.rir ..,.or f, .:" ,, ,,,,.,, i .,".f ,,,]. (tr. li!tirr of rhc dcli its/p".ti.L,t"r suppf,"J i,,. 'rr',: :,.o.. \',:. 1., .. . t,:o...r.,., \.c..) i.r. c,r(..d .. rr.,."1 ; .. ′ ror ..o..p,":ror, ,. `│ │‖ 市 IIぶ ‖ 1‐ │:樹 lk:=“ 8 =llll!111:」 TAKlヽ C_oVl]R Si Conrplc ‐0。 Dan b“ “ : ;],':"f; dny “ 科 一 、 鵠 f股 器織i糖 T牌 │‖ せ い 」 w嗅 血 点瑞 爛 用 CC叫 tiol l:i:::Jll; rirc E rsi :::rr)' ')cc /ProcL 'I Aril..rir. \.yr..:rrr\t,i,[].:r,,,.;rk ng A!rcnc)' rvr'1e , h. considc s rha, 'I rl\rDg,O!cr ヽ, \olicc \\/i(hrnlorriccr(.1)(ir),,iotlhrrcccpl ol '. r' "..-t otco.rpl.io, lhe snid,olice tronr r|e ,. ..t,. ..t o,(r'.,".or,r1 r.t -r-" '' i ' 'j:' .f.. , ,,,.f, ..oLLl, C_oftractor hrs icirsorrj, lo.j)ot ra \ilg over tle rv.rrIs. "j.'' !Vf,ij" i..,,i,,g rl,; c;;;;;";;; '; .,r ,rj.r.., ....: ,.'ij r no.,r:t,A (tr) ^'.o lr ,,. ., ,,1.;; , , orLtsLandin.s ilenrs .t !1.rrk \,;rich rirc Contracrorl .,,,it ,ra",oi" 1,,,:i,,,, li,i iqrii)rc i, ..,,.,. \ -..) rnf .cs Ir!.r(x1. RI]]IEDYI\C (│ Itcn]cd) ins DTi] I,:(]'I'S Dc tcc ls llrc ('0tLlrilat0t s ltli iiI l pcrlorl statcr l,,ltIcCor,L".t D.rlllornlhcdalcoj.issrr. oilhc Ce(iljcrtc ol Collplc(ron c.rJ our, i no.cost ro Ihc procurirlg Agency, ct ,r,r :rrrn .r' rr':.,r" . $.,( .!r.., .. .er, . t . I r , .. c - L r . c i; rr,l )ot ' ) \!"ro, ..ol,...E.rc-,tr..::oxs,,.r"i,., ,,.',. , , t , r , I I : - . ":,.";, ,r'.ri. ".,^..,i",,0 tge|cj1,E,gl,,c"l. r,r ,"riring *itnin rhe ''4" f.' '-".'|.' :"e ,:'' pc ol .,1 .,, ..,,, :...,-.,,,,;,,.", .i . LIll"."-. t-.1,r ,r ,,,.r,.... lt:.L ..U..,j.\.j,,r.. lrri,,rr, ...ri .1..:.a,. :,.r...: ,. (.1 .. \i. o: :.....0,... rr.rc r ..:tl....or r rd.r lhis C. rl:.irci sl)lll .. lle ro r:r .Ii]. nnd which is so ldcnrLjlca bI rhe t,rocLring lll) sLch delecrs or corrrplcrc work \ajthif a ,c, .j,rl :i .l.r. .., r,trtJo. r..o \ ,c,,. ) | . .olilslrndiD! ll,) o ,r ,,f.,.,,r..., *.,,1. rrr' ",r,r !o.r. I"\c\^, J. . jor r..",-/r,r,..,...r,..t .. , ,,-r.r.,r..r,...o FriiLre to rellrc(iy つ, LJnroycring r), r(t 't cs ling T lrrr.c:1.- . \ . ....\...,:.c. ... .... . o : .i ol.slrJrq oi_ al\ !rorj. L:;.(j ls a rcjl i oj. .11 Llrco\.rilll lii. ... ,: -.!ir i , . , , ., ,,",(,,., ,:.., , ,t],. ",a,", ".,ii" r,;r. ;,..',,"i ' .,-l: :. , | . :nd,of testiirs I ..:,,.,: , . . . . . . | . . it | , .. , , a......to,....J: o., l.t. l. ,.t - rI:.orc '" """"'"re irsll \'rriirrior j, accordance *irl: SLrb ClrLrsc t().a. 10 vAItIr\TIONS AND'JI,r\ I\iS 10 1 Iligl( to . . c Vrr'r Ihe ProcL rrIit.^gercl,/[ liIc.r i].! irsLre '",,,,,,;;;; ,i;;; i,.-"i.,.;iil;j:i,.:;ilji:ti,::l;:P,,I;ll;l::,,]l1;l: l L\,.r !tor.Or ,"r. r, o.:...i :r:,.\ co.lr:, ir., rcrhrl oi1<rr , ,, q.-:,i, t ....-,., .,-,.i ^ 1 J . :.r.. . :r:, ,,." ,";;"; re,r,.l lr :-.', ".;. \ c', I c'r:in ?,, ,, ,\ r,rc,cc, 6p .. 11. i: . 1.r .."i.i ^: t,c ..rc.,.t. fJrc.:r...r,n . \. r,r. O,1.,.,o, .1,"p;;i;-.. "" "r"o, oi llr is Sub Clause. VxlirNli0n ol 0.1 \': ir lior)s Vi,irtions shrllbc valLed es lolloNsl it ir lrifr r surit pri.c .grc.J l).lucerr tre t) \\ c) n rr. rbscr)c. ir5 lhc b.rsrs IIlla c:lpIroirl xir Cn::1r::cl. or irtcs, thc re(es i| (hc C. rtrrc( shrll be rLscd lcr !iluatrorl, or iIl|rg which ', I lhc Erslnccr/Piocuri|,1 Al.rc),5o Irsll, cts. ri dir\,\!ork ratcs set out rr llr. Conlrrct Daia litrr *h.i rir. Corrlractor shail keep recoids ofholrs ,' .r,, l__i '."' I rr:'njrr' 1.j.. or \1r'.ll!,J. 'r.^l c) Chrflgcs in lhc Qnrrrritics. r) J l,- fir,.i I. rri of',. * I.l :.. .:.-. t". ))t'rc.l 1r,.1.,r, ll o11 Qrirrtities lor ihe par tLcL l:r r.m bv moJe rhrf 25 pcrcc rt, provided crilrrrc er.eeds I ier.elrt oa ih,i lIttroJ Con0':rct I)ric., the Procur A:r.nc),Efgficcr shail adlrsi rh,: riie ro al ow for rrc ch^ogc rnd *ill rr:L .il rs |ei snb cliLrse : 0.:. b) l c) If rcqL,!srcd !y tl:s C;r3i:rccr. tlrc cL]]rrrecror shali pro!id. rlrc I r:ifeer with r rlc:.:lrd cost br.rktJo\\ I cl )v rirtc in ire SlliofQuirIliilct rc IfgiJrccr sheii ]ror rdjrr\t flrtcs ftoxr chafgc5 ln (irrnriiies il rhereb], (hr IririrlConhaci Price is crc.cded by more lhaf l5Ioccnr. cxcept rviiJl I rc fr io ' rpproval ol thc Irroclri r! Agc cy. Eirrl\ \\'x II iI g Thc Conlriclor sIrll rorrtr thc L rgirr.cr,/t'iocuring Agcfc],iI utittIg rs soon as he is arvnrc ol nny circLrDstaDce nhLc I m y delay or disrupt thc Works, or which flay give rlsc tc r chi n l'or a.ld il o rnl jril,rnc rt. -1_o il). c\{,rnl .l ihe Ccnrr.cto's ,:r iurj lc notify. \'lricl) rcsUlrs ro ijre :\:.|.) be ng r |rtrl! ro keep all .elc\anl recor(is or 0oi raking Englneer. Pr.cr rl rg sl.ps lo rrlfr))rsc ix1 dele]. (lisrLrpr{r r. or Cosi. or rirc valLrc olany Vnriitiion, lhe ['orrtiri(cr's e )lil].rncn1 io e\lcniro I oi- I rc l_io1e lor CoDrIicliotr or ad.jitiof.tl iral,irent slrxl br red' cedrrelectcd l0 i \/NIuxlion of Clninrs ii i I ol'rN\ ot'ihe ProcLlli])g ,{gcncy s Ilrsks, IlreCortrcrc: sl)rli b:c|!.le.l to (rc rrxor)Ii ol'sr.h Cost. li..s i .csirlto, N! S rL r l'fhl 1 ● 1 C O ● ●︶ .i iい ︱ ︱“ B ︲ ir itLa\ irl rp )ropiiatc re!! rxtc:i. xs Init be llgr€c(l or lvlrich lfe I r'i ..: i'ro.: r: { j:. r. .cr n;...0,. r..rc or d) !l llr a ir)iI trf:lalc. itl Pariies. or Lhc CorrlrircLor Ircxrs Cosi as rcsrL cl)ri.Lrlr.iL li.rLr.r.r!/,|irr.rli) rrr.ir).,\jjrli.!o\.fk (leilt s neccsslry lo cha(ge lhc works tl)ls shr lbc r irh as :,_Va;rrtior) subi.:l io Co ririlc(or's notiflcir(io:r l'I iLrrc rtrorr ot c rirrr to the l.f{ c.r 'L)f.et r;rr! ,\ilrrrrt \ il:r:rr irLrrl'c I ( l_l) rh\s ol_ 1 rc o'crrl'c r'c of clusc 0.6 it l)r(]cl ing Ag'Jr)cy 5 Risli. \rrriilio]l xn(l Clainr Procc(lu rc 'l_r. Contractol srr I subr)rrl to thc Ergineer/P ocLrriril Agerrcy rrr itcLllised (lct'rircd bIcrl,ro$f otlhc vihrc ol-varriliorrs irnd cliri rrs !vrrhin trvcrrry cldri (28) ti: rr': r'lo lre 'l'r'ir' lL'" .1.' or rl c .: , , ; . r. ., . 1 .r i:. .l .! ird rl o, l' " '.'" rlr'\1r''" li' e rl,si:,r"" of rg ccLrrc,,r. I rc Pr..Lrr': rll ,\llc rcI slrlli dclfrnr iic the Yaltrc tl l.t coNl Rt\cl tltlcll ,\ND P]\Yi\{I'lN'l' (^l , I crnrs 0l l)xvnrcnls 'Ills.noLrtrl ( e totrcacrt lr'loi trrrder rir\ Lrrcrin Prlr cnl Ccrtil'etc isslrcd b) lre F-xgirrccr pLr15lrlrr to thrs Clltrsc or lo axl olhcl lclns of rlrc Coniract. shil . subiccr lo ClarLse ll :1, be pald bv thc I'rcctrrirrg Agefc] ro the Co rtr-aclor \!ill)jn l0 dels llie such lrte irr I'qncnl Ccn { crlc ras bcerr.ioirrr ; vcr lred by PLocLrrr )la Agercy a rd Corltr'xclor' or- Lr (lr. crs. of thc. tirrll Cc.iificate 'elcrrci to ;n SL:b Clarrtc I l'5' wrlhil60drls afier strch frr:rL Palnrcrli C'nrficate has bccr 'loirrll" !cnf cd L,l Procurl g AgcncY rnd Cofhaclor: arld lrovldcd I rxt lhe lnlerirn Pr-v nerrt shall be causcd irr thift-v (30) 'ryse!-ent Fira I'r)Lrrcrrl a 60 divs iLr c!se ofloreigr ftrrded project' lrr lhc 90 da]s Nithin of $c tilLre ofrhe Proctrrifg Agerrcy tc rxrke Prynrent r)1 ihe llrcrr l)K,cr I n.l Agcrrcl slrr i1r! Lo tire Contlil'ior conrpensalion i3 aays rrre oi;<laOn-:1; P'r anrrtrrrr irr locl) cLrrrencv arrl LiROli l9'o !vhich ths Ibr lb|cigr cLrrrenc-'-. iil)ol al snnls unpaitl ltur rr lhe datc by srnrc shrlL ld h^ve becf oiiil (b) \/rlrt,, rioo oftht _Th. \\orL\ Wo Ls sllrllbe \':rit:.1 .s p|oliicd ior rrr (he Corirac( Drlil strbiect to Cl.Lrsc 10. lloI lhlY Sl.rlcmcnls 'lhc Contra.ior slrl lb.^.rriit ed lotnc na J 'i rxorl rl) iilicrvals: irrrolLni paid thc i,rI r ol lhe \Vo lis c)(cct tca lcss 1o ll! cumulative pr€!iousLti and (lf ad!a rcc-(rr lIe rf0Ierials 1r)d velualioll of v^riali'ns 'r) b) arr\) 1_hr Corrtiltcior s lllistrb:)lt erc I rruiri l rc lhc irgirc.JPfcc.rri:rg AgcncI hLnrsell eftrtled !trrcme ri sLrow rrll lhc arrouns lo nllicil he coLrsiacf5 1'〕 ヾさせぜ11せ 1: :` ● =t ■●│' .` :│。 ''1) ヽ:)' ` `` `` 1` じ:=。 '「 n li 3 inici llll l),1、 11lC ilヽ wr( rr) :t )cr od f o( sx.€:rdLrgscv.r l0i).h)s ll!r)) t|cdatcolsrbnrssiorjolr !terenrcrt /br intcr fr Ilyllcrt by ll). CoIrractor, llrc EIgnecr shrll veriI tlrr srfre ilDa !v thllr ll f. o.i f.t ercrcd rg thrdy (i0,/60) d.rys lror rhc sard drtc oJ' suLrnrs\:o:: l.\ ire Co Ir:r:ior. Lirc [,r.crrIg A!.|:] sir:rlI )a\ ro tre Contrrclo. thc surn sll5l..i (c ea;ltrsi ]]eIr lcr d.illj.i o r ct tlrc itiivlr tcc f.lyme Is ana retenl on I ..1 llctcn I r(, n r)cle\ s rirll bc parij 5t ilr. l,roluriDg A:tc rc! to lhc Co rt,'irctor wrth rl lorrlccn (1:l)drls alic crihEr ihc cxPirI oflhe pclod srated ir l)c Contrict Di(ir, or rhc rcr edyirg ol rolillc(l delects, or rhe cornplclioI olouts(rndillU wofl(, ir i\ relel1cd lo r SLrb-Clrtisc 9 ]. r riclrc!cr rsthc lrrcr Reteflro r r liirrr| l'r\ Irc l Within l!!cntl/ ore (2 ) (lrys fron (le date ol issuarce of the Mzrnlenxncc Cerlifi..lc thc Cofnaclor shall sr bfrit r fifal accourrl to th3 Eng rrcc] (o v€rily irrd lhe Er3r cc lhal lcllli e s..njc \!ilrir fou (ecr (14) dils lorn the dltc of tubrxlssior xn.l for'.r|r]d tre srrnc (o tir. Proc!rirg ASefcy (ortclhcr wrlh rr)! 'o "rcn.:r ..r cr r:.1 .. :cq i t : , .rj.,' '- Ljc f': i.r,1 .r1c.r to , ... ..i lhe fi rnl contract vxlLrc. \!ilhrr s \tl iri. oi.cceipt oi(iic verlled fillr accouirt iroLn rhe Ergirccr'. Ili. PLocrrr ng Agen.] slrit i pay ro iire Cor)lrilclor ilny dtc lo ^frourt (he Conlriclor Whllc ruaking such prymenl (hc I'rocLrriLrg Agcrcy nray. lor' 'easofs to L)e givcn to thc Cof tracror f wrlting.wlhloldalypa(orpartso['t]c !erLllcd lmouft ll l (lu (60) da)s ircfr i|e rrcrc\ Pay llc■ ,sha‖ he in thc c‖ 「ency ビIT 12 DE「 i2 Dc● ■ls by COnlla((o「 ,ヽ statcJ in the COnloct Data lf lirc (,-ontrrclorlrbandoDs tlre \!o ls, refLrses or fu ls to .onrpll rvith a r,al Li rnstrL,ctro:loltlrcCrlrrccr'l)ocrrlrrS \:ir.yor faili io i)rocced srpcdrliorLsL),lrr(l ritlrout rj)ry. or i\. (icsl-. ic i r,r lrcn corrplailL. rr b circl) ol- llic Conlracl, l)c l'ro.rrirrq Agef.) rir) qive fotic. r.i'cllifg to tr s Sub-CIaLsc irrd statifg Lrc defau lt. practicrblc sicps lo rcmedy thc dclaLr t wiihi If tre Con(raclor hlts not lel,en ^l (l,l) lourlccn d$s alt,:r rcceipi oillr! I'jrLrcr ring A!.nc)"s no(icc. lhe PrccrLrlrlt Agency nrar i,j,a scconC notrce Si!c| \!it:rin r lirrrcr twenl) or)c (21) dl)s, -l)c lcrnr inillc I rc CoLrt lct. Corlraclor shrll rher) dcrrobilize ii o n 1 )c Siie Ieavirrit bchird any Contmctor's Eqr ipnrcft !vhich lhe ProcLrrirr3 Agc,)cy irslr'ucls, rr llr. sccof( nolrcc. ic Lre rs.a ,br tlre ccxrple(iLrrr of(|. \\'orks thc rrrk xnd cosl oi tira Cc:i(r.lcioi 種 S^.: ',i,iir...,r.rL ll.!Lltrlo))\ t:. I ',,i11 r)'.rsii,.:..iri. 乳珊 )).2 Dc flr I l{s b\'Procurillg Agc cy ll(lc I'rocuLixgAg.|.). llr r l. ,:)l if a.cordJ rcj \vllI tIc Contracr. o rs.d.sDie a w licr conrria rt, ix hrcl.lr ol rhe Ccflract. rrc Contraclor |rav lve Iotice rclcirirrg io this Sub-Clirfsc ird sulrIs ihc (lcfirL ll. tlrre.lcfau I is Ior rcnreriicd ,, wl rlouri3crr(l,ijdi:.s.ll.rtirePro.Llliir!.11r!|c\,sl.cceipt ofIhisno1jc., co tlr,llctor r))ay sLrspcIrl Ihe lllc1]\cculion oJ_illl or l)iltls ol_tltc works. (chL t is rot rcfrc{ilc(i \vilIlll hvcnt} ciLthl (:S) (t.vs irllcr 1rc l)l1rcfring 4tcnc! i r.ccLpt oi-1hc (l.r1rr.1or-s notrc., (i. (loItrictor m:r\ b\ a sccond i)orcc rlvcf $i(hi| . lllhcr 1!vcnty oIc (ll)(h\r. icrIrinric lhc Corrlrrrct. Thc ( orlrircior:lrrii L r!ri (lir)roi)i i5. Ilonr thc Slrc IJ rrc 2.3 lf ir PrrlIi5dcciar€d iirsolvtIl u|der aoy app icilb c la!v, the oLhcr pn l,mryby notrcc Ic ninele lire Cr. rtract lmmediarely. Thc Conrrirctor shall rhen rtcnrobiljse IioiI rhc siLc leavirg ).hit.l. lrr the casc ol lirc Conlre.tor's irsolvcncl,, rry Collrilclor's Equipr|eri \hi.h Ihe Pr.clrring Aglrc\'lnsrrucrs in lhe nor cc rs ro bc uscd aor lhe cofrplet ll.4 l'xlllrcn I of ollhe \\,oJks. Upor) Tcr.DIDxtion Alicr lcrf nrtion, thc Corlrn.ror shall bc cnr tlcd lo pav cIr ol ll)Lr r iDrid bll.rcc ol lrc vahre ol-rl)c noiis e\ecirtcd rI(] ol lire \.1a(criirls ln.l t,li]fr rlrrronaLr ! (l: rYercd to i rc s irc, ad rsie.l bv the fol o\ )31 rl :r r',,sLrirrs to $,hlch (lie b) :r ry slrfrs to r.!hj.h (hc I,iocu r ing Agcncy is crrrir ca, c) il the irrocrr nlt rc rci- l)as ierminared rrdcr Sub Clalse l2 I or 12.i. tjre Procu ing Agcrrcl sl). I be enrrtled io a sr|r cquivalent to twe0l_v pe cenr (209i,) of th. \'a Lr. ol pxits oi rhe \lorks rroi c\scuteC rt r re (|rte of lhc (l) il the Corriircrci hrs rcrlltifatcd LiIdcr Sub-Chuse l:2 or 12.1. thc Cortraclcr sh.rl1 hc cr)rrtlcd to rhe cosl ol lr s dcnobillsatro logclIcr \vlth r sfln cqrilrlcnt to tlr pcicent (10%) ot rlro vrlLLe ofparrs ol thc ,{,orks no( erecr ted a( (he d e ollerninariorr fhc rcr tr.ia rce d!c shiril noi ic. oIlsr nir]airor. RSlく S l.l lr s crrt ):r a or re)ard \ ll.(i lhr r)dc: Sub-ClaLrsc lLr.4. r (s,eni)/ eight (2li) d.rys oi thc AND RESPOヽ SIBIIJTIES C0ntr xclor's Cxrc oI llrc \Yorlis SL s; Co|(ritctor brcct ro SLLi,'Clausc 9 l. tlr. Co:rIr':r.tof sIi1ll 1■ lr P!bLi. ' o.uuncNLlt.gr:ln(ory A,Lhi l1 $s\irtt.slNd.!,r!irL ヽc iJI losPo]5ib t, f l l)c enlc ol lhc Works f|orr lhc Coxrncnccfrcft Dxtc u)til lhc drlc of (he Procuring Agc rc) s/Errgir&r s rssurncc of Ccrrllcarc oJ Co nplctron Li r(ler Sr b-ClaUse 8 2. ItcsDof:rit)il i],shrll thci) Di\\ lo 1|c l)rocur n!t Agcncy. lf.ny oss or danralte hIlrpcrs 1o (lrc \\'oil,s ( ll n1 I rc rbo!! pcriod, lhf Corlfirclof sl all rcctrl] s'ch Loss oL (lr rri!r. so 1ril1 llrc \\'or (s co,rao nr \ r1r lhc Conl :rcl il csrLll ol arlt of Ih,.r frocLlirg n gcrcy's Rrsi(s.trcC.fl :r.lor\ir.ll nriclrn l\ lrc Pro.r ir!1 ,\gcrrcy. or risilL,cft5 niLiinsl rll clar$rs loss. dafr:rgr . rd c\ircr)sc a s rr! oul ol t rc \\/orks Ur)lcss iha loss or ,:lsrnrgc nl,iDcns irs ヽ ■ Ii)rrr I L' ic'rrc li'forc. \1rruL. oc.rN. llr! r'\gcfcy nIIclr li ). i!. lhe \\'orks ixil, io Corrlr.cloJ s Ertu ipnlc Cori ir.lor srll rrotril'lhc E rqr rccrrPlocr Ijng r! (loi)lr.rclo, n;r! sLrsIcrrJ lhc c\ccul orr o1.\rcni .:tr...J $ lh ilrc P:'l]cr iif:tt /\3cr)c) dcmoLrili,e thc 1l rcccr,,lr\. i n I Ii the e\c rl .ontrrUcs loL'a j)cro(l ofcrghl) loLrr (S4) dirys, c ll)cr Pa(v rra), ther !r!c rrotrc. ol-lcrnrirriioir \\,rlcI sh:rll Inkc cll.cl IucnrJ,' crghl (23) de]s nfi3r the !i!iLrr o'.1 ia rotiac. lh. Cor)lrrcror shilll 5ir cfiillcd lo pil)urcnl oi tTrc Lrnpajd brlancc ol rrc valLc ot rhc \\'orks c\cculcd afd of (hc i!lil.ries and I'l:irl rc.sonrbl]' d.lr\ cr.d ro lh. S ir,-i, fldj!stctl b) t ]c lir lo$ irrSl .{i_(cr tcrl)r ra0on. a) an]'sr rrs io b) th..o(l ol C) ess rx! $hicl lhc CoriL.clor hrs d.rro:iliril srLllls ro lvl) ch llrc 11]e let balancc(te sl■ rs cftrtlc( u (l(r S(Lb ChtLse 0 l. o r, urrl i'rocun rg i\ge rcy i5 cnlrll.d `:│1l thi「 ty「 1)c )a(l o「 「cP,(│ ` vc(35)dayヽ 01 thじ ,otec oド le ]l ]nt el 11 INSURAヽ CE 111 ′ ヽrrallgen〕 c nls 'I rc Co rtmclor shei , prror to cor rrrcncing I lc lvbIks, effcct insura rccs ol the l)!r.s, Lr the r rrourr(s errd rrrnlrlgls rlrstrrcd t1c pcrsorrs stipulatcd nthcContrxct Dall c\ccpl lor itcms (r) lo (c) rnd (i) ol thc Procr r g Allcrrcy's Rislis trrr(cr SubCl.use 6.!. T|c polici€s shal b': is;LLcrl by irrsNrcrs ard in tcr rrs xPprovcd by (hc Procurlng.^gcncy. lrcCorliaclor !hir ir ovdc lic I:rr!.nccr/l'rocurlrg Agcncy \\,iLh cvr(lcnca lhilr ir)y crir ra( poi cI sirlorccnlr(l lhil lhcfrcrliunls livcLrccl paid. │12 Dclxrll cflict or kcr:p n lorcc i ry ol t rc rrslrrilnccs rcfcficd 10 irr Lrc prcvious SLLb Clirsc, or lrli s to prcvid. srlisf:rclon cvidcrcc, policics or reccipts. trc ProcLrrirg A!crrc)' nl.y. \vilror ( frcjudico to lrry olhcr r 3hL or lltre Corrt-aclo ilils -\ ra r lJr bi,. l)rocL to cn.nll.!tlir(o:l Atr n Lr r\r\.l)Pr1\ llr!t\ Pl 蘭翻 ヽIC]〕 C(' Crに cl i]st ll‖ cc lt, lle covel lじ lcvn 11〔 0 〕│じ い t llS(tiC a]d iccovtl ilC s(1]〕 CIう uS a st ,l il D■ 01oハ lany od]c n nl● ‖、duc[。 口le COn ac o s|ch is a defu ll rnd pit the fc ccntage glver in Conrractor RCSOIビ TiOヽ oF DISPt■ ES 〕 liritir)c(r's Dcci\ion i lTr (lrsf!tc ol'efy Linl rvhirlsoevcr a scs betwccn the procrring AgeIcy arrd fhc CoIt itclor ir) coIrrcctio| \\,ilt tre woils. rhc nrrrtl.r if .lisp!tc shrll. iri rhe firsr i)llrcc. [)c rcl.rr.d ]l s.t|ll lo thc Errgi|.cr, \ith r copy io rhc orhcr l)nrt),. S!ch Jclcrcrcc sha slatc ihiri rr t\ I:rde ,rrsuirrr to Llr s Clausc. \o lrlcr ttrilrl ltre t$.rrl) c !lr (28) .lr_!s .l.r the aa), oir !!t)ich rc r..eive.:t such J.icrcrrcc. a). lrrtilrrr'cr :iltli r]i\. it.lr.. ul his l.^risior to lhc i)r.ocrlrnl, r,!r)cv (St pcrirrlcndl r,L Lrrgirrcc, rnJ rhc Conrrr.tor lh. Co|(rrc( lras rlrcr(ly becLr rep!diltcd or tcrmjnated, the Contjactor ..lrr1 rr c,rr; \i.-..o.rr .r..rofr .c"clsr.lr r..( rrrr fi,....,,,..- r.,r .rr.c". rrr.r Un css Lhc Cont ictor anC rr€ ProcLrriIg Agency (SuDcr,ntcIdixg Ergrnccr)slrall 3ivc elicct lbrllrr\rtl to e\cJl.su.h Jccrsron ofrhc Enrirneer rnless a,,a unti rt,c s"n," sir.ll l)L] rcvrsc.!. as hcrerrricr pror idcd rr rr arh rr.]l a$,.rd │:2 Noricc of l)iss.rris laclion Ifr Plrly Ls dissatjsficd \!iih rl)c decision of tl)c llltiltcer ol.consultant or if no l.r)..iro lr.\ l, ..,,L, .,-r-,roo (.r,r..l,,r,r\ 'cL o. .i'\ i ol .' .'.": rol .. oi(issirtrsfaclror O: :'r '..i.t,: o, .'- I|,t. : r c,lr. r.ro,. lt .r., i:rrcr rvirhir 1lc spcci,trd'lirrc, rhe dccrsjon shiI L\e linal and bind rg on lhc I,irlic,i If rcticc ol cljssilisJaciion is gr!en !yrlllln lhc spccjllc(l tr|tc. tite d.crsiorr sIr I bc binCiIg oI ttc lrr lrcs lvho shirl Ijrvo cl.[.ct Lo I wilhoul dcl.y un ess ard rrrril rhe ctecrsior ol_ lhc Erj!ineer js rcviscr bv an is ,.f ilr..tor li_a cortriclor is drss.l si .Lj \\rllr lh. d3c sion ,or 'i.. .. r:.r": -.. ".1'.,.,r oJ Ihc Iln!ir)ecr \ ir rir lrl dir],s, irr crse olcrss:rrrshction n,iih ctccisior or no( (lccrdc(l chLrsc I5 'l 15 \.,r(hir:S oiihe dcolrrnrrDl r.r. Cr j lr:r|L...:. ot-sLrpejrjrrenclir; En;iDecr days, (hcn rrbitrarion proccss \.!o!ld tr. aaofca,,s p" '....1....:Ji.,.j. ) r,rf Ibi(r'x lion A.l:sp!tc |.s bj.rr llr. suL..lect ol: rotr.c ol diss.rislactiorr shrll bc llrrrllr .t \ i.r..r:ro \.t l^:0\.\..\o \ot loJo) d .l li ,r\ ,,.'dc .':r.... -.r..",r.\ .t,jlr..:. ,:,_.,.'o., ,,..".,1.. rn.,,crJi,. .,ll .,c .rlr .'.1 trJrLclt .r ,'.'i.!. lrcld xt lhc pLrcc speciticd SLhChuscIi. s: rJlr ?L,h;lc l,:1rcu . n.ir li.:,!lir.rv ]r rhc Corri;err Di,ia ard ,r rIc t,,rg,,ag" rcri;r.c,r ro ― Ar iro,ir) r\rLr r.,isiful. ],ri,! Di. ― 閻 i,, tit;Rll Y P,l.cr' I` lN'l 161 lt tirc ( or]lriclor rrrl ol rirSLb-Cori,]ctori.r-r.riso ieNanljisforndtoha\e vroarelor rrvolvc(l iDvioilliorolthelfrcgrityl']acrsrgredbytheConLJacroJas Schedulc-F to h s ll d. thcf lhc Procfrifg /\genc), rl)rl becntltlcdto: (.) (lr) {c) rcco\cr irofr lhe Corlrxctor xLr irrou rt cqu !iieni io lcrl times rhc s!Ln of ,.r') \o ir))r' ,ori. 'r,rl ...rr 0.. 'r'(. llnl.r'. ri( oi 1..-1.1..\.':!.r, L) rl)c Corilrrctor or xr)y ol his Srib-Colrtricrors. a_L.cnls oi servlrorsl rcLll)r)rrc (h. Conlract: lna rccovcr irofrilreConiri.lorarl'l.]ssor darxiltcIoLh. I'ro.rringAgcDc}asa rcslllt ol such ter rrat on or o1- r ry orher co|r pt busr rcss practrccs oi thc co ira.tor cr rn) or r s sub-contlilctol:. lgcrrls o] serva rfs. Or lc ))tllrlion ol lhc Co]rliir.i ur)acr Sub lrarir (b) of this Sub-Cl,ruse, the Contmctor shall dcnrob! izc 0of the slt. lcrvirg bchird Corrr.clor's Dquipf)Enl which t r. I)ro.uLirrt Aqerc! irstllLcis.,f (ir. ter Irraiion noticc. lo be lscd lo: (he coxrplc(iorrolthe\vorksattr: rsL and cosr olth'e Cohlrictor PltlLreft uirorl srch lerlnina(ionshallbcmad€urr.icrsrb-Clauscl2.{,riaccordarcc!vrtJrSub-Pa.3(c) lrcreof. xftcr havirlt degLr.tcJ (he a orifts dLre lo the Procurrng Agcncy Irdcr S' b-Pari (r.ia,rd rc) oirh,s Su| Cla s. I ― ヽ│ 」:│` 11 ti'`ヽ せolじ い,C,│ │` 、 さ,111(。 で ― ― ― ― 躙 CON'I'RAC'I- DA'I'A Itr. /l\../rl ttt!t. t)titt)\r,'e intit.dttti !ii Ct)tr/)1tc/ )tr/o \)it)t!l Dt.cn'ii1|.1gL',tct t)ritt'tt) it.\ri,rt tl /l)t BnIl))){ Doutt)t:t)t\ ) lillc.i ;n br thr iub-Cl:ruscs of lon(liliolls ol' Corlrxrl I I I'ocLrrin,t Agcnct alt) !)L s l)ralvilrgs. iJ rnj- ^\ t! l't)!)tnrr,.4.t:!))!\) 'l hc I'rocuring ,^gcIcJ,ri)car)s .4 I 1.5 II7 'jtt.tl I hc CoDtraclor fcans Comurcnrcnrcnt I)xtc nierfs lre drtc ol issue ol L ginecr's Notlc. ro Connrcrrce trhr.l) 5l)rrll bc rssr.a \rir r: iourlccr (i;) d.)j ol th s irring ol lhc Conl'act Agree|neDl. I L.t 'l'iDrc Ior Conrplclio da\s (ftu tit c fat ca ttl(iian ol tit \rhalc oj titt tltatk\ !)\o iLl br xt\?\\ed 6' tha 1')ocLtriD! ,4!aency) I i ?0 Drgincer (nrcntion thc raDrc b loDgs ro I (e, (b r l. (ri (. lll (J lh I along ryilh lhc dcsig rtion illcluding s hcthcr hc corsultant) rnd other dctllils dcpxrimcnt or DocrnrcnlsforminglIcContrrclIis(c(l ir lheor(1cIofpl'iol.ilvi l rcCorlrircl .,\grccnerl l.o1(.r o1 n cccple rcc .oilplclcd Forrr ol Bid C. rlr.cl Dlril T:rc Cond l( ions olCofl ircl -llr.corf)plclrdSci.(lr -f cilo 3;r :rc iiilrirSS.r.CLr e oif'r .cs rc Dra\vrnils, rf.D_v l-hc Sp€cillcitions 1i) l) l.T 1ir. , h'o:titiit? )1:ctr,:.; t;tr rril. Ln akler c)'?t't.t:1. :t:tclr L:tl:tr dr:ttrcnt: r' iornt Ccr!!.)ct Dc!crc rhe doc0tL:t:t. jiio! xppiitl!t) ::c, t r,l ` ‐ ヽ \ ll11)Dlヽ CI),ヽ Tヽ Ihir. .aati(rn shoul(l LrL' lill.(l irr [ry Lirc I:rtgirtccr Procrrrrrrr: ,\gcuc\, I,rlbIc rssLrancc of the I'i(l.lir S (locurnarits- l-hc liril,r\in-! spccilt clrttc i!.r tlta Norks ro lrt tendcrcd shrll conrplentr'nt Jt)ten(. ()r slrfIlcltrnt trc l1n,\i\i,rrr\ irr thc l . t l e l , , s to lliLltlcrs. \\'hrrrlcr. thcrc arc r con llrLants. tirc I11,\ r L r i r r i\i()ns lrcr'.in 5llltll prcr uri r,r.r ll',,r( ir) lhc Jnslrllclinrl Io Brddcfs. IostIr cliors lo llirlrlcrr Clu rrs: rc 0l l'r'ocuring,\gcrrc\': 1.,-6L'_:!,'r* r\A l',.-.[ ''ji..,t\.. /' m一 ヽ ( ││'(ヽ ぜtr l望 ヽ■ピlc、 、i(1( ぜ`ヽ \irLrrtrJ lrr,r,:uti,,ir ( ,,lonv Chotki. │卜 ││ ,■ │`)] ││ユ ,'S*n'ro 、ci ヽ `ヽヽ│ビ 、、 li(l :lrJll h. quorL(l cnrlr.l\ iI P.rl l\tr1't... I lre IU' rncrrr :hill l'cnlx\lcirlilL lirrPccs' I)chr(l(icr hrr Illc llrtxrl(rill. l(.hnitr rrn.lion'tr'Litr,rtrrlcrtlrrl'llit'rrcc''"rrrrlol\crfonnlIc / r/rrh'"/r/ , orrrrxcr irs lirllo\ s: /r, ti)'t t'Lttttjtrl t tl'Ltl'ilitit'\ "r' '/,\ llrlrrni:irl cirlrrr(ir\ : l .\ l;r t ltLtt t t rrt:' ".' ": R' t ll. . '4\ ,.ab-.d t:r ..- \t;ii:,t,:,t tchrri.irltrrtrret\\ l.\httttt,ttlt\'dl'141))r^tt'' |\)tr!,4\,': tt:i\ttttttt')1 rtti: I'l:( a qnltii..ttntt t'tu1 ,:\ t'{i'1 .'t' ,tt Iln' :h1!t │ ′ R ワム Rf lrrcerrtire l.r,:ir.'tr (ihotki I)ir isir.r t lrtisirlion ) Qholkr. ′ ﹁一 tlrict I)cscIiIlion of \\i)r'lis - 4一 LI \rr llc[tlcncc ら、 S 人 t.t lrrolisron of Srtc: O I lhc ( l.l ,\rrlhor izc(l ;.2 Nrnrc rnd ,ldd I css o1 I]ngirccr,s/pr ocu.ing lJcrfor Irx Dc cc rso rn rrc rccrlr.nr Drlc . Agr cv,s rcprcscn illivo Scc rih,l Valid t), (lrorni. ).1 ,4.t pt-r.| iritl Ltntlu. ,\ttLtrulLtnl l;orn.,, ctltttc.tt DocLrnrtnrsl RcquiIcD)cnls Ibr Contr.rcror.,s (lcsrg (il rrny)i Slrecillcatioir Cl:Lrsc No.s Plogrrnrnrr:: 'I i,Ic for.submissiotr: U/ir|iI fourteer (I 4) diys* of tirc Irorur of progranr nrc: (jj Anrounr pavit,te drc r,r ( in iha 0%) oisunr stricij corrplcrc slrall Co rrenc€nlcnt Date. Ci;tr t:CP,WPERf .r-aiher) Lrc % pcr day !p to e ma\irrrrn ol: [,ritct fLsr alh rhc ljqrii(lirL..' drnragcs rre sct bct*.ec 0.05 perccnt and 0.10 percenl per d.y.) Iixr Il Conrplcrion Lr case ofcrrlrcr corIplction olthc Wo linrit tfd at i r:rlc eqrLr!irlcIt to damaccs sliticd in thc coItract (lilla. Up ro ,, thc CoDlrector ts cntrtled to be pakl bonrs _50% of ihe rclevant li r)it lrJr.l rarc of liquid.rl.d I'crio(l lbr rcnrcdt.iDg (tctccl\ r0. \rrl.ixlioD proccd u rcs. (c) Dll,rorL lrrrts . il 'l crnrs ot prt,rDcn ) l\'10 b (I S _ ) _a(lcleiis) rs iliz.r I io n Ady,rflrc \1ob I z3rrcr ,\lvarl.e r t) lo i0 9i, o,. the CoIlrilcr t,,,.q star"ct ;u thc Lettcr ol \ .."1.r.r-rc.,.,,, rj l, .'. r,,.. I,r ..r,.r...^, ._.Urc,o,,r,,..o. o,,,. \ oris coltintl lG I5 |rlllicI of abo!e oI fo o$ iJr3.ojr(lirroIs: r.)' l'. li:..t ..,,r )r t.!r i r..\ .\,: .:,r \\,,,,r ilirijtr !o\.|i, (r) (,) ..ia \lcbilr"iilio Advancc G amrl'c ior trc fiLil arrour( oi the .\(l\rrce in rirc specifi€d foLnr f|om n Sc rc(lt lcd Ba rk rr Irrkrstarr Io (lc lrrocurirgAl',enc); Corl lclor!!rll Det rniereslol lL|j nrcbi:izirt oLr advancc it tlre rteof cxsubr'1 ss;orr bv i ri Co rlrlctor 109'. l)cr irnrrrrn o,) I (,ri) r. ec!a|llc. r r( Thrs A(jvarcc iLrci!ding Llrc r)l.Iesl shrll bc recovercd rn 5 cquil ill\lrl rn.nLs liotn lho tive (05) R.,'\ bills arld in casc thc ntrmber of biils jrrlcrcsl ls i.5s Iir. r llv. f05) 1r. r i/5r'oa Lic advixc. inclltsiYc ol lllc rii.,.. r !l).1: 5. ..ovcr.a llcrrr cr.ir 3 | ll ril I re ba ilncc lollclhcr \\il I ixtcrcsL b. rcco!.rc(l Ior)r thc 1 )rl br] . ll nrlrl be ixstlrcd I ril therc is rc s( Ilicicnt . noL nl n tlre firrel bl I 10 cnxbLe rccovcrll of I vl.hlli/:rtior) A.lv. rcc. OR 2) Srcnrcd Ad\ rocc on Mrlcrinls (r) T rc Co:)lrr.lor 5h.:; irc.rl;(i.i iol..c\.lro lh! ProcLrrirgAscr:c; SccLrrcd Adlercc rgirrrsl air l\DhN'fURe BO\D ir P W i\ccounl Fo rr No':l(t'in' I(. Form No. 2 acccptahc Io thc t'rocrrilrg Aqenc) ol such srrm as lhc broughta( Untineer rrrrv consrderlrrr'opci rn respectof ron_fer !hrble rnalcrihls t rat: thci,te bLrt riol l et incorpo r.i:il irr thc t'crrxa r3nl \\ olks pro! ided 'Ihc rrillerrels llrc Pcrxa rent \\'orksl (i) \r,l l) a..ordilncc NiIr lhc Specificrtions for thc \ .lr '1,'r|L ' I 'o-e'' dc| r:-t'l r "'' 'ilr I n 'pro^er'),: ., lt ,.-.,d,''..r, ,'.. o n'r".r-co: o!t r""rror to'"r ':l:\Lcron rnd vcritlcrtiorr ol thc EnlllIccr brLt il llrc r]sk ard cost ol lhc I Ccnirilcloi. (i ,) (') l'hc Cor)irll.lnI's rccords ol lhc reqLrircnrents olders recclpls and usc ol mrlcrials erc kcpt in a forrr approved by thc Errgirccr' and such rcco'tls shel r:e r';ri ab c for irspectio ) b)'1hc IlrrgiLreer; Thc Corrl aclcr slrlil submir $'ilh hrs.mo rtl)l]' slarsrllerli trc cstinraled virlrc ol_Llre rr):rtcri.is on Sitc togcrhe) *ith sLrch doc lnents ^s lray be jals an(l rcqr rrcd by tlle Eng llecr for thc ptrrposd ol valualio0 ol maler pro! i(liLrg er idcn.c oi o'!re 15h iP a rd paym0lrl lherelo'el (v) | Onr,:rslriD cisrLclr nai.rjas \ruil be a..rrcd to vest n lhe Proctrrrng Aitcfcr' irrd ircsc maLerrals srirll nol bc rcnoved frorrr lh' Site or oLhcrir sc disposcri o1 \!itrorl \!rillcr l)'r nissio ol lhc Procrr fI lscrrc-t i (!rl: Tr., tL,r palibl. lor 5.r.h lrrl.: i. .ir Sil. sh.ll rot .\ceed lj % of ilrc fr) larl.ii cosi oi :Iporled n:rrcrrrlr. oi (il) cx-laclorl / cr-warchouse p icc ol local y nranulaclL rc!l or producc' nlrterra s, or (ill) rrrrk.I , ra! l)!!li: ,o.r:r]I..i li.!L,.rl1:r\ pr:cc olslaLrds oLhc n^tcria /\::r:!rilt , ,,tr.1.r:5rlli.r.\ [i. ji (vir) (\,ii ) (ir) (1,) l)rliril.(l r..!L:rl .liLiltlri.c! () rrrrsL bch'Jpl &txtil thc Pr.\'roLrs iLrprrrill')i Lrrrrirr!.lccourrl S.oLrcd ,\d\11rrcc rnrl)' bc ir(. nrlltcd ar i l!rinsl Iillcrills/(lranlliies nLrircital,rll lr bc corstLrrrc.j / rrlllizeC on ( rc \\'oi[ \!L(l]rr a pcriod ol3 rrlof(l1s liorrr Lhc dllc ol-isstrc ol 5.cLrred lrd\anceilrl(l Crfin tcly rrol lor ILll qtrrrr(rlies olrrralcrials lor tlle cntirc work/corr(rIcl Recovcr] of (i) (cl Sccurril ,^d!eirce slrould no( Le allcncl Irrless .tdvarc.. il,rD, lL h tccovercd: Scc L rcd Adva rcc. Sccrred Ad!.]lcc |ri(l to trc Corrtrrc(or tLn(cr thc ibove Provisions \hx:l hc cili.l3d llo 1l thc l1o rllr \ Dr\rrler)lr orr ac(uitl consn rrPl orr brsrs. brt rrot laler lhef Pcrioil specificil in lhe rrrlcs rrot nro c lhrn th ee nronths (even il unrLtrlizcd); ollrer co rdilions. ,,\s recov.Ires aic nrade tllc outstanding accourrts of ilrc rlcms concellrc(l in Parl Il rho!ld bc rcdLlcerl b rxaking dcductron cnlries in mersLrrcd since Prcvious (he colunr, '.ledrc1 quar(ity trtillzcd in 'rork bil . cqLLiLrlL:nt lo tlr! qrrrnlilr.s olmrtcrii s trse(1 by lhe coJrllaclor on il. ns of $.rk siro$ r 4s .xe.rrlcd I I pafL I ol lhe b ll lrL.r rn prlnrert\. 'ille Corrlrr.tcr shrll subi rl to dre gineer monlhly ' sietcrlcrls olirc estirrat.(i \alue ol'ihc r\ori.o ILcted )css the cr nLr ative enro(rrl ccrIifi.d Previous Y The va Lrc ot $ork compie(ed coLrrpr sci 1l:e \'altrc cl thc qur|(it es oi () thc rL.nr:i Lr lhe Btl .j'Querrirtrcs co iri'1c' (r,) vil ue of secnLed adv] rce on lhc Llrater,fls lnd vaLtrrtion oI !a iillions r(it ar)l. ii r) E girr3tr rnr) e\. tttlc an) ilcn c'rtll "l rr 'i prc!iort' cc iflcirc of rcd!ce lhc Proporlion olarry llcLI previousl)'certlficd in an)'ccrlificate ;n the ligh( of lrt€r nlorrnaliorr lr') Rclcntio r rlrore\ irna olher advlnces a:. lo be reco!cred lronr IIc bill subnll(tcd ir] coirllfl clor. I I *(a) \hlu:rl'on ol lhc \\'orlis: i) il) r L(rNrP c trrrr fdcte l\ ). or .ric,l LrLrri) surr pI c'J wlt I sc r.dLrl.s of riL(c\ i) l,urr;) sL)rr prlcc \!lr r b I ol qLrarrlit cs -(dctrls)'or fdctai r). or i\,) Rc nclrsu.enrenr wilh .stirr,1ted,'bid qrrartiiies ln lhe Schcdtrlc of Irr:.:j or or rrr::.riLr:r rbrve ilrl rr CSli ! b.lo$ _ \,) Cosr rcirrbrLlslbic --(ielr rrcDr o ヽ 「 ヽ'o, ti oct‖ ι,10'( │` cピ 1■ ol)ハ 1 '` )│い ` `` ` P「「●ヽ ヽ'ビ 。`P` │` ((l.taiis). L() qrLolcd or.larrd on ll)c Iirtes ,ctttlLion*: i)\t ljY)) ll I lrcrccn(.rgc ol ll.6 Currrncl otprlnrclll: Irri Rupre: ,1 I lnsurxnc0s: li'r.c,ttng;ft't1c!,tt)) dcci.la. kcclitl': t)) \'jev the nattttt: )td the lcapc afth! \ atk) Tvpc ol covc r Tllc \\'oris 'l-rc srLrr stitcil irr (lrc Lett.r ol,\cccpt'rnce plr s l llccrr fcrcenr ( l5%) -l'l pr tolcr ol Cortraclo. s E(trLiIrne ri. r\ nlou I 'f\ t ot co\'cl' .'...'"..rrr i po of co't l o osr c{ r rl:i PlrtY-irr ur] to persor)s irrrrl dilrnrge to proP'rI) Oht ntiritllit)t at I' t oc! ti n::.4 r(,, t )Ltt1t Lr !:l oi cn t. Li1iftl tJ) P( t) insut('1cc :;h''llLl b! a\'\e!\!tl h) Othcr co!cr* \ l4 lti cttch cast L\lnoutrt ntitc q ;n.'tt cd it Ca:rractar ttal i'rtcn'ing Ag c), to hc I rco\ e rc{l irsrcc,r I Prer.alLrm Dirrs l5 L\rbiirxtion*': Pl.ce ofArtrill1rtroo: - (i't-t)cn) :nlt /i!:r't..1' i. \t).c)t): t:.\ .t.11:t.;) itt!.) ! r t!! ha! t.) ba iJt ti( lt .t'ii1.c oiS:rlh) S :,J r Pr.ll . l',nir r. rr.rt it! !.rr,,:r '\ :,r_:i-, n,1\, irrr\rni|-1rr.pl ( _-_%). the SI',\NDARI) FORMS ハっ′ ど ,」 だ 「 `を ″Fθ ,″ ,(′ ガっ■ セ々′ "″ ;せ `ぁ ε〃 ′ ″力 「 “ iぜ ,“ ″ ,′ ご lε ′ 《rO ιご 、 ■ c′ Ⅲ″″た力 “ "α }11,1犠幣 :蹴 露 属 11協 常1轟l鰐'批1辮 ‖ 鞘盤]‰ :17:7 .′ '│〆 ″`あ ‖ ,、 ″,a″ 十κッ Si)ari, Lri.l),o.u,cl.)rit.,!lir. \,.\r(tr.rir\ rrr i rORヽ 1 0F BID SECし RII、 (BO■ kG(alantec) 1 \ i: i)c ofCr fl liror (S.tIrt. lci] B.rrk I i ir {Less \rnre o1. t,rincifat (Bjadrr) wIh r,'lt:ssl S nr ofScc r/ly (crpress io lvords fi uucs): ll Erec r tcd on by[he CJnin■ 101(oO]c P10cu ns Agency) ( C tC「 .i itcfercNcc pr i isirrr) \ irh arr(l \o._- D e ot.Btd Кヽ Oヽ ′AIし MCN II C10CSt Of d,oさ BY■ IESE PRESENTS thati) pLIsu.Ic.'olt|e tc[1Is otthe Brd rLrd at ndPh〕 c PnL、 、c1lc Gじ aa■ ol ibole'xrfrcd are hcll l|d firnt) bnrnd : )o the (t)erernliter iter call,id ca|,jd The the ..t,rocurrnr "t,rocurrng (│ (hc Alirrcy ) ;n st|l strt.(i abo\.c. lbr lic pixyflcft ofwhjcf s m rvell ancJ rftrly to bc nrrrlcl $rb0dorrscvcs.oLrhci.s.erecutor,.adfiiDisrr.^rorsandsLrccessors,jorrrlyancl scvcrall),, f,r rvb-r'1h151 p 353,115. T E CONIラ sut lllit ed │「 10ヽ thr Of l-lllS ODLICAItON lS acconr|nnying Bld SUCtJ. Llrar \vhereas rlrc Principel iras nLrnrbered a rd diled :rs (Pir(icr t.rs ol B:d'r to lhe sa;d irrocllring Wl ljliEAS, thc Pfocurins Airencv lrls rcquire.t xs . condrtron lor coIsi.icrrIg the sNid DJd lriri lhe Prifcipal tLrrjrislrcs a Bid Sccuriry rD rhe above sard s nr ro the ProcLLting Ar.r.v. co:rrrliorcd is uodcrl (│) thlt thc Bid SccL[il_! sira I rc (he perio,:l (ユ │ ol validil\ of l rai ir thc .vcxt oi rr n valir] lor a period ol trvcnq, eight (2S) days bcl.ond rhe Lrid Irc l)rirrclpiri r! th.lrir\r's ris Did drrrl rg ltrc periori oi vrij.iirl, oi'Did, or lhc Pl,|rcr!".lri(-res nor ic.cpt ihe colcciiol otll]i 8i.i p icc. plrrsLrart to _lr"..lr, I (C) ftilr.e oi (1) () S,( ij I'iirc irnirL rn. rl'l ,ll ..ot, lolt l.: Su5 o, thc !t ccess nrl bidder to a!r r,(h ll)c re!rircd I).rL.rIrirnce SccUrii\,. rr irccor(1.Ice \v'lh a,lit. .,rr.. ,,,I' \rr..c.,' lo 1J,d,,c.., si.qn 1l). pro!o\:r Coftr.cr \.!r.emcrr'1. rr rccord.rnce C ariscs lB-:0 : & l0 I of IIslru.iions ro llrddcrs, [ ]lcJr,hL.r\,\rr ir: rL n\\ 副 irfrnsif,th.jr,v.irr, \^ul) - *iiI Srr'., 欄 rre sirnr be paid inrrcdirLcy.'io fte srrd l)rocurir)! A!.ncy lol dcL^)'e(I corxpiclion furd nol ns pcnr tv lor thc sLrccc.slul bLdders ixilurc to pcrlorm- lhc cnl l lEIitFORL. rfih.srLcD.ssir l)ddc shili. uirirrr 1|c DCrio{l spc. ied lhcrclolc, o I prcscrbe(l lo n presci)icd (o hirll lof silllalurc entcr in(o a For nal CoLrlrac( Agrccnrent ir. \Llh lhc sria l)rccrrnA Aucrrcl rn irccol(hricc \\ tir hrs Ilir rs ncccl)lcd nr( ltr nisl \Ylihin l)Lrlccf (l,i)(llys ol rccci!1 ol l.clL.r ofAcccplirrLCc. rr I'crlbr ))arrcc SccLritv vrith goorl arrtl Lrll cic rl s1r(L]' . lls rl)ll) ha rl(ilr ll.. lrlx)ll lllc lir rll j) 'Jscrll)c(i hl lllc sli(l l'roctrrlrrg ,\8enc)' or rhc[r](rfu pcrlornanccan( Pro)er[]lllrrrcrrol (he said Cotlracl or irtheevcftol'non'\lrlrdra\\,il ol lhcsriatsi( \' Lrr't thc I nrc sf.crtl.tl iLr0r) (hrs oLrliLirlron srnli L)c vol.l arltl ol rll cl{rc1. b!totherwise lc rcnra n irr lLri furcc anrl cllect \oU1 l'ltOVlDDD'lllAT llre Claranlor shr I lc Lllvrth pal to lhe P ocurirrg i.rjcrrcy lhc said sLrnr fi;Icil rbo\c Lr!oL\ fi s( \!Iillc r (lcfrrr)(L ol_ thc Procurirrg Agcr).y \\ ilhoul cr!il or rrgLrrnc lt i ra \\,rthoul r.qL iritg thc frccLrrirg Agcncy lo provc'or to srow grorrnds oI rcirsofs [or \rrch (rfrirn(1. lolicc cl NIicL slra i bc s.lri ii_ (hc Irtctrrrg ,\'ro)ci b) rclsieicd Pcsl drl)' i.jdresscLl to thc Culrarrtor .\( its xddlcss givc I a'rore. Il{OVlt)ED ALSO IIlr!l' trc Proco irig ,\gency sh. I bc tlc solc afd fir;rl lud1r. 1br (r.rdrni1 rrcrher thc PIlr)cipai ras dLrl! pcrlorr:rcC rrs obligirtiors Lo irgrr ihe CoILLirct /'ueemcnt ard to li nish (he reqtrisitc Perlo|rrra:rce Sectr ity within (he rln. \t.1cd ihov. or icd L r l^ulil Ling siid rcqrLrre ne ris {r rd [ ]c Currirnio shali pir) wirlrorl ob iect nn tir. :i fl stalcd above Lrpo r fi s( \vrillcrr dt n.n.l l'onlrcPLoctrlngAgefcy lo (hwilh and wilhoLrl r r\ L.li circ. to t r. l'rrncL ril or ir r', cll)er pr scx l: :\ dcfu u boufd.d CLrrrerrior h.5 c\e.Lrl.il lhe:rrslr\rrrerrl tfrlcr it scal on lhc dotc irdicrilcd alrove, lhc ramc and r,cel ol_thc Grarrrtor bc ng hercto rlirrcd ir C thcsc prescxis rlull s grcd h1' rts rr:rders grred rcprcr.flrt \. plirsuxni io etrlrorLn nl ris !, vcr r ifg irody. I'. \'ll\ESS WHIrltEOf. rir. il!c\c Or era rlor (Bx rk) l. Srgnllture ヽ itncss 2. Na,rc i 3 Tide Corl)orilc Scc13t. (NNIr..'lill. & │, 't卜 │● l'o● t tt iiC口 │ │ヽ 1 ) ( Seir l) Ari( rcss) c=( .` │ゝ │` Co'|ro illa Crrilrarrlor (Scill) `1)Pl● ` t‖ 1!o、 ,ヽ 。1● 1)│` ●` `ヽ I.'OIt]\I OI PIIT]iORi\],TNCL SCCUITITY (llxnti cuxr;lnlcc) Crarantec No. Il\ecutcil orr U.\ plrl, Dlre (rrlcr bv ll)a \ tr:re \ .r). ol C iri lo. olCLll;rrior Irr irc ral Surtr aS. lo Lllc l)...1ri rg .\rt.Dc) ) r.Jr'lj.l 1i,li i l,:r;.rsta,) s;l:r ilr.ipal (CorIr cto:) s irh olSccLIrt] (cxl)ress fir, rr'cs) i..i cr ol AcceptaDcc No l(N:l\i/ .{l.L \,4LN ir) !vor.ls xnd I)ated I tCSD pRESIlN.t-S. ihnr iI pu15unnc! oi rtre ic ns oi lhe Bid(Jii)! "..r1,r--r id.r.,r.c. rt"r,.. :l.ct ....cc,......,.:,r:c...,,,r..r,Jeuocr, ..,;,;.:,:i rLq Jrr oJ ltrc s.r d I, r)riir.tl $c. thc CUrr.rntor airo!. nrntcd. ir. hcld ard fir.mly bourrl unto" t|. (her.rJrahcr called rhe -- -. - .\jeIr\) ,,')rrIg nIrcl,.,rr.t .,II or'iljc.nro!nt stirtcti abovLr lor rhc paymcnr of whicl) I By sLr)r \yell r|1:1 t11l),(o e\.i be nlrde h lh. sri.J p:.ccurifq,+gcncf,.,"c S,nA o,,,."fr.,. o,,, 1,",,. lors.ir(|rixstriior.srIds!.c.sso|s._]o ri[,rrrdsercrrliy,, f;rrI L by rftcs. p,"sc,rts. - TIr CO\DtTlo\ oir.l. rs o3t_icA.ito\ accr,lcd l)c rs SUCll, ri i Prrrcipa Pi!)curing Agcncy,s rbovc said Leftcr of /\cccplaIcc lor (NrJri. of Conirirct) f.l has lrrie of Proiecr). h!O\\ THItIitaFORU. itthc t,rinciprt (CoIrL.or)str:rll rclt ,rn,:.rl,l,) p:rtorm.,n,t hrlllil alI lhc L, :icri.kirss. coycn:rirrs. (crNrs.r. corrrt*ro:rs .i r': srir Docr rierlt. a,,,:irg ii.'".,,gtr.f lc]]fs 0 i-lhc \irid Doc!nrcIlr xnd a0_v c)ii.nsions fhcrcof lhal nray bc gl?ritcl br, ,1,; pr;",,,,,,g Ager)(!. wj(h or \vrrhoL:r rori.. ro rlrc CLa,.,rto,. s,Lrcl ol,.c ,5. ti,.l,. ,,lr.'ii ,1|'!,|],,l:',,]'t,:-,olrlJ:'|..,,',l,'.'l:.,|:.',,,.o\ ",,a,r,"r: thc ('rIlr.cl and ol any rnrl rll nodillcalions oi.(rc said Docunrcnrs that rrr(lr. rroiicc ot which rnorjficalions lo rt _. Gii.rnfo bcing lr.rebl |ray hcrcatier be "",,-.1f,.r, ,,i, oblnr ion rLr bc rr, r1 611,",,,,;." (o ,enrair rr fu lbrce r rd ,ii,., titl u *i"i,",,,",u Clnus.9, Rcnrcdl,ixg Delccls, ofCorrditionr ofCoIr.lc:arc iitfi " "r led OLr toril ii. b ilrty Lndc,.this Cuarr|(cc ts iinritcd to lhe s!fr :rtnled xL)ovc ind it is a condition r! irbr i1) irtrichrrrg io ( s L ndcr (tris CLr.rllnrce (h.i the cl.int li:i p$|ncrr i:r rvriting ola s,n(lir ]I r shr It c I,,ncrrcnrcDt ticgu rjN ALrIo,,h l r\'\ t,prxsi.(t r.!)v.tt r ri rh! \illiil rt D.rioil il rlrl: C!araxl". liilir:g ririch we oloL r liaL,,lirl. rl'lnv. t xil.r (lrr! Crrirriirlci. ,. \c( i.\ i,- $ iL ,ch,r l1crl r sha I l)c ob]cctlo rs llr'l arre rndclrc r'cnrl"- guarar)t'c to pa)' t' lhc Lrreroc'rt]' - (lhc CuaranLor)' wNivirrg al 4.1""."r ,,,,4*',l" Cort'.ci. dL] lrtrcl)] wriitcn dcnrm'l \!rllrotrr ll .",lirs ,tc.,,"y wrllroLrl dela] npon tr. Pro!Lrrirg A!:cnc)'5 llrst :,,i" ;,s,;,,",i. rocl withotrr requr irrgtlrcProcLingAgencIroprovcortosho\\gr'Lrrrds o:lcllsonslolstlcl.Lcn]andarlyslLnolstllll5(lptotheaI]loUl)lstaLedilbove,againsllhc lhc n"*ri.Sni"*yttrittcariecLnaliorrLriitlre l'rrrcrpal has cfiLse( orfai cd to-peform to trc CLtarrntrt lio^,i"i,t,,,"1"i rlrc CoLrlra.(. Io !vlrrcr i)i\lrrrcr( wii bc cll'erLcd bl "i AccoNrll \rLIilber' Pr.)curiN! r\gcrrcr's (lcsrinale(L IJinli '\: rcv shall bc lhc sole and fifal irjdgc l0r h s o- rgirlron! (rrrder the .j,.ul ,g ,"t,.rt,", lrc Prirrcipai (Coxtreclor) iLs tlrl'. p:rtorr'cd -rrror llrll pi!-$Ihoul C,,irJ . n* dcfiu lcd in lLr illifg saiC obt g.,r ors rrd tt.( Cuxrvr'ilterr dclnnnd llonrlhc ol cclrorr attysLlnl ol stllrrs Llp lo (l)c rlnount shlci above LIpon lrrst ly other Pe13on' 0,.",":r* o S"r", lor rtrr,,,irh arrd .virhoLit flry relcrcnce to lhc Pri rcipal or a PIIOVIDCD Al-SO TIIAI thu ProctLrlLrg Ag'J !\ccrr(ed this lnstrumerrt LLr{lcl \\,ITNESS WHEREOF. rhe rb e bo.rnderi CurrrtLrior hrs :.scr or Lhtdaic inrircatecjabo!c lhenanrein(lcorporatcsctrloltheCtriratrtorbeinghcclo i**l .ra ,,"." plcscrrts dnly sl$rcC b)' r(s trridc15igned repr'escirtatrvc' purlslrrnt to atrthorill tf "l ol ils golcrrri g bodY C!fllrrio ヽ コ]esS Sill rrt ( Lllr) i') c I Corporilc S.c ci.'! (S.l l (Narnc. l'iL c & Adlrcss) S rlr Prilll.l)rocrf.f. llillr rLo 11= Corporlte CuarrDlor (Seal) l,1u ri;:l \r!rr Ir"r':nr r'.or'nl 一 ― 匈 FORM OF CONTR.TCT AGREEMI]NT 'l day of (hercinalter cilled the "Procuring [hcreinatrcr called rhe "Conlraclor') oF thc oiher tlls CONTR{CI AGREE14EN'l [hcrc!'/ith callcd behvccn A8cncy'l of thc one P:lrr and part. -2014 WHIRti the "Agrcerncnt") madc on tbe - S thc Procuring ASency is dcsirous thirl certiin Works, viz: ihould bc exccrtcd by the Contractor and has accepted a 8id by lhc Contracror for the cxccution and complction ofsuch works and lhc remedyl4g ofany defecls thercin N O\V, this Agrccment \vjLncsscs as follo\v: 1, \r'ords and exprcssiorls shall havc the samc mcanlllSs as arc Coflditjons olContract hercinafler rcfcrred to' ,respcctivciy assigned to them in the 2. The lollo\ying documcnts al'.er incorporating addcnda, il any exccpl ihosc parts rclaUng parl to lnstructions to Biddcrs, shrll be decmed to form and be rcad anC construcled as ln thls Agrecmcnt oflhisAgreemcnt,viz: [a) The Lcticr of,4cccPtancc [r) Thc complctcd Form of Bid a]ong with schedules to Bd (cl Conditions ofConlracl& Coniract Data td) The priced Schcdule oiPriccs/ Bill ofquantihes (c) Thc SPCcififations: a1ld r.rJ fh'. Dr',rvirrS< .--. 3. ofthc payments to be made by the ProcuringAgcncy to the Conlraclor as hercinalter mcn!ioncd, the Conllacror hereby covenants with the Procurlng Agcnry to cxccutc anrl complctc the lvorks and remcdy defects thercin in conformiq'and In all rcspects lvithin rhe provrsions ofthc Contract' 4. ol thc The Procuring lgcncy hcrcby covenants to pay thc Contractor' in considorafion In considcration cxecuLion anJ completion of thc Works as pcr Provisions of lhc Contract' lhe Contracf Price or such othcr sum may bccome payablc under thc provisrons of the Contract at the hmcs and in thc mrnncr prcscribed by thc Conlract' Sindh Pubhc Procurenent R`80Lto,ハ utuno向 け :壼曇 Jrと 上 d■ ● ● 士 IN MTNDSS l^/llER[OI the partrcs hcr€ro h:ve caused this Contract rlgrrement ro l]e cxecutcd on lhc day, rnoDth and ycar firsi beforc rvdtten in accordjncc wrth thejr rcspectivc l.rrs. Siltnaturc of Lhe Cont|ictor SiSnature (sealJ 6eaり ヽ Sin],ed sealed and Delivered in tllc Prescncc ol‐ oithc Procuring Agency 、 │ l ' - [Narne Trl]c and Address) ,irdhlj.LlicPro,ur"-p-'8!,uLlo^iur:.o [Ninlc Tjtlc irnd Addrcss) rv: L,E!_!; tr!rn.h "!r I k 、 ● ´ ¨ ¨¨ . 夫DRAヽ VINGS ' tl t)i,: :it l rr htttilh.trilt!: ):!.!tjt.,: I ja) ;rcaryt, ate Veci;. Drur,in}s ibr lliliinf p1trp..tc.t .r1lr ar-i".t.t itc!uLl,: ti:c lttoi!td Jt-trrin!:! in a !cpL tte roi ヽ ‖ いい 岬 “ rr … n: L i ; t:ct L:t, mm、 r..,,1 悧 用ぃ Ⅲt Ч .略 … ‐ 蟄