A Day of Deeper
Booklet #5
Order #216
A Day of Deeper Understanding (DDU) is a Fourth Day
Cursillo Program whose purpose is to provide Cursillistas with
a comprehensive understanding of the Cursillo Movement.
The intent of the DDU is to reinforce the message that Cursillo
is focused on the Fourth Day - providing a method for
Christian growth that includes Christianizing our environments.
The Fourth Day is a model for the rest of our lives. Cursillo
begins with the Three Day weekend, but continues forward by
living a victorious Fourth Day for Christ. The DDU is designed
to orient and educate Cursillistas who have just completed the
Three Day Weekend with an understanding of what awaits
them beyond the Weekend. Sponsors and team members, as
well as the community at large, are also encouraged to attend.
The DDU was developed because of a perceived need to
reinforce the instruction given during the Three-Day Weekend
with a special focus on the tools of the Fourth Day. A
suggested structure is given for the DDU, but the leadership of
a Movement should tailor the program to meet the needs of
their community. The DDU is a Diocesan Program that is
offered by the local Cursillo community.
Cursillo is built on a Strategy of structuring the Christian life
which provides a Method to assist Cursillistas in living the
Fourth Day. The DDU accomplishes its purpose by:
1. Building Community
a. The participants are seated in table groups that provide
a group format for discussion questions and responses
in a relaxed atmosphere.
1989 by the National Episcopal Cursillo Committee of the National Episcopal
Cursillo®. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of
this booklet may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission. National Episcopal Cursillo®
® Reg. U.S. Pat. Off
b. The Cursillistas are generally still excited by what they
learned and experienced at the Weekend and are
eager to listen, learn, and share.
c. The Cursillistas reconnect with others from the
Weekend and continue building relationships.
d. The intention is to keep people involved and interested
as well as to build a sense of the larger Fourth Day
2. Clarifying Misunderstandings
a. The DDU fills in gaps in the understanding of the
candidates who often miss or forget information
presented during the Three-Day Weekend.
b. The emphasis is on the concept of the Fourth Day as
central to our Christian lives.
c. Education is the key to formation and commitment.
3. Building Future Leaders
a. The effective Strategy and Method of Cursillo are
reintroduced during the DDU. The Strategy explains
the three components of Cursillo: The Pre-Cursillo, the
3-Day Weekend and the Fourth Day. The Method
consists of: Group Reunion, Ultreya, Spiritual Direction
and a Rule of Life. All aspects of the Cursillo method
are the foundation on which we continue to live out the
Fourth Day.
b. The role of the Movement in the Church is addressed.
DDU reminds participants that Cursillo is not separate
and apart from the Church, but exists as an instrument
of the Church.
c. The participants are encouraged to live a fuller life,
embracing their Baptismal Vows as Christians by
witness and ministry to others.
3. Introducing the Cursillo Heritage
The story of the Cursillo heritage is often related in order to
make the connection from the past to the present. New
Cursillistas are often awed at the discovery that Cursillo has
such a powerful heritage and that its history is still being
written by active Cursillistas. They learn that the Movement
itself was not just a well worked out human product but
rather a story of how God initially taught a group of men to
work for God’s Kingdom in an effective way, a way that
bears fruit. Cursillo was formed by the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit working in individuals who had dedicated themselves
to the mission of bringing others to Christ. The DDU
deepens the understanding of how to accomplish this
The local Cursillo Secretariat, with the help of the Servant
Community leaders, is responsible for scheduling the DDU
with the approval of the Diocesan Bishop. The Secretariat
needs to notify their Cursillo community of the date of the DDU
several months in advance. Ideally, the DDU should be
scheduled four to six weeks after the Three-Day Weekend.
Forming the Team
The selection of the team is primary to the success of the
DDU. The most important element to the success of any
Cursillo program is the quality of the community leading the
event. In most Dioceses, the selection of the team is the
responsibility of the Fourth Day or Servant Community
Chairperson under the direction of the Secretariat. It may be
those designated leaders choose only the Team Leader who,
in turn, chooses the team. The team leader should be well
versed in the Cursillo Movement, an active leader in the
community and preferably has attended an ECLW. In some
Dioceses, the DDU Team Leader is the Weekend Assistant to
the Rector who therefore knows the majority of the new
Team Members’ Responsibilities
Team Leader
• Selects the location of the DDU in consultation with the
• Forms the team to implement the DDU and schedules
meetings of the team as necessary.
• Informs all team members of the planning and
implementation of the DDU.
• Selects coordinators and serves as timekeeper for the
DDU or appoints a timekeeper.
• Assigns individuals to give the talks in cooperation with
the Spiritual Advisor for the DDU.
• Serves as a resource person and provides guidance to
the coordinators and presenters.
• Selects Table Leaders--uses the team members from
the recent Three-Day Weekends and
other experienced Cursillo leaders if needed.
• Welcomes the participants to the DDU, introduces the
flow of the DDU, introduces himself/herself, has the
team introduce themselves and encourages attendees
to introduce themselves.
• Prepares an Evaluation Form for the participants to fill
out at the end of the program. Brevity is a must.
• Prepares an evaluative summary of the DDU
synthesizing the evaluative comments by the attendees
and adding his/her own observations.
Spiritual Advisor
• Assists and supports all team members.
• Delivers clergy talks and the Gospel response at
• Plans all worship services with the help of lay
• Is available for spiritual direction.
Other team positions required for the success of the program
include persons to serve as Coordinators. Some Coordinators
may enlist another person or persons to help them accomplish
their responsibilities.
Publicity Coordinator
• Writes and sends an article to the local Cursillo
newsletter editor describing the DDU. The article
should contain a signup slip to be mailed back to the
Coordinator and a way to sign up electronically for the
DDU. Include an item on the signup slip or electronic
registration indicating whether child care is needed.
• Includes a descriptor of the DDU and the signup slip
with the application for the Three-Day-Weekend. In this
way candidates know in advance about the date and
the expectation that they should attend the DDU.
• Includes a reminder notice about the DDU in the
packet of information given to each candidate during
the Three-Day Weekend. Include in the packet a listing
of what the new Cursillistas should bring to the DDU,
such as name tags and songbooks.
• Sends a flyer about the DDU with registration
information to each sponsor. In the flyer, encourage the
sponsor to bring his/her candidate to the DDU and pay
for any expenses incurred by the candidate for the
• Prepares and distributes a flyer with signup sheet for
general distribution to all Cursillistas.
• Places a notice on the local Cursillo web site and
makes announcements of the DDU at local Cursillo
• Writes and mails invitations to the Diocesan Bishop,
clergy serving on the Secretariat and to the clergy
where the event is taking place. It is appropriate to
include a short note describing the DDU.
• Keeps a current roster of the attendees.
• Sends a letter of confirmation to those who have
• Provides a sign-in roster for use as people arrive-offers blank name tags for those who forget their
Cursillo name tag.
• Provides a cash box with money for change for those
paying late.
Arranges for childcare if necessary – keep in
communication with the Session Coordinator regarding
these requests.
Session Coordinator
• Assigns Lay Witness and Responders for the Ultreya
portion of the DDU.
• Distributes handouts required for Ultreya, The Three
Day Weekend and The Fourth Day talks.
• Assures that talk outlines are available for the
• Prepares the packets for participants and team
members. A copy of the design and printed materials
for the packet should be sent to the Team Leader for
• Copies the packet material to a computer disc for the
planning of upcoming DDU’s.
Housekeeping Coordinator
• Organizes and recruits a housekeeping team.
• Prepares the meeting room with tables, chairs, lectern,
microphone, paper supplies and any requested needs.
• Assures that the facility is clean.
Cursillo Materials Coordinator
• Orders the brochure entitled “Flow of the Three Day
Weekend” brochure and all of the Fourth Day Cards
from the NEC Office. A few NEC Libraries should be
available for Cursillistas to inspect and to purchase.
Check with the local Secretariat’s supply person who
may have some of these items available.
• Has a copy of the “The 4th Day Magazine” available to
show the attendees and encourage them to subscribe
to it.
• Displays other NECC materials, such as Meditation
Guides, and has order forms available for these
The NEC contact information is 1-877-858-7392
Food Coordinator
The number of meals to be offered depends on the time of the
program. The meals for a Friday evening through Saturday
afternoon program will differ from what is needed for a single
day program. The meals and snacks could be catered,
prepared by a committee, or provided by the Cursillistas who
will be attending. Many Dioceses, for example, ask
participants to bring their own sack lunch and snacks for a
one-day program.
Arranges for food and drinks available during the day.
Supplies utensils, napkins, paper plates, table cloths.
Cleans dining area and kitchen.
Music Coordinator
• Recruits musicians.
• Selects the music in consultation with the Team Leader
and Spiritual Advisor.
Housing Coordinator
• Arranges for housing if overnight accommodations are
There are six talks with program content and talk outlines
offered in this resource booklet. The local Movement may wish
to substitute other talks that address areas of local concern
and need, such as a talk on “The Servant Community”. The
suggested order of the talks and the titles of the talks may be
changed. A talk called “Personal Contact” and “Sponsorship”
could combine content from two of the talks into one.
The Format of the Talks
Each presented talk is intended to be delivered by an
individual speaker.
Talks should be limited to 15 minutes.
Each talk is followed by table discussion. If the group is
small, a general discussion would be an appropriate
These talks should not be known as “Rollos” or to the
speakers as “Rollistas”. English terms are preferable.
Remember, we are beyond the Three Day Weekend
Be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit as the community
reflects on the talks. A few minutes of additional discussion
may be needed to deepen the participants’ understanding of
the topic. Keep in mind that the DDU is about a deeper
understanding of the Cursillo Movement.
The talk assignments are at the discretion of the Team Leader
with advice from the Spiritual Advisor. When selecting people
for the talks, make sure that they are living the Fourth Day and
are active leaders who are knowledgeable regarding the
subject they are presenting.
The Content of the Talks
This talk introduces the basic Ultreya in detail in addition to
having the Cursillistas experience an Ultreya. The Floating
Group reunion, the lay witness talk, and the responses
essential for an Ultreya are explained and demonstrated. The
format presented here may also be used as an instructed
ultreya for geographic or parish ultreyas.
See the NEC library booklet entitled “Ultreya.”
This talk should be given by the Bishop of the Diocese or the
Spiritual Advisor for the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese. If
neither of these persons is available, the talk may be given by
the DDU Spiritual Advisor or a clergy person active in Cursillo.
If no clergy person is available, a lay person immersed in the
subject, using the provided outline, can give the talk. This talk
helps the participant understand that Cursillo is a Movement of
the whole Church and that its purpose is identical to the
purpose of the Church. The talk should introduce the Pastoral
Plan for the Movement in the diocese. The talk also includes a
discussion of the structure and purpose of the Secretariat, the
General Council, the National Episcopal Cursillo Committee,
and the Servant Community.
See NEC Library booklets: “What is Cursillo?”, “Secretariat”,
“Pastoral Plan”, “and Servant Community”
This is a talk given by a layperson. The purpose of this talk is
to explain why Cursillo uses the format of the Weekend and
the place of the Weekend in the total structure of the
Movement. The goals and purposes of each of the days
should be explained as well as how the various Rollos and
meditations contribute to the goals and purposes. (Note: This
talk should include the handout, “The Flow of the Three Day
Message,” available from the National Episcopal Cursillo
See NEC Library booklet “Authentic 3 Day Weekend”
This lay or clergy talk repeats some of the content of the
Group Reunion talk on the Weekend. The major emphasis is
on helping people understand the importance of the Group
Reunion to the Christian life. This talk encourages everyone to
become a member of a group reunion. The presenter should
also encourage each person to follow a personal rule of life
and seek spiritual direction. The talk introduces environmental
group reunions as a means of reaching out into specific
environments. An environmental group reunion includes
persons who share an environment and meet together in
Christ to encourage, support, and witness in that environment
(i.e. workplace). If individuals are not in a reunion group, some
assistance may be provided to help them get into a group.
(Note: This talk uses the Group Reunion Order of Reunion
card as a reference that is available from the National
Episcopal Cursillo Office.)
See NEC Library booklets “Group Reunion”, Spiritual
Direction” and “Rule of Life” service sheet
This lay talk emphasizes that effective apostolic action is a
planned, intentional act which takes place one-on-one in a
context of prayer, sensitivity, and Christian love for the other
See NEC Library booklet “Personal Contact Techniques”
The purpose of this lay talk is to develop effective and
responsible sponsorship practices in the local community by
laying out the ideal approach to sponsorship. Sponsorship
does not end with the Weekend but continues throughout life.
Another emphasis should be how quality sponsorship affects
the effectiveness of the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese and
in the greater Church.
See NEC Library booklet “Sponsorship”
The program schedule that follows should be viewed as a
suggested format only. The program should be adjusted to the
needs of the local community and the dynamics of the
particular day as it unfolds. The talks are arranged and
scheduled in a manner that allows them to build upon each
Two suggested schedules are given—one for an evening and
succeeding full day. The other is for a single day program.
Evening and Full-Day Program
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:15 pm
9:30 pm
Registration, fellowship, and music.
Opening remarks/Housekeeping details, etc.
First Talk – Instructed Ultreya
Following Full Day
6:30 am Wake Up
7:15 am Morning Prayer
7:45 am Breakfast
8:30 am Second Talk
8:45 am Table Discussion/General Discussion
9:05 am Break
9:15 am Third Talk
9:30 am Discussion
9:50 am Break
10:00 am Music
10:15 am Fourth Talk
10:30 am Discussion
10:50 am Fifth Talk
11:05 am Discussion
11:25 am Noonday Prayers
11:35 am Break and Lunch
12:30 pm Sixth Talk
12:45 pm Discussion
1:05 pm Summary/General Question and Answer Session
1:30 pm Eucharist
2:30 pm Dismissal
Single Day Program
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:10 am
10:10 am
10:20 am
10:35 am
10:50 am
11:05 am
11:20 am
11:30 am
11:40 am
12:20 pm
12:35 pm
12:50 pm
1:05 pm
1:20 pm
1:30 pm
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
2:20 pm
2:30 pm
3:30 pm
Registration, Coffee, Fellowship and Music
Morning Prayer
Opening Remarks/Housekeeping details, etc.
First Talk on Instructed Ultreya –Presentation that
includes holding an actual Ultreya
Second Talk
Table discussion/General discussion
Third Talk
Table discussion/General discussion
Noonday Prayer
Fourth Talk
Table discussion/General discussion
Fifth Talk
Table discussion/General discussion
Sixth Talk
Table discussion/General discussion
Summary/General Questions and Answer Session
National Episcopal Cursillo®
2683 Highway 701 N #4
Conway SC 29526-3882
Phone: 843-488-2956 Toll Free 877-ULTREYA
Fax: 843-488-2693