Subject: May 7 Process Leader Meeting All, I am confirming next

Subject: May 7 Process Leader Meeting
I am confirming next Tuesday's meeting of the Process Team Leaders, May 7, 11:00 - 1:00 in
room 225 Rapson Hall. As a reminder, I'll have box lunches for everyone.
Homework: Please be prepared to share (1) the process you've used so far, (2) your
stakeholders, and (3) what you've discovered so far. We are asking that you write your bullet
points on flip-chart paper prior to the meeting and post in room 225 when you come. Doing this
prior to the meeting will save time as we have a lot of material to cover.
Website: Materials and information related to the Operations Redesign process can be found at
this link. We will be adding additional information as we go along, including process maps,
timeline and a resource list. I encourage all to post updates, notes, reports, photos, charts, etc.,
etc. You can forward material to Theresa and she will make sure it gets on the website.
Agenda for Tuesday's meeting is included here:
11:00 – 11:15
Welcome & set the stage
Kathy, Jan, Jeanne, Virajita
11:15- 11:45
Process Leaders report
All - 3 minutes each
11:45 – 12:00
Just in time coaching
Appreciative Inquiry - Jeanne
12:00 – 12:15
Just-in-time coaching
Design Thinking - Virajita
12:15 – 12:45
Information & resource
Kathy, Jan, Jeanne, Virajita
12:45 – 1:00
I know that the teams have been meeting, and am looking forward to the reports. As always,
thank you for your leadership in this process.