Diesel Maintenance Process Why The Need To Improve What We Are Doing Rich Caccese CNSP N43A23P 2010 Port Engineers Conference How We Meet the Mission and Overcome Challenges Deckplate Leadership SWE Alignment Training Manning Ship Readiness Warships Ready for Tasking 2 Background • In the past three years, 9 CNO avails have been delayed due to diesel engine work. • Emergent diesel engine repairs have significantly impacted ship’s operational availability. • Diesel readiness is not what the surface force desires or expects despite numerous implemented initiatives. • Diesel repair work should be accomplished within the scheduled time and budget! 3 Background Notional Plan - 6 Months Deployment – 10 Months Operational – 8 Months Maintenance Deployment Deployment CM quarter 1 1 CNO quarter 1 1 1 CM quarter 1 1 1 CM quarter 1 1 1 CM quarter 1 1 1 CM quarter 1 1 1 quarter 1 1 1 quarter 1 1 1 1 LSD 52 - 6 Months Deployment – 5 Months Operational – 13 Months Maintenance Deployment Deployment CM CM CNO CM CM Time Now LSD 45 - 6 Months Deployment – 7 Months Operational – 11 Months Maintenance Deployment Deployment CM CNO CM CM CM Time Now LSD 47 - 6 Months Deployment – 8 Months Operational – 13 Months Maintenance Dply Dply CM CNO CM CM CM CM Time Now 4 Questions from Leadership • Why do diesel engines require so much maintenance? • Why are maintenance requirements so unpredictable? • Why does it take so long to accomplish identified maintenance requirements? • How do we get away from incremental discovery? • How can the diesel engine maintenance process be improved to produce LSD class ships ready for tasking? 5 Working Group • Formed as a result of ships not being able to meet their operational requirements due to diesel engine maintenance and repair requirements. • The purpose : Determine the optimal process for planning and execution of maintenance for LSD class diesel engines over the FRP cycle. 6 Q: Why Change? A: Dysfunctional Cycle Poor CSMP Poor selfassessment Poor prediction of maintenance needs Wrong maintenance package Increasing degradation Shorter MTBR More CASREP’s Less operational experience Less training cycle time More time and resources spent on crisis maintenance Less time and fewer resources spent on preventative maintenance Better Maintenance Planning and Execution Enables Better Prediction of Requirements 7 The “Cycle” 8 Overview of the Basic Depot Level Maintenance Process Assess current condition Predict future condition Identify desired work scope Accomplish advance planning Procure LLTM Authorize and Fund Execution Package Accomplish Execution Planning Ready to execute Procure balance of material Accomplish Work Package 6 Sources of Trauma in the Current Process Incomplete or incorrect assessment of current condition Assess current condition Package built to budget without ORM analysis of tasks to be deferred Predict future condition Identify desired work scope Inaccurate model of MTBF and periodic maintenance requirements LLTM not anticipated and procured in time Significant delta between initial ROM estimates and actual proposed cost Accomplish advance planning Procure LLTM Late authorization and port loading constraints results in inadequate time to conduct detail planning Authorize and Fund Execution Package Accomplish Execution Planning “Sticker shock” induces both package cuts without ORM analysis of tasks to be deferred and late funding and authorization Ready to execute Procure balance of material Late funding results in additional material lead time problems Assessments happen during Execution causing “Incremental Discovery.” End result is an availability with an inadequate work package hastily planned for execution and severely impacted by material availability. Consequence is excessive churn, significant cost growth, schedule delays, and missed milestones Accomplish Work Package Timeline no longer drives the repairs – Repairs drive the Timeline 7 11 Today’s Path Q: Why Change? A: Dysfunctional Cycle Poor CSMP Poor selfassessment Poor prediction of maintenance needs Wrong maintenance package Increasing degradation Shorter MTBR More CASREP’s Less operational experience Less training cycle time More time and resources spent on crisis maintenance Less time and fewer resources spent on preventative maintenance Better Maintenance Planning and Execution Enables Better Prediction of Requirements 12 Bottom Line • How do we get away from incremental discovery? • We need to readjust the assessment, planning, and execution processes of maintenance so that the CNO Availabilities consistently result in diesel engines being fully functional, reliable, and sustainably ready to support training and operations throughout the entire deployment to deployment cycle. 13 CNSF stands up the Diesel Solutions Group (DSG) 14 The Diesel Solutions Group (DSG)! N43 Srv Cnt LSDRON FME Engr TYCOM OEM By May 2010, create a new diesel repair process that achieves LSD Class Ships ready for tasking MSMO NAVSEA SURFMEP Metro RMC TW - 05 NASSCO ISEA SEA 21 JRMC SWRMC W/O Engr NSSA 15 The Working Group Engaged, Committed, Empowered! Assess current condition Predict future condition Project Future Work Predict Team Identify desired work scope Accomplish advance planning Authorize and Fund Execution Package Procure LLTM Planning Team Accomplish Execution Planning Procure balance of material Ready to execute Accomplish Work Package Execution Team Successful Prediction and Advance Planning leads to successful Execution! 12 Main Action Items 1. Integrated Assessment Cycle to include Formal Periodic Assessments (FPAs) 2. Maintenance Philosophy and Lifecycle Maintenance (LCM) Plan 3. Restoration Plan and 8 Engine Test Plan 4. Parts & Tools requirements 5. Maintenance Standards 6. Personnel and Resources 17 LSD-41 Class CONUS Fully Integrated Diesel Assessment Cycle NLT 9 Wks A-240 50% PL LSD-41 Notional Sched w/ShipMain Dates Diesel Assessment Cycle Supporting Work Package Ultra E ICMP/Directed Maintenance DRS TSSRA IV FPA Focused CMAV 24-27 Month Anchor 18 LSD-41 Class OCONUS Fully Integrated Diesel Assessment Cycle A-240 DRS 50% PL LSD-41 Notional Sched w/ShipMain Dates Diesel Assessment Cycle Supporting Work Package Ultra E ICMP/Directed Maintenance A-170 100% PL w/Reserv 24-27 Month Anchor 19 Maintenance Philosophy Paper and Lifecycle Maintenance Plan • NAVSEA 05 TWH John Hartranft is preparing the paper and LCM plan. – To invoke NAVSEA Maintenance Standards through ICMP – “Progressive Overhauls”: 4 cylinders overhauled at a time instead of entire engine – LCM Plan establishes a 5 year projection of work to allow for proper planning and procurement of parts. 20 Diesel Restoration Plan and Eight Engine Test Plan PCD Restoration Plan LOA 2 weeks 2 weeks Cold Checks Hot Checks • MPDE IPPAP • SSDG PSART • MPDE IPPAP • SSDG PSART Sea Trial s CNO Avail Comp 21 Parts and Tools • Goal: eliminate maintenance delays and deferrals due to lack of parts or tools and right size the multiple “gold piles” • Achievement through: – Proper planning and ordering of LLTM – Better use of available parts inventories – Create inventory of parts and disseminate to maintenance community – Ensure each port has a complete set of diesel 22 engine tools Maintenance Standards • Goal: reduce variability in cost, schedule, and repair results by increasing the standardization of maintenance. • MPDE Maintenance Standards are under review • SSDG Maintenance Standards are in development. • Final Maintenance Standards will become part of the Master Specification Catalog. 23 Personnel and Resources • Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations (RRE) document – Clarity, focus, & awareness to key personnel – Leads to better efficiency between team members – SME, DEI, PE, SBS, PM, QA, ACO, OEM, SF, ISIC, TYCOM included 24 Diesel Subject Matter Expert • Diesel SMEs are a key component of the process – Work with MT to provide a systems approach and oversight – Collection point for all avail planning data – This data provided to PE for action • Data/information feeds into a single person – a new assistant Port Engineer – “Consultant” to the Port Engineer – Similar to Combat Systems Port Engineer 25 Proactive Results • Comprehensive, rigorous, and disciplined availability planning and execution process •Meets the ShipMain milestones • Limits Incremental discovery on the Diesels AND the related support systems • Keeps Ship’s Training Cycle sacrosanct 26 Questions? 27