A Performance Analysis for Interconnections of 3D ICs with

A Performance Analysis for Interconnections of 3D ICs
with Frequency-Dependent TSV Model in S-parameter
Ki Jin Han, Younghyun Lim, and Youngmin Kim
Abstract—In this study, the effects of the frequencydependent
vias (TSVs) on the performance of 3D ICs are
In recent decades, as the interconnect RC delay has
become larger compared to increasing transistor speed,
3D integrated circuit (IC) stacking technology based on
the through- silicon via (TSV) has emerged as a
promising solution to enhance system integration, reduce
footprint, and increase performance [1-3].
Many studies have been conducted to model and
analyze TSVs by constructing equivalent circuit models
[4-13]. In [4, 5], an efficient modeling method for a TSV
based on cylindrical modal basis functions has been
studied and has demonstrated high accuracy, close to that
of full-wave simulations. Compact AC modeling of
RLCG for TSVs over a wide range of frequencies has
been proposed, and the electrical performance of the
TSV interconnect with one signal line and one VDD and
GND TSV was analyzed in [6]. In [7], the authors
proposed a modeling methodology of high-density TSVs
with equivalent electrical RLCG models. In [8], closedform R, L, and C expressions have been proposed and
verified with full-wave EM simulations. In [9], the
authors proposed a scalable electrical model of a TSV
including all possible parasitic effects of the TSV-last
process and carried out time- domain analysis using an
eye diagram. The RLC modeling as a function of the
physical parameters of a TSV has been presented in [10].
An electrical TSV model is proposed and compared by
3D EM solver considering the semiconductor effects in
[11]. Models for the coupling noise of TSV are proposed
in [12]. An analytical model for TSV-TSV coupling
capacitance is proposed in [13]. Analytical physical
models were derived, and the design guidelines of the
power delivery network were proposed in [14]. A ring-
examined by evaluating a typical interconnection
structure, which is composed of 32-nm CMOS
inverter drivers and receivers connected through
TSVs. The frequency-domain model of TSVs is
extracted in S-parameter from a 3D electromagnetic
(EM) method, where the dimensional variation effect
of TSVs can be accurately considered for a
comprehensive parameter sweep simulation. A
parametric analysis shows that the propagation delay
increases with the diameter and height of the TSVs
but decreases with the pitch and liner thickness. We
also investigate the crosstalk effect between TSVs by
testing different signaling conditions. From the
simulations, the worst signal integrity is observed
when the signal experiences a simultaneously coupled
transition in the opposite direction from the aggressor
lines. Simulation results for nine-TSV bundles having
regular and staggered patterns reveal that the
proposed method can characterize TSV-based 3D
interconnections of any dimensions and patterns.
Index Terms—3D IC, through-silicon via (TSV), Sparameter, frequency-dependent, signal integrity (SI)
Manuscript received May. 11, 2014; accepted Aug. 3, 2014
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ulsan National
Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, 689-798
Republic of Korea
E-mail : youngmin@unist.ac.kr
oscillator (RO)-based digital signal transmission scheme
was exploited to verify the feasibility of the 3D IC and to
assess the impact of the TSV on the performance in [15,
16]. All previous works have focused on TSV parasitic
modeling and analysis with varying frequency. However,
a significant amount of research has not been conducted
for the signal integrity between the multi-lines of TSV
signals and the related timing analysis under different
neighboring TSV conditions with an understanding of the
various TSV placements and structural variations.
In this study, the frequency-dependent impact of the
TSVs on the performance of 3D ICs is evaluated. To
obtain a frequency-dependent model of TSV structures, a
3D electro- magnetic (EM) method [4] is used. At first,
three lines of the transmission structure with 32-nm
inverter drivers and receivers connected by TSVs are
evaluated to analyze the comprehensive TSV structural
impact on the signal line. The interconnection consists of
one signal line (or victim) at the center and two neighbor
lines (or aggressors) at both sides. To investigate the
crosstalk or capacitance coupling effect between TSVs
on the performance, the aggressor can make a transition
opposite to the signal line, in the same direction as the
signal line, or be quiet at VDD or GND. Then, we
expand the analysis for the 3D nature of the
interconnection with a nine-TSV bundle, where a victim
line is at the center and the other eight TSVs surround the
victim line.
The effects are estimated through a transient analysis
with SPICE [17]. We sweep the TSV parameters, such as
the diameter, height, oxide liner thickness, size of landing
pads, and pitch of TSVs, to evaluate the impact of the
TSV dimensions on the signal performance and signal
integrity. We also analyze the performance impact on the
signal line for a wide range of frequencies by changing
the rise time of the signal. Statistical eye analysis with a
pseudo-random source is conducted to evaluate the
impact on the high-speed signal integrity. In addition,
SPICE AC simulations with compact TSV model [6] and
S-parameter model are compared and investigated to
validate the efficiency of the proposed S- parameterbased approach.
Section II explains the EM modeling methodology
used for S-parameter extraction of the TSVs of a 3D IC.
Section III shows the simulation setups and results,
followed by the conclusion in Section IV.
Frequency-dependent S-parameters of the TSV
structures are extracted from a 3D EM modeling method
based on the mixed-potential integral equation [4]. The
procedure of the modeling method is illustrated Fig. 1
where the electrical characteristics of the original TSV
structure is divided into current in conductors, charge on
surfaces, and polarization current in oxide liner regions.
To capture the charge and current density distributions in
TSVs, the EM method employs cylindrical modal basis
functions, which are used when converting electric-field
integral equation (EFIE) and scalar potential integral
equation (SPIE) into equivalent circuit equations.
Because spatial discretization is avoided with the modal
basis functions, the method produces a reduced
impedance and admittance matrices shown in Fig. 1 and
a simplified equivalent circuit [5], compared to the
conventional partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC)
method [18]. The reduction of modeling time and
memory of the proposed EM method enables the efficient
generation of a large number of parametric models. The
Fig. 1. Procedure of the EM-based TSV modeling method.
Port 2
Port 4
Port 6
Port 3
Port 5
Liner thickness
Port 1
Fig. 2. Three-TSV structure with six ports for frequencydependent S-parameter generation.
Fig. 4. Three lines of interconnections with drivers and
receivers; note that vertical cylinders are TSVs.
Table 1. Nominal structural and material parameters of
TSV [1]
Fig. 3. Frequency-dependent transmission coefficients of the
three TSVs in Fig. 2; the left plot is for D = 5µm, and the right
plot is for D = 10 µm.
circuit model obtained from the EM method can be
converted to a multi-port network parameter.
In this paper, we apply the EM modeling method to a
three-TSV structure shown in Fig. 2 and generate sixport S-parameter data (and nine TSVs with 18-port data
as shown in Fig. 8 as well) with varying parameters, as
explained in Table 1. For all cases, the considered TSVs
are signal lines, whose return paths are assumed to be at
the ideal ground at infinity. By assuming the ideal ground
in this paper, we can focus on the performance of the
signal TSVs only. The frequency-dependent transmission
coefficients (|S12|, |S34|) of the three TSVs for eight cases
sampled from Table 1 are plotted in Fig. 3. All responses
in Fig. 3 follow a typical characteristic of TSV
interconnects, where low-frequency and high-frequency
behaviors exhibit slow-wave and quasi-TEM modes,
1. Three Lines of Interconnection
Three lines of interconnection with 32-nm CMOS [19,
Nominal Values
Parameter sweep
TSV diameter (D)
5 [µm]
5, 10, 20, 50, 100
TSV height (H)
50 [µm]
5, 10, 20, 30, 100
TSV pitch (P)
15 [µm]
10, 20, 30, 50, 100
Liner thickness (Tox)
0.1 [µm]
0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1
Pad diameter
7.8 [µm]
D + (2.8) * (D/5)
Pad thickness
0.1 [µm]
Silicon conductivity
10 [S/m]
Resistivity of TSV
1.68e-8 [Ω·m]
20] drivers and receivers, as shown in the Fig. 4, are
exploited to analyze the impact of TSV parameters on the
propagation delay. We use high-performance predictive
technology models (HP PTM) for drivers and receivers.
NMOS width of 5 um and 1.5x larger PMOS width are
used to match both rising and falling transitions for
generating the drivers and receivers. In Fig. 4, the center
TSV is the victim and the two neighboring TSVs are
aggressors. In this paper, we simulate the transient
response of the center TSV line with respect to the
following four aggressor conditions: (a) The aggressors
are quiet and steadily connected to VDD (‘VDD’). (b)
The aggressors are steadily connected to GND (‘GND’).
(c) The aggressors make a simultaneous transition in the
opposite direction to the center line signal (‘opposite’).
(d) The aggressors make a simultaneous transition in the
same direction to the center line signal (‘same’).
Fig. 5 represents the normalized delay change for each
TSV parameter variation, such as diameter (D), height
(H), pitch (P), and liner thickness, respectively. The
delay data are normalized to the propagation delay of the
nominal parameter value (i.e., Table 1) when
neighboring TSVs are quiet at GND. As expected, the
signal line experiences the greatest impact when
neighboring aggressors are simultaneously driving in the
opposite direction and the smallest impact (or better)
Fig. 5. Normalized delay vs. TSV parameter sweep (a) diameter, (b) height, (c) pitch, (d) liner thickness.
when they are in the same direction. For example, with
the nominal TSV parameters (i.e., D = 5 µm) shown in
Fig. 5(a), there is up to a 24% delay increase in the case
of opposite aggressors and a 21% delay decrease (speed
up) in the case when the transition is in the same
direction as the center signal lines, compared to the quiet
neighboring lines (i.e., GND or VDD). As shown in
Fig. 5, the propagation delay increases as the diameter
and the height of the TSV increase because of the growth
of oxide capacitance and inductance of the TSV. On the
other hand, the signal propagation becomes faster as the
pitch of the TSVs becomes larger because of the reduced
coupling effects in opposite and quite conditions as
shown in Fig. 5(c). Note that, as expected, the delay
becomes lager as the pitch increases at ‘same’ aggressor
condition due to the reduction of the crosstalk effect [21].
The delay also becomes smaller as the liner thickness
increases because of the lower capacitive coupling with
neighboring TSVs and the reduction of the oxide
capacitance, as shown in Fig. 5(d). It is worth mentioning
that the TSV height and liner thickness variation have the
largest impact, and the changes in the landing pad size
have the smallest impact.
The normalized delay variation as the frequency of
input signal increases (or rise time decreases) is shown in
Fig. 6. The delay data are normalized to the result of the
1.5-ns rise time (or 212 MHz) at a GND neighboring
condition. It is quite interesting that the delay sensitivity
Fig. 6. Normalized delay vs. input frequency of three TSV lines
(frequency = 1/π·Trise).
to the frequency becomes lower as the frequency
increases. For example, there is a 15% increase in speed
from 100 MHz to 200 MHz, but only a 5% improvement
from 1 GHz to 2 GHz at the worst crosstalk
condition (i.e., ‘opposite’ in Fig. 6). The normalized
delay by the analytical TSV model [6] is represented by
the dashed line for comparison. Over the entire frequency
range, there exists up to 10% difference between data at
‘opposite’ case from two methods. The discrepancy is
attributed to the absence of the signal-to-ground
capacitance in the analytical model. Since the Sparameter model is applicable to more general cases, the
proposed S-parameter -based SPICE AC simulation is
efficient for understanding the frequency-dependent
Fig. 7. Statistical eye diagram of the center TSV line with 5Gb/s pseudo-random data when (left) two neighboring TSVs
are quite and (right) two neighboring TSVs are agitated.
(Vertical eye-opening for (left) is 456 mV and (right) is
440 mV).
characteristics of 3D ICs with TSVs.
Statistical eye analysis with a 5-Gb/s pseudo-random
source and a 100-ps rise time without any random jitter is
conducted to evaluate the impact on the high-speed
signal integrity, as shown in Fig. 7. As shown in the
figure, the vertical and horizontal eye-openings are
reduced by 4% and 3.6%, respectively, when both the
neighboring TSV lines affect the center signal line.
2. Signals in the TSV Bundle
TSVs are vertical interconnects used to transmit
signals between the bottom tier and top tier by
penetrating the substrate. Thus, the conventional three
lines of interconnect structure with a center victim line
and two neighboring aggressors near the victim used for
a traditional 2D planar circuit as shown in Fig. 4 is not
suitable for the vertical TSV interconnection because it is
3D structure. Therefore, in this section, we exploit a
nine-TSV bundle, as shown in Fig. 8(a), to analyze the
impact of TSV parameter variation on the signal
propagation for various frequencies. In Fig. 8, there are
nine vertical TSV lines placed in a Manhattan-like grid
of the same pitch (i.e., square pattern). The frequencydependent S-parameter elements are shown in Fig. 8(b)
for various TSV diameters from 2 µm to 30 µm. As
shown in the figure, the maximum degradation (i.e.,
insertion loss) occurs at the center TSV line (in black)
because of the higher coupling interaction between
neighboring TSV lines, and TSVs at the four corners (in
red) exhibit the minimum degradation as the frequency
increases. We apply a victim driver and a receiver at the
center TSV and aggressors at eight surrounding TSV
lines to measure the worst impact of the signal
propagation in four different aggressor conditions (i.e.,
Fig. 8. (a) Structure of the square pattern of nine-TSV bundle
used in this section showing the GND aggressor condition, (b)
Frequency-dependent transmission coefficients of the nine
TSVs with decreasing TSV diameter (D); the black lines
represent the center TSV, the blue lines represent the left, right,
bottom, and top center TSVs, and the red lines represent the
four edge TSVs.
opposite, GND, VDD, and same).
Delay impacts are measured by sweeping three TSV
structural parameters, such as the diameter, height, and
center-to-center pitch, as shown in Table 1. The
simulation results shown in Fig. 9 are normalized to the
delay of the nominal parameter values (D = 5 µm,
H = 50 µm, P = 15 µm, and Tox = 0.1 µm). In the
opposite aggressor condition, as expected, delay
degradation is worst, and the impact is greater than those
of the three-line case shown in Fig. 5. For example, at the
worst crosstalk condition, the signal slows down by a
factor of 1.2 with a three-line structure but by a factor of
up to 1.5 slower with a nine-TSV bundle when compared
to the quiet neighboring case when D = 5 µm. The height
makes the most significant impact on the signal
propagation because the coupling effects become larger
as the height of the TSV increases. For example, when
we decrease the height to half of the nominal value (H =
25 µm), we can achieve an increase of speed by 30% in
the signal propagation. To analyze the impact by the
center-to-center TSV pitch, we sweep the pitch from
10 µm to 500 µm. As shown in Fig. 9(c), we can observe
a significant impact as the pitch changes. At the nominal
value of the pitch, the same neighboring condition shows
up to a 40% positive coupling effect (i.e., faster), and
opposite aggressors result in more than 40% negative
(i.e., slower) crosstalk. The impact reduces dramatically
as the pitch increases. For example, when the pitch
becomes twice the nominal value (P = 30 µm), the
coupling effect is reduced up to 6%, and there are very
small neighboring effects when the pitch is wider than
Fig. 9. Normalized delay vs. TSV parameter sweep of nine TSV lines (a) diameter, (b) height, (c) pitch.
Fig. 10. Two different TSV bundle patterns (a) square, (b) staggered; the arrows indicate identical pitch between TSVs.
Fig. 11. Delay comparison between the square and staggered patterns of TSV lines (a) in frequency (the black line and dots are for
the opposite aggressor condition, and the reds are for the same aggressor condition. They are normalized to the quiet aggressor case
at 212 MHz), (b) with increasing pitch to opposite aggressors (normalized to nominal values with GND neighbors. The discrepancy
numbers are shown).
100 µm.
There are several choices for TSV placement for 3D
IC interconnections [22-24]. One method is to place
TSVs along an array-like grid (i.e., square pattern), as
shown in Fig. 10(a), and the other method is to place
TSVs in a staggered pattern by shifting each row a half
pitch to maintain equal distances between all surrounding
TSVs, as shown in the Fig. 10(b). To assess the
performance impact on the center TSV between these
two placements, we generate frequency-dependent Sparameters for the two TSV bundles. The transient
simulation results are shown in Fig. 11(a). For the entire
range of frequencies, though the staggered pattern TSV
has a slightly smaller impact on the signal, the two
structures show very similar results on the center TSV
line. Comparison of the delay impact on the center TSV
between these two patterns as pitch increases is shown in
Fig. 11(b). The maximum discrepancy exists when the
pitch is at a minimum (i.e., 10 µm), and the difference
decreases as the pitch becomes wider. At ‘same’
crosstalk condition, the discrepancy between two patterns
increases up to 5% at the minimum pitch. This result
clearly indicates that the proposed S-parameter-based
approach is versatile and applicable to any number of
TSVs and any placement.
The statistical eye analysis results of the nine TSVs are
shown in Fig. 12. The vertical eye-opening is reduced up
to 6.5%, which is 20 mV smaller than that of the threeline case when all eight surrounding TSVs affect the
signal transmission of the center TSV.
Fig. 12. Statistical eye diagram of the center TSV line in the
nine-TSV bundle with 5-Gb/s pseudo-random data when (left)
eight neighboring TSVs are quiet and (right) eight neighboring
TSVs are agitated. (Vertical eye-opening for (left) is 449 mV
and (right) is 420 mV).
Fig. 13. Normalized delay of the center line vs. input frequency
in the nine TSV bundle (frequency = 1/π·Trise).
Table 2. Normalized delay by ±10% parameter variations for
different aggressor conditions with nine TSVs
diameter (D)
height (H)
liner (Tox)
+10% -10% +10% -10% +10%
The comparison between our proposed approach and
the analytical model [6] is shown in Fig. 13. Common
characteristics observed from all cases are (1) the
capacitive effect is dominant at low frequencies and
(2) the inductive effect becomes severe at high
frequencies. On the other hand, a significant discrepancy
between the two approaches in the lower frequency range
(e.g., ≤ 200 MHz) is worth mentioning. The discrepancy
originates from a simplification in which the analytical
model neglects the self-admittances of TSVs. Without
the self-admittances, the analytical model overestimates
or underestimates the delay, depending on the excitation
conditions. The S-parameters used in our approach
include the self-admittances that contribute to the delay.
Since the self-admittances are defined with respect to the
ideal ground, the estimated delay in our analysis can be
considered as a baseline when predicting a selfadmittance oriented delay in real structures. In the
opposite excitation case in Fig. 13, for example, the
analytical model overestimates the delay that is
dominated by the oxide capacitance (Cox) only, but the
delay from our S-parameter model is reduced due to the
additional charge relaxation through the self-admittances.
The comparison shows the strength of the proposed
approach that easily captures realistic delay effects,
whereas the analytical model needs to be modified for
every different excitation condition.
To quantify the impact on the signal propagation at the
center TSV line with parameter variations, transient
analyses with varying ±10% parameter values are
conducted. The results normalized to the delay of the
nominal case are summarized in Table 2. The +10%
height variation results in the maximum delay change
from that of the nominal value. A 10% smaller diameter
and height provide approximately a 5% increase in speed
in the worst crosstalk condition. A 10% thicker oxide
liner results in approximately a 3% delay improvement.
In this study, we analyze the frequency-dependent
impact of the TSVs on the performance of 3D ICs.
Supported by a recently developed EM modeling method,
numerous transient analyses combined with S-parameter
TSV models are conducted to quantify the impact of
TSV parameters on the performance of a signaling
structure. Simulation results show that the signal
propagation is influenced by the TSV parameter variation,
the crosstalk (coupling) condition, and the signal
frequency (or rise time). Because the TSV model used in
this study is more versatile than simple circuit models,
the presented data can provide more realistic design
guidelines. Analysis of the nine-TSV bundle provides
close-to-real 3D effects of the TSV in the transmission of
the signal. The proposed S-parameter-based approach can
be applied to any TSV patterns (e.g., regular or custom)
and structural parameters (e.g., diameter, height, and
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Ki Jin Han received the B.S.
(summa cum laude) and M.S. degrees
in electrical engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea, in
1998 and 2000, respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical and
computer engineering from the
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in
2009. He was with the System Research and
Development Laboratory, LG Precision, Yongin, Korea,
from 2000 to 2005. From 2009 to 2011, he was with the
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,
NY, USA, as a Post-Doctoral Researcher. Currently, he is
with the School of ECE, Ulsan National Institute of
Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea, as an Assistant
Professor. His current research interests include
computational electromagnetics, signal/power integrity
for high-speed digital design, microwave circuits,
antennas, and electromagnetic modeling of electronic
packaging and interconnections. Dr. Han is a recipient of
the Samsung Scholarship for graduate study in 2005.
Younghyun Lim is currently an
undergraduate student in electrical
engineering at Ulsan National
Institute of Science of Technology
(UNIST). He is expecting to receive
the B.S. in 2015. His current research
interests include analog and mixedsignal integrated circuit designs and modeling.
Youngmin Kim received the B.S.
degree in electrical engineering from
the Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,
in 1999, and the M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering
from the university of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, in 2003 and 2007, respectively.
He has held a senior engineer position in the Qualcomm,
San Diego, CA. He is currently an Assistant Professor in
the school of electrical engineering and computer
engineering at the Ulsan National Institute of Science
and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea. His
research interests include variability-aware design
methodologies, design for manufacturability, and design
and technology co-optimization methodologies, and lowpower and 3D IC designs.