Weekly General Knowledge Quiz - July 2016

Weekly Quiz
1. What is the name of the current highest
grossing mobile phone game?
• a. Pokemon Go
• b. Mobile Strike
• c. Candy Crush Saga
2. True or false, all the existing Cabinet
ministers will remain in Malcolm Turnbull’s
new Cabinet?
3. Which country recently made the news
because armed forces attempted a
government takeover (a coup)?
• a. Egypt
• b. Mexico
• c. Turkey
4. Which former Australian prime minister has
asked the Federal Government to
nominate them for the United Nations
secretary-general position?
• a. Julia Gillard
• b. Tony Abbott
• c. Kevin Rudd
5. Why was the Splendour in the Grass
festival in the news?
• a. festival goers were left waiting several
hours for buses home
• b. it had to be cancelled because of
security scares
• c. five festival goers were badly injured
by a prop that fell off a stage
6. Which French city faced a terrorist attack
during Bastille Day celebrations?
• a. Paris
• b. Nice
• c. Lyon
7. What is the name of Queensland senator
Pauline Hanson’s political party?
• a. One Nation
• b. One Australia
• c. Australia First
8. In which country would you find the
Forbidden City?
WQ 20: 25/07/16
9. Why has the Parramatta Leagues Club
been in the news recently?
• a. their club rooms were gutted by an
electrical fire last week
• b. their entire board has been sacked
• c. the club is moving into a smaller
ground due to financial issues
10. What is the name of the camper van
company that may be forced off
Queensland roads for displaying
inappropriate messages on their vehicles?
• a. Mighty Campers
• b. Wicked Campers
• c. Jucy
11. What fraction of the world’s population can
no longer see the Milky Way at night due to
light pollution according to astronomers?
• a. one tenth
• b. one fifth
• c. one third
12. According to recent research, self-service
checkouts in supermarkets …?
• a. increase anxiety rates in customers
• b. increase rates of theft
• c. increase satisfaction levels in
13. Which pizza chain has been in the news
due to financial problems?
• a. Domino’s
• b. Pizza Haven
• c. Eagle Boys
14. Which is the second largest city in
• a. Devonport
• b. Burnie
• c. Launceston
15. What method is a Queensland council
using to get rid of wild goats on Pelorus
• a. trapping and removal
• b. introducing a virus which makes the
goats infertile
• c. introducing dingoes to the island
WQ 20: 25/07/16
Weekly Quiz - Visual
Near which state capital did this
emergency landing take place?
a. Brisbane b. Sydney c. Hobart
In which country was this image
taken at the weekend?
What does this photo from
Western Australia show?
a. the landing of a record
setting balloon journey
b. the launch of a new space
exploration vehicle
c. the launch of Google’s new
wireless internet system
Which Australian territory
has this flag?
For which country has this woman been
selected as Prime Minister?
a. United Kingdom b. New Zealand c. Canada
WQ 20: 25/07/16
Weekly Quiz - Answers
What is the name of the current highest grossing mobile
phone game?
a. Pokemon Go - Created by Google-spin off Niantic and
the Pokemon Company in a joint venture, the game
reportedly earned $35 million in its first fortnight, and it is
estimated the game could generate $2.5 billion in annual
10. What is the name of the camper van company that may
be forced off Queensland roads for displaying
inappropriate messages on their vehicles?
b. Wicked Campers - Vehicles can be deregistered for
displaying sexist, misogynistic and other inappropriate
messages under new laws to be put to parliament by the
end of the year.
True or false, all the existing Cabinet ministers will remain
in Malcolm Turnbull’s new Cabinet?
True - Only minimal changes have been made in the
Cabinet including Senator Matt Canavan being promoted
to Cabinet as Minister for Resources and Northern
Australia. Josh Frydenberg will take on the expanded
Environment and Energy portfolio. Christopher Pyne will
become the Minister for Defence Industry which is a new
Which country recently made the news because armed
forces attempted a government takeover (a coup)?
c. Turkey - Up to 1,563 members of Turkish armed forces
have been arrested following the attempt that saw around
200 people lose their lives.
11. What fraction of the world’s population can no longer see
the Milky Way at night due to light pollution according to
c. one third - Scientists also revealed that 14% of the
world's population don't use their night-time vision
because they live in areas with high levels of artificial light
and that the people of Singapore, Kuwait and Qatar
experience the brightest night skies. The researchers
warn that nights that never get darker than twilight affect
nocturnal animals and can cause sleep disorders.
Which former Australian prime minister has asked the
Federal Government to nominate them for the United
Nations secretary-general position?
c. Kevin Rudd - The role is currently held by Ban KiMoon. Mr Ban's successor will take office on January 1,
2017. Former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark,
announced her candidacy earlier this year.
Why was the Splendour in the Grass festival in the news?
a. festival goers were left waiting several hours for buses
home - Riot squad police were on site as the first night of
the festival near Byron Bay ended with big crowds hitting
bottle-necked queues for buses without any explanation
for the three hour delay.
Which French city faced a terrorist attack during Bastille
Day celebrations?
b. Nice - At least 84 people lost their lives in the attack.
What is the name of Queensland senator Pauline
Hanson’s political party?
a. One Nation - Pauline Hanson's One Nation is a minor
political party that was founded in 1997, by then-member
of parliament, Pauline Hanson and her advisors David
Ettridge and David Oldfield after Hanson was
disendorsed as a federal candidate for the Liberal Party
after comments she made about Indigenous Australians.
In which country would you find the Forbidden City?
China - The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial
palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing
dynasty—the years 1420 to 1912. It is located in the
centre of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace
Why has the Parramatta Leagues Club been in the news
b. their entire board has been sacked - The move came
in the wake of five Parramatta Eels officials being
deregistered and the NRL team being docked competition
points for salary cap breaches. The Leagues Club
provides entertainment, dining and leisure services to
members. It owns but is separate from the Parramatta
Eels NRL team.
12. According to recent research, self-service checkouts in
supermarkets …?
b. increase rates of theft - Research has found selfservice checkouts allowed people to normalise and
excuse stealing, even among those who would never
consider theft in any other setting.
13. Which pizza chain has been in the news due to financial
c. Eagle Boys - Australia's third biggest pizza chain Eagle
Boys has been placed into voluntary administration after
nearly 30 years in business. The collapse has resulted
from intense competition among the $3.5 billion pizza
14. Which is the second largest city in Tasmania?
c. Launceston - the city has around 75,000, while
Devonport has 25,000 and Burnie 20,000. Greater Hobart
has a population of around 220,000.
15. What method is a Queensland council using to get rid of
wild goats on Pelorus Island?
c. introducing dingoes to the island - A Queensland
council is releasing dingoes onto a Great Barrier Reef
island to kill feral goats that are destroying its endangered
ecosystem. The dingo’s won’t become pests themselves,
as they have been implanted with a time-activated
1. France - UK cyclist, Chris Fromme, has managed to win
the Tour De France for the third time.
2. b. Sydney - Three people have escaped injury after a light
plane they were travelling in made an emergency landing on a
golf course in Sydney's south-west and ended up in a lake.
3. a. the landing of a record setting balloon journey Russian adventurer Fedor Konyukhov broke the record for the
fastest circumnavigation of the Earth in a hot air balloon in just
over 11 days, landing safely in WA's Wheatbelt.
4. Norfolk Island
5. a. United Kingdom - Theresa May has replaced David
Cameron and becomes only the second women to serve as
Britain’s prime minister.
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