The impact of details on the overall heat flow through the building envelope can be determined easily using linear transmittance. The additional heat flow through specific details can be highlighted as presented in Table 4. This example compares the “effective R-value” or overall U-value for a total wall elevation with 40% glazing with only one type of floor slab edge condition. Table 3 summarizes the parameters utilized in this example. Table 3: Example building parameters Building Parameter Table 3: Example building parameters Parameter Value Total Elevation Area 3 3000 ft2 (278 m2) Glazing % 40% Total Opaque Wall Area 1800 ft2 (167.2 m2 ) Brick veneer supported by brick ties with R-15 Exterior Insulation and concrete block back-up wall U-0.056 Btu/hrft2oF Metal Cladding supported by horizontal girts on 24” o.c. (610 mm) with R-15 Exterior Insulation and R-12 Batt Insulation in a Steel-Stud back-up wall U-0.054 Btu/hrft2oF (0.31 W/m2K ) (0.32 W/m2K ) Table 4 shows the calculated results. The difference between the standard and stand-off shelf angle is not significant for this example. This is largely due to the continuous metal flashing over the shelf angle for both scenarios. There is a significant difference between the common concrete slab projection scenario and a thermally improved system incorporating a thermal break. The difference between these two scenarios for the example wall assembly has the same impact as adding approximately 45% more wall area or 4 feet of wall height to each floor. “The difference between the two scenarios has the same impact as adding 4 feet of wall height to each floor” The insulated slab edge with improved details has an overall U-value closest to the U-values typically assumed for whole building energy modeling but there is still a 28% difference5. Table 4: Example building thermal values Parapet Table 4: Example building thermal values and Floor Slab Scenario Standard Shelf Angle with Continuous Metal Flashing Stand-off Shelf Angle Continuous Metal Flashing Un-insulated concrete slab Projection Thermally improved concrete slab Projection Insulated Slab with Standard details Insulated Slab with improved details Clear Field Heat Flow BTU/hroF (W/K) 101 (53) 97 (51) 97 (51) % Heat Flow Slab Edge Window U-Value Heat Flow associated BTU/hrft2oF Transition with Floor BTU/hroF (W/m2K) (W/K) Heat Flow Slab to BTU/hroF Total (W/K) 25 (13) 52 (26) 25 (13) Effective R-Value hrft2oF/ BTU (m2K/W) 80 (42) 39% 0.115 (0.65) 8.7 (1.5) 56 (29) 31% 0.101 (0.57) 9.9 (1.7) 106 (55) 46% 0.129 (0.73) 7.8 (1.4) 36 (18) 22% 0.09 (0.51) 11.1 (2.0) 0.087 (0.49) 0.072 (0.41) 11.1 (2.0) 13.3 (2.4) 8 (4) 8 (4) 6% 6% The key take away from this example is that the relative impact of each detail can be determined and these details should not be overlooked in practice. Ignoring these details will likely lead to misguided conclusions and wasted opportunities for increased energy efficiency and to reduce material consumption. This kind of assessment combined with sensitivity analysis of insulation levels, if doing whole building energy modeling, should lead to more rational design decisions. Recognizing the diminishing returns of increasing insulation levels combined with the impact of the details, will in many cases lead to more attention to designing thermally effective details rather than simply adding more insulation and believing energy savings will be achieved. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3 CLOSING It is time to make the conceptual leap to linear transmittance to evaluate building envelope details, such as floor slab, during design. Not only is the method straightforward to use but the data in the 1365-RP catalogue and categories in this solution allows the relative strength of details that are often overlooked in practice to be effectively assessed. These concepts are not limited to floor slabs; heat flow through window transitions can be significant and should not be ignored either. An increased awareness of the impact of the overall thermal performance of the building envelope, by utilizing these methods, can be incorporated in practice by the entire design team; energy modeler, architect, contractor, HVAC designer; to make informed decisions that consider cost, energy efficiency, and material use. Floor Slab Edges Count Volume 2012 Issue 3 We think that codes and standards will eventually adopt the linear transmittance methodology because highly insulated assemblies with thermally poor details is not rational and this methodology can be effectively adopted within the existing framework using several practical approaches. In the meantime, these concepts should be part of the discussion on any project where whole building energy simulations are being conducted and overall thermal transmittance are being input into a model. This solution highlights MH’s expertise of the thermal efficiency of the building envelope. Our collective knowledge and judgment is gained through extensive field experience and participation on a wide variety of projects. We leverage this experience on every project to apply solutions that are relevant to the design, construction and operation of the build environment. BUILDINGS RECOGNIZING THE IMPACT LEADING THE WAY TO A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOOTNOTES 1 ASHRAE Research Project 1365 Thermal Performance of Building Envelope Details for Mid- and High-rise Buildings is available through the ASHRAE website bookstore or at /ashrae1365research. 2 This idea was fostered by Belgian researchers that categorized linear transmittances into three categories: “Business as Usual”, “Standard”, and “Thermal Bridge Avoidance”. Janssens, A, E. V. Landersele, B. Vandermarcke, S. Roels, P. Standaert, P. Wouters. “Development of Limits for the Linear Thermal Transmittance of Thermal Bridges in Buildings”. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on the Performance of Whole Buildings, Clearwater, FL, 2007. THE CHALLENGE There are two challenges with evaluating the impact of thermal bridging at floor slab details: 1. There are a variety of floor slab details that can be integrated into a variety of wall assemblies. 2. The heat-flow paths at floor slabs can be complex and are often three-dimensional (3D). 3 For slab edge details that are not fully insulated, the linear transmittance varies by less than 5% for increasing amounts of exterior insulation beyond R-5. This follows common sense, since regardless of the amount of exterior insulation, heat can still bypass easily through the thermal bridges. For these types of details, the linear transmittance can be considered constant. 4 Based on manufacturer’s data for one proprietary system 5 The overall U-value compared to the clear field U-value If you wish to discuss how our services can help you make a difference, please contact us at: or through your local Morrison Hershfield office. The prevailing North American method to account for heat flow through parallel paths, as is often assumed when evaluating the impact of floor slab details, uses weighted averages to combine heat flows. The main drawback to this method is that an “area of influence” must be assigned to the floor slab detail, which is not only often difficult to determine but also not straightforward to use in practice. This process is not straightforward because of the 3D heat flow paths typically associated with the details and the “area of influence” are usually unique to the specific details and assemblies. Moreover, the true impact of the additional heat flow through the floor slab detail is blurred by the adjacent highly insulated wall assembly. As a result, it is difficult to effectively evaluate options using this approach. Thermal bridges at floor slabs are often overlooked in energy standards and common design practice. The accepted truth seems to be that structural members to support cladding cannot be avoided and the area of the steel or concrete bypassing the insulation is small compared to the total wall area. Therefore the impact of floor slab details on the total thermal performance must be insignificant and there is not much you can do about it anyway. The inconvenient truth is much as 50% of the heat flow through the wall might actually be due to thermal bridging at the floor slab, if solutions to minimize thermal bridging at floor slabs are not implemented. This discrepancy widens as we add higher levels of insulation into wall assemblies but don’t consider the impact of the details. The good news is that there are viable solutions to overcome current shortcomings in energy standards and design practice. The outcome of implementing these solutions will lead to more energy efficient buildings and more efficient use of building materials. This SOLUTIONMH provides the motivation and direction to overcome these challenges by showing how significant floor slab details are on overall building envelope thermal performance and how the impact of details, not typically considered part of an assembly, can be effectively evaluated in practice using a linear transmittance approach. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3 THE LINEAR TRANSMITTANCE APPROACH The linear transmittance approach simplifies heat flow calculations by addressing clear field assemblies and details separately. With this approach, there are 3 ways in which heat flows are categorized: Y = 0.35 BTU/hr ft2 oF Un-insulated Exposed Concrete Clear Field Transmittance Point Transmittance Linear Transmittance Clear field transmittance (Uo) is the heat flow per area of an assembly, including uniformly distributed thermal bridges that are not practical to account for on an individual basis (ie: steel studs, brick-ties, subgirts to support cladding). Linear transmittance (Y) is the additional heat flow per length caused by details that are defined by a length, L (ie: slab edges, corners, parapets, and transitions between assemblies). Point transmittance (c) is the additional heat flow caused by thermal bridges that occur only at single, infrequent locations (ie: beam penetrations). The total heat flow through a wall is simply the addition of the clear field assembly heat flow and additional heat flow associated with details such as floor slabs: TOTAL HEAT FLOW = HEAT FLOW THROUGH CLEAR FIELD ASSEMBLY + ADDITIONAL HEAT FLOW DUE TO DETAILS LINEAR TRANSMITTANCE RANGE Y = 0.26 to 0.29 BTU/hr ft2 oF Standard Shelf Angle POOR THE SOLUTION MH Floor slab details were investigated by Morrison Hershfield as part of ASHRAE Research Project 1365 (1365-RP), Thermal Performance of Building Envelope Details for Mid- and High-rise Buildings, using a calibrated 3D thermal model1. Floor slab details were analyzed for a variety of wall constructions, included exposed concrete slabs, brick shelf angles, pre-cast concrete, and exterior insulated steel framed structures. The most practical approach to quantify the heat flow through a floor slab detail is by linear transmittance (see left bar). This approach requires a conceptual leap from some of the prevailing North America methods but there are some key benefits to embracing this change: 1. Tangible values can be assigned to details, largely irrespective of the assembly 2. We can categorize a wide range of details into broad categories using this method 3. The level of effort to implement this method in practice is not onerous FLOOR SLAB EDGE CATEGORIES OF THERMAL QUALITY Using the building envelope thermal performance catalogue developed for 1365-RP, we divided the floor slab details into categories of poor, improved, and efficient2. Table 1 shows the range of linear transmittance assigned to each category3 superscript. Graphics of some details for each of these categories are illustrated above. Table 1: Thermal Quality of Floor Slab Details Categorized by Linear TransimIttance For energy modeling or comparisons to standards and codes, often it is useful to present the heat flow per area or the overall U-value. The overall U-value for total area, ATotal, is calculated as follows : The upper limits of each category are helpful during the preliminary design stages before details are established. The upper limits for a particular category can be utilized in calculations to evaluate the benefit of improving the building envelope details in-conjunction with setting the optimum assembly insulation levels. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3 Y = 0.19 BTU/hr ft2 oF Stand-Off Shelf Angle Y = 0.12 BTU/hr ft2 oF Thermally Broken Concrete Slab Extension IMPROVED IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DETAILS Y = 0.07 to 0.18 BTU/hr ft2 oF Exterior Insulated Structural Steel Floor EFFICIENT Table 2: Summary of Linear Transmittances for Floor Slab Details Details for standard practice often fall into the poor category. Though it is often difficult to avoid all thermal bridging due to structural requirements, there are viable solutions to address the worst offenders. For example, a steel shelf angle at the slab edge is a common element for brick veneer assemblies. Shelf angles that are attached directly to a floor slab provide a direct heat path through the insulation. An improvement to this detail is to attach a smaller angle with intermittent knife edges to the floor slab and insulation between the angle and floor slab. This detail is 40% better, in terms in linear transmittance, and is not difficult to implement in practice. This improvement can have some real benefit such as needing less insulation in the assembly to meet specific overall targets as is illustrated below. “The worst offenders are exposed floor slabs for interior insulated poured-inplace architectural concrete walls” The most notorious offender is un-insulated concrete balconies or overhangs; often the “fin effect” of “HarleyDavidson Architecture” is cited as the worst thing you can do in terms of energy efficiency4. However, for exterior insulated assemblies there is not much difference between a protruding concrete slab and a flush exposed slab face, both are bad. The worst offenders are exposed floor slabs for interior insulated poured-inplace architectural concrete walls. Table 2 summarizes the linear transmittance of some common floor slab details. Solutions are designing “thermal breaks” into the floor slab at the plane of insulation, (proprietary systems are available) or using this information as a good reason to exterior insulate, including at the floor slab. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3 The impact of details on the overall heat flow through the building envelope can be determined easily using linear transmittance. The additional heat flow through specific details can be highlighted as presented in Table 4. This example compares the “effective R-value” or overall U-value for a total wall elevation with 40% glazing with only one type of floor slab edge condition. Table 3 summarizes the parameters utilized in this example. Table 3: Example building parameters Building Parameter Table 3: Example building parameters Parameter Value Total Elevation Area 3 3000 ft2 (278 m2) Glazing % 40% Total Opaque Wall Area 1800 ft2 (167.2 m2 ) Brick veneer supported by brick ties with R-15 Exterior Insulation and concrete block back-up wall U-0.056 Btu/hrft2oF Metal Cladding supported by horizontal girts on 24” o.c. (610 mm) with R-15 Exterior Insulation and R-12 Batt Insulation in a Steel-Stud back-up wall U-0.054 Btu/hrft2oF (0.31 W/m2K ) (0.32 W/m2K ) Table 4 shows the calculated results. The difference between the standard and stand-off shelf angle is not significant for this example. This is largely due to the continuous metal flashing over the shelf angle for both scenarios. There is a significant difference between the common concrete slab projection scenario and a thermally improved system incorporating a thermal break. The difference between these two scenarios for the example wall assembly has the same impact as adding approximately 45% more wall area or 4 feet of wall height to each floor. “The difference between the two scenarios has the same impact as adding 4 feet of wall height to each floor” The insulated slab edge with improved details has an overall U-value closest to the U-values typically assumed for whole building energy modeling but there is still a 28% difference5. Table 4: Example building thermal values Parapet Table 4: Example building thermal values and Floor Slab Scenario Standard Shelf Angle with Continuous Metal Flashing Stand-off Shelf Angle Continuous Metal Flashing Un-insulated concrete slab Projection Thermally improved concrete slab Projection Insulated Slab with Standard details Insulated Slab with improved details Clear Field Heat Flow BTU/hroF (W/K) 101 (53) 97 (51) 97 (51) % Heat Flow Slab Edge Window U-Value Heat Flow associated BTU/hrft2oF Transition with Floor BTU/hroF (W/m2K) (W/K) Heat Flow Slab to BTU/hroF Total (W/K) 25 (13) 52 (26) 25 (13) Effective R-Value hrft2oF/ BTU (m2K/W) 80 (42) 39% 0.115 (0.65) 8.7 (1.5) 56 (29) 31% 0.101 (0.57) 9.9 (1.7) 106 (55) 46% 0.129 (0.73) 7.8 (1.4) 36 (18) 22% 0.09 (0.51) 11.1 (2.0) 0.087 (0.49) 0.072 (0.41) 11.1 (2.0) 13.3 (2.4) 8 (4) 8 (4) 6% 6% The key take away from this example is that the relative impact of each detail can be determined and these details should not be overlooked in practice. Ignoring these details will likely lead to misguided conclusions and wasted opportunities for increased energy efficiency and to reduce material consumption. This kind of assessment combined with sensitivity analysis of insulation levels, if doing whole building energy modeling, should lead to more rational design decisions. Recognizing the diminishing returns of increasing insulation levels combined with the impact of the details, will in many cases lead to more attention to designing thermally effective details rather than simply adding more insulation and believing energy savings will be achieved. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3 CLOSING It is time to make the conceptual leap to linear transmittance to evaluate building envelope details, such as floor slab, during design. Not only is the method straightforward to use but the data in the 1365-RP catalogue and categories in this solution allows the relative strength of details that are often overlooked in practice to be effectively assessed. These concepts are not limited to floor slabs; heat flow through window transitions can be significant and should not be ignored either. An increased awareness of the impact of the overall thermal performance of the building envelope, by utilizing these methods, can be incorporated in practice by the entire design team; energy modeler, architect, contractor, HVAC designer; to make informed decisions that consider cost, energy efficiency, and material use. Floor Slab Edges Count Volume 2012 Issue 3 We think that codes and standards will eventually adopt the linear transmittance methodology because highly insulated assemblies with thermally poor details is not rational and this methodology can be effectively adopted within the existing framework using several practical approaches. In the meantime, these concepts should be part of the discussion on any project where whole building energy simulations are being conducted and overall thermal transmittance are being input into a model. This solution highlights MH’s expertise of the thermal efficiency of the building envelope. Our collective knowledge and judgment is gained through extensive field experience and participation on a wide variety of projects. We leverage this experience on every project to apply solutions that are relevant to the design, construction and operation of the build environment. BUILDINGS RECOGNIZING THE IMPACT LEADING THE WAY TO A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOOTNOTES 1 ASHRAE Research Project 1365 Thermal Performance of Building Envelope Details for Mid- and High-rise Buildings is available through the ASHRAE website bookstore or at /ashrae1365research. 2 This idea was fostered by Belgian researchers that categorized linear transmittances into three categories: “Business as Usual”, “Standard”, and “Thermal Bridge Avoidance”. Janssens, A, E. V. Landersele, B. Vandermarcke, S. Roels, P. Standaert, P. Wouters. “Development of Limits for the Linear Thermal Transmittance of Thermal Bridges in Buildings”. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on the Performance of Whole Buildings, Clearwater, FL, 2007. THE CHALLENGE There are two challenges with evaluating the impact of thermal bridging at floor slab details: 1. There are a variety of floor slab details that can be integrated into a variety of wall assemblies. 2. The heat-flow paths at floor slabs can be complex and are often three-dimensional (3D). 3 For slab edge details that are not fully insulated, the linear transmittance varies by less than 5% for increasing amounts of exterior insulation beyond R-5. This follows common sense, since regardless of the amount of exterior insulation, heat can still bypass easily through the thermal bridges. For these types of details, the linear transmittance can be considered constant. 4 Based on manufacturer’s data for one proprietary system 5 The overall U-value compared to the clear field U-value If you wish to discuss how our services can help you make a difference, please contact us at: or through your local Morrison Hershfield office. The prevailing North American method to account for heat flow through parallel paths, as is often assumed when evaluating the impact of floor slab details, uses weighted averages to combine heat flows. The main drawback to this method is that an “area of influence” must be assigned to the floor slab detail, which is not only often difficult to determine but also not straightforward to use in practice. This process is not straightforward because of the 3D heat flow paths typically associated with the details and the “area of influence” are usually unique to the specific details and assemblies. Moreover, the true impact of the additional heat flow through the floor slab detail is blurred by the adjacent highly insulated wall assembly. As a result, it is difficult to effectively evaluate options using this approach. Thermal bridges at floor slabs are often overlooked in energy standards and common design practice. The accepted truth seems to be that structural members to support cladding cannot be avoided and the area of the steel or concrete bypassing the insulation is small compared to the total wall area. Therefore the impact of floor slab details on the total thermal performance must be insignificant and there is not much you can do about it anyway. The inconvenient truth is much as 50% of the heat flow through the wall might actually be due to thermal bridging at the floor slab, if solutions to minimize thermal bridging at floor slabs are not implemented. This discrepancy widens as we add higher levels of insulation into wall assemblies but don’t consider the impact of the details. The good news is that there are viable solutions to overcome current shortcomings in energy standards and design practice. The outcome of implementing these solutions will lead to more energy efficient buildings and more efficient use of building materials. This SOLUTIONMH provides the motivation and direction to overcome these challenges by showing how significant floor slab details are on overall building envelope thermal performance and how the impact of details, not typically considered part of an assembly, can be effectively evaluated in practice using a linear transmittance approach. SOLUTIONS MH Volume 2012 Issue 3