PRIMARY POLLICISATION OF J. G. SALLIS, From man A aged fifty PORT his The index finger had head with been left through of the dorsal skin The metacarpo-phalangeal phalanx. The extensor joint digitorum injury. middle distal and the overlying AFRICA England hand proximal in a spinning part ofthe was completely communis machine to the shaft of the phalanx phalanx disrupted tendon was distal of the proximal the proximal phalanges, FINGER (Fig. 1). of the hand was as follows. of the proximal phalanx. remained but was not viable. had a compound fracture-dislocation avulsion The London, non-dominant severed MIDDLE SOUTH Hospital, At the time of primary operation the condition The thumb had been severed through the base the palmar skin The middlefinger INJURED ELIZABETH, St George’s mangled AN and metacarpal; and part metacarpal of the metacarpal. with comminution of the proximal severed and contused at the site of compound fracture-dislocation, were uninjured with both the neurovascular bundles intact and with skin of normal colour and sensation. The flexor mechanism on the volar aspect of the finger was contused. The ring finger had a traumatic amputation through the distal part of the proximal phalanx with an adequate The littlefinger volar flap of skin had been amputated Operation-The cleaned The was taken direct closure. the middle phalanx. to the theatre using Cetavlon, ether and saline. The non-viable palmar skin was trimmed fingers was patient to effect through were closed, resected just Both the base of the proximal using the distal to available its base neurovascular and bundles middle phalanx palmar phalanx the of the middle finger were passed out at the site of the amputation ; the amputation The were through of the resected. a tunnel, thumb. cut best position been cut of rotation during Dry, the voluminous below-elbow Progress after embarrassment, twelve hours a stellate immediate The looked Theviable A with sent for VOL. 45 B, re-education NO. 3, was grey became kept hand elevated; back into fascia, remnant palm. head, phalanges and were brought was fixed to the The arm the distal wire (Fig. 2). At when attempting and little finger metacarpal middleand antibiotic of the all times to obtain the the tendon had flexor were immobilised pollicised eschar therapy was in a middle continued finger showed in colour but still blanched to pressure. worse with no blanching on pressure and, formed at the top hours with of the after operation. blanching. pollicised Over because This finger and signs the next of this, There was improvement which of an separated epithelialisation. stumps healed without on removing the sutures active and AUGUST the and was done about eighteen in the colour of the “thumb,” complete weeks done. and index slab. hand small amputation excellent and four applied was was stump. The embarrassment. repair for five days. operation the circulation ganglion block improvement After were operation-The maintained. tendon the hand ring of the dissected deep to the palmar This middle finger in circulatory no plaster-of-Paris and became the circulation spontaneously resulted and dressings volar Chymar was prescribed Five hours after was ; this transfer of the across. base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb by a Kirschner circulation of the pollicised middle finger was adequate except The stump to close were was injury. stumps used finger finger the metacarpal skin middle middle and interphalangealjoint after skin. palmar of the of the six hours movements rehabilitation. 1963 and Over incident. Two weeks the wound had healed. later the exercises started, and later the months the bone united the were next few pollicised finger patient (Fig. was 3). 503 504 J. G. SALLIS Figure I-The middle finger to the thumb. hand time of injury. Figure 2-The Kirschner wire in position, after transferring the Figure 3-The remaining part of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and part of the middle phalanx of the middle finger have united. at the 4’) _ The Function meet gradually the improved; stumps of the the little and pollicised ring FIG. 4 end result. could be brought into opposition to Power and grip of the hand were good. “thumb” fingers (Fig. 4). Sensation was normal but the patiellt occasionally felt the “thumb” as his middle finger. He was eminently satisfied with the result and returned to manual labour using a spade; but he could not return to his previous employment in charge of a spinning machine. DISCUSSION The been finger used. however, Littler agree (1887), blood any (1925), ganglion supply of the used advised injured Pollicisation Jepson Stellate commonly (1953) that hand. injured the most using digit of the Tanzer block and seemed transferred for should injured Littler at the is the pollicisation the index finger be used middle (1948) time index as the if pollicisation finger and has been Hilgenfeldt to be an essential finger. first The little choice. is indicated described finger Most authors, in the severely has by Guermonprez (1950). step in the preservation of finger. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY PRIMARY The result POLLICISATION obtained with this OF AN patient INJURED MIDDLE is satisfactory 505 FINGER functionally although it could be by flexor and extensor tendon grafting and rotation osteotomy through the proximal phalanx to improve opposition. Resection of more of the shaft of the third metacarpal would also increase the cleft between the thumb and opposing stumps. However, the patient is satisfied with the result and does not want further operations. enhanced SUMMARY I. Primary 2. The I wish pollicisation value to thank publish this of an injured of stellate Mr case; ganglion Goronwy Mr Thomas I. Kaplan, middle block of the formerly and now of Johannesburg, for his helpful Surgeons of England for the photographs. finger in preserving David Lewis is described. the blood Northern supply Hospital, is emphasised. Liverpool, for allowing me to of the Plastic Surgery Department, Pittsburgh Medical School, criticism of the paper; and Mr C. Redman of the Royal College of REFERENCES F. (1887): du pouce. Paris: P. Asselin. (1950): Operatii’er Daumenersatz und Beseitigung ion Greifstorungen bei Fingerverlusi’en. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke. JEPSON, P. N. (1925): Transformation of the Middle Finger into a Thumb. Minnesota Medicine, 8, 552. LITTLER, J. W. (1953): The Neurovascular Pedicle Method of Digital Transposition for Reconstruction of the Thumb. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 12, 303. GUERMONPREZ, R. C., and Plastic VOL. sur quelques r#{233}sections et restaurations 0. H1LGENFELDT, TANZER, Notes 45 B, and NO. LITTLER, Reconstructii’e 3, AUGUST J. W. (1948): Surgery, 1963 Reconstruction 3, 533. of the Thumb by Transposition of an Adjacent Digit.