:hniqu< CHECKING YOUR PLANE'S AMMETER BY WILLIAM RYNONE, PH.D., P.E. Ever wonder if your plane's ammeter was "doing its job?" I recently noticed that the meter needle in my plane was hardly moving. Suspecting that there was a problem, I mailed the unit to a repair shop. Unfortunately, the repair cost was $195. This "rude awakening" prompted me to investigate what could be done by the average plane owner to verify the operation of his ammeter. It's worth noting that ammeters are used in two modes: Sometimes they are used to monitor the current flow from the generator (or alternator). In this instance, chances are that the meter will have the "zero mark" on the extreme left hand side of the meter face. For a battery monitor, it would likely have the zero hashmark in the center so that it may show when the battery is being charged or discharged. are more commonly rated by maximum current handling capabilities and the corresponding voltage developed Before discussing meter movement across them. Jerry Bishop of Sigmatesting options, it is appropriate to ex- Tek, a large manufacturer of aircraft plain the mechanics of a plane instrumentation, stated that the most ammeter. The current to be monitored, common (perhaps 95%) ammeter whether battery or generator, is re- shunt used in light aircraft is a 60 amquired to flow through a resistor of pere, 50 milivolt assembly. At 60 very low, accurately known, resistance amperes, the power dissipated is three value. When the current flows through watts, quite hot to the touch. The test the resistance, called an ammeter set discussed in this article applies the shunt, or simply a shunt, the current same voltages to the meter movement generates a low voltage value across as would be developed when carrying the shunt. The ammeter meter move- full, 2/3 or 1/3 maximum current in ment is connected across the shunt the plane. Some 40 ampere units were (see Figure 1). used in Cessna 150s. A few shunts are rated at 100 milivolts at full current and a few are rated at 33-1/3 milivolts AMMETER SHUNT at full current. BASIC AMMETER OPERATION A SIMPLE TEST CIRCUIT A QUICK CHECK An easy method of validating ammeter calibration can be accomplished by correlating the predicted needle position versus its observed indication caused by a known load. The load must be capable of drawing an appreciable fraction of the meter's maximum rating. The only single load that I can think of that meets this requirement is the landing light. For my plane, the General Electric #4522 landing light is rated at 250 watts. Dividing this value by 12.5 volts yields a current of 20 amperes. Therefore, with the engine not running and only the landing light energized, the ammeter should deflect one-third of the way, one hash-mark (3 hash marks between 0 and 60), for my plane. 92 JUNE 1999 FIGURE 1 The term "ammeter" is a generic one. It is sometimes applied to just the meter movement or sometimes the meter movement with its corresponding shunt, connected as a pair. The reason why a low resistance is used for the shunt is to minimize the amount of power that is dissipated in the shunt. This power is wasted, accomplishing no other useful function than enabling the meter movement to display system current. Shunts could be rated by their resistance values, but Two electrical definitions that are useful for the testing of analog meters (meters with a moving needle) are current and voltage sensitivity. Current sensitivity (Ics) is the required amount of current flowing through the meter to cause the needle to completely deflect. Correspondingly for the voltage sensitivity (V sen ). For aircraft ammeter meter movements, this value is predominately 50 milivolts (50 mv = 0.05 volt). For other aircraft meter movements, e.g. temperature gauges, etc., this value may typically be 100 mv. In the instance where the movement current sensitivity is known or can be calculated, a constant current source could be used to check the meter. Let's define a "constant current source." A constant current source is a source of current (battery, power supply, etc.) whose current output is independent of the load, in this instance the load would be ammeter meter movements of varying resistances. If the meter movement to be investigated happens to be a plane ammeter, an assumption of a 50 mv voltage sensitivity may be appropriate. With the aid of a digital Volt-Ohm-Miliammeter (VOM), the meter resistance may be measured and the current sensitivity may then be calculated: I c s = V s e n /R m . Professor Ralph Santoro suggested that a simple, low-cost, constant-current source may then be constructed with a nine volt transistor radio battery (new) and a series connected resistor. The resistor value may be calculated as follows: First calculate the movement current sensitivity, e.g. for a 50 milivolt, 1,000 ohms meter movement: Ics = v sen/Rm=0-05/1000=50 microamps. Then Rseries = ^source^cs = 6 9/50 x 10' = 180,000 ohms. To check the half-scale reading, double the resistor value, i.e. RSeries = 2 x 180,000 = 360,000 ohms. The circuit would be as shown in Figure 2. Rseries METER MOVEMENT 9 VOLTS BATTERY (NINEJ/LT.KCF) FIGURE 2 A METER MOVEMENT TEST SET If you have an experimenter's bent, and enjoy building gadgets, you may wish to accurately check your plane's ammeter (or other meter movements) by building this "home brewed," $25 calibration test-set. Although the following meter movement test set was intended to test plane ammeters, it may be used w i t h any low-power, basic meter movement. These would i n c l u d e voltmeter, fuel gauge, oil pressure (electric), engine temperature, etc. gauges. The test set simulates a constant voltage source and is particularly useful if the meter movements being checked are designed with standard voltage sensitivities. I designed the unit "after the fact" but intend to use it to check my ammeter when it has been returned. TEST SET OPERATIONAL DETAILS The test set consists of electrical and electronic components that use 120 volts AC utility power. The meter movement to be tested is connected to the test set via flea clips mounted on the ends of insulated test leads with banana plugs on the other ends. The test set power supply converts the utility voltage to a low DC voltage. This DC voltage is then applied to a three position rotary switch e n a b l i n g the user to select full scale, 2/3rds or l/3rd scale output voltage. This output is then applied to a buffer consisting of an operational a m p l i f i e r (OP-AMP) and then to the meter movement. Without the buffer, variations in meter resistance would cause corresponding variations in the voltage applied to the meter under test. expand the hole and make the hole rectangular in shape. The electronic parts are mounted on a perf board (a bakelite board of 1/16" thickness that has perforated holes located in a square pattern). TEST SET USE If the meter movement to be tested is connected to system wiring, mark and disconnect the system wires. Optimum test conditions exist when the meter movement is bench tested. Connect the meter movement to the Meter Test Set TEST SET CONSTRUCTION The components are housed in an aluminum or plastic cabinet, readily available in most electronic parts retail stores. Holes should be drilled as specified in the accompanying drawing. Where the 120 volts AC connector is mounted, a hole is drilled and a nibbling tool is used to CONSTANT CURRENT TFST FIX!l *F FOR METER MOVEMENTS Simple Test Circuit - 9 volt transistor radio battery shown on the left. FIGURE 3 5.0000 1/3 9/0 FULL 6 METER MOVEMENT TEST SET FRONT PANEL (MM_FRPNLKCF) UP SCALE (THREE POSITION ROTARY SWITCH) 1-2500 1.2500 DOWN SALE (DPDT TOGGLE SWITCH) o CO — ON OUTPUT _|_ VOLTAGE ' 1.7500 OFF a h» (LIGHTED POWER SWITCH) °,, (BLACK BANANA JACK) (RED BANANA JACK) SPORT AVIATION 93 5.0000 METER MOVEMENT TEST SET BACK PANEL (MM_BKPNLKCF) O o O q CO (IEC POWER PLUG) ~ Y \ FIGURE 4 test set with the test leads and flea clips. Set the selector switch to the l/3rd full scale position. Should an incorrect analysis of the meter sensitivity have occurred, the l/3rd scale setting will apply the least voltage to the movement, minimizing the possib i l i t y of damage. If a d i g i t a l volt-ohm-miliammeter (VOM) is available, it would be desirable to measure the meter movement resistance. Why a digital VOM, you ask? These units are usually very accurate and also apply little power to the circuit whose resistance is being measured. The meter movement resistance multiplied by the current required to drive the needle to full-scale deflection (meter current s e n s i t i v i t y ) yields the value of the applied voltage to move the needle to full scale deflection (voltage sensitivity). Knowing this value will enable the user to refer to Table 1 and thus change the resistors Rl, R2 and R3 (to accommodate various movements) that are "plugged-in" the perf board. Table 1 enables the user Alternative Engines by Mick Myal This is a c o m p i l a t i o n of the "Contact" magazine articles written by Mick Myal on conversion of auto engines. Well written with many helpful ideas. Filled with specifications, pictures and diagrams. An essential book to anyone converting an auto engine. #21-17878 $44.95* TO ORDER CALL: 1-800-843-3612 From US and Canada (All others call 920-426-5912) EAA MAIL ORDERS PO BOX 3086, OSHKOSH, Wl 54903-3086 Major credit cards accepted. 'Wl residents add 5' ° sates tax. 'Plus shipping and handling 94 JUNE 1999 METER MOVEMENT TEST FIXTURE (MMTF-PS. KCF) F1 0.5 AMPS PAGE 1 - POWER SUPPLY T1 120 VAC: 12 VAC c.t. D1 + 5 VOLTS REGULATOR REC1 RYNONE ENGINEERING INC. P.O. BOX 4445 ANNAPOLIS, MD21403 P/F: 410-263-0794 O FI6URE5 to insert resistors that correlate the movement voltage sensitivity with developed test set voltages. Occasionally, current sensitivity and/or meter resistance values are printed on the meter face or case. CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS The following may be implemented to reduce the construction cost: •Omit the 1EC bulkhead power plug. Result — The line cord will be permanently attached to the test set. • Omit the fuse holder and use a fuse with pig tails. Result — Fuse replacement will require soldering. •Replace the rotary switch with a single pole, double throw, center-off (SPOT) toggle switch. Result — Switch settings will be an unconventional l/3rd scale, full scale, 2/3rd scale sequence. • E l i m i n a t e the reversing single pole, double throw (SPOT) toggle switch. Result — To check both upscale and downscale meter calibration, the test lead connections to the meter movement must be reversed by the user. •Eliminate the banana jacks and plugs. Result — The test leads will be permanently connected to the test set. For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Cord SPORT AVIATION 95 METER MOVEMENT TEST FIXTURE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT UPSCALE RYNONE ENGINEERING INC. P.O. BOX 4445 ANNAPOLIS, MD21403 P/F: 410-263-0794 METER MOVEMENT SW2 SP3T SWITCH NOTE: SWITCH POSITION "0" < IS OPTIONAL REQUIRES SP4T SWITCH (MMTF-AMP.KCF FI6URE 6 Each of these options will result in a cost saving of approximately $2-3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Over 2000 RVs have been completed and flown in 22 countries... probablv more than any other homebuilt aircraft design in the world. Why? You'll understand when vou fly one! 4-PAGE FLYER FREE Infopaks w/30 minute video $16 in USA, $25 other countries {info pak w/video in PAL or SECAMformat for Superior performance: • cruise 185-210 mph * superb control harmony • excellent short field capability Superior Kits: • Simple all metal construction Standard Kit includes all airframe components and hardware. $11,000-$ 15,000 1 QuickBuild Kit cuts building time in half. $20.000 - $23.000 VAN'S AIRCRAFT, Inc. P.O. Box 160 North Plains, Oregon USA 97133 503-647-5117 I www.vansaircraft.com For informotion, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card 96 JUNE 1999 My thanks to Professors (Ret.) Ralph Santoro and Stephen Burns, U.S. Naval Academy and Don A. Jones, Engineer, Northrop Grumman for their suggestions for improvement of this article. Jerry Bishop, Tech Specialist of Sigma-Tek and Bill Wheat, Engineer of Mooney Aircraft, kindly offered information concerning industry standards for analog meters. Dick Wilkinson provided labels, D. A. Lurz took photos and Jim Pryne of ARINC did test set construction. ABOUT THE AUTHOR W i l l i a m Rynone has owned a Mooney for many years and done most of the maintenance on the plane. He has an A&P, ATP and Professional Engineers licenses and has worked as a project engineer and taught electrical engineering. Bill has published a 600 page Electrical Engineering textbook and 35 engineering and aviation articles. He can be contacted at P. O. Box 445, Annapolis, MD 21403, phone/Fax 410/263-0794. METER MOVEMENT TEST SET PARTS LIST Power Supply • Cabinet (CAB1) (RS #270-1807) • Pcrf Board (l'Bl)(RS #276147 A) • IF.C power receptacle (RliCl) (RS //27S-1251 • Fuse holder (Fl) • 0.? Ampere fuse • SPST power switch (SW1) (RS TABLE 1 Full Scale 2/3 Scale R1 (ohms) R2 (ohms) 33 62 1/3 Scale Shunt Voltage R3 (ohms) 33.3 mv 16 50 mv 47 91 24 100 mv 100 180 47 Note: Resistors are nearest 5% (or better) carbon composition value. Resisters R1 ,R2 and R3 are not soldered into the pert board, but rather plugged into a integrated circuit (I.C.) socket. •275-692) • 120 v.a.c. to 12 v.a.c. (center tapped) (o> 50 m.a. transformer (Tl) (RS#273-1365A) • Full wave bridge (FWB) or Diodes (4) 100 p.i.v. e.g. 1N4001 (DI-D4(RS#276-1H)2) • (Capacitors (2) 470 mierofarads at 10 volts (Cl, C2) (RS #272-1018) • Capacitors (2) 0.1 microfarads disk ceramic ((M, C4) • 15 volts regulator 78L05 (REG1) • -5 volts regulator (79L05 (RF.G2) Amplifier • Resistors (all 1/8 or 1/4 watt, five percent or better) -4.7K(R4) -33, 47 and 100(R1) -62,91 and!80(R2) -16,24and47(R3) - 10K(R5) • Operational amplifier, low offset voltage (OA1) (RS #276-1715) • Operational amplifier socket (SOCM)(RS #276-1988) • SP3T, break-before-make rotary switch (SW2) (RS //275-1386A) • SPDT, immature toggle switch (SW3) (RS #275-635) • One red and one black banana jack(Jl,J2)(RS«274-725B) • One red and one black banana plug(Pl,P2) •Flea clips (2) (CL1.CL2) • Socket to mount resistors (SOC2) Note: With the exception of the operational amplifier, none of the parts are critical. The op-amp should have an off-set voltage that is superior to a 741. The author purchased many of the above parts from the local Radio Shack store. Where the wrappers were not discarded prior to writing this article, the Radio Shack part number is indicated (e.g. RS #123-456). 5atnt*Sau Dreams are Prlcele —I ! i lm —*^ff^^ We Say .They're About $2B9,amMg ' ' 4H IN Cabin Width 75\) HK lUiild I iim-:| Ouisiandin!' versaiilily amRfRSurpaSMMIkri quality maU- the CilaSiiiroo the now idard in Iwo-scul ulilily^iivraluari5Pjn!rncm» IftfmCirmiTrec makes il lln all unvonc can afford. 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