IH^RtiAO FACTS! HERALD THE POVERTY BAY DAILY, Poverty The PUBLISHED Price :Id, Bay Herlad ANTONE FtfftNISHINX* OAK PROCUKB Femlore, Grates, Ranges, Stoves, Quarter in advance, 6s 6d ;if booked,7s 6d. Delivered in : Por — Note— — No advertisement of less value than 3s can be booked ;that amount, therefore, will be charged ou ;ill 1b arxl 2s advertisements unless paidfor at thotime. All advertisements must be pre-paid, excopt where an account has been legularly opened. Double-cclumn advertisements and alterations of at nding advertisements must be sent in to th' officenot later than 3 o'clock the previoi.B day Standing Advertisemontn for three and six months can be arranged for at a liboral discount. Itis particularly requested that all advertisements for insertioninthe Herald should be.left at the office not later than 2.30 bo aB to ensure insertion in the same day's paper. Notice to discontinueadvertisements^ (un is mentioned leaa wherenumber ofinsertions in on original order) mu<t be forwarded, writing, addressed to tho Manager, not later than 10 a.m. on daya of publication. BoflsJCS* Saucepins, Tinware, Cutlery, Eleotro>>late, Biuahw^re, Backets, Tub's, &o. c Country every evening, 3a per mouth, payable monthly. Posted (including postage), 10s per quarter. TERMS FOR ADVERTISING : Advertisementsof 16 words One Shilling. Advertisementsof 32 words— Two Shillings Advertisementsby Space— 3s per inch. BOYLAN & CROMi. To CONTRACTORS AND CAKPENTERS. Locks, Spou'ing,Bretfc Hinges, Zino,L*pd, ! Range?, Grat63, Nails, Tools (English »VOL XIV---M0 4039) Coaches. ORMOND | "Jggg£OF I COACHES. } SITUATE AT THE JUNCTION OF THE MATAWHERO ORMOND ROADS. TS acknowledged to be the most convenient and centrally-situated Hostelry in ■*" W. F. HATTEN'S /"lOACH leaves Ormond for Giaborne DAILY, at 8 a.m., lea \ Dj 1} 1 , Club Hotel Hotel, Giaborne, returning the same afternoon at 3 p.m. the District, being an easy distance from town, and commanding a most magnificent view over the surroundingcountry and our picturesque Bay. THE MHnS&AL BATHS are of universal repute, and justly celebrated{ for their curative properties. THE ACCOMMODATION of the Hotel itself is second to none in the district, the Bedrooms being lofty and well ventilated. V._F. G. Powder, Shot, Caps, Wads, Gdntf, ' BUSHMEN '.Vill do well to procure S&Trtf, Axes, Wodges, Maul Rings,. Adzes", GREAT REDUCTIONS — Blasting Powder, Tents, Ovens, Augurs, Ac, at MY PRICES, MADE IN FOR CASH. C"*«' tridges, Uelts, Game Bags, Conoe'if; trators, Gun Fittings, &o. call the attention of the Settlers the IHAVE procured BOYLAN & CROLL'S, SPORTING SEASON. C. BEG to Cook County to I of Any rioan ru.ik<>.), can be at— PRIG3: ONE PBKN'Y. COOK COUNTY THE ROSELAND HOTEL AND , and IPUBLISH^."} FVERY BV3NIN1 GISBORNE. SATURDAY. AUGUST 13, 1887. BOYJLAN & aR<^LLvS. — BLACKSMIL'HS AND IRONWORKERS, A few lines Iquot. : Call'in and Purchase your A. R. MUIR, PIANOS- By usualnotedMakers. Prices: Hammers, Nails, Shoea, Bar Iron, Vi<J^s, knowing experience business, The has had considerable in the and Proprietor ; Proprietor. GISBORNE : n f -f M{.lltf,« n (tic OJf Brcwe From £25 to £55 for cash " AavHs,Bolts, Ac, at that Good wine needs no bush," in proof of which he only BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETS, BOYLAN ASB"~GWLVS\ Parcels andLetters bookoc? at the above Offices will receive prompt attentio intends to provide the Is 6d to 6-3 6d .BUSINESS CARDS.. LINOLEUMS, Is6d to 5a 6d per square yd TO RUNHOLDERS AND FARMERS. at Cost. BEST OF Q-00D ALES, WINES, AND SFXRXTS, A Lot of BLANKETS [a oabd.) SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE. Wire, Stapl.s, Hinges, Chain*, ShoveU, CRETONNE, from 4^d JOO Patterns bestis article. cheapest N in the ever the believing principle the that W. I*. FINNERA Spades, Pumps. Piping, JTarin and;QjfiLACE CURTAINS, frcm 3* to 21* PnopßisTow. APvOHITEOT. den Seeds in fact all Farm Requisites, W. F. HATTEN, COUNTERFull-size White Floneycomb Meetings, a For the convenienceof holding Balls, Concerts, and Country ; PANES, 10s 6d ; n very large assortOffice CiLADSTOtfE ROAD, SPACIOUS HALL is attached to the premises. m< nt to select from AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. (OppositeHerald Office) FANCY GOODS to clear at great reduction Single and Double Furrow Ploughs, Reed of Gisborn For the le e STOCK. A_so Pe AND SALE YARDS FOR PADDOCKS, STABLI>G, pAA KN£, °P -GOOD 427 G 1sb o A very larye assortment of AUSTRIAN and Grey's, Hornaby and Howard's^ and \A \W VJf Lf 1^ Tj V ? and surrounding district. CHAIRS, at the lowest possible price For every description of Sports, Pigeon Matches the grounds aro unrivalledAmerican Ploughs, Horse Hoca, Seod GREAT REDUCTIONS on all classes of Drills, H.irrows. The regular meetings of the P.B. Gun Club are held here. ■■ 3j in FURNITURE stock PEACTIUAL BOYLAN & CROLL. ORMOND BOOKING OFFICE :Mr. J. Wallace's Store. , MR. "^T'^" n I . „ „ _ _ — MI? WL^tt 3 11 - ■■■<■■ 1 JOHN WAUGH WATCHMAKER In the BAND Shop lately occupied by - - PROPRIETOR Mr Keefep.. ; ROAD JOSEFHI 557 Gisborite. I "TALFREjrBItCK1,AND, Begs AUCTIONEER Commission Agent, and Auckland. LOIsrGKEjIErZ' THE ORIGINAL CASH DRAPER, to announce that after a twelve months' absence he has returned to start business in his old line. QWING d BSales of Fat Stock on Thursday ; {£ Horses on Friday. IRIso charge for grazing if sold on first Sa?o day after being r oeive "\ again Purchased at Auction,Salvage and Bankrupt Sales, HELD BY ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AND ASTONISH EVERYBODY. TTUNTER AND IC'OLAN, Auctioneers & Cohmision Agents, *JJ. L. Has AUCKLAND, also a Large Assortment of — Wool, Hides Skins, and Tallow, at 11 DICKSOirS ARGYLL HOTEL, A "RriVT T. JL JUU -AXiIT ARGYLL feelssure will secure for him the patronage and support of both old friends and new. o'clock. At prices that h Every Tuesday At NewmarKefc Saleyards : Fat and Store Cattle, Sheep and Pigs, I *■ shall not quote Prices, but invite one andall to see for themselves at 1o'clock, Every Friday —At the Durham Yards : Carriages, Saddlory, Implements, etc., at 10.30 a.m. HI. LEWIS Customers, and the Public Scow meets steamer on advice. Has much pleasurein announcing to his numerotis No charge for grazing prior to first aalo. MACHINE, The BestMachine of the Day. Dinner, 6 p.m. COMMERCIAL AND READING ROOMS Visitors are requested to inspect the Stock without being solicited to purchase any. S3T Note.— Boylan and Croll are Selling in allbranches of their Trade at the Lowest Prices. J. TOWNLEY. BOYLAN1CROLL BAB Sg- ARGYLL SAMPLE Gladstone Roat> TURANGAMT) K OTEL, GISBORNE, — ROOMS. Plunge and Shower Batiis. SITUATED Gladstone Road, Gisborne. . . . at the cornar of Harris MASONIC LIVERY AND BAIT Street and Reada Quay. STABLES, CIOSK TO THE WHAEJ. ■ LOWE STREET, QISBORXE, Commandinga most picturesque view of Bay. Turanganui the and the OPBOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY. . FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION .TIHE undersigned begs to intimate lhat FOR FAMILIES AND BOARDERS. Hand. FIRST-CLASS, WELL-APPOINTED BILLIARD TABLE. FOR SALE (on easy terma), or TO LET, Blocks of Land,with and without Buildings, r torn J-acre up to 2000 acres near town ;also two or threeGoodPaddocks within twenty minutes walk from the Post- office. 231 J. TUTCHEN. Owioe:Anywhere in Cook County. 48 CENTRAL BAKERY. HENRY FISHER that having commenced businessin those Central Premises in GladstoneRoad, he is now enabled to produce magnificent Bread, Confectionery, Pies of every description, Tartlets, etc., of the first quality. Orders for Hot Pieß for Suppers promptly attendedto. f, No pains or expense will be spared fender this Bakery the BEST IN TOWN. ANNOUNCES S. STETENSON", MASONIC Contains Z -1887~ Lowe Street. over 100 appartments, and is MEN'S, CLOTHING, AND Gisborne and Poverty Bay Cash Boot Market, ROBERT j riRAWFORD'S GENUINE STOUT. -Mil . /CRAWFORD'S *J CIDER. CRAWFORD'S — THE CHAMPAGNE SHIPPING AND FAMILY GINGER ALE. fJRAWFORD'S iERATED WATERS. CRAWFORD'S DIALS. ASSORTED COR- riRAWFORD'S TONIC WAjTER. \J GISBORNE BREWERY, 480 Abkbdkkn Road. — AITCHESON'S CelebratedEDIN URGH ALEon Druught CLARETS— The Celebrated V.D. 0., 1 & 2. This Brand is specially recommended by the medical faculty for invalids SAUTEINE REISLING HEE DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT Needs no advertising, as Miss DORAN is sure one trial will please. PIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED, AT REDUCED RATES. - g§P LADY'S COSTUME, in the Newest Materials, Plush Trimmed, made to order on the shortest notice, for 50s CHABLIS HERMITAGE CARBONET A Special Line — of LADIES' 4-BUTTON DENT'3KID GLOVES Black and Colored) 2s 3d per pair. A Specialty madeof USHER'S SPECIALTY RESERVE WHISKY. personally selected by myself, with a view to the requirements of the Public. The Gisborne & Poverty Bay Cash Boot Store, ¥. J.HEMESSY{« Hotel, Opposite Argyll Gladstone Road. B A EEELUS - WASHIM IACHIEE, 1 Also a Good Assortment of Ladies' and Children's CORSRTS. Having bought several good Sample Lines, Miss Dokan is prepared to offer the same at The only House in town where DIXON'S half the usual price. Celebrated Wellington SODA WATER is iv___ss:R/S to be obtained. All the Latest Novelties in J. R. SCOTT, Trimmings, Clasps, Buttons, Plushes, Corded Silks, Sashes, Striped Proprietor,g I o Satins, and Velvets, a can work it, .and the clothes susDressmaking Purposes. Itis so that child simple F~u A. N. WILLIAMS wear or tear in the process, asS by no damage tain whatever to announce to the Sheepfarmerß of this District that he has taken over and no friction. Specialty, Department a there is Dre^s-making As Miss Doran has made tho the Establishment known a3 tho MAS.A It; was awarded the First Special Prize at theExhibition o: RAKA FELLMONGERY, which he will it being under the Management of Ml 3. TRAFFORD and an efficient staff, henceforthcarry on under the name of a call from the Ladies will be pleasing to both. New Zealand Industries. The Poverty Bay Boiling-down and Ladies' and Children's UNDERCLOTHING in great variety. A week's free trial will be given to any person wishing t(0 Wool-Sconring Establishment. iJSSURAJNCjbi ZEALAJNi) JNEW test its excellence, with a view to purchasing. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE & MARINE COMPANY. He has engaged the services of a man who INSURANCE COMPANY, has had 25 years' colonial experience, and Of Nbw Zealand. loss by against Fire on TNSURANCE can assure intending Customers that their orders will be carried out with the greatest I every description of Property may CAPITAL ...£I,OOO,OOO possibledespatch, and at the lowest current be effeoted with thia Company. jlead Oeticb :Auckland. IRONMONGERS, charges, Marine Department. Merchandise, Goods and Freights in- INSL'BANCES auainßt loss by FIRE on SOLE AGENTS FOR GISBORNE sured by Steamer and Sailing Vessels. A\\ foods of Property. Scale of Charges : jfc rino Insurance'by SteameraadSailRiaka on Specie subject tospecial arrange(At whose premises the Machine is now on view). Wool-scouring I^lper lb. raents. ing Vubsgl on Wool covered against all on the (The Wool being delivered in town free j Policies Wool and Produce to CH from Woolshed to HAVE UEEN APPOINTED England at r a| Unitod Kingdom are grantedin triplicate j LoweQt Current Rates, of charge). required. _^T O-UJSJESO-EdXTIrj SOX-JES j ' > L oxß op Wool Bought payablein Londonif COMMON gHELTON& 00. W. ADAIR, go j A^entß inGiaborne. fo k Cash. For this wonderful Labor-saving Machine. Agent for Giaborne. | ARTHUR PARNELL AND CO. BEGS — , , Shipping Supplied. JOHN "q,ARK, GISBORNE FOUNDRY T PEEL STREET.— [Estab. 1878.] BROWN "iTsMAILL, ENGINEERS, - *2TNote the Address— PARNELL'S HALL MACHINERY MADE TO ORDER A. WILLSON, THE PEOPLE'S BOOT MART. and Repaired. factory, glsbornjb Glalsto^e Uoad. carriage G. HUMPHREYS Has now ou hand a first-class supply of Material suitable for Buggies, Carts and Draya, and id now in a position to supply same at Auckland Pric;e3. All New Work guaranteed for twelve months. Buggies, Carts, and Drays always on Haxd,or Made to Order. Trimming, Painting, aud Repairing done on the most rca3onablo terms. HORSES SHOD INFIRST-CLASS STYLE And every care taken. Estimates given for ail kinds Black -iMrrn's Work. of 90 STRAINERS^ FIREWOOD, POSTS, AND PALINGS. Hastings inlion andBrass every week. Inaddition to the above the Proprietors carry oa the Business of GoachTmildors and Farriers, Keeping first-class workmen, and using only the Beat of Materials u» each Branoh. Brown & Sm^tll. GISBORNE. THE OSNTPuAL GBOCERY & PROVISION STORE. J. POLLOCK to Ira numerous frieno, ANNOUNCES and the Public generally that he haa OPENED HIS *.EW PREMISES, At the Corner of Gladstone Road and Derby Street, SALE, anIDelivered to any part of the town, ia large or email quantities. With an entirely New and Well-selected ON ARTHUR PARNELL AND CO., cold . familieswaitedon foe orders AW. will bo glad to see all his old friends MILLWRIGHTS, FOUNDERS, BOILER come along, and as mauy new ones as posMAKERS, and BLACKSMITHS. s ible. His motto will be Small Profits and all, and Quick Returns. Come oue, Como ■ENGINES,BOILERS, and all Classes of see for yourselves ! PATENT STEAM TAIILY theBusiness of Messrs THELWALL AND STAPLES, he will continue to supply tinuancc of their favors. BEGS — to intimate that having purchased T>EGS -*-* to supply his Customers with the best article procurable, to merit and receive a con a. wiTlson |§Pcp c Please Note the Address JOHN CLARK, THE PEOPLE'S BOOT MART, PARNELL'S HALL, GISBORNE. ■ (Late Thelwall& Co.'a premises.) Families, Hotels, and others from the abov^ Business Premises, and hopes by continuing .1 I MISS DORAN BUTCHERY, PEEL-STREET, GISBORNE. NOTICE. We beg to notify thoPublic" that we have sold our Business in this town to Mr■ (Late Manager for R.Hannah and Co.), W. J. BENNESSY,and ask fo> a continuance toour successor of the support awarded to inform the inhabitants of GibJOHN TRIMMER, Has just returnedfrom Auckland,,where she has bought of the Lateßt Noveltie s us. Wealso beg the Public t take notice that we have no connectionwhatever with borue and surrounding district that he Hennessy. Others have used our ■will Open up any BootBusiness in this town except that of Mr 389 TOLOGA BAY. and is now offering them at name, no doubt with the conviction that it would add aome lustre to their own. We[ TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), 12fch inst., MASONIC HOTEL, haveheard so much of this from disappointedBoot-buyers that wo take this opporthe Shop adjoining Parncll's Hall, with a PRICES NEVER YET HEARD OF IN GISBORNE. tunity of putting the Public on thoir guard, and W3 again state that Mr W. J. in GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. well-selected Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Hennessy is our successor. suitable for the Season. R. Hannah and Co. The Stock ia entirely Now, and has been fTIHE Proprietor of the above begs to call ■■■ the attention of the Public of Gisborne to a few Specialties imported by him : STABLEB, acknowledged to be the moat elaborately furnished in the Southern Hemisphere, Special Private Appartmenta for Ladies OF (LATE Pw. IIAITITAH iUTD CO.), 0F and Families. Splendid Promenade Balcony with a delightful view of the Sea. Hot and NEW ALBION LIVERY AND CONSISTING OF cold Water Shower and Plunge Baths. BAIT STABLES. Local, Sporting, and Commercial Papers GLADSTONE ROAD (OPPOSITE ARGTLL HOTEL). filed. Library containing a large variety of YOUTHS' BOYS' Books. Telephonecommunication with all PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. In the MOST FASHIONABLE CUTS and CHOICEST SELECTIONS of I1AVIKG purchased the Business of Messrs It. HANNAH & Co., in this town, Ithe principal Business Housed in Town. I ■■"■ beg tonotify the inhabitants of Giabnrno and surrounding Districtsof that fact. ENGLISH, SCOTCH, and COLONIAL TWEEDS Two of Alcock'u Billiard Tables. ComLITTLE("" Bob.'" late with S. M. Wilson, Albion Club Stables,) of ;ill kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES of all modious aud well-liiihto'.! Sample. Rooms. ever shown in Gisborne. I shall keep a largo und varie.l addressed to tl>u Proprie- has taken those c«iitra<ly-situated Stables in Also a large and well-selectedassortment of Gents', Boys', and Youths' Hosiery, qualities, and do my level best to inako this Shop the premier on^ for Shoe Leather in Communications attended to. Cook County, In Colonial-made articles, .1 pin my faith in R. H\nnah & Co.'s tor punctually LOWE STREET, OPPOSITE THE OLD Ties, Braces, Hats, and Waterproof Coats. Poverty Bay Herald filed. as T know from my own experience, as well as from that of ecores of BREWERY, Twenty Dozen CRIMEAN SHIRTS (part of a Bankrupt Stock), will be Manufactures, that, their Goods, f »r genuine value, durability,and suitabili'y others in the Trade, <; Proprii'TOß. kSold at 4s 6d each, worth 6s 6d ; another line of them at 5s 6d, worth 8s ; where all at hours the TravellingPublic can to Colonial requirements, are second to none. In imported Boots of all qualities IR. SMITH be accommodated. aand still anotherline of similar Goods at 6s, worth9s. Come and see tliem ! hold a very 1-trge Stock, and am making a specialty of High-class Goods, from such SPARKLING ALE. riRAWFORD'S Gents' Regatia, Flax, and White Shirts— extraordinary value. world-renownedMakers as F. Pinm, Oito Hekz, Cove and West, &c, and am thus 0 able to supply an artic c hitherto only obtainable in the cities of the Colony. ROBERT LITTLE, Proprietor. I call special attention to a shipment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's DANCING ■WXTVJCXItt J&IEZIES&& CrOODS. SHOES and BOOTS, allof which are in latest styles andof splendid quality. publish a Prico List of LeadingLines. I Velveteens,Merinos, Serges, Winceys, Estamens,Wool Plaids, &c.;Ladies'j o <Girls', and Children's Hosiery ; Ladies' Cashmere Jerseys, Children's Jersey X» Xfc X C -E3 aiiXSST. Suits ; Corsets newest designs ; Flowers, Feathers, Fur Trimmings, Gloves, TOLOGA BAY. Men's Strong Nailed Watertight.— lo/11, 12/6, 14/6, 16/6 Laces and Frillings. 2/6, 14/6, 16/6 Men's Strong Nailed Shooting Boots— l undersigned begs to intimatethat he -, J AND ENGLISH BLANKETS, KAIAPOI WOOLS (all Colors), Men's Strong Leather Elastic-sides (heel and—toeplates) 10/6, 12/6, 14/6 has OPENED A GENERAL STORE KAIAPOI Men's Sewn Balmorals (heel and toe plates) 13/6, 15/6 aaabove, where he will be preparedto supply FANCY GOODS, SADDLES AND SADDLERY. settlers with every requisite at Gisborne Men's Strong Nailed Bluchers, 6/6,—7/6 Prices, with freight added. Men's Leather and Carpet Slippers 4/6, 5/6 of every description GROCERIES AND OILMAN'S STORES Cove and West's Gentlemen's Boots, in all qualities keep no 1at LOWEST PRICES consistent with BEST QUALITIES; and I TIMBER AND BUILDING Ladies' Calf-KidButton Boots— l 2/6, 14/6, 15/6 j MATERIALS. inferior brands. High-legKid Balmorals— l 2/6, 14/6, 15/6 Ladies' $ J.T. also purposes to supply Timber, and gggf Customers waited upon, and all Orders executed with despatch, and 9/6, B/6, Ladies' Boots— Prunella I 10/6 every article required for Building purposes, DeliveredJFrke to any part of the Town and Suburbs. Ladies'KidOxford Walking Shoes— B/6, 10/6, 12/6 direct from the Mills, at current rates. fl Ladies' Calf-skin Balmorals— 9/6, 10/6, 12/6 A LARGE RECEIVING STORE Ladies' Kid Elastic-sides (sewn)— 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, to 14/6 H. LEWIS, GLADSTONE ROAD. to clear Has been erected, when Cargo can be reA Line of Girls' KidElastic-sides — From at 4/6, ceived, and stored if necessary, on account Infants' Boots and Shoes to 1/3/6 — of Consignees. The discharging of vessels Ladies' Warm Slippers From 3/6 to 6/6 calling at Tologa Bay will be undertaken, and cargo stored pending delivery, NOW OPEN FOR USE. (Lath op thb Bnmsii Hotpa, LtttiuiTOM) Proprietress. "jITASONIC HOTEL, Napier,. FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER "W". J". .EaZEIsTIsrESS"^ Apply to AND S. De COSTA, PROPRIETOR; WILLIAM COOPER NOW OPENED UP HIS FIRST SHIPMENT HAVE BEEN REBUILT, Ihave also erected a Spacious HALL, detachedfrom the Hotel, Buitable for Drawing-room Entertainments, Dancing, Meetings, Dinner Parties, Rehearsals, &c, &o. Music will bo catered tor if required. & TRAVELLERS UNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION FOR FAMILIES always ok STABLES stock. O Crawford's Beer ani> zErated Waters LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SPIRITS, BEER, &c, kept in WILLIAM COOPER, Pbopeietob. generally that he has T^jTANTED gNOWN.- his Only the very Best Brands of WINES, .." t WONDERFUL WERTHEIM SEWING DINING ROOM— Breakfast, 8 a.m.— Ltoohbon, Ip.m.— ' WAEKENGAA-HIKA HOTEL. NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS, Every Tuesday— At the Durham Yards, of FOR THE SITTING AND BEDROOMS. ippyTj Alll* X JjJj gmi arJi Room— Two Tables. TO THE LONG COMMERCIAL DEPRESSION he has been enabled to secure from y am. to A "PrW f T EUROPEAN SIDE OF THE HOUSE.— Open p.m. ilwXtUr 1XJJu Daily. 12 Wonderful Bargains in a Great Variety of Goods, REGULAR AUCTION SALES we keep in Stock-~Oil, Putty, G!:i<>o, Brushes, Tacks, Scrim, Graining Tools, Varnish, and Dry Colors. BOYL&N & CROLL. For PAINTKR? SOLE AGENT " Being cut in a bu ih close to town, will be at very moderateprices. 547 W. STUCKEY, Wbataupoko. MR C. A. DkLAUTOUU HAS (OWING TO THE FIRE) Stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, And assures his patrons that from hi* long and intimate knowledge of the trade they may rely on obtaining only THE BEST G OODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. rpAKEN UP OFFICES IN ELDON Families waited on daily for orden, and JL CHAMBtihS Goods delivered on the shortest notice. (MAUDE'S BUILDINGS). 322 J, PPLLOOS. POViBIEI'Y BAT .HERALD SATURDAY ,'AUGUST 13, 1887. — ,,. 1 THE BULGARIAN TROUBLE. A thousand beacon fires were lighted over ♥ England on Jubilee day. RUSSIAN PRESS DERISIVE. Joubert, the Chmtchurch Exhibitionman, Aug. 12. HIGII WATERS UN SjES.AND SETS TIOCKS, LONDON, A TRAIN A FALLS IN RIVER. has filed in Melbourne for £35,000, but with The Daily Chronicle reports that Count an apparent surplus of £1,500. MORE TROUBLE FWARED. DARK BRAHMAS LIGHT AND the Austrian statesman, haa had A HUNDRED PERSONS KILLED. Kalnoky, to call Special Attention to a taste of what "Yogel has had at Duuedin a discussion with representatives of the St. Petersburg, Aug. 12. HOUDANS, LAsGSHANS, AND LEG- his supporters have free with at the Nice Assortment of bo been on Government FOUR Papacy and the Italian HUNDRED generallyreferin terms in INJURED. RussianPress difficulty had Thb gr-'at HORNS Christchurch. He LACES the question of ceding territory to the to the action of Prince Fergetting a hearing for a long time. of derision FLOWERS A FEARFUL SCENE. Pope. A few Choice Fowls for Sale. Even Atkiusou doe3not like tho way his dinand in leavingfor Sofia, The journals SATINS, and [special telegrams.] New York, Aug. 12. Inspection Invited, are treatiug Yogel. At Wellingcolleagues describehun as an adrenturer, anddeclare INDAN SILKS ton he said "Sir Julius Vogel'a colleagues Another fearful railway disaster has Tho schemeof State-aided colonisation , ignominious failureis certain. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. his to disloyalty That she has brought with her from Auckthe utmost aoting 97 were with ADA.MS, THOS. Stationer which the Government have declined to beenaddedto the long listof similar catasstatements pubiiahed ahow land in anticipation of the Masonic Ball. Semi-official him, trying to make him their Jonah while agree to was that the capital phoild be trophes which have recently occurred in the Government is intensely hostile to The B.s. Rotomahana arrives from South She is sure those who have visited her he ieally was their sheet anchor." Imperial with an by public, subscribed the BIRTH. to-morrow afternoon and goes on to Aucksaid that at Chriatchurch at some of guarantee of 3 per cent, interest ; the this country. PrinceFordinand. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT ARMSTRONG.—On the 13th August, ather residence, theItis land. Last boat at 5 p.m. Telegrams just received from Illinios the reportershave gotunder the colonies to grant land to the emigrants, meetings Giaborne, Armstrong, the wife of Mr surNorth Constantinople, Aug. 12 There waaho news of the s.s. Australia's of the way Have found Mbs Treffordall that can veyor, of a daughter. table to take notes, out of the andjthe money to be repaidin thirty years state that this morning while a train was It is fearedhere thatPrinceFerdinand's arrival at Napier up to our going to press be desired for eggs, and a draper is preparing a with{4 per cent, interest. rotten it Niagara proceeding in the directionof this afternoon. She.will have been seeking special egg-proof dress for chairmen and canThe Hawaiian Government have been came to a wooden bridge which was on fire. action will involve fresh troublesin regard and Style, shelter. The chairman at Reese's meeting didates. toBulgaria. The 8,8. Mararpa(Capt. Edie) sailed at 5 And those who have not will, she thinks, warned that England will take action if The danger was not seen until it was too had his clothes saturated. p.m. yesterday for South, taking— Misses repudiated the loan is The Turkish Government ha 3recalled find it ( Worth) their while to do so, as it Herald has an article on Mr Henitz and Hitch-; Mesdames VVoodfield, VERV E VENING The N.Z. Cholera has made its appearance at late to stop the train, as the bridge was Riza Bey, the Ottoman Special Commispleasing to them and her, as she is PUBL will be have not which we (for Recs's movement Bailey, Finn, and Gaulder ; and Messra Malta and Naples. There are four cases hidden from view by a curve till the sioner to Bulgaria, preparpd to make up space to-day),statiug the urgent need in tho from Sofia, and has GISBORNE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1887 Gribbon, Andrew, Hori, Sheppard, Legor, at the former placo. train was nearly on it. people get oolony condition of tho to STYLISH AND MODERATE. present 697 Fordham, .Wo.odn>ld,. Finn, Ward, Shelton, place despatched iahis Artin Eflfendi on a A conflict his occurred between some ' A terrible scene ensued. The train on its waste millions of acres, and exposing and Brunt. ' special mission. that excursionists Orangemen fads on and Nationalist of Ballance'a absurdity the rushed on the bridge, the beamsof which The s.s. Au'stralfa got away at the same Vienna, to-day. near Belfast. Three persons were shot, were nearly GENUINE subject. time as the Mararoafor Napier, taking no burnt through, and as the ' ' the train and was wrecked. Prince Ferdinand has reached Tirnova, passengers, in at was a fire an hotel Hamilton There CLEARING SALE, Signor Crispie has been appointed weight came on they partedwith an awful on theServian frontier, and is going from the other day, but it was got under. Afterof theItalian Ministry. blamed those Premier crash and the trainandthe burningbridge named Philips ward a painter Telegraphic Shipping. TO EX-TENSIVE ALTEIn consequence of M. Ferry's refusal to fell in one mass into tho river below, a there to Rustchuck and thenceto Tirnova, who had put it out, saying hs had started it RATIONS, the ancient capitat of Bulgaria. andit wouldhavemade work for all. He ia fire more than one shot GeneralBoulanger distance of 100 feet. Napier, to-day. AND in gaol. taunts him with cowardice. The Prince has retired from the Ausnow The 5.8.. Mararoa arrived from Giaborne at Prior to the Delivery of In theHouse of CommonsSir J. Fergus- The spectacle then was an heart-rending trian army. His enteringBulgaria with9.40 a.m. Ballance can palaver softly now an elec(he tion is on. He is helping McGuire against son, stated that the Russian frontier line and indescribable one, as there was NEW SPRING GOODS out the consent of thePowers is regarded MAIL NOTICE. Atkinson, McGuire being for the Ministry, had been advanced ll| miles towards danger from bothfire and water at once. Expected due by Opunake Herat, receiving theDirectSteamers At Russia miles opposed Yogel. square ♥ to 875 but rabidly A part of the trainfell in shallow water, here as a dangerous adventure. For Auckland, per Rotomahana, on Saturday, Aug in Auckland from London London, Aug. 12. Ballance hai informed a number of inter- of territory,and .Afghanistan 770 square 13, at 7 p.m. but the carriages caught firebefore all tho at early dates, viewers that he was in hopes that £60,000 miles. movemeut A supplementarymail for San Franc'sco will close at The of Prince Ferdinand is 7 p.m. on Saturday, 13th insfc. IS NO W ON! would be . available for unopened roads A motionto reduce the retired pay of occupants couldescape. regardedanxiously here it is feared it would do as there, For United Kingdom, (per direct steamer Kaikoura and through Native lauds Many were drowned,being unable to gftt Sir John \dye, nn the ground that he was from Wellington) on Friday, Au<f. 19th, at 3 p.m. his utmost for it 1 responsible for the defective cutlasses in out of the cars before they were sub- may put the Bulgarian difficulty in an Honey ordwsand -registered. letters, 2 p.m. This HAVING COMPLETED STOCKTAKING, mftil is due in London on Oct.6. and finding it exceptionally Heavy, I The Primate of New South Wales says use in the navy, was lost by 13 votes. merged; a large number were killed by acme stage again. The result is LOGAL MAILS. have determined .* that siuca he left England the first timeB. Mitchell's report on the Sir C. were; awaited with great suspense. For Wairoa, Tiniroto, and Waerenga-o-huri every three years ago— there has grown upon him Tongan disorders are published. He the crash of the fall ; and some Monday morning, &t 8 a.m. responsiand the glory sense of the burned. r^ anew For Matawhoro,P&tutahi, andTe Arai Bridge,every states he requested the King to grant an VARIOUS ATHLETICS ) TW bility of her worlds-wide Empire. He ifl.in amnesty to the people imprisoned for the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2 p.m. The numbor of killed and injured re-For Makaraka, VVaoronga-a-hika, and Oftnond, daily of i a system of interchange between non-compliance with the religious law, to «. favour yet spectively ascertained, at 2.30 p.m^-j . has not been the English and Colonial olergy, which which tho King assented, promising freeFor Tolojfa Uayj.Je Mawhai, Tuparoa, Akuaku, WaiSCULLING—CRICKET— FIGHTING but the total of bothis known to be over To effect a Speedy Clearance ofall piroBay, andJ'Qrt Awanui, overy Friday,at 7p.m. would be invaluablo to both. dom of worship to all his subjects. The London, Aug. 11. ei'cry Tnesdiy at 2 p.m. For KarakaaaSS-)Wia*thit« ; SURPLUS held ftt River;:a on the Rev. Baker's depositionfrom thePremier- five hundred. ' AND WOTER STOCK At meet ng a W/-"** BESWfCK, Chief Postmaster Dr W. G. Grace has declined to join othe " side, c'led for the purpose of provid- ship was at onfl time threatened. Few in the train are believedto have Vernon'steam Ihavedecided to make a Great Concession of English cricketers, which ing liiude for an e-:tL-a parson, it was proto the Public by giving the The Tasmania Creek Tin Mining Co. escaped uninjured. There were many is to visit Australia. Special AdTertlsemeuts. Lordship tiie Bishop be His posed :— Iliac capital £250,000 Enormous Discount of is registered,with a of women and children among the pasShaw's team for Australia will comcDminunie.-.ted'with, and bo informed- that Merryvalo Company of Otago, with sengers. IN THE £ AS. Itf THE £ prise Shrewsbury,Ulyett,Preston,Pilling, the very unhealthy sLa.e of our bankbooks, a The capital of £105,000, is announced. S. IN THE £ 4tS. IN" THE £ consequent upn'i ♥■■heloceat drought and the The bridge is thought to have beenfired Brig»s, Lohman, Maurice,Read, LillyINSURANCE COMPANY. white, Dougher ;also W. Newmanand J. deprea ed coniliiion of tlie wool market, " Fifteen thousand £5 preferential shares from a spark droppedby an engine On all Cash Purchases of DRAPERY of ten passing Bea'ime, are offered. .ic'avagance prohibitory makereckless amateurs. shiMiDga and upwards. [ESTABLISHED 1836.] previously. ROME, Aug 12. Tole Mr St. John, the backer of Gaudaur, Just before be joined Yogel iv 1884 " Later, The outbreak of cholera in Italy is instates he instructed that oarsman to lose THE GREAT CLEARING SALE declare.! in an election speech :— Aa. for Liability of the Company is Unfuture poll' ical combinations, he mi^ht de- creasing in virulenca and soue alarm is Further particulars of the great rail- his race against Hanlan, because the terms To Continue for limited. ». clare himself at once that he would not sup- beginningto be felt in consequence. way disaster in Illinois which have been of the agreement had not been complied The first eoncern«of each year s operations ONE MONTH ONLY. port Sir Julius Yogel. (Cheers.) It was a receivedstate that the train consisted of with. is to increase the Reserve Fond, so as to really impudent thing for a man like him, Bubear and Gaudaur return to Engmeet any extraordinary event not provided BRISBANE, To-day. who had made himself a stranger to the two engines and a large number of cars land to row for the championship the for in the usual average yearly Loss-sheet. In the Assembly last night the Premier which containedover a thousand passen- Thames. Their intended visit on colony, to come here, andin prosecution of to AusThis plan guarantees to insurers full and private claims seek to get a seat in Parlia- stated that the expenditure for the cur- gers, prompt payment under the most adverse who were chiefly from the town of tralia has been abandoned. ment." Now Poor Tolo is speaking very rent financial year is expected to exceed MOSGIEL circumstances, as, when the Company was Dunedin, Aug.12. plainly against Yogel, showing his col- the revenue by £58,000. Peoria. Retrenchment called on to meet the liabilities arising from The fglovo fight to a finish between leagues intend to throw him over. Purchase in White & Shetland be of the every department would made in The driverof the foremost engine, when the conflagrations, of Chicago, Boston, and There haa beea a great row in the Auck- service, and he was in favor of an adjust- approaching the bridge, saw that it was in Murphy, light weight champion, and E. St John's, amounting tonearly One Million Biv.-gess, a local man, for £50 and gate /O PER Yd. land Registrar of Electors' office. Mr C)l- ment of the Customs tariff in the direcof which were settled Sterling, the accounts flames, but thoughhesoundedan alarmand money, has taken place. The fight was Registrar, was obliged through tion of protection. Jins, the fire, of in three months after date each Miniaterial influence to engage a Mr Duke made, they were unable very even until the fourth round, when NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY SYDNEY, Tc-day. every effort was Burgess below the chinf as first atsistant. Duke haa been insubordi Promptitude to the stop with and train in time to avert the Murphycaughthim Losses Settled showing stormy very strong The weather is here. nate, and 13 charged with which knocked out of time. *" Liberality. tne rolls', up catastrophe. F..A.NNEL UNDERSHIRTS. anu ' partisanship in making Chrisichurch, Aug.12. about him 'that there were such snspicions The engines and all the carriages are Captain Cotton has been presented with £21,586,102 WELLINGTON, To-d*y. laims PAttftmice 1836 the position was very unpleasant. Finally VALUE in White and silver cup and a purse of sovereigns in completely wrecked. a Pawaon, having charged Rose with unbo that he had to be fie9ly ".v. he played up " H. M. PORTER, Shetland. " Over one hundred persons were killed recognition of his pluck in hh match wiih Agent. PoorTole's uame lawfully interred a child in her backyard, summarily removed. Auckland The matter, to-day is mixed up inthe and the was fined £4 with costs. instantaneously, and more than four hun- Scott. p..pers are severe onthe great liberalMinis- Magistrate remarked that in tho interest dred ]W\BW ZEALAND LOAN AJND are injured. SEVERE WEATHER. MERCANTILE AGENCY. COM- NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY. ters for this latest little exhibition of their of public health and morality it was surprising Butitis not at all » peculiarities. as be necessary that emm such this should [Limited]. PANY. after whatthey have done hitherto. A severely. dealt with POLITICS. GENERAL FALL OF SNOW. IMPERIAL OVERCOATS. Capital ".. £3,600,000 ..■' ,„ Of Maxwell, the murderer, who has got H M.S. Opal will leave for Auckland Wellington, to-day. „ „ „ £-IQ&,WQ RBBHHVB Fond another reprieve, the New York correspon- on Wednesday. Good Worsted Diagonal THE LIBERAL DISRUPTION. Owing to the furious gale at the Heads He is pretty the writes :— Argus dent of Waters, yesterday Opfic&— who was arrested Uhad lQueen 'ictoria Street, Mansion Chesterfields. theDoric (boundfor Port Chalmers) and sure to be hanged. The Supreme Court of afternoon for embezzlement, was released Il6tl62,'Lo!:idrn, E.C. has decidedagainst him on appeal. later in the day, hi3brother becoming BRIGHT BLAMING GLADSTONE. theRotomahana (for Napier), after lying Missouri HeadOffice for the Colonies— Auciuand. The disgusting little murderer has main- surety for him to the amount of £200. London, Aug.10. P\SCHBB at Adelaide,Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane at the anchorageall night returned thii tained hia popularity among the morbidMr Brighfc's speech at the Greenwich morning. Rackhainptort,.Launceatoa, Fiji, San Francisco, NEW ZEA.LAND CLOTHING FACTORY, I DUNEDIN, To-day. Louis, who have kept of St. Tho Rotomahana might have minded women throughout banquet consisted chiefly of a strong onand New Zealand. him supplied with delicacies and flowers, In the case of Sargood v. the Corpora- slaught on Mr Gladstone's retrogradeand gone out, but being very light it was not 'l^E COMPASFSf grants Loans on Stations, Stock, and these signs of sympathetic interest will tion Mr Justico Williams gave judgment FRITZ SUITS. deemed prudent to risk it. The Jane Growing Clips of Wool, Grass-seed, Orain, andother probably ba redoubled now that he is likely to-day for tho Corporation with costs, revolutionary policy, to which he had Produce, on specially,advantageous terms. committedhimself at the cost of political Douglas has also been inside the Heads and suffer the his cold-blooded penalty to of holding that it was the excessive rainfall consistency and unity of the great Liberal KKOEIVES CONSIGNMENTS of Woo), Bkins, Tnlfrom Mosgiel Tweed, Good Pat-' since Thursday night. 'ow, and Produce of -very kind, for sale in New monstrous crime. which had caused the flood and not any party. terns, He reviewed the circumstances of Zealand, Australian, arid London markets, and undercircles that if in negligence \h Ministerial on the part af the Corporation. It admitted The weather this morning is cold and takes the sole of prbpetticsin all parts o/ the colonies. D s the elections were to take place at once, the Plaintiff's cellars were flooded by the his own secession fromtheleader to whom squally with hail and rain, but not so Account Salq» Renilferpdand prc?eeda are remitted' he had and formerly given faithful un; fact, with the utmost regularity and promptitude. wouldbe beaton in badly Government street water which could not escape fast AGENCY BUSINESS for ahsente NEW ZEALAND CLOIHING FACTORY swerving allegiance, urging in justification. violent as yesterday. " UNDERTAKES the Premier is credited with the outspoken enoughby the drains. roprictors. Makes a speciality offcho Frozen Meat an immediate election would the welfare of the nation demanded Heavy fall* of mow are reported from that statement Trade, and undertakes a!l agency work connected Ac an inquest on the body of a boy that Woodville and Palmerston .North to a that its Minister his losing every result in consolidationshouldbe maintained (kpth probably therewith. PILOT JACKETS. drowned in ihe Waiwera river themother unimpaired. of three to fourincheB theheaviest INDENTS UNPERTAK ENfor British,Continental, said recently, seat. A Ministerialist Mr Gladstone had wrecked " shallstrong stated that, the child slipped off her back the work of eight or nine years. East Indian, and American Gooda on the most favorfall for Parliament have to faco the new by We a lifetime the folly of a able terms, and all station aud household requisites are Clearing the Balance of Stock in a miuority of from six to ten, and it is into the stream, but that she made no day. Not content with fomenting Irish purchased for client at lowest wholesale rates. ChkißTchcjrch, to-day. at ju3fclikely the Government will resign before effort to rescue him. The jury added a hatred of English rule, he had exerted A light fall of snow took place yester* AGENTS i'Oß— rider to their verdict that the mother's correaWellington Parliament meets." his great abilities in trying to disturb the day afternoon, and the weather is still R iston, Proctor, and Cp.'s Steam Engine aud Com ! PSR CENT. conduct was most reprehensible, amount- loyal pondent. bined FinishingThreshir^ Machines. attachmentof the Welsh people. In unpropitious. Several showers of hail ing criminality. almost to Graham and Co.'B (Canterbury) Permanent Foot-rot Off MarkedPiic*. Themembere connected with tho Temperhis sudden zeal for Irishrevolt against law stones have fallen to-day. Cure. ".-'■ ; NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACICRY BLENHEIM, To-day. ance Alliauce held a meeting in the Good Gaudy's Patent Cotton Bolting. and order, and his opposition to the atFeilding,to-day Felton and Guilleaume's Patent Barb Fencing Wire: A trial of Stenhouse and Smith's rab- tempts of Parliamentto place theadminisTemplars Hall last evening for the purpose Nettlefold's Annealed-DrawnFencingWireandStaples Thers was a heavy Bnow stormhere this exterminator, of the of for considering question representation destroying bit the anitration justice of in the hands of free and Auckland Fibre Manufacturing Co. the first since the formation of at the forthcoming election. There was a mals by injecting the fumes of sulphuric uncorrupted tribunals, Mr Gladstonehad morning, The Manufactrare3 of Reid & Gray can be procured fair attendance of members Mr Teat was acid through the burrows, has been very uot hesitated to defame English juries. the settlement. The hills and plains are on the Bhortest:notice, aad their plough flMinge arc always keptin stock. voted to the chair. The Secretary (Mr successful. The machine worked well, a His new-born fanaticism lent gre.it weight covered. Itis not expected thelambs will AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS i suffer much. Ranger) stated that forms of questions had STATION AND FARM PROPERTIES FOR SALE of dead rabbits being taken and influence to the obstruction of the been submitted to each candidate to which large number Napier, to-day io Ml parts of the Colonies. Bonded Warehousemen, holes. the out of their It is understood orderly proceedings in Parliament. The Oi/R LONDON and COLONIAL SPECIAL TRADE replieshadbeen given. The questions and There was a heavy fall of snow at 4.30 intend to inspectors report favorably Marquis Hartington CIRCULARS ajfe,;mippH3d gratia and post heo to our on of spoke in a similar this morning, answers were then read, and a good deal of SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMIS the country is all white constituents. ■.* discussion ensued as to the satisfactory the invention. strain. He declaredthat the secession of with it. Only and i'ull particulars aa to terms of business, can be has snow fallen To-day. AUCKLAND, the body SION AGENTS, of the Unionist Liberals in this town twicebefore great nature of the answers. It was eventually obtained on application at the Coaipany'a Office, and then it has immediately The Government Stella has Wallace, by decided on the of Mr steamer had been compelled motion Mr Gladstone's REYNOLDS, ALFBEU seconded by Mr Evans, that fresh forms be left Russell bound for the Kermadec concession to the disloyalists, who were melted. CUSTOMHOUSE STREET. Acting Agent.. supplied and that two members of the Al- Islands, which are to be formally annexed striving to split the political parties of the Gladstone Road, Oigborue. July -26, Ibd6. It is stated that the snowhas neverbeon Jiance wait upon ihocandidates and get more by New Zealand. The Stella has on board Empire. It wouldbe political imbecility definite answers to the questions, tho Secre- Me S. Percy Smith, Assistant Surveyor- to now abandon weapons hitherto effective so low downandnear the town in thisdisWA,;!tOfiMAKER, tary to call a meeting when such should bo General, and Mr}E. F. Cheeseman, who inpromoting and preserving the SPECIAL NOTICE. Imperial trictbefore. Some evensay there was a to hand. are to make a surveyof theisland. FKASSR, strength of England. The Tories were slight fall in thestreets this morning. The W. Public are auprised at the LARGE (Late with F. W. CollinSj Napier), An old lady told her nephew that, having prepared to undertakemeasures of reform hills round Mr Barker's are coated. The WESTPORT, To-day. AND CHEAP of GENERAL been born with the usual amount of good REMOVED NEXT DOOR TO FURNITURE to beSTOCK The body of a man named o'Toolo,Jwho and progress,and the Unionists, recognis- cold snap just now is certainly the found at the Back manners, he would have a splendid stouk to has been missing from Mohikinui, was ing the necessity of stimulating theirallies sharpest ever known here, and it is feared Messra Adeane & Primrose's, where he Premises of the comu and go on when he began to use will continuQ,t<)iClean and Repair Watches, morning. to progressive legislation wouldassiet the thelambs will suffer severely. them. So Stout, having been born with the found on the sea beach this OLD FURNITURE SHOP," C:ocks, mad Jewellery at moderate charges. leaders of the two parties to effect a closer Hehad been drowned in therirer. Mr Kenway states that he was riding veracity, usual amount of he will have a Colonial Jewellery, Rin^s, Brooches, union. The time, howevor, was not yot through blinding GLADSTONE ROAD, he go wonderful stock to come and on when a snowstorm for half an Chains, Medals, Masonic Jewels, etc., made for ripe Btep binding " the definite of tho The exclamation is, I begins to use it. He is lettingit all accumuto order on the premises at the shortest never thought you hour this morning when coming across Tory leaders, and COMMERCIAL. Unionist and further had at now, such a Stock of Good and Useful late juat for he has been using none notice ;also Electro-plating and Gilding. experience wouldbe necessary to enable Waimate, and that the fall was very Things ! Why don't you all lately, and the Press at every place he " build a New Shop London, Aug. 11. this to be done effectively. He believed heavy. A private telegram from Napier and show has been has had your to expose his untruthfulGoods ? j Pipes of every sort mounted and repaired in Consols remain at 101$ and New Zea- that during tho recess the Unionists says the snow in the streets is twojinches I'm going to, and all accounts standing 6, ness till it has become wearisome. Stout a workmanlike manner. 9, and 12 months and upwards— and there must be very foolish himself or imagine land inscribed stock at 99i. would formulate a policy establishing a thick there. In the memory of .the a good many that have passed their first The total reserve in notes and bullion union for thebenefit of thecountry gener- oldest inhabitant snow has never been everyone else to be so, for he tikes enorHair p d into »inga, chains, bracelets. are seen bo close to Giaborne. anniversary without celebrating the occ »sion mous liberties with truth. Splendid auda- in the Bank of England is £11.300,000, ally. by payiug up— lwant all those of my Cuscity ia very effective sometimes, but when, it and the proportion of reserve toliabilities tomers to which the above dates apply to THE HALL COMPANY. comes down-to vulgar mendacity, and that is 41 per cent. The reserve showsan inAUSTRALIAN TRAGEDIES. give me a call and see the change, and I'll continuously, itis a very weak course. crease during the. week of £200,000, and « take the change. Notwithstanding thebitter coldand the MURDER. The Langworthy Marriage, published in in proportion of 5 per cent. This month, all accounts (new and old) The bank rate of discount remains at On July 28 at Corowa, near Sydney, a other inclemencies, a good few people book form, price Is, just received by Thoa. will receive a Present in Crockery or Glass3 per cent. The marketrate is 2J. young man, a stranger, was found in a left their firesides for McFarlane's Hall ware if paid before the lost day of this Adams,Bookseller. Advt. There is no change to report in bread- paddock dead with a big scalp wound, last night, and they were well rewarded month. Congregational Church Makaraka 2, Pa- stuffs or tallow. which could not have been self-inflicted. for turning out. The Jubilee Minstrels 4?£)~«"ii* WORTH OF STOCK TO tutahi7 (Mr McKinney), Waerenga-a-hika Adelaide, to-day. No blond was found near the spot though kept all merry during the first part. All t\J\J SELECT FROM 2, Makauri 3 30, Gisborne il "Peter Wheat is dull at 3s 9d to 3s lOd, town the wound must hazebled profusely. He the songs were well received, and many Tested," 7^-" Nob to.* off" (Pastor Wallace). AND CHEAP, flour ia quoted at £9 5s to £9 15a, and was lying about 200yds. frem a camp of encores had to be given. "Sweet spirit " All seats free. Strangers invited." Advt. WITH TEET« WITHOUT country flour brands £8 53 to £8 10s. Chinamen, who say that the stranger hear my prayer" by Miss Roberts kept K S M ANN came to them, and walked away to the all breathless, and when finishedreceived Sydney, to-day. "OLD FURNITURE SHOP." New Zealand wheatis dull at 3s sd, log where he was found. An open verdict tremendous applause. Miss Roberts'renFOR GOOD NEWS SHEEPSURGEON DENTIST, dering of that song is a perfect treat. N.B.— No penalties attached in dsfaulfc New Zealand oatsIs 9d to 2s 3d, maize3s was returned. FARMERS. NEXT DOOR TO Mr STUBBS', Chemist, Let them run till the Breakwateris finished She had to repond to several recalls for it. 4d, potatoes35s to 45s per ton. MASSACRE. ■ (Unless « Ialte md J) News from New Guinea states that Pretty Miss Perraan was severely taxed Gladstone ßßoard r a native teacher, his child, and three by the many calls that were made on her All interested— and everyone of us is POLITICAL POINTS. others were killed at Motu Motu by a for her dancing. Her fire skipping was PAINLESS EXTRACTION, by the aid of in the success of the meat freezing indus♥ LAUGHING GAS hostile tribe, who came upon the party in given p: in, and it is needless to say aptry must welcome information like the great numbers in canoes, firing arrows. preciated. The entertainmentclosed with THE OLD STORY BY YOGEL. following :The Shaw-Saville-Albion Co. A force was sent inpursuit byMr Douglas a capital farce "Darwin'sMissing Link." have infefmated at Dunedin that they are Dunedin, to-day. DENTISTRY, To-night the ever popular "Fun on the prepared to carry frozen meat to England f Sic J. Yogel states hat itis the portfolio the Commissioner, and killed 14 of the Bristol" willbe given. Many newnovelat l|da lb. They are also prepared to of Marine whichMrLarnachhaH resigned, murderers n t ice. SUICIDE. ties are promised to be introduecd, and buy mutton put on board their freezing and not thatof Mines, as telegraphed. DRESSES Company should be as successful as hulk at Port Chalmers at 2d per pound. Sir Julius also denies the truth of the QAt'Sydney, A. McKinnon, aninsurance the IVrit, fl.-..0.. WTLSON, Surgeon No doubt the same cohc saion will bo rumors that he has been offered the head agent, was found dead by the grave of his on previous nights in getting a big house. , D£NTISi, JIJL afforded to those engaged in the same of the GovernmentInsurance Department wife, who was killed four years ago. A What should help to attract many will trade at other portsin NewZealand whore or that the Controller-Generalhaa been gun and a forkedstick wereby his side. doubtless be the selecting of a name for TENNYSON STREET, NAPIER, the Bay. company's vessels call for cargo. This asked to resign inhis favor. TRAGEDY. this Mr Wilson will' make hia next trip to T3EING fully stocked with the various Mary speaks A on the cutter freights reduction in well for the occurred tragedy Gisbcrne early in September,whenhe maybe He states that when Mr Allencame out HARBOR RATE TROUBLE. company, and will be very acceptable in opposition to Sir Robert Stout he which arrived at Cossack (W.A.) last consulted aa usual at Air Foster's, where a new makes inBall and Costume Materials, pleasing It is also to producers. to tho Show Case may be seen of his work. offered to place his resignation in the week. A man named Ball was stabbedin and having secured the services of Mbs learn that an endeavor is being made at hands of the Premier, but the latter de- the cheat andstomach by a Manilla man The wrath to come has come in the and wa3 killed The assassin swam ashore Taranaki district, and the people are try* Apripointmenta may be made thiough Mr Home by some colonists to have agencies clined it. ing to flee from it. The Harbor Board Papi'Rillfrom the celebrated principal tloater. the towns. If but was caught. established in all Wellington, to-day. establishment ATROCITY. have to send Home interest next month, this is done we shall no doubt soon hear Mr Edwards tho lawyer, a candidate A man namedSherwood was building a and have not got it. Afd rate has been RETIRING PROM BUSINESS. of Madam Taylor (Pupil of Worth), Sydof an improvement in prices, as the pro- for Wellington South and Suburbs, has public-houae near Croydon(Q), and went levied, but this will give only £5000 * ducer and consumer willin this way be retired. fpMi'i WIiOLK of THE CHOICE uey, begs to intimate to the Ladies of into the bush, leaving his wife and a man year,and the interest is £12,000. Then brought into closer relationship witheach JL STOCK OK other withadvantage to both by sharing named Travers in the house. Returning the people at Manaia, Hawera, and other COMPLAINING PRINTERS. he found his wife dying and Travers places are resisting the rate, and having what now goes to the middlemen. PROVISIONS AND GENERAL Gisborne that he is prepared to execute all <Tf>no. It is understood that the new company She had been masted alive and held meetings and taken the adviceof Mr MERCHANDISE, orders entrusted to him in the most satisfacDunedin, to-day. \ beforeshe died that the man forced Travers, of Wellington, are refusing to said at Napier will give tho same terms as Including HjL'AKT, which comprises deputation printers of master A waited her on the fire- and kept her there. A pay. The Board says it is willing to let those above, and Hiese terms aro excelA Bplendid-bui't&rucor'a Curt, Two Hones tory and Faahnnablo Style, Accurate fit lent for the sheepfarmer. The part thfU to-day on Sir J. Yogel, pointing out tho considerable sumof moneyis missing from a case be taken into Court to test the and Harness complete, question, but meantime the question is is moat Batisfacfory is th» buying of nr at injustice done them by allowing the im- " ithe house. B<^?op. \V-i:'h'■■"/'in?* n^hpr Utenstta in the guaranteed and charges moderate. ROUGH ON RATS. Where is the money to come frem and right nut in ihe colony. Twopenc * a portation of printed stationary, etc, free. Grocery Trade. Several deaths have just occurred at what will happenif it is not forthcoming, pound wou'd he a hvx strok* of fortune They stated that if the bank", etc, imattention Special given Wedding to ae&<i j MU through thispoison. In oneinstace as seems only too likely? Even if the BE SOLD ! for the aheepfarmers here, who would in- pprted envelopes with a line of print on Sydney deed glaflly take Hd a pound for their fat. them they were imported free, whereas af young lad who owed a pound cook some whole rate were got in at once (here Mourning Orders. ; Bu.-ivl-s-* H"U#*f «m -Si^m. until 7 p.m. stock. Surely wi'h tha Cfttnpßti'ion the printers pay duty on plain stationery. (of this poison, and in anothercase a young wouldstillbe a deficiency. The subject is Saturdays excepted. f who had been seducedand abandoned arousing a lot of interest at Wellington, g■■ting so keen as th: a newsshows it to be, Sir J Yogel asked for a list of the sjirl l her lover killed herself in a similar and it is one of a nature to cause reflecthis district will soon participate in tho materials affected, and promised then to by Special Advertisements. poverty Bay. Port of ♥ TELEGRAPHIC. AN AWFUL DISASTER EGGS FOR SETTING. T~V MISS DOKAN "PLYMOUTH — WISHES Poverty Bay Hrald Fit ISHEDE — — PREVIOUS . £rl" £200 " £200 . l — LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE " — 4S. — rHE — WM. AJ3AIR. FLANNEL. 1 WONDERFUL 3/6 -^ .. .... .. ! .. AFEWReal'y ' 29/ MADE ; C 10 6 — WE — 15 ■ ■ ■ DUIMLOP& BOURKS # f^TINE THE HAS — " — * — X^c *fy| Q.ROS "TEETH . — — — — — JJU MASONIC jt o; & DRESSMAKING WM. ADAIR, 1 ' , T.H. JAMES JAM'ES^ . . T& CO. "f*1 ■_trade>. give the subject careful consideration. manner. j — . tion here. THE POVERTY BAT HERALD SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1887. AN AUCKLAND BANKRUPT. Fraser, who is ogam a candidate at tht Thames, is getting a rough ;time about tin £2000 he got from the Government on the Rangipo block. That little example ol Ministerial and political purity may cost THE Part I. Overture—" Pride of England" — JOHN L. -j 1Set of HARNESS (new) MONDAY (Nearly.) IN THE SUPERIORBOOT SHOPOF GISBORNE. In the matter of thenumber of Bankruptciesi now existing, and the several additions1 m " —- — I — —— — " " ' —" — — LUNGWORM THE . STEAMER " CHELMSFORD." Tonnage, 103 53; nett, 7040. fiROSS \JT Built in Sydney 1886, steams 10knots with a consumption of 2 cwt coals, in thorough good order, carries 80 tons dead weight with a draft of 6 feet of water, accommodation for 30 cabin passengers, capital — sea boat. Further particularsapply to SHARP AND CO., 677 Commerce Street, Auckland. DRESS AA'D MANTLEMAKING —AT THE— D. I. C. — our Business RAPIDLY INCREASING, and by the unanimous wishof our Lady Customers, we have, in addition to ourotherDepartments.starled DRESS AND MANTLEMAKING, Havingsecured the services ofMiss Halt,, so well and favorably known as head of that Branch of our Business. We have everj' confidence that all orders entrusted to her willbe executed in such a way as to give complete satisfaction. The Charges will bo us Reasonable aspossible, consistent with having the work properly done. 710 THE T\f gTORE. REMOVAL OF PREMISES. ... — to intimate to the " public that hebegs RCOLEBROOK willoffer the whole of his stock of DRAPERY, CLOTHI \G, BOOTS, SADDLERY, CROCKERY, and IRON- — — MONGER V AT- IT © t Cost Price! During the Month of August, previous to Removing his Premises to the other side Pitt, Meesrs & sign Agreement Graham, at cannibalism. of the Road. 738 The Prince of Wales stood sponsor to Bennett's. Mills diamond Sir Charles enormous an R. C. can confidentially recommend his TENDERS. it Stock for Usefulness as Second to None exhibited in London, and christened than the larger it is much ; Imperial in Cook County. the fTIENDERS are required for Ploughing 21 syndicate. a Exbelongs to Kohinoor and X aores of Land at Seaforth, Ormoud. exactly being worth perts estimate it as Tenders to be sent in by TUESDAY, 16th COLEBROOK. 64: £1,000,000. inst. During the recent Nihilist scare in 691 A. McKENZIE. COOK COUNTY CHEESE, BUTTER, cent, R. Kuasia no less than 45 per Rujßianof the AND BACON FACTORY CO, [Limited]. oft #£$' d" && %£ v Insect Life. BAST'S TEAS !* EAST'S TEAS ! EAST'S TEAS ! jisborne Public. EAST'S~COFFEE | Monday, Hug 22 | 1 Waiuui FOR HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO, FROM AUCKLAND. Is a Great Specialty, And offers a great treat to all lovers of thii 8 Atameda |Mon., Aug. 15th | refreshing beverage, as it is only ai EAST'S where Coffee is Roasted anc FOR LONDON VIA SUEZ CANAfc I Ground Fresh on the Premises. Orient. S.N. Co _ IL«avo Sydney. ILeava Helbonsw Auy. 27th I Sept. 2nd Pure Cofieo, and fresh ground, is a well Cargo fur shipment must be on board tk« known remedy for Dyspepsia, and the onlj j Lighters at 4 o'clock the afternoon previous reliable curs for Asthma. to departureof steamers. Outward passengersholdingretain keta are requested to present same at the of&M, H. BULL AND SON and procure passes for thelaunch oenT4yi>£ them to the steamer. to call the attention of intending > Single and Return Tickets at RMqcmi planters to their Rates (available by Australia and Sonthorn Cross only) are now issued to AuclUnd, CHOICE STOCK OF Napier, and Wellington, BEG - — Oflßce before embarking. For farther particulars apply to COMPANY'S OFFICE. Custom House street. THE NEW ZEALAND SHEPPJH* COMPANY'S LINE. ilTjBZ\ Hsad &MMH llißßß^m Offiob— BBUTM»>- gantea, Retinosporous (sorts), Aruacarias, Christchurch (sHt^"^~_j%. Majae, Blue Gums, Red Gums, and nume- rous others. FLOWERING SHRUBS and PLANTS Camellias, Rhododendrons, Roses, Lilacs, Deutzias, Oleanders, Pelargoniums, Fnoh Bias, Will offer toCASHPURCHASERS of DRAPERY during the Month of MAY an opportunity of supplying their requirements at prices much lower thanusual. All who wish to economise should not miss this chance of saving money. Mi LMS^fr MOULAR MONTSLt DIBIOT IIXIH tSKH MKDON. etc., etc., etc. ROYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS (Under contract with the New Zealaal African Boxthorn, Berberis, Quicks, LigusGovernment. trums, Oleariaß, etc. be despatched with Her Mawsty'd RhubarbRoots,Herbs, AsparagusPlants Mails as under, for LONDO HEDGE PLANTS. WILL Etc., etc. SEEDS 1 SEEDS! SEEDS! Stoamer Stoamer. ..- US' Liberal Reductions made on Large Kklkonn Orders. BirdSeed, African Boxthorn, Tree Seeds, &c. " Flower Pots and Saucers, ' Budding and Pruning Knives, Gardening Gloves. Catalogues to be had — Rio de JaEeiroand Maderia : Vegetable Seeds, Flower Seeds, and Farm Seeds of the beat description, and in a'l the leading varieties, carefully tested before sending out, besides being much Rutipohu cheaper than the ordinaryPacketSeeds. DRESS MATERIALS In Great Variuty. FAMILY DRAPERY Of Every Description. All at Reduced Price for CASH ONLY. To" .. £&S!& 8 °°m. mandM# Port of De. pttrturo la^J,^ AIOB Greenstreet, L>Ue't«i Jnly 28 4478 Oretch ISS7 Tongarlro,,, 4168 Aorangi " Aufi Sf lay „ „ Bcne 1106 Si teliffe B*pfcS ' Oct* St on Application, RlmutakA.. 4473 Torpln Not. Aad henceforward every Fourtn Thund»y. D. I. C. THIRST FRdffl AUCKLAND. ORNAMENTAL TREES. J?. S. GOLDSMITH, Opposite N.Z. Clothing Factory). FOR TAURANGA AND AUCKLAND | Kri.lay, 19th | All GROCERIES of the HighestJClass "bole j Omapere at theLowestPrices. FOR LEVUKA AND SUVA Pinus Insignis, Canariensis, Austriaca, etc., Cupressus Maorocarpa,Lawsoniana, Tomloßa and many others. Wellingtonia Gi- THE TIMES, E. S. GOLDSMITH . TOLOGA BAY,~~TUPAROA, Warranted to cheer the dullest spirit am FOR HICK'S BAY, AND AUCKLAND. give vigor to the weak-hearte], and no other | Friday, 26th Teas of equal value at present offered to tinc Suva | Apples, Pears, Plums, Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries, Figs, Lemons, Loquats, Oranges, Guava ;, Mulberries, Walnut?, Chestnuts, Gooseberries, Currants, etc., etc, TANT DISTRICTS. READY-MONEY DRAPERY. sumed, loans should only be got for specific and reproductive purposes, and no other ; not, as heretofore, inlarge sums, to beappropriated after the money was obtained. To this practice Iattributemuch of the demoralisation or Now Zealand politics. The Native land laws are a disgrace <o the country. The framers of the various Acts (they are all alike) didnot know at the time what they meant, and neither the Native Land Court judgesnor the Supreme Court judges, and least of all the unfortunate and bewildered interested individuals of both races, have yet succeeded iv finding out. It is surely a grim satire on Government, this placing men in office to make laws for us, paying them for doing so, and then spending tens of thousands of pounds every year trying to find out what these laws mean. A strong Government, wich the assistance Of men who underatand the position, should have no difficulty in passing such measure8 as would put a stop to this needless expense and uncertainty, would guard against the native owners being defrauded or left paupers without sufficient land of good quality to keep them,while enabling them tosell if they wish the large areas of pastoral land which they themselves will never use. |Saturday '20th | tiaur.ao ■ FOR TOKOMARU, AWANUI, AND WAIPIRO. Australia |Friday, Sept 2 j Of allKinds,in Best Varieties. MANURES the education scheme. Borrowing, ia tny opinion,should cease absolutely for some time. If at any time re- | FOR SYDNEY FROM WELLINGTON Patterns, Write for Detailed Catalogue. MEET | ]££ Date of Sailing. j Sunday, 21st Waihora A Large Assortment of^Madame Weigel's FRUIT TREES, t SOLD BY ALL MERCHANTS, IN \'A CWT. BAGS. J AGRICULTURISTS) LOW FREIGHTS TO DIS- rpO j Steamship. v FOR NAPIER AND WELLINGTON _ |Thuisday, 18th | NEW & FASHIONABLE HAT6 3, Suva FOR NAPIER7~WELLfNGTON, LiffTELTON. ANI> PORT CHALMERS. NEW FEATHERS, Rotomahaua |Friday, 19th | NEW TRIMMINGS, FOR MELBOURNE^VIA BLUlffir NEW DRESS GOODS, RoioinaliMua | Friday, 19th j And a full stock of usefulGoods just Oponeid AUCKLAND. FOR^ up, suitable for the present Season, Rotomahma | Sundny, 14ih (5 pm all carefully selected by Austrnlia | Friday, 19th | Mrs EAST. "FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND^ COMPANY'S V ZEALAND (Limited.) Note. In future no luggage will be <le* Of All Descriptions, live-ed to carriers without the prodnotioa of Which are thoroughly acclimatized, so that; a written order from owner of same. there is no danger in transporting them. Passenger Tickets must be taken at ft« PREPARED FOR EVERY CROP. Discourage SHIP CO. OF NEW r TIME TABLE FUR AUGUST. TREES AND PLANTS1i SPECIALLY APPROVED BY LEADING — TENDING AERENGA-A-HIK A IFREEZING Tho first and most pressing necessity is economy. The finances of the country must he ao adjusted that our expendituredoes not exceed our revenue. These annual and constantly increasing deficits must cease,and the gap mu3t not be filled up by extra taxation, and least of all by further borrowing. The word Retrenchment, which is in everybody's mouth just now, must be the order of the day. At the same time the pruning knife must be applied by a practised hand, guided by a Bkilful eye that can detect the next, and even the next again, season's fruit buds, and uae his knife accordingly. The spasmodic attempts at retrenchment to which we have been, treated lately, a cut here and a snip there, are worse than useless. Ibelieve it quitepossible by judicious retrenchment somewhat on the lines indicated by Mr Locke in his farewell addresH— combined with a strict watch over expenditure, tosee that value ia obtainedfor every pound spent, to bring our expenditure within our income without further taxation, andwithout affecting detrimentally either the public serviceor NEW WOOLS, NEW BLANKETS, NEW RUGS. 737 r IN BANKRUPTCY EVENING NEXT, at eight, when Iwillii address you as a Candidate for your »uff- . Garrisor>n CART : SPRING Baneid rages. Yours faithfully, Mr DalrympU]0 I arise from Dreams of Thee"...Misi Song ,„ ANDREW GRAHAM. Holroyrfl to come; Duet— SaintedMother" Miss Rees andid Miss Porteisr 7188 TVTOTICEis hereby given that I.ARTHUR Gisborne, Aug. 11, 1887. COOPER, of Gisborne, BootMr Kirtk ■ ±\ JOHN Song—" Put it down to me" maker, have this day filed an appeal to my Song— (Selected, with harp accompaniment;t) customers that Iam willing to sacrifice my Miss Porteijr TO THE ELECTORS Large and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND Duet— "America's Glory" (in character) .„ OF THE Masters DeCostaOk SHOES for the purpose of clearing out of 11 Bankruptcy Bay." This is a genuine notiSong "The place where the Old Horse EAST COAST DISTRICT. fication, and no reasonable offer will be reMr Woodwardd died" fused, as Iintend to retire at a very early „ Mias Sheltonn Song (Selected) Mr Nockk date. A joke is a joke, but Gißborne people Song— "Good Company" Mad m Stewattt f~~i ENTLEMEN,— Havingannounced that,, are carrying Song— (Seleoted) " it too far, so buy me out and Mr Macdonald VA owing to the retirement of Mr Li>cke,' let me get." To work hard for tho public, Song— (Selected) and then to be had "in return, is not good Rifle Cadets8 lam a DumbBells Caudidato for your suffrages at the5 enough. election, I now beg to phce beDated this 29th day of July, 1887. forthcoming Part 11. ARTHUR J. COOPER. Garrison Bandd fore you, shortly, my views on a few of the3 624 Overture— (Selected) Mr Parnell leading questions at present before the Song— "The Little Hero" Mrs Butlerr country. Song— "The Wishing Cap" PEACOCK'S Duet— (Selected)....Mr Engleheart andMiss r Porter in the hiscountry's "Only once more" Miss Holroyd A very serious crisis SPECIFIC Song Never before has suchi (A Certain and Safe Cure for LungMr tory has come about. SoDg— Let me like a Soldier fall » worm). Edwardsb anarchy and confusion been apparent ia the " White Wings" Mias Sandess Government and in tho House :never has Song whole ingredients are contained in Mr WittyV trade been so depressed: never has our Song—" Friend of the Biave" the ono mixture, which is very easily Madam Stewart, credit as a country sunk so low. Our rulers1 administered Song— (Selected) in two drachm doses, Finale "Old England" .Garrison Band and oil, turpentine and milk, Turpentine the i grapple to with quiteincompetent seem andlimewater give a great deal situation, and the ship of State drifts helo- turpentine VIVAT REOINAI of trouble, but are effective if used fortlegsly along, h«!r crew squabbling and wrang- nightly. Now, Iclaim for my mixture.a Commence at sharp. ling among themselves, he being considered certain cure with ono done,if used according Admission : Jpmily Reserved Seats of| the smartest man who can say the hardest; to directions, and the price is a mere trifle, ' four, 103 ; Reserved, 3a ; Unreserved, 2s ; things of his opponent, not he who showsi 15s per gallon sufficient to dose 640 lambs. Back Seats and Gallery, lc To be obtained from all agenti of PeaPlanof Seats at W. Good's. 711I the most aptitude for navigation, or keeps cock's Sheep Dip. ; the sharpest look-out for breakers ahead. Agent for Poverty Bay, J. H. Stdbbs, It is of no use enquiring who or what Sole PharmaceuticalChemist, Gladstoneroad. party in particular is to blame ; we have all been ro blame. Itis every thinking man's duty SALE. now to face the position. FOR HALL. bar one. He has unbounded confidence in thePremier and tho Native Minister, THE CELEBRATED but he would relegate the Colonial TreaWATERBURY WATCHES. surer to the ether side of the Housein fact this model candidate, in whose the TT7E have Just received a Consignment aid the Native Minister is stumping * country, openly professes hostility to of the above that Minister's most able colleague, and in order to Minißtry CELEBRATED WATCHES, would break up the get Sir J. Yogel out of it. Purely every Which we will dispose of at the dictate of political honour should make Extraordinary Low Price every member of the Ministry indignantly Mr as discriminating support refuse such of Maguire offers them. As honourable 13s 6d EACH!! mast repudiate in the men they should political of earnest manner such an act Come and See themand judge for yourtreachery as Mr Maguire wishes them to commit, and evidently believes them selves! capable of." Every Boy and Girl should have one ! The New Zealand taxpayers have now a to Bystem resolved to subject the whole is process of rigid reform. That sure to ARTHUR PARNELL & CO. be the outcomo of the present election ; far and though'thepeople may not go" so TO BUILDERS. as to say with Mr Hoaro that a few or two walking-sticks and with policemen undersigned will receive Tenders on three .nen of bii3tnesa to look after the SATURDAY NEXT, the 20th inst., reZealand finances would do all New at noon, for building Store and Dwelling at quires, and do it better," they have yet \ Ormond for Mr P. Barrie. to made up theirminds that thethereforms Plans and Specifications to be seen on apeconomic plication to— be effected shall be made in QUIGLEY, ■pirit which i3thus expressed.— New -W. J. ! 29 ■■■".- Architect. Zealand Herald. The latestisland'news ia that at Malo KENWAY BROS.' BUSH. three seamen of the achconer Mary Anderderson, who had been captured by the wounded, their rpENDERS ACCEPTED :— islanders, were severely hands and feet tied together, and they Section A— McDermott, 18s 5d were conveyedto another is^nd aud sold b —H. Currie, 18s 5d as pigs. The unfortunate men were then c J.Kennedy, 19s despatched, and their bodies served up with all the horrible rites pertaining to Successful Tenderers will (please call and „ on BENNETT J^o'clock an PERMANENT LAND, greatost surprise. The chargeinvolves treachery, GISBORNE BUILDING, AND MUTUAL INexpess allegation of political which even indifferent persons hesitate to VESTMENT SOCIETY. believe. Itopens with a statement that "Facts have arisen which confirm the (}Qf\f\ will be Balloted for at 8 p.m. idea that a disgraceful intrigue is on foot JjOVJvJ on MONDAY.22nd inst. F. J. PIESSE, to sacrifice one member of the Ministry Secretary. (Sir J. Yogel), and make him the scape- 735 Every goat of the sins of the Cabinet. to the possible encouragement is given WATCHES ! The candidature of Mr Felix Maguire. Mr WATCHES!! Native Minister has gone to assist Maguire. What areMr Maguire s views / WATCHES!!! He is a devotedadmirer of the Ministry — Hall WINTER UOODS ifsSEaA r Have been intructed to Sell by Public Auction at the MasonicStables at 12 nooc1 on TUESDAY, the 16th August— Song— (Selected) "" Prices as usual. .which you at Macfarlane's HIS WORSHIP TH^ MAYOR WILL PRKSIDE. POLITICALTREACHY. Mr GRAHAM, PITT & TT .sION STEAM NEW SEASON'S UNDEU DISTRESS. WEDNESDAY, the 17th AUGUST, shall be glad tomeet Under the patronageof the Borough ConnQ- r\ENTLEMEN,— I cil, Friendly Societies, and Volunteers. On THURSDAY a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT iB tendered to iMiw Lauba Roberts and Miss Bella Perman by the Wellington Thursday Management. opened PITUHHiii V. HUKttKV. COAST ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS. Adjourned JUBILER CONCEPTT in aid of the above Fund will be heM oi>n THE^ A telegram dated EAST ROYAL. GARRISON BAND FUND. the At Auckland recently there haß been bankruptcy of a lawyer-not for the brat Fraser his seat. — Lovely Climes. There arelovely climes time-for some £900. At tho first meetwarmand places in whichthe evening zephyrs it the probably was ing the discussion bankruptcy loaded wi*hmalaria, and the p >isou of feve. est that ever took place in a and epidemics. To dwell there in health is meeting, and the Bellpublished itliterally dis- impossible, without a supply of Hop Bittera in three columns. Most shocking in- at hand. These Bittera impart an equalisclosures were made, showing almost strength to the system, aud prevent the showed ing credible conduct. The creditors accumulation of deadly spores of contagion. fight over to themselves so determined treated, suie and see that BeBollowaya the way thoy had been Pills.— Sndden transitions from the bankfor things looked very serious heat to cold, or from raw inclement weather found it was rupt! Among other things,settled on his to oppressiveolimates, favorthe development of manifold diseases, which may in most inthat on marriage he had had, but stances be checked and rendered abortive by wife not only all the property hecreditors, an eariy resort to shese purifying, regulating all he mi«ht acquire! The however, made the prospect of what ho and strengthening Pills. This well-known highly esteemed medicine affords would get so unpleasant, that, though at and a safe and easy remedy for a'most first it seemed a3 if they could ga every constitutional wrong which unhealthy nothing, they are now to have20s in the £. climates, rapid chauges, or dietetic} errors, Even with this, though, some creditors can engender, and effectually removes any want to take tho matter further. Besides weakness self-indulgent habits may have paying in full, the fees and costs will induced. In all conditions of the system amount to another £100, and then there bordering on disease such as indicated by the apathy, listlessness, and restlessness, Holis the terribleexposure. The wantisofsaid Pill will prove especially serviceable usual success in this case of filing about loway's in begetting the vivacity of mind and body to have deterred others who were that appreciated by both sound and sick. to tile front doing so. It is known bankrupts aome of the recent Auckland of filing, TO-NIGHT !! TO-NIGHT!! hadmade a very »ood thing out the when try to about were and others this —LAST NIGHT OF— failure referred tochecked them. In of excase there seems to be an instance FUN ON BRISTOL! be tremes meeting, for the wife is Bald to deprived who has lady, NEW SONGS !! a moat honorable NEW DANCES !I her NEW JOKES ! MIRTH & MUSJC ! herself almost of necessaries, though extravagreat LAUGHTER REIGNS SUPREME ! husband was resorting to showed gance. IrGisborne creditors only recently shown <8T This Company will perform at Ormond the courage and backbone by these Auckland creditors, some of the on MONDAY EVENING, 15th inst., for disgraceful and dishonest bankruptcies One Night Only. On TUESDAY the Company will appear that occur wouldbe prevented. at McFarlane's Hall. says -—The Post this evening has a maskedbattery against thePremier and has occasioned the Ballance, jftfhSj§|} THEATRE The above are all new steamers, built especially for the trade, andcommandedby men of great experience. The length of passage by the Company's steamers averagesunder forty days. Passage money.— Saloon, from 60 guineas upwards ; second cabin, 40 guineas steerage, from 18 guineas. TTALF-YEARLY OALE. REDUCED FARES. Return tickets available for nineor twelve months are now being issued at exceedi»gfe low rates. Intending passengers areadvirtv to book early so as to secure berths. — Drapery, Clothing,Millinery,Boots, &c For further particulars apply to : post THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AHD letters pa»sing through the TENDERS. MERCANTILE AGENCT CO. were opened. This calculation does not X). AT THE K. large include the correspondence of aalways are required forEarth Cutting npENDERS will be received at the office on Section 31, Kaiti. class of suspects whoseletters are QHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION JL of the Secretary until THURSDAY, opened as a matter of course. Tenders to be in by August 16th. ROAD, GISBORNE. GLADSTONE 1887, for the Lease of the 24th August, KJ COMPANY (Limited). J. H. STUBBS. Crownand native landsshould contribute The heaviest guns at Trafalgar were 32- 731 above Company's Premises with Plant in and Road County with otherlands to --pounders of sGcwt ;while in 1860 we had equally full working order. MONTHLY LINE OF FAST PASGRAZING. only arrivedat a b'B-pounder of 95cwt. Particulars may be obtained at the Secre- Board rates, and the natives, many of whom OverSENGER STEAMERS, heavily Trade, in and we are Depression finding to the Great novely. Illinois farmis an Tax. tary's Co.) A rattlesnake office (Berry, Danieland are wealthy, should pay Property BETWEEN Liberality, Immediately, Grazing, D.1.C., are the a or stocked in most the with have only crop Departments, which of their usual snakes, The JOHN TOWNLEY, ALL PORTS OF NEW ZEALAND ANft Paddocksfor Sheep, Apply,— 700 be to and of the should colony Stock; decidedupenholding Great Clearing; Sale oftthe Entire fieldof 40 acres, are sold showmen The land laws Chairmanof Director*. LONDON. R. J. REYNOLDS. to a Philadelphia firm which uses theiroil 722 593 simplified as much so as possible to promote Gisborne, July 28, 1887. * for a kumiga cure for rheumatism. settlement. A district Waste Lands Board JL^jT^r rfIHE White Star FOR SALE. Happiness is not a difficult crop to S.S. DORIC. urgently requiredhere, composed of pracIst COACH is and after CRAIL'S Aug. gather. The real difficulty is we are im—COMMENCING— will runas under : tical men who would make themselvesi OTTO SILENT GAS ENGINE, by Horse-power^ patient of the ordinary yield. We want a.m. thoroughly acquainted with the nature and Crosby Brothers (Limited). Leave Patutahi at — 8.15 \ h.p. W. H.JKidlet, Commander, to raise enoughin one season to laat a 9.45 Matawhero Bargan. Apply— positions A of the different blocks and put lifetime Will be despatched from Makaraka —10 Agency N.Z. Loan and Mbrcantile them up in such a way and with Buch condiIhave seen what military glory is— 719 LYTTELTON FOR LONDON DIRECT.. Company p.m. Leave 12.15 The (Ltd.) preGieborne would ensure settlement. o tions as a bullet through the heart — ; swarming for Makaraka and Matawhero. ON sent Waste Lands Board in Auckland know and loathesome maggots at best a proLET A seven-roomed House, BituSATURDAY, 20th AUGUST, 1887, Leave Matawhero at 2.15 p.m. wiN> daring this Sale, offer the Greatest Attractions to Purchasers3 about our land. The nothing cession, a hearse, white horses, plumes, a ated in Lowe street near the foot D.1.0. 2.30 Makaraka of Value for Money; TO BB FOLLOWBD BT volley,eternal farewell. bridge, leading to the sea beach. Apply to As to the cry of Freetrade and Protection, I of DRAPERY and CLOTHING in the shape Good for Gisborne. . really Ponsford, of who care Joh.-i Lowe time as posThe number women street. 736 in order to realise on the in as short a of space and Stock the tariff quite ample pro. 4.15 present p.m. Gisborne at consider of Leave the number » equal to vote is about to sible, will give the inhabitants of the Town and District at prices VITANTED TO LEASE A Paddock for Makataka, Matawhero, and Patutahi. tection for any industries now or likely to be Steamer. §-| 11 Commander. men who like to put the baby to sleep. which will make it to their advantage to lay in a Stock for for established in this colony successfully railways, Russia, on the northern In near Town of frotr 4 to 8 acres, well fenced, TO MY CUSTOMERS GENERALLY. many years. Iconsider that the Govern" months to come. the locomotives, hitherto burning wood acountry likethis.ahould ment's "r coal, are being adapted for peat burn- sheltered, and watered. Apply office of endeavors.in 5200 3500 J. Stuart Soft, 17 an opportunity is offered which rarely occurs, as the Arawa the Building of my new Store, ing, the saving being estimated at 50 per of fostering and protecting In the present instance the direction [ bein mostly Shipment, oarried on in the Iron This lonic 3000 Oct.IS GOODS, nearly being business will be all NEW Season's 4753 J. a. Cameron Stock 13 cent. everything to increase the output of raw\ his paper. 730 Store as usual. entirely in advantage laying so all the of Kidley turn out true that all that Customers have .4867 3000 H. Not.12 Coptic Oh ! if it should W. and food products, to'assist the agriculJ. WALLACE, the mothers of babies thathave died shall ■<■ Ormond. I 6200 3500 R. J.Barlow Dec. 10 By domesticated Young 653 grower, tho the fruit NEW GOODS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Tainul sheepfarmer, turist, one day find them and rock them on their Lady, situation as Companion or cheaply as produce posminer to as Jan 7 Jesningi and the Doric 47413000 J. W. yearning breasts again why, then, heart- or Lady Melp.— Addresß care Mrs Wilson, HISLOP & WELSMAN'S sible their various commodities, for which we break here wore but a little trial, after Willow Bank,London street,Dunedin. 730 *3"ln future passengers will be forwarded under such circumstances as those above3 all. NEW ZEALAND SHEEP DIP. know there is an unlimited market at aprofi" (§T The D.I.G. wish to observe thatTown Families, to port of embarkation Fbke. and Heads of Country, KNOWN That J. A alluded the Inhabitants of botli cheaply enoughproduced Woman's chiefesfcneed is a master not can be to they IS THE if only The undoisigned are empowered to gran HARDING has for Sale— Totara a petty despot, but a self-poised, consid- j We cannot attempt at the present Btage off Runholders, Country Storekeepers, and all Local Traders will find it to theii■ passages from London to New Zealand payBEST AND CHEAPEST sawn and split. Bay! Strainers, Posts and > who moves with confident crate leader GREAT BARGAINS which will ment tor whioh has been guaranteed, slands, Newcastle, and WhangareiCoalI SHEEP-DIPPING (SPECIFIC NOW IN«I the country's growth with any hope of suc- advantage to come and obtain some of the treadand whois always alive to prevent of I colony— large soale, orr be offered at this Great Sale at the D-I-C-5 commencing AUGUST 11th. factories ona cess to establish USE. collisions at life's crossings whether the JAMES GRAHAM, PITT t BENNErT, KNOWN T. H. of our \¥TANTED the of ou+side anything supply for bell rings or not. H. E. JOHNSTON, ;dissolves readily? TT thoroughly is effectual cere- and Co. are Selling Off theirStock andPlantb colonial wants. The differencebetween a marriage — Acents. in cold water ;is Ustingg perfectly A and mony and a divorce is very slight only in its effects ; possesses great cleansingg lam opposed to the present Ministers, as which lotters, the transposition of two Please 3 and will retire from Business. come power ; leaves no stain :and is of uniformn Iconsider they have altogether failed :they " " " GISBORNE-WAIROA ROAD. changes united to untied." streugth. havec and against itself, particulars are a house divided to Attentioi In of this extent it is enumerate impossible wicked be sold. a Stock growing The world maybe more and buy for Cash. Must ERBERT begs to inform the not the confidenceof the country. is directed to the following amongst the Bargains which will be submitted : every day, bat we have not yet heard of Travelling Public and others Agents:-T. H. JAMES & CO. XJL Sole 3j 9d) Velveteen, 2s 6d (reduced from such monstrous depravity as a girl wearIn conclusion, Gentlemen, you will havec 2000 yds Fancy Dress Goods from s^d per Blk that he has opeoedan ACCOMMODATION 33) LOAN & MERCANfrom (reduced Velveteen, NEW ZEALAND Cold Is 8d yd (about half price) ing a familyBible for her bustle. HOUSE at the WAERENGAA-KURT, that the political platforms of thec KNOWN— Comfortable TILE AGENCY CO. (Limitkd). _ noticed Colored Cashmere, la 7& (reduced Blk and Cold Brocaded Velvateeu, 3s (re1' 18 miles from Gisborne, where overy attea* A woman down in Howick boasts that Board and Lodging may be obtained candidates are very much alike. Itt All Wool three ss) duced from from 2s 6d) tion will be paid tc thecomfort of those wko she has wornone bonnet thirty-five years. at the Cafe de Paris Restaurant, Gladstone lies with you, therefore, to consider carefullyy Black Velveteens, Is 4^d (reduced from Is 500 yds Satius, light tints, 9i per yd (usua may favor him with a call. FOR SALE. This is the sort of news that husbands Road 5777 6d) the c Is price Hd) which of the three you believe to be Paddocking. Modejrate Charoes delightin showing their wives. Is lid (reduced from 2s lid) 400yds Satins, all shades, 2a 6d to 3j (usua,1 Good TO RENT— Small Housec C1ECTION 345, Gladstone Road, containQ* most sincere in his professions, the most ableie Blk Velveteens, The second greatestmine in Australia is to 6d) Cashmere, Wool Black la 9d 4s 64 6a (reduced price within five minutes of Post office;; JO ing 1 rood, with Large Two-storejJV and willing to carry these out conßoienti: All from 2» 9d) the Garden Gully United,Sandhurst, the HOUSE, now in the occupation o FC R SALE. Long Tunnel, Walhalla, bein« first. The good steady tenant. Apply Herald office. ously, the one most to be trusted, and to10 A Large Variety of Silk Plushes in Black and Colored at Half Usual Prices. Robert Watson, Esq votes, Garden Gully United has declared over (if}f\f\ TO LEND on Freehold Security your give him Au ICULTURAL LAND, FOR SALE OR LEASE, X £900,000 in dividends in about10 years. dbt)UU Apply to W. Sievwriqht. 8£ o at PATUTAH „Fenced and Improved. ifj have the honor to be, SECTION 6, Gladstone Road, containinj'" I He is rich who has a goodly store of Sections No. 20, containing 40 acres 1 1rood 13i perches, with Large Kight happy memories. Your obedient servant, rood ; 58, containing 44 acres POTATOES just to hand of th<ie roomed HOUSE, lately in the occupa — Irood ;60, following varieties— American Earljy containing 44 acres 1rond at present in oction of W. Brassey, Esq. ANDREW GRAHAM. )1 Malarial Fevkb. Malarial fevers, con- Rose, Bath Kidney, LapstoneKidney, Mag Ladies' Trimmed Huts and Bonnets, Underclothing, Wool Skirts.. Woe cupation of Philip Bond, at a fair rental. stipation, torpidity of the liver and kidney?, num Bonum, and Flukes.— D. M. Orbh Prices and terms on application to Clouds and Shawls, Ladies Ulsters and Jackets, Whit.; and Cretin Frilling*8) No. 62, containing 54 acres 1rood 24 perches, Gisborne, 55( August 4, 1887. occupation of James "Ferris, at a good general debility, nervousness and neuralgk Lowe street. L')AN & MERCAN«" Umbrellas, Girls' iind Ladies' Costumes, Flowers, Feathers, Corsets, Laces, Hii in NEW ZEALAND rental, an1 known as Prospect Farm." ailments yield readily to this great disease Prices given for Sheepskins, Hidesb» 189 TILE AGENCY CO. (Limited). bons, Insertions, GlovPb.Muslin and Linen Collars. Kclgin^s The above Sections together would make a conqueror, Hop Bitters. It repairs the I'allow, andodd lots of Wool.— D. M FIREWOOD! A Special Lineof Children's Costumes, sizes 2 to 6, in the newo-it Materials I, nice Property. Price :£15 per acre. 9!>2 ravages of the disease by converting the Orr, Lowe street. Section 78, containing 200 acre", in occufood into rich blood, and it gives new life FOR SALE. f at aboutHalfUsual Price. ; undersigned has for Rale Posts,9 pation of John Burgess, at a moderate rental. LANDING, Fowls' Wheat, Wheat t-" and vigor to the aged and infirm. See Ulsters, of Tweed 4s 14s 6d. price ; ■\fOW a line Ladies' lid usual Alao ah( meal, Oatmeal, Potatoes, andasplen Price : £8 10a per acre. Rails, Battens of best quality ; — n A FEW Tons of Unthreshed HAY, cut i WErXS HAIR BALSAM.— Ifgrey, restores to origi Xl did shipmentof plump, bright Oats. D. M?" j£\_ the flower and saved blight. DtIe- good Manuka or mixed Firewood, dtliverecid The above Properties will either be sold nalcolor. An elegantdressing, softens andbeautifies TENDERS WANTED — OWIInG ON AN — TO — — — WANTED — — —— — — — |^" THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th. i. i i j■i■ i ■1 "* .. ... .. .. . - PENDING — WANTED —— — FOR ONES IKCONTXI, — , — — C, ' — About j WANTED of Drapery & Clothing to be Slaughtered ! — JTJ . I " - WANTED — 1 — SEED SHOW — ROOM. SPLENDID BF.ST No oil or grease. A tonic restorative. Stops hoi Omlncr out; strengthens, cleansf.*, heals ftoalp. SKINNY MEN.— Wells' Health Renewer restore healthand vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, sexuti debility. At chemists' and druggists Kempthome Piower, andCo ,agent*, Auckland . " 16 Obr. RECEIVED, and for Sale, at lowes8t current price, Cargo of best Screene»d JUST NewcastleCoal. D. M. ORR. ' THE liveredin town, £3 5s per ton cash. Ordei;rB in town or suburbs. All orders left at Mi East's Town Store punctually attended to0< by Devery's coach attended to. (HAS. LAMBERT. Lake View, July29. 68190 565 W. HO WART H, Jnr., Whataupoko. .. The Great Sale commences on Thursday,9 August 11th, iv the Premises' of the D.1.0. — together or separately. Apply to 893 WALTER BLACK, Childersßotd, \ THE POVERTY BAY HERALD. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1887. A SINGULAR SHOOTING} CASE. ■ : I WINGATE, BURNS & CO. Grand Jubilee Prize ; A romanceir roal life, thp m n jy 3ockin< life nf thf niiift->ont!i c"t , has beei jwti.illy 'old in t!vo 0.-ur.'-a 1' -liesCourf Sydney. In Brisbano street, " urrey Hills of in an old fashioned Bp;vci> n atul rmn'o ling house fur many yea1 . " paa!". then has liveJ an old gentleman— Mr Gruyorj )* IVY Board— who has tho reputation of beius exceedingly wealthy, his property beiru estimated nt \rorth upwarcb of £400,000 For tho past six years ho has lived ; secluded life with his housekeeper, Mr: Jessie Sf.rinster, and has shut himsel out fr<>rn all companionship, hia uwi sons and daughters being denied admis Bion, r.avp on rare occasions, to th< Kespectfully notify to their Customers and the Public geaerally, paternal roof. OnSunday last according that they will give to tho story told in the Police Court, i J tragedy was enacted wrhin the sombn walls of Mr Board's houso His son, PRIZES AMOUNTING TO £100 AlfredG. Board, went to visit his fathei To the Successful (or nearest) Guesser of the number of Peas conand was refused admittance by th; housekeeper, whereupon ho climbed the J tamed in the Jar in the Grocery Window. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL IRONMONGERS, HUNDRED-f=£l()O *IWVj -POUNDS- TO BENNETT, GRAHAM, PITT, "and \ I I gate, as he had done before, an let himaelf into the courtyard. According tc his statement, when he got there, whilst talking to his father, the housekeeper, who seems to have ontertained no kindly : Ist Prize - - £15 3rd „ -. .- £5 feelings towards him, without provocation Hred throu shots at him from a revolver. They wereheardby two persons who livednear, ond the evidence wentto show that afterwards the youngman ran to the gate and procured the assistance of the police. A revolver, evidently a new one, — tain well-known townsmen and sealed with their seals. " —" 4. Under no circumstances will a duplicate Ticket be issued. Melbourne 5.— In the event o£ two or more — 7. JSTo Tickets will be issued or received after 24th Sept., when the Peas will be counted and the Tickets checked by a Committee, and as soon as possible the successful numbers published. B.— Every Pea in the bottle (broken or not) to count. {iSS*Purchasers in any Department entitled to participate, or add the purchases together. compound-' - t - Dandelion,— the oldan >, andvaluable, medicines in the world most ,and coutain all the best and most curat'b*-' ./e properties of all other remedies, .ing the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regalator, and Life and Health Restoring Ageat On earth. They give ne<.7 life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowls or urinary, organs, or who require an appetiser, tonic or mild btimulant, American Co.'a Hop Bittera are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating -without huoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailrr.ent is, use Hop bitters. Don't wait till you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. £500 willbe paid for a case they will not cure or . c it, best, help. OF DRAPERY AND CLOTHING, PEIOR TO STOCK-TAKING, | I j / X jpl will reverse the position and USE IT ONCE — You will praise ife t.. others a THOUSAND TIMES. Ihave spe^t hundreds of pounds in convincing the women of New Zealand that their hibor can be greatly lightened by using BURNS'S A 1 SOAP (tub World Renowned Cleanser- l) but Ihave falleu have failed to short of my ambition if I ■ I I CONVINCE YOU. I \ I Country Orders Promptly and Carefully executed. STOCK-TAKING SALE, AT THE CHEAP CASH DRAPERY STORE. "W. PETTIB In order to prepare for his first Stock-taking, will,until the end OF JULY, submit his entire Stock of General Drapery Clothing, and AT Fromhis already well-known low prices. xV\ NOTE THE PRICES OF THE FOLLOWING LINES which will be found amongst the many BARGAINSTO BE GIVEN AWAY, and remember the terms are FOB ...... ... CASH ONLY— Men's Twepd Suits Boy's Knicker Suits Youth's Overcoat's (Special D. S. ... ... „ ... ..... „ ... „„ ...... „ ... ...... ...... „ ...... „ I S. „ „ TEN THOUSAND WATCHES TO) SELECT FROM, Guaranteed the Best Timekeepersin the — World I rpEE IN ln TWF t nGm. BBS jar Mf «»<} VA 8 j!s » <<&ss&* \. 7-Tftrf:LS()]ijjp»-i M L*&'s£3^'X%>yj rtl *dustriai X Manufactured by STEWART DAWSON & CO., *^ The onlyManufacturers in theColoniestrading Direct with the Public. Sale3Lar< )er thanall the Retail Shops1 in New Zealandput together." Neln <>n '" » pro- C § SS^lJ^ %\ \ MI I* I TESTIMONIALS CHZ^W^^^^^mW 0 '' W^S"i^^% M&IlP II xx (Next A. PARNELL'S, Ironmonger) mention ; and at tin recent INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITION they wcro pro nouueed the FINEST EXHIBIT in the THAT CAN BE BOUGHT FOR CASH, whole Exhibition. (Sco Kir Julius von Haast'a letter to Fir Julius Yogel). And as And having over twenty years' experiencein the Trade, I DO NOT PIN MY this was in competition against the British FAITH TO ANY FIRM, ONE but Empire, itis something to be faitly proud of. Let all those who want Strong, HardCash ue;«rin#, 0oo<!-fitting Boots, buy a pair of And give the public the benefit by "ZEALANDIAS,"iktid they will never use any other. SELLING AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR CASH. Sold by Storekeepers and Boot and Shoe fIgFALL Gocwjs are Marked with Plain Figures. Dealers throughout Zealand,and maim factured for the trade by Space will not allow vie to give you a Price List, but please come and look at LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO,, the Good/jand judge for yourselves as to value and price. f Colonial and English Boots and Shoes h. , m -v, ..: " " PARAGON BOOT, pafeniwl tv INDKsTKUCTIBLE TOM ;;uid w« w .["■;:": it chiugK also li giilv rec ■...'<;■, "(jonick'o Patent Boot Back Jfrotectois. LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO. CHEAP WINTEE FUEL. of all the very Best of Makers, Christchurc'i. that the brand " Zkalandia " is stamped on the Sole. O.J.M. makes IJaw)'-sewnßooots and Shocstto Order. Bepairs of all kinds (Ladies', Gent/,' and Children) at (he lowes possible j)rice for good leather. vvovK.v-ansh'.p Guaranteed. Repairs executedon the Premises. *->> J. MQRELL, Practical Boot and Shoemaker, (NEXT A. PARNELL'S, IRONMONGER.) GAS COKE. Experience proves beyond a doubt that COKE is CHEAPER, CLEANER, and in every respect more ECO^S'OMICAL than any other Fuel. May be had in any quantity, from a Single Bag, at THE GAS COMPANY'S WORKS, GREY STREET. The Kidneys— Their Derangement and Cure. — ' AUCKLAND WELLINCTON,CHRISTCHURCH DUNEDINl AGENTS EVERYWHERE GISBORNE AGENT— Weakness and Debility. Incases of debility, languor,and nervousness generated by excess of anyhind, whethermental or physical, tho effects of those Pills aroin tha liig-hesvdegree bracing,renovating, and restorative. Thoy drive from tho system the morbid causes of uisQ;ißi;, re-establish the digestion, strongthen the nervous system, raiso tho pa. tient's spirits,and bring back tho frame to its pristine health and vigour. EPPS'S COCOA. i > NoorgaliIn thohumanbodyla so liablo to dfa. order as tho liyor. Remember whon nausea, fla. tulenoy,or acidity on tho stomach warnsus that digestion isnot proceeding properly, that Hollo. vray'B rills givu strengthto everyorpin,speedily removfl all causw of indigestion,inspissatedbilo, and sick headache, and eflbct a permanenteuro. — ""JlmC,1|\\ p R, ES O^HOUGh/ /£ M/i? R^^Ml \% ol old. _£V ALL Indigestion, Bilious Com- — ' °' "" "Mr withoutdisorder. Ing thoneural action of any organ. Ifthese PiUa boused according to the printed Hunting Levers, chron. balance, directions, and the Ointment rubbed over thg regionof tho kidneys for at least halfanhour at extrajewelied, worth £8 Bs. as salt is forcedInto meat, it will pene* £5 10s,— S. D. and Co.'s New Excelsior, bed-timo, to tho kidneysand correct sot derangement f-plate EnglishLevers. TheModel lrato therein. Watch, Avell worth £10 10s. £3 15s.— S. D. and Co.'s ladies' English Coughs and Colds. Silver Hunters, fully worth £7 7s. Thi« purifyingan;lregulatingmedicine,in con. Will last a life-time. junction with Holloway's Ointment, is tlio best £G 15s. S. D. and Co.'s Superb Hunting euro for hoarseness, soro throats, diptheria,pleu. risy, nndnathna ;and an infallible remedy for Chronographic Levers, worth £12 congestion, bronchitis, and inflammation, indeed, 10a ;or Chrystal Glut, ;115s. as a family medicine, thoy aro for sub. £Glos.— S D. and Co,'s Silver Keyless duingsuch ailmonts of youngiiivaluablo and old of both, Hunting Lever, value for LlO 10s ; 60XC8. open face, £5 10s. £1 15s.— The Wonderful Sterling SilverDe- Holloway's Pills are thebest remedy knotc-nin th* world for the following diseases : fiance Hunter, worth £3 10s open "gno Gout Secondary face, £1 7s 6d. Asrhraa Symptoms £6 10s.— S. D. and Cd.' Official Railway liilious Com. Headache indigeaiJoa Tlc'-Dolorirux English Levir unequalledat £10 plaints Liver Coin. Ulccr3 plaints 10s. llowel Com. Venereal Aflecplaints Lumbago tions 10s, and £25.— S cSI2 lOs, £15 10s, 118 Debility Piles Worms of all D. and Co.'s Superb 18-carat Gold Dropsy Uheiunatlsm kinds Fomalo Irregu. Scrofula, or Weakness, from English Levers and Half ChronoUnties meters, never equalled under 40 King's Evil whateves l-'oversall kinds Sore Throats cause,&c. per cent. more. and Co.'s Ladies' £6 lOsand£7 1Js.— S. D. 18-carat Gold Keyle9B Watches, The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor worth £10 10s. llui.unVAY's Establishment, 533, Oxflml.strret, nerfect gems, ; also bynearlyevery respectable Vendor London Lll and Ll4 10s.— S. D. and £8 lOs, 10 of Modicino throughouttho CivttisodWorld. Co.'sLadies'18-carat Gold English l rntrrl Full directions aro affixed to Piich J^r.t Ievers. Save at least 50 per cent, and Int..i'.rul mil bo had in anviri7>r;yiset. even "^"■-Tnildaq.Arabic. Armenia?!. Iv/r.-iiLu'. or by purchasing from the makers. I'hinosa £11 lOs, and £12 10s.— InSilver, worth£30 worth Gold, and £30.— 18-carat £60. £27 S. D. and Co.'s New Patent EngBreakfast. lish Double Chronographs, with ''By athorongh knowledge of the natural lawi independent start, stop, and fly- which govern the operations of digestion and nutback minute and second hands. rition, andby acareful application of the ftne proFor quality and accuracy never ;'perties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Bpps has provided breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bowr^* equalled at any price. Obtained ou>age whichmayisaveusmany heavy doctors' bills.-- Itia Prize Medal InventionsExhibition by the judicioususeof si^charticles of diet that a conlast year. Special pamphlet on <istitution may be gradually built up until strong this Watch post free for 2d stamp enoughtoresist every tendency to disease. Hundred* tfsubtle maladies had a fc|iL'cial training in theart." TIMARU HEXAIO \» tflV "This firm deserves the auppurchasers of To*, <3«. Por ffl B TffwJ^Jm^ \ *k and confer on every function healthvigour. They work a thorough purificatioa tliroughout tho wholo system, plaints, and Sick Headache. Liverpool,England, Have been proved to supersede all others. gazette. copied THESE CELEBRATED BOOTS "DEGSto thank his friends and public generally for the liberal support acHave bad extraordinary success at the -*— corded him thislast six months at theRed House, and hopes to convarious Exhibitions. In Sydney and Melbourne they obtained the Highest Colonial tinue in your favor at the above premises, where I shall keep a Awards; at Chmtchurch and Wellington A SPLENDID ASSORTED STOCK Exhibitions they obtained the only Gold Medals, and have been placed first at local OF THE VERY BEST Shows aid Exhibitions too numerous to * WATCHES £3 15s.— S. D. and Co.'s well-kn wu Eng Hah Silver Hunting Levers, the very best, worth £7 7s. *4:lss.— S. D. and Co.'s English Silver jwQfsP PRACTICAL BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, ENGLISH LEVER Impurities cf the Blood. Until those purifying Pillshavehada fftir triallot no ono be longer oppressed, with tho notion tnat his malady is Incurable. A few doses -will romovo all disordored actions, nuse tho torpid hvor, relieve the obstructed kidneys, cleanse Snpuroblood, ful KnownEverywhere Appreciated by all STEWART DAWSON & CO. jt\ I o 94, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. BUYDIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, iSr X NEWZEALAND WATCHEMPORIUMI EEMEMBER THE ADDRESS— IHJKy TO* tot friar* BIT* THE* A. 1h s / THE GREAT One of the features of the Cheap Cash Drapery Store is that no one is ever pressed to make Purchases. All are invited to examine and compare. Country Settlers who cannot conveniently come to town should send their Orders, when any parcel not giving complete satisfaction will be taken back and the money returned. * And reputation of this brand have arisen from thefact that only first-class materials arc used, aud none but good workmou are employed in thdr manufacture. o X W. PETTIE hereby directs the special attention of the Public to this SALE, commencing SATURDAY, 25th JUNE. Wy THE SPLENDID WEAR >/ fc° D. X To Commence on Thursday, Ang. 3rd. X\^X X% X from 5 6 pair ChildrenUlsters from 1 6 each 14 0 each Children's Cashmere Hoods 1 6 each 411 each Scarlet Flannels 6 yard 0 White Welsh Flannels 010 yard line) 12 6 each White Colonial Flannel 0 7 yard 010 yard White Twill Sheeting (72in) Men'sHard andSoft Felt 3 9 each Hats 111 each White Counterpanes 6 each MeD's Flannel Prawera 111 each Colored Counterpanes 2 White Lace Curtains 211 pair Men's and Boy's Linen Collars 4 Odozen White Blankets 9 0 pair 1 0 each White Blankets (full Bi'ze 0 pair Men's Cotton Shirt (collars) 15 lb 1 6 each Fingering Wool Men's Flax Shirt's 191 4 yard pair Black Caßhmeres Men's KaipoiKnickerHoso 16 Colored Cashmeres 1 Oyard Women's Ulstera and 0 6 yard Jackets 5 0 each Dark Dress Material Men's Tweed Trousers ffA S3, See g FENCING AND BARBED Wfßfc, STAPLES, &c. Now Landing— Our Season's Stock of WOOLPACKS, CORNSACKS, and SHEEP SHEAES. jl _J^sM To Arrive Shortly— A Large Stock of Paperhangings, Scrim, &c <||jjp | VARYING ROM Buy for I||| . ANNEALED AND OIL-ELJ I MT GREAT REDUCTION, * §! ; ( Next Union Bank) GLADSTONE ROAD. ZEALANDIA" Havebeen received from hundrreda of customers, certifying to the splendid wear of these Boots, and the Public are guaranteed against loss from bad workmanship A Boot with such a reputation naturally hada to other " goods beiDg offered, purporting to be Zeulawdias," but this is a registered Trade Bmnd, and every pair is stampedon the sole ''Zealandia," " aud every other Boot is not a genuiuo Zealandia," |, RANGES— SeIf-acting. Smith& "Wellwoo&'s Co:king Stoves. COLONIAL OVENS. BEUSHWAEE— AII kinds. , Tin and Japanned Ware. Builders' gße ;irements. O-. :Rz- MOORE'S. r.H when Bitters (ace coll for green twigof Hops on the white labelandDrSociiE'sbottle), the vendor hands out anyn nnincblown in the thingbut American Hop Bitters, refuao it and shuu you that veiidor as woulda viper ;aud if hehas taken ycur money for anything elseindict him for the fraud damagea for the swindlu, anw« will and sue him for pay you lilierallv for t,li« nnnvif.Mnn riIHEvSECelhratcd Boots have STOOD th X TEST FOR THIRTEEN YEARS; they have been sold throughout the Colony, and nre to-day MORE POPULAR THAN EVER ; in the busy city or in the quiet forest their fame is known to thousands. piW^ Tlie Cheap €asli Drapery Store. AT tlie SwindlersI Prosecute American Hop you " Comprising Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, by the best makers. Jm-J!^^^mk EEGISTEE FIKEIEONS. GEATES—Common, FENDEEB & Second Finish, and best Ground Fronts. | You may have heard of it a THOUSAND TIMES without using it ONCE. IE you *** — <J irom Hops, Mu.it, 1 ... the small tradesmen about the neighborhood 1 overy<*sehave been ruined through the carrying on of this hn-e general business. Anything from a needle to Buchu, Mancirafe*- \JSE Q^LY ]/ ... there i 8 a great fee]ing of jealo sgaiust toe establishment amongst , American Hop Bitters arp .. „ and Best Bitters ' Hie Purest , over Made. , m. I hey are — IWS^BIpS^^ but useful who fail to use it are still nioro simple, and hal as useful. not — behoved to be the work of incendiaries' as an anchor cau bo purchased there JBiXchange, invite inspection of their Stock of HAEDWARE now opened in their Warehouse (next Townley's Furniture Establishment). BURNS'S A-l \puhi--4 || SOAP.article. Those is a simple, — indicate, who employ Fa to buyers in two Departments may W i VYimeley as manager at £12,000 a year Be.ween 1900 and 2000 hands arof cml ployed,and £1,000,000 of capitalis iovJt"d im he buildings and stock. The fires a-e ","0^ use It 24, Fenehureh Street, London. at: tieing for any Prize they will divide, that is to saj, Supposing two tie for First Prize they willdivide First and Second, and the next nearest will take Third Prize, and so on. 6. Graham, Pitt, & Bennett reserve to themselves the sole right of decision in the event of a dispute. rafe in a steamer. - PRICED SOAPS. Piactice Thrift, and study true ECONOMY by using only BURNS'S A-l SOAP. The effort made to improve the homes of New Ze .:'<;■ nd must fail to secure their full effect unless they succeed in inducing every housekeeper to — "The Look-out Man in Fair Play of March 15, sneaking of the steamer Borderer, which lost her propeller when half way in the Atlantic, bound from Boston to London, saya : The ship met ■with no damage beyond the losa of her screw, although she labored considerably in the sea at times and shipped a goud deal of water. Ihear that the caVainhad to handle ihe palm and necdlo hiirself, as the sails occasionally burst. S tils are apt to do this with a vessel with 5000 tons of stuff in her, because the vessel is li';ely to be stubborn. But the curious part of the affair is that out of the whole crow there were only two men who could handle the palm and needle or do anything at sailmaking. This Isuspect threw a good deal of extra and unusual v.-ork on the captain, but 1suppose it is the state of affairs wiih most steamers'hands in the present day. The old race of seamen appear to be dyiro- out, and it may be said perhaps with truth that that form of seamanship which consists of making sails, splicing ropes, and getting ringing andspars on end is no longer thought an essential part of the business, any 8 to a Customs Street East, Auckland: on — naner. The premisesof Whiteley, the provider, of Woatbourne-ptovo, universal London have been burnt three times, and always between Saturday night and Sunday morning. The first Ore in 1880, and the second in 1884. occurred The business be- ■£3 4th, and sof- £1 each ■ 2. Every Purchaser to the value of ss. cash shall be entitled at the time of purchase to oue Ticket for every ss. worth bought. 3. The Purchaser on receiving his Ticket may cither place thenumber he guesses thereonat once and put it in the box, or put [it in any time before the 24th Sept. SEAMEX FALLING OFF. at £2 „ BULES. — 1. The Peas to be placed in the jar before cer- found in an oid wellin the yard, and there were marks in the wall behind where theprosecutor stood. No one witnessed the firing, as the father, who is a feeble old man, was, it i 3alleged, in tho gardnn at the time, from which place he could not see what wa3 voin'4 on. The de-! fence set up was that the shots were merely fired in theair to frighten tho son ;; that there was no intent to wound, and that the revolver was only loaded with blank cartridges. There are several side [ issues to this aftair which will perhaps be brought to light. As the maiter stands at present Mrs Jessie Stringer is committed to Li'roher trial — at the next Court wa3 of Quarter Ses3i<*us „ ; 6th - 2nd Prize TOU CAN'T AFFORD waste your nvney TRASHY, LOW are floatingaround us ready to attack whereverthere Ua weak point. We may escape Every Watch fully Guaranteed. <may a fatalshaft by keeping Steeling Silver Hall-marked Alberts 9s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d, aod 15s 6d, newest patterns, at nearly half usuiU prices. The Wealemefna, in Sterling Silver,12s 6d. By simplypassing it over a surface the exact distance in feet and inches is recorded on the Dial. .Also forms a splendid appenage for the Albert. GOLD ALBERTS, Ladies' and Gents', newest Styles, Wholesale Prices ; all illustrated in Pamphlet. Retail dealers are ania«»:d at our prices, popularity our system and at the of business has attained. In vain have they tried to emulate our success by the closestand most serviloimitations, but with the imitatlon the resemblance ends. Instructions for Orderi >t. Watcui.*. poverty bay herald. Prcocure a P.O. Order, payable to S. D. and Co Auckland, or eend cash in regi^teiedletter, with 2s «6d to the price of each watch to pay post and reyistration, and we will forward watch on a week a free unbounded ' ' ;with pure blood und ourselves well fortified a property nourished frame,"—* See articlei the CrviLSbr^icb Gazetti;. IMade simply with boiling water or milk. < igoldin J lib rackets by Grocers, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Homaspathic Chemiiti London.Eutriami GEORGE STUBBS X Land and Commission Agent, -, ITTAS REMOVED situatedOffices OPPOSITE THE BANK OF NEW ■ trial, by first return. ADDRESS— Dawson and Co., Stewart 94, Stbbkt, Qubbn Auckland. to those Centrally, ZEALAND, amd recently occupied by C. A. DeLautoitk, T. Priutcd and published by tho Proprietor, Air a* P Rams at Muiß, at his resristerd Printing;Offlca cGladstone Toad Gteborne New Zealand » Saturday, August 13, 1887. v