Managerial Overconfidence and Accounting Conservatism* Anwer S. Ahmed Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting Texas A & M University Scott Duellman Assistant Professor of Accounting St. Louis University March 2012 Abstract Overconfident managers overestimate IXWXUHUHWXUQVIURPWKHLUILUPV¶LQYHVWPHQWV7KXVZH predict that overconfident managers will tend to accelerate good news recognition, delay loss recognition, and generally use less conservative accounting. Furthermore, we test whether external monitoring helps to mitigate this effect. Using measures of both conditional and unconditional conservatism, we find robust evidence of a negative relation between CEO overconfidence and accounting conservatism. We further find that external monitoring does not appear to mitigate this effect. Our findings add to the growing literature on overconfidence and complements findings in Schrand and Zechman [2011] that overconfidence affects financial reporting behavior. * We gratefully acknowledge comments received from Philip Berger, Carol Ann Frost, Christo Karuna, Mary Lea McAnally, Mike Neel, Kaye Newberry, Ananth Seetharaman, Yan Sun, Senyo Tse, Ross Watts, an anonymous reviewer, and workshop participants at the University of Houston and the University of North Texas. M anagerial O verconfidence and A ccounting Conservatism 1. Introduction 2YHUFRQILGHQWRURSWLPLVWLFPDQDJHUVRYHUHVWLPDWHIXWXUHUHWXUQVIURPWKHLUILUP¶V investment projects (Heaton [2002], Malmendier and Tate [2005]).1 Previous research in finance documents that overconfidence affects corporate investment, financing, and dividend policies (e.g., Malmendier and Tate [2008], Cordeiro [2009], Deshmukh, Goel, and Howe [2010], Hirshleifer, Low, and Teoh [2010], Malmendier, Tate, and Yan [2011]). Recent work in accounting examines the impact of overconfidence on the likelihood of an AAER (Schrand and Zechman [2011]) and the likelihood of issuing a management forecast (Hribar and Yang [2011], Libby and Rennekamp [2012]). We extend this line of research by investigating the effects of managerial overconfidence on accounting conservatism. We find consistent and robust evidence of a significant negative effect of CEO overconfidence on both conditional and unconditional accounting conservatism. Investigating the effects of overconfidence on corporate policies, including accounting policies, is important because overconfidence can induce decisions that destroy firm value. For example, Roll [1986] argues that managerial hubris (or overconfidence) explains why firms engage in value-destroying mergers or acquisitions. Similarly, distortions in other investment, financing, or accounting policies can be costly (Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008], Ben-David, Graham, and Harvey [2010]). More specifically, conservatism is viewed as playing an important role in debt contracting as well as in governance (e.g., Ahmed et al. [2002], Watts [2003], Ball and Shivakumar [2005], Ahmed and Duellman [2007], LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008], 1 0DOPHQGLHUDQG7DWH>@XVHWKHWHUPµRYHUFRQILGHQFH¶WRUHIHUWRPDQDJHUVZKRRYHUHVWLPDWHIXWXUHUHWXUQV IURPWKHLUILUPV¶SURMHFWV+HDWRQ>@XVHVWKHWHUPµRSWLPLVP¶WRUHIHUWRPDQDJHUVZKRsystematically overestimate the probability of good firm performance and underestimate the probability of bad firm performance. Following most of the literature in finance and accounting, we use the term overconfidence and consider it equivalent to optimism. 1 Garcia Lara, Garcia Osama, and Penalva [2009]). To the extent that overconfidence reduces conservatism, it can adversely affect the efficacy of conservatism in debt contracting as well as in governance. We hypothesize that if overconfident managers overestimate future returns from their firmV¶SURMHFWVWKH\DUHOLNHO\WRdelay recognition of losses and use less conditionally conservative accounting. For example, poorly performing negative NPV projects may be erroneously perceived as positive NPV projects by overconfident managers leading to delayed loss recognition. Furthermore, overestimation of future returns from projects may also cause overconfident managers to use optimistic estimates in determining asset values (such as inventory, receivables, or long-lived assets) leading to lower levels of unconditional conservatism. Thus, our first set of hypotheses predict a negative relation between overconfidence and both conditional and unconditional conservatism respectively.2 In addition, we examine whether these effects vary with the strength of external monitoring based on the argument in Kahneman and Lovallo [1993] that overconfidence or optimism is best alleviated by introducing an outside view. Thus, external monitoring could mitigate the predicted negative relation between overconfidence and conservatism. Our tests are based on a sample of 14,641 firm-years over 1993-2009 from S&P 1500 firms that have the available data needed to carry out our tests. Our primary measure of overconfidence is based on the timing of CEO option exercise following Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008], Hirshleifer, Low, and Teoh [2010], and Campbell et al. [2011]. Intuitively, CEOs are under-diversified and should exercise their options and sell shares obtained from exercising options to minimize their exposure to idiosyncratic risk. However, an overconfident CEO 2 While we predict a negative relation between overconfidence and conservatism, we also note in section 2 that there are reasons why this relation could be positive. 2 believes that firm value will continue to increase and thus chooses to delay exercise and hold options that are deep in-the-money. We classify a CEO as being overconfident if the average intrinsic value of his/her exercisable unexercised options exceeds 67% of the average exercise SULFHDWOHDVWWZLFHRYHURXUVDPSOHSHULRG&(2VWKDWGRQ¶WPHHWWKLVFULWHULRQDUHFODVVLILHGDV not being overconfident. Our second measure of overconfidence is based on net purchases of the ILUP¶VVKDUHVE\WKH&(2 Intuitively, an overconfident CEO will tend to buy more of their ILUPV¶VWRFNV relative to other CEOs. In addition to these measures, we use two other measures related to overinvestment which is a potential consequence of overconfidence: (i) capital expenditures above the industry median, and (ii) excess asset growth. Intuitively, firms with overconfident managers will tend to overinvest in assets resulting in above-average capital expenditures and/or above-average growth in assets (relative to sales growth). We measure conditional conservatism using L%DVX¶V[1997] asymmetric timeliness measure, and (ii) firm-specific C-Scores following Khan and Watts [2009]. We measure unconditional conservatism using an accrual based measure (Ahmed et al. [2002]), and the difference between cash flow skewness and earnings skewness (Givoly and Hayn [2000]). We use a simple measure of external monitoring based on the percentage of outside directors on the board, outside director ownership, CEO/Chairman separation, and institutional ownership. Our findings can be summarized as follows. First, all four of our conservatism measures are negatively related to each of the four overconfidence measures respectively. Furthermore, except for the relation between net purchases and the Basu [1997] measure, the relations between conservatism measures and overconfidence are statistically significant at conventional levels. 3 The results survive a battery of robustness checks including the use of first differences, controls for firm-fixed effects, and use of alternative measures of overconfidence (over longer horizons). An alternative explanation for the negative relation between managerial overconfidence and conservatism is that overconfident managers self-select into firms with less conservative accounting. To rule out this alternative explanation, we examine the relation between changes in firm-specific measures of conservatism and changes in overconfidence following a change in CEO. If our findings are driven by self-selection, CEOs would self-select into firms with their preferred level of conservatism and there should be no change in conservatism after the new CEO takes over. However, we find evidence of a negative relation between changes in conservatism and changes in overconfidence resulting from CEO turnover albeit the significance levels drop because of a drastic reduction in sample size. Overall, we conclude that the evidence strongly supports the prediction that overconfidence and conservatism are negatively related. With respect to the potential mitigating effect of external monitoring, we do not find evidence that the relation between conservatism and overconfidence weakens for firms with higher external monitoring. A potential explanation for this result may be that overconfidence helps CEOs in their appointment to their positions and external monitors are less sensitive to the adverse effects of overconfidence on corporate policies (Goel and Thakor [2008]). We contribute to the literature by demonstrating that overconfidence significantly affects both conditional and unconditional conservatism. To our knowledge, prior work has not demonstrated the presence of these effects. In related work, Schrand and Zechman [2011] show that overconfidence affects the likelihood of an AAER. However, given the rarity of an AAER, we cannot infer whether overconfidence affects accounting policies more broadly based on their study. Our paper extends and complements their work. 4 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the discussion of the previous literature and develops the hypothesis. Section 3 presents the research design and data definitions. Section 4 presents the empirical results and Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development 2.1. MANAGERIAL OVERCONFIDENCE In the finance literature, an overconfident manager is viewed as a manager who systematically overestimates IXWXUHUHWXUQVIURPWKHILUP¶VSURMHFWVRUHTXLYDOHQWO\ systematically overestimates the likelihood and impact of favorable events on his/her ILUP¶VFDVK flows; and/or underestimates the likelihood and impact of negative (adverse) events on hLVILUP¶V cash flows (Heaton [2002], Malmendier and Tate [2005]). The notion of managerial overconfidence (or optimism) in this literature is based on a stylized fact in social psychology NQRZQDVWKHµEHWWHU-than-DYHUDJH¶HIIHFW:HLQVWHLQ>@6YHQVRQ [1981], Weinstein and Klein [1996]).3 Camerer and Lovallo [1999] experimentally document that this effect extends to economic decision making.4 One of the earliest uses of this concept in finance was by Roll [1986], who argued that managerial hubris (i.e. overconfidence) is one explanation for value-destroying mergers and for overpayment for target firms. Heaton [2002] analytically investigates the implications of RSWLPLVPRYHUFRQILGHQFHDQGVKRZVWKDWRSWLPLVWLFPDQDJHUVRYHUYDOXHWKHLUILUP¶VSUojects and equity as well as invest in negative NPV projects mistakenly perceiving them to be positive 3 Such biases have also been shown to affect executives or managers. For example, Kidd and Morgan [1969] document that production managers consistently overestimate their performance (relative to subsequent UHDOL]DWLRQV/DUZRRGDQG:KLWWDNHU>@GRFXPHQWWKDWH[HFXWLYHVRYHUHVWLPDWHWKHLUILUPV¶IXWXUHSHUIRUPDQFH and growth rates relative to their competitors. 4 See recent surveys by Baker, Ruback, and Wurgler [2007] and Skata [2008] for a thorough review of managerial overconfidence in psychology and behavioral corporate finance. 5 NPV investments. Malmendier and Tate [2005] introduce measures of overconfidence based on PDQDJHUV¶LQFUHDVLQJWKHLUH[SRVXUHWRWKHLUILUP¶VVWRFNSULFH through their stock option holdings and provide empirical evidence consistent with the notion that overconfidence leads to overinvestment. Malmendier and Tate [2008] find that overconfident managers engage in more acquisitions and value-destroying mergers FRQVLVWHQWZLWK5ROO¶V>@FRQMHFWXUH&RUGHLUR [2009] and Deshmukh, Goel, and Howe [2010] document that overconfident managers tend to pay less dividends than other managers. Malmendier, Tate, and Yan [2011] document evidence consistent with overconfidence leading to distortions in corporate financial policies. In summary, a growing literature documents that overconfidence results in distortions in corporate investment, financing, and dividend policies.5 Recent work in accounting examines the implications of overconfidence for managerial forecasts of earnings (Hilary and Hsu [2011], Hribar and Yang [2011], Libby and Rennekamp [2012]) and misreporting or fraud (Schrand and Zechman [2011]). Hilary and Hsu [2011] find that managers that have accurately predicted earnings in the previous quarters are less likely to accurately forecast future earnings. Thus, the managers that successfully forecasted previous earnings tend to attribute too much of their past success to superior ability and too little to exogenous events and begin to disregard public information such as analyst forecasts. Additionally, the market recognizes this overconfidence and reacts less strongly when earnings fall short of the forecasts issued by overconfident managers. Hribar and Yang [2011], using a sample of firms listed in the Fortune 500 from 2000-2007, find that overconfident managers are more likely to issue a management forecast. Furthermore, Hribar and Yang [2011] find these forecasts tend to be more optimistic and are more likely to issue point forecasts and/or forecasts 5 Researchers have also looked empirically at other implications of overconfidence such as CEO decisions to sell equity (Jin and Kothari [2008]), investment in innovation (Hirshleifer, Low, and Teoh [2010]) and CEO turnover (Campbell et al. [2011]). 6 with a narrower range. Additionally, Libby and Rennekamp [2012] explore two components of overconfidence, miscalibration and dispositional optimism, in an experiment and find both are related to confidence in improved performance and the likelihood of issuing a forecast. Schrand and Zechman [2011] find that managerial overconfidence is positively related to the likelihood of financial statement fraud and that higher internal/external monitoring through governance mechanisms does not mitigate this effect. We add to the literature by examining the effects of overconfidence on accounting choices more broadly. 2.2. THE EFFECT OF OVERCONFIDENCE ON ACCOUNTING CONSERVATISM Conservatism is viewed as requiring higher verification standards for recognizing good news than for recognizing bad news (Basu [1997], Watts [2003]). Managerial estimates play a critical role in applying conservative accounting. For example, managers have to estimate the net realizable value oILQYHQWRU\LQDSSO\LQJWKHµORZHURIFRVWRUPDUNHW¶UXOHIRULQYHQWRU\ valuation. Overconfident managers overestimate IXWXUHUHWXUQVIURPWKHLUILUPV¶SURMHFWV7KXV they are likely to overestimate the probability and magnitude of positive shocks to future cash flows from current projects and underestimate the probability and magnitude of negative or adverse shocks to cash flows. Overestimation of future returns or cash flows from current projects or assets has at least two implications for managers¶ accounting decisions. First, it implies that they are likely to be reluctant to recognize losses and likely to underestimate losses even when they choose to recognize them. Thus, overconfidence would lead to less conditionally conservative financial reporting. This suggests the following hypothesis: 7 H1a: There is a negative relation between overconfidence and conditional conservatism. A second implication for accounting choices is that overconfident managers will tend to over-value assets and undervalue liabilities. For example, an overconfident manager will tend to overestimate the probability of collection of accounts receivables and therefore understate the allowance for bad debts thereby overstating net receivables. Similarly, an overconfident manager will tend to overestimate salvage values or useful lives of long-lived assets, thus overstating asset values. Such overestimations will lead to more aggressive reporting of assets and lower unconditional conservatism.6 This suggests the following hypothesis: H1b: There is a negative relation between overconfidence and unconditional conservatism. While the above hypotheses are intuitive, it is possible for overconfidence to be positively related to conservatism. Gervais, Heaton, and Odean [2011] study the design of optimal contracts when the principal can distinguish between rational and overconfident agents. They show that in some cases both firms and managers benefit from overconfidence. Furthermore, they predict that the most overconfident managers will self-select into risky growth firms. If this argument holds, then a positive relation between conservatism and overconfidence could result because growth firms tend to have more conservative reporting. Another reason why we may not observe a negative relation between conservatism and overconfidence is if boards are able to identify overconfident managers and require them to use conservative reporting to 6 While we develop separate predictions for conditional and unconditional conservatism, we note that Watts [2003, S@DUJXHVWKDW³$QLPSRUWDQWFRQVHTXHQFHRIFRQVHUYDWLVP¶VDV\PPHWULFWUHDWPHQWRIJDLQVDQGORVVHVLVWKH SHUVLVWHQWXQGHUVWDWHPHQWRIQHWDVVHWYDOXHV´,QRWKHUZRUGVFRQGLWLRQDOFRQVHUYDWLVPshould lead to lower book values relative to market values and lower (more negative) accruals (i.e. lower unconditional conservatism). Further discussion for additional reasons why conditional and unconditional conservatism would be related can be found in Ryan [2006] and Roychowdhury and Watts [2007]. 8 offset the adverse effects of overconfidence on financial reporting (Ahmed and Duellman [2007], Garcia Lara, Garcia Osama, and Penalva [2009]). In light of these counter arguments, whether or not accounting conservatism is negatively related to overconfidence is an empirical question. 2.3. EXTERNAL MONITORING, CONSERVATISM, AND OVERCONFIDENCE Kahneman and Lovallo [1993] argue that managerial optimism (or overconfidence) is best alleviated by introducing an outside view. Similarly, Heaton [2002] argues that the most effective prescription for managerial optimism combines strong incentives with strong outside monitoring. Previous research in accounting has documented a relation between corporate governance and accounting conservatism (Ahmed and Duellman [2007], Garcia Lara, Garcia Osama, and Penalva [2009]). These studies suggest that strong boards can require more conservative reporting. Thus, firms with a strong board of directors may also effectively constrain the effects of managerial overconfidence. These arguments suggest that strong external monitoring can potentially mitigate the negative relation between overconfidence and conservatism predicted above and lead to the following hypothesis: H2: The relation between overconfidence and conservatism is weaker for firms with stronger external monitoring. Conversely, Goel and Thakor [2008] model the selection process of a CEO and find that overconfident managers are more likely to be promoted to the CEO position. Thus, the benefits of strong monitoring mechanisms may impact the level of accounting conservatism but not directly mitigate the effect of managerial overconfidence. In addition, Baker, Ruback, and Wurgler [2007] argue that monitoring mechanisms may be limited in constraining overconfident managers. Consistent with strong monitoring not mitigating the negative effects of managerial 9 overconfidence, Schrand and Zechman [2011] find that corporate governance structures of firms that misreport earnings are similar to corporate governance structures of control firms. Thus, whether strong external monitoring will mitigate the effects of managerial overconfidence is an open empirical question. 3. Research Design 3.1 MEASURES OF OVERCONFIDENCE 3.1.1. C E O Option and Purchase Based Measures of Overconfidence We use four measures of overconfidence in our main tests. The first two measures focus on &(2¶V option holding behavior and stock purchases whereas the other two measures focus on their investment decisions. The first measure of overconfidence is based on Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008] who use the timing of CEO option exercises to identify overconfidence. CEOs are typically under-diversified and therefore exposed to the idiosyncratic risk of their company¶V stock. To minimize their exposure to this risk the CEO should minimize the holdings of their stock, and following vesting, exercise options fairly quickly. However, overconfident CEOs are more likely to believe that their company will continue to outperform a hedged portfolio and thus postpone option exercise. Consistent with Hall and Murphy [2002] and Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008] we classify a CEO as being overconfident if the average option value (per share) of exercisable options held by the CEO is more than or equal to 67% of the average exercise price at least twice during the sample period.7 However, as we do not have the detailed private dataset of Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008] we estimate managerial overconfidence from Execucomp by following Hirshleifer, Low, 7 This corresponds to a risk aversion of three in a constant relative risk aversion utility specification with a percentage of wealth invested in the company of 66%. 10 and Teoh [2010] and Campbell et al. [2011].8 First, we divide the value of exercisable unexercised options by the number of exercisable unexercised options and subtract this value from the stock price at the fiscal year end to obtain the average exercise price per option. Second, we divide the value of exercisable unexercised options per option by the average exercise price per option to calculate the ratio of the options in-the-money. Third, we set Holder67, our measure of overconfidence, equal to one when the ratio of the options in-the-money exceeds 0.67 at least twice during the sample period, zero otherwise. Consistent with Malmendier and Tate [2005] and Campbell et al. [2011] a CEO is classified as overconfident in the first fiscal year he/she exhibits the overconfident behavior and continues to be classified as overconfident for the remainder of the sample.9 Our second measure of overconfidence is based on Malmendier and Tate [2005] who utilize the net purchases by the CEO to identify overconfident executives. As top executives often have restrictions on the sale of stock, and lack the ability to hedge against the risk by short selliQJWKHSXUFKDVHRIDGGLWLRQDOVKDUHVDQH[HFXWLYHPXVWEHFRQILGHQWDERXWKLVKHUILUP¶V future profitability and prospects to purchase additional shares. Thus, consistent with Campbell et al. [2011] we classify a CEO as overconfident using a dichotomous variable where Purchase is set equal to one LIWKH&(2¶VQHWSXUFKDVHVSXUFKDVHV-sales) are in the top quintile of the GLVWULEXWLRQRIQHWSXUFKDVHVE\DOO&(2¶VDQGWKRVHSXUFKDVHVLQFUHDVHWKHLURZQHUVKLSLQWKH firm by 10% during the fiscal year, otherwise zero.10 8 Additionally, Malmendier, Tate, and Yan [2011] utilize managerial overconfidence measures based on Execucomp and Thomson Financial option portfolios to validate their measures of overconfidence outside of the 1980-1994 time period of their previous work (Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008]). 9 Results are similar to those reported if we classify CEOs as overconfident starting with the second time they exhibit the overconfident behavior. Also, results are similar to those reported if we only require the CEO to exhibit the overconfident behavior once to become classified as overconfident as in Malmendier and Tate [2008] and Hirshleifer, Low, and Teoh [2010]. 10 In our Purchase measure we exclude purchases due to option exercises; although our results remain qualitatively similar to those reported if we include purchases due to option transactions. 11 3.1.2. Investment Measures of Overconfidence Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008] and Ben-David, Graham, and Harvey [2010] GHPRQVWUDWHWKDWILUPV¶LQYHVWPHQWGHFLVLRQVDUHUHODWHGWRPDQDJHULDORYHUFRQILGHQFH This suggests that these decisions may contain information regarding the level of overconfidence (Campbell et al. [2011]). Thus, we utilize two measures of overconfidence based on the investment decisions of the current CEO. These measures assume that the CEO is consistently overconfident in their decisions across multiple contexts (option exercising, investment policy, etc.) and we can therefore obtain measures of overconfidence based on these decisions. Our first investing based proxy for overconfidence ( CAPEX) is a dichotomous variable set equal to one if the capital expenditures deflated by lagged total assets in a given year is greater than the median level of capital expenditures to lagged total assets for the firm¶s FamaFrench industry in that year, otherwise zero. This proxy is based on the findings in Ben-David, Graham, and Harvey [2010] that firms with overconfident CEOs have larger capital expenditures; and the findings of Malmendier and Tate [2005] that overconfident managers tend to overinvest in capital projects. A similar measure of overconfidence is utilized by Campbell et al. [2011] who consider a CEO overconfident (low optimism) if the firm is in the top (bottom) quintile of industry adjusted investment rates for two consecutive years.11 Our second investing based proxy for overconfidence, following Schrand and Zechman [2011], is the amount of excess investment in assets from the residual of a regression of total asset growth on sales growth run by industry-year ( Over-Invest). We set Over-Invest equal to one if the residual from the excess investment regression is greater than zero, and equal to zero 11 Results are qualitatively similar if we define CAPEX as firms with industry adjusted capital expenditures in the top quintile, quartile, or tercile. 12 otherwise. Intuitively, if assets are growing at a faster rate than sales, this suggests that managers are over-investing in their company relative to their peers. 3.2 MEASURES OF ACCOUNTING CONSERVATISM 3.2.1. Measures of Conditional Conservatism We use two measures of conditional conservatism in our tests. Our first measure of conditional FRQVHUYDWLVPLV%DVX¶V>@DV\PPHWULFWLPHOLQHVVPHDVXUH12 We use the control variables in LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008] who find that firms with higher managerial ownership have lower asymmetric timeliness. To test our hypotheses we estimate the following regression: X t = ȕ0 + ȕ1 Dt + ȕ2 Owntí1 + ȕ3 MTBtí1 + ȕ4 Leveragetí1 + ȕ5 Sizetí1+ ȕ6 Litigationtí1 + ȕ7 OverCont-1 + ȕ8 Dt*Owntí1 + ȕ9 Dt*MTBtí1 + ȕ10 Dt*Leveragetí1 + ȕ11 Dt*Sizetí1+ ȕ12 Dt* Litigationtí1 + ȕ13 Dt*OverCont-1 + ȕ14 Rett + ȕ15 Rett *Owntí1 + ȕ16 Rett *MTBtí1 + ȕ17 Rett *Leveragetí1 + ȕ18 Rett *Sizetí1+ ȕ19 Rett * Litigationtí1 + ȕ20 Rett *OverCont-1+ ȕ21 Dt * Rett + ȕ22 Dt * Rett *Owntí1 + ȕ23 Dt * Rett *MTBtí1 + ȕ24 Dt * Rett *Leveragetí1 + ȕ25 Dt * Rett *Sizetí1+ ȕ26 Dt * Rett * Litigationtí1 + ȕ27 Dt * Rett *OverCont-1 + İ Where X is net income before extraordinary items deflated by the market value of equity at the beginning of the fiscal year; D is an indicator variable set equal to one if Ret is negative, zero otherwise, Ret is the annual buy and hold return beginning four months after the prior fiscal year end; Own is the decile rank of CEO ownership for the industry year; MTB is the decile rank of the market value of equity divided by the book value of equity for the industry year; Leverage is the decile rank of total debt divided by total assets for the industry-year; Size is the decile rank of 12 Recent research has questioned the measurement of accounting conservatism via asymmetric timeliness (e.g. Givoly, Hayn, and Nataranjan [2007], Dietrich, Muller, and Riedl [2007], and Patatoukas and Thomas [2011a]). Thus, we also utilize unconditional conservatism proxies to demonstrate the robustness of our results. 13 the market value of equity; Litigation is the probability of litigation for the firm-year estimated using the coefficients from the litigation risk model of Kim and Skinner [2011] in Table 7 model (2); and OverCon is one of the four managerial overconfidence measures defined in the previous section. We control for current CEO ownership (Own) because LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008] find that asymmetric timeliness of earnings decreases with managerial ownership. We control for beginning Market-to-book ( MTB) as Roychowdhury and Watts [2007] find that the asymmetric timeliness is related to the level of conservatism since the inception of the firm. We control for leverage (Leverage) as Ahmed et al. [2002] find that firms with greater bondholdershareholder conflicts have higher levels of conservatism. We control for firm size (Size) because Givoly, Hayn and Natarajan [2007] find that large firms have lower asymmetric timeliness than small firms. Finally, we control for litigation risk ( Litigation) as firms that face higher litigation risk may use more conservative accounting to mitigate these risks. Conversely, the lower levels of asymmetric timeliness of these firms may lead to increased litigation risk. Our second measure of conditional conservatism is the firm-specific asymmetric timeliness score developed by Khan and Watts [2009]. Khan and Watts [2009] utilize a firm specific estimation of the timeliness of good news (G-Score) and bad news (C-Score) and document evidence consistent with conservatism increasing in the C-score. The G-Score and CScore are estimated as follows: X ȕ1 ȕ2 D ȕ3 RET ȕ4 D RET + İ (2) G Score ȕ3 = µ 1 + µ 2 MV + µ 3 MTB + µ 4 /(9İ (3) C Score ȕ4 Ȝ1 Ȝ2 MV Ȝ3 MTB Ȝ4 /(9İ (4) 14 Where, MV is market value of equity; MTB is market-value of equity divided by the book value of equity; and LEV is WRWDOGHEWGLYLGHGE\WRWDODVVHWV5HSODFLQJȕ3 DQGȕ4 from equations (3) and (4) into regression equation (2) yields: X ȕ1 ȕ2 D + RET * (µ 1 + µ 2 MV + µ 3 MTB + µ 4 LEV) + D RET (Ȝ1 Ȝ2 MV Ȝ3 MTB + Ȝ4 LEV) į1 6L]Hį2 07%į3 /(9į4 D*Size į5 '/(9į6 D*Lev) + İ (5) We estimate equation (5) using annual cross-sectional regressions. All variables are as previously defined. The estimates from equation 5 are applied to equation 4 to obtain the firmspecific level of conservatism. 3.2.2. Measures of Unconditional Conservatism We use two measures of unconditional conservatism in our tests. Our first measure, Con- AC C , is based on the persistence use of negative accruals following Givoly and Hayn [2000] and Ahmed et al. [2002]. We define Con-AC C as income before extra-ordinary items less cash flows from operations plus depreciation expense deflated by average total assets, and averaged over the previous three years, multiplied by negative one. Positive values of Con-AC C indicate greater unconditional conservatism. Our second unconditional conservatism measure, Skewness, is the difference between cash flow skewness and earnings skewness developed by Givoly and Hayn [2000]. The skewness of earnings (cash flows) is equal to (x-µ)3 ı3 ZKHUHDQGıDUHWKHPHDQDQGVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQ of the earnings (cash flows) over the last five years. All variables are deflated by total assets. This measure has been used by Beatty, Weber, and Yu [2008] in documenting the role of conservatism in contract modifications and by Zhang [2008] in demonstrating the ex post and ex ante benefits of conservatism to lenders and borrowers. The difference between cash flow 15 skewness and earnings skewness captures conservatism as a conservative reporting system will fully recognize unfavorable events in earnings while favorable events will be recognized in a gradual manner resulting in the negative skewness of earnings. 3.2.3. Specification for Tests with F irm-Specific Conservatism Measures To test H1a and H1b, we use the firm-specific measures of conservatism in the following regression: Con t = ȕ0 + ȕ1 OverCont-1 + ȕ2 Firm Sizet + ȕ3 Sales Growtht + ȕ4 R&D_ADt + ȕ5 CFOt + ȕ6 Leveraget + ȕ7 Litigationt + ȕInd Industry + ȕYear Year + İ (6) Where, Con is one of the three firm-specific measures of accounting conservatism outlined above; Overcon is one of the four firm-specific overconfidence measures outlined in Section 3.1; F irm Size is the natural log of average total assets; Sales Growth is the percentage of annual growth in total sales; R&D_AD is total research and development expense plus advertising expense deflated by total sales; C F O is cash flows from operations deflated by average total assets; Leverage is total liabilities divided by total assets; Litigation is the probability of litigation for the firm-year estimated using the coefficients from the litigation risk model of Kim and Skinner [2011] in Table 7 model (2); Additionally, we include indicator variables for the firms Fama-French industry as well as the firm year. These control variables are consistent with those utilized in Ahmed and Duellman [2007] and are also defined in Table 1. We control for large firms as Watts and Zimmerman [1986] argue that firms face higher political costs that may induce them to use more conservative accounting. However, as information asymmetry is smaller for large firms due to the amount of public information there could be a lower demand for conservative accounting (LaFond and Watts [2008]). We control 16 for sales growth as the demand for accounting conservatism may affect measures of conservatism such as Con-AC C and Skewness due to the increase in accruals in accounts such as inventory and accounts receivable (Ahmed and Duellman [2007]). We control for the level of research and development (R&D _AD ) as this is GAAP mandated conservatism and could affect measures of conservatism utilizing accruals. We control for cash flows from operations to control for firm profitability. Firms with greater profitability may use more conservative DFFRXQWLQJWRFUHDWH³FRRNLHMDU´UHVHUYHVDQGPDQDJHUVRISURILWDEOHILUPVDUHOHVVOLNHO\WREH terminated for missing an earnings target. To control for the bondholder-shareholder conflict we include firm leverage (Leverage). We also control for the litigation risk ( Litigation Risk) as the expected cost of litigation is higher for firms that overstate their asset base and conservative accounting could reduce these agency costs (Watts [2003]). 4. Sample Selection and Results We utilize a sample of S&P 1,500 firms with available information in Compustat and Execucomp from 1993-2009 (25,500 firm-years). As our main tests require that we have option holding data available for the CEO we drop firms that do not have information on the number of options held by the CEO (1,228 firm-years). We also remove financial services and insurance firms (SIC 6000-7000) from the sample as these firms have relatively unique financial structures and are subject to regulatory constraints that may affect their reporting (3,469 firm-years). We lose an additional 3,796 firm-years due to missing data in Compustat, an additional 1,448 firmyears are removed due to CEO turnover during the year, and 918 firm-years due to missing data in CRSP leaving a final sample of 14,641 firm-years. Furthermore, in our tests utilizing Purchase we require the firm to have information on the trading activities of the CEO available 17 from Thomson Reuters. The inclusion of purchase and sales information of the CEO causes us to lose an additional 2,525 firm-years leaving a final sample of 12,116 in our sample when Purchase is the measure of managerial overconfidence. We present the descriptive statistics of our sample in Table 2, Panel A. Using the measure of overconfidence based on option holding, Holder67, we find that 35.1% of our firmyears have an overconfident CEO. This finding is consistent with Campbell et al. [2011], who use a similar measure of overconfidence constructed using Execucomp data from 1992-2005, find that 34.1% of firm-years can be classified as having an overconfident CEO. For the stock purchase based measure of overconfidence, Purchase, 26.1% of the firm-years have an overconfident CEO. This finding is slightly below the 34.6% reported in Campbell et al. [2011]. Using our investing measures of overconfidence we find that 43.1% of our sample firms overinvest in assets relative to sales growth ( Over-Invest) and 56.5% of firms have capital expenditures greater than the median firm in the industry.13 The firm-specific measure of conditional conservatism, C-Score, is 0.060 (0.063) and consistent with previous research. The accrual based measure of unconditional conservatism, Con-AC C , has a mean (median) value of 0.008 (0.006) and is consistent with the values reported in Ahmed et al. [2002] and Ahmed and Duellman [2007]. The mean (median) value of the skewness based measure of conservatism is 0.224 (0.004).14 The mean and median values of our control variables are generally consistent with previous research (Ahmed and Duellman [2007], LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008]. 13 We measure overconfidence using all firms with the relevant available data in Compustat, Execucomp, and Thomson Financial to effectively capture if the manager is overconfident. 14 The values of Skewness in our study are slightly lower than those reported in Beatty, Weber, and Yu [2008] as we use annual data rather than quarterly data. 18 In Table 2 Panel B we present the means and medians of our sample after partitioning on each dichotomous overconfidence proxy ( Holder67, Purchase, CAPEX, and Over-Invest). Consistent with H1a and H1b, the mean value for conservatism is significantly lower for the high overconfidence group, using all four measures of managerial overconfidence, in comparison to the low overconfidence group. Furthermore, the median level of overconfidence is significantly lower for the high overconfidence group using Holder67 as the measure of managerial overconfidence. The difference in means and medians also demonstrate how Holder67 and Purchase tend to capture firms with high equity returns as well as firms with large sales growth. Table 3 presents the correlations between our overconfidence measures, firm-specific conservatism measures, and control variables. The stock option based measure of overconfidence ( Holder67) is positively correlated with Purchase (0.08) as well the investing measures of overconfidence of CAPEX (0.12) and Over-Invest (0.13). Additionally, CAPEX has a Pearson/Spearman correlation with Over-Invest of 0.16. The correlation between Purchase and the two investing based measures of overconfidence are positive and significant at the 5% level but small in magnitude. Con-AC C is positively correlated with Skewness but is uncorrelated with C-Score. The lack of correlation between Con-AC C and C-Score may be due to C-Score capturing conditional conservatism while Con-AC C is a measure of unconditional conservatism. Consistent with H1, all three firm-specific measures of conservatism are negatively correlated with all four measures of managerial overconfidence at the 1% level of significance.15 However, these univariate results should be interpreted with caution as they do not reflect how the variables jointly impact accounting conservatism. 15 Our results are not sensitive to using either continuous measures of overconfidence or their decile ranks as independent variables instead of the dichotomous measures throughout our main tests. 19 4.1. ASYMMETRIC TIMELINESS OF EARNINGS Table 4 presents the estimation of equation (1). All p-values are based on two-tailed significance tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. In column (i) we present the results from Table 2 of LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008] for comparative purposes.16 In columns (ii) thru (v) we report the effects of managerial overconfidence on asymmetric timeliness of earnings. The coefficient on Ret is positive and significant (p-value <0.001) and the coefficient on D*Ret is positive and significant (p-value <0.001) across all columns indicating that bad news is reflected in earnings on a timelier basis. We expect overconfident managers to accelerate good news recognition and delay loss recognition. The coefficient on the interaction term Ret*Overcon captures the effect of overconfidence on timeliness of good news recognition. Except for the Purchase measure of overconfidence, the coefficient is positive and significant at conventional levels consistent with our expectations. Similarly, except for the Purchase measure of overconfidence, the incremental coefficient on bad news timeliness in columns (ii) to (v) is negative and significant consistent with our expectations. However, this coefficient by itself does not indicate whether loss recognition is less timely for firms with overconfident managers relative to other firms. Thus, in untabulated tests we perform a joint test of the sum of the coefficients of D*Ret*Overcon and Ret*Overcon and find that this sum is significantly negative (p-value <0.001) for CAPEX and Over-Invest but not significantly less than zero for Holder67 and Purchase. In summation, consistent with H1a, we find evidence consistent with RYHUFRQILGHQW&(2¶VLEHLQJPRUHOLNHO\WRDFFHOHUDWHJRRGQHZVLQWRHDUQLQJVXVLQJWKUHHRI our four overconfidence proxies, and (ii) being more likely to delay loss recognition using two of our four overconfidence proxies. 16 The p-values reported in Table 4 in column (i) are estimated based on the reported t-statistics of Model 1, Table 2 of LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008, p.117]. 20 Consistent with LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008] all control variables, except for litigation risk, are measured in decile ranks. The coefficient on D*Ret*Own is negative and significant (p-value <0.001) across columns (ii-v) consistent with the findings of LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008] that firms with greater executive ownership have less conservative accounting. Controlling for the ownership of the CEO demonstrates that our results for the Holder67 PHDVXUHRIRYHUFRQILGHQFHDUHQRWDWWULEXWDEOHWR&(2V¶VWRFNKROGLQJV, which may explain why the CEO has a significant amount of vested unexercised in-the-money options. However, we do not find a significant relation between the market-to-book decile (MTB) and asymmetric timeliness similar to Roychowdhury and Watts [2007]. This finding is likely due to (i) the drastic changes in the market that take place during our sample period as the Roychowdhury and Watts [2007] sample ends in fiscal year 2000 and avoids the market turmoil of 2002, and (ii) the use of additional control variables. Furthermore, in untabulated results when we use the three-year backwards cumulation technique of Roychowdhury and Watts (2007) we do find a positive and significant coefficient on D*RET*MTB. The coefficients on D*Ret*Overcon in these alternative specifications remain qualitatively similar to those reported in Table 4. We find a positive and significant (p-value <0.001) coefficient on D*Ret*Leverage in columns (ii) through (v) indicating that firms with greater outstanding debt tend to use more conservative accounting. The coefficient on D*Ret*Size is negative and significant (p-value <0.001) consistent with larger firms having less conservative accounting. Increased litigation risk is positively related to the asymmetric timeliness of earnings as the coefficient on D*Ret*Litigation is positive and significant. Overall, the signs and significance of the control variables are consistent with those reported in LaFond and Roychowdhury [2008]. 21 We also estimate equation (1) including firm, industry, and year fixed effects as suggested by Ball, Kothari, and Nikolaev [2011] to control for information that is incorporated in lagged earnings.17 In the fixed effects models, we find results qualitatively similar to those reported in Table 4. Additionally, we continue to find support for our hypothesis when we utilize Fama-MacBeth regressions as an alternative estimation technique. 4.2. FIRM-SPECIFIC MEASURES OF CONSERVATISM Table 5 presents the estimation of equation (6), using the Khan and Watts [2009] CScores as the dependent variable, which tests for the relation between managerial overconfidence and the firm-specific measures of conditional conservatism. All p-values are based on two-tailed significance tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. Consistent with H1a, we find a negative and significant (p-value <0.001) coefficient on all four measures of managerial overconfidence. The coefficients on the control variables are fairly consistent across columns (i) thru (iv). The coefficient on F irm Size is negative and significant (p-value <0.001) consistent with larger firms using less conditionally conservative accounting as found in LaFond and Watts [2008]. Consistent with the findings of Ahmed and Duellman [2007], where growing firms use less conservative accounting, Sales Growth is negatively related (p-value <0.001) to the C-Score. The coefficient on R&D AD is negative and significant (p-value <0.001). We find a negative and significant (p-value <0.001) relation between cash flows from operation ( C F O ) and conditional conservatism measured by the C-Score. Consistent with the findings in Ahmed et al. [2002], we 17 Patatoukas and Thomas [2011b] argue that the revised Basu [1997] measures suggested by Ball, Kothari, and Robin [2011] are not reliable and should be interpreted with caution. However, we provide evidence consistent with a negative relation between managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism using both measures of asymmetric timeliness and unconditional conservatism. Thus, our findings are unlikely an artifact of the properties of the Basu [1997] regression. 22 find a positive and significant coefficient on Leverage as firms with greater bondholdershareholder conflict demand greater accounting conservatism. Finally, we find no relation between litigation risk (Litigation) and conditional conservatism measured by the C-Score. We continue to find results qualitatively similar to those reported using Fama-MacBeth regressions. Table 6 presents the estimation of equation (6) using the accrual-based measures of unconditional conservatism as the dependent variable. Consistent with H1b, we find a negative and significant (p-value <0.001) coefficient on both the option and purchases based measures of overconfidence ( Holder67 and Purchase) as well as the investment measures of overconfidence ( CAPEX and Over-Invest ) respectively. Despite utilizing an unconditional measure of accounting conservatism the control variable coefficients are fairly consistent with those reported in Table 5. However, in Table 6 the coefficient on R&D AD is positive and significant (p-value <0.001) consistent with firms with greater uncertainty about future cash flows via their investment in future technologies (mandated by GAAP) using more unconditionally conservative accounting; and we find a positive and significant (p-value <0.001) relation between cash flows from operation ( C F O ) and accrualbased conservatism. Overall, the findings on the control variables are similar to the findings reported by Ahmed and Duellman [2007] in their tests utilizing Con-AC C . Table 7 presents the regression of the difference between cash flow and earnings skewness (Skewness) on managerial overconfidence and control variables. We continue to find support for H1b using all four measures of overconfidence as the coefficient on overconfidence is negative and significant (p-value <0.001) in columns (i)-(iv). The control variables are consistent with those reported in Table 6 where F irm Size and Sales Growth are negatively related to accounting conservatism; and R&D AD , C F O , and Leverage are positively related to 23 accounting conservatism. Furthermore, the sign on Litigation is positive and significant consistent with firms facing higher litigation risk utilizing more conservative accounting. The consistency between the control variables in Table 6 and Table 7 indicate our measures of unconditional conservatism are capturing a common component. Results remain qualitatively similar when we use Fama-MacBeth regressions. Overall, the negative relation between managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism is consistent across multiple measures of overconfidence as well as alternative estimation methods such as Fama-MacBeth regressions. 4.3. MODERATING EFFECTS OF STRONG EXTERNAL MONITORING To investigate the effects of external monitoring on the relation between conservatism and overconfidence we utilize data from The &RUSRUDWH/LEUDU\¶VGLUHFWRULQIRUPDWLRQGDWDVHW from 2001-2009 and obtain institutional shareholding data from Thomson Reuters. The year based data limitations cause a loss of (5,078 firm-years), the lack of available corporate governance data causes a loss of an additional 1,386 firm-years, and the lack of available institutional shareholdings an additional 949 firm-years, leaving a final sample of 7,228 firmyears. We utilize four common monitoring attributes (percentage of inside directors, ownership of outside directors, institutional ownership, and CEO/Chair duality) in our tests of the moderating effects of external monitoring on managerial overconfidence.18 The proxies used for external monitoring are blanket proxies that do not effectively capture the complex nature of the overall governance and oversight structure of the firm. However, these crude proxies may still 18 These proxies were selected given their prevalence in the accounting and finance literature. Furthermore, two of the four proxies (percentage of inside directors and the ownership of outside directors) were directly related to accounting conservatism in Ahmed and Duellman [2007]. 24 provide evidence on the ability of strong external monitoring to mitigate the effects of managerial overconfidence. As different mechanisms may act as substitutes we focus on firms that have higher levels of external monitoring across multiple dimensions. Thus, we classify firms as ³VWURQJ´external monitoring firms if the firm meets three of the following four criteria: (i) a lower percentage of inside directors than the median firm in the sample, (ii) a higher percentage of outside director ownership than the median firm in the sample, (iii) a higher percentage of institutional ownership than the median firm in the sample, and (iv) the CEO is not also serving as Chairman of the Board.19 Of our 7,228 firm-years (2,041) firm-years are classified as strong monitoring firms. We then modify equation (6) as follows: Con t = ȕ0 + ȕ1 OverCont-1 + ȕ2 Strong Monitoringt + ȕ3 Strong Monitoringt * Overcont-1 + ȕ4 Firm Sizet + ȕ5 Sales Growtht + ȕ6 R&D_ADt + ȕ7 CFOt + ȕ8 Leveraget + ȕ9 Litigationt + ȕInd Industry + ȕYear Year + İ (7) Where, Strong Monitoring is a dummy variable set equal to one if the firm has strong external monitoring (as defined above), and zero otherwise. All other variables remain as previously defined. If strong external monitoring forces overconfident managers to utilize more conservatLYHDFFRXQWLQJZHZRXOGH[SHFWWKHFRHIILFLHQWRQȕ3 to be significantly positive. In untabulated univariate tests we find that the average percentage of inside directors on the board of directors is 19.3%, the average total ownership of outside directors is 0.7%, the average amount of shares held by institutional investors is 67.6%, and 58.8% of our sample have the same person operating as both CEO and Chairman of the Board. Furthermore, when we test for differences between firms with high managerial overconfidence (2,488 firm-years) to firms 19 Results are qualitatively similar to those reported if we require Strong Monitoring firms to meet all four of the criteria. 25 with low managerial overconfidence (4,740 firm-years), as defined by Holder67, we find that &(2¶V with higher overconfidence have boards with a larger percentage of inside directors (20.2% to 19.1%), similar levels of outside director ownership (0.07% to 0.07%), lower institutional ownership (58.9% to 71.6%), and greater CEO duality (59.8% to 58.4%).20 We present the results of our estimation of equation (7) in Table 8. Consistent with our findings in Tables 5 through 7, we continue to find a strong negative relation between all four managerial overconfidence measures and accounting conservatism across the three firm-specific conservatism measures. Additionally, consistent with Ahmed and Duellman [2007] and Garcia Lara, Garcia Osama, and Penalva [2009] we find a positive relation between strong external monitoring and our measures of accounting conservatism. Furthermore, we do not find any consistent evidence of a moderating effect of strong external monitoring as Strong Monitoring * Overcon is insignificant at conventional levels in ten of the twelve columns of Table 8 Panel A and B. Similar to the findings reported in Table 8, in untabulated testing we do not find that strong external monitoring mitigates the relation between asymmetric timeliness and managerial overconfidence. Because our measures of external monitoring are somewhat ad-hoc, we perform additional tests using different specifications for strong external monitoring such as separating the sample into weak and strong monitoring based on each individual monitoring measure (percentage of inside directors, outside director ownership, institutional ownership, and CEO duality). The results of these tests (not tabulated) are similar to those reported in Table 8; however, the coefficient on Strong Monitoring is insignificant when we define strong monitoring as firms with the different people acting as CEO and Chairman of the Board or as firms with 20 The differences between the percentage of inside directors, institutional ownership are significant at the 1% level of significance; while the difference in CEO duality and outside director ownership are insignificant. 26 high institutional ownership. Overall, it does not appear that external monitoring mitigates the negative relation between managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism. These findings are consistent with Schrand and Zechman [2011] who find that the corporate governance structures of firms that misreport earnings are very similar to governance structures of their control firms. 4.4. ENDOGENEITY AND SELF SELECTION While our results discussed above show evidence of a significant negative effect of managerial overconfidence on both conditional and unconditional conservatism, it is possible that these results are driven by self-selection or endogeneity. Thus, we perform a number of additional tests to investigate this possibility. First, the negative relation between overconfidence and conservatism could result from overconfident managers self-selecting into firms with less conservative accounting. To rule out this alternative explanation, we examine the relation between changes in firm-specific measures of conservatism and changes in overconfidence following a change in CEO. If our findings are driven by self-selection, CEOs would self-select into firms with their preferred level of conservatism and there would be no change in conservatism after the new CEO takes over. In our sample period we have 1,448 CEO changes. However, we require that the incoming CEO remains in office for a minimum of 3 years (loss of 632 CEO changes) and the outgoing CEO to have been in office for a minimum of 4 years (loss of 476 CEO changes). We require these minimum tenure requirements so that the incoming/outgoing CEOs have sufficient time to impact their UHVSHFWLYHILUPV¶accounting and investment policies. These requirements leave us with a sample of 340 CEO changes. We then take the values of accounting 27 conservatism, managerial overconfidence, and the control variables measured three years after the CEO change and subtract the values of the corresponding variable two-years prior to the CEO change. This specification provides direct evidence on whether a change in managerial overconfidence leads to changes in accounting conservatism. For these 340 CEO changes, we do not find evidence consistent with CEOs self-selecting into firms with their desired level of conservatism. For example, using the Holder67 measure of managerial overconfidence, a firm where the previous CEO was classified as overconfident (non-overconfident) brought in a non-overconfident (overconfident) manager 66.4% (30.0%) of the time; which is consistent with the rate of non-overconfident (non-overconfident) CEOs for the entire sample as shown in Table 2.21 Furthermore, following a CEO change, the mean and median differences in the firm specific measures of conservatism ( C-Score, Con-AC C , and Skewness) are not statistically different from zero. Table 9 provides the results of our changes specification of equation (6) using the CEO turnover sub-sample. Despite the small sample size of 340 observations, we find consistent evidence that changes in managerial overconfidence, following a CEO change, are negatively related to changes in accounting conservatism. In Table 9, Panel A we find a negative relation between changes in the option and purchase measures of overconfidence and changes in accounting conservatism at the 5% level of significance in 5 out of the 6 specifications. Similarly, when using our investment based measures of overconfidence we find a negative relation between changes in overconfidence and accounting conservatism at the 5% level of significance in 3 out of the 6 specifications; and at the 10% level of significance in 4 out of the 21 Using the Purchases, CAPEX , and Over-Invest proxies for managerial overconfidence a firm where the previous CEO was overconfident (non-overconfident) brought in a non-overconfident (overconfident) CEO only 82.4% (17.3%), 38.9% (44.3), and 57.6% (47.0%), respectively. 28 six specifications. The coefficients on the control variables in Table 9 are generally consistent with expectations and the previous results reported in Tables 5-8. Second, we estimate equation (6) including firm fixed effects that capture static innate characteristics of the firm which may affect both conservatism and overconfidence. The results of this test are qualitatively similar to those reported in Tables 5-7 although the relation between Purchase and Skewness is only significant at the 5% level. Thus, none of our inferences change after controlling for firm fixed effects. Third, we also run equation (6) using a first differences approach. For this test, we utilize a firm-year based measure of Holder67. Overall, we find that changes in managerial overconfidence are negatively related to changes in accounting conservatism. Thus, the inferences from this test are also qualitatively similar to the inferences based on the reported Tables 5-7. However, we note that because accounting conservatism is measured over a three (five) year period using Con-ACC (Skewness), these first differences are not independent over time. Overall, these additional tests suggest that our results are unlikely to be driven by selfselection or endogeneity. 4.5. ADDITIONAL ROBUSTNESS TESTS In addition to the above tests we perform several additional robustness and sensitivity checks. First, three of our measures of overconfidence are measured on an annual basis. However, overconfidence is a behavioral trait that should remain relatively static over time.22 Thus, we repeat our tests utilizing overconfidence proxies measured over a three-year period which may better reflect relatively stable overconfidence. We calculate these overconfidence 22 The annual proxies of overconfidence are fairly stable over time. For exaPSOHZHILQGWKDW&(2¶VFKDQJH overconfidence partitions between firm years for Purchase, CAPEX , and Over-Invest approximately 21.3%, 16.9%, and 17.9% respectively. 29 measures by calculating each of the dichotomous annual overconfidence variables for years t-3 through t-1 and dividing the sum of these overconfidence proxies by 3.23 We require that the firm has the same CEO for years t-3 through t for our three-year overconfidence measure which reduces our sample size to 9,281 (8,211) firm-years for our three-year proxies for CAPEX and Over-Invest (Purchase). Using the three-year measure of overconfidence we find over 65% of all firms are classified as either overconfident or not overconfident for three consecutive years for each of the managerial overconfidence measures indicating the stability of these behavioral proxies. When we use these three-year overconfidence measures to test our hypotheses using equations (5) and (6) we find results qualitatively similar to those reported in the tables. Second, we utilize a measure of overconfidence that incorporates investment in intangibles as well as capital expenditures, CAPEX-Intangible, as an overconfident CEO may not only over-invest in tangible assets but intangible assets as well. We set CAPEX-Intangible equal to one if the capital expenditures plus research and development expense plus advertising expense all deflated by lagged total assets is greater than the median level of capital expenditures plus research and development plus advertising expense (all deflated by lagged total assets) for WKHILUP¶V)DPD-French industry, zero otherwise. Consistent with H1a and H1b CAPEX- Intangible is negatively related to both conditional and both unconditional conservatism measures at the 1% level of significance. Third, Campbell et al. [2011] document a non-monotonic relation between managerial overconfidence and the likelihood of forced turnover. They find that firms with both high and low levels of overconfidence are more likely to force out their CEO. Thus, we also examine whether there is a non-monotonic relation between managerial overconfidence and accounting 23 Each overconfidence proxy varies from 0 to 1 where a CEO that was overconfident (not overconfident) in each of the previous three years would have a score of 1 (0) and a firm that was overconfident (not overconfident) in one (two) of the previous three years would have a score of 0.333 (0.667). 30 conservatism. To test for non-monotonic effects (untabulated) we include a dummy variable equal to one if the continuous variable of overconfidence being tested is in the lowest quintile. Overall, we find the low overconfidence dummy variable has a positive and significant coefficient and the overconfidence dummy maintains a negative and significant coefficient.24 As we find similar results using indicators for low overconfidence, continuous measures of overconfidence, and different cutoff points for the overconfidence indicator variables (quintiles/quartiles/terciles), it does not appear that the relation between managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism is non-monotonic. Fourth, in untabulated tests we utilize an additional measure of managerial overconfidence based on the cash paid for acquisitions from the cash flow statement ( AC Q ). Previous research by Malmendier and Tate [2008] find that overconfident CEOs are more likely to engage in acquisitions; and conditional on performing an acquisition tend to pay more for the acquired firm. Additionally, Schrand and Zechman [2011] use acquisitions as a component in their composite overconfidence score. We set AC Q equal to one when cash paid for acquisitions deflated by beginning total assets is higher than the industry median. Overall, we find partial support for our hypotheses where AC Q is positively related to accounting conservatism when C ON-AC C and Skewness are the dependent variable. However, we do not find a significant relation between AC Q and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings or the Khan and Watts (2009) C-Score.25 24 Results are similar when we consider high overconfidence in the top quintile rather than as defined in Table 1. Furthermore, the result is not sensitive to defining low/high overconfidence by deciles or quartiles. 25 The results utilizing the AC Q proxy for overconfidence may be weaker as overconfidence represents a behavioral trait by management persistent across time while cash acquisitions are infrequent events conditional on having both the opportunity and resources to purchase another firm. Thus, the overconfidence proxy based on acquisition is likely to contain considerable error as to what constitutes an overconfident manager. 31 Fifth, Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008] find that overconfident CEOs respond to financing constraints. Thus, we test whether the relation between accounting conservatism varies for firms with greater cash holdings (untabulated). We classify our firms as cash constrained (unconstrained) if they have a ratio of beginning cash to beginning total assets below (above) the industry-year median. Using a test similar to our strong monitoring tests in Table 8, we create a cash constrained dummy variable equal to one if the firm is cash constrained, zero otherwise, and interact the variable with our measures of managerial overconfidence. We do not find the relation between accounting conservatism and overconfidence varies with financing constraints.26 5. Conclusion Recent studies in accounting and finance investigate the relation between managerial overconfidence and corporate investment, financing, and dividend policies, as well as managerial forecasts and financial misreporting. We contribute to this literature by providing evidence on the effects of overconfidence on both conditional and unconditional accounting conservatism. Because overconfident managers overestimate future UHWXUQVIURPWKHLUILUPV¶SURMHFWV, we predict that overconfidence and conservatism will be negatively related. Using 14,641 firm-years from 1993-2009, we find evidence of a significant negative relation between overconfidence and both conditional and unconditional conservatism. Furthermore, we find that changes in managerial overconfidence are negatively related to changes in accounting conservatism following a CEO change. Our results are robust to a battery of robustness and specification tests. 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Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1986. :(,167(,11'³8QUHDOLVWLF2SWLPLVPDERXW)XWXUH/LIH(YHQWV´Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39 (1980): 806-820. :(,167(,11'DQG:0./(,1³8QUHDOLVWLF2SWLPLVP3UHVHQWDQG)XWXUH´Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 15 (1996): 1-8. =+$1*-³7KH&RQWUDFWLQJ%HQHILWVRI$FFRXQWLQJ&RQVHUYDWLVPWR/HQGHUVDQG%RUURZHUV´ Journal of Accounting and Economics 45 (2008): 27-54. 37 T able 1 V ariable Definitions M anagerial O verconfidence M easures Holder67 First, we divide the value of exercisable unexercised options by the number of exercisable unexercised options and subtract this value from the stock price at the fiscal year end to obtain the average exercise price per option. Second, we divide the value of exercisable unexercised options per option by the average exercise price per option to calculate the ratio of the options in-the-money. Third, we set Holder67 (overconfidence) equal to one when the ratio of the options in-the-money exceeds 0.67 at least twice during the sample period, zero otherwise. Consistent with Malmendier and Tate [2005, 2008], a CEO is classified as overconfident in the first fiscal year he/she exhibits the overconfident behavior and continues to be classified as overconfident for the remainder of the sample. Purchase $GLFKRWRPRXVYDULDEOHVHWHTXDOWRRQHLIWKH&(2¶VQHWSXUFKDVHV (purchases-sales) are in the top quintile of the distribution of net pXUFKDVHVE\DOO&(2¶VDQGWKRVHSXUFKDVHVLQFUHDVHWKHLURZQHUVKLSLQ the firm by 10%, otherwise equal to zero. CAPEX A dichotomous variable set equal to one if the capital expenditures deflated by lagged total assets is greater than the median level of capital expenditures to lagged total assets for WKHILUP¶V)DPD-French industry, otherwise equal to zero. Over-Invest A dichotomous variable set equal to one if the residual of a regression of total asset growth on sales growth run by industry-year ( Over-Invest) is greater than zero, otherwise equal to zero. F irm-Specific Conservatism Measures C-Score Firm-specific asymmetric timeliness score developed by Khan and Watts (2009) detailed in Section 3.2.1. CON-ACC Income before extra-ordinary items less cash flows from operations plus depreciation expense deflated by average total assets, and averaged over the previous three years, multiplied by negative one. Positive values of CON-ACC indicate greater conservatism. Skewness Difference between the cash flow skewness and earnings skewness. Skewness of earnings (cash flows) is equal to (x-µ)3 ı3 ZKHUHDQGı are the mean and standard deviation of the earnings (cash flows) over the last five years. All variables are deflated by average total assets. 38 Control V ariables Own PHUFHQWDJHRIWKHILUP¶VRXWVWDQGLQJVKDUHVKHOGE\WKH&(2DWWKHHQGRI the fiscal year. MTB Market-to-book value at the beginning of the fiscal year. Firm Size Natural log of average total assets at the end of the fiscal year. Litigation Probability of litigation for the firm-year estimated using the coefficients from the litigation risk model of Kim and Skinner [2011] in Table 7 model (2). This measure estimates the probability of litigation based on industry, lagged assets, lagged sales growth, market-adjusted return, return skewness, return standard deviation, and turnover. Sales Growth Percentage of annual growth in total sales for the fiscal year. R&D AD Total research and development expense plus advertising expense deflated by total sales (for a given fiscal year). CFO Cash flows from operations divided by average total assets. Leverage Total liabilities divided by total assets at the end of the fiscal year. V ariables UHTXLUHGWRHVWLPDWH%DVX¶V[1997] Asymmetric T imeliness M easure Ret Annual buy and hold return beginning four months after the prior fiscal year end. D A dichotomous variable equal to one if Ret is less than zero, zero otherwise. X Net income before extraordinary items deflated by the market value of equity at the beginning of the fiscal year. 39 T able 2 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Dev Q1 Median 0.351 0.261 0.565 0.431 0.477 0.445 0.496 0.495 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Conservatism Measurse C-Score Con-ACC Skewness 0.060 0.008 0.224 0.085 0.045 2.097 0.014 -0.014 -0.771 0.063 0.006 0.004 0.112 0.027 1.147 Control Variables Own MTB Firm Size Litigation Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage 0.020 2.950 7.247 0.047 0.125 0.055 0.106 0.511 0.052 2.677 1.457 0.079 0.272 0.101 0.082 0.194 0.001 1.525 6.183 0.003 0.008 0.000 0.061 0.376 0.003 2.249 7.176 0.014 0.087 0.016 0.102 0.529 0.012 3.496 8.231 0.051 0.191 0.062 0.152 0.653 Asymmetric Timeliness Variables Return 0.120 D 0.417 X 0.037 0.451 0.493 0.083 -0.165 0.000 0.025 0.069 0.000 0.052 0.320 1.000 0.074 All variables are defined in Table 1. The sample contains 14,641 firm years from 1993-2009. 40 Q3 Overconfidence Measures Holder 67 Purchase CAPEX Over-Invest T able 2, Panel B Mean and Median Differences in F irm-Specific Conservatism M easures, Control V ariables, and other variables for H igh and Low O verconfidence F irms Holder 67 C-Score Con-ACC Skewness Own MTB Firm Size Litigation Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Return D X N Purchase Low High Low High Overconfidence Overconfidence Overconfidence Overconfidence Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median 0.069 0.073 0.044 0.048 0.069 0.069 0.035 0.040 0.011 0.007 0.004 0.005 0.010 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.411 0.061 -0.121 -0.073 0.264 0.007 0.102 -0.014 0.018 0.003 0.023 0.005 0.020 0.000 0.015 0.003 2.409 1.879 3.947 3.162 2.755 2.200 3.497 2.714 7.341 7.251 7.084 7.010 7.056 7.194 7.789 7.713 0.051 0.016 0.037 0.009 0.041 0.015 0.066 0.027 0.078 0.057 0.209 0.150 0.115 0.084 0.157 0.104 0.053 0.014 0.059 0.021 0.052 0.015 0.060 0.018 0.094 0.092 0.128 0.124 0.106 0.102 0.118 0.112 0.533 0.556 0.472 0.485 0.507 0.533 0.528 0.549 0.032 0.003 0.279 0.208 0.099 0.048 0.176 0.123 0.491 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.435 0.000 0.368 0.000 0.026 0.048 0.056 0.059 0.036 0.051 0.045 0.054 9,502 5,139 8,952 3,161 CAPEX C-Score Con-ACC Skewness Own MTB Firm Size Litigation Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Return D X N Over-Invest Low High Low High Overconfidence Overconfidence Overconfidence Overconfidence Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median 0.066 0.069 0.055 0.060 0.061 0.064 0.058 0.062 0.010 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.011 0.007 0.005 0.005 0.315 0.027 0.155 -0.004 0.306 0.017 0.116 -0.006 0.018 0.003 0.021 0.003 0.020 0.003 0.020 0.004 2.569 1.989 3.243 2.485 2.756 2.112 3.207 2.445 7.328 7.257 7.186 7.084 7.286 7.204 7.197 7.088 0.047 0.014 0.046 0.014 0.047 0.014 0.045 0.014 0.085 0.064 0.156 0.106 0.116 0.078 0.138 0.101 0.056 0.013 0.054 0.019 0.054 0.015 0.056 0.018 0.085 0.084 0.123 0.119 0.100 0.098 0.115 0.110 0.531 0.555 0.495 0.187 0.523 0.541 0.495 0.513 0.111 0.063 0.127 0.073 0.114 0.068 0.129 0.070 0.421 0.000 0.414 0.000 0.415 0.000 0.421 0.000 0.029 0.051 0.044 0.053 0.029 0.051 0.049 0.054 6,368 8,273 8,339 6,302 All variables are defined in Table 1. Significant differences at the 1% level between the High and Low Overconfidence partitions for each measures of managerial overconfidence are denoted by italic typeface in the High Overconfidence partition. 41 T able 3 Cor relations between O verconfidence measures, Conservatism measures, and other variables Spearman (Pearson) cor relation is above (below) the diagonal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Holder67 Purchase CAPEX Over-Invest C-Score Con-ACC Skewness Own MTB Firm Size Litigation Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Return D X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 0.08 0.12 0.13 -0.15 -0.07 -0.12 0.06 0.29 -0.09 -0.09 0.23 0.01 0.21 -0.17 0.26 -0.21 0.18 0.08 1 0.03 0.02 -0.12 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.06 -0.05 0.05 0.12 0.03 1 0.16 -0.06 -0.04 -0.03 0.04 0.12 -0.06 -0.01 0.13 -0.01 0.24 -0.11 0.01 -0.01 0.09 0.13 0.02 0.16 1 -0.03 -0.06 -0.04 0.00 0.08 -0.04 -0.02 0.03 0.01 0.09 -0.08 0.01 0.02 0.12 -0.18 -0.13 -0.06 -0.02 1 0.01 0.08 0.06 -0.30 -0.50 -0.33 -0.10 -0.02 -0.21 -0.02 -0.04 0.07 -0.13 -0.05 -0.03 -0.02 -0.05 0.00 1 0.14 -0.05 0.05 -0.03 0.00 -0.09 0.23 0.23 0.00 -0.01 0.02 -0.33 -0.12 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0.11 0.11 1 0.01 -0.06 -0.03 0.02 -0.08 0.02 0.17 0.00 -0.09 0.09 -0.28 0.14 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.23 -0.05 0.03 1 0.01 -0.16 -0.09 0.02 -0.02 0.03 -0.10 0.04 -0.01 0.01 0.41 0.11 0.17 0.11 -0.42 0.03 -0.11 -0.07 1 -0.01 -0.04 0.16 0.21 0.29 0.00 0.22 -0.15 0.04 -0.09 0.14 -0.06 -0.04 -0.51 -0.01 -0.03 -0.39 0.02 1 0.61 -0.04 -0.22 -0.02 0.49 -0.06 -0.02 0.13 -0.11 0.11 -0.01 -0.02 -0.37 0.00 0.02 -0.31 -0.06 0.77 1 0.13 -0.02 -0.07 0.24 -0.28 0.23 -0.04 0.32 0.05 0.17 0.06 -0.17 -0.09 -0.14 0.07 0.26 -0.04 0.06 1 0.07 0.07 -0.09 0.13 -0.09 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 -0.08 0.11 0.02 -0.06 0.25 -0.18 -0.07 -0.03 1 -0.18 -0.30 -0.01 0.06 -0.32 0.22 0.06 0.25 0.09 -0.24 0.28 0.18 0.01 0.40 -0.05 -0.08 0.15 0.05 1 -0.22 0.12 -0.12 0.34 -0.17 0.03 -0.12 -0.08 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.15 -0.07 0.49 0.33 -0.13 -0.34 -0.27 1 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.07 0.02 0.00 -0.12 0.00 -0.10 0.02 0.29 -0.01 -0.36 0.18 -0.05 0.15 -0.01 1 -0.71 0.19 -0.21 -0.05 -0.01 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.09 0.00 -0.24 -0.03 0.27 -0.14 0.06 -0.12 0.00 -0.86 1 -0.19 0.17 0.05 0.04 0.08 -0.08 -0.20 -0.28 0.02 0.03 0.12 -0.04 0.20 -0.28 0.26 0.11 0.27 -0.23 1 Italic typeface indicates significance at the 1% level and bold typeface indicates significance at the 5% level. All variables are defined in Table 1. 42 T able 4 T he E ffect of M anagerial O verconfidence on the Asymmetric T imeliness of E arnings (i) Overcon Measure Intercept D Own MTB Leverage Size Litigation OverCon D*Own D*MTB D*Leverage D*Size D*Litigation D*OverCon Ret Ret*Own Ret*MTB Ret*Leverage Ret*Size Ret*Litigation Ret*OverCon D*Ret D*Ret*Own D*Ret*MTB D*Ret*Leverage D*Ret*Size D*Ret*Litigation D*Ret*OverCon R2 N Coef 0.066 -0.011 -0.005 -0.017 0.000 0.005 -0.012 0.009 0.017 0.023 -0.019 0.003 0.014 0.030 -0.025 -0.003 0.024 -0.018 0.319 -0.051 -0.120 0.117 -0.238 0.016 - p-value <0.001 0.128 0.009 <0.001 0.968 0.472 0.003 0.038 0.322 <0.001 0.194 0.569 0.042 0.003 0.018 0.367 0.002 0.166 <0.001 0.003 0.047 <0.001 <0.001 0.482 0.340 (ii) Holder67 Coef p-value 0.020 0.030 -0.012 0.021 0.001 0.087 0.001 0.971 -0.001 0.274 0.007 <0.001 -0.055 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 0.005 0.924 0.001 0.555 0.001 0.617 0.002 0.008 -0.019 0.617 0.005 0.588 0.012 <0.001 0.008 <0.001 0.008 <0.001 -0.001 0.056 0.009 <0.001 -0.048 0.617 0.025 <0.001 0.287 <0.001 -0.009 <0.001 -0.005 0.364 0.013 <0.001 -0.031 <0.001 0.112 0.338 -0.032 <0.001 (iii) Purchase Coef p-value 0.024 0.178 -0.009 0.273 0.001 0.060 0.001 0.943 -0.001 0.139 0.007 <0.001 -0.046 <0.001 0.001 0.824 0.001 0.739 0.000 0.773 0.001 0.655 0.002 0.021 -0.019 0.444 -0.003 0.555 0.015 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 -0.001 0.051 0.008 <0.001 -0.051 0.303 0.006 0.460 0.297 <0.001 -0.005 <0.001 -0.006 0.314 0.016 <0.001 -0.027 <0.001 0.790 0.551 -0.010 0.611 (iv) CAPEX Coef p-value 0.022 0.265 -0.013 0.216 0.001 0.041 -0.001 0.785 -0.001 0.197 0.007 <0.001 -0.051 <0.001 0.002 0.255 0.000 0.711 0.001 0.536 0.001 0.501 0.002 0.026 -0.019 0.459 0.003 0.534 0.013 <0.001 0.007 <0.001 0.006 <0.001 -0.001 0.088 0.009 <0.001 -0.058 0.565 0.012 <0.001 0.298 <0.001 -0.008 <0.001 -0.005 0.409 0.013 <0.001 -0.032 <0.001 0.139 0.238 -0.049 <0.001 (v) Over-Invest Coef p-value 0.019 0.325 -0.014 0.339 0.001 0.020 0.001 0.848 -0.001 0.155 0.007 <0.001 -0.052 <0.001 0.007 <0.001 0.001 0.877 0.001 0.499 0.000 0.566 0.002 0.008 -0.014 0.553 0.001 0.739 0.014 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.007 <0.001 -0.002 0.010 0.009 <0.001 -0.043 0.665 0.015 <0.001 0.305 <0.001 -0.008 <0.001 -0.005 0.299 0.013 <0.001 -0.031 <0.001 0.096 0.434 -0.089 <0.001 0.285 14,641 0.271 12,113 0.279 14,641 0.290 14,641 All variables are defined in Table 1. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. Column (i) provides the estimated coefficients from Lafond and Roychowdhury (2008) for comparative purposes. Consistent with LaFond and Rocyhowdhury (2008) all control variables, except Litigation, were measured as decile ranks in the regression. 43 T able 5 Regression of K han and W atts C-Scores on M anagerial O verconfidence and Control V ariables Intercept Holder67 Purchase CAPEX Over-Invest Firm Size Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies R2 N (i) (ii) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.455 <0.001 0.483 <0.001 -0.018 <0.001 -0.005 <0.001 -0.036 <0.001 -0.039 <0.001 -0.008 <0.001 -0.015 <0.001 -0.065 <0.001 -0.076 <0.001 -0.160 <0.001 -0.210 <0.001 0.084 <0.001 0.086 <0.001 0.010 0.351 0.009 0.451 (iii) (iv) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.454 <0.001 0.453 <0.001 -0.005 -0.036 -0.012 -0.064 -0.164 0.086 0.011 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.314 -0.003 -0.037 -0.013 -0.064 -0.173 0.085 0.009 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.408 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.599 14,641 0.609 12,113 0.593 14,641 0.592 14,641 All variables are defined in Table 1. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 44 T able 6 Regression of A ccrual-Based Conservatism (Con-A C C) on M anagerial O verconfidence and Control V ariables Intercept Holder67 Purchase CAPEX Over-Invest Firm Size Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies R2 N (i) (ii) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.008 0.269 0.005 0.478 -0.008 <0.001 -0.005 <0.001 -0.003 <0.001 -0.003 <0.001 -0.018 <0.001 -0.018 <0.001 0.155 <0.001 0.156 <0.001 0.186 <0.001 0.178 <0.001 0.054 <0.001 0.053 <0.001 0.009 0.383 0.015 0.065 (iii) (iv) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.010 0.161 0.011 0.126 -0.007 -0.003 -0.019 0.154 0.188 0.055 0.013 <0.001 -0.008 <0.001 <0.001 -0.003 <0.001 <0.001 -0.019 <0.001 <0.001 0.155 <0.001 <0.001 0.183 <0.001 <0.001 0.055 <0.001 0.141 0.012 0.208 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.256 14,641 0.252 12,113 0.256 14,641 0.258 14,641 All variables are defined in Table 1. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 45 T able 7 Regression of the Skewness Based Conservatism Measure on M anagerial O verconfidence and Control V ariables Intercept Holder67 Purchase CAPEX Over-Invest Firm Size Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies R2 N (i) (ii) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.807 <0.001 0.637 0.009 -0.587 <0.001 -0.288 <0.001 -0.169 <0.001 -0.175 <0.001 -0.559 <0.001 -0.691 <0.001 1.713 <0.001 1.934 <0.001 6.349 <0.001 5.918 <0.001 0.957 <0.001 0.919 <0.001 2.215 <0.001 1.863 <0.001 (iii) (iv) Coef. p-value Coef. p-value 0.912 <0.001 0.905 <0.001 -0.341 -0.180 -0.697 1.702 6.233 1.102 2.533 <0.001 -0.306 <0.001 <0.001 -0.175 <0.001 <0.001 -0.737 <0.001 <0.001 1.742 <0.001 <0.001 5.911 <0.001 <0.001 1.141 <0.001 <0.001 2.455 <0.001 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.104 14,641 0.092 12,113 0.094 14,641 0.094 14,641 All variables are defined in Table 1. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 46 T able 8, Panel A T he Moderating E ffects of Strong Monitoring on the Relation between Conservatism and M anagerial O verconfidence Conservatism Measure Intercept Holder67 Purchase Strong Monitoring Strong Monitoring * Holder67 Strong Monitoring * Purchase Firm Size Sales Growth R&D AD CFO Leverage Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies R2 N (i) C-Score Coef. p-value 0.518 <0.001 -0.016 <0.001 0.004 0.021 0.002 0.545 -0.045 <0.001 -0.003 0.605 -0.062 <0.001 -0.192 <0.001 0.095 <0.001 0.009 0.141 (ii) Con-ACC Coef. p-value 0.005 0.655 -0.005 <0.001 0.003 0.026 0.000 0.898 -0.004 <0.001 -0.019 <0.001 0.126 <0.001 0.151 <0.001 0.044 <0.001 0.020 0.090 (iii) Skewness Coef. p-value 1.272 0.013 -0.621 <0.001 0.174 <0.001 0.410 <0.001 -0.210 <0.001 -0.936 <0.001 1.704 <0.001 6.820 <0.001 0.710 <0.001 2.889 <0.001 (iv) C-Score Coef. p-value 0.296 <0.001 -0.005 <0.001 0.004 0.049 0.001 0.902 -0.039 <0.001 -0.004 0.481 -0.088 <0.001 -0.253 <0.001 0.115 <0.001 0.003 0.484 (v) Con-ACC Coef. p-value 0.000 0.978 -0.005 <0.001 0.003 0.012 0.000 0.955 -0.004 <0.001 -0.019 <0.001 0.131 <0.001 0.152 <0.001 0.043 <0.001 0.022 0.049 (vi) Skewness Coef. p-value 1.295 0.031 -0.294 <0.001 0.177 <0.001 -0.037 0.785 -0.200 <0.001 -1.015 <0.001 2.008 <0.001 6.299 <0.001 0.790 <0.001 3.125 <0.001 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.624 7,228 0.221 7,228 0.146 7,228 0.612 6,063 0.227 6,063 0.158 6,063 Where, Strong Monitoring is a dichotomous variable set equal to one (zero otherwise) if the firm meets three of the following criteria: (i) a lower percentage of inside directors than the median firm in the sample, (ii) a higher percentage of outside director ownership than the median firm in the sample, (iii) a higher percentage of ownership held by institutional investors than the median firm in the sample, and (iv) the CEO does not also serve as Chairman of the Board. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 47 T able 8, Panel B T he Moderating E ffects of Strong Monitoring on the Relation between Conservatism and M anagerial O verconfidence (i) Conservatism Measure C-Score Coef. p-value Intercept 0.518 <0.001 CAPEX -0.007 <0.001 Over-Invest Strong Monitoring 0.005 0.066 Strong Monitoring * CAPEX 0.004 0.307 Strong Monitoring * Over-Invest Firm Size -0.045 <0.001 Sales Growth -0.007 0.251 R&D AD -0.062 <0.001 CFO -0.202 <0.001 Leverage 0.097 <0.001 Litigation 0.028 0.047 Year Dummies Industry Dummies R2 N (ii) Con-ACC Coef. p-value 0.008 0.496 -0.007 <0.001 0.002 0.081 -0.001 0.646 -0.004 <0.001 -0.019 <0.001 0.124 <0.001 0.156 <0.001 0.044 <0.001 0.024 0.046 (iii) Skewness Coef. p-value 1.374 0.011 -0.355 <0.001 0.185 <0.001 0.132 0.355 -0.220 <0.001 -1.034 <0.001 1.877 <0.001 6.757 <0.001 0.778 <0.001 3.178 <0.001 (iv) C-Score Coef. p-value 0.295 <0.001 -0.004 <0.001 0.004 0.056 -0.004 0.115 -0.040 <0.001 -0.004 0.422 -0.080 <0.001 -0.241 <0.001 0.114 <0.001 0.005 0.195 (v) Con-ACC Coef. p-value 0.008 0.503 -0.006 <0.001 0.002 0.078 -0.005 0.042 -0.004 <0.001 -0.020 <0.001 0.127 <0.001 0.150 <0.001 0.044 <0.001 0.024 0.045 (vi) Skewness Coef. p-value 1.367 0.011 -0.277 <0.001 0.176 <0.001 0.080 0.530 -0.216 <0.001 -1.085 <0.001 1.774 <0.001 6.460 <0.001 0.757 <0.001 3.069 <0.001 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.619 7,228 0.225 7,228 0.138 7,228 0.619 7,228 0.225 7,228 0.136 7,228 Where, Strong Monitoring is a dichotomous variable set equal to one (zero otherwise) if the firm meets three of the following criteria: (i) a lower percentage of inside directors than the median firm in the sample, (ii) a higher percentage of outside director ownership than the median firm in the sample, (iii) a higher percentage of ownership held by institutional investors than the median firm in the sample, and (iv) the CEO does not also serve as Chairman of the Board. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 48 T able 9, Panel A Relation between C hanges in A ccounting Conservatism and C hanges in M anagerial O verconfidence following a C E O C hange Conservatism Measure Intercept ǻ+ROGHU ǻ3XUFKDVH ǻ)LUP6L]H ǻ6DOHV*URZWK ǻ5'$' ǻ&)2 ǻ/HYHUDJH Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies 2 R N (i) ǻ&6FRUH Coef. p-value -0.049 0.009 -0.019 0.015 -0.038 <0.001 -0.013 0.270 -0.176 0.007 -0.166 0.002 0.101 0.003 0.063 0.122 (ii) ǻ&RQ$&& Coef. p-value -0.049 0.015 -0.006 0.006 0.002 0.505 -0.030 0.013 0.096 <0.001 0.205 <0.001 0.052 0.002 0.008 0.792 (iii) ǻ6NHZQHVV Coef. p-value 1.817 <0.001 -0.734 0.017 -0.146 0.269 -0.477 0.427 0.820 0.497 7.967 <0.001 0.474 0.599 -0.370 0.831 (iv) ǻ&6FRUH Coef. p-value -0.057 <0.001 -0.018 0.045 -0.038 <0.001 -0.018 0.135 -0.182 0.004 -0.196 <0.001 0.104 <0.001 0.049 0.237 (v) ǻ&RQ$&& Coef. p-value -0.048 0.025 -0.003 0.258 0.002 0.525 -0.032 0.009 0.096 <0.001 0.199 <0.001 0.054 <0.001 0.004 0.885 (vi) ǻ6NHZQHVV Coef. p-value 1.705 0.007 -0.384 0.016 -0.154 0.210 -0.726 0.175 0.636 0.605 6.913 0.002 0.664 0.411 0.207 0.904 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.599 340 0.341 340 0.270 340 0.595 340 0.338 340 0.252 340 Of the firms in our primary sample, 340 firms made a change in CEO where the previous CEO occupied the position for at least four years and the incoming CEO remained in the position for at least three years. We then take the values of accounting conservatism, managerial overconfidence, and the control variables measured three years after the CEO change and subtract their values two-years prior to the CEO change. Using this changes analysis, we are able to determine if changes in managerial overconfidence are related to changes in accounting conservatism after the turnover of the CEO position. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 49 T able 9, Panel B Relation between C hanges in A ccounting Conservatism and C hanges in M anagerial O verconfidence following a C E O C hange Conservatism Measure Intercept ǻ&$3(; ǻ2YHU,QYHVW ǻ)LUP6L]H ǻ6DOHV*URZWK ǻ5'$' ǻ&)2 ǻ/HYHUDJH Litigation Year Dummies Industry Dummies 2 R N (i) ǻ&6FRUH Coef. p-value -0.046 0.019 -0.007 0.078 -0.039 <0.001 -0.019 0.113 -0.176 0.009 -0.181 <0.001 0.109 <0.001 0.042 0.331 (ii) ǻ&RQ$&& Coef. p-value -0.500 0.011 -0.010 0.023 0.001 0.651 -0.030 0.012 0.099 <0.001 0.212 <0.001 0.055 <0.001 0.001 0.963 (iii) ǻ6NHZQHVV Coef. p-value 1.965 0.015 -0.206 0.305 -0.190 0.121 -0.735 0.176 0.793 0.522 7.333 <0.001 0.790 0.316 0.400 0.809 (iv) ǻ&6FRUH Coef. p-value -0.041 0.040 -0.015 0.009 -0.039 <0.001 -0.020 0.133 -0.177 0.006 -0.185 <0.001 0.112 <0.001 0.040 0.350 (v) ǻ&RQ$&& Coef. p-value -0.047 0.025 -0.004 0.436 0.002 0.579 -0.032 0.009 0.096 <0.001 0.200 <0.001 0.055 <0.001 0.003 0.929 (vi) ǻ6NHZQHVV Coef. p-value 1.993 0.002 -0.315 0.022 -0.177 0.165 -0.769 0.160 0.719 0.562 7.049 <0.001 0.772 0.331 0.287 0.865 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included 0.591 340 0.353 340 0.249 340 0.597 340 0.341 340 0.248 340 Of the firms in our primary sample, 340 firms made a change in CEO where the previous CEO occupied the position for at least four years and the incoming CEO remained in the position for at least three years. We then take the values of accounting conservatism, managerial overconfidence, and the control variables measured three years after the CEO change and subtract their values two-years prior to the CEO change. Using this changes analysis, we are able to determine if changes in managerial overconfidence are related to changes in accounting conservatism after the turnover of the CEO position. All p-values are based on two-tailed tests using firm and year clustered standard errors. 50