Central Milk Testing in Brazil Milk testing development supported by Fourier Transform Infrared analysis Central milk testing laboratory, Clínica do Leite is leading the way for milk testing in Brazil with the use of state-of-the-art Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis. Laboratory manager, Laerte Cassoli reports on developments. The Clínica do Leite central milk testing (CMT) Milk Clinic is one of the eight quality Laboratories. It belongs to the Animal Science Department of ESALQ/ University of São Paulo. It was started in 1996. We have two distinct types of clients: the companies that provide tank samples for quality control; and the farms that provide animal samples for livestock control. Currently, there are 310 companies that send, on a monthly basis, approximately 50,000 samples from 30,000 farms across the country. The farms (1,100) send nearly 40,000 samples of individual samples (animal) every month. milk per year. The number of dairy farms is somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000. Around 97 % of farms produce less than 600 kg/day. However, 16% of dairy farms produce 40% of the milk and the top 100 dairy farms produce 2.3% of total production. The number of analyses carried out, in- cluding somatic cell count, total bacteria count, urea (MUN), and drug residues, has been increasing in recent years (Figure 1). Samples come from the main milk Due to the high demand for analyses, the laboratory used to run in three shifts (24 hours) seven days a week. In 2008, the CMT Milk Clinic acquired two new CombiFoss™ FT+) to increase its capacity of analyses and offer new analyses to clients. As a result of the increase of installed capacity, we started to operate in two shifts, keeping the lead-time to provide the results in two days. of basic equations and mainly due to the after sales service. The payback analysis (Table 1) showed that in only 22 months we were able to recover the investment made in CombiFoss. Moreover, we have aggregated value to our services by offering industries and farms more tools for the analysis process. Benefits The equipment we had in operation before was older than 12 years and present!!$! new FTIR allowed us to offer new types of analyses, such as freezing point (FPD), casein and FFA. *!<= '#ment from the government, however it Why choose FOSS and FTIR? In the project viability analysis, we opted was being carried out by laboratories for the FTIR methodology which would equipped only with traditional methods, allow us to carry out new analyses with which have low analytical performance freezing point, casein and free fat acids, and high cost. besides doing MUN analysis at zero cost. The other analyses like casein and FFA On the market, there were other suppli- !& ! > # ers; however we opted for FOSS because study, research and application for the in!"!#$&' ?!#$>!!$ Item Cost reduction analysis of MUN New analyses (FPD, Casein, FFA) Operational and maintenance cost reduction *# Investment Pay-back time Figure 1. Evolution of number of analyses 12 U$/year 65,000 130,000 35,000 230,000 420,000 1.8 year Table 1. Analysis of investment CombiFoss™ FTIR + In Focus, Vol. 33, No 1, 2009 to diagnose the situation and evaluate data obtained so far. ! @&' B Paulo allows us to rely on a sector devoted to research and development which aims to generate knowledge and disseminate it to the community. All samples are being analysed regarding all new parameters (casein, FFA, FPD, pH), independently if they were requested by the user or not, and consequently, we are building up a robust database which will be used in research and proposed applications. ?!!!#! sales service and the technical assistance. We can rely on knowledgeable professionals for each piece of equipment who give us support on the use of equipment and results. Moreover, it is worth mentioning the FOSS CMT online club area which allows us to keep in touch with CMT professionals from all over the world and therefore we can exchange experiences and knowledge. The performance of this equipment has also generated some savings because of the smaller number of breakdowns. Furthermore, a more friendly software system has facilitated data control and register of our management system ISO 17.025. The equipment has a 300 samples per hour capacity and we are investigating the investment viability of 500 per hour. How the results are used Samples are used for legal control (Government) and also for quality payment. These results of bulk tank samples analyses are available to producers via the Internet or SMS, who use them on a daily basis to monitor processes. For instance, any change in bacteria count *JK'' the producer who will be able to act im'#"! The MUN analysis, is not mandatory, however for nearly 20% of the samples, the analysis is required. These generate a great deal of important information. Roughly 30% have MUN levels lower than 10 mg/dL, which already indicates protein restriction in the diet. Likewise, for the relatively new area of testing casein, results show differences among farms and this information may be used to compose programs of quality payment. For farms, the CMT Milk Clinic has developed a series of visual reports to facilitate the interpretation and use of results (software web-based) that analyses the nutritional status which is elaborated from results of composition and MUN. The producer and technician can eas' #" ! If a list of results were sent, they would need more time to make such decision, besides this decision could be mistaken. Variations in casein numbers. In the example, farms are observed with casein numbers from 75 to 80, a huge difference considering that the milk will be used for cheese production. Example report in which, based on MUN and protein results, energy and protein balance of the diet is diagnosed in an easy to interpret form. by Laerte Cassoli, Lab Manager, Clínica do Leite, Brazil More information about FOSS solutions for the dairy industry at www.foss.dk/ dairy In Focus, Vol. 33, No 1, 2009 13