Special Applications Advances in Conductivity Technology Accelerate Productivity A “productive” solution Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers across the globe have been tasked with a strong edict: improve productivity without sacrificing quality. At the same time, budget pressures and resource consolidation continue to intensify, forcing manufacturers to do more with less in a meticulously regulated environment. Faced with these demanding pressures, manufacturers are turning to simple technologies to improve output when it comes to measuring conductive materials in ultra-pure water. Recent advancements in both Conductivity technology and sample containers have enabled the industry to be more productive in the laboratory. Fifteen years of Conductivity In the late 1990s, changes were made to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) water monographs for chemical testing of purified water or water for injection used in the manufacturing of drugs. USP introduced Conductivity analysis (USP <645>) to replace several wet chemistry tests, as well as a new test for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (USP <643>) to replace the (often subjective) Oxidizable Substances (OS) test. At the time, the FDA reported that, “changes in testing were made to take advantage of modern analytical technology and for better cost effectiveness.”1 However, taking advantage of those “modern technologies” was challenging for most manufacturers working to meet the regulator’s stringent expectation. Early on, the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) encouraged the use of in-line/on-line conductivity probes.1 GE Power & Water Water & Process Technologies Analytical Instruments “On-line meters for testing water conductivity and TOC should be installed in a location in the water system which reflects the quality of the process water. If worst-case placement is not used, laboratories should continue performing these USP water monograph tests as part of a routine sampling program which covers each point-of-use.”1 Given the ambiguity around defending “worst-case placement,” manufacturers were faced with yet another challenge to implementing laboratory conductivity measurement – that of sampling handling and the current method for doing so established in USP <645>. Examining the current sampling, analysis and reporting process allows us to better understand these obstacles. Temperature in Conductivity Electrical conductivity in water is a measure of the ionfacilitated electron flow through it. Water molecules dissociate into ions as a function of pH and temperature and result in a very predictable conductivity.3 Because temperature has a substantial impact on conductivity readings of specimens at high and low temperatures, USP <645> mandates a temperature measurement is required for the performance of the Stage 1 testing. This temperature reading can fluctuate in a water system; therefore it can be hard to predict the level of conductive species present in the water system or at every point-of-use. That said, many companies revert to Stage 2 conductivity for sampling analysis and reporting. This process is time consuming given USP <645> requires the following for EVERY sample: Costly Conductivity is what most “expect” GE Analytical Instruments surveyed manufacturers regarding their laboratory water chemistry testing practices; more than 40% said their sample plans do not incorporate on-line conductivity sampling, analysis, and reporting. Many criticize the regulation for rendering the process for conductivity analysis time-consuming, costly, and confusing. In other industries, manufacturers constantly fiddle with production lines and sampling to find improvements. But for most in the pharmaceutical industry, regulations leave drugmanufacturing processes and laboratory testing frozen in time.2 Jun Bautista, Quality Director, Metrology for Genzyme, describes the situation from the manufacturer’s perspective, “Conductivity can be costly when you have to sample every point-of-use on the water system. The USP <645> test indicates three stages of testing. So if you are not capable of doing Stage 1 testing with on-line technologies or by controlling the sampling process, then your cost of sampling, analysis, and reporting go up five-fold with Stage 2 testing. These costs should not be the expectation for manufacturers. We can do better.” Conductivity for cleaning Often Conductivity measurement is utilized in cleaning applications to determine cleaning effectiveness and removal of harsh inorganic chemicals that might be left over from the cleaning process. A logical way to monitor and control a cleaning process may include, on-line or in-line probes that measure conductive cleaning agents. Yet, manufacturers who are unable to incorporate on-line or in-line conductivity probes revert back to time consuming and non-productive approaches, or they adopt USP <645> Stage 2 testing. Stage 2 testing creates equipment downtime causing a bigger bottleneck, which becomes more costly than water samples. Production delays can cost manufacturers millions. Essential reform Conclusion Recent reform promises relief for some of the challenges manufacturers face when implementing Conductivity analysis. More than fifteen years ago the FDA introduced Conductivity measurement to their water analysis monographs, acknowledging the potential benefits of using what they called “modern analytical technology.” Still today, manufacturers continue to struggle to find a cost-effective, efficient way to take advantage of this measurement tool. Pharmacopeia alignment The Japan Pharmacopeia (JP16) understands that, “The measurement of conductivity for monitoring is usually conducted continuously using an in-line or on-line apparatus with a flowthrough type or pipe-insertion type cell.”4 However, recognizing the difficulty in controlling the temperature with on-line or in-line conductivity probes, the JP16 has harmonized with USP <645> and the European Pharmacopeia (2.2.38) by “allowing conductivity monitoring [of samples other than 20 °C] by applying the <645> WATER CONDUCTIVITY of the USP with some modifications . . . based on Stages I and II of the three-stage approach.”4 Conductivity analysis is a logical and essential tool for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers. As regulatory bodies work to align their processes and reform their edicts, technology advancement coupled with educational support and community dialogue accelerate productivity for manufacturers worldwide. References: 1.Human Drug CGMP Notes: A Memo on Current Good Manufacturing Practice Off-line Stage 1 On-line conductivity testing provides real-time measurements and opportunities for real-time process control, decision, and intervention.3 However, not all pharmaceutical manufacturers have the capability to incorporate this approach. Knowing this, USP <645> specifies that off-line Stage 1 testing can be achieved if a suitable container and the right technology are used. Controlling temperature is no longer necessary, giving manufacturers the opportunity to use simpler technologies to become more productive. A remarkable technology Other processes require two separate technologies to measure TOC and Conductivity. Using one sample vial, the Sievers M9 TOC Analyzers simultaneously analyze and report two discrete results for TOC and Conductivity. Sievers Sample Conductivity is available in the M9 Portable and Laboratory Analyzers. Enabling simple Stage 1 analysis with results in only two minutes, Sievers Conductivity saves users time, eliminates sample handling issues and minimizes potential failures. Automating off-line conductivity testing with the Sievers M9 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer Sievers M9 Manual Process No water bath to control temperature q q No constant monitoring for change q q No conductivity probe q q No 5-minute agitation of 500 mL sample q q Issues on Human Use Pharmaceuticals. Food and Drug Administration (US): The Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality, HFD-320, Office of Compliance, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. 1996 Dec; 4(4). 2.Abboud L, Hensley S. New Prescription for Drug Makers: Update the Plants. The Wall Street Journal, 2003 Sep. 3.United States Pharmacopeia, NF <645> Conductivity. Available from http:// www.pharmacopeia.cn/v29240/usp29nf24s0_c645.html 4.Quality Control of Water for Pharmaceutical Use. Japanese Pharmacopoeia, Sixteenth Edition, 2011, ch. G8, pp. 2246–2253. Available from http://jpdb. nihs.go.jp/jp16e/jp16e.pdf Special Applications Special Applications * Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries. For more information, visit www.geinstruments.com. Find a sales partner near you through the “Contact Us” Section. GE Power & Water Water & Process Technologies Analytical GE PowerInstruments & Water Water & Process Technologies www.geinstruments.com/M9 Analytical Instruments The Americas GE Analytical Instruments 6060 Spine Road Boulder, CO 80301-3687 USA T +1 800 255 6964 T +1 303 444 2009 F +1 303 527 1797 geai@ge.com Asia Pacific GE Analytical Instruments 7/F, Building 5, No.2 Hua Tuo Rd, ZhangJiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong Shanghai, China 201203 T + (8621) 38777735 F + (8621) 38777469 geai.asia@ge.com Europe/Middle East/Africa GE Analytical Instruments Unit 3, Mercury Way Urmston, Manchester UK M41 7LY T +44 (0) 161 864 6800 F +44 (0) 161 864 6829 geai.europe@ge.com ©2014, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 300 00278 Rev B MC14-009