FINAL EXAMINATIO\ OF PROTECTIO}.. S }'S TEMS 201 2-2013 IVEITSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ELECTROM ECHINCAI- Ei\iGINEI]RING DEPA RTM F-I\l' DR, I{I SSDIN I, IIISHN (] PO\\' ER F]NCIN I]EIII\C I]RANC}.I StlB.lECT: PIiOI EC'TION SYS'IEM LJ}I CIASS: TllV F- 3 rd YEA R A Lt.Qw ED: I h S Q1- What is the difference between a fuse and circuit breaker (list it in table shape). (r0) Q2- Explain tire working princ ip le d of distance rela.vs rvith figure. LLst the types ol it. (r 0) d Q3- The three phase (11 kV, 500 MVA) circuit breaker suddenly closes on to a fault. Determine (a) the symmetrical breakhg cunent; (b) the asymmetrical breaking current assuming 50%o dc component; (c) the peak making current; (d) the short-time current rating. Q4- A star-connected, 3-phase, 10 MVA, 6.6 KV alternator has a per phase reactance of 10%. It ib protected by Merz- Price circulating-curent princ iple which is set to operate for fault currents not less than 175A. Calculate the value of earthing resistance ic be plcvided in orcier to ensure that only 10% of the alternator winding remains unprotected. e5- A -3-phase transfonner having line-voltage ratio of 0 4 l<Vll I kV is counected in stardelta and protective trans tbrmers on the,100 V sidc havc a ctlrrent ratb of 500i5. What must be the io of protective transformers on the I I kV side. r.', ith the figure. 0) d Q6- Describe the fault-bus protection of B.B protection, with the figure' e7- Explain the Tra.ns lay protection scheme, operation and advantages for feeders, with the Q8- What is lightning? Discuss the princ ip ie, construction and action of lightning u*.rr.lto; GOOD LUCK o is.d". lSi.JJ'{sJl i-"lCl a,,., - i.r-". iJi$ll i.'..lCl University of Technology - Electromechanical Engineering Dept. Final Exam-Sample No.(l) - 2012 12013 Tirne: 3 hours Class: 3'o Electro mechanics/Systems&Power Subject: Eng. & Numerical AnalYsis Examiner: Dr. Mustapha S. Abdullateef Date: I Note: Answer 12073 [!f@ questions only a: bd: =) llt+ marks ll set of equations by Gazss elimination z fromthe following ffi"d method: ex + stnY.+ Zlnz = 4 I dt+r.o9a67cosecy lInZ-3 = -4 e -(,.+0.69315) j Correct to b) - Fit least r=i cosY - ln (z - 1.2214) = -i digits' Giventh.follo@ ::il-, 3tany Fa,l F'F] o 2 squares: I ) 4 10 3 15 Pe bY the method of I = a + bxz at-l kH'llll-*e4lll whether singular points of the given equation and determine each one is regular or irregular ' - ffii t r\2 ," * (cosx)Y'* (sinr)Y (iD ,IFY" + JG4Y' * e-xY - 0 (D (t - 1)- o (b)Evaluatetheverticaldistancetraveledbyarocketiftheverticalvelocity is given bY: uZllt'-St(m/sec) u = 1100 -5t (m/secl v= 50t-2(t-ZO){ Qn/sec) Using Simpson's rule 0<t<10 (sec') 10 < f < 20 (sec') 20 <t<30 (sec') (1/3) for 5 sec subintervals' /n\ LJ '\Z Page I of2 tr'."*al Ithepage I m'lffill Apply nunge Kutta method, 4th order, to: a) dya *" I Solve;i: y tor x -- O.2,0.+,0.6 initiallv l(0) = 2. b) Compare the results with the exact solution by meaning of percentage relative etor (PRE). @'lFffil a) Find tlre real root of equation x logrc - 7.2 by Bisection Method up to eighth approximated processes. b) Prove by definition of Beta functionthe following property: F(m,n)=l;#ax--[f m, lffil ffiax Find out the solution of wave equation when the string start from rest and the initial displacement is: ( Ix I\ 0<r<;.l I (, i=. = r) f(x)_l -' , For the string both ends are frxed. Note that c = | M,l|l@l a) Evaluate the following: i. [* ii. 3-a,'dx. []@rn'), ax. b) Find the indicial equation and.recurrenceformula of the following oDE: 3x2y" -xy'+(1,-x)y=0 Page2 of2 class: Thrid University of Technologl - E le ctron.rcchan ical lJnginccrimg Dcpl Final Exam- 2012-2013 Time: Sub.ject: Advanced Compurers Date: I 3-06201 3 8086 8si."q\q$ E:ranliner': ,.\nmar K. Abrahim S\ AkecL M icroprocessor o u.' A.\L\o note :Attempt only three Questions in i\IICROPROCESSOR Ql Write a program to subtract :rn arra]' of 4316 consecutive one b)'te of data numbered starting at offset address llzlH from another arral of one byte data numbered starting at offset address 4423H and store the result in the first arra-v. Assume that both blocks are in the same data segment value 6677H. Q2 Design a memory system with 2568 RAM and 1288 ROM size if you have l28B RAM and 648 ROM Chip size and address lines for CPU is 20 lines. Q3 What we mean try segment register? And then Explain segments registers kinds. Q4 of the instructions below if DS=7DD3H, SS=865DH, IP For first Instruction Show the effect before and after execution vou knos, that CS=4882H, =567CH, BX=D871H, SI=CAAFH, AX=4817H, CX:3DE4H, DI=8917,DX=643E,BP=5638, Data location for first instruction: 6241H' Data location for thrid Instruction= D552H, Data location Instruction: 4119H MOV AX, [BPl OPCODE=D624H xoR [sr] , cx 0PCODE:6220H XCHGCX,AX OPCODE=6AH ADD [BX],DX OPCODE:3886H With Good Luck for Irourth University of Technology-Electromechanical Engineering Dept. Final Exam- 2012-2013 (simulation) Q! $!g Ansrver three question from simulation Write function program m.file and simulation calling m.file to determine the reactions and forces in each member ofthe loaded truss. ( l0 marks) P= 3000 N QO l-he current in an LR circuit is given by L1+ ni : Esin(,ot) n'here Esin(ot) is the voltage at time t, R is the resistance. and L is the inductance. At t=0. i=0. write a program using the fourrh-order Runge-Kufta method ro find i at r=0.I Take E=15, L=0.05. ll= 100, and , LD=0.5. (10 marks) QZ: The velocity v (m/s) of air flowing past a flat surface is measured at severar distances y (m) awa). from the surface. Write program to determine the shear stress r (fl,/mr) at the surlace (). =0). du -L - tt 'ay Assume a value of dynamic viscosity !r= t.grl0'5 N.s/m2, v,m 0.002 0.006 0.012 U, NVS 0.28'7 0.8 89 t.915 ( 9q I0 marks) suppose that the cu|Tent through a resistor is described b1, the function i(t) = (60 - 0, + (60 - t)sin (1/t) and the resistance is a iunclion ofthe cunenr: R= 10i +2i?/3 ruite a program ro rure. find the varue ofaverage vortage over r = 0 ro 60 using the Composite Simpson,s | ,3 (10 marks) Good luck University of Technology-Electromechanical Engineering Dept' Final. Exam - 2012-2013 Time:3hr Class: 3'd Year - Electromechanical Eng. Subject: Dare'. Steam and gas turbines I 12013 Note: AttemDt 4 Questions onlY Examiner; Ass.Prof. Dr.Shaker H'Aljanbi in details the effect of initial pressure and Q-1) A;- With the aid of T-s diagram, explain [6Marks] ,,rr" ""ill_-i"p., on a simple power plant. power plant steam of turbine the C enters 4000 and bar 50 at r,"^ted steam up a complete energy balance-for und etpands to a condenser pressure of 0'14 bar' Draw efficiency and specific ,ft. fa"'"ipi"tt,, including the feed pump term, and. find the^cycle Show how the cycle would t,'*. *ir"tption. Sketch the cycle on the T-S diagram' not reversible' [9Marks] in the turbine and feed pump were ";p*r-#th. ft.esses of steam process planl'.the boiler generate 2l '000kg'&r part of the steam goes to a process heater u p..rrrr" oh I 7 bu, and 230 C0 A 0.97 dry atl T bar being 132, 56 kw. The steam leaving the process.heater Q.2) In a combined power and ,i"ui * ;;;h;#;. throttledto3.5bars..t-heremainingsteamflowthrorrghahighpressureturbinewhich. with the process steam before entering the exhaust at 3.5 bars. The exhaust stlam mixes pressure is 0'3 bar and i"l" p.rrrr." tr.tine which develops 1337'5kW At.exhaust the 0.91) dry. Draw a line diagram ofthe plant' determine:turbine' ;) iil;"". quality at the exhaust from the high pressure il,Th. oo*., ieveloped by the high pressure turbine'. turbme' cj The-isentropic efficiency of the high pressure 95 dry and expands isentropically to o and is'supplied to'dnozzle at-l ibar 6-ata;;"; the value ofn from ttte law ofexpansion to be Pvn=constant' determine Using this value' calculate the pressure and the initial and final condition ofthe steam' per unit area at throat' at the throat of the nozzle' and the mass flow ;.#;;il;'.*m it"i.etr".itg exitandtwopointsbetweenthem.Plotcurvesshowingthevariationu'iththepressure alongthenozzleofcross-sectionulutea,massflowperunitarea'velocityandspecific volume. of 430m/s' The A single row of impulse turbine 1ras a mealUlfe speed due to friction^and the *-f"iitv nor?t" irttoO./s' There is ls%loss of velocity the turbine for 700kg/hr is "i absolute discharge is axial' The power developed .from steam O"- il angles and velocities and the blade efficiency' B) Discuss the reason of the followings frrst to last stage blade in gas turbine is smaller heights in first stage ofgas turbine is greater ,riun,-fru, oiu"u,n turbine. ii). the ieight ofblades than that in steam turbine of comparable capactty' of compression and two stages of expansion' f iant consist oit*o stages is 2'The temperature. entenng Ti. pr-"rru.. ratio acros^s each turbine and each compressor turbine is 900Cu.An ideal heat .u"i'", is l5Co and the temperature entering each turbine work*g.i it incorporated into the cycle' Determine the compressor work' q1u' =857o' Take the inlet pressure is 100kPa' ncomp':80%o' SikW.D"t";ull t)""fi;;;f.r;;;" u.t*.*,rtt Q;;; if *il; efficiency "tJ,rt..."r v:l.4and Cp:1 .006kJ/kg.K. (l5Marks) Class: 3tu University Of Technology -Electromechanical Engineering Dept. Final Exam 2012-2013 Timet 3-hours pou'er Subject: Control Examiner: Date: systen theories Dr. Asecl J. M. -4 Alhsssani \ E Note: lruu,er i 5-Q uestion /2013 Onll Signature: ID. No. : alMrite the T.F. in respecl of the mechanical s,vstem given in Fig.. Then using force-voltage analogy. obtain the equivalenr e x K M C(damping) f Mech. Elect.-Direct E L R 1lc Elect.- lnverse I c l/R tlL a Dx DQ=I E b: the output ofa feedback control system must be a function.of " i)reference and output ii)reference and input iii)input feedback signal iv)output and feedback signal a:Tlre t*tsl"t function fol the colttrol b :Determine the transfer function for the block diagram shown in Fig bY first drawing its signal flow graph and then using the Mason's gain formula' @cksystem,offig',the o}the .esultittg second order system for ' 2%tolerance band will be "' """"' 84 iv)2 ii)4.5 iii)2.zs ,"ttiine ti-. D3.33 Obtain the unit-impulse response ofa unity feedback is : control system whose open loop transfer function b: c+ cis)=T J"i" 1 s : s4+ 10s3+3 5s2+50s+24=0 For this system rh. nu.ber oi -2' roots to the right ofvertical axis located at s= b : comnrent on tlre stabili{ of a unity a : polar plot of function -feedback control systeln having tlre open loop transfer . : r.u;rrjrt. axis 6:';uj.. i)closses the negative real ir')none of the above ii) crosses the negative imaginary axis iii)crosses the positive imaginary axrs l.raving the open loop transfer function complete Nyqulst plot for a unity feedback systern G(s)=6/ s(1+0.5s)(s+6). b : Drar^'the positional f* tni. ,;-#,' "onriunt r;1t;='11212' r(t)=, and parabolic input ;;.;;";fi;; b: Determine the z-transform s+6) 'velociff 'and 'deternine with step input r(t)=u(t)'ramp Input enors state steady .atro ,a.iermine of f(t)=2 ea'? University of Technology-Electromechanical Engineering Dept Final Examination 2012-2013 3'd- year/ power Time: 180 min. Date:23 1612013 Answer Four Ouestions Subj.Combustion & Air Pollution Examinar:Assis. Prof. Dr.Hassan e1r' The dry products from a combustion test of fuel show a partial voiumetric anaiysis of lTYo carbon dioxide , 1.9 oh carbott monoxide and l'21 % hydrogen,with the ash containing 0.01 un bumt carbon per gram of fuel supplied.If the sainple of solid fuel of coal have the following volumetric percentage composition carbon 90 ,hydrogen 6 , oxygen 3 and ash l'0 ' determine : l.The stoichiometric air fuel mass ratio 2.The actual air fuel mass ratio 3.The equivalence ratio 4.which tYPes of mixture of fuel [15mark] 5.The wet percentage products of composition parameters: the following Q2l (a)Define and explain the meaning of 2'equivalance ratio. f.ignitiondelayperiod 3.indicated mean effective pressure 4'excess air coefficient 5.Detonation and abnormal combustion (b) Explain on which factors depend the formation of N0' that on a dia-gram [15mark] carbon of in concentrations ofproducts Q3.(a) show on the diagram the variations function of A'lF mass Dioxide ,carbon monoxide and un burnt hydrocarbons as a 'show ratio. of combustion in (b)Explain and discuss with the aid of graph the process & stage [l5mark] a diesel engine. Q4(a)WhenhydrocarbonemissionsHCgetintoatrnospheretheyreacttoformdifferent components, explain these component' the combustion process (b)Discuss and explain the undesiiable emissions generated-in emissions' of combustion engine, discuss also the major causes of these [15mark] Q5/1.A6-cylinderdieselenginehas5.6litre,operateon4-strokecycleisusedinatruc] -u"ti.t" requiring 17g kw as an effective power,themechanical effrciency_ofth: :1gll. equipment is i, tg%.Td spec-ific effective fuel consumption is 230 new power by 7olo.Assuming the ir,rtuff.a in the engine which increase engine friction indicated thermal effrciency remain the same ,calculate: l.the new mechanical efficiencY 2.the new brake specific fuel consumption 3.the new increase in fuel consumption per hour 4.if brake mean effective pr"ss*i :0.880 MPa , calculate engine torque of diesel spray, 2.Explain the emission formation with schematic representation engine. combustion and pollutant formation f9r a direct injection diesel 1t uaW : -\ / r, r -- ) [l5mark] 'ltJzr^tFalt ii,"\id s-'b -&-{rl}iAdt it UL l.rnir,ersil] of Technologl - E lcctromechanical Enginecring Dcpt. l:inul Exam SanrPle t1) - l0ll-:01i Strd): third Su Time: class Date: bj ect: i hoLrrs 6 15 l{)1--: Note: Ansrr er lbur questions onl)j Eraminer: Si!:nature: The bus bar conductors of a substation are supported b} post it-tsulators consisting each of 3- pin insulators fixed onc on the top oflhc other" The voltage across lhe iou,eit insulator is (14.82Kri) and that across the next is (12.26Kr'). Assunre the Ql ) A) bars' ( 7'50) betu'een the bus B) A 3- piase. 50 Hz" 66Kv. overhead T.L. are piaced in a htrrizoutal 1-rlan as sho.'.'i.r in li_e. the conductof diameter is (1.25cm). I1' the line is (l00Knr). .calculrte thc ( 10") capa;itance per phase {drive the 1'ormula used s\ stem as 3- phase. 3-r,r'rre. Find tie voltage } 2.5 m Q2)A3-plrase33Kv.50I]z.I.L.40Kmlongdeliversaloado|20000Kr,r'atO-tiP.F. per Km is (0.075f1).and the iigging aithe receivirrg end. The fesistance of-line pcrphase (b)sending end L..iio,i.. per.phase p.. K* is (0.3o). Find (a) the sending end voltagc (17.5") (e) the cfticiencl . cun.ent icjsending eird power factor (d) rorque angle Explain the construction of underground cables' Q3) - )aA)po*,.. The annual load f'actor slation has a maximum dema=nd o1'(15000KW). lil (7'5"'1 (10") r09zn and of plant capacitv lactor is 40%0. Deterrrine the reserve capacitl is plarlt' Pou'er is supplied at A at (11Kv) and load of Q4) A lhree phase distributor ABCA' takeu at B and C a1 P-F. (0.8). and a (60,4) at (0-9 P F') are ti0il p., phase 6 *'i10o' L..p"ii.'.fli 'l"he irnpedance ofibeder are AB = 4''t8i)' BC - 6-'i8Q "lg-C1Calculate the Voltage at Il and C and the current in tach branch' ( 17'5") d5) An or.erhead r.L. conductor]11'''niu'1.,''i]" utti'" 8000Kgicnir rhe it'. fl;?]:iT:-'::fl:'ffi),Xi:[:li'il: ,t'l,.JJi'li"i.,'i"11 ""a ttl':!' ,l-,1.'1.,*.' u.. 600m apart having (l5rn) difl'erence "t ,-:'*t::: lL:.t:i"ii:: llT auou'ed so rhat the i-acto' of safetr,'31,1'. (t) .;;ffi;';ij.i.'"i ,;i'il;r;;;;#;;r;;l'r"timust be per rneter' Assumc that ice load is 11kg) (17.5") University of Technology-Elecfiomechanical Engineering Dept' Final Exam-First Attempt - 2012-2013 Time: 3 hours Class: 3 rd. years Date:2'7 I 6 12013 Note: Answer five questions Subject: Industrial Engineering Examiner: Dr K. I. Mahmoud ID No. Name: Q I Signature : Consider the following engineering project: critical Path? display all the values in a table' ES, EC, LS, LC and the slack time' and the 2-Compute within 5 weeks' what is the effect on the project 3- Suppose that activity B completion time? l-What is the ;;;;;;;i;ted (A' B' and C)' During has three major power'generating companies Missouri of state The Q2: p'i*".. n iuthoiizes these. companies to pool ir*"".i o"-"oo,-tn"-f"f peak of the nonths "thority power companies that-do not have ii t".maller independent their excess supply and to oirt"iu"t" basis of cost Excess supply is distributed on the' demand' the i"tal" to enough large generators millions of table shon's ih. aelnund and supply in per kilowatt hour transmrrt"a. ii"l"ur*-g small hour of transmitting electric power to three per kilowatt costs the and hours kilowatt companies in cities llt,X, and Y' supplv' noa uo initiallransmisl':,t-1tlti::,:::1"-1.-".::t-l""er 1-Use the VOGAL method to svstem' to find the optimum distribution ;:;il;il;fi;p;;;;"" 'ethod model X and $30 on each model Y' makes a profit of $10 on Company Phone Mobile Q3: -e1ch and B (Testing)' but p"otJttiog tntougn tne same m.achines A (Cleaning) Both products ".qui". -S Xrequires4minutesion"JsioB,wfrereasYrequires6minuiesinAand4inB'Duringthe n"t" 720 and t60 minutes of available capacity lt'O i m"ct'ioet we"k forthcoming t*n should be produced to realize the optimum profit?' Solve respectively. How many pn""" this problem graPhicallY' "i suppose that an Engineer has five jobs that can be performed on any of five machines. The cost($ of completing each job-machine combination is below. Find the assisnmanr Job Q4: - J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 5 6 4 7 6 4 4 3 9 I 6 , 3 ) 8 8 5 4 4 J s 3 f, 5 4 Q5:- The Midwest Bolt would like to control the quality of the bolts produced by its automatic screw machines' Each machine produces 100 bolts per hour and is controlled by a separate control chart' Every hour, a random sample of six bolts is selected from the output of each machine and the diameter of each sampre bort is measured, From each six diameters, an average and range are computed' suppose now one sample produced the following six measurements: 0'536 , 0'507 , 0.530 , o'szs , 0,530 and 0.520. we arso know that the grand average of a[ past samples has been running ( O.S13l and the grand average range is ( E-= O.O2O). (Given for n=6 A2=0.483 D3=0 D4=2,004). tstheprocess in control ornot? i= Q6-: Processing times and due dates for six jobs waiting to be processed at a singre machine are given in the fotowing tabre' Determin. thc mean flow timeraverage tardiness and number of tardy jobs tn. onuiii* iy',iirg cn t"riticar ratio scheduring rure: "t tilr'd;;;;;;:obs, Due Date (days) University of Technology-Electromechanical Engineering Dept. Final Exam-First AttemDt - 2012-2013 Time : 3 hours Class : 3'd year - power Subj ect: Fluid Machinery Date: / /2013 Note: Attempt five questions only Each question has an equal mark Examiner : Dr. Hussein Maieed Salih ID No. Name: Qr/ Signature A. Prove that the change in static enthalpy for an urial compressor rotot is equal / ) ?\ -w; tollwl - t2j I l. B. What is the meaning of the specific speed of the pump and what is the mathematical expression for it? Q2/ of moving blades in a wheel. The direction of the jet makes 20" with the direction of move;ent of the blade. The blade angle at inlet is 35". If the jet should enter the blade without striking, what should be the blade velocity. If the outlet angle of the A water jet 20 mm in diameter and having a velocity of 90 m/s strikes series blade is 3Co, determine the force on iire blade. Assume that there is no friction involved in the flow over the blade. Q3/ A radial flow hydraulic turbine is required to be designed to produce 20 MW under output a head of 16 m at a speed of 90 rpm. A geometrically similar model with an of 30 kW and a head of 4 m is to be tested under a dynamically similar conditions' At what speed must the model be run? What is the required impeller diameter ratio between the model and protot)?e and what is the volume flow rate through the model if its efficiency can be assumed to be 90 per cent? Q4t A Pleton turbine running at 720 rmp uses 300 kg of water per second. If the head jet by available is 425 mdetermine the hydraulic efficiency. The bucket deflect the 165.. Also find the diameter of the runner and jet, if the nozzle efficiency is 94"/o. 0.1 Assume k":0.45. The losses in relative velocity of flow due to blade friction is of the inlet relative velocitY. ai-,;3tl JEli cl C# Qs/ The outer diameter of a Francis runner is 1.4 m. The flow velocity at inlet is 9.5 m/s. The absolute velocity at the exit is 7 m/s. The speed of op.rution is +:o rpm. The_power developed is 12.25 MW with a flow rate of 12 m3)s. rotal heao is t ts F9t shockless entry determine the angle of the inlet guide vane. Aiso T. find the absolute velocity at entrance, the runner blade angle at inlet and the loss ofhead in the unit. Assume zero whirl at exit. Also find the ipecific speed. Q6/ .9/,-^ It is desired to have a discharge of water of r 0-llmin using a reciprocating pump r_umi1g at 42 rpm. The bore to stroke ratio is to be 1 : t.sltt *p".i"a that the slip will be l2%0. Determine the bore and stroke for (a) single a"ii"g'p"-p, and (b) double.acting pump. If the total head is 30 m anditre ov"eral e-irr-ci*"j, i, szz, determine the power required in both cases. t Good Luck