Recent Developments in External Acous5c Models for
Flexible Underwater Vehicle Dynamics
**Joint Collaborations with
Moonseok Lee, Youn-Sik Park and Youngjin Park
Center for Noise and Vibration Control
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Daejeon, Korea 305-701.
K. C. Park, Professor WCU Visi5ng Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering Division of Ocean Systems Engineering
Sciences, School of Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado KAIST
Boulder, CO, USA, and Daejeon, Korea
Joint KAIST‐University of Tokyo Workshop on Ocean Systems Engineering,
Kashiwa, Japan. 16 October 2009
Essentials in Developing New Technologies or
Advancing Existing Technologies
Articulate Technology Needs (e.g., Floating City);
Identify Present and Future Expected Customers;
Survey Pillar Technology Base and Match with Existing
Identify New Technology Needs, and Existing Technologies that need to be significantly improved;
Prioritize Research Needs and Match with Manpower
University Roles for New Technology
They say students do not learn much in university; yet it is where a student experiences profound transformation in terms of maturity and career readiness.
Base Research (or Basic Research) and Professional
However, university is a self-surviving entity; it wishes that industry would depend on university for technology innovation, expert professional production, even patents to utilize…
Within university community, each campus must compete for talents (faculty and students recruits) and resources
My Personal Preference/Goals as a Professor
1. Educate both undergraduate and graduate students;
Conduct Basic Research, in particular:
Analysis methods developments – FEM, transient algorithms, etc;
New modeling theory – acoustic-structure interaction models ( Today’s talk );
Multiphysics simulation, system identification, etc.
Conduct Engineering Analysis such as:
Space rendezvous dynamics and control;
Underwater vehicle dynamics;
Shell structures and membranous reflectors
Containment vessels health monitoring
MEMS resonators and Gyroscope performance
Health monitoring of structures
Contact-impact problems
My Past Activities
Past Activities:
Transient analysis methods (direct time integration)
Helicopter and general aviation crashworthiness
Shell finite elements
Computational methods for fluid-structure interactions
Large space structures and control
Space construction and space rendezvous dynamics
Partitioned analysis methods for coupled-field problems
Multi-body dynamics and space assembly
Structural system identification and damage detection
Contact-impact mechanics
My Current Activities
Current Activities:
Multi-physics dynamics and computational methods
Health monitoring of structural systems
MEMS Gyroscopes for space applications
Membranous structures for solar sails and reflectors
Hilbert-Huang transform for nonlinear dynamics
Loose coupling of tightly coupled multi-physics problems via partitioned analysis procedures.
Background in Today’s Talk
Today’s talk is considered as a new theory as opposed to improving exis5ng theories;
It was a test case in that I have consistently advocated that more KAIST engineering theses should take on developing new methodologies, new theories and new modeling instead of improving exis5ng engineering tools;
It has been carried out at KAIST during the past four years by Dr. Moonseok Lee as his PhD thesis;
I am hoping that you would get a glimpse of what it takes to take on research that requires risk and open‐ended 5me commitment. . .
My Objec5ves as WCU‐OSE Faculty Member
• First, work with students!
• Assist OSE faculty to promote ‘basic research’ emphasis;
• By engaging in the above two ac5vi5es, help them write
fundamental papers that will be cited by others in
years to come (out of many papers, I am sure).
• In other words, I am intensely academically oriented. But then
beware of ‘ 맑은 물엔 고기가 크게 자라지 않습니다 .’
• I am an American and we Americans believe in pursuit of
happiness! Hence, I will enjoy doing the above ac5vi5es.
Background in Today’s Talk – Cont’d
Classifica5on of Fluid‐Structure Interac5ons
• Waves (e.g., hurricanes) bombarding the structures
• Liquid Sloshing in Container Compartment
• Intense Pressure Origina5ng from Tsunami and Explosions – Today’s Topics
Waves (e.g., hurricanes & North Sea) bombarding the structures ( Height:10‐25 m and Period: 10 ‐15 seconds, speed of wave
∼ 1-5 /s )
Liquid Sloshing in Container Compartment
Today’s Topics: Intense Pressure Origina5ng from Tsunami and/or Explosions ( wave speed ~ 1450 m/s)
Also applicable to Surface Ships and Floa5ng Large Structures
Why simula5on and why not real experiments?
A bicycle can be tested not only for parts but the whole bicycle;
• A car can be crash‐tested, although expensive. Even for cars, simula5on using component test data saves cost and expedite from design to market turnaround.
• To test an airplane for its crash landing safety? No way! Too expensive and 5me consuming.
• How about satellites? How about a submarine? How about a large floa5ng structures such as oil/gas drilling plajorms?
Acous5c‐Structure Interac5on Problems in Ocean
Sonar Detec5on Problem:
Send pressure waves and measure the scakered (return) pressure. By analyzing the scakered pressure, one can iden5fy the loca5on, the shape and the speed by which the ship or submarine is moving .
Dynamic Response of Surface and Underwater Ships:
Vibra5on and vulnerability of vehicles subjected to intense pressure waves ( Professor Young Shin is an expert in this field) .
All future ocean infrasystems must withstand hos5le akacks as well as tsunami shock waves.
Aren’t There Theories Available to Model
Dynamics of Acous5c‐Structure Interac5ons?
At present, we use two separate modeling techniques: a. Various acous5c‐rigid scakering model for underwater
detec5on b.
Acous5c‐flexible interac5on model for structural response
Objec5ve of Present Research:
Develop one model that is applicable both to acous5c scakering and flexible structural dynamics response.
Shock Analysis
Related Literature:
Baker and Copson(1949): My favorite theoretical text
G. Carrier(1951): Cylindrical shells excited by incident waves
Junger and Feit(1950s): sound scakering by thin elas5c shells
Mindlin and Bleich(1953): Perhaps the first plane wave approxima5on
Huang (1969): A successful solu5on of retarded poten5al for a sphere
Geers (1978): The seminal paper on doubly asymptotic approximation (DAA)
Felippa (1980): A systematic derivation for early-time response
Geers and Felippa (1983): Application of DAA to vibration problems
Astley et al (1998): Wave envelope elements that treats the scattering
in addition to radiation in applying retarded potential.
Two Views on
External Acous5c‐Structure Interac5ons
Solve the wave equa5on with
approximate infinite radia5on boundary condi5ons ;
• Approximate Kirchhoff’s retarded poten5al
that properly incorporates the infinite radia5on
boundary condi5ons.
• There are, of course, a host of approaches that try to
exploit the desirable features of the two views.
Mo5va5ons for Present Study
When the primary interest is to obtain structural response arising from external acous5c‐structural interac5ons, exis5ng DAA
(Doubly Asympto5c Approxima5on; Geers, 1978) models seem adequate;
However, when one is interested in the acous5c field, e.g., for iden5fica5on of sound sources, exis5ng DAAs are considered inadequate, primarily due to its inconsistent impulse response characteris5cs.
In addi5on, DAAs are obtained via an impedance matching procedure between early‐5me and late‐5me approxima5ons.
New approxima5ons without resor5ng to impedance matching should be at least intellectually pleasing!
Mo5va5ons for Present Study ‐ con5nued
For model determina5on through system iden5fica5on, one assumes the system model in terms of discrete event equa5on as
Internal dynamics: x (n+1) = A x n + B u n
Measure output: y n = C x n + D u n
System iden5fica5on is to obtain (A, B, C, D) with given input (u n ) and measured output ( y n )
Kirchhoff’s retarded poten5al (as will be shown shortly) does not rend to this standard system iden5fica5on model!
Hence, a high‐fidelity ordinary differen5al acous5c model is needed.
(Why spherical waves?) ‐ That is how waves propagates in homogeneous medium.
(adopted in exis5ng models)
(via filtering concept)
Theore5cal Founda5on for Present Approxima5ons
Series expansion of the retarded operator, in where has been responsible for unstable form unless a modifica5on is incorporated.
Possible stabiliza5on: Employ advanced poten5al!
The Role of Advanced Poten5al in Computa5onal
Physically, while the retarded operator (RO) is to foresee the wave front, the advanced operator (AO) looks back the wave front.
Hence, computa5onally RO is a predictor while AO is a backward interpolator, hence a stable operator.
Geometrical Interpreta5on of Retarded and Advanced Waves
Wave Front, Time = t
Advanced Wave Front,
=me = t + r/c
( It is a backward interpola5on. Hence, generally stable to compute)
Time (t)
Retarded Wave Front,
=me = t – r/c
( It is a forward extrapola5on.
Hence, generally unstable to compute!)
Key Idea for Present Approxima5ons
Observa5ons on the Present Basic Approxima5on
The fact that sR/c < 1 implies that the approxima5on is accurate for late‐5me response due to the inherent property of the Final Value Theorem of the Laplace
Observe that and are transient terms, hence domina5ng early‐5me responses.
Hence, these terms would not be accurate with the expansion restric5on of sR/c < 1.
Modifica5ons for Transient or Early‐Time Response
(a) Consistency for Impulse Response compared with
analy5cal solu5ons;
(b) Incorpora5on of classical results wherein early‐5me
response is dominated by plane waves;
The preceding requirements are met fortuitously if one
approximates in the following terms by replacing with
Impulse Response Consistency
Present model sa5sfies the early‐5me consistency independent of the choice of the weigh5ng parameter, χ
Determina5on of Weigh5ng Parameter ,
Plot the characteris5c roots of the exact analy5cal
solu5on for a sphere
2. Assume
χ in the following form:
And determine the best fiung constants,
Analy5cal Pressure Characteris5c Root Loci for a Sphere
Determina5on of Weigh5ng Parametric Matrix ,
• It specializes to the modal form of
to spherical geometries n when applied
• It should be robust with respect to computa5onal errors
for general geometries
A general matrix form of χ that sa5sfies the above requirements is found to be
The case of S=0 is symbolically equivalent to DAA2 with curvature
Correc5on which is found to be prone to instability for n = 0 mode.
Model parameter selec5on
• Proposed modal equa=ons and DAA
with curvature n = 0 n > 0
Proposed model curvature DAA2
[ s + 1] 2 p
= [ + 1] u
[ + 1] p
= s u
[ s 2
+ + ) + ( + 1)] p n
= [ + ] n
" !
$ % &
Comparison of Analy5cal and Present Principal
Roots with
χ 1 n
= n,
χ 1
= 1
Computer Implementa5on of Interac5on Problems
Problems that can be treated by the present models
Governing Interac5on Equa5ons
Benchmark Test: elas5c sphere subjected to
Incident acous5c excita5ons
Numerical Simula5on
• Transient responses of a submerged spherical shell excited by cosine‐type impulse pressure
– A spherical shell surrounded with fluid medium.
– In water medium
– h/a=0.01, ρ s
/ρ=7.7, c s
= − cos θδ ( )
θ a r v w
I e r u s s e r
P t n e i d c n
=7 !
0 0.5
E , ρ s
, v h 1 1.5
2 2.5
3 3.5
4 4.5
A stable approximate model for external acous5c and
structural interac5on problems has been derived by
employing a combina5on of retarded and advanced
The maximum order of “regular” approxima5on is found
to be two.
The present approximate model is consistent with
respect to impulse response, important for inverse
iden5fica5on as the Frequency Response Func5ons are
in fact the 5me‐domain counterpart of impulse
response func5ons.
It remains to assess the present approxima5ons as applied
to more realis5c problems.