All building applications to Council must be accompanied by a digital data disc i.e. USB, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM containing a copy of all documentation (all forms, plans and documents). This is to assist Council in record keeping and processing.
Ensure all files are submitted in PDF format
Maximum of 5MB per file
Plans (floor, elevation, site, and section plans) are to be single files.
All other documentation including written reports and copies of application forms are to be separately titled
(see examples below).
All digital documents are to be named in the following format:
Document Type – Property Address – Applicant Name
Development Application form – 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
Floor plans – 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction – Smith
Elevations - 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction – Smith
Sections - 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction – Smith
Statement of Environmental Effects - 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
Landscape Plan – 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
Shadow Diagrams – 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
BASIX Certificate – 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
Site Waste and Recycling Management Plan - 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction - Smith
All types of Development Applications (including Modification and Review applications)
Amendments to an application currently under assessment and/or appeal
Plans / documentation to address conditions of consent or activate a Deferred Commencement consent
Pre DAs
Footpath seating applications
Complying Development Certificates
Construction Certificates
Occupation Certificates
Building Certificates
Submission of Privately Certified works
Application for Occupation of Council footpath
Display of goods on footpath
Heritage Exemption Certificates
Land and Environment Court matters
Subdivision Certificates
Planning Proposals
Council will check all discs before accepting the application.
Applicant: I have read the above terms and confirm that my digital copy to be submitted with my application contains PDF files that are named/formatted in the prescribed manner and their content is identical to the hardcopies submitted with this application (please circle):
Yes No
Applicant signature
Duty Officer (Print Name)
J:\HOME\PES\FORMS\Front Counter forms\Word Docs - current forms\Digital file requirements_Sept 2015.docx