our new name is

our new name is
A word from VARD’s CEO
Roy Reite
Chief Executive Officer, VARD
Our new name is VARD – a short, powerful name
that reflects our values, traditions, culture and
maritime heritage. The name is derived from the
Norwegian word “varde”, which is a small tower
made of stone. These were the first navigation
marks along the coast and the first was raised as
early as at the time of the vikings.
I hope the name and its meaning excites you
as much as it does me. I look forward to using
it, and I believe it will provide us with exciting
opportunities in the time ahead of us. We are
now embarking on a new era in the history of our
company, and together with our values, our new
name will guide us in the right direction.
Before talking about our future, let me first of all take you back in
time – to remind you of our origins, who we are, our conduct, and our
VARD’s heritage
Our heritage goes back over generations,
to a time when fishing was the way of life
for people along the coast of Norway. The
rough and challenging waters gave us a
genuine, enduring respect and fascination
for the seas, and also for the people who
sail upon them. Together with these sailors,
we developed ever better vessels.
Our operations in Romania, and
subsequently in Brazil and Vietnam, were
founded on the same approach. Also, our
relations with international shipbuilders
VARD today
and ship owners are based on the same
philosophy. Through professionalism and
globalisation we have built an entire group of
companies founded on the same historical
values: skill, customer-orientation, and
respect for the individual and the society in
which we live.
Our heritage may be important, but we
have always looked towards new horizons.
Seeking new solutions has always been key
to our success. Just like our predecessors
long before us, we continue to challenge
established thinking and constantly push the
boundaries of what is deemed possible.
Our growth is based on the knowledge of
our people, the quality of our work, and our
determination to develop new and better
solutions. In particular, we have built close
relationships with our customers, gone out
of our way to understand their priorities,
and found new ways to meet their everevolving needs.
Having built outstanding fishing boats for
many years, we are today also developing
new ship designs, equipment and solutions
for highly specialized offshore and specialpurpose vessels.
We have always aimed to be a top global
player in our most important areas of
competence. We have to keep abreast of
developments in technologically demanding
VARD tomorrow
and sophisticated fields. With the name
VARD signifying our common purpose and
our shared ethos, we are better equipped
than ever to live up to this aspiration.
Today, we cooperate closely with our
customers whenever new vessels and
solutions are developed. We also draw upon
strong, genuine collaboration across all of
VARD’s disciplines and locations, and our
international network of specialists and
This combined experience and knowhow is
an incredible asset. It just gets stronger and
stronger. We are now drawing on it in a way
that we have never seen before. This spirit
of collaboration is the VARD-way personified
– a way of working we can all take pride in.
Together we are now taking the next leap
forward in the exceptional history of this
With our new owners, Fincantieri, we stand
on a strong platform and are equipped for
future growth.
VARD is one of the world’s largest makers
of offshore and specialized vessels, while
Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest
makers of cruise vessels and a leading
player in naval vessels. These combined
strengths make us truly unique in our
global marketplace.
This energizes us. It also commits us to
a common goal of further developing an
excellent company that brings value to
our customers, employees, owners, the
environment, and society as a whole.
I look forward to embarking on this journey
together with you – under the new name of
Roy Reite
Chief Executive Officer, VARD
Our new name is VARD – a short, powerful name that
reflects our values, traditions, culture and maritime heritage.
The name is derived from the Norwegian word “varde”,
which is a small tower made of stone. This was the first
navigation marks along the coast and the first was raised
as early as at the time of the vikings.
Roy Reite
Chief Executive Officer, VARD
Visning av deler av sjøkart er i hht tillatelse 13/G709 fra Kartverkets sjødivisjon
We take pride in delivering high quality products and services
What we all do requires a high level of knowledge, dedication and skill.
Even though our company name may be new, our common values are more important
– and more alive – than ever before.
They are not just words. They represent who we are as a company. They show we care deeply
about our co-workers, our customers, and the societies and communities in which we operate.
Just as VARD is a beacon for us in our everyday work, we have to be a beacon to each other and
to the society around us. Our values will guide us, empower us and drive us forward – just as
they did for our colleagues decades ago.
As we now enter a new era for our company, we must cherish and make use of these values
in everything we do.
We truly care about the individual, team and society
Customers satisfaction is everyone’s responsibility
We are a company with employees spread over large parts of the world, with diverse
cultures, languages and backgrounds, but we still belong together as a team.
We all work for common goals, for the client’s best. At VARD, we care about each individual,
about our teams and society as a whole. Concern for Health, Safety and the Environment
(HSE) is a top priority for our business, and our company’s well-being rests firmly upon it.
Every employee has a right to a safe work environment, and setting high standards for
a safe workplace strengthens our bond with the local communities where we operate.
We all aim to be leaders and role models, and we are all empowered with great responsibility.
Here at VARD we always put the customer first. Meeting our customers’ demands
and delivering exceptional results and solutions, is the most important thing we do.
We depend on a good dialogue with customers, and strong cooperation between sales
and operations. This gives us the ability to foresee the way our business will develop
and always stay ahead. Always!
• We innovate, create and seek new solutions
• Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is our first priority
• We focus on our customer’s needs in all we do
• We are hands-on
• We value diversity
• We are flexible and agile
• We have a proud history
• We are friendly and caring
• We deliver on time, budget and quality
• Our knowledge is passed on through generations
• We are ONE team with the same goals and interests
• We value long term relationship
• We seek continuous improvements and share best practices
• Our local strength build global competitiveness
• We take initiative and follow through
The technologically advanced ships of today are more complicated to construct
than any other vessels in history. Across our workforce we depend utterly on each
other’s skills and attention to detail. As a collaborative team, we always seek
to perfect every aspect of the building process.
• We are highly skilled
For each and every one of us, in any department, in any shipyard, in any country,
focusing on customer needs is our most important job.
• We are open and honest
Vard Design develops designs
for both standard and one-off
vessel types. Highly advanced
modifications can be created,
according to individual customer
requirements. All designs are
developed with an emphasis on
safety, cost optimization, fuel
economy and environmental
performance. VARD’s technical
and engineering departments
carry out and completes the
engineering of all vessels built
at our yards.
Vard Electro is a global
provider of advanced marine
electronics and turnkey electrical
systems. The company offers a
comprehensive range of products
and services – from engineering,
installation, integration testing
and commissioning, through to
remote diagnostics,
El-conversions and hands-on
global field services.
Vard Piping produces pipes
and installs piping systems.
Modern offshore vessels can
incorporate up to ten kilometers
of piping to handle fuels,
chemicals, gases, fresh and
waste water, and liquid cargo.
The company also delivers a
wide range of specialized,
pipe-related services, such
as camera inspection, heat
treatment and high-pressure
Vard Trading offers trading
packages to third-party
shipyards. The company will
typically bundle basic or detailed
designs together with various
components and equipment such
as main engines, propulsion
systems, switchboards, and deck
machinery. Meanwhile, Vard
Aftermarket delivers spare parts
and components to customers
The VARD subsidiary Seaonics is
a high-end provider of integrated
equipment and solutions for
subsea construction and deck
handling operations within the
marine and offshore industries.
Vard Accommodation is a turnkey contractor for the delivery
and installation of complete
accommodation and heating,
ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) packages for all types
of vessel. The company also
provides and fits all forms
of insulation, including fire
insulation, comfort and sound
insulation, pipe insulation and
exhaust insulation.
VARD has ten shipbuilding
facilities worldwide – five in
Norway, two in Romania, two in
Brazil and one in Vietnam. We
are constructing offshore and
specialized vessels used in the
offshore oil and gas exploration
and production industries.
Our strategically located
shipyards enable us to meet
every need of a diverse and
sophisticated global customer
In addition to the shipbuilding
related activity, VARD also
provides services within ship
repair and conversions.
Our competence, facilities and
locations make us the natural
choice for ship owners looking
for providers of repair and
conversion services.
Our Anchor Handling Tug
Supply Vessels (AHTS) are
designed with focus on
excellent manoeuvrability
together with good capacities,
high bollard pull and
sufficient stability and trim.
The vessels mainly perform
anchor handling duties and
towage of offshore drilling
units and floating production
Our Platform Supply Vessels
(PSV) are designed with
focus on good cargo carrying
capacity as well as excellent
manoeuvrability together with
low fuel consumption. PSVs
are able to perform a variety
of tasks to support offshore
Our Offshore Subsea
Construction Vessels (OSCV)
are designed with focus on
good station-keeping and
excellent manoeuvrability and
sea-keeping characteristics.
These highly complex vessels
perform subsea operations
and maintenance work.
VARD design and build
different types of vessels
and ship designs of both
standardized vessels and
highly advanced vessels with
significant customer-specific
About our largest shareholder, Fincantieri
• One
Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest
shipbuilding groups, which in over 200
years of maritime history has built more
than 7,000 vessels.
Headquartered in Trieste, Italy, it is world
leader in cruise ship construction and a
reference player in other sectors, from
naval vessels to cruise ferries, from
megayachts to special high value-added
vessels, and ship repairs and conversions.
Prior to the acquisition of VARD, the Group
has a total of nearly 10,000 employees and
in Italy alone it has eight shipyards and two
design centres, one in Trieste, the largest
in Europe, and the other in Genoa.
Fincantieri operates in the United States
through its subsidiary Fincantieri Marine
Group (FMG). This company, which serves
both civilian and government customers,
including the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard,
has three shipyards (Marinette Marine, Bay
Shipbuilding, Ace Marine), all located in the
Great Lakes region.
Fincantieri is present in the UAE with
Etihad Ship Building, a joint venture set
up with Melara Middle East and Al Fattan
Ship Industries, to design, produce and
sell different types of civilian and military
ships as well as perform maintenance and
refitting activities.
Since 2002 Fincantieri has built or has
orders to build 104 ships, worth a total of
Euro 24 billion, and has developed dozens
of prototypes in the various business
segments in which it operates.
of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups
• Over
200 years of maritime history
• Built
more than 7,000 vessels
• A
world leader in cruise ship construction, and a
reference player in other sectors, such as naval vessels,
mega yachts, offshore and marine systems.
• Headquartered
• Nearly
in Trieste, Italy
10,000 employees
Ship building
Vard Aukra
Nerbøvegen 102
NO-6480 Aukra, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Group AS
P.O. Box 76, NO-6001 Ålesund
Visiting address:
Molovegen 6 NO-6004 Ålesund
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
As of 15 March 2013, the
rebranding and renaming
process from STX OSV to VARD
is still ongoing. The above
names have been reserved and
or applied for, but confirmation
of formal registration is still
outstanding for some entities
and jurisdictions.
Vard Brattvaag
Strandgata 74
NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Brevik
P.O. Box 15
NO-3991 Brevik, Norway
Tel: + 47 35 51 87 00
Visiting address:
Strømtangveien 17 D
NO-3950 Brevik, Norway
Vard Langsten
NO-6393 Tomrefjord, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Søviknes
NO-6280 Søvik, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Braila SA
Celuozei Street 1A
RO-810282 Braila, Romania
Tel: + 40 239 607 000
Vard Tulcea SA
22, Ing. Dumitru Ivanov Street
RO-820242 Tulcea, Romania
Tel: + 40 240 534 918
Vard Vung Tau Ltd.
No. 6, Dong Xuyen IP, Rach Dua Ward,
VN-76999 Vung Tau, Vietnam
Tel: + 84 (0)64 3615 600
Vard Niterói SA
Praça Alcides Pereira
1 - Parte Ilha da Conceiçâo
- Niterói - RJ
CEP: 24.050-350, Brazil
Tel: + 55 212 7189 090
Vard Promar SA
AE Zona Industrial Portuária ZIP
Ilha de Tatuoca, SN
Ipojuca, PE
BR- Zip: 55590-000
Tel: +55 81 3561-2500
Electrical engineering,
installation, power & automation
Vard Electro AS
Keiser Wilhelms gt. 22
NO-6003 Ålesund, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Electro AS
NO-6280 Søvik, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 07 50
Vard Electro Brazil Ltda.
Rua José Figueiredo, 5- Centro
24030-055 Niterói-Rf, Brazil
Tel: + 5521 3628 5087
Vard Electro Braila SRL
Celuozei Street 1A
RO-810282 Braila, Romania
Tel: + 40 239 607 336
Vard Electro Tulcea SRL
22, Ing. Dumitru Ivanov Street
Electrical Section
RO-820242 Tulcea, Romania
Tel: + 40 240 534 026
Vard Electrical Installation and
Engineering (India) Private Limited
3-B, 3rd Floor
K G Oxford Business Centre
39/4609, Sreekandath Road
Ravipuram, Ernakulam
Kochi-682 016
Tel: + 91 484 2355 430
Design & engineering
Vard Design AS
P.O. Box 76
NO-6001 Ålesund, Norway
Visiting address:
Brunholmgt. 1B
NO-6004 Ålesund, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Design Liburna Ltd.
Fiorella La Guardie
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Tel: + 385 51 344 237
Vard Engineering Ålesund
P.O. Box 76
NO-6001 Ålesund, Norway
Visiting address:
Molovn. 5
NO-6004 Ålesund, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Engineering Brevik AS
Strømtangvn. 19
NO-3950 Brevik, Norway
Tel: + 47 35 51 87 00
Vard Accommodation AS
Johangarden Næringspark
NO-6264 Tennfjord, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Accommodation Tulcea SRL
22, Ing. Dumitru Ivanov Street
RO-820 242 Tulcea, Romania
Tel: + 40 240 534 542
Trading and aftermarket
Vard Trading
P.O. Box 76
NO-6001 Ålesund, Norway
Visiting address:
Brunholmgt. 1B
NO-6004 Ålesund, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Aftermarket
Strandgata 74
NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Pipe systems and services
Vard Piping AS
Johangarden Næringspark
NO-6264 Tennfjord, Norway
Tel: + 47 70 21 06 00
Vard Piping Tulcea SRL
22, ing Dumitru Ivanov Street
RO-820 242 Tulcea, Romania
Tel: + 40 240 506 234
Handling systems
Seaonics AS
Nedre Strandgt. 29
NO-6004 Ålesund, Norway
Tel: + 47 71 39 16 00
Additional activities
Vard Singapore Pte. Ltd
3 Temasek Avenue
#20-07 Centennial Tower
Singapore 039190
Tel: + 65 68360813
Vard Brevik Holding AS
P.O. Box 15
NO-3991 Brevik, Norway
Tel: + 47 35 51 87 00
Visiting address:
Strømtangvn. 21
NO-3950 Brevik, Norway
Vard Offshore Brevik AS
Industrivn. 12
NO-3940 Porsgrunn, Norway
Tel: + 47 35 93 20 25
Vard Grenland Industri AS
Havneveien 31
NO-3739 Skien, Norway
Tel: + 47 35 56 93 00