West Hartford LIFE May 10 Vol 13 Issue 1 Woman thanks Dr. Solinsky for her eyesight To the Editor: In the beginning of 2009 I started to feel significant difficulties in vision when doing my art work. The eyeglasses did not help me anymore. I am a short-sighted person from my school years. The small details in my painting and graphic arts were missing. Sometime they were vanished out from my sight field, fused or merged. I was not able to catch them with my pencil or brush. My professional ability was reduced approximately by 50 percent or more. I asked for help in Dr. Solinsky‘s clinic. I was diagnosed and suggested to do “restore” surgery that was done at the end of 2009. It was not enough words to describe my admiration and magnificent feeling when I see the world with both my eyes clear, beautiful, not limited with the frame of eye glasses. My art, which I tried and could not finish month by month before the “restore,” I finished in one day. It was marvelous feeling that I can do my favorite work in art again. The art displayed here is “Old Jewish House in Old Jewish Shtettl” (Ukraine, Uman). Thank you Dr. Solinsky Irma Barishpolsky–Barish 131 Hyde Road