Rock Bridge Small Group Discussion Guide “Contrary to Popular

Rock Bridge Small Group Discussion Guide
“Contrary to Popular Belief” - Part 7
**New Section in the Discussion Guide**
You will notice a new section in the Discussion Guide this week called, “Looking Back.” The
purpose of this section is to allow time for people to discuss how they are walking with God,
applying His Word to their life, and what challenges they encounter so the group can support each
other in the goal of life change, obedience, and increased Christ-likeness.
Remember to keep this vision in front of your group:
Christ-followers move in a new direction.
Christ-followers live in the Word
Christ-followers can’t follow alone.
Getting Started:
Leaders: choose one of the following ideas as an icebreaker:
• When it comes to making a commitment are you more like a microwave (quick to commitment) or a
crock pot (slow to commit)?
• What is your favorite type of fruit? Least favorite?
Looking Back:
• What specifically are you seeking to apply from this sermon series? How are you seeking to obey
God’s Word right now in your life?
• You may want to spend a little time just casting vision for your group. Remind them of who they are in
Christ, what God wants to do in them and through them.
o Christ-followers are sons & daughters of the King who are becoming increasingly more like
Jesus as they love Him, love others, and live sent.
• Close this “Looking Back” time when as the Group Leader you pray for the people in group, asking for
God’s power to help them walk with Jesus.
Into the Word
Leader Notes & Tips:
1. Please have your sermon notes with you.
2. You or a volunteer may wish to briefly summarize the message.
1) Read Joshua 24:13-24
Leader Help:
This passage is part of Joshua’s farewell address to the people of Israel as they occupy the Promised
Land. After recounting God’s faithfulness (vv. 1-12), Joshua asks for their commitment to walk with
Yahweh in obedience and covenant faithfulness.
a) Why do you think Joshua reminded the people of God’s historic faithfulness?
b) As a group (or in smaller groups), identify the following from this passage:
c. LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES (as exhibited by Joshua)?
c) From the things discussed (in question 1b), what do you need to apply to your life right now?
2) From the sermon and the discussion of Joshua 24, talk about how you will actually commit yourself to
doing, living, or obeying differently.
From the Sermon:
• Commitment is about direction, steps, & paths, not intentions or destinations.
• We grow THROUGH commitment, not TO commitment. (In other words, commitment helps us
grow and change; we don’t wait to commit to God).
3) What does it say about Jesus that He asks for such a radical, singular, and exclusive commitment?
4) Read the following statement from the sermon:
Our confidence to make a commitment does not come from within us but from seeing what was done
for us.
Let’s spend time worshipping and thanking God for what He has done for us—
Leader Help: If your group needs some “handlebars” to process and respond to this question, then
use the statements below to prompt discussion.
Share one thing God has specifically done for you and your family.
Share what the Gospel means to you personally.
When you look at Creation, what does it tell you about God?
When you consider God—Jesus on the Cross, how do you feel?
Prayer Time:
Suggested sentence prayer for your group:
God, I worship and commit myself to You because …
Church Wide Prayer:
Begin praying now for who you might invite to church (Easter is close!!) with you.