CSIRO PUBLISHING Crop & Pasture Science, 2016, 67, 369–380 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CP15236 Seed yield of canola (Brassica napus L.) is determined primarily by biomass in a high-yielding environment Heping Zhang A,B and Sam Flottmann A A B CSIRO Agriculture, Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913, Australia. Corresponding author. Email: heping.zhang@csiro.au Abstract. The better performance of hybrid canola compared with open-pollinated triazine-tolerant canola can be associated with greater biomass and harvest index. We compared several hybrid and open-pollinated canola cultivars in field conditions to (i) quantitatively analyse yield formation and identify the key drivers of yield formation process; (ii) investigate biomass accumulation and partitioning and evaluate the relative importance of biomass, harvest index and yield components. Six elite varieties, two from each of the three types (triazine-tolerant (TT), hybrid TT, and hybrid imidazolinone-tolerant (IT) or conventional (CV) (hybrid IT/CV)) of canola, were grown under the optimum crop management in the 3 years from 2009 to 2011 in the high-rainfall zone of south-western Australia. Leaf area, specific leaf area, light interception, biomass, seed yield and yield components were measured at key growth stages to determine biomass accumulation, crop growth rate (CGR), radiation-use efficiency and to investigate the relationship between yield, biomass, CGR, specific leaf area, yield components and harvest index. Hybrid IT/CV canola grew more vigorously with thicker leaves and greater leaf area, allocated more biomass into leaves, intercepted more radiation, produced higher biomass in the vegetative stage and maintained its biomass superiority throughout the whole crop cycle. It had radiation-use efficiency of 1.74 g MJ m–2 photosynthetic active radiation, 28% higher (P < 0.001) than TT canola (1.41 g MJ m–2 photosynthetic active radiation) and 16% higher (P < 0.001) than hybrid TT canola (1.52 g MJ m–2 photosynthetic active radiation). The average CGR for hybrid IT/CV canola (12.1 g m–2 day–1) was 32% higher than that of TT canola (9.2 g m–2 day–1) from budding to the beginning of pod filling. Hybrid IT/CV canola produced 38% higher seed yield than TT canola in favourable growing conditions (2009, 2011). However, there was no yield difference between the hybrid IT/CV, hybrid TT, and TT canola in the drought year (2010). The number of pods m–2 and seeds m–2 was highly associated with biomass at vegetative, budding, flowering, podding and maturity and CGR from budding to podding. High yield in hybrid canola was attributed mainly to higher biomass from each phenological phase from the vegetative stage to maturity and not to improved harvest index. Additional keywords: biomass, hybrid canola, harvest index, open-pollinated canola, partitioning. Received 16 July 2015, accepted 25 January 2016, published online 21 April 2016 Introduction Canola (Brassica napus L.) is an important agricultural crop grown primarily for oil production. The global area of the oilseed crop has increased from just over 7 million ha in 1965 to 27 million ha in 2005 (Berry and Spink 2006). It also provides a valuable break crop in rotation with cereals in many of the major food production systems (Angus et al. 1991; Seymour et al. 2012). In Australia, the area sown to canola rose from 150 000 ha in 1991 to 1.8 million ha in 2008–2012. The average yield of canola in Australia is relatively low (1.2 t ha–1) compared with the rest of the world. Although canola has been expanding across the traditional wheatbelt as a break crop for the wheat-based farming system, canola is mainly grown in the high rainfall zone (HRZ, annual rainfall of 450–750 mm) of southern Australia. The potential yield is estimated to be 3–4 t ha–1 in this region but onfarm yield is about half of the potential (Zhang et al. 2006). Therefore, yield can be significantly improved through selecting Journal compilation CSIRO 2016 better adapted varieties (e.g. longer-season cultivars) (Riffkin et al. 2012) and improved agronomy such as early sowing (Farré et al. 2002; Brill et al. 2016; Kirkegaard et al. 2016) and high N input (Hocking et al. 1997a, 1997b). Open-pollinated (OP) triazine-tolerance (TT) canola is widely adopted in Australian farming systems (Zhang et al. 2016) because of the cheap cost of seed and robust weed (brassicaceous weeds and ryegrass) control the system provides. However, ongoing self-pollination in OP TT canola can produce inbred plants that may display lowered fitness or vigour as compared with their non-inbred counterparts, and therefore result in low yield potential. In contrast, the progeny from crosses of genetically distinct parents has hybrid vigour (heterosis). Hybrid canola varieties are taller, more vigorous, establish a denser canopy, and are more competitive with weeds than OP varieties and therefore have greater biomass and yield advantage of up to 20% compared with the standard varieties in www.publish.csiro.au/journals/cp 370 Crop & Pasture Science H. Zhang and S. Flottmann Canada and Australia (Harker et al. 2000; Kirkegaard et al. 2012), and therefore high-yield potential. In Canada, hybrid varieties dominate Canadian canola acreage with no significant OP varieties since 2001 (Brewin and Malla 2012). Compared with Canada, adoption of hybrid canola in Australia is low with <15% of the acreage being attributed to hybrids (predominately Roundup Ready hybrids) (Zhang et al. 2016). Despite the considerably higher yield potential of hybrids, there has been little research evaluating the potential of hybrid canola and identifying what attributes are responsible for high yield in Australia. The published data on canola adaptive traits in Australia largely focus on drought tolerance in the low to medium rainfall environment in Australia (Richards and Thurling 1978; Wright et al. 1995; Gunasekera et al. 2006) and genotype by environment interaction (Gunasekera et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2013). Little attention has been paid to capturing high-yield potential in the HRZ and identifying which traits contribute to high yield in this area apart from flowering time (Cullis et al. 2010; Riffkin et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2013). In crops like rice and maize, biomass and harvest index (HI) are two important traits contributing to high-yield performance of hybrids compared with in-bred lines and have been considered as target traits in breeding programs. For example, comparison of crop growth of high-yielding hybrid and inbred rice suggests that hybrids accumulated more biomass before anthesis or the whole crop cycle (Bueno and Lafarge 2009). Hybrids partitioned biomass more efficiently among organs and therefore expressed higher HI at maturity (Virmani et al. 1982; Laza et al. 2003; Bueno and Lafarge 2009). In contrast, genetic improvement in grain yield of North American maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids during the past three to five decades has attributed mainly (85%) to increased biomass production whereas the improvement of HI contributed 15% of yield gains (Tollenaar 1989, 1991). The contribution of biomass and HI to high yield depends on weather conditions. Biomass accumulation is reported to be the main driver under favourable conditions and HI under suboptimal conditions in rice (Laza et al. 2003). For canola, little research has been devoted to understand to what extent the yield advantage of hybrid canola are attributed to the increased biomass production and biomass partitioning (HI) or the combination of both, and under what conditions are these traits better expressed. Investigation into the processes responsible for yield superiority of hybrid over OP canola could lead to identify promising traits for high-yield potential. It is well known that TT canola has a restriction on photosynthesis compared with other canola, producing 20% less biomass and yield (Robertson et al. 2002). However, heterosis of hybrids allows the crop to quickly accumulate higher biomass early in the growing season compared with OP cultivars (Brandt et al. 2007). A longer vegetative growth stage and late flowering in canola also allows crop to accumulate more biomass in a longer period (Thurling 1974). Furthermore, it is not known if this increased biomass is accompanied by an increase in partitioning to grain leading to high HI. The answers to these questions could help breeders to identify physiological traits that can be bred for and the bottlenecks that need to overcome and growers to manage the key drivers of yield agronomically. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantitatively analyse and identify the key drivers of yield formation; and (ii) evaluate the relative importance of biomass, biomass partitioning, and yield components in high-yielding canola crops. Materials and methods The experiments were conducted from 2009 to 2011 near Kojonup (–33.888, 116.778), Western Australia. Eight spring canola cultivars (Brassica napus L.) were sown at earliest sowing opportunity (20 May 2009, 21 May 2010, and 20 May 2011) at Kojonup, Western Australia. The eight cultivars were classified herbicide tolerance (HT) as TT canola (CB Argyle/ Thunder, Tornado), hybrid TT canola (CB Jardee, Hyola 751TT, CB-HY125), and hybrid imidazolinone tolerance (IT) (Pioneer 46Y78) and hybrid conventional canola (CV) (Hyola 50) (Table 1). Only six were grown each year (Table 1). As hybrid IT and hybrid CV canola do not have a yield penalty associated with TT and we consider hybrid IT/CV as one group hereafter. Most varieties have an intermediate phenology, begin flowering within 3–4 days of each other whereas Pioneer 46Y78 and Hyola 751TT flower slightly later (8–12 days) (Table 1). The crop was sown to achieve 40 plants m2 by adjusting seeding rates according to one-thousand-seed weight and the germination rate. A randomised experimental design was used. The treatments were replicated four times each year. The plot size was 20 m by 1.44 m. In all 3 years, the crop was managed under close to the optimum agronomic conditions by supplying with 120 kg N ha–1 split as 20 kg N ha–1 at sowing, 50 kg N ha–1 at 4–6 leaves stage, and 50 kg N ha–1 at budding to flowering. The initial soil-available N in the 0–120-cm soil profile at sowing was 120–130 kg/ha in all 3 years. Because of the different HT of varieties, all canola were Table 1. Canola genotypes and cultivars used in the field experiments and their pollination type, herbicide tolerance (HT) groups and flowering time OP, open-pollinated; TT, triazine-tolerant; IT, Clearfield; CV, conventional Genotype CB Argyle CB Jardee CB-CBHY-125 Hyola 50 Hyola 751 TT Pioneer 46Y78 Thunder TT Tornado OP/ hybrid HT group OP Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid OP OP TT TT TT CV TT IT TT TT Inclusion of cultivars 2009 2010 2011 ü ü ü ü – ü – ü – ü – ü ü ü ü ü – ü – ü ü ü ü ü 2009 Flowering date 2010 2011 30 Aug. 2009 29 Aug. 2009 6 Sept. 2009 6 Sept. 2009 – 10 Sept. 2009 – 29 Aug. 2009 – 7 Sept. 2010 – 2 Sept. 2010 10 Sept. 2010 10 Sept. 2010 7 Sept. 2010 7 Sept. 2010 – 24 Aug. 2011 – 24 Aug. 2011 31 Aug. 2011 6 Sept. 2011 24 Aug. 2011 24 Aug. 2011 Biomass and seed yield of canola Crop & Pasture Science treated with conventional canola in weed management in all 3 years. The 3 years represented three different growing seasons; 2009 was close to the average year with annual (506 mm) and growing season rainfall (455 mm), not far from the long-term averages but with extremely low October rainfall (10 mm) (Table 2) and 2010 represented a dry year (20th percentile) with annual (346 mm) and growing-season rainfall (257 mm) (1 in 5 years). Lack of rain in September and October severely constrained crop growth during the pod and seed setting period and seed filling. Rainfall in 2011 was above the long-term average with an even distribution. No frost damages were observed to flowers and pods in all 3 years. before maturity. The main stems and individual branches of these three plants were harvested separately and carefully to prevent seed loss. All samples were dried, weighed and threshed by hand. The biomass required to produce one pod was calculated by dividing the biomass by the number of pods of the three plants. Average seed weight was measured by dividing the total seed weight by the total number of seeds of the three plants. The number of seeds m–2 was calculated by dividing the seed yield by the average seed weight. The number of pods m–2 was calculated by dividing aboveground biomass by the biomass required to produce one pod. Light interception and radiation-use efficiency Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) was measured above the canopy and at ground level at major crop growth stages using a linear ceptometer. Light interception fraction was related to leaf area index (LAI) using Beer’s law: Crop sampling Crop growth stages were scored according to a standardised growth stage scale developed by Sylvester-Bradley and Makepeace (1984). Crop samples were collected using a quadrat of 0.54 m2 (0.5 m length of row from six adjacent 180 mm-apart rows) at the vegetative growth stage (eight leaves stage), flowering (50%) (4.5) and the end of flowering/beginning of pod filling (5–10% flowers remaining) (5.8). For the simplicity, the end of flowering/beginning of pod filling is referred as podding thereafter. Five plants were randomly subsampled and partitioned into leaves, stems, and pods. Leaf area and pod area was measured using a leaf area meter. All samples were dried to constant weight in a forced-draught oven at 608C and weighed. Specific leaf area was calculated by dividing leaf area by leaf biomass. The changes of biomass between the two consecutive sampling dates were used to calculate the crop growth rate (CGR) during the sampling period. For the linear growth phase from budding to podding, the slopes of regression lines of biomass against day after sowing were taken as the average CGR. At harvest, plant sample from an area of 1.08 m2 was collected from each plot to determine seed yield and HI. All plant samples were dried in a forced-draught oven at 608C for 96 h and weighed and threshed. Grain yield was reported at a 5% moisture content basis. The HI was calculated as the ratio of seed yield to biomass from 1.08-m2 samples. In addition, three plants from each plot were randomly selected, tagged and the number of pods from each branch including the main stem of the three plants was counted f ¼ 1 lnðkLAIÞ where k is the extinction coefficient. The value of k is taken as 0.75 for LAI and 0.5 for pod area index (Justes et al. 2000). The calculated f at the days when leaf area and pod area were measured was significantly (P < 0.01) related to the measured light interception rates five times in 2011 (r2 = 0.75) (data not shown). Cumulative intercepted PAR was calculated by multiplying the 50% of daily incoming solar radiation by f for each day. Radiation-use efficiency was calculated as the slope of the linear regression of accumulated biomass against cumulative intercepted PAR (Robertson et al. 2002). Midday photosynthetic rates of fully expanded leaves were measured in the field in 2011 using a portable photosynthesis system (CIRAS-2, PP Systems International, Amesbury, USA) on a sunny day at the budding stage. Statistical analyses A nested (HT/Variety) ANOVA within years and a nested three-way (HT/Variety*Year) ANOVA between years were performed for biomass at major crop development stages, grain yield, yield components, and associated traits using Table 2. Monthly rainfall (R, mm), the minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperatures at Kojonup, Western Australia in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and the long-term average rainfall Month 371 R 2009 Tmax Tmin R 2010 Tmax Tmin R 2011 Tmax Tmin Long-term average R Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 10 19 19 2 29 153 103 59 71 10 30 1 30.2 28.6 25.9 24.2 20.6 15.0 14.1 15.2 15.0 21.2 26.1 29.1 14.0 13.3 11.5 9.8 6.1 6.5 5.4 6.1 5.5 8.7 10.2 10.6 2 16 42 16 43 33 65 40 17 20 40 13 31.0 31.1 27.0 22.9 18.8 15.9 15.0 15.7 19.3 22.9 26.8 24.6 12.9 14.2 13.7 9.9 7.0 4.6 4.2 4.6 4.4 6.1 10.9 11.2 77 7 25 40 42 94 88 119 74 43 60 55 30.7 28.8 28.5 24.1 19.5 16.2 14.6 16.5 17.3 21.3 23.7 27.2 14.2 15.6 13.5 10.5 7.7 7.2 5.5 6.0 5.9 9.0 10.4 13.5 13 16 22 32 68 91 88 75 53 42 23 15 Total May–Nov. 506 455 – – – – 346 257 – – – – 723 520 – – – – 538 440 372 Crop & Pasture Science H. Zhang and S. Flottmann GENSTAT version 13. The means were compared using the l.s.d. of the means, calculated from standard errors of the difference of the means using corresponding degrees of freedom. The ANOVA for individual years indicated that there were no significant differences between cultivars within the three HT groups of canola for most of the plant parameters investigated. Therefore, the results are mainly presented comparing the three HT groups of canola. Regression lines were fitted for the data in each year in order to find genetic variations in the traits examined. This allows the confounding impact of season to be excluded. When the data showed similar responses across the years, the data points were pooled and a single regression line was used. In order to detect the differences in a given parameter or trait between canola genotypes, linear regression with the canola HT groups as a group factor was employed to test the significant difference of slopes and intercepts. canola, with significantly higher values by podding (early October). Hybrid IT/CV canola shed leaves quicker than TT canola and favoured pod growth. Nevertheless, when the sum of pod area and leaf area were considered, hybrid IT/CV had higher leaf and pod area index than TT canola at the beginning of pod filling. Hybrid IT/CV canola had lower SLA than hybrid TT and TT canola at the vegetative and budding stages, indicating that it had thicker leaves than TT canola at these stages (Fig. 2). Light interception and radiation-use efficiency As a result of the LAI difference, hybrid IT/CV canola intercepted significantly more radiation than hybrid TT and TT canola early in the growing seasons but the difference in the fraction of radiation interception gradually became insignificant as the crop approached greater than 90% interception at flowering and when LAI was greater than 2.0 (Fig. 1). From germination to podding, cumulative PAR interception was 20–25% greater for hybrid IT/CV than for TT canola and 10% more than hybrid TT canola. The linear regression of cumulative biomass against cumulative intercepted PAR accounted for more than 94% of the variance of biomass. The difference in radiation-use efficiency was highly significant (P < 0.001) between the HT groups. Hybrid IT/CV canola had radiation-use efficiency of 1.74 g MJ–1 PAR, 28% higher (P < 0.001) than TT canola (1.41 g MJ–1 PAR) and 16% higher (P < 0.001) than hybrid TT canola (1.52 g MJ–1 PAR) (Fig. 3). Results Leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) The LAI differences were much greater (P < 0.05) between than within the HT groups in all 3 years. During the vegetative growth period (early August), hybrid IT/CV canola had double the LAI of TT canola (Fig. 1). The LAI reached a maximum at flowering (late August/early September) with higher (P < 0.05) LAI in hybrid IT/CV canola than TT and hybrid TT canola (Fig. 1). However, TT canola maintained LAI longer than hybrid IT/CV 6 (a) (c) (b) 5 LAI/PLAI 4 F F 3 P 2 F P HIT/CV 1 P HTT TT Fraction of PAR interception (%) 0 100 (d) (e) (f ) 80 60 HIT/CV HTT TT 40 20 1/7/09 1/8/09 1/9/09 1/10/09 1/11/09 1/7/10 1/8/10 1/9/10 1/10/10 1/11/10 1/7/11 1/8/11 1/9/11 1/10/11 1/11/11 Date Fig. 1. Leaf area index (LAI), pod and leaf area index (PLAI) (a, b, c) and the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) intercepted by three types of canola (d, e, f ) at Kojonup, Western Australia in 2009 (a, d), 2010 (b, e), and 2011 (c, f). F indicates flowering and P represents the beginning of pod filling/the end of flowering. HIT/CV: hybrid imidazoline-tolerant/hybrid conventional canola; HTT: hybrid TT canola; TT: triazine-tolerant canola. The bars indicate the l.s.d. values at P < 0.05. Biomass and seed yield of canola Crop & Pasture Science 2000 300 (a) HIT/HCV HTT TT 250 SLA (cm2 g–1) 373 Pioneer 46Y78 Hyola 50 CB Jardee CB-CHYB-125 CB Argyle Thunder 1600 200 1200 150 800 100 400 50 0 1/7/09 0 2009 2010 2011 Year 1/8/09 1/9/09 1/10/09 1/11/09 1/12/09 1/10/10 1/11/10 1/12/10 1/10/11 1/11/11 1/12/11 1600 1200 1000 (b) Pioneer 46Y78 Hyola 50 Jardee Hyola 751 TT Tornado Thunder TT 1200 Biomass (g m–2) Fig. 2. Specific leaf area at the budding stage of hybrid imidazoline-tolerant (HIT) and conventional (HCV) canola, hybrid TT (HTT) canola, and triazinetolerant (TT) canola, at Kojonup, Western Australia in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The bars indicate the l.s.d. values at P < 0.05. 800 Biomass (g m–2) 400 HIT/CV HTT TT 800 0 1/7/10 600 1/8/10 1/9/10 1600 400 (c) 200 1200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Pioneer 46Y78 Hyola 50 CB Jardee Hyola 751 TT Thunder Tornado 700 Intercepted PAR (MJ m–2) Fig. 3. Relationship between cumulative biomass from the vegetative stage to the begining of pod filling and cumulative photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) intercepted by the canola canopy. Fitted regression lines are: HIT/CV, y = 44.0 + 1.85x, R2 = 0.93; HTT, y = 30.6 + 1.58x, R2 = 0.94; TT, y = 3.6 + 1.42x, R2 = 0.94. Crop growth rates, biomass accumulation and its partitioning Biomass increased linearly from budding (early August) to podding (the beginning of October) (Fig. 4). Canola continued to accumulate significant amounts of biomass after podding in 2009 and 2011 but not in 2010 when the crop was under terminal water stress. Significant CGR and biomass differences occurred mainly between the canola HT groups whereas the differences within a particular group were small. At the budding stage, hybrid IT/CV canola accumulated twice (P < 0.001) as much biomass as TT canola as a result of a greater LAI (Fig. 1) and in 2011 had higher (P < 0.001) photosynthesis rates (44.5 mmol m–2 s–1 for hybrid IT/CV vs 36.3 mmol m–2 s–1 for TT canola and 34.1 mmol m–2 s–1 for hybrid TT canola). The mean CGR for hybrid IT/CV canola was 2.1 g m–2 day–1 compared with 800 400 0 1/7/11 1/8/11 1/9/11 Date Fig. 4. Biomass accumulation of hybrid IT/CV (Pioneer 46Y78 and Hyola 50), hybrid TT (CB Jardee, CB-CHYB-125, and Hyola 751TT) and TT (CB Argyle, Thunder and Tornado) canola at Kojonup, Western Australia. The triangles on the x-axis indicate flowering time for different cultivars. The bars indicate the l.s.d. values at P < 0.05. 1.2 g m–2 day–1 for TT canola (Fig. 5). During the linear phase of the growth, linear regression of biomass against days after sowing with the canola type as a group factor accounted for 94% of variance and showed significant differences in the slopes (CGR) between the canola types. The largest difference was observed between the hybrid IT/CV and TT canola. The CGR of hybrid 374 Crop & Pasture Science H. Zhang and S. Flottmann (a) 15 n.s. 10 5 Crop growth rate (g m–2 day–1) 0 (b) Hybrid/CV 15 Hybrid TT TT 10 5 n.s. 0 (c) 15 10 n.s. 5 0 Sow-buding Budding-Fl Fl-Podding Seed filling Fig. 5. Crop growth rate at different growth stages for hybrid IT/CV, hybrid TT and open-pollinated TT canola in (a) 2009, (b) 2010, and (c) 2011 at Kojonup, Western Australia. Sow: sowing; FL: flowering. IT/CV canola (12.1 g m–2 day–1) was 32% higher than that of TT canola (9.2 g m–2 day–1). By podding, hybrid IT/CV canola had the highest biomass, followed by hybrid TT and TT canola (Fig. 4). The superiority of hybrid IT/CV canola in biomass production was maintained at maturity. Hybrid IT/CV canola had significantly higher (P < 0.01) biomass than hybrid TT and TT canola whereas hybrid TT canola had higher biomass than TT canola in 2011 and similar biomass in 2009 and 2010 (Table 3). Biomass at maturity was highly correlated with CGR from budding to podding (Fig. 6a) and to LAI at vegetative stage (R2 = 0.84–0.93, P < 0.05) and at flowering (R2 = 0.78–0.98, P < 0.05) (data not shown), but decreased with increased SLA at budding (Fig. 6b). These relationships were insignificant in the drought year 2010. The pattern of biomass partitioning differed between hybrid IT/CV and TT canola. At the budding stage, hybrid IT/CV canola allocated significantly higher proportion of biomass into leaves (0.75 vs 0.69) and less into stem (0.25 vs 0.30) than TT canola (Fig. 7). By flowering, the proportion of stem and leaves in all canola was reversed compared with that at budding. Hybrid IT/ CV canola allocated more biomass into stem (0.74 vs 0.66) and less in leaves (0.30 vs 0.33) than TT canola as the investment in stems increased. At the beginning of pod filling, hybrid IT/CV canola had allocated more (0.64 vs 0.57) biomass to stem than TT canola, less (0.02 vs 0.05) to leaves and to pods (0.30 vs 0.34). By maturity, hybrid IT/CV canola had higher proportion of biomass in stem and pod wall than TT canola (0.72 vs 0.69), resulting in a lower proportion in seed (0.28 vs 0.31) than TT canola. The HI was also affected by the temperature during podfilling period. All genotypes had higher HI in the cooler year (2011) than in the warmer years (2009 and 2010) (Table 3). Seed yield The effect of cultivars within the HT groups was not significant and the effect of the HT types was highly significant for seed yield, biomass, the number of pods and seeds m–2, and HI. Therefore, the results presented here focus on the difference between the canola HT groups and its interaction with the growing-season conditions (Year). On average, hybrid IT/CV canola produced 344 g m–2, higher (P < 0.01) than OP TT canola (265 g m–2) and hybrid TT canola (303 g m–2) (Table 3). However, the performance of canola depended on the growing-season conditions. In 2009 and 2011, the average yield of two hybrid IT/CV canola cultivars was 374 g m–2 and 407 g m–2, consistently higher than that of two OP TT canola cultivars (279 and 284 g m–2) by 34% and 43%, respectively. No yield difference was observed among three HT groups in 2010 when the low rainfall severely constrained the performance of hybrid IT/CV and hybrid TT canola (Table 3). Hybrid TT canola outperformed TT canola only in 2011 and hybrid IT/CV canola yield better than hybrid TT canola only in 2009. The higher yield for hybrid IT/CV canola was mainly from higher biomass (1443 vs 951 g m–2 in 2009 and 1217 vs 800 g m–2 in 2011), more pods m–2 (7010 vs 5650 in 2009 and 7111 vs 3900 in 2011), and seeds m–2 (115 vs 89 103 in 2009 and 104 vs 68 103 in 2011). The higher yield was not from HI, seeds pod–1 and seed weight (Table 3). In fact, hybrid IT/CV canola has lower (P < 0.05) HI than TT canola in all 3 years. Compared with 2009 and 2011, no yield difference between the three HT groups of canola in 2010 suggests there was significant interaction between the year and the HT groups on seed yield, the number of pods and seeds m–2 (Table 3). Determinants of yield and yield components The CGR during the linear growth phase and biomass at different growth stages significantly affected the two most important yield components: the number of pods m–2 and seeds m–2 (Fig. 8). In 2009 and 2011, both traits were positively correlated with biomass at the vegetative stage (r2 = 0.88–0.95, P < 0.01), at podding (r2 = 0.47, P < 0.05) (Fig. 8a), and at maturity (r2 = 0.84–0.94, P < 0.05). Seed yield (Fig. 8c) and the number of pods m–2 (Fig. 8b) and seeds m–2 (Fig. 8d) were positively correlated with CGR during the linear growth phase in 2009 and 2011. Again, these relationships were not significant in 2010. Biomass and seed yield of canola Crop & Pasture Science 375 Table 3. Seed yield, biomass, harvest index (HI), pods m–2, seed pod–1, and thousand-seed weight (TSW) and oil content of canola groups in Kojonup, Western Australia in 2009, 2010, and 2011 HT groups Yield (g m–2) Biomass (g m–2) HIT/HCV HTT TT Mean l.s.d. (0.05) 374 295 279 316 48.5 1423 1053 951 1142 127 HIT/HCV HTT TT Mean l.s.d. (0.05) 253 244 233 243 n.s. HIT/HCV HTT TT Mean l.s.d. (0.05) HIT/HCV HTT TT l.s.d. (0.05) for Year l.s.d. (0.05) for HT l.s.d. (0.05) for Year HT 1600 HI Pods m–2 Seeds pod–1 Seeds 103 m–2 TSW (g) Oil (%) 2009 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.021 7010 4949 4995 5651 731 16.0 19.0 18.0 18.0 2.2 115.2 95.8 89 100 20.8 3.27 3.09 3.2 3.18 n.s. 42.4 40.9 42.3 41.8 0.50 996 843 802 881 89 2010 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.015 5191 4648 3841 4650 578 15.0 16.0 17.0 16.0 n.s. 71.5 72.1 62.5 68.7 n.s. 3.54 3.43 3.76 3.58 0.22 43.5 41.3 43.8 42.9 1.30 406 370 284 353 39.6 1277 1028 800 1035 114 2011 0.32 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.016 7111 5593 3899 5534 822 15.0 17.5 17.8 16.8 2.1 104 94 68 89 10.7 3.92 3.93 4.25 4.03 0.14 47.0 45.8 47.5 46.8 0.50 344 303 265 23.6 23.6 41 1232 976 851 65 65 112 3-year average 0.28 6437 0.31 5064 0.31 4245 0.013 459 0.013 459 n.s. 795 15.5 17.7 17.4 1.3 1.3 n.s. 97 87 73 8.2 8.2 14.2 3.58 3.48 3.73 0.17 0.17 n.s. 44.3 42.6 44.5 0.5 0.5 n.s. (a) (b) r 2 = 0.76 2 r = 0.87 1400 2009 Biomass (g m–2) 2010 r 2 = 0.96 2011 1200 r 2 = 0.80 r 2 = 0.45 1000 800 r 2 = 0.90 600 4 8 12 Crop growth rate (g m–2 day–1) 16 100 150 200 250 300 SLA (cm g–2 ) Fig. 6. Relationships between biomass at maturity and (a) crop growth rate during the linear growth phase and (b) specific leaf area (SLA) at budding stage. Yield was related to biomass at maturity (r2 = 0.87–0.96, P < 0.01) (Fig. 9a), budding (r2 = 0.62–0.71, P < 0.05), P < 0.05), and podding flowering (r2 = 0.56–0.86, 2 (r = 0.83–0.99, P < 0.01). As expected, yield was positively correlated with the number of pods and seeds per unit area (Fig. 9c, d) although these relationships were insignificant in the drought Year 2010. However, HI tended to decrease with increased biomass, in particular in 2009 (r2 = 0.74, P < 0.05) 376 Crop & Pasture Science H. Zhang and S. Flottmann Budding Flowering 1.00 0.75 a a a b a b Hybrid IT/CV Hybrid TT 0.50 TT a a Proportion 0.25 b a a b 0 Podding Maturity 1.00 a 0.75 b b a b b 0.50 b b a a b b 0.25 a a b 0 Leaf Stem Pod S&P wall Seeds Leaf Stem Pod S&P wall Seeds Plant organ Fig. 7. Biomass partitioning into leaf, stem, pod, stem and pod wall (S and P wall) and seeds for hybrid Clearfield/ Conventional (IT/CV), hybrid and open-pollinated triazine-tolerant (TT) canola at budding, flowering, podding and maturity. The data are the means of 3 years. Means with different letters are significantly different between the HT groups at P = 0.05. (Fig. 9b). The yield gains from higher biomass at maturity were significantly greater than the yield loss from lower HI when biomass was higher. More importantly, neither did the number of seeds per pod decrease with increased number of pods m–2 within the observed range (4500–7500 pods m–2) (Table 3), nor seed weight decreased with increased seed number. Discussion The key outcome of this study has been to demonstrate the importance of high biomass accumulation for each phenological phase to achieve high seed yield in the high-yielding environment of southern Australia. This is reflected in the Australian canola breeding program, which has focussed on using phenology differences to match the length of growing seasons in different environments and more recently hybrid vigour to accumulate high biomass. Compared with elite OP TT canola, hybrid IT/CV canola produced significantly higher biomass, set up more pods m–2 and consequently produced 38% higher seed yield under favourable conditions. The higher seed yield in hybrid IT/CV canola was attributed solely to the high biomass production as lower HI were observed compared with TT canola. This finding is similar to the findings for hybrid rice and maize in which high biomass has been reported to be the main driver of yield under favourable conditions (Tollenaar 1991; Laza et al. 2003; Bueno and Lafarge 2009). It is known that the TT trait has ~20% yield penalty as a result of reduced radiation efficiency (Beversdorf et al. 1988; Robertson et al. 2002). Hybrid IT/CV canola grew more vigorously, allocated more biomass into leaves early in the growing season, and produced twice as much biomass as OP TT canola at the budding stage. Furthermore, hybrid canola maintained its biomass superiority throughout the whole crop cycle, resulting in 50–100% more biomass at flowering and 40% more biomass at maturity than OP TT canola and converted its biomass superiority into a seed yield advantage under favourable growth conditions. Higher biomass production of hybrid IT/CV canola was due to a combination of the larger leaf area (Fig. 1), lower SLA (thick leaves) (Fig. 2), higher radiation-use efficiency (Fig. 3), and higher photosynthetic rates than OP TT and hybrid TT canola early in the growing season and the greater pod area later in the growing season. Biomass and seed yield of canola 10.0 Crop & Pasture Science (a) r 2 = 0.79 (c) r 2 = 0.97 r 2 = 0.71 7.5 r 2 = 0.37 5.0 Yield (g m–2) Pod number (×103 m–2) 400 300 r 2 = 0.015 200 2009 2009 & 2011 2.5 100 2010 2010 2011 0 0 250 500 750 1000 4 1250 Biomass at podding (g m–2) (b) 120 r 2 = 0.47 7.5 r 2 = 0.29 5.0 2009 & 2011 2.5 8 12 16 Crop growth rate (g m–2 day–1) 2010 Seed number (×103 m–2) 10.0 Pod number (×103 m–2) 377 r 2 = 0.71 (d) r 2 = 0.15 80 40 2009 & 2011 2010 0 0 4 8 12 16 Crop growth rate (g m–2 day–1) 4 8 12 16 Crop growth rate (g m–2 day–1) Fig. 8. Relationships among pod number, biomass at podding, seed number, yield and crop growth rate during the linear growth stage (budding to podding) in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The ability to maintain the growth superiority from early vigour in hybrid canola is in contrast to wheat in which the advantage of early vigour declined as the crop developed (Whan et al. 1991; Botwright et al. 2002). As the major difference in biomass was developed before pod filling, agronomic management strategies such as N application early in the growing season may also be beneficial to stimulate early growth. The potential traits to support high biomass accumulation include early vigour, greater LAI, thicker leaves at vegetative growth and budding stages, and greater CGR from budding to podding. The high correlations of biomass at maturity to biomass at early growth stages suggest that early vigour is an essential trait for higher final biomass and yield in the HRZ. Normalised difference vegetation index is a surrogate for biomass accumulation that can be recorded rapidly and repeatedly with inexpensive equipment (Cowley et al. 2014). Breeders may use this non-destructive method to select for vigorous genotypes that are more likely to have higher grain yields. Longer vegetative growth period and late flowering could be used as selection criteria for high biomass in canola breeding program in the high-yielding environments (Riffkin et al. 2012). This study showed that hybrid IT/CV canola maintained not only greater leaf area but also thicker leaves than TT canola. The thicker leaves (lower SLA) in hybrid IT/CV canola at the budding stage were also related to the higher biomass and yield. The thicker leaves usually have more ribulose biphosphate carboxylase per unit surface area and a greater photosynthetic capacity per unit area (Evans and Poorter 2001; Poorter et al. 2009). Our results are in contrast to hybrid rice, in which greater biomass was achieved by higher SLA (thinner leaves) (Laza et al. 2003; Peng and Khush 2003). This difference may be related to the difference between dicot and monocot species. The CGR and biomass accumulation from budding to podding are the driving forces in determining two major yield components (the number of pods and seeds) and therefore yield. This is in agreement with other studies on winter oilseed crops in temperate European climate. For example, the number of seeds m–2 is determined during a critical phase for pod and seed abortion lasting ~3008C after mid-flowering, which is equivalent to 20–35 days in the field situation (Mendham et al. 1981). Habekotté (1993) showed that potential and actual pod density were linearly related to cumulative biomass production of the crop at the onset of flowering and at podding. More importantly, we found that the number of pods m–2, seed m–2 378 Crop & Pasture Science H. Zhang and S. Flottmann 0.40 (b) r 2 = 0.87 (a) r 2 = 0.96 400 300 HI Yield (g m–2) 0.35 r 2 = 0.29 200 2009 r 2 = 0.39 0.30 0.25 r 2 = 0.61 2010 r 2 = 0.72 2011 0.20 100 400 800 1200 400 1600 800 Biomass (g m–2) r 2 = 0.99 (c) 1200 1600 Biomass (g m–2) (d) 400 r 2 = 0.82 400 r 2 = 0.73 Yield (g m–2) Yield (g m–2) r 2 = 0.72 300 r 2 = 0.79 200 100 300 r 2 = 0.52 200 100 2 4 6 8 10 Pod number (×103 m–2) 25 50 75 100 125 Seed number (×103 m–2) Fig. 9. Relationship between (a) seed yield, (b) harvest index (HI) and biomass at maturity, (c) between yield and pod, and (d) seed number in canola in 2009, 2010, and 2011. and seed yield were correlated with biomass at the vegetative stage, highlighting the importance of acquiring resources early in the season that will later be turned into yield. Therefore, selecting for fast accumulation of biomass should improve yield potential for the high-yielding environments. The concern with increased biomass is whether this increase would lead to a decrease in HI, resulting in no yield advantage or even lower yields, in particular under the terminal water-stressed conditions. Hybrid IT/CV canola maintained its superiority in achieving high biomass in all conditions, and produced the highest yield in the favourable growing conditions (2009 and 2011), but tended to have lower HI than other types. This suggests that there is trade-off between higher biomass and lower HI. The trade-off favours achieving high biomass because the yield gain from higher biomass was significantly greater than the yield loss from a small change of HI resulting from the higher biomass. In maize and rice, the increase of yield from hybrid cultivars was attributed to the increase of both biomass and HI (Virmani et al. 1982; Tollenaar 1991; Bueno and Lafarge 2009). It is surprising to note that hybrid canola did not increase HI compared with TT canola in our study. In wheat and rice, an increase in HI has been recognised as a major factor contributing to high yield since the green revolution (Peng et al. 1999; Reynolds et al. 1999). Breeding selection for hybrid maize in the United States had already brought maize plants to an approximation of the 40–50% HI (Duvick 2005). The lower HI or at best similar HI in hybrid IT/CV canola to TT canola might be related to the 25-cm-taller plants of the hybrids and high proportion of DM was allocated in stem at maturity (Fig. 7). In maize, plant height of hybrids has been reduced through the breeding cycles (Duvick 2005). This suggests that it may be possible to improve HI by further reducing the height of hybrid canola through breeding. The failure of hybrid IT/CV canola to convert higher biomass into yield advantage in dry conditions suggests that there were significant HT group by environment interactions in the yield responses to the environment conditions. The deciles for 2010 rainfall were 2 (only 2 in 10 years receiving less than 267 mm growing-season rainfall) and therefore unlikely to represent the HRZ. However, the rainfall received in 2010 is typical for the traditional wheatbelt in the low rainfall area and therefore the results may have implications for this region. Lack of yield advantage of hybrid IT/CV and hybrid TT canola over TT canola Biomass and seed yield of canola in 2010 indicates that the traits (early vigour, greater CGR and high biomass) related to high yield in the HRZ might not be useful for drought- and heat-prone low rainfall areas of south-western Australia. Different traits to those in the HRZ are needed for low rainfall areas and dry years in the HRZ. Early flowering is the foremost important trait to achieve stable and high yield in the low rainfall areas by escaping drought (Zhang et al. 2013). Higher water-soluble carbohydrates stored in stem and pod wall made higher contribution to yield under the drought condition than under the favourable conditions (H. Zhang and S. Flottmann, unpubl.). In rice and maize, hybrids produce higher yield not only under favourable growing conditions, but also show yield advantage under drought environments and high temperature environments (Tollenaar and Wu 1999). This study showed that the superiority of hybrid was constrained by the water availability and that no yield advantage was observed in the dry season (2010). In fact, excessive biomass production before pod setting might have exacerbated water stress during seed filling and reduced HI. In low rainfall areas, restraining crop growth before podding and conserving water for seed filling could improve HI of canola. Conclusion In the high-yielding environment such as the HRZ of southern Australia, yield of canola was mainly determined by biomass accumulation and associated with more pods and seeds and to a less extent by HI, seeds per pod and seed weight. Hybrid canola grew more vigorously, allocated more biomass into leaves, produced higher biomass in vegetative stage from hybrid heterosis. More importantly, it maintained its superiority in biomass throughout the whole crop cycle and enabled hybrid canola to produce more pods and seeds and therefore higher seed yield. Therefore, it is suggested that efforts to increase yield in canola should be directed to increase biomass production during the period of pod and seed setting through both breeding for early vigour, thick leaves, fast CGR and agronomic management early in the growing season in the high-yielding environment. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge research funding support (Project CSP000128) from the Australian Grains Research and Development Corporation and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. We acknowledge Dr Jens Berger for his comments on an early draft of the paper and Mr Sam Henty, Mr Marthin Slabber, and Mr Jacob Joyce for help in collecting field data, and Vince Lambert for managing the field experiments and Peter and Anna Macleay, Ben and Emmalyn Webb for their generous provision of the experimental sites. Pioneer Hybrid, Pacific Seeds and Canola Breeders Western Australia are acknowledged for providing seeds used in this work. References Angus JF, Vanherwaarden AF, Howe GN (1991) Productivity and break crop effects of winter-growing oilseeds. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 31, 669–677. doi:10.1071/EA9910669 Berry PM, Spink JH (2006) A physiological analysis of oilseed rape yields: past and future. 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