Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD)

Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD)
Somali Translation
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD) is a rare genetic Disease (ARPKD) waa qalad genetic ah disorder that involves many cysts (fluid –
oo dhif ah oo ah fix-yo badan (dhecaan filled sacs) in the kidneys. It is also called ka buuxsama kiish) ee kelyaha gala. "infantile" ARPKD because the signs Waxaa kaloo lagu magacaabaa often appear before or shortly after birth. “infantile” ARPKD sababtoo ah calaamaduhu wexeey soo ifbaxaan ka hor ama in yar kadib dhalashada.
Kelyuhu wexeey ku yaallaan caloosha The kidneys are in the upper part of the korkeeda weliba xaggeeda dambe labada abdomen toward the back on each side. dhinacba. Wexeey nadiifiyaan dhiigga They filter blood and produce urine that wexeeyna soo saaraan kaadida taasoo ah contains the body's extra fluid and waste dareeraha siyaadada ah iyo qashinkaba. products. When cysts form in the kidneys, Markii fiixyo ka samaysmaan kelyaha, they are filled with fluid and can enlarge waxaa ka buuxsama dheecaan wexeeyna the kidneys. The cysts replace normal cells ballaarin karaan kelyaha. Fiixdu wexeey and reduce how well the kidneys are able booskeedii geleeysaa unugyada caadiga to work. The liver and spleen are also ah iyadoo yareeyneeysa hawsha usually affected.
wanaagsan ee kelyuhu qaban kareen. Beerka iyo beeryaraduna hawshooda saameeyn beey ku yeelaneeysaa.
Children born with ARPKD often develop Carruurta ku dhalata ARPKD badi waxaa kidney failure before reaching adulthood. ku yimaada kelyaha oo hawshooda gaba There are some people with it who do not inteeysan qaangaarin. Waxaa jira dad have symptoms until later in childhood or qaba hase yeeshee aan calaamadaha isku adulthood. In the most severe cases, babies arag illaa mar dambe siiba may not survive long after birth due to dhallinyaranimadooda ama markeey breathing problems and respiratory failure.
weeynadaan. Xaaladaha ugu daran, ilmuhu wax badan masii noolaadaan dhibaato neefsashada awgeed iyo sambaba oo hawlgaba.
ARPKD is caused by a mutation or change Sababta (Cause)
in a gene called PKHD1. Genes are units ARPKD waxaa keena doorsoonaan ama of heredity passed from parents to
beddel ku yimaada gene-ka loo yaqaan offspring and are contained in a person’s PKHDI. Genes-ku waa unugyo dhaxal ah cells. Every human cell contains 20,000 –
oo waalidku usoo gudbiyo ilmihiisa
25,000 genes. Everyone carries two copies waxaana ka mid ah unugyadiisa. Unug of each gene. walba ee qofku leeyahay waxaa ka mid ah 20,000-25,000 ee genes ah. Qof walba With a recessive gene disorder, a person wuxuu leeyahay 2 suuradood ee gene needs 2 copies of the abnormal gene to walba.
have the disorder. Parents who do not have PKD can have a child with the disease if Markii gene-kaaga wax ka qaldanyihiin, both parents have a copy of the abnormal qofku wuxuu yeelanayaa 2 nuqul oo gene gene and both pass that gene on to their aan caadi ahayn ee qaldan. Waalidka aan child. There is a 1 in 4 chance of having a qabin PKD waxaa u dhalan kara canug child with ARPKD when both parents jirradaas qaba haddii labada waalidba have the gene.
eey qabaan nuqul aan caadi ahayn ee gene-ka eeyna labada waalid gene-kaas u gudbiyaan canuggooda. Saadaashu waa 4tiiba 1 jaanis in canug ARPKD qaba uu dhasho.
During Pregnancy
Aqoonsi (Diagnosis)
During an ultrasound exam, enlarged Xilliga Xaamilonimada
kidneys with abnormal appearance are seen.
Markii la sameeyo baaritaanka ultrasound-ka, waxaa muuqda kellida oo ballaarata oo aan caadi ahayn.
After Birth
Ultrasound exams of the kidneys and liver are used in the diagnosis. A family medical history and genetic testing may be done.
Dhalmada Ka Dib
Baaritaanka ultrasound-ka ee kellida iyo beerka ayaa la isticmaalayaa si loo aqoonsado. Taariikhda caafimaad ee qooyska iyo baaritaan lagu sameeyo genes-ka ayaa la samayn karaa. Calaamadaha (Symptoms)
Calaamadaha sida tooska ah xariirka ula Symptoms directly related to the kidneys leh kelyaha waxaa ka mid ah:
Dhiig-Karr sarreeya
High blood pressure
Infakshanka kaadi mareenka
Urinary tract infections
Kaadi tiradeedu badan tahay oo isku 
Large volumes of urine with frequent urination
Dhibaato koritaan – maadaama Growth problems - Because kidney kelyuha shaqadoodu si toos ah ugu function is tied directly to early xiran tahay xilliyada hore ee physical development, children with koritaanka, carruurta qaba autosomal autosomal recessive PKD are usually recessive PKD badi weey ka smaller than average size.
yaryihiin kuwa caadiga ah.
Symptoms related to spleen and liver involvement are:
xig xigta Low blood cell counts
Varicose veins
Hemorrhoids Calaamadaha la xariira in beeryarada iyo beerka saameeyaan waa:
Dhiigga oo tiradiisu yartahay (Low blood cell counts)
Varicose veins (xididdada barara oo qalqalloocsama)
There is no cure for ARPKD. Medicines Daawo ma laha ARPKD. Daawada are used to treat blood pressure. waxaa loo qaataa dhiigkarr-ka. Antibiotics can control urinary tract Atibiyootigga waxaa loo qaataa si loo infections. xakameeyo infakshanka kaadi mareenka.
Eating increased amounts of healthy foods helps improve growth in children with ARPKD. In some cases, growth hormones are used.
Kidney failure requires dialysis or a In la badiyo cuntada loo yaqaan cunto caafimaad (healthy food) wexeey saaciddaa koritaanka carruurta qabta ARPKD. Mararka qaarkood, hormones-
ka koritaanka ayaa la isticmaalaa. kidney transplant.
Hawlgabka kelyaha wexeey u baahantahay nadiifinta dhiigga (dialysis) ama in kellida la beddelo (kidney transplant).
Resources & Research
Ilaha & Cilmi Baarista
These organizations offer information and Ururradaan wexeey ku deeqaan support: macluumaad iyo taageero:
Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation
1-800-PKD-CURE (735-2873)
National Kidney Foundation
American Association of Kidney Patients
National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse
Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation
1-800-PKD-CURE (735-2873)
National Kidney Foundation
American Association of Kidney Patients
National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse
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© Mount Carmel 2015