Selecting Courses in your first year at the John H. Daniels Faculty of

Selecting Courses in your first year at the John H. Daniels
Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
If you have not already done so, please review ALL the information posted on the ‘Newly
Admitted Students’ page of the Daniels website; including the Academic Orientation
presentation available in an interactive and pdf format.
1. All Architectural Studies first-year students have three required courses: ARC131H, ARC132H,
and ARC101H (this is a studio course). YOU MUST ENROL IN THESE THREE COURSES.
2. Students typically take between 4.0-5.0 Full Course Equivalents (FCE) in their first year. Courses
are either ‘H’, which means half-credit (0.5 FCE), or ‘Y’ which means full credit (1.0).
3. If you choose to take a full 5.0 FCE in your first year, your required courses (ARC131H, ARC132H,
ARC101H) are 1.5 FCE leaving you with 3.5 FCE to choose on your own.
4. How you select your remaining courses is up to you. We encourage you to look through the
Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar and choose courses that interest you in areas you may wish to
explore as a Program of Study Major or Minor in your upper years.
5. At the successful completion of your first year (at least 4.0 FCE) you will declare your Program of
Study (Subject POSt). All Architectural Studies students will have at least one Major in
Architecture. You may choose a program or programs from the Faculty of Arts & Science as your
second major or two minors. At Daniels you will choose between Architectural Design and
History, Theory and Criticism, or you may double major in Architecture and take both. You do
not select your programs of study until you have completed 4.0 FCE.
6. We do not advise selecting your first-year electives based on fulfilling the Breadth Requirements.
You are advised to look more carefully at the Breadth Requirements in your second and upper
years, not your first-year.
7. The Daniels Timetable and the Arts & Science Timetable should be checked for course offerings
in 2013-14.
Please feel free to email if you have any further questions.