551-0104-00P Praktikum GL der Biologie II FS13 BITTE BEACHTEN SIE DIE FOLGENDEN REGELN FüR FS13: Ihre Anwesenheit ist an allen 12 Praktikumstagen obligatorisch. Abwesenheiten werden nur bei Vorliegen eines ärztlichen Attests akzeptiert. Über Ausnahmen in besonders dringenden Fällen entscheidet der Studiendelegierte des D-Biol. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING RULES FOR FS13: Your attendance is obligatory and you have to attend all 12 Praktikum days. Absences are only acceptable if you are able to provide a Doctor’s certificate. If there will be any exceptional or important situations then you should contact directly to The Director of Studies of D-Biol., who will decide if you are allowed to miss a Praktikum day or not. Please attach your Doctor’s certificate, signed by your Doctor, to your “Schedule and Performance Sheet” before bringing it for the final control at the end of FS to the Institute of Microbiology, HCI (see “Final Evaluation of Your Course Performance” for details). General Praktikum Information The general Praktikum information (Instructions for Student, Assignment list, and Schedule and Performance sheet), can be found from the D-Biol-E-Learning Portal: https://sharepoint.biol.ethz.ch/sites/e-learn/551-0104-00L/default.aspx IMPORTANT: From extern ETH-Network you have to login with D\username. The above mentioned three information documents will also be sent to you via E-mail directly. You have to print these documents and read the Instructions very carefully. This is the 4th Semester laboratory course for the students of Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and other students interested in the modern Life Sciences. The Praktikum follows the outline of the 2nd semester Praktikum, and you will do the experiments in: Zellbiologie Zellwachstum und Zellteilung Gewebeentwicklung Wundheilung Literatur, Dokumentation, Präsentationen 1 Mikrobiologie Einführung in das Arbeiten mit Mikroorganismen & Mikroorganismen in der Umwelt & Lebensmittelmikrobiologie Morphologie, Diagnostik & antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe Mikrobielle Genetik & Pilze & Einführung in die Mykologie Immunabwehr gegen Bakterien & Mikrobielle Schädlingsbekämpfung Pflanzenphysiologie Pflanzen und Licht Phytohormone und weitere Wachstumsfaktoren Molekularbiologie und Herbizide Pflanzlicher Wasserhaushalt Literaturarbeit, Präsentationen Your Student Cohort in the FS13 Please remember that due to the increased number of students there will be NO room for special wishes or requests. Approximately 160 - 170 students will follow the Praktikum and you have been assigned into one of the three groups, either A, B, or C. See the attached “Assignment List” to determine in which group you belong to. IMPORTANT: Due to the space limitation in the labs of the Plant physiology special arrangements are necessary. Therefore, some of the students are located on the yellow zone of the Assignment list. The yellow zone students will do the Plant physiology experiments during May 31 and June 3 - 5, 2013. The students on the yellow zone will not follow the Plant physiology experiments during the regular semester: Group A: March 22 - April 26, 2013 Group B: February 22 - March 15, 2013 Group C: May 3 - 24, 2013 All students will follow the experiments in Microbiology and Cell biology during the regular semester. Where and When The Praktikum GL BioII consists of three blocks of experiments and your group follows one of these blocks four full days. Each of the blocks is held in different buildings either in the ETH-Zentrum (LFW, HG) or ETH-Hönggerberg (HPL, HCI). See the Praktikum 2 “Schedule & Performance Sheet” for the location of the laboratories and where the morning seminars will take place. The Praktikum takes place on Fridays, starting most often at 8:15 and ending ~17:00 (see the “Schedule & Performance Sheet” for details). There could be some variations of the starting and ending times, depending on the nature of the experiments. Please note that the courses are always taught and not cancelled, e.g. due to the “bad weather conditions”. In addition, the "fun" ski-event weekend between EPFL / ETHZ is not a reason to miss a Praktikum day. You have to arrange your schedule accordingly. The spring vacation (including Eastern) takes place, March 29 – April 7, 2013, and thus, you can plan your trips, vacations etc., easily during this time-frame. Protocols and Reading Materials You have to obtain and print the Protocols and Reading Materials (see below) for a given set of experiments already before the relevant Praktikum day: https://sharepoint.biol.ethz.ch/sites/e-learn/551-0104-00L/default.aspx (Username: ETHZ nethz-username; Password: nethz-password). Please note that in some cases it will be easier to down-load the web-files using either the ETHZ-network or the program "Cisco AnyConnect Client" e.g. when working at home. Please also try to use Firefox, if there will be problems to open the files with Mac & Safari. Please contact the Block supervisors directly in the case you will have any experiments related questions. The Block Coordinators are: Block Coordinator Zellbiologie Dr. A. Kyburz HPL E24.2 3 3197 Mikrobiologie Dr. M. Künzler HCI F413 2 4925 Pflanzenphysiologie Dr. J. Fütterer LFW E32.1 2 5713 Office Tel. (ETH intern) Zellbiologie: You have to obtain and print the protocols from the DBIOL-E-Learning Portal: https://sharepoint.biol.ethz.ch/sites/e-learn/551-0104-00L/Cell%20Biology/Forms/AllItems.aspx 3 The experiments in "Literatur, Dokumentation & Präsentation" will take place at HG E27 (starting at 9:00 AM). The room is equipped with computers but you can also work with your own lap-top, which could be more convenient for you. Please note that the lap-top has to contain the following programs: CiscoVPN client, MS Office with Endnote Plugin, and Endnote. Mikrobiologie: The pdf-file of the Microbiology lab manual can be downloaded from: https://sharepoint.biol.ethz.ch/sites/e-learn/551-0104-00L/Microbiology/Forms/AllItems.aspx You HAVE TO print the pdf-file, which is also used as the lab manual during the experiments. Therefore, you have to have the Script always with you, when doing the experiments in Microbiology. Pflanzenphysiologie: You have to obtain and print the protocols from: https://sharepoint.biol.ethz.ch/sites/e-learn/551-0104-00L/Plant%20Physiology/Forms/AllItems.aspx You have to read the experimental Protocols and Materials thoroughly, so that you will be able to carry out and follow the experiments effectively. If you will read the Protocols for the first time during the Praktikum day, you will not be able to finalize the experiments during the planned time. In addition, you can be asked to answer specific script questions and therefore, you have to be prepared. Follow the instructions of the Assistants and the information in the Materials / Protocols to carry out the experiments, which you will generally do in a small subgroup. You should very carefully record and document your results in your Laboratory Journal. Lab Coat and Safety Glasses You have to wear a lab coat and safety glasses during the laboratory course, unless the Instructors / Assistants have advised you otherwise. You can use the same lab coat and safety glasses you have used e.g. in your Chemistry Praktikum. If necessary, see one of your Assistants for locations where you can buy a lab coat and obtain safety glasses. Laboratory Reports and Lab Journal You have to keep a record of what you have done and you have to produce Laboratory Reports for each of your Experiments and therefore, you also need a Lab Journal. All of your Reports are kept together in a Lab Journal, which also summarized your work during the Praktikum. Prepare a separate Report for every new experiment. Start describing every new experiment on a new page, with title, date, and the names of students who worked 4 together with you during the experiments. You should also clearly indicate the names of the Assistants who supervised and helped you with the experiment. Use the Lab Journal to describe your experiment, to write down data, to make sketches of plants, animals, organs etc. as suggested by the Assistants, to describe whatever you feel is useful, to summarize your results and draw conclusions from the experiment. Use separate pages for related but secondary material, such as calculations, notes and reminders to yourself, for preliminary sketches of experimental setups, and for other important observations or comments you would like to record. For each set of experiments you will be asked to consult either one of the relevant websites, or you will receive a Protocol and Reading Materials. In some cases there will be graph papers or other special data sheets to be filled in during an experiment as part of the protocol. Such papers can also be attached to your Lab Reports. The Assistants will inform you of other variations. On each Praktikum day your Assistants for that specific day will sign your “Schedule & Performance Sheet” at the beginning and at the end of the day. Your Assistants will also control and evaluate your performance during the day, giving you either a “Pass” or “Fail”. Thus, you have to keep your “Schedule & Performance Sheet” in a safe place. The “Schedule & Performance Sheet” is also attached to this message and you have to print it. Please remember that the “Schedule & Performance Sheet” is personal. Therefore, do not use any document, which has been signed by one of your colleagues earlier. We will NOT collect your Laboratory Journals at the end of the Praktikum. However, you should keep your Lab Journal in a safe place, because it could be occasionally examined by Dr. P. Kallio. Final Evaluation of Your Course Performance The "Schedule & Performance Sheet" is personal and no other names on the Sheet are allowed. The “Schedule & Performance Sheets” will be controlled by Pauli Kallio at the very end of the Praktikum GL BioII. You are responsible to collect all the 12 signatures from the Assistants and you have to bring the completely signed “Schedule & Performance Sheet” as soon as possible and preferably at end of the last Praktikum Day, directly to: Microbiology HCI building (“the fourth finger”) F-Floor ETH-Hönggerberg 5 There will be a "green" box in the hallway between the offices F405 and F407 (ground floor), where you can drop your “Schedule & Performance Sheet”. You will receive “Bestanden” / “Passed” for your attendance and performance for the entire Praktikum, if all of your 12 experiments have been evaluated positively. Please note that you will get the official information, if you have obtained “Bestanden”, only after the "Notenkonferenz" of D-Biol & D-CHAB (both 12.09.2013). Questions, Comments and Suggestions You can probably resolve most of the questions concerning the Praktikum by discussing them either with your group members or Assistants. If you still have additional questions, comments or suggestions regarding a specific Block, please contact first the Block Supervisors: Zellbiologie: Dr. Andrea Kyburz: Tel: 044-6333197; E-mail: andrea.kyburz@biol.ethz.ch Mikrobiologie: Dr. Markus Künzler: Tel: 044-6324925; E-mail: markus.kuenzler@micro.biol.ethz.ch Pflanzenphysiologie: Dr. Johannes Fütterer: Tel: 044-6325713; E-mail: jfuetterer@ethz.ch If you have questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Praktikum as a whole, please contact: Pauli Kallio: Tel: 044-633 3446; E-mail: pauli.kallio@micro.biol.ethz.ch I hope that you will enjoy the Praktikum. Pauli Kallio 6