Stanley J. Dudrick, MD

Stanley J.
Dudrick, MD
Interviewed by
John R. Gosche, MD
December 15, 2006
Naugatuck, Connecticut
This interview was supported by a donation
from the University of Texas Medical
School at Houston
©2007 American Academy of Pediatrics
Elk Grove Village, IL
Stanley J. Dudrick, MD
Interviewed by John R. Gosche, MD
About the Interviewer
Interview of Stanley J. Dudrick, MD
Index of Interview
Curriculum Vitae, Stanley J. Dudrick, MD
Oral history has its roots in the sharing of stories which has occurred throughout
the centuries. It is a primary source of historical data, gathering information from
living individuals via recorded interviews. Outstanding pediatricians and other
leaders in child health care are being interviewed as part of the Oral History
Project at the Pediatric History Center of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Under the direction of the Historical Archives Advisory Committee, its purpose is
to record and preserve the recollections of those who have made important
contributions to the advancement of the health care of children through the
collection of spoken memories and personal narrations.
This volume is the written record of one oral history interview. The reader is
reminded that this is a verbatim transcript of spoken rather than written prose. It
is intended to supplement other available sources of information about the
individuals, organizations, institutions, and events that are discussed. The use of
face-to-face interviews provides a unique opportunity to capture a firsthand,
eyewitness account of events in an interactive session. Its importance lies less in
the recitation of facts, names, and dates than in the interpretation of these by the
Historical Archives Advisory Committee, 2006/2007
Howard A. Pearson, MD, FAAP, Chair
David Annunziato, MD, FAAP
Jeffrey P. Baker, MD, FAAP
Lawrence M. Gartner, MD, FAAP
Doris A. Howell, MD, FAAP
James E. Strain, MD, FAAP
John R. Gosche, MD
Dr. Gosche earned a Doctorate of Medicine from the University of South Florida
College of Medicine in Tampa, Florida in 1985. He served as an intern and
resident in general surgery at the University of Louisville Associated Hospitals in
Louisville, Kentucky from 1985 through 1992 under the direction of Dr. Hiram C.
Polk. While at the University of Louisville, Dr. Gosche earned a Doctorate of
Philosophy in Cardiovascular Physiology through the Department of Physiology
and Biophysics at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Dr. Gosche
then served as a resident in pediatric surgery at the Columbus Children’s Hospital
in Columbus, Ohio from 1992 through 1994 under the directorship of Dr. Donald
Cooney. In July of 1994, Dr. Gosche joined the faculty of the Yale University
School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics in the
Division of Pediatric Surgery. In July of 2001, Dr. Gosche assumed the position
of Chief of the Division of Pediatric Surgery and Associate Professor of Surgery
at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi. Dr.
Gosche presently is Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Division of Pediatric
Surgery at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dr. Gosche has known Dr. Dudrick since 1994, when both he and Dr. Dudrick
were faculty members in the Department of Surgery at the Yale University School
of Medicine. Dr. Dudrick has been an influential support throughout Dr.
Gosche’s academic career. At the time this interview was conducted, Dr. Gosche
was Chief of the Division of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Mississippi
Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi.
Interview of Stanley J. Dudrick, MD
This interview of Dr. Stanley Dudrick is being conducted
for the oral history project, American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Dudrick was
the 1988 recipient of the [William E.] Ladd Medal from the Section on Surgery of
the American Academy of Pediatrics. Today’s date is December 15th [2006].
This interview is being conducted in the home of Dr. Stanley and Mrs. Dudrick in
Naugatuck, Connecticut.
Dr. Dudrick, thanks again for agreeing to participate in the oral history project.
My pleasure and my honor, John. I’m grateful for your
having made the big trip from Mississippi up here today in less-than-ideal
conditions, and I’m delighted to spend this time with you.
Thank you. If we may, let’s begin at the beginning. Could
you tell us a little about your childhood?
I’m a Pennsylvanian. I was born in Nanticoke,
Pennsylvania, in the heart of the hard coal region on the Susquehanna River
at the base of Wyoming Valley, below Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. My
parents were first-generation Americans. Their parents, my maternal and
paternal grandparents, all emigrated from Poland in the late 1800s, early
1900s. They actually had intended, I believe, to be more Midwestern and in
the farm country but were attracted to the Pennsylvania coal mine area by
many of their friends, who were virtually imported to mine the coal with the
experience that they had in Europe. And so my grandfathers both worked in
the coal mines of Pennsylvania for more than 40 years, somehow lived into
their 80s, but also were self-sufficient. They had farms and essentially raised
their own food and had dairy cattle and milk and sheep and did all the things
that people did in those days to be self-sufficient.
My father and my uncles all had to work in the coal mines from when they
were 13, since their parents were almost indentured servants. And when
they got to 21, they would leave the coal mines, and my uncle, who was my
godfather, and my father both went to University of Pennsylvania after
having gotten the equivalent, I guess, of high school degrees on their own, in
what we call GED today, I guess. But they both graduated from the
Wharton School at Penn [University of Pennsylvania]. My uncle went on to
law school. The Depression came about that time, and my father couldn’t
continue in law school because of finances, and [he] became an accountant
and an insurance broker. And then when I was born, that really sealed the
deal, and—
But I had a wonderful childhood growing up in that small town of about, at
that time, 36,000. Now it’s about half that size. There was a great sense of
family. Both sides of my family were all there. My father and mother came
from families of seven siblings—six siblings, seven all together, and so being
the first-born of either side of the family, I had about 14 sets of parents.
Simultaneously, being the first-born son and, quote, “the apple of their eye,”
unquote, I also was [chuckles] under close scrutiny all the time, too, so they
really invested a lot in my development and education, and I greatly
appreciated that.
I was educated throughout the city school system; graduated from Nanticoke
High School in 1953. I guess I started working on my grandfather’s farm
when I was 10, and I remember working six days a week, 10 hours a day for
10 cents an hour, and having a wonderful time. I got to learn about planting
seeds and growing crops, and I plowed with the horse. I remember the thrill
of having the first tractor in the family and then driving the first tractor. I
milked cows. I actually participated in the undesirable things of having to
finish off chickens and swine to provide meat. But it was a fascinating
growing up, and I learned an awful lot.
My father was a jack-of-all-trades. He virtually could do anything. He was
competent in electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry. We built a home, he
and I, virtually ourselves, a small four-room home next to our home, I believe
as a property investment. I dug the basement by hand with a pick and shovel
and a wheelbarrow when I was 12 years old and put the roof on the house
virtually by myself, so I had a lot of practical teaching from Dad, who was, as
I said, a white-collar worker but a great blue-collar talent and a perfectionist.
I guess that’s probably the most important thing in his background with me
was he was a perfectionist, and he wouldn’t let me get away with anything
less than my best. And he was a strict disciplinarian. He was not an
obsessive-compulsive; he was not a workaholic in the sense of being off the
deep end, but he worked hard for everything he got in life. He was honest as
the day is long, had high moral and ethical values, and really was my first
true mentor. I didn’t appreciate him as much at the time as I do now, but—
My mom was the most loving type person, salt of the earth, everybody’s best
friend, kind—I never heard an unkind word uttered by her. She just loved
everybody. She gathered people, young children. The young boys in town
just loved to come to our home, and she was kind of a second mother to most
of them when they got afoul of their own parents. I’ll never forget her
funeral. I think there must have been 300 men at her funeral that were boys
growing up with me who remember her. It was a great tribute.
She taught me an awful lot. She was the humane side of my life and actually
the stimulus for me to go into medicine. When I was six and my first sister
was two, my mother contracted rheumatic fever. You have to remember,
there was no penicillin in those days, and rheumatic fever was a major killer.
She survived, even though my father and my aunts and uncles were
preparing me for my mother’s death and reminding me that I would have to
take care of my younger sister and I’d have to be a good boy because “your
mother is ill.”
And I was very impressed at that time by the doctors who came to see my
mother, because they made house calls, and I just thought that was what
doctors did, and they did in those days. So she had two or three doctors that
came to see her, two general practitioners, we called them, and one was a
rheumatologist because she got rheumatoid symptoms from the rheumatic
fever. Several things impressed me. One, their kindness, the fact that they
would come and be nice to me. They always would spend a minute or two
with me, and then they would sit administering to my mother’s needs, and I
was very impressed with their demeanor, and they were just great role
models for me.
But even more so, before they would come, whenever they were going to
make a house call, my aunts, one of whom was my godmother, would insist
that I take a bath and that I had to put on my Sunday-go-to-church clothes
because [voice drops to a reverent whisper, in imitation of her tone] the
doctors were coming today, and they’d even start to whisper, “The doctors
are coming, so you have to clean up and be a good boy." And I thought, Gee,
who are these guys? They’re whispering. I have to take a bath; I have to put
on my Sunday clothes. They must really be important. And so those were the
memories I had. Literally I was six or seven years old when I decided, When
I grow up, I want to be one of them.
And then, when my mother lived, after I was being literally prepared for her
death, my gratitude and my awe about these men who accomplished that, in
my mind, just made me want to be like them. And I never wavered from
that. Oh, at one point I wanted to be a cowboy, probably a fireman and a
policeman like everybody else, but fundamentally I wanted to be a doctor.
And I talked about it all the time.
I had an aunt who was a nurse, but there were no other medical people in the
family. She served on a hospital ship in the Pacific during the war, the
Second World War, and she encouraged my obvious interest in medicine by
buying me books and doctor kits and things for me to play doctor.
I then deviated a bit, because at one point in my high school career, the
representative, Dan [Daniel J.] Flood, to the Congress from our district took
a shine to me, and he wanted to appoint me to [the United States Military
Academy at]West Point or to the [United States] Naval Academy since they
have positions that they are allowed to appoint people to, and he thought I’d
make a fine officer. I actually took the examinations and went through the
pre-admission drills at West Point and was fascinated by that for a while,
because of the discipline and the idea of serving the country. I wanted to
both be perhaps an officer serving the country and a physician, and I wasn’t
quite sure if that was possible, so I had the audacity, as a high school senior,
to make an appointment, myself, with the dean of the medical school at the
University of Pennsylvania. And he, John McK. Mitchell, a pediatrician by
trade and a wonderful being, actually gave me an appointment. So I drove
down in the family car, which wasn’t easy in those days, about 120 miles or
130 to Philadelphia, and had an appointment with the dean of the medical
After a wonderful half hour or so, in which he was completely relaxed and
seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was, he said, “Well, what is it, Mr.
Dudrick, that you want from me today?” And I said, “Well, I have this West
Point appointment or I could go to Annapolis if I would like to, but I think
I’d prefer West Point. It’s a free education, and I was wondering if I could
get the education there, could I then get into medical school and fulfill my
ultimate goal to become a doctor.” And he looked at me, and he paused and
looked around the room, and he said, “Well, Mr. Dudrick, if you could
rationalize for me spending four years of your life learning how best to kill
people and then paying them back the four years you owe them by getting
on-the-job training in how to even better kill people in order to then go to
medical school to learn how to keep people from dying, I’ll answer your
question.” So then I stopped and thought, and I said, “Dean Mitchell, I think
you just answered my question.”
And at that moment, I decided I wasn’t going to go to
West Point and that I would pursue a medical career, and I told him that,
and he said, “Well, you get yourself a good liberal arts school to prepare
yourself for medical school,” and he said, “God willing, if I’m still alive,” he
said, “I’d like to see you apply here, and we’ll talk about it.”
Well, to finish that story off, I eventually did go to Franklin & Marshall
College, a school I had never heard of before Christmastime, about this time
of year, of my senior year in high school. But it had such a good reputation
for producing physicians—not there, but by getting them into medical
schools—that I went down to look at the place, and I fell in love with it, and
that’s where I wanted to go, and I matriculated there and had a wonderful
But for continuity purposes, when I finished there, in getting into my senior
year, I of course applied to Penn [University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine] because that’s where I wanted to go; that’s all I heard in my
family, was “Penn, Penn, Penn” all the time. And I didn’t hear anything
from them. Many of my classmates at Franklin & Marshall were being
interviewed at Penn, and I didn’t get an interview invitation. So I called the
dean’s office, and I said who I was and didn’t want to be impertinent but I
wondered if there could have been a mistake or did I do something wrong
that I didn’t get an invitation to be interviewed for a position at Penn. And
the same lady [Mrs. Householder], who was the secretary to the dean when I
visited three years before, said, “Oh, Mr. Dudrick, we have note in a file that
Dean McK. Mitchell made for you when you visited here as a high school
senior. He put a note in your file saying that ‘if this young man ever applies
to medical school here, take him.’”
And she said, “I discussed this with Dean McK. Mitchell
a few months ago, and he said we don’t need an interview, that his interview
with you three years ago would suffice.”
Wow. You were accepted three years earlier.
Yes. And so I said, “Well, golly,” I said, “I really want
to go to Penn, and I only applied to Jefferson [Medical College,
Philadelphia]. That’s the only other school I applied to, and they’ve already
accepted me, and I only have a week or so left on the time that I’m supposed
to accept or reject, and I don’t want to be impolite [to Jefferson Medical
College], and I don’t want to be impolite to you, either.” And she said, “I’ll
mention this to Dean McK. Mitchell. I imagine you’ll be hearing from him
soon.” And within 48 hours, I had a telegram from the dean, accepting me to
the medical school, which was followed up by a letter, asking me to give him
a phone call, which I did. It was just the middle of August, the summer
between my junior and senior years, and so I started my senior year at F&M
[Franklin & Marshall College] completely free of concern, and had a
marvelous last year, filling in with a lot of liberal arts courses and got ready
to go to Penn Medical School.
But what an influence people like that are on you! When I went to medical
school, then Dean John McK. Mitchell was the dean the entire time I was
there, and I just loved having him there. He seemed like a surrogate
grandfather for me and a wonderful role model: [a] kind, gentle, idealistic
person, a true dean in the sense that he was elected by the faculty, which is
what the deans in the old days were. Nowadays the dean is virtually an MBA
and a whole bunch of other things, and a business manager, and it’s a shame
because we don’t have that type of academic chain of command that we used
to have. But times have changed.
I began working in the Pocono Mountains when I was 16. I actually lied
about my age, I’m ashamed to say, and told them I was 18, and I got a job
first as a busboy and then as a room waiter and then as a wine steward,
which was illegal; you had to be 21 to do that, but it was a private place,
Skytop Lodge in the Poconos, and one of the nicest places in the area. And I
worked there for five summers and literally paid my way through Franklin
& Marshall College by working there.
But the big bonus about that was in the third year that I was there, my wifeto-be, Terri (Theresa), also in college at College Misericordia in
Pennsylvania, came up for the summer to work as a waitress, and we met
and had a marvelous summer together, and then we kept [in] communication
with each other for the next four years, and then got married after my
freshman year in medical school.
So the experiences I gained of, oh, being somewhat independent at a young
age and having a wonderful background at home and on a farm and then
working in a service organization like a resort hotel, I think, prepared me in
a great measure for what we do as physicians. We’re interested in life, we’re
interested in high ideals, and we’re interested in service. I inadvertently
received three big doses of that as I was growing up.
The best years I had in my life, the very best four consecutive years of my life
were those that I spent at Franklin & Marshall College. I love that
institution. It had a transforming effect on me. I ended up in an idyllic type
town, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which was clean, rural, influenced by the
Pennsylvania Dutch [actually Amish and Mennonites of German descent]
discipline and ethic and culture; and farms that were out of storybooks:
clean and wonderfully maintained in the old style, and having come from a
town that was a hard coal, dirty, dusty, smoky, smelly [sulfur from coal mine
fires] place, although I love it, I just thought I died and went to heaven when
I went to Franklin & Marshall College. Here, it had all this history, founded
[as Franklin College] by Benjamin Franklin in 1787, and it was a grand old
place. At that time, I think it was the eighth or tenth oldest school in the
The mentors and the role models that I had there were outstanding. Dean
Richard [Honodel] Winters, the admissions dean; [James McCown] “Mac”
Darlington, the chair of biology; [Harold] Harry Lane, the professor of
anatomy and embryology; Dr. [Fred A.] Snavely, who was in inorganic
chemistry; and [Robert Pershing] Bob Cross, the chair of the Department of
Chemistry [who] taught us organic chemistry. These men were just superb
scientists, educators and so dedicated to us. The entire ethos of Franklin &
Marshall College infected me and transformed me from a kid from the coal
regions to an avid would-be scholar. They just imbued in me the importance
of knowledge, that nothing was more precious than to gain knowledge and
then to pass it on to others.
I did my first research projects there, of all things, growing tomato plants
hydroponically and studying the effects of magnesium doses in the fluid [in
Dr. Snavely’s laboratory] and being fascinated by that because I grew
thousands of tomato plants on my grandfather’s farm, and then to see these
things growing in fluid in a sense later influenced me because I was growing
plants in liquid. Subsequently, we grew human beings with liquid. I had no
idea that was going to happen at the time.
That project was with Fred Snavely. And then, later, I had another project
with Harry Lane, in which I was studying the effect of hypoglycemic agents,
oral agents, which were brand new, and we worked in conjunction with Eli
Lilly [and Company] on a project studying carbutamide, tolbutamide and
another agent, and we showed that carbutamide was effective but caused too
many congenital defects in chick embryos. We were working in chick
embryos with a binocular dissecting microscope, studying blood sugar in the
omphalomesenteric veins in the yolk sac.
And so, again, here I was, working with these microscopic blood vessels and
doing microtechniques and measuring blood sugars. What we learned in
that project was that the chick pancreas kicks in with [develops functioning]
beta cells on the 13th day [of development as an embryo], which was
unknown till that time. We also showed that [neither] the tolbutamide nor
the carbutamide would have a hypoglycemic effect until the beta cells
matured, so it [the observed hypoglycemia] was not a direct effect on blood
sugar and metabolism, but on the beta cell: It stimulated the beta cell. And
carbutamide was rejected in part because of our studies, because of the
congenital anomalies that it would cause in these chick embryos, which were
kind of a cleft palate, and the beaks were different [grossly malformed], and
the phocomelia and abnormal feet and wings and feathers. Whereas
tolbutamide was well tolerated, and tolbutamide became Orinase®, the first
effective oral hypoglycemic agent, and we were one of the 12 or 13—I don’t
know—beta sites, I guess you’d call them today—to [help] develop that.
Again, I didn’t realize the significance of it at the time, but I did enjoy the
technical and metabolic experiences that I had working in a laboratory, but
especially the patience and kindness, honesty and brilliance of Harry Lane,
the principal investigator and my mentor. We became very good friends.
Then I guess I moved on from there to medical school, having graduated
from F&M [Franklin & Marshall College] in 1957. That’s a long story about
my childhood, I guess, but—
That's why I'm here. Let's change directions.
And your medical school career?
Medical school was also a wonderful experience for me.
I was a little more fearful of medical school than I probably needed to be,
and that perhaps was more due to lack of self-confidence, but I should have
had more confidence in Franklin & Marshall College’s reputation because
the fact was that my freshman year of medical school was easier than any of
the years at Franklin & Marshall College. So Franklin & Marshall taught us
how to study, taught us how to learn, taught us good habits for acquiring
knowledge, and hard work and self-discipline. Indeed, in medical school I
really thrived.
I didn’t have the courage to get married after graduating from Franklin &
Marshall College because I was afraid that if I didn’t do well in medical
school that perhaps friends and family might blame Terri or say, “It’s
because you got married and you got your interests split.” So we patiently
waited another year, and right after my freshman year in medical school,
Terri and I got married in 1958, and medical school after that was even more
fun because I did even better, because I just relaxed and had a wonderful
life. We, during medical school, had two children. There weren’t many
people married in medical school in those days, and we had a couple of
children besides. There were 125 of us in our medical school class. I think
there were nine women, which was the most, by far, that Penn ever had. I
think the previous high was about four, and that was several years prior to
that. And the other thing was that I believe we had eight or nine married
students, which was unprecedented at Penn, but it started a new era.
The medical school experience for me was, as for everybody else, one of
impatience initially, because it’s a continuation primarily of basic science for
the first two years and you’re there into your third year before you really are
putting your hands on people and learning the craft of medicine. But I kept
myself occupied by immediately inquiring about working in the laboratory.
At that time, I wanted to be a heart surgeon because that was the new thing.
I remember a picture on the front page of Time magazine of Dr. Charles [P.]
Bailey of Hahnemann [now Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia]
after he had done the first successful mitral commissurotomy after 13
patients in a row had died, and I was just astounded by his courage and his
persistence despite failure and despite criticism from his colleagues. And as I
read that story in the Time magazine, he immediately became an inspiration
for me and actually helped mold my philosophy, because I remember not
only the adulation and admiration that people gave him, but I also remember
the other half, which was not very complimentary to him, because he lost
people. And it taught me that not everything you do was going to be
welcomed, even though you had good intentions, and you might eventually
get good results. There will always be detractors and critics, and at first that
offended me and bothered me.
But I learned later on, especially with the help of Jonathan [E.] Rhoads, my
major mentor, that some of the best help or some of the best friends you may
have will come from or will be critics, and as long as they are not meanspirited, people who criticize what you say or criticize your thoughts or your
work hone your thoughts and perhaps encourage you to do even better than
you did do, and that still affects me, and I try to pass that on to my students
and residents: Never be self-satisfied. There’s always more you can do. You
can always do better. And critics help you become better. That’s really
important, as you know, when we’re trying to teach our students and
residents to prepare manuscripts and present them.
But to get back to early days at Penn, I went to a heart surgeon, Charles [K.]
Kirby, and asked him if I could work in his laboratory because I knew he
had an active laboratory going. He was one of the younger heart surgeons.
And he lined me up with Dr. [Lysle H.] Peterson, who was a cardiac
physiologist, and between the two of them, I learned a lot about cardiac
physiology. I actually learned [virtually] everything that there was to know
about cardiopulmonary bypass and the Mayo-Gibbon heart-lung machine
[at that time].
Since when I was growing up, in high school, I could take automobiles apart
and put them back together, taught by my father, that’s what I did with the
heart-lung machine in the laboratory, and eventually I became the main
technician running the heart-lung machine while the heart surgeons at Penn
performed heart surgery. I eventually taught technicians how to do that
with the heart surgeons and with engineers that they had there. But
whenever they had a tough case, they’d get me excused from my classes to
run the heart-lung machine for them. And I actually made some flow meter
contributions and some oxygenation suggestions in the technology, and
worked together with the people in the Moore [School of Electrical
Engineering] and the Towne[School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering] at
Penn and had a wonderful time. My fellow medical students couldn’t believe
what I was doing, and neither could some of the other people, but it was just
all related to initiative. There was no previous model for what I was doing,
but I learned an awful lot.
There was a man in the laboratory at that time, Horace MacVaugh, [III],
about a third- or fourth-year resident, similar to what we do now at Yale
[University], who was in the laboratory also, and I’m grateful to him because
he taught me how to operate. He taught me how to use every instrument in
the animal laboratory so that as a medical student, I actually put heart valves
into cows, [and] into dogs. I actually transplanted hearts in calves, ran the
heart-lung machine while operating on these animals, and by the time I got
into my internship or residency, they didn’t have to teach me how to operate
in terms of how to use the instruments; they just had to teach me the
indications and the techniques of the particular operations and the judgment
as to when and what to do. But I knew how to do it if they told me, “Sew this
in.” I knew how to sew it in. “Cut this out.” I knew how to cut it out.
So I had a big advantage over most of the other people in my residency
because I already had developed those skills working every summer in the
laboratory and working on some of my elective time in the laboratories of the
heart surgeons and pulmonary physiologists. I also worked with John R.
Senior, who was a prominent gastroenterologist, who was working on
intestinal projects, and I actually had done a lot of bowel work with him in
bowel adaptation.
I remember John Senior asking me to work together with him in trying to
show absorption of different nutrients in the small intestine of dogs, and the
only way he thought that we could do that would be to take the bowel out of
the dog, and we developed a Pyrex chamber to keep the bowel alive and
moist and at the right temperature, and I used my knowledge of
cardiopulmonary bypass to keep the bowel alive by pumping oxygenated
blood through the bowel, and we actually collected lymph and could collect
the venous blood to measure the difference in nutrients, and it was a
fascinating exercise to keep the bowel alive for up to five or six hours [and
study its function] under these artificial conditions. I would suspect that
eventually the main thing that caused the bowel to decline was we didn’t
have a kidney process to eliminate metabolic wastes. That was going to be
the next step we were going to take, but then I got into my residency and
internship, and I had to put those experiments aside for the time being, and I
never did return to those with John Senior, but we have remained friends to
this day. As a matter of fact, he was a co-author with Dr. Rhoads and myself
on the very first paper I ever wrote in 1964, and that was actually in the
Medical Clinics of North America, on surgical nutrition.
But when I started looking at internships in my senior year at Penn, I was
fascinated by the new curriculum at Cleveland Clinic, and then I thought a
bit about the University of Chicago and UCLA [University of California, Los
Angeles] and several other prominent institutions, but every place I went to
be interviewed, everybody wanted to know about how Dr. I. S. Ravdin, who
had been the chairman during most of my medical school years, in surgery,
or Dr. Rhoads did their operations or how did they take care of their
patients. I was embarrassed because, in reality, I didn’t know. I was a
medical student, and, although I assisted them in procedures, I didn’t have
enough experience to discuss what their philosophy was about how they did
their major cases. But I was impressed that everybody else around the
country thought that they were top drawer. And I got thinking, I better hang
around here for a while [chuckles] and find out more about my alma mater
before I go elsewhere.
Plus by that time, we had had two children, and Terri was pregnant with our
third, and although I kind of was titillated by the university hospitals in
Cleveland and at Case Western Reserve, because they had this dynamic new
curriculum and faculty, I decided to try to stay at Penn, and I actually had a
rotating internship. I was one of the last rotators. Shortly after, within a
year or two after my internship, Penn went to the straight system. But at the
time, I was an intern, and we had a rotating internship.
It was a marvelous year. I would do my internship again if they let me. We
had pathology and medicine and cardiology and surgery and pediatrics, and
we did all kinds of things that kind of polished our rough diamond from
medical school. And then I was selected at that time [for residency training
in surgery] by Dr. Rhoads, who had taken over the chair from Dr. Ravdin—
and both of these men, by the way, were enormous influences on me. Dr.
Ravdin is credited by many for being one of the most important people in the
country to encourage surgeons to be physiologists. Prior to his time, in the
30s, surgeons were anatomists, pathologists, technicians, and physiology was
of interest to some of them, but Ravdin was a strong advocate that you had to
be concerned about the pathophysiology that indicated the operation and
then the post-surgical physiology that you create in trying to overcome the
pathophysiology. And surgeons were not used to thinking that way.
Another man who was influential in the country at that time, in the same
vein, was Owen [H.] Wangensteen from Minnesota. As a matter of fact,
Owen Wangensteen and I. S. Ravdin [virtually] both started the journal
Surgery. They’re [two of] the founding editors. And the original purpose of
that journal was to report papers on physiology, physiologic surgery. And
then, of course, Owen Wangensteen went on to establish a PhD program in
surgery, which still exists.
But Dr. Ravdin was one of the most powerful influences in American
surgery. He obtained the funding for the Harrison Department of Surgical
Research at Penn [the University of Pennsylvania], which was the first
funded or endowed research surgery department in the country. And there
were a lot of firsts at Penn. Penn was the first medical school, 1765. It used
Pennsylvania Hospital initially, which was the oldest hospital in the country,
1751. And then, when Penn built the hospital at the University of
Pennsylvania [1874] after running out of space in downtown Philadelphia
and moved west to its current site, they built the very first medical school
hospital. And then Ravdin got the first endowed surgical research
department from the Harrisons.
The Harrisons were an interesting family, because there was a grandfather, a
father and a son, who were all professors in the Department of Chemistry at
Penn. And they actually started a company manufacturing chemicals south
of the university, and one of them I think rose to become the dean or the
president [actually the provost] of the university, and still to this day, the
chemistry department in the undergraduate school is [referred to by some
as] the Harrison Department of Chemistry.
But the interesting piece of history is that the Harrisons’ company became a
family company which after a while kind of outgrew them. They were more
interested in being academics, and they sold the company to, of all people, the
DuPonts. The DuPonts were just down the river, down the Delaware [River],
in Delaware, and making dynamite, and they were looking to diversify, and
so what allowed DuPont [de Nemours & Co.] to become the company that
said, “Better Things for Better Living…Through Chemistry” was when they
bought the Harrisons’ chemical works. And, of course, now the DuPont
company is very big in pharmaceuticals and many other things.
Well, with all the money that the Harrisons made selling their company, Dr.
Ravdin tapped into some of that because he had operated on some of them,
and they gave millions to endow the department [the Harrison Department
of Surgical Research]. And I mention that because it was important that that
was where I got the money to begin my studies, from the endowment funds.
And then we parlayed that into the basis for NIH [National Institutes of
Health] grants and continued support of our nutritional research.
So Ravdin started this [emphasis of the relationship of] physiology and
surgery, the journal Surgery, the Harrison Department [of Surgical
Research], and he was a strong advocate of pre- and post-operative care and
nutrition. He was fascinated by anesthesia because he felt that anesthesia
allowed us to be surgeons and to do large general surgical procedures. His
work was interrupted by the Second World War, when he went into the
China-Burma-India theater with the University of Pennsylvania battlefield
hospital, and he became a one-star [brigadier] general, working over there in
the Pacific theater. He had the best medical outfit in the Pacific, with
[General Joseph Warren] Stilwell and the [Wingate's] Raiders and all the
over-the-Hump Flying Tigers and all that. He serviced all those people and
brought back a fantastic unit of people when he returned after the war, and
then he became chairman of the Department of Surgery and ultimately the
vice president for health affairs at Penn, and a leader throughout the
He stressed nutrition because he was impressed that the things we were using
for general anesthesia, such as ether, chloroform and then later on agents
like halothane and cyclopropane all caused liver damage, and he thought
that if we gave better nutritional support, we might reduce the liver damage.
And to some extent that was the case with ether and chloroform, but with the
more sophisticated agents, there were toxic effects that even nutritional
support could not overcome. But those thoughts and ideas were the basis of
his early work in the Harrison department.
Plus the other thing he was interested in was wound healing. So I was
brought up in a very fundamental research environment. Surgeons have to
be able to operate with pain-free patients, so you have to be interested in
anesthesia; therefore, you have to be interested in pulmonary support, and
you have to depend upon adequate wound healing or else you may as well not
operate. So these were very fundamental concepts that Dr. Ravdin proposed
to us.
With that background, he first piqued my interest in nutrition, because as a
student I was aware of the major changes that cardiopulmonary bypass
caused in patients. Also he was one of the first [clinical investigators for], I
guess, beta sites for Lipomul®, which was the first practical fat emulsion that
was produced in this country by—the Southern [Regional] Research
Laboratories, the U.S. Army Research and Development Command, and the
Upjohn Company—together they produced this cottonseed oil emulsion.
As a medical student and then later as an intern, Dr. Ravdin had me birddogging the clinical application of intravenous Lipomul®. Well, I have to
admit to you, the first time he gave me this bottle of pure white milk-looking
stuff and said, “Stanley, I want you to start an IV on patients and give this
over a six-hour period, and I want you to take their signs every 10 minutes
and record it all on this sheet,” and he gave me the protocol sheet, and I
thought, Oh, my God! I’m gonna put this white milky stuff into somebody’s
veins. It’s gonna kill ‘em. I remember being terrified at the thought of giving
this “milk” by vein.
As it turned out, I did dozens of patients in his project, and I then became
fascinated by the whole idea that we could put this stuff into people’s veins
and they metabolized it, and it just piqued my interest in, you know, what the
whole absorptive, digestive and assimilative processes were all about. And
that we can bypass digestion and absorption and just give it by vein.
Well, the problem was with the Lipomul®, the emulsion was not
standardized enough. We found that the droplets, fat droplets in the
emulsion were anywhere from one micron to ten microns [in diameter], and
of course with the average capillary being seven microns in size, you could
see that the larger particles were going to block up the capillaries, and that’s
what they did, and it caused people to have pains and aches and renal
problems and liver problems, so Lipomul® never made it in the big time as
an IV food, so—but Dr. Ravdin stimulated me. And then Dr. Rhoads, when
he inherited Dr. Ravdin’s chair, he had also been interested in nutrition and
had done work with Vitamin K and wound healing and hypoproteinemia and
bone healing and metabolism, so he saw that I had an interest in nutrition
and wanted me to continue that.
During my internship, a very profound thing happened to me which
influenced my life, and that was that I was on Dr. Rhoads’ service in
November of my intern year in 1961, and I was in the trench as the on-call
person, and that was in the days when we were on [call] every other night
and every other weekend, so I was on the whole weekend: Saturday, Sunday
and all day Monday. Over the weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, I had a
catastrophic experience because three of Dr. Rhoads’ patients died, for
various reasons. They were all complicated, reoperative patients. That’s
what he would attract. When he came in on Monday, everybody else was
busy in the operating room, and I had to take Dr. Rhoads on rounds. He had
been away for the weekend, giving a talk someplace.
He noticed, I guess, on rounds that I wasn’t as enthusiastic as I usually was,
and he said, “Stan, is something bothering you?” And I said, “Well, as a
matter of fact, Dr. Rhoads, you’re very perceptive. There is.” He said,
“Well, what is it?” I said, “Well,” I said, “I really don’t think I’ve got what it
takes to be a surgeon.” And I said, “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell
you that.” And he said, “What do you mean?” He said, “Come over here.”
And he took me aside. There was kind of a deacon’s bench there in the
hallway of the hospital. And we sat down.
He said, “What’s troubling you?” And I said, “Well, you know, I lost three
of your patients this weekend.” I said, “All three of these patients died on my
watch.” And I said, “I worked as hard as I could possibly work, and fought,
did everything I possibly could to keep them alive, and they all died anyway.”
And I said, “I helped you with those cases, not very actively, but down at the
end of the table, and from my point of view, you did a beautiful job operating
on them. I can’t imagine anything technically [that went wrong], and yet
they all died.” And I said, “I figure it must be my fault.” And he said, “Oh,
no, Stanley,” he said, “it’s not your fault.” I said, “Well, I was the one you
left to take care of them. You trusted me, and I didn’t make it.” And I really
felt terrible.
He said, “Now, wait. Let’s just analyze these patients.” And he logically,
systematically taught me first of all that he knew everything there was to
know about those patients. Probably the chief resident had kept him
informed by phone. And he then went through a litany of each of their case
histories, and he said, “Now, if you notice, every one of these cases was a bit
on the elderly side. They had had one to three operations before they came
here in the previous six months. They were already debilitated from their
procedures and their malnutrition, and we had to reoperate on them, and the
best chance to operate on people is the first time. And the common
denominator was multiple complex problems and malnutrition.” He said,
“Those patients died from malnutrition and its complications.”
And I said, “Well, Dr. Rhoads, then why didn’t we feed them better?”—a
stupid, naïve novice’s question. And he said, “Well, we did the best we could,
but it just wasn’t enough.” And I said, “Well, why can’t we give people
more?” He said, “Gastrointestinal tracts don’t work, as you know,” and all
Well, continuing with my talk with Dr. Rhoads. I said,
“Well, Dr. Rhoads, it seems to me that we ought to be able to feed people
better by vein,” and he said, “Well, a lot of people have tried,” he said,
“including me.” And he said, “We haven’t been able to do it,” and he said,
“You can only give so much fluid. You can only give so much concentrated
nutrients. We don’t have a lot of sophistication in ways of giving people IV
fat or amino acids and protein, and the science just isn’t there.” And I said,
“Well, I really think it should be a priority, because,” I said, “I see on the
Jack Paar show, he gets a laugh every time he says, ‘Well, the operation was
a success, but the patient died.’” And I said, “I don’t think that’s funny.”
And I said, “As a matter of fact, it offends me. I like Jack Paar, but,” I said,
“I hate it every time he says that because I have a feeling he’s mocking our
ineptitude.” And I said, “I think we ought to do something about feeding
people so that when they have good operations technically, that they can get
through. Otherwise, why are we doing the operations?” He said, “Because
that’s all we can do right now.” And I said, “Well, I’m having a hard time
accepting that. Maybe I should be doing something else besides being a
surgeon. That’s why I mentioned what I did today.” And he said, “If you
decided to quit surgery, that would be the saddest day of my life.”
That stopped me cold. I thought, My God! This great man cares enough
about me, an insignificant intern, enough that if I didn’t go into surgery that
would be one of the saddest days in his life? I said—it made me a little
ashamed, and it got me thinking. And then he said, “You know, if you really
feel that strongly about this, why don’t you plan on taking off a year or two
in the laboratory and doing something about it instead of quitting?” Whoo!
So first he hits me with “the saddest day in his life,” and then he implies that
I might be a quitter. I said—boy, that got my attention. I said, You want a
motivator? There it is. And he took me from a low to a want-to-get-up-andfight kind of position. And so I said—
[Recording interruption.]
We’re back on.
Well, after Dr. Rhoads fired that one across my bow, I
really kind of felt ashamed of myself, and so I put my tail between my legs
and thanked him, and as I sauntered off, he said, “Well, why don’t you come
down to the office later on this afternoon, and we can talk about some ideas.”
So I actually went down later that afternoon, and we sat and talked about
how we could get more food into people by vein, and we thought we could
increase the concentration peripherally maybe from 5 percent, which is
isotonic, to maybe 10 percent. Although we knew that was going to burn the
veins, we thought that if we changed the needles regularly—and we had
needles in those days, not catheters; we had no catheters—and we thought
we’d minimize the phlebitis and the thrombosis, although I was skeptical.
And then we decided that we might be able to give more intravenous fluid, to
go from two to three liters to maybe four or five, knowing that that would
limit us, because not many sick people can take five liters of fluid. So then we
decided we would try something like that with the protein hydrolysates that
were available. There were two of them. One was a casein-based
hydrolysate, and one was a fibrin-based hydrolysate, and both casein and
fibrin are complete proteins, so the reason that they are used is the amino
acid ratios and quality of the amino acids, the profiles are complete, and it’s
logical: If you just drank milk protein, that’s all you’d ever need to live on,
and fibrin, for some reason, is also a complete protein. So they had
[commercially available] hydrolysates of those. One was an acid hydrolysate,
which was the casein, and one was an enzymatic hydrolysate, which was the
fibrin. Both of them were supplemented with crystalline amino acids, which
are very expensive, to make sure that the mixtures were perfect or as good as
they could be [after the hydrolysis process].
But there were also dipeptides and even decapeptides in the hydrolysates,
which caused problems. We worked with that for a while, and then we
tried—the diuretics that were available at that time were either oral, which
were the new ones, DIURIL® and HydroDIURIL®, or they were
intramuscular or subcutaneous, which were the mercurial diuretics:
Thiomerin® and mersalyl. Now, when we tried to give those diuretics to
people who were receiving large volumes of water, they didn’t seem to work.
However, if you had somebody who had pulmonary edema and you gave him
[or her] Thiomerin®, and that was kind of the diuretic of choice at that time,
and they would have a diuresis, which would help their congestive [heart]
failure or their pulmonary edema. But when we tried to induce diuresis of
exogenously administered water in patients, it didn’t work [effectively for
our purposes].
So we went to the laboratory, and actually Jonathan [E.] Rhoads, Jr., who’s
been a surgeon trained by [William A.] Altemeier of [the University of]
Cincinnati, and he’s been at York [Hospital], Pennsylvania, for years as
chairman and program director there—but Jack Rhoads, Dr. Rhoads’s son,
was a student, and he spent the summer in our laboratory and actually was
studying adult dogs receiving different kinds of diuretics to see what we
could do about improving diuresis and using the water as a vehicle to take in
the nutrients but then getting rid of the water while retaining the nutrients.
That was the theory of that approach.
Well, Jack Rhoads couldn’t make the diuretics work in dogs any more than
we could make them work in human beings, and so we did learn that, but we
were a little taken aback. And about a year later, I saw an article in the New
England Journal of Medicine on intravenous HydroDIURIL®, or maybe it
was intravenous DIURIL®. That had been developed. And so I thought,
Well, maybe we can try this, and it might rejuvenate our experiment and our
I tried to call the people in Boston who were working with it, and I couldn’t
get through, so I just picked up the phone—I’m a very practical person. I
picked up the phone and called the [hospital] pharmacy, and I said to the
pharmacist, “Have you ever heard of intravenous DIURIL®?” And he said,
“Yeah, Dr. Dudrick. This is an amazing coincidence. We just received our
first shipment today. I’m actually unpacking the boxes.” I said, “You gotta
be kidding. You have it here?” He said, “Yeah, it’s brand new, just been
released, and I’m adding it to the formulary.” I said, “Wow! May I come
down and see it?” And he said, “Sure.”
So I actually hung up, and I went down to the pharmacy, and he showed me
his multi-dose vial of DIURIL®, intravenous chlorothiazide, and I asked him
if I could have one of the package inserts, and he said, “Here, you can have a
vial.” So he gave me the vial, the box and the package insert, and I read it
and I thanked him for his generosity. And so I called up Dr. Rhoads and told
him that there was a new intravenous diuretic on the market and he might be
interested. So he again asked me to come down [to his office]. Usually it was
in the afternoon, at the end of the day—you know, five o’clock or so. Before
he’d make evening rounds, why, he usually had a low period when there was
a little peace and quiet, so I treasured those hours with him.
I went down, and I started telling him about this New England Journal [of
Medicine] article. I had gone to the library, because the library always got it
before we did, and I went to the library and made a copy of the New England
Journal [of Medicine] article, in those days a thermofax copy. We didn’t
have Xerox® machines. And I was talking to Dr. Rhoads about it, and he
said, “Gosh, if you can get me a copy of that,” and I handed it to him. He
always liked that. So I gave him a copy, and he started looking at it. And he
said, “Do you think we might be able to get some of this stuff?” And I said,
“Yes. As a matter of fact, we have it here. We just got it today in the
pharmacy.” He said, “Really!” And I said, “Yeah, here’s some.” I took it
out of my pocket and gave it to him, and of course he just loved that kind of
stuff, because he loved people to be prepared when they talked to him; he
loved people to do their homework, and he hated it when you just brought
him problems. He wanted the problem solutions.
And so he was, like, literally—I don’t think I ever saw him that happy. He
was like a young man or a young boy with a new toy. And he’s looking at
this DIURIL®, and we read the package insert together, and we actually sat
down, right then and there, and wrote out the constituents of a five-liter
program of 10 percent solute, and we decided we’d give DIURIL® in the
second and the fourth bottle each day. We didn’t have bags then. Within a
few days, I started giving these five liters of 10 percent solution, which had
about 2,000 calories and 100 grams of amino acid/peptide equivalent or
protein equivalent. And that became known as the "five-liter program."
We began using it in people who had cancer. They were the most cachectic.
And also another reason for using it in cancer patients is we used it in
patients who had nothing else that we could do for them except to maybe give
them nutritional support. Even chemotherapy was in its infancy in those
days. We had 5-FU [fluorouracil], and we had Cytoxan® and methotrexate;
6-MP [mercaptopurine] was coming along, but there was no really organized
medical oncologic, chemotherapeutic program until later on; during the
residency, it did develop.
But we then actually worked together. They had a nurse who was the
chemotherapy administering nurse. She would give the chemotherapy IV to
these patients, and so I kind of worked together with her to get suitable
candidates who might benefit from nutrition if you could improve their
nutrition. And I think we did about 37 to 39 cancer patients. We got a little
bit of pulmonary edema in one patient, but that quickly resolved, with
appropriate pullback in the dose and increased diuresis. We didn’t
permanently hurt anybody. We don’t think we killed anybody. We
approached nitrogen balance, but we didn’t get positive nitrogen balance, so
we reduced the amount of their weight loss and [the] amount of their
continuing negative nitrogen balance, but we really didn't see them recover
as impressively as we later did with the more concentrated TPN [total
parenteral nutrition].
Although we didn’t have to use a catheter, [and] we didn’t have to give it
central venously, it was an enormously labor intensive process that we didn’t
think was going to catch on, because surgeons were already pretty
overworked. We didn’t have to use an indwelling catheter, but we had to
have an indwelling resident, which was me. And I had to make the solutions
myself, and we didn’t have a manufacturing pharmacy, and we thought that
it might be better to go to a laboratory to see if there were other ways that we
might be able to solve this problem.
But we were encouraged by the fact that by trying to give more nutrients, we
seemed to be decreasing the negativity of the nutritional status and the
nitrogen balance. So that gave us hope that we might be able to find some
way to do it in the laboratory. And I guess after three and a half or four
clinical years in the residency with Dr. Rhoads, I took a year off to go to the
laboratory to see if we could show that you could feed adequately by vein.
Prior to doing that, I tried to prepare myself by reading everything I possibly
could in the literature and in the textbooks, and I actually catalogued more
than 600 articles or chapters on five-by-seven cards. We had no computers.
And I had a little abstract on every article I had read. I classified them
according to the nutrient or whatever and cross-referenced them. I still have
those cards someplace up in the attic of this house.
I didn’t feel I could go to the laboratory and just try to do experiments. I
had to know more about nutrition, and there was nobody [apparent or
available] to teach it to me, so I had to teach myself. The dieticians pretty
much were [focused on] oral [nutrition]. We didn’t have much enteral
nutrition. The enteral nutrition problems were as bad then as the TPN ones
became later, because we didn’t know what kind of nutrients to give into the
small bowel. We knew what to give to the stomach, but then you couldn’t
always use the stomach.
Well, at any rate, I went to the lab thinking that we might try to grow
animals from birth through adulthood, and that was one protocol we thought
we might follow. Another one was to try to feed adult animals and see if we
could measure nitrogen balance, but we knew that if we tried to measure
weight or nitrogen balance, that most people would be skeptical about it.
And then we thought about getting into deuterium and tritium, the heavywater techniques, and then the isotopic carbon and nitrogen molecules that
we might measure. But, again, we really felt that surgeons and clinicians
were going to be skeptical about anything that they couldn’t really see or feel,
and thinking about body composition based on isotopic distribution in the
total body water and into various [body] compartments is just not something
that, as you know, our surgical colleagues cherish as fact. They’re fascinated
by it, but they want to see it [in the form of clinical results].
So we thought if we could have a practical demonstration of the efficacy of
IV nutrition, it would be to not only maintain an adult animal for a long
period of time, but even better, if we could grow one. However, we knew that
if we took an immature animal of any species, it was going to take probably
twice as much nutrition per gram of body weight as it would to maintain an
adult. As you know, the pediatric neonatal requirements are much higher
for protein than they are for people our age, and that meant giving more of
the nutrient and maybe more concentration or more water.
But at any rate, we thought we would try it. So I spent several months in the
laboratory first of all trying to put together intravenous complete nutrient
solutions based on what information I had read, to see if I could duplicate,
for intravenous feeding, what I presumed might be what was in the portal
vein in the way of nutrients after a balanced meal, and then we’d have to give
the fat separately, just as the lacteals absorb fat separately and pump it into
the subclavian veins or innominates, through the thoracic duct.
Simultaneous with trying to get these individual nutrients into solution and
trying to find different cationic forms of the necessary anions or different
anionic forms of the necessary cations, I had to go through a lot of chemicals
in the laboratory, [Harold M.] “Harry” Vars' laboratory. Harry Vars, a
wonderful man, was the distinguished professor of biochemistry who worked
with us in the Harrison Department. He knew everything there was to know
about nutrition and biochemistry, and he was an invaluable asset to me, a
walking encyclopedia. I used the resources in his laboratory to literally take
chemicals off the shelf and dissolve them and purify them and sterilize them
and try to mix them together. And I would spend hours at the Mettler
balance or actually the swing balance. We didn’t have the automatic ones
then. And just as we did in quantitative analysis, I’d get the right amount of
each of the chemicals and then add them to the combination of hypertonic
sugar and protein hydrolysate, and sometimes I’d add two, three, four, five,
six, sometimes 10 or 15 and then all of a sudden the whole thing would
I’d say, Oh, golly. So I’d have to start all over again,
either [in different form or] with a different order of adding them.
Sometimes I took the individual components and I dissolved them in water
first and added them in liquid form rather than adding them in crystal form.
I changed the order in which I added them. I changed the salts. I tried a lot
of different combinations until I finally got the solution stable. And then I
found I couldn’t sterilize it, because if I’d sterilize it, the whole thing turned
into caramel. The [Maillard] browning reaction occurred, the esterification
of the carboxyl groups with the amino nitrogen groups, and that’s how you
make caramel. So it was either the Maillard [browning] or the
caramelization. I then knew that I wouldn’t be able to sterilize the solution
with the autoclave and that we’d have to find another way of doing it.
So at that time, we had the old asbestos sterilization process, where you can
make asbestos sheets by adding it to a suction apparatus, and then you could
actually sterilize that apparatus and it would filter and provide a sterile fluid,
but that was complicated, and of course by that time asbestos was getting a
bad name for causing the thoracic—
Mesotheliomas. Thank you. So then I actually
consulted the pharmacy, and I asked, “How do you people sterilize the
radioactive materials you give for tracer studies?” And they said, “Oh, we
have these Millipore® filters.” I asked, “Millipore® filters? What are
they?” So they explained to me what Millipore® filters were. They were
usually an inch in diameter, in an apparatus that supported them, and they
[the radiopharmacists] would draw up their radioactive nuclides in a 10-, 20, 50-ml [milliliter] syringe, and then they’d put this Millipore® filter on it,
and then they would squirt the solution through that filter, under mild
pressure, into a sterile container, and that’s how they sterilized the
radionuclides because you wouldn’t dare put them in a steam autoclave and
then disseminate the radioactivity all over the place.
And they said, “As a matter of fact, this is how we do prescription eye
drops.” Well, I hadn’t ever thought about it, but if you—in the old days, you
would write prescriptions for eye drops that would have perhaps various
antibiotic[s] in them or mydriatics or whatever, and so you could write an
eye drop prescription and it would be usually only 15 or 30 ml. And the way
the pharmacists would do that is they’d draw it up in a syringe, according to
the prescription, squirt it into a sterile bottle with a sterile dropper, through
the Millipore® filter. It was low-volume sterilization of pharmaceuticals.
And I was fascinated by that because I had no knowledge of that whatsoever,
and I was sure most of my colleagues didn’t have any, either.
So I said, Well, gee, that has some application. I said, “Can you get bigger
ones so that I can sterilize a liter of solution or so?” They said, “Well, we
don’t have it, but, you know, you know the people who use this most? The
beer and wine industry.” I said, “Really.” They said, “Yeah.” They said as
a matter of fact, if you go back in history, [Louis] Pasteur’s work was
subsidized by the French wine industry, and later the German beer industry
because they were upset with their beer or their wine spoiling. And his
investigation into why it was spoiling led to the association of bacteria with
pathologic processes, which was Pasteur’s first contribution.
So he said the beer industry and the wine industry have been using
Millipore® filters here in this country for years, and so I investigated it, and
sure enough, I found out that I could buy a six-inch-in-diameter or bigger
[filter], if I wanted it—I didn’t need anything bigger—and a tripod and kind
of a pressure cooker apparatus, and you put your TPN solution into this kind
of pressure cooker, and although it doesn’t cook, you just increase the
pressure, and then it pushes it [the fluid] through this filter, and out the
bottom end of the filter comes sterile TPN solution.
So I was delighted with that because it solved a major problem for me, and so
what we did was with that, we actually could get dry sugar and add it to the
liquid five percent hydrolysate solution, which was the highest concentration
they had at that time, and that would save us some volume, because
otherwise we would have had to add 50 percent sugar, and that would take
up more volume. So we were happy with that. And then we added our other
nutrients. I sterilized some of them separately, in two different batches, and
then I would combine the two sterile batches into one, and I found out that I
had less problem with precipitation that way.
But that took months of just tedious labor in the laboratory. While doing
that, I was also trying to modify and develop a better intravenous swiveled,
counterbalanced apparatus for infusing the dogs. We originally were going
to try to infuse them by peripheral vein, because Dr. Rhoads felt very
strongly that clinicians would never accept central venous feeding. And he
said, “I don’t think we should do that.” So I tried to feed the dogs
peripherally by hindpaw or forepaw veins, but that was difficult. I added
steroids to reduce inflammation. I added procaine or Xylocaine® to the
solution. I added heparin. And none of them really did it. And Dr. Rhoads
also then said, “Well, Stan, they’re not going to like adding those products to
the nutrients, either.”
I started to feel stymied, and so I just decided that I was going to go central
and see what happens. So I bought a couple of dogs from the pound. They
were a couple bucks apiece, and as a trial I put a central [venous] catheter in
through the jugular vein. By that time we had a more sophisticated
apparatus that we developed. Harry Vars was ingenious in getting
collaboration from our Towne School of [Civil and] Mechanical Engineering
and the Moore School of Electrical Engineering [both of the University of
Pennsylvania], and they had magnificent facilities there for tool and die
work, and they made these lovely stainless steel swivels. And then we erected
an apparatus over the top of—
You were saying about the apparatus.
So while we were working on the solubilities and the
components and the sterilization, we were also working on the mechanical
[Recording interruption.]
Go ahead.
We actually tried to feed these two puppies by vein, by
central vein, with a catheter placed in the superior vena cava, through the
jugular—came out between the scapulae of the dog, and we didn’t have a
sophisticated apparatus for those animals. We just tried to keep them quiet
in the cages. They were pretty well behaved, and they were small. I actually
began to feed them [entirely by vein]. Over the 24-hour period you had to
feed them 24 hours to get the maximum amount of food in per day. And I
was delighted to see that they were growing. So I actually had them growing
for 24 days. Now, they weren’t controlled. They were just two dogs getting
intravenous feeding, but they were growing, and I had weight-gain curves
and some pictures of them, just candid pictures, and I got some nitrogen
balance studies on them. They were in positive balance.
We had a Harrison Department of Surgical Research monthly meeting,
which we always had on a Wednesday night in the department, and we
usually had 40 to 50 people come to the meeting. Dr. Rhoads always ran
those meetings, and he always had at least three investigators reporting their
work, plus we took care of administrative details and other things. After that
meeting, I asked Dr. Rhoads if he would come by and take a look at
something I had in the laboratory, so he walked down to my lab, and I
showed him these puppies, and I had my graphs and my work all lined out
there for him to see, and he said, “That’s very impressive, Stanley.” He said,
“Good for you,” he said, “and what peripheral vein are you using?”
And I thought, Oh, my God! I’m gonna get fired right
here tonight. I said, “Well, Dr. Rhoads, I’m using the external jugular as
access, but I actually run the catheter down into the superior vena cava.” He
said, “Oh, so you’re infusing them by central vein.” I said, “Yes, sir.” I said,
“The solution is about 25 to 30 percent solute, and there’s no way you can
give it by peripheral vein.” I said, “I’ve actually put it in my own vein,” and
I showed him my arm, where I had put some in my own vein, and it still was
a bit indurated even two or three weeks later, and I said, “It burns like liquid
fire, Dr. Rhoads. We can’t possibly put that in a patient, and you don’t want
me to use Xylocaine® or any other local anesthetic. You don’t want to use
heparin; you don’t want to use a steroid. So I don’t know any other
mechanism for now except central venous, depending upon the dilution
there, rapid dilution.” And I said, “I’ve calculated that, judging from blood
flow and judging the rate at which we’re giving this [formulation] that the
solution is really dissolved, like, 200 or 300 to one per minute.” And I said,
“If you’ll excuse the expression, sir, it’s like whizzing in the ocean.” I said,
“Everybody does it, but everybody still goes in the ocean.” It just gets
So he said, “Well, I guess you can’t beat success.” I said, “Can I take that as
an endorsement to continue, Dr. Rhoads?” He said, “You can”—or “You
may.” And I said, “Well, then, I’m going to have to invest in some expensive
pedigreed beagles for control, in order to do it right, because these are just
mongrel puppies.” And he said, “Well, you better go ahead and put in the
order.” Of course, the beagle puppies were, I don’t know, something like
$300 apiece, which in those days was a lot of money, but we did buy the
puppies eventually.
In the meantime, I had to get improvements in the apparatus. I knew I’d
have to protect the catheter or the intravenous line coming down through the
top of the cage. We originally had a plastic outer covering over the inner
plastic catheter or administration tubing, and so I actually went to Pep
Boys—Manny, Moe and Jack, the Pep Boys on 43rd or 44th and Market
Street. It was walking distance from the laboratory. And I bought some
speedometer cables that I thought would be great, and we incorporated [the
cable into the swiveled infusion apparatus]—well, while I was there, I was
looking at some plastic tubing, and I asked them about the tubing. I had to
buy 1,000 feet of Irvington® brand polyvinylchloride tubing that I thought
might be a good tubing to run through the speedometer cable. They
wouldn’t sell me small amounts; I had to buy [a roll of] 1,000 feet of it. I’ll
never forget it: Irvington® brand’s polyvinylchloride tubing, which was
designed for insulation for wire. And I never knew that you don’t put
insulation around the wire, you actually thread the wire through the tubing,
which is some kind of a fascinating thing to me that we have the machinery
to do that. But that’s how they do it. So this was an unthreaded, unwired
insulation tubing.
I then was studying all different kinds of plastic for inflammatory potential,
and every piece of plastic that we had, whether it was polyvinyl or
polyethylene or the new Teflon® catheters, which were very hard and
rigid—couldn’t use them. But I tried every one, and they all caused
reactions in the vein, and I actually planted some of them subcutaneously,
and they all caused induration in the subcutaneous spaces of both dogs and
rats. But I did buy this polyvinylchloride at Manny, Moe and Jack’s and the
speedometer cable and went back to the laboratory. I sterilized the
polyvinylchloride, which you could do in the autoclave; it will withstand
sterilization. And I put it in some veins and some subcutaneous spaces, and
it didn’t cause a reaction.
So it was the first plastic tube that I could use as a catheter and have
confidence that it wasn’t going to be thrombogenic or inflammatory. So I cut
it up in little pieces and sterilized them, marked them and then threaded
them into the beagle puppies, and it worked beautifully. And eventually we
used the very same tubing in the first baby that we fed and in many of our
adult patients until industry caught up with us to make what we asked them
to make earlier. The Deseret® [Pharmaceutical Company] [now part of
Becton, Dickinson and Company] people out in Utah, I guess, provided some
of the first catheters that we used for central venous catheterization, and I
had to deal with industry, whether I liked it or not. It had nothing to do with
their making money, it had to do with their providing for me what I needed
for my experiments, and then eventually my experiments in human beings
and then for the clinical application of it. I couldn’t live without them.
So it was a pure, collaborative effort. And I should say that I never took
anything from industry free, nor did I ever take any money from them, so I
still have all of the bills that I paid for every bottle of nutrient that I ever
gave to any of the puppies. I paid for them because I didn’t want anybody to
accuse me of saying that this worked in order for the companies to make a
profit. And that really served me well later on, because there were some
people who said, “Well, how much money did they pay you, Dudrick, to say
that this is a good amino acid solution?”
No conflict of interest.
No, there was absolutely no conflict of interest, and I
had all the bills to prove that. Now today that would probably be considered
stupid by most doctors, but who knows? I was more interested in
maintaining my scientific credibility and my trustworthiness and my honesty
with my colleagues than I was in any kind of money or patents, so we never
patented anything, and we never took any money for doing that work. There
were a couple contract projects that I did years later, which I thought had
mutual interest, and I said, “The only way that I can do them is if you pay for
the expenses of it,” and I’d get some of my residents or fellows to do the
experiments, to try different variations in solutions or technology. But other
than that, which was really a pittance compared with what it cost us to do
this work, I never, quote, “made any money,” unquote, on the TPN.
We had four males in the first set of puppies that we began to feed. They
were all littermates. And we tried to get arrangements with the animal
supplier, which was a very reputable outfit north of Philadelphia. As a
matter of fact, the owner of the animal farm used to deliver the beagle
puppies in his Cadillac. I always got a kick out of that, meeting him at the
loading dock in his beautiful Cadillac car and getting these puppies out of the
back seat that he would deliver, at any rate, freshly separated from the
We originally tried to feed puppies from birth, and I actually had pregnant
dogs brought to the Harrison Department near whelping, a couple days
before they were going to deliver. We’d get the vets [veterinarians] to see
them and clear them, and then I actually would stay with the animals or be
right close to them so that when the mother would be ready to deliver the
puppies, I could be there to help her and to see that she didn’t feed them
anything, because I really wanted this to be pure. I didn’t want anything by
mouth for these puppies. And they were little puppies. They were 200 to 250
grams, which would be about the size of a big rat. I miniaturized the
technology for them and the delivery apparatus, and I began to try to grow
the puppies from birth.
But then I had problems because I had—first of all, to get the puppies I
literally would sleep in the animal quarters with them. I’d set the alarm to
wake me up every hour to see if the mother was okay or the mother-to-be
was okay, and when I’d wake up I’d have roaches and mice and rats running
around my body because they came out at night, and that was kind of fun.
And I actually then suspended an Army cot from the ceiling with four piano
wires so that I could lie on this cot away from the vermin, but they would
crawl [down the wires]—[Chuckles]. I don’t know how they did it, but
somehow they’d get on me anyway. So I lived through that a month or two.
But it was “fun.”
And I tried to grow these puppies, and all of them would die [after] about
two to three weeks. I got isolettes from the pediatricians. I got used, old
isolettes, but I had to be like a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon. I was there
24 hours a day, sleeping in the laboratory, trying to see the puppies every
couple hours to see that they were okay. And they’d all die in two to three
weeks, and I autopsied them, and I couldn’t figure out why they died. I
noticed that all of them had fluid in their bellies. I also noticed that there
was nitrogen in that fluid, but I thought, Well, I guess apparently a [body]
fluid has nitrogen in it. And since I had the ability to measure it, I did.
The veterinary school was just across the street from our laboratory, and I
asked the veterinarians if they’d come over and see my puppies that were
dying. And so they came over, and they autopsied the animals with me, and
they said, “Well, all these animals have ruptured bladders.” And I said,
“Really?” I mean, I didn’t even recognize that these teeny-weeny bladders in
the pelvis, that they were ruptured. I just didn’t even notice it, because I
wasn’t trained to do it, but the veterinarians picked up on it right away.
They said, “All these bladders are ruptured, and this free fluid is probably
urine.” Of course, we then confirmed that it was urine, and I felt dumb. But
I said, “Why are the bladders rupturing?” And they said, “Well, you’re
giving them a big water load.” They said, "Did you ever notice that they had
little, teeny-weeny urethras?” I said, “Well, what do you do about that?”
They said, “What happens is that the crystals form, uric acid crystals and
other crystals form in this little meatus, and it blocks off exit from the
bladder, so it’s an external obstruction.” And they said, “Did you ever notice
that the mother of puppies licks their genitalia?” And I said, “Yeah, I’ve
always seen that.” They said, “Well, that’s why she does it. She licks away
the salts from their genitalia so that they don’t get urinary tract obstruction,
and it’s an intuitive thing, but that’s what keeps the puppies alive.” And I
said, “Well, I want this experiment to work, but I’m their [surrogate] mother
and I’m not going to do that.” [Laughs]
Of course, we all laughed about it, but I actually then for a while would wash
off their urethras every three or four hours with a warm, moist cotton swab,
and sure enough, as sure as I washed it off, they’d always provide me some
urine. I actually would collect it. But it was such a labor-intensive project, I
really realized that my purpose was not to show I could grow puppies from
birth, my purpose was to show that you could give adequate nutrition by vein
to grow them. So I had to take a step back, because I was trying to do too
So then we thought the next logical time to do this was after the mother
weaned the puppies, which is usually at six to eight weeks, but for beagles it
was eight weeks. So at eight weeks I'd get the puppies delivered, then I
would feed them for four weeks with a standard puppy oral diet, and I’d
watch their growth rates. The owner would tell me what the birth weights of
the puppies were, so I had those for the first eight weeks, not sequentially but
I knew what they were born at and I knew what they were when I got them,
and that’s all that mattered. And then from there I’d weigh them every day
for four weeks while they ate an allegedly ideal diet. And then from birth I
divided them up as best I could to get them comparable, and I put two of
them on intravenous feeding with catheterization of the central vein, and the
other two I just continued them on their puppy diet.
That seemed to be the next logical point, and that was fine because by that
time, the puppies were about two to three kilos in weight, instead of 200 to
300 grams, and bigger and easier to work with. People ask, “Well, why did
you pick beagles?” I picked beagles specifically for several reasons. One, I
found out in my reading about nutrition that the U.S. government had a
pamphlet on animals, and puppies and dogs, and they had one specifically on
beagles because the Atomic Energy Commission used beagles as the
experimental canine when they set off the atom bomb in Bikini. On Bikini
Atoll they had animals of all kinds, and plants, to study the effects of
irradiation from the atomic blast. In order to get the maximum data from
that, they wanted to know everything there was to know about beagles to
start with, so they learned about their body composition and they learned
about their nutrient requirements better than any other dog. And obviously
you don’t feed a Chihuahua the same thing that you feed a St. Bernard,
although they’re both canines. And so beagles have their own little special
diets. So I took advantage of having precise information about what beagles
need to grow ideally, according to the Atomic Energy Commission.
Then I liked beagles because they were not too big. They only get to be about
25 pounds when they’re adults. They have short hair and they’re clean.
They’re a pretty standard breed. They do have some dyschondroplasias that
come out every once in a while in the breeding process, but usually the
owners will get rid of those animals. And they’re well-mannered, friendly.
So for many of those reasons, I chose beagles, and it worked out very well.
I began to feed them by vein, and they did very well. I knew that if I put a
catheter in, that the biggest problem was going to be how do you keep it
sterile, because you’re in an animal laboratory first of all, and the catheter
goes through the skin and into the central vein, so I was putting antibiotic
ointment around the catheters and trying to keep the exit site clean. And I
had a couple dogs develop candidemia. I had the veterinarians help me with
that. They actually came over and looked in their eye grounds, and they saw
hyphae in the eye grounds, so they had candidiasis in that first set. And we
decided that the reason they were getting that could perhaps have been
because of the high sugar content in the solution, but then I tried to grow
fungus in the TPN, and it would grow but not that great. It didn’t seem to be
particularly susceptible to fungi if it’s a fungal overgrowth. And so then we
thought that it might be because I was sterilizing the external catheter of
bacteria and then fungus was growing on the animal’s skin. And sure
enough, we cultured around the catheter, and the catheter exit site grew all
kinds of fungus. And so then we decided that we should probably put [on] an
antifungal [ointment] as well as an antibacterial [ointment], and that seemed
to work.
Another thing that we did at that point, then, was to put in a final filter, a
Millipore® filter, in the apparatus right before the swivel, so the tubing came
down through the pump and out to a Millipore® filter, a final filter, before
that filter then plugged into the swivel and then down through the
speedometer cable to the dog’s back, to the catheter. And we thought just in
case there were fungi getting introduced through the lumen, the final filter
would filter them out, because fungi are big, much bigger than bacteria. I
used the very same final filter that the ophthalmologists or radionuclide
pharmacists use to sterilize their solutions. It was a perfect size. And then I
subsequently had them make a special stainless steel apparatus for it,
because the commercially available ones were in a [relatively fragile] plastic
The Millipore® filters are .22 microns, [that] is their average pore size, and
that’s small enough to filter all bacteria. The only bacteria that can get
through a .22-micron filter is a Pseudomonas—some species of
Pseudomonas—if the Pseudomonas, being a rod, lines up with the pore.
Properly, it can go through. So what the Millipore®
people have done technologically is this little, paper-thin wafer actually has
kind of a 90-degree pathway. In other words, the pores aren’t straight
through, like a sieve; the pores are all angled, so a Pseudomonas can get in,
but then can’t make the corner. So we used the final filter, and that was a
thought I actually got from the Amoco [Corporation] gas people. The Amoco
gasoline company, or petroleum company, had an advertising campaign
about: Use the Amoco gasoline; it’s the only gasoline with the final filter, and
you will not have problems with your fuel injection system.
Now, you may recall about that time, 40 years ago, we started getting these
fuel injection systems that the Germans had invented, and that was a much
better system than the regular kind of internal combustion mechanism we
had in our carburetors. The problem with the fuel injection system is that if
you have any particulate matter in your fuel, it’ll block up the little tiny hole
in the little spritzer that spritzes the gasoline into your piston chamber. So
they said that in the process of processing the gasoline, you might have
rubber come off or little pieces of material that get into the gasoline to block
your fuel injection system, so if you final-filter your gasoline at the pump,
this will not happen to your car.
So I thought, Hmm, we’ll get a final filter into the intravenous infusion system,
and that’s what we did, and I’m not sure what did it, but we stopped having
trouble with the candidemia. I suspect it was more the catheter exit site than
the solution because the solution was prepared freshly, and the pharmacists
did it eventually for me. I started doing it for the first year, but then the
pharmacists began manufacturing it for me, and that was a big boon.
When did you know that you were successful?
I’m sorry?
When did you know? Was there a time when you said, Oh,
my God! We’re successful. This is gonna work!
I thought it was going to be successful after about the
first two or three months growing the beagle puppies. I knew I was going to
have problems with the delivery apparatus, and I knew I was going to have
to work out some things, but I knew that the hypothesis that you could put
enough nutrients to support growth into enough fluid and then infuse it into
the central vein of these dogs over the entire 24 hours, combining all of those
prerequisites, that we’d be able to give them enough to grow and develop,
because I saw them virtually double in size from two or three kilos to four to
six kilos in that time period, and I didn’t have any major trouble except in
this one animal with the candidemia. But simultaneous with the trouble I
had in that one, I didn’t have trouble in the other one, so I knew it had to be
an idiosyncratic thing perhaps related to the catheter rather than the fluid.
So from the standpoint of animals, I knew I was going to be successful there,
and I felt the excitement of discovery. And people in the laboratory started
getting interested in coming around. Everybody was interested in the
animals. Everybody likes puppies anyway, so it was—there were some
people that said, “Oh, Dudrick’s being mean to these puppies.” And other
people said, “No, he’s growing them, and it’s going to mean a lot for
medicine and surgery.” But generally it was very positive. A lot of people
got excited about it.
Even Arthur [E.] Baue, who had a laboratory next to mine. He was studying
pig homografts as replacements for aortic valves. He had come from
Harvard to Penn, and he then became chairman of the Department of
Surgery at Yale. And he’s still here. He lives on Fishers Island [New York]
now with his wonderful wife, who’s a minister there. But people like that
would come by, looking at my puppies every day and were fascinated by it.
And later Arthur did a lot of work with his coworkers on the metabolism in
the heart and magnesium and phosphates and used some of the technology
that he learned from us. Other people would come by and try to learn how
to do this.
At any rate, to answer your question more definitively, I guess I knew that
we really had something when we grew the baby, because the significance of
that baby was that, although we didn’t plan that, it just happened
serendipitously that an ideal candidate came to fruition right there in
Philadelphia at the right time. It was almost, you know, God’s will, if you
will, that this happened. You couldn’t help thinking that there’s some
greater force than us giving us this opportunity.
Tell me about the baby.
The baby was a direct application or translation of
fundamental basic science and practical basic science in the laboratory to the
clinical situation, and although I was motivated by adults requiring the
nutrition, when the baby came along after we had already done six adults—
The baby was born in Vineland, New Jersey, perhaps
about 40 miles from Philadelphia, and was brought to Children’s Hospital
[of Philadelphia] with a catastrophic congenital anomaly that didn’t allow
her to be fed. She had a Christmas tree mesentery, which indicated just a
terminal, single vessel with side branches feeding the bowel rather than
having the arcades that we normally have. As the bowel twisted around this
vessel, it strangulated, and she lost most of her bowel, on an exploratory
operation, and then I think she had a second one in which the rest of the
bowel was taken so that she just had her duodenum anastomosed to two or
three centimeters of terminal ileum. That’s all she had. She also had some
sort of a stricture in her rectum, so that a colostomy was brought out to
bypass this area. She had a gastrostomy tube to decompress her and to
perhaps try to feed her eventually. But after about a month in Children’s
Hospital [of Philadelphia], on Dr. “Harry” [C.] Bishop’s service and tended
to by Diller [B.] Groff, who’s now a pediatric surgeon of some prominence in
the country—Diller Groff was there as a fellow in pediatric surgery, and he
and I were interns together at Penn, and you may recall I said we were
rotating interns. Diller, also known as Dick, left Penn to go to his home
medical school at George Washington, I believe, or Georgetown—I’ve
forgotten which—and took his general surgery there, and then finished
earlier than I did because I was in the laboratory, and [he] became a fellow
with Dr. [C. Everett] Koop at Children’s [Hospital of Philadelphia]. We had
maintained our friendship. And he had heard about our puppies, and he was
taking care of this baby, and he was watching this baby die, and he knew that
they had tried everything they could to feed the baby by vein and by mouth,
and it was not working, and she was five and a half pounds when she was
born; she was now four pounds, and she was moribund. She was really just
pooping along.
Diller called me up, and he said, “Stan,” he said, “I’ve heard about your
work with the beagle puppies. Would you mind coming down here to
Children’s [Hospital of Philadelphia] and giving us a talk on that tomorrow
morning?” I said, “Yes, I’ll be happy to.” I was flattered. So I went down,
and they had this grand rounds, jam-packed, and I’m showing them my
puppy data that I had, which was not complete at that time, but it was
enough to be impressive. At the end of it, people had a lot of questions, and
Dick asked, “Could you play your puppy trick on a baby that we have here?”
That’s how he said it. I’ll never forget: “Can you play your puppy trick on a
baby that we have?”
And he told me about the baby there, and I said, “Goodness, she sounds like
an ideal candidate.” I said, “We’re not in a position to have a technology
that we can apply immediately.” I said, “We’d have to feel our way here if
you want to do it, though.” But I said, “You know, this is going to be a huge
undertaking, and there’s going to be a lot of pluses and a lot of minuses
involved with it.” And I said, “If we want to do this, there’s going to be a lot
of effort on my part, too, to try to take care of this baby with you four miles
from my home plate, and I have other responsibilities up there. But if you
can get your staff to buy into this and really support it, I’ll consider coming
down and working with you.”
And what I had essentially inadvertently done is created an ad hoc
institutional review board, because there wasn’t any such thing there at that
time. They might have had one at Yale, because I know they had the first
one there ever was in the country at Yale, but I didn’t know much about
institutional review boards or ethics committees, and I told them that I would
be happy to talk to anybody and everybody at Children’s Hospital [of
Philadelphia] to explain what we’re [doing] and why, if they wanted us to do
it. I said, “I’ll share everything I know.”
And so we did. The next day we had the whole day set aside in one of the
meeting rooms there, and people came in and out. There must have been 200
or 300 people that came in and out, and I would go over again and again and
again what we were doing and why and what the risks were. And I said,
“The likelihood of success is almost zero, because there are so many potholes
along the way that we don’t know about. It’s uncharted waters.” And I said,
“But I need everybody’s support. I can’t have naysayers or I can’t have
people who don’t want this to work on the team. It has to be dedicated
people who want to make it work. And if at any point in time people aren’t
comfortable about it, we’ll meet again, talk about it again, change plans, quit,
whatever, but I have to have your support. I can’t have people shooting at
me while I’m trying to do this, because I’m a guest here. I’m not even a full
member of the staff here. I’m just a resident in surgery at Penn. I was chief
And so we got the go-ahead to do it, and so I came down. I brought one of
my Manny, Joe and Jack catheters and decided we’d put the catheter in
through a jugular, as we did the dogs, and that we would thread the catheter
behind the ear and come out in the scalp up here [demonstrates], similar to
the dog except out of the scalp rather than the back, because the baby would
be lying on her back most of the time. And that would give us a longer
catheter tract. I actually got a Kirschner wire that the orthopedic people use
when using wires in [fracture of] the fingers and wrists, and was able to
thread the catheter over the end of the wire, and then I could run the
Kirschner wire subcutaneously and pull it [the catheter] out to do minimal
trauma. But we kind of had to use practical things that were available.
Once I got the catheter in, I started adding—you know, first we added amino
acids into the sugar and, you know, the usual salts: sodium, potassium, some
vitamins. And then every day we’d add something more: calcium, then our
phosphorus. I actually used glycerophosphate, which was off the [research
laboratory] shelf. I brought it down. We didn’t have an organic phosphate,
so we had organically tied up calcium, as calcium gluconate, and so I got
glycerophosphate, and I could mix them together and they wouldn’t
precipitate. We never did use the glycerophosphate in adult human beings;
we just depended upon the dilution and the sodium or potassium phosphate
not precipitating the calcium, although it does, to some extent,
Dr. Douglas W. Wilmore, a third year surgical resident, who was working
with me at that time in the Harrison department laboratories on an NIH
[National Institutes of Health] career development award, eagerly agreed to
participate with me in the baby project. A fortuitous bit of serendipity was
that he lived fairly close to the Children’s Hospital, and he could check on
the baby relatively conveniently and help in monitoring and managing the
baby’s treatment. Between the two of us, we virtually made rounds on the
baby four or more times a day for several months in addition to our other
clinical and laboratory responsibilities at the University of Pennsylvania, in
order to ensure the safety of the baby and the efficacy of the intravenous
feeding technique.
And we got the baby to start growing. We didn’t have any major problems
with infection during the first 45 days that we fed the baby. And so at that
45-day period or 47-day period, whatever it was—but it was six weeks—that
baby had grown from four pounds to six and a half pounds, and she
increased in length two or three centimeters. Her head circumference was
[increased by] four or five centimeters; her chest circumference, four or five
centimeters; and I guess length [increased] three to four centimeters. I’ve
forgotten the exact numbers. And she was vigorous and active and looked
normal in every way. And I knew that we had accomplished something.
And at that point, we actually were encouraged by people to submit those
findings for early publication, which is what we did, as a case report, because
it was more than just a simple case report; this was a complex metabolic
clinical study. And the people at Children’s [Hospital of Philadelphia] felt
strongly that we just couldn’t keep this among ourselves, that we had to let
people know that it was possible to keep these children alive and that if we
could do it by scraping things together there, that other people could—there
were practical, other people motivated to do this at Hopkins or Harvard and
other places, Yale.
And so in addition, [M.] Judah Folkman was there, spending his six months
of pediatric “token” residency to get his [official] credentials as a pediatric
surgeon prior to his professorship at Harvard, and he had an intense interest
in what we were doing, and when he went back up to Harvard, he got
[Robert] “Bob”—oh, I forgot—
No, the man who eventually went up to Sick Children’s
Hospital in Toronto. [Robert M. Filler] His right-hand man came down, and
we taught him how to do what we could do with the babies, and he began
doing it up at Boston Children’s [Children's Hospital Boston] and then a
little bit later John [H.] Seashore was sent by [Robert J.] “Bob” Touloukian
from Yale to come, and we taught him how to do it, and he took the
technique to Yale. The people from Hopkins—oh, how could I—I’m
blocking his name.
Haller. [J.] Alex Haller [Jr.] happened to be on an
immunologic kind of sabbatical in the Wistar Institute at Penn [the
University of Pennsylvania], and he heard about the baby, so he came and
took the technique to [the Johns Hopkins] Children’s Center, so it started
spreading like wildfire. We had submitted it for publication to the AMA
[American Medical Association] journal, and I was astounded because it was
printed three weeks later. [Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Growth and
development of an infant receiving all nutrients by vein. JAMA 203:860-864,
1968.] They put it on a fast track, because the editor at JAMA [Journal of the
American Medical Association] thought that this was important to get out
there. That just changed my life. It just [makes sound signifying speed]
grabbed me by the ear and swung me around from that time on. I was just
overwhelmed with phone calls and letters and all kinds of communications
because everybody wanted to know about growing this baby.
We knew we still had problems, and we did. For example, we had no way to
give the baby fat. So she started getting the kind of redness of the skin and
kind of a dandruff [dander] of the skin that you get when you’re fat deficient,
dry skin. It looked like she had total-body dandruff, very fine, and when you
rubbed it off, it [the underlying skin] was red. And so we started rubbing
linoleic acid onto her skin, and that was kind of messy. And we found out
that her mother and her father were both O positive, and her type was O
positive, so we got the mother and the father to eat a big meal for breakfast
of buttered toast, eggs, sausage, milk, and then we drew blood in less than a
hour from them after they ate and spun it down, and we got this beautiful,
creamy plasma full of fat micelles, and after we spun it down, we packaged
the fat into 30 to 60 mls, small packets that they used for platelets and other
things for babies, and so we used blood transfusion or blood-bank
technology, and then we actually infused the red cells back into the mother
and father. We didn’t want them; we wanted to see if we could grow the
baby without that [transfusing red blood cells], which we did. And that way,
we made a physiologic fat emulsion, so in once-a-month drawing from the
mother and the father, we would get enough physiologic fat emulsion to keep
the baby in fat nutrients, and the skin cleared up, and the baby continued to
grow and develop.
Another thing that happened, that we learned was that the baby started
acting funny with one of her arms, and it was broken. She had broken her
arm. We got an X-ray of it, and she had really very poorly calcified bone,
and we were giving her a lot of calcium, but we were not giving her Vitamin
D, and the reason we weren’t giving her Vitamin D is [that] there was no
Vitamin D available for intravenous use at that time. We subsequently got
some. And when we talked to experts in nutrition, they said that Vitamin D
is only needed to absorb calcium from the gut, so you don’t have to give
intravenous Vitamin D after giving intravenous calcium and phosphorus.
Well, that actually was not correct, and we found out inadvertently, by our
studies, that Vitamin D is also used to incorporate calcium and phosphorus
into the matrix to calcify bone, so that was kind of a little side thing about
TPN [total parenteral nutrition]. I never made a big deal about it, but that
was one of the first absolute proofs that you needed Vitamin D for more than
just absorption [of calcium from the intestine].
So then, when we studied the rest of the baby, we found that she had some
tibial plateau microfractures, and she had a rachitic rosary that we had not
picked up on, so she had full-blown rickets. And so we added the Vitamin D,
and then it helped us figure out how much Vitamin D the babies needed,
because that’s different from adults. And so we inadvertently caused a
problem which she then helped solve for future babies: how much Vitamin D
to give a newborn by vein. And that [dose] was different, so we ended up
getting a special vitamin mixture for intravenous-fed babies and a special
vitamin mixture for adults, and babies’ therapeutic and maintenance and
adult maintenance and therapeutic, so there were four different vitamins
[vitamin mixtures] that were generated from that.
And then I think over the 22 months that we fed her by vein, we had 14
different catheters, because the catheters either mechanically had problems
or we suspected catheter sepsis, and we were learning how to try to minimize
that. We learned, in combination with pediatricians, because we were using
Polysporin® and—[pauses] an anti-fungal cream—I’m blocking it. I’m
having TIAs [transient ischemic attacks] here.
Mycostatin®. So we had Mycostatin® ointment and
Polysporin® ointment that we would mix together almost like epoxy around
the catheters, and then there were some pediatricians working together with
a company that came up with Betadine®. We asked them, “Could you make
a Betadine® ointment that would kill all the bugs?” because iodine kills
everything, fungi and bacteria; it even kills algae. So all unicellular
organisms will be killed by the iodine that’s released when Betadine® breaks
down. So we began using Betadine® on the baby, and everybody started
using Betadine® ointment on all the catheters, and that was a much better
solution [at that time] to the problem. And then, of course, Betadine®
became a prep for surgeons and a prep for hands of surgeons, et cetera. So a
lot of stuff came out of the TPN [total parenteral nutrition] project. We had
all these people that were living proof of the efficacy.
As the baby grew and developed, then we learned—we learned more about
infant [intravenous] nutrition from that baby than perhaps we learned the
next five or six years from all the babies. We probably learned 95 percent of
what we know about infant nutrition from that one baby. Subsequently,
when they built the new children’s hospital in Philadelphia next to Penn and
moved it up there next to Penn, they dedicated the huge atrium, lobby of the
hospital, to the baby and to her family. There’s a brass plaque up there that
dedicates the lobby to Keleen [Lee] Burgess and her family as the first TPN
[total parenteral nutrition] baby grown. That baby—she was an enormous
And finally, we would have liked to send that baby home on TPN, and we
wanted to do that, but the world wasn’t ready for it yet, and by that time we
had a more formal ethics committee, and they met and decided that the baby
should be fed only by standard of care and no longer experimentally, and
they stopped the TPN. As a result of that decision, they just fed her as best
they could by mouth—by that time she could take about 40 percent of what
she needed by mouth—and by intravenous supplementation, and she died of
starvation in a month. That was a very sad moment for me because I did not
agree with the decision. I wanted to send her home, but I had to go along
with the people who really were in charge of her; I was a guest. What I was
doing was as a consultant. If you do that today, you’ll go to jail, but back in
those days, 1968 to 1970, that was standard of care. So we’ve come a long
way in 35 years or 40.
Stop at this point for a second.
[Recording interruption.]
I had mentioned the development of Betadine®
ointment and its importance in what we do surgically and with TPN, as a
stimulus to industry by what we were doing and the way you have to work
hand in glove with industry if you want to apply or translate your
fundamental research to clinical application. And although the development
of the TPN in the laboratory and subsequently with the baby was labor
intensive, overall I would say that half of the work was the puppies and the
baby, and the other half of the work was to get the puppy knowledge adapted
for broad-spectrum use in human beings. And in order to get there, we had
to go through industry to provide us with the tools, because we couldn’t do
any more mom-and-pop TPN using reagents from the shelves.
And actually, we were fortunate to be able to do what we did do at that time.
I really consider myself one of the right people in the right place with the
right mentors, the right support at the right time to make this work, because
you wouldn’t be able to do this today with all the regulations and the IRBs
[institutional review boards] and HIPAAs [Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act provisions] and all of the things that are counter to
experimental clinical work.
However, a couple items that were of interest to me: I already talked about
the Millipore® membrane as a way to sterilize without autoclaving, and
although my memory had failed me earlier, I was trying to describe a Seitz
[pronounced sites] filter, S-e-i-t-z; a Seitz filter was the asbestos filter that
preceded the Millipore® filter and that you could prepare for laboratory use.
When I wanted to have final filters produced for use clinically after showing
that they worked or appeared to work in the animal laboratory, I called the
Millipore® company, which was in Massachusetts, and asked them if I could
talk to them about developing a new product that I needed for human use,
and I needed them to make it for me.
And they were kind, and I got a delegation of three people: an engineer, a
finance man and a marketing person. And they came and visited me. I
showed them what I was doing in the animal laboratory, and I told them
what I wanted and why, to try to get a final filter that we could incorporate
or add to intravenous administration lines for adults or babies. And they
said that that would require quite a retooling operation in their assembly line
and would probably be costly, and they said the major problem that they saw
was that there was no market. And I said, “Well, I’m going to create the
market.” And they said, “Well, you know, after you create it, it might be
easier for us to convince our leadership to do this.” I said, “Well, that’s a
chicken or egg thing. You know, you have to take risks,” I said. Of course,
they were conservative, and they were kind, and about a week or so later, I
got a communication from them, saying that it would cost more than a
million dollars front-end investment to use an unproven technology
clinically, and maybe no market. I was a little upset about that, but I
So I thought, Well, everybody has a boss. I had talked to somebody when I
made the phone call, and he referred me to these three people. I wanted to
talk to their boss. So I went to the pharmacy, where they have books on all
the companies that they deal with, and they have a library of books. I got out
the book for filters or filtration or something, and there was Millipore® in
there. It had their CEO, it had board members, it had their previous annual
report and all that, a lot of stuff about their company. And I looked up the
CEO. The CEO was actually the founder of the company, and I’m blocking
his name right now, too. [Transcriber’s note: John H. (“Jack”) Bush.]
But I found out that he was a bomber pilot in the Second World War; he had
flown 24 missions or 25 missions and that he had come back and had started
doing something else and didn’t like it, and he somehow got into creating this
company, and had built it into a success. And I found out that he was a
Haverford graduate, Haverford College in suburban Philadelphia, and I
found out not only that, but he was on the Haverford board of trustees. And
who do you think was a Haverford graduate and a member of the Haverford
College board of trustees but Jonathan Evans Rhoads, my mentor. Not only
that, Dr. Rhoads was chairman of the board of trustees. I thought, Oh, that’s
So [chuckles] I asked Dr. Rhoads for an appointment, went over to see him
and asked, “Dr. Rhoads, how well do you know John”—I’m blocking his
name. He said, “Stanley, I know him very well. How do you know him?” I
said, “Well, I don’t really know him except by his Curriculum Vitae.” I said,
“I know that he’s the chairman and the founder of Millipore® Corporation,
and we use Millipore® products to try to grow our puppies, and we use them
in the sterilization of our TPN.” And I said, “I need them to make me a filter
to put in the IV lines.” And I said, “I noticed that he’s a Haverford graduate
and on the Haverford board of trustees with you, and I was hoping you
might introduce me to him or give me a chance to talk to him, unless that
sounds too audacious, to see if I can get him to do this for me.”
He said, “Well, have you tried anybody else in the company?” I said, “Yes.”
I told him the story, and I said, “I already have gone through the other steps
that would be appropriate, and I haven’t gotten anywhere. But I don’t want
them to shut the door in my face until the boss says so.” And so he smiled
and said, “Well, as a matter of fact, Stanley, I’m going to see him tomorrow.
We have a board meeting at the college tomorrow.” And I said, “I would
really appreciate it if you would give me entrée to him.” I said, “I promise I
won’t embarrass you.” And he said, “Of course.”
That was a Wednesday I met with Dr. Rhoads. Thursday they had the board
meeting. I got a call nine o’clock Friday morning in the lab from the CEO of
Millipore®. He said, “Well, Dr. Dudrick” he said, “I saw my good friend
Jonathan Rhoads yesterday, and I must say he really thinks highly of you
and your work. You come highly recommended.” I said, “Aw, thank you
very much.” I said, “Dr. Rhoads is a very generous man.” And he said, “No,
no,” he said, “Jonathan said that you had a problem that I might be able to
help you with.” So I told him my story, and I told him that I had talked to
his people, and I told him what the importance of it was in saving babies’
lives and everything. And on Monday morning, the same three men who had
turned me down a month or so before, or a few weeks before, showed up—
So the following Monday, the same three men who had
been to see me a few weeks before called for an appointment. They came—I
guess my mother would say with their tails between their legs. [Chuckles]
They looked like puppies who had been squirted with a hose or admonished.
I felt almost bad for them, because they had a completely different attitude
than they had come with the first time. And they listened to me, and we went
over it again, and in three weeks I had what I wanted in my hand.
I tell that story to show that it’s not just what you do in the laboratory, it’s
not just what you do in the library, it’s not just what you do clinically, but
that you have to really be involved enough and believe in what you’re doing
enough to not let anything stand in your way to get it. I derived a great deal
of satisfaction from being able to get a company to change the way it did
business, to satisfy my need for my patients and our need as a profession for
that service and that product. And I try to use it as a story for students and
residents: not to let anything unreasonable stop them from a reasonable goal.
A second story is that there were no fat-soluble vitamins. The only fatsoluble vitamin that was available for parenteral use was Vitamin K, and it
was crude; it was not an intravenous, it was an intramuscular [form].
AquaMEPHYTON®, I believe, was the name of it. It was a Vitamin K. And
there was another one, Synkavite®, and then eventually they got an
intravenous form, which was an emulsion, really. We had B-complex and C,
and U.S. Vitamin and Upjohn were the two companies that were making it.
Upjohn was trying to get out of the vitamin business, the IV vitamin business.
U.S. Vitamin was the major supplier of vitamins, and they were bought by a
cosmetics company, Revlon. The Revlon name comes from the Revson
family, R-e-v-s-o-n, and the Revson matriarch, the mother, was the founder
of the company or at least she was running the company, and she had a son,
Lance Revson, who liked to race Indianapolis-type cars and indeed, I believe,
was in a couple of Indianapolis races. His name was often in the sports pages
because he was the scion of a famous, wealthy woman and industrialist.
I called the man [sales representative] from U.S. Vitamin to ask him if he
could make me some complete vitamins: A, D, E and K in addition to Bcomplex and C. And he said, “Well, I’m just the detail representative.” But
I showed him what I was doing, and he was impressed with the puppies
growing, and he said, “I’ll see what I can do in my company.” And so he
came back and said, “My supervisor doesn’t think that there’s any market
for this right now, from what they could tell.” And he said, “I believe in
what you’re doing, Dr. Dudrick, and I want to help you, but I can’t go much
further.” I said, “What if I go up the line? What if I bypass you guys? Is
your boss gonna get mad at us?” He said, “It wouldn’t matter. If you can
get the company to go along with it, everybody’s going to line up.”
And so I called Lance Revson on the phone. He was out in Hollywood or
someplace. He was quite a playboy. And he called me back. I said, “Mr.
Revson, I’ve read a lot about you in the sports pages of the paper and I’ve
seen you on television, and I have great admiration for your family and what
they’ve done to supply us with vitamins.” And I said, “I have a problem.
Would you mind listening to me and seeing if you could help me?” He said,
“I’ll do the best I can.” He said, “You know, Mom runs the company.” I
said, “Yeah, but I have a feeling that you might be able to influence her, and
I don’t want to call her directly.” I said, “I’m not a race car driver, but I
used to be a bit of a jock,” I said, “You’re a bit of a jock.” And I said,
“Obviously you’re a risk taker.” And I said, “I’m obviously a risk taker, and
so I thought we might have some common ground to talk, so that’s why I’m
talking to you, because it’ll take a risk.”
And so I told him what I needed, and he said, “It sounds to me like a very
legitimate request.” And he said, “It sounds to me like something that Mom
would be interested in.” And so I thanked him very much, and he said he’d
be in touch. He never did call me back, but the representative, our
representative came by and said, “God, I don’t know how you did it, but,” he
said, “you really have the company hummin’ about this new vitamin
market.” And I told him what I had done, and he said, “It’s completely
different from when I talked to him [his supervisor] before.” And within six
months or less, I had the prototype for what is now MVI®, multiple vitamin
infusion. They were in, like, 20 ml ampoules, where you cracked off the glass
top, and I think he brought me about two dozen of them. I started using
them in the puppies, and then subsequently, since they didn’t seem to cause
any problems, we started getting more for the babies.
But I’ll have to tell you something that I did that you might find hard to
believe, but in the dogs, I noticed that they got a bit of fatty acid deficiency
and maybe some vitamin deficiency without the fat solubles, and I wasn’t
sure—because it’s hard to tell in a dog—that they had kind of funny dander.
They had a lot of dander. And I was giving them fat. I was using Lipomul®,
the cottonseed oil fat emulsion, in the puppies, so I thought it might be
vitamins. And I took Poly-Vi-Sol®, the liquid vitamins that pediatricians
use, the .6 ml that you drop into the baby’s mouth or into their milk, and I
pushed the Poly-Vi-Sol® through a Millipore® filter, and I gave it IV to the
puppies. And it worked and didn’t get them in any trouble that I know of.
And I actually did the same thing for the baby.
Can you imagine doing that today? No way. But about
that time, while the baby was still being fed, I got the legitimate U.S. Vitamin
product, and then we worked together with them to make it more applicable
to babies and to have four different mixtures, therapeutic and maintenance
for babies and [therapeutic and maintenance] for adults. And we worked
with the AMA [American Medical Association] and the Food and Nutrition
Board of the AMA to legitimize the development of that, because we were
starting to get into the big time, and people wanted to know what the
national controls were, and the AMA helped us, first with the publication
and then with their Food and Nutrition Board, which I then became a
member of until it was disbanded.
I guess another development was the silicone rubber. When we were trying
to get longer catheter duration and were thinking about sending people
home, we knew that silicone rubber was the least reactive material, but
silicone rubber had a couple of disadvantages. One, it was very pliable, and
to use it, it was almost like trying to thread wet spaghetti through a keyhole.
And it was not radiopaque. And so we wanted them to try to stiffen it up and
to make it radiopaque. And they tried putting wires into the catheter, and
they tried other techniques to make the catheter radiopaque, but it wouldn’t
work. And I said, “Well, why don’t you add something to the rubber to
make it radiopaque?” And they said, “Well, everything we add makes it
brittle.” I said, “Have you tried barium?” “No.” Thinking about barium
enemas, I said, “Have you tried barium sulfate?” And they said, “No, I don’t
think we have.” I said, “Why don’t you try adding some barium sulfate to
the silicone rubber?” I said, “Certainly it’ll make it radiopaque, because we
use that all the time [as contrast material] in radiology. I don’t know what
it’s going to do with the physical characteristics of the rubber.”
Well, they added the barium, and that’s why we now have white silicone
rubber catheters that are radiopaque. It did not change the physical
characteristics of the silicone rubber appreciably, except it made it a little
stiffer. So by adding the barium for radiopacity, we got a two-fer: we also
got it to be a little more substantive so you could thread it better. So we were
very happy with that. But that didn’t just happen. We had to participate in
the decision-making and in the suggestions for industry to make us a proper
And then later, when we were trying to get the catheter to not migrate and to
perhaps be more antibacterial, we thought of putting a Dacron® cuff around
it, which was an idea that we got from the cardiovascular surgeons. Actually,
I think Michael [E.] DeBakey was the first person to work with Dacron®. He
made Dacron® prosthetics for vessels and for valves, and then he got into the
Dacron® wool, which is the fuzzy stuff that you put around the silicone
rubber catheter for the tissue to grow into it, to secure the catheter, and we
hoped to prevent infection, maybe mechanically, by inducing the ingrowth of
the tissue into the Dacron® wool cuff, [which] might have impeded the
progress of bacteria along the catheter tract. That was the theory, and it
seems to work.
But that’s how those things came to pass. I always get a big kick or
satisfaction out of knowing how that occurred. Most people don’t know and
don’t particularly care; they just take it for granted. But I know what it was
like before that. I know what the problems were. I knew what we were
trying to do to make the technology more effective, and I participated
actively with the companies to produce it—again, never taking any money,
being grateful that they took the risks and then let them get the reward of
profit for taking the risk to help get me what I needed for our patients. And
so I figured that was a good enough reward for me.
There are many other things that we did to help industry. For example, when
we first started in industry, making protein hydrolysates, as I said they were
either made by hydrolyzing casein or fibrin with acid or with pancreatic
enzymes, and both of them had pluses and both of them had minuses. But
they both ended up with products that could support all of the needs for
protein substrate. However, people craved to have a crystalline amino acid
solution, and so did I, because with crystalline amino acid solutions you could
alter the [individual amino acid] doses if you wanted to, and they’d be all
crystalline so you’d have precise, reproducible formulations every time.
With the hydrolysates, every lot number was a little bit different, but they all
seemed to work. So we published our results using hydrolysates, and then
people came up with these crystalline amino acid solutions, and they of
course wanted me to say that the crystalline amino acid solutions were just as
good, and I said, “Well, I can’t say that until I try them. I can’t endorse a
new crystalline amino acid solution unless I put it in puppies and run it
through the same studies,” because you can’t just assume that the crystalline
amino acids are just as good or better than the hydrolysates because that’s
your gut feeling. There might be something intangible in the hydrolysates. I
gave them my strict scientific evaluation of their thoughts, and I did run a
couple crystalline amino acid solutions through the drill, and I found out that
a couple of them were not good, and they never did make it on the market.
And so I’m glad—you can’t just make the assumption that purifying
something will make it better.
Subsequently, the Japanese did purify everything, and [we had] crystalline
amino acid solutions that were affordable. The way they did it was they tried
something like 30,000 species of bacteria [individually] mixed together with a
kind of a molasses substrate, and they found out that there were unicellular
organisms that would mix, that would metabolize some sort of a molasses
substrate, and when they got finished metabolizing it all, and all the bacteria
would then die after all of the substrate was used, they could then filter it or
distill it and come up with fluid that would be pure glycine or pure
phenylalanine or pure arginine, because that was the waste product of the
bacteria: very simple organisms, with simple chemical processes that sustain
their lives.
And so that’s how the crystalline amino acids [are produced] that we use
today—they are not synthesized by getting carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and
nitrogen and synthesizing them in the laboratory, because it’s too expensive.
It would cost us thousands of dollars a bottle to produce amino acids that
way for intravenous use. But over in Japan they have these huge—they look
like oil tanks full of substrate charged with a certain species of bacteria, and
it’s all, I’m sure, a very hush-hush, secret process, but they control the
market; 90 percent of the market, they control for amino acids. I think the
Germans have about 10 percent. And they do it bacteriologically, so the use
of bacteria in medicine is kind of fascinating, and that’s how we get
affordable amino acids.
Well, to get back to the main part of the story, they then put out a crystalline
amino acid solution which was pure, nothing in there but precisely those
amino acids and water. They began using it in Japan and Australasia, in
Australia and New Zealand. And then I started getting calls from Australia,
particularly, saying, “Hey, Dudrick, you never mentioned anything about the
zinc deficiency that you cause with TPN.” I asked, “What zinc deficiency?”
They said, “Almost all of our patients, long-term patients, get a zinc
deficiency, and we make the formula just like you say.” I said, “Well, what
are you using?” “We use the same thing you do.” I said, “No, no, tell me
what you’re using.”
And they were telling me about this new crystalline amino acid solution that
they got from Ajinomoto in Japan. Ajinomoto is the biggest supplier of, of—
oh, the soy sauce—monosodium glutamate. So glutamate comes from
glutamic acid, and that’s how the Japanese got into [the] amino acid
[business]. They were making sodium glutamate or potassium glutamate.
And Ajinomoto in Japanese means “the essence of taste.” That’s what that
word means, “the essence of taste.” So Ajinomoto then, instead of making
[only] glutamic acid and glutamate, they started making all the other amino
And I said, “Well, I’ve never published anything on that amino acid mixture.
All of our publications come from hydrolysates.” Well, one of the cofactors
used to make, for example, the enzymes for Aminosol®, which is what my
main product was, is zinc. You use zinc and pancreatic enzymes, and in the
process—plus the water that they were using in the factory to make amino
acid mixtures went through galvanized pipes, just like probably the old pipes
in this house. Galvanized iron is zinc and iron. And so zinc was probably
leaching out into the water, plus there was probably some zinc left over from
the pancreatic hydrolysis, and it turned out that when we measured the zinc
in a daily dose of protein hydrolysate, because I never had done that, I’m
ashamed to say, it turned out to be about two milligrams of zinc, which was
the daily requirement.
So I talked to my Australian and New Zealand colleagues and said, “Well, it
turns out we’re giving zinc in our hydrolysate. Are you giving any zinc?”
And they said, “No, we have no zinc whatsoever.” I said, “That’s the
problem.” I said, “I guess we’re going to have to start adding zinc if we’re
going to use crystalline amino acids.”
But they actually were at first miffed at me and virtually accused me of
maybe not being honest in how I reported my results, but we were
inadvertently giving enough zinc, serendipitously, to satisfy the zinc
requirement. Subsequently, when we began using crystalline amino acids,
we had to add zinc, and subsequently, when we switched from the old water
pipe type supply to the manufacturing companies—and there were only four
of them in the country. There was Abbott [Laboratories], Baxter [Travenol
Laboratories, Inc., now Baxter International, Inc.], Cutter [Laboratories]—
the "ABC"—and McGaw, Inc. [now a subsidiary of B. Braun Medical,
Inc.]—the "ABCM". And some of them switched into plastic tubing,
transmission tubing; some of them went to stainless steel; some of them went
to glass or glass-lined transmission systems and vessels to make their
solutions in.
But in the process, as they did that, they reduced all of the contamination,
and the solution became so pure that you then had to add everything, and
you couldn’t get any [collateral trace element] benefit—and we had to make
trace element solutions. At one point, one of the companies had some copper
or brass piping [incorporated in their process], and there was too much
copper in the solution, and the copper would cause hemolysis in rats and
dogs, and we couldn’t use their solution. Then we measured the copper. The
copper concentration in their solution was so high that the people in our
laboratory said the peak [in their analytic print-out] was probably 20 stories
higher than the building. And so we had to get rid of that. We had to get rid
of brass and copper fittings and piping and [the] vessels that they mixed the
solution in.
So it was amazing what we had to do to help industry do the best thing. And
in that story, some of the companies got into aluminum pipes because they
were cheaper than stainless steel, easier to maintain than glass or other
products. So what happened is aluminum starting leaching into the TPN,
into some of the additives, including the amino acids. And then aluminum,
on the periodic scale, will replace calcium, and what started happening is in
the long-term patients and even some kiddos, they started getting
demineralization of the bone because aluminum would be incorporated into
the matrix, the cartilaginous matrix of the bone rather than calcium.
And then during this period in the history of the development of TPN, in
order to overcome [the osteopenia]—we didn’t know what was happening for
sure, but since there was demineralization, we just added more calcium, and
we were adding as much calcium as you possibly could to TPN without
precipitating it, and it was sometimes three or four ampoules per liter, which
was just bordering on precipitation. And even though we were giving large
amounts and there were large amounts coming out in the urine, which we
worried about, causing nephrocalcinosis, there was still demineralizing of the
bones. And the more calcium we added, the more demineralization there
was. So I said, “There has to be a problem here.”
So we started analyzing things, and we found out that there were large
amounts of aluminum in the hydrolysates and the amino acid mixtures,
because they were moving these things through aluminum transmission
tubes. And we figured that out, but we still had a problem. Of all places,
guess what was also contaminated with aluminum: the calcium. So the more
calcium we were giving, the more aluminum we were giving, and we were
defeating ourselves until I finally wised up. It took me a few months to go
through the analysis of things to come up with the cure that I thought I was
giving us the problem. We got them to start making the calcium in other
vessels and get rid of the aluminum transmission portion, and then—you
don’t hear [as] much about osteopenia now related to TPN as you used to 20
years ago or 10 years ago, and that’s how that problem got solved.
And I’m sure there are still other things that, as we get more and more finite
information about [it] at the cellular level, we will find other defects in TPN.
I do not think it’s perfect by any means. And I think we’re going to find
improvements in TPN that are going to take us to the next level. There’s a
whole vista for TPN [research]. The problem for me as an investigator now
is that a lot of bright, young investigators aren’t interested in working with
[the] fundamentals of TPN because they think all the work has been done,
but it hasn’t. It’s a Model T Ford, which is better than a horse and buggy,
but it’s no Lamborghini and it’s no Mercedes or whatever.
And what we need now are conscientious, motivated people to try to finetune the TPN for different disease processes and conditions, for different age
groups, the whole geriatric population. We have no idea what we should be
doing for people my age, even. All the nutritional data has been based on
geriatrics being 50 to 65. Well, that doesn’t even touch me. I think geriatrics
is 65 to 100. And we don’t have data for that age group; all we have is
extrapolation data, and that’s not good enough. Extrapolation data won’t do
it, just like you can’t extrapolate from a child to an adult. There are
different sets of requirements in those different age groups.
Stop for a second?
Can you discuss how your family has affected your career
and how your career has affected your family?
I had mentioned earlier the influence of my parents and
family in my growing up, but my [immediate] family, consisting of my wife
and children, have been quite involved in my research and my career
development because without them and their understanding, I wouldn’t have
been able to spend the time and effort to get all the work done and still try to
fulfill my responsibilities to them.
My wife, Terri, is a very special person. I can truly say that she has never,
ever interfered in any way with my ability to achieve my potential as a
physician, surgeon, investigator, educator. She has always supported me 100
percent. She’s a Latin and English teacher, and she used to say to me, “Quo
vadis” when I’d ask her something, and that literally means, I guess, “Wither
thou goest,” and she really has lived that type of relationship with me.
Whatever I’ve wanted to do, she has supported. When I asked her pointed
questions about her opinion, she would tell me, but they were always geared
toward the positive, half-full rather than half-empty point of view. She was
wise enough, I think, to recognize that if we were going to have interpersonal
happiness in a relationship, that I had to be happy in my professional career,
because that’s what we spend most of our time doing, which is working and
practicing our profession, and if you’re not happy and fulfilled in that aspect
of your life, it’s hard to be fulfilled at home, so to speak. And I think she has
always realized that and has tried hard to support me. Although I’m sure
I’ve tried her patience and tolerance on many occasions, she has never in any
way indicated that to me. And so she’s been a great partner.
I think she’s also provided an invaluable service by explaining to our
children as they were growing up that if I wasn’t there in support of them at
an athletic contest or a recital or a concert or some other performance of
theirs, it was because some person, perhaps a child, was ill or injured and
required my help more than they required me to be there pridefully
witnessing their accomplishments. And I think that probably was related, to
some extent, with disappointments at times, but Terri always made it okay
for me with the kids. The kids never would come up to me and indicate
unhappiness with me for not having been there, and I appreciated that
greatly, because I never would have willfully not participated with them.
Now, having six children and having them pretty close to each other—there
were six in seven years—they were like a swarm. They kind of took care of
each other, and they mentored each other, monitored each other; they had
their own little form of self-governance, and by and large they were good
kids. They’ve all turned out very nicely. They have a lot of similar
characteristics, but they have enormous individuality.
When I was working in the laboratory with the puppies, which took a lot of
time, the year I was in the laboratory, I never had any more than three
hours’ sleep at a time because I saw the puppies every four hours around the
clock every day, seven days a week throughout the time that they were
getting TPN or even in between times. I had a lot invested in them. I wanted
to make sure that they got optimal care. I wanted to make sure that if the
project failed, it didn’t fail from lack of attention by me, that it would have
failed only because we made the wrong hypothesis or had no basis or had no
resources. But hard work and my availability were not acceptable as an
omission for success. And so I had no guilt about that. I paid my dues in
terms of taking care of those puppies meticulously and conscientiously.
In fact, Terri said on more than one occasion that I have three families. I
had a biological family, which was she and the kids; and I had a professional
family, which was my own faculty and teachers, my fellow residents and my
students and other colleagues in surgery and medicine; and then I had a
laboratory family, which were various beagle puppies, rats, mice, sheep,
cows, calves, mice—I guess I said that. And my children and my wife had no
doubt about the fact that they were number three on the list of
families[chuckles], and that clearly during the year in the laboratory the
beagles were my No. 1 family. And they really were like family. They had
personalities, and they sensed that I was, I guess, a surrogate mother or
father to them. They got a lot of attention. I was interested in their wellbeing.
A couple of specific areas where Terri was a big help: I had to make
harnesses for the puppies, and so I actually used paper, actually the hand
towels that they had in the laboratory, as templates to draw out patterns, like
a dressmaker, for the harness that would hold a support apparatus on the
puppy’s back to support the attachment [of] the infusion apparatus to the
catheter. And you have to fit this harness around their legs so that it didn’t
cause chafing or pressure phenomena or irritation. After I made the pattern
with paper, I then got a soft canvas material, and I kind of hand sewed it,
and then put the thing together with some safety pins. (We didn’t have
Velcro® in those days. Velcro® would have been nice.) We put safety pins
and adhesive tape—surgeons love adhesive tape—to keep things protected
and secured, and then as they grew out of the harnesses and—as the
experiment succeeded, they actually grew out of their harnesses, and I
actually have one slide that shows a succession of six sets of harnesses,
showing how much bigger the harnesses had to get in order to accommodate
the increasing growth and size of the puppies, as an indirect measurement of
success. After I did the first set of the harnesses, Terri saw me fumbling
around and said, “I could help you with that.” And so when we made the
future harnesses, she actually made them and used her sewing machine and
made all those harnesses for us and put fancy edges on them, and the puppies
never had it better. And so I appreciated that because it was one less timeconsuming thing for me, and she did it better than I could, anyway. And she
enjoyed being part of it.
Another contribution she made was inadvertent. I remember one Sunday we
were planning on going to church with the kids at about ten, eleven o’clock,
and I wanted to take pictures of the puppies, and one of the most difficult
parts of that experiment was to get the puppy to stand in front of a wall that
had a grid. I had a big cardboard placard with a grid I guess every four
inches, behind it, to show the puppy growing, with the grid in the
background. To try to get a puppy to stand still long enough to get a
photograph is really a feat. I would struggle, trying to distract them, and I’d
try to hold the puppy with one hand, and I had a tripod and a camera, a
Polaroid camera there, so once I got the puppies lined up, I’d try to quickly
take a picture. But it was frustrating.
This one particular day, they were really giving me a bad time, and Terri
showed up with the kids, to go to church at the time I asked her to meet me,
and I was nowhere near ready, and I was exasperated at the puppies, because
they were frisky, and she said, “Let’s see if I can help.” So she walked over
and just kind of touched the puppy underneath his jowls, and I couldn’t
believe it. The puppy just kind of stood there, still. I said, “Wow!” I said,
“Can you do that in front of this grid here?” So literally we got all [the]
puppies’ pictures taken probably in six shots, and it was bam, bam, bam,
bam. She had some kind of a calming effect on those puppies, and I don’t
know what it is, pheromones or hormones or a motherly or matronly
somehow characteristics that she was able to transmit to them, but we got
everything done, went off to church.
I was happy as a clam we got those pictures taken, because then I would use
the individual pictures in a format that you’ve probably seen, a composite, to
show the growth of the puppies. That was probably one of the most effective
reports of data for people to see those puppies growing. I asked her if she’d
come every week to get those pictures taken, and she did, and it was magic.
As soon as she came in, they behaved. To them I was a plaything. Maybe to
her they felt responsibility, or this was a mother figure or something, and
they behaved. But it was a great contribution that never shows anywhere.
People would never think that maybe one of the most difficult parts of the
experiment was to take the photographs rather than all the other things we
had to do, but it was.
And the kids. What I did to try to be humane to the puppies, I released the
puppies every day from the intravenous feeding, put a little bit of heparin in
that I had calibrated to fill the catheter, put a plug in the catheter, a sterile
plug, and I let them run around for about a half an hour. Or I sometimes
put leashes on them and I took them outside on the lawn adjacent to the
[Alfred] Newton Richards [Medical Research] Building, where we had our
laboratories [at the University of Pennsylvania], and I found that the best
time to do that was in the evening, because during the day you had a lot of
kids on the campus, students, and a lot of distractions, and the puppies
attracted attention.
I didn’t want them to in any way get disrupted, so I would sometimes take a
quick trip home, just a few miles away, get a bite to eat at supper, and then
bring the kids down to the lab with me. And they just loved it. They loved to
see the puppies. They all would want to take them for a walk outside, and so
I’d go with them, of course, to make sure everything was okay and they
weren’t doing anything they shouldn’t be doing. To the kids it was a joyful
thing, an entertaining thing, and they liked it. They liked to be with Dad and
the puppies, and then they understood what I was doing. They understood I
was trying to make them grow, and they saw them growing, and they kind of
got excited about it, even though they were literally children, two, three, four,
five, six years of age. And they appreciated afterward and especially
appreciate now that they were there. They had touched those puppies. They
had played with them. They saw them growing. They knew what their dad
had to do to get them to grow. They have their own little sense of pride in the
whole project. I kind of enjoyed that.
I think you never can do anything by yourself. Nobody ever does anything
by himself. We all, as everybody says, stand on the shoulders of our
predecessors, and we all get ideas from each other, and it’s hard to determine
who was the first to get an idea or who was the first to do something. I think
I was fortunate enough to have a lot of input, a lot of unsolicited and solicited
advice from people.
For example, I mentioned earlier the Vitamin D thing. Well, when I wanted
to learn about Vitamin D, I just went across the wall to Philadelphia General
Hospital, and there was Paul György, and Paul György was at that time the
world’s expert in calcium and Vitamin D metabolism. And to just walk
across the wall and get him to talk to me about everything he knew about
[it]; that was fantastic.
When I wanted to talk about pediatric requirements for nutrients, I went to
[Lewis A.] “Lew” Barness in pediatrics. When I was trying to figure out
what to do with hypophosphatemia, which was a problem we were having
with puppies and with copper, with red cell hemolysis, I could go to other
pediatricians who were actually working in these fields, and they could give
me their advice. I got a lot of laboratory studies done by clinical
pathologists—Howard Rawnsley, who would do any laboratory test I’d want
and wouldn’t charge me, because he knew I had a limited budget.
These were all wonderful things that they had at Penn that I’m not sure
many places have today, the collegiality, the fellowship, the fraternity,
sorority of science and education and scholarly activity. I think we’ve
become more Masters of Business Administration-oriented and not enough
science for the joy of discovery. I can’t think of anything I’ve done in my life
that has given me more satisfaction than discovery. I try to tell that to
students and residents, that “you know that when you do something in the
laboratory that results in new data that were never before at least recorded
by anybody, much less discovered, that for a brief period of time, that
research is an educational experience [uniquely] for you.”
Research is the ultimate education. There’s not a sharp line between one
[and the other]—education segues into research, and research becomes selfeducation by producing new data. And the joy that I used to have for
knowing, for a brief period of time, an hour, a day, a week or even longer,
that I’m the only person in the world, in all likelihood, that knows this. It
just gave me, oh, the feeling that for a while I had the most precious piece of
gold or diamond available, and it was all mine until I decided to share it by a
publication or a presentation or just telling somebody about it. And I’m not
sure that the average medical student or resident has that perception about
research and discovery and the joy of adding new, useful knowledge to the
body, to the pool, of knowledge available in the universe.
I’ve had a lot of other experiences personally taking care of patients, as a
clinician, that are different from academic or scholarly experiences, and even
more precious because there’s a value to human life that is much beyond
gold or diamonds so that it’s a whole different area. But growing the baby or
knowing that babies can be supported as a result of some of the fundamental
and clinical discoveries that we participated in gives me an enormous
Another story: I remember giving a talk at the American Pediatric Surgical
Association (APSA), and at that talk, they actually made me an honorary
member or elected me to honorary membership in the APSA, and I was the
first non-pediatric surgeon to be elected to honorary membership in APSA.
All previous honorary members of APSA were pediatric surgeons of
international acclaim but were elected by the Americans into the American
Pediatric Surgical Association. I’m very proud of that. I’m very, very proud
of that.
And at that meeting, in introducing me after dinner, the president [Dr.
Thomas Santulli] of the American Pediatric Surgical Association said,
“Ladies and gentlemen, you remember that story about your dean in school
or medical school saying, ‘Look to your right and look to your left because in
four years only one of you is going to be here.’ And I want you to do that
tonight. We have about 300 or 400 pediatric surgeons here tonight, and I
want you to look to your left and look to your right because one of the three
of you probably would not be here if it weren’t for the work of our honoree
tonight.” He said that he had done some work—
[Recording interruption.]
Well, the president of APSA did say for each of the
members of the association to look to the member to their left and to the
[member to their] right because one of them wouldn’t be there if it weren’t
for the work that the honored guest that evening, which was myself, had
done on total parenteral nutrition. He said that he had, together with his
staff, surveyed the previous year’s pediatric surgical experience, as best he
could, in the country, and he said that really one-third of all the major
pediatric surgery done probably would not have been able to be undertaken
or undertaken successfully without TPN support. So he said, “This is just
one measure of [the] impact of somebody’s efforts, and we’re deeply grateful
to Dr. Dudrick for having done that.”
I had never thought of that, and when he said that to me, it was a bit
overwhelming. As a matter of fact, it was difficult for me to get up and begin
my talk after that introduction, because he had such an impact on my
thought processes. I had never thought of that as a measure of one’s
contribution, and I’ve been grateful to him ever since. And I can’t help [but]
thinking that the pediatric surgical community really treats me extremely
well. Whenever I go anywhere, the people who come up to me who give me
the greatest joy are the pediatric surgeons, who always have a story or two to
tell me about some great case that they had that they used TPN on in either
some new way or a better way or a novel way that was helpful. They’re a
very genuine group of people. And I’m enjoying doing this today with you.
It’s interesting that, again, the pediatric surgeons would be the ones to ask
me to relay a history.
As you look back over your career, is there anything you
wish you would have had more time to do or maybe would have done a little
Yes, that is a great question. Clearly for the past five to
ten years I have done a lot of thinking about what if, what if, what if. But to
go back in my career, so many things in my career I can’t help [but] think
were almost predestined in a way, and I don’t mean predestination; I mean
that it just seemed to me that the decisions were almost dictated by the
circumstances and that I either had to make the right decision and do what
was presented to me or make the wrong decision and not do it, because it
always seemed to me that things were stacked up in such a way that
opportunities came on that I would almost be foolish not to take advantage
of, and yet every opportunity I took advantage of was a sacrifice from what I
was doing.
For example, when I finished my residency at Penn, I had planned on
spending a third of my time clinically at Penn, at the hospital [Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania], a third of my time in the laboratory and a third
of my time at Philadelphia General [Hospital], which was a city-county
hospital that was eventually closed down and their population amalgamated
by other teaching institutions. In April of my chief year, Penn was asked by
the VA [United States Veterans Administration, now United States
Department of Veterans Affairs] to take over total control of the
Philadelphia VA Hospital [now Philadelphia VA Medical Center]. Up until
that time, five medical schools shared the VA in individual services. That
was to be fair to the five medical schools, but in reality, when you take a 488bed hospital and divide it up five ways, nobody has enough of a piece of pie to
really care much about it. They did it out of duty, but it was not a significant
teaching arm of any of the schools, except one, we found out, and that was
Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, which was eventually then
changed to Medical College of Pennsylvania and which is now, I believe, part
of the Drexel University College of Medicine.
However, when Penn was asked to take over the Philadelphia VA because the
VA perceived dividing it up into five services was not good for care, Penn
agreed, but then Woman’s Medical asked if they could keep their service
because they really needed it for lack of teaching material, and Dr. Rhoads,
who was the person who had to make the decision in that regard at Penn,
kindly invited Woman’s Medical to keep their service so that Penn essentially
took over 80 percent of the VA. They took over the whole VA
administratively, but there was a Woman’s Medical [College] service.
Dr. Rhoads very dutifully offered every member of his surgical faculty the
opportunity to be the chairman of surgery at the VA. There were 22 or 23
people on the brass [name] plates in the Department of Surgery office, and
Dr. Rhoads went right down by seniority, and every one of them turned the
job down because they already had pretty established practices and
schedules, and so he came to me [chuckles] and said, “Stan, I’d like you to
consider going over to be chairman of the Department of Surgery at the VA.”
I said, “Dr. Rhoads, I’m just finishing my chief residency.” He said, “I’m
aware of that, Stanley.” [Laughs] And he said, “I’ll be honest with you, I’ve
asked everybody else. Nobody wants to go over there, and I’ve already
obligated us to take that over.” He said, “I really need your help.” He said,
“I need you to go over there.” He said, “I’ll support you all I can, and you
can ask anybody to come over in consultation, but,” he said, “I need
somebody over there full time.” I said, “Wow.” I said, “If you think I can do
the job.” He said, “Of course I do.”
So we then had to go down to Washington to find out from the VA [U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs] if they were going to accept us, and they
were not too eager to do so because I was, to them, just a kid with no
experience, no track record, a chief resident, no board certification, so
[chuckles] I’ll never forget the chief of surgery for the VA telling Dr. Rhoads,
“Well, Jonathan, if you believe that this boy is the person you want to run the
VA [hospital] in Philadelphia, we’ll trust your judgment, but we’ll have to
keep a pretty close look at things.” And so with Dr. Rhoads’s assurance that
they wouldn’t be disappointed, on June 30th, 1967, I was a chief resident, and
[on] July 1st I was chief of surgery of the Philadelphia VA [Hospital]. I never
had a chance to grow up. I literally went to work July 1st at the VA. I didn’t
get home until July 14th, Bastille Day, you may recall. I thought that was
I was there for two solid weeks, day and night, because there was nobody
there to help me take care of more than 200 surgical patients, no house
officers, no students, no faculty. It was me and the nurses. I grew up in a
hurry. As it turned out, I eventually got a fourth-year resident and I got an
intern, and I was delighted that while the—
—because nobody was in the research laboratory, and
we started building all aspects of the VA, and within a short period of time I
really grew up in a hurry with all the experience I had there, and it was a
wonderful polish to the diamond, the rough diamond that I got from my
training at Penn. So at first I was almost panicky about that opportunity,
but it turned out to be wonderful because the five years that I spent at the
VA were spectacularly productive years in terms of both basic and clinical
By the end of the second year at the VA, 95 percent of all the medical
students at Penn elected to be on my service at the VA to the point that both
Dr. Rhoads and the dean called me in for a conference to find out why that
many students would want to come with me at the VA, which was not Penn,
proper, and I was the least distinguished member of the faculty. And I said,
“I guess it’s because I’m teaching, gentlemen, and that’s what they want.”
So that was an interesting meeting for me, to be called to task for too many
people wanting to be with me and what am I doing that might not be kosher,
so to speak, to get them to come there. And so no good deed goes
unpunished, and that was an interesting object lesson for me.
I never did regret going to the VA. I really had the run of the place
surgically, and I know we had a positive impact on it. As a matter of fact, to
brag off a little bit, one year I won the award for making the most
outstanding contribution to patient care in the entire VA system, and
actually once some executives from the VA came up from Washington to
present this to me as a surprise. I was operating and doing a portacaval
shunt, and I didn’t show up at the luncheon that they had planned for me to
give me this surprise certificate. I ended up finding out that evening, when I
got out of the operating room, that I had stood up the hierarchy of the VA,
and as a result, they had to stay overnight in a hotel because they wanted to
be there to give it to me, and they were planning on giving it to me the next
morning, and they hoped I was going to show up this time. [Chuckles] And I
said, “Well, if you told me about it instead of trying to make it a surprise”—I
said, “I certainly didn’t do it intentionally. I was trying to take care of the
patient, doing what I’m supposed to be doing.” They had mixed emotions
about that.
But those are just little side stories. Subsequently at the VA, there were a lot
of people clamoring to get me to come and look at jobs around the country
because the TPN gave me such instant, massive notoriety, I guess is the word
to use, that people wanted me to come and entertain possibilities for
positions. I talked to Dr. Rhoads about them, but I knew that I didn’t want
to go from an assistant professor to be a professor in some place without
seasoning a little bit more, and I was a bit apprehensive about taking such a
giant step, and Dr. Rhoads really wanted me to stay with him until he
finished his tenure as chairman, which would have been 1972.
I did agree with him that I would stay at Penn at least until he retired,
because we had a marvelous relationship. He, in a very paternalistic
manner, treating me like a son, just wanted me to be there with him. And I
wanted to be with him, too, so we had a great relationship. And he really is
my second father. My dad died in 1970 at age 63, and he and Dr. Rhoads
were born the same year, within one month of each other, and they actually
knew each other; he had operated on my dad. So they both meant an awful
lot to me.
Then I had an opportunity to be interviewed for a job at the University of
Texas as chair of a brand-new medical school [University of Texas Medical
School at Houston], and that offer came out of the blue. I was told I was one
of the five finalists. I didn’t even know I was being considered, and so I
actually almost reluctantly went down to look, but I did. And when I went
down to Houston, I was amazed at the opportunity that I thought I saw down
there. And, although at that time, in 1972, I had the absolute best and most
enviable job in the Department of Surgery at the University of
Pennsylvania—I cannot imagine it being better—I had to look at that job.
And when I saw it, it turned my head. To be able to be the first chair of a
department in a new medical school—it was too titillating from a historical
point of view to pass up.
I thought I had enough self-confidence that I could pull it off. Plus by that
time I had enough experience, I thought, to want to do some things
differently than they were being done, and I thought this was a great place to
do it. As it turned out, I did make it to the top of the list, and they offered me
the job, and then I got the usual cold feet that you get right before you have
to make a decision like that, and I delayed my decision, but the dean down
there really recruited me hard, and I decided I would take the job.
I learned a couple of things from that. It was interesting to me how many
people at Penn thought that was a wonderful opportunity for me, but 50
percent felt that I was deserting them, so it was an interesting object lesson
for me that half of the people that I considered my friends and colleagues
really kind of turned me off as soon as they knew I was leaving. It was
fascinating to see that people just treated me like I had snubbed them or that
I had rejected them and thought that I was going to someplace better. They
didn’t appreciate that I was extending Penn to a whole new medical school,
which is what I saw it as. They wanted me down there because [of]what I
accomplished at Penn, and they wanted me to bring part of the Ivy League
background to the new medical school in Houston. So I weathered that
I guess another thing that I learned is I thought that if I went down there, I’d
be able to imbue that institution with a philosophy such that everybody
would be interested in nutrition and metabolism and that we would have a
school that was really going to get into nutrition and metabolism in a big
way, because we were going to start it from scratch. Well, that’s what
everybody said when we first got there, but pretty soon I realized everybody
pursued whatever they were doing before they got there. And although
almost all of the people that I recruited to surgery, virtually all of them, had
an interest in nutrition and metabolism, that interest was not in medicine or
in other specialties.
And so my disappointment in my tenure as chair at that school is that I was
not able to accomplish as many things as I wanted to in nutrition and
metabolism, even thinking I was in control. You’re never in control. You
may be the administrative head of something or you might even think you’re
governing the philosophy, but you’re not. People have their own inherent
motivations and philosophies and knowledge bases and goals and objectives,
and temporarily they may work together with you, but then they branch off,
appropriately, I suppose, into their own major interests. And so that was a
maturation for me.
On the other hand, we accomplished some wonderful things down there. To
bring in people like [Edward M.] “Ted” Copeland [III], who was my best
friend in the residency program and with whom I had wonderful experiences
during our training. He was two or three years my junior, but we did a lot of
things together. He went off to Vietnam, won the Bronze Star, came back,
went to M.D. Anderson [Hospital and Tumor Institute; now M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center] in cancer, and he was in Houston while I was being
recruited. I got inside information from him about the University of Texas,
because he was part of a University of Texas unit. So when I hired him as
my first hire, it was the best thing I had done because he was a wonderful
colleague, my right-hand man, and eventually became full professor there
and then became the professor and chairman at Florida. He trained our
oldest son, Paul.
When he left to go to Florida, he took five or six of our great people with him,
with our blessing: [Timothy] Tim Flynn, who’s now the chairman, I believe,
of the American Board of Surgery and had been the president of the
Association of Program Directors in Surgery. “Chip” Souba, who was one of
our first students and residents out of our program, who became the first
surgical oncologist up at Harvard, officially at the MGH [Massachusetts
General Hospital]—or the Brigham [and Women's Hospital]; I’m not sure
which—both of them; and then subsequently a chair of [the Department of
Surgery at Penn State Medical College and surgeon-in-chief] at [the Milton
S.] Hershey [Medical Center] and now a dean at Ohio State [University
College of Medicine]. We had John Daly, our first intern, who had spent 13
years with me all together, starting at Penn when he was an undergrad at
LaSalle, who then became the first surgical oncologist and Jonathan [E.]
Rhoads Professor [of Surgery] at Penn after he left us, and then he became
the chairman [of surgery] at [Weill Medical College of ] Cornell [University],
and he’s now the dean at Temple [University School of Medicine]. Ted
Copeland became dean for two years at the University of Florida, and he’s
now a director or president of the Shands Cancer Center at University of
So from that faculty and student body that we had, or resident body in that
little new school, three distinguished chairs became deans and other chairs.
[Thomas A.] “Tom” Miller became chair at [the] University of St. Louis after
I gave him his first job in surgery and physiology. So you can go on and on
with the great people that we had there. [Bruce D.] Browner, one of our fulltime chiefs of orthopedics, became the chairman of orthopedic [surgery] at
UConn [University of Connecticut Health Center]. And [Randolph]
“Randy” Bailey was my first chief resident, and he became chief of colorectal
surgery and a professor of colorectal surgery on our faculty down there
[University of Texas Medical School at Houston].
But last year and a few years before then, we had Ted Copeland as president
of the board of regents of the American College [of Surgeons], and Browner
and Bailey. Three members of the board of regents were on my faculty. And
I only mention that to show the quality of the people that we attracted and
had the privilege of working with and helping give them opportunity to
achieve their potential. And if you asked me what I derived the greatest
pleasure out of doing, it’s doing everything I can to help bright young people
achieve their maximum potential. And if I’ve done everything with the
resources at my disposal to help somebody achieve their maximum potential,
I feel that I’ve done everything I can, and they can’t ask me for much more.
And if I don’t do that, then shame on me, and I really take that very
seriously. And I hope that all they’ll do is carry that philosophy the next
step, and then they might make the whole field and the whole world a little
bit better.
On the other hand, if I feel that the recipients, the students and residents or
junior faculty are not doing everything that they can do to achieve their full
potential or maximum potential, that they’re sinning against their creator,
whoever or whatever they think that is. With my tongue in my cheek, I tell
them that, “when Moses came off the mountain, you might recall he dropped
some of the tablets and picked some of them back up and went back up and
retrieved some of them, but he missed one, and it’s the 11th commandment,
which is: Thou shalt do everything thou possibly can to achieve thy
maximum potential. And the extent to which you are not doing that is the
extent to which you are sinning against your God. If you want to be a sinner,
that’s up to you. But I just want to let you know that I’ll do everything I can
to help prevent you from being a sinner.” And I derive no better joy than to
see the success of the people that I’ve been associated with. And what a
privilege it has been.
I guess in other disappointments that I’ve had, I would have liked to see
nutrition accepted more readily as a scientific endeavor. Nutrition somehow
has a little bit of a stepchild status in science. It’s not pure biochemistry; it’s
not pure physiology; I guess it’s not pure, hard science, and somehow people
just don’t pay enough attention to food, I guess. Everybody thinks they’re an
expert in their diet because they choose their diet. Everybody thinks they’re
an expert in food. They like it or don’t like it, eat it or don’t eat it. And
maybe the familiarity with food is such that people just don’t give it enough
respect. I’m not sure what the reason is. But there’s not enough respect
given to nutritional science, in my opinion, and I wish that medical schools
would spend more time in their curriculum [on that].
But I think what we’ve done is we have relegated nutrition to the spouse of
the patient or to the children, the grandparents. We’ve relegated it to nurses.
You have to remember Florence Nightingale was not only the mother of
nursing, she’s the mother of dietetics. She was the first dietician and the first
nurse. And we relegate food and nutrition to the dietician, and we as
physicians don’t take enough personal responsibility for nutritional status
and maintaining or restoring it or correcting it. We delegate it, and when
you delegate it, you almost imply, by delegating it, that it’s not important
enough for you to do yourself. And that whole feeling kind of trickles on
down to everybody, and everybody talks about a good game, but they don’t
play a good game. So that’s a disappointment for me.
On the other hand, when people ask me what is the best thing I think I ever
did in the laboratory or with discovery, it’s not that I put a catheter under
the clavicle or that we put together a TPN technology that worked; it’s we
showed beyond a shadow of a doubt the relevance of nutrition to achieving
excellent outcomes, because we took the sickest, most malnourished, critically
ill patients that most other people were willing to discard to the morgue, and
by feeding them, converted them from impossible risks to reasonable risks,
and then went ahead and proved it by operating on them and getting the
patient over the operation, rehabilitated and out of the hospital.
So to me, that’s the greatest contribution I think I helped achieve. We
showed the relevance of nutrition to achieving excellence in clinical outcomes
and kind of underlying that every time we get another patient through. I
remember at one point in time having overheard a couple residents talking
about “the garbage man did it again,” and I asked [the] chief resident,
“Who’s this garbage man that I hear people talk about?” And he looked at
me with that look on his face, and I said, “They’re talking about me, aren’t
they?” And he said, “Yeah, Chief.” I asked, “But why do they call me the
garbage man? What have I done to them for them to call me the garbage
man?” He said, “Chief, they’re complimenting you, because they say that
what everybody else throws into the garbage, you reach in, pull out,
rehabilitate them, resurrect them and restore them to life, and everybody
else throws them into the garbage.” And so what I thought was an insult
ended up being, to me, one of the greatest compliments I ever got from the
residents, because they thought I could turn garbage—although you never
want to refer to patients as garbage; I know what they were saying, but it’s
kind of the vernacular of the night call. [Chuckles]
But I guess another disappointment that I’ve had is we have not fulfilled our
attempts to show that you can reverse atherosclerosis intravenously as well
as we wanted to. That’s kind of an unfortunate regulatory/financial
support/industry stockholder interest casualty. I have no doubt in my mind
that atherosclerosis is reversible nutritionally. Obviously, it’s easier to
reverse it by vein because you can absolutely control the diet, but once you’ve
shown that beyond a shadow of a doubt—which I think we’ve done, but it
just hasn’t been accepted with validated data of others because nobody wants
to support it—then you could convert the IV to an oral equivalent in the
reverse order that we converted the oral feeding into an IV equivalent to
create TPN. So I know it’s possible, but we just have to figure out what it is
we would have to do to special foods or supplements such that after they are
digested and absorbed from the gut it will simulate in the peripheral
circulation what we can do by direct infusion intravenously. And if we did
that, we’d be able to put people on special diets or dietary supplements for
months at a time, and those who really wanted to get well and have their
atherosclerosis reversed would do the same as people who truly want to lose
weight: They would follow the diet, and I think might find that a better
answer to their problem than to get stents or angioplasties or coronary
bypasses, or to be on a lot of medication.
So I think that’s going to be a future challenge, and I think it will come. In
what time I have left, I’m going to try to spend some energy and resources in
following that up, because I think the field for that kind of research is more
fertile now than it was 20 years ago, because I first published on this I believe
in 1987, which is almost 20 years ago. It has lain [virtually] fallow since then
because of a lack of enthusiastic support, and perhaps I haven’t shown
enough leadership either, but that would be a nice thing to follow up.
I would have liked to have more surgeons interested in clinical biochemistry
than they are, and if we think of nutrition as clinical biochemistry, then
perhaps we might have a more sophisticated attitude toward it, and say,
Well, I’m really practicing clinical biochemistry, not nutrition support, so I’m
not just being a super dietician or a super nutritionist, I’m really practicing
clinical biochemistry. And we don’t seem to be ashamed to practice clinical
immunology for the support of infectious diseases or for the support of
immunosuppression for transplantation, so I think we should be able to
provide support for clinical biochemistry and really attempt to maintain
oral, enteral and/or IV diets in such a manner that’s commensurate with the
high-tech surgical techniques that we’re applying now, with minimally
invasive surgery and laparoscopic surgery, videoscopic, et cetera.
My ultimate goal, if I could have it, would be to be able to devise a diet or
diets, both intravenous and through the alimentary tract, that would provide
the nutrient substrates in ideal ratios and quantities to guarantee that each
cell in the body would receive optimal substrate in order to perform the
functions for which the cells were designed…on call, so to speak, so that if
you can get optimal function from optimal substrate, that should lead to
optimal health. And wouldn’t that be wonderful if we could come up with
diets that will allow maximal performance, cognitively, physically, even in
our skin and our complexion, how we look and our attractiveness to each
other, our very inner functioning of the digestive tract, the genitourinary
tract and the cardiovascular system, the pulmonary system? How wonderful
it would be if we ever could take maximum benefit of our potential. We are
loaded with so much potential that we don’t use.
And I wonder sometimes: Were we created to hold things in reserve? How
much reserve should we have? How hard should we work? How hard
should we think? When is it enough? These are of course philosophical
questions, but I think if you had the physical capacity, the bottom line of
which has to be biochemistry, but if you had optimal biochemistry, you
[would] have the optimal capacity for cell function, and then nobody could
ask us for any more because everybody would be performing at optimal
potential or rates or results or outcomes. That might be such an idealistic
goal that it might not be attainable, but to my way of thinking, anything is
attainable if you think about it. It’s just a matter of working it out with time,
resources, priorities, education. It may take generations, but these are the
things that bother me at times.
And there are so many things. For example, I really feel that everything
we’re saying, listening, observing, thinking about right now, you and I
together, is governed by a chemical reaction. Every thought is mediated by a
chemical reaction, and so we are skin-covered test tubes which contain
countless numbers of simultaneous chemical reactions going on, the end
result of which we interpret as life. And that sometimes boggles my mind,
because you wonder what we are here for, what are we all about, what are
we doing, what are we supposed to be doing.
Then I have other things that bug me. What is it about tears? What is it
about tears that keep our eyes from getting infected? I know they talk about
lysozymes, but what are they? Why do we have countless numbers of
bacteria hitting our corneas or our conjunctiva every day, and why don’t we
have infections of our eyes all the time? When was the last time you had an
eye infection? It blows my mind. It has got to be something we’re not taking
advantage of.
I work with dogs, and dogs don’t have a need for Vitamin C. Vitamin C is
not a vitamin for dogs. They don’t need it. Ascorbic acid, they don’t need.
However, dogs need PABA. Para-aminobenzoic acid is a vitamin for dogs,
and if you don’t provide it to the dogs, their metabolism gets adversely
affected. Now, what used to keep me awake at night was thinking about the
fact that the very first sunscreen that I ever heard about to block ultraviolet
light from burning my skin or causing damage to my skin was PABA. So we
used to rub PABA, some dermatologic preparation containing PABA, on our
skin and it acted as a sunscreen to block ultraviolet light, that very same—
DR. DUDRICK: — reality, and that just blows my mind at times. And how
do we seem to get energy from light? Why do we have depression in the
winter when we don’t have enough sun? Is it the sun? It probably emanates
from the sun, but is it some other form of energy that’s transmitted to us in
ray or microparticulate form that actually goes through our bodies or into
our bodies and changes how we act, feel, think, work, perform?
I guess other things that blow my mind are to think of molecular structure in
our bodies or in anything, even the inanimate things about us, that—you
know, 95 to 99 percent of all structure that we think is hard, like [knocks on
table twice] this table surface here, is really space, and if you look at the
molecules in a piece of wood, for every little atom there’s five to ten times
more space in every direction than there is in the mass occupied by the atom.
And all of these atoms together form molecules, and then these molecules
together form mass, and a mass is mostly space. So our bodies are probably
the same at the molecular level, and a lot of things can happen in and out of
these spaces.
We’re learning more about membranes now and how the membranes work
and the importance of the lipid components of membranes for solubility and
for transfer in and out of the cell. And maybe I’m being too optimistic or too
hopeful to think that that is within the realm of a surgeon, but I firmly
believe it is, because I think surgeons, more than any other specialists, are
interested in the matter of the human being. We’re interested in matter.
We’re interested right now in tangible, solid, physical matter. But if we just
keep going down further and further into the components of matter, that’s
our business. Just because we can’t cut it with a knife doesn’t mean it’s not
surgical; there are other kinds of knives we can cut it with, that we’ll invent
if we don’t have them yet, just as we invented minimally invasive and
laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy and endovascular ultrasound and
endovascular technology for visualizations and capsules that we swallow to
take video pictures of the working[s] of our GI tract. There are so many
things that need to be done, and we need bright, young people to continue to
be challenged by these things and go into surgery to advance us.
I guess my biggest regret in life is I will not be around to witness some of the
consummation, if you will, or realization of the things that now, to me, are
just dreams or fanciful-sounding thoughts, because I think they’re all going
to come true some day. You can’t live forever, and you can’t see everything
come to fruition, but I can only envy today’s bright young medical students
and surgeons for the transformation that they will see in health care and
especially in surgery in the next 50 years. And when I just think of what I’ve
witnessed in 50 years, because in June of 2007 it will be my 50th year from
when I graduated from college and entered medical school, so I’ve actually
been associated with medicine for 50 years if you count medical school. And
what I have seen in those 50 years and lived through is absolutely
phenomenal. And when you think what’s going to happen in the next 50
years, it’s almost beyond my imagination.
So I don’t really have any substantial regrets. I don’t think you can look
back on your life and say “what if” or “I shoulda, coulda, woulda.” I think
you have to live it as it comes, and if you feel that you did the best you could
with what you had at the time you had it to make life better not only for you
and your family but for your fellow human beings, I’m not sure that you can
do much better than that. We each have our own unique ways of making our
contributions. But if you want to make the contributions, and you do make
them, and you make sacrifices to make the contributions, it’s a very
satisfying thing.
I tell our students that I don’t do what I do for gratitude, and I never expect
any gratitude, and I don’t really want it because gratitude comes with a
price. I’m not willing to pay that price. I do what I do for self-gratification,
meaning that if I at the end of the day say, I think I did a pretty good job today
and these are the good things that happened either to me, because of me, with
me, around me or that I might have had something to do with, and I feel good
about myself for that day’s activities of life, that’s all the self-gratification I
need. I don’t teach people for them to thank me. I don’t take care of
patients for them to say how wonderful I am. I’m just doing my job. And if
I’m doing my job as well as I can and they’re doing their job, whatever it is,
as well as they can, then I think we’re both self-gratified and we don’t need
to feel indebted to each other. And yet you feel a bond which is not
indebtedness but a bond of both understanding and feeling good and
knowing why you feel good about what you do.
And so I tell my residents, “Never expect gratitude from any patient or
family or from anybody for whom you perform a service, and you’ll never be
disappointed. If you’re looking for gratitude, do something else. Maybe you
want to be a performer and maybe you enjoy applause, and I know there are
people that live for that, but I think those are shallow or superficial
objectives in life. A person who’s in medicine should know better and not be
disappointed if people don’t thank them, or not be disappointed when people
sue them, even when you’ve saved their lives, because that’s human nature,
and you can’t change much about that.”
I guess being useful and being of service—I think the ethos of service is very
important for us to transmit to our students and residents. We as physicians
are service organizations. The only thing we create is new knowledge, so
that’s an academic or an educational or a research venture. It’s sort of
tangible, but by and large we don’t build bridges, we don’t build rockets to
go to space, we don’t invent new iPods or energy sources; we are service
organizations. We serve the people who do those things, and we try to keep
them healthy. When we can’t keep them healthy, we try to restore them to
health. When they get into trouble with injury or some other calamitous
condition, we try to retrieve them and restore them to health and rehabilitate
them, get them through convalescence, et cetera. But we are a service
organization, and I think when people go into medicine who don’t
understand that they are a service organization, that’s when we get into
trouble, because they’re looking for how soon they can get off call, out of
work, out of the hospital, out of the operating room.
Why would anybody who really loves what they do want to do that? I hate to
leave the operating room. I love it there. And my people will tell me they
always know when I’ve just returned from the operating room, because they
say they never see me happier. I guess by and large that’s true. Every once
in a while, things don’t go well in the operating room, and I think another
thing I try to let people know is that there are injustices that occur, about
which we can’t do much. And that’s important in the philosophy of teaching,
that there are days when we play a fantastic game in the sense of we go in the
operating room and we do a great operation and everything is just
textbook—you wish you had a videotape of it to show to everybody. And the
patient goes sour; they have a myocardial infarction, they go into failure,
they go into multiple-systems organ failure, they have a wound infection,
they have a dehiscence, everything falls apart. No justice. No justice.
Another patient comes in with multiple gunshot wounds; he’s a drug addict;
he’s drunk; poo-poo all over the belly. We clean it all up the best we can, sew
things together, and we’re just happy to get out of the operating room in one
piece and say, “Oh, God! Thank God we got him off the table.” The person
doesn’t turn a hair. Gets well. He gets up and out of the hospital in a week,
and—no justice. And you don’t know why one of these happens and why
another one doesn’t. And so you just have to play the game as best you can
every time you suit up and know that you played the game as best you can,
and then you’ve got to accept, to some extent, things about which you can do
no more at this point in time and hope that you can learn something from the
bad experiences to get the good judgment that we hope we’ll have in avoiding
[problems] in the future.
But these are the kinds of thoughts that I like to try to transmit to students
and residents, and challenge them. I don’t want them to just do good, I want
them to do well, and by doing good they will do well. They won’t have to
worry about doing well if they do good, and to enjoy what they’re doing and
I guess to appreciate what a privilege it is to be able to walk into a small
eight-by-ten room to meet a perfect stranger that you never knew before and
by the end of 20 minutes or a half an hour, you end up making a compact or
a contract with that stranger, which allows you to render them senseless and
to render them out of control of themselves and to violate their bodies. Wow!
Do students ever think about that? They should. What a spectacular act of
faith, trust, and what a spectacular privilege for the surgeon to have
somebody allow them to do that. And I don’t think there’s any other
specialist that gets that kind of instant trust or faith, and that takes talent.
That takes people who really care and can transmit their caring to the
patients, and I think it should be taken very seriously, and I think that’s
what makes surgeons so much different from the average physician, because
there’s that tangible thing: We violate their bodies. They allow us to. That,
in itself, is great enough. And then to do it and do it in a meaningful, helpful
way, with a great outcome, that has got to be self-gratifying beyond anything
else I can think of—for me. That’s how I look at the world.
[Recording interruption.]
If we may, one final question, Dr. Dudrick. If you were
writing your epitaph today, how would you like it to read?
I have thought about that on a few occasions. It’s
difficult to try to write a nice, short epitaph when you have so much that you
would like to say to let people know how much you appreciated the
opportunity to be here and enjoy life and enjoy other people with you. I
guess it would be a bit of plagiarism, but I’d have to consider saying that I
truly tried to be as useful as I could possibly be for as long as I could be, and
that’s, of course, a takeoff on some of the teachings of Benjamin Franklin
and Jonathan Rhoads.
I guess something else I might want to say is that I always tried to do the best
I could with what resources I had available to me, to do good for my family,
my friends, my teachers, my students, my patients, and I guess, immodestly,
myself. And I hope that I would be remembered as somebody who truly,
greatly appreciates the privilege of having spent a wonderful life with
wonderful parents, family, teachers, mentors, colleagues, residents, fellows,
students, staff, friends and patients, who have contributed so much to enrich
my life and to allow me to feel that I might have achieved some of my own
goals and aspirations, and whatever the purpose or purposes were of my
Thank you. Thanks again for participating in the oral
history project. Thanks also for the honor of being allowed to conduct this
interview. I really appreciate it.
John, thank you. It’s been wonderful to spend the day
with you, and I appreciate your coming here all the way from Mississippi in
less than ideal circumstances to spend the day, and I genuinely hope that this
might have some use in your series, and thank you again for your kindness
and generosity of time and effort with me.
Thank you.
Abbott Laboratories, 44
Ajinomoto, 43
Alfred Newton Richards Medical Research
Building, 48
aluminum, 44, 45
American College of Surgeons, 56
American Pediatric Surgical Association, 50,
atherosclerosis, 58
Bailey, Charles P., 8, 56
Bailey, Randolph, 56
Barness, Lewis A., 49
Baue, Arthur E., 30
Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc., 44
Betadine®, 35, 36
Bishop, Harry C., 31
Browner, Bruce D., 56
Burgess, Keleen Lee, 36
Bush, John H., 37
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 30, 31, 33
Children's Hospital Boston, 33
coal mines, 1
Copeland III, Edward M., 55, 56
Cross, Robert Pershing, 6
crystalline amino acids, 16, 42, 43, 44
Cutter Laboratories, 44
Dacron®, 41
Daly, John, 56
Darlington, James McCown (Mac), 6
DeBakey, Michael E., 41
Deseret® Pharmaceutical Company, 24
DIURIL®, 16, 17, 18
Dudrick, Theresa, 6, 8, 11, 46, 47, 48
DuPont de Nemours & Co., 12
Eli Lilly and Company, 7
Filler, Robert M., 33
five-liter program, 18
Flood, Daniel J., 3
Flynn, Timothy, 56
Folkman, M. Judah, 33
Franklin & Marshall College, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Franklin, Benjamin, 6, 64
Groff, Diller B., 31
György, Paul, 49
Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia,
Haller, J. Alex, Jr., 33, 34
Harrison Department of Surgical Research,
University of Pennsylvania, 11, 12, 23
house call, 3
Householder, Mrs., 5
HydroDIURIL®, 16, 17
hydrolysates, 16, 20, 21, 42, 43, 45
hypoglycemic agents, 7
hypophosphatemia, 49
institutional review board, 31
Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, 34
Kirby, Charles K., 9
Koop, C. Everett, 31
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 6
Lane, Harold, 6, 7
Lipomul®, 13, 40
MacVaugh III, Horace, 9
Mayo-Gibbon heart-lung machine, 9
McGaw, Inc., 44
mersalyl, 16
Miller, Thomas A., 56
Millipore® filter, 21, 28, 37, 40
Millipore® filters, 21, 28
Mitchell, John McK., 4, 5
Moore School of Electrical Engineering,
University of Pennsylvania, 9, 22
MVI® [multiple vitamin infusion], 40
Mycostatin®, 35
Nanticoke High School, 2
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 1
Nightingale, Florence, 57
Touloukian, Robert J., 33
Towne School of Civil and Mechanical
Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 9,
Orinase®, 7
osteopenia, 44, 45
Pasteur, Louis, 21
Pep Boys, 24
Peterson, Lysle H., 9
Philadelphia VA Hospital, 52, 53, 54
Pocono Mountains, 5
Polysporin®, 35
Poly-Vi-Sol®, 40
Ravdin, I. S., 10, 11, 12, 13
Rawnsley, Howard, 49
research as education, 50
Revson, Lance, 39
Rhoads, Jonathan E., 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 19, 22, 23, 37, 38, 52, 53, 54, 64
RhoadsJr., Jonathan E., 15, 16, 17
rotating internship, 11
U.S. Vitamin, 39, 40
United States Military Academy at West
Point, 3, 4
University of Connecticut Health Center, 56
University of Pennsylvania, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 48, 49, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56
University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, 54, 55, 56
Upjohn Company, 13, 39
US Army Research and Development
Command, 13
US National Institutes of Health, 12, 32
Vars, Harold M., 20, 22
Vitamin D, 34, 35, 49
Santulli, Thomas, 50
Seashore, John H., 33
Seitz filter, 37
Senior, John R., 10
Sick Children’s Hospital, 33
silicone rubber, 41
Snavely, Fred A., 6, 7
Souba, Chip, 56
Southern Regional Research Laboratories, 13
Stilwell, General Joseph Warren, 12
Wangensteen, Owen W., 11
William E. Ladd Medal, 1
Wilmore, Douglas W., 32, 34
Winters, Richard Honodel, 6
Wistar Institute, 34
Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, 52
World War II, 3, 12, 37
wound healing, 13
Thiomerin®, 16
total parenteral nutrition, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28,
35, 36, 38, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 54, 57, 58
Yale University, 9, 30, 31, 33
zinc deficiency, 43
40 Beecher Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut 06770
St. Mary’s Hospital
56 Franklin Street
Waterbury, Connecticut 06706
April 9, 1935
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Married: Theresa M. Keen, June 14, 1958
Children: Susan Marie, Stanley Jonathan, Holly Anne,
Paul Stanley, Carolyn Mary, Anne Theresa
Nanticoke High School, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 1949-1953
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1953-1957
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1957-1961
B.S., Biology Honors, Cum Laude, Franklin and Marshall College, 1957
M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1961
M.A., Honoris Causa,Yale University, 1999
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Rotating), July 1961-June 1962
Assistant Resident in Surgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, July 1962June 1966
Chief Resident in General Surgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, July
1966-June 1967
Research Fellow, Harrison Department of Surgical Research, University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine,
July 1962-June, 1967
Pennsylvania, July 1962, MD
Texas, January 1973
Connecticut, November 1994
American Board of Surgery, January 29, 1968
Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of
Medicine, 1995 –
Chairman, Department of Surgery, St. Mary’s
Hospital/Yale Affiliate, 2004 –
Director, Program in Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale
Affiliate, 2002 –
Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s
Hospital, 2002 –
Attemding Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate,
1994Attending Surgeon, Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New
Haven Health System, 2002 –
Attending Surgeon, West Haven VA Hospital, 1998 –
Consultant in Surgery, Yale New Haven Hospital, 2004
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (1962-1972; 1988-1993)
Assistant Instructor in Surgery, July 1962- June 1966
Instructor in Surgery, July 1966-June 1967
Associate in Surgery, July 1967-June 1968
Assistant Professor of Surgery, July 1968-June 1969
Associate Professor of Surgery, July 1969-July 1972
Professor of Surgery, July 1972-Sept 1972
Research Fellow, Harrison Dept of Surgical Research, July 1962-June 1967
Scientific Staff, Harrison Dept of Surgical Research, July 1967-Sept 1972
Chief of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Division,
Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, July 1967-August 1972
Acting Chief of Surgery, Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, July
1968-August 1972
Associate Surgeon, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Surgical Staff,
July 1967-Sept 1972
Assistant Attending Physician, Philadelphia General Hospital, July 1967-Sept
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Nov 1988 - July, 1993
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston (1972-1988; 1990-1995)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, July 1972-Sept 1980
Chairman, Department of Surgery, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-Sept. 1980
Professor of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, July
1972-Jan 1982
Clinical Professor of Surgery, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, Jan 1982-Sept 1995
Chief of Surgical Services, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-Sept 1980
Attending Surgeon, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-June 1988
Surgeon in Chief, Hermann Hospital, Houston, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Nutritional Support Services, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Nutritional Science Center, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Center for Cardiovascular Disease, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May
Medical Director, Hermann Nutrition and Human Performance Center, May
1990- May 1993
Active Staff, General Surgery, Hermann Hospital, May 1990- July 1995
Senior Consultant in Surgery and Medicine, Texas Institute for Rehabilitation
and Research, July 1974-June 1988
Director, Nutritional Support Services, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Dec
1981-June 1986
Attending Surgeon, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Sept 1981-June 1988
Attending Surgeon, Texas Children’s Hospital, Sept 1981-June 1988
The University of Texas System Cancer Center, MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor
Institute (1972-1988)
Consultant in Surgery, Dept of Surgery, July 1972-June 1988
Consultant to the Office of the President (General Surgery), Sept 1982-1988
Pennsylvania Hospital (1988-1990)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, July 1988-May 1990
Director, Residency Training Program in General Surgery, July 1988-May 1990
Surgeon in Chief, July 1988-May 1990
Surgeon to the Hospital, Active Staff, July 1988-May 1991
Surgeon to the Hospital, Honorary Staff, October 1991St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate (1994 – 2000; 2002-2004)
Program Director, Dept. of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Nov
1994 – Jan 2000
Associate Chairman, Dept. of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Nov 1994 – Jan
2000; Aug 2002 – June 2004
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
CT Jan 1995 - June 1999
Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Jan
1995 – Jan 2000
Attending Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Nov 1994 – Jan 2000
Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System (2000 – 2002)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT January
2000 – August 2002
Director of Surgical Education, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT Jan 2000 –
August 2002
Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT January
1995Program Director, Department of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT August
2002 Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT August 2002
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Surgery, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT Oct 1996PRESENT HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS AND POSITIONS:
Attending Surgeon, Saint. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT November 1994Attending Surgeon, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, West Haven, CT Aug 1998 Attending Surgeon, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT June 1999 Attending Surgeon, Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System, Bridgeport, CT
January 2000 Surgeon to the Hospital, Honorary Staff, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Oct
1991 -
Yale University School of Medicine
Liaison Committee, Department of Surgery, November 1994 Board of Permanent Officers, July 1997 Surgery Grand Rounds Committee, Chairman, 1998 -2001
Surgical Education Committee, July 1998 –
Executive Committee, Department of Surgery, July 1999 –
Promotions, Appointments, and Tenure Committee, Department of Surgery, July 1999 –
Surgery ACGME Accreditation Committee, February 2000 HOSPITAL COMMITTEES:
Saint Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate
Institutional Review Board
Graduate Medical Education
Committee, Chairman
OR Committee
General Surgery Section Committee
Medical Leadership Committee
General Surgery Teaching Committee,
Library Committee
Surgical Section Chiefs Committee,
Ethics Committee
Trauma QA/QI Committee
Patient Rights Committee
Trauma Service Executive Committee
ICU Joint Conference Committee
Performance Improvement Plan
Quality Assurance/Surgical Pathways
Board Planning Committee
Performance Improvement Steering
Medical Records Committee
OR Leadership Committee
Medical Executive Committee
Infection Control Committee
Management/Leadership Council
Saint Mary’s Health System:
Stategic Planning Committee
Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System
2000 Program Directors Planning
Cardiology/Cardiovascular Task Force
Clinical Risk/Mortality Review
Continuing Medical Education
Credentials Committee
Critical Care Committee
Graduate Medical Education
CommitteeMain OR Committee
Mill Hill Medical Executive
CommitteeNutrition Committee
Performance Architecture 20005
Primary Care Center Clinical Directors
Primary Care Center Operations
Professional and Quality Review
CommitteeQuality Council
CommitteeRadiology/Operating Room
Utilization Committee
Surgery Department Chairmans
Surgical Research Committee
Surgical Section Chiefs Committee,
Surgical Services Committee, Chairman
Medical Advisory Board of the
Peripheral Vascular Institute, Chairman
Nutrition, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Southern Connecticut Health Network
Medical Management Committee
Franklin and Marshall College, Williamson Medal, 1957 (outstanding member of
graduating class)
Rawnsley Science Prize, 1957
Sparks Medal, 1957, (highest average in Chi Phi Fraternity)
Black Pyramid Senior Honorary Society, 1957
Phi Beta Kappa, 1957
Biology Honors, 1957
Permanent Class President, Class of 1957
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Eben J.Carey Award (excellence in
anatomy), 1958
President, Class of 1961
President, Undergraduate Medical Association, 1961
Roche Award (outstanding student of medicine), 1961
Intern of the Year, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1962
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1968
Honorable Mention for Scientific Exhibit, Surgical Division, AMA Scientific
Convention, 1968
Sigma Xi, University of Pennsylvania, 1970
AMA Joseph B. Goldberger Award in Clinical Nutrition (co-recipient with Jonathan E.
Rhoads, MD), 1970
Veterans Administration Citation for a significant contribution to medical care, 1970
Da Costa Orator, Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1970
James IV Surgical Traveler, 1971, James IV Surgical Association
SAMA-Squibb Award for Scientific Exhibit (co-recipient with Ezra Steiger), 1972
Mead Johnson Award for Research in Hospital Pharmacy (co-recipient with Herbert L.
Flack John A. Gans and Stanley E. Serlich), 1972
Seale Harris Medal of the Southern Medical Association for important accomplishment
in the broad field of metabolism, endocrinology and nutrition, 1972
Alpha Omega Alpha, Honor Medical Society, Founding Member, The University of
Texas Health Science Center
at Houston, Medical School Chapter, 1975
AMA Brookdale Award in Medicine, "In recognition of his outstanding contribution to
the nutritional care of critically ill or injured patients. His development of
parenteral nutritional support of patients has been widely accepted as a standard
technique and has suggested new areas of research." 1975
Great Texans Award, National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Inc., Houston Gulf
Coast Chapter, 1975
Honorary Texas Citizen, awarded by Governor Dolph Briscoe, 1975
Modern Medicine Award for contributions to developing parenteral hyperalimentation
and other refinements in nutritional and metabolic support for surgical patients,
Admiral in the Texas Navy, appointed by Governor Dolph Briscoe, 1978
Schaufus Technology Achievement Award of the Parenteral Drug Association, 1978
Honorary Fellowship in the Philippine College of Surgeons, 34th Annual Convention,
Manila, Philippines, 1978
First Arvid Wretlind Lecturer-European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
Stockholm, 1979
Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1975-1996
Who's Who in America, 1980Who's Who in the World, 1982Who's Who in Cancer: Professionals and Facilities, 1985Who's Who in American Education, 1992Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1992Who’s Who in the East, 1996Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 1996Wisdom Hall of Fame, 1980
Men and Women of Distinction, 1980, 1981
WHO Houston, 1980
American College of Surgeons Board of Governors, 1979-1985
Honorary Fellow, American Pediatric Surgical Association, 1980 Distinguished Alumnus Citation, Franklin and Marshall College, 1980
Edward D. Churchill Lecturer, Excelsior Surgical Society, American College of
Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1981
Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Award
for Extraordinary performance as a physician in the service of mankind, 1981
Virginia Kettering Kampf Lecturer-Wright University, Dayton, Ohio, 1981
Frank Stinchfield Award of the Hip Society of the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons (co-recipient with Jack E. Jensen, MD and Taylor K. Smith, MD) for
"Nutritional Assessment of Orthopaedic Patients Undergoing Total Hip
Replacement Surgery." 1981
Chairman and Course Director, First Pan-American Congress on Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1981
Distinguished Guest Award of the State of Jalisco, Mexico, 1981
Harry M. Vars Award of the American Society Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
(co-recipient with Charles W. Heard, Jr., MD, R. Bryan Griffith, MD, Taylor K.
Smith, MD and John M. Daly, MD) for "The Positive Impact of Nutritional
Support on Fracture Healing. February, 1982
Samuel David Gross Lecturer, University of Louisville, February, 1982
Gordon Reid Gross Lecturer, Edmonton, Canada, March, 1982
Sommer Memorial Lecturer, The University of Oregon Health Science Center, Portland,
Oregon, April, 1982
Grace A. Goldsmith Award of the American College of Nutrition, co-sponsored by the
National Dairy Council, Washington, D.C. October, 1982
Outstanding Humanitarian Award, American Society of Nutritional Support Services,
Las Vegas, Nevada,
January, 1984
Annual Therapeutic Frontiers Award, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, San
Diego, June 1984
American Men and Women in Science, 1985University of Pennsylvania Nutrition Alumni Society President, 1985-1986
Jonathan E. Rhoads Lecturer in recognition for major contributions in the field of
specialized nutritional support, Annual Clinical Congress of the American
Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Miami Beach, Florida, February,
Annual Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award of the American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition awarded annually and named in Dr. Dudrick's
honor in recognition of research leadership and developing TPN, initiated
January, 1985
Board of Trustees, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, June, 1985Vice Chairman, 1994-2002
Board of Overseers, 1986-1989; Executive Committee, 1989-2002
Development Council, Chairman, 1987-1990
Chairman, Campaign for the College, 1996-2002
Albion O. Bernstein, M.D. Award of the Medical Society of the State of New York,
March 1986
The Cosmos Club, elected to membership, June, 1986
Honorary Membership in Dietitians in Critical Care of the American Dietetic Association
awarded in recognition of his advocacy of dietitians practicing critical care
nutrition and his contribution to the science of nutrition support, June, 1986
Award from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in recognition of his outstanding
scientific and academic achievements and for significant contributions to
nutritional support therapy during the 25 years of his professional life, July, 1987
Phi Beta Kappa Associates, 1988
Honorary Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1988
Ladd Medal, Surgery Section, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1988
University of Pennsylvania Medical Alumni Society Steering Committee, 1989
Thomas Pollock, M.D. Memorial Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Department of
Surgery, 1990
Honorary Fellow, College of Medicine and Surgery of the Republic of Costa Rica, 1990
Award from The University of Texas Medical School at Houston in recognition of true
interest and enthusiasm in the recruitment of able students to the field of
medicine, Dec, 1992
Award from the Federacion LatinoAmericana de Nutricion Parenteral Y Enteral in
recognition of his contribution to the development of artificial nutrition, Sept,
Award from the Asociacion Mexicana de Alimentacion Enteral Y Endovenosa in
Reconocimiento por su Contribucion al Desarrollo de la Nutricion Artificial,
Sept, 1993
Reconocimiento por ser pionero en la ciencia de la alimentacion artificial descubrimiento
que ha generado nuevas esperanzas y vertido enormes beneficios a la
humanidad, en la ciudad de Morelia, Mich., Mexico, C.P. Sergio Magana
Martinez, Presidente Municipal, Sept, 1993
Award from the Mexican Association of Enteral and Intravenous Alimentation in
recognition of the value of his scientific contribution of the advancement of
nutrition in Mexico with much gratitude, V Congreso Nacional, Acapulco,
Mexico, October, 1994
Honorary Member, Mexican Association of Enteral and Intravenous Alimentation,
October, 1994
Award in Recognition of Excellent and Dedicated Surgical Teaching, Surgical Residents,
St. Mary’s Hospital, June, 1995
Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania Surgical Resident Graduate of the Year
Award, April, 1996
D. Hayes Agnew Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Department of Surgery, April,
First Chairman, National Alumni Council, University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine, May, 1996- May, 2001
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Alumni Service Award, May, 1996
American Surgical Association 1997 Flance/Karl Award to Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. and
Jonathan E. Rhoads, M.D. “For their seminal contribution in basic laboratory
research as applied to parenteral nutrition.”
International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition “For his outstanding
academic achievements that have contributed to the development of surgical
metabolism and nutrition.” August, 1997
Roche Visiting Professor - University of Miami School of Medicine, Trauma/Surgical
Critical Care, December 1997
Annual Lecturer, Surgical Historical Society, December, 1997
Honorary Guest Lecturer, Seattle Surgical Society, January, 1998
Honorary Member - Seattle Surgical Society, January, 1998
Faculty Recognition Award, Continuing Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, January
Award as Honored Guest Lecturer from the City of Loja, Ecuador, May, 1999
Award in Recognition of Excellent and Dedicated Surgical Teaching, Surgical Residents,
St. Mary’s Hospital, June, 1999
The J.D. Ashmore Visiting Lectureship, Greenville Hospital System, Greenville, South
Carolina, June, 1999
Venezuelan Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Award “In Recognition for
Pioneering Work in the Field of Clinical Nutrition,” Caracas, Venezuela,
October, 1999
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, Award in Recognition as Founder, Houston
Chapter (founded in 1975), November, 1999
Roswell Park Medal Award, Buffalo Surgical Society, March, 2000
Honorary Degree, Master of Arts, Yale University, April, 2000
Nos Magni Nominis Umbra Teaching and Research Award – Yale Residents in General
Surgery, 2000
Honorary Membership, Los Angeles Surgical Society, January, 2001
Top Docs, General Surgery, Connecticut Magazine, February, 2001
William J. Pokorny Memorial Surgical Science Lectureship, South Texas Chapter,
American College of Surgeons, March, 2001
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2001
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2001
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2001
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2002
Commencement Speaker, Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing, Program of
Surgical Technology, June 2002
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2002
America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals – Lifetime Member, June, 2002
Alumni Medal of Franklin & Marshall College “For Outstanding Volunteer Service to
Franklin & Marshall College”, October, 2002
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2003
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2003
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2003
Visiting Professor and Lecturer University of Texas Medical Center, June, 2003
The Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. Surgical Education and Research Fund “In Recognition of
Dr. Dudrick’s Teaching and Research Accomplishments”, June, 2003
Honorary Membership in the Polish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
September, 2003
Medal of The Polish Lifeline Foundation (Linia Zycia), For the Support of Home TPN
Patients, September, 2003
American College of Surgeons Fellows Leadership Society – Life Member, October,
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2004
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2004
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2004
The James H. Foster Lecture, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, October,
The William H. Erb, Sr. Lecture, Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, January, 2005
The Jonathan E. Rhoads Lecture, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
January, 2005
The Walter J. Pories Honor Lecture in Surgical Education, Brody School of Medicine,
East Carolina University, March, 2005
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2005
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2005
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2005
The American College of Surgeons Jacobson Innovation Award, June, 2005
The Association of Mexican Surgeons Lifetime Achievement Award, November 2005
Editorial Consultant, Journal of Trauma, 1974
Editorial Board, Infusionsterapie and Klinische Ernahrung, 1974
Associate Editor, Nutrition in Medicine, 1975Editorial Board, Annals of Surgery, 1975Senior Member, 2002Editorial Board, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1978
Editorial Board, Nutrition and Cancer, Founding Member, 1978-2000
Editorial Board, Practical Gastroenterology, 1978
Editorial Board, Infusion, 1978
Editorial Advisory Board, Correspondence Society of Surgeons, 1978
Co-Editor, Manual of Surgical Nutrition, American College of Surgeons, 1975
Editorial Advisory Board, Nurse's Guide to Drugs, 1978- Intermed Communications, Inc.
Horsham, PA.
Editorial Council, The Journal of Clinical Surgery, 1980
Editorial Board, Nutrition Support Services, 1980
Editorial Consultant, Nutrition Research, 1981
Editorial Advisory Board, Texas Health Letter, 1981
Editorial Advisory Board, Diseases, 1981,Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.
Editorial Advisory Board, Diagnostics, 1981,Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham,
Editorial Advisory Board, Professional Guide to Diseases, Intermed Communications,
Inc., Horsham, PA.
Editorial Advisory Board, Drugs, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA., 1982
Editorial Advisory Board, Assessment, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editorial Advisory Board, Professional Guide to Drugs, Intermed Communications, Inc.,
Horsham, PA., 1982
Editorial Advisory Board, Procedures, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editor, Manual of Pre and Postoperative Care, American College of Surgeons, 1983
Editorial Advisory Board, Definitions, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing 83, Drug Hand-book, Intermed Communications, Inc.,
Horsham, PA., 1983
Editorial Advisory Board, Practices, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Shock, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse
PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Hypertension, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Drug Interactions, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Cardiac Crises, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Respiratory Emergencies, Springhouse
Corp., 1984
Library Advisory Board, Cine'-Med Incorporated, Woodbury, CT., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing 85, Drug Handbook, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse,
PA., 1985
Editorial Advisory Board, Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic
Nutritional Sciences, 1985
Editorial Board, Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 1986
Medical Advisory Board, Five Alice Newsletter International Association for
Enterostomal Therapy, 1986
Editorial Board, Postgraduate General Surgery, 1992
Editorial Board, Metabolism y Nutricion Artificial, Mexico City, Mexico, 1993Editorial Consultant Board, Handbook of Therapeutic Interventions. Springhouse Corp,
Springhouse, PA, 1994
Editorial Board, Journal of Metabolism and Nutrition (Revista de metabolismo
Enutricao) Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil, 1994Editorial Board, Current Surgery, 1999 –
Alaska State Medical Association, (Honorary)
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society, University of Texas at Houston,
Secretary-Treasurer, 1982
Allen O. Whipple Surgical Society
American Academy of Pediatrics, Honorary Fellow
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for the History of Medicine, Inc.
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Association of University Professors
American Board of Surgery
Board of Directors, 1974-1984
In-Training Examination Subcommittee, 1974-1978
Multiple Choice Subcommittee (MCS), 1979-1984, Chairman, 1982-1984
Examination Committee, 1982-1984
Committee on Issues (COI), 1979-1984
Ad Hoc Committee Special Competence for Hand Surgery, 1981-1983,
Chairman, 1982-1983
Joint Chairman for Surgery of the Hand,1984-1987
Senior Member, American Board of Surgery, 1984American Burn Association
American Cancer Society Board of Directors, Harris County Unit
Medical and Scientific Committee
Public Education Committee
American Cancer Society, Board of Directors, Philadelphia Unit
Professional Education Committee
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Nutrition
American College of Surgeons, Fellow, 1971Board of Governors, 1979-1985
Credentials Committee, State of Texas, 1979-1988
Credentials Committee, Eastern Pennsylvania, 1989-1990
Pre- and Postoperative Care Committee, 1974-1980
Executive Committee, 1974-1977
Vice Chairman, 1975-1977
Editorial Subcommittee for Manual of Surgical Nutrition
Chairman, Editorial Subcommittee for Manual of Pre- and Postoperative Care,
3rd edition
South Texas Chapter, Director, 1977-1986
Committee on Medical Motion Pictures, 1981-1990
SESAP '94-'95, PMP Committee #2, 1991-1993
SESAP '96-'97, MCI Committee #4, 1993-1995
Co-Chairman, 1993-1995
American Federation for Clinical Research
American Gastroenterological Association
American Institute of Nutrition
American Medical Association
Council on Foods and Nutrition, Executive Committee
Subcommittee on Total Parenteral Nutrition
Subcommittee on Quality Control of Parenteral Solutions
Ad Hoc Committee on Nutrition Teaching in Medical Schools
Council on Scientific Affairs, 1976-1981
Surgical Criteria Project
General Surgery Criteria Committee
American Radium Society
American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1978 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Membership Committee
American Society of Contemporary Medicine and Surgery
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Society of Nutritional Support Services, Board of Directors, 1982-1987
President-Elect, 1983-1984
President, 1984-1985
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
President, 1977-1978 (Founding President)
Board of Advisors, 1978Chairman, 1978-1979
Public Policy Committee, 1984-1986
Research Foundation Study Committee, 1990American Surgical Association
Member, Program Committee, 1979-1982
Chairman, Program Committee, 1981-1982
American Trauma Society (Founder's Group)
Anatomical Board of the State of Texas
Association for Academic Surgery (Founder's Group)
Association of American Medical Colleges
Association of Program Directors in Surgery, 1988Board of Directors, 1998Association of Veterans Administration Surgeons (Founding Member)
Beaumont Medical Club of Connecticut, 1999 College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1990Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, 1994Connecticut State Medical Society, 1995Connecticut Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (CONNSPEN), 1995Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
Doctors' Club of Houston
Ethicon General Surgery Advisory Board
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Halsted Society Senior Member, 1986Harris County Medical Society
Emergency Medical Services Committee
Medical and Scientific Committee
Houston Academy of Medicine
Texas Medical Center Library Scientific Advisory Committee, Chairman
Houston Gastroenterological Society
Houston Ostomy Association
Houston Surgical Society
International Federation of Surgical Colleges
International Platform Association
International Society for Digestive Surgery
International Society for Parenteral Nutrition
President-Elect, 1975-1978
President, 1978-1981
Executive Committee, 1975-1984
John Morgan Society, University of Pennsylvania (Honor Society for Medical Research)
Lifeline Foundation, Inc.
Board of Directors
Medical Club of Philadelphia, 1990Minneapolis Surgical Society (Honorary Member)
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes Health-Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Program
Advisory Committee; Chairman, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Program
National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Houston Gulfcoast Chapter
Medical Advisory Board, Houston Gulfcoast Chapter
National Institutes of Health
Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma Study Section, July 1982-June 1986
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Food and Nutrition Board
Committee on Clinical Nutrition
Task Force on Clinical Nutrition
New England Surgical Society, 1996
New Haven County Medical Association, 1995New Orleans Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Board of Advisors
New York Academy of Sciences
Nutrition Today Society
Pan American Medical Association
Pan-Pacific Surgical Association
Vice President, General Surgery Section, 1985-1988
Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, 1988Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1988-1990
Pennsylvania State Medical Society, 1988-1990
Ravdin-Rhoads Surgical Society
Sigma Xi, Rice-Texas Medical Center Chapter
Societe Internationale de Chirurgie
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
Society of Clinical Surgery
Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
Society of Surgical Oncology, Inc.
Society of University Surgeons
American Board of Surgery Representative, 1974-1984
Executive Council, 1974-1978
Councilman-at-Large, 1974-1978
Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, 2002Southeastern Surgical Congress Associate Fellow, 1977
Southern Gut Club
Southern Medical Association
Section on Surgery, Chairman-Elect, 1983-84,
Chairman, 1984-1985
Southern Society of Clinical Surgeons
Southern Surgical Association
Southwestern Surgical Congress
Stanley J. Dudrick Surgical Society (Honorary Member)
Surgical Biology Club II
Surgical Historical Society, 1997Surgical Infection Society (Charter Member)
Membership Committee, Chairman, 1987-1990
Texas Gulfcoast Chapter of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Texas Medical Association
Committee on Nutrition and Food Resources
Texas Delegation to the AMA
Texas Medical Foundation
Texas Surgical Society
United Ostomy Association, Houston Chapter
United States Pharmacopeia Committee on Revision, Advisory Panel on Electrolytes and
Parenteral Therapy
University Association for Emergency Medical Services
Venezuelan Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Western Surgical Association
Alumni Club of Philadelphia, 1989-1990
American Museum of Natural History, Associate Member
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, 1985Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 1990Chairman of Class Agents, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Medical
Annual Giving), 1971-1972
Class Agent, Class of 1961, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1961Cosmos Club, 1986Ducks Unlimited
Franklin Inn Club, Philadelphia, 1990Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Board of Trustees, 1985First Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, 1994-1999
Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, 1999-2002
Board of Overseers/Executive Committee, 1986Leadership/Major Gifts Committee, 1986-1991
Development Council, Chairman, 1986-1991
Student Life Committee, 1986-1994
William A. Schnader Society, Charter Member, 2000Benjamin Rush Society, 1989Founder, 1989
Honorary Co-Chairman, 1998Trusteeship Committee, 1990John Marshall Society, 1991Alumni Programs and Development Committee, 1991-1994
President's Regional Advisory Council, Southwest Council, 1992-1993
Art Collections Committee, 1994-1996
Education Services Committee, 1994-1996
Committee on the Office of the Presidency, 1996Marketing and Communications Committee, 1994-1998
Finance Committee, 1994-1998
Investments Committee, 1994-1998
Leadership Gifts Committee, 1993Co-Chairman, Physical Sciences Building Committee, 1994-1999
Chairman, Campaign Executive Committee, 1996Academic Investments Committee, 2003Facilities Planning and Public Safety Committee, 2003Co-Chairman, Trustees Campaign Committee, 2003George H. Hermann Society, Hermann Hospital, 1990-1992
Charles Curtis Harrison Society, University of Pennsylvania, 1996Houston Grand Opera
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
International Platform Association
National Cowboy Hall of Fame
National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame
National Historical Society
National Society for Historical Preservation
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem
Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of Greater Houston
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Republican Senatorial Inner Circle
Smithsonian Society
Teikyo Post University – Business Advisory Council, 2003-
The Forum Club of Houston
The Friends of Franklin, Inc.
The Franklin Institute, Member
Union League of Philadelphia, 1988-1992
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Class Agent-Class '61, 1961-1994
Annual Giving Steering Committee, 1989Trustee Development Committee, 1994The Campaign for the Future of Medicine, 1994-2001
Campaign Steering Committee, 1994-2001
National Alumni Council, 1994Chairman, 1994-2001
Waterbury Symphony Orchestra, Board of Directors, 1999 –
Exploratory Committee (Development), Chairman, 1999-
American Medical Association
Chairman, Committee on Nutrition in Medicine
Association for Academic Surgery
Co-Chairman, Local Program Committee, Philadelphia
Doctors' Club of Houston
Board of Governors
Second Vice-President
Finance Committee, Chairman
Entertainment Committee
Employees Association of the Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia
Pennsylvania State Medical Society
Alternate Delegate from Philadelphia
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Emergency Transportation Committee
Nutrition and Metabolic Committee
Philadelphia Regional Committee on Trauma
Philadelphia Pre- and Postoperative Care Committee
Sigma Xi, University of Pennsylvania Chapter
Society of Surgical Chairman
Trauma Surgeons Advisory Panel, Ethicon, Inc.
Veterans Administration National Research Service
Merit Review Board of Surgery
Pennsylvania Hospital
Executive Committee of the Medical Staff
Clinical Chiefs Committee
Operating Room Committee
Finance Committee of the Board of Managers
Kitchen Cabinet of the Board of Managers
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Medical Service, Research and Development Plan, Board of Directors,
Chairman, 1973-1975, 1976-1979
Vice Chairman, 1975-1976
Laboratory Animal Care Committee, 1976-1978
Administrative Council
Clinical Chairmen's Committee
CNS Trauma Center Group
Clinical Affairs Committee
Development Board
Policy Review Committee
Smith-Klein and French Lectureship Committee, Chairman
The University of Texas Medical Associates
Board of Directors,Chairman
Executive Committee
By-laws Committee
Fringe Benefits Committee
Ambulatory Care Committee
Space Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Hermann Hospital
Ambulatory Care Committee
Clinical Chiefs Committee
Medical Board
Emergency Medical Services Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Joint Conference Committee
Nutrition Committee, Chairman
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Advisory Committee to the Curriculum Committee for Introduction to Clinical
Bioengineering Committee, University of Pennsylvania
Committee for Evaluation of Human Research
Faculty Advisory Committee
Medical Student Advisor
Student Recommendation Committee
Task Force on Educational Policy and Professional Manpower
Department of Surgery Executive Committee
Course Coordinator, Surgery 200 and 300, Pennsylvania Hospital
Nutrition Curriculum Committee
Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia
Budget Committee
Dean's Subcommittee for Academic Affairs, Chairman
Infection Committee, Secretary
Medical Executive Committee
Medical Library Advisory Committee
Personnel Committee
Professional Standards Board
Research and Education Committee, Chairman
Space Committee
Therapeutic Agents Committee
Tissue and Transfusion Committee
St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston
Admissions and Utilization Committee
Dietary Committee
Intensive Care Committee
Medical Education, Research and Publications Committee
Pharmacy and Nursing Services Committee
Patient Education Committee
Foundation for Children, Inc. (Houston)
Board of Directors
Hunters Creek Elementary Parent Teachers Association
Lakewood Yacht Club
Memorial Drive Country Club
Spring Branch Junior High School Parent Teachers Association
University Faculty Club, Inc., Charter Member, The University of Texas
Dudrick SJ, Lehr HB, Senior JR and Rhoads JE: Nutritional care of the
surgical patient. Med Clin NA 48:1253-1269, 1964
Rhoads JE, Rawnsley HM, Vars HM, Crichlow RW, Nelson HM, Spagna
RM, Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE, Jr.: The use of diuretics as an adjunct in
parenteral hyperalimentation for surgical patients with prolonged
disability of the gastrointestinal tract. Bull Int Soc Surg 24: 59-70, 1965
Williams KR, Rogers A and Dudrick SJ: Stainless steel disc valve for
cardiac valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 49:540-549, 1965.
Rhoads JE and Dudrick SJ: Hypovolemic shock-current clinical concepts
of diagnosis and management. Postgrad Med 39:3-10, 1966.
Dudrick SJ, Joyner CR, Miller LD, Eskin DJ and Knight DH: Ultrasound
in the early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Surg Forum 17:117-118,
Rhoads JE, Dudrick SJ and Miller LD: Colectomy for cancer: technique
and pitfalls. Surg Clin NA 46:1163-1177, 1966.
Joyner CR, Miller LD, Dudrick SJ, Eskin DS and Knight DH: Reflected
ultrasound in the detection of pulmonary embolism. Trans Assoc Am
Physicians 78:262-277, 1966.
Joyner CR, Miller LD, Dudrick SJ, Eskin DS and Bloom P: Reflected
ultrasound in the study of diseases of the chest. Trans Am Clin Climatol
Assoc 78:23-37, 1966.
Dudrick SJ, Masland W and Mishkin M: Brachial plexus injury following
axillary artery puncture: Further comments on management. Radiology
88:271-273, 1967.
Itskovitz HD, Dudrick SJ, Dyrda I and Murphy JJ: Plasma angiotensinase
activity in hypertensive patients. Arch Int Med 119:24-246, 1967.
Dudrick SJ, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Growth of puppies receiving all
nutritional requirements by vein. Fortschritte der Parenteralen Ernahrung,
pp 1-4. Symposium der Intl Soc of Parenteral Nutr in 1966. Pallas
Verlag, Lochham, bei Munchen, W Germany, 1967.
Miller LD, Joyner CR, Dudrick, SJ and Eskin DJ: Clinical use of
ultrasound in the early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Ann Surg
166:381-393, 1967.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Long-term total parenteral
nutrition with growth in puppies and positive nitrogen balance in patients.
Surg Forum 18:356-357, 1967.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Cannula sepsis. N Eng J Med 227:433,
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Growth and development of an infant
receiving all nutrients by vein. JAMA 203:860-864, 1968.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development and positive nitrogen
balance. Surg 64:134-142, 1968.
Dudrick SJ and Wilmore DW: Long-term parenteral feeding. Hosp Pract
3:65-78, 1968.
Dudrick SJ, Mackie JA and Serlin O: Surgical exclusion of the colon for
chronic hepatic encephalopathy. Am J. Surg 115:57-62, 1968.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Safe long-term venous catheterization.
Arch Surg 98:256-258, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Can intravenous
feeding as the sole means of nutrition support growth in the child and
restore weight loss in an adult: An affirmative answer. Ann Surg
169:974-984, 1969.
Wilmore DW, Groff DB, Bishop HC and Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral
nutrition in infants with catastrophic gastrointestinal anomalies. J Ped
Surg 4:181-189, 1969.
Tyers GFO, Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Adenocarcinoma of the small
intestine and other malignant tumors complicating regional enteritis: case
report and review of the literature. Ann Surg 169:510-518, 1969.
Serlick SE, Dudrick SJ and Flack HL: Nutritional intravenous feeding.
Bull Parenteral Drug Assoc 23:166-173, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Long-term venous
catheterization: An adjunct to surgical care and study. Curr Top Surg
Res 1:325-340, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Effects of nutrition on intestinal adaptation
following massive small bowel resection. Surg Forum 20:398-400, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Groff DB and Wilmore DW: Long-term venous
catheterization in infants. Surg Gynecol Obstet 129:805-808, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: An in-line filter for intravenous solutions.
Arch Surg 99:462-463, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Treatment of acute renal failure with
intravenous essential L-amino acids. Arch Surg 99:669-673, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development and positive nitrogen
balance. In Egdahl and Mannick (eds): Modern Surgery, Grune and
Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ: Overview: Long-term total parenteral nutrition with growth,
development and positive nitrogen balance. In Egdahl and Mannick (eds):
Modern Surgery, Grune and Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM, Steiger E and Rhoads JE: Intravenous
hyperalimentation. Med Clin North Am 54:577-589, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Growth, weight
gain, and positive nitrogen balance with long-term total parenteral
nutrition. In Meng and Law (eds): Parenteral Nutrition, Charles C.
Thomas Co., Springfield, IL, 1970.
Kinney JM and Dudrick SJ: Trauma workshop report: Metabolic
response to trauma and nutrition. J Trauma 10:1065-1068, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE:
Intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose in the treatment
of renal failure. Medizin und Ernahrung 11:111-117, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Continuous long-term
intravenous infusion in unrestrained animals. Lab Anim Care 20:521-529,
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Mackie JA and Fitts WT, Jr:
Spontaneous closure of traumatic pancreatoduodenal fistulas with total
intravenous nutrition. J Trauma 10:542-553, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E and Long JM: Renal failure in surgical patients.
Treatment with intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose.
Surg 68:180-186, 1970.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous feeding as an aid to nutrition in disease. Ca-a Ca
J for Clin 20:198-211, 1970.
Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Correlation of protein depletion with
colonic anastomotic strength in rats. Surg Forum 21:77-78, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM and Rhoads JE: Role of parenteral
hyperalimentation in management of multiple catastrophic complications.
Surg Clin North Am 50:1031-1038, 1970.
Holubitsky IB, Cohn I, Jr, Dudrick SJ, Munro DD and MacBeth RAL:
Preoperative diagnosis and preparation: A symposium. Surg 68:724-729,
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: The use
of carbohydrates and proteolysates for long-term parenteral feeding. In
Fox and Nahas (eds): Body Fluid Replacement in the Surgical Patient.
Grune and Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE:
Intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose in the treatment
of renal failure. In Berg G (ed): Advances in Parenteral Nutrition.
Stuttgart, W. Germany, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1970.
Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Adenocarcinoma with regional enteritis. N
Eng J Med 283:875-876. 1970.
Heller L, Dudrick SJ, Lang K and Wretlind A: Recommendations for
parenteral nutrition: Amino acids. J Nutr Sci (Suppl) 9:2-11. 1970.
Fekl W, Lohr H and Dudrick SJ: Recommendations for parenteral
nutrition: requirements of water and minerals. J Nutr Sci (Suppl)
9:18-20, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Heller L. Coats D and Schultes K: Recommendations for
parenteral nutrition-application-velocity of infusion and catheter. J Nutr
Sci (Suppl) 9:29-32, 1970.
Wilmore DW, Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Gastric secretions
after parenteral fluid administration. Arch Surg 102:509-511, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Rational intravenous therapy. Am J Hosp Pharm 28:82-91,
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: New horizons for intravenous feedings.
JAMA 215:939-949, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Long-term total parenteral nutrition. Phila Med 67:45-55,
Wilmore DW, Dudrick SJ, Daly JM and Vars HM: he role of nutrition in
the adaptation of the small intestine after massive resection. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 132:673-680, 1971.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM and Steiger E: Principles of intravenous
hyperalimentation in the surgical patient. Symposium on Pre- and
Postoperative Care. J St Barnabas Med Cnt 8:21-30, 1971.
Flack HL, Gans JA, Serlick SE and Dudrick SJ: The current status of
parenteral hyperalimentation. Am J Hosp Pharm 28:326-335, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Allen TR: Long-term intravenous hyperalimentation.
Del Med J 43:149-154, 1971.
Travis SF, Sugerman HJ, Ruberg RL, Dudrick SJ, Delivoria Papadopoulos
M, Miller LD and Oski FA: Alterations of red-cell glycolytic
intermediates and oxygen transport as a consequence of
hypophosphatemia in patients receiving intravenous hyperalimentation.
N Eng J Med 285:763-767, 1971.
Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Goodman MJU, Long JM and Dudrick
SJ:Hypophosphatemia with hypophosphaturia in hyperalimentation. Surg
Forum 22:87-88, 1971.
Steiger E, Allen TR, Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Beneficial
effects of immediate postoperative total parenteral nutrition. Surg Forum
22:89-90, 1971.
Wilmore DW, Holtzapple PG, Dudrick SJ and Cerda JJ: Transport
studies, morphological and histochemical findings in intestinal epithelial
cells following massive bowel resection. Surg Forum 22:361-363, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Parenteral nutrition. In: Kinney, Egdahl and Zuidema (eds):
Manual of Preoperative and Postoperative Care. 2nd Edition, WB
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Steiger E: Parenteral solutions. In Rabininowitz and
Myerson (eds): Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York, Vol 4, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Intravenous hyperalimentation. In Hardy JE
(ed): Critical Surgical Illness, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1971.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM, Steiger E and Rhoads JE: Technique of long-term
parenteral nutrition. In Lang, Fekl and Berg (eds): Bilanzierte Ernahrung
in der Therapie (Balanced Nutrition and Therapy). From the International
Symp in Nuremberg, April 10-12, 1970, Stuttgart, W. Germany, Georg
Thieme Verlag, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Ruberg TL: Principles and practice of parenteral nutrition.
Gastroenterology 61:901-910, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Nallinger J: Intravenous hyperalimentation. Intravenous
therapy in-service training series, clinical seminar No. 8. Abbott Labs, N.
Chicago, IL, 1971.
Schlappner OLA, Shelley WB, Ruberg RL and Dudrick SJ: Acute
papulopustular acne associated with prolonged intravenous
hyperalimentation. JAMA 219:877-880, 1972.
Steiger E, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: A technique for long-term
intravenous feeding in unrestrained rats. Arch Surg 104:330-332, 1972.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads, JE: Total intravenous feeding. Sci Am
226:763-80, 1972
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds): Intravenous
Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Ruberg RL, Long JM, Allen TR and Steiger E: Uses,
non-uses and abuses of intravenous hyperalimentation. In Cowan and
Sheetz (eds): Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger,
Philadelphia, PA., pp 110-112, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM, Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Vars HM and
Rhoads JE: General principles and techniques of intravenous
hyperalimentation. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds): Intravenous
Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp 2-14, 1972.
Long JM, Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Ruberg RL and Allen TR: Use of
intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with renal or liver failure. In
Cowan and Scheetz (eds): Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and
Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp 146-151, 1972.
Steiger E, Daly JM, Vars HM, Allen TR and Dudrick SJ: Animal research
in intravenous hyperalimentation. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds):
Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp
186-194, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM, Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Vars HM and
Rhoads JE: General principles and technique of administration in
complete parenteral nutrition. In Wilkinson AW (ed): Parenteral
Nutrition. From an International Symp in London, April 30-May 1, 1972,
Churchill Livingston, London, England, pp 222-223, 1972.
Dudrick SJ: Nutritional composition requirements, utilization, toxicology,
interrelations, new product suggestions. Symposium on Total Parenteral
Nutrition, Nashville, TN, January 17-19, 1972, Council on Foods and
Nutrition, AMA.
Dudrick SJ: Criteria for measurement of efficacy of total parenteral
nutrition. Symposium on Total Parenteral Nutrition, Nashville, TN,
January 17-19, 1972, Council on Foods and Nutrition, AMA.
Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of protein depletion on
strength of colonic anastomoses. Surg Gynecol Obstet 134:15-21, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr, Van Buren CT, Ruberg RL and Maynard
AT: Parenteral hyperalimentation: metabolic problems and solutions.
Ann Surg 176:259-264, 1972.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Metabolism in surgical patients: protein,
carbohydrate and fat utilization by oral and parenteral routes. In Sabiston
DC (ed): Textbook of Surgery, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1972.
Daly JM, Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Postoperative nutrition and colonic
wound healing, serum protein metabolism and body weight. Surg Forum
23:38-40, 1972.
Van Buren CT, Dudrick SJ, Dworkin L, Baumbauer E and Long JM:
Effects of intravenous essential L-amino acids and hypertonic dextrose on
anephric beagles. Surg Forum 23:83-84, 1972.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous feeding as an aid to nutrition in disease. In
Nutrition and Cancer, Am Ca Society, Inc., New York, pp 18-29, 1973.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation. In GI
Tract, Warren-Teed Pharmaceuticals Inc, Columbus, Ohio, Vol 3, No. 2,
pp 14-19, 1973.
Steiger E, Daly JM, Allen TR, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Postoperative
intravenous nutrition: effects on body weight, protein regeneration, wound
healing and liver morphology. Surg 73:686-691, 1973.
Rhoads JE and Dudrick SJ: Weight gain, growth and development
induced in man by the intravenous administration of pure chemicals. Proc
Am Phil Soc 117:152-161, 1973.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Prockop DJ and Dudrick SJ: Inhibition of collagen
synthesis by the proline analogue Cis-4-Hydroxyproline. J Surg Res
14:551-555, 1973.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Ruberg RL: Management of
gastrointestinal fistulas with parenteral hyperalimentation. Surg
74:100-105, 1973.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Parenteral hyperalimentation. In Nyhus
LM (ed): Surgery Annual, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York pp 69-95,
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: Immunocompetence of patients with
protein-calorie malnutrition. Ann Int Med 79:545-550, 1973.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Tagudar EP, Maynard AT, Law DK and
Rhoads JE: Triglyceride and free fatty acid clearances in patients
receiving complete parenteral nutrition using a ten percent soybean oil
emulsion. Surg Gynecol Obstet 137:813-815, 1973.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM, Duke JH, Jr and Souchon
EA: Parenteral hyperalimentation. 1973 Cine Clinics, Amer College of
Surg Mtg, Chicago, IL, Davis and Geck, Danbury, CT, 1973.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: The effect of dietary protein
depletion on immunocompetence: the importance of nutritional repletion
prior to immunologic induction. Ann Surg 179: 168-173, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation in cancer patients. J Surg Res 16:241-247, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., McGown C and Dudrick SJ: The use
of hyperalimentation in patients with potential sepsis. Surg Gynecol
Obstet 138:377-384, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Prevention of
microbial catheter contamination in patients receiving parenteral
hyperalimentation. S Med J 67:303-306, 1974.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Nutritional concepts in head and neck
cancer. In Neoplasia of Head and Neck, Year Book Medical Publishers,
Inc., Chicago, 1974.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Winters RW: Technique of total
parenteral nutrition in infants. In Bode HH and Warshaw JB (eds):
Parenteral Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood. Plenum Press, New York,
Heird WC, Winters RW and Dudrick SJ: Metabolic complications of total
parenteral nutrition. In Bode HH and Warshaw JB (eds): Parenteral
Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood, Plenum Press, New York, 1974.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: The effects of protein calorie
malnutrition on immune competence of the surgical patient. Surg Gynecol
Obstet 139:257-266, 1974.
Schanbacher LM, Johnson LR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA:
Glucose transport across the small intestine of parenterally nourished rats.
IRCS (Research on Alimentary System, Metabolism and Nutrition:
Physiology; Surgery and Transplantation) 2:1459, 1974.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Development of
enteric parasites in parenterally fed rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
146:703-706, 1974.
Ruberg RL, Steiger E, Van Buren CT and Dudrick SJ: Progress in
parenteral protein nutrition. In Brown H (ed): Protein Nutrition, Charles
C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1974.
Jordan HA, Moses H, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Hunger and
satiety in humans during parenteral hyperalimentation. Psychosom Med
36:144-145, 1974.
Dudrick SJ and Daly JM: Performing a safe, successful venous cutdown.
Hosp Physician 34-36, 1974.
Dudrick SJ: Part One: Evaluation of the patient. Criteria for measurement
of efficacy. In White PL and Nagy ME (eds): Total Parenteral Nutrition.
Acton, MA, Publishing Sciences Group, Inc. 1974.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Postoperative oral and
intravenous nutrition. Ann Surg 180:709-715, 1974.
Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition: pre-clinical and clinical experience
in the newborn and infant. Presented at the Fuel Metabolism in the Fetus
and Newborn Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal Developmental
Medicine, No. 3, Vail CO, June 10-12, 1973, Evansville, IN, Mead
Johnson and Co, 1974.
Solomon N, Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Samaan
NA; Intravenous hyperalimentation and growth hormone in cancer
patients. Surg Forum 25:59-60, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VJ and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. Am
J. Surg 129:167-173, 1975.
Dudrick SJ: Historical considerations of intravenous hyperalimentation.
In Winters RW and Hasselmeyer EG (eds): Intravenous nutrition in the
high risk infant. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1975.
Dudrick SJ: Essential fatty acids. In Winters RW and Hasselmeyer EG
(eds): Intravenous
Nutrition in the High Risk Infant. John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 1975.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous nutrition in acute renal failure. In Winters RW
and Hasselmeyer EG (eds): Intravenous Nutrition in the High Risk Infant.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1975.
Dudrick SJ and Duke JH, Jr.: Nutritional complications in the surgical
patient. In Artz CP and Hardy JD (eds): Complications in Surgery and
Their Management, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp
243-276, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., MacComb WS, Guillamondegui O,
Jesse RH and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with
head and neck cancer. Ca 35:606-611, 1975.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: Long-term parenteral
nutrition: its current status. Hosp Practice 10:47-58, 1975.
Daly JM, Ziegler B and Dudrick SJ: Central venous catheterization. Am
J Nurs 75:820-824, 1975.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Intestinal
disaccharidase and peroxidase activities in parenterally nourished rats. J
Nutr 105:776-781, 1975.
Souchon EA, Copeland EM, Watson P and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy with
5-Fluorouracil. J Surg Res 18:451-454, 1975.
Johnson LR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Lichtenberger LM and Castro
GA: Structural and hormonal alterations in the gastrointestinal tract of
parenterally fed rats. Gastroenterology 68:1177-1183, 1975.
Johnson LR, Lichtenberger LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Action of gastrin on gastrointestinal structure and function. Gastro
68:1184-1192, 1975.
Lanzotti VJ, Copeland EM, George SL, Dudrick SJ and Samuels ML:
Cancer chemotherapeutic response and intravenous hyperalimentation. Ca
Chemother Rep 59:437-439, 1975.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Cancer: nutritional concepts. Seminars in
Oncology 2:329-335, 1975.
Dudrick SJ and Duke JH, Jr: Parenteral nutrition-intravenous
hyperalimentation. In Bockus HL (ed): Gastroenterology, WB Saunders
Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 395-416, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Rapp MA and Dudrick SJ:
Hyperalimentation and immune competence in cancer. Surg Forum
26:138-140, 1975.
Duke JH, Jr and Dudrick SJ: Parenteral feeding. In Ballinger, Collins,
Drucker, Dudrick and Zeppa (eds): Manual of Surgical Nutrition,
Committee on Pre- and Postoperative Care, Amer College of Surg, WB
Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 285-317, 1975.
Ballinger, Collins, Drucker, Dudrick and Zeppa (eds): Manual of
Surgical Nutrition, Committee on Pre- and Postoperative Care, Amer
College of Surg, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1975.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation as
adjunctive treatment in the cancer patient. In Banks G (eds): Clinical
Digest, McGaw Laboratories, Vol 5, pp 1-4, 1976.
Ames FC, Copeland EM, Leeb DC, Moore DL and Dudrick SJ: Liver
dysfunction following small-bowel bypass for obesity. JAMA
235:1249-1252, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Effect of intravenous
hyperalimentation on established delayed hypersensitivity in the cancer
patient. Ann Surg 184:60-64, 1976.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr: Hyperalimentation in
infants. In Bilanzierte Ernahrung in der Therapie (Balanced Nutrition and
Therapy). From the II International Symposium in Erlangen, Germany,
April 11-14, 1973, Zeit Erhnahrungswiss 15:9025, 1976.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Coperland EM and Dudrick SJ: Course of
infection with enteric parasites in hosts shifted from enteral to total
parenteral nutrition. J. Parasitol 62:353-359, 1976.
Moore EP, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW: Effect of an
elemental diet on the electrical activity of the small intestine in dogs. J
Surg Res 20:533-537, 1976.
Hill GL, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Phosphorus distribution in
hyperalimentation induced hypophosphatemia. J Surg Res 20:527-531,
Rapp MA, Hilkemeyer R, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Hyperalimentation: Special nutrition therapy for the cancer patient. RN
Magazine 39:55-61, 1976.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Daly JM: Management of
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. In
Clearfield and Dinoso (eds): Gastrointestinal Emergencies.
Thirty-fourth Hahnemann Symposium, New York, Grune and Stratton, pp
913-199, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Minimizing sepsis risk in hyperalimentation. The Surgical
Team pp 44-50, April 1976.
Dudrick SJ: "Incurable" cancer: When there is hyperalimentation, there is
hope. IV Therapy 3:28-32, 1976.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: The role of nutrition in the treatment of
cancer. Nutrition and the MD 2:1-2, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Total intravenous feeding: When nutrition seems impossible.
Drug Therapy 2:11-20, 1976.
Souchon EA, Englert DM, Duke JH, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation in 342 surgical patients. Rev Surg 9:297-299, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In Hill GL (ed): Ileostomy, First Edition, Grune
and Stratton, New York, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Anesthetic and surgical care of the traumatized patient. The
Fifth Annual EA Rovenstine Panel on Anesthetic and Surgical
Management of the Traumatized Patient held during the XXIX
Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology of the New York Society of
Anesthesiologists, December 14, 1975. Anesth Review 8:17-26, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Smith JW, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW:
Altered small bowel propulsion associated with parasitism.
Gastroenterology 71:620-625, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The treatment of gastrointestinal
fistulas with parenteral hyperalimentation and total bowel rest. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 437-440, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The management of fistulas in
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 559-562, 1976.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional aspects of cancer. In Hickey
RD (ed): Current Problems in Cancer. Year Book Medical Publishers,
Inc, Chicago, IL, Vol 1, No 3, pp 3-51. September, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection
with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. J Nutr 10:1484-1491, 1976.
Copeland EM, Daly JM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of protein
nutrition on cell-mediated immunity. Surg Forum 27:340-342, 1976.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Relationship of
protein nutrition to tumor growth and host immunocompetence. Surg
Forum 27:113-114, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., McGown C and Dudrick SJ: Should
hyperalimentation be used in the potentially septic patient? In Romieu,
Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the International
Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974, pp 675-666,
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VJ and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 685-694, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., MacComb WS, Guillamondegui O,
Jesse RH and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with
head and neck cancer. In Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds):
Proceedings of the International Society of Parenteral Nutrition,
Montpellier, France, 1974, pp 711-719, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Inflammatory bowel disease - A new
method of treatment. In Proceedings of the Inflammatory Society of
Parenteral Nutrition. Kyoto, Japan, August 3-9, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VC and Dudrick SJ: The
nutritional care of the cancer patient. In Clark RL and Howe CD (eds):
Cancer Patient Care at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. Year
Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, IL pp 607-628, 1976.
Weisbrodt NW, Copeland EM, Thor PJ and Dudrick SJ: The myoelectric
activity of the small intestine of the dog during total parenteral nutrition.
Proc Exp Biol Med 153:121-124, 1976.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Duke JH,Jr.:
Experimental aspects of total parenteral alimentation. In Manni, Magalini
and Scrascia (eds): Total Parenteral Alimentation. From the International
Symposium on Intensive Therapy, May 30-June 2, 1975. Excerpta Medica
3-17, 1976.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Serum and antral
gastrin levels in rats infected with intestinal parasites. Am J Trop Med
Hyg 848-853, 1976.
Pickard LR, Dudrick SJ, Hill GL and Perry JL: Management of patients
with modified Hunt pouch esophagojejunostomy after total gastrectomy
for carcinoma of the stomach. Southern Med 69:1458-1460, 1976.
Thor PJ, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Effect of long-term
parenteral feeding on gastric secretion in dogs. Am J Physiol
232:E39-E43, January 1977.
Dudrick SJ: The genesis of intravenous hyperalimentation. JPEN
1:23-29, 1977.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ, Abdou NI: The effects of protein calorie
malnutrition on immune competence of the surgical patient. Arch Intern
Med 137:1364-1365, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Strobel HW, Daly JM, Gum ET, Guinn EJ and
Dudrick SJ: The effect of protein nutrition on host and tumor metabolism.
J Surg Res 22:181-188, 1977.
Frazier TG, Copeland EM, Khalil DG, Dudrick SJ and Mountain CF:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to colon interposition for
carcinoma of the esophagus. Cancer 39:410-412, 1977.
Dudrick SJ and Long JM, III: Applications and hazards of intravenous
hyperalimentation. Ann Rev Med 28:517-528, 1977.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Metabolism in surgical patients: protein,
carbohydrate and fat utilization by oral and parenteral routes. In Sabiston
DC (ed): Textbook of Surgery, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp
150-177, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, Daly JM, Castro GA and Akhtar M: Gastrointestinal
adaptation following small bowel bypass for obesity. Ann Surg
185:642-648, 1977.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Principles of intravenous hyperalimentation.
AORN 25:1253-1267, 1977.
Hill GL, Bowen JC, Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. Duke JH, Jr. and
Dudrick SJ: Teaching in clinical surgery: At the bedside or in the seminar
room? J Med Educ 52:595-597, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Souchon EA, Englert DM and Copeland
EM: Parenteral nutrition techniques in cancer patients. Cancer Res
37:2440-2450, 1977.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition as an adjunct to
cancer treatment in the adult. Cancer Res 37:2451-2456, 1977.
Dudrick SJ: Summary of the informal discussion of nutritional
management. Cancer Res 38:2462-2468, 1977.
Ahnefeld FW, Allgower M, Dick W, Dohrmann R, Dudrick SJ, Lutz H
and Schultis K: Parenteral nutrition. Langebaecks Arch Chir
343:251-265, 1977.
Copeland EM, Dernbach TA and Dudrick SJ: The role of intravenous
hyperalimentation in cancer therapy. Infusion 1:4-12, 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: A rationale for glucose as primary calorie
source. In Richards and Kinney (eds): Nutritional Aspects of the Care of
the Critically Ill, pp 331-334, Churchill-Livingstone, Edinburg, Scotland,
United Kingdom, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN, Jacobson K and Dudrick SJ: Effects
of protein nutrition on lymphocyte transformation. Surg Forum 28:65-66,
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr: The nutritional care of
the cancer patient. In: Greep JM, et al (eds): Current Concepts in
Parenteral Nutrition, pp 187-216, Nijhoff Martinus, Holland, The Hague.
Dudrick SJ and Long JM, III: Applications and hazards of intravenous
feeding. In Greep JM, et al (eds): Current Concepts in Parenteral
Nutrition, pp 5-20, Nijhoff Martinus, Holland, The Hague, 1977.
Johnson LR, Schanbacher LM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effect of
long-term parenteral feeding on pancreatic secretion and serum secretin.
Am J Physiol 223:E524-E526, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: Parenteral nutrition as
an adjunct to cancer therapy. Klinishe Anesthesiologie und
Intensivetherapie: Fortschritte der Parenteralen Ernahrung, pp 1-12,
Berlin, West Germany, Springer-Verlag, 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The use of
intravenous hyperalimentation in the management of patients with
malignant diseases. In Richards JR and Kinney JM (eds): Nutritional
Aspects of the Care of the Critically Ill, pp 541-556, Proceedings of the
Nutritional Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, November, 1976, London,
Churchill-Livingstone, 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Surgical nutrition. In
Schneider HA, Anderson CA and Coursin DB (eds): Nutritional Support
of Medical Practice, pp 485-500, Hagerstown, Maryland, Harper and
Rowe, 1977.
Daly JM, Castro GA, Akhtar M and Dudrick SJ: Morphologic and
biochemical intestinal changes after jejunoileal bypass. Rev Surg
34:428-431, 1977.
Copeland EM, Souchon EA, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Rapp MA and Dudrick
SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to radiation therapy. Ca
39:609-616, 1977.
Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Dudrick SJ, Burks TF and Castro GA:
Tolerance to the effect of morphine on intestinal transit. Proc Soc Exp
Biol Med 154:587-590, 1977.
Ruberg RL and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in head and
neck tumor surgery: indications and precautions. Br J Plast Surg
30:151-153, 1977.
Long JM, III, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Update on parenteral
hyperalimentation. In Najarian and Delaney (eds): Critical Surgical
Care, pp 459-467, Stratton, 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Metabolism and nutrition in burn patients.
In Najarian and Delaney (eds): Critical Surgical Care, pp 631-639,
Stratton, 1977.
Dudrick SJ and MacFadyen BV,Jr.: Inflammatory lesions of small bowel.
In Rhoads Textbook of Surgery-Principles and Practices, JD Hardy (ed):
Fifth Edition, pp 1134-1142, JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional education during surgical
internship and residency. Am J Clin Nutr 30:806-811, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN, Richie ER, Jacobson K and Dudrick
SJ: The effects of a 10% soybean oil emulsion on lymphocyte
transformation. JPEN 2:112-115, 1978.
Dudrick SJ: A patient on IV therapy need not starve! Consultant pp
142-151, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The importance of parenteral nutrition as
an adjunct to oncologic therapy. In Johnston IDA (ed): Advances in
Parenteral Nutrition, pp 473-500, Lancaster, England, MTP Press Limited,
Copeland EM, Souchon EA and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as adjunctive oncologic management. In Enker E (ed):
Carcinoma of the Colon and Rectum, pp 220-223, Chicago, IL, Year
Book Medical Publishers, 1978.
Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Small-intestinal transit during total parenteral nutrition in the rat.
Am J Dig Dis 23:365-369, 1978.
Adams PR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnston LR and Castro GA:
Maintenance of gut mass in bypassed bowel of orally vs parenterally
nourished rats. J Surg Res 24:421-427, 1978.
Mullen JL, Hargrove WC, Dudrick SJ, Fitts WT, Jr. and Rosato EF: Ten
years experience with intravenous hyperalimentation and inflammatory
bowel disease. Ann Surg 187:523-529. 1978.
Kyger ER, Block WJ, Roach G and Dudrick SJ: Adverse effects of
protein malnutrition on myocardial function. Surg 84:147-156, 1978.
Dudrick SJ: Presidential Address: The common denominator and the
bottom line. JPEN 2:13-21, 1978.
Ota DM, MacFadyen BV,Jr., Gum E and Dudrick SJ: Zinc and copper
deficiencies in man during intravenous hyperalimentation. In Hambridge
KM and Nichols BL, Jr. (eds): Zinc and Copper in Clinical Medicine,
Spectrum Publications, Inc., New York, New York 1978.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Principles of ambulatory home
hyperalimentation. Am J IV Ther 5(5): 11-28, 1978.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effects of protein depletion and
repletion on cell-mediated immunity in experimental animals. Ann Surg
188:791-796, 1978.
Issell BF, Valdivieso M, Zaren HA, Dudrick SJ, Freireich EJ, Copeland
EM and Bodey GP: Protection of chemotherapy toxicities by intravenous
hyperalimentation. Cancer Treat Rep 62:1059-1063, 1978.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of intravenous nutrition
on tumor growth and host immunocompetence in malnourished animals.
Surgery 84:655-658, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Concetti sulla nutrizione in concerologia.
Oncologia Clinica 4:84-96, 1978.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Baquero GE, Dudrick SJ and
Copeland EM: Nutritional manipulation of tumor-bearing animals:
effects on body weight, serum protein levels and tumor growth. Surg
Forum 29:143-144, 1978.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition of the
critically injured patient. Dietetic Currents 5:1-6, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The role of nutrition in the treatment of
cancer. In McKee G (ed): Selections from Nutrition and the MD, Mervyn
G. Oakner Publisher, pp 33-36. 1978.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Energy intake and stress as
determinants of nitrogen in rats. Surg Forum 29:76-77, 1978.
Kirkland J, Ben-Menachem Y, Dudrick SJ, Akhtar M and Marshall R:
Islet-cell tumor in the newborn: Diagnosis by selective angiography and
histological findings. Pediatrics 61:(5)790-791, 1978.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts in the
treatment of head and neck malignancies. Head and Neck Surg
1:350-363, 1979.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN and Dudrick SJ: The effects of
nutrition and treatment of cancer on host immunocompetence. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 148:104-111, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Souchon EA: A vest for
ambulatory patients receiving hyperalimentation. Surg Gynecol Obstet
148:587-590, 1979.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Evaluation of nutritional indices
as prognostic indicators in the cancer patient. Cancer 43:925-931, 1979.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Cancer: Nutritional
concepts-hyperalimentation. In Druse LC, Reese JL and Hart LK (eds):
Cancer: Pathophysiology, Etiology and Management. CV Mosby Co, St.
Louis, MO, pp 378-385, 1979.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts in the
treatment of head and neck malignancies. Head and Neck Surg
1:350-363, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Van Buren CT, Rowlands BJ and MacFadyen
BV, Jr.: New concepts of ambulatory home hyperalimentation. JPEN
3:72-76, 1979.
Copeland EM, Daly JM, Ota DM and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition, cancer and
intravenous hyperalimentation. Cancer 43:2108-2116, 1979.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Ramaswamy K: Enteral and
parenteral feeding to evaluate malabsorption in intestinal parasitism. Am
J Trop Med Hyg 28:500-507, 1979.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Chemotherapy in tumor bearing
animals: Effects of oral versus intravenous nutrition. Acta Chir Scand
Supp 494:178-180, 1979.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Effect of nutrition on
immunocompetence in cancer patients. Acta Chir Scand Supp
494:181-182, 1979.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM, Gum ET and Baquero G:
Clinical and biological changes in liver function during intravenous
hyperalimentation. Acta Chir Scand Supp 494:173-174, 1979.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Effect of calorie intake and
stress on nitrogen excretion. Acta Chir Scand Supp 494:115-117, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Preface. In Manabe H and Okada A (eds): Total Parenteral
Nutrition and Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Asakura Publishing
Company, Tokyo, Japan, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effects of
nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to chemotherapy. Curr
Surg 36:138-142, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Common bile duct exploration and cholecystectomy. In:
Current Surgical Techniques, Surgical Communications, Inc for Schering
Corp, Kenilworth, NJ, Vol 2, No 4, 1979.
Floyd D, Ota D, Corriere JN, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effect of
protein depletion on serum factors for lymphocyte transformation. Surg
Forum XXX:57-60, 1979.
Copeland EM, Rodman CA and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts of
neoplastic disease. In Van Eys J, Seeling MS and Nichols BL, Jr. (eds):
Nutrition and Cancer, pp 133-156. Proceedings of the 18th Annual
Meeting of the American College of Nutrition, June 1977, New York SP
Medical and Scientific Books, 1979.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Hyperalimentation in the critically ill
patient. In Krehl WA, Moss NH (eds): Clinical Nutrition in Health Care
Facilities, pp 18-20, George F. Stickley Company for The Academy of
Sciences at Philadelphia, PA, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Men who changed therapeutics: solving the riddle of hospital
starvation-total parenteral nutrition. In Plese NK, Passaretti AB, Weems
ME (eds): Therapaeia, A Supplement to Medical Tribune, pp 4-9, Dec
Dudrick SJ: Nutritional therapy in burned patients. J Trauma 19:908-909,
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Baquero G and Gum ET: Clinical and
biological changes in liver function during intravenous hyperalimentation.
JPEN 3:438-443, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM, Daly JM, Long JM,III, Duke JH, MacFadyen
BV, Jr., Rowlands BJ, Van Buren CT, Corriere JN, Jr., Kahan BD, Ota
DM, Englert DM and Jensen TG: A clinical review of nutritional support
of the patient. JPEN 3:444-451, 1979.
Copeland EM, Guillamondegui OM and Dudrick SJ: Prevention of
nutritional complications. In Conley J. (ed): Complications of Head and
Neck Surgery, Saunders Publishing Co, Philadelphia, PA pp 308-316,
Ryan GP, Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Johnston LR: Effects of various
diets on colonic growth. Gastroenterology 77:658-663, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Daly JF: Cancer and immunocompetence.
Proceedings of First European Congress of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition. Edited by JH Wahren, Stockholm, Sweden. Acta Chir Scand
Supp 498:146-149, September 2-5, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Current status of total parenteral nutrition. Proceedings of
First European Congress of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Edited by JH
Wahren, Stockholm, Sweden. Acta Chir Scand Supp 498:12-19,
September 2-5, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Dudrick SJ and Copeland
EM:Tumor growth in experimental animals: nutritional manipulation and
chemotherapeutic response in the rat. Ann Surg 191:58-64, 1980.
Dudrick SJ and Englert DM: Total care of the patient receiving total
parenteral nutrition. Psychosomatics 21:109-110, 1980.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation,
bowel rest and cancer. Crit Care Med 8:21-28, 1980.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In: Grant, JP(ed): Handbook of Total Parenteral
Nutrition. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA pp VII-VIII, 1980.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in
inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis and cancer. In Nyhus L (ed):
Surgery Annual-1980, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York NY, pp
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Delaney JM: Nutritional
repletion of malnourished tumor-bearing and nontumor-bearing rats:
effects on body weight, liver, muscle and tumor. J Surg Res 28:507-508,
Reynolds HM, Daly JM, Rowlands BJ, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM:
Effects of nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to
chemotherapy. Cancer 45:3069-3074, 1980.
Khalil SN, Dudrick SJ, Mathieu A, Rigor BM, Sr and Fody EP: Low level
of pseudocholinesterase in patients with Crohn's disease. Lancet,
267-268, August 2, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Total parenteral nutrition:
Techniques and indications. In: Day SB (ed): Integrated Medicine, A
Companion to Life Sciences, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, pp
566-579, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Intravenous hyperalimentation:
Effect on delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity in cancer patients. Ann
Surg 192:587-592, 1980.
Johnson LR, Dudrick SJ and Guthrie PD: Stimulation of pancreatic
growth by intraduodenal amino acids and HCl. Am J Physiol
239:G400-G405, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Parenteral nutrition in patients
with head and neck cancer: Techniques and results. Otolaryngol. Head
Neck Surg 88:707-713, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Rowlands BJ, Barroso AO and MacFadyen BV,
Jr.: Ambulatory Home Hyperalimentation, 31st Cine Clinic, American
College of Surgeons 66th Annual Clinical Congress, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Jensen TG and Rowlands BJ: Nutritional support:
Assessment and Indications. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in Clinical
Surgery, pp 19-27, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1980.
Deitel M, Lang AM, Dudrick SJ, Faintuch J, Frost PG, Kay RM and
Ruderman RL: Organization of hyperalimentation in the community
hospital: Panel discussion. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in Clinical
Surgery, pp 151-160, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Speir AM and Englert DM: The short-bowel syndrome and
ambulatory home hyperalimentation. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in
Clinical Surgery, pp 209-214, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
Dudrick SJ, Van Buren CT and Ota DM: New horizons in intravenous
alimentation. In Deitel M. (ed): Nutrition in Clinical Surgery, pp
261-271, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1980.
Jensen TG, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional support of the burn
patient. Nutrition and the MD, 7:1-3, 1980.
Perl M, Hall RCW, Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Stickney SK and Gardner
ER: Psychological aspects of long-term home hyperalimentation. JPEN
4:554-560, 1980.
Rowlands BJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., DeJong P and Dudrick SJ: Monitoring
hepatic dysfunction during intravenous hyperalimentation. J Surg Res
28:471-478, 1980.
Dudrick SJ: What's new in surgery-shock and metabolism. Bull Am Coll
Surg, , Vol 66, No 1, January 1981
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of
enteral and parenteral nutrition on tumor responses to chemotherapy in
experimental animals. J Surg Oncol 16:79-86, 1981.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional complications in postsurgical
patients. American Surg 47:(2)67-71, February, 1981.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Total parenteral nutrition:
techniques and indications. In Day SB (ed): Integrated Medicine: A
Companion to the Life Sciences, pp 566-579, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co,
New York, 1981.
Dudrick SJ: A Clinical review of nutritional support of the patient. Amer
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Jensen TG, Englert DM, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: Delayed
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Dudrick SJ and Jackson D: The short bowel syndrome and total parenteral
nutrition. Heart & Lung-The J of Critical Care 12:(2)195-201, 1983.
Daly JM, Massar E, Copeland EM, III, Johnson DE, Bracken B, Samaan
N, Barlow AL and Dudrick SJ: Adaptation to amino acid infusion in
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O'Donnell JJ, Clague MB and Dudrick SJ: Percutaneous insertion of a
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RE, Hickey MS and Barroso AO: 100 patient-years of ambulatory home
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Jensen JE, Jenson TG, Dudrick SJ and Smith TK: Nutrition and
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Hickey MS and Barroso AO: 100 patient-years of ambulatory home total
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Daly JM, Copeland EM, and Dudrick SJ: Preparation of the patient. In
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Nutritional support of the cancer patient. Proceedings of the International
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356-371, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984.
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Jacobs Press, Inc., Clinton, SC, Vol III, pp 39-46, 1984.
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PA, 2:(1)93-106, 1985.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Raleigh DP, Matheny RG and Unkel SP: Rapid
restoration of red blood cell mass in severely anemic surgical patients who
refuse transfusion. Arch Surg 120:721-727, 1985.
Weisbrodt NW, Green GM, Levan VH and Dudrick SJ: Effect of
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Digestive Disease and Sciences 30:(1)78-81, 1985.
Jensen TG, Long JM, III, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: Nutritional
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(ed): The Healing of Surgical Wounds, Taylor Publishing Company,
Dallas, TX, pp 68-114, 1985.
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RE, Hickey MS and Barroso AO: One hundred patient-years of
ambulatory home total parenteral nutrition. In: Schwartz SI, Najarian
JS, Peacock EE, et al (eds): The Year Book of Surgery, Year Book
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assessment: Indications for nutritional support. In: Deitel M. (ed):
Nutrition in Clinical Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp
24-37, 1985.
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nutrition for short-bowel syndrome and other diseases. In: Deitel M (ed):
Nutrition in Clinical Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp
276-287, 1985.
Dudrick SJ, Matheny RG and O'Donnell JJ: New horizons in intravenous
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and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp 380-391, 1985.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Nutrition Classic:
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positive nitrogen balance. Nutrition International 1:(1)11-19, 1985.
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for Clinicians. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, pp 607-638, 1985.
Weinmann-Winkler S and Dudrick SJ: Enteral nutrition history: past,
present, future. Nutritional Support Services 6:(2A)7, 1986.
Rhoads JE, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: History of intravenous nutrition.
In: Rombeau JL and Caldwell MD (eds): Parenteral Nutrition: Clinical
Nutrition, Volume 2, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA. pp 1-8, 1986.
Poindexter SM, Dear WE, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in congestive heart
failure. Nutr in Clin Practice 1(2):83-88, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Matheny RG, Unkel SP, Raleigh DP:
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Med J 79(6):669-673, 1986.
Meguid MM and Dudrick SJ (eds): The Surgical Clinics of North
America, Nutrition and Cancer I, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA
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(eds): The Surgical Clinics of North America, Nutrition and Cancer I, WB
Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 66(5):xi-xii, 1986.
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(eds): The Surgical Clinics of North America, Nutrition and Cancer II,
WB Saunders, Co, Philadelphia, PA, 66(6):xi-xii, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Weinmann-Winkler S: Nutritional
Management of Head and Neck Tumor Patients. In: Thawley, Panje,
Batsakis, Lindbert(eds): W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, pp
14-24, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, Raleigh DP: Hyperalimentation. In: Garcia C, Mikuta JJ and
Rosenblum NG (eds): Current Therapy in Surgical Gynecology, BC
Decker, Philadelphia, PA, pp 14-20, 1987.
Lane HW, Lotspeich, CA, Moore CE, Ballard J, Dudrick SJ and Warren
DC: The effect of selenium supplementation on selenium status in
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Dudrick SJ and Van Buren D: Parenteral alimentation in gastrointestinal
nutritional support. In: Scott HW and Sawyers JL (eds): Surgery of the
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Publications, Boston, MA, pp 841-855, 1987.
Dudrick SJ: Regression of atherosclerosis by the intravenous infusion of
specific biochemical nutrient substrates in animals and humans. Ann
Surg 206: 296-315, 1987.
Dudrick SJ, Adams PR, Englert DM, Feste AS: Experimental and clinical
atherosclerosis: Their experimental reversal. Transactions & Studies of
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Bicentennial Issue, Series V.
Volume X. Nos. 1-4, pp 35-61, 1988
Dudrick SJ, Adams PR, Englert DM Feste AS: Experimental and clinical
atherosclerosis: Their experimental reversal. In: Maulitz RC (ed):
Unnatural Causes - The Three Leading Killer Diseases in America.
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ pp 35-61, 1988
Dudrick SJ, Mock TC: Enterocutaneous fistula. In: Cameron J, (ed):
Current Surgical Therapy - 3, BC Decker, Inc. Philadelphia, PA pp
35-61, 1988
Dudrick SJ: Regression of atherosclerosis by the intravenous infusion of
specific biochemical nutrient substrates in animals and humans. In:
Barker, CF, Daly JM (ed): Jonathan E. Rhoads Eightieth Birthday
Symposium. JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 148-174, 1989.
Ford EG, MacFadyen BV, Dudrick SJ: Management of gastrointestinal
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Dudrick SJ, Adams PR, Englert DM, Latifi R, Feste A: Arrest and
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formulated nutrient substrates. Tanaka T, Okada A (eds): Nutritional
Support in Organ Failure, Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical
Division), pp 103-115, 1990.
Weisbrodt NW, Green GM, Belloso RM, Biskin LC, Dudrick SJ: Effect
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rats. J Gastrointestinal Motility (1):60-64, 1990.
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Carnitine Concentrations. JPEN Vol 3(5), 527-532, 1991
Dudrick SJ (ed): The Surgical Clinics of North America, Current
Strategies in Surgical Nutrition, Vol 71, No 3, WB Saunders Co,
Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
Dudrick SJ: Preface. In: Dudrick, SJ (ed): The Surgical Clinics of North
America, Current Strategies in Surgical Nutrition, Vol 71, No 3, WB
Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
Dudrick SJ: Past, present and future of nutritional support. Surg Clin
North Am 71:439-448, 1991.
Latifi R, Killam R, Dudrick SJ: Nutritional support in liver failure. Surg
Clin North Am 71:567-578, 1991.
Latifi R, McIntosh J, Dudrick SJ: Nutritional management of acute and
chronic pancreatitis. Surg Clin North Am 71:579-595, 1991.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R, Schrager R:Nutritional management of inflammatory
bowel disease. Surg Clin North Am 71:609-623, 1991.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R, Fosnocht D: Management of the short bowel
syndrome. Surg Clin North Am 71:625-643, 1991.
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with parenteral nutrition. Surg Clin North Am 71: 665-675, 1991.
Dudrick SJ: Preface. In:Baumgartner, TG (ed): Clinical Guide to
Parenteral Micronutrition, (2nd ed). Fujisawa USA, Inc., Deerfield, IL,
Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Clinical Practice Series (eds): Pract
Gastroent XV, 1991-1992.
Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Clinical Practice: The final frontier?
Pract Gastroent XV, No 8:17, 1991.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition in the treatment of
atherosclerosis. In: Van Way CW (ed):Handbook of Surgical Nutrition.
JB Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA, pp 259-271, 1992.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ: Preparation of the patient. In:
Nyhus LM (ed): Mastery of Surgery, (2nd ed). Little Brown, Boston,
MA. pp 3-23, 1992.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In: Rothkopf MM and Askanazi J (eds): Intensive
Homecare, Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, MD, 1992.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition (Part I): Indications and
techniques. Pract Gastroent. XVI, No 6:21-29, 1992.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition (Part II):Administration,
monitoring and complications. Pract Gastroent. XVI, No 7:29-38, 1992.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition in surgery - Current status.
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Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Surgical Nutrition (eds): Postgraduate General
Surgery. Vol 5, No 1, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Nutritional support of short bowel syndrome:
Commentary. Postgrad Gen Surg. 5:5-10, 1993.
Latifi R, Florence L, Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition in the
management of Crohn's disease: Presentation. Postgrad Gen Surg.5:1921, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Regression of atherosclerosis by intravenous amino
acid solution. Postgrad Gen Surg. 5:34-41, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore, DW, Vars HM, Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development, and positive nitrogen
balance. Postgrad Gen Surg. 5:56-60, 1993.
Rhoads JE, Dudrick SJ: History of Intravenous Nutrition. In: Rombeau JL
and Caldwell MD
(eds): Clinical Nutrition - Parenteral Nutrition (2nd
ed). W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp 1-10, 1993.
Mason GR, Kahrilas PJ, Otterson MF, Lang IM, Telford GL, Telford SW,
Sarna SK, Cowles VE, Koch TR, Debas HT, Gittes G, Jaffe BM, Dudrick
SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: The Digestive System. In: O'Leary JP (ed): The
Physiologic Basis of Surgery. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp
340-375, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: Digestion and Absorption. In: O'Leary
JP (ed): The Physiologic Basis of Surgery. Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, MD, pp 365-373, 1993.
Dudrick SJ: Prologo. In: Villazon A, Arenas H (eds): Nutricion Enteral
YParenteral InterAmericana/McGraw-Hill, Atlampa, Mexico, pp IX-X,
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Surgery and Nutrition. In: O'Donnell PD (ed):
Geriatric Urology. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, pp 105-112,
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Nutritional Support: General Principles, Indications,
and Techniques. In: Quigley EM, Sorrell MF (eds): The Gastrointestinal
Surgical Patient - Preoperative and Postoperative Care. Williams &
Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp 175-220, 1994.
Gould KL, Martucci JP, Goldberg DI, Hess MJ, Edens RP, Latifi R,
Dudrick SJ: Short-term Cholesterol Lowering Decreases Size and Severity
of Perfusion Abnormalities by Positron Emission Tomography After
Dipyridamole in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Potential
Noninvasive Marker of Healing Coronary Endothelium. Circulation
89:1530-1538, 1994.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ:Hepatic Encephalopathy: Metabolic and Nutritional
Implications of Amino Acids. In: Latifi R (ed): Amino Acids in Critical
Care and Cancer. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 125-136, 1994.
Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical
Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.
Kirby DF,Dudrick SJ: Preface, In: Kirby and Dudrick (eds): Practical
Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total Parenteral Nutrition. In: Kirby and Dudrick
(eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, pp 135-164, 1994.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Surgical Patients. In: Kirby and
Dudrick (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 165-182, 1994.
391. Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Management of Patients With Short-Bowel
Syndrome. In: Kirby and Dudrick (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition
in Clinical Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 215-226, 1994.
Dudrick, SJ. Foreword. In: Professional Handbook of Diagnostic Tests.
Springhouse Corporation, Springhouse, PA, 1995.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ (eds): Surgical Nutrition: Strategies in Critically Ill
Patients. R.G.Landes Company, Austin, TX, 1995.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Introduction. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Surgical
Nutrition: Strategies in Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company,
Austin, TX, 1995.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Amino Acids in Critically Ill Patients: Current
Concepts. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Surgical Nutrition: Strategies in
Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company, Austin, TX, pp 3143,1995.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: The Effects of Nutrient Substrates in Acute
Pancreatitis. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Surgical Nutrition: Strategies in
Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company, Austin, TX, pp 147-151,
Meguid MM, Bessey PQ, Dawson J, Dudrick SJ, Howard LJ, Sax H.
Total Parenteral Nutrition: An Update. Contemporary Surgery, 46(3) 157168, 1995.
Dudrick SJ: The Role of Nutrition in Wound Healing. In:Cernaianu AC,
DelRossi AJ, Spence RK (eds): Critical Issues in Surgery, Plenum Press,
New York, NY, pp 1-12, 1995.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes
Company, Austin, TX , 1996.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Preface. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current
Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX, 1996.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Current Concepts and
Indications. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G.
Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 45-55, 1996.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support of Acute Pancreatitis. In: Latifi
and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company,
Austin, TX, pp 225-237, 1996.
Latifi R, Burns GA, Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Management of Chronic
Pancreatitis: Current Concepts. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current
Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX pp 239-249, 1996.
Dudrick S, Zarif A, Latifi R: Nutritional and Metabolic Management of
Short Bowel Syndrome. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical
Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 303-315, 1996.
Daly JM, Barie PS, Dudrick SJ: Preparation of the Patient. In: Nyhus,
Baker and Fischer (eds): Mastery of Surgery, 3rd ed. Little Brown and
Company, Inc. pp 22-49, 1996.
Willis AL, Dudrick SJ, Torosian MH: Unique Presentation of Crohn’s
Disease during Treatment of Hodgkin’s Disease. Oncology Reports 3:
939-942, 1996
Mason GR, Kahrilas PJ, Otterson MF, Lang IM, Telford GL, Telford SW,
Sarna SK, Cowles VE, Koch TR, Debas HT, Gittes G, Jaffe BM, Dudrick
SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: The Digestive System. In: O'Leary JP (ed): The
Physiologic Basis of Surgery, 2nd ed. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
MD, pp 406-440, 1996.
Dudrick, SJ: Foreword. In: Shikora and Blackburn. Nutrition Support
Theory and Therapeutics. Chapman & Hall, New York, NY, 1997.
Sawmiller CJ, Turowski GA, Sterling AP, Dudrick SJ: Extraarticular
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Shoulder. Clinical Orthopaedics
and Related Research, 335: 262-267, 1997.
Dudrick SJ: Foreword. In: Rothkopf MM (ed), Standards and Practice of
Homecare Therapeutics,
2nd ed. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
Dudrick SJ, Daly JM: Jonathan Evans Rhoads, M.D., Renaissance Man of
the Twentieth Century. Cancer, 79(9):1737-1739, 1997.
Dudrick, SJ: Preface. In: Baumgartner TG (ed), Clinical Guide to
Parenteral Micronutrition, 3rd Edition. Fujisawa USA, Deerfield, IL, 1997
Dudrick SJ: Book Review. Of: Shikora SA, Blackburn GL (eds), Nutrition
Support: Theory and Therapeutics. Chapman and Hall Publishers, New
York, NY, 1997, Am J Clin Nutr, 67:742, 1998
Zahir KS, Quin JA, Brown W, Thomson JG, Dudrick SJ: Trends in Upper
Extremity Soft Tissue Malignancies: A 40-Year Review of the
Connecticut State Tumor Registry, Connecticut Medicine 62(1): 9-14,
Vouyouka AG, Powell RJ, Ricotta J, Chen H, Dudrick DJ, Sawmiller CJ,
Dudrick SJ and Sumpio BE: Ambient Pulsatile Pressure Modulates
Endothelial Cell Proliferation, J Mol Cell Cardiol, 30, 609-615, 1998
Dudrick SJ, Zahir KS, Merrell RC: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Techniques
and Complications, Surgical Technology International VII, 174-184, 1998
Sawmiller CJ, Powell RJ, Quader MA, Dudrick SJ, and Sumpio BE: The
Differential Effects of Contrast Agents on Endothelial Cells and Smooth
Muscle Cell Growth In Vitro, J Vascular Surg, 27(6): 1128-1140, 1998
Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ: Letter to the Editor; Trends in the Incidence of
Upper Extremity Soft Tissue Malignancies: A 40-Year Review of the
Connecticut State Tumor Registry, Connecticut Medicine 62(5): 311, 1998
Amshel CE, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest X-Rays Mandatory
Following Central Venous Recatherization Over a Wire? The American
Surgeon, 64: 499-502, 1998
Dudrick SJ, Brown W, Biggs CG: Nutritional Management of Patients
with Head and Neck Tumors. In: Comprehensive Management of Head
and Neck Tumors, 2nd ed, Chapter 3, pages 45-58, W. B. Saunders, 1998
Sawmiller CJ, Dudrick SJ, Hamzi M: Postsplenectomy Capnocytophaga
canimorsus Sepsis Presenting as an Acute Abdomen. Arch Surg. 133:
1362-1365, 1998
Dudrick SJ, Maharaj AR, McKelvey AA: Artificial Nutrition Support in
Patients with Gastrointestinal Fistulas, World J. Surg. 23: 570-576, 1999
Dudrick, SJ: Invited Critique of: Surgical Approaches to Improving
Intestinal Function in the Short Bowel Syndrome. Thompson, JS, and
Langras, AN. Arch, Surg. 134: 706 – 711, 1999
Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ: Current Overview of Gynecomastia, Curr Surg.,
56: 312-315, 1999
Duzgun A, Rasque H, Kito H, Azuma N, Li W, Gahtan V, Dudrick S,
Sumpio BE. Mitogen activated protein phosphorylation by
hyperosmolality with different osmotic agents in endothelial cell. J. Cell
Biochem., 76:567-571, 2000
Palesty JA, McKelvey AA, Dudrick SJ. The Efficacy of X-Rays after
Chest Tube Removal, Amer J Surg., 179:13, 2000
Woo D, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE. Homocysteine stimulates MAP kinase
in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells. Surgery, 128:59-66, 2000
Palesty JA, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Nd:YAG Laser Therapy for
the Excision of Pilonidal Cysts: A Comparison with Traditional
Techniques, Lasers Surg Med., 26:380-385, 2000
DiLuozzo G, Dhadwal AK, Frangos SG, Chen AH, Jeffries BW, Dudrick
SJ and Sumpio BE: Endothelial Cells Exposed to Nicotine Act as a
Chemoattractant for Vascular Smooth Cell Migration. Surgical Forum,
51:373-375, 2000
Coppola CP, Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition and Infection, Curr
Surg., 58(1):23-28, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Zimmerman G, Ivy ME, Pineau M, Possenti PP,
Fidler PE, Gross RG, Dudrick SJ: Decompressive Craniectomy for
Damage Control in Penetrating Head Trauma, Critical Care Medicine,
Dec:28(12 Suppl): A143, 2001
Atweh N, Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Portal Vein Thrombosis after
Splenectomy, J Am Coll Surg, 192(4): 551-2, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Celiac Axis
Ligation after Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen: Case Report and
Literature Review. J Traum, 50:738-739, 2001
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM, Rhoads JE: Long-Term Total
Parenteral Nutrition with Growth Development and Positive Nitrogen
Balance, Nutr Hosp, 16(6), 286-287 and 287-292, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Renal Artery
to Inferior Vena Cava Fistula Following Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen.
Ann Vasc Surg 16:665-670, 2002
Atweh N, Lye KD, Kavic SM, Fidler PE, Possenti PP, Dudrick SJ:
Closure of Large Abdominal Wounds with an Adjustable Suture-Tension
Device, J Am Coll Surg, 195(2) 281-283, 2002
Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Rectocele, Curr Surg, 59(2): 162-171, 2002
Dudrick SJ: Foreword In: Nutritional Considerations in the Intensive Care
Unit – Science, Rationale and Practice, (eds) Shikora SA, Martindale RG,
Schwaitzberg SD, Kendall/Hunt Co., Dubuque, Iowa, 2002
Atweh N, Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Letter to the Editor; Portal Vein
Thrombosis after Splenectomy, J Am Coll Surg, 195:281-283, 2002
Dudrick SJ, Kavic SM: Hepatobiliary Nutrition: History and Future, J
Hepatobiliary-Pancreat Surg, 9:459-468, 2002
Kavic SM, Atweh NA, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Renal Artery
to Inferior Vena Cava Fistula Following Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen:
Case Report and Literature Review. Ann Vasc Surg, 16:666-670, 2002
Dudrick SJ, Maharaj AR and McKelvey AA: Artificial Nutritional
Support in Patients with Gastrointestinal Fistulas. World J Surg 23: 570-
576, 1999 Reprint In: Selected Readings in General Surgery,
Miscellaneous Small Bowel Diseases, 29:1-7, 2002
Dudrick SJ: Foreword In: Supplement on Home Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition, 26:S2-S3 J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: The Biology and Practice of Current Nutritional
Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Current Concepts and
Indications, pp 208-219 In: The Biology and Practice of Current
Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown,
Texas, 2003
Dudrick SJ, Abdullah F and Latifi R: Nutrition and Metabolic
Management of Short Bowel Syndrome, pp 261-274 In: The Biology and
Practice of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes
Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support of Acute Pancreatitis, pp 320333 In: The Biology and Practice of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd
Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R, Perch PG and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Management of Chronic
Pancreatitis: Current Concepts, pp 334-345 In: The Biology and Practice
of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience,
Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Dudrick SJ, Palesty JA: What We Have Learned about Cachexia and
Gastrointestinal Cancer, Digestive Diseases, 21: 198-213, 2003
Dudrick SJ: Early Developments and Clinical Applications of Total
Parenteral Nutrition, J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 27: 291-299, 2003
Dudrick SJ: History and Development of Total Parenteral Nutrition,
Proceedings of the 61st Congress of the Association of Polish Surgeons, pp
15-20, 2003
Dudrick SJ: Management of Fistulas of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Proceedings of the 61st Congress of the Association of Polish Surgeons, pp
24-40, 2003
Palesty JA, Wang XJ, Rutland RC, Leighton J, Dudrick SJ and Benbrahim
A: Fifty-five Consecutive Laparoscopic Appendectomy Procedures
without Conversion, JSLS 8: 141-145, 2004
Palesty JA, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: Geriatric AssessmentMinimizing the Risks, Current Surgery, 61:3 266-267, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Antezana JN, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Do
Vascular Surgeons Improve the Outcome of Carotid Endarterectomy? An
Analysis of 12,618 Elective Cases in the State of Connecticut,Vascular
12:3 155-165, 2004
Jackson LM, Dudrick SJ and Sumpio BE: John Harvey Kellogg; Surgeon,
Inventor, Nutritionist (1852-1943), J Am Coll Surg 199:5 817-821, 2004
Rabbi JR, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicates Limitation of
Distal Dissection, Ann Vasc Surg, 18:6 640-643, 2004
Dudrick SJ: Commentary on the 3rd Edition of Basics in Clinical
Nutrition: In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka,
Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, pp XXI-XXII, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Ways of Delivering Parenteral Nutrition,
In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague,
Czech Republic, pp 233-237, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Central Parenteral Nutrition, In: Basics of
Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech
Republic, pp 237-246, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Sitges-Serra A and Dudrick SJ: Complications Associated
with Central Catheter Insertion and Care, pp 246-252, In: Basics of
Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Prague, Galen, Czech
Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Systems for Parenteral Nutrition, pp 252254, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Szczygiel B, Sobotka L and Dudrick SJ: Composition of
Nutritional Admixtures and Formulas for Parenteral Nutrition, pp 255260, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Barnett MI, Pertkiewicz M, Cosslett AG, Muhlebach S and Dudrick SJ:
Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures, pp 260-264, In: Basics of Clinical
Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Cosslett A, Muhlebach S and Dudrick SJ: Stability of
Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures, pp 264-269, In: Basics of Clinical
Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Szczygiel B, Pertkiewicz M, Naber T and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support
in Gastrointestinal Fistulas, pp 342-345, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition,
3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Manak J and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Support During
Pregnancy, pp 422-425 In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed)
Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Naber T and Dudrick SJ: Home Artificial Nutrition, pp
462-467, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Frattini JC, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2,443 Elderly Patients: Lessons from
Nonagenarians –Are We Pushing the Limit?, J Am Coll Surg,:12, 734741, 2004
Kiran PR, Thorisson HM and Dudrick SJ: Current Status of Stents for
Arterial Occlusive Disease and Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair,
Curr Surg, 62:2, 178-179, 2005
Jackson LS, Wang XJ, Dudrick SJ and Gersten GD: Catheter-Directed
Thrombolysis and/or Thrombectomy with Selective Endovascular Stenting
as Alternatives to Systemic Anticoagulation for Treatment of Acute Deep
Vein Thrombosis. Am J Surg. Dec;190(6):864-8, 2005
Dudrick SJ: Rhoads Lecture: A 45-year Obsession and Passionate Pursuit
of Optimal Nutrition Support: Puppies, Pediatrics, Surgery, Geriatrics,
Home TPN, A.S.P.E.N., et cetera. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. JulAug;29(4):272-87, 2005
Dudrick SJ: History of Vascular Access. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. JanFeb;30:S47-56, 2006
Dudrick SJ and Kavic SM: ASPEN 1975-1980, J Parenter Enteral Nutr, in
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Wilmore DW, Dudrick SJ, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term
intravenous hyperalimentation. Fed Proc 27:486, 1968.
Miller LD, Joyner CR, Dudrick SJ and Eskin DJ: Clinical use of
ultrasound in the early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Rev Surg
25:493, 1968.
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and pitfalls. Year Book of Cancer, 1968.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term IV
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Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E and Rhoads JE: Reversal of uremia
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Wilmore DW, Dudrick SJ, Samuels GSA and Vars HM: The role of
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Congress, Houston, TX, p 620, 1970.
Sugerman H, Travis S, Pollock T, Ruberg R, Dudrick SJ,
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in intravenous hyperalimentation. Clin Res 19:487, 1971.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ, Vars HM and Hansell JR: The effects of protein
depletion on colonic wound healing in rats. Fed Proc 30:298, 1971.
Ruberg RL, Dudrick SJ, Long JM, Allen TF, Steiger E and Rhoads JE:
Pre- and postoperative nutrition using crystalline amino acid as the sole
source of nitrogen. Fed Proc 30:300, 1971.
Long JM, Steiger E, Dudrick SJ, Berkowitz HD, Allen TR and Ruberg
RL: Total parenteral nutrition in the management of esophagocutaneous
fistulas. Fed Proc 30:30, 1971.
Steiger E, Dudrick SJ, Daly JM, Vars HM and Allen TF: Effects of
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liver morphology in protein depleted rats. Fed Proc 30:580, 1971.
Allen TR, Ruberg RL, Dudrick SJ, Long JM and Steiger E:
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hyperalimentation. Fed Proc 30:580, 1971.
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bowel complicating regional enteritis. In: Oncology, 1970, Clark,
Cumley, McCay and Copeland (eds), Year Book Medical Publishers,
Chicago, p 620, 1971.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ, Steiger E and Prockop DJ: The proline analogue
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colon anastomosis in rats. Fed Proc 31:716, 1972.
Long JM, Dudrick SJ and Van Buren CT: Intravenous alimentation in
renal failure: clinical experimental consideration. Proc International
Congress of Nutrition, Mexico City, 1972.
Maynard AT, Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Ruberg RL: Essential
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31:717, 1972.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. Dudrick SJ, Maynard At, Law D and Rhoads JE:
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parenteral hyperalimentation with 10% soybean oil emulsion. Fed Proc
31:717, 1972.
Van Buren C, Dudrick SJ, Dworkin L, Baumbauer E and Long JM: The
influence of essential L-amino acids on nitrogen metabolism in bilaterally
nephrectomized dogs. Fed Proc 31:730, 1972.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Effects of postoperative
intravenous nutrition on colonic wound healing, serum protein metabolism
and body weight. Fed Proc 31:730, 1973.
Law DK, Abdou NI and Dudrick SJ: Immunocompetence of rats with
chronic protein depletion (CPD): effects of protein depletion. Fed Proc
32:942, 1973.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Decreased
intestinal disaccharidase and peroxidase activity in hyperalimented rats.
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Souchon EA, Copeland EM, Watson P and Dudrick SJ: Tolerance for
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in rodents receiving hyperalimentation. Fed Proc
33:692, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as an adjunct to therapy in the cancer patient. XI
International Cancer Congress, Florence, Italy, 4:874,1974.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Much J, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Protein sparing
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Johnson LR, Castro GA, Lichtenberger LM, Copeland EM and Dudrick
SJ: The significance of the trophic action of gastrin. Gastroenterology
66:718, 1974.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Altered parasite
development and enzyme levels in the small intestine of parenterally fed
rats. Gastroenterology 66:672, 1974.
Lichtenberger LM, Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson
LR: The effect of food on rat antral gastrin concentration.
Gastroenterology 66:874, 1974.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Altered
development of gut parasites caused by switching the host from oral to
parenteral nutrition. Fed Proc 34:901, 1975.
Schanbacher LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnson LR and Castro GA:
Glucose transport across the small intestine of parenterally nourished rats.
Fed Proc 34:917, 1975.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Gut parasites:
altered development caused by changing the host from oral to parenteral
nutrition. Gastroenterology 68:870, 1975.
Schanbacher LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnson LR and Castro GA:
Intestinal uptake of glucose in parenterally nourished rats.
Gastroenterology 68:871, 1975.
Weisbrodt NW, Copeland EM, Thor PJ and Dudrick SJ: Small bowel
motility during intravenous hyperalimentation in the dog.
Gastroenterology 68:1011, 1975
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Daly JM: The management of
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. Tenth
International Congress of Nutrition, Kyoto, Japan, August,1975.
Souchon EA, Englert DM, Duke JH, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation in 342 surgical patients. Rev Surg 297-299,
September, 1976.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Relationship of
cell-mediated immunity to amino acid/calorie nutrition. Fed Proc 35:344,
Schanbacher LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Jonson LR: Effects of
total parenteral feeding on pancreatic bicarbonate secretion in the dog.
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Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Small intestinal transit during total parenteral nutrition in the rat.
Gastroenterology 70:950, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection
with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. Gastroenterology 70:868, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Smith JW, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW:
Altered small bowel propulsion associated with parasitism.
Gastroenterology 70:868, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection
with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. Clin Res 24:597A, 1976.
Sander LD, Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Johnson LR: Effect of
restraint stress on serum and antral gastrins and hexosamine synthesis
after parenteral alimentation. Gastroenterology 72:A102, 1977.
Wiseman DA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA: Comparison of
gastrointestinal structure and enzyme activity between orally fed rats and
rats fed by intestinal infusion. Gastroenterology 72:A128, 1977.
Daly JM, Castro GA, Akhtar M and Dudrick SJ: Morphologic and
biochemical intestinal changes after jejuno-ileal bypass. Gastroenterology
72:1042, 1977.
Ramaswamy K, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA: Causes of
weight loss associated with enteric parasitism. Fed Proc 36:595, 1977.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of
intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) on tumor growth and host
immunocompetence. Fed Proc 36:1163, 1977.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Energy intake as determinant
of nitrogen excretion in rats. JPEN 1:28A, 1977.
Souchon EA, Englert DM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Duke JH and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation: experience with 500 patients. S Tx
Chapt ACS, Austin, TX, January 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Baquero GE and Gum ET: Liver
function during intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH): clinical
biochemical changes. JPEN 2:(3)38, 1978.
Reynolds HM, Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of
nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to chemotherapy. Fed
Proc 38:261, 1978.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Total or supplemental ambulatory home
hyperalimentation. JPEN 2:242, 1978.
Johnson LR, Ryan GP, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Luminal gastrin
stimulates growth of distal fat intestine. Fed Proc 37:374, 1978.
Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: The effect of nutrition
on immunocompetence in cancer patients. JPEN 2:70, 1978.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of oral versus
IV nutrition on tumor response to chemotherapy. JPEN 2:71, 1978.
Igo SR, Kyger ER, III, Lande AJ and Dudrick SJ: Improved
intraventricular balloons for isolated rat hearts. ACEMB Proc 21:165,
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The cancer patient:
Impact of nutrition on immunocompetence. Proceedings of the XIII
International Cancer Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Cancer
Bulletin 31:96, May-June 1979.
Long JM, III, Souba WW and Dudrick SJ: Effect of calorie intake and
stress on nitrogen excretion. JPEN 3:34, 1979
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Effects of stress and diet on
nitrogen excretion in growing rats. JPEN 3:34, 1979.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Relationship of intravenous
hyperalimentation to infectious diseases and sepsis. APIC Journal 7:27,
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Speir AM and Ota DM: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as the sole treatment for chronic anemia associated
with ulcerative colitis in two Jehovah's Witnesses. JPEN 3:507, 1979.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: A comprehensive instructional program for
adults and pediatric ambulatory home hyperalimentation patients. JPEN
3:518, 1979.
Perl M, Hall TC, Dudrick SJ, Englert DM and Gardner ER: Psychologic
aspects of long-term home hyperalimentation. JPEN 3:522, 1979.
Speir AM, Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Thirty man years'experience with
ambulatory home hyperalimentation . JPEN 3:510, 1979.
Rowlands BJ, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Serum transferrin, a
comparison of two methods of measurement in hospitalized patients. Am
J Clin Nutr 32:XIX, 1979.
Jensen TG, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: A comparison of triceps
skinfold and arm circumference values measured in standard and supine
positions. JPEN 3:513, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Effects of protein nutrition on body weight, serum protein levels, and
tumor growth. Fed Proc 38:864, 1979.
Jensen TG, Brooks BJ and Dudrick SJ: Utilization of competency based
self-instructional modules for training dietetic technicians in nutritional
assessment techniques. JPEN 3:520, 1979.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effect of IVH on
immunocompetence in cancer patients. Fed Proc 39:888, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Rowlands BJ, Speir AM, Ota DM, Henry AC, Englert DM
and Coleman CW: Intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) as the sole
treatment for anemia and ulcerative colitis (UC) in two Jehovah's
Witnesses. Fed Proc 39:1114, 1980.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Interaction of protein and
energy substrates in intravenously fed rats. Fed Proc 39:1114, 1980.
Long JM, III, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Obsessive exercise-related
cachexia-a new syndrome? Am J Clin Nutr 33:938, 1980.
Long JM, III, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Obsessive exercise-related
cachexia-a new syndrome? Clin Res 28:579A, 1980.
Gallardo E, Tulloch BR, Rowlands BJ, Woo J and Dudrick SJ: Changes
in serum lipids during intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH). Clin Res
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Dudrick SJ, Van Buren CT, Daly JM, Long JM, III and Copeland EM:
Parenteral nutrition in the critically ill. J Coll Surg (Aust).
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Massar E, Johnson DE, Brachen B, Samman N,
Barlow AL and Dudrick SJ: Adaptation to amino acid infusions in
surgical patients. Fed Proc 40:3933, 1981.
Barroso AO, Rowlands BJ, Tulloch BR, Woo J and Dudrick SJ: Changes
in serum total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol during intravenous
hyperalimentation in dogs. Clin Res 29:(2)263A, 1981.
Rowlands BJ, Barroso A0, Foucar E and Dudrick SJ: Changes in hepatic
morphology and liver function tests during intravenous hyperalimentation
in dogs. Clin Res 29:(2)421A, 1981.
Jensen JE, Jensen TG, Smith TK, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: Nutrition
in orthopaedic surgery. Orthop Transactions 5:(1)85, 1981.
Hunt D, Barroso A, Lee P, Rowlands BJ, Lane H and Dudrick SJ: Iron
overload in patients with short bowel syndrome. Fed Proc 41:(3)2075.
Garza JL, Rowlands BJ and Dudrick SJ: Should liver function test
abnormalities during prolonged intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH)
cause concern? Gastroenterology 82:(5)1041, May 1982.
Dudrick PS, O'Donnell JJ, Matheny RG, Yoshimura NN and Dudrick SJ:
Failure of enriched branched chain amino acid solutions to improve
wound healing in traumatized rats. Fed Proc 43:(4)3299, 1984.
Lane HW, Moore C, Lotspeich CA, Ballard J, Dudrick SJ, Halligan R and
Warren DC: Selenium supplementation for patients receiving chronic
total parenteral nutrition. Fed Proc 43:(4)3402, 1984.
Guthrie PD, Drummond RW, Feste AS and Dudrick SJ: Dynamic effects
of a high cholesterol diet on plasma lipoprotein levels in rabbits. Fed
Proc 43:(9)1330, 1984.
Dudrick SJ and Drummond RW: Use of specially formulated parenteral
substrate therapy (PNST) in atherosclerotic plaque regression. Fed Proc
43:(7)3538, 1984.
Drummond RW, Feste AS, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Alteration of
rabbit plasma lipid relationships in response to a high cholesterol diet.
Fed Proc 43:(7)3538, 1984.
Feste AS, Drummond RW and Dudrick SJ: The effects of a high
cholesterol diet on the plasma concentration and distribution of
cholesterol eaters and free fatty acids in rabbits. Fed Proc 43:(7)3540,
Dudrick SJ, Matheny RG, O'Donnell JJ, Dudrick PS and Yoshimura NN:
Effect of enriched branched chain amino acid (AA) solutions in
traumatized rats. JPEN 8:86, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Matheny RG, Cardoso RJ, Hagemeier KF and
Hickey MS: A new concept of long-term indwelling tube gastrostomy
feeding. JPEN 8:94, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Hickey MS, Englert DM, Nutt RE, Blume ER,
Barroso AO and Clague MB: Ambulatory home total parenteral nutrition
(TPN)-100 patient years. JPEN 8:100, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, Drummond RW: Utilization of specific total parenteral
nutrition (TPN) in the arrest and reversal of atherosclerosis. JPEN 9:62,
Drummond RW, Feste AS, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Effects of a high
cholesterol diet on atherogenesis in rabbits: Lipoproteins. JPEN 9:63,
Drummond RW, Mazzagatti L, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Evaluation of
a chemiluminescence nitrogen analysis technique for use in nutritional
assessment studies. JPEN 10(1):195, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, Drummond RW, Belloso RM, Bisken LC, Dudrick PS and
Hedberg AM: Practical considerations affecting the accuracy of indirect
calorimetry (IC) measurements for nutritional assessment. JPEN
10(1):205, 1986.
Drummond RW, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Evaluation of performance
of an automated fluorescence quenching technique (FQT) for
measurement of retinol binding protein (RBP), transthyretin (TTY) and
transferrin (TRF). JPEN 10(1):215, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Raleigh DP, Matheny RG and Unkel SP:
Intravenous iron for patients refusing transfusion. American Family
Physician 33(2):328, 1986.
Matheny RG, Biskin LC, Belloso RM, O'Donnell JJ and Dudrick SJ:
Stimulation of erythropoiesis in anemic dogs with an intravenous
iron/nutrition regimen. Fed Proc 45(3):2582, 1986.
Weisbrodt NW, Belloso RM, Biskin LC, Dudrick PS and Dudrick SJ:
Effect of acetylcysteine on adaptation of intestinal smooth muscle after
small bowel bypass. Fed Proc 45(4):5181, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Englert DM, Blume ER, Belloso RM and Peters
C: 150 patient-years of ambulatory home total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
in the management of difficult gastrointestinal disorders.
Gastroenterology 90(5):1400, 1986.
Dudrick SJ: Management of the Short Bowel Syndrome. J Gastroenterol
Surg 27(2):239, 1994.
Winston D, Boatwright D, Gustafson D, Monte W, Dudrick SJ: Newly
Developed Tube Feeding Formula is Antimicrobial. Clin Res, Vol 42,
3:448A, 1994.
Winston D, Boatwright D, Winston DC, Monte W, Dudrick SJ: Tube
Feeding Formula With Sorbate is Antimicrobial. FASEB Journal 9:4,
A863, 1995.
Amshel C, Maharaj A, Palesty JA, Tambarino F, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest
X-Rays Mandatory Following Central Venous Recatheterization over a
Guidewire? Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American
Board Surgeons, December, 1996.
McKelvey A, Chlosta WF, Palesty JA, Davis MD, Dudrick SJ:
Psychological Implication of Needle Localization of Non-Palpable Breast
Lesions: Phase II. Combined Annual Meeting of the
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut
Society of
American Board Surgeons, December, 1996.
Sawmiller C, Sumpio BE, Maitz S, Dudrick SJ: The Effect of Contrast
Agents on Smooth Cell Muscle Cell Growth in Vitro. Combined Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons
and The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
December, 1996.
Palesty JA, Amshel CE, Maharaj A, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest X-Rays
Mandatory Following Central Venous Recatheterization Over a Wire?
Prospective Data Confirm and Augment Previous Retrospective Data.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1997
McKelvey AA, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Should Chest X-Rays Be
Obtained Routinely Following Elective Removal of Chest Tubes?
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Zdankiewicz PD, Garza JJ, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Alosco T: Two Years
Experience with Laparoscopic Versus Open Repair of Ventral Hernias.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Palesty JA, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Nd: YAG Laser for the
Excision of Pilonidal Cysts: A Comparison with Traditional Techniques.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Zahir KS, Edwards RP, Vecchia A, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Use of the
Nd:Yag Laser Improves Quality of Life and Economic Factors in the
Treatment of Hemorrhoids. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut
Society of American Board Surgeons, December, 1998
Roros JG, Gosche JR, Seashore J, Dudrick SJ, Touloukian R:
Management of Blunt Pancreatic Injuries in the 90’s: A Retrospective
Analysis. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American
Board Surgeons, December, 1998
Palesty JA, McKelvey AA, Dudrick SJ: The Efficacy of X-Rays after
Chest Tube Removal. 51st Annual Meting of the Southwestern Surgical
Congress, April, 1999
Paszkowiak JJ, Zdankiewicz PD, Wang XJ, Shea VT, Dudrick SJ: The
Increased Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Women Newly Diagnosed
with Breast Carcinoma at St. Mary’s Hospital. Combined Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Tittle SL, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Merkel Cell Tumors: A Retrospective
Review of the Connecticut State Tumor Board’s Data, 1990-1997.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, November, 1999
Woo DJ, Zdankiewicz PD, Hamzi M, Dudrick SJ: Clark’s Level I and II
Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma at St. Mary’s Hospital. Combined
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
November, 1999
Edwards RE, Zdankiewicz PD, Dudrick SJ, Dineen JP: Follow-Up
Counseling for Trauma Patients with Concurrent Substance Abuse – The
Need for Enforcement. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut
Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Rasque H, Duzgun AS, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE: Contrast Agents
Decrease VSMC Migration and Activate P38. Combined Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Garza JJ, Riley JT, Roros JG, Sawmiller CJ, Quigley W, Dudrick SJ:
Acute Cholecystitis in Critically Ill Surgical Patients: Is Incidental
Cholecystectomy During Exploratory Laparotomy Indicated? Combined
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
November, 1999
Wang XJ, Chen EL, Willis AI, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE, Gahtan V: Focal
Adhesion Kinase is Involved in Thrombospondin-1 Induced Cell
Migration. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American
Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Frangos SG, Ivy ME, Possenti PP, Pineau MJ, Fidler
PE, Gross RI, and Dudrick SJ: Traumatic Bile Duct Injury: Optimizing
Outcome by Individualizing Management. Scientific and Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p17,
November, 2000
Frangos SG, Atweh N, Pineau MJ, Kavic SM, Ivy ME, Possenti PP,
Bandanza D, Gross, RI, Fidler PE and Dudrick SJ: Hypothermia is a
Marker for Adequacy of Resuscitation in Severe Truncal Injury.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p69, November, 2000
Koo J, Ivy M, Atweh N, Pineau M, Possenti P and Dudrick SJ: Cardiac
Rupture Resulting from Blunt Trauma: A Retrospective Review of One
Community Hospital’s Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p73,
November, 2000
Christian DJ, Palesty JA, Lahijani SS, Rabbi JF, Dudrick SJ and Brown
W: Treatment of Lower Extremity Telangiectasias and Varicose Veins
with the Nd Yag Laser. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p69, November, 2002
Mikhaeil HM, Hanna BG, Staib S, Paszkowiak JJ and Dudrick SJ: Impact
of Age on Outcome of Motor Vehicle Trauma Patients: A Trauma Level II
Community Hospital Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p51,
November 2002
Rutland RC, Edwards RE, Rabbi JF, Staib S and Dudrick SJ: Can the
Injury Severity Score Alone Predict Outcome In Patients with Pulmonary
Contusion? Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p52, November, 2002
Osigweh JM, Palesty JA, Osigweh CAB, Zdankiewicz PD and Dudrick
SJ: Rates of Aspiration in Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and
Percutaneous Endoscopic Jejunostomy. Scientific and Annual Meeting of
the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p58,
November, 2002
Paszkowiak JJ, Tittle SL, Jackson LM, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A:
Abdominal Wall Endometrioma:Experience with a Rare Entity. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p61, November, 2002
Wang XJ, Paszkowiak JJ, Dudrick SJ and Sumpio BE: Red Wine
Polyphenols Inhibit Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 1/ 2 and P38
Activation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p64, November, 2002
Mikhaeil HM, Hanna BG, Staib S, Paszkowiak JJ and Dudrick SJ: Impact
of Age on Outcome of Motor Vehicle Trauma Patients: A Trauma Level II
Community Hospital Experience, Southwestern Surgical Society, p128,
Maloney SP, Edwards RE, Kiran PR, Richi A and Dudrick SJ: Outcomes
of Patients Over the Age of 80 Years Treated for a Perforated Viscus in a
Community Hospital Setting Over a Ten Year Period. Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p53, November, 2003
Jackson LS, Wang XJ, Gersten G and Dudrick SJ: Nitinol Stents in
Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA) Stenosis: A Community Hospital
Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p54, November, 2003
Thorisson HM, Gersten G and Dudrick SJ: Treatment of
Postcatheterization Pseudoaneurysm in a Community Hospital Setting.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p39, November, 2003
Rabbi JF, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicated Limitation of
Distal Dissection. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p45, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Rutland RC, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Laparoscopic Splenic
Artery Aneurysm Ligation During Pregnancy. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p46, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Wells K, Alosco T and Dudrick SJ: Primary Malignant NonHodgkin Skeletal Muscle Lymphoma: A Case Report. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p48, November, 2003
Shahmohammadi K, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Predictors of Mortality
After Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by General
Surgeons in a Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p51,
November, 2003
Rutland RC, Palesty JA, Edwards RE, Dudrick SJ and Tadros R: TuboOvarian Abscess in a Postpartum Adolescent. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p50, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Castro MG, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Does Initial Leukocyte
Count Correlate with Trauma Victim Length of Stay in Hospital.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p20, November, 2003
Rabbi JF, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicates Limitation of
Distal Dissection. 14th Annual Winter Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular
Surgery Society, February, 2004
Paszkowiak JJ, Teso D, Wang XJ, Kelley L, Sumpio BE, Dudrick SJ and
Dardik A; Rapamycin Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia in Low Flow
States In Vivo Without Affecting Vessel Inward Remodeling. 56th Annual
Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, p122, April, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Fratinni JC, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2443 Elderly Patients: Lessons from
Nonagenarians – Are We Pushing the Limit? 32nd Annual Meeting of the
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March, 2004
Castro MG, Kiran PR, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Does Intraoperative
Thyroid Frozen Section Have Clinical Value in Determining the Extent of
Thyroidectomy? Tufts New England Annual Resident Research Day,
April, 2004
Paszkowiak JJ, Teso D, Hamzi M and Dudrick SJ: Recurrent Laryngeal
Nerve Schwannoma: A Rare Mediastinal Tumor. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p16, November, 2004
Fancher TF, Golik L, Paszkowiak JJ, Polokoff EG and Dudrick SJ: Breast
Cancer Diagnosed in Woman Under the Age of 40 Over the Last Decade.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p18, November, 2004
Osigweh JM, Longo WE, Dudrick SJ and Geibel JP: Calcium Sensing
Receptor Modulates Electrolyte Transport in Human Colonic Crypts.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p22, November, 2004
Jackson LM, Wang XJ, Dudrick SJ and Gersten GD: Thrombolysis and
Stenting: Alternative to Treating Deep Vein Thrombosis. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p30, November, 2004
Jackson AL, Pimiento JM, Usoh F, Edwards RE, Richi AA and Dudrick
SJ: Paraplegia: A Rare Complication Following Abdominal Aneurysm
Repair. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p37, November, 2004
Jackson LM, Kopin C, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Urethral Carcinoma: A
Rare Presentation. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p38, November, 2004
Panait L, Conklin P, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: Surgical Treatment of
Perforated Appendicitis in a Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p42, November, 2004
Pimiento JM, Kiran PR, Edwards RE, Hamzi M, Richi AA, Alosco T,
Zarif A and Dudrick SJ: Initial Use of Hand Ports in the Community
Hospital Setting May Reduce the Slope of the Learning Curve for
Laparoscopic Colorectal Resections. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p43,
November, 2004
Teso D, Fratini J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Carotid Endarterectomy in
1,650 Patients Under 60 Years Old: Implications for Screening. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p45, November, 2004
Wang XJ, Edward RE, Pimiento JM and Dudrick SJ: Cold Abscess of the
Right Buttock: A Rare Entity. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p47,
November, 2004
Wang XJ, Jackson LM, Modhwadua M, Bhaliya P, Gersten GD and
Dudrick SJ: Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Limb Ischemia in a
Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p48, November, 2004
Wang XJ, Ravalese J, Alosco T and Dudrick SJ: Right Buttock Sarcoma
Following Radiation Therapy for Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p51, November, 2004
Qureshi IR, Staib S, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: The Relationship of
Injury Severity Score with Trauma Outcome of Patient in Urban Versus
Rural Trauma Centers. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p62, November, 2004
Rutland RC, Kidd M, Dudrick SJ and Modlin IM: The Treatment of
Morbid Obesity- From the Fat into the Frying Pan? Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p63, November, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Antezana J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Do Vascular
Surgeons Improve the Outcome of Carotid Endarterectomy? An Analysis
of 12,618 Elective Cases in the State of Connecticut. Connecticut
Medicine, p622, November/December 2004
Lahijani SS, Castro MG, Ivy M and Dudrick SJ: Unique Approach to
Diagnosis of Pott’s Disease. Connecticut Medicine, p624,
November/December 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Frattini J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2443 Elderly Patients; Lessons from
Nonagenarians – Are We Pushing the Limit? Connecticut Medicine, p625,
November/December 2004
Fancher TT, Malkin BS, Palesty JA and Dudrick SJ: Should Breast Self
Examination Really be Optional? Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p27,
November, 2005
Osigweh JM, Bell R, Dudrick SJ and Geibel JP: Sodium Hydrogen
Transport Regulates PH in Human Small Intestine Villi. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p29, November, 2005
Panait L, Merrell RC, Rafiq A, Dudrick SJ and Broderick T: Virtual
Reality Lapparoscopic Skill Assessment in Microgravity. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p31, November, 2005
Cordova AC, Kiran PR, Martin GJ, Dudrick SJ and Nicastri GR: Multiple
Bile Duct Hamartomas. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p86, November, 2005
Alam S, Malkan A, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Nicastri GR: Benign
Vascular Proliferation as a cause of Intussusception. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p88, November, 2005
Qureshi IQ, Nicastri GR and Dudrick SJ: Superior Mesenteric Artery
Syndrome:Review and Case Study. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p90,
November, 2005
Maloney S, Richi AA, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Ruptured Abdominal
Aorta Aneurysm Repair with Distal Anastamosis to the Inferior
Mesenteric Artery: A Case Report. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p92,
November, 2005
Jackson LM, Malkan A, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Stump Appendicitis
After Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A Case Report. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p94, November, 2005
Vardanyan A, Bradway M and Dudrick SJ: Negelected Giant Condyloma
Acuminatum. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter
of the American College of Surgeons, p96, November, 2005
Teso D, Palesty JA and Dudrick SJ: Combined Unilateral Upper and
Lower Extremity Ischemia Following Crack Cocaine Abuse. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p98, November, 2005
Rutland RR, Westzik H, Maloney S, Palesty JA, Dardik A and Dudrick
SJ: Increased Cardiac Complications in Hispanic Patients After Carotid
Endarterectomy. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p100, November, 2005
Golek Z, Zarif A and Dudrick SJ: Diaphragmatic Rupture: High Index of
Suspicion. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p101, November, 2005
40 Beecher Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut 06770
St. Mary’s Hospital
56 Franklin Street
Waterbury, Connecticut 06706
April 9, 1935
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Married: Theresa M. Keen, June 14, 1958
Children: Susan Marie Stanley Jonathan
Paul Stanley
Carolyn Mary
Nanticoke High School, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 1949-1953
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1953-1957
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1957-1961
B.S., Biology Honors, Cum Laude, Franklin and Marshall College, 1957
M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1961
M.A., Honoris Causa,Yale University, 1999
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Rotating), July 1961-June 1962
Assistant Resident in Surgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, July 1962June 1966
Chief Resident in General Surgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, July
1966-June 1967
Research Fellow, Harrison Department of Surgical Research, University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine,
July 1962-June, 1967
Pennsylvania, July 1962, MD 028149-L
Texas, January 1973, E-0384
Connecticut, November 1994, 034175
American Board of Surgery, January 29, 1968, 15163
Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of
Medicine, 1995 –
Chairman, Department of Surgery, St. Mary’s
Hospital/Yale Affiliate, 2004 –
Director, Program in Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale
Affiliate, 2002 –
Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s
Hospital, 2002 –
Attemding Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate,
1994Attending Surgeon, Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New
Haven Health System, 2002 –
Attending Surgeon, West Haven VA Hospital, 1998 –
Consultant in Surgery, Yale New Haven Hospital, 2004
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (1962-1972; 1988-1993)
Assistant Instructor in Surgery, July 1962- June 1966
Instructor in Surgery, July 1966-June 1967
Associate in Surgery, July 1967-June 1968
Assistant Professor of Surgery, July 1968-June 1969
Associate Professor of Surgery, July 1969-July 1972
Professor of Surgery, July 1972-Sept 1972
Research Fellow, Harrison Dept of Surgical Research, July 1962-June 1967
Scientific Staff, Harrison Dept of Surgical Research, July 1967-Sept 1972
Chief of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Division,
Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, July 1967-August 1972
Acting Chief of Surgery, Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, July
1968-August 1972
Associate Surgeon, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Surgical Staff,
July 1967-Sept 1972
Assistant Attending Physician, Philadelphia General Hospital, July 1967-Sept
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Nov 1988 - July, 1993
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston (1972-1988; 1990-1995)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, July 1972-Sept 1980
Chairman, Department of Surgery, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-Sept. 1980
Professor of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, July
1972-Jan 1982
Clinical Professor of Surgery, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, Jan 1982-Sept 1995
Chief of Surgical Services, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-Sept 1980
Attending Surgeon, Hermann Hospital, July 1972-June 1988
Surgeon in Chief, Hermann Hospital, Houston, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Nutritional Support Services, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Nutritional Science Center, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May 1993
Director, Center for Cardiovascular Disease, Hermann Hospital, May 1990 - May
Medical Director, Hermann Nutrition and Human Performance Center, May
1990- May 1993
Active Staff, General Surgery, Hermann Hospital, May 1990- July 1995
Senior Consultant in Surgery and Medicine, Texas Institute for Rehabilitation
and Research, July 1974-June 1988
Director, Nutritional Support Services, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Dec
1981-June 1986
Attending Surgeon, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Sept 1981-June 1988
Attending Surgeon, Texas Children’s Hospital, Sept 1981-June 1988
The University of Texas System Cancer Center, MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor
Institute (1972-1988)
Consultant in Surgery, Dept of Surgery, July 1972-June 1988
Consultant to the Office of the President (General Surgery), Sept 1982-1988
Pennsylvania Hospital (1988-1990)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, July 1988-May 1990
Director, Residency Training Program in General Surgery, July 1988-May 1990
Surgeon in Chief, July 1988-May 1990
Surgeon to the Hospital, Active Staff, July 1988-May 1991
Surgeon to the Hospital, Honorary Staff, October 1991St. Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate (1994 – 2000; 2002-2004)
Program Director, Dept. of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Nov
1994 – Jan 2000
Associate Chairman, Dept. of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Nov 1994 – Jan
2000; Aug 2002 – June 2004
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
CT Jan 1995 - June 1999
Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Jan
1995 – Jan 2000
Attending Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT Nov 1994 – Jan 2000
Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System (2000 – 2002)
Chairman, Department of Surgery, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT January
2000 – August 2002
Director of Surgical Education, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT Jan 2000 –
August 2002
Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT January
1995Program Director, Department of Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT August
2002 Director, Graduate Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT August 2002
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Surgery, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT Oct 1996PRESENT HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS AND POSITIONS:
Attending Surgeon, Saint. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT November 1994Attending Surgeon, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, West Haven, CT Aug 1998 Attending Surgeon, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT June 1999 -
Attending Surgeon, Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System, Bridgeport, CT
January 2000 Surgeon to the Hospital, Honorary Staff, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Oct
Yale University School of Medicine
Liaison Committee, Department of Surgery, November 1994 Board of Permanent Officers, July 1997 Surgery Grand Rounds Committee, Chairman, 1998 -2001
Surgical Education Committee, July 1998 –
Executive Committee, Department of Surgery, July 1999 –
Promotions, Appointments, and Tenure Committee, Department of Surgery, July 1999 –
Surgery ACGME Accreditation Committee, February 2000 HOSPITAL COMMITTEES:
Saint Mary’s Hospital/Yale Affiliate
Institutional Review Board
Committee, Chairman
OR Committee
Medical Leadership Committee
Committee, Chairman
Library Committee
Committee, Chairman
Ethics Committee
Patient Rights Committee
ICU Joint Conference Committee
Quality Assurance/Surgical Pathways
Performance Improvement Steering Committee
OR Leadership Committee
Infection Control Committee
Saint Mary’s Health System:
Stategic Planning Committee
Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Health System
2000 Program Directors Planning Committee
Force Committee
Clinical Risk/Mortality Review Committee
Credentials Committee
Graduate Medical Education Committee
Mill Hill Medical Executive Committee
Performance Architecture 20005 Committee
Directors Committee
Primary Care Center Operations Committee
Review Committee
Graduate Medical Education
General Surgery Section
General Surgery Teaching
Surgical Section Chiefs
Trauma QA/QI Committee
Trauma Service Executive
Performance Improvement Plan
Board Planning Committee
Medical Records Committee
Medical Executive Committee
Cardiology/Cardiovascular Task
Continuing Medical Education
Critical Care Committee
Main OR Committee
Nutrition Committee
Primary Care Center Clinical
Professional and Quality
Quality Council Committee
Radiology/Operating Room
Utilization Committee
Surgery Department Chairmans Committee
Surgical Research Committee
Surgical Section Chiefs Committee, Chairman Surgical Services Committee,
Medical Advisory Board of the Peripheral Vascular Institute, Chairman
Nutrition, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Southern Connecticut Health Network Medical Management Committee
Franklin and Marshall College, Williamson Medal, 1957 (outstanding member of
graduating class)
Rawnsley Science Prize, 1957
Sparks Medal, 1957, (highest average in Chi Phi Fraternity)
Black Pyramid Senior Honorary Society, 1957
Phi Beta Kappa, 1957
Biology Honors, 1957
Permanent Class President, Class of 1957
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Eben J.Carey Award (excellence in
anatomy), 1958
President, Class of 1961
President, Undergraduate Medical Association, 1961
Roche Award (outstanding student of medicine), 1961
Intern of the Year, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 1962
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1968
Honorable Mention for Scientific Exhibit, Surgical Division, AMA Scientific
Convention, 1968
Sigma Xi, University of Pennsylvania, 1970
AMA Joseph B. Goldberger Award in Clinical Nutrition (co-recipient with Jonathan E.
Rhoads, MD), 1970
Veterans Administration Citation for a significant contribution to medical care, 1970
Da Costa Orator, Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1970
James IV Surgical Traveler, 1971, James IV Surgical Association
SAMA-Squibb Award for Scientific Exhibit (co-recipient with Ezra Steiger), 1972
Mead Johnson Award for Research in Hospital Pharmacy (co-recipient with Herbert L.
Flack John A. Gans and Stanley E. Serlich), 1972
Seale Harris Medal of the Southern Medical Association for important accomplishment in
the broad field of metabolism, endocrinology and nutrition, 1972
Alpha Omega Alpha, Honor Medical Society, Founding Member, The University of
Texas Health Science Center
at Houston, Medical School Chapter, 1975
AMA Brookdale Award in Medicine, "In recognition of his outstanding contribution to
the nutritional care of critically ill or injured patients. His development of
parenteral nutritional support of patients has been widely accepted as a standard
technique and has suggested new areas of research." 1975
Great Texans Award, National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Inc., Houston Gulf
Coast Chapter, 1975
Honorary Texas Citizen, awarded by Governor Dolph Briscoe, 1975
Modern Medicine Award for contributions to developing parenteral hyperalimentation
and other refinements in nutritional and metabolic support for surgical patients,
Admiral in the Texas Navy, appointed by Governor Dolph Briscoe, 1978
Schaufus Technology Achievement Award of the Parenteral Drug Association, 1978
Honorary Fellowship in the Philippine College of Surgeons, 34th Annual Convention,
Manila, Philippines, 1978
First Arvid Wretlind Lecturer-European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
Stockholm, 1979
Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1975-1996
Who's Who in America, 1980Who's Who in the World, 1982Who's Who in Cancer: Professionals and Facilities, 1985Who's Who in American Education, 1992Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1992Who’s Who in the East, 1996Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 1996Wisdom Hall of Fame, 1980
Men and Women of Distinction, 1980, 1981
WHO Houston, 1980
American College of Surgeons Board of Governors, 1979-1985
Honorary Fellow, American Pediatric Surgical Association, 1980 Distinguished Alumnus Citation, Franklin and Marshall College, 1980
Edward D. Churchill Lecturer, Excelsior Surgical Society, American College of
Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1981
Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Award
for Extraordinary performance as a physician in the service of mankind, 1981
Virginia Kettering Kampf Lecturer-Wright University, Dayton, Ohio, 1981
Frank Stinchfield Award of the Hip Society of the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons (co-recipient with Jack E. Jensen, MD and Taylor K. Smith, MD) for
"Nutritional Assessment of Orthopaedic Patients Undergoing Total Hip
Replacement Surgery." 1981
Chairman and Course Director, First Pan-American Congress on Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1981
Distinguished Guest Award of the State of Jalisco, Mexico, 1981
Harry M. Vars Award of the American Society Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
(co-recipient with Charles W. Heard, Jr., MD, R. Bryan Griffith, MD, Taylor K.
Smith, MD and John M. Daly, MD) for "The Positive Impact of Nutritional
Support on Fracture Healing. February, 1982
Samuel David Gross Lecturer, University of Louisville, February, 1982
Gordon Reid Gross Lecturer, Edmonton, Canada, March, 1982
Sommer Memorial Lecturer, The University of Oregon Health Science Center, Portland,
Oregon, April, 1982
Grace A. Goldsmith Award of the American College of Nutrition, co-sponsored by the
National Dairy Council, Washington, D.C. October, 1982
Outstanding Humanitarian Award, American Society of Nutritional Support Services,
Las Vegas, Nevada,
January, 1984
Annual Therapeutic Frontiers Award, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, San
Diego, June 1984
American Men and Women in Science, 1985University of Pennsylvania Nutrition Alumni Society President, 1985-1986
Jonathan E. Rhoads Lecturer in recognition for major contributions in the field of
specialized nutritional support, Annual Clinical Congress of the American
Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Miami Beach, Florida, February,
Annual Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award of the American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition awarded annually and named in Dr. Dudrick's
honor in recognition of research leadership and developing TPN, initiated
January, 1985
Board of Trustees, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, June, 1985Vice Chairman, 1994-2002
Board of Overseers, 1986-1989; Executive Committee, 1989-2002
Development Council, Chairman, 1987-1990
Chairman, Campaign for the College, 1996-2002
Albion O. Bernstein, M.D. Award of the Medical Society of the State of New York,
March 1986
The Cosmos Club, elected to membership, June, 1986
Honorary Membership in Dietitians in Critical Care of the American Dietetic Association
awarded in recognition of his advocacy of dietitians practicing critical care
nutrition and his contribution to the science of nutrition support, June, 1986
Award from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in recognition of his outstanding
scientific and academic achievements and for significant contributions to
nutritional support therapy during the 25 years of his professional life, July, 1987
Phi Beta Kappa Associates, 1988
Honorary Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1988
Ladd Medal, Surgery Section, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1988
University of Pennsylvania Medical Alumni Society Steering Committee, 1989
Thomas Pollock, M.D. Memorial Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, Department of
Surgery, 1990
Honorary Fellow, College of Medicine and Surgery of the Republic of Costa Rica, 1990
Award from The University of Texas Medical School at Houston in recognition of true
interest and enthusiasm in the recruitment of able students to the field of
medicine, Dec, 1992
Award from the Federacion LatinoAmericana de Nutricion Parenteral Y Enteral in
recognition of his contribution to the development of artificial nutrition, Sept,
Award from the Asociacion Mexicana de Alimentacion Enteral Y Endovenosa in
Reconocimiento por su Contribucion al Desarrollo de la Nutricion Artificial,
Sept, 1993
Reconocimiento por ser pionero en la ciencia de la alimentacion artificial descubrimiento
que ha generado nuevas esperanzas y vertido enormes beneficios a la
humanidad, en la ciudad de Morelia, Mich., Mexico, C.P. Sergio Magana
Martinez, Presidente Municipal, Sept, 1993
Award from the Mexican Association of Enteral and Intravenous Alimentation in
recognition of the value of his scientific contribution of the advancement of
nutrition in Mexico with much gratitude, V Congreso Nacional, Acapulco,
Mexico, October, 1994
Honorary Member, Mexican Association of Enteral and Intravenous Alimentation,
October, 1994
Award in Recognition of Excellent and Dedicated Surgical Teaching, Surgical Residents,
St. Mary’s Hospital, June, 1995
Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania Surgical Resident Graduate of the Year
Award, April, 1996
D. Hayes Agnew Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Department of Surgery, April,
First Chairman, National Alumni Council, University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine, May, 1996- May, 2001
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Alumni Service Award, May, 1996
American Surgical Association 1997 Flance/Karl Award to Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. and
Jonathan E. Rhoads, M.D. “For their seminal contribution in basic laboratory
research as applied to parenteral nutrition.”
International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition “For his outstanding
academic achievements that have contributed to the development of surgical
metabolism and nutrition.” August, 1997
Roche Visiting Professor - University of Miami School of Medicine, Trauma/Surgical
Critical Care, December 1997
Annual Lecturer, Surgical Historical Society, December, 1997
Honorary Guest Lecturer, Seattle Surgical Society, January, 1998
Honorary Member - Seattle Surgical Society, January, 1998
Faculty Recognition Award, Continuing Medical Education, St. Mary’s Hospital, January
Award as Honored Guest Lecturer from the City of Loja, Ecuador, May, 1999
Award in Recognition of Excellent and Dedicated Surgical Teaching, Surgical Residents,
St. Mary’s Hospital, June, 1999
The J.D. Ashmore Visiting Lectureship, Greenville Hospital System, Greenville, South
Carolina, June, 1999
Venezuelan Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Award “In Recognition for
Pioneering Work in the Field of Clinical Nutrition,” Caracas, Venezuela,
October, 1999
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, Award in Recognition as Founder, Houston
Chapter (founded in 1975), November, 1999
Roswell Park Medal Award, Buffalo Surgical Society, March, 2000
Honorary Degree, Master of Arts, Yale University, April, 2000
Nos Magni Nominis Umbra Teaching and Research Award – Yale Residents in General
Surgery, 2000
Honorary Membership, Los Angeles Surgical Society, January, 2001
Top Docs, General Surgery, Connecticut Magazine, February, 2001
William J. Pokorny Memorial Surgical Science Lectureship, South Texas Chapter,
American College of Surgeons, March, 2001
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2001
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2001
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2001
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2002
Commencement Speaker, Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing, Program of Surgical
Technology, June 2002
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2002
America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals – Lifetime Member, June, 2002
Alumni Medal of Franklin & Marshall College “For Outstanding Volunteer Service to
Franklin & Marshall College”, October, 2002
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2003
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2003
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2003
Visiting Professor and Lecturer University of Texas Medical Center, June, 2003
The Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. Surgical Education and Research Fund “In Recognition of
Dr. Dudrick’s Teaching and Research Accomplishments”, June, 2003
Honorary Membership in the Polish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
September, 2003
Medal of The Polish Lifeline Foundation (Linia Zycia), For the Support of Home TPN
Patients, September, 2003
American College of Surgeons Fellows Leadership Society – Life Member, October,
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2004
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2004
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2004
The James H. Foster Lecture, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, October,
The William H. Erb, Sr. Lecture, Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, January, 2005
The Jonathan E. Rhoads Lecture, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition,
January, 2005
The Walter J. Pories Honor Lecture in Surgical Education, Brody School of Medicine,
East Carolina University, March, 2005
America’s Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2005
Top Doctors: New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., March, 2005
The Best Doctors in New York: New York Magazine, June, 2005
The American College of Surgeons Jacobson Innovation Award, June, 2005
The Association of Mexican Surgeons Lifetime Achievement Award, November 2005
Editorial Consultant, Journal of Trauma, 1974
Editorial Board, Infusionsterapie and Klinische Ernahrung, 1974
Associate Editor, Nutrition in Medicine, 1975Editorial Board, Annals of Surgery, 1975Senior Member, 2002Editorial Board, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1978
Editorial Board, Nutrition and Cancer, Founding Member, 1978-2000
Editorial Board, Practical Gastroenterology, 1978
Editorial Board, Infusion, 1978
Editorial Advisory Board, Correspondence Society of Surgeons, 1978
Co-Editor, Manual of Surgical Nutrition, American College of Surgeons, 1975
Editorial Advisory Board, Nurse's Guide to Drugs, 1978- Intermed Communications, Inc.
Horsham, PA.
Editorial Council, The Journal of Clinical Surgery, 1980
Editorial Board, Nutrition Support Services, 1980
Editorial Consultant, Nutrition Research, 1981
Editorial Advisory Board, Texas Health Letter, 1981
Editorial Advisory Board, Diseases, 1981,Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.
Editorial Advisory Board, Diagnostics, 1981,Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham,
Editorial Advisory Board, Professional Guide to Diseases, Intermed Communications,
Inc., Horsham, PA.
Editorial Advisory Board, Drugs, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA., 1982
Editorial Advisory Board, Assessment, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editorial Advisory Board, Professional Guide to Drugs, Intermed Communications, Inc.,
Horsham, PA., 1982
Editorial Advisory Board, Procedures, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editor, Manual of Pre and Postoperative Care, American College of Surgeons, 1983
Editorial Advisory Board, Definitions, Intermed Communications, Inc., Horsham, PA.,
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing 83, Drug Hand-book, Intermed Communications, Inc.,
Horsham, PA., 1983
Editorial Advisory Board, Practices, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Shock, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse
PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Hypertension, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Drug Interactions, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Cardiac Crises, Springhouse Corp.,
Springhouse, PA., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing Now Series, Respiratory Emergencies, Springhouse
Corp., 1984
Library Advisory Board, Cine'-Med Incorporated, Woodbury, CT., 1984
Editorial Advisory Board, Nursing 85, Drug Handbook, Springhouse Corp., Springhouse,
PA., 1985
Editorial Advisory Board, Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic
Nutritional Sciences, 1985
Editorial Board, Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 1986
Medical Advisory Board, Five Alice Newsletter International Association for
Enterostomal Therapy, 1986
Editorial Board, Postgraduate General Surgery, 1992
Editorial Board, Metabolism y Nutricion Artificial, Mexico City, Mexico, 1993Editorial Consultant Board, Handbook of Therapeutic Interventions. Springhouse Corp,
Springhouse, PA, 1994
Editorial Board, Journal of Metabolism and Nutrition (Revista de metabolismo
Enutricao) Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil, 1994Editorial Board, Current Surgery, 1999 –
Alaska State Medical Association, (Honorary)
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society, University of Texas at Houston,
Secretary-Treasurer, 1982
Allen O. Whipple Surgical Society
American Academy of Pediatrics, Honorary Fellow
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for the History of Medicine, Inc.
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Association of University Professors
American Board of Surgery
Board of Directors, 1974-1984
In-Training Examination Subcommittee, 1974-1978
Multiple Choice Subcommittee (MCS), 1979-1984, Chairman, 1982-1984
Examination Committee, 1982-1984
Committee on Issues (COI), 1979-1984
Ad Hoc Committee Special Competence for Hand Surgery, 1981-1983,
Chairman, 1982-1983
Joint Chairman for Surgery of the Hand,1984-1987
Senior Member, American Board of Surgery, 1984American Burn Association
American Cancer Society Board of Directors, Harris County Unit
Medical and Scientific Committee
Public Education Committee
American Cancer Society, Board of Directors, Philadelphia Unit
Professional Education Committee
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Nutrition
American College of Surgeons, Fellow, 1971Board of Governors, 1979-1985
Credentials Committee, State of Texas, 1979-1988
Credentials Committee, Eastern Pennsylvania, 1989-1990
Pre- and Postoperative Care Committee, 1974-1980
Executive Committee, 1974-1977
Vice Chairman, 1975-1977
Editorial Subcommittee for Manual of Surgical Nutrition
Chairman, Editorial Subcommittee for Manual of Pre- and Postoperative Care,
3rd edition
South Texas Chapter, Director, 1977-1986
Committee on Medical Motion Pictures, 1981-1990
SESAP '94-'95, PMP Committee #2, 1991-1993
SESAP '96-'97, MCI Committee #4, 1993-1995
Co-Chairman, 1993-1995
American Federation for Clinical Research
American Gastroenterological Association
American Institute of Nutrition
American Medical Association
Council on Foods and Nutrition, Executive Committee
Subcommittee on Total Parenteral Nutrition
Subcommittee on Quality Control of Parenteral Solutions
Ad Hoc Committee on Nutrition Teaching in Medical Schools
Council on Scientific Affairs, 1976-1981
Surgical Criteria Project
General Surgery Criteria Committee
American Radium Society
American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1978 -
American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Membership Committee
American Society of Contemporary Medicine and Surgery
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Society of Nutritional Support Services, Board of Directors, 1982-1987
President-Elect, 1983-1984
President, 1984-1985
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
President, 1977-1978 (Founding President)
Board of Advisors, 1978Chairman, 1978-1979
Public Policy Committee, 1984-1986
Research Foundation Study Committee, 1990American Surgical Association
Member, Program Committee, 1979-1982
Chairman, Program Committee, 1981-1982
American Trauma Society (Founder's Group)
Anatomical Board of the State of Texas
Association for Academic Surgery (Founder's Group)
Association of American Medical Colleges
Association of Program Directors in Surgery, 1988Board of Directors, 1998Association of Veterans Administration Surgeons (Founding Member)
Beaumont Medical Club of Connecticut, 1999 College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1990Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, 1994Connecticut State Medical Society, 1995Connecticut Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (CONNSPEN), 1995Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
Doctors' Club of Houston
Ethicon General Surgery Advisory Board
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Halsted Society Senior Member, 1986Harris County Medical Society
Emergency Medical Services Committee
Medical and Scientific Committee
Houston Academy of Medicine
Texas Medical Center Library Scientific Advisory Committee, Chairman
Houston Gastroenterological Society
Houston Ostomy Association
Houston Surgical Society
International Federation of Surgical Colleges
International Platform Association
International Society for Digestive Surgery
International Society for Parenteral Nutrition
President-Elect, 1975-1978
President, 1978-1981
Executive Committee, 1975-1984
John Morgan Society, University of Pennsylvania (Honor Society for Medical Research)
Lifeline Foundation, Inc.
Board of Directors
Medical Club of Philadelphia, 1990Minneapolis Surgical Society (Honorary Member)
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes Health-Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Program
Advisory Committee; Chairman, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Program
National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Houston Gulfcoast Chapter
Medical Advisory Board, Houston Gulfcoast Chapter
National Institutes of Health
Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma Study Section, July 1982-June 1986
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Food and Nutrition Board
Committee on Clinical Nutrition
Task Force on Clinical Nutrition
New England Surgical Society, 1996
New Haven County Medical Association, 1995New Orleans Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Board of Advisors
New York Academy of Sciences
Nutrition Today Society
Pan American Medical Association
Pan-Pacific Surgical Association
Vice President, General Surgery Section, 1985-1988
Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, 1988Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1988-1990
Pennsylvania State Medical Society, 1988-1990
Ravdin-Rhoads Surgical Society
Sigma Xi, Rice-Texas Medical Center Chapter
Societe Internationale de Chirurgie
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
Society of Clinical Surgery
Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
Society of Surgical Oncology, Inc.
Society of University Surgeons
American Board of Surgery Representative, 1974-1984
Executive Council, 1974-1978
Councilman-at-Large, 1974-1978
Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, 2002Southeastern Surgical Congress Associate Fellow, 1977
Southern Gut Club
Southern Medical Association
Section on Surgery, Chairman-Elect, 1983-84,
Chairman, 1984-1985
Southern Society of Clinical Surgeons
Southern Surgical Association
Southwestern Surgical Congress
Stanley J. Dudrick Surgical Society (Honorary Member)
Surgical Biology Club II
Surgical Historical Society, 1997Surgical Infection Society (Charter Member)
Membership Committee, Chairman, 1987-1990
Texas Gulfcoast Chapter of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Texas Medical Association
Committee on Nutrition and Food Resources
Texas Delegation to the AMA
Texas Medical Foundation
Texas Surgical Society
United Ostomy Association, Houston Chapter
United States Pharmacopeia Committee on Revision, Advisory Panel on Electrolytes and
Parenteral Therapy
University Association for Emergency Medical Services
Venezuelan Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Western Surgical Association
Alumni Club of Philadelphia, 1989-1990
American Museum of Natural History, Associate Member
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, 1985Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 1990Chairman of Class Agents, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Medical
Annual Giving), 1971-1972
Class Agent, Class of 1961, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1961Cosmos Club, 1986Ducks Unlimited
Franklin Inn Club, Philadelphia, 1990Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Board of Trustees, 1985First Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, 1994-1999
Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, 1999-2002
Board of Overseers/Executive Committee, 1986Leadership/Major Gifts Committee, 1986-1991
Development Council, Chairman, 1986-1991
Student Life Committee, 1986-1994
William A. Schnader Society, Charter Member, 2000Benjamin Rush Society, 1989Founder, 1989
Honorary Co-Chairman, 1998Trusteeship Committee, 1990John Marshall Society, 1991Alumni Programs and Development Committee, 1991-1994
President's Regional Advisory Council, Southwest Council, 1992-1993
Art Collections Committee, 1994-1996
Education Services Committee, 1994-1996
Committee on the Office of the Presidency, 1996Marketing and Communications Committee, 1994-1998
Finance Committee, 1994-1998
Investments Committee, 1994-1998
Leadership Gifts Committee, 1993Co-Chairman, Physical Sciences Building Committee, 1994-1999
Chairman, Campaign Executive Committee, 1996Academic Investments Committee, 2003-
Facilities Planning and Public Safety Committee, 2003Co-Chairman, Trustees Campaign Committee, 2003George H. Hermann Society, Hermann Hospital, 1990-1992
Charles Curtis Harrison Society, University of Pennsylvania, 1996Houston Grand Opera
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
International Platform Association
National Cowboy Hall of Fame
National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame
National Historical Society
National Society for Historical Preservation
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem
Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of Greater Houston
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Republican Senatorial Inner Circle
Smithsonian Society
Teikyo Post University – Business Advisory Council, 2003The Forum Club of Houston
The Friends of Franklin, Inc.
The Franklin Institute, Member
Union League of Philadelphia, 1988-1992
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Class Agent-Class '61, 1961-1994
Annual Giving Steering Committee, 1989Trustee Development Committee, 1994The Campaign for the Future of Medicine, 1994-2001
Campaign Steering Committee, 1994-2001
National Alumni Council, 1994Chairman, 1994-2001
Waterbury Symphony Orchestra, Board of Directors, 1999 –
Exploratory Committee (Development), Chairman, 1999-
American Medical Association
Chairman, Committee on Nutrition in Medicine
Association for Academic Surgery
Co-Chairman, Local Program Committee, Philadelphia
Doctors' Club of Houston
Board of Governors
Second Vice-President
Finance Committee, Chairman
Entertainment Committee
Employees Association of the Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia
Pennsylvania State Medical Society
Alternate Delegate from Philadelphia
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Emergency Transportation Committee
Nutrition and Metabolic Committee
Philadelphia Regional Committee on Trauma
Philadelphia Pre- and Postoperative Care Committee
Sigma Xi, University of Pennsylvania Chapter
Society of Surgical Chairman
Trauma Surgeons Advisory Panel, Ethicon, Inc.
Veterans Administration National Research Service
Merit Review Board of Surgery
Pennsylvania Hospital
Executive Committee of the Medical Staff
Clinical Chiefs Committee
Operating Room Committee
Finance Committee of the Board of Managers
Kitchen Cabinet of the Board of Managers
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Medical Service, Research and Development Plan, Board of Directors,
Chairman, 1973-1975, 1976-1979
Vice Chairman, 1975-1976
Laboratory Animal Care Committee, 1976-1978
Administrative Council
Clinical Chairmen's Committee
CNS Trauma Center Group
Clinical Affairs Committee
Development Board
Policy Review Committee
Smith-Klein and French Lectureship Committee, Chairman
The University of Texas Medical Associates
Board of Directors,Chairman
Executive Committee
By-laws Committee
Fringe Benefits Committee
Ambulatory Care Committee
Space Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Hermann Hospital
Ambulatory Care Committee
Clinical Chiefs Committee
Medical Board
Emergency Medical Services Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Joint Conference Committee
Nutrition Committee, Chairman
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Advisory Committee to the Curriculum Committee for Introduction to Clinical
Bioengineering Committee, University of Pennsylvania
Committee for Evaluation of Human Research
Faculty Advisory Committee
Medical Student Advisor
Student Recommendation Committee
Task Force on Educational Policy and Professional Manpower
Department of Surgery Executive Committee
Course Coordinator, Surgery 200 and 300, Pennsylvania Hospital
Nutrition Curriculum Committee
Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia
Budget Committee
Dean's Subcommittee for Academic Affairs, Chairman
Infection Committee, Secretary
Medical Executive Committee
Medical Library Advisory Committee
Personnel Committee
Professional Standards Board
Research and Education Committee, Chairman
Space Committee
Therapeutic Agents Committee
Tissue and Transfusion Committee
St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston
Admissions and Utilization Committee
Dietary Committee
Intensive Care Committee
Medical Education, Research and Publications Committee
Pharmacy and Nursing Services Committee
Patient Education Committee
Foundation for Children, Inc. (Houston)
Board of Directors
Hunters Creek Elementary Parent Teachers Association
Lakewood Yacht Club
Memorial Drive Country Club
Spring Branch Junior High School Parent Teachers Association
University Faculty Club, Inc., Charter Member, The University of Texas
Dudrick SJ, Lehr HB, Senior JR and Rhoads JE: Nutritional care of the
surgical patient. Med Clin NA 48:1253-1269, 1964
Rhoads JE, Rawnsley HM, Vars HM, Crichlow RW, Nelson HM, Spagna
RM, Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE, Jr.: The use of diuretics as an adjunct in
parenteral hyperalimentation for surgical patients with prolonged
disability of the gastrointestinal tract. Bull Int Soc Surg 24: 59-70, 1965
Williams KR, Rogers A and Dudrick SJ: Stainless steel disc valve for
cardiac valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 49:540-549, 1965.
Rhoads JE and Dudrick SJ: Hypovolemic shock-current clinical concepts
of diagnosis and management. Postgrad Med 39:3-10, 1966.
Dudrick SJ, Joyner CR, Miller LD, Eskin DJ and Knight DH: Ultrasound
in the early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Surg Forum 17:117-118,
Rhoads JE, Dudrick SJ and Miller LD: Colectomy for cancer: technique
and pitfalls. Surg Clin NA 46:1163-1177, 1966.
Joyner CR, Miller LD, Dudrick SJ, Eskin DS and Knight DH: Reflected
ultrasound in the detection of pulmonary embolism. Trans Assoc Am
Physicians 78:262-277, 1966.
Joyner CR, Miller LD, Dudrick SJ, Eskin DS and Bloom P: Reflected
ultrasound in the study of diseases of the chest. Trans Am Clin Climatol
Assoc 78:23-37, 1966.
Dudrick SJ, Masland W and Mishkin M: Brachial plexus injury following
axillary artery puncture: Further comments on management. Radiology
88:271-273, 1967.
Itskovitz HD, Dudrick SJ, Dyrda I and Murphy JJ: Plasma angiotensinase
activity in hypertensive patients. Arch Int Med 119:24-246, 1967.
Dudrick SJ, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Growth of puppies receiving all
nutritional requirements by vein. Fortschritte der Parenteralen Ernahrung,
pp 1-4. Symposium der Intl Soc of Parenteral Nutr in 1966. Pallas
Verlag, Lochham, bei Munchen, W Germany, 1967.
Miller LD, Joyner CR, Dudrick, SJ and Eskin DJ: Clinical use of
ultrasound in the early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Ann Surg
166:381-393, 1967.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Long-term total parenteral
nutrition with growth in puppies and positive nitrogen balance in patients.
Surg Forum 18:356-357, 1967.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Cannula sepsis. N Eng J Med 227:433,
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Growth and development of an infant
receiving all nutrients by vein. JAMA 203:860-864, 1968.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development and positive nitrogen
balance. Surg 64:134-142, 1968.
Dudrick SJ and Wilmore DW: Long-term parenteral feeding. Hosp Pract
3:65-78, 1968.
Dudrick SJ, Mackie JA and Serlin O: Surgical exclusion of the colon for
chronic hepatic encephalopathy. Am J. Surg 115:57-62, 1968.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Safe long-term venous catheterization.
Arch Surg 98:256-258, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Can intravenous
feeding as the sole means of nutrition support growth in the child and
restore weight loss in an adult: An affirmative answer. Ann Surg
169:974-984, 1969.
Wilmore DW, Groff DB, Bishop HC and Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral
nutrition in infants with catastrophic gastrointestinal anomalies. J Ped
Surg 4:181-189, 1969.
Tyers GFO, Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Adenocarcinoma of the small
intestine and other malignant tumors complicating regional enteritis: case
report and review of the literature. Ann Surg 169:510-518, 1969.
Serlick SE, Dudrick SJ and Flack HL: Nutritional intravenous feeding.
Bull Parenteral Drug Assoc 23:166-173, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Long-term venous
catheterization: An adjunct to surgical care and study. Curr Top Surg
Res 1:325-340, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Effects of nutrition on intestinal adaptation
following massive small bowel resection. Surg Forum 20:398-400, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Groff DB and Wilmore DW: Long-term venous
catheterization in infants. Surg Gynecol Obstet 129:805-808, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: An in-line filter for intravenous solutions.
Arch Surg 99:462-463, 1969.
Wilmore DW and Dudrick SJ: Treatment of acute renal failure with
intravenous essential L-amino acids. Arch Surg 99:669-673, 1969.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development and positive nitrogen
balance. In Egdahl and Mannick (eds): Modern Surgery, Grune and
Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ: Overview: Long-term total parenteral nutrition with growth,
development and positive nitrogen balance. In Egdahl and Mannick (eds):
Modern Surgery, Grune and Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM, Steiger E and Rhoads JE: Intravenous
hyperalimentation. Med Clin North Am 54:577-589, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Growth, weight
gain, and positive nitrogen balance with long-term total parenteral
nutrition. In Meng and Law (eds): Parenteral Nutrition, Charles C.
Thomas Co., Springfield, IL, 1970.
Kinney JM and Dudrick SJ: Trauma workshop report: Metabolic
response to trauma and nutrition. J Trauma 10:1065-1068, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE:
Intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose in the treatment
of renal failure. Medizin und Ernahrung 11:111-117, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Wilmore DW and Vars HM: Continuous long-term
intravenous infusion in unrestrained animals. Lab Anim Care 20:521-529,
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Mackie JA and Fitts WT, Jr:
Spontaneous closure of traumatic pancreatoduodenal fistulas with total
intravenous nutrition. J Trauma 10:542-553, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E and Long JM: Renal failure in surgical patients.
Treatment with intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose.
Surg 68:180-186, 1970.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous feeding as an aid to nutrition in disease. Ca-a Ca
J for Clin 20:198-211, 1970.
Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Correlation of protein depletion with
colonic anastomotic strength in rats. Surg Forum 21:77-78, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM and Rhoads JE: Role of parenteral
hyperalimentation in management of multiple catastrophic complications.
Surg Clin North Am 50:1031-1038, 1970.
Holubitsky IB, Cohn I, Jr, Dudrick SJ, Munro DD and MacBeth RAL:
Preoperative diagnosis and preparation: A symposium. Surg 68:724-729,
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: The use
of carbohydrates and proteolysates for long-term parenteral feeding. In
Fox and Nahas (eds): Body Fluid Replacement in the Surgical Patient.
Grune and Stratton, New York, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Steiger E, Vars HM and Rhoads JE:
Intravenous essential amino acids and hypertonic glucose in the treatment
of renal failure. In Berg G (ed): Advances in Parenteral Nutrition.
Stuttgart, W. Germany, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1970.
Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Adenocarcinoma with regional enteritis. N
Eng J Med 283:875-876. 1970.
Heller L, Dudrick SJ, Lang K and Wretlind A: Recommendations for
parenteral nutrition: Amino acids. J Nutr Sci (Suppl) 9:2-11. 1970.
Fekl W, Lohr H and Dudrick SJ: Recommendations for parenteral
nutrition: requirements of water and minerals. J Nutr Sci (Suppl)
9:18-20, 1970.
Dudrick SJ, Heller L. Coats D and Schultes K: Recommendations for
parenteral nutrition-application-velocity of infusion and catheter. J Nutr
Sci (Suppl) 9:29-32, 1970.
Wilmore DW, Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Gastric secretions
after parenteral fluid administration. Arch Surg 102:509-511, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Rational intravenous therapy. Am J Hosp Pharm 28:82-91,
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: New horizons for intravenous feedings.
JAMA 215:939-949, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Long-term total parenteral nutrition. Phila Med 67:45-55,
Wilmore DW, Dudrick SJ, Daly JM and Vars HM: he role of nutrition in
the adaptation of the small intestine after massive resection. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 132:673-680, 1971.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM and Steiger E: Principles of intravenous
hyperalimentation in the surgical patient. Symposium on Pre- and
Postoperative Care. J St Barnabas Med Cnt 8:21-30, 1971.
Flack HL, Gans JA, Serlick SE and Dudrick SJ: The current status of
parenteral hyperalimentation. Am J Hosp Pharm 28:326-335, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Allen TR: Long-term intravenous hyperalimentation.
Del Med J 43:149-154, 1971.
Travis SF, Sugerman HJ, Ruberg RL, Dudrick SJ, Delivoria Papadopoulos
M, Miller LD and Oski FA: Alterations of red-cell glycolytic
intermediates and oxygen transport as a consequence of
hypophosphatemia in patients receiving intravenous hyperalimentation.
N Eng J Med 285:763-767, 1971.
Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Goodman MJU, Long JM and Dudrick
SJ:Hypophosphatemia with hypophosphaturia in hyperalimentation. Surg
Forum 22:87-88, 1971.
Steiger E, Allen TR, Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Beneficial
effects of immediate postoperative total parenteral nutrition. Surg Forum
22:89-90, 1971.
Wilmore DW, Holtzapple PG, Dudrick SJ and Cerda JJ: Transport
studies, morphological and histochemical findings in intestinal epithelial
cells following massive bowel resection. Surg Forum 22:361-363, 1971.
Dudrick SJ: Parenteral nutrition. In: Kinney, Egdahl and Zuidema (eds):
Manual of Preoperative and Postoperative Care. 2nd Edition, WB
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Steiger E: Parenteral solutions. In Rabininowitz and
Myerson (eds): Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York, Vol 4, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Intravenous hyperalimentation. In Hardy JE
(ed): Critical Surgical Illness, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1971.
Dudrick SJ, Long JM, Steiger E and Rhoads JE: Technique of long-term
parenteral nutrition. In Lang, Fekl and Berg (eds): Bilanzierte Ernahrung
in der Therapie (Balanced Nutrition and Therapy). From the International
Symp in Nuremberg, April 10-12, 1970, Stuttgart, W. Germany, Georg
Thieme Verlag, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Ruberg TL: Principles and practice of parenteral
nutrition. Gastroenterology 61:901-910, 1971.
Dudrick SJ and Nallinger J: Intravenous hyperalimentation. Intravenous
therapy in-service training series, clinical seminar No. 8. Abbott Labs, N.
Chicago, IL, 1971.
Schlappner OLA, Shelley WB, Ruberg RL and Dudrick SJ: Acute
papulopustular acne associated with prolonged intravenous
hyperalimentation. JAMA 219:877-880, 1972.
Steiger E, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: A technique for long-term
intravenous feeding in unrestrained rats. Arch Surg 104:330-332, 1972.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads, JE: Total intravenous feeding. Sci Am
226:763-80, 1972
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds): Intravenous
Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Ruberg RL, Long JM, Allen TR and Steiger E: Uses,
non-uses and abuses of intravenous hyperalimentation. In Cowan and
Sheetz (eds): Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger,
Philadelphia, PA., pp 110-112, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM, Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Vars HM and
Rhoads JE: General principles and techniques of intravenous
hyperalimentation. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds): Intravenous
Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp 2-14, 1972.
Long JM, Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Ruberg RL and Allen TR: Use of
intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with renal or liver failure. In
Cowan and Scheetz (eds): Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and
Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp 146-151, 1972.
Steiger E, Daly JM, Vars HM, Allen TR and Dudrick SJ: Animal research
in intravenous hyperalimentation. In Cowan and Sheetz (eds):
Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, pp
186-194, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, Steiger E, Long JM, Ruberg RL, Allen TR, Vars HM and
Rhoads JE: General principles and technique of administration in
complete parenteral nutrition. In Wilkinson AW (ed): Parenteral
Nutrition. From an International Symp in London, April 30-May 1, 1972,
Churchill Livingston, London, England, pp 222-223, 1972.
Dudrick SJ: Nutritional composition requirements, utilization, toxicology,
interrelations, new product suggestions. Symposium on Total Parenteral
Nutrition, Nashville, TN, January 17-19, 1972, Council on Foods and
Nutrition, AMA.
Dudrick SJ: Criteria for measurement of efficacy of total parenteral
nutrition. Symposium on Total Parenteral Nutrition, Nashville, TN,
January 17-19, 1972, Council on Foods and Nutrition, AMA.
Daly JM, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of protein depletion on
strength of colonic anastomoses. Surg Gynecol Obstet 134:15-21, 1972.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr, Van Buren CT, Ruberg RL and Maynard
AT: Parenteral hyperalimentation: metabolic problems and solutions.
Ann Surg 176:259-264, 1972.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Metabolism in surgical patients: protein,
carbohydrate and fat utilization by oral and parenteral routes. In Sabiston
DC (ed): Textbook of Surgery, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1972.
Daly JM, Steiger E and Dudrick SJ: Postoperative nutrition and colonic
wound healing, serum protein metabolism and body weight. Surg Forum
23:38-40, 1972.
Van Buren CT, Dudrick SJ, Dworkin L, Baumbauer E and Long JM:
Effects of intravenous essential L-amino acids and hypertonic dextrose on
anephric beagles. Surg Forum 23:83-84, 1972.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous feeding as an aid to nutrition in disease. In
Nutrition and Cancer, Am Ca
Society, Inc., New York, pp 18-29, 1973.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation. In GI
Tract, Warren-Teed Pharmaceuticals Inc, Columbus, Ohio, Vol 3, No. 2, pp
14-19, 1973.
Steiger E, Daly JM, Allen TR, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Postoperative
intravenous nutrition: effects on body weight, protein regeneration, wound
healing and liver morphology. Surg 73:686-691, 1973.
Rhoads JE and Dudrick SJ: Weight gain, growth and development
induced in man by the intravenous administration of pure chemicals. Proc
Am Phil Soc 117:152-161, 1973.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Prockop DJ and Dudrick SJ: Inhibition of collagen
synthesis by the proline analogue Cis-4-Hydroxyproline. J Surg Res
14:551-555, 1973.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Ruberg RL: Management of
gastrointestinal fistulas with
parenteral hyperalimentation. Surg
74:100-105, 1973.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Parenteral hyperalimentation. In Nyhus
LM (ed): Surgery Annual, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York pp 69-95,
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: Immunocompetence of patients with
protein-calorie malnutrition. Ann Int Med 79:545-550, 1973.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Tagudar EP, Maynard AT, Law DK and
Rhoads JE: Triglyceride and free fatty acid clearances in patients
receiving complete parenteral nutrition using a ten percent soybean oil
emulsion. Surg Gynecol Obstet 137:813-815, 1973.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM, Duke JH, Jr and Souchon
EA: Parenteral hyperalimentation. 1973 Cine Clinics, Amer College of
Surg Mtg, Chicago, IL, Davis and Geck, Danbury, CT, 1973.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: The effect of dietary protein
depletion on immunocompetence: the importance of nutritional repletion
prior to immunologic induction. Ann Surg 179: 168-173, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation in cancer patients. J Surg Res 16:241-247, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., McGown C and Dudrick SJ: The use
of hyperalimentation in patients with potential sepsis. Surg Gynecol
Obstet 138:377-384, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Prevention of
microbial catheter contamination in patients receiving parenteral
hyperalimentation. S Med J 67:303-306, 1974.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Nutritional concepts in head and neck
cancer. In Neoplasia of Head and Neck, Year Book Medical Publishers,
Inc., Chicago, 1974.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Winters RW: Technique of total
parenteral nutrition in infants. In Bode HH and Warshaw JB (eds):
Parenteral Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood. Plenum Press, New York,
Heird WC, Winters RW and Dudrick SJ: Metabolic complications of total
parenteral nutrition. In Bode HH and Warshaw JB (eds): Parenteral
Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood, Plenum Press, New York, 1974.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ and Abdou NI: The effects of protein calorie
malnutrition on immune competence of the surgical patient. Surg Gynecol
Obstet 139:257-266, 1974.
Schanbacher LM, Johnson LR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA:
Glucose transport across the small intestine of parenterally nourished rats.
IRCS (Research on Alimentary System, Metabolism and Nutrition:
Physiology; Surgery and Transplantation) 2:1459, 1974.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Development of
enteric parasites in parenterally fed rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
146:703-706, 1974.
Ruberg RL, Steiger E, Van Buren CT and Dudrick SJ: Progress in
parenteral protein nutrition. In Brown H (ed): Protein Nutrition, Charles
C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1974.
Jordan HA, Moses H, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Hunger and
satiety in humans during parenteral hyperalimentation. Psychosom Med
36:144-145, 1974.
Dudrick SJ and Daly JM: Performing a safe, successful venous cutdown.
Hosp Physician 34-36, 1974.
Dudrick SJ: Part One: Evaluation of the patient. Criteria for measurement
of efficacy. In White PL and Nagy ME (eds): Total Parenteral Nutrition.
Acton, MA, Publishing Sciences Group, Inc. 1974.
Daly JM, Steiger E, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Postoperative oral and
intravenous nutrition. Ann Surg 180:709-715, 1974.
Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition: pre-clinical and clinical experience
in the newborn and infant. Presented at the Fuel Metabolism in the Fetus
and Newborn Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal Developmental
Medicine, No. 3, Vail CO, June 10-12, 1973, Evansville, IN, Mead
Johnson and Co, 1974.
Solomon N, Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Samaan
NA; Intravenous hyperalimentation and growth hormone in cancer
patients. Surg Forum 25:59-60, 1974.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VJ and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. Am
J. Surg 129:167-173, 1975.
110. Dudrick SJ: Historical considerations of intravenous hyperalimentation.
In Winters RW and
Hasselmeyer EG (eds): Intravenous nutrition in the
high risk infant. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1975.
111. Dudrick SJ: Essential fatty acids. In Winters RW and Hasselmeyer EG
(eds): Intravenous Nutrition in the High Risk Infant. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., 1975.
Dudrick SJ: Intravenous nutrition in acute renal failure. In Winters RW
and Hasselmeyer EG (eds): Intravenous Nutrition in the High Risk Infant.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1975.
Dudrick SJ and Duke JH, Jr.: Nutritional complications in the surgical
patient. In Artz CP and Hardy JD (eds): Complications in Surgery and
Their Management, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp
243-276, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., MacComb WS, Guillamondegui O,
Jesse RH and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with
head and neck cancer. Ca 35:606-611, 1975.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: Long-term parenteral
nutrition: its current status. Hosp Practice 10:47-58, 1975.
Daly JM, Ziegler B and Dudrick SJ: Central venous catheterization. Am
J Nurs 75:820-824, 1975.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Intestinal
disaccharidase and peroxidase activities in parenterally nourished rats. J
Nutr 105:776-781, 1975.
Souchon EA, Copeland EM, Watson P and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy with
5-Fluorouracil. J Surg Res 18:451-454, 1975.
Johnson LR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Lichtenberger LM and Castro
GA: Structural and hormonal alterations in the gastrointestinal tract of
parenterally fed rats. Gastroenterology 68:1177-1183, 1975.
Johnson LR, Lichtenberger LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Action of gastrin on gastrointestinal structure and function. Gastro
68:1184-1192, 1975.
Lanzotti VJ, Copeland EM, George SL, Dudrick SJ and Samuels ML:
Cancer chemotherapeutic response and intravenous hyperalimentation. Ca
Chemother Rep 59:437-439, 1975.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Cancer: nutritional concepts. Seminars in
Oncology 2:329-335, 1975.
Dudrick SJ and Duke JH, Jr: Parenteral nutrition-intravenous
hyperalimentation. In Bockus HL (ed): Gastroenterology, WB Saunders
Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 395-416, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Rapp MA and Dudrick SJ:
Hyperalimentation and immune competence in cancer. Surg Forum
26:138-140, 1975.
Duke JH, Jr and Dudrick SJ: Parenteral feeding. In Ballinger, Collins,
Drucker, Dudrick and Zeppa (eds): Manual of Surgical Nutrition,
Committee on Pre- and Postoperative Care, Amer College of Surg, WB
Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 285-317, 1975.
Ballinger, Collins, Drucker, Dudrick and Zeppa (eds): Manual of
Surgical Nutrition, Committee on Pre- and Postoperative Care, Amer
College of Surg, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1975.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation as
adjunctive treatment in the cancer patient. In Banks G (eds): Clinical
Digest, McGaw Laboratories, Vol 5, pp 1-4, 1976.
Ames FC, Copeland EM, Leeb DC, Moore DL and Dudrick SJ: Liver
dysfunction following small-bowel bypass for obesity. JAMA
235:1249-1252, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Effect of intravenous
hyperalimentation on established delayed hypersensitivity in the cancer
patient. Ann Surg 184:60-64, 1976.
130. Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr: Hyperalimentation in
infants. In Bilanzierte
Ernahrung in der Therapie (Balanced Nutrition and
Therapy). From the II International
Symposium in Erlangen, Germany,
April 11-14, 1973, Zeit Erhnahrungswiss 15:9025, 1976.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Coperland EM and Dudrick SJ: Course of
infection with enteric parasites in hosts shifted from enteral to total
parenteral nutrition. J. Parasitol 62:353-359, 1976.
Moore EP, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW: Effect of an
elemental diet on the electrical activity of the small intestine in dogs. J
Surg Res 20:533-537, 1976.
Hill GL, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Phosphorus distribution in
hyperalimentation induced hypophosphatemia. J Surg Res 20:527-531,
Rapp MA, Hilkemeyer R, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Hyperalimentation: Special nutrition therapy for the cancer patient. RN
Magazine 39:55-61, 1976.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Daly JM: Management of
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. In
Clearfield and Dinoso (eds): Gastrointestinal Emergencies.
Thirty-fourth Hahnemann Symposium, New York, Grune and Stratton, pp
913-199, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Minimizing sepsis risk in hyperalimentation. The Surgical
Team pp 44-50, April 1976.
Dudrick SJ: "Incurable" cancer: When there is hyperalimentation, there is
hope. IV Therapy 3:28-32, 1976.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: The role of nutrition in the treatment of
cancer. Nutrition and the MD 2:1-2, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Total intravenous feeding: When nutrition seems impossible.
Drug Therapy 2:11-20, 1976.
Souchon EA, Englert DM, Duke JH, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation in 342 surgical patients. Rev Surg 9:297-299, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In Hill GL (ed): Ileostomy, First Edition, Grune
and Stratton, New York, 1976.
Dudrick SJ: Anesthetic and surgical care of the traumatized patient. The
Fifth Annual EA Rovenstine Panel on Anesthetic and Surgical
Management of the Traumatized Patient held during the XXIX
Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology of the New York Society of
Anesthesiologists, December 14, 1975. Anesth Review 8:17-26, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Smith JW, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW:
Altered small bowel propulsion associated with parasitism.
Gastroenterology 71:620-625, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The treatment of gastrointestinal
fistulas with parenteral hyperalimentation and total bowel rest. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 437-440, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The management of fistulas in
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 559-562, 1976.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional aspects of cancer. In Hickey
RD (ed): Current Problems in Cancer. Year Book Medical Publishers,
Inc, Chicago, IL, Vol 1, No 3, pp 3-51. September, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection
with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. J Nutr 10:1484-1491, 1976.
Copeland EM, Daly JM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of protein
nutrition on cell-mediated immunity. Surg Forum 27:340-342, 1976.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Relationship of
protein nutrition to tumor growth and host immunocompetence. Surg
Forum 27:113-114, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., McGown C and Dudrick SJ: Should
hyperalimentation be used in the potentially septic patient? In Romieu,
Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the International
Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974, pp 675-666,
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VJ and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. In
Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds): Proceedings of the
International Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Montpellier, France, 1974,
pp 685-694, 1976.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., MacComb WS, Guillamondegui O,
Jesse RH and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in patients with
head and neck cancer. In Romieu, Solassol, Joyeux and Astruc (eds):
Proceedings of the International Society of Parenteral Nutrition,
Montpellier, France, 1974, pp 711-719, 1976.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Inflammatory bowel disease - A new
method of treatment. In Proceedings of the Inflammatory Society of
Parenteral Nutrition. Kyoto, Japan, August 3-9, 1975.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Lanzotti VC and Dudrick SJ: The
nutritional care of the cancer patient. In Clark RL and Howe CD (eds):
Cancer Patient Care at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.
Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, IL pp 607-628, 1976.
155. Weisbrodt NW, Copeland EM, Thor PJ and Dudrick SJ: The myoelectric
activity of the small
intestine of the dog during total parenteral nutrition.
Proc Exp Biol Med 153:121-124, 1976.
156. Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Duke JH,Jr.:
Experimental aspects of total parenteral alimentation. In Manni, Magalini and
Scrascia (eds): Total Parenteral Alimentation.
From the International
Symposium on Intensive Therapy, May 30-June 2, 1975. Excerpta Medica
3-17, 1976.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Serum and antral
gastrin levels in rats infected with intestinal parasites. Am J Trop Med
Hyg 848-853, 1976.
Pickard LR, Dudrick SJ, Hill GL and Perry JL: Management of patients
with modified Hunt pouch esophagojejunostomy after total gastrectomy
for carcinoma of the stomach. Southern Med 69:1458-1460, 1976.
Thor PJ, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson LR: Effect of long-term
parenteral feeding on gastric secretion in dogs. Am J Physiol
232:E39-E43, January 1977.
Dudrick SJ: The genesis of intravenous hyperalimentation. JPEN
1:23-29, 1977.
Law DK, Dudrick SJ, Abdou NI: The effects of protein calorie
malnutrition on immune competence of the surgical patient. Arch Intern
Med 137:1364-1365, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Strobel HW, Daly JM, Gum ET, Guinn EJ and
Dudrick SJ: The effect of protein nutrition on host and tumor metabolism.
J Surg Res 22:181-188, 1977.
Frazier TG, Copeland EM, Khalil DG, Dudrick SJ and Mountain CF:
Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to colon interposition for
carcinoma of the esophagus. Cancer 39:410-412, 1977.
Dudrick SJ and Long JM, III: Applications and hazards of intravenous
hyperalimentation. Ann Rev Med 28:517-528, 1977.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Metabolism in surgical patients: protein,
carbohydrate and fat utilization by oral and parenteral routes. In Sabiston
DC (ed): Textbook of Surgery, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp
150-177, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, Daly JM, Castro GA and Akhtar M: Gastrointestinal
adaptation following small bowel bypass for obesity. Ann Surg
185:642-648, 1977.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Principles of intravenous hyperalimentation.
AORN 25:1253-1267, 1977.
Hill GL, Bowen JC, Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. Duke JH, Jr. and
Dudrick SJ: Teaching in clinical surgery: At the bedside or in the seminar
room? J Med Educ 52:595-597, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Souchon EA, Englert DM and Copeland
EM: Parenteral nutrition techniques in cancer patients. Cancer Res
37:2440-2450, 1977.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition as an adjunct to
cancer treatment in the adult. Cancer Res 37:2451-2456, 1977.
Dudrick SJ: Summary of the informal discussion of nutritional
management. Cancer Res 38:2462-2468, 1977.
Ahnefeld FW, Allgower M, Dick W, Dohrmann R, Dudrick SJ, Lutz H
and Schultis K: Parenteral nutrition. Langebaecks Arch Chir
343:251-265, 1977.
Copeland EM, Dernbach TA and Dudrick SJ: The role of intravenous
hyperalimentation in cancer therapy. Infusion 1:4-12, 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: A rationale for glucose as primary calorie
source. In Richards and Kinney (eds): Nutritional Aspects of the Care of
the Critically Ill, pp 331-334, Churchill-Livingstone, Edinburg, Scotland,
United Kingdom, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN, Jacobson K and Dudrick SJ: Effects
of protein nutrition on lymphocyte transformation. Surg Forum 28:65-66,
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr: The nutritional care of
the cancer patient. In: Greep JM, et al (eds): Current Concepts in
Parenteral Nutrition, pp 187-216, Nijhoff Martinus, Holland, The Hague.
Dudrick SJ and Long JM, III: Applications and hazards of intravenous
feeding. In Greep JM, et al (eds): Current Concepts in Parenteral
Nutrition, pp 5-20, Nijhoff Martinus, Holland, The Hague, 1977.
Johnson LR, Schanbacher LM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effect of
long-term parenteral feeding on pancreatic secretion and serum secretin.
Am J Physiol 223:E524-E526, 1977.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: Parenteral nutrition as
an adjunct to cancer therapy. Klinishe Anesthesiologie und
Intensivetherapie: Fortschritte der Parenteralen Ernahrung, pp 1-12,
Berlin, West Germany, Springer-Verlag, 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The use of
intravenous hyperalimentation in the management of patients with
malignant diseases. In Richards JR and Kinney JM (eds): Nutritional
Aspects of the Care of the Critically Ill, pp 541-556, Proceedings of the
Nutritional Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, November, 1976, London,
Churchill-Livingstone, 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Surgical nutrition. In
Schneider HA, Anderson CA and Coursin DB (eds): Nutritional Support
of Medical Practice, pp 485-500, Hagerstown, Maryland, Harper and
Rowe, 1977.
Daly JM, Castro GA, Akhtar M and Dudrick SJ: Morphologic and
biochemical intestinal changes after jejunoileal bypass. Rev Surg
34:428-431, 1977.
Copeland EM, Souchon EA, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Rapp MA and Dudrick
SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation as an adjunct to radiation therapy. Ca
39:609-616, 1977.
Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Dudrick SJ, Burks TF and Castro GA:
Tolerance to the effect of morphine on intestinal transit. Proc Soc Exp
Biol Med 154:587-590, 1977.
Ruberg RL and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in head and
neck tumor surgery: indications and precautions. Br J Plast Surg
30:151-153, 1977.
Long JM, III, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Update on parenteral
hyperalimentation. In Najarian and Delaney (eds): Critical Surgical
Care, pp 459-467, Stratton, 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Metabolism and nutrition in burn patients.
In Najarian and Delaney (eds): Critical Surgical Care, pp 631-639,
Stratton, 1977.
188. Dudrick SJ and MacFadyen BV,Jr.: Inflammatory lesions of small bowel.
In Rhoads Textbook of Surgery-Principles and Practices, JD Hardy (ed):
Fifth Edition, pp 1134-1142, JB Lippincott,
Philadelphia, PA 1977.
Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional education during surgical
internship and residency. Am J Clin Nutr 30:806-811, 1977.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN, Richie ER, Jacobson K and Dudrick
SJ: The effects of a 10% soybean oil emulsion on lymphocyte
transformation. JPEN 2:112-115, 1978.
Dudrick SJ: A patient on IV therapy need not starve! Consultant pp
142-151, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The importance of parenteral nutrition as
an adjunct to oncologic therapy. In Johnston IDA (ed): Advances in
Parenteral Nutrition, pp 473-500, Lancaster, England, MTP Press Limited,
Copeland EM, Souchon EA and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as adjunctive oncologic management. In Enker E (ed):
Carcinoma of the Colon and Rectum, pp 220-223, Chicago, IL, Year
Book Medical Publishers, 1978.
Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Small-intestinal transit during total parenteral nutrition in the rat.
Am J Dig Dis 23:365-369, 1978.
Adams PR, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnston LR and Castro GA:
Maintenance of gut mass in bypassed bowel of orally vs parenterally
nourished rats. J Surg Res 24:421-427, 1978.
Mullen JL, Hargrove WC, Dudrick SJ, Fitts WT, Jr. and Rosato EF: Ten
years experience with intravenous hyperalimentation and inflammatory
bowel disease. Ann Surg 187:523-529. 1978.
Kyger ER, Block WJ, Roach G and Dudrick SJ: Adverse effects of
protein malnutrition on myocardial function. Surg 84:147-156, 1978.
Dudrick SJ: Presidential Address: The common denominator and the
bottom line. JPEN 2:13-21, 1978.
199. Ota DM, MacFadyen BV,Jr., Gum E and Dudrick SJ: Zinc and copper
deficiencies in man during
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Hambridge KM and Nichols BL, Jr. (eds): Zinc and Copper in Clinical
Medicine, Spectrum Publications, Inc., New York, New York 1978.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Principles of ambulatory home
hyperalimentation. Am J IV Ther 5(5): 11-28, 1978.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effects of protein depletion and
repletion on cell-mediated immunity in experimental animals. Ann Surg
188:791-796, 1978.
Issell BF, Valdivieso M, Zaren HA, Dudrick SJ, Freireich EJ, Copeland
EM and Bodey GP: Protection of chemotherapy toxicities by intravenous
hyperalimentation. Cancer Treat Rep 62:1059-1063, 1978.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of intravenous nutrition
on tumor growth and host immunocompetence in malnourished animals.
Surgery 84:655-658, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Concetti sulla nutrizione in concerologia.
Oncologia Clinica 4:84-96, 1978.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Baquero GE, Dudrick SJ and
Copeland EM: Nutritional manipulation of tumor-bearing animals:
effects on body weight, serum protein levels and tumor growth. Surg
Forum 29:143-144, 1978.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition of the
critically injured patient. Dietetic Currents 5:1-6, 1978.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: The role of nutrition in the treatment of
cancer. In McKee G (ed): Selections from Nutrition and the MD, Mervyn
G. Oakner Publisher, pp 33-36. 1978.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Energy intake and stress as
determinants of nitrogen in rats. Surg Forum 29:76-77, 1978.
Kirkland J, Ben-Menachem Y, Dudrick SJ, Akhtar M and Marshall R:
Islet-cell tumor in the newborn: Diagnosis by selective angiography and
histological findings. Pediatrics 61:(5)790-791, 1978.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts in the
treatment of head and neck malignancies. Head and Neck Surg
1:350-363, 1979.
Ota DM, Copeland EM, Corriere JN and Dudrick SJ: The effects of
nutrition and treatment of cancer on host immunocompetence. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 148:104-111, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, MacFadyen BV, Jr and Souchon EA: A vest for
ambulatory patients receiving hyperalimentation. Surg Gynecol Obstet
148:587-590, 1979.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Evaluation of nutritional indices
as prognostic indicators in the cancer patient. Cancer 43:925-931, 1979.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Cancer: Nutritional
concepts-hyperalimentation. In Druse LC, Reese JL and Hart LK (eds):
Cancer: Pathophysiology, Etiology and Management. CV Mosby Co, St.
Louis, MO, pp 378-385, 1979.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts in the
treatment of head and neck malignancies. Head and Neck Surg
1:350-363, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Van Buren CT, Rowlands BJ and MacFadyen
BV, Jr.: New concepts of ambulatory home hyperalimentation. JPEN
3:72-76, 1979.
Copeland EM, Daly JM, Ota DM and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition, cancer and
intravenous hyperalimentation. Cancer 43:2108-2116, 1979.
Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Ramaswamy K: Enteral and
parenteral feeding to evaluate malabsorption in intestinal parasitism. Am
J Trop Med Hyg 28:500-507, 1979.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Chemotherapy in tumor bearing
animals: Effects of oral versus intravenous nutrition. Acta Chir Scand
Supp 494:178-180, 1979.
Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Effect of nutrition on
immunocompetence in cancer patients. Acta Chir Scand Supp
494:181-182, 1979.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM, Gum ET and Baquero G:
Clinical and biological changes in liver function during intravenous
hyperalimentation. Acta Chir Scand Supp 494:173-174, 1979.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Effect of calorie intake and
stress on nitrogen excretion. Acta Chir Scand Supp 494:115-117, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Preface. In Manabe H and Okada A (eds): Total Parenteral
Nutrition and Intravenous Hyperalimentation, Asakura Publishing
Company, Tokyo, Japan, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effects of
nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to chemotherapy. Curr
Surg 36:138-142, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Common bile duct exploration and cholecystectomy. In:
Current Surgical Techniques, Surgical Communications, Inc for Schering
Corp, Kenilworth, NJ, Vol 2, No 4, 1979.
Floyd D, Ota D, Corriere JN, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effect of
protein depletion on serum factors for lymphocyte transformation. Surg
Forum XXX:57-60, 1979.
Copeland EM, Rodman CA and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional concepts of
neoplastic disease. In Van Eys J, Seeling MS and Nichols BL, Jr. (eds):
Nutrition and Cancer, pp 133-156. Proceedings of the 18th Annual
Meeting of the American College of Nutrition, June 1977, New York SP
Medical and Scientific Books, 1979.
MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Hyperalimentation in the critically ill
patient. In Krehl WA, Moss NH (eds): Clinical Nutrition in Health Care
Facilities, pp 18-20, George F. Stickley Company for The Academy of
Sciences at Philadelphia, PA, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Men who changed therapeutics: solving the riddle of
hospital starvation-total parenteral nutrition. In Plese NK, Passaretti AB,
Weems ME (eds): Therapaeia, A Supplement to Medical Tribune, pp 4-9,
Dec 1979.
230. Dudrick SJ: Nutritional therapy in burned patients. J Trauma 19:908-909,
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Baquero G and Gum ET: Clinical and
biological changes in liver function during intravenous
hyperalimentation. JPEN 3:438-443, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM, Daly JM, Long JM,III, Duke JH, MacFadyen
BV, Jr., Rowlands BJ, Van Buren CT, Corriere JN, Jr., Kahan BD, Ota
DM, Englert DM and Jensen TG: A clinical review of nutritional support
of the patient. JPEN 3:444-451, 1979.
Copeland EM, Guillamondegui OM and Dudrick SJ: Prevention of
nutritional complications. In Conley J. (ed): Complications of Head and
Neck Surgery, Saunders Publishing Co, Philadelphia, PA pp 308-316,
Ryan GP, Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Johnston LR: Effects of various
diets on colonic growth. Gastroenterology 77:658-663, 1979.
Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Daly JF: Cancer and immunocompetence.
Proceedings of First European Congress of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition. Edited by JH Wahren, Stockholm, Sweden. Acta Chir Scand
Supp 498:146-149, September 2-5, 1979.
Dudrick SJ: Current status of total parenteral nutrition. Proceedings of
First European Congress of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Edited by
JH Wahren, Stockholm, Sweden. Acta Chir Scand Supp 498:12-19,
September 2-5, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Dudrick SJ and Copeland
EM:Tumor growth in experimental animals: nutritional manipulation and
chemotherapeutic response in the rat. Ann Surg 191:58-64, 1980.
Dudrick SJ and Englert DM: Total care of the patient receiving total
parenteral nutrition. Psychosomatics 21:109-110, 1980.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation,
bowel rest and cancer. Crit Care Med 8:21-28, 1980.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In: Grant, JP(ed): Handbook of Total Parenteral
Nutrition. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA pp VII-VIII, 1980.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous hyperalimentation in
inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis and cancer. In Nyhus L (ed):
Surgery Annual-1980, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York NY, pp
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Delaney JM: Nutritional
repletion of malnourished tumor-bearing and nontumor-bearing rats:
effects on body weight, liver, muscle and tumor. J Surg Res 28:507-508,
Reynolds HM, Daly JM, Rowlands BJ, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM:
Effects of nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to
chemotherapy. Cancer 45:3069-3074, 1980.
Khalil SN, Dudrick SJ, Mathieu A, Rigor BM, Sr and Fody EP: Low level
of pseudocholinesterase in patients with Crohn's disease. Lancet,
267-268, August 2, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Total parenteral nutrition:
Techniques and indications. In: Day SB (ed): Integrated Medicine, A
Companion to Life Sciences, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, pp
566-579, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Intravenous hyperalimentation:
Effect on delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity in cancer patients. Ann
Surg 192:587-592, 1980.
Johnson LR, Dudrick SJ and Guthrie PD: Stimulation of pancreatic
growth by intraduodenal amino acids and HCl. Am J Physiol
239:G400-G405, 1980.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Parenteral nutrition in patients
with head and neck cancer: Techniques and results. Otolaryngol. Head
Neck Surg 88:707-713, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Rowlands BJ, Barroso AO and MacFadyen BV,
Jr.: Ambulatory Home Hyperalimentation, 31st Cine Clinic, American
College of Surgeons 66th Annual Clinical Congress, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Jensen TG and Rowlands BJ: Nutritional support:
Assessment and Indications. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in Clinical
Surgery, pp 19-27, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1980.
Deitel M, Lang AM, Dudrick SJ, Faintuch J, Frost PG, Kay RM and
Ruderman RL: Organization of hyperalimentation in the community
hospital: Panel discussion. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in Clinical
Surgery, pp 151-160, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Speir AM and Englert DM: The short-bowel syndrome and
ambulatory home hyperalimentation. In Deitel M (ed): Nutrition in
Clinical Surgery, pp 209-214, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
Dudrick SJ, Van Buren CT and Ota DM: New horizons in intravenous
alimentation. In Deitel M. (ed): Nutrition in Clinical Surgery, pp
261-271, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1980.
Jensen TG, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional support of the burn
patient. Nutrition and the MD, 7:1-3, 1980.
Perl M, Hall RCW, Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Stickney SK and Gardner
ER: Psychological aspects of long-term home hyperalimentation. JPEN
4:554-560, 1980.
Rowlands BJ, MacFadyen BV, Jr., DeJong P and Dudrick SJ: Monitoring
hepatic dysfunction during intravenous hyperalimentation. J Surg Res
28:471-478, 1980.
Dudrick SJ: What's new in surgery-shock and metabolism. Bull Am Coll
Surg, , Vol 66, No 1, January 1981
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enteral and parenteral nutrition on tumor responses to chemotherapy in
experimental animals. J Surg Oncol 16:79-86, 1981.
Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional complications in postsurgical
patients. American Surg 47:(2)67-71, February, 1981.
Daly JM, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Total parenteral nutrition:
techniques and indications. In Day SB (ed): Integrated Medicine: A
Companion to the Life Sciences, pp 566-579, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co,
New York, 1981.
Dudrick SJ: A Clinical review of nutritional support of the patient. Amer
J of Clin Nutr 34:1191-1198, June 1981.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional management of
patients with head and neck malignancies. In Suen JY and Myers E (eds):
Cancer of the Head and Neck, pp 63-69, Churchill Livingstone Publishing
Co, New York, 1981.
Moore RA, Feldman S, Treuting J, Bloss R and Dudrick SJ: Cimetidine
and parenteral nutrition. JPEN 5:(1) 61-63, 1981.
Dudrick SJ: What's new in surgery, shock and metabolism. Emerg Med
13:(5)160-167, 1981.
Miller TA and Dudrick SJ (eds): The Management of Difficult Surgical
Problems. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1981.
Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Nutritional support of the cancer patient.
In Miller TA and Dudrick SJ (eds): The Management of Difficult
Surgical Problems, pp 201-215, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1981.
Dudrick SJ and Englert DM: Management of the short bowel syndrome.
In Miller TA and Dudrick SJ (eds): The Management of Difficult
Surgical Problems, pp 225-235, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1981.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of enteral
and parenteral nutrition on tumor response to chemotherapy in
experimental animals. J Surg Oncology 16:79-86, 1981.
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Barroso AO, Jensen TG, Pacinda-Ortiz C, Lee
PA and Rowlands BJ: Update on ambulatory home hyperalimentation.
Nutr Supp Serv 1:(1)18-21, 1981.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition and cancer. In
Murphy GP (ed): International Advances in Surgical Oncology, Allan R.
Liss, Inc, New York, Vol 4, 1-4, 1981.
Copeland EM, Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Parenteral hyperalimentation of
the cancer patient. In Newell G and Ellison N (eds): Nutrition and
Cancer: Etiology and Treatment, Raven Press, New York, pp 393-410,
Issell BF, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Gum ET, Valdivieso M, Dudrick SJ and
Bodey GP: Serum zinc levels in lung cancer patients. Cancer
47:(7)1845-1848, 1981.
Johnson LR, Guthrie PE and Dudrick SJ: Effects of luminal gastrin on the
growth of rat intestinal mucosa. Gastroenterology 81:(1)71-77, 1981.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM and Rhoads JE: Nutrition classics:
Long-term total parenteral nutrition with growth, development and
positive nitrogen balance. Nutr Reviews 39:(7)278-281, 1981.
Rhoads JE, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: The development of intravenous
hyperalimentation. Surg Clin North Am, 61:(3)429-435, 1981.
Lane HW, Dudrick SJ and Warren DC: Blood selenium levels and
glutathione-peroxidase activities in university and chronic intravenous
hyperalimentation subjects. Proc Soc Exp Biol 167:383-390, 1981.
Jensen TG, Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Interpretation of nutritional
assessment data. Nutr Supp Serv 1:(4)14-20, 1981.
Dudrick SJ and Rhoads JE: Metabolism in surgical patients: protein,
carbohydrate and fat utilization by oral and parenteral routes. In Sabiston
DC, Jr., (ed): Davis-Christopher Textbook of Surgery, pp 144-171, WB
Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1981.
Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Implementation of a multidisciplinary
nutritional assessment program. JAMA 79:258-266, 1981.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Johnson DE, Van Buren C, Massar E and
Dudrick SJ: Uric acid: effects on serum and urine levels in patients
receiving intravenous dextrose, fat, and/or amino acid solutions. J Surg
Res 31:98-104, 1981.
Perl M, Peterson LG and Dudrick SJ: TPN and the anorexia nervosa
patient. Nutr Supp Serv 1:(6)13-15, 1981.
Kapelanski DP, Daly JM, Copeland Em and Dudrick SJ: Doxorubicin
pharmacokinetics-the effects of protein deprivation. J Surg Res
30:(4)331-337, 1982.
Daly JM, Wang YM, Kapelanski D, Frazier OH, Copeland EM and
Dudrick SJ: Systematic thermochemotherapy: toxicity and
pharmacokinetics. Surg Forum XXXII:448-450, 1981.
Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Administration of intravenous nutrition:
Intravenous hyperalimentation at The University of Texas Medical School
at Houston. In Hill GL (ed): Nutrition and the Surgical Patient. Churchill
Livingstone, New York, New York, pp 134-141, 1981.
Daly JM and Dudrick SJ: Results of intravenous nutrition: Results of
intravenous nutrition in cancer patients. In Hill GL (ed): Nutrition in the
Surgical Patient, Churchill Livingstone, New York, New York, pp
191-195, 1981.
Perl M, Peterson LG and Dudrick SJ: Psychiatric problems encountered
during intravenous nutrition. In Hill GL (ed): Nutrition in the Surgical
Patient, Churchill Livingston, New York, New York, pp 309-318, 1981.
Perl M, Peterson LG, Dudrick SJ and Benson DM: Hyperalimentation at
home: Psychiatric effects. Psychosomatics 22:(12)1047-1063, 1981.
Rowlands BJ and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional support of the infected patient.
In Powanda MC and Canonico PG (eds): Infection: The Physiologic and
Metabolic Responses of the Host, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical
Press, pp 359-397, 1981.
Jensen TG, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: A comparison of triceps
skinfold and upper arm circumference measurements taken in standard
and supine positions. JPEN 5:(6)519-521, 1981.
Lane HW, Barroso AO, Dudrick SJ, Englert DM and MacFadyen BV, Jr.:
Selenium status of seven IVH patients. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Symposium on Trace Element Metabolism in Man and
Animals. Edited by Howell J and Gawthoren JM, Western Australia, pp
30-33, 1981.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Infection control in total parenteral
nutrition. ASEPSIS, The Infection Control Forum 3:(6)3-4, Nov/Dec
Jensen JE, Smith TK, Jensen TG, Dudrick SJ, Butler JE and Johnston DA:
Nutritional assessment of orthopaedic patients undergoing total hip
replacement surgery. In Klein EA (ed): The Hip, Volume 9, Mosby
Times Mirror, St. Louis, MO, pp 123-135, 1982.
Daly JM, Smith G, Frazier OH, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effects of
systemic hyperthermia and intrahepatic infusion with 5-Fluorouracil.
Cancer 45: (6)1112-1115, 1982.
Dudrick SJ: Forward, Professional Guide to Diseases. Intermed
Communications, Horsham, PA, pp xx-xxi, 1982.
Van Buren CT and Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition. In van Nagell
JR, Jr. and Barber HRK (eds): Modern Concepts of Gynecologic
Oncology, John Wright and Sons Ltd, Bristol, England, pp 571-588,
Daly JM, Massar E, Giacco G, Frazier OH, Mountain CF, Dudrick SJ and
Copeland EM, III: Parenteral nutrition in esophageal cancer patients.
Ann Surg 196: (2)203-208, 1982.
Lane HW, Barroso AO, Englert D, Dudrick SJ and MacFadyen BV, Jr.:
Selenium status of seven chronic intravenous hyperalimentation patients.
JPEN 6:(5) 426-431, 1982.
Jensen JE, Jensen TG, Smith TK, Johnston DA and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition
in orthopaedic surgery. J of Bone and Joint Surg 64A:(9)1263-1272,
Dudrick SJ, Baue AE, Eiseman B, MacLean LD, Rose MI and Sheldon
GF (eds): Manual of Preoperative and Postoperative Care, WB Saunders
Company, Philadelphia, PA 1983.
Dudrick SJ: Parenteral nutrition. In Dudrick SJ, Baue AE, Eiseman B,
MacLean LD, Rowe MI and Sheldon GE (eds): Manual of Preoperative
and Postoperative Care, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, pp 86-105,
Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Daly JM and Ota DM: Nutritional changes in
neoplasia. In Fischer JE (ed): Surgical Nutrition, Little, Brown and
Company, Boston, MA, pp 515-534, 1983.
Dudrick SJ and O'Donnell JJ: Central venous lines: Inserting them safely
and minimizing complications. Contemporary Ob/Gyn, pp 95-103,
March 1983.
Jensen TG, Englert DM, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: Delayed
hypersensitivity skin testing: response rates in a surgical population.
JADA 82:(1)17-23, 1983.
Massar EL, Daly JM, Copeland EM, III, Johnson DE, Von Eschenbach
AC, Johnston D, Rundell B and Dudrick SJ: Peripheral vein
complications in patients receiving amino acid/dextrose solutions. JPEN
7:(2)159-162, 1983.
Dudrick SJ and Jackson D: The short bowel syndrome and total
parenteral nutrition. Heart & Lung-The J of Critical Care 12:(2)195-201,
Daly JM, Massar E, Copeland EM, III, Johnson DE, Bracken B, Samaan
N, Barlow AL and Dudrick SJ: Adaptation to amino acid infusion in
patients undergoing operation. Surgery 93(4):512-517, 1983.
Floyd CM, Ota D, Corriere J, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM: Effect of
serum source on protein-free diet lymphocyte blastogenesis. J Surg Res
35:243-248, 1983.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ and Clague MB: Nutritional rehabilitation of
the cancer patient. Proceedings of the 13th International Cancer
Congress, Part D, Seattle, Washington, 1982, pp 161-170, 1983.
Dworkin B, Daly J, Massar E, Alcock N, Dudrick SJ and Copeland EM:
Intravenously administered amino acids with dextrose or lipid as
nutritional support in surgical patients. Surg Gynecol Obstet
156:577-581, May, 1983.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Surgery and
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Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Clinical Practice Series (eds): Pract
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Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Clinical Practice: The final frontier?
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MA. pp 3-23, 1992.
Dudrick SJ: Forward. In: Rothkopf MM and Askanazi J (eds): Intensive
Homecare, Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, MD, 1992.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition (Part I): Indications and
techniques. Pract Gastroent. XVI, No 6:21-29, 1992.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition (Part II):Administration,
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Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total parenteral nutrition in surgery - Current status.
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Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Surgical Nutrition (eds): Postgraduate General
Surgery. Vol 5, No 1, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Nutritional support of short bowel syndrome:
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Latifi R, Florence L, Dudrick SJ: Total parenteral nutrition in the
management of Crohn's disease: Presentation. Postgrad Gen Surg.5:1921, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Regression of atherosclerosis by intravenous amino
acid solution. Postgrad Gen Surg. 5:34-41, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore, DW, Vars HM, Rhoads JE: Long-term total
parenteral nutrition with growth, development, and positive nitrogen
balance. Postgrad Gen Surg. 5:56-60, 1993.
379. Rhoads JE, Dudrick SJ: History of Intravenous Nutrition. In: Rombeau JL
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(eds): Clinical Nutrition - Parenteral Nutrition (2nd ed).
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Mason GR, Kahrilas PJ, Otterson MF, Lang IM, Telford GL, Telford SW,
Sarna SK, Cowles VE, Koch TR, Debas HT, Gittes G, Jaffe BM, Dudrick
SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: The Digestive System. In: O'Leary JP (ed): The
Physiologic Basis of Surgery. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp
340-375, 1993.
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: Digestion and Absorption. In: O'Leary
JP (ed): The Physiologic Basis of Surgery. Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, MD, pp 365-373, 1993.
Dudrick SJ: Prologo. In: Villazon A, Arenas H (eds): Nutricion Enteral
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Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Surgery and Nutrition. In: O'Donnell PD (ed):
Geriatric Urology. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, pp 105-112,
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Nutritional Support: General Principles, Indications,
and Techniques. In: Quigley EM, Sorrell MF (eds): The Gastrointestinal
Surgical Patient - Preoperative and Postoperative Care. Williams &
Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp 175-220, 1994.
Gould KL, Martucci JP, Goldberg DI, Hess MJ, Edens RP, Latifi R,
Dudrick SJ: Short-term Cholesterol Lowering Decreases Size and Severity
of Perfusion Abnormalities by Positron Emission Tomography After
Dipyridamole in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Potential
Noninvasive Marker of Healing Coronary Endothelium. Circulation
89:1530-1538, 1994.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ:Hepatic Encephalopathy: Metabolic and Nutritional
Implications of Amino Acids. In: Latifi R (ed): Amino Acids in Critical
Care and Cancer. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 125-136, 1994.
Kirby DF, Dudrick SJ (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical
Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.
Kirby DF,Dudrick SJ: Preface, In: Kirby and Dudrick (eds): Practical
Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Total Parenteral Nutrition. In: Kirby and Dudrick
(eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, pp 135-164, 1994.
Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition in Surgical Patients. In: Kirby and
Dudrick (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 165-182, 1994.
391. Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Management of Patients With Short-Bowel
Syndrome. In: Kirby and
Dudrick (eds): Practical Handbook of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 215-226, 1994.
392. Dudrick, SJ. Foreword. In: Professional Handbook of Diagnostic Tests.
Springhouse Corporation,
Springhouse, PA, 1995.
393. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ (eds): Surgical Nutrition: Strategies in Critically Ill
Patients. R.G.Landes
Company, Austin, TX, 1995.
394. Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Introduction. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Surgical
Nutrition: Strategies in Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company,
Austin, TX, 1995.
395. Dudrick SJ, Latifi R: Amino Acids in Critically Ill Patients: Current
Concepts. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Surgical Nutrition: Strategies in
Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company, Austin, TX, pp 31-43,1995.
396. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: The Effects of Nutrient Substrates in Acute
Pancreatitis. In: Latifi and
Dudrick (eds): Surgical Nutrition:
Strategies in Critically Ill Patients. R.G. Landes, Company,
Austin, TX, pp
147-151, 1995.
Meguid MM, Bessey PQ, Dawson J, Dudrick SJ, Howard LJ, Sax H.
Total Parenteral Nutrition: An Update. Contemporary Surgery, 46(3) 157168, 1995.
Dudrick SJ: The Role of Nutrition in Wound Healing. In:Cernaianu AC,
DelRossi AJ, Spence RK (eds): Critical Issues in Surgery, Plenum Press,
New York, NY, pp 1-12, 1995.
399. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes
Company, Austin, TX , 1996.
400. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Preface. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current
Surgical Nutrition. R.G.
Landes Company, Austin, TX, 1996.
401. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Current Concepts and
Indications. In: Latifi and
Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G.
Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 45-55, 1996.
402. Latifi R, Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support of Acute Pancreatitis. In: Latifi
and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin,
TX, pp 225-237, 1996.
403. Latifi R, Burns GA, Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Management of Chronic
Pancreatitis: Current Concepts. In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical
Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX pp 239-249, 1996.
404. Dudrick S, Zarif A, Latifi R: Nutritional and Metabolic Management of
Short Bowel Syndrome.
In: Latifi and Dudrick (eds): Current Surgical
Nutrition. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX, pp 303-315, 1996.
405. Daly JM, Barie PS, Dudrick SJ: Preparation of the Patient. In: Nyhus,
Baker and Fischer (eds):
Mastery of Surgery, 3rd ed. Little Brown and
Company, Inc. pp 22-49, 1996.
406. Willis AL, Dudrick SJ, Torosian MH: Unique Presentation of Crohn’s
Disease during Treatment
of Hodgkin’s Disease. Oncology Reports 3:
939-942, 1996
Mason GR, Kahrilas PJ, Otterson MF, Lang IM, Telford GL, Telford SW,
Sarna SK, Cowles VE, Koch TR, Debas HT, Gittes G, Jaffe BM, Dudrick
SJ, Latifi R, Castro GA: The Digestive System. In: O'Leary JP (ed): The
Physiologic Basis of Surgery, 2nd ed. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
MD, pp 406-440, 1996.
408. Dudrick, SJ: Foreword. In: Shikora and Blackburn. Nutrition Support
Theory and Therapeutics.
Chapman & Hall, New York, NY, 1997.
409. Sawmiller CJ, Turowski GA, Sterling AP, Dudrick SJ: Extraarticular
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Shoulder. Clinical Orthopaedics
and Related Research, 335: 262-267, 1997.
410. Dudrick SJ: Foreword. In: Rothkopf MM (ed), Standards and Practice of
Homecare Therapeutics, 2nd ed. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD,1997.
411. Dudrick SJ, Daly JM: Jonathan Evans Rhoads, M.D., Renaissance Man of
the Twentieth Century.
Cancer, 79(9):1737-1739, 1997.
412. Dudrick, SJ: Preface. In: Baumgartner TG (ed), Clinical Guide to
Parenteral Micronutrition, 3rd
Edition. Fujisawa USA, Deerfield, IL, 1997
413. Dudrick SJ: Book Review. Of: Shikora SA, Blackburn GL (eds), Nutrition
Support: Theory and Therapeutics. Chapman and Hall Publishers, New York,
NY, 1997, Am J Clin Nutr, 67:742, 1998
414. Zahir KS, Quin JA, Brown W, Thomson JG, Dudrick SJ: Trends in Upper
Extremity Soft Tissue
Malignancies: A 40-Year Review of the
Connecticut State Tumor Registry, Connecticut Medicine 62(1): 9-14, 1998
415. Vouyouka AG, Powell RJ, Ricotta J, Chen H, Dudrick DJ, Sawmiller CJ,
Dudrick SJ and Sumpio
BE: Ambient Pulsatile Pressure Modulates
Endothelial Cell Proliferation, J Mol Cell Cardiol, 30, 609-615, 1998
416. Dudrick SJ, Zahir KS, Merrell RC: Total Parenteral Nutrition:
Techniques and Complications,
Surgical Technology International VII, 174184, 1998
417. Sawmiller CJ, Powell RJ, Quader MA, Dudrick SJ, and Sumpio BE: The
Differential Effects of
Contrast Agents on Endothelial Cells and Smooth
Muscle Cell Growth In Vitro, J Vascular Surg,
27(6): 1128-1140, 1998
418. Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ: Letter to the Editor; Trends in the Incidence of
Upper Extremity Soft Tissue Malignancies: A 40-Year Review of the
Connecticut State Tumor Registry, Connecticut
Medicine 62(5): 311, 1998
419. Amshel CE, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest X-Rays Mandatory
Following Central Venous Recatherization Over a Wire? The American
Surgeon, 64: 499-502, 1998
420. Dudrick SJ, Brown W, Biggs CG: Nutritional Management of Patients
with Head and Neck Tumors. In: Comprehensive Management of Head and
Neck Tumors, 2nd ed, Chapter 3,
pages 45 - 58, W. B. Saunders, 1998
421. Sawmiller CJ, Dudrick SJ, Hamzi M: Postsplenectomy Capnocytophaga
canimorsus Sepsis
Presenting as an Acute Abdomen. Arch Surg. 133:
1362-1365, 1998
Dudrick SJ, Maharaj AR, McKelvey AA: Artificial Nutrition Support in
Patients with Gastrointestinal Fistulas, World J. Surg. 23: 570-576, 1999
Dudrick, SJ: Invited Critique of: Surgical Approaches to Improving
Intestinal Function in the Short Bowel Syndrome. Thompson, JS, and
Langras, AN. Arch, Surg. 134: 706 – 711, 1999
424. Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ: Current Overview of Gynecomastia, Curr Surg.,
56: 312-315, 1999
Duzgun A, Rasque H, Kito H, Azuma N, Li W, Gahtan V, Dudrick S,
Sumpio BE. Mitogen activated protein phosphorylation by
hyperosmolality with different osmotic agents in endothelial cell. J. Cell
Biochem., 76:567-571, 2000
Palesty JA, McKelvey AA, Dudrick SJ. The Efficacy of X-Rays after
Chest Tube Removal, Amer J Surg., 179:13, 2000
Woo D, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE. Homocysteine stimulates MAP kinase
in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells. Surgery, 128:59-66, 2000
Palesty JA, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Nd:YAG Laser Therapy for
the Excision of Pilonidal Cysts: A Comparison with Traditional
Techniques, Lasers Surg Med., 26:380-385, 2000
DiLuozzo G, Dhadwal AK, Frangos SG, Chen AH, Jeffries BW, Dudrick
SJ and Sumpio BE: Endothelial Cells Exposed to Nicotine Act as a
Chemoattractant for Vascular Smooth Cell Migration. Surgical Forum,
51:373-375, 2000
Coppola CP, Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition and Infection, Curr
Surg., 58(1):23-28, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Zimmerman G, Ivy ME, Pineau M, Possenti PP,
Fidler PE, Gross RG, Dudrick SJ: Decompressive Craniectomy for
Damage Control in Penetrating Head Trauma, Critical Care Medicine,
Dec:28(12 Suppl): A143, 2001
Atweh N, Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Portal Vein Thrombosis after
Splenectomy, J Am Coll Surg, 192(4): 551-2, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Celiac Axis
Ligation after Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen: Case Report and
Literature Review. J Traum, 50:738-739, 2001
Dudrick SJ, Wilmore DW, Vars HM, Rhoads JE: Long-Term Total
Parenteral Nutrition with Growth Development and Positive Nitrogen
Balance, Nutr Hosp, 16(6), 286-287 and 287-292, 2001
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Renal Artery
to Inferior Vena Cava Fistula Following Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen.
Ann Vasc Surg 16:665-670, 2002
Atweh N, Lye KD, Kavic SM, Fidler PE, Possenti PP, Dudrick SJ:
Closure of Large Abdominal Wounds with an Adjustable Suture-Tension
Device, J Am Coll Surg, 195(2) 281-283, 2002
Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Rectocele, Curr Surg, 59(2): 162-171, 2002
Dudrick SJ: Foreword In: Nutritional Considerations in the Intensive Care
Unit – Science, Rationale and Practice, (eds) Shikora SA, Martindale RG,
Schwaitzberg SD, Kendall/Hunt Co., Dubuque, Iowa, 2002
Atweh N, Kavic SM, Dudrick SJ: Letter to the Editor; Portal Vein
Thrombosis after Splenectomy, J Am Coll Surg, 195:281-283, 2002
Dudrick SJ, Kavic SM: Hepatobiliary Nutrition: History and Future, J
Hepatobiliary-Pancreat Surg, 9:459-468, 2002
Kavic SM, Atweh NA, Ivy ME, Possenti PP and Dudrick SJ: Renal Artery
to Inferior Vena Cava Fistula Following Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen:
Case Report and Literature Review. Ann Vasc Surg, 16:666-670, 2002
Dudrick SJ, Maharaj AR and McKelvey AA: Artificial Nutritional
Support in Patients with Gastrointestinal Fistulas. World J Surg 23: 570576, 1999 Reprint In: Selected Readings in General Surgery,
Miscellaneous Small Bowel Diseases, 29:1-7, 2002
Dudrick SJ: Foreword In: Supplement on Home Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition, 26:S2-S3 J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: The Biology and Practice of Current Nutritional
Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Current Concepts and
Indications, pp 208-219 In: The Biology and Practice of Current
Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown,
Texas, 2003
Dudrick SJ, Abdullah F and Latifi R: Nutrition and Metabolic
Management of Short Bowel Syndrome, pp 261-274 In: The Biology and
Practice of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes
Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support of Acute Pancreatitis, pp 320333 In: The Biology and Practice of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd
Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Latifi R, Perch PG and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Management of Chronic
Pancreatitis: Current Concepts, pp 334-345 In: The Biology and Practice
of Current Nutritional Support, 2nd Edition (eds), Landes Bioscience,
Georgetown, Texas, 2003
Dudrick SJ, Palesty JA: What We Have Learned about Cachexia and
Gastrointestinal Cancer, Digestive Diseases, 21: 198-213, 2003
Dudrick SJ: Early Developments and Clinical Applications of Total
Parenteral Nutrition, J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 27: 291-299, 2003
Dudrick SJ: History and Development of Total Parenteral Nutrition,
Proceedings of the 61st Congress of the Association of Polish Surgeons, pp
15-20, 2003
Dudrick SJ: Management of Fistulas of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Proceedings of the 61st Congress of the Association of Polish Surgeons, pp
24-40, 2003
Palesty JA, Wang XJ, Rutland RC, Leighton J, Dudrick SJ and Benbrahim
A: Fifty-five Consecutive Laparoscopic Appendectomy Procedures
without Conversion, JSLS 8: 141-145, 2004
Palesty JA, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: Geriatric AssessmentMinimizing the Risks, Current Surgery, 61:3 266-267, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Antezana JN, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Do
Vascular Surgeons Improve the Outcome of Carotid Endarterectomy? An
Analysis of 12,618 Elective Cases in the State of Connecticut,Vascular
12:3 155-165, 2004
Jackson LM, Dudrick SJ and Sumpio BE: John Harvey Kellogg; Surgeon,
Inventor, Nutritionist (1852-1943), J Am Coll Surg 199:5 817-821, 2004
Rabbi JR, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicates Limitation of
Distal Dissection, Ann Vasc Surg, 18:6 640-643, 2004
Dudrick SJ: Commentary on the 3rd Edition of Basics in Clinical
Nutrition: In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka,
Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, pp XXI-XXII, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Ways of Delivering Parenteral Nutrition,
In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague,
Czech Republic, pp 233-237, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Central Parenteral Nutrition, In: Basics of
Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech
Republic, pp 237-246, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Sitges-Serra A and Dudrick SJ: Complications Associated
with Central Catheter Insertion and Care, pp 246-252, In: Basics of
Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Prague, Galen, Czech
Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M and Dudrick SJ: Systems for Parenteral Nutrition, pp 252254, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Szczygiel B, Sobotka L and Dudrick SJ: Composition of
Nutritional Admixtures and Formulas for Parenteral Nutrition, pp 255260, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Barnett MI, Pertkiewicz M, Cosslett AG, Muhlebach S and Dudrick SJ:
Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures, pp 260-264, In: Basics of Clinical
Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Cosslett A, Muhlebach S and Dudrick SJ: Stability of
Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures, pp 264-269, In: Basics of Clinical
Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Szczygiel B, Pertkiewicz M, Naber T and Dudrick SJ: Nutrition Support
in Gastrointestinal Fistulas, pp 342-345, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition,
3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Manak J and Dudrick SJ: Nutritional Support During
Pregnancy, pp 422-425 In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed)
Sobotka, Galen, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Pertkiewicz M, Naber T and Dudrick SJ: Home Artificial Nutrition, pp
462-467, In: Basics of Clinical Nutrition, 3rd Edition, (ed) Sobotka, Galen,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Frattini JC, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2,443 Elderly Patients: Lessons from
Nonagenarians –Are We Pushing the Limit?, J Am Coll Surg,:12, 734741, 2004
Kiran PR, Thorisson HM and Dudrick SJ: Current Status of Stents for
Arterial Occlusive Disease and Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair,
Curr Surg, 62:2, 178-179, 2005
Jackson LS, Wang XJ, Dudrick SJ and Gersten GD: Catheter-Directed
Thrombolysis and/or Thrombectomy with Selective Endovascular
Stenting as Alternatives to Systemic Anticoagulation for Treatment of
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis. Am J Surg. Dec;190(6):864-8, 2005
Dudrick SJ: Rhoads Lecture: A 45-year Obsession and Passionate Pursuit
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Home TPN, A.S.P.E.N., et cetera. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. JulAug;29(4):272-87, 2005
Dudrick SJ: History of Vascular Access. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. JanFeb;30:S47-56, 2006
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Daly JM, Dudrick SJ, Vars HM and Hansell JR: The effects of protein
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Daly JM, Steiger E, Dudrick SJ and Vars HM: Effects of postoperative
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Law DK, Abdou NI and Dudrick SJ: Immunocompetence of rats with
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Souchon EA, Copeland EM, Watson P and Dudrick SJ: Tolerance for
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Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as an adjunct to therapy in the cancer patient. XI
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Daly JM, Steiger E, Much J, Vars HM and Dudrick SJ: Protein sparing
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Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Altered parasite
development and enzyme levels in the small intestine of parenterally fed
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Lichtenberger LM, Castro GA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Johnson
LR: The effect of food on rat antral gastrin concentration.
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Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Altered
development of gut parasites caused by switching the host from oral to
parenteral nutrition. Fed Proc 34:901, 1975.
Schanbacher LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnson LR and Castro GA:
Glucose transport across the small intestine of parenterally nourished
rats. Fed Proc 34:917, 1975.
Castro GA, Johnson LR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Gut parasites:
altered development caused by changing the host from oral to parenteral
nutrition. Gastroenterology 68:870, 1975.
Schanbacher LM, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ, Johnson LR and Castro GA:
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Weisbrodt NW, Copeland EM, Thor PJ and Dudrick SJ: Small bowel
motility during intravenous hyperalimentation in the dog.
Gastroenterology 68:1011, 1975
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ and Daly JM: The management of
inflammatory bowel disease with parenteral hyperalimentation. Tenth
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Souchon EA, Englert DM, Duke JH, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: Intravenous
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Weisbrodt NW, Badial-Aceves F, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro
GA: Small intestinal transit during total parenteral nutrition in the rat.
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Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge
infection with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. Gastroenterology
70:868, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Smith JW, Dudrick SJ and Weisbrodt NW:
Altered small bowel propulsion associated with parasitism.
Gastroenterology 70:868, 1976.
Castro GA, Badial-Aceves F, Adams PR, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Response of immunized, parenterally nourished rats to challenge infection
with the nematode, Trichinella Spiralis. Clin Res 24:597A, 1976.
Sander LD, Dudrick SJ, Copeland EM and Johnson LR: Effect of
restraint stress on serum and antral gastrins and hexosamine synthesis
after parenteral alimentation. Gastroenterology 72:A102, 1977.
Wiseman DA, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA: Comparison of
gastrointestinal structure and enzyme activity between orally fed rats and
rats fed by intestinal infusion. Gastroenterology 72:A128, 1977.
Daly JM, Castro GA, Akhtar M and Dudrick SJ: Morphologic and
biochemical intestinal changes after jejuno-ileal bypass. Gastroenterology
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Ramaswamy K, Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and Castro GA: Causes of
weight loss associated with enteric parasitism. Fed Proc 36:595, 1977.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of
intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) on tumor growth and host
immunocompetence. Fed Proc 36:1163, 1977.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Energy intake as determinant
of nitrogen excretion in rats. JPEN 1:28A, 1977.
Souchon EA, Englert DM, MacFadyen BV, Jr., Duke JH and Dudrick SJ:
Intravenous hyperalimentation: experience with 500 patients. S Tx
Chapt ACS, Austin, TX, January 1977.
MacFadyen BV, Jr., Dudrick SJ, Baquero GE and Gum ET: Liver
function during intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH): clinical
biochemical changes. JPEN 2:(3)38, 1978.
Reynolds HM, Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effects of
nutritional repletion on host and tumor response to chemotherapy. Fed
Proc 38:261, 1978.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Total or supplemental ambulatory home
hyperalimentation. JPEN 2:242, 1978.
Johnson LR, Ryan GP, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Luminal gastrin
stimulates growth of distal fat intestine. Fed Proc 37:374, 1978.
Copeland EM, Dudrick SJ and MacFadyen BV, Jr.: The effect of nutrition
on immunocompetence in cancer patients. JPEN 2:70, 1978.
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Guinn EJ and Dudrick SJ: Effects of oral versus
IV nutrition on tumor response to chemotherapy. JPEN 2:71, 1978.
Igo SR, Kyger ER, III, Lande AJ and Dudrick SJ: Improved
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Copeland EM, MacFadyen BV, Jr. and Dudrick SJ: The cancer patient:
Impact of nutrition on immunocompetence. Proceedings of the XIII
International Cancer Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Cancer
Bulletin 31:96, May-June 1979.
Long JM, III, Souba WW and Dudrick SJ: Effect of calorie intake and
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Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Effects of stress and diet on
nitrogen excretion in growing rats. JPEN 3:34, 1979.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Relationship of intravenous
hyperalimentation to infectious diseases and sepsis. APIC Journal 7:27,
Dudrick SJ, Englert DM, Speir AM and Ota DM: Intravenous
hyperalimentation as the sole treatment for chronic anemia associated
with ulcerative colitis in two Jehovah's Witnesses. JPEN 3:507, 1979.
Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: A comprehensive instructional program for
adults and pediatric ambulatory home hyperalimentation patients. JPEN
3:518, 1979.
Perl M, Hall TC, Dudrick SJ, Englert DM and Gardner ER: Psychologic
aspects of long-term home hyperalimentation. JPEN 3:522, 1979.
Speir AM, Englert DM and Dudrick SJ: Thirty man years'experience with
ambulatory home hyperalimentation . JPEN 3:510, 1979.
Rowlands BJ, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Serum transferrin, a
comparison of two methods of measurement in hospitalized patients. Am
J Clin Nutr 32:XIX, 1979.
Jensen TG, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: A comparison of triceps
skinfold and arm circumference values measured in standard and supine
positions. JPEN 3:513, 1979.
Daly JM, Reynolds HM, Rowlands BJ, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ:
Effects of protein nutrition on body weight, serum protein levels, and
tumor growth. Fed Proc 38:864, 1979.
Jensen TG, Brooks BJ and Dudrick SJ: Utilization of competency based
self-instructional modules for training dietetic technicians in nutritional
assessment techniques. JPEN 3:520, 1979.
Daly JM, Copeland EM and Dudrick SJ: Effect of IVH on
immunocompetence in cancer patients. Fed Proc 39:888, 1980.
Dudrick SJ, Rowlands BJ, Speir AM, Ota DM, Henry AC, Englert DM
and Coleman CW: Intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) as the sole
treatment for anemia and ulcerative colitis (UC) in two Jehovah's
Witnesses. Fed Proc 39:1114, 1980.
Souba WW, Long JM, III and Dudrick SJ: Interaction of protein and
energy substrates in intravenously fed rats. Fed Proc 39:1114, 1980.
Long JM, III, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Obsessive exercise-related
cachexia-a new syndrome? Am J Clin Nutr 33:938, 1980.
Long JM, III, Jensen TG and Dudrick SJ: Obsessive exercise-related
cachexia-a new syndrome? Clin Res 28:579A, 1980.
Gallardo E, Tulloch BR, Rowlands BJ, Woo J and Dudrick SJ: Changes
in serum lipids during intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH). Clin Res
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Dudrick SJ, Van Buren CT, Daly JM, Long JM, III and Copeland EM:
Parenteral nutrition in the critically ill. J Coll Surg (Aust).
Daly JM, Copeland EM, Massar E, Johnson DE, Brachen B, Samman N,
Barlow AL and Dudrick SJ: Adaptation to amino acid infusions in
surgical patients. Fed Proc 40:3933, 1981.
Barroso AO, Rowlands BJ, Tulloch BR, Woo J and Dudrick SJ: Changes
in serum total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol during intravenous
hyperalimentation in dogs. Clin Res 29:(2)263A, 1981.
Rowlands BJ, Barroso A0, Foucar E and Dudrick SJ: Changes in hepatic
morphology and liver function tests during intravenous hyperalimentation
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Jensen JE, Jensen TG, Smith TK, Dudrick SJ and Johnston DA: Nutrition
in orthopaedic surgery. Orthop Transactions 5:(1)85, 1981.
Hunt D, Barroso A, Lee P, Rowlands BJ, Lane H and Dudrick SJ: Iron
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Garza JL, Rowlands BJ and Dudrick SJ: Should liver function test
abnormalities during prolonged intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH)
cause concern? Gastroenterology 82:(5)1041, May 1982.
Dudrick PS, O'Donnell JJ, Matheny RG, Yoshimura NN and Dudrick SJ:
Failure of enriched branched chain amino acid solutions to improve
wound healing in traumatized rats. Fed Proc 43:(4)3299, 1984.
Lane HW, Moore C, Lotspeich CA, Ballard J, Dudrick SJ, Halligan R and
Warren DC: Selenium supplementation for patients receiving chronic
total parenteral nutrition. Fed Proc 43:(4)3402, 1984.
Guthrie PD, Drummond RW, Feste AS and Dudrick SJ: Dynamic effects
of a high cholesterol diet on plasma lipoprotein levels in rabbits. Fed
Proc 43:(9)1330, 1984.
Dudrick SJ and Drummond RW: Use of specially formulated parenteral
substrate therapy (PNST) in atherosclerotic plaque regression. Fed Proc
43:(7)3538, 1984.
Drummond RW, Feste AS, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Alteration of
rabbit plasma lipid relationships in response to a high cholesterol diet.
Fed Proc 43:(7)3538, 1984.
Feste AS, Drummond RW and Dudrick SJ: The effects of a high
cholesterol diet on the plasma concentration and distribution of
cholesterol eaters and free fatty acids in rabbits. Fed Proc 43:(7)3540,
Dudrick SJ, Matheny RG, O'Donnell JJ, Dudrick PS and Yoshimura NN:
Effect of enriched branched chain amino acid (AA) solutions in
traumatized rats. JPEN 8:86, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Matheny RG, Cardoso RJ, Hagemeier KF and
Hickey MS: A new concept of long-term indwelling tube gastrostomy
feeding. JPEN 8:94, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Hickey MS, Englert DM, Nutt RE, Blume ER,
Barroso AO and Clague MB: Ambulatory home total parenteral nutrition
(TPN)-100 patient years. JPEN 8:100, 1984.
Dudrick SJ, Drummond RW: Utilization of specific total parenteral
nutrition (TPN) in the arrest and reversal of atherosclerosis. JPEN 9:62,
Drummond RW, Feste AS, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Effects of a high
cholesterol diet on atherogenesis in rabbits: Lipoproteins. JPEN 9:63,
Drummond RW, Mazzagatti L, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Evaluation of
a chemiluminescence nitrogen analysis technique for use in nutritional
assessment studies. JPEN 10(1):195, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, Drummond RW, Belloso RM, Bisken LC, Dudrick PS and
Hedberg AM: Practical considerations affecting the accuracy of indirect
calorimetry (IC) measurements for nutritional assessment. JPEN
10(1):205, 1986.
Drummond RW, Guthrie PD and Dudrick SJ: Evaluation of performance
of an automated fluorescence quenching technique (FQT) for
measurement of retinol binding protein (RBP), transthyretin (TTY) and
transferrin (TRF). JPEN 10(1):215, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Raleigh DP, Matheny RG and Unkel SP:
Intravenous iron for patients refusing transfusion. American Family
Physician 33(2):328, 1986.
Matheny RG, Biskin LC, Belloso RM, O'Donnell JJ and Dudrick SJ:
Stimulation of erythropoiesis in anemic dogs with an intravenous
iron/nutrition regimen. Fed Proc 45(3):2582, 1986.
Weisbrodt NW, Belloso RM, Biskin LC, Dudrick PS and Dudrick SJ:
Effect of acetylcysteine on adaptation of intestinal smooth muscle after
small bowel bypass. Fed Proc 45(4):5181, 1986.
Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Englert DM, Blume ER, Belloso RM and Peters
C: 150 patient-years of ambulatory home total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
in the management of difficult gastrointestinal disorders.
Gastroenterology 90(5):1400, 1986.
104. Dudrick SJ: Management of the Short Bowel Syndrome. J Gastroenterol
Surg 27(2):239, 1994.
105. Winston D, Boatwright D, Gustafson D, Monte W, Dudrick SJ: Newly
Developed Tube Feeding
Formula is Antimicrobial. Clin Res, Vol 42,
3:448A, 1994.
Winston D, Boatwright D, Winston DC, Monte W, Dudrick SJ: Tube
Feeding Formula With Sorbate is Antimicrobial. FASEB Journal 9:4,
A863, 1995.
107. Amshel C, Maharaj A, Palesty JA, Tambarino F, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest
X-Rays Mandatory Following Central Venous Recatheterization over a
Guidewire? Combined Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of
Board Surgeons, December, 1996.
108. McKelvey A, Chlosta WF, Palesty JA, Davis MD, Dudrick SJ:
Psychological Implication of Needle Localization of Non-Palpable Breast
Lesions: Phase II. Combined Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter
of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of
American Board Surgeons, December, 1996.
109. Sawmiller C, Sumpio BE, Maitz S, Dudrick SJ: The Effect of Contrast
Agents on Smooth Cell
Muscle Cell Growth in Vitro. Combined Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and
The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
December, 1996.
Palesty JA, Amshel CE, Maharaj A, Dudrick SJ: Are Chest X-Rays
Mandatory Following Central Venous Recatheterization Over a Wire?
Prospective Data Confirm and Augment Previous Retrospective Data.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1997
McKelvey AA, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Should Chest X-Rays Be
Obtained Routinely Following Elective Removal of Chest Tubes?
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Zdankiewicz PD, Garza JJ, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Alosco T: Two Years
Experience with Laparoscopic Versus Open Repair of Ventral Hernias.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Palesty JA, Zahir KS, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Nd: YAG Laser for the
Excision of Pilonidal Cysts: A Comparison with Traditional Techniques.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, December, 1998
Zahir KS, Edwards RP, Vecchia A, Dudrick SJ, Tripodi G: Use of the
Nd:Yag Laser Improves Quality of Life and Economic Factors in the
Treatment of Hemorrhoids. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut
Society of American Board Surgeons, December, 1998
Roros JG, Gosche JR, Seashore J, Dudrick SJ, Touloukian R:
Management of Blunt Pancreatic Injuries in the 90’s: A Retrospective
Analysis. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American
Board Surgeons, December, 1998
Palesty JA, McKelvey AA, Dudrick SJ: The Efficacy of X-Rays after
Chest Tube Removal. 51st Annual Meting of the Southwestern Surgical
Congress, April, 1999
Paszkowiak JJ, Zdankiewicz PD, Wang XJ, Shea VT, Dudrick SJ: The
Increased Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Women Newly Diagnosed
with Breast Carcinoma at St. Mary’s Hospital. Combined Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Tittle SL, Palesty JA, Dudrick SJ: Merkel Cell Tumors: A Retrospective
Review of the Connecticut State Tumor Board’s Data, 1990-1997.
Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American
College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board
Surgeons, November, 1999
Woo DJ, Zdankiewicz PD, Hamzi M, Dudrick SJ: Clark’s Level I and II
Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma at St. Mary’s Hospital. Combined
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
November, 1999
Edwards RE, Zdankiewicz PD, Dudrick SJ, Dineen JP: Follow-Up
Counseling for Trauma Patients with Concurrent Substance Abuse – The
Need for Enforcement. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut
Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Rasque H, Duzgun AS, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE: Contrast Agents
Decrease VSMC Migration and Activate P38. Combined Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and The
Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Garza JJ, Riley JT, Roros JG, Sawmiller CJ, Quigley W, Dudrick SJ:
Acute Cholecystitis in Critically Ill Surgical Patients: Is Incidental
Cholecystectomy During Exploratory Laparotomy Indicated? Combined
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American Board Surgeons,
November, 1999
Wang XJ, Chen EL, Willis AI, Dudrick SJ, Sumpio BE, Gahtan V: Focal
Adhesion Kinase is Involved in Thrombospondin-1 Induced Cell
Migration. Combined Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons and The Connecticut Society of American
Board Surgeons, November, 1999
Kavic SM, Atweh N, Frangos SG, Ivy ME, Possenti PP, Pineau MJ, Fidler
PE, Gross RI, and Dudrick SJ: Traumatic Bile Duct Injury: Optimizing
Outcome by Individualizing Management. Scientific and Annual Meeting
of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p17,
November, 2000
Frangos SG, Atweh N, Pineau MJ, Kavic SM, Ivy ME, Possenti PP,
Bandanza D, Gross, RI, Fidler PE and Dudrick SJ: Hypothermia is a
Marker for Adequacy of Resuscitation in Severe Truncal Injury.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p69, November, 2000
Koo J, Ivy M, Atweh N, Pineau M, Possenti P and Dudrick SJ: Cardiac
Rupture Resulting from Blunt Trauma: A Retrospective Review of One
Community Hospital’s Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p73,
November, 2000
Christian DJ, Palesty JA, Lahijani SS, Rabbi JF, Dudrick SJ and Brown
W: Treatment of Lower Extremity Telangiectasias and Varicose Veins
with the Nd Yag Laser. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p69, November, 2002
Mikhaeil HM, Hanna BG, Staib S, Paszkowiak JJ and Dudrick SJ: Impact
of Age on Outcome of Motor Vehicle Trauma Patients: A Trauma Level II
Community Hospital Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p51,
November 2002
Rutland RC, Edwards RE, Rabbi JF, Staib S and Dudrick SJ: Can the
Injury Severity Score Alone Predict Outcome In Patients with Pulmonary
Contusion? Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p52, November, 2002
Osigweh JM, Palesty JA, Osigweh CAB, Zdankiewicz PD and Dudrick
SJ: Rates of Aspiration in Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and
Percutaneous Endoscopic Jejunostomy. Scientific and Annual Meeting of
the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p58,
November, 2002
Paszkowiak JJ, Tittle SL, Jackson LM, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A:
Abdominal Wall Endometrioma:Experience with a Rare Entity. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p61, November, 2002
Wang XJ, Paszkowiak JJ, Dudrick SJ and Sumpio BE: Red Wine
Polyphenols Inhibit Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 1/ 2 and P38
Activation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p64, November, 2002
Mikhaeil HM, Hanna BG, Staib S, Paszkowiak JJ and Dudrick SJ: Impact
of Age on Outcome of Motor Vehicle Trauma Patients: A Trauma Level II
Community Hospital Experience, Southwestern Surgical Society, p128,
Maloney SP, Edwards RE, Kiran PR, Richi A and Dudrick SJ: Outcomes
of Patients Over the Age of 80 Years Treated for a Perforated Viscus in a
Community Hospital Setting Over a Ten Year Period. Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p53, November, 2003
Jackson LS, Wang XJ, Gersten G and Dudrick SJ: Nitinol Stents in
Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA) Stenosis: A Community Hospital
Experience. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p54, November, 2003
Thorisson HM, Gersten G and Dudrick SJ: Treatment of
Postcatheterization Pseudoaneurysm in a Community Hospital Setting.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p39, November, 2003
Rabbi JF, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicated Limitation of
Distal Dissection. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p45, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Rutland RC, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Laparoscopic Splenic
Artery Aneurysm Ligation During Pregnancy. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p46, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Wells K, Alosco T and Dudrick SJ: Primary Malignant NonHodgkin Skeletal Muscle Lymphoma: A Case Report. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p48, November, 2003
Shahmohammadi K, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Predictors of Mortality
After Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by General
Surgeons in a Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p51,
November, 2003
Rutland RC, Palesty JA, Edwards RE, Dudrick SJ and Tadros R: TuboOvarian Abscess in a Postpartum Adolescent. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p50, November, 2003
Lahijani S, Castro MG, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Does Initial Leukocyte
Count Correlate with Trauma Victim Length of Stay in Hospital.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p20, November, 2003
Rabbi JF, Gersten G, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Early Results
with Infrainguinal Cutting Balloon Angioplasty Indicates Limitation of
Distal Dissection. 14th Annual Winter Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular
Surgery Society, February, 2004
Paszkowiak JJ, Teso D, Wang XJ, Kelley L, Sumpio BE, Dudrick SJ and
Dardik A; Rapamycin Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia in Low Flow
States In Vivo Without Affecting Vessel Inward Remodeling. 56th Annual
Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, p122, April, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Fratinni JC, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2443 Elderly Patients: Lessons from
Nonagenarians – Are We Pushing the Limit? 32nd Annual Meeting of the
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March, 2004
Castro MG, Kiran PR, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Does Intraoperative
Thyroid Frozen Section Have Clinical Value in Determining the Extent of
Thyroidectomy? Tufts New England Annual Resident Research Day,
April, 2004
Paszkowiak JJ, Teso D, Hamzi M and Dudrick SJ: Recurrent Laryngeal
Nerve Schwannoma: A Rare Mediastinal Tumor. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p16, November, 2004
Fancher TF, Golik L, Paszkowiak JJ, Polokoff EG and Dudrick SJ: Breast
Cancer Diagnosed in Woman Under the Age of 40 Over the Last Decade.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p18, November, 2004
Osigweh JM, Longo WE, Dudrick SJ and Geibel JP: Calcium Sensing
Receptor Modulates Electrolyte Transport in Human Colonic Crypts.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p22, November, 2004
Jackson LM, Wang XJ, Dudrick SJ and Gersten GD: Thrombolysis and
Stenting: Alternative to Treating Deep Vein Thrombosis. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p30, November, 2004
Jackson AL, Pimiento JM, Usoh F, Edwards RE, Richi AA and Dudrick
SJ: Paraplegia: A Rare Complication Following Abdominal Aneurysm
Repair. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p37, November, 2004
Jackson LM, Kopin C, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Urethral Carcinoma: A
Rare Presentation. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p38, November, 2004
Panait L, Conklin P, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: Surgical Treatment of
Perforated Appendicitis in a Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p42, November, 2004
Pimiento JM, Kiran PR, Edwards RE, Hamzi M, Richi AA, Alosco T,
Zarif A and Dudrick SJ: Initial Use of Hand Ports in the Community
Hospital Setting May Reduce the Slope of the Learning Curve for
Laparoscopic Colorectal Resections. Scientific and Annual Meeting of
the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p43,
November, 2004
Teso D, Fratini J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Carotid Endarterectomy in
1,650 Patients Under 60 Years Old: Implications for Screening. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p45, November, 2004
Wang XJ, Edward RE, Pimiento JM and Dudrick SJ: Cold Abscess of the
Right Buttock: A Rare Entity. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p47,
November, 2004
Wang XJ, Jackson LM, Modhwadua M, Bhaliya P, Gersten GD and
Dudrick SJ: Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Limb Ischemia in a
Community Hospital. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p48, November, 2004
Wang XJ, Ravalese J, Alosco T and Dudrick SJ: Right Buttock Sarcoma
Following Radiation Therapy for Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.
Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, p51, November, 2004
Qureshi IR, Staib S, Edwards RE and Dudrick SJ: The Relationship of
Injury Severity Score with Trauma Outcome of Patient in Urban Versus
Rural Trauma Centers. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p62, November, 2004
Rutland RC, Kidd M, Dudrick SJ and Modlin IM: The Treatment of
Morbid Obesity- From the Fat into the Frying Pan? Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p63, November, 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Antezana J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Do Vascular
Surgeons Improve the Outcome of Carotid Endarterectomy? An Analysis
of 12,618 Elective Cases in the State of Connecticut. Connecticut
Medicine, p622, November/December 2004
Lahijani SS, Castro MG, Ivy M and Dudrick SJ: Unique Approach to
Diagnosis of Pott’s Disease. Connecticut Medicine, p624,
November/December 2004
Teso D, Edwards RE, Frattini J, Dudrick SJ and Dardik A: Safety of
Carotid Endarterectomy in 2443 Elderly Patients; Lessons from
Nonagenarians – Are We Pushing the Limit? Connecticut Medicine, p625,
November/December 2004
Fancher TT, Malkin BS, Palesty JA and Dudrick SJ: Should Breast Self
Examination Really be Optional? Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p27,
November, 2005
Osigweh JM, Bell R, Dudrick SJ and Geibel JP: Sodium Hydrogen
Transport Regulates PH in Human Small Intestine Villi. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p29, November, 2005
Panait L, Merrell RC, Rafiq A, Dudrick SJ and Broderick T: Virtual
Reality Lapparoscopic Skill Assessment in Microgravity. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p31, November, 2005
Cordova AC, Kiran PR, Martin GJ, Dudrick SJ and Nicastri GR: Multiple
Bile Duct Hamartomas. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p86, November, 2005
Alam S, Malkan A, Kiran PR, Dudrick SJ and Nicastri GR: Benign
Vascular Proliferation as a cause of Intussusception. Scientific and
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, p88, November, 2005
Qureshi IQ, Nicastri GR and Dudrick SJ: Superior Mesenteric Artery
Syndrome:Review and Case Study. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p90,
November, 2005
Maloney S, Richi AA, Dardik A and Dudrick SJ: Ruptured Abdominal
Aorta Aneurysm Repair with Distal Anastamosis to the Inferior
Mesenteric Artery: A Case Report. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p92,
November, 2005
Jackson LM, Malkan A, Tripodi G and Dudrick SJ: Stump Appendicitis
After Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A Case Report. Scientific and Annual
Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons,
p94, November, 2005
Vardanyan A, Bradway M and Dudrick SJ: Negelected Giant Condyloma
Acuminatum. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter
of the American College of Surgeons, p96, November, 2005
Teso D, Palesty JA and Dudrick SJ: Combined Unilateral Upper and
Lower Extremity Ischemia Following Crack Cocaine Abuse. Scientific
and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of the American College
of Surgeons, p98, November, 2005
Rutland RR, Westzik H, Maloney S, Palesty JA, Dardik A and Dudrick
SJ: Increased Cardiac Complications in Hispanic Patients After Carotid
Endarterectomy. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, p100, November, 2005
Golek Z, Zarif A and Dudrick SJ: Diaphragmatic Rupture: High Index of
Suspicion. Scientific and Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Chapter of
the American College of Surgeons, p101, November, 2005