ZVZCS PWM DC-DC Converter with energy recovery clamp 99 ZVZCS PWM DC-DC CONVERTER WITH ENERGY RECOVERY CLAMP J. Dudrik, V. Ruš in Department of Electrical, Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering, Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, 04200 Košice, Slovak Republic E-mail: jaroslav.dudrik@tuke.sk, phone: +421 55 6022276, fax: +421 55 6330115 Summary A novel zero-voltage zero-current switching full-bridge PWM DC-DC converter with controlled secondary side rectifier is presented in this paper. Zero-voltage turn-on and zero-current turn-off for all power switches of the inverter is achieved for full load range from no-load to short circuit by using turn-off snubber and secondary energy recovery clamp. Modified PWM control strategy is used for the converter. The principle of operation is explained and analysed and simulation results are presented. considerable high involvement in creation of the IGBT turn-off losses. 1. INTRODUCTION The conventional phase shifted PWM converters are often used in many applications because their topology permits all switching devices to operate under zero-voltage switching by using circuit parasitics such as power transformer leakage inductance and devices junction capacitance. However, because of phase-shifted PWM control, the converter has a disadvantage that circulating current flows through the power transformer and switching devices during freewheeling intervals. To decrease the circulating current to zero and thus to achieve zero-current switching, various snubbers, auxiliary circuits and/or clamps connected mostly at the secondary side of power transformer are applied [1] – [10]. The disconnection of the secondary windings is usually achieved by application of the reverse bias for the output rectifier or using controlled rectifier. The optimal switching for IGBTs is zero-voltage turn-on and mainly zero-current turn-off due to elimination of the current tail influence, which has T 1 D 2. POWER CIRCUITS OF THE PROPOSED CONVERTER To achieve the aims mentioned above, the topology of the following ZVZCS converter was designed. The DC-DC converter shown in Fig.1 consists of high-frequency inverter, power transformer, output rectifier, output secondary switch and output filter. The main part of the converter includes high frequency full-bridge inverter consisting of the four ultrafast IGBT´s T1-T4 and freewheeling diodes D1D4. The secondary winding of the high-frequency step-down power transformer TR is connected through a fast recovery rectifier D5, D6 and secondary switch T5 to output filter consisting of smoothing choke L0 and capacitor C0. The converter is controlled by modified pulse-width modulation (Fig.2), and consequently the zero-voltage turn-on and zero-current turn-off all of the transistors T1-T4 in the inverter are reached. 1 u iP U D 3 D 2 L O T 3 P T R T D 4 D 5 U S U D S 6 4 T 2 _ C U D d A In p u t S o u rce A u x il i a r y D C /D C C o n v e r te r E n e r g y r e c o v e r y c la m p C C 1 D U I0 O R O C C1 CC 1 U O T D 5 C O D S 2 L S1 S 1 S2 D A S S 3 T u rn -o ff s n u b b e r Fig.1. Scheme of the proposed ZVZCS PWM DC-DC converter 100 Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering The semiconductor switch T5 in the secondary side is used to reset secondary and consequently also primary current. The transistor T5 operates with double switching frequency. At turn-off of the switch T5 the energy stored in leakage inductance is clamped by DC1 and CC1 and then transferred trough auxiliary dc-dc converter to the input source. By using nondissipative snubber to reduce turn-off losses of the transistor T5, the overall efficiency is increased. 3. OPERATION PRINCIPLE voltage because at turn-on of the transistor T4 its freewheeling diode D4 is in on state. Moreover the rate of rise of the collector current is limited by the leakage inductance LLP of the transformer. The transistor turn-off losses are negligible because transistor T4 turns-off only small magnetizing current (about 1.5 Amp in this case) as can be seen in the Fig.3. 1 12A 2 4 00V 3 00V The basic operation of the proposed soft switching converter has eight operating modes (intervals) within each half cycle. The switching diagram and operation waveforms are shown in Fig. 2. 8A 2 00V 4A 1 00V 0A T1, T2 0 uP T3, T 4 td T5 T 1, T 2 T5 T5 >> -3A t 0V -1 00V 1 168. 0us 17 0.0 us 1 72. 0us IC(Z 4)- I(D4 ) 2 V(P 1) 17 4.0u s U 0 t iP IP Iµ 0 176 .0us 1 78.0 us 18 0.0u s Tim e 0 Fig. 3. Switch (transistor T4 + diode D4) voltage uCE4 and switch current i C4+i D4. t uS U CC1 US US 0 t iD O iD iD O iD 5 iD 6 I D m in ID m a x iD 0 iD 5 t 0 I D m in + I L S m ax IT 5 m iT 5 0 t I C S = I T 5 m /2 iCS1 0 iD C 1 t I L S m ax I Dm a x 100 0 t t0 t 1 t2 t3 Collector-emitter voltage uDS and collector current iD of the secondary transistor T5 (bottom waveforms) is shown in Fig. 4. The secondary switch (transistor T5) is turned-on under zero-current due to influence of the leakage inductance of the transformer LLS reflected to the secondary side and snubber inductance LS. The turn-off loss is reduced by snubber capacitors CS1 and CS1 acting as the non-dissipative snubber as it is evident in Fig. 4. t 4 t5 t6 80 t 7 t8 60 Fig. 2 Operation waveforms of the converter 40 4. SIMULATION RESULTS A simulation model in programme Orcad was created to verify the properties of the proposed converter. The simulations were made at input voltage U = 320V. Parameters: Transformer TR parameters: Turns ratio n = 6, Magnetizing inductance Lm = 800 H, Leakage inductance LLP = 7 H. Snubber circuit parameters: Snubber capacitors CS1 = CS2= 56 nF, Snubber inductance LS = 5 H. Set value of clamp voltage UCC1 = 80 V The following waveforms were obtained at resistive load. Fig.3 shows switch voltage uCE4 and switch current iC4+iD4 during turn-on and turn-off of the transistor T4 in the converter. The switch (transistor T4 including diode D4) is turned-on under zero- 20 0 -20 169u s 170us I(Rco llect or) 1 71us 17 2us V(M1: d)- V (M1:s ) 17 3us 174 us 175u s 176us 1 77us 1 78us Time Fig. 4. Collector-emitter voltage uDS and collector current i D of the secondary transistor T5 Rectified voltage ud and output diode current iD5 is shown in Fig. 5. ZVZCS PWM DC-DC Converter with energy recovery clamp Turn-off snubber is employed to improve turn-off process of the secondary switch. Using leakage inductance of the power transformer working as a turn-on snubber it is ensured zero current turn-on process of the secondary switch. Finally, it is possible to say, that IGBTs in the full bridge inverter operate at almost ideal switching conditions – ZV turn-on and ZC turn-off. Soft switching of the secondary switch and leakage inductance energy transfer to the input source is ensured by turn-off snubber and energy recovery clamp containing only non-dissipative components. 100 V 50 V 0V V( UD) 100 A 50 A 0A SEL >> 178 us I( D5) 180 us 182u s 18 4us 18 6us 18 8us 190 us 19 1us Time Fig. 5. Rectified voltage ud (upper waveform) Output diode current i D5 (bottom waveform) During commutation between secondary diode and output freewheeling diode the secondary voltage and accordingly rectified secondary voltage is zero. At turn-off of the secondary switch T5 the secondary and also rectified voltage rises as a result of energy stored in leakage inductance. The over-voltage US can be maintained on acceptable value by proper design of the auxiliary dc-dc converter. Fig. 6 shows the snubber capacitor current at turn-on and turn-off of the secondary switch T5 (bottom waveform). Acknowledgment This work was supported by Research and Development Support Agency under project APVV99-031205. REFERENCES 100 50 0 I(Rcollector) V(M1:d)- V(M1:s) 50A 25A 0A SEL>> -20A 169us I(Cs1) 170us 171us 172us 173us 174us 175us 176us 177us Time Fig. 6. Collector voltage uDS and collector current i D of the secondary transistor T5 (upper waveforms) Snubber capacitor current i CS1 (bottom waveform) 5. CONCLUSION Soft switching and reduction of circulating currents in the proposed converter are achieved for full load range using the secondary side turn-off and energy recovery clamp in combination with modified PWM control. 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