Environmental Management System Procedures

Environmental Management System Procedures
Procedure Title
Environmental Communications, Training and Awareness
Procedure Ref No
ISO 14001 Reference
4.4.2 and 4.4.3
Record of Revisions
Original Release of Document
This procedure defines the process for:
 Internal environmental communications / awareness within the organisation.
 Determining whether communications of the organisation’s environmental aspects
will be made externally, and recording that decision.
 Documenting the methods environmental communication between the organisation
and external interested parties, such as regulatory authorities, local community
groups and the public.
Activities Affected
 External Communications: communication that is relevant to the Environmental
Management System, which may be written or electronic correspondence, telephone
conversations and oral discussion or meetings with anyone external to the
organisation. These may be complaints, compliments, information requests or service
Forms used
ISO 14001 clauses 4.4.2 and 4.4.3
Internal Communications, Training and Awareness
Communications, Training &
EMS Controlled Document
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Awareness EMS-Proc-4
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Environmental Management System Procedures
Internal environmental communications will be implemented to ensure those personnel at
each relevant level and function are aware of the following:
 the Environmental Management System;
 the importance of conformance with the environmental policy, procedures and EMS;
 the potential consequences of system non-conformances;
 individual roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with procedures,
including emergency preparedness and response; and
 the significant environmental aspects associated with work activities and the
environmental benefits of improved personal performance.
Internal environmental communications may be accomplished by the use of:
 Notice boards, posters and newsletters
 Websites, web portal announcements, group emails, social media
 Awareness training of all staff
 Environmental training of relevant job functions, as appropriate
 Promotional campaigns and behaviour change programmes
 Team and Committee meetings and meeting minutes
 Management reviews and meeting minutes
 Corrective Action Requests.
Environmental communications and issues from employees, students and the public will be
forwarded to the Environmental Sustainability Team for appropriate action. Where
necessary the ES Team will refer these to SHEEC and/or top management.
The Area or Department Manager will handle communication of changes to legal & other
requirements to employees, where relevant to working practices.
Training needs analysis will be undertaken by managers (in many cases supported and/or
prompted by the ES Team) and records kept of the results and recommendations, normally
as part of the staff appraisal process.
All staff, including new, part-time, off site and transferred employees, as well as permanent
on-site contractors, will be included in the environmental training program.
Records of each individual’s environmental training will be will maintained.
All persons performing tasks that have the potential to cause a significant environmental
impact(s) are identified by the relevant departments and the Sustainability Team. Those staff
Communications, Training &
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Environmental Management System Procedures
are deemed competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and experience.
Competency is determined by the employee’s supervisor, through the standard performance
and staff management processes. Any environmental or indeed other training needed will be
identified and scheduled.
External Communications
Senior management has determined that the University will communicate our
Environmental Policy freely to external parties.
External communications concerning the environmental aspects of the organisation should
be directed to the EMR.
The EMR is responsible for:
 Deciding whether to respond to inquiries from interested parties and regulatory
agencies; and responding, or asking a member of the ES Team to respond
 sending current copies of the environmental policy to interested parties
 responding to media communications
 determining the need for and preparation of any notification to regulatory agencies
on an as needed basis
 maintaining records of external environmental communication.
Where expedient these responsibilities may be delegated to a competent authorised deputy.
General Rules
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EMS Controlled Document
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