Registration for The Live T.A.L.A.M. Program Justis Chase Instructions for registration. To be eligible to take the T.A.L.A.M. program you will need to register with Justis Chase by making a fully refundable deposit of $200 to hold your place. This initial deposit will be fully refundable until December 1/2008 at which point if you have not notified Justis Chase in writing of your decision to have a refund the deposit becomes non-refundable. You will be required to send the remaining balance of $1270.00 to Justis Chase by international money order by the end of December/2008 to the address below. Your deposit must be sent by mail with an international money order made out to Justis Chase in Canadian Funds for the amount of $200.00 with this registration agreement. Address: Justis Chase, 104 663 Beckett Cr. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 4W8 I also understand that should the program be cancelled by Justis Chase for any reason whatsoever I will receive a full refund for my deposit and or balance by mail within 30 days of said cancellation. Full name ________________________________________________ Full Address ______________________________________________ Country ______________________________________________ Reasons for wanting to take the T.A.L.A.M. program. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ My phone number. ______________________________________ I do herby agree to pay a refundable deposit of $200 for my participation in the T.A.L.A.M. program and will pay the remaining balance of $1270 By December of 2008. I understand that should I want a refund I must ask for it in writing prior to December 1st /2008 or my deposit becomes non refundable. I also understand that a minimum of 25 people are needed to present this program and should that number not be reached I will be given a full refund and the program will be cancelled. I also understand that I can, at my discretion, transfer my application including fees paid to another T.A.L.A.M. program in another area if I so desire. Signed. _________________________________ Date _________________________ Money order (made out to Justis Chase) and application MUST BE SENT BY MAIL to: Justis Chase, 104 663 Beckett Cr. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 4W8