ll: FEB.21200ff Assembly ond lnstrucfion Monu<rl For SAFETY during Assembly To safelyassembleand usethis robot, pleasebe carefulof the followingpoints: O Readthe instructionmanualthoroughlyand be sure that you understandit beforebeginningassembly.Followthe instructionscarefullyto ensurecorrectassembly. O Exercisesufficientcarewhen usingtools. OTo providethe requiredfunctions,some kit partsmay be small,havesharpedges,or be madeof metalor glass. Partsshouldbe handledcarefullyaroundsmallchildren to preventthemfrom puttingthe partsin their mouthor injuringthemselveswith the parts.lf a childswallowsa partor bag,consulta doctorimmediately. Also,be sure to tear the bagswhichcontainsthe partsand discard themwherethey cannotbe reachedby children. O Followthe instructionsregardingheat dispersionfor parts whichgenerateheat. OAssemblethe kit accordingto the instructionsin this manual. Attemptingto changethe productspecifications(pressure resistance,electriccurrent,etc.)from thosespecifiedby this companyat the time of designmay resultin malfunction or an accident. O nOeOTlC ARM EDGEspecifications, shape ,etc.are subjectto changewithoutnotice. Additional cautions regarding ROBOTICARM EDGE OWhen using batteries,pleasebe carefulof the followingpoints: 1. terminals Insertbatterieswith the polarity(+7-; positionedcorrectly 2. Do not short-circuitbatteryterminals,disassemble batteries,applyheatto them,or discardthem in fire. liquidleakage, Doingso may resultin heatgeneration, or explosion. 3. After use, be sure to removethe batteries. 4. Keep batteriesand the batteryholderfrom gettingwet. lf they get wet, removethe batteriesand wipe the batteriesand batteryholderdry with a cloth. ELPFUL HINTS Before ASSEM fCutting of parts Use a penknifeto cut small parts off the runners.Cut the parts so that burrs remain on the parts,and then file off the burrs from the small parts after cuttingthem free off the runners. f Using tapping screws tapping screws, like wood screws,can cut threads in the materialsthey are screwed into at the same time as they fasten parts to that material. lf you tighten a tapping screw in one motion,it will become hard to turn the screw at a certain point, it may become impossibleto fully tightenthe screw, and the screw head may break. A better way is to tightenthe screw until it becomes difficultto tighten further,then loosenthe screw slightlybefore retighteningit further. Repeatthis actionseveraltimesuntilthe screw is completelytightened. f lgntening of screws and nuts lf screws and nuts are not tightened sufficiently,they may loosenwhen ROBOTICARM EDGE is operated, resultingin parts fallingoff during operation.On the other hand, overtighteningmay cause parts to become warped, making movementdifficult,or in the worst cases, impossible.Tighten screws and nuts sufficiently,but without overtightening. a. A good way of tightening the tapping screws 1. Screw in. 2. Looseena little. 3. Screw in again. ""-p f MecnanicalParts List Parts requiredfor assemblyare maintainedin the mechanicalparts list. This will help identifyparts in the assemblyprocess. Nuts Contents ROBOTIC ARM EDGE: 1. ProductIntroduction P.1 2. ToolsYouMayNeed P.1 PartsList 3. Mechanical P.2 4. PlasticParts P.3 5. MechanicalAssembly P.5 WiredControl Box: .. . 1. Product Introduction .-.-. p.z7 2. ToolsYouMayNeed ..' p.27 3. Mechanical PartsList . p.2T 4. Pfastic Parts 5. MechanicalAssembly How it Works . ... p.z8 . p.2A p.31 TroubleShooting .. p.33 CircuitDiagram .. . p.33 AfiAM I I Wth RoboticArm Edge,commandthe gripperto openand close,wristmotionof 120degrees,an extensiveelbowrangeof 300degrees,baserotation of 270 degrees,basemotionof 180degrees, verticalreachof 15 inches,horizontalreachof 12.6inches,andliftingcapacityof 1009. WOW! Someof the addedfeaturesincludea searchlightdesignon the gripperand a safetygear audibleindicator is includedon allfivegearboxes to preventany potentialinjuryor gearbreakage duringoperation. Maximumlift: 1009. D i m e n s i o n s : 9 " Lx 6 . 3 " W x 1 5 " H Weighfi 558 g { Powersource required: 4 x"D" batteries(not included) F ErlESl= OuQutGearl0Tffilte) ,-s) {?E -N K- sl g 2.. nltK1:1 tt,| Tappngscrrwwrth E S4rcherAttached TF" ?F 1:1 Qtv 1 '.1 il'E 12 (2,6x0) iqtl -NK2.6 t.l 1:'l Screw ifl SerTapping ?s (DE Nut E Qty r|l I I!gE tl -N"K- ,?'t 2 3 (3x16) Qty G 16 Battery Terminal With Wire x2 o @ c c l#At v:v l) eearOoxAssembly ForM4. M5 mfi V W Pl 8x4 vr I (9 a P5 (Brown) .[,r[to fi P6 ffi (Blue) l + 5 P1x2 G) i n#fu f( _=,\- ./"€t\ V^' P13x{ Orange - Black x2 6 f;) OearUoxAssembly ForM3 \1 0e YY ti o P4 (Gray) t_ 5'*t' , i : ,"""1'-.. | i5o?r"Ftrnd -W&Lp+ inf* rAl P9x2 PE(Brown ) -]il a tt il UI: ,affi ll ll tl .-- i i i (Gray) i, i i '"""--i, Blue) + ,. j'./ 7 .{ ..."'-""-.-".'-"-"'i P2x1 ,ii i.l tni/, _ .._ t "'/ , lt, ' ,* l i ' ,,. ti li r ;: r 6 rr\nF+++ ,""-( ii -,/ )i ,t' X1 I ii \ili vt" -f P13x3 (M3) ii I GearboxAssembly ForM2 mm V P18x4 W @ (E , -i- P,s(Brown P5 (Brown) P8 -'-1"" (White /r i'il [w, \n_-_./ i P6 ffi l (Blue) + ffi ffi \--rir--.7 I Or' Btack-\ Blue- 1- " I i i '<\ \ . { n\, i: -.1* I i *$Ygkr I! qDr,(*l.,- P2x1 er3x3-f Black X1 (M2) 10 s l D Ev t E w 11 e (\l et @ |8d sr r hP14 -> li vii ;: Y ii : it i, I * ?.- ri : I !l ii P15x2 P1ex2 YI tl ,' .l I "af r:-6 ; i ii :: il .+r ' 3 ,/, ,.. r < . l-l l'.'rt: 1 : r , : ' :iili i I i: i I . ;. i; i / - ''l'j'.,-, i: :i l1 ;9- i: is i- /:- ' .-l':". ii ii il ii ,i ti i; ii I i i .:r','. i " -".\ ii i! i -{, i' --(: r,: ' , , ' ' ' ll 14 i I ii ni l- P12xa Pl 5x8 M3 M2 whi Black 15 ?-- P13 M @ i .:' ,i' ,.:" i' 16 @ GearboxAssembly ForGripper( Ml ) a:' v P7(Black) l- 17 @ @ 8- |8d e 18 ptt*a zz (D 9Z lcnpordpor,lslulJ@ Wired Control Usingfive leversto controltheRoboticArmEdge movesup and down,left and right,anotheron-off switchto controlthesearchlight. Connectwithmainunitby a 100cmflatcable. e nK3 l:l 27 Box 28 a o A1 @ O wiring O FinishedProduct M3:ElbowMotion M2:WristMotion M1:Gripper SearchLight M4:BaseMotion M5:BaseRotation 30 1. Pushany leveron the wiredcontrollerto startoperation. 2.The different12 movements of the RoboticArmEdgeas shownbelow: ++ =C,' =C= + 31 3.Workingarea: 4. All the fivegearboxesequippedwithsafetygear,whenthe armopen, close,up or lowerto the maximumposition,and userkeepspushingthe buttons,the safety gear willstartto workto protectthe gearboxandmake'da,da,da...'sound. 5. To extendthe lifeof gearbox,releasethe buttonsonceyou hearthe safetygear emit 'da,da,da'sound. 1. Ensureallwiringsarecorrect.(Please refer0@on page23,24) please 2. lf the RoboticArmEdgedoesnot haveany responseto the wiredcontroller, checkif the 'BATTERY' and 'GND'connectorsare in rightposition,and alsoif the batteriesare placedin correctpolarity.(Please refer(Donpage13 ) 3. lf the RoboticArm Edgemoveswrongdirection,pleasecheckif wiringof Ml , M2, M3,M4,M5 are reversed.(Please referO@on page23,24) 4. lf the searchlight doesnot light,pleasecheckif the 'L' connectoris correct. (Pleaserefer(D(Eonpage23,24) Wired Control Box RoboticArm Edge 33