Summary Report Low Temperature and Thermal Fatigue Cracking SR-OSU-A-003A-89-1 by Ted S. Vinson Professor of Civil Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Vincent C. Janoo Research Engineer US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Hanover, NH 03755 and Ralph C.G. Haas Professor of Civil Engineering University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 June 1989 ABSTRACT Cracking of asphalt concrete pavementsowing to cold temperaturesor temperaturecycling can occur in many regionsof the United States. Cracking that results from cold temperaturesgenerally is referred to as low temperature cracking; cracking that results from thermal cycling generally is referred to as thermal fatigue cracking. Thermal cracks permit the ingress of water, which may result in a depressionat the crack because of the pumping of support materials. During the winter months,deicing solutionscan enter the cracks and cause localizedthawing of the base and a depressionat the crack. Water entering the crack also may freeze, resulting in the formationof an ice lens, which can produce upward lipping at the crack edge. All of these effects result in poor ride quality and reduction in pavement life. Under a long term research program to develop test methods which are suitable to accuratelyand reliably characterizethe engineeringpropertiesof asphalt-aggregatemixtures, an exhaustiveliteraturereview and an analysis of responsesto a survey questionnairewas conductedto identifytest methods that are currently used to predict low temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking in asphalt concrete pavements. Eight test systems/methodswere identified. These methods were evaluated in terms of the followingcriteria: • Simulationof field conditions • Applicationof test results to mechanisticmodels • Suitabilityfor aging and moisture conditioning • Potentialto accommodatelarge stone mixes • Ease of conduct • Cost of equipment Based on the evaluationof the test systems/methodspresented,it would appear that four test systems/methodswarrant further considerationin a laboratory test program, as follows: • Direct Tension-ConstantRate of Extension test • Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen test • C*-Line Integral test • Coefficientof Thermal Expansionand Contractiontest A test program is identifiedwhich should be conducted to provide a preliminaryevaluationof the availabilityof selected test systems/methods (I) for standardization,and (2) to provide input parametersto mechanistic models for low temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work reported herein has been conducted as a part of project A-OO3A of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). SHRP is a unit of the National Research Council that was authorizedby section 128 of the Surface Transportationand Uniform RelocationAssistanceAct of 1987. This project is entitled, "PerformanceRelated Testing and Measuring of Asphalt-Aggregate Interactionsand Mixtures,"and is being conductedby the Instituteof TransportationStudies, Universityof California,Berkeley,with Carl L. Monismith as Principal Investigator. The support and encouragementof lan Jamieson, SHRP Contract Manager, is gratefullyacknowledged. Peter Bellin, SHRP Staff Engineer,was particularlyhelpful in identifyingrelated work performed by the West German pavement-engineering research community. The draft of this report was reviewed by an Expert Task Group (ETG), which provided many valuable comments. The members are: Ernest Bastian Federal Highway Administration Eric E. Harm IllinoisDept. of Transportation Campbell Crawford National Asphalt Paving Association Charles S. Hughes Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council William Dearasaugh TransportationResearch Board Dallas N. Little Texas A&M University Francis Fee ELF Asphalt Kevin Stuart Federal HighwayAdministration Douglas I. Hanson New Mexico State Highway Dept. Roger L. Yarbrough UniversityAsphalt Company iii DISCLAIMER The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are solely responsiblefor the facts and accuracy of the data presented. The contents do not necessarilyreflect the official view or policies of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP)or SHRP's sponsors. The results reported here are not necessarilyin agreementwith the results of other SHRP research activities. They are reported to stimulatereview and discussion within the research community. This report does not constitutea standard, specification,or regulation. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe ].0 INTRODUCTION........................... 1 1.] Problem Definition ..................... ] 1.2 Purpose of Report ...................... 3 2.0 BACKGROUND ............................ 2.1 Methodology ......................... 4 2.2 Low TemperatureCracking .................. 4 2.3 Thermal Fatigue Cracking .................. 19 2.4 Summary of Factors InfluencingResponse ........... 25 2.5 RegressionEquationsto PredictThermal Cracking ...... 29 3.0 DESCRIPTIONOF TEST SYSTEMSANDN METHODS ............. 34 3.] IndirectDiametral Tesion Test ............... 34 3.2 Direct Tension - Constant Rate of Extension ......... 36 3.3 Tensile Creep Test 3.4 4.0 4 ..................... Flexural Bending Test .................... 38 39 3.5 Thermal Stress Retained Specimen Test ............ 42 3.6 Three-PointBend Specimen Test 49 ............... 3.7 C*-Line IntegralTest .................... 55 3.8 Coefficientof Thermal Expansionand ContractionTest .... 59 3.9 Determinationof Thermal Conductivityand Specific Heat Capacity .......................... 62 RELATIONSHIPBETWEEN TEST PROCEDURESand FIELD PERFORMANCE .... 63 4.1 Descriptionof MechanisticModels .............. 63 4.2 67 Input and Output Data for MechanisticModels ........ V 5.0 EVALUATIONOF TEST METHODS AND PROPOSED TEST PROGRAM ....... 6.0 70 5.1 Evaluationof Test Methods ................. 70 5.2 Proposed Test Program .................... 73 CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS ................. 78 6.] PreliminaryConclusions ................... 78 6.2 Recommendations....................... 78 REFERENCES .............................. vi 79 LIST OF FIGURES Fiqure I 2 3 4 Paqe Cross Section of Cold PavementShowing Temperatureand Thermal Stress Gradients (afterHaas, et. al., 1987) .... 2 Plan View of Runway with SchematicIllustrationof Typical Thermal Cracking Pattern (afterHaas, et. al., 1987) .... 2 Predictionof FractureTemperaturefor a RestrainedStrip of Asphalt Concrete ...................... 5 Estimatingthe Fracture Temperatureof an Asphaltic Concrete (after Hills and Brien, 1966) ................ 9 5 Stress-TemperatureRelationshipsfor Asphaltic Concretes (AC-I) (after Fabb, 1974) ..................... 11 6 Thermal Fracture Tests on 10 Specimens (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi,1984) ...................... 12 Change of TemperatureInducedStress at Constant Low Temperature (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi,1984) ...... 13 Change of TemperatureInducedStress at Second Cooling After 2 Hours TemperatureMaintenanceat Low Temperature(after Sugawara and Moriyoshi,1984) ................ 14 Change of TemperatureInducedStress Under Cyclic Temperature Change (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi,1984) ......... 16 Fracture Temperatureas a Function of AggregateGradation, Asphalt Cement Content and Asphalt Viscosity (after Arand, 1989) ............................ 17 Typical Expansionof Asphalt with TemperatureChange (after Schmidt and Santucci, 1966) ................. 20 TemperatureRanges Associatedwith DifferentTypes of Thermal Cracking (after Carpenter,1983) .............. 21 Change of Thermal Stress and FractureUnder 120 Repetitionof Cooling (between-20.5 and -25.5°C) (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi,1984) ...................... 22 14 Types of TransverseCracking (after Fromm and Phang, 1972) 31 15 Schematic of DiametralTension Test Equipment (after Anderson and Leung, 1987) ...................... 35 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 vii 16 17 18 19 Schematicof Direct Tension and Creep Load Test:Systems (after Haas, 1973) (a) Overall Test System .................. (b) Constant Rate of Extensionand Creep Load Frame .... 37 37 Apparatus for Measuring Creep DeformationUnder Constant Tensile Stress (after Fromm and Phang, 1972) ........ 39 Schematicof Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test (after Monismith,et. al., 1965) (a) Thermal Stress Apparatus ................ (b) ControlledTemperatureCabinet for Thermal Stress Experiments ...................... 43 43 Schematic of Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test (after Fabb, 1974) ......................... 45 Schematic of Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test System (after Carpenter, 1983) ................... 47 USA CRREL Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test (after Janoo, 1989) ........................ 48 22 Three-PointBend Specimen (after Mahboub, 1985) ....... 51 23 Three-PointBend Specimen Load versus Displacement(a) and Its Transformationto Moment versus Rotation (b) (after Mahboub, 1985) ....................... 53 Illustrationof Determinationof Critical Energy Release Rate Jic,and Tearing Modulus, T (afterMahboub, 1985) 54 Steps in Determinationof C* Line Integral (after Abdulshafi 1983b) ........................... 56 26 Typical C* Test Configuration(afterAbdulshafi, ]983b) 58 27 Utah DOT Coefficientof Thermal ContractionTest Frame 60 28 Flow Diagram for Program COLD (after Finn, et. al., 1986) 64 20 21 24 25 viii LIST OF TABLES Table I Paqe Summary of Input and Output Data for Low-Temperature Cracking Models (modifiedafter Anderson, et al., 1989) 68 2 Evaluationof Thermal Cracking Test Methodologies...... 71 3 Proposed Test Programs for the PreliminaryEvaluationof Test Systems/Methods....................... 75 4 Test and Material Variables for Load-DeformationTests 75 5 Test and Material Variables for Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Tests ....................... 76 Test and Material Variablesfor Thermal Cycle Restrained Specimen Tests ....................... 76 7 Test and Material Variablesfor C*-Line IntegralTests 77 8 Test and Material Variablesfor Coefficientof Thermal Expansion/Contraction Test ................. 77 6 ix . . . 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem DefiniUon Cracking of asphalt concrete pavementsowing to cold temperaturesor temperaturecycling can occur in many regionsof the United States. Cracking that results from cold temperaturesgenerally is referred to as low temperature cracking; cracking that results from thermal cycling generally is referred to as thermal fatigue cracking. Low temperaturecracking in North America typically is associatedwith the northern tier states, Canada, and Alaska. Thermal fatigue cracking generally is associatedwith areas that experiencelarge extremes in daily temperatures,such as the southwesternand north central states. The mechanism associatedwith low temperaturecracking is simply that tensile stresses develop in an asphalt concrete pavement as the temperature drops to an extremely low value. When the tensile stress is equal to the tensile strength of the mixture at a given temperature,a micro crack develops at the surface of the pavement. The crack then propagatesthrough the depth of the layer when subjectedto additionalthermal cycles. This situationis illustratedin Figure I. Low temperaturecracking is transverseto the directionof traffic. Crack spacing can range from 3 to 300 ft. If the transversecrack spacing is less than the width of the pavement,longitudinalthermal cracking may occur, and a block pattern can develop, as shown in Figure 2. Also, longitudinal thermal cracks may develop along a paving lane joint since it representsa weak lineal feature in the pavement structure. Thermal fatigue cracking may be associatedwith thermal cycling at moderate temperatures. Under daily temperaturecycles, the temperaturestress Colder "_ aT(max) I Bi tuml nous amp T _ Gradient ,__ t Layer __rad_en _ of thermally °T Induced stress If oT (max) is > tensile strength of asphalt concrete cracking will occur _ / I / Base end subbase Iayers Subgrade Figure I. Cross Section of Cold Pavement Showing Temperature and Thermal Stress Gradients (after Haas, et al., 1987). _7/ ! L ] _ Figure 2. 'o / "Natural" spacing of cracks = f (thermal conditions at site, age of pavement, type and thickness of pavement, charac, of bituminous binder, subgrade type, etc.) Plan View of Runway with Schematic Illustration of Typical Thermal Cracking Pattern (after Haas, et al., 1987). 2 is greatest at night and drops off during the warmer daytime temperature. Because the daily temperaturecycling occurs at temperatureshigher than those required for low temperaturecracking, the stress in the pavement typicallyis far below the strength of the mixture at that temperature. Consequently, failure does not occur immediately,but develops over a period of time similar to the time required for fatigue cracking associatedwith traffic-load-induced strains in the asphalt concrete. Thermal cracks permit the ingressof water, which may result in a depression at the crack because of the pumping of supportmaterials. During the winter months, deicing solutionscan enter the cracks and cause localized thawing of the base and a depressionat.the crack. Water entering the crack also may freeze, resulting in the formationof an ice lens, which can produce upward lipping at the crack edge. All of these effects result in poor ride quality and reduction in pavement life. 1.2 Purpose of Repo_ The purpose of this report is to identifytest methods that currentlyare used to predict low temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking in asphalt concrete mixtures. Further, the test methods identifiedare documentedand criticallyevaluatedwith respect to supportinga mechanisticapproach to low temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking. Finally, a test program that supports the evaluationof several of the test methods identifiedis defined. The report reflects the results of an exhaustiveliteraturereview and an analysis of the responsesto a U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (USA CRREL) survey questionnairesent to state Departmentsof Transportationrelative to thermal cracking of pavements. 3 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Methodology Several computer searches (TRIS,MELVYL, COMPENDEX,COLD, DIALOG) were conducted to assist in locating all pertinentliterature. A number of the documents noted in this report were identifiedin the search. The majority of the documents,however, were identifiedthrough the efforts of the principal investigatorand the co-investigatorson this subtask. 2.2 Low Temperature Cracking Low temperaturecracking is associatedwith the volumetriccontraction that occurs as a material experiencesa temperaturedrop. If a material is unrestrained,it will shorten as the temperaturedrops. If a material is restrained,which is the case for asphalt concrete in a pavement structure, the tendency to shorten results in the developmentof a thermal stress that can produce cracking when the stress equals the tensile strength of the material. Asphalt concrete can be consideredto act as a viscoelasticmaterial at warm temperatures;consequently,the thermal stresses that develop when the temperaturedrops in a warm temperaturerange are dissipatedthrough stress relaxation. However, in a low temperaturerange, the asphalt concrete behaves as an elastic material and the thermal stresses cannot dissipate and cracking can occur. This situationmay be visualizedas shown in Figure 3. The temperatureat which failure occurs is referred to as the fracture temperature. Once failure has occurred and a crack develops, the stresses are relieved. In a new pavement,cracks generally have been observed to appear at 100+ ft spacing. As the pavement ages and/or more extreme temperaturedrops occur, the crack spacing has been observed to decrease to 10-20 ft. 20 _ ,_vTTENSILESTRENGTH Q 8 m 5 6io_ THERMAL - J¢ 4-- d " w m 2 - STE. ANNE 150/200TEST LVAROAD MIX COOLINGRATE: I0 °C/Hr. PREDICTED FRACTURETEMP.-35°C , I - 40 , I -30 , l -20 _ I -I0 l I i 0 TEMPERATURE,°C Figure 3. Predictionof FractureTemperaturefor a RestrainedStrip of Asphalt Concrete. The calculationof the thermal stress has been approximatedby Hills and Brien (1966) using the followingequation: o(T) = e S(t,T) • AT (1) To in which, o(T) = accumulated,thermally induced stress for a particular cooling rate, T, e = coefficientof thermal contraction (averagedover the temperaturedrop, To - Tf, typical range 2 to 2.5x10-S/°C), To = initial temperature, Tf = final temperature, S(t,T) = asphaltmix stiffness (modulus),which is both time- and temperature-dependent, thereby recognizingthe viscoelastic nature of the material, AT = temperatureincrementover which S(t,T) is applicable. The stress calculatedfrom Eq. (I) is associatedwith an infinite, completelyrestrainedstrip. More rigorous solutionsto the problem are avialable. For example, Monismith,et al., (1965) used the stress equation developed by Humphreys and Martin (1963)to predict the stresses in a slab composed of a linear viscoelasticmaterial subjectedto a time-dependent temperature field. The slab was assumedto be of infinite lateral extent and completelyrestrained. However, the stressesthat are predictedmay be unrealisticallyhigh (Haas and Topper, 1969). If the solution is modified to use the assumptionof a long beam insteadof a slab, the computed stresses are slightly underestimated(Haas, 1973). The approximatesolution suggestedby equation (I), which has been called the pseudo-elasticbeam analysis,yields reasonableresults (Christisonand Anderson, 1972; Christison,et al., 1972). Further, the approximatesolution has been extended by Haas and Topper (1969) to includeboth temperatureand stiffnessgradients through the depth of the bituminouslayer. It also has been used to calculate thermally inducedstresses and to predict the fracture temperatureat the Ste. Anne Test Road (Burgess,et al., 1971) and the Arkona Test Road (Haas, 1970; Haas and Phang, 1988). Finally,the approximate solution supports the methodologyof the COLD model to predict low temperature cracking (Finn, et al., ]986). The thermal stress relationshipshown in Figure 3 may be obtained by indirectestimation. For example, the binder stiffness-temperature relationship at an appropriate(but arbitrary)loadingtime, may be estimated from the PenetrationIndex and softeningpoint values and van der Poel's (1954) nomogram. Then the asphalt mix stiffness-temperature relationshipis calculated from Heukelom and Klomp's (1964) data, which give asphaltmix stiffnessas a function of the binder stiffnessand the volume concentration(Cv)of the aggregate in the asphalt mix. With a measured or assumed coefficientof thermal expansion for the asphalt and the asphalt mix stiffness-temperature relationship,a stress-temperaturerelationshipis obtained from equation (1). Variationson this approach are given in the literature(Haas, 1973) based on Heukelom's (]969) or McLeod's (1972) bitumenconsistencyversus temperature relationship. Another form of indirectestimationof the thermal stress relationshipis associatedwith the use of the load-deformationresponse (and associated stress-strainresponse)of asphalt concrete specimensobtained over a range of cold temperatures. Creep (Monismith,et al., ]965; Fromm and Phang, ]972; 7 Haas, 1973; and others), flexural bending (Busby and Rader, 1972), direct tension (Haas, 1973; Kallas, 1982), and indirectdiametral tension (Christison,et al., 1972; Anderson and Leung, 1987; and others) tests all have been used to measure the stress-strainresponse of an asphalt concrete mix. Multiplying the stress-strainresponse of the mix (at a specified rate of loading and time) by the measured or assumed coefficientof thermal expansion gives the thermal stress relationshipas shown in Figure 4. The fundamentallimitationwith the use of the load-deformationtest methods noted is the identificationof a rate of loading that correspondsto a rate of temperaturedrop in the field. Haas (1973) suggests that the modulus should be evaluated at a specific temperature,which representsthe midpoint of a discrete temperature interval,AT, using a loading time that correspondsto the time interval for the temperatureinterval. Alternatively,the developmentof thermal stresses may be measured directly in the laboratory(Monismith,et al., 1965; Fabb, 1974; Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984; Arand, 1987; and others). This is accomplishedby measuring the stress (force divided by specimen area) required to maintain a specimen at constant length under a specified rate of cooling. A comparisonof measured to calculatedthermal stresses by Hills _nd Brien (1966) is given in Figure 4. The direct measurementprocedureeliminatesthe need to measure or assume a coefficientof thermal expansionfor the mix. The tensile strength of the asphalt mix may be estimateddirectly from relationshipsrecorded by Heukelom and Klomp (1966). The tensile strength relationshipalso has been determined in the laboratorywith both the direct tension test (Haas, 1973; Kallas, 1982) and indirectdiametral test methods (Christison,et al., 1972; Anderson and Leung, 1987; and others). 80 .................. 70 _ I Cooling ritel0"C/hour Tensile strength 6O so + Measured o thermal stresses (2 experiments) p 40 30 1o 0 Figure 4. --50 --40 --,30 --20 --10 Temperature (°C) () 10 Estimatingthe FractureTemperatureof an Asphaltic Concrete (after Hills and Brien, 1966). With knowledgeof the thermal stress and tensile strength relationships,the fracture temperaturemay be estimatedas the temperatureat which the thermal stress equals the tensile strength as the temperaturedrops. It also is possible to measure thermally-inducedfracture stresses and fracture temperaturein the laboratory(Fabb, 1974; Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984). Typical test results are shown in Figure 5. Fabb recorded failure temperaturesbetween -25 and -40°C and stated that failure temperaturesare closely related to the "hardness"and rheologicalcharacteristicsof the asphalt cement. Fabb consideredthree cooling rates (5, ]0, and 27°C/hr) and concluded that the rate of cooling has little or no effect on the failure temperature. (These rates of cooling are significantlygreater than experienced in the field, and a lower rate of cooling may affect failure stresses and temperature.) Bloy (]980) establishedthat differences in rates of cooling below 5°C/hr influencedthe temperatureat which cracking occurred in asphalt cements, whereas differences in rates of cooling above 5°C/hr had no influence. The repeatabilityof thermal fracture tests is suggested by the results presented in Figure 6. Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984) attributethe minor differences in the fracture temperatureand strength to differences in the fracture mechanism at low temperatures. The influenceof thermal history on induced stress was investigatedby Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984). The results from their research are shown in Figures 7, 8, and 9. The results shown in Figure 7 reflect cooling down to a given temperaturethen maintainingthe temperaturefor 20 hours. In two cases, the temperature (e.g.,-26 and -27.5"C) was maintainedat a level close to the mean fracture temperature (-30.4°C). For these cases, fracture failures were observed within three and four hours after cooling was suspended. The researchersattributethe failureto the growth of microcracks in the 10 24 TF = FAILURE TEMPERATURE 22 t - 20 '" CURVE A ITF (B) 16 \\ - 16_E -14z t_ 0 12 CURVE 0 u) ILl 10 t,- 8 -G -4 2 z.O t -30 l t -20 -I0 0 TEMPERATURE°C 10 0 20 Figure 5. Stress-TemperatureRelationshipsfor Asphaltic Concretes (AC-I) (after Fabb, 1974). 11 4O START.TEHP. : 10"C RATE OF COOLING : _30.C/hr _ FRACTURE /X x POINT . 3.0 ' 1 ! ' " _,,? I]; .... //_' | 11 ,- i .I..__C_ee ,'/,, .... - *. . wlZ_ ,// . _o TRANSITIONi ,/_ __ ,w".- " POINT ..... 1 /y/ /Z./ _ . J ....g..'" _,_ s °o, n ;I0 Figure 6. 0 _ ° • I S # • . • '' " I i -IO -20 TEMPERAIURE ( "C) -30 Thermal Fracture Tests on 10 Specimens (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984). 12 -40 40. START TEMP. I : 10"C l/ RATE OF COOLING : 3O -30°C/hr "_ _- 20 _ _ _10 -z.z.o.c, -" "--"'--_ . . "14.5+C _ 0 i 0 -14.5°C 1 i . t 2 q 18 20 22 TIME ( HRS ) Figure 7. Changeof Temperature InducedStress at Constant LowTemperature (after Sugawaraand Moriyoshi, 1984). ]3 40 l - RAT( OF COOLING : -12"C/hr _, -30"¢ 30 START ,, TEHP. : 10"C ,. / _=__,__,=== 20 z'_ _'__ ,._10 0 Figure 8. , _'/ .. 0 2 ! q TIME( H_s) 6 J 8 Change of Temperature InducedStress at Second Cooling After 2 Hours TemperatureMaintenanceat Low Temperature (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984). 14 specimen. In other cases, fracture failureswere not observed, but a marked decrease in stress occurred initially,followed by a gradual decrease with time. The results shown in Figure 8 reflect cooling down to a given temperature then maintainingthe temperaturefor 2 hours, followed by continued cooling to fracture. The results suggestthe thermal stress temperature relationshipis not affected by the thermal history. The results shown in Figure 9 reflect cooling down to given temperaturesof -15, -20, and -25°C, then raising the temperatureto I0°C followedby cooling to fracture. Again, the results suggest the thermal stress temperaturerelationshipis not affected by the thermal history. Arand (1989) conducted an investigationto identify the relationship between aggregategradation,viscosityof the asphalt cement, and fracture temperature. The test results were interpretedwith a multiple linear regressionanalysis and are presented in Figure 10. The aggregategradation is described by the exponent in the Talbot function. The asphalt cement viscosity is reflected by the ring and ball softeningpoint temperature. The volume of an asphalt concrete mix decreasesas the temperatureis decreased. The relative decrease in volume with decreasingtemperatureis expressedby the coefficientof thermal contraction. The average value of the volumetricthermal coefficientof contractiondefined over a temperature intervalAT is expressedby: AV # = ATVo (2) in which, # = volumetric coefficient Vo = volume at some reference 15 of thermal contraction temperature 40 m N "_,_U_ _ _0 - .25°C _ TENPERATIJRE GRADIENT : $120C / / N 2o , - / 7"Y l 0 1 2 MAX. I Temp. : +IOOC i 4 I 6 l l 8 10 TIME( HRS) Figure 9. Change of Temperature InducedStress Under Cyclic Temperature Change (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984). ]6 influence of composition the influence of the binder viscosity --I0 -S_/ o J __ I - -15 N _ u 0 " _ --20 = 0 --25 e-. oJ .;.b (I) - -30 m 0,1+7 0,43 5,0 5.5 6,0 binder content 6.5 ]"/+0 [%] /+5 softening 50 55 point r&b -35 60 [°C] Figure I0. Fracture Temperatureas a Functionof Aggregate Gradation,Asphalt Cement Content, and Asphalt Viscosity (after Arand, 1989). 17 AV = change in volume because of temperaturechange AT from referencetemperature The relative decrease in length of a material with decreasingtemperature is expressed by the linear thermal coefficientof contraction AL e = ATLo (3) in which, e = linear thermal coefficientof contraction Lo = length at some referencetemperature AL = change in length because of temperaturechange AT from reference temperature If a material exhibits the same thermalexpansion in every direction, it is said to be isotropic. For an isotropicmaterial, the linear thermal coefficient of contraction is equal to e = _/3 (4) Asphalt cement exhibits two coefficientsof thermal contraction. These are called the glassy and the fluid coefficients. The temperatureat which this change of thermal coefficienttakes place is called the glass transition temperature (Tg). For temperatureswarmer than Tg, asphalt exhibits its fluid coefficientof contraction. For temperaturescolder than Tg, asphalt exhibits its glassy coefficientof contraction. The physical propertiesof asphalt are significantlydifferent in the fluid and glassy states. Some properties change in a nearly discontinuousmanner at the glass transitiontemperature; other propertieschange gradually over a small temperaturerange. The glass transitiontemperaturemay be determined by several experimental techniques,but traditionallyis determinedby measuring the specific volume change over a wide range of temperatures. At the glass transition 18 temperature,the volume-temperaturecurve has an abrupt change in slope as shown in Figure 11. Schmidt and Santucci (1966) investigatedthe Tg of 52 asphalt sources that were representativeof commercialproduction in the United States. They reported Tg values ranging from -36 to -15°C with an average of -26°C. Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984) have interpretedseveral phenomenologicalobservationsin their research program in terms of the glass transitiontemperature. For example, referringto Figure 7, they note that if temperatureis maintainedwarmer than the glass transitionpoint, stress relaxationwithout fracture occurs under thermal stressing,whereas if temperatureis maintainedcolder than the glass transitionpoint, fracture will occur. 2.3 Thermal FatigueCracking Daily temperaturecycles that occur throughoutthe year produce tensile stress cycling, which can eventuallyfail the asphalt concrete by fatigue. The temperaturerange in which thermal fatigue is consideredto be important, compared to the temperaturerange in which low temperaturecontractionis consideredto be important,is shown in Figure 12. The potentialfor fatigue failure often is evaluatedby consideringthe ratio of applied stress to strength. The closer this ratio is to unity, the more rapidly damage accumulates. The asphalt cement characteristicsare the most importantfactor with respect to thermal fatigue failure of a mix. A study in which mixtures were subjectedto thermal cycling until failure occurred was conducted by Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984). Typical test results are shown in Figure 13. Fatigue type failures were observed when the minimum temperaturewas set close to the fracture temperature. In the harder asphalt cements, fatigue-typefailureswere observed at a lower number of thermal 19 60 50 ._ R A I _n_ = • " H " B2=3.93 X 10"4"F -I H u B I AND BzARETHE EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS IN THE GLASSY AND FLUID RANGES RESPECTIVELY. 10 - 0 t t -120-I00 t -80 t -60 t J -40-20 t 0 t 20 t 40 t 60 t 80 I I00 I 120 TEMPERATURE,'F Figure 11. Typical Schmidt Expansion of Asphalt with Temperature and Santucci, 1966). 20 Change (after I I I l I a of Low Temperature " ' IArea of Thermal Fatigue ' Consideration .c'_ o3 _ No Thermal Stresses c 1- -50 I I -30 0 20°1= I 30 b 60 90 Temperature Figure 12. TemperatureRanges Associatedwith DifferentTypes of Thermal Cracking (after Carpenter,1983). 21 30 I TEMPERATURE RANGE : -20.5_ -2S.S*C • . ! ! MAX.STRESS • • ee i Oeeoe _ • 20 v' • Ice1 eoe• "" '"_"N! II "%. MIN. STRESS • 0") I.,l.J No.2 PEN.86 -.,.. °°°eo ' • • • • ' I-- ,I "ie e• ° i '""-..._ I'1 i c_ e,i _ e,h "' I--,- : , , 0 -5 • • : I I I I I I I I I I i I 5 I0 20 NUMBER OFREPETITIONS OFCOOLING ] 50 I i _1 I I i00 Figure 13. Change of Thermal Stress and Fracture Under ]20 Repetitionsof Cooling (between-20.5 and -25.5°C) (after Sugawara and Moriyoshi, 1984). 22 cycles compared with softer asphaltcements. The researchersnote that the results obtained from the repeated coolingtests are similar to those obtained from conventionalfatigue tests, but the number of repetitionsto failurewas much less for the thermal cycling tests because the applied cyclic stress and initial level of stress were great. Approachesto the thermal fatigue problem,while in their infancy, may be classifiedas phenomenologicalor mechanistic. In the phenomenological approach,tests similar to those conductedby Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984) may be used to identifythe number of thermal cycles to failure. The results from a number of tests conducted at differentthermal cycle magnitudesand initial temperatureswould be used to arrive at a distress function that would be similar to that identifiedin conventional(i.e. load related) fatigue failures of asphalt concrete,namely, in which, Nf = number of load applicationsto failure o = tensile stress = tensile strain c,m = factors that depend on the material composition,mix properties, etc. The phenomenologicalapproach may providea reasonablysimple procedure to interpretthermal cycle test results. Shahin and McCullough (1974) presented a damage model for predictingtemperaturecracking in flexible pavements that is based on the phenomenologicalapproach. However, the phenomenological approach has been criticizedbecause it cannot account for crack initiation 23 and propagationand the subsequentredistributionof stresses within a layered system (Majidzadeh,et al., 1977). Mahboub (1985) and Little and Mahboub (1985) note that the differentia-tion between crack initiationand propagationmay be importantin estimating thermal fatigue life. If asphalt concrete behaves in a brittle manner, as will be the case at low temperaturesor rapid rates of loading, the time required to initiate the crack will constitutethe major portion of the fatigue life; crack propagationwill be relativelyfast. Conversely,as the asphalt concrete becomes more ductile, the time needed to propagate the crack to failure representsa greater fraction of pavement fatigue life. Majidzadeh,et al. (1976) developeda mechanisticapproach based on the postulate that fatigue life can be describedby a linear elastic fracture mechanics process of crack initiation,propagation,and ultimate fracture. (Only crack propagationand ultimate Fracturewere modelled;crack initiation was ignored.) In a recent evaluationand applicationof this approach, Abdulshafiand Majidzadeh(1985) identify the energy release rate, J1c, as an appropriatematerial characterizationfor both elastic and elasto-plastic fracture mechanics approachesto predict fatigue life. Mahboub (1985) and Little and Mahboub (1985) used the J1c parameterto investigatethe low temperaturefracture potentialof plasticizedsulfur binders used in paving mixtures. They note that the use of diametral indirect tensile strength test results to differentiatethe low temperaturefracture potential of plasticized sulfur binders proved to be unsatisfactory. Abdulshafiand Kalosh (1988) used the C* line integral,another energy rate release parameter,to differentiate the performanceof modified asphalt concretemixtures with respect to loadfatigue cracking distress. They note that test methods that measured the Marshall stability,compressivestrength,resilientmodulus, and indirect 24 tensile strength could not be used to clearlydifferentiatethe performanceof the modified mixtures. Abdulshafiand Kalosh suggest the C*-line integral also could be used to study thermal cracking of asphalt concrete mixtures. Lytton and Shanmugham (1982) have developeda mechanisticmodel based on fracture mechanics to predict the number of temperaturecycles required to crack a pavement. 2.4 Summary of Factors Influencing Response Factors that influencelow temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking of pavementsmay be broadly categorizedunder (I) material, (2) environmental, and (3) pavement structuregeometry. A discussionof specific factors under each of these categoriesfollows. Material Factors Several material factors can affect the thermal behavior of asphaltaggregatemixtures. These include: I) Asphalt Cement - There is considerableagreementthat the single most importantfactor that affects the degree of low temperaturecracking in an asphalt concretemix is the temperature-stiffnessrelationshipof the asphalt cement. The stiffnessor consistency(i.e., viscosityor penetration)at a cold temperatureand the temperaturesusceptibility(i.e., the range in consistencywith temperature)are the most important considerations. A lower viscosity (or higher penetration) grade of asphalt cement will produce a lower rate of increase in stiffnesswith decreasingtemperatureand reduces the potentialfor low temperaturecracking. Anderson, et al., (1989), the Committeeon Characteristicsof BituminousMateri25 als (1988) and Carpenter and VanDam (1985), have conducted comprehensivestudies on the relationshipsof asphalt cement to low temperaturecracking. An annotated bibliographyon the temperaturesusceptibilityof asphalt cements recently has been published by the TransportationResearch Board (]989). 2) Aggregate Type and Gradation- Maximum resistanceto transverse cracking is associatedwith aggregatesthat have high abrasion resistance,low freeze-thawloss and low absorption. Aggregates that possess these characteristicsshow little variation in low temperaturestrengths. Absorptive aggregatesreduce low temperaturestrength because the asphalt cement remaining in the mixture for bonding is less than it would be in a mixture with a non-absorptiveaggregate. The gradation of the aggregate used in the mix apparentlyhas little influenceon the low temperaturestrength, assumingthe mix is designed to provide reasonableresistanceto rutting. 3) Asphalt Cement Content - Changes in asphalt cement content, within a reasonablerange about the optimum, do not have a significant influenceon low temperaturecracking performance of the mix. Increasingthe asphalt cement content increases the coefficientof thermal contraction,but lowers the stiffness. The apparent net effect is that the thermal stress that develops is similar to the stress developed before the asphalt cement content was changed. v 4) Air Voids Content - The degree of compactionand related air voids content and permeabilityare not factors that, by them- 26 selves, significantlyinfluencelow temperaturecracking performanceof the mix. Environmental Factors Several environmentalfactors can affect thermal behavior. These include: I) Temperature- For a given mix, the colder the pavement surface temperaturethe greater the incidenceof thermal cracking. The pavement surface temperatureis related to the ambient air temperatureand wind speed. The majority of low temperature cracks apparentlyare initiatedwhen the temperaturedecreases to a level below the glass transitiontemperatureand is maintainedat this level for a period of time. 2) Rate of Cooling - The greater the rate of cooling, the greater the tendency for thermal cracking. Evidence suggests that pavementsmay crack in the fall or spring when the pavement structure is subjectedto the greatest temperaturedifferential between day and night. 3) PavementAge - The older the pavement,the greater the incidence of thermal cracking. This is associatedwith the increase in stiffnessof the asphaltcement with age. The air void content of the mix may influencethe aging characteristics of the mix. Also, with time in service,there is an increasing probabilityof occurrenceof more extreme low temperaturesas the pavement becomes older. Benson (1976), in a study of low temperaturepavement cracking in Texas, proposed a generalized 27 model for predictingthe hardeningof asphaIt as a function of time. Pavement StructureGeometry Several pavement structuregeometry factors can affect thermal cracking response. These include: I) Pavement Width - Field evidence suggests that thermal cracks are more closely spaced for narrow pavementscompared to wide pavements. Initial crack spacing for secondary roads 24 ft in width is approximately100 (±) ft, whereas for general aviation airports,with pavementsof the order of 50.-100ft in width, the initial spacing can be greater than 150 (±) ft. As the pavement ages, and secondaryand tertiary cracks develop, the differences in crack spacing are not apparent. 2) Pavement Thickness- In general, the thicker the asphalt concrete layer (ACL), the lower the incidenceof thermal cracking. At the Ste. Anne Test Road, increasingthe thickness of the ACL from 4 to 10 in. resulted in one half the cracking frequencywhen all other variableswere the same. 3) Friction CoefficientBetween the Asphalt Concrete Layer and Base Course - The use of a prime coat on an untreated aggregate base course layer apparentlyreduces the incidenceof low temperaturecracking. This may be because of the fact that an asphalt concrete layer that is bonded perfectly to an underlying granular base has a reduced coefficientof thermal contraction owing to the lower coefficientof thermal contractionof the granular base. The gradation of the base course, particu- 28 larly the percentageof material finer than the No. 200 sieve, may have a minor influenceon the incidenceof low temperature cracking. 4) Subgrade Type - The frequencyof low-temperatureshrinkage cracking usually is greater for pavementson sand subgrades compared with cohesive soils. 5) ConstructionFlaws - Steel roller compactionof asphalt layers at high temperaturesand low mix stiffness,creates transverse flaws. As the pavement cools, cracks may be initiatedat these flaws, often at spacingscloser than the width of a lane. 2.5 Regression Equations to Predict Thermal Cracking Based on an analysis of data from 26 airports in Canada, Haas, et al., (1987) establisheda regressionequation to predict the average transverse crack spacing in a pavement structure,as follows: TRANCRACK = 218 + 1.28 ACTHICK +2.52 MINTEMP +30 PVN - 60 COEFFX (6) r2 = 0.70 in which, TRANCRACK = Transversecrack average spacing in meters MINTEMP = Minimum temperaturerecorded on site in °C PVN = MacLeod's Pen Vis Number (asphaltcement temperature susceptibility,which is dimensionless) COEFFX = Coefficientof thermal contractionin mm/1000 mm/°C ACTHICK = Thicknessof the asphaltconcrete layer in centimeters Additional regressionequationswere developed for situationsin which: a) the PVN were not available,and/or b) the designer does not choose to use the PVN value, and/or c) the designer wishes to use the mix temperaturesusceptibility 29 (in terms of stiffnessmodulus increase from O°C to -17°C) insteadof PVN, and/or d) the coefficientof thermal contractionis not available. The PVN in equation (6), which may be determinedfrom the penetrationat 77°F and the kinematicviscosityat 275°F, is an indicatorof temperature susceptibilityof the asphalt cement (McLeod, 1972, IgB7). As the PVN decreases, for a given grade of asphalt, the temperaturesusceptibilityincreases. Consequently,as the PVN decreases,the average crack spacing increases. Further, crack spacing increaseswith pavement age and minimum temperature,but decreaseswith pavement thickness. These trends are expected based on the observationsof other researchers. Fromm and Phang (1972) conducted field surveys of 33 pavement locations in Ontario to assess the severity of thermal cracking. They developed the crack index (CI) as a measure of cracking severity,as follows: CI = The sum of numbers of multiple and full-transversecracks with one half the number of half-transversecracks occurring in a 500 ft stretch of two-lane pavement. The types of transversecracks used to establish the CI are shown in Figure 14. Smaller transversecracks were disregarded in the calculationof the CI. Extensive field sampling and laboratorytesting of pavement structure materials at the 33 locationsalso was conducted. Based on a considerationof this data, the followingregressionequation was established:. CI = 52.22xI + 0.0007093x 2 + 0.4529x3 - 1.348xn + 0.4687xs - 0.07903x6 - 0.4887x7 - 0.1258x8 - 0.1961x9 Multiple CorrelationCoefficientr = 0.6357 30 (7) MULTIPLE - M FULL- F \ •. \ / PLAN VIEW HALF - H PART- P CRACK INDEX: M+F+I/2H Figure 14. Types of TransverseCracking (after Fromm and Phang, 1972). 31 in which, xI = viscosityratio, visc. 60°F megapoises/visc.275°F centistokes x2 = freezing index, degree days x3 = critical temperature,°F xn = pavement air voids, % vol. xs = strippingrating x6 = recoveredasphalt pen. at 77°F, dmm x7 = asphaltenes,% wt. xB = granular base, pass 200, % wt. x9 = asphalt concrete, pass 200, % wt. The paving contractsthen were divided into northern and southern groups based on the grade of asphalt used. Penetrationsless then 110 were placed in the southern group (85-100asphalts),and penetrationsequal to or greater than 110 were placed in the northern group (150-200 aspha]ts). Based on this division, two additionalregressionequationswere established (but are not presented herein). The viscosity ratio in equation (7) is an approximate indicatorof temperature susceptibility. A larger ratio indicatesa stiffer consistencyat low temperatures. The greater the critical temperature (i.e., the temperature at which the viscous flow of the asphalt concrete in one hour is exceeded by the thermal contractionin the specimen),the greater the potentialfor cracking. The variablesthat relate to other characteristicsof the mix, such as air voids, recoveredasphalt penetration,asphaltenes,and percent fines, appear to be modelled correctly regardingtheir influenceon thermal cracking. Also, as the fines content of the base course increases,the potential for cracking decreases. The model does not take into account the age of the pavement or the thickness of the surfacelayer, but it does suggest the higher 32 the moisture susceptibilityof the mix (i.e., strippingrating), the greater the potentialfor cracking. 33 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF TEST SYSTEMS AND METHODS A number of test methods have been used to study the phenomenaof low temperaturecracking in asphalt concretemixes. The methods also have been used to provide input parametersto thermal cracking models. A discussionof the test methods follows. 3.1 Indirect Diametral Tension Test Description According to Hadipour and Anderson (1988),the test is conductedby loading a 4 in. diameter by 2.5 in. thick cylindricalasphalt concrete specimen through loading strips placed across a diameter. The specimen is within a controlledtemperaturechamber. As the specimen is compressedat a deformation rate of 1.5 mm/min., a relativelyuniform tensile stress develops perpendicular to and along the vertical diametralplane of the specimen that, if the vertical load is increased,ultimatelycauses the specimen to fail by splitting along its vertical diameter. The appliedcompressive load and the vertical and horizontaldeformationsare monitoredthrough a load cell and linear variable differentialtransformers(LVDT),respectively. The output signals from the load cell and the LVDTs are recorded on a computerizeddata acquisitionsystem. A schematicof the test system is shown in Figure 15. Von Quintus, et al., (1988) noted that tensile strengthsdeterminedwith the indirect diametral tension test provided input data to thermal cracking models that they used to rank asphaltmixtures under the AAMAS project. The mixture strength was measured on age-hardenedspecimensusing an environmental aging simulation. A loading rate of 0.05 in. per min. was used to represent the thermal loads on the pavement. 34 Cold Room Storage Recording OQ I Specimen pyr°meter (_ Vertical I I Gauge Deformation Deformation GaugeB Deformation Room indicat°r I I i Therm°'electric Channel4 I Conditioner Signal Channel3 : A+B Channel2 LC : Computer Channel.1 4 -- GaugeA LVDT _ Channel0 LoadCell .-q (i) II Dig"a I/ Volt _ Compression Machine I ,J Data Storage I Meter ] I Data Control "C_ =" I Temperature Figure ]5. [Probe I ThermometerDigital Schematic of Diametral Indirect Tension Anderson and Leung, 1987). 35 Test [ Equipment Processing (after Alternatively,the test may be conductedusing dynamic loads that do not produce failure (reference: ASTM D-4123). The stress-strainresponse is representedby the resilientmodulus determinedunder the applied dynamic load. Test Condition Parameters Temperature,specimen geometry and volume, and deformationor load rate. Prope_iesMeasured Tensile stress/straincharacteristics;tensile strength. Agency/Institutional References Universityof Florida, Ruth (1977);Universityof Alberta, Hadipour and Anderson (1988);Anderson and Leung (1987). 3.2 Direct Tension - Constant Rate of Extension Description Haas (1973) subjecteda rectangularbeam specimen to a tensile load at a control temperatureand a constant rate of extension. The variables recorded during the test are (I) extensionof the specimen, (2) temperature,(3) load, and (4) time. The test system is shown in Figure 16. It consists of the followingcomponents: (1) a universaltesting frame, (2) an environmental chamber, (3) an extension measuringapparatus,(4) a load cell, (5) a piston loading rod specificallynoted because it is fabricatedfrom a material with a low coefficientof heat transfer and a low coefficientof thermal expansion and contraction. The test specimensare 1.5 x 1.5 x 4 in. The ends of the test specimensare epoxied to the cap and base plates. The most recent version (1988) of the test system includes a universaltesting machine, which 36 -J_ _'__ LOAD CELL PLEXIGLASS / LOW STRA,.BEA.S--_¢ _ I_ N_ II _ i_ iJ _1_SA"_E -- -- LOWER PULL ROD RHEOSTAT I RS--_ I II t STRESS AND STRAIN RECORDERS • UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE a) I ' __ _lb] =_:°_'_ LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER Overall TRANSFORMER 5 AMP VARIAC Test System SET-UP USED FOR CONSTANTRATE OF o EXTENSIONTEST . LOAD HEAD "O m REINFORCED CONCRETE PLATE --01- ] ----_. = o. _O _ x STEEL CONTAINER CONTAININGTHE WEIGHTS i _ _ I °.° s -oo L 1"3x 13" b) Figure 16. Constant Rate of Extension and Creep Load Frame Schematic of Direct Haas, 1973). Tension and Creep Load Test Systems (after 37 can provide extremely slow rates of extension,located in a cold room with the capacity to test down to -40°C. Rates of extension from 2.5xi0-3 to 12xi0-3 mm/min, are commonly used. Test Condition Parameters Temperature,specimen geometry and volume, and deformationor load rate. Prope_iesMeasured Tensile stress/straincharacteristics;tensile strength. Agency/Institutional References Universityof Waterloo, Haas (1973);Asphalt Institute,Kallas (1982); Technical Universityof Braunschweig,Germany, Arand (1987). 3.3 Tensile Creep Test Description Haas (1973) also conductedtensile creep tests with the apparatus shown in Figure 16, while Fromm and Phang (1972) used the apparatusshown in Figure 17. A creep test is conductedby applying a constant ]oad to the specimen and recordingthe resultingdeformationwith time. The specimen is maintainedat a constant temperatureby placing a small test chamber around the specimen,or by placing the entire test frame in a cold room. For creep testing, the definitionof modulus of creep deformationassumes an instantaneousapplication of load. The hydraulicjack shown in Figure 16 initially is used to support the weights prior to load application. When the jack is released, the load is applied nearly instantaneouslyto the specimen. The test specimens are 1.5 x 1.5 x 4 in. A load level of approximately500 Ibs is used at temperaturesbelow -18°C to achieve a time of loading greater than two hours. 38 Figure 17. Apparatus for MeasuringCreep DeformationUnder Constant Tensile Stress (after Fromm and Phang, 1972). 39 Test Condition Parameters Temperature, specimen geometry and volume, and load levels. Properties Measured Tensile stress/straincharacteristics;tensile strength. Agency/Institutional University 3.4 References of Waterloo, Haas (1973); Ontario DOT, Frommand Phang (1972). Flexural Bending Test Description Busby and Rader (1972) determined the stiffness of rupture (Sr) of asphalt modulus (Sf) and modulus concrete at cold temperatures using a three-point loading test of a 34 x 3½ x 15 in. beam. The stiffnessmodulus may be determined from 6p.L3 Sf = 48.6f.I (8) in which, 6P = change in load applied, lb., L = span in inches 6f = I = deflectioncorrespondingto P in inches 4 moment of inertia, in. The modulus of rupture, which is equivalentto the tensile strength, is determined by: Sr - M.c I (9) 40 in which, M = moment at failure, in. lb. c = one-half depth of beam, in. I = moment of inertia, in.4. The beams were tested in flexurewith a universaltesting machine. A relativelyslow rate of loading arbitrarilywas chosen to approach thermal induced stresses rather than traffic related stresses. A rate of 0.02 in. per min. was selected as a compromisebetweenthe extremes of other investigations and representsthe slowest rate compatiblewith control equipmentavailableto Busby and Rader. Asphalt concrete beams were tested in flexure at -35°F, -5°F, and +25°F. The beams were placed in a freezer for a minimum of 24 hours for -5°F and +25°F and for a minimum of 48 hours for the -35°F test temperatures. The beams could be at room temperaturefor almost 5 minutes before the temperature increasedenough to affect the test results. However, to minimize the temperature change in the beam, an insulatedbox was constructedof styrofoam. The insulatingbox had shelves on which dry ice was placed to keep the temperature of the box as low as possible. The box was placed around the load frame for the duration of a test. Sugawara, et al., (1982) conducted3-point beam tests on 2.5 x 2.5 x 25 cm specimens. Rates of strain were from Ixi0-4 to ].9/secand test temperatures were from -20 to 30°C. Test Condition Parameters Temperature,specimen geometry and volume, and deformationor load rate. Prope_iesMeasured Tensile stress/straincharacteristics;tensile strength. 41 Agency/Institutional References Universityof Wisconsin,Busby and Rader (]972); Hokkaido University, Japan, Sugawara, et al. (1982). 3.5 Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test Description Monismith,et al., (1965) conductedthermal stress tests using sawed specimens I x ] x 12 in., which were placed in the invar frame shown schematically in Figure 18. The apparatus is comparativelyrigid and is thus believed to be capable of restrainingany deformationthat may develop in the asphalt concrete because of due to temperaturechange. The frame is surroundedby a constant temperaturecabinet to further minimize deformations. To subject the asphalt concrete specimensto temperaturechanges, a small cabinet is placed inside the larger chamber noted above, encompassing10 in. of the specimen,as indicatedin Figure 18. This small cabinet is connected to an external heat source, which is capable of providingthe required temperaturevariations around the test specimen. The test procedure reported by Monismith,et al., is as follows: 1) a specimen is placed in the invar frame with its ends inside the end clamps; 2) the temperature-controlledcabinet is placed over the specimen and the constant temperaturecabinet over the entire test frame; 3) the temperaturein the inner cabinet is raised to the starting test temperatureof about 140°F to allow the specimen to expand freely before being clamped in position to the frame; 4) at the same time, the temperaturein the outer (larger)cabinet is brought to a constant value of ]O0°F to allow the test Frame to reach equilibrium; 5) after 4 hours at these temperatures,the outer cabinet is removed momentarily to allow the specimen ends, which project beyond the inner cabinet, to be fixed. The ends are fixed in the end clamps with an epoxy-resin 42 FrOn_e ...... f S,,c,men Frome I _ TBsf Portion I I I ___ Clomo _End _DCloM J! % Member ,u,,or , [r ........ Member of Specomen -/0" _ 1 I_ _mpihrOIt_e - COeltOIIN c_omdw_ wm',_ mlt,_f ;_-'.,_.° ".. . o.... procw_vnp, .: %°. . i /.End CJomp _ ....... ,] a) Note; Thermal Stress Apparatus Styrofoom p_ju/orson fhroulThou# Air Ou! ot_ _me,, .. _ _" oDao,_ c/°_as b) Figure 18. _ SMrotoom msu/otmn Controlled Temperature Cabinet for Thermal Stress Experiments Schematic of Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (after Monismith, et al., 1965). 43 compound. The resin is allowed to cure overnightwhile the temperaturesof both the inner and the outer cabinets are held constant;6) a test is then conducted by lowering the temperaturein the small inner cabinet at any desired constant rate, while recordingload and temperature. Automatic cycling in the temperaturerange 140°F. to IO°F. is possible for any number of cycles. Fabb (1974) and Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984) used different versions of the apparatusemployed by Monismith,et al. The apparatus used by Fabb is shown in Figure 19. The test specimen (A), 25 x 25 x 300 mm, is supportedon a stand (B) inside a brass bath (C). It is secured in the apparatusvia circular Invar plates (J1),5 mm thick and 63.5 mm diameter, that are fixed to each end of the specimen using special epoxy cement. These plates are fastened, by high tensile steel bolts, to tapped Invar blocks (J2), 20 mm thick, that are in turn permanentlycemented to quartz rods (D), 44 mm long and 40 mm diameter, that pass to the outside of the bath through flexible silicone rubber diaphragms (E). Outside the bath, one quartz rod is cemented to another Invar rod (J3) that is threaded and which passes through a bushed hole in the steel frame (K). It is secured by brass handwheels(L). A fine thread is used on the rod and handwheelsthat facilitatesclamping the system together without significantly stretchingor compressingthe specimen. The other quartz rod is cemented to an Invar spigot that screws into the load cell (M). The load cell is securely attached to the frame by a threaded spigot (1) and a steel dowel (not shown). The base of the frame is hollow and completelyenclosed. It is maintained at 25°C by oil pumped from a constant temperaturebath. The bath is supported on the frame by Tufnol blocks (N) and is insulatedby expanded polystyreneand polyurethanefoam cladding. The lid of the bath is removable to allow insertionand removal of the specimens. 44 ;_ _ A ," . TEST SPECIMEN _ °' "_'-7,'._l_T- H NUT B SPECIMEN SUPPORT ! THREADED SPIGOT C COOLING BATH J INVAR COMPONENTS D QUARTZ RODS K STEEL FRAME E SEALS (SILICONE RUBBER) L BRASS HANDWHEELS F 0 RINGS M LOAD CELL O SCREWS N BATH SUPPORTS Figure ]9. Schematicof Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test (after Fabb, 1974). 45 Carpenter (1983) recommendedthe test system shown in Figure 20. The invar steel load frame is designed to be placed in a conventionalchest-type temperaturecabinet. The cabinet is capable of meeting the standard temperature drop rates of 3-20°C/hr and also can achieve low temperaturesto -50°C. The load frame is modularizedto allow 3 x 3 x 12 in. specimensto be epoxied to aluminum plates before testing and tobe stored until needed. The signal conditioningfor the various displacementtransducersand load cells that are used to monitor the response of the specimen are kept outside the cabinet. The LVDTs are mounted at the start of the test to determine the coefficientof thermal contractionand remain on the specimen throughoutthe test program. As the specimen is cooled, the deformationis noted, and the coefficientof thermal contractionmay be calculated. The system, as it presently exists at USA CRREL, is slightly different than that shown in Figure 20 and is shown in Figure 21. Arand (1989) has developed a thermal stress restrained-specimentest system with a stiff load frame, displacementtransducersto measure the length of a specimen, and a step motor to hold the specimen at constant length during the conduct of a test. The step motor works in connectionwith a gear drive to hold the specimen at a length controllableto 10-5 mm. The overall system is controlledwith a personal computer. The equipment allows monotonic cooling tests to be conductedas well as relaxationtests and cyclic temperature tests. The equipmentappears to be the best that currently is available in the highway-engineeringresearch community. Cooling rates from 5 to 30°C/hr have been used by researchersusing the test systems described above. Based on a study of weather records in Canada, field temperaturedrops exceeding5°C/hr are not common and may not occur at all (Fromm, 1974). 46 mountingblockA bushingendblock \ bushing bl, mountingblockB _1 --_ ,4 ._ --'| I.,.Ioad cell °_A I___-_______1 I !_f-_--I_!it i,°_%,ng L-LII! to.on base III base support / I_ J /device / reaction collar SIDE.VIEW I TOP VIEW Loading frame may fit completely in temperature cabinet, or extend through wall Figure 20. Schematic of Thermal Stress (after Carpenter, 1983), 47 Restrained Specimen Test System 2," ! I: Figure 21. USA CRREL Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen Test (after Janoo, 1989). 48 Test Condition Parameters Specimen geometry and volume, number of thermal cycles, and rate of cooling. Prope_iesMeasured Low temperaturethermal stress characteristics;tensile/thermalfatigue strength; fracture temperature,under conditionsof one or more thermal cycles. Agency/Institutional References Universityof California-Berkeley, Monismith,et al., (1965);British Petroleum,Fabb (1974);Hokkaido University,Japan, Sugawara and Moriyoshi (1984);USA CRREL, Carpenter (1983),Janoo (1989);Utah DOT, Tuckett, et al., (1970);Technical Universityof Braunschweig,Germany, Arand, (1987);King, et al., (1988). 3.6 Three-Point Bend Specimen Test Description Rice (1968a,b)and Rice and Rosengren (1968) provided the basis for this test method by identifyinga line integralrelated to energy in the vicinity of a two-dimensionalcrack in the presenceof plastic deformation. The line integral is termed the J-integral. Rice assumed that the deformationtheory of plasticityis applicable,meaning the stresses and strains in a plastic or in an elastic-plasticbody are consideredto be the same as for a nonlinear elastic body with the same stress-straincurve. This further implies that the stress-straincurve is nonlinear and recoverable. Hutchinsonand Paris (1979) present a theoreticaljustificationfor use of the J-integral in the analysis of stable crack growth. Dowling and Begley 49 (1976) used the change in J during cyclic loading,AJ, to calculate fatigue crack propagationrates. Little and Mahboub (1985) state that the critical value of the J-integral, Jic,may be determinedfor plasticizedsulfur paving mixtures following ASTM Test Method E813. JIc is the energy required to drive a sharp-tipped crack or the energy released as the sharp crack tip propagates. Under ASTM E813, three-pointbend specimensare loaded monotonicallyat the midpoint as shown in Figure 22. A linear variabledifferentialtransformer is used to monitor the crack opening displacement. A load cell is used to monitor the applied load, and a "KRAK"gauge that is bonded to the specimen is used to monitor crack growth. In work reported by Mahboub (1985),three-pointbend specimens I x 2 x 8.4 in. were molded at a modified Proctor compactioneffort. All specimens were notched with a chevron as specifiedunder ASTM E399. The three-point bend specimenswere loaded at the center point with an electrohydraulic closed-looptest system. The mode of testing was set at controlleddisplacement to produce stable crack growth during loading. The specimen was positioned on the three-pointbend frame inside an environmentalchamber. The temperaturein the environmentalchamber then was reduced to a temperature close to or below the glass transitiontemperature,Tg. Little and Mahboub (1985) indicatethat it is not practicalto use bend specimensto compute Jic values at temperaturesmuch above Tg. At temperaturesabove Tg, the plasticity and viscosity of the material begin to influencethe response to the point that propagationof a sharp-tippedcrack in the specimen is not possible because the area of the plastic zone ahead of the crack tip is too large relative to the specimengeometry. However, at temperaturesclose to or below Tg, the test is acceptable. 50 (a) Fracture A Surface_ A-A Crack Opening Displacement A Enlargement Detail (b) Figure 22. Three-Point Bend Specimen (after Mahboub, 1985). 51 After some period of time (usuallyabout one hour), the specimen showed temperaturestability,and the test was conducted. As the specimen was loaded at the center, some unloadswere introducedto ensure the crack growth through the chevron was a smooth and stable process. Otherwise, a blunt chevron could store enough energy to fail the specimen instantaneous]y. This processwas continued until the first incrementof crack extensionwas recorded by the crack gauge, at which point an unload was introducedmarking the first out of the chevron crack extension. The test was continuedwith unloads at different stages of crack growth until the uncrackedligamentwas small (about 0.20 in.). A crack opening rate of .05 in./min, and a 20-minute load ramp function were used in the experiment. Typical test results are shown in Figure 23a. To determineJic, the load versus crack opening displacementdiagram is transformed into a moment versus rotationdiagram using the measured crack length at each point along the curve. The unload correspondingto the first crack growth out of the chevron was extrapolatedto an X-intercept,and it was consideredto be the start of the J1c test. The first triangularand the subsequenttrapezoidalareas under the M versus 0 curve were recorded, as shown in Figure 23b. The cumulativearea at each point was regarded as the term A in the following equation 2A J = _6 (10) in which, B = specimen thickness, b = uncracked portion of the beam. At each stage of crack growth, the term J and the term Aa, defined as the differencebetween the length of the crack at that moment and the initial out of chevron extension,were calculated. A linear regressionbetween J and Aa was establishedand formed the JR line. The interceptwas defined to be JIc, and the slope was defined to be tearing modulus, T, as shown in Figure 24. 52 Unload Associated with Initial Crack Extension / i II ! , . _'_ vO Displacement, V (in.) (a) _'_ l Corresponds to Unload Line of Initial Crack Extension ' _E •,-" aZ E o / I I I I I ! ! I I eo Rotation, e (rod.) = (b) Figure 23. Three-PointBend Specimen Load versus Displacement(a) and Its Transformationto Moment versus Rotation (b) (after Mahboub, 1_98S). 53 Critical EnergyJ Release e__JR o T _ Rate _ JIc Regression Line ! r I imam il i Aa Figure 24. Illustrationof Determinationof Critical Energy Release Rate, Jzc,and Tearing Modulus, T (afterMahboub, 1985). 54 The traditionalJ-integraltesting procedurerequires at least four sampleswith different notch lengths. Each sample is loaded monotonically until failure. Fortunately,another techniquehas been developed that enables Jicto be determined from multiple unloads of a single specimen (Landes and Begley, 1976). Test Condition Parameters Temperature,specimen geometry and volume, crack opening rate, load ramp function. Prope_iesMeasured Critical energy release rate, Jic, and tearingmodulus, T. Agency/Institutional References Texas A&MUniversity 3.7 Mahboub (1985), Little and Mahboub (1985). C*-Line Integral Test Description The method of determiningthe C* parameterexperimentallywas suggested by Landes and Begley (1976b)and is shown schematicallyin Figure 25. In this method, as reported by Abdulshafiand Kaloush (1988),multiple specimensare subjected to different constant displacementrates. The load (P) per unit crack plane thickness and the crack length (a) are measured as a function of time, as shown in Step I. This step representsthe actual data collected during the test. Because the tests are conductedat a constant displacement rate, time and displacementare the independentvariables. Load and crack length are dependentvariables. The data in Step I are cross-plottedto yield the load as a function of the displacementrate (A) (from tests at several displacementrates) for fixed crack lengths, as shown in Step 2. The area 55 01 > '0_>0 p o _T 3 _Ol. T STEP 1 STEP 2 i 1" U_ C_ O STEP 3 STEP 4 m Legend: P = Load a = Crack Length T = Time = Displace. Rate _ a = Crack Growth Rate C_ STEP Figure 25. Steps in Determination 1983b). 5 of C* Line 56 Integral (after Abdulshafi under the curve in Step 2 is the rate of work done, U* per unit of crack plane thickness. This is shown plotted against the crack length, as in Step 3. The energy rate interpretationof C* is given as the power differencebetween two identicallyloaded bodies having incrementallydiffering crack lengths by: 1 dU*[ (11) C* = B da [_ in which, b = thickness of specimen in crack plane U* = power of energy rate for a load P and displacementrate, a = crack length Consequently,the slope of the curve in Step 3 is C*. Finally, C* is plotted as a function of the crack growth rate, as shown in Step 4, or the crack speed is plotted as a function of C*, as shown in Step 5. This method of C* determinationis called the multiple-specimenmethod. Abdulshafi (]983b) adopted this method to evaluate the critical release rate line integralof asphalt concrete mixtures. He used the test configuration shown in Figure 26. The dimensionsof the diametralspecimen,4-in. diameter and a 2.5-in. thickness,are compatiblewith the requirementof a plane strain loading condition. (A minimum thicknessof 2 in. is recommended.) A right-angledwedge is cut into the disc specimen to accommodate the loading device. The wedge should be cut to a depth of 0.75 in. along the specimen diameter and should extend over the entire thickness. Care should be exercisedto ensure symmetry of the wedge about the vertical axis and smoothness of cut surfaces for proper contact with the loading steel wedges. A small, artificialcrack is sawed at the tip of the wedge (notch) to channelize crack initiation. It is preferablethat a light-coloredvertical strip that includesthe notch tip be painted on the specimen to clearly distinguishcrack 57 P c* : .75 inches 1 d.* I. "_ _ /_ C: crock length Lcrock b = Sample Thickness u* = Power of Energy Rate for a Load p and Displacement Rate a = Crack Length IA : Means with Displacement Rate Held Constant Figure 26. Typical C*- Test Configuration (after Abdulshafi, ]983b). 58 length initiationand propagationprocesses. A vertical line extending from the notch tip to the contact point of the load seat strip should be marked and scaled. A gradually and slowly increasingmonotonic load is applied to the sample until a crack is noticed. The load is maintaineduntil the required crack size is reached. A minimum of three displacementrates is required to evaluate the C*-line integral. Duplicatespecimens are recommended. Test Condition Parameters Temperature,displacementrate, specimen size. Prope_iesMeasured Energy release rate line integral,C*. Agency/Institution Reference CTL International,Inc., Abdulshafiand Kalosh (1988);The Ohio State University,Abdulshafi (1983b),Abdulshafiand Majidzadeh(1985). 3.8 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Contraction Test Description The test frame used by Jones, et al., (1968) to determine thermal coeffi- cients of contractionfor asphaltmixes is shown in Figure 27. The test frame is placed on a table in a walk-in freezer. A smaller environmentalchamber is placed around the test frame. The environmentalchamber has slits in each end to allow deflectiongauges to come into contactwith metal pins at the ends of the specimen. The environmentalchamber has heating coils so that the temperaturecan be cycled. Two differentrestraintconditionsare considered, namely, (I) free movement condition,and (2) friction base condition. The free movement condition is obtained by placing the specimenon a base that provides nearly frictionlessmovement (small ball bearings were placed on a 59 Figure 27. Utah DOT Coefficientof Thermal ContractionTest Frame. 60 pane of glass). The friction base conditionwas obtained by gluing grit No.40-D sandpaperto a plywood board. The environmentalchamber does not cover the main bar of the test frame. The test is initiatedby setting the cold room temperatureto -IO°F. The 3 x 3 x 16 in. specimen is subjectedto a uniform temperaturechange of 12"F/hr (i.e., 5 min/°F). The specimen temperature is raised to 80°F and then allowed to cool back to -IO°F. Osterkamp,et al., (1986) used an LVDT and a precision push-rod-type dilitometermounted on a tripod with fused quartz glass legs to determine thermal contractioncoefficientsof asphaltmixes. A metal base plate was used to support the tripod and specimen,which was placed in a cylinder between the legs of the tripod. The apparatuswas placed in a well-stirred low temperaturebath. Specimen temperatureswere measured by a thermistor placed at the mid-point of the specimen. The experimentalprocedure involved placing the specimen in the apparatusand allowing it to equilibrateto an initialtemperatureof approximatelyI0"C. The bath then was lowered at a rate of about 7°C/hr to the final temperature(approximately-55°C). The specimen was allowed to equilibrateat this temperature,and then the bath was heated at a rate of about 5°C/hr to the initialtemperatureand the specimen again was allowed to equilibrate. The specimen was subjectedto 3 to 6 thermal cycles. The specimen dimensionswere not given, but it was noted that the specimenswere rectangularbars cut from field core samples. Test Condition Parameters Specimen geometry and volume, number of thermal cycles, and rate of cooling. Prope_iesMeasured Thermal expansion and contractioncoefficients. 6] Agency/Institutional References Utah DOT, Jones, et al., 3.9 Determination The thermal through a unit et al., (1986). of Thermal Conductivity and Specific lteat Capacity conductivity, concrete mix are required concrete layer. (1968); Alaska DOT, 0sterkamp, K, and specific heat capacity, to compute the thermal The thermal conductivity area under a unit C, of an asphalt regime in the asphalt expresses the rate of heat flow temperature gradient. Commonlyused units for K are (BTU/hr)/(ft2)/(°F/ft) or (Cal/sec)/(cmZ)/(°C/cm).The specific heat capacity is the thermal energy required to cause a l-degree change in a unit mass of material. Commonly used units are (BTU/Ibs)/(°F)or (Cal/gm)/(°C). The thermal conductivityand specific heat capacity of a mix are governed by the thermal propertiesof the aggregateand bituminousbinder. Thermal conductivityand specific heat capacity values of asphalt concrete mixes may be measured in the laboratory. However, it has been determinedby a number of researchersthat these propertiesdo not vary significantlybetween mixes. Consequently,values for thermal conductivityand specific heat capacity are often assumed to be within the followingranges: K = 0.82 - 0.86 (BTU/hr)/(ft2)/(°F/ft) C = 0.20 - 0.22 (BTU/Ibs)/(°F) The thermal diffusivity,e, is an index of the facilitywith which a material will undergo temperaturechange. It is defined by the ratio K : (12) The thermal diffusivityfor asphalt concrete mixes is not measured, but is calculatedwith a knowledgeat the thermal conductivityand specific heat capacity. 62 4.0 RELATIONSHIP 4.1 BETWEEN TEST PROCEDURES and FIELD PERFORMANCE Description ofMechanisticModels A number of analytical measured in the test models have been proposed to relate methods discussed in Section 3.0 to field Four thermal cracking models have been considered and reviewed, • the properties performance. as follows: COLD MODEL (Finn, et al., 1986)- The model was developed based on principlesgiven by Hills and Brien (1966) (re. equation (I)). The model is based on the hypothesisthat low temperaturecracking occurs only when the thermallyinducedtensile stress in the pavement exceeds the tensile strength (re. Figure 3). This failure conditiongenerally is associatedwith a limiting temperature(i.e. the fracture temperature),which in turn primarily is dependentupon the asphalt cement properties. The flow diagram for the model is given in Figure 28. The COLD program calculatesthe temperature distributionwithin the asphalt layer and its variation from day to day. The following informationis required for program COLD: Section thickness Thermal propertiesof componentlayers Ambient temperaturesand solar radiation Initial ambient temperaturegradient Creep modulus (stiffness)of asphalt concrete versus temperaturefor the mix Tensile strength of asphalt concrete at slow rates of loading (.01 in./min.)versus temperatureof asphalt concrete. 63 Thickness Section (Layer) I Component Layers hermal Properties of Equations of Heat Environment (Temperature. _ Thermal Regime of Pseudo-elastic Transfer Relationship Analysis solar Finite Difference l l Pavement Beam or Slab 1 radiation, etc.) Initial Temperature Gradient J// I Temperature Relationship Temperature Relationship _ Ts TEMPERATURE __ Low -Temperature Crack Prediction ,'," r"'"".,._-."'_ _- Figure 28. Oamoge ,n.u....St.e.,o,, Tensile Str_.ngth (Ts) t Flow Diagram for Program COLD (after Finn, eta]., 64 ]986). Appendix C of NCHRP 291 (Finn, et al., 1986) provides a good descriptionof the model program. The results from direct or indirecttension tests are used in the model. • UNIVERSITYOF FLORIDA MODEL (Ruth, et al., 1982) - The results from indirecttensile tests, low temperatureviscosity tests from the Schweyer Rheometer,and indirectcreep tests are used to develop an equation to predict creep deformation. Cracking will occur when the thermally induced strain exceeds the ability of the sample to relax the creep strain developed under the effect of a thermal stress on the sample. They derive an equation to predict the incremental thermal stresses in the pavement structure. The model uses more fundamentalasphalt propertiesthan any other model that predicts low temperaturecracking. The model makes a correctionfor the creep of the mixture under the thermal stress. A summary of the model is given by Carpenter (1983) and Anderson, et al., (1989). • TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYMODEL (Lytton,et al., 1983) - This is a fracture-mechanicsapproach to study thermal fatigue cracking. The model is supportedby the computer programTHERM. Thermal fatigue is defined as fatigue caused by thermal cycling below 75°F (25°C). The model requiresdaily temperaturedata and climatic factors, such as solar radiation,air temperatureand wind speed, to calculatethe temperaturedistributionin the surface layer from the modified Barber equation. The stiffnesstemperaturerelationshipof the asphalt concrete is obtained using a computerizedversion of the van der Poel nomogram from the standard asphalt cement and mixture characterizationvalues. The model provides an option for aging the asphalt concrete. Under one option, the entire thickness of asphalt 65 concrete is aged, while under the second option, only the upper .5 I in. of surface layer is aged. In the model, the thermal stresses are not compared directly with the tensile strengthsto identifythe onset of a thermal crack. The principlesof viscoelasticfracture mechanics are used to accumulatedamage under repeated temperaturecycles. Miner's hypothesisis used to accumulatethe damage produced by any one cycle. The coefficientof thermal contractioncannot be specified in this model. This is a significantshortcomingbecause the coefficientof thermal contractionis an importantparameter. • UNIVERSITYOF TEXAS MODEL (Shahinand McCullough, 1972) - This model, supportedby the computer program TC-], is the first practical representationof low temperaturecracking combined with thermal fatigue cracking. It also incorporatesa treatmentof the statistical variabilityof materials. The temperaturesin the pavement structureare calculatedwith the modified Barber equation using average temperatureand climate data for the location being analyzed. The input data can includeair temperature,wind velocity, solar radiation,asphalt concrete thermal propertiesand depth below the pavement surface. The stiffnessrelationshipsin the model are obtained by indirectestimation(i.e., using the van der Poel (1954) nomogram and later modified by Heukelom and Klomp (1964)). The procedure to calculatethermal stresses involves the testing of an actual sample in the thermal-stresssituation using only the average parametersthat might be expected in the field. Probabilistic methods are used to predict whether the thermal stresses exceed the mixture strength and, therefore,the probabilityof occurrenceof low temperaturecracking. The thermal fatigue module in the mode] 66 uses the standard load-fatiguerelationshipand Miner's hypothesis to accumulatethe damage associatedwith one thermal cycle. The program incorporatesaging equationsin an attempt to predict the aging characteristicsof the asphaltcement. Carpenter (1983) and Anderson, et al., (1989) provide a good summary of the model. 4.2 Input and Output Data for MechanisUcModels A summary of input and output data for thermal crackingmodels given by Anderson, et al., (1989) is reproducedin Table I. It is of interest to note that the thermal stress versus temperaturerelationshipis not input directly in any model. 67 Table I. Summary of Input and Output Data for Low-Temperature.Cracking Models (modifiedafter Anderson,et al., 1989) Properties TC-I COLD THERM Ruth INPUTS: Stiffnessof Original Asphalt vs. Temperature (LoadingTime = 20,000 s using McLeod's version of Van der Poel's nomograph) Asphalt Stiffnessvs. Temperature, Van der Poel's nomograph as modified by Heukelom and Klomp Loading Time = 20,000 s Loading Time = 7,200 s X X X Static CompressionModulus of Mixture vs. Mix Viscosity X Asphalt Specific Gravity X Original Penetrationat 77°F (25°C) X X X X Original Penetrationat 41°F (25°C) Original SofteningPoint of the Asphalt, °F X Thin Film Oven Test, Weight Loss and Retained Penetration X VolumetricConcentrationof the Aggregate PenetrationIndex: Penetrationat 77°F (25°C) and Kinematic Viscosityat 275°F (135°C) X X X X X Absolute Viscosity vs. Temperature (Schweyer rheometer) X Indirect Tensile Strength vs. Temperature (0.01 in./min) (0.25 mm/min) Linear Thermal Coefficient Contraction X X of Expansion/ X Thermal Coefficient of Expansion/ Contraction vs. Temperature X Thermal Fatigue X Constants X Surface Absorptivity X X X Mix Conductivity X X X Mix Specific X X X X X X Heat Mix Density 68 Table I. Summary of Input and Output Data for Low-TemperatureCracking Models (modifiedafter Anderson,et al., 1989) Properties TC-I Emissivity ConnectionCoefficient COLD THERM Ruth X X Age Thickness X X Winter Design Temperature Moisture Content X X X X X Wind Velocity X X Average Temperature X X Yearly TemperatureRange X X Daily TemperatureRange (CoolingRate) Solar Radiation X X X X X X Subgrade Type OUTPUTS: Cracking Index with Time X Area Cracking with Time X Critical Temperatureat which Cracking Occurs X 69 X 5.0 EVALUATION OF TEST METHODS AND PROPOSED TEST PROGRAM 5.1 Evaluation of Test Methods Eight test were evaluated systems/methods were identified in terms of the following in Section 3.0. These methods criteria: 1) Simulation of field conditions 2) Application of test 3) Suitability for aging and moisture conditioning 4) Potential 5) Ease of conduct 6) Cost of equipment results to mechanistic models to accommodatelarge stone mixes A summaryof the evaluation is given in Table 2. are given in their relative order of importance with respect to meeting the overall of the project. objectives The criteria The most important criterion listed above is to identify a test that relates as closely as possible to the field conditions that are being considered. Only two of the test methods actually simulate the field conditions, namely, the thermal stress restrainedspecimen test and the coefficientof expansionand contractiontest. The remainingmethods provide (1) lowtemperaturestress-straincharacteristicsof an asphalt concrete specimen and, when the specimen fails during loading, the tensile strength,or (2) an energy release rate fracture mechanics parameter,but these propertiesare only indirectmeasures of the response of the mix to cooling. The results obtained from the load-deformationtests indirectlyare applicablefor use in mechanisticmodels. The designator "indirectlyapplicable" is given because the results from these tests often support the determi- 70 i u 0 .... o-,.-" ,.- _._ .... g_: "0 I _ f. _ "- _o O_ 0 w "0 ._ "Jr I_ Q_ Q; Q) _- • "r ca) ._o_ _ _"-_ _.- 4-i e- cn O • Of-- Of-. _ • cu_ 01 _ _ 0 I o.-_ _.,,-o. .g.E - -o _ = e- ¢_ 0 • • ®_ "0 I • m- "0 I S- O) =IE: I_ _ ,,,Jr"e.,- _ _ _ _ e" _ "1_ Q) o. J-- Q.. m O; Q_ Q)-_ ...: .,.,.__ e___ "_" I_ _ e" e'- "r- ",r- ® "0 0 _ e" "r- _ "0 0 0 • "0 0 _ 0 _ 0 O_ _) G} O_ "0 I QJ t. "0 "10 I a; Q; Q; O; S. • m _ "at" 0'1 _ 3_ 0 0 >,cu .--I _ _ n_ _ "0 0 Z .¢,j • 0 o o. cu _ _ "0 0 _ I ,,,Jr-0,1 e_ e- _ 0 _ o ._ o..EN° o Q} 0 k _-'_ Q) _ c: 0 '_ " _ .,_ Q; O f- f-"_ _ _ ,,_ _" •_--. "O I e0 -o _ = 0 l..._ Q; Q; _ •- 'o._ °" K_ ,.-,-. _.. i _,- _ "_ 0 "Z_ 0 _ - o 0 ,•-, "_ _'_ _.-_ ,. _o o o o _ o >.. o z >- ;_oo > - .,: £ % ._" .... (l_ "-¢- .... ¢" ¢f_ .,IJ oo = oo a._. L) _ ¢_ e- _-® "°_C o._ ._ ._ ._ L _ ._ • ._ ._ _ L _o 0 0 , " "c: ; =' .-_--_-_ OJ Q,) OJ_a <_ _ 0 0 0 _ • , - _'_ (..)0 0 . ._ c- 0 _ _: - ; _-= "- < OJ ¢J) tt:} _4o i-'I--- "" .o _ _ I-- _ _ La_ 71 _ _ , _ _- nation of the thermal stress/temperaturerelationship(re. Figure 4 and equation (I)), but they are not a direct measure of this relationship. The coefficientof thermal contractionalso is indirectlyapplicablesince it is multipliedby the temperaturechange and stiffnessmodulus to arrive at the thermal stress relationship(re. equation (I)). In many of the models, the coefficientof thermal contractionis assumed. The results from the fracture mechanics tests (i.e. three-pointbend and C*-line integral)also are indirectly applicableto a mechanisticmodel as fracture is induced by an applied load and not with a temperaturedrop or cycling. The only results directly applicableto the existing mechanisticmodels are the thermal stress versus temperaturerelationshipobtained in a thermal stress restrainedspecimen test. However, the models that presently are available do not allow this relationshipto be input, as the algorithmsdeveloped to support the models calculatethe relationshipfrom indirect measurements of thermal response or propertiesof the asphalt cement. Further, the results from thermal cycling experimentsconductedwith the thermal stress restrainedspecimen test system will support future thermal fatigue models. The assessmentof the suitabilityof the test method for aging and moisture conditioningis speculative. Those test methods that could employ cylindrical specimensare believed to be moderatelysuitable for aging and moisture conditioning;the flexural bending test uses a rectangularbeam specimen,which has low suitabilityfor aging and moisture conditioning. For all practical purposes,the tensile creep test and flexural bending tests presently are not used by practitioners/researchers to determine low temperaturetensile stress/strainand strength characteristicsof asphalt concrete mixes. A considerationof the potentialto accommodatelarge stone mixes (maximumaggregate particle size greater than I in.) arises from the current 72 trend to use these to reduce rutting. All of the test methods identifiedcan accommodatelarge stone mixes or could be easily modified to accommodatelarge stone mixes, except the fracture mechanicstest methods. The three-pointbend specimen test presently is limited to specimenswith a fine aggregateand the C*-line integral test is limited to a maximum aggregate size of 3/4 in. All of the test methods are relativelyeasy to conduct, except the threepoint bend specimen and C*-line integral. These are identifiedas difficult and moderate, respectively,owing to the requirementto notch the specimen and monitor the rate of crack propagationduring the conduct of the test. The test proceduresfor the load deformationtests (i.e., indirectdiametral and direct tension, tensile creep, and flexural bending) are well-establishedand documented. With respect to indirectdiametraland direct tension, the test equipment associatedwith the test methods is in routine use in many laboratories. The test equipment for tensile creep, flexural bending, thermal stress, and coefficientof expansion/contraction is not routinely used by many laboratories. The test proceduresfor the three-pointbend specimen tests are documented,but are in the first generationof use. The cost of the test equipmentis moderate, that is, from $10,000 to $30,000 (1989 cost estimate). The cost of the coefficientof thermal expansion/contraction equipment is low, that is, under $10,000 (1989 cost estimate). These cost estimatesreflect a temperature-controlbath or chamber as a part of the test system. 5.2 Proposed Test Program Based on the evaluationof the test systems/methodspresented in section 5.1, it would appear that four test systems/methodswarrant further consideration in a laboratorytest program, as follows: 73 I) Direct Tension-ConstantRate of Extensiontest 2) Thermal Stress RestrainedSpecimen test 3) C*-Line Integral test 4) Coefficientof Thermal Expansionand Contractiontest The proposed test programs for the several preliminaryevaluationsare listed in Table 3. The details of the experimentaltreatmentsare given in Tables 4-8. All tests associatedwith the fractionalor full factorialdesigns noted will be replicatedto provide the desired precision in the test results. The indirectdiametral tension, thermal stress restrainedspecimen, and coefficientof thermal expansion/contraction tests will be conducted at Oregon State University. Thermal stress restrainedspecimen and coefficientof thermal expansion/contractiontests also will be conducted at USA CRREL. Direct tension-constantrate of extensiontests will be conducted at the Universityof Waterloo. This program will be expanded to include other asphalts and aggregatesand moisture and aging conditioningat a later date. 74 Table 3. Proposed Test Programs for the PreliminaryEvaluation of Test Systems/Methods. Type of System Table Design Fraction Number of Main Effects and Two-Factor Interactions Direct Tension Constant Rate of Expansion 4 25-1-31 I/2 27 Thermal Stress Retained Specimen 5 2B-I I/2 21 Thermal Fatigue Retained Specimen 6 2s Full 15 C*-Line Integral 7 I/2 27 Coefficientof Thermal Expansionand Contraction 8 Full 10 2s-I.31 24 Table 4. Test and Material Variables for Load-DeformationTests. Variable Type Number to be Considered Deformationrate Test 2 Temperature Test 3 Aggregates Material 2 Air void content Material 2 Asphalt cement Material 4 Asphalt content Material ] Aging Material I Moisture conditioning Material I 75 Table 5. Test and Material Variablesfor Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Tests. Variable Type Number to be Considered Cooling rate (5°C/hr and 20°C/hr) Test 2 Cooling rate w/relaxation (@ -15°C and -25°C) Test 2 Aggregate Material 2 Air void content Material 2 Asphalt cement Material 4 Asphalt content Material 1 Aging Material 1 Moisture conditioning Material 1 Table 6. Test and Material Variablesfor Thermal Cycle Restrained Specimen Tests. Variable Type Number to be Considered Thermal cycle level Test 2 Aggregates Material 2 Air void content Material 2 Asphalt cement Material 4 Asphalt content Material 1 Aging Material I Moisture conditioning Material 1 76 Table 7. Test and Material Variables for C*-Line IntegralTests. Variable Type Number to be Considered Displacementrate Test 3 Temperature Test 2 Aggregates Material 2 Air void content Material 2 Asphalt cement Material 4 Asphalt content Material I Aging Material I Moisture conditioning Material I Table 8. Test and Material Variablesfor Coefficientof Thermal Expansion/Contraction Test. Variable Type Number to be Considered Cooling rate Test I Aggregates Material 2 Air void content Material 2 Asphalt cement Material 4 Asphalt content Material I Aging Material I Moisture conditioning Material I 77 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 AND RECOMMENDATIONS Preliminary Conclusions • Previous research to evaluate asphalt concrete mix properties relative to predictinglow temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking has included tests to characterizethe thermal properties (coefficient of thermal contraction,thermal conductivityand specific heat capacity),temperature-stress-strain-strength-fatigue-time relationship, and thermal stress-temperaturerelationship. • It may not be possible to derive all needed input parametersto an existing analyticalmodel with the test resuIts obtained from a single specimen. Further, it may not be possible to use the same specimen geometry in a test to evaluate thermal propertiescompared to a test to evaluate stress-strain-strength-time-fatigue properties. • Several low temperaturecracking models are available that would allow a sensitivityanalysis to be conducted to eliminate the requirementto measure one or more of the input parametersin the lab. This sensitivityanalysis should be coupled with the known range of many of the parametersthat are required for the models. 6.2 Recommendations • The test program identifiedunder section 5.2 should be conductedto provide a preliminaryevaluationof the suitabilityof selected test systems/methods(I) for standardization,and (2) to provide input parametersto mechanisticmodels for low temperatureand thermal fatigue cracking. 78 REFERENCES Abdulshafi,A. (1983a). "Viscoelastic/plastic characterization,rutting and fatigue of flexible pavements." Ph.D. thesis submittedto The Ohio State University. Abdulshafi,O. (1983b). 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