dataset category details Below is a detailed explanation of the

dataset categ o ry details
Below is a detailed explanation of the elements in each neighbourhood that were
inventoried during the Taking Stock phase of the Expressing Vibrancy project. In the
Taking Stock phase only elements on the street in focus (those within the BIA or main
commercial stretch) were counted, not the broader neighbourhood.
These items were counted and totaled for each area, then divided by the total number of
average blocks in the study area. This gives us a more comparable number that takes
into consideration the drastic difference in size from one study area to another.
In order to capture some of the character of the surrounding neighbourhood the Centre
for Community study gathered information on a number of factors within an 800 metre
radius of the study area. The items with be noted with “(800m)”.
natural elem ents
Combined total of trees per focus area on public and private property. Trees on public
property were counted individually, and trees on private grounds were counted per
Combined total of flower baskets per focus area on public and private property. Baskets
on public property were counted individually, while baskets on private grounds were
counted per property.
Combined total flower planters per focus area on public and private property. Flower
planters on public property were counted individually, while planters on private grounds
were counted per property.
Green Space (800m)
Combined total of parks, trails, playgrounds and public gardens including and within an
800-metre radius of the focus area.
Air quality
Data provided by Clean Air Hamilton, based on the Hamilton Neighbourhoods Mobile Air
Quality Study, 2011. Figured based on Air Quality Mortality Risk. A low the AQ Mortality
Risk rating gives a neighbourhood a high the Air Quality score.
Ethnic Centres
Total number of ethnic cultural centres per focus area. Centres visible from street level
that offer ethnic programming, events and/or social gathering spaces were included.
Ethic Businesses and Indicators
Total number of ethnic businesses, restaurants and indicators per focus area, visible
from street level. Indicators include flags, multilingual signage, etc.
Languages Spoken
Total number of non-official language respondents divided by total number of non-official
languages (NOL) spoken per neighbourhood. Data was obtained from the 2011
Canadian Census.
Creative Sector Diversity (CCI Diversity)
Percentage of categories with representation within the focus area based on 30 relevant
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) categories targeting the creative
and cultural sector.
Zoning Mix
Based on the percentage of available land parcels within 10 general zoning types
ranging from residential to industrial. Areas that allow for the broadest mix of uses over
the greatest number of parcels score highest.
creative eng ag em ent
Creative Businesses
Combined total of for-profit and not-for-profit creative and cultural businesses, industries
and organizations per focus area, visible from street level.
Public Facilities
Combined total of educational centres and institutions, recreational facilities, public
cultural facilities, and religious institutions per focus area, visible from street level.
Art in Public Spaces
Combined total of city sanctioned and privately commissioned art in public spaces, and
instances of graffiti per focus area. Graffiti was counted per location.
Festivals (800m)
Data gathered was a combination of event listings from the City of Hamilton Special
Event Advisory Team (SEAT), Tourism Hamilton and independently sourced information
via the Centre for Community Study for 2013. Events were separated by frequency into
two categories – annual events (ie. Supercrawl), and regularly recurring events (Movies
in the Park). Equal weighting was given to each category.
Social (800m)
Combined total of places of worship, learning and community centres, museums and
libraries, and theater and performance spaces including and within an 800-metre radius
from the focus area.
access to info rm atio n
Commercial information
Combined total of billboards, businesses and/or restaurants with hours of operation
posted, menus visible from street level, and washroom and/or WIFI availability per focus
Community information
Combined total of storefronts and poles with cultural information posted, and newspaper
vending boxes per focus area.
Neighbourhood Signage
Combined total of Business Improvement Area (BIA), community, and different styles of
street name signage per focus area.
Safety Signage
Total number of community and pedestrian safety signs per focus area.
urban desig n
Vacant Buildings
Total number of properties listed on the City of Hamilton’s Vacant Building Registry per
focus area as of March 2014.
Heritage Buildings
Combined total of listed and designated heritage properties per focus area, in
accordance with City of Hamilton’s Heritage Planning data. Designated buildings
received two points, while listed building receive one.
Combined total of bike locks and lanes, street parking and parking lot spaces,
crosswalks, crosswalk bumpouts, and bus stops focus area. Items were grouped
together accordingly and weighted evenly.
Combined total of audible crosswalks and instances of urban braille per focus area.
Combined total of garbage receptacles and recycling bins on public and private property
per focus area. Private property receptacles were for public use (ie. outside a fast food
restaurant facing public space)
Street Furnishings
Combined total of tables and chairs, benches and lampposts on public and private
property per focus area.