Equilibrium With Water

NCSU – Dept. of Chemistry – Lecture Demonstrations
Equilibrium With Water
Description: The concept of dynamic equilibrium is demonstrated by adding and
removing water from two beakers.
Food coloring
2 4-L beakers
2 400 mL beakers
1. Fill one of the 4-L beakers with 2-3 L of water. Add a few drops of food
coloring for a better visual. This beaker will play the role of “reactants”.
The other beaker will remain empty and will hold the “products”.
2. Using two volunteers, assign one to a “reactants” beaker and the other to
a “products” beaker. Have the volunteers simultaneously scoop a beaker
full of material from their respective 4-L beaker and add those contents to
the other 4-L beaker. The “reactants” student will add 400 mL to the
“products” 4-L beaker and the “products” student will add 0 mL to the
“reactants” 4-L beaker. Repeat until equilibrium is reached.
3. Alternatively, to represent a faster rate of forward reaction, the “reactants”
student can use a larger beaker than the “products” student.
Discussion: This demonstration is helpful to illustrate the concept that
equilibrium occurs when the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the
same, not when the reaction has stopped.
Briggs, M. W. “Teaching Chemical Equilibrium Using a Macro Level Analogy.”
2006 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education.