New LFM Register datasheet

LFM Register
Register individual scans into a fully
coordinated framework easily.
Registration is the process by which individual 3D laser scans are
transformed into a uniform project coordinate system. As 3D laser
scanners have evolved to more portable and affordable devices,
projects are getting larger. Some laser scanning projects contain
several thousands of scans, and, as always, the registration process
is project critical.
It is vital that this process should be achieved rapidly, reliably and,
above all, accurately.
LFM Register™ is unique and extremely powerful. It allows users to take
raw data from individual scan positions and bring them together into a
fully coordinated framework faster and more efficiently than any other
package. Data registered in LFM can be used with packages from other
laser scanning software vendors.
Not only does LFM Register ensure accurate registration, but it is so
innovative that it saves the user time in the office and in the field.
Research has proved that some of the features contained in LFM
Register lead to higher levels of accuracy. For instance, trials have shown
that as much as 50% less control work may be needed when using the
bundle adjustment feature.
Business Benefits
Automated and rapid
registration process.
Detailed registration
reporting and analysis.
Intuitive registration process
in the BubbleView™.
Traffic lights metrics
automatically show accuracy
of registration.
Register scans without the
use of targets.
With Target Prediction the user only needs to locate one or two targets in the scan data and
LFM Register automatically fits and locates the remaining ones.
Key Features
Automatic registration
With Target Prediction the user only needs to
locate one or two targets in the scan data, and LFM
Register automatically locates and fits the remaining
ones. This process is mirrored with respect to
identification / naming of the targets. Although the
Target Prediction algorithm would normally base its
predictions on a control survey, when there is little or
no control survey present, it will incrementally create
its own control for this purpose.
Bundle adjustment
With bundle adjustment, the location of a target is
considered from every scan position. A mean
average of its location is then taken before a scan is
re-registered. This process is continually repeated,
resulting in increased accuracy in the
registration process.
Bundle adjustment leads to higher levels of accuracy that, until now,
have been associated with traditional survey instruments
Bundle adjustment allows the user to save time in the
field whilst still producing high quality results.
Traffic lights metrics
Green, amber and red lights provide a measure of
quality of fit against a user-defined threshold.
Inter-cloud registration
Laser scanning is a complex process and precise
registration relies on being able to see at least three
good targets in each scan. Inevitably, on a large
project, there will be some scans with only a single
visible target. The solution to this is provided by the
simple-to-use, inter-cloud registration.
Target Prediction accurately predicts the location of simple survey
This feature allows the user to register scans
accurately without the use of targets. It is very useful
for small projects or on larger projects where there
may be only one visible target, or even none at
all. Inter-cloud registration refines the registration
between the sets of image data until a perfect
fit is achieved.
Quality registration report
Detailed registration reporting and analysis can now
be conducted in LFM Register. This report can be
downloaded as a deliverable in order to
demonstrate that registration meets the clients
accuracy requirements.
Read multiple laser scan formats
Import laser scan data from all the major scanner
vendors. Even if the hardware system changes, the
software solution does not have to.
With Auto-Targets™, the whole registration process can be automated,
removing the need for an intervening operator
Scan data imported into LFM Register is relevant
throughout the entire LFM Software portfolio.
LFM Software Limited, an AVEVA Group company
LFM Software Limited believes the information in this publication is correct as of its publication date. As part of continued product
development, such information is subject to change without prior notice and is related to the current software release. LFM Software
Limited is not responsible for any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Information in this datasheet relates to product version 3.97 unless otherwise stated.
Copyright 2012 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. LFM/RGS/DS/12
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