Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido Vice President for Human Resources/Chief Human Resources Officer Office of Equity & Inclusion Erin Ellison Director Employee Assistance Office Employee Wellness Jillian McManus Senior Director Organizational Health and Development Benefits Design & Management Judith Cato Director Client services Employee Service Center Audrey Dumouchel-Jones Director Jen (Treu) Haughn Director Katie Aguilar Assistant to the VP Leadership & workforce development & HR Communications Cory Dillon Director Analytics & Decision Support Robin Gonzalez Director Compensation Carol Hurst Director Recruitment & Selection Dan Klug Director Revised 08-08-16 ASU Office of Human Resources Analytics & Decision Support Robin Gonzalez Director Liz Wake Planning Analyst Principal Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer VACANT Tech Support Analyst OHR UNITS John (Mike) Reuter HR Data Analyst Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Benefits Design & Management VACANT Administrative Associate Judith Cato Director Benefits, Retirement & Team Support Workers’ Compensation Claims Records Management BENEFITS DESIGN & COMPLIANCE Program & System Design Policy Update Plan & Legislative Compliance Communications & Documentation Analytics, Reporting & Plan Accounting (DTA) PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Joanna Surveyor Manager, Benefits Administration Benefits & Retirement Plan Administration Leaves Management & Data Benefits Partners for Customer Service & Consultation BENEFITS SYSTEMS & DATA MANAGEMENT Nancy Attwell Senior Benefits Consultant Sandra Minor Benefits Consultant VACANT Benefits Consultant Benefits & Retirement Enrollment Production (Benefits, Retirement & Payroll Processing) HRIS Configuration & System Interfaces System Troubleshooting & Audits Customer Service Rachel Montoya Senior Benefits Administrator Kristine Urquieta Benefits Administrator Shanna Lewis Benefits Data Analyst Patricia Fox Benefits Administrator Tamara Turner Benefits Data Analyst Ariane Brobst Benefits Administrator Carole Taylor Senior Benefits Data Analyst Loretta Coates Benefits Consultant Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Client Services Tempe and Polytechnic campuses Downtown and West campuses Jen (Treu) Haughn Director Sly Simons HR Consultant Senior Elena Moshinsky HR Generalist Audrey Dumouchel-Jones Director Jackie Miller HR Consultant Senior Carolyn Fritz HR Operational Representative Margot Monroe HR Consultant Senior Find Your HR Partner Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Compensation Carol Hurst Director Michael Forhan Compensation Consultant Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Employee Assistance Office Employee Wellness Jillian McManus Senior Director Organizational Health and Development Melissa Jones Administrative Assistant Employee Wellness Liz Badalamenti Program Manager Shelly Christy Counselor Amber Wonder Counselor Lacey Collom Clinical Intern Employee Assistance Office Well Devils News Screenings Flu Shots Health Education Anthony Herrera Student Worker Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Employee Service Center Jen (Treu) Haughn Director Audrey Dumouchel-Jones Director Catherine Davidson Manager, HR Customer Services Ask HR Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Office of Equity & Inclusion Janina Kokins Administrative Associate Erin Ellison Director Beverly Walker Senior EEO Consultant Norma Abbl Senior EEO Consultant Danielle Bercovici ADA Consultant Title IX Coordinator | ADA Coordinator | Affirmative Action | Equal Opportunity Employer Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Leadership & Workforce Development & HR Communications Cory Dillon Director Linda Uhley Program Coordinator Sr. Pamela Brooks Organizational Development Consultant Kristen Young Teaching and Learning Specialist Recognition and Reward New Employee Orientation Leadership Development, OE Consulting, Coaching Online Learning Staff Development Teresa Gomez Operations Support Coordinator Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications ASU Office of Human Resources Recruitment & Selection Dan Klug Director Allison Walas HR Employment Analyst Irmalinda Christian Office Specialist Senior Christina Scichilone HR Recruitment Coordinator Nicola Johnson-Clague HR Recruitment Coordinator Delicia Cabantoy HR Specialist Recruitment & Selection Training | Postings, Hiring, Waiver Approvals | Background/Fingerprinting Office of Human Resources Kevin Salcido, Associate Vice President and Chief HR Officer OHR UNITS Analytics Compensation Equity Benefits EAO Recruitment Client Services ESC Talent/Communications