SIXTH DRAFT [GENERIC] RAW WATER SUPPLY AND USE AGREEMENT e n te red into b e twe en DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY and [-] WATER BOARD FOR THE [-]SYSTEM SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1. 2. INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................... 1 RECORDAL .................................................................................................................... 4 PART B: TERM AND CO-OPERATION .......................................................................................... 5 3. CONTRACT TERM .......................................................................................................... 5 5. CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE – [________] BULK RAW WATER FORUM .......... 6 4. MUTUAL SUPPORT AND CO............................................................................................ 5 PART C: INTEGRATED ASPECTS ................................................................................................. 7 6. THE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 7 8. INTEGRATED WATER SUPPLY PLANNING ......................................................................... 7 7. 9. 10. YIELD OF THE SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 7 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 8 OTHER USERS ............................................................................................................ 9 PART D: WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND ...................................................................................... 9 11. WATER USE ................................................................................................................ 9 13. RESTRICTIONS TO SUPPLY ........................................................................................ 10 12. ASSURANCE OF SUPPLY ............................................................................................ 10 14. INTERRUPTIONS TO SUPPLY ..................................................................................... 11 16. MEASUREMENT OF WATER SUPPLY ........................................................................... 11 15. 17. CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY .......................................................................................... 11 WATER DEMAND ...................................................................................................... 13 PART E: INFRASTRUCTURE ...................................................................................................... 13 18. ACCESS ................................................................................................................... 13 20. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................. 14 19. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................... 13 PART F: WATER USE CHARGES ................................................................................................. 14 21. PAYING FOR WATER SUPPLY ..................................................................................... 14 22. WATER USE CHARGES .............................................................................................. 15 24. PAYMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................. 16 23. WATER QUALITY ...................................................................................................... 16 PART G: LIABILITY, BREACH and FORCE MAJEURE ..................................................................... 17 25. 26. EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS FOR DIRECT DAMAGES .................................. 17 DISPUTES ................................................................................................................. 17 PART H: GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 17 27. FAILURE TO REACH AGREEMENT .............................................................................. 17 29. GOVERNING LAW ..................................................................................................... 18 28. SEVERABILITY .......................................................................................................... 17 30. SUCCESSION AND ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................... 18 32. WHOLE AGREEMENT................................................................................................. 19 31. 33. 34. DOMICILIUM CITANDI ET EXECUTANDI ..................................................................... 18 COSTS ..................................................................................................................... 19 COUNTERPARTS....................................................................................................... 20 ANNEXURES Annexure [A] – Supply Areas of DWAF and of Water Board [Footprint]…………….…………………21 Annexure [B] – Annual Allocation for the Yield of the System .………………………………………..22 Annexure [C] – Integrated Water Supply System……………...…………………………………………...23 Annexure [D] – Long Term Demand Projections…………………………………………………………...24 SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 Annexure [E] - Water Use Charges……………………………………………………………………………..25 Annexure [F1] – The User’s Existing Water Use Authorisations …………………………………………26 Annexure [F2] – The User’s Existing Lawful Water Use…..….…………………………………………….27 Annexure [G] – Assurance of Water Supply for the User…………………………………………………..27 Annexure [H] – Quality of Raw Water…..………………………………………………………………………28 SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 1 Sixth Draft PART A: INTRODUCTION 1. INTERPRETATION 1.1 Where any expression is defined in the National Water Act No. 36 of 1998, unless the context shows that another meaning is intended, it shall have a similar meaning. In this Contract the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and the following expressions bear the meanings assigned to them below: 1.1.1 “assurance of supply” means the probability, expressed as a percentage, that a water user will obtain its water requirements or a portion thereof without water restrictions; 1.1.2 “contract” means this agreement, and includes the annexures to this agreement; 1.1.3 “Co-operative Governance Structure” means the formal structure through which DWAF shall consult and collaborate with the USER, regarding the implementation of this agreement, being the Bulk Raw Water Forum as more fully set out in Clause 5; 1.1.4 “CPI-X” means the weighted average of the Consumer Price Index (Headline inflation) excluding mortgage interest rates for metropolitan and other urban areas as published by the Statistics South Africa from time to time; 1.1.5 “DWAF” means the national Department of Water Affairs and Forestry of the Government of the Republic of South Africa; 1.1.6 “Ecological Water Requirements” or “EWR” means the water flow requirements in a river reach that should be maintained to comply with the ecological reserve, as defined in Part 3 of the National Water Act [previously referred to as the Instream Flow Requirement] ; 1.1.7 “effective date” means the date of signature of the Contract or [-], whichever is the sooner; SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 1.1.8 Page 2 Sixth Draft “force majeure" means any relevant event, occurrence, circumstance or condition (including viz major, causus fortuitus or act of state) beyond the control of the parties which could not have been reasonably foreseen when the Contract was entered into and which, despite the exercise of diligent efforts, could not have been prevented, limited or minimized and which results in either of the parties not being able to fulfill its duties and obligations in terms of the Contract, excluding drought; 1.1.9 “government water work” means government waterwork as defined in the National Water Act; 1.1.10 “Integrated Water Resource Management” or “IWRM” means a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems to minimise impact on the environment; 1.1.11 "Minister" means the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry of the national government of the Republic of South Africa; 1.1.12 "MFMA” means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003; 1.1.13 “National Water Act" means the National Water Act, No. 36 of 1998; 1.1.14 "parties" means DWAF and the USER; 1.1.15 “Planning Model” means a model as contemplated in section 13.2 with the purpose to analytically quantify the capability of dynamic changing water resource systems, determine operating rules and schedule the implementation of development options using network systems and a practical allocation strategy; 1.1.16 "Pricing Strategy" means the Pricing Strategy for Raw Water Use Charges established in terms of section 56(1) of the National Water Act by the Minister acting in concurrence with the Minister of Finance, published in Government Gazette No. 1353 dated 12 November 1999, as may be amended or replaced; SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 3 Sixth Draft 1.1.17 “resource strategy” means the National Water Resource Strategy, First Edition, September 2004 compiled in accordance with section 5(1) of the National Water Act published in Government Gazette No. 27199 dated 28 January 2005, as may be amended or replaced; 1.1.18 "responsible authority" means the Minister or a Catchment Management Agency, as the case may be, as defined in section 1 of the National Water Act; 1.1.19 “the System” is a collection of government water schemes plus the water resources of the catchments that feed the government water schemes; 1.1.20 “third party user” means a user of water from the System other than the User; 1.1.21 “USER” means [-] Water Board; 1.1.22 “user sectors" means the water user sectors referred to in the Pricing Strategy; 1.1.23 “water” means raw water extracted or supplied from the System in terms of any authorisation; 1.1.24 “Water Demand Management means the implementation of strategies which manage water usage from a raw water abstraction point through the treatment process, bulk distribution and reticulation to the end consumer in order to influence demand and promote the efficient, effective and sustainable utilisation of water as a scarce resource; 1.1.25 “water requirements” means the annual average water use schedule for water users listed in Table B1 in Annexure B: Annual Allocation for the Yield of the System; 1.1.26 " water use charges” means a charge imposed in terms of Part 1 of Chapter 5 of the National Water Act and in accordance with the Pricing Strategy; 1.1.27 “water use efficiency” means the optimal utilisation of available water using acceptable best practices and benchmarks as measure; SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 4 Sixth Draft 1.1.28 “Water Services Act" means the Water Services Act, No. 108 of 1997; and 1.1.29 "yield" means the maximum annual abstraction from the System at a % assurance of water supply after provision for the environmental water requirements [EWR]. 1.2 Any reference to an enactment is to that enactment as at the date of signature hereof and as amended or re-enacted from time to time. 1.3 If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision conferring rights or imposing obligations on any party, notwithstanding that it is only in the definition clause, effect shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in the body of the Contract. 1.4 When any number of days is prescribed in this Contract, the number days shall be reckoned exclusively of the first and inclusively of the last day unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, in which case the last day shall be the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. 1.5 Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is any conflict between the two, the words shall prevail. Expressions defined in this Contract shall bear the same meanings in schedules or annexures to this Contract which do not themselves contain their own definitions. 1.6 Where any term is defined within the context of any particular clause in this Contract, the term so defined, unless it is clear from the clause in question that the term so defined has limited application to the relevant clause, shall bear the meaning ascribed to it for all purposes in terms of this Contract, notwithstanding that that term has not been defined in this interpretation clause. 1.7 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Contract (excluding the annexures), and the provisions of any of the annexures, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail. 2. RECORDAL 2.1 The supply areas of DWAF and the [____] Water Board are set out in Annexure [A]. 2.2 The System is an integrated water supply system as defined in clause 1.1.19 and as described in more detail in Annexure [C]. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 5 Sixth Draft 2.3 DWAF is the national government department responsible to the Minister for ensuring that Government Water Works are constructed, operated and maintained in such a manner as to supply raw water for use. 2.4 In the Pricing Strategy effect is given to the National Water Act approach that at least the full financial cost of supplying water should be recovered from water users. 2.5 DWAF and the USER wish to enter into an agreement in respect of the supply of water by DWAF to the USER from the System, and in respect of the imposition of water use charges on the USER in relation to the use of water from the System. PART B: TERM AND CO-OPERATION 3. CONTRACT TERM 3.1 This Contract shall come into effect on the Effective date and shall endure until: (a) the parties negotiate a replacement contract; or (b) the parties reasonably terminate the Contract by agreement. 3.2 If any authorisation required by the User, expires, the contract provisions in respect of such expired authorisation will be renegotiated by the parties. 4. MUTUAL SUPPORT AND CO-OPERATION 4.1 The parties undertake at all times to do all such things, perform all such actions and take all such steps as may be open to them and necessary or incidental to the putting into effect or maintenance of the terms, conditions and import of this Contract. 4.2 The parties shall at all times co-operate with each other to facilitate the prompt and successful completion of their obligations in terms of this contract. 4.3 Because of the integrated nature of the System, the parties acknowledge the need to interact in an ongoing consultative and collaborative manner, through Governance Structures and in compliance with this Contract and in line with the principle of cooperative government set out in: 4.3.1 Chapter 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No. 108 of 1996; and SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 4.3.2 5. 5. Page 6 Sixth Draft the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act No. 13 of 2005. CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE – [NAME] BULK RAW WATER FORUM 5.1 In terms of this agreement a co-operative governance structure is established known as the [__________] Bulk Raw Water Forum. 5.2 The objective of the Forum is to facilitate the implementation of the contract and to ensure that there is continual sharing of information between the parties. 5.3 The Forum shall comprise:5.3.1 a number of representatives of [ ] Water comprising at least one [1] Board Member and one [1] senior official; and 5.3.2 a number of representatives of DWAF. 5.4 The functions of the Forum shall inter alia be:5.4.1 to co-ordinate, facilitate and mediate the implementation and execution of this contract; 5.4.2 to collate and disseminate information; 5.4.3 to promote water conservation and water demand management; and 5.4.4 to do planning in a consultative and transparant manner as contemplated in clause 8.3; 5.4.5 to consult on possible significant changes in the water use and allocation as contemplated in clause 11.2; 5.4.6 to consult on possible water restrictions as contemplated in clause 13; 5.4.7 to consult on possible interruptions of water supply as contemplated in clause 14; 5.4.8 to consult on augmentation of the system as contemplated in clause 19(1); 5.4.9 to consult on the water quality objectives contemplated in clause 23(1); and 5.4.10 to perform such other functions as the members might deem necessary for the implementation of this contract. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 7 Sixth Draft 5.5 The representatives of the Forum undertake to make themselves available to each other and facilitate communication between the parties. They will agree on the terms of reference between themselves at their first meeting, which shall be called by DWAF within one [1] month of the effective date. 5.6 DWAF shall be responsible for convening the initial meeting of the Forum. 5.7 The quarterly meetings shall be convened by the [___] Water Board in consultation with the chairperson of the Forum. PART C: INTEGRATED ASPECTS 6. THE SYSTEM 6.1 6.2 On the Effective date, the System or, if it is more than one System, the Systems, is as described in Annexure [C]. The parties acknowledge that the water resources of the System(s) should be operated, utilised and managed with the objective of benefiting all water users. 7. YIELD OF THE SYSTEM 7.1 DWAF shall at any such time as may be reasonably necessary, determine the yield of the System by updating the hydrological records and shall use appropriate techniques or an agreed model in making such a determination. 7.2 In the event that the available yield of the System is over-allocated, at any time, DWAF shall be obliged to consult the USER, and each user sector in determining appropriate measures to redress such over-allocation. 7.3 It is accepted by the Parties that the water requirements of the USER presented in Annexure [D]: Long Term Demand Projections, shall be used as a basis for the planning, operation and management of the System. 7.4 The Reserve of the System is determined to meet the existing needs of existing users. If in the future, the demand from the Ecological Reserve is increased, DWAF shall manage it in such a way as to reasonably mitigate the economic consequences on the USER and the user sectors. Implementation of augmentation of the Ecological Reserve will be undertaken in a consultative manner. 8. INTEGRATED WATER SUPPLY PLANNING 8.1 The parties recognise the need for, and support, integrated water supply planning. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 8.2 Page 8 Sixth Draft In accordance with sections 5-7 of the National Water Act, the Minister, is responsible for compiling total demand scenarios of all users from the System. The appropriate planning model and the National Water Resource Strategy shall serve as the basis for all short and long term water resource planning. 8.3 DWAF shall undertake its planning in a consultative and transparent manner, through the Co-operative Governance Structure. 8.4 The USER has provided its 20 year long term demand projections for extractions from the System as set out in Annexure [D]. 8.5 The USER shall provide DWAF with, as accurate as possible, annual forecasts of its water use, and its assumptions and calculations underlying the scenarios, including projections as to the impact of demand management together with its business plan prepared, adopted and submitted in terms of section 40 of the Water Services Act during June each year. 8.6 Every November the USER must provide DWAF with a reconciliation of actual water use and the reasons for deviations between the forecast in the previous business plans and actual water use. 9. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 9.1 The Parties shall record and maintain a complete record of compliance to its contractual duties and obligations by the use of appropriate information systems and information technology and suitable hard copy storage. 9.2 Each party shall have the reasonable right to use and access all plans, manuals, databases, inventories, surveys, financial and other records and analyses compiled by the other party in accordance with this Contract or in the other party’s possession both during the Contract Term and for at least 5 (five) years after termination of this Contract. 9.3 The parties will in the execution of its functions in terms of the agreement adhere to policies on information management and information technology as referred to in section 7(3) of the State Information Technology Agency Act No. 88 of 1998. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 10. Page 9 Sixth Draft OTHER USERS 10.1 DWAF shall enter into supply agreements of a similar nature to this one with all users of more than [xyz] million cubic meters of water per annum from the System. All other users shall be controlled through permit and license conditions. 10.2 Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, the supply agreements with other users shall – 10.2.1 state the applicable assurances of supply, specifically agreed with a user, as well as the operating rules for water restrictions; 10.2.2 require users to supply DWAF, at appropriate intervals, with historical, current and projected long-term water demand curves; 10.2.3 contain commitments by users to actively promote and implement measures to ensure that water is used efficiently and that wastage is minimised; 10.2.4 provide for revisions of the projections referred to in clause 10.2.1, and should set out the basis of determining water use charges, as set out in Annexure [E]; and 10.2.5 include mechanisms for users to be consulted in respect of allocations for additional water use, or additional water required to guarantee any increased level of supply assurance. 10.3 DWAF shall, when considering licences for other users, inter alia also take into account the factors set out in clauses 10.2.1 to 10.2.5. PART D: WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND 11. WATER USE 11.1 The USER’s existing water use and existing lawful water use at the effective date and the conditions pertaining to the use of water by the USER are respectively set out in Annexure [F1], the User’s Existing Water Use and Annexure [F]: the User’s Existing Lawful Water Use. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 11.2 Page 10 Sixth Draft It is recorded that at the effective date DWAF has not yet finalised the process of verifying the existing lawful water use in the System and therefore there is no verified allocation schedule available for water balance and augmentation requirement calculations. DWAF shall complete the verification process in terms of section 35 if the National Water Act as soon as is reasonably possible and inform and consult with water use sectors regarding significant changes in the water use and allocation. 11.3 When DWAF or the responsible authority requires the USER to obtain a licence in terms of the National Water Act, the USER shall apply for such licence, and will in terms of the water licensing rules be entitled to object to the proposed allocations schedules and to appeal against preliminary allocations, as provided for in the National Water Act. 12. ASSURANCE OF SUPPLY 12.1 The Pricing Strategy provides that the long term mean annual water use by user sectors shall be taken into account in determining water use charges levied on users, which will be based on assurance of supply. 12.2 The Parties agree that DWAF shall take into account each user sector's assurance of supply when – 12.2.1 determining the yield of the System; and 12.2.2 determining the annual allocation of yield, as set out in clause 7 and Annexure [B]. 12.3 The parties agree that on the effective date the Assurance of Water Supply for the USER is as set out in Annexure [G] . 12.4 Neither party shall do anything wilfully to negatively influence the assurance of supply. 13. RESTRICTIONS TO SUPPLY 13.1 DWAF may implement restrictions on the USER’s supply in the event of drought, floods or any other circumstances reasonably necessitating such restriction or limitation. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 13.2 Page 11 Sixth Draft DWAF shall, on the basis of the Planning Model, endeavour to give the USER reasonable notice of the likelihood of, and reasons for, water restrictions, before it is imposed. 14. INTERRUPTIONS TO SUPPLY 14.1 DWAF shall give the USER at least 3 (three) months notice of any interruption or restriction scheduled for the purposes of maintaining the government water and work. Where possible scheduled interruptions will be planned for the USER’s low supply season. If either party is aware of any action or no action that will impact on the supply of water to users, it shall immediately inform the other. 14.2 In cases of emergency interruptions or unscheduled interruptions, DWAF shall give notice to the USER telephonically and by means of fax or email as soon as DWAF has become aware of the need for such interruption. 14.3 The parties shall keep each other’s operational staff informed of the contact details and phone, fax numbers and email addresses required to give such notices. 14.4 In addition to what is stated in clause 25, DWAF shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage to property or injury to person or for the loss of production or loss of income or profit resulting from an interruption, variation or deficiency in the water supply or water quality or from excess or lack of pressure in DWAF’s system. 15. CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY DWAF shall supply the water in accordance with the conditions of the authorisations granted to the USER set out in Annexure [F1]: the User’s Existing Water Use Authorisation. 16. MEASUREMENT OF WATER SUPPLY 16.1 The supply of water to the USER shall be measured. 16.2 A mutually agreed procedure for all matters pertaining to metering shall be put in place within 3 (three) months after the Effective date. This procedure may be revised, from time to time, by the Parties, in writing, as the need arises. As a minimum requirement, this procedure shall address, including but not limited to, the following – SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 16.3 Page 12 Sixth Draft 16.2.1 metering points; 16.2.2 number of meters per delivery point; 16.2.3 accuracy of meter at delivery point; 16.2.4 water balance per scheme including unaccounted for water; 16.2.5 mechanism to calculate measurement in the event of breakdown; 16.2.6 time to repair; 16.2.7 joint reading date and procedure; 16.2.8 calibration of meters; 16.2.9 technical specifications of meters; 16.2.10 funding of meters. The User shall install flow meters, at all delivery points, which comply with the technical specifications as agreed upon in clause 7.1. The meters shall be kept in good repair, working order and condition. 16.4 The USER shall be entitled, subject to the prior written notice to and approval by DWAF, to install and maintain at its own expense its own water meters immediately down stream of DWAF’s meters to verify DWAF’s readings of supply. 16.5 If a meter is found to be registering incorrectly, the party shall replace its meter. 16.6 Unless it can be proven to the contrary that a greater or lesser quantity of water has been consumed, the quantity of water which shall be used for calculating the water use charges from the date of the meter prior to its failure to register correctly up to the time of its repair or replacement shall be calculated over periods, both before and after the interruption period equal to the number of days during which the interruption existed. By way of example, if the interruption period is 10 (ten) days, then the average consumption will be calculated over a period of 10(ten) days before the interruption and 10 (ten) days after the interruption period. 16.7 In the case of a dispute regarding meter readings, the provisions of clause 26 shall apply. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 17. Page 13 Sixth Draft WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT 17.1 The USER shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that its water demand management measures and any of its water demand policies adopted from time to time, are implemented. The USER shall provide DWAF with its water demand measures annually together with its business plan in terms of section 40 of the Water Services Act. 17.2 DWAF shall monitor the USER’s compliance with its water demand measures. 17.3 The USER shall be responsible for actively promoting the efficient use of water by any third party to which it sells water. PART E: INFRASTRUCTURE 18. ACCESS DWAF and the USER and their authorised officers, employees and agents shall, on prior notification, be entitled to reasonable access to any component of the System and any works associated with the supply of water that the party may require to access in the performance of its duties, which includes reading and checking of meters and taking of water quality samples. 19. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 19.1 DWAF shall consult the USER, and all other users, through the Co-operative Governance Structure before it embarks on any significant future augmentation of the System. 19.2 Before deciding to implement any significant augmentation option to meet future water demands from The System, DWAF shall undertake a comprehensive assessment of all feasible supply and demand options. DWAF shall take into consideration international best practice when considering options. The USER shall provide all information and assistance to DWAF as may reasonably be required or expected. 19.3 DWAF shall be entitled to collect water use charges for the construction and development of the infrastructure of the System for which DWAF is responsible as SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 14 Sixth Draft more fully referred to in clause 22 and Annexure [E]: Water Use Charges. 19.4 No connection may be made by the USER to the DWAF works unless authorised by DWAF and subject to such conditions as DWAF may impose. 19.5 DWAF shall not be liable for any loss or damage in the USER’s system as a result of the USER connection to DWAF’s works. 20. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 20.1 DWAF shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure of the System for which DWAF is responsible, except in cases where the operation and maintenance of a System has been delegated by DWAF to the USER in terms of an agency agreement. 20.2 DWAF shall operate and maintain the System according to best practice that is in an integrated, cost effective, consultative and efficient manner, taking into consideration all water users. 20.3 DWAF shall be entitled to collect water use charges for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure of the System for which DWAF is responsible (as more fully referred to in clause 21, 22 and Annexure [E]: Water Use Charges). 20.4 The USER shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of: 20.4.1 all its own works including those works required to abstract water at abstraction points; and 20.4.2 the infrastructure of a System delegated to the USER by DWAF as contemplated in Clause 20.1. PART F: WATER USE CHARGES 21. PAYING FOR WATER SUPPLY IN TERMS OF PRICING STRATEGY Water use charges levied on the user for raw water supplied to it by DWAF, are set in terms of the Pricing Strategy. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 22. Page 15 Sixth Draft WATER USE CHARGES 22.1 Provisions in respect of the levying of water use charges, which charges are imposed on an annual basis, are contained in Annexure [E]: Water Use Charges. 22.2 Water Use Charges are based on estimated consumptive use and payable on actual measured use. Water Recourse Management Charges are based on registered volume of use. 22.3 DWAF shall, before the end August of each year provide the USER with an estimate of proposed water use charges for the following 3 (three) years in order to enable the USER to prepare its operating budget and engage in long term planning. 22.4 DWAF shall notify the USER before the end of September of each year of the water use charges to be imposed in DWAF's next financial year, as determined in terms of the Pricing Strategy, to enable the USER to comply with sections 41 and 42 of the MFMA in respect of bulk water provision to municipalities. 22.5 The USER shall be provided with an opportunity to comment on the proposed charges prior to being finalised by DWAF. 22.6 The USER shall be entitled to query the amount of any water use charge imposed by DWAF, if the amount of such water use charge appears to be unreasonable, taking into account the principle of cost effectiveness and efficiency. The User is entitled to request reasons for a decision. 22.7 For purposes of levying water use charges, the yield of the System will be used by DWAF on an annual basis according to existing lawful water use or any future licensing allocations, as the case may be, and such annual yield allocations will be communicated to the USER in writing. These allocations will be deemed to form part of Annexure [B]: Annual Allocation from the yield of the System. 22.8 The annual yield allocation referred to in clause 22.6, for the year 2006/2007, is set out in Table [-] of Annexure [B]: Annual Allocation from the yield of the System. 22.9 In the event that DWAF implements any water resource development which is funded off-budget, DWAF will enter into a written agreement with the USER and all other users for the levying of any Water Use Charges in respect of any such development. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 23. Page 16 Sixth Draft WATER QUALITY 23.1 DWAF will endeavour to provide raw water to the User in line with the receiving water quality objectives set out in Annexure [H]: Raw Water Quality. 23.2 Any compensation for the User in respect of water provided below the quality referred to in clause 23.1 will be in terms of the “Waste discharge charge system”, after it has been developed. 24. PAYMENT PROCEDURE 24.1 DWAF will render an account to the USER on a monthly basis which account shall be payable by the USER on the date specified on the account, which date shall not be more than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the account. 24.2 Any delay in rendering an account will not relieve the USER of the obligation to pay any amount payable. 24.3 In the event that a water use charge is not paid when it is due and payable, in terms of the National Water Act, DWAF may – 24.3.1 on notice, suspend or withdraw a water use entitlement, provided that the person has been directed to take specified steps to rectify the failure within a specific period, in terms of section 54(3) of the National Water Act, and the person has had an opportunity to make representations within a reasonable period, in terms of section 54(4) of the National Water Act, which period the parties agree shall not be less than 60 (sixty) days; 24.3.2 restrict or suspend the supply of water to the water user from the System, or the authorisation to use water, until the charges, together with Interest in respect of the default period, have been paid, provided that DWAF must give the USER an opportunity to make representations within a reasonable period on any proposed restriction or suspension in terms of section 59(4) of the National Water Act, which period the parties agree shall not be less than 60 (sixty) days; and 24.3.3 charge interest on the outstanding amount from the due date at the rate prescribed from time to time in terms of section 2 of the Prescribed Rate of SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 17 Sixth Draft Interest Act No. 55 of 1975 as if it is a judgement debt. PART G: LIABILITY, BREACH and FORCE MAJEURE 25. EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS FOR DIRECT DAMAGES Under no circumstances whatsoever shall either Party be liable for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever or howsoever caused (whether arising under contract, delict or otherwise and whether the loss was actually foreseen or reasonably foreseeable), sustained by the other party, including but not limited to any loss of profits, loss of operation time, loss of information or loss of contracts. 26. DISPUTES 26.1 In the first instance the Parties shall make every effort to settle a dispute in a spirit of cooperative government. The Parties undertake at all time to do all such things, perform all such actions and take all such steps as may be open to them and necessary or incidental to the putting into effect or maintenance of the terms, conditions and import of this agreement. 26.2 Where the Parties are unable to settle a dispute between themselves, they agree to follow the procedures set out in Chapter 4 of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, No 13 of 2005. PART H: GENERAL 27. FAILURE TO REACH AGREEMENT Where it is specified in this Contract that certain matters are to be agreed between the Parties, failure to reach agreement in respect of such matter will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Contract. 28. SEVERABILITY Any provision in this Contract which is or may become illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction affected by this Contract shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or un-enforceability and shall be treated pro non scripto and severed from the balance of this Contract, without invalidating the remaining provisions of SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 18 Sixth Draft this Contract or affecting the validity or enforceability of such remaining provisions. 29. GOVERNING LAW The interpretation, implementation and termination of this Contract will be in accordance with the laws of South Africa which shall, for all purposes of this Contract, be the governing law of this Contract. 30. SUCCESSION AND ASSIGNMENT 30.1 This Contract shall be binding on any successor in title of the DWAF and any successor in title of the USER. 30.2 Should any functions relevant to this Contract be assigned by DWAF to a water management institution in terms of the National Water Act or any other applicable legislation, DWAF undertakes to incorporate the relevant provisions of this Contract in any such assignment so as to bind such institution as a successor in title. 31. DOMICILIUM CITANDI ET EXECUTANDI 31.1 The Parties choose as their domicilia citandi et executandi for all purposes under this Contract, whether in respect of court process, notices or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature (including the exercise of any option), the following addresses – The Department of Water Affairs & Forestry [DWAF] Office of the Director-General: DWAF 185 Schoeman Street PRETORIA 0001 Gauteng Tel: [012] 336-7754 Fax: Email: Attention: Contact Person [Clause 14.3] SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 19 Sixth Draft USER: Name and Address of Water Board Tel: Fax No: Email: Attention: Contact Person [Clause 14.3] 31.2 Any notice or communication required or permitted to be given in terms of this Contract shall be valid and effective only if in writing, but it shall be competent to give notice by telefax. 31.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained a written notice or communication actually received by a party shall be an adequate written notice or communication to it notwithstanding that it was not sent to or delivered at its chosen domicilium citandi et executandi. 32. WHOLE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Contract including the annexures constitutes the whole agreement between Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous Contracts or arrangements, whether oral or written, between the Parties relating to the subject matter of this Contract. 32.2 No representations, warranties or other terms and conditions of whatever nature not contained or recorded herein have been made or agreed to. 32.3 To the extent permissible by law no Party shall be bound by any express or implied term, representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein, whether it induced the Contract or whether it was negligent or not. 33. COSTS Each party shall be liable for its own costs in respect of preparation, drafting and negotiation of this Contract. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT 34. Page 20 Sixth Draft COUNTERPARTS This Contract, together with its annexures, may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall together constitute one and the same document. SIGNED by the Parties and witnessed on the following dates and at the following places respectively: DATE PLACE WITNESSES SIGNATURE For: DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY ______________ ________________ 1. _______________ ____________________ 2. _______________ (who warrants that he is duly authorised to conclude this Contract on behalf of DWAF and to bind DWAF to its terms) DATE PLACE WITNESSES SIGNATURE For: ______________ _______________ 1. _______________ [USER] ___________________ 2. _______________ (who warrants that he is duly authorised to conclude this Contract on behalf of [-] and to bind [-] to its terms) SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 21 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [A] [CLAUSE 2.1] SUPPLY AREAS OF DWAF AND OF WATER BOARD [FOOTPRINT] A. DWAF – SUPPLY AREA B. WATER BOARD – SUPPLY AREA SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 22 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [B] [CLAUSES 12.2.2 & 22.7] ANNUAL ALLOCATION FROM THE YIELD OF THE SYSTEM SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 23 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [C] [CLAUSES 2.1 & 6.1] INTEGRATED WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM[S] [A description of the System or, if it is more than one System, the Systems, should be set out in this Annexure] SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 24 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [D] [CLAUSES 7.3 & 8.4] LONG TERM DEMAND PROJECTIONS [The long term demand projections to be used as a basis for planning]. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 25 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [E] [CLAUSES10.2.4, 19.3, 20.3 & 22.1] WATER USE CHARGES SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 26 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [F1] [CLAUSE 11.1 & 15] THE USER’S EXISTING WATER USE AUTHORISATIONS [This sets out the existing water use authorisations before verification in terms of section 35] SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 27 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [F2] [CLAUSE 11.1] THE USER’S EXISTING LAWFUL WATER USE Note: This Annexure will only become Part of the Agreement after the Section 35 verifications were done on the User’s entitlements. Section 35 of Act No. 36 of 1998 provide: “Verification of existing water uses 35. (1) The responsible authority may, in order to verify the lawfulness or extent of an existing water use, by written notice require any person claiming an entitlement to that water use to apply for a verification of that use. (2) A notice under subsection (1) must (a) have a suitable application form annexed to it; (b) specify a date before which the application must be submitted; (c) inform the person concerned that any entitlement to continue with the water use may lapse if an application is not made on or before the specified date; and (d) be delivered personally or sent by registered mail to the person concerned. (3) A responsible authority (a) may require the applicant, at the applicant's expense, to obtain and provide it with other information, in addition to the information contained in the application; (b) may conduct its own investigation into the veracity and the lawfulness of the water use in question; (c) may invite written comments from any person who has an interest in the matter; and (d) must afford the applicant an opportunity to make representations on any aspect of the application. (4) A responsible authority may determine the extent and lawfulness of a water use pursuant to an application under this section, and such determination limits the extent of any existing lawful water use contemplated in section 32(1). (5) No person who has been required to apply for verification under subsection (1) in respect of an existing lawful water use may exercise that water use (a) after the closing date specified in the notice, if that person has not applied for verification; or (b) after the verification application has been refused, if that person applied for verification. (6) A responsible authority may, for good reason, condone a late application and charge a reasonable additional fee for processing the late application”. SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 28 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [G] [CLAUSE 12.3] ASSURANCE OF WATER SUPPLY FOR THE USER [The categories of users are to be stated in this annexure] SIXTH DRAFT AFTER DISCUSSIONS WITH SAAWU ON 08/11/06 RAW WATER AGREEMENT Page 29 Sixth Draft ANNEXURE [H] [CLAUSE 23.1] QUALITY OF RAW WATER [The “resource water quality objectives” in respect of the various systems is to be set out in this Annexure]. 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