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Nothing is impossible
Alexandru Oprita & Laurentiu Constantin
Nothing is impossible
Alexandru Oprita & Laurentiu Constantin
Nothing is impossible
Alexandru Oprita & Laurentiu Constantin
Nothing is impossible
Alexandru Oprita & Laurentiu Constantin
Alexandru Oprita & Laurentiu Constantin
CONTEXT: In our pursuit for the best solution our main mission was delivering an authentic and engaging building design that would stay
true to the location’s attributes with a focus on the cultural heritage and identity of the local community while also answering the client’s
demands. To that end we needed to answer the following issue: In what way can we use the idea Santa Claus represent to satisfy the both
the functionality needs of the project while also creating a community cultural hub that would help develop the area in a genuine way.
CONCEPT: Santa Claus is about childhood and childhood is about curiosity, creativity and the ability of discovering fascinating perspective to
all the things we come in contact with. It’s about always finding an answer to the most impossible question and breaking down the walls of
logic. He stands for the excitement of having the courage to dream of making the impossible possible. Connecting that with Oulu’s town
heritage of a “living lab”, the locals competitive and outgoing behavior (Air-guitar festival, Ice-Hockey games) and even it’s naming
signification (floodwater), all things that compose a very complex and against the odds picture, the only solution was a delivery that states,
from the first interaction, that: Nothing is impossible!
SOLUTION: Our solution was a building that has at its core making the impossible possible, a design that defies and challenges the visitor’s
beliefs, a concept that would make adults feel the same excitement kids do when thinking about Santa: An invisible building. Our choice for
the exterior was designing a building that is invisible at daytime and becomes visible when night comes - just like Santa, while the interior
would incorporate two main areas: visitor’s area and a fully functional logistic center. The invisibility effect is achieved by using a façade of
photovoltaic membrane and a two way mirror membrane that would make it visible during the day due to the natural landscape’s reflection
into it – also helping it integrate with the natural surroundings. At night time the building’s structure reviles itself. The building’s façade is
also designed as a giant projection screen to be used for outdoor events and festivals making the site a cultural hub for locals and an
attraction for tourists. Thinking about natural surroundings we designed stands that integrate and hide underneath an open outdoor
parking. The visitors area is separated from the logistic center, having different access routes for the offices, visitors and warehouses. The
visitors part of the building is composed by an interactive rout that emphasizes the concept by using new engaging technologies while also
showcasing the building’s functionality. The idea was to make the visitor route a white canvas for using new technologies Oulu as a “living
lab” stands for as a way of introducing the impossible. Making the logistic center a new idea hub that promotes technological advancement
and representing a reason for tourists and locals to keep coming back at intervals to keep up with the new implementations. The visitor’s
experience was also enhanced by ending the tour on the roof where they can explore the garden. The office space had the goal of providing
an equally fulfilling experience for the employees and creating their own roof garden, but also giving them access to the public areas of the
visitors, having the restaurant as an access gate. Water and Snow collector system, local warming - heat seeking sensors, anvelope
performance - good isolation that decreases thermal loses and increases ventilation, providing low light pollution and solar systems were
used to design a sustainable and eco building environment.