® NOISE ANALYSIS OF FET TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIERS The availability of detailed noise spectral density characteristics for the OPA111 amplifier allows an accurate noise error analysis in a variety of different circuit configurations. The fact that the spectral characteristics are guaranteed maximums allows absolute noise errors to be truly bounded. Other FET amplifiers normally use simpler specifications of rms noise in a given bandwidth (typically 10Hz to 10kHz) and peak-to-peak noise (typically specified in the band 0.1Hz to 10Hz). These specifications do not contain enough information to allow accurate analysis of noise behavior in any but the simplest of circuit configurations. where N rms is the rms value of some random variable n(t). In the case of amplifier noise, n(t) represents either en(t) or in(t). R2 – V eO(t) = en(t) [1 + R2/R1] + In–(t) R2 + In+(t) R3 [1 + R2/R1] FIGURE 2. Circuit With Error Sources. The internal noise sources in operational amplifiers are normally uncorrelated. That is, they are randomly related to each other in time and there is no systematic phase relationship. Uncorrelated noise quantities are combined as rootsum-squares. Thus, if n1(t), n2(t), and n3(t) are uncorrelated then their combined value is Noiseless Amplifier In– (t) V N TOTAL rms = N12 rms + N 2 2 rms + N 3 2 rms Amplifier With Noise TYPICAL APPLICATION The circuit in Figure 3 is a common application of a low noise FET amplifier. It will be used to demonstrate the above noise calculation method. FIGURE 1. Noise Model of OPA111. If the instantaneous terms represent DC errors (i.e., offset voltage and bias currents) the equation is a useful tool to compute actual errors. It is not, however, useful in the same direct way to computer noise errors. The basic problem is that noise cannot be predicted as a function of time. It is a random variable and must be described in probabilistic terms. It is normally described by some type of average— most commonly the rms value. ∆ N rms = 1 / T ∫ QT n 2 (t) dt SBOA060 (2) The basic approach in noise error calculations then is to identify the noise sources, segment them into conveniently handled groups (in terms of the shape of their noise spectral densities), compute the rms value of each group, and then combine them by root-sum-squares to get the total noise. In+ (t) 1994 Burr-Brown Corporation en (t) In+ (t) R3 + © en (t) In– (t) Noise in the OPA111 can be modeled as shown in Figure 1. This model is the same form as the DC model for offset voltage (EOS) and bias currents (IB). In fact, if the voltage en(t) and currents in(t) are thought of as general instantaneous error sources, then they could represent either noise or DC offsets. The error equations for the general instantaneous model are shown in Figure 2. en (t) en (t) R1 R2 IIN λ CR1 eO eO = IINR2 (1) AB-076 1 FIGURE 3. Pin Photo Diode Application. Printed in U.S.A. February, 1994 CR1 is a PIN photodiode connected in the photovoltaic mode (no bias voltage) which produces an output current iIN when exposed to the light, λ. 109 Transimpedance (V/A) A more complete circuit is shown in Figure 4. The values shown for C1 and R1 are typical for small geometry PIN diodes with sensitivities in the range of 0.5 A/W. The value of C2 is what would be expected from stray capacitance with moderately careful layout (0.5pF to 2pF). A larger value of C2 would normally be used to limit the bandwidth and reduce the voltage noise at higher frequencies. C2 = 1pF R2 = f2 = 15.9k 106 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FIGURE 6. Transimpedance. C1 25pF eO VOLTAGE NOISE Figure 7 shows the noise voltage gain for the circuit in Figure 4. It is derived from the equation In– A 1 1 eO = en = en β 1 + 1 1 + Aβ Aβ NOTE: In+ shorted in this configuration. FIGURE 4. Noise Model of Photodiode Application. (3) where: In Figure 4, en and in represent the amplifier’s voltage and current spectral densities, en(ω) and in(ω), respectively. These are shown in Figure 5. A β = A(ω) is the open-loop gain. = β(ω) is the feedback factor. It is the amount of output voltage feedback to the input of the op amp. Aβ = A(ω) β(ω) is the loop gain. It is the amount of the output voltage feedback to the input and then amplified and returned to the output. Figure 6 shows the desired “gain” of the circuit (transimpedance of eO/iIN = Z2(s)). It has a single-pole rolloff at f2 = 1/(2πR2C2) = ω2/2π. Output noise is minimized if f2 is made smaller. Normally R2 is chosen for the desired DC transimpedance based on the full scale input current (iIN full scale) and maximum output (eO max). Then C2 is chosen to make f2 as small as possible consistent with the necessary signal frequency response. Note that for large loop gain (Aβ >> 1) eO ≅ en 1 β (4) 1,000 10,000 1,000 Current Noise (fA/√Hz) Voltage Noise (nV/√Hz) 1 Frequency (Hz) V K1 = 80nV/√Hz 100 10 K2 = 6nV/√Hz 1 0 0.01 0.1 107Ω en R1 108Ω 107 105 0.01 Equivalent Circuit for CR1 IIN 108 0.1 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 100 10 K4 = 0.4fA/√Hz 1 0.1 0.01 0.01 10M 0.1 1 10 100 1k Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) (a) Voltage Noise (b) Current Noise FIGURE 5. Noise Voltage and Current Spectral Density. 2 10k 100k 1M 10M For the circuit in Figure 4 it can be shown that f3 = 80kHz (1) This may be rearranged to 1 R 2 + R1 = R1 ' β τ As + 1 τ 2s + 1 (5a) where τa = (R1 || R2) (C1 || C2) and τ2 = R2C2. 1 1 and f 2 = 2π τ a 2π τ 2 K2 [1 + (C1/C2)] 1000 100 10 156 88 K1 [1 + (R2/R1)] 6.6 K2 [1 + (R2/R1)] .0098 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 K3 • K2 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 8. Output Voltage Noise Spectral Density. (5d) The total rms noise at the amplifier’s output due to the amplifier’s internal voltage noise is derived from the eO(ω) function in Figure 8 with the following expression: For very low frequencies (f << fa), s approaches zero and equation 5 becomes R 1 = 1+ 2 . (6) β R1 E O rms = ∫ +– ∞∞ e O 2 (ω) dω For very high frequencies (f >> f2), s approaches infinity and equation 5 becomes C 1 = 1+ 1 . C2 β (3) 0.1 (5b) (5c) Then, f a = (2) Regions 1 1 R1 R 2 = (C1 + C 2 ) β R1 + R 2 f2 = 15.9kHz (5) eO (ω) Voltage (nV/√Hz) R ( R C + 1) 1 = 1 + 2 1 1S R1 ( R 2 C 2S + 1) β fa = 673Hz (8) It is both convenient and informative to calculate the rms noise using a piecewise approach (region-by-region) for each of the three regions indicated in Figure 8. (7) Region 1; f1 = 0.01Hz to fC = 100Hz R f E n1 rms = K1 1 + 2 ln C R f1 1 10M (9) 1M 10 7 100 = 80nV / Hz 1 + 8 ln 0. 01 10 100k A(ω) Gain (V/V) 10k f3 = 80kHz 1k 1/β Aβ 100 = 0. 267µV 1 + (C1/C2) = 26 fa = 673Hz 10 1 (9a) This region has the characteristic of 1/f or “pink” noise (slope of –10dB per decade on the log-log plot of enω). The selection of 0.01Hz is somewhat arbitrary but it can be shown that for this example there would be only negligible additional contribution by extending f1 several decades lower. Note that K1 (l + R2/R1) is the value of eO at f = 1Hz. 1 + (R2/R1) f2 = 15.9kHz 0.1 0.01 K3 = 1.63 x 10–3 = (1Hz/fa) [1 + (R2/R1)] 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M Frequency (Hz) Region 2; fa = 673Hz to f2 = 15.9kHz FIGURE 7. Noise Voltage Gain. E n 2 rms = K 2 • K 3 The noise voltage spectral density at the output is obtained by multiplying the amplifier’s noise voltage spectral density (Figure 5a) times the circuits noise gain (Figure 7). Since both curves are plotted on log-log scales, the multiplication can be performed by the addition of the two curves. The result is shown in Figure 8. ( ) = 6nV/ Hz (1.63 × 10 –3 ) = 11.3µV 3 f 23 f a 3 – 3 3 (10) (15. 9kHz )3 (673)3 3 – 3 (10a) (9) This is the region of increasing noise gain (slope of +20dB/ decade on the log-log plot) caused by the lead network formed by the resistance R1 || R2 and the capacitance (C1 + C2). Note that K3 • K2 is the value of the eO (ω) function for this segment projected back to 1Hz. (2) (1) C E n3 rms = K 2 1 + 1 C2 π f – f 2 2 3 Voltage (nV/√Hz) Region 3; f > 15.9kHz (11) ) 25 = 6nV/ Hz 1 + 1 10–7 f2 = 15.9kHz 10–8 6.36 10–9 10–10 0.01 0.1 (11a) ( (3) 10–6 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M π 80k – 15. 9k ( ) 2 Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 9. Output Voltage Due to Noise Current. = 51. 7µV RESISTOR NOISE For a complete noise analysis of the circuit in Figure 4, the noise of the feedback resistor, R2, must also be included. The thermal noise of the resistor is given by: This is a region of white noise with a single order rolloff at f3 = 80kHz caused by the intersection of the 1/β curve and the open-loop gain curve. The value of 80kHz is obtained from observing the intersection point of Figure 7. The π/2 applied to f3 is to convert from a 3dB corner frequency to an effective noise bandwidth. E R rms = 4kTRB (14) K = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38 x 10 Joules/°Kelvin T = Absolute temperature (°K) R = Resistance (Ω) B = Effective noise bandwidth (Hz) (ideal filter assumed) –23 CURRENT NOISE The output voltage component due to current noise is equal to: (12) E = i x Z (s) ni n 2 (12a) where Z2(s) = R2 || XC2 At 25°C this becomes E R rms ≅ 0.13 RB ER rms in µV R in MΩ B in Hz This voltage may be obtained by combining the information from Figures 5 (b) and 6 together with the open loop gain curve of Figure 7. The result is shown in Figure 9. Using the same techniques that were used for the voltage noise: For the circuit in Figure 4 Region l; 0.1Hz to 10kHz E ni1 = 4 × 10 R 2 = 10 7 Ω = 10MΩ –9 10k – 0.1 (13) B= = 0. 4µV Then Region 2; 10kHz to 15.9kHz E ni2 = 4 × 10 –13 ( = ( 411nV/ 3 – 3 = 0. 4µV (13a) = 64. 9µVrms Region 3; f > 15.9kHz π (80kHz ) – 15. 9kHz 2 = 2.1µV (13b) E ni TOTAL = 10 –6 (0. 4)2 + (0. 4)2 + (2.1)2 = 2. 2µVrms ) Hz ) E R rms = 411nV/ Hz (15. 9kHz )3 (10kHz )3 E ni3 = 6.36 × 10 –9 π π ( f 2 ) = 2 15. 9kHz 2 (13c) 4 B π 15. 9kHz 2 TOTAL NOISE It should be noted that increasing C2 will also lower the value of K2 (1 + C1/C2), and the value of f2 (see equation 5b). This reduces signal bandwidth and the final value of C2 is normally a compromise between noise gain and necessary signal bandwidth. The total noise may now be computed from E n TOTAL = E n12 + E n 2 2 + E n3 2 + E nR 2 + E ni 2 (15) It is interesting to note that the current noise of the amplifier accounted for only 0.1% of the total En. This is different than would be expected when comparing the current and voltage spectral densities with the size of the feedback resistor. For example, if we define a characteristic value of resistance as (15a) = 10 –6 ( 0. 293) + (11.3) + (51. 7) + (64. 9) + ( 2. 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 = 83.8µVrms CONCLUSIONS Examination of the results in equation (16b) together with the curves in Figure 8 leads to some interesting conclusions. R CHARACTERISTIC = The largest component is the resistor noise EnR (60% of the total noise). A lower resistor value decreases resistor noise as a function of √R, but it also lowers the desired signal gain as a direct function of R. Thus, lowering R reduces the signal-to-noise ratio at the output which shows that the feedback resistor should be as large as possible. The noise contribution due to R2 can be decreased by raising the value of C2 (lowering f2) but this reduces signal bandwidth. = e n (ω) at f = 10kHz i n (ω) 6nV/ Hz 0. 4fA Hz = 15MΩ Thus, in simple transimpedance circuits with feedback resistors greater than the characteristic value, the amplifier’s current noise would cause more output noise than the amplifier’s voltage noise. Based on this and the 10MΩ feedback resistor in the example, the amplifier noise current would be expected to have a higher contribution than the noise voltage. The reason it does not in the example of Figure 4 is that the noise voltage has high gain at higher frequencies (Figure 7) and the noise current does not (Figure 6). The second largest component of total noise comes from En3 (38%). Decreasing C1 will also lower the term K2 (1 + C1/C2). In this case, f2 will stay fixed and fa will move to the right (i.e., the +20dB/decade slope segment will move to the right). This can have a significant reduction on noise without lowering the signal bandwidth. This points out the importance of maintaining low capacitance at the amplifier’s input in low noise applications. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems. 5 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Customers are responsible for their applications using TI components. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. Copyright 2000, Texas Instruments Incorporated