Ad 16 Series Pilo t Lam p Ad16 Series Pilot Lamp Product Overview Ad16 series pilot la mp on ly use LED la mp as the lig ht sou rce. T he adv antag e have : long life, gentle w eight , small cubag e , save energ y. It is the ad vance d prod uct of all kinds of th e inca ndesc ence lamp a nd the neon lamp o f the X D type . The c over o f the lamp is mad e of P C material, a nd hav e goo d shoc k resistance . It can be us ed as indica tion pi lot ligh t, acc ident s ignal a nd oth er signa ls in th e circ uits of such e quipm ent as telec ommunicatio n. Specifications Elect rical L ife≥30 000 h ours Brigh tness:≥100c d/m2 Perm itted Voltage±20% (≥11 0V) Comp arativ e Trac king In dex CT1≥1 00,flame retardant Diele ctric S trengt h:2.5k V(AC RMS),1 min Insula tion R esista nce: U i≤60V,5MΩ:60V<Ui≤6 60V,50 MΩ Usag e Freq uency (AC):5 0~60 Hz Light Color: red, g reen,y ellow, white, blue,o range Rated Operating Curren t:≤20 mA Implication of Type ★ AD16 Code of series ■ The installation dimension of the neck; 16:Φ16mm 22:Φ22mm □ The design code (A,B,C…… express different type of the same neck dimension) M buzzer S flicker SM flicker buzzer SS Dual- color lamp S expresses the super short type, the standard type is without letter. △ ▲ Color of pilot lamp: R red G green Y yellow O orange W white B blue Voltage ● ◎ K expresses anti-interference type, the normal type is without letter. P rotective Degree: P IP65 No letter means IP 40 Diagram of Interior Connection AC/DC Type Pilo t Lamp R AC Type Pilot Lamp R C X1 LED X1 LED LE D R X2 R A C/ DC Ty pe Dual-co lo r La mp LED Thre sho ld C ircu it X1 LED R LE D R T hreshold Circuit X2 X2 LED X0 R X2 R R X2 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 R X1 LED R Threshold Circuit X0 C R X2 Red:X 1-X0 G reen:X2 -X0 (Yellow :X1-X2) X1 R C R Threshold Circuit Threshold Circuit X0 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 (Yellow:X1-X2) C X1 R X1 R X2 AC Type Dual- color Lamp X1 X0 X2 Red:X1-X0 Green:X2-X0 Note:1 ,AC/DC type pilot lamp is resistor step -down form; AC type pilo t lamp is cap acitor step-down form. 2 ,When voltag e is 110V or a bove it,The temperature of outer shell of AC/DC typ e pilot lamp is higher tha n AC type pil ot lamp. Attentions 1,The frequency of AC type pilo t lamp is 50~60Hz. If wor k in other freq uency range s, it will be b roken . 2,The c ommon thre shold value o f anti-interf e rence pilot l amp is below 40V; and if y ou need high er threshold value please tell us. We s uggest that t he threshold value should n't be too hig h. Please ch eck the routin g If the inter ference volta ge is too hig h. 3,Conn ection error is not allowa ble to AC typ e dual-color light, otherw ise pilot lamp will be brok en. 4,Avoi d using weld ing mode to c onnect lines as possible and you shou ld using gen eral plug (2. 5×0.8mm)to connect and wear the pro tective sleev e. If you need to weld, please fini sh it in 3 seco nds by the e lectric iron w hich is below 30W and do n't exert exte rnal force on terminals . -51- A d16 Series Pilot Lamp Product Cutline(Φ16) Sha pe Type Numb er Co lor Operating Voltage Shape & Dimensions Rem arks Φ16A AC/DC 6 V Ma x5 AC /DC 1 2V AD16 -16A/△/▲ AC /DC 2 4V Pin terminal AC /DC 3 6V 10 AC /DC 4 8V 24 10 Φ16B AC /DC 11 0V AC /DC 22 0V Max5 AC /DC 38 0V AD16 -16B/△/▲ Pin terminal A C 110 V A C 220 V 10 39 10 A C 380 V Φ16E Max 5 AD1 6-16E /△/▲ AC/DC 6 V Screw terminal AC /DC 1 2V Electr ic Shock AC /DC 2 4V AC /DC 3 6V Prote ct ion 9.3 39.2 Struc ture AC /DC 4 8V AC /DC 11 0V Φ16 Flicker Buzzer A D16-16M/▲ Buzz er AC /DC 22 0V Sou nd Intensity: AC /DC 38 0V A C 110 V AD16-16 S/▲ F licker L amp ≥8 0dB(10cm) A C 220 V Continuo us Buzz A C 380 V 11 .2 AD16-16SM/▲ Flicker Buzzer Volume Max5 45.5 Incont inuous Buzz Ie≤35mA -52- Ad 16 Series Pilo t Lam p Product Cutline(Φ22) Sha pe Typ e Num ber Col or Op erating Voltage Sh ape & Dimen sions R emark s Φ22BS (super short type) 6Max Screw Type Co nnection Electric Shock Protection Structure AD16 -22B S/△/▲ 13 38 Φ22DS(super short type) Screw Type Connection Elect ric Shock Protection 6Max AD16-22DS/△/▲/◎ Structure IP40 and Ip65 can be chose n. 13 38 Φ22ES(super short type) 6Max AC/DC 6V AD 16 -22ES/△/▲ Screw Ty pe Connec tion Elec tric Shoc k A C/DC 12V A C/DC 24V A C/DC 36V 13 38 A C/DC 48V A C/DC 110V Φ22HS(super short type) A C/DC 220V 6Max A C/DC 380V AC 11 0V A D16-22 HS/△/▲ AC 22 0V AC 38 0V 19 38 Φ22B 6Max AD16 -2 2B /△/▲/● 13 50 Φ22D 6Max AD16-22D/△/▲/●/◎ 13 -53- Protectio n Structure 50 380,220 are the specia l use for capacitor frame to le ak electric. Sc re w Type Connection Electric Shock Pr otection Structure Screw Type Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure Antiinterference type can be customized. Screw Type Connection Elect ric Shock Protection Structure Antii nterference type can be customi zed . IP40 and IP65 can be chosen. A d16 Series Pilot Lamp S hape Ty pe Nu mber Col or Op era ting Voltage S hape & Dime nsion s R emark s Φ22E Screw Type 6Max Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure AD16-22E /△/▲/● Antiinterference 13 50 Φ22H 6Max AC /DC 6V AC/DC 12 V AD16-22 H /△/▲/● AC/DC 24 V AC/DC 36 V AC/DC 48 V AC/DC 110V 19 AC/DC 220V AC/DC 380V AC 110V AC 220V Φ22 Two-color Pilot Lamp 50 6Max AC 380V AD16-2 2SS /△/▲/● 13 Φ22 Flicker Buzzer AD16-22M/▲ AD16- 22S/▲ AD16 -22SM/▲ B uzzer 50 380,220 are the special use for capacitor frame to leak electric. Screw Type Connection Electric Shock Protection Structure Anti- interference type can be customized. Screw T ype Connection Electric S hock Protection Structure Ant i-int er fe re nc e typ e can b e cu stomized. Other colo r typ es can be cu stomized. 6Max Sou nd Inte nsi ty: Volume F licker L amp F licker B uzzer type can be customized. ≥80 dB(1 0cm) Continuous Buzz Incontinuous Buzz Ie≤ 35mA 13 50 -54-