 Press Release
Dubai, March 4, 2014
B. 19/14
The CEO of ProMéxico, Francisco N. González Díaz, held a meeting with representatives of
the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry in his working tour of the United Arab
He presented the advantages of Mexico for the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment.
With the aim of strengthening trade relations between the United Arab Emirates and Mexico
and presenting the advantages of our country for the attraction of Foreign Direct
Investment, the CEO of ProMéxico, Francisco N. González Díaz, met with representatives
of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, headed by its Director General, Hamad
During his working tour of the Middle East, on which he accompanies the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, José Antonio Meade Kuribeña, and which includes visits to Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia and Qatar, the head of ProMéxico said, “I am very pleased to meet with the Dubai
Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is very important for Mexico, because it implies the
commitment of our countries to strengthen trade relations, as well as the opportunity to find
the best strategies for working together in the future," he added.
During the meeting, González Díaz spoke about the benefits of investing in Mexico,
emphasizing its political and macroeconomic stability, low inflation, strong domestic market,
good economic growth rate and advanced manufacturing capacity.
He also drew attention to the sectors where Mexico and Dubai can do business:
construction, tourism and renewable energies. Of the latter, he said that Mexico is among
the most attractive countries for photovoltaic energy development projects. “We are looking
forward to strengthening business, and trade and cultural relations between both countries,"
he concluded.
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Follow us on Twitter About ProMéxico - ProMéxico is the Mexican government institution that supports Mexico’s trade abroad and
the internationalization of Mexican companies, and attracts foreign investment. Mexican business owners have
access to a ProMéxico office in their place of origin, both in Mexico and abroad, bringing them closer to their
potential buyers. Furthermore, foreign investors can reach every corner of the world through offices strategically
located in areas that are key for world trade. For more information go to: