EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Electric Circuits II Frequency Selective Circuits (Filters) Bode Plots: Complex Poles and Zeros Lecture #41 -1- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri The material to be covered in this lecture is as follows: o o o o Bode Diagrams for Complex Poles and Zeros Straight-Line Amplitude Plots Correcting Straight-Line Amplitude Plots Phase Angle Plots -2- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri After finishing this lecture you should be able to: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Use Bode Diagrams for Complex Poles and Zeros Draw Straight-Line Approximation of the Amplitude Plot for a Pair of Complex Poles (Zeros) Draw Straight-Line Approximation of the Phase Angle Plot Correct the plots for a Pair of Complex Poles (Zeros) -3- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Bode Diagrams for Complex Poles and Zeros The complex poles and zeros of H(s) always appear in conjugate pairs Always combine the conjugate pair into a single quadratic term Once the rules for handling poles is understood, their application to zeros becomes apparent. K H ( s) = ( s +α − jβ )( s +α + jβ ) The product ( s + α − j β )( s + α + j β ) can be written as: Let’s consider 2 ( s + α ) + β 2 = s2 + 2α s + α 2 + β 2 (41-1) (41-2) or s 2 + 2α s + α 2 + β 2 = s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 (41-3) where ωn2 = α 2 + β 2 (41-4) and ζωn = α (41-5) The term n is the corner frequency of the quadratic factor The term ζ is the damping coefficient of the quadratic factor, if ζ < 1 the roots are complex if ζ > 1 the roots are real, if ζ = 1 this is the critical value. For real roots we treat them as we have seen in previous lecture (Lec#40). ω Assume ζ < 1 then H ( s) = K s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 (41-5) -4- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri H ( s) = K ωn2 H ( jω ) = Let 1 s ⎞+⎛ s 1+ 2ζ ⎛⎜ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ωn ⎠ ⎟ ⎝ ωn ⎠ (41-6) in standard form will be 2 K0 (41-8) 1− ⎜⎜ ω2 ⎟⎟ + j ⎜⎜ 2ζω ⎟⎟ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎝ ωn ⎠ ⎝ u = ω then ωn From which: 2 ωn ⎞ 0 2 AdB = 20log10 H ( jw) ( 2ζ u ) and θ (ω ) = −β1 = − tan −1 K 1 ωn2 1+ ⎛ s ⎞2 + 2ζ ⎛ s ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ωn ⎠ ⎝ ωn ⎠ (41-7) K0 = K2 where ωn ⎠ H ( jω ) = 1− u K+ j 2ζ u ⎛ 2 −20log10 ⎜⎜ ⎛⎜1− u 2 ⎞⎟ + ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ H ( s) = 1 2 ⎞2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 2ζ u 1− u 2 (41-9) in polar form H ( jω ) = ⎛ 2 = 20log10 K0 − 20log10 ⎜⎜ ⎛⎜1− u 2 ⎞⎟ + ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎡ K0 (41-10) 1− u 2 + j 2ζ u ∠β1 ( 2ζ u ) 1 2 ⎞2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (41-11) ⎤ = −10log10 ⎢u 4 + 2u 2 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1⎥ (41-12) ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ (41-13) -5- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Approximate Amplitude Plots ⎡ ⎤ AdB = 20log10 K0 −10log10 ⎢u 4 + 2u 2 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1⎥ ⎝ ⎣ Because ⎠ ⎦ u = ω therefore u → 0 as ω → 0 and u → ∞ as ω → ∞ thus: ωn ⎡ ⎤ −10log10 ⎢u 4 + 2u 2 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1⎥ → 0 ⎝ ⎠ as u →0 ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ ⎤ −10log10 ⎢u 4 + 2u 2 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1⎥ → −40log10 u ⎝ ⎠ ⎣ ⎦ as u →∞ We conclude that the approximate amplitude plot consists of two straight lines. o For frequencies ω < ωn the straight line has a slope of 0dB o For frequencies ω > ωn the straight line has a slope of -40dB/decade. These two straight lines join on the 0dB axis at u=1 or ω = ωn . Fig. 41-1 shows the straight line approximation for a quadratic factor with ζ < 1 . -6- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Correcting Straight-Line Amplitude Plots: Correcting the straight-line amplitude plot for a pair of complex poles is not as easy as correcting a first-order real pole, because the corrections depend on the damping coefficient ζ The straight-line amplitude plot can be corrected by locating four points on the actual curve: o Point 1 at ½ the corner frequency ω ωC = 1 2 ⎡ ⎤ = ω = u then ⎢u 4 + 2u 2 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1⎥ = 1 + 1 ⎛⎜ 2ζ 2 −1⎞⎟ +1 = ζ 2 + 5 ωn ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ 8 ⎣ ⎦ 8 2⎝ AdB (ωn 2) = −10log10 ⎛⎜ ζ 2 + 0.5625 ⎞⎟ ⎝ ⎠ o Point 2 at peak amplitude frequency ω p = ωn 1− 2ζ 2 = u , thus A (ω p ) = −10log10 ⎛⎜ 4ζ 2 (1 − ζ ) ⎞⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ω o Point 3 at the corner frequency = u =1 ωn A (ωn ) = −10log10 4ζ or A (ωn ) = −20log10 2ζ 2 The amplitude peaks at dB 2 dB dB o Point 4 at zero amplitude frequency ω = ωn 2 ⎛⎜1− 2ζ 2 ⎞⎟ = 2ω p 0 ⎝ ⎠ -7- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri AdB AdB 3 20 2 3 2 1 1 4 0 0 -1 -20 -2 -3 -4 -5 -40 -6 1 10 -7 0 10 n/2 p n 0 Fig. 41-2 Four points on the corrected amplitude plot for a pair of complex poles n/2 n 0 2 10 (rad/s) p Fig. 41-4 the amplitude plot for Example 41-1 -8- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Example 41-1 Compute the transfer function for the circuit shown in Fig. 41-3 a) Find the corner frequency ωn , b) The value of K0 , c) The damping coefficient ζ d) Make a straight line amplitude plot ranging from 10 to 500 rad/s. e) Sketch the actual corrected amplitude in dB at ωn 2 , ω p , ωn ,and ω0 . 1Ω Vi Vo Fig. 41-3 The circuit for Example 41-1 f) Describe the type of filter represented by the circuit in Fig. 41-3 Solution: 1 2500 LC Transforming to s domain H ( s ) = = 2 s 2 + R s + 1 s + 20s + 2500 L LC 2 a) from the expression of H(s), ωn = 2500 , therefore ωn = 50 rad s 2500 or 1 b) By definition K = 0 ωn2 -9- EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri c) The coefficient of s is 2ζωn therefore ζ = 20 = 0.20 2ωn d) See Fig. 41-4 e) The actual amplitudes are AdB (ωn 2) = −10log10 ( 0.6025) = 2.2dB ω p = 50 0.92 = 47.96 rad s AdB (ω p ) = −10log10 ( 0.16)( 0.96) = 8.14dB AdB (ωn ) = −20log10 ( 0.4) = 7.96dB ω0 = 2ω p = 67.82dB ( ) AdB ω0 = 0dB Fig. 41-4 shows the corrected plot. f) From the plot we see that this filter is a LPF, its cutoff frequency appears to be 55rad/s almost the same as that predicted by the straight-line approximation. - 10 - EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Phase Angle Plots ¾ The phase angle is zero at zero frequency ¾ The phase angle is -90o at corner frequency ¾ The phase angle is -180o at large frequency as ω →∞ For small values of ζ , the phase angle changes rapidly in the vicinity of the corner frequency. The line tangent to the phase angle curve at -90o has a slope of -2.3/ ζ rad/decade or -132/ ζ degree/decade and it intersects the 0o and -180o lines at u1 = 4.81−ζ and u2 = 4.81ζ respectively. Fig. 41-5 depicts the straight-line approximation for ζ = 0.3 and shows the actual phase angle plot. 0.62 = 4.81−ζ 1.6 = 4.81ζ - 11 - EE 205 Dr. A. Zidouri Self Test 41: The numerical expression for a transfer function is H (s) = 9 Compute the corner frequency, 9 the damping coefficient, 9 frequencies when H jω is unity, 25×108 s 2 + 20 ×103 s + 25×108 ( ) 9 peak amplitude of H ( jω ) in dB, 9 frequency at which the peak occurs, and 9 amplitude of H jω at half the corner frequency. ( ) Answer: 9 ωC = 50 krad s , 9 ζ = 0.2 , 9 0 , 67.82 krad s 9 8.14dB, 9 47.96 krad 9 2.20dB s - 12 -