CONTRACT FOR CONSIGNMENT This agreement is made between

This agreement is made between (Consignor) _______________ and (Consignee) Bay Ridge
Used Tool and Consignment
1. The Consignor and Consignee acknowledge and agree that the Consignor has provided the
goods described below to the Consignee for sale on a consignment basis, for the prices indicated,
under the terms and conditions of this agreement.
2. The consignee agrees to use its best efforts to sell the goods for cash for the benefit of the
Consignor and to account to the Consignor for such sales within 60 days, delivering the sale
proceeds to the Consignor, less commission.
3. The Consignee agrees to accept its commission, in full payment for its performance under this
agreement, an amount equal to 50% of the gross sales price of the goods, exclusive of any sales
4. The consignor can take any items back no sooner than 60 days if not sold. After 60 day if no
sale has been made the consignee has the right to reduce the price of sale by 10%, affecting the
profit of the consignor and the consignee.
5. At the request of the Consignee, the Consignor agrees to execute financing statements
perfecting the consignor's claim of ownership of the goods.
6. This agreement shall be government by the laws of the state of Wisconsin.
7. If any part of this agreement is adjudged invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining parts
shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
8. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, and upon their heirs, executors, personal
representatives, administrators and assigns. No person shall have a right or cause of action
arising out of or resulting from this agreement except those who are parties to it and their
successors in interest.
9. This agreement, including any attached exhibits and addenda, constitutes the entire agreement
of the parties. No representations or promises have been made except those that are set out in this
agreement. This agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by all of the parties.
10) Bay Ridge Used Tools and Consignment is not responsible, or liable, for lost, stolen, or
damaged merchandise, due to theft, fire, or other disaster (of any kind)
Consignor: __________________________Date ___/___/___
Consignee: ___________________________Date___/___/___
Description of Cosigned Products
Option #1---- 50/50 Consignment, to be paid out on the 5th day of every month
Option #2---60/40 Consignment, 60% credit towards material at Bay Ridge Building Supply.
(60/40 consignment is good for plywood and paneling excluding tools)
Information page
Any Items that have suspicion of being stolen or unlawful sale
will be reported to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department
and/ or any other law enforcement agency that applies.
Drivers license#_______________________________
Full name ___________________________________
Address _____________________________________
Phone# _____________________________________
Email Address________________________________
I verify that all the information listed above is correct and
Print Name __________________________
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