"Y" (WYE) STRAINER TITAN ® CAST BRONZE f f YS5556-0315 ANSI CLASS 125 THREADED AND SOLDER ENDS TITAN FLOW CONTROL, INC. 1" YS 56-BZ MODELS: YS 55-BZ ( t h rea d e d en d s - bro nze ) YS 56-BZ ( s o l d er en d s - bro nze ) 1" YS 55-BZ SIZE R A N G E : 1 / 4 " ~ 3 " F T F E ATURES TECHNICAL s lar g e stra i n i n g c a pa c i ty w it h its large b o dy an d sizable straining element , t h e y s 55 an d y s 56 pro v i d e e x cellent o pen area rati o s t h at are t y pically t w o - an d - a - h al f PRESSURE/ TEMPERATURE RATING (1) BZ - C84400 - ASTM B584 - CLASS 125 YS 55-BZ (THREADED) times larger t h an t h e c o rresp o n d ing pipeline , minimizing pressure d ro p acro ss t h e valv e . WOG (Non-shock): 200 PSI @ 150 °F s p re c i s i o n m a c h i n ed seats precisi o n mac h ine d screen seats in b ot h t h e b o dy an d cap h elp to PRESSURE/ TEMPERATURE RATING (1) BZ - C84400 - ASTM B584 - CLASS 125 YS 56-BZ (SOLDER) (2) ensure accurate p o siti o ning o f t h e screen d uring reassembly a f ter cleaning . als o , t h e mac h ine d b o dy seats enable f iner f iltrati o n b y pre v enting d ebris b y pass . WOG (Non-shock): 400 PSI @ 100 °F (1/4" - 1 1/2") 315 PSI @ 100 °F (2" - 3") s sel f - c lea n i n g c a pab i l i ty w it h a tappe d npt bl o w - o f f c o nnecti o n , t h is unit can be f itte d w it h a bl o w - d o w n valv e w h ic h facilitates cleaning o f t h e straining element . please c o ntact facto ry f o r m o re in f o rmati o n . s threaded c a p titan ' s y s 5 5 an d y s 5 6 h av e straig h t t h rea d s to permit eas y cap rem o val APPLICATIONS f o r cleaning an d pro per alignment w h en reassembling strainer . A g e n eral a p p l i c at i o n : 1. 2. The above listed temperatures are theoretical and may vary during actual operating conditions. The internal working pressure rating for a solder joint strainer is dependent, not only on the strainer, but also on the composition of the solder used for the joint. The working pressure ratings shown for model YS 56-BZ (Solder) are representative of using an alloy Sb5 95-5 tin-antimony solder. For other solder joints, please consult factory. y - strainers are installe d in a piping s y stem to rem o v e un wante d d ebris f ro m t h e pipeline , protecting e x pensi v e e q uipment d o w nstream suc h as pumps , meters , spray n o zzles , c o mpress o rs , an d turbines . p o siti o n . t h e y can be place d in a h o riz o ntal o r v ertical pipeline as l o ng as t h e screen is in a d o w n war d straining is acc o mplis h e d v ia an internal per f o rate d o r mes h line d straining element , t h e size o f w h ic h s h o ul d be d etermine d base d o n t h e size o f t h e smallest particle to be rem o v e d . serv i c i n g : t h e straining element nee d s regular cleaning to pre v ent d ebris buil d up . it is n ot a dv isable to all o w t h e d i f f erential pressure to increase b y 20 psi . alt h o ug h cleaning n o rmally re q uires t h e rem o val o f t h e straining element , installing an d using a titan bl o w - o f f d rain valv e can increase t h e time bet w een cleanings . The above data represents common market and ser vice a p p l i c a t i o n s . N o re p re s e n t a t i o n o r g u a ra n t e e , e x p re s s e d o r i m p l i e d , i s g i v e n d u e t o t h e n u m e ro u s var iations of concentrations , temperatures and flow cond i t i o n s t h a t m a y o c c u r d u r i n g a c t u a l s e r v i c e . TITAN FLOW CONTROL, INC. YOUR PIPELINE TO THE FUTURE! Tel: 910-735-0000 s Fax: 910-738-3848 s titan@titanfci.com s www.titanfci.com 290 Corporate Drive s PO Box 7408 s Lumberton, NC 28358 YS5556-0315 "Y" (WYE) STRAINER TITAN FLOW CONTROL, Inc. TITAN ® 290 Corporate Drive Lumberton, NC 28358 Tel: 910.735.0000 YS 55-BZ - (Threaded) YS 56-BZ - (Solder) E-mail: titan@titanfci.com Web: www.titanfci.com Fax: 910.738.3848 Threaded or Solder Ends • ANSI Class 125 • Bronze Illustrations are representative of YS 55-BZ (Threaded-end connections) only. Materials, as listed to the left, and Dimensions and Performance Data, as listed below, include both the YS 55BZ and the YS 56-BZ (Solder-end connections). Please ask for certified drawings when required. BILL OF MATERIALS (1) No. PART YS 55/56 - BZ 1 Body Bronze (C84400) ASTM B584 2 Cap Bronze (C84400) ASTM B584 3 Straining Element (2) Stainless Steel 4 Gasket (2) Teflon 5 NPT Plug (Blow-off) Bronze (C84400) ASTM B584 ANSI Class 125 A 1 C B 3 1. Bill of Materials represents standard materials. Equivalent or better materials may be substituted at the manufacturer's discretion. 2. Denotes recommended spare parts. 1.5" YS 55-BZ Threaded Ends 4 2 D 5 DIMENSIONS AND PERFORMANCE DATA (1) SIZE A DIMENSION FACE TO FACE (YS 55) (2) A DIMENSION FACE TO FACE (YS 56) (2) B DIMENSION CENTER LINE TO BOTTOM (YS 55) B DIMENSION CENTER LINE TO BOTTOM (YS 56) C DIMENSION SCREEN REMOVAL D NPT Plug BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLED WEIGHT YS 55- THREADED (APPROXIMATE) ASSEMBLED WEIGHT YS 56 - SOLDER (APPROXIMATE) Flow Coefficient in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm lb kg lb kg 1/4 8 C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F 0.7 Cv 3/8 10 2.38 61 C/F C/F 1.39 36 C/F C/F 3.75 95 1/4" 8 0.35 0.16 C/F C/F 2 1/2 15 2.80 71 2.75 70 1.60 41 1.60 41 4.0 102 1/4" 8 0.45 0.21 0.35 0.16 8 3/4 20 3.18 81 3.36 86 1.86 48 1.86 48 4.25 108 1/4" 8 0.85 0.39 0.55 0.25 15 1 1/4 32 4.41 112 4.58 116 2.50 64 2.50 64 6.0 152 1/2" 15 2.00 0.91 1.60 0.73 38 1 25 3.70 94 3.80 97 2.13 54 2.13 54 4.75 121 1/2" 15 1.30 0.6 0.85 0.39 22 1 1/2 40 4.93 125 5.33 136 2.92 74 2.92 74 7.0 178 3/4" 20 2.65 1.21 1.65 0.75 42 2 50 5.91 150 6.11 155 3.60 92 3.60 92 8.0 203 1" 25 4.30 1.95 2.80 1.27 70 2 1/2 65 C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F 110 3 80 10.60 269 11.40 290 5.50 140 7.0 140 10.0 254 1" 25 12.90 5.85 16.20 7.35 160 1. Dimensions and weights are for reference only. When required, request certified drawings. 2. Face to face values have a tolerance of ±0.06 in (±2.0 mm). PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RATING - YS 55-BZ (Threaded) PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RATINGS (1) (1/4" - 3") 200 PSI @ 150 °F SOURCE: ASME/ANSI B16.15 PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RATING - YS 56-BZ (Solder) WOG (Non-shock): (1/4" - 1 1/2") (2" - 3") 400 PSI @ 100 °F 315 PSI @ 100 °F STANDARD SCREEN SELECTIONS Size 1/4" ~ 2" 2 1/2" ~ 3" Liquid Open Area Steam Open Area 200 150 100 20 mesh 51.8% 30 mesh 44.8% 50 1/16 (.0625) 41% 3/64 (.045) 36% 0 REFERENCED STANDARDS & CODES CODE DESCRIPTION ASME/ANSI B16.15 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings ASME/ANSI B16.18 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ASME/ANSI B16.50 Copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings Bronze (C84400) - ASTM B584 ANSI 125 Threaded Ends - YS 55 250 (1) Pressure (PSI) WOG (Non-shock): -20 100 200 300 400 Temperature (°F) 1. The pressure-temperature ratings given are ONLY for the YS 55-BZ (Threaded) per ASME B16.15. The internal working pressure rating for a solder joint strainer is dependent, not only on the strainer, but also on the composition of the solder used for the joint. The working pressure ratings shown for model YS 56-BZ (Solder) are representative of using an alloy Sb5 95-5 tin-antimony solder. For other solder joints, please consult factory. Titan FCI makes every effort to ensure the information presented on our literature accurately reflects exact product specifications. However, as product changes occur, there may be short-term differences between actual product specifications and the information contained within our literature. Titan FCI reserves the right to make design and specification changes to improve our products without prior notification. When required, request certified drawings.